HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0002828_Standards Form 1990_20100524SOXeli CAROLIr1A DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES XiD COMMU►VITY DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION FOR AGENCY USE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTkM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER:: STANDARD FORM A — MUNICIPAL sje2N'O-6 SECTION L APPLICANT AND FACILITY DESCRIPTION _ Unless otherwise specified on this form all items are to be completed. It an Item Is not applicable Indicate *NA.' �6 ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELECTED ITEMS APPEAR IN SEPARATE INSTRUCTION 130OKLET AS INDICATED. REFER TO BOOKLET BEFORE FILLING OUT THESE ITEMS. t. Legal Name of Applicant - (see Instructions) 2. Malting Address of Applicant (see Instructions) Number 3 Street Ctty State Zip Code 3. Applicant's Authorized Agent (see instructions) Name and Title Number 6 Street City State Zip Code Telephone 4. Previous Application If a previous application for a per- mit under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System has been made. give the date of application. 101 102s 103b 1020 102d 1039 103b 103C 103d 103e 103f 104 Please Print or Type Zarn, Inc. Northeast Market Street Ext. 1001 Reidsville NC 27320 Hydro Management Services , Inc. 2419 Lewisville-Clemmons Road Clemmons NC 27012 X s. t:a,r. .-. A has. � � • � j 919 766-0270�� , Area Number Code IN i YR MO DAY b ti 1 I certify that I am familiar with the Information contained In this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such Information is true, complete, and accurate. wI • n Printed Name of Person Slim Title :I ggo- 12- 05 102t YR MO DAY Signature of Applicant or ALWhiirlzed Agent Date Application Signed North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(b)(2).provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies,, -tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty or a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18'U.S.C- Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine or not more than $10,000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense.) • 6 ' FOR AGENCY UiE 5. Facility (see Instructions) Give the name. ownership. and physi- cal location of the plant or other - operating facility where discharge(s) presently occur(s) or will occur.?. Zarn, Inc. Names x" e4• .<Y. Northeast Market Street Ext. 1001 ' Reidsville, NC 27320 Ownership (Public, Private or Both Public and Private). Orb_: ❑ PUB XZPRV ❑ 8PP Check block If a Federal facility af0 ❑ FED and give GSA Inventory Control , Number Location: Number i Street w! -- same as above City ; R:: - County State 6. Discharge to Another Municipal P. Facility (see Instructions) a. Indicate If part of your discharge `ii}fi;,` ❑ Yes XM No Is into a municipal waste trans- 7.:.'.: Port system under another re. sponsible organization. If yes, complete the rest of this Item - and continue with Item 7. It no. <• ; < go directly to Item 7. 0. Responsible Organization Receiving Discharge '1Qib N/A Name Number a Street 10iC City g0� State 1pM Zip Code IOU C. Facility Which Receives Discharge IQ"-. Give the name of the facility (waste treatment plant' which re- ceives and Is ultimately respon- sible for treatment of the discharge from your facility. d. Average Daily Flow to Facility (mod) Give your average dally flow Into the receiving facility. 