HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0077992_Temporary Electronic Reporting Waiver_20170112 1 p i.1'a` ROY COOPER Governor WILLIAM G.ROSS,JR. Environmental Acting secretary Quality January 12,2017 CERTIFIED MAIL 7009 2250 0000 8087 0866 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Clint Berry,Public Works Director Hyde County Water System PO Box 66 Swan Quarter,NC 27885 • Subject: Application for Temporary Electronic Reporting Waiver for Hyde County Water System NPDES Permits NC0068233,NC Q077992)NC0088668 Fairfield WTP,Ponzer WTP,Engelhard WTP Hyde County Dear Mr.Berry: Applications for temporary electronic reporting waiver for Hyde County Water System for the subject NPDES permits and facilities were received by the Division of Water Resources on December 22,2016. Your applications have been reviewed and we regret to information you that your waiver is denied. A permittee may be granted temporary waiver from the NPDES reporting requirements if the reporting facility: 1. Is physically located in a geographic area(i.e.,zip code or census tract)that is identified as under- served for broadband internet access in the most recent National Broadband Map from the Federal Communications Commission(FCC); or 2. Demonstrates that such electronic reporting of the monitoring data and reports would pose an unreasonable burden or expense to the NPDES-permitted facility. The National Broadband Map information indicated that your area was not under-served for broadband internet.Asymmetric XDSL technology with at least one provider is available in Swan Quarter at the Hyde County Utilities Department located at 1095 Main St, Swan Quarter.At least three(3)wireless provides are also available with coverage throughout Hyde County.The application noted that internet was not available at all of the water plants.Please note that electronic reporting can be done for all of permittee's NPDES permits by logging into your account through a single access point to the internet. 'Nothing Compares - State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality 1611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1611 919-707-9000 r Mr.Berry January 12,2017 Page 2 of 2 Additionally,not enough information was provided to substantiate that electronic reporting of monitoring data and reports would pose an unreasonable burden or expense. Such information may include itemized budgets for unavailable technology.The system requirements for using the North Carolina eDMR application system are minimal and the facility(s)must have the following: • A basic computer with adequate memory and resources for internet functions • An internet connection • An intemet browser(Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) • A PDF reader(Adobe Reader,Adobe Acrobat,or other available PDF reader) • A valid email address. Per the terms of your NPDES permit,you were required to register for,and begin using,the eDMR system by December 21,2016. In order to reduce the risk of receiving enforcement action,please complete your registration and submit your January 2017 DMR electronically on or before February 28,2016. The Division has prepared a°website devoted to all aspects of eDMR,including registration for its use, obtaining an eDMR user account,and answers to frequently asked questions.You are encouraged to visit the website at:http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr. Should you have further questions regarding eDMR after reviewing the website's content,or have need of further assistance,you should contact Derek Denard at(919) 807-6307 or via e-mail at derek.denard@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, 172/1C- John E.Hennessey, Su.=...a • Compliance and Expe•ited Permitting Unit Division of Water Resources,NCDEQ Attachments: Application for Temporary Electronic Reporting Waiver cc: DWR WaRO files 2.•_____Ifo-r-c-e-ment Files) Central Files Clint Berry,Public Works Director,Hyde County Water System[cber y@hydecountync.gov] APPLICATION FOR • 11te r;f ley Rest:wire:5 • . Temporary Electronic Reporting Waiver "•'• • RECEIVEDINCDECOVR NPDES Permit Number Ill_g_alaidijs 19 1 2 DATE RECEIVED: DEC1 2 2016 (AGENCY LISE ONLY) Water Quality Electronic Reporting Waiver Number: Permitting Section GENCY USE ONLY) Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and other program reports and specify that,if a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit monitoring data and reports electronically to the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). The.final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21,2015. A permittee may be granted a temporary waiver from the NPDES electronic reporting requirements if the reporting fad lity: . Is physically located in a geographic area (i.e.,zip code or census tract)that is identified as under- served for broadband internet access in the most recent National Broadband Map (http://www.broadbandmap.govi) from the Federal Communications Commission(FCC); or 2. Demonstrates that such electronic reporting of the monitoring data and reports would pose an unreasonable burden or expense to the NPDES-permitted Approval waivers from electronic repOrting are temporary and will include an expiration date. The permittee may re-apply for a new waiver if the conditions above are met. Re-application should be submitted to the Division no later than sixty(60)days prior to the electronic reporting waiver's expiration. Approved electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable. Upon the electronic reporting waiver's expiration,if the permittee did not re-apply for and receive a new temporary waiver, then the permittee must report the required NPDES