HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080737 All Versions_Monitoring Report_20080114 Ecos r4d~j Stem PROGRAM January 14, 2008 Mr. Bruce Ellis, CLM, PWS Assistant Unit Head, Natural Environment Unit Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Dear Mr. Ellis: Subject: Transfer of Stream and Wetland Mitigation Credits for Case by Case Mitigation Negotiations U-2519 and X-211 and C, Fayetteville Outer Loop, Cumberland County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) has received your request dated January 4, 2008 for additional riparian. wetland assets. In response, EEP has transferred the additional mitigation assets from the Privateer Mitigation site to NCDOT in support of your efforts to negotiate the use of these assets to meet requirements associated with the above referenced project. Based on the information provided in your revised request, EEP has updated the amount of mitigation assets and credits transferred. The following amount of mitigation assets and credits has been transferred to NCDOT: Project Identification Mitigation Type Quantity Credits Name Number Feet or Acres Privateer 293 Warm Stream Restoration 25,676 feet 25,676 Privateer 293 Rip arian Wetland Restoration 125.62 acres 125.62 Concurrently, the stream, riparian wetland and non-riparian wetland impacts associated with these TIP numbers will be removed from the NCDOT's Impact Projection Database (mitigation order) and EEP is no longer responsible for generating the mitigation credits to offset these stream and non-riparian impacts. K;WA North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919-115-0476/ www.nceep.net D EEP understands that if the NCDOT does not require the full amount of stream and wetland mitigation assets listed above to satisfy the mitigation requirements for these TIP projects, then the unused amount will be transferred back to the EEP for utilization on future mitigation needs within cataloging unit 03030004 in the Cape Fear River basin per the Memorandum of Agreement between the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. If the NCDOT needs additional stream and/or wetland mitigation credits from the Privateer Mitigation site in order to complete negotiations, an additional request to transfer mitigation credits will be necessary. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-715-1929. Sincerely, James"B. Stanfill Strategic Planning Supervisor cc: dreg Thorpe, Ph.D., NCDOT - PDEA Phil Harris, P.E., NCDOT - PDEA - NEU Jim Stanfill, NCDENR - EEP Linda Fitzpatrick, NCDOT - PDEA - NEU Tyler Stanton, NCDOT - PDEA - NEU LeiLani Paugh, NCDOT - PDEA - NEU File: U-2519 and X-2 Subject: Minutes from the Interagency 4B Hydraulic Design Review Meeting on December 14, 2005 for X-0002B in Cumberland County Participants: Team Members: Marshall Clawson, NCDOT Hydraulics Richard Spencer-USAGE (present) Vincent Rivers, NCDOT Hydraulics Brian Wrenn-NCDWQ (present) Tracey Pittman, NCDOT DIV 6 Travis Wilson-NCWRC (present) Jim Rerko, DEO-NCDOT DIV 6 Gary Jordan-USFWS (present) Lonnie Brooks, NCDOT Structures Chris Militscher-EPA (present) Thomas Payne, NCDOT Structures Jake Riggsbee-FHWA (present) Chad Ham, PWC Tyler Stanton-NEU (present) Roy Girolami, NCDOT Structures Tim Bassette-NEU (present) Andy McDaniel, NCDOT Hydraulics Jamie Byrd, Transite Joe Glass, PWC Mark Staley, NCDOT-REU Michael Penney, NCDOT-PDEA Gerald Barbour, Ralph Whitehead Associates General Introduction was iniatated by Marshall Clawson. Introductions were made by all in attendance. Sheet 4: Pipe outlets to the preformed scour hole before the wetlands. The Hazardous Spill Basin will be filled in by the fill slope of TT7. No alternatives have been confirmed by Mike Penney. It was mentioned that there are two, 42" pipes draining the Hazardous Spill Basin. The basin is to be relocated. The medians in this area are grass medians. It was noted that the fill slope line runs along the control access. The preformed scour hole mentioned earlier has a 3-m perimeter around it. The wetland area mentioned earlier will not be impacted. Sheet 