HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003298_Renewal Application_20160607 PAT MCCRORY !VC Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secretary Water Resources S. JAY ZIMMERMAN ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Director June 7, 2016 Floyd Whitmire,Mill Manager International Paper Company 865 John L. Riegel Road Riegelwood,NC 28456 Subject: Acknowledgement of Permit Renewal Application No.NC0003298 Riegelwood Mill Columbus County Dear Permittee: The Water Quality Permitting Section received your permit renewal application on June 6, 2016. A member of the NPDES Unit will review your application. Per G.S. 150B-3 your current permit does not expire until permit decision on the application is made. Continuation of the current permit is contingent on timely and sufficient application for renewal of the current permit. Please respond in a timely manner to requests for additional information necessary to complete the permit application. If you have any additional questions concerning renewal of the subject permit, please contact Sergei Chernikov at 919-807-6386 or Sergei.Chernikov@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Wre h.Thze fo-r ek Wren Thedford Wastewater Branch cc: Central Files NPDES Wilmington Regional Office State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 919-807-6300 copy INTERNATIONAL PAPER RIEGELWOOD MILL 865 JOHN L. RIEGEL ROAD RIEGELWOOD,NC 28456 PHONE 910-362-4900 June 1, 2016 Mr.Wren Thedford NC DEQ Division of Water Resources-NPDES Unit North Carolina Department of Water Resources RECENEDINCDECIDWR 1617 Mail Service Center SUN U b 2016 Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Water Q$ect+on Permitting Dear Mr.Thedford: International Paper(IP)operates a wastewater treatment facility at its Riegelwood, North Carolina mill under NPDES Permit NC0003298. As part of this permit, we are required to submit a permit renewal application 180 days prior to the permit expiration date of November 30, 2016(i.e., by June 3, 2016). This submittal constitutes our formal permit renewal application and consists of the following parts: • Attachment A: Application Forms 1 and 2C • Attachment B: Figures • Attachment C: Sludge Management Plan Narrative Each item will include one original and two copies. We are currently planning to conduct repeat sampling for bromide due to a higher result compared to 2011.These results will be submitted under separate cover once we receive the results. As part of the renewal process,International Paper also requests that several permit conditions be revised as follows: • It is our understanding that the provisions of bleach plant and effluent monitoring for Cluster Rule compliance were only required for one five-year permit term,per 40 CFR 5:/Groups/Environmental/Wastewater/NPDES Permit/2016 ApplicationlNPDES Permit Renewal Cover Letter 053016.doc 430.02(6)(1). The five-year term for our NPDES permit has ended,and we request that the monitoring requirements for the following constituents be reduced after this date: o Flows from Outfalls 004 and 005(Bleach Plants 1,2, and 3)be reduced to quarterly to reflect current sampling for chloroform,chlorinated phenolics and dioxins;and o Adsorbable organic halides(AOX) in Outfall 001 (effluent)reduced to weekly from daily. Currently,our NPDES permit includes a BOD monthly average limit of 10,000 lbs/day in the winter(Nov. 1"-May 31M) and a monthly average limit of 5,000 lbs/day in the summer(June 10 -Oct 311.IP-Riegelwood is requesting the continuation of the existing summer period variance that has been granted in our previous permits,although NCDEQ has not formally requested any additional information related to this summer variance. We look forward to working with you during this permit renewal process. Should you have any questions on this submittal,please contact me at(910)362-3309. Sincerely, 4ov4,44( Gary Morrow EHS&S Manager Cc: Kim Fail,P.E.,International Paper Emily Gelder,International Paper 5:/Groups/Environmental/Wastewater/NPDES Permit/2016 Application%NPDES Permit Renewal Cover Letter 053016 doc ATTACHMENT A APPLICATION FORMS SAroups/EawletnnettolfriastewaterAPDES Cover Latter05301&doc Please print or type in the unshaded areas only. Form Approved-OMB No.2040-0086. FORM U.S.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY I.EPA I.D.NUMBER Ill wa 1 �+ GENERAL INFORMATION .-CEPA 5 NCD057457376 VA c Consolidated Permits Program F D GENERAL (Read the"General Instructions"before starling.) , 2 u 1. 