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NCS000590_Renewal Application Pt 2_20160606
EPA I D NUMBER(copy from Item I of Form/) Form Approved OMB No 2040-0086 Please pnnt or type in the unshaded areas only NCD091S70960 Approval expires 3-31-98 FORM U S ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY !� APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER ZC \�/EPA EXISTING MANUFACTURING,COMMERCIAL,MINING AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS NPDES Consolidated Permits Program I OUTFALL LOCATION For each outfall,list the latitude and longitude of its location to the nearest 15 seconds and the name of the receiving water A OUTFALL NUMBER B LATITUDE C LONGITUDE (list) 1 DEG 2 MIN 3 SEC - 1 DEG 2 MIN 3 SEC D RECEIVING WATER(name) 001 33 53 35 78 03 25 Atlantic Ocean II FLOWS,SOURCES OF POLLUTION,AND TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES A Attach a line drawing showing the water flow through the facility Indicate sources of intake water,operations contnbubng wastewater to the effluent,and treatment units labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions in Item B Construct a water balance on the line drawing by showing average flows between intakes,operations, treatment units,and outfalls If a water balance cannot be determined(e g,for certain mining activities),provide a pictonal descnption of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection or treatment measures B For each outfall,provide a descnption of (1)All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent,including process wastewater,sanitary wastewater, cooling water, and storm water runoff, (2) The average flow contnbuted by each operation, and (3)The treatment received by the wastewater. Continue on additional sheets if necessary 1.OUT- 2 OPERATION(S)CONTRIBUTING FLOW 3 TREATMENT FALL b AVERAGE FLOW b LIST CODES FROM NO (list) a OPERATION(list) (include units) a DESCRIPTION TABLE 2C-1 Once through cooling water Evaporation, Ocean Discharge See Attachment 3 1-F 4-33 Service Water Evaporation, Ocean Discharge See Attachment 3 1-F 4-a 001 Sanitary Waste Activated sludge, Sedimentation See Attachment 3 3-A 1-U Disinfection 2-F Radwaste Ion Exchange, Filtration See Attachment 3 2-J 1-Q Low Volume Waste Neutralization, Sedimentation See Attachemnt 3 2-K 1-U Evaporation, Transpiration 1-F x.c Metal Cleaning Waste See Attachemnt 3 Neutralization, Sedimentation 2-K 1-U Evaporation 1-F OFFICIAL USE ONLY(efluentguidelines sub-categories) EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 1 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT C Except for storm runoff,leaks,or spills,are any of the discharges descnbed rn Items I I-A or B intermittent or seasonal? ©YES(complete the following table) El NO(go to Section III) 3 FREQUENCY 4 FLOW a DAYS PER B.TOTAL VOLUME 2 OPERATIONS) WEEK b MONTHS a FLOW RATE(rnmgd) (spec(j nub upas) 1 OUTFALL CONTRIBUTING FLOW (specify PER YEAR1 LONG TERM 2 MAXIMUM 1 LONG TERM 2 MAXIMUM C DURATION NUMBER(list) (lust) aserage) (specfi merage) AVERAGE DAILY AVERAGE DAILY (m days) Internal Low Volume 5 to 10 releases per year 1.2 1.8 1.2 MG 1.8 MG <7 days Outfall 005 Internal Radwaste 50 - 75 releases per year 0.212 0.288 0.012 MG 0 061 MG 0.06 Outfall 003 III.PRODUCTION A Does an effluent guideline limitation promulgated by EPA under Section 304 of the Clean Water Act apply to your facility? ®YES(complete Item 111-B) ❑NO(go to Section IV) B Are the limitations in the applicable effluent guideline expressed in terms of production(or other measure of operation)? ElYES(complete Item Ill-C) NO(go to Section IV) C If you answered"yes"to Item III-B,list the quantity which represents an actual measurement of your level of production,expressed in the terms and units used in the applicable effluent guideline,and indicate the affected outfalls 1 AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION 2 AFFECTED OUTFALLS a QUANTITY PER DAY b UNITS OF MEASURE c OPERATION,PRODUCT,MATERIAL,ETC (list outfall numbers) (specify) IV IMPROVEMENTS A Are you now required by any Federal, State or local authority to meet any implementation schedule for the construction, upgrading or operations of wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges descnbed in this application?This includes,but is not limited to, permit conditions,administrative or enforcement orders,enforcement compliance schedule letters,stipulations,court orders,and grant or loan conditions. El YES(complete the following table) 71 NO(go to Item 1V-B) 1.IDENTIFICATION OF CONDITION, 2 AFFECTED OUTFALLS4.FINAL COMPLIANCE DATE 3.