5: No comments Sheet 6: Jamie said that there are no potential impacts. Sheet 10: It was discussed that fill should be placed in the low area, in order to produce positive drainage. The additional fill could cause the toe of fill to be changed. Jamie explained that the low area was originally a borrow pit. It was mentioned that the low area is connected to a jurisdictional stream. It was stated that the wetland at the bottom of the page is not an actual wetland. The ponded area is a jurisdictional pond with a stream connected to it. The pond is jurisdictional. It was stated that the pond and the stream are jurisdictional. A discussion was held concerning the drainage for the ponded area. It was suggested that a small amount of fill, on the up and down stream side of the stream, and a cut base ditch, will get the drainage out of the flat, quarry area. Originally, natural flow patterns existed in this area. The natural drainage patterns should be maintained. It was purposed that the natural feature be filled in and drained, from one side, by a base ditch. The non jurisdictional wetland in the area has been graded out and it contains growth. Sheet 11: It was mentioned that the entire wetland should be spanned. It was stated that a hectare of offset and median drainage would be discharged into the scour hole. It was also mentioned that the left side will be graded out and discharged into temporary sediment trap. Jamie mentioned that right now, the sediment trap is under the bridge and some of the drainage is cut off. A temporary silt ditch would be shown on the EC plans. Jamie states that on the other side of the bridge (shown on Sheet 12), the drainage is picked up and piped to where it would flow naturally. Sheet 20: It was mentioned that riprap is needed in order to dissipate velocity in grassed median. Sheet 21: It was mentioned that the natural flow patterns should be maintained. It was also suggested that reinforcement be used to prevent the erosion of sandy soil. Sheet 22: No impacts Sheet 23: No wetland impacts. Additional comments: It was stated that special consideration should be made for the ponds. The sediment basin on Sheet 7 was mentioned and was referred to as being able to handle all necessary construction drainage. The Skimmer Basin on sheet 7B was discussed. Hazardous Spill Basins were discussed. It was stated that these basins could be installed with sluice gates, as long as additional R/W in not needed. Additional discussions concerning the Hazardous Spill Basins were planned. It was said that the addition of sluice gates to the basins would be inexpensive. It was mentioned that on the other side of Little Creek, the majority of the discharge flows towards Murchison Road. It was said that Sluice gates should be used in this area. Meeting Adjourned. Minutes from the Interagency 4B Hydraulic Design Review Meeting X-0002C in Cumberland County February 22, 2006 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Team Members: Richard Spencer, USACE (present) Brian Wrenn, NCDWQ (present) Travis Wilson, NCWRC (present) Gary Jordan, USFWS (present) Chris Militscher, EPA (present) Donnie Brew, FHWA (present) Tyler Stanton, NEU (present) Tim Bassette, NEU (present) Chris Rivenbark, NEU (present) Michael Penney, NCDOT-PDEA (present) Participants: Vincent Rivers, NCDOT Hydraulics Betsy Cox, NCDOT Structures Doug Petrey, NCDOT Structures Mark Staley, NCDOT-REU Randy Wise, NCDOT DIV 6 Tracey Pittman, NCDOT DIV 6 Jim Rerko, DEO-NCDOT DIV 6 Will Hines, Sungate Design Doug Taylor, NCDOT Roadway Design Davidian Byrd, NCDOT Roadway Design Minutes: General Introduction was initiated by Vincent Rivers. Introductions were made by all in attendance. General Comments: Bury all cross-pipes and RC Box Culverts located on Jurisdictional Streams. Show on Permit Drawings (which have not been prepared at this time) sill locations and slope of cross-pipes Sheet 4: No Comments. Sheet 20: Minimize slope of cross-pipe located at Station 129+90-L- using a Junction Box near the inlet. It was also strongly suggested that the Pedestrian