15 INSTRUCTIONSGENERAL LABEL ITEMS If a preprinted label has been provided, affix it in the designated space.Review the information carefully;if any of it I. EPA I.D.NUMBER is incorrect,cross through it and enter the correct data in the appropriate fill-in area below.Also,if any of the preprinted data is absent (the area to (he left of the label space lists the III. FACILITY NAME PLEASE PLACE LABEL IN THIS SPACE information that should appear),please provide it in the proper fill-in area(s)below. If the label is complete and correct,you V. FACILITY MAILING need not complete Items I,Ill,V,and VI(except 1/1-8 which ADDRESS must be completed regardless).Complete all items if no label has been provided. Refer to the instructions for detailed item VI. FACILITY LOCATION descnptions and for the legal authorizations under which this data is collected. II.POLLUTANT CHARACTERISTICS INSTRUCTIONS:Complete A through J to determine whether you need to submit any permit application forms to the EPA.If you answer"yes"to any questions,you must submit this form and the supplemental form listed in the parenthesis following the question.Mark"X"in the box in the third column if the supplemental form is attached.If you answer no to each question,you need not submit any of these forms.You may answer"no"if your activity is excluded from permit requirements;see Section C of the instructions.See also,Section D of the instructions for definitions of bold-faced terms. Mark'X' Mark'%' SPECIFIC QUESTIONS Yes NO TACH SPECIFIC QUESTIONS res NO FORM ATTACHED ATTACHED A.Is this facility a publicly owned treatment works which B.Does or will this facility (either existing or proposed) results in a discharge to waters of the U.S.?(FORM 2A) X include a concentrated animal feeding operation or X aquatic animal production facility which results in a e a discharge to waters of the U.S,?(FORM 2B) 19 20 21 C.Is this a facility which currently results in discharges to �/ �/ D. Is this a proposed facility(other than those described in A waters of the U.S.other than those described in A or B X X or B above)which will result in a discharge to waters of X above?(FORM 2C) II :4 the U.S.?(FORM 2D) 25 21 E. Does or will this facility treat, store, or dispose of F. Do you or will you inject at this facility industrial or hazardous wastes?(FORM 3) municipal effluent below the lowermost stratum X containing, within one quarter mile of the well bore, 28 29 30 underground sources of drinking water?(FORM 4) 31 3z 33 G.Do you or will you inject at this facility any produced water H.Do you or will you inject at this facility fluids for special or other fluids which are brought to the surface inprocesses such as mining of sulfur by the Frasch process, connection with conventional oil or natural gas production, X solution mining of minerals, in situ combustion of fossil X inject fluids used for enhanced recovery of oil or natural fuel,or recovery of geothermal energy?(FORM 4) gas, or inject fluids for storage of liquid hydrocarbons? (FORM 4) J53G31 3a 39 I. Is this facility a proposed stationary source which is one J. Is this facility a proposed stationary source which is of the 28 industrial categories listed in the instructions and III �/ NOT one of the 28 industrial categories listed in thevwhich will potentially emit 100 tons per year of any air /� instructions and which will potentially emit 250 tons per /� pollutant regulated under the Clean Air Act and may affect year of any air pollutant regulated under the Clean Air Act or be located in an attainment area?(FORM 5) "- ^ ^1 and may affect or be located in an attainment area? "3 " 45 (FORM 5) III. NAME OF FACILITY c 1 SKIP Internationa Paper is to-N 30 cs IV. FACILITY CONTACT A.NAME&TITLE(last,first,&title) B.PHONE(area code&no.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I LI I 1 1 2 Morrow, Gary (EHS&S Manager) (blb) 3b2 3309 15 1e 45 4e 4e 149 51 152- 55 V.FACILTY MAILING ADDRESS A.STREET OR P.O.BOX I I I I I 1 II I_ I J I I I I I I I I 1111 I I I I I 1 3 865 John L. Riege_ R 15 18 45 B.CITY OR TOWN C.STATE D.ZIP CODE 4 RiegellwooId I I I l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l JIC 28456 11 15 le 40 41 42 41 51 VI. FACILITY LOCATION A.STREET,ROUTE NO.OR OTHER SPECIFIC IDENTIFIER 1 1 lII I I I l I I I I l I l l l i l l l 5• 865John I . Riegel Rd 15 16 45 B.COUNTY NAME Columbus 1111111111111111111111 48 70 C.CITY OR TOWN D.STATE E.ZIP CODE F.COUNTY CODE(if known) 6 RiegeiwoocY I I I I I I I I I I I I I l l l l l l NIC 28456 J11 11 15 le 40 41 42 41 51 52 54 EPA Form 3510-1(8-90) CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII.SIC CODES 4-diti in order of.riorit A.FIRST B.SECOND 12611 I I I (spec(') pulp c11 I (speC )16 - 19 15 16 - 19 C.THIRD D.FOURTH I I I (specify) c I I I (specify) 7 15 16 16 7 16 - 10 VIII OPERATOR INFORMATION A.NAME B.Is the name listed in Item c III IIII I I I I I i i i I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I VIII-A also the owner? 8 International Paper OYES ❑NO 5 16 55 fie C.STATUS OF OPERATOR(Enter the appropriate letter into the answer box:if"Other,".specify.) D.PHONE(area code R•no.) F=FEDERAL (specify) . I I I ( ) ) i I ) S=STATE M=PUBLIC(other than federal or.state) p A (910) 362-4602 0=OTHER P=PRIVATE (.specify) 58 15 6 - 18 in • 21 I2] • 26 E.STREET OR P.O.BOX IiIIIII IIIII111111IIIIIIIIII 865 John L. Riegel Rd 26 55 F.CITY OR TOWN G.STATE H.ZIP CODE IX.INDIAN LAND c I I I I 11111 IIIIIIIIIIIIII I I i 1 1 1 Is the facility located on Indian lands? B Riegelwood NC 28456 ❑YES LO NO 15 16 40.l 42 47 - 51 5] X.EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS A.NPDES(Discharxes to Surface Water) D.PSD(Air Emissions from Proposed Sources) c T i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I c T i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1P 1 1 1 1 1 g N NC0003298 9 P 03138T41 15 IS 17 18 p 15 16 17 18 30 B.UIC Underground Injection of l.i:nds l E.OTHER(spec) 9 u NJA I I I I I I 11 9 T NCS01001011 I I I i I 1 1 1 Stormwater faneC:4. 