7. Facility Discharges. Number and Discharge Volume (see Instructions) Specify the number of discharges described In this application and the volume of water discharged or lost to each of the categories below. Estimate average volume per day In million gallons per day. Do not In. dude Intermittent or noncontlnuous. overflows, bypasses or seasonal dls• charges from lagoons, holding Ponds, etc. N/A N/A mod To: Surface Water Surface Impoundment with no Effluent Underground Percolation well (Injection) Other Total Item 7 If 'other' Is specified, describe If any of the discharges from this facility are Intermittent. such as from overflow or bypass points, or are seasonal or periodic from lagoons, holding ponds,'etc., complete Item 8. 8. Intermittent Discharges a. Facility bypass points Indicate the number of bypass points for the facility that are discharge points.(see Instructions) b. Facility Overflow Points Indicate the number of overflow points to a surface water for the facility (see Instructions). c. Seasonal or Periodic Discharge Points Indicate the number of points where seasonal discharges occur from holding ponds. lagoons, etc. 9. Collection System Type Indicate the type and length (In miles) of the collection system used by this facility. (see instructions) Separate Storm Separate Sanitary Combined Sanitary and Storm Both Separate Sanitary and Combined Sewer Systems Both Separate Storm aw: Combined Sewer Systems Length 10. Municipalities or Areas Served (see Instructions) Total Population Served FOR AGENCY USE u `Q Number of Total Volume Discharged, Discharge Points Million Gallons Per Day 107a1 .07r�; y_ �x a w.• t pTt i . i0#tx' 1 QT1s1: 1t?fa ❑ SST ❑ SAN ❑ CSS ❑ 8SC 1�b' :@jSC < 1 miles Actual Population ' Name Served • :mac, �,;,� R$k(. tit3s; .i�Qp:.. 1 lei I-3 FOR AGENCY USE .002 (002) 11. Average Daily Industrial Flow 0053 (04W Total estimated average daily waste flow from all Industrial sources.1W Note: All major industries (as defined In Section IV) discharging to the municipal system must be listed In Section IV. 12. Permits, Licenses and Applications List all existing, pending or denied permits, licenses and applications related to discharges from this facility.(s" Instructions) 2. 3. For Type of Permit Date Date Date Expiration Issuing Agency Agency Use or Ucense 10 Number Filed Issued Denied Oats YR/MO/DA' Y R/M I A YR/MQ/DA Yk/M0/DA 31, NCDNRCD gp� g"X AIX IR', A NC0002828 7-31-91 R 4�M 13- Maps and Drawings Attach all required maps and drawings to the back of this application. (s" Instructions) 14. Additional Information r STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL FORAGE CY USE SECTION U. BASIC DISCHARGE DESCRIPTION , Complete this section for each present or proposed dischargeIndicated in Section 1. Items 7 and i, that Is to surface waters. This Includes discharges to other municipal sewerage systems In which the waste water does not go through a treatment works prior to being dischargeei to surface waters. Discharges to wells must be described where there are also dlsCharglls to surface waters from this facility. Separate descriptions of each discharge are required even If several discharges originate In the same facility. All values for an existing discharge should be representative of the twelve previous months of operation. If this Is a proposed discharge, values should reflect best engineering estimates. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELECTED ITEMS APPEAR IN SEPARATE INSTRUCTION BOOKLET AS INDICATED. REFER TO BOOKLET BEFORE FILLING OUT THESE ITEMS. 1. Discharge Serial No. and Name 001 a. Discharge Serial No. s01�.; 002 (see Instructions) , b. Discharge Nam. :oib' Zarn, Inc. Give name of discharge. If any (see Instructions) 88 7 c. Previous Discharge Serial No 2014. If a previous NPOES permit application was made for this dis- charge (Item 4. Section 1) provide Previous discharge serial number. 