Box Culvert (the location has not been shown on the plans at this time) be kept out of the wetlands. Sheet 21: No impacts. Sheet 22: Place sill at outlet of cross-pipe located at Station 136+55-L-. Investigate using an Energy Dissipator left of Station 136+80-L- where the lateral ditch ends before flowing into the wetlands. Sheet 23: No impacts. Sheet 24: Use Class I riprap at outlet of cross-pipe located at Station 141+70-L-. Sheet 25, 26, and 27: No impacts. Sheet 28: Place sills in RC Box Culverts (general comment). Sheet 29, 30, and 31: No impacts. Meeting adjourned. Subject: Minutes from the Interagency 4B Hydraulic Design Review Meeting on December 14, 2005 for U-2519DA in Cumberland County Team Members: Participants: Richard Spencer-USACE (present) Marshall Clawson, NCDOT Hydraulics Brian Wrenn-NCDWQ (present) Vincent Rivers, NCDOT Hydraulics Travis Wilson-NCWRC (present) Tracey Pittman, NCDOT DIV 6 Gary Jordan-USFWS (present) Jim Rerko, DEO-NCDOT DIV 6 Chris Militscher-EPA (present) Lonnie Brooks, NCDOT Structures Jake Riggsbee-FHWA (present) Thomas Payne, NCDOT Structures Tyler Stanton-NEU (present) Chad Ham, PWC Tim Bassette-NEU (present) Roy Girolami, NCDOT Structures Mark Staley-NCDOT/REU (present) Andy McDaniel, NCDOT Hydraulics Lynn Smith-NEU (present) Joe Glass, PWC Leilani Paugh-NEU (present) Mark Staley, NCDOT-REU Michael Penney, NCDOT-PDEA Gerald Barbour, Ralph Whitehead Associates Clayton Walston, NCDOT Roadway Robert Stroup, NCDOT Roadway Tim Coggins, NCDOT Structures Henry Wells, Sungate Design Josh Dalton, Sungate Design General Introduction was iniatated by Marshall Clawson. Introductions were made by all in attendance. Josh started the review. Sheet 4: No wetlands or jurisdictional streams. Sheet 5: No comments Sheet 6: Josh mentions a jurisdictional stream that outlets from a 1300mm pipe (he passes out photos). Josh states that wetlands in this area will be filled in. Sheet 7: cont. The possibility of a channel relocation along the toe of fill was mentioned. Marshall said that guidance on this issue was available. If the fill slope was not shifted, one and a half to one slope would be recommended, in order to reduce the footprint. A discussion about R/W negotiations with Ft. Bragg was made. The presence of wildlife was mentioned. It was said that no clearing limits have been changed. The lines have not been overlaid yet. It was requested that the current information be used so that even if a shift occurs,.the necessary limits will be maintained. Sheet 8: Josh states that the bridge will span wetland and jurisdictional stream. It was stated that this area gets inundated at times. The area contains a perennial channel. Current weather conditions were considered as a reason for the inundation of the area. It was mentioned that there is an existing wooden structure neat the tank trail. It was said that this wooden structure always had water up to the timbers. It was said that a natural stream design was considered in this area, but because of sandy soil conditions, this option was declined. Piping the discharge in this area would spare the vegetation. It was mentioned that it is important to minimize foraging habitat in this area. It was stated that more wetlands were on the other sheet. Sheet 9: It was mentioned that bridges could be made shorter in order to stay out of wetlands. It was said that excavation could be done in order to drain storm water. It was decided that construction bridges should be discussed with the Construction office. A discussion concerning the preliminary layout began. Josh stated that Hammer Head piers would be used on all bridges. Marshall said that HammerHeads would be used on ramps, but not all main line bridges. Sheet 14: No comments Sheet 15: No comments Sheet 16: Josh mentioned that there is a small wetland area and that we are not impacting the largest one. Josh stated that there is no jurisdictional stream that ties to Sheet 9. (Sheet 9 is requested) It's said that the existing grade is not being changed. The possible increase in discharge volume in discussed. The