15 16 17 18 30 15 16 17 18 30 C.RCRA(Hazardous Wastes) E.OTHER(specn) c IIIIIIIIIIII CT ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 (speC )Land Application IIIIIINCD°57457376 18 30IIIIIIWQ0015180 18 30 Xl.MAP Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending to at least one mile beyond property boundaries. The map must show the outline of the facility,the location of each of its existing and proposed intake and discharge structures,each of its hazardous waste treatment,storage,or disposal facilities,and each well where it injects fluids underground.Include all springs,rivers,and other surface water bodies in the map area.See instructions for precise requirements. XII.NATURE OF BUSINESS •rovide a brief descri.tion Manufacturing of bleached market pulp. XIII.CERTIFICATION(see instructions) I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this application and all attachments and that,based on my inquiry of those persons immediately responsible for obtaining the information contained in the application, I believe that the information is true,accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of tine and imprisonment. A.NAME&OFFICIAL TITLE(type or print) B.SIGNATURE C.DATE SIGNED Floyd Whitmire (Mill Manager) / 7 / L,/,/,/,L COMMENTS FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY c C 15 16 56 EPA Form 3510-1(8-90) EPA I.D.NUMBER(copy from Item I of Form I) Form Approved. NCD057457376 OMB No.2040-0086. Please print or type in the unshaded areas only. Approval expires 3-31-98. FORM U.S.ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY APPLICATION FOR PERMIT DISCHARGE WASTEWATER 2C viEPAEXISTING MANUFACTURING,COMMERC ALO,MINING AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS NPDES Consolidated Permits Program I.OUTFALL LOCATION For each outfall,list the latitude and longitude of its location to the nearest 15 seconds and the name of the receiving water A.OUTFALL NUMBER B.LATITUDE C.LONGITUDE (list) 1.DEG. 2.MIN. 3.SEC. 1.DEG. 2.MIN. 3.SEC. D.RECEIVING WATER(name) 001 34.00 21.00 165.00 78.00 14.00 155.00 Cape Fear River H.FLOWS,SOURCES OF POLLUTION,AND TREATMENT TECHNOC)GIESIMIIIIIIIIIIIII A. Attach a line drawing showing the water flow through the facility.Indicate sources of intake water,operations contributing wastewater to the effluent,and treatment units labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions in Item B.Construct a water balance on the line drawing by showing average flows between intakes,operations, treatment units,and outfalls.If a water balance cannot be determined(e.g.,for certain mining activities),provide a pictorial description of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection or treatment measures. B. For each outfall,provide a description of:(1)All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent,including process wastewater,sanitary wastewater,cooling water, and storm water runoff; (2)The average flow contributed by each operation; and (3) The treatment received by the wastewater. Continue on additional sheets if necessary. 1.OUT- 2.OPERATION(S)CONTRIBUTING FLOW 3.TREATMENT FALL b.AVERAGE FLOW b.LIST CODES FROM NO.(list) a.OPERATION(list) (include units) a.DESCRIPTION TABLE 2C-1 Pulp Mill Liquor Cycle #1 Bar Screen 001 3.0 MGD 1-T 04 Recovery 0.6 (E) MGD #1 Clarifier 1-U #5 Recovery 0.4 (E) MGD #2 Bar Screen 1-T Kamyr Digester 0.7 MGD #2 Clarifier -U Oxygen Delignification 0.6 MGD ASB - New Bay 3-B Screen Room Settling Pond - Theo Pond 0.7 MGD 1-U #4 Washer 0.4 MGD ASB - South Bay 3-B No. 20 Pulp Dryer (Carolina King) ASB - North Basin 0.9 MGD 3-B No. 18 Pulp Dryer -7.4 MGD Settling Pond - North Basin 1-U Site Stormwater Screw Presses 0.5 (E) MGD 5-R S-U Lime Kiln 0.8 (E) MGD Sludge Ponds 5-P 5-Q No. 2 & 5 Power Boilers 1.0 (E) MGD Wood Ash Pond 1-U Sluiced Wood Ash Dishcharge 1.0 MOD Causticizing 0.8 (E) MOD Holtrachem 0.04 MGD L-area, Chiller Bldg, No. 2 & 3 SVP 1.5 (E) MGD Landfill Cell 1 Leachate 0.1 (E) MGD Landfill Cell 2 Leachate 0.1 (E) MGD Bleach Plants 11.3 (H) MGD OFFICIAL USE ONLY(effluent guidelines sub-categories) EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 1 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE 14. CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT IS C.Except for storm runoff,leaks,or spills,are any of the discharges described in Items II-A or B intermittent or seasonal? ❑YES(complete the following table) NO(go to Section III) 3.FREQUENCY 4.FLOW a.DAYS PER B.TOTAL VOLUME 2.OPERATION(s) WEEK b.MONTHS a.FLOW RATE(in ingd) (sped with mils) 1.OUTFALL CONTRIBUTING FLOW (specify PER YEAR 1.LONG TERM 2.MAXIMUM 1.LONG TERM 2.MAXIMUM C.DURATION NUMBER(list) (list) "'mg') (slxcroeernge) AVERAGE DAILY AVERAGE DAILY (in drays) III.PRODUCTION A.Does an effluentguideline limitation promulgated byEPA under Section 304 of the Clean Water Acta I toyour facility? P 9 apply Y © YES(complete Item Ill-B) ❑NO(go to Section IV) B.Are the limitations in the applicable effluent guideline expressed in terms of production(or other measure of operation)? ©YES(complete Item III-C) ❑NO(go to Section IV) C.If you answered"yes"to Item Ill-B,list the quantity which represents an actual measurement of your level of production,expressed in the terms and units used in the applicable effluent guideline,and indicate the affected outfalls. 