2. Discharge Operating Dates N/A a. Discharge to Begin Date 20,. If the discharge has never YR MO occurred but Is planned for some future date, give the date the discharge will begin. b. Discharge to End Date If the dis• t 202b N/A charge Is scheduled to be dlscon- YR MO tinued within the next 5 years. give the date (within best estimate) the discharge will end. Give rea- son for discontinuing this discharge In Item 17. 3. Discharge Location Name the Political boundaries within which Agency the point of discharge Is located: North Carolina State------- :V Rockingham :?f• County 36 (if applicable) City or Town 1030 Reidsville 4. Discharge Point Description (see Instructions) Discharge Is Into (check one) Stream (Includes ditches. arroyos. and other watercourses) Estuary Lake Ocean Well (Injection) Other If 'other* is checked, specify type S. Discharge Point — Lat/Long.. State the precise location of the Point of discharge to the nearest second. (see Instructions) Latitude Longitude 2041a 1 Y4STR Q EST o •' ❑ LKE ❑ OCE O WEL ❑ OTH ;Oat Soil 36 b DEG. 45 MIN. 10 SEC 7900EG. 30 . MIN. 15 SEC 11-1 1This section contains 8 pages. DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER FOR AGENCY USE S. Discharge Receiving water Name Unnamed tributary to Lick Fork Creek. Roanoke Name the waterway at the point of .00 .•. . dlschar".(see instructions) River Basin If the discharge Is through an Out- ZBED fall that extends beyond the shoreline Or Is below the mean low water line, complete Item 7. 7. Offshore Discharge For Agency Usi 1�or 4 For Agency Use 303e x a. Discharge Distance from+ Shore EaTi '' N/A feet b. Discharge Depth Below Water N/A Surface j@Tj1 feet If discharge is from a bypass or an overflow point or Is a seasonal discharge from a lagoon, holding pond, etc., complete Items •, 9 or 10, a$ applicable, and continue with Item 11. a• Bypass Discharge (see Instructions) a. Bypass Occurrence Check when bypass Occurs , Wet weather so:at ❑ Yes NXNo Dry weather a8til.; ❑ Yes' by -No b. Bypass Frequency Give the actual or approximate number Of bypass Incidents per year. •- Wet Weather .=0arp 0 timer per year :. Dry weather)' 0 times per year C. Bypass Duration Give the average bypass duration In hours. y` Wet weather r�'M`a�.: 0 hours Dry Weather ,. hours d. Bypass Volume Give the average volume per bypass Incident, In thousand gallons. Wet weather =awl.. 0 thousand gallons per Incident Dry weather ?� thousand gallons per incident e. Bypass Reasons Give reasons N/A why bypass occur." , Proceed to Item 11. 9. Overflow Discharge (see Instructions) a. Overflow Occurrence Check when Overflow occurs. Wet weather Dry weather b. Overflow Frequency Give the actual Or approximate Incidents per year. Wet weather Dry weather ❑ Yes V&o ❑ Yes XM No —_.times per year 0 times per year II.2 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER FOR AO<NCY Ulm c. Overflow Duration Give the average overflow duration In hours. Wet weather =p>qj hours Dry weather: Hours d. Overflow -Volume Give the average volume per overflow Incident In thousand gallons. Wet weather Qs 0 thousand gallons per Incident 0 Dry weather thousand gallons per Incident Proceed to Item 11.1'.r ..� 10. Sessonal/Periodic Discharges <rstiy a. Seasonal/Perlodic Discharge Frequency It discharge Is Inter- `r , `; 441 :.i N/A times per year mittent from a holding pond, 'V" lagoon, etc., give the actual or xl:s approximate number of times this discharge occurs per year, b. Seasonal/Periodic Discharge N�A Volume Give the average :.? thousand gallons per discharge occurrence volume per discharge occurrence In thousand gallons. c. Seasonal/Periodic Discharge N/A Duration Give the average dura- '';p;: days tlon of each discharge occurrence y{K: In days. d. Seasonal/Periodic Discharge Occurrence —Months Check the +' ❑JAN FE8 MAR ❑ ❑ months during the year when fx?