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AGREEMENT,ETC a NO b SOURCE OF DISCHARGE a REQUIRED b PROJECTED B OPTIONAL You may attach additional sheets descnbing any additional water pollution control programs(or other environmental projects which may affect your discharges)you now have underway or which you plan Indicate whether each program is now underway or planned,and indicate your actual or planned schedules for construction El MARK"X"IF DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIONAL CONTROL PROGRAMS IS ATTACHED EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 2 of 4 CONTINUE ON PAGE 3 EPA I D NUMBER(copy from Item I of Form I) CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 NCD091570960 V.INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS A,B,&C See instructions before proceeding—Complete one set of tables for each outfall—Annotate the outfall number in the space provided NOTE Tables V-A,V-B,and V-C are included on separate sheets numbered V-1 through V-9 D Use the space below to list any of the pollutants listed in Table 2c-3 of the instructions,which you know or have reason to believe is discharged or may be discharged from any outfall For every pollutant you list,bnefly describe the reasons you believe it to be present and report any analytical data in your possession 1 POLLUTANT 2 SOURCE 1 POLLUTANT 2 SOURCE Asbestos Gaskets, Insulation, trace amounts may be washed down drains in plant area during maintenance activities. Strontium, Uranium, Vanadium, Trace elements occasionally Zirconium present in oil used to fuel auxiliary boilers VI POTENTIAL DISCHARGES NOT COVERED BY ANALYSIS Is any pollutant listed in Item V-C a substance or a component of a substance which you currently use or manufacture as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? YES(list all such pollutants below) ❑NO(go to Item VI-B) Although not added or produced, the following elements could be potentially be present In the discharge due to normal pipe erosion/corrosion. Copper Iron Silver Nickel Zinc The following elements could be present in oil, which is used to fuel auxiliary boilers Antimony Arsenic Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Zinc See Attachment 5 for other potential discharges not covered by analysis. EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 3 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last 3 years' ❑YES(ident'the test(s)and describe their purposes below) !ZI NO(go to Section VIII) VIII CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION Were any of the analyses reported in Item V performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? YES(list the name,address,and telephone number of,and pollutants analysed by, ❑NO(go to Section IX) each such laboratory orfirm below) A NAME B ADDRESS C TELEPHONE D POLLUTANTS ANALYZED (area code&no) (list) Environmental Chemists, Inc. 6602 Windmill Way (910)392-0223 All analysis except: pH, Wilmington NC 28405 temperature and TRC IX CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and impnsonment for knowing violations A NAME&OFFICIAL TITLE(type or print) B PHONE NO (area code&no) Karl Moser - Plant Manager (919) 457-3691 C SIGNATURE D DATE SIGNED EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 4 of 4 PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE IN THE UNSHADED AREAS ONLY You may report some or all of this information EPA I D NUMBER(copyfrom hem I of Form I) on separate sheets(use the same format)instead of completing these pages. NCD091570960 SEE INSTRUCTIONS OUTFALL NO ✓ INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS(continued from page 3 of Form 2-C) cm PART A-You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table Complete one table for each outfall.See instructions for additional details 3 UNITS 4 INTAKE 2 EFFLUENT (speclfvlfblank) (option!) b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG VALUE a LONG TERM a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (If available) (if available) AVERAGE VALUE (1) (1) d NO OF a CONCEN- CO - — b NO OF 1 POLLUTANT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS (1)CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES a Biochemical Oxygen <2 - 1 mg/1 kg/day Demand(BOD) b Chemical Oxygen 156 1705636 1 mg/1 kg/day Demand(COD) c Total Organic Carbon 9.0 98402 1 mg/1 kg/day (TOC') d Total Suspended Solids(MIS) 10.7 116989 1 mg/1 kg/day e Ammonia(ay IV) <0.2 - 1 mg/1 kg/day VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE f Flow 2334 2334 2017 365 MGD - g Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE (veinier) 26.6 - - 1 °C h Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE °C VALUE (homier) NA - - - MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM (MAXIMUM �. ti i pH 7.2 .0 Si STANDARD UNITS x PART B- Mark"X'in column 2-a for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present Mark"X"In column 2-b for each pollutant you believe to be absent If you mark column 2a for any pollutant which is limited either directly, or Indirectly but expressly, in an effluent limitations guideline, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant For other pollutants for which you mark column 2a,you must provide quantitative data or an explanation of their presence in your discharge Complete one table for each outfall See the instructions for additional details and requirements 2 MARK"X' 3 EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5 INTAKE(optional) 1.POLLUTANT b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG VALUE a LONG TERM AVERAGE AND a b a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (if available) (if available) VALUE CAS NO. BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d NO OF a CONCEN- (1) b NO OF (if available) PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES (.Bromide (24959-67-9) /�X 14.4 71565 1 mg/1 kg/dy • b Chlonne,Total X <0.1 - 51 mg/1 - Residual c Color X 140 - 1 CU - d Fecal Coliform X 320 - 1 Cu/100m1 - e Fluoride (16984-48-8) 0.5 2485 1 mg/1 kg/dy f Nitrate-Nitrite X <0.2 - 1 mg/1 kg/dy (as M EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-1 CONTINUE ON REVERSE ITEM V-B CONTINUED FROM FRONT 2 MARK"X" 3 EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5 INTAKE(optional) 1 POLLUTANT b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG VALUE a LONG TERM ANDa b a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (If available) (if available) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NO BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d NO OF a CONCEN- (1) b NO OF Of available) PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES g Nitrogen, \ , Total Organic(n, x 0.5 5467 1 mg/1 kg/dy N) , ` h 011 and Grease <5 - 1 mg/1 - I Phosphorus \ / (as P),Total X 0.1 1093 1 mg/1 kg/dy (7723-14-0) , \ j Radioactivity (1)Alpha,Total `X, 5 3 - 1 pCi/1 - (2)Beta,Total X 118 - 1 pCi/1 - (3)Radium, ' ` Testing and Reporting not Required (4)Radium226, Testing and Reporting not Required Total ( Sulfate (14808as SO) 620 6778816 1 mg/1 kg/dy (14808-79-8) I Sulfide (m S) ? 1 mg/1 kg/dy m Sulfite (n,S0,) X ? - 1 mg/1 kg/dy (14265-45-3) , ` n Surfactants X <0.036 - 1 mg/1 kg/dy o Aluminum, Total X 0.649 7095 1 mg/1 kg/dy (7429-90-5) - p Banum,Total (7440-39-3) X 0.016 176 1 mg/1 kg/dy q Boron,(7440-42-8)T 1.23 134486 1 m 1 kg/dy X g/ g/ Y r Cobalt,Total X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 (7440-48-4) s Iron, (7439-89-6) X 0.577 6309 1 mg/1 kg/dy- t Magnesium, X Total 310 3389408 1 mg/1 kg/dy (7439-95-4) u Molybdenum, X Total <0.01 1 mg/1 (7439-98-7) ✓ Manganese, Total X 0.012 131 1 mg/1 kg/dy (7439-96-5) , ` w Tin,Total (7440-31-5) X <0.02 - 1 mg/1 - xTitanium, X Total <0.01 1 mg/1 (7440-32-6) EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-2 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-3 EPA I D NUMBER(copy from Item I of I.orm I) OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 OF FORM 2-C NCD091570960 001 PART C- If you are a primary industry and this outfall contains process wastewater,refer to Table 2c-2 in the instructions to determine which of the GC/MS