affect of structures on wetland hydrology is discussed. Sheet 17: No wetlands, No jurisdictional streams Sheet 18: No wetlands, No jurisdictional streams Sheet 19: No wetlands, No jurisdictional streams Sheet 20: No wetlands, No jurisdictional streams Sheet 21: No wetlands, No jurisdictional streams Sheet 22: No wetlands, No jurisdictional streams Subject: Draft Minutes from Interagency 4C Permit Drawing Review Meeting on June 13, 2007 for X-0002B in Cumberland County Team Members: Richard Spencer-USACE (present) Participants: Gary Jordan- USFWS (present) Marshall Clawson, NCDOT Hydraulics Travis Wilson-NCWRC (present) Vincent Rivers, NCDOT Hydraulics Rob Ridings-NCDWQ (present) James Byrd, TranSite Consulting Engineers Chris Militscher-EPA (present) Roy Girolami, NCDOT Structures Kathy Matthews-EPA (present) Tracy Pittman-NCDOT-DIV 6 Donnie Brew-FHWA (present) Doug Taylor-NCDOT-RDU Michael Penny-NCDOT-PDEA (present) Mark Stanley-NCDOT-REU Elizabeth Lusk-NCDOT-NEU (present) David Harris-NCDOT-REU (present) After introductions, James Byrd proceeded with review. General • Prior to reviewing the individual Permit Sites, Brian Wrenn (NCDWQ) had several questions concerning the drainage designs: o Plan Sheet 5 Brian questioned rip rap or some other form of protection should be installed at the ditch / pipe entrance confluence due to the angle of the ditch entering the pipe from line ahead left of -CDR- Sta. 53+30. James Byrd (TCE) reviewed the area in question and advised that rip rap will be added to the plans. o Plan Sheet 6 Brian questioned at what point downstream of the 750 RCP pipe outlet right of -CDR- Sta. 13+40 does the stream shown become jurisdictional. James Byrd provided a photo of the area in question and advised that while the plan symbology shows a stream, the feature is not a stream. Richard Spencer (USACE) stated that if is not a stream, the symbology should be revised because it is confusing. Marshall Clawson advised that the base sheets are provided by the Photogrammetry Unit and generally other units do not make revisions. James Byrd advised that TCE will revise the symbology at this location. Page I of 4 • Marshall Clawson advised that only standard rip rap outlet protection was proposed at the outlet. Marshall added that if these concerns would have been expressed at the 4B Meeting and before RAV was purchased, we might have been able to do something different at the outlet like an energy dissipater basin or another stormwater basin. • Brian Wrenn requested that we revisit this outfall to see if any improvements can be made. o As a follow-up to Brian's comment and per post meeting discussions with Hydraulics, TCE will investigate relocating the outlet of the 900RCP from its current location right of -RPC- Sta. 11+50 to the area between the -CDR- and -FLYOVER-. Should this relocation be feasible, it will require that the Type `A' Basin and Stormwater Management Facility currently designed for the area be redesigned. Additional information on this issue will be forwarded to all Team Members and Participants under separate cover. • James Byrd advised that there may be some area inside of -LPC- that could be used to improve water. • Tracy Pitman advised that since the inside of the loop is not protected by guardrail, any measure that includes extended periods from ponded water is not recommended. • TCE will investigate additional measures inside -LPC-. Permit Site 2 • James Byrd advised that this site is the existing Crowell Constructors borrow pit and outfall channel. • James Byrd added that in order to obtain positive drainage in the area, the outfall channel left of -L- is being filled and then reconstructed through the placed fill. • James Byrd also added that the outfall currently discharges into a small wetland area left of -L- Sta. 73+90 that will not be impacted. Page 3 of 4 Minutes from the Interagency 4C Hydraulic Design Review Meeting X-0002C in Cumberland County January 13, 2007 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm Team Members: Participants: Richard Spencer, USACE (present) Marshall