1.AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION 2.AFFECTED OUTFALLS a.QUANTITY PER DAY b.UNITS OF MEASURE c.OPERATION,PRODUCT,MATERIAL,ETC. (list outfall numbers) (spec) See Attached 001 Production Table IV.IMPROVEMENTS A. Are you now required by any Federal, State or local authority to meet any implementation schedule for the construction, upgrading or operations of wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges described in this application?This includes,but is not limited to, permit conditions,administrative or enforcement orders,enforcement compliance schedule letters,stipulations,court orders,and grant or loan conditions. ❑YES(complete the following table) NO(go to Item IV-B) 1.IDENTIFICATION OF CONDITION, 2.AFFECTED OUTFALLS 3.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 4.FINAL COMPLIANCE DATE AGREEMENT,ETC. a.NO. b.SOURCE OF DISCHARGE a REQUIRED b.PROJECTED B. OPTIONAL: You may attach additional sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects which may affect your discharges)you now have underway or which you plan.Indicate whether each program is now underway or planned,and indicate your actual or planned schedules for construction. ❑MARK"X"IF DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIONAL CONTROL PROGRAMS IS ATTACHED EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 2 of 4 CONTINUE ON PAGE 3 EPA I.D.NUMBER(copyfmm Item I of Form I) NCD057457376 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 V.INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS A,B,&C: See instructions before proceeding—Complete one set of tables for each outfall—Annotate the outfall number in the space provided NOTE:Tables V-A,V-B,and V-C are included on separate sheets numbered V-1 through V-9. D. Use the space below to list any of the pollutants listed in Table 2c-3 of the instructions,which you know or have reason to believe is discharged or may be discharged from any outfall.For every pollutant you list,briefly describe the reasons you believe it to be present and report any analytical data in your possession. 1.POLLUTANT 2.SOURCE 1.POLLUTANT 2.SOURCE See analysis results starting on page V-1. VI.POTENTIAL DISCHARGES NOT COVERED BY ANALYSIS Is any pollutant listed in Item V-C a substance or a component of a substance which you currently use or manufacture as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? ®YES(list all such pollutants below) ❑NO(go to Item VI-B) See analysis results starting on page V-1. EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 3 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII.BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last 3 years? ©YES(identify the rests)and describe their purposes below) ❑NO(go to Section V111) Per current NPDES permit, the effluent is sampled for chronic toxicity (Ceriodaphnia) P/F at 8% in January, April, July and October of each year. VIII.CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION Were any of the analyses reported in Item V performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? YES(list the name,address,and telephone number of,and polhaants analyzed hy, ❑NO(go to Section IX) each such laboratory or firm below) A.NAME B.ADDRESS C.TELEPHONE D.POLLUTANTS ANALYZED (area code&no.) (list) Environmental Chemists 6602 Windmill Way , Wilmington, NC 910-392-0223 Ammonia, Total P, Total N, Nitrate/Nitrite, Fecal Coliform, Chlorine, Sulfite ALS Environmental 9143 Philips Highway Suite 200 904-739-2277 All 2C Analysis, Dioxin Jacksonville, FL 32256 Environmental Testing Solutions 351 Depot St., Asheville, NC 28801 828-350-9364 Chronic Toxicity IX.CERTIFICATION l certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. A.NAME&OFFICIAL TITLE(type or print) B.PHONE NO.(area code if no.) Floyd Whitmire (Mill Manager) (910) 362-4602 C.SIGNATURE D.DATE SIGNED EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 4 of 4 A PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE IN THE UNSHADED AREAS ONLY.You may report some or all of this information EPA I.D.NUMBER(copy from Item I of Form I) / on separate sheets(use the same format)instead of completing these pages. NOD057457376 SEE INSTRUCTIONS. OUTFALL NO. V.INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS(continued from page 3 of Form 2-C) PART A-You must provide the results of at least one analysis for every pollutant in this table.Complete one table for each outfall.See instructions for additional details. 3,UNITS 4.INTAKE 2.EFFLUENT (specfifblank) (optional) b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c.LONG TERM AVRG.VALUE a.LONG TERM a.MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (if available) (if available) AVERAGE VALUE ( ) ( ) d.NO.OF a.CONCEN- (1) b.NO.OF 1.POLLUTANT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS (1)CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES a.Biochemical Oxygen 45 12262 31 5944 17 4214 366 ppm lb/day Demand(BOD) b.Chemical Oxygen 288 70857 2 mg/L lb/day Demand(COD) c.Total Organic Carbon 71.7 17640 1 mg/L lb/day (TOC) d.Total Suspended Solids(TSS) 57 14547 32 6373 16 3757 366 ppm lb/day e.Ammonia(as IV) 6.5 1234 4.5 843 2.39 569 49 ppm lb/day VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE ' f.Flow 54.6 MGD 35.3 MGD 26.5 MGD 366 MGD N/A g.Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE (winter) 29 (NOV-MAY) 25 (NOV-MAY) 18.8 (NOV-MAY) 213 °C h.Temperature VALUE VALUE VALUE VALUE (rammer) 32.0 (JUN-OCT) 30 (JUN-OCT) 27.8 (JUN-OCT) 153 °C MINIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAXIMUM i.pH 7.1 8.0 N/A N/A 366 STANDARD UNITS PART B- Mark"X'in column 2-a for each pollutant you know or have reason to believe is present.Mark"X-in column 2-b for each pollutant you believe to be absent.If you mark column 2a for any pollutant which is limited either directly,or indirectly but expressly, in an effluent limitations guideline, you must provide the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant. For other pollutants for which you mark column 2a,you must provide quantitative data or an explanation of their presence in your discharge.Complete one table for each outfall.See the instructions for additional details and requirements. 2.MARK"X" 3.EFFLUENT 4.UNITS 5.INTAKE(optional) 1.POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c.LONG TERM AVRG.VALUE a.LONG TERM AVERAGE AND p a.MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (if available) (if available) VALUE CAS NO. BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d.NO.OF a.CONCEN- (1) b.NO.OF (tfavailable) PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION , (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES a. de (2 95 -67- X 15.0 3690 1 mg/L lb/d (2asss s�-s) /� g/ b.Chlorine,Total Residual X <20 0 1 ug/L lb/d c.Color X 600 N/A 1 ColorUni N/A d.Fecal Coliform X <10 N/A 1 Col/100m N/A de (16lu494--88) X .21 54.7 1 mg/L lb/d f.Nitrate-Nitrite (as Al) /�X .25 70.5 .09 17.6 .027 6.66 49 mg/L lb/d EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-1 CONTINUE ON REVERSE a ITEM V-B CONTINUED FROM FRONT 2.MARK"X' 3.EFFLUENT 4.UNITS 6.INTAKE(oprraaa9 1.POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE a LONG TERM AVRG.VALUE a LONG TERM AND a b. a.MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (rye available) ((f available) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NO. BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d.NO.OF a.CONCEN- (1) b.NO.OF (IJavorkbk) PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES a atom. Total Orgaic(m X 14.1 2037 8.1 1445 5.5 1333 51 N) mg/L lb/d Gams and GnX <5.4 0 1 mg/L lb/d I.Phosphorus ` , (( 744)as 1 ,y\ 8.8 1335 3.1 431 1.3 302 51 mg/L lb/d ).RSAosadvIty (1)Alpha Tot X 2.5 .28 1 pCi/L mCi/d (2)Bata Taal X 20.8 2.3 1 pCi/L mCi/d ate' X <0.2 0 1 pCi/L mCi/d (4)Radian 25' X <0.8 0 1 pCi/L mCi/d Toll kSO X *SO 289 71103 1 mg/L lb/d (14808.794) . I. (ash X <4.0 0 1 mg/L lb/d m.8uMla 0(ar X <2 0 I 1 mg/L lb/d n.Surfactants )4( <0.5 0 1 mg/L lb/d a.NUMnum, X Tod 3.04 748 1 mg/L lb/d (7429904) p.Bsrssa Tad (7440793) X 117 28.8 1 ug/L lb/d Q'Boma TWA X (7440-424) 58 14 1 ug/L lb/d �CrimIt � X <10 0 1 ug/L lb/d a. X 1260 310 1 ug/L lb/d L Ms4nuhsn, X Tad 6.76 1.66 1 ug/L lb/d 39-064) Q4 - u.Molybdenum, X MIS <10 0 1 ug/L ib/d (74394&7) v.Monspnese, Tad .406 100 1 mg/L lb/d (7439-965) Q1-Th 5 X <40 0 1 ug/L lb/d x.Thinlum, Tad <50 0 1 ug/L lb/d (74404241) - EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-2 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-3 • p EPA I.D.NUMBER(eopyfrom Item I of Form I) OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FR0M PAGE 3 OF FORM 2-C Nm057457376 001 PART C- If you ares primary Industry and this outlall contain process wastewater,refer to Table 2o2 In the Instructions to determine which of the GC/MS fractions you must test for.Mark 7C In column 2-s for SI such GC/MS fractions that apply to your Industry and for ALL tack metals,cyanides,and total phenols.N you are not required to mark column 24(secondary indwMet nonpro ase waatowatsr ocelots,and nonrsgtdmd GCAMS fractions),mark 1(''In column 2-b for each pollutant you know or have reason to belleve Is present Mark'X'in column 2c for each pollutant you bMisve is absent N you mark column 25 for any pollutant you must pmts the results of at least one analysis for that pollutant 8 you nark column 2b for any pollutant you must provide the results d at least one analyst for that pollutant If you know or have awn to behave It Mil be discharged in conamntlons of 10 ppb or greeter.If you mark column 2b for acme*,aaylonlbte,2,4 dlnlbophend,or 2-methyl-4,E dmllmphaat you must provide the results ci at least one analysis for each of Mese pointers which you know or have reason to believe that you dedlarge in concentrations of 100 ppb or gnaw.Otherwise,for pollutants for which you mark column 2b,you must either submit at Nast one analysis or briefly describe the soca the pollutant N expected to be discharged. Note that there are 7 pages to this part please review each camfully.Complete one table(ail 7 pages)for each ouUSfl.See Instructions for additional details and nqukame ts. 2.MARK'X' 3.EFFLUENT 4.UNITS S.INTAKE(optional) 1.POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE a LONG TERM AVRG. a.LONG TERM AND e. b. a a.MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (t/avallable) VALUE(Ifavodable) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED CO (1) CO d.NO.OF a.CONCEN- CO b.NO.OF ((favallable) REQUIRED PRESENT ASSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS CONCENTRATk7N (2)MAKS ANALYSES METALS,CYANIDE,AND