fractions you must test for.Mark"X"in column 2-a for all such GC/MS fractions that apply to your industry and for ALL toxic metals,cyanides,and total phenols If you are not required to mark column 2-a(secondary industries,nonprocess wastewater outfalls, and nonrequired GC/MS fractions),mark"X"in column 2-b for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present Mark"X"in column 2-c for each pollutant you believe is absent If you mark column 2a for any pollutant,you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant If you mark column 2b for any pollutant,you must provide the results of at least one analysts for that pollutant if you know or have reason to believe it will be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater If you mark column 2b for acrolein,acrylonitrile,2,4 dinitrophenol,or 2-methyl-4,6 dinitrophenol,you must provide the results of at least one analysis for each of these pollutants which you know or have reason to believe that you discharge in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater Otherwise,for pollutants for which you mark column 2b,you must either submit at least one analysis or briefly describe the reasons the pollutant is expected to be discharged Note that there are 7 pages to this part, please review each carefully Complete one table(all 7 pages)for each outfall See instructions for additional details and requirements 2 MARK"X" 3 EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5 INTAKE(optional) 1 POLLUTANT b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG a LONG TERM AND a b c a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (if available) VALUE(if available) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d NO OF a CONCEN- (1) b NO.OF (favarlable) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION I (2)MASS ANALYSES METALS,CYANIDE,AND TOTAL PHENOLS / 1M Antimony,Total 7� <0.01 - 1 mg/1 - (7440-36-0) 2M Arsenic,Total X X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 - (7440-38-2) \ ' 3M Beryllium,Total X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 (7440-41-7) \/ /` 4M Cadmium,Total X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 - (7440-43-9) 5M Chromium, X X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 - Total(7440-47-3) 6M Copper,Total (7440-50-8) �\\/ X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 - 7M Lead,Total X X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 - (7439-92-1) BM Mercury,Total X X <0.0002 - 1 mg/1 - (7439-97-6) ` / 9M Nickel,Total X X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 - (7440-02-0) 10M Selenium, X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 - Total(7782-49-2) 11M Silver,Total (7440-22-4) /��/ X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 - 12M Thallium, Total(7440-28-0) X X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 - Total (7440--66-6-6) X X <0.01 - 1 mg/1 - (744 14M Cyanide, �/ X <0.005 - 1 mg/1 - Total(57-12-5) /� 15M Phenols, X X <0.004 - 1 ug/1 - Total /� DIOXIN 2,3,7,8-Tetra- X DESCRIBE RESULTS chiorodibenzo-P- Dloxm(1764-01-6) c1 ug/1 per Method 625 EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-3 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT 2 MARK"X" 3.EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5.INTAKE(optional) 1 POLLUTANT b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG a LONG TERM AND a b c a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (if available) VALUE(if available) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d NO OF a CONCEN- (1) b NO OF Of available) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES GC/MS FRACTION-VOLATILE COMPOUNDS`/ Ac2-8eln (107-02-8)) x X <0 5 - 1 ug/1 - (1 2V Atnle (107-13-1)13-1) X X <5 _ 1 ug/1 - 3V.