Clawson, NCDOT Hydraulics Gary Jordan, USFWS (absent) Vincent Rivers, NCDOT Hydraulics Travis Wilson, NCWRC (absent) Will Hines, Sungate Design Rob Ridings, NCDWQ (present) Betsy Cox, NCDOT Structures Chris Militscher, EPA (absent) Doug Petrey, NCDOT Structures Kathy Matthews, EPA (present) Andy Young, NCDOT Roadway Donnie Brew, FHWA (present) Michael Bright, NCDOT Utilities Doug Taylor, NCDOT Roadway (present) Lee Puckett, NCDOT Construction Greg Perfetti, NCDOT Structures (absent) Tyler Stanton, NEU Michael Penney, NCDOT-PDEA (present) Chris Rivenbark, NEU Elizabeth Lusk, NEU (absent) Jeremy Goodwin, REU David Harris, REU (absent) Mark Staley, NCDOT-REU Tracy Pittman, NCDOT DIV 6 (present) Jim Rerko, DEO-NCDOT DIV 6 Davidian Byrd, NCDOT Roadway Brian Wrenn, NCDWQ Minutes: General Introduction was initiated by Marshall Clawson. Introductions were made by all in attendance. General Comments: The wetland boundary will be shown using the correct line symbology. Sheet 4: No Comments. Sheet 5: No Comments. Sheet 6: No impacts. Sheet 23: No impacts. Sheet 24: No Comments. Sheet 25, 26, and 27: No impacts. Sheet 28: No Comments. Sheet 29, 30, and 31: No impacts. Meeting adjourned. Subject: Draft Minutes from Interagency Hydraulic Design Review Meeting on June 13, 2007 for U-2519DA in Cumberland County Team Members: Participants: Richard Spencer-USACE (present) Marshall Clawson, NCDOT Hydraulics Rob Ridings-NCDWQ (present) Vincent Rivers, NCDOT Hydraulics Brian Wrenn-NCDWQ (present) Josh Dalton, Sungate Design Group Travis Wilson-NCWRC (absent) John Frye, NCDOT Structures Gary Jordan-USFWS (present) Roy Girolami, NCDOT Structures Chris Militscher-EPA (absent) Mark Staley, NCDOT REU Kathy Matthews-EPA (present) Jeremy Goodwin, NCDOT REU Michael Penny-NCDOT PDEA (present) Clayton Walston, NCDOT Roadway Tyler Stanton, NCDOT NEU (present) Jim Rerko, NCDOT DEO Tracey Pittman, NCDOT DCE Lee Pucket, NCDOT BCE Tim Coggins, NCDOT Structures Omar Azizi, NCDOT Structures John Nigro, NCDOT Proj. Services Utilities Elizabeth Lusk, NCDOT NEU After introductions, Josh Dalton proceeded with review. General • Enlarge areas where impacts occur. • Fort Bragg has requested to widen All American Freeway to the median. This will not affect any permitted areas. Sheet 7 • Make sure non-erosive velocities at all ditch and pipe outlets to the wetlands. • Brian Wrenn asked if there were stream impacts at this site. o According to delineations provided by NEU, this site only has wetlands. Sheet 8 • Brian Wrenn asked in there were stream impacts at this site. o According to delineations provided by NEU, this site only has wetlands. • The footing for the peir for the bridge on Ramp IA will be a permanent impact. o Structures to provide estimate of size. • Add riprap to outlet of structure #75 to diffuse velocity. Sheet 9 0 Add impacts for riprap at outlet of structure #85. Subject: Draft Minutes from Interagency Hydraulic Design Review Meeting on June 13, 2007 for U-2519E in Cumberland County Team Members: Richard K. Spencer-USACE (present) Participants: Rob Ridings-NCDWQ (present) Marshall Clawson, NCDOT Hydraulics Brian Wrenn-NCDWQ (present) Vincent Rivers, NCDOT Hydraulics Travis Wilson-NCWRC (absent) Josh Dalton, Sungate Design Group Gary Jordan-USFWS (absent) Mark Staley, NCDOT REU Chris Militscher-EPA (absent) Jeremy Goodwin, NCDOT REU Kathy Matthews-EPA (present) Robert Stroup, NCDOT Roadway Donnie Brew-FHWA (present) Tracey Pittman, NCDOT DCE Michael Penny, NCDOT PDEA (present) Lee Pucket, NCDOT BCE Tyler Stanton, NCDOT NEU (present) John Nigro, NCDOT Proj. Services Utilities Chris Rivenbark, NCDOT NEU After introductions, Josh Dalton proceeded with review. General • Enlarge areas where impacts occur. Sheet 4 • Is the median on -Y2- Bragg Boulevard grass? o The median is grass. Sheet 6 • Is this a stream or wetland impact? o According to delineations provided by NEU, this site has a jurisdictional stream and wetlands. • Show velocities at ditch outlets. Ensure non-erosive velocities. Sheet 7 • No comments. Sheet 12 • No comments. Meeting adjourned.