HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-2519CA_B-5516_4B Meeting Minutes-FinalTO: FROM: DATE: Paul Atkinson, PE NCDOT Hydraulics Unit James R. Rice, PE December 21, 2016 SUBJECT: STIP U-2519CAB-5516 Fayetteville Outer Loop Cumberland County, North Carolina Future I-295 from south of US 401 to south of SR 1400 (Cliffdale Road); and Replacement of Bridge No. 14 on SR 3569 (Raeford Road) over Bones Creek (Lake Rim Runof� Meeting Date: December 14, 2416 Merger Team Attendees: Travis Wilson Gary Jordan Dr. Cynthia Van Der Wiele Liz Hair Joanne Steenhuis Ron Lucas 4B Meeting Minutes NC Wildlife Resources Commission US Fish and Wildlife Service US Environmental Protection Agency (via phone) US Army Corps of Engineers (via phone) NC Department of Environmental Quality FHWA (absent) Support Staff and Meeting Attendees: Brook Anderson NCDOT-Hydraulics Paul Atkinson NCDOT-Hydraulics Mark Staley NCDOT-REU Jim Rerko NCDOT- Division 6 Division Environmental Officer Tyler Stanton NCDOT- Natural Environmental Section Michael Penney NCDOT-Design Build Michael Taylor Barnhill Contracting Sara Easterly HDR Eric Reardon HDR Josh Massrock HDR James Rice HDR Paul Meehan HDR Brian Watson HDR Phillip Rogers HDR The meeting was opened with introductions and the following agenda items were discussed with James Rice facilitating the 4B merger meeting. The PDF drawings were projected on the screen and the following agenda items were presented to all in attendance. The italicized text indicates notes from the meeting discussion. U-2519CAB-5516 4B Meeting December 14, 2016 Page 2 General Introductions and sign-in sheet Future I-295- Fayetteville Outer Loop from South of US 401 to South of SR 1400 (Cliffdale Rd). Approx. 3.2 miles of a four lane divided highway in new location. 1 majar interchange: US 401/ I-295. 3 proposed bridges: I-295 over Little Rockfish Creek, I-295 over Bones Creek, and I-295 over Tributary to Lake Rim Bridge replacement: Bridge 14 on SR 3569 over Bones Creek (B-5516 project) Culvert Extension: Extending Triple 10' x 10' RCBC under US 401 for Bones Creek Due to anticipated development around the project corridor drainage systems have been sized using urban discharge methods. PSH 4 No impacts to jurisdictional features o Proposed location of Dry Detention Basin #1 ■ Received boring logs and water table was found to be approx. 2' below ground elevation. DDB requirement not met. PSH 5 Jurisdictional stream — Little Rockfish Creek o Bridge over Little Rockfish Creek ■ Temporary work bridge being used for construction method ■ 6" Vertical Deck drains over wetlands (No drains over open water or bridge abutments) Wetland (Z7) o Bridge and roadway impacts ■ 3:1 side slopes w/ guardrail used to minimize impacts ■ Minimum 15' offset from wetland boundary to toe of slope o Proposed location of Dry Detention Basin #2 ■ Consider taking outlet ditch all the way to Little Rock Fish Creek ■ Received boring logs and water table was found to be approx. 2' below ground elevation. DDB requirement not met. o Impacts due to 36" steel encasement for sanitary sewer line James Rice mentioned that all of the dry detention basins had high ground water present based on recent geotechnical investigations and other alternatives would be explored for these outfalls. It was also mentioned that due to the wetland boundary elevation at the south east side of bridge site 1; the DB Team would prefer to ditch to the stream bank rather than stopping at the wetland boundary to minimize future ditch or wetland instability and erosion. There was also discussion that the steep topography could result in channels being lined with rip rap in the wetlands; the DB Team will try to minimize the use of rip rap lined ditches in the wetlands without jeopardizing channel stability. U-2519CAB-5516 4B Meeting December 14, 2016 Page 3 The question was asked if the team could relocate the ditch to a small swale. The team will visit the site to see if the existing swale can be located in the field and check for stability. PSH 6 Jurisdictional stream — Bones Creek o Bridge over Bones Creek and Wetland Z6 ■ Temporary work bridge being used for construction method ■ 6" Vertical Deck drains over wetlands (No drains over open water, railroad RW, or bridge abutments) ■ Raised footings at specific bents in wetland areas No questions or comments on this page. PSH 7 Jurisdictional stream — Bones Creek o Bridge over Bones Creek and Wetland Z6 ■ Temporary wark bridge being used for construction method ■ 6" Vertical Deck drains over wetlands (No drains over open water or bridge abutments) ■ Special foundation design to eliminate footings in the stream Proposing "Hammerhead" bent design at select locations near Bones Creek to avoid additional Stream Impacts Wetland (Z6) o Proposed location of Dry Detention Basin #3 ■ Received boring logs and water table was found to be approx. 