(71-4433-22)) X X <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - (71 4V Bis(Odom- methyl)Ether x <5.05 - 1 ug/1 (542-88-1) 5V Bromoform (75-2525-2) X X 18.2 198991 1 ug/1 kg/day (7 6V Carbon Tetrachloride X X <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - (56-23-5) 7V Chlorobenzene X X <0 5 - 1 ug/1 - (108-90-7) 8V Chlorodi- \ / bromomethane x 3.06 33457 1 ug/1 kg/dy (124-48-1) , ` (75-00-00-3)Chloroethane X X <0.5 1 ug/1 - (7 10V.2-Chloro- ethyly nyl Ether X X ? - 1 ug/1 - (110-75-8) 11VChloroform (67-66-3) X X <0 5 - 1 ug/1 - 12 Dichloro- bromomethane X 0.610 6669 1 ug/1 kg/dy (75-27-4) 13V Dtchloro- dllluoromethane Testing and Reporting not Required (75-71-8) 14eth 1,1 X X <0.5 1 ug/1 - ethane(75-34-3) _ 1,2-Dichloro- 6-2) X X <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - ethane(107-06-2) 16V 1, lord- X X <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - ethylenee(75-(75-35-4) 1,e- 7-5) pro X X <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - propane(7878-887-5) 18V 1,3-Dichloro- \ / \ / propylene X X <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - (542-75-6) 19V Ethylbenzene >( X <0 5 - 1 ug/1 - (100-41-4) /� ` / 20V.Methyl X X <0 5 - 1 ug/1 - Bromide(74-83-9) /\ `/\' Methyl( X y - - 21VChloride(74-87-3) /\ <0.51 ug/1 EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-4 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-5 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-4 2 MARK"X" 3 EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5 INTAKE(opnonal) 1 POLLUTANT b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG a LONG TERM AND a b c a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (if available) VALUE(rfavailable) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d.NO OF a CONCEN- (1) b NO OF (if available) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES GC/MS FRACTION-VOLATILE COMPOUNDS(continued) 22V Methylene Chloride(75-09-2) X X <0.5 1 ug/1 - 23V 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethane X X <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - (79-34-5) 24V Tetrachloro- ethylene(127-18-4) X X <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - 25V.Toluene <0.5 1 ug/1 (108-88-3) 26V 1,2-Trans- Drchloroethylene X X <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - (156-60-5) 27V 1,1,1-Trichloro- ethane(71-55-6) X X <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - 28V 1,1,2-Trichloro- ethane(79-00-5) X X <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - 29V Tnchloro- ethylene X\/ (79-01-6) <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - 30V Trichloro- fluoromethaneX x <0.5 - 1 ug/1 - (75-69-4) / ` / ` 31V Vinyl Chlonde (75-01-4) X X <0.5 1 ug/1 GC/MS FRACTION-ACID COMPOUNDS 1A 2-Chlorophenol (95-57-8) �\X/ X <5.05 - 1 ug/1 loro- 2A 2,4-Dich83-2 X/ X <5.05 1 ug/1 - phenol(120-83-2) �\ 3A 2,4-Dimethyl- XX <5.05 1 ug/1 - phenol(105-67-9) 4A 4,6-Drnitro-O- X X <25.3 - 1 ug/1 Cresol(534-52-1) 5A 2,4-Dlnitro- phenol(51-28-5) X X <25.3 - 1 ug/1 - 6A 2-Nltrophenol (88-75-5) X <25.3 1 ug/1 - 7A 4-Nltrophenol (1ao-oz-7) X X <25.3 - 1 ug/1 BA P-Chloro-M- Cresol(59-50-7) X X <5.05 - 1 ug/1 - 9A Pentachloro- phenol(87-86-5) X X <25.3 1 ug/1 - 10A Phenol X X <5.05 - 1 ug/1 - (108-95-2) - 11A 2.4.6-Trichloro- phenol(88-05-2) X X <5.05 - 1 ug/1 - EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-5 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT 2 MARK"X" 3 EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5 INTAKE(optional) 1 POLLUTANT b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG a LONG TERM AND a b c a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (ifmarlable) VALUE(if available) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) d NO OF a CONCEN- b NO OF Of available) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES GC/MS FRACTION-BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS 1B Acenaphthene <5.05 1 ug/1 - (83-32-9) _ 2B Acenaphtylene <5.05 1 ug/1 - (208-96-8) - 3B Anthracene <5.05 1 ug/1 - (120-12-7) _ 4B.Benzidine <10.1 1 ug/1 - (92-87-5) - 5B.Benzo(a) Anthracene <5.05 1 ug/1 - (56-55-3) 613.Benzo(a) <5.05 05 1 ug/1 - Pyrene(50-32-8) - - 7B 3,4-Benzo- fl uoranthene <5.05 (205-99-2) 8B Benzo(gin) - Perylene(191-24-2) <5.05 1 ug/1 9B Benzo(k) Fluoranthene <5.05 1 ug/1 - (207-08-9) 108 Bis(2-Chloro- ethoxy)Methane <5.05 1 ug/1 - (111-91-1) 11B Bis(2-Chloro- ethyl)Ether <5.05 1 ug/1 - (111-44-4) 12B.Bls(2- Cldoroisopropyl) <5.05 1 ug/1 - Ether(102-80-1) 13B Bis(2-D4l- bevy!)Phthalate 24.7 270 1 ug/1 kg/dy (117-81-7) 14B 4-Bromophenyl Phenyl Ether <5.05 1 ug/1 - (101-55-3) 158 Butyl Benzyl <5.05 1 ug/1 - Phthalate(85-68-7) _ 168.2-Chloro- naphthalene <5.05 1 ug/1 - (91-58-7) 17B 4-Chloro- phenyl Phenyl