TOTAL PHENOLS 1M.Antimony,Tate X/ X/ <1 0 1 ug/L lb/d (744038-0) /� /� ZM.Arerec,Tate �/ X 1.8 .44 1 ug/L ib/d (7440.38.2) /� X/ `X (7440-41-7) 3I Beryllium.TdX Total <0.5 0 1 ug/L lb/d 4M.CasmkIn'Toil <0.40 0 1 ug/L lb/d (7440.434)5M. /� /` Taal(7440-474) X X 6.6 1.6 1 ug/L lb/d (7 )Taw X X 6.6 1.6 1 ug/L lb/d 7M.Lest (7439-9E1)Tote X X 2.64 .65 1 ug/L lb/d 4)at ,7otal X X <.5 0 1 ug/L lb/d (7439-97 9M.Nicht,Tate X X 11 2.7 1 ug/L lb/d (7440-02-0) 1Tooul�-49.Z) X X <1.1 0 1 ug/L lb/d 11M.Silver,Total (7440-22-4) X X .1 .02 1 ug/L lb/d Totai(7u Wig) X X <.05 0 1 ug/L lb/d 13M.Zinc, (7446.664)Total X X 52 13 1 ug/L lb/d 14M.Cyanide. Tri(67.12-6) X X6 1.5 1 ug/L lb/d 15M.Phands, X X <0.590 0 1 ug/L lb/d DIOXIN 2,3,7,&Tab► \ / \ / DESCRIBE RESULTS No measurable detection. Outfall 001 tested annually. 14/19/15, 2/3/15, 4/29/14, 10/14/13, 12/4/12) dreodlbmo-P- /JC\ ,JC\ dmdn(1784013) EPA Farm 3510.2C(8-90) PAGE V•3 CONTINUE ON REVERSE I CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT i 2 MARK'X' 3.EFFLUENT _4.UNITS 5.INTAKE(apdanf 1.POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c LONG TERM AVRG. 5 LONG TERM AND a. b. c t MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (Vendable) VALUE(lfaaallab&) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BELIEVED (1) (1) (1) d.NO.OF a.CONCEN- (1) b.NO.OF (f available) REQUIRED PRESENT ASSENT CONCENTRATION (2)was WNCENTft7WN (2)masa C0tW(TMTON (3)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS C ywrakr DN J (3)MA80 ANALYSES GCSRS FRACTION-VOLATILE COMPOUNDS (107-02-8)W. X X <28.0 0 1 ug/L lb/d 2V.mYIores (10713,1) X X c1.5 0 1 ug/L lb/d Wigwams (71-43-2) X X <.210 0 1 ug/L lb/d 4V.BM(CWaa- waA1j0E1Mr X X ND 0 1 ug/L lb/d (54245.1) 5V.Brame= 6Z6� X X <.420 0 1 ug/L lb/d W.Corbett Twt>aiaM. XX <.340 0 1 ug/L lb/d — (10840.7)7V.Chlentemess X X <.160 0 1 ug/L lb/d b�nermnseMsm XX <.21 0 1 ug/L lb/d (124481) _ , S G lorcellins X X <.520 0 1 ug/L lb/d 10V 2-Chloro sl5X X (11E <2.2 0 1 ug/L lb/d • 1 1V.aliOSOITTI (6745.3) X X <.350 0 1 ug/L lb/d • 12V Onath X X M <.210 0 1 ug/L lb/d (75-27-4) _ 13V DlnIao X X (5714) Slr» <.23 0 1 ug/L lb/d (76.71.3) 14V.slims(75-34-3) X X <.3 0 1 ug/L lb/d 1Mhn(107,062) X X <.22 0 1 ug/L lb/d 16V.1,1AIdMao <.16 0 1 u /L lb/d 46rylMNt(75Ja54) X X 9 1psOw» X x <.19 0 1 ug/L lb/d 18V.t,SOdMao (542-754) X X <.23 0 1 ug/L lb/d 19V.EthAssnzens (10041,4 X X <.210 0 1 ug/L , ib/d 20V.Mstbd Bromide(74653) X X <.23 0 1 ug/L lb/d X X 21V.Meted <.36 0 1 ug/L lb/d Chichi.(7447-3) _ EPA Form 3510-20(890) PAGE V-4 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-S se CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-4 7 2.MARK'(' 3.EFFLUENT 4.UNITS 5.INTAKE(opSne0 1.POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE c.LONG TERM AVRG. a.LONG TERM AND a b. a a.MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (Vavallable) VALUE(Ova/fable) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING Rai nu„ xuEVED (1) (1) (1) d.NO.OF a.CONCEN- (1) b.NO.OF (Degradable) REQUIRED PRESENT ASSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CQawrromoN (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS CONCENTRATION RI MASS ANALYSES GCIMS FRACTION-VOLATILE COMPOUNDS(cwwwW) 22' Me(75.04t) X X <.210 0 1 ug/L lb/d 23V.1,1,22- - Tetraelemelne X X <.29 0 1 ug/L lb/d (79945) 24V.Tetmehlma X X <.22 0 1 ug/L lb/d ethylene(1(127-18-4) 25V.Toluene X X <.190 0 1 ug/L lb/d 00840-3) 25V.12-Trane- (150404)DIchloreethytene X X <.190 0 1 ug/L lb/d ethane(71-55-6) X X <.17 0 1 ug/L lb/d 20V.1.1.2-TIldllao- X X <.40 0 1 ug/L lb/d Mum(79405) 29VTdd(9- fla(79412) X X <.36 0 1 ug/L lb/d 301/.TddYdo- ` , Il X X <.24 0 1 ug/L lb/d 31V.Wil Chine X X <.360 0 1 ug/L lb/d (7541-4) GCBAS FRACTION-ACID COMPOUNDS 1A.2-CNaophenol X/ X/ <1.2 0 1 ug/L lb/d (95474) /� 2A 2.4-DIchloro X <1.2 0 1 u /L lb/d phenol(12043-2) ug /L X X <3.5 0 1 ug/L lb/d Cresol(534-52-1) X �X/ <1.0 0 1 ug/L lb/d Mnni(51�28.5) X X <.76 0 1 ug/L lb/d 0A2-NOlaphend X X <1.4 0 1 ug/L lb/d (86754) (10002 4 X X <1.B 0 3. ug/L lb/d 8.1. m( -7) X X <1.80 0 1 ug/L lb/d 9APfldto- XX pled(87283) <1.1 0 3. ug/L lb/d 10A.96.2) <.59 0 1 u9/L lb/d (105262) X X 11A 2,44-TNohlpo- X/ X/ <.89 0 1 ug/L lb/d pled(56062) /� /� EPA Form 3510-2C(8.90) PAGE V•5 CONTINUE ON REVERSE is CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT / 2.MARK IX' 9.EFFLUENT 4.UNITS S.INTAKE(op0ona0 1.POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 90 DAY VALUE a LONG TERM AVRG. a LONG TERM AND a b, c a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (V available) VALUE(V available) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER rums BELIEVED BEUEVED (1) (1) I1) d.NO.OF a CONCEN- (1) b.NO.OF (Vava laMe) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRAnoN (2)MASS CONCEN 4kno8 (2)was CONCENTRATI N (2)was ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS CONCENTRATION (2)1M88 ANALYSES GC/MS FRACTION-BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS 7B.Awllagdi nB X X <4.20 0 1 ug/L lb/d (8592-9)2B.Acenephlylene (2�-0X X <.990 0 1 ug/L lb/d M.AntM n�M X X <1.6 0 1 ug/L lb/d (120-1� 4) M X X <2.9 0 1 ug/L _ lb/d 68. W) X X AM rad <1.0 0 1 ug/L lb/d (5666.9)-55-3)e , 88.Berm(a) XX <1.2 0 1 ug/L lb/d Pyre a(50-328) - . 