�`A> the discharge normally occurs. y�s,� ❑AP•R ❑ MAY ❑JUN A.4 . -;" ❑ OCT ❑ NOV ❑ DEC 11. Discharge Treatment � �x a. Discharge Treatment Description > Describe waste abatement prac- tices used on this discharge with a brief narrative. (See Instruc- tions) Flow enters plant through a splitter box. Part of the flow enters an aerated surge basin, while the remainder is screened by a manual bar rack and enters the activated sludge basin. The flow then goes through a rectangular clarifier with return sludge capabilities. The flow is then 1. measured and disinfected in a.chlorine contact chamber. U-3 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER b. Discharge Treatment Code: <. JS, S, AS,• N, P(PH) Using the Codes listed In Table 1 111:¢ of the Initructlon Booklet. describe the waste abatement " processes applied to this dis- charge in the Order in which they occur, If possible. Separate all codes with Commas except where slashes are used »' to designate parallel operations. If this discharge Is from a municipal waste , ,9 treatment plant (not an overflow or bypass), Complete Items 12 and 13 12. Plant Design and Operation Manuals 41-- Check which of the following are Currently available a. Engineering Design Report ::;j::: ❑ b. Operation and Maintenance Manual ai13 13. Plant Design Data (see instructions) •' 'K..ti • a. Plant Design Flow ( mod.) :� .: �F .005 mgd b Plant Design 800 Removal (%) 85 % c. Plant Design N Removal (%) N/A % d. Plant Design P Removal (%) 213 N/A % e. Plant Design SS Removal i011 • N/A % f. Plant Began Operation (year) _.in -N/A g. Plant Last Major Revision (year) N A FOR AGENCY USE DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 14. Description of Influent and Effluent (see instructions) kn R AGENCY US:. Influent Effluent Parameter and Code o c -4 o 0 <> <> z< $• E E S< rar< z� y (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Flow Million gallons per day 365 days 50050 . .0043 .002 .008 per year - I i pH ! Units 00400 Temperature (winter) l * F 270 days 74028 12.3 12.1 10.4 16.0 per year - G I Temperature (summer) a 74027 21.2 22.3 16.1 26.1 " " - G Fecal Streptococci Bacteria Number/100 ml 74054 xx •. (Provide if available) Fecal Coliform Bacteria Number/100 ml 74055xxx (Provide if available) 26 (2)month 24 G Total Coliform Bacteria Number/100 nd 74056 xxx (Provide if available) BOD 5-day mg/1 00310 3.41 1 • 7 (2)month 24 C Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/1 00340 (Provide if available) OR Total Organic Carbon (TOC) ' mg/ 1 00680 (Provide if available) (Either analysis is acceptable) Chlorine —Total Residual mg/) 50060 II-5 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 001 14. Description of Influent and Effluent (spa Instructions) (Continued) FOR AGENCY USED '.i Influent Effluent 7 o xx Parameter and Code '3 a � = �< w< z< ti (l) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) Total Solids mg/l 00500 Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 70300 Total Suspended Solids mg/l 00530 10.4 3 24 (2)month 24 -C Settleable Matter (Residue) ml/1 . 00545 Ammonia (as N) mg/l 00610 (Provide if available) 21 1 4 (2)month 24 C Kjeldahl Nitrogen mg/l 00625 (Provide if available) 4.9 2 18.5 (2) month 24 C Nitrate (as N) mg/l 00620 (rrovido if available) Nitrite (as N) mg/l 00615 " (Provide if available) Phosphorus Total (as P) mg/l 00665 (Provide if available) Dissolved Oxygen (DO) mg/l 00300 -five da 6.4 � .6.2. 