2' below ground elevation. DDB requirement not met. o Raised footings at select locations over wetlands o Roadway Fill- 3:1 slopes and guardrail being proposed ■ Bridge abutment slope = 1.5:1 and is armored to the 2.75:1 0 30" Sewer Relocation- Open cut through wetland o Energy Dissipator Basin @ outlet of 48" RCP o Area being excavated for Bones Creek CLOMR The question was asked if the DB Team had the work bridge layout. Preliminary work bridge sketches were shown to the attendees. The bridge layout will be finalized for the 4C meeting. The topic of clearance between the wetland surface and the bottom of the raised footings was discussed. The Team brought up the benefits of having the footing as low to the wetland surface as possible without having to excavate. It was also mentioned that the exposed H pile foundation raises concerns of blockage and scour therefore the lower the footing to the ground the better. The Team will see if there is any guidance on minimum clearances for the footings. Travis Wilson asked if the Team had enough ROW to tie excavated area back within limits shown on plans. The Team is able to acquire additional easement to tie excavation back using 3:1 slopes; this easement (if needed) will be added to plans. U-2519CAB-5516 4B Meeting December 14, 2016 Page 4 PSH 8 Jurisdictional Stream — UT to Bones Creek o Bridge over UT to Bones Creek and Wetland ZS ■ 6" Vertical Deck drains over wetlands ■ Minimum 15' offset from wetland boundary to toe of slope o Future Greenway (Const. by Others) adjacent to south bridge abutment ■ 15' Wide located adjacent to abutment ■ 5' offset from wetland boundary Wetlands (ZS) o Bridge bent impacts o RR pad from 42" RCP under greenway ■ Cannot discharge outside the wetland o RR pad from 24" RCP ■ Need to discharge at bottom of slope (inside wetland) for stability No questions or comments on this page. PSH 9 Jurisdictional stream — UT to Bones Creek o JS line was extended beyond RW limits. Provided WET file shows it stopping inside wetland boundary ■ 60" RCP-IV Buried 1' o Roadway fill in Wetland Z4 It was stated that the .7S line depicted on the 4B plans was extended beyond the limits shown in the WET file by the DB Team under the assumption the JS line continued through the project limits. The topic of extending the .7S beyond the ROW limits was discussed and it was decided that the JS likely dissipates before the ROW limit as shown by the provided wetland file. The Team will utilize the .IS line in the WET file for this crossing. UPDATE: Tyler Stanton looked into the .7S line break for this site and concluded that it was likely a terrain break exists severing the .IS connection and that more than likely the channel goes underground at the wetland boundary as depicted in the WET file. PSH 10 No impacts to jurisdictional features No questions or comments on this page. PSH 11 Jurisdictional stream — UT to Bones Creek 0 66" RCP-N Buried 1' U-2519CAB-5516 4B Meeting December 14, 2016 Page 5 o JS stream and wetland boundary are conflicting Travis Wilson inquired about the need to place rip rap at the pipe outlet since the Team is calling for the pipe to be buried. James indicated that the plans are showing the rip rap in the channel to prevent scour in the stream since these are larger pipes that convey large flows through the project and that the rip rap would be placed flush with the natural stream bed. The Team was asked to provide a detail; this will be included in the 4C concurrence meeting plans for the project. UPDATE: TyleY Stanton followed up with the design-build team that based on his information, the jurisdictional stream line was an error and it should just be a wetland boundary line, since the site is no longer a.7S the DB Team will not propose to bury the pipe. The design-build team will work with NCDOT to get the files updated accordingly. PSH 12 No impacts to jurisdictional features No questions or comments on this page. PSH 13 Jurisdictional stream — UT to Bones Creek 0 54" RCP III Buried 1' o Bank Stabilization on streams banks to stabilize 2' Base Lateral Ditch confluence Wetland Z2 — 71+80 LT o Roadway fill James pointed out that this was another case on the project where the JS stopped just beyond the fill lirnit. UPDATE.