78.3,4hene ( X X <1.0 0 1 ug/L lb/d (200420547 62)2) 88.Moto WM Pinions(191-24-2) �X/ �X/ <1.40 0 1 ug/L lb/d 68 84roto(q X /\ G0Flo7-0 -9) c1.80 0 1 ug/L lb/d 108 B (2 - fa8.BY(1-CAIara- 1thay)Mebane X X <1.2 0 1 ug/L lb/d (11141.1) 118.B4(2-Chloro- 40 (1 11 X X <1.9 0 1 ug/L lb/d 128.BM(2- Oi Ether(102-004)ttmemnspyl X X <1.5 0 1 ug/L lb/d 1913.BSPhIM1EM• X - ((1178-7) X c1.5 0 1 ug/L lb/d (ti721-7) 148.46anoplkr01 phenyl EViet X X <1.3 0 1 ug/L lb/d (1m264) lPhtlase(8680-nvil7) X X <.86 0 1 ug/L lb/d rote188 2-Ct S X X <4.6 0 1 ug/L lb/d 178.4-CNoro- phenyl Phenyl ther p72E X X c.96 0 1 ug/L lb/d 1178.Onions <1.2 0 1 ug/L lb/d (218-01-9) X X 198.DBMnm(AM Antanoon XX <1.5 0 1 ug/L ib/d (5570.3) . 20B'1,2' loo- XX c.640 0 1 ug/L lb/d Some(66061) 218.1,9471-Woo- berts»(541.781) X X <.92 0 1 ug/L lb/d EPA Form 9510.20(690) PAGE V-0 CONTINUE ON PAGE V-7 CONTINUED FROM PAGE V-S / 2.MARK-r 3.EFFLUENT 4.UNITS 5.INTAKE(apllonal) 1.POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE a LONG TERM AVRG. a LONG TERM 1 AND a b. c a MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (ymmlab/k) VALUE(yaw/106k) AVERAGE VALUE CM NUMBER TESTING BEt1EVE0 Balm)) (1) (1) (1) d.NO.OF a CONCEN- (1) b.NO.OF (lfavailable) REQUIRED PRESENT ASSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRAnCN (2)MA58 CONCE fl0N (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS co,ojcRAnoN (2)MASE ANALYSES GC/MS FRACTION-BASE/NEUTRAL COMPOUNDS(comainwd) 22J3.1,41-DIthloro- banana 108-4B- X <.91 0 1 ug/L lb/d 2313. Sul 3.3-Dkhlor1) X X <1.4 0 1 ug/L lb/d pt abMab(8445-2) X X <1.7 0 1 ug/L lb/d 258MethylPlahalalX X a <1.7 0 1 ug/L lb/d (131-114) 2015.DI-N-1304 MISS, 74-2) X X 3.42 .84 1 ug/L lb/d 273.2.4-a1Mto- bWM1a(121-14.2) X X <1.3 0 1 ug/L lb/d 2813.2.84311tro- toMOMn(808.2 -2) X X <1.1 0 1 ug/L lb/d no.DI-14.0ctyl RIMS(117-84-0) X X <2.8 0 1 ug/L 1b/d aae 1&DIn.w- X X (122 7) <1.2 0 1 ug/L lb/d 3 )44 Q) hens X X <1.4 0 1 ug/L lb/d 328.Fkiorone (88-n-i) X X <.84 0 1 ug/L lb/d bem338.wa((11118-4-1) X X <1.7 0 1 ug/L lb/d 348.Handloro-Munn483(87 ) X X <1.2 0 1 ug/L lb/d 358.NMMCNao- . cycloponlanne ()7-47-4) X X <.5 0 1 ug/L lb/d M1rMilia(67-72) X X <.81 0 1 ug/L lb/d 37(L2 I- X X ug/L)Pp°aa <1.7 0 1 lb/d (78-50-1388. 11) X X <1.8 0 1 ug/L lb/d Me Nopiniens X X c.530 0 1 ug/L lb/d aMn(88053)bm¢Ma X X <2.1 0 1 ug/L lb/d 418.N-) X X 7� A° <.96 0 1 ug/L lb/d NyIsrt. 4 N-Pt(52144-7) X X <2.2 0 1 ug/L lb/d EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V-7 CONTINUE ON REVERSE Is CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT / 2.MARK'X' 3.EFFLUENT 4.UNITS 5.INTAKE 4rional) 1.POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE a LONG TERM AVRG. 6.LONG TERM AND a. b. a a.MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (ran liable) VALUE(ii available) AVERAGE VALUE CM NUMBER TESTING BEUEVED BELIEVED (t) (t) (1) d.NO.OF a.CONCEN- (1) b.NO.OF W.t weab1e) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS DDNDENTRATI0N (2)MASS ANALYSES GCMS FRACTION-BASEMEUTRAL COMPOUNDS(contlaaed) 438.N-Nho- .o X X <1.10 0 1 ug/L lb/day MS (8501 X X <1.40 0 1 ug/L lb/day _ (1290) X X <.740 0 1 ug/L lb/day 488.1.2,4-Tn- (12982-1)one X X <.6 0 1 ug/L lb/day GGMS FRACTION-PESTICIDES (200. 0-2) X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day � 9848) X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day (31185-7) X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day (68899) X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day (3194881) X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day CP.Chiming (574 X X <2.59 0 1 ug/L lb/day (60,43 T X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day 812 (72.568) X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day OP.1011-DCID ((7ya44) X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day 030.57 ) X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day . (11i� X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day 12P.y-&Co*Nan (116 267) X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day 13P EndoatanSulltra X X 031- <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day 0 (1031-07-e) 14P.Endes yO6) X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day Wis.EmiAid AM21yd. X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day p421 43-i14) 1w.Hs X X <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE V$ CONTINUE ON PAGE V-0 S I EPA I.D.NUMBER(mpyfrom Item I ofFont I) OUTFALL NUMBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE VNm057457376 001 2 2.MARK r 3.EFFLUENT 4.UNITS 5.INTAKE(optional) 1.POLLUTANT b.MAXIMUM 30 DAY VALUE a LONG TERM AVRG. a.LONG TERM AND a. b. a a.MAXIMUM DAILY VALUE (Qravestabe) VALUE(IfaveNable) AVERAGE VALUE CAS NUMBER TESTING BELIEVED BEJEVED (1) (1) (1) 0.NO.OF a.CONGER- (1) b.NO.OF (Ifavaiable) REQUIRED PRESENT ABSENT CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS CONCENTRATION (2)MASS ANALYSES TRATION b.MASS CDNeNTRA110N (2)MASS ANALYSES GCIMS FRACTION—PESTICIDES(coraberd) 17P.Nepf504ar EOabde XX <0.2 0 1 ug/L lb/day (1024-574) _ 18P.PCB. (53469-21-0)42 X X <5.0 0 1 ug/L lb/day 19P.PO8-1254 (11007.80.1) X X <5.0 0 1 ug/L lb/day (111044262) 1 X X <5.0 0 1 ug/L lb/day 1P )92 (11141-184) X X/ <5.0 0 (1 .PC-141-161) /� /� 1 ug/L lb/day 22P. 13.1248 (126720294) X X <5.0 0 1 ug/L lb/day 29P.PCB-1250 (100682-5) X X <5.0 0 1 ug/L lb/day 24P.PC61015 (12174.11.2) X