monitoring data and reports electronically using the states web-based electronic reporting tool (for DMRs use the eDMR system)or EPA's web-based electronic reporting tool (fir the MA§316(b)Annual Reports only). Electronic reporting waivers are waivers from electronic reporting only. An NPDES-Legulated permittee receiving an electronic reporting waiver must provide the required monitoring data on paper forms or formats approved by the Director. Failure to report is an enforceable violation of the NPDES permit. To apply fir a temporary waiver from electronic reporting,please provide the following information: 1. Contact Information: Designated Facility Representative(:s identified in accordance with 40 CFR 122.22) Name Clint Berry Position/title Public Works Director Mailing address PO Box 66 City Swan Quarter State Zip Code NC 27885 Telephone number: ( 252) 926-4196 Email address: oberry@hydecountync.gov DWR TWER vet.2.1 (May-2016) Page 1 of 3 2. Facility Location Information: Owner name County of Hyde Facility name Panzer Street address or state road 4595 HWY 45 City Pantego State/Zip Code NC 27860 County Hyde 3. Brief Explanation for Waiver Request: if'the space provided is not va iciest, attack the explanation,on a separate skeet ofpaper. aper. We do not have intemet at all Water Plants and it would end up costing us more money an time to participate in theeDIAR 4. Copy of the Relevant FCC information If applicable,attach a copy of the relevant FCC information,from the mast recent FCC report addressing such issues,identifying the zip code or census tractwhere the facility is located as being under-served for broadband Internet access.The FCC web page is found at the following address: http://1.vww.f'cc.. ov/. 5. Applicant Certification 1 certify under penalty of law that this duLurncnt and all aattehmLnts Wert prepared under my, dtmaion or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted_ Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible forgathering the inlbrmatiori, the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. 4246 - Signature of Designated Facility Representative Date North Carolina General Statute §:1.43-215.6E provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false:statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article;or who knowingly makes a firlse statement of a material fact in.a rulemaking proceeding or contested case fender this Article; or who falsifies, tampers %vitlr, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained underthis Article or rules of the Co atm issiotr implementing this Article,shall be guilty ofa Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars (S10,000). 18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine or imprisonment not more. than 5 years,or both.fora similar offens .. DWR TWER ver.2.1 (May-2016) Page 2 of RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: NC DEQ DWR/Water Quality Permitting Section—Wastewater Branch • 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Note: The submission of this document does not guarantee the e-reporting waiver will be granted. You should receive a response from the Division within 15 business days of application receipt. If you have questions,or to check the status of your application, contact: Vanessa Manuel,919-N7-6392 AGENCY USE ONLY fzi) Electronic Reporting.Waiver: Approved Effective date: Expiration Date: Denied Ti'e US EPA shall have the authority to review and disapprove the state's decision regarding the granting of all temporary waiversfrom NPDES electronic reporting. DWR TWER ver_2_1 (May-2016) Page 3 013 North Carolina, United States, North America WASHINGTON j 1 /` 't . ' Pettigrew j _ I D A R E • •-, State Park I i yl � _ T Y R R E L„ Gum Neck 7? 1 • Dare County ___...._.. _...._.._._. r. .e" Bombing Range \, Ponzer WTP — _....__. �� 7' i ,. j ` }} f N c' •R T H ,, ....._ _ . �r \ l45 - 'JF iso CAROLINA r------' ~' \ i { Is 1 . , Tajrfeild.WTP t ...,,,,.\,..,.. ;264 - • H y D E NQ�h Engelhard WTP Belhaven /e Wood — * '• /• ` ,,f-!:_:& ,r. +ct HCl „ ''a9- F n F�` '`01,: x �, 'f }f' // I ".E3 • -, ',,l''''' ,, r t / Engelhard 11 y� tF -r -4,440",,..:' r" l•264_. \ 'z+l / - Lake Landing 1 e- ,.„,°°),),?,'...r>„f•-' °' -----(7,,,.:-.•--ri ., . -,, `st , T.N. \264 Mount x wan Quarter Pleasanto i Pamlico j' oLowland ,....-,...'.,k,1,:-...------`� PAMLICO e _ ill .L,r.1 r . 0 mi 5 10 15 Copyright©and(P)1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation and/or its suppliers.All rights reserved.http://www.microsoft.com/mappoint/ Certain mapping and direction data©2008 NAVTEQ.All rights reserved.The Data for areas of Canada includes information taken with permission from Canadian authorities,including:©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada,©Queen's Printer for Ontario.NAVTEQ and NAVTEQ ON BOARD are trademarks of NAVTEQ.©2008 Tele Atlas North America,Inc.All rights reserved.Tele Atlas and Tele Atlas North America are trademarks of Tele Atlas,Inc.©2008 by Applied Geographic Systems.All rights reserved. 0 National Broadband Map Homepage • Analyze • Map • Developer • About • Native Natior Holy connected is my community? knalyze » Summarize Share)) Rate »North Carolina Share this page with my community :ounty» Hyde 0 Print Below is a summary of the broadband characteristics for the area listed above.The broadband data below _ _ - s as of June 30,2014 and represents data collected by SBDD grantees.Click on the section headings to r � i , - i,, •, - ee more information. 'rint this page• Export Data p 2e' ` f €.r `1 Vireline �, Download Upload (`h myi' � sp 1..:,..'_", Percent { ' ,r � �., ,k F ! 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