HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080851 Ver 1_Stormwater Site Plans_20080708 Gupton and GLEAN-WATER PERMANENT DIVERSION BERMS Associates P,A. BERM/DITGH DESIGN WIDTH DESIGN DEPTH APPRO. U~16TH SIDE DITCH LINER COURT DR. ENGINEERS-PLANNERSSURVEYORS N0. (FTJ (FTJ (FTJ SLOPES SILT FENCE wmt sroNE ounETS Mr HEBRON CH. RD. I 3.75 0.75 185. 3:1 q" RIP RAP AS SHOWN OR EVERY 100 LINEAR FEET. 2 3.00 0.50 185 3:1 EXGEL5IAR DETAIL E-2 AND E-3 Q e 9 3 3.25 0.55 250 3:1 EXGEL5IAR 4 3.00 0.50 200 3:1 EXGEL5IAR ~ o SITE ~ 5A 2.25 0.40 160 3:I EXGEL5IAR U 5B 2.bq 0,50 150 3:1 q" RIP RAP EXGEL5IAR =EXGEL5IAR GURLEX II OR EQUAL RIP RAP = d50 51ZE \ SEE DETAIL E-15 "EROSION CONTROL STANDARD DETAILS" 5HEET \ \ ~ ~ ~ \ ABERDEEN BLVD' 2200SILASCREEKPKWY.-SUITE 26 \ \ \ WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. 21103 \ ~ \ 336-723.2459 FAX 336-761-1425 I o ~j~L \ ~ PEMBROKE RD• E-MAIL guptonpa@GuptonCompanies.com rRE~ - \ \ \ ~ - ~ TY OPER OX PR LO 14~\ now or formerly ~-8$ A. C J 146 1 P9• \ CHARLES L TANNER T BK PLA 16 11 LOT 1 ~a T X42 \D.B. 0795 Pg.~ 0642 LOT 1 \ SILT FENCE WITH STONE OUTLETS ~ \ I No ~US~E: VACANT LOCATION MAP -NOT TO SCALE AS SHOWN OR EVERT 100 LINEAR FEET. OT 115 ~ LOT 14~ 230 AL ~ ~ _ OT 112 L DETAIL E-2 ANO E 3 ~ L \ \ zt ) 79 °G ~ OT 114 ~ . LOT \ 3 L _ 51 E LOT 22 now or formerly ~ ~ ~ i LOT 11 NS3'15 \ / ~I ~ z $A~49: QQN~.ET M `~i 198.2T.. N83'15 (TIE) 12.4 N83'15'51"E o 12.47 ~ n~ Q J 0 sL~•~ET~~ 4`'D5Pg. 0437 LOT 8 ~ ~N I ~ now or fo LOT 23 PIN# 3566-~0-2547 5830351 oa 99.49' ~ N ERT INC. ~_~~-gf?~pLE FAM. RES. ,sari 1 J I ~ z J D.B. 31 Pg. 1 DEED I DEED ~ U ~ ~ 81 IN# 3566 30- 24 LOT „ E 14. LOT \ 83'03 I A ANT ~ I Z0~ MAN C WATER IVERSK)N M \ ~ ~ ' C I ~ wUa D or>Ear oFFSITE RUNOFF To n {~2, I a Z ci o I 1 ss ~ ~ E 1 60 OTA I N W SEE DET. E-15 TEMP. INLET PROTECTION Z W O~ N 1 3 0 I S ~SY~UZ TEMP. K)N BER I ~ ~ o+, 1 DETAIL E-17 ~ W J 9.00 DET E-7 o II TYPICAL BERMS I a if / 1 I li TYPICAL AU. INUITS ~ >W Z 2 m _ o II ~ ~ W p - formerly ~ n0 OF CH v ~ o T U ~E5 pTIST CHUB s RON BA ~Q ° ~ ER MT H B ~ . N REAT p .539 I o THE G D,g, 4 5 g PERMANEI~ WATER on~ERSTON ~ W R OniERSTON I) \ a -5473 a 5 g-30 DITCH ~3 I PERM~fA ENT C DNERSION BERM U E• TO OVERT OFFSITE RUNOFF TO TI X21 OFF TO TI X21 ~ I STABILIZED TEMP. ONERSION BERMS I OETAII E-7 PER ATER D ION B SEE DET. E-15. ORCH ~ 0 1 TO OFFSITE RUNOFF TO TI X23 16. / TYPICAL ALL BERMS / ~ ~II ~ / \ 0 D OFFSITE N TI 23 Ei. E-15 _ 0 . E-15 Z \ - o \ 1 / OISTUI~ LIMITS DISTURB LIMITS I \ , 0 TOTAL '0 T N ST I P. N ERM \ UZ IVERSK? S ~ DETAIL -7 ICAL AU. \ I a w ° 0 \ ~ I I 9• TEMP. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I ~ ROC}~CHE lr ~ 6 \ m I ~ no o form rly SEE DETAIL E-5 ° ~pACE AS SHOWN STET. E~9~ I ' J ES H B. ALALA, 111 PROGRESS ~ __--,5 . S E DRAINS , o ,B. 22 9 Pg. ,77 DRAWINGS A t _ / DETAIL E-9 ` 1 I m~ PIN# 3 5 48-2872 'V OUTUT STABUZATION \ TYPICAL ALL DRAINS ST TEIP. 6Ek1?S 1 I US :VACANT 6 P RAF'APRON DET E-7 / TYPICAL /~l.l BERMS ' I \ 1o'L x 12'YY x 14"T II w SEE-DETA1t-E-6 ~So? \ ~ I - ~ ouTLEr sT zAn ~ _ UTLET\S'fABUZATION 9.11 0 C 1 RIP RAP PUSHED P ED ~y 6' IP RAP APRON 1.00 \ SO TH THE T P IS FLUS - _ _ _ WITH Ex NG C NEL \ HEADWALLS , L X 11.5'W X 14'T ~ NOT DETAIL E-6 SEE DET. E- 3 ~ \ ~ \ ICAI. ALL SLOPE DRAINS \ \ 4p \ N - \ I \ CONSTRUCTION II 21.04, 24 \ \ - I ~ EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ~ \ 25~ \ - - g, 80 - I 20' WIDTH ELEV. 726.50 r-- ~ sEE oEr. E-25 SCALE: t now or rmerly of _ _ ~y ^r^ DROP REALTY CON~ANY \ \ - _ _ - - PLUNGE POOL ~ 50' y ~ = D.B. 1914 P .405 \ ~ 9 v D.B. 1462 P .776 \ " - - \ 5EE DET. E-24 _ ~r~\ -O '0 9 rn PLAT BK. 18 Pg. 59 m f ~ i ` FlLTER STRIP WRH LEVEL SPREADER ~ ~ PIN 3566-30-1020 \ \ .0 -o USE: OM./OFFICE SPACE ~ ~ ~ ~ AREA TO REMAIN UNDISTURBED ANO \ I I to ~ \ ` ~ Sa~c~NSSr~oF E~iasn cRwooos ANO REVISIONS: -I \ SILT FENCE WITH STONE OUTLETS ~ ~ I / GRASS BEFORE ENTERING UNNAMED STREAM I \ Cp to r . ~ AS SHOWN OR EVERY 100 LINEAR FEET. Ji FEEL \ \ / .:e i \ \ \ ~ ~ DETNL E-2 AND E-3 n ~ .p ~ W ~ ~ \ it 'o ~ ~ \ ~o o ~--w-\ ~ \ ~ ~~o ~ m . AFAR®'~N~• (SGa~E ) W I \ ° I o \ r I N \ \ \ \ ERMAN C ATER I K ~ W \ W I \ ~ \ ' X ' SEWES-EASEMENT REE _ \ y Y / . E- 0 \23 \ J \ ~Q~ R D.B. 2419 Pg. 20 o SEE O -15 . E- \ „ \ p0 ~ N ar55'n w s4 ~ \ \ ~ x SURVEYED BY: BMC I 8.01 ~ \ i NS '2 15. ~ \ ~ '~'~TH DRAWN BY: SPH 1.22' 2 ~ N ST52'1 50.39 I S I ° ~~~~+~~A~ d ~ y 5o.3s DESIGNED BY: JSB ~'67•~54'i9" 291.81 1 ~ 1 ' APPROVED BY: HBG LEGEND \ / ii \ ~ \ \ t p LOT 1 ? LOT \ \ LOT LOT _ \ \ , now or formerly CA ROCK DAM (DET. E 11) ~ \ \ \ ~ r \ ~ \ LOT\ JOESEPH B. ALALA, ET AL Q ; c~. ; • F Ess'i ' ~~i ~~C~Od~ p ti. COX ROAD SUBDIVIS D.B. 2352 Pg. 33 o K. 51 P . 35 00 0o PLAT B Q 4 TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP (DET. E-4) USE: COM. OFFlCE PACE II PIN# 3565-49-0706 ' a E \ I ` USE: VACANT ~ 2008 360 DENi•WATERQUAUTY ~,•'.F Q~;~~ TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERM DET, E-7) ( GENERAL NOTE5 WETLANDSANDSTORMWATER$RANCH ' 9 ~'NG I NE~;~ ~ 0 -o- SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCEI IDET, E-2J U TOTAL 51TE AREA: IO.g3 ACRES '~~'~QR~S B. ~~e~``~` TOTAL DI5TURBED AREA: 1.50 ACRES ~1~"""~~~, BMP #I BMP # 2 2) THE GRADING CONTRACTOR 15 TO BEGONE FAMILIAR WITH AND ALL WORK 2A# EXCELSIAR LINED DITCH (DET. E-141 SEDIMENT BA51N /WET DETENTION BA51N Ti=MPORARY SEDIMi=NT TRAP 15 TO CONFORM TO THE PROVI510N5 OF THE NPDES GENERAL PERMIT N0. NG6010000. z;e; RIP-RAP LINED DITCH DET. E-13) ( TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: 5.81 AG TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: 1.60 AG A RAIN GAUGE AND A NPDES LOG BOOK 15 TO BE KEPT ON 51TE AT TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: 