6.6 Per week] 270 G 11-6 01 SCHARGi SERIAL NUMBER /OR AGENCY USE 001 16. Additional Wastewater Characteristics Check the box next to each parameter If It Is present In the effluent. (see Instructions) Parameter Parameter C Parameter WE (215) (215) b. (215) V _ a a a. Bromide Cobalt Thallium 71870 01037 01059 Chloride Chromium Titanium 00940 01034 01152 Cyanide Copper Tin 00720 01042 01102 Fluoride Iron Zinc 00951 01045 01092 Sulfide Lead Algicides• 00745 01051 74051 Aluminum Manganese Chlorinated organic compounds* 01105 01055 74052 Antimony Mercury Oil•and grease 01097 71900 00550 Arsenic Molybdenum Pesticides* 01002 01062 74053 Beryllium Nickel Phenols 01012 01067 32730 Barium Selenium Surfactants 01007 01147 38260 Boron Silver Radioactivity* i 01022 01077 -74050 Cadmium ' i 01027 • Provide specific compound and/or element in item 17, if known. Pesticides (Insecticides, fungicides, and rodenticides) must be reported in terms olt the acceptable common names specified in Acceptable Com- mon Names and aem Led Names for the Insredient Statement on Pesticide Labels, 2nd Edition, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 20250, June 1972. as required by Subsection 162.7(b) of the Regulations for the Enforcement of the Federal Insecticide. Fungicide. and Rodenticide Act. II-7 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 14. Description of Influent and Effluent (s" instructions) FOR AGENCY USE Influent Influent Effluent Parameter and Code o c > c o a2 X M l C e <> 1'aP <> s< _< g �c �.< Z< E N (1) (2) (3) (4) (S) (6) (7) Flow Million gallons per day 365 day 50050 .002 .001 .009 per yea - - i 1 pH I Units 270 days 00400 6.5 7.0 per year - G ' Temperature (winter) ,F 270 day l 74028 11.25 6 20 per yea - G I Temperature (summer) OF 270 day 74027 19.2 16 24 per year - G Fecal Streptococci Bacteria Number/100 ml I 740S4 (Provide if available) Fecal Coliform Bacteria Number/100 ml , 74055 X.XX (Provide if available) Total Coliform Bacteria Number/100 ml 74056 XXX (Provide if available) BOD 5-day mg/1 00310 Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/1 00340 (Provide if available) OR Total Organic Carbon (TOC) ' mg/1 00680 (Provide if available) , (Either analysis is acceptable) Chlorine —Total Residual mg/I 50060 11-5 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER • 002 14. Description of Influent and Effluent (see Instructions) (Continued) FOR AGENCY USE Influent Effluent Parameter and Code V > c V c < < > V M Z! (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Total Solids mg/l 00500 Total Dissolved Solids mg/l 70300 Total Suspended Solids mg/l 00530 - Settleable Matter (Residue) Mill 00545 Ammonia (as N) mg/l 00610 (Provide if available) i(ieldahl Nitrogen mg/l 00625 (Provide if available) Nitrate (as N) mg/l 00620 (Provide if available) Nitrite (as N) mg/1 ' 00615 " (Provide if available) ' Phosphorus Total (as P) mg/l 00665 (Provide if available) Dissolved Oxygen (DO) mg/1 00300 , 11-6 DISCHARGE SERIAL NUMBER 002 FOR AGENCY USE a` r3 w 16. Additional Wastewater Characteristics Check the box next to each parameter It It is present In the affluent. (see Instructions) Parameter Parameter Parameter (215) _ (215) (215) u Bromide Cobalt Thallium 71870 01037 01059 Chloride Chromium Titanium 00940 01034 01152 Cyanide Copper Tin 00720 01042 01102 Fluoride Iron Zinc 00951 01045 01092 Sulfide Lead Algicides' .00745 01051 74051 Aluminum Manganese Chlorinated organic compounds' 01105 01055 74052 Antimony Mercury Oil and grease 01097 71900 00550 Arsenic Molybdenum Pesticides* 01002 01062 74053 Beryllium Nickel Phenols 01012 01067 32730 Barium Selenium Surfactants 01007 01147 38260 Boron Silver Radioactivity' 01022 01077 -74050 Cadmium 01027 • Provide specific compound and/or element in Item 17, if known: Pesticides (Insecticides, fungicides, and rodenticides) must be reported in terms of the acceptable common names specifled In Acceptable Cons- rnon Names and Chemical Names for the Ingredient Statement on Pesticide Label; 2nd Edition, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 20250, June 1972, as required by Subsection 162.7(b) of the Regulations for the Enforcement of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. II.7 