Ether <5.05 1 ug/1 - (7005-72-3) 18B Chrysene <5.05 1 ug/1 - (218.01-9) 19B Dibenzo(a,h) Anthracene <5.0 5 1 ug/1 - (53-70-3) 20B 1,2-oicnloro- <5 05 1 ug/1 - benzene(95-50-1) 21B 1,3-DI-chloro- <5.05 1 ug/1 benzene(541-73-1) EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-6 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-7 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-6 2 MARK"X" 3 EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5 INTAKE(optional) 1 POLLUTANT b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG a LONG TERM ANDa b c a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (if available) VALUE(if available) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) d NO OF a CONCEN- (1) b NO.OF Of available) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES GC/MS FRACTION—BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS(continued) 228 1,4-Dichloro- benzene(106-46-7) <5.05 1 ug/1 - 23B 3,3-Dichloro- benzidine(91-94-1) <10.1 1 ug/1 24B Diethyl Phthalate(84-66-2) <5.05 1 ug/1 25B Dimethyl Phthalate 5.16 56 1 ug/1 kg/dy (131-11-3) 268 DI-N-Butyl <5.05 Phthalate(84-74-2) 1 ug/1 27B 2,4-Dmitro- toluene(121-14-2) <5.05 3. ug/1 288 2,6-Dlmtro- <5.05 toluene(606-20-2) 1 ug/1 29B DI-N-Octyl Phthalate(117-84-0) <5.O5 1 ug/1 30B 1,2-Diphenyl- hydrazine(as Azo- <5.0 S benzene)(122-66-7) 1 ug/1 31B Fluoranthene (206-44-0) <5.05 1 ug/1 32B Fluorene <5.05 (86-73-7) 1 Ug/1 33B Hexachloro- benzene(118-74-1) <S.OS 1 ug/1 348 Hexachloro- butadiene(87-68-3) <5.05 1 ug/1 358 Hexachloro- cyclopentadiene <2 5.3 1 ug/1 (77-47-4) — 368 Hexachioro- ethane(67-72-1) <5.05 1 ug/1 37B Indeno (1,2,3-cd)Pyrene <5 05 1 ug/1 (193-39-5) 38B Isophorone (78-59-1)' <5.05 1 ug/1 39B Naphthalene (91-20-3) <5.05 1 ug/1 408 Nitrobenzene <5.05 (98-95-3) 1 ug/1 41B N-Nitro- sodlmethylamine <5.05 1 ug/1 (62-75-9) 428 N-Nitrosodi- N-Propylamine (621-64-7) <5.05 1 ug/1 EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-7 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT 2 MARK"X" 3 EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5 INTAKE(opaonal) 1 POLLUTANT b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG a LONG TERM AND a b c a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (If available) VALUE(if available) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d NO OF a CONCEN- (1) b NO OF Of available) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES GC/MS FRACTION-BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS(connnaed) 43B N-Nitro- sodiphenylamine <5.05 1 ug/1 - (86-30-6) 44B Phenanthrene <5.05 1 ug/1 - (85-01-8) 45B Pyrene (129-00-0) <5.05 1 ug/1 468 1,2,4-To- chlorobenzene <5.05 1 ug/1 (120-82-1) GC/MS FRACTION-PESTICIDES 1P Aldnn Testing and Reporting not Required (309-00-2) 2P a-BHC (319-84-6) 3P 11-BHC (319-85-7) 4P y-BHC (58-89-9) 5P 8-BHC (319-86-8) 6P Chlordane (57-74-9) 7P 4,4'-DDT (50-29-3) 8P 4,4'-DDE (72-55-9) 9P 4,4'-DDD (72-54-8) 10P Dieldrin (60-57-1) 11P a-Enosulfan (115-29-7) 12P (1-Endosulfan (115-29-7) 13P Endosulfan Sulfate (1031-07-8) 14P Endnn (72-20-8) 15P Endnn Aldehyde (7421-93-4) 16P Heptachlor (76-44-8) EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-8 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-9 EPA I D NUMBER(copvfrom Item I of Form 1) OUTFALL NUMBER NCD091570960 001 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-8 2 MARK"X" 3 EFFLUENT 4 UNITS 5 INTAKE(optional) 1 POLLUTANT b MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG a LONG TERM AND a b c a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (if available) VALUE(ifavarlable) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d NO OF a CONCEN- (1) b.NO OF (IIf available) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES GC/MS FRACTION—PESTICIDES(continued) 17P Heptachlor Epoxide Testing and Reporting not Required (1024-57-3) 18P PCB-1242 (53469-21-9) 19P.PCB-1254 (11097-69-1) 20P PCB-1221 (11104-28-2) 21P PCB-1232 (11141-16-5) 22P.PCB-1248 (12672-29-6) 23P PCB-1260 (11096-82-5) 24P PCB-1016 (12674-11-2) 25P Toxaphene (8001-35-2) EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-9 BSEP 16-0028 Enclosure 4 Brunswick Steam Electric Plant EPA—Application Form 2F— Stormwater Discharge Associated With Industrial Activity