HomeMy WebLinkAboutWashing of Aircraft Equipment and VehiclesRDURALEIGH-DU RHAM AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1000 Trade Drive ' PO Box 80001 ' RDU Airport, NC 27623 John C. Brantley, Airport Director tel: (919) 840-2100 - tax: (919) 840-0175 - www.rdu.com May 28, 2009 AIRPORT DIRECTIVE 06-06 To: All Airport Tenants From: John C. Brantley Airport Director Subject: Washing of Aircraft, Equipment, and Vehicles Revises: Airport Directive 06-06, dated, June 6, 2006 The Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority (Authority) has revised Airport Directive 06-06 which permits limited aircraft, equipment, and vehicle washing on the airport premises, as set forth below. NPDES Permit NCO084514 (Permit) authorizes named Co -Permittees of the Permit to discharge vehicle washwater into the Authority stormwater system, as long as the Co - Permittee complies with Permit requirements. Only Co -Permittees and their authorized subtenants and contractors may discharge washwater authorized by this Airport Directive to the Authority stormwater system. Tenants that are Co -Permittees are responsible for ensuring that their subtenants and contractors conduct washing activities in accordance with this Airport Directive and in accordance with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) required by the Permit. The Authority prohibits all aircraft, equipment, and vehicle washing at the individual hangars in the General Aviation area. Flow from the floor drains inside the hangars goes to the Authority sanitary sewer system, which discharges to the Town of Cary wastewater treatment facility. Exceptions to this ruling will be considered, by the Authority, on a case by case basis and only if engineering designs account for 100% containment of wastewater generated with no possibility of such wastewater entering the sanitary sewer system. DURHAM WAKE COUNTY DURHAM COUNTY RALEIGH Robert D Tear. Jr, Chairman Terry K. Yeargan, Vice Chairman Tommy Hunt Kim D Frazier. Secretary Tonna F Lipscomb. Treasurer Michael Weeks Craigie D. Sanders Geoff Elting Airport Directive 06-06 Washing of Aircraft, Equipment, and Vehicles SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Aircraft The General Aviation Wash Rack is to be used to wash aircraft only No other equipment, vehicle, appliance, or any other item will be washed such that waste flow enters the wash rack drain system Co -Permittees must wash the exteriors of aircraft, with the longest dimension of the aircraft not exceeding 60 feet, only within the confines of the General Aviation wash rack (i e , concrete drainage pad) Furthermore, no detergents or solvents may be used to wash aircraft exteriors at the General Aviation wash rack Each Co -Permittee must use their Authority -issued RDU identification badge to activate the wash rack By-passing this card -swipe procedure is a violation of Permit requirements and will be considered a violation of this directive Co -Permittees are prohibited from using the wash rack for any purpose other than washing of aircraft Co -Permittees must wash all aircraft with a wingspan exceeding 60 feet on impervious surfaces where washwater can be contained, collected, and recycled or transported off - airport premises for disposal at a permitted wastewater treatment facility All resulting sludges or residues must be managed in accordance with all federal and state hazardous waste management regulations Washing contractors who have formal agreements to conduct washing for Co -Permittees must have an operating agreement with the Authority Ground Service Equipment Co -Permittees may wash ground service equipment (GSE) that does not have any exposed engines, motors, or other machine parts GSE includes, but is not limited to, all tugs, tractors, hydrant carts, and refueling trucks No detergents or solvents may be used to wash GSE Furthermore, washwater must pass through a properly operating oil - water separator before discharging to the Authority stormwater system Co -Permittees may not wash GSE if the equipment has exposed motors, engines or other machine parts Incidental washwater may spray through the engine cover or grill while washing the exterior of GSE, however, spraying water directly through the engine cover or grill constitutes engine' cleaning Engine cleaning must comply with the requirements below Passenger and Utility Vehicles This Airport Directive allows but restricts washing of cars, buses, trucks, and Authority emergency services vehicles Co -Permittees may wash these vehicle exteriors and Airport Directive 06-06 Washing of Aircraft, Equipment, and Vehicles discharge the wash water to the Authority stormwater system in accordance with the requirements of the Permit, which among other requirements specifies that Co - Permittees use minimal amounts of washwater, and biodegradable detergents with a pH between 6 and 9 standard units. Washing of and/or performing maintenance on personal vehicles is prohibited on airport premises. Engines, Motors, and Machine Parts This Airport Directive prohibits the discharge of washwater associated with cleaning engines, motors, or other machine parts into the Authority stormwater or sanitary sewer systems. Engines, motors, or other machine parts must be washed on impervious surfaces where washwater can be contained, collected, and recycled or transported off - airport premises for disposal at a permitted wastewater treatment facility. All sludges or residues resulting from washing engines, motors, or other machine parts must be managed in accordance with all federal and state hazardous waste management regulations. Washing contractors who have formal agreement to conduct washing for Co -Permittees must have an operating agreement with the Authority. Approved: G Date: %,-ru,y6 7-, -24 r q ,4o5n C. Bra62gq, Airport Director