DIACHARdE SERIAL NUMBER 19. Plant Controls Check If the follow- Ing Plant controls are available for this discharge Alternate power source for major pumping facility Including those for Collection system lift stations t [3 APS Alarm for power or equlpnwnt failure 0 ALM 17. Additional Information jc•' Item ME Number Information FOR AGENCV 4.05 A H-., -.J .9u. LGOVERNMENT PAINTING Or'ricr. *73n-sos.47a • IrOR AGENCY US[ STANDARD FORM A —MUNICIPAL SECTION IM SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS AND SCHEDULES OF IMPLEMENTATION This section requires Information on any uncompleted Implementation schedule which has been Imposed for construction of waste treatment facilities. Requirement schedules may have been established by local, Stste.or Federal agencies or by court action. IF YOU ARE SUBJECT TO SEVERAL DIFFERENT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULES. EITHER BECAUSE OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF AUTHORITY IMPOSING DIFFERENT SCHEDULES (ITEM 1b) AND/OR STAGED CONSTRUCTION OF SEPARATE OPERATIONAL UNITS (ITEM 1c), SUBMIT A SEPARATE SECTION III FOR EACH ONE. S I. Improvements Required FOR AGENCY USE a. Discharge Serial Numbest xa` "WSJ. a r?nl��� r: ,�r...eut: x . .a,.. •. Affected List the discharge serial numbers, assigned In Sec- tion 11. that are covered by this implementation schedule '> ' 0. Authority Imposing .Requirement Check the appropriate Item Indl- cating the authority for the Im- Ks ' '' 4 plementatlon schedule. If the ?:Z Identical Implementation ached. . ;�- ule has been ordered by more z than one authority, check the ^a` appropriate Items. (see in. ti'p structions)'^ saav; O LOC Locally developed plan ....,q . ❑ ARE Arsawlds Plan0 BAS Basin Plan <' State approved ImpNmentatlon ❑ SQS schedule Federal approved water quality ~' K , .... ' O was standards Implementation plan Federal enforcement procedure ENF or action A«'^<•:c<>`: Y.;. 0 CRT State court order FED �..:. Federal court order . e. Improvement Description Specify the 3-character code for the General Action De'scrlptlon In Table 11 that best describes the Improvements required by the Implementation schedule. It more than one schedule applies to the faclllty because of a staged con- struction schedule, state the Stigs of constructlon.being described here with the appropriate general action code. subrnk a separate Section II I for each stage of construction planned. Also, list all the 3-character (Specific Action) codes which desCflbe In -more detail the pollution abatement practices that the Implementation schedule requires. 3-Character general action •�='. descriptionQ' 3-character specific action descriptions 2. Implementation Schedule and 3. Actual Completion Dates Provide dates imposed by schedule and any actual dates of completion for Implementation stsps . listed below. Indicate dates as accurately as possibli. (see Instructions) ' Implemsntatlon Steps 2. Schedule (Yr /Mo /Day) 3. Actual Completion (Yr /Mo /Day) a. Preliminary plan complete 3D;t b. Final plan complete 392b c. Financing complete i contract awarded =<: w y . d. Site acquiredOZd. s. Begin constructions f. End construction 3C / / /-/ i?1 g. Begin Discharge h. Operational level attained This section contains 1 page. III-1 G•o a65.707 FOR AGENCY USE1 STANDARD FORM A -MUNICIPAL ~ SECTION Iff INDUSTRIAL WASTE CONTRIBUTION TO MUNICIPAL SYSTEM Submit a description of each major industrial facility discharging to the municipal system, using a separate Section IV for each facility descrip• tion. indicate the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code for the Industry, the major product or raw material. the flow (in thtxc- sand gallons per day). and the characteristics of the wastewater discharged from the Industrial facility Into the municipal system. Consult :able I I I for standard measures of products or raw materials. (see Instructions) 1• Major Contributing Facility (see Instructions) Name 401 a Numbers. Street 401b City 4014 County 401 d State 401 • Zip Code 401 f 2. Primary Standard Industrial 402 Classification Code (see Instructions) Units (See 3. Principal Product or Raw Quantity Table 11! Material (see Instructions) Product 402a yam'_:. #034 'w }: • s .. Raw Material 403b ��:... 