• Tyler Stanton suggested using what is being shown in the final survey since this is still the active JD. PSH 14 No impacts to jurisdictional features No questions or comments on this page. PSH 15 Wetland Zl o Roadway Fill 0 4' Base Special Cut Ditch 90+'75 —SR1- LT widened to 10' base to reduce velocity before entering wetland Tie in to U-2519CB Project-Paving only beyond Sta. 745+08.65 —L- U-2519CAB-5516 4B Meeting December 14, 2016 Page 6 No questions or comments on this page. PSH 16 (U-2519CB Proiect) No impacts to jurisdictional features Paving only No questions or comments on this page. PSH 17 Bones Creek o Triple 10' x 10' Culvert extension Wetland Z6 o Roadway Fill and Proposed Lateral Ditch Impact ■ Replacing existing ditch Liz asked the DB Team to explore other options besides ditching through wetlands for the lateral ditch on the south side of US 401; if ditching through the wetlands is unavoidable than the DB Team will explain this in the SMP. James indicated that the team is proposing to relocate the existing ditch due to the roadway widening and the existing ditch flows to the stream bank. The pNoposed ditch is located in steep terrain and requires rip rap to stabilize the ditch based on velocity calculations. The team has flattened the last section of the ditch to eliminate the need for rip rap in the wetland and reduce velocities. An additional benefit for ditching to the stream is to reduce the concern that the steep terrain would cause unintended erosion of the wetland if the ditch stopped at the wetland boundary. PSH 18 No impacts to jurisdictional features No questions or comments on this page. PSH 19 (U-2519CB Proiect) No impacts to jurisdictional features Paving only No questions or comments on this page. PSH 20 (U-2519CB Proiect) No impacts to jurisdictional features Paving only No questions or comments on this page. PSH 4 (B-5516 Proiect) Bridge 14 Replacement over Bones Creek U-2519CAB-5516 4B Meeting December 14, 2016 Page 7 No impacts to jurisdictional features No questions or comments on this page. Design Considerations/ Additional Information CA fence limits to address roadway comments o Clearing and installation impacts for installing fence parallel along mainline through wetlands form beginning of project to US 401 and I-295 interchange. Borrow pit investigations to begin in January A discussion was opened up about addressing the roadway comment involving running CA fence parallel to bridge crossings. It was mentioned by the attendees that standard practice was to tie the CA fence to the bridge abutments to avoid additional environmental impacts, blockage of wildlife passage, and issues with debris blockage in the floodplain. Everyone in attendance unaniinously agreed that the CA fence should be tied into the bridge abutments. The DB Team was asked if we had identified potential borrow area and how far away the pits are from the project. The Team stated that the likely borNow location is directly adjacent to the project and identified this area on plan sheets S and 6. 4C will tentatively be held in February of 2017 **ACTON ITEM: James Rice asked that all parties investigate the required minimum clearance between the bottom of the raised footings and the wetland surface. The current minimum clearance is 3 feet, but the team would like to investigate constructing footings outside the standing wate� flush with the existing ground to limit floodplain impacts due to the footings. If anyone has any objections, please comment on the minutes. After minutes are finalized, the team will begin investigations on clearances for each individual footing based on field conditions. A summary of footings and clearances will be presented at 4C.