5.81 AG TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: I b0 AG ALL TIMES. mii INLET PROTECTION (DET, E-121 DEVELOPED "G" FACTOR: OSq DEVELOPED "G" FACTOR: 0.70 3) ALL ER0510N CONTROL DEVICES ARE TO BE CHECKED WEEKLY SHEET TITLE: OR WITHIN 24 HOUR5 OF A RAIN EVENT, WHICHEVER 15 500NER. INTENSITY 10-YR STORM: S.q3 IN/HR INTENSITY 10-YR STORM: bb8 IN/HR E K DAM DET. E-10 RUNOFF QplO: 20.33 GF5 RUNOFF QpiO: 1.11 GF5 ROCK CH C I 4) AND 5 DIMEN BA510N50~GONBTERION PLACE PRIOR TO IANY~A55'~I~;DiN~~ GRADINGAND EROSION SURFACE AREA REQ. (A=435 x Qp): 8,844 5F SURFACE AREA REQ. (A=435 x Qp): 3,354 SF 5TORAGE VOL. REQ. (1800 GF/DIST. AG): 10,458 GF STORAGE VOL. REQ. (3600 GF/DIST. AG): 5,160 GF SURFACE AREA PROVIDED: 10,151 5F AT ELEV. 121.80 GOIURI5E5~, RNDTADJ~ENT PROPER~BEI ORE 51TE~6RADIN6 BEGINS~~R CQN'I'RQI, P~N PH 1 TEMP, .GRAVEL CONST, ENTRANCE (DET, E-5( 5TORAGE VOL. PROVIDED: 24,151 GF AT ELEV. 121.80 SURFACE AREA PROVIDED: 3,63q 5F ®13q.00 REFER TO SEQUENCE OF GONSTRUGTION, SHEET 8, FOR IN5TALLATION DETAILS, BA51N DIMEN510N5: APPROX. 62' x 112' x 2.8' STORAGE VOL. PROVIDED: q,443 GF ®13q.00 SIDE SLOPES: 3:1 BASIN DIMENSIONS: APPROX. 43' x 85' 5) TEMP. DIVER510N BERMS SHALL BE MAINTAINED AT THE TOP OF ALL REINFORCED STABILSZED OUTLET (DET. E-18) PyA~ QUALITY DRAW DOWN SIZE: 4.0 IN. BARREL SIDE SLOPES: 3:1 FILL SLOPES DURING THE ENTIRE FILLING PROGE55. THE BERMS SHALL DIRECT THE RUNOFF,TO THE APPROPRIATE SEDIMENT BASIN. WHEN THE WOTFR r~IlAl IN nRIFI~.F 417F. I IBS IN PRIMARY ~,PII I WAY FI FVATInN. 'CiQnn _ . _ _ _ RELEASE RATE; 2.3 DAYS EMEROENGY SPILLWAY ELEVATION: 13q.00 GRAPHIC ~SCALE FILL EXCEEDS 8' IN HEIGHT, SLOPE DRAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED AS 51-10M. SEDIMENT FENCE STONE OUTLET (DET. E-3( BARREL SIZE: 15" RGP WITH WATER TI6HT JOINT5 HEIGHT OF WEIR: 3.0' 6) ALL DIVER51ON BERMS AND DITCHES MUST PROVIDE P051TIVE DRAINAGE 200 OF n WEIR LENGTH : 20' AT ELEV. 128.50 SEE DET. E-4 d E-51 50 0 25 50 100 200 SEE DET. E-2I, E-22, E-25 TO THEIR RESPECTIVE SEDIMENT BA5IN5/TRAP5 BEFORE ANY MASS TVS GRADING OF THE SITE BEGINS. 5 l) AFTER COMPLETE STABILIZATION OF SITE, BASIN MUST BE CLEANED, REPLANTED, RIPRAP APRON OUTLET STABILIZATION (DET, E-6( ( IN FEET ) AND RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CAPACITY. DATE: 2/6/D$ 1 inch = 50 ft. PROJECT N0. 12375-07D Gupton and Associates P.A. ENGINEERS-PLANNERS-SURVEYORS i \ \ ^ y ~ ~ _ \ \ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2200 SILAS CREEK PKWY, -SUITE 2B T \ WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. 27103 n \ \ \ - ~ 33(}723 2459 FAX336-761-1425 E-MAIL guptonpa@GuptonCompanies.cam OPER X PR A, CO LO 141 now or formerly- ~ • 146 K• 1 P9• W IAT B 3 a ^ CHARLES L. TANNER--- ~ ~ P 16 ~ 11 LOT 1 ~ o ~a ~2 D.B. 0795 Pg. 0642 LOT 1 ~ , " ,n N Z TEMP. INLET PROTECTION 5 N USE: ACANT ~OT 14~ 23o AL LOT 11 DETaL E-17 ~ LOT 112 TYPICAI. a.L INLETS 3u~ ~ 75 TIE) "1 ~ S3 z1 79 a OT 114 LOT \ , 3 L , 5'st"E LOT 22 now or former) ~ ~ ~ LOT 11 Na31 , 1„E / ~ ' 183'15'51"E y I ~j 198.27 . N83' 15 5 ___.