4. Flow Indicate the volume of water discharged Into the municipal sys- 404a thousand gallons per day tam in thousand gallons per day and whether this discharge Is Inter- 404b ❑ intermittent (Int) ❑Contlnwous(con) mittent or continuous. S. Pretreatment Provided Indicate If 40S ❑Yes ONO pretreatment is provided prior to ' entering the municipal system ' 6. Characteristics of Wastewater (see instructions) Parameter Name 40Ga Parameter Number , 409b Value IV-1 This section contsins ! page. GPO 665•706 Z V) O O ONO4 ENO U a� �y z PEN4 C) wx Z V ww u OV) i - e I t t t ra ol 01 4 W P" p ICI O to tfh O Ln N 2 4 `ala'I Qlen t7 t: r� rn O O m M to m C LA to N Cn m to m cM ew to nc IT I 1 re a m r m ne n+ -h no m ' ►-+ z a z F °u E-- a "Z g� Q 00 0000 G Q w a I %w 0O Ic 1 a 4ZO 0�c% o nO mm CD (m mtn 0 m •, m •-: 4 z m m m m m ni m m I 1 N r. U 4" 4 m%C •wm mna m m cn z a vi to z z N C 4u o ai O V O c"II�) C4 C4 NINI ^I NI C4 NI m :w EW ►A3�a1096 mm IA LA mm m Lin IA of rk a. s " to In n+ cw m m to cm n+ 1 1 u H •« •�• •�' •« .i..« .i. .p v Uzi. w p vlvl vlvl vl QI 0vI �i C4 QI a N m U)Z vlrl 4to cnaz CD CD mm mm m m m m m m w z JC O m m m ar m m n: to m m m to U E•• U 0 m a+ m m n+ ew n+ ew •+• m n1 cw n1 ►•+ O Z m t-+ z Ey E oC 4 u a, I-+ w°s vw awi Q nwi O a 3 3 3 o 0 G W i C O c t7 C 41 0 to to .+ L4 w C— C a z a. ti to •lu Na y L] u O o Coc O •i a41 v W ►•1U • .U to E o 0 c a cV•.4 mw > O eo n r+ to w o ro� to 0 O 41 at v 0-4 O O •4 O o ••1 u •P4 u •.+ u O w pt e, 41 O 41 41 g0 O ++ 04 ?• O w w ••a w -.4 c10 c va X .a x ro Q. .•1 0 to O a .4j y 4J 4 1 4J i+ U 01 ••4 41 d 01 0%•-+ 1 .r-I w E a O O a W .-. W a W W .a ••1 O1 0 R7 d u V u O 41 Ar V 0 Q 01 O a v ••I 7 O O 0% t3N cr L1 C L1 .-1 •.1 v >. CL 4joV E E �HG o c �3 � v O o C v v c fa E�0HN'C d— to u ro W 4 .+Hp oHG k u .. ., vl N ul N cn u 'Ln C4 C4 C%4 4 4. .r01 l�� �I�I �I�I elm Z 0-4 1 0 0 z 4 mN CD CD (3)%A tom o 1 1 1 C� Z z ►•t rr m M. m LA m cu (W an H ►, �•, ..� at %D %9) r• m cu M .N H a s a H N t� u MINI Ci o w •� �I�I m��l �I-W �I ,�I NI f1� 4U Q mm mm CD CD mtn m m 0 m 2 z mm mm mm 0A1 I m m m •,� n+ at m to IV m m n+ M ew V a N » Z . N a 4Ou z o E: (e'I INI NI �'0 ►� v mR NINI N Z EW ►A309w CD CD mm to to mm m o O o 0 O 4Gts a.w=" mm into cwn+ mm %a M cw ON wW I••I O MI 0101 0 0 0 e o 0 0 U a N m N .r .rl elvl el , �0101, NI N 1-4 4(4 U) oo mm mm CD CD m m m o is 44 w z of 0 00 m m to to m m n+ m m m 1-4 E-4 u 0 m M v in en en cw ew cm cu .+, ew cw •+� � lit 14 u�� ei o 0 a 41 411 41 0 O 3 3 3 0 3 Lw0. Z O G C O c O c W 3 Q •.1 •A O "4 •.1 41 461 41 w z a .•I o r+ o .4 .+ •4•.11g O O G O a O F. tT01 a o .•I u 1 .-4 u �••t .4 u a. • 4 u •-� w e 41 c v 0 GPO d O O a� a� a� t7 a� @ 4).4 a Ow•.1 41 CL w ••a 0 m E c aG a4 >+ o -•c u - w •.4 -+ ••+ u o w •.I 1 ••+ U w •.I ••+ u o w •.I tT w e O r.4 = O •.+ ++ 41 O a c w w •.1 v a aG 0 41 " o Ai 41 •-+ 4j v O 41 i.1 •.1 04 O • a tT w 0-1 ••1 01 'l7 .-4 T tT ++ O Cl to W W W O u1 N! O Ul in v .•1 a ti w w a 0 a 6 +•I 'ty a W IA V W 00 v •O E O 0 41 O V E O 7 a1 •'C E % a 0r� 4000 E .-4 tT 0 w d 0 w +► :J it V4 'C a w a 0w 3 C w r1 O w O w EE oc0 0c0 Oc0 OCO c3 c0a-4=41 c001a coo a41 tIL E- �"Q or+0 ,a Hy� 'O w =w b w wtC a. DO vA 4-4 G O O 'rl N > 0 •rq a 1= O w a a� O O •H k JJ W u QJ •r 44 V r1 ca �4 O aJ O cJ