X <5.0 0 1 ug/L lb/day 2512.Topsham M001- 2) X X <2.56 0 1 ug/L lb/day EPA Form 3510.2C(8-90) PAGE V-9 1 Production Stats-Paper Machines IMay 2015-April 2016) Bleached Board=Paper Machine 15 Bristols=Paper Machine 18 Pulp=Pulp Dryer 2015 2016 12 Months Ma Jun Jul Sem ct Nov ft Jan Feb Mar Apr Total Units Finished Tons Manufactured-Total Al Tons 46,210.03 69,296.59 68,458.64 65,919.45 65,539.69 66,821.02 66,790.10 63,772.78 24,790.65 19,438.25 35,174.33 41,375.46 633,587 Bleached Board Al Tons 11,639.14 19,466.97 18,477.61 18,798.97 :9,881.34 17,876.36 19,655.52 20,994.88 7,312.53 - - - 154,103 Bristols Al Tons 24,079.50 33,340.77 38,914.05 34,368.26 31,820.10 35,014.07 35,054.37 33,816.50 - - - - 266,408 Pulp Al Tons 10,491.39 16,488.85 11,066.98 12,752.22 13,838.26 13,930.60 12,080.21 8,961.41 17,478.11 19,438.25 35,174.33 41,375.46 213,076 Pulp-Paper Machines(May 2015-April 20161 0 0 Tons Manufactured-Total 0 Units 44,966 70,803 70,779 67,485 63,410 68,744 66,967 65,905 25,869 23,320 40,138 47,890 656,276 Unbleached Pine ADT 24,941.58 39,772.92 39,611.64 36,713.14 36,942.77 37,803.33 37,898.85 38,781.14 18,419.40 22,125.34 38,756.23 29,936.75 401,703 Unbleached Hardwood-Batch ADT 245.00 67.00 19.00 23.00 391.00 43.00 30.00 30.00 16.00 376.00 8.00 360.00 1,608 Unbleached Hardwood-Kamyr ADT 19,779.00 30,963.00 31,148.00 30,749.00 26,076.00 30,898.00 29,038.00 27,094.00 7,434.00 819.00 1,374.00 17,593.00 252,965 0 Tons Manufactured-Total 44,980.00 68,875.00 68,909.00 66,289.00 66,471.00 67,581.00 66,718.00 63,873.00 25,651.00 20,006.02 35,100.00 27,265.00 621,718 Bleached Pine ADT 22,803.00 36,169.00 36,102.00 33,615.00 33,657.00 34,329.00 34,765.00 35,121.00 17,046.00 20,006.02 35,100.00 27,265.00 365,978 Bleached Hardwood ADT 22,177.00 32,706.00 32,807.00 32,674.00 32,814.00 33,252.00 31,953.00 28,752.00 8,605.00 - - - 255,740 Note:After the 2016 conversion,IP-Riegelwood will only be producing pulp from softwood(pine)and Paper Machine 15 will no longer be in service. p Production Stats-Paper Machines(2013-20151 Bleached Board=Paper Machine 15 Bristols=Paper Machine 18 Pulp=Pulp Dryer 2013 2014 2015 Units Finished Tons Manufactured-Total Al Tons 808,042 808,815 773,180 Bleached Board Al Tons 207,795 199,762 215,057 Bristols Al Tons 186,296 184,919 150,833 Pulp Al Tons 413,951 424,134 407,291 Production Stats-Pub)(2008-20101 2013 2014 2015 Tons Manufactured-Total Units 831,920 828,412 795,858 Unbleached Pine ADT 455,825 459,385 444,323 Unbleached Hardwood-Batch ADT 6,544 5,592 7,312 Unbleached Hardwood-Kamyr ADT 369,551 363,435 344,223 Tons Manufactured-Total 793,635 795,265 771,978 Bleached Pine ADT 414,114 418,626 404,805 Bleached Hardwood ADT 379,521 376,639 367,173 Note:After the 2016 conversion, IP-Riegelwood will only be producing pulp from softwood(pine)and Paper Machine 15 will no longer be in service. w r ATTACHMENTS FIGURES S/GrouparlromninteastewaterAWDE AvarrouoMPOESvermwr Renewal Coverum.assm6.ax i Mitchell Landing Q' � Ou/,� CG�+40 C. ♦ �. .Ga♦e� Co - Oo J Pndgeons Landing - fD�--_r`~ • j �a a of DZL o D n Itt and � - 0 0 Q� C'4f rni• z+ CORel-p HC 1819 - N1t;1�� � R cP O 87 I.ivAlystun Cr ; NC0003298 - IntemationaL Paper Company Latitude (out(6R 000: 34. 21' Hr Latitude (Outfall 002): 3.1. 21' Sl" Lonotude (Outfall 001): 78. 1r 10" hncitude (Outfall 002): 78• 12' 70' USGS Qund: Acme, N.C. Stream Clean: CSwamp, PNA-HQW Remotion Stream: Cape Pear River Sub-Bnnim 03.00-17 Facility Location a� Riegelwood Mill Columbus County NCQ �N 19� Mao O rri N 0£r T9"II IH I tzi J m r i w C p )R ■ mVER , , 00. � 0 m q q� �} K | . , .. A 0 ! �& | IPA M� A.°- � 2 ;-- �� ®-- 2§ /■� ' q#| As® - - . >& �so'o -- :;� \ ) 0� % } 0 ! , ! � 2 � « § 1 | , - i • ATTACHMENT C SLUDGE MANAGEMENT PLAN NARRATIVE Sludge from the two primary clarifiers may be muted to either(1)sludge presses for mechanical dewatering or(2)one of three sludge dewatering ponds for settling(Ponds A,B,or C). Dewatered sludge from the sludge presses is routed to the power boilers for use as fuel. Primary sludge removed from the sludge ponds is typically landfilled in IP-Riegelwood's on- site landfill. The mill also has the option to land apply primary clarifier solids,per Land Application Permit WQ0015180 and its land management application plan(Wood Ash, Green Liquor Dregs, Slaker Grits,and Primary Clarifier Solids Soil Additive Program,International Paper, Riegelwood,NC,February 1998). However,IP-Riegelwood has not performed any land application during this permit term and has instead elected to manage the primary clarifier sludge in its on-site landfill or as boiler fuel. Effluent from the New Bay flows into a small settling pond of approximately 8 acres via a spillway,identified by the mill as the Theodorakis Settling Pond. Secondary sludge from the New Bay and the Theodorakis settling pond is dredged periodically and placed in any of the sludge dewatering ponds(Ponds A,B,C, 1,2,or 3). After removal from the sludge dewatering pond(s),secondary sludge is placed in IP-Riegelwood's on-site landfill. The mill does not maintain a formal sludge management plan for its on-site sludge management activities. 146 L744 4 // Floyd Whitmire,Mill Manager Date S:/Groups/Environmental/Wastewater/NPDES Permit/2016 App&ationiNPDES Permit Renewal Cover Letter 053016.doc