-SAM W. & LINDA G. COWART TIE) 12.47 12.47 ~ TEMP. INLET PROTECTION Z D.B. 2120 Pg. 0437 ~ LOT SO w '03'51"W now or former.4y- LOT 23 PIN# 3566-30-2547 ss3 ,49,E I ~ DETAIL E-17 ~ ~ 19~ ~ NE'~PROPERTIES INC. LE FAM. RES. p I TYPICAL ALL INLETS Q D.B. 3105 Pg. 0721 DEED 81 , :ED GAP ~ INS 3566-30_Q,5.5.1- 24 LOT „ E 14.5 L T ~ 83'03 Z J ~ ACANT BIDG TYPE B ~ U ~ ~ s so ~ FF:736. ~ ~ '0 1 1 18 60 OTA N I w, .31 E J 8 0 w FF:749. #16 ~ C 14 ® W V N 9.00 \ o ~ if c 13 ~ Z a z f\ z ~-N ' ~ o ~ ~ ~ J rn ~ formerly w Q~ ~ W ~ Q 0 ~ ~ w = O n0 S OF RCH o TEE APTIST CHU so BRON B W li n GRFAtER MT P .539 ~ THE p.B. 5 9 ~ 0 6-30-5473 PIN# ~Q°` U . 760 s \ \ ~ n , W z CL H S 0 5 • CB / > C 8 I - ~ „ E , 0 TOTAL } / W ~ N 83 02 40 SMH f L ~ S J l- c, CB 7 w _ SMH 22A i* J ce ~ o sra~uzanoN ® o ~ ~ RIP a~RON TI #19 so 'L X 16'W X 14"7 ~ n #1s c6 1 no o .form ly J ES H B. ALALA, III a -6 L E ~ .B. 22 9 Pg. 177 ml PINS 3 5 48-2872 PROGRESS C 12 BLDG 1'fPE C US : V CANT Tom. ~ DRAWINGS FF:745. a DETAIL E-7 I C ~~B X11 ® p C w TYPICAL ALL BERMS fF~s~ I ,SO CB FF:745. C ~ fF:73 89 I ~ 740 - - ~ q 9.11 U 8 6 . _FF~.'/34. / 0 \ _~J / ~ SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION S #2O I \ / UPON APPROVAL FROM GCNR, CONVERT M ~OT SEDIMENT BASIN TO PERM. WET DETENTION BASIN VV 1 :~s \ Sal \ - \4p - . ~ sEE oEral E-is USE FOR 4 ~4„ W \ ~ - SF ~ ~S~• \ g' 80 `~C CONSTRUCTION 'rr1, _ now or rmeriy t _ DROP REALTY COI~ANY l f \ - ~ii D.B. 1914 Pg, 405 hent,~a or \ ~ ~ P , 776 retammg we D.B. 1462 g SCALE: ~ rn PLAT BK. 18 P . 59 (tie only) 9 ~ 79'06' 17"E l- \ : _ A ~ PIN 3566-30-10 -o USE: OM./OFFICE ACE o -0 \ \ tie and \ SO L STOCKPI \ \ --1 N15 2 1 ~ 07 ~ r ' o SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION F ^ IUCTION ~ l ` hoot comer of a~TER SfrE HAS BEEN GRADED, SEEDEO, (n ~ retaining w II ~ .p ~ ~ WRH a'PROVa. FROM GASTON COUNTY i GRADED, s~EO, ANO srAelLizlED AND . o a~'~ REVISIONS: GASTON COUNTY NATURAL RESOURCES, ~ ~p ~ ~j~p Tpp, OM:R~ION 89~ w ~CaV BMP~2 BE FlLLEO IN, THE TEMP. t D IN, THE TEMP. ONERSION BERM BE ~ I° \ REMOVED, AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF ' ~ ip DETAIL E-7 o a BEGIN. SILT FENCE IS. TO REMAIN IN PL LL TYPICa. ALL BERMS i. L ONSTRUCTION OF THE WALKING TRAIL~~ TO REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL THE • '~ApP•Okl• ' ~ Z ~ ~ ~Wa1ONG TRAIL HAS BEEN FULLY STABIU W ~ ~ EEN FULLY STABIUZIED.__"' / I+~ARB'LiN~•~~GaL•E ) cP o ~ \ N ~ \ ~ \ \ \ ' X 'SEWER-EASEMENT~_ / ti x I-'-'- D.B. 2419 Pg. 20 _ ~ ao ~ \ a \ - _ \ pp 5~ W--~ ~ N8 '2 15.2 1.22' ~s N 8752'1 ~W 50,39 o _ SURVEYED BY: BMC iV'8~'S3'19" 291.81 1 ~ ~ DRAWN BY: SPH \ \ II \ LO 1 ~ ~ DESIGNED BY: JSB ?T LOT \ \ II LoT \ \ i~ \ ~ ~ , ~ APPROVED BY: HBG LOT ...:LEGEND ~ ~ ~ ~ LOT now or formerly ~ COX ROAD SUBDIVIS JOESEPH B. ALALA, ET AL . 