HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170220 Ver 1_400379 NoSurvey Architecture 8-26-2013_20170221Project Tracki�:g No. (Inte� nal Use� 13-07-0024 HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PRn.TF.CT iNFnRMATION ProjectNo: County: GUIIfOrd WBS No.: 17BP.7.R.67 Document Type: Fecl. Aid No: Fun�ling: X State Federal Fe�lerr�l X Yes No Per`nit Stated as "not yet known" in Permit(s): Type(s): review request, so assume Federal Proiect Descrintion: ReplaCe Bridge No. 379 on SR 2715 (Busick Quarry Road) over prong of Reedy Creek (off-site detour planned). SUMMARY OF HISTOKIC AlZ(:Hl'1'�:C;'1'Ut�: A1vli LaNli��.;Ar�;a tcr;vi�,w Description ofreview activities. results, ancl conclusions: HPOWeb reviewed on 20 August 2013 and yielded no NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). Guilford County current GIS mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated a mostly wooded APE with several resources dating to the first half of the twentieth century (viewed 20 August 2013). The APE intersects a large property to the north of the existing bridge on which stand a 1905 house and a 1934 house, located approximately 1000 feet to the east of the bridge and well beyond likely project impact. To the south on two smaller parcels stand undistinguished buildings dating to 1962 and the 1900-1960 period, all about 175 feet or more from the bridge and 125 feet or more from SR 2715 (Busick Quarry Road) and similarly unlikely to be affected by the project. Originally constructed in 1957 and rebuilt in kind around 1985, Bridge No. 379 is a 35-foot-long, two-span, timber, stringer/multi-beam bridge and is not eligible for the National Register according to the NCDOT Historic Bridge Survey as it is not historically, architecturally, or technologically significant. Google Maps'�Street View" confirmed the absence of critical historic structures and landscapes in the APE (viewed 20 August 2013). No architectural surve is re uired for the ro'ect as currentl defined. W/zv the �vailable information provides a reliable basis for reasonablv predictinQ that there , are no uni�lenti�ed si�ni�cnnt ltistoric architectur�l or l�ndscape resources in t/ze proiect area: APE extends 300 feet from each end of the existing bridge (E-W) and 100 feet to either side of the SR 2715 (Busick Quarry Road) centerline (S-N) to encompass proposed construction activities. Comprehensive historic architectural survey of Guilford County (1995-6) and county GIS/tax materials and other visuals illustrate the absence of significant architectural resources. No National Register-listed properties are located within the APE or along the proposed off-site detour route. Should any design elements of the project change, please notify NCDOT Historic Architecture as additional review may be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN � �r�ds�ape� -- NO SURVEY REQUIRED � NCDOT Architectural Historian Date Hrsloric Ardrilecltu�e nnd /,m�cLscapes NO SURVEY IiEOUIRF,IJ fanr fo�• Minor 7rnnsporinrron Pr�jccls as Ounlified in the 2007 Progrnnunulic,9gieemenl. 1 ��� � � S V" �r ���� �� \ . � sY � . N �:� , �:� .: . � f � ,; � ;: �t .3. .i � � ,` 4 .� .J �'. \ �`�. 4 � �� � � t •_ �, �< �,��' �' ''�,`;�,r , ���, � ;: xT � � �'� ..� � �;. � `��d �'` _��, . .a• � � « � ,;i� � �" �/ . . ��F��� - .� � a� � , :z . .. sr- ,�S �, f���•., �,� � 1't��: fi � � ` � ` 4 . . ���Fu{� � � - � -' � i . � '`"�.. � - . �+�.�� .iAw`' . Q� ti L Bll � � GUILFORD i�t . l.anr . t h, �l P��n a .Y � ''�!y F ' U'� ' n1 i: . �.�f i 6.�f `�, , �` _i , � tiockarcll RU j'". �F _ �' f _ � _ � � ;u A = � J u` a' li Vi�l " Bridge No. 379 n Project Aryea U ` Z i � a �;t � � '�\ ..... � . ln�l�ntn 12J WBS No. 17BP.7.R.67 Base map: HPOWeb, nts NCDOT — Historic Architecture August 2013 Tracking No. 13-07-0024 Ni Hillviovr F:i�� I Ft � ALAMANCE Z f)Sr.rVi �� ,,kl «� � `� � F' ° .t 4 � 2 ta �s� S� q �i� LL R y( r �zJ a � :J � �� J° �: _q� C" 2 Guilford County