35 PLAT BK. 51 P D.B. 2352 Pg. 33 ROCK DAM IDET, E-11) USE: COM. OFFICE PACE II ~ PIN# 3565-49-0706 ~ C A ~ I ~ USE: VACANT ~•;oEE.ssr'' ~i Q~ y GENERAL NOTES ~ _ E 0~~~0 0 p TEMPORARY .SEDIMENT. TRAP IDET. E-41 U TOTAL SITE AREA: IO.g3 ACRES q 360 , TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: 1.50 ACRES x , y~'.F`N ~V~;' GI N6 ,.,`0;. MPORARY DIVERSION BERM DET, E-7) TE 2) THE GRADING CONTRACTOR 15 TO BEGONE FAMILIAR WITH AND ALL WORK ',9'piQ~'"""' Q 15 TO CONFORM TO THE PROVI510N5 OF THE NPDES GENERAL PERMIT N0. NGG010000. ~ S B. G~,~~' A RAIN GAUGE AND A NPDES L06 BOOK 15 TO BE KEPT ON SITE AT - - SEDIMENT FENCE SILT. FENCE (DET, E-2) o I 1 ALL TIMES, # BMP # 2 '2A EXCELSIAR LINED DITCH IDET. E-14) BMP I 3) ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES ARE TO BE CHECKED WEEKLY SEDIMENT BA51N /WET DETENTION BA51N TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP OR WITHIN 24 HOUR5 OF A RAIN EVENT, WHICHEVER IS SOONER. iA RIP-RAP LINED DITCH DET, E-13) I TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: 5.81 AG 4) ALL PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL DEVICES, INCLUDING BERMS, SILT FENCES AND SEDIMENT BASINS MUST BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO ANY MA55 GRADING. TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: 5.81 AG ~~I~~ INLET PROTECTION (DET, E-12) DEVELOPED "G" FACTOR: OSq TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA: Ibo AG THIS 15 THE INITIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIRED TO PROTECT STREAMS, WATER SHEET TITLE: INTENSITY 10-YR STORM; 5.q3 INMR TOTAL DISTURBED AREA: Ibo AG COURSES, AND ADJACENT PROPERTY BEFORE SITE GRADING BEGINS. REFER TO SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION, SHEET 8, FOR INSTALLATION DETAILS. GRADING AND EROSION RUNOFF 10: 20.33 GFS DEVELOPED G FACTOR: 0.10 ROCK CHECK DAM IDET, E-10) ~ INTENSITY 10-YR STORM: 6.88 IN/HR 5) TEMP. DIVERSION BERMS StfAL1 BE MAINTAINED AT THE TOP OF ALL SURFACE AREA REQ. (A=435 x Qp): 8,844 SF RUNOFF 10: 7.71 GF5 STORAGE VOL. REQ. (1800 GF/bIST, AG): 10,458 GF ~ FILL 5LOPE5 DURING THE ENTIRE FILLING PROCESS. THE BERM5 SHALL CONTROL PLAN PH 2 : 17 I FAT ELEV. 727.80 SURFACE AREA REQ. (A=435 x Qp): 3,354 SF TEMP, GRAVEL CONST, ENTRANCE IDET, E-5) SURFACE AREA PROVIDED o, 5 5 STORAGE VOL. REQ. (3600 GF/DIST. AG): 5,160 GF DIRECT THE RUNOFF TO THE APPROPRIATE SEDIMENT BA51N. WHEN THE FILL EXCEEDS 8' IN HEIGHT, SLOPE DRAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED A5 SHOWN. STORAGE VOL. PROVIDED: 24,157 GF AT ELEV. 727.80 6) ALL DIVERSION BERMS AND DITCHES MUST PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE BASIN DIMENSIONS: APPROX. 62' x 112' x 2.8' SURFACE AREA PROVIDED: 3,63q SF ®13q.00 I OR ED STABILIZED OUTLET DET, E-18 SIDE SLOPES= 3:1 STORAGE voL. PROVIDED: q,443 GF ~ 13q.00 RE NF c I 1 o~no~; _ . . GRAPHIC SCALE TO THEIR RESPECTIVE SEDIMENT BASINS/TRAPS BEFORE ANY MA55 ~oen:u~ nG ruK c.irK ar~iu~ vrn: R VNIZL::: 1lRPW{ 1lV1H': l14L: .t..V :iN. L.r r-:V-L fiA51N DIMtNt;IUMP: At't'tCOX. 43' X =7' HATER QUALITY ORIFICE 51ZE: 1.125 IN. 51DE SLOPE-5: 3:1 so o zs so goo zao RELEASE RATE: 2.3 DAYS PRIMARY 5PILL114AY ELEVATION: 13q.00 200 AFTER COMPLETE STABILIZATION OF SITE, BA51N MUST BE GLEANED, REPLANTED, AND RESTORED TO ORIGINAL CAPACITY. 6 OF 18 SEDIMENT FENCE STONE OUTLET (DET. E-3) BARREL 51ZE: 15" RGP WITH WATER T16HT JOINTS EMEROENCY p Y 13q.00 I ELEVATION: HEIR LENGTH : 20' AT ELEV. '128.50 HHEIGHT OF F HEIR; 3.0' EIGHT RIPRAP APRON OUTLET STABILIZATION (DET. E-6) 5EE DET. E-21, E-22, E-25 5EE DET. E-4 ( IN FEET j DATE: 2/6/08 1 inch = 50 ft. PROJECT N0, 12375-07D DTVQ2SION l- RIDGE 8. 15' PUBLIC 4' MIN. SMOOTHLY BLEND DEIGN TOP WIDTH GUptOI 1 al IAA DIKE CONTACT AREA FlLiER srttP vnmx ROAD C GEOTEXTILE PLASTIC CORRUGATED PoPE LED I~PE ~r~~:~:,.~~,. Associates P.A. PO S I _ FABRIC .,~y}I`,: •!ir•{''a~~,5d is 1.5' MIN. DESIGN DEPTH y y y W ~ HOLD-DOWN STAKES ~ ENGINEERS-PLANNERS,SURVEYORS ~ : 10' SPACING W W W W y y 1I I I I It ~ W W W W W TEMP. CONSTRUCTION GMRANCE WITH DNERSION y y W W y y p RIDGE WHERE GRADE IXCEEDS 2X I INLET - I II" II SUBGRADE EXCAVATION "Y ~Y W W y PSJ~ FlLTER FABRIC ~O STABILIZE W W W W W W 6' MIN. OUTLET w w w w y CROSS SECTION OR AGGREGATE FlLTER W W W W y y y W ~W W V-SHAPED RIPRAP CHANNEL 2100 SILASCREEK PKWY• -SUITE 18 y y y y 3 617 2469AF~ X336 761425 - y y y .y W W •,r RIPRAP-LINED CHANNELS E-MAIL guptonpa~GuptonCompanies.cam ~r~ ~ 2-3" COARSE ~ y d, y AGGREGATE ey0 4' MIN. ~ LEVEL SECTION . y V~ ~Y ~Y ~V W = ;TION y W W W W W A; NSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EXIT it W •Y a.; ~rC' '"tl y y y W y W TEMPORARY GRAVEL CO / MAXIMUM DRAINAGE PIPE DIAMETER AREA PER PIPE (ACRES) (INCHES) ,V` y y W W E_ 5 PIPE DIAMETER DESIGN TOP WIDTH (INCHES) y W W y 0.50 12 12 y W W y l7(CELSIAR, y y y y y 0.75 15 1.D0 18 15 •r^ y y ~ w PLASTIC OR 18 y w W W y JUTE NETTING DESIGN DEPII•I y y '-'y ~y PIPE OUR.ET TO FLAT AREA- • >1.00 AS DESIGNS NO WELL-DEFlNED CHANNEL AS DESIGNED _ _ y ,.-y .y. _.y__ y _ . y. • INLET DESIGN BECOMES MORE COMPLEX BEYOND THIS S 'IJEX BEYOND THIS SIZE ~'~i . ti . r- f- ; ~ ,r....: ~Y W W W y - - _ A A cwssm crvx~a _ ~ _ _ W W W W W W PLAN VIEW Q e>J c o SIZE OF SLOPE DRAIN W aY W ~V V~ M o LAIN STANDARD T-SECTION I J - ovERCUr CHANNEL D.2' - - ~ ~ i SEEO BLD Z MPORARY SLOPE TE t~va uP GARY SLOPE DRAINS AT LEAST (uME, FL77TIUZE AND s®) EVERY 3' SQUARE {~r FlaT ~ PLAN AND EVERY 1' AT CROSS SECTION ~ ~ E - 9 EDGES AND JOINTS ~ ~ PLAN VIEW ~ ~ V-SHAPED GRASS CHANNEL W V N LEVEL SPREADER a FlLTER STRIP D L =THE DISTANCE A AND B ARE OF L ~ THE DISTANCE SUCH 1HAT POINTS ~ Z A AND B ARE OF EQUAL ELEVATION GRASS-LINED CHANNELS Z D MAX. AREA: 0,5 Af MAX. AREA: 0.5 ACRE E - 14 ~ W ~ 1 - A ~WJ B *CLF11N-WATER DNERSIONS MUST BE STABItJZED ~ Q Z ~ LEVEL SPREADER & FlLTER STRIP L - L IMMEDIATELY AT TIME OF CONSTRUCTION W W = FlLTER LAYER I I I ~ I E~ ~ GRAVEL OR FABRIC ~ I C I I SEE PLAN FOR DESIGN CHART FOR DITCH 2, 10X SETREMENT Q I I D[MENSIONS AND LINER TYPES 0.5' FREEBOARD ~ W ~ LL SECTION A-A ~ • ~ ' ~ ~ i I ~ I PER DETNL E-13, E-14. ~ ~ I~ i , I I II DESIGN WIDTH ' L•.- 2:1 SIDE W 5' STEEL POS15 N0~ . SLOPE MAX. ~ a ~ WIRE FENCE 'HOG WIRE 1. LA LS THE LENGTH OF THE RIPRAP A 1.5' MIN. 14 GA. (6'x6' MESH PIPE OUTLET TO APRON, MIN. J 1.5' FLOW 3:1 SIDE. ~ ~ W MIN. DESIGN DEPTH 1.5' MIN. - • - SLOPE FOR MOWING WELL-DEFlNm CHANNEL FlLTER FABRIC 2. D = 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM wa STONE DViMETER BUT NOT LESS 9" MIN. HEIGHT: A _ _ A THAN. 6'. MAX. 2' BACKFlLL TRENCH AND 3. IN A WELL-DffINED CHANNEL EXTEND MIN. 1.5' COMPACT THE FlLL THE APRON UP THE CHANNEL - - - BANKS TO AN ELEVATION OF 6" FlLTER FABT6C W ABOVE THE MAXIMUM TAILWATER BOTTOM OF WIRE FENCE AND DEPTH OR Ta THE TOP OF THE BANK CLASS B RIP CLASS B RIP RAP ~ L5' MAXIMUM PLACEMENT OF POST USING HOG WIRE FlLTER FABRIC BURIED IN ' 6' WHICHEVER IS LESS. TYPICAL CROSS-SECTION WITH APPROVED EROSION CONTROL FABRICS TO .:~",b 4"Wx8"D EXCAVATED TRENCH BE 8'-0. 4. A FlLTER FABRIC OR BLANKET SHOUID BE p 12' OF ~5 OR NST BETWEEN THE RIPRAP 7 STONE I AL1ID 1~ 12' OF ~5 OR X57 STONE q;'` y 24" MAX.. 8' AND SOIL FOUNDATION. AT cENrER PERMANENT DNERSIONS PO5L• METAL T-POST 5'-0" OR 6'-0' IN HQGHT , STEEL POST PLAN DEPENDING ON FlLL SLOPE 4" DRIVEN 24' GTtAYEI OR FABRIC CLEAN-WATER DNERSIONS FABRIC: 3'-0" IN VADTH (MUST MEET ENGINEERS ~ INTO GROUND SPECIFlCATIONS FOR EROSION CONTROL). MIN. 4' OVERLAP AT POST 4' TO 6' FlLTER FABRIC E - ~ 5 STONE: ~5 WASHED STONE TO BE PLACED oPnoN 1 -0" DI>:P AT SILT FENCE CHECK DAM CHECK DAM SECTION A-A W a E - 10 E-10 SEC110N D D 18" SILT FENCE - SEDIMENT FENCE 5' MIN. - 5' MIN. CROCK ABUTMENT FlLTER LAYER E - Z GRAVa OR FABRIC ~l/ 8• 4 - 12" SECTION A-A 2' MIN. FlLTER LAYER 2' SPILLWAY CREST ELEVATION GRAVEL OR FABRIC POST OUTLET STABILIZATION f ~ 2' cuss I oR B WP-RAP VEGETATED V-SHAPED WATERWAY WITH STONE CENTER DRAIN SILTFENCE SILTFENCE E - 6 UPSTREAM GRAVEL :.8 ~ NOTE: ~5 STONE ti' i •i ~ }~a STRUCTURAL STONE SHALL BE FACING 12" THICK MIN. Q° ; i (CLASS "B") STONE FOR EROSION ~ g 6' MAX. 6' MAX. 4' CLASS II RIP-RAP D W CONTROL PURPOSES. 2' MIN. D SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE SHALL COMPACTED SOIL 81 ~ o ROCK APRON BE No. 5 OR No. 57 STONE. } .r. , o SCALE: FLOW FLOW ;';,,r:~`-~ , o ToP VIEW •e~~°,Y~,~ a M'~'"`";''.~" 24' MIN. FlLTER LAYER N.T.S. TRAPEZOIDAL RIPRAP CHANNEL GRava OR FABRIC ' 2' FlLTER FABRIC CUi-OFF TRENCH 1.5' MIN. SILTFENCE 2' DEEP MIN. W 2' WIDE MIN. SILTTTJrCE I SILTFENCE 8' SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL BE CLEANED OUT WHEN " SEDIMENT ACCUMULARON REACHES 1/2 THE ROCK DAM CROSS SEI i -6 MIN. TOTAL STORAGE VOLUME OF THE BASIN. DAM CROSS SECTION REVISIONS: 2/3 W TEMPORARY EARTHEN DIVERSION DIKE 2 2 2/20/07 UPDATE SOW 1(- 1 r 3 MAX, 1' 1'MIN. D ~5 OR X57 COARSE AGGREGATE ~ SEDIMENT 1 T'HI(. STRUCTURAL u u u / ~ WEIR WIDTH 18' CONTROL STONE U 3:1 MAX. STONE 1'-6" MIN. ~ jOp Q TOP ~ ROCK I~UIIIENT 4 - 12" °8 24" MIN.. ~ GRAVEL FACING ~ - f~ ~ 6" _ FlL1ER LAYER CROSS SECTION ~ ~ - ~ ~ =1 ~ ° 5' I MIN. I II I I i I- ~i 2' MIN. -1 I I I II I GRAVEL. aR FAelzlc I_ VEGETATED PARABOLIC-SHAPED WATERWAY WITH STONE CENTER DRAIN SEDIMENT FENCE -STONE OUTLET ° ® s~oF SLOPE II- FOUNDA' FOUNDATION ~ I o o I ~ I- RIPRAP CHANNELS - 3 1 SPILLWAY CREST g E DRAINAGE AREA WEIR LENGTH APRON (ACRES) (FT) .TEMPORARY GRAVEL DVERSION ~ ao" FILTER E - 16 SURVEYED BY: CRH FI 1 4.o DIKE FOR VEHICLE CROSSING F .FABRIC 00 Q DRAWN BY: BSH 2 6.0 ROCK ABUTMENT 2:1 MAX. 0 2:1 MAX. Use: 3 8.0 4 10.0 TEMPORARY DNER$IONS - sLQPE ~ SLOPE Use this method on curb and gutter inlets and storm se+aer inlets where overflow capability is needed DESIGNED BY: BSH to prevent excessive ponding in front of the structure. 5 12.0 I-- s' MIN. ~ APPROVED, BY: HBG 1 E - 7 PLAN VIEW OF ROCK DAM DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM WITH SPILLWAY DETAIL SPILLWAY DETAIL I • Place two concrete blocks on their sides abutting the curb at either side of the inlet opcning. 'These blocks provide a space hetween the filtering stone and the inlet. DESIGN OF SPILLWAYS paw 2. Cut a 2" X 4" stud and place it through the outer holes of each spacer block to keep the iiont _ Lz" min, of NCp4T#5 Inn sErn.ED ROCK DAM 6.E Cross Sectron CK DAM 6.63 blocks in place. or#57 wnshed stone ri L TOP OF BERM r 1.5'min, E - 11 3. Place additional concrete blocks ontheir sides across the lions of the inlet and abutting the ~"""'r. E - ~ ~ spacer blocks. Refer to the diagram above. ,~`a C A --G ,a`- - - 2' MIN. - r 0 4. Place wire mesh over the outside vertical face (webbing) of the concrete blocks to prevent ~oF 6 S S i N - 3600 cu ft/acre _ .ti. 5' ~5 STONE stone iiom being washed through the holes in the blocks. Use chicken wire or hardware cloth with 112-inch opcning. ; 4 E max 5. Pile 2" stone against the wire Lo the top ofthe barrier, as shown in the diagram. _ i 4 ~ a ~«rM~ FLOW f,W(~4' APART ~r. ~ ~ 4' APART 5' STEEL. POSTS 6. if the stone filter becomes clogged with sediment so that it no longer performs as a filter, the 360 4' ^P~T stone must be removed and either cleaned and replaced, or a clean set oPaggregate placed. , y ~ -Fro ; Y~ ;`a ~ ~ _ ,1 ?l 2.5' MIN. 4 ~ a';~I i a filter t`= ~a WIRE MISH-HARDWARE CLOTH '~'r~R~S B, G~e~ ` a a ti ~Fm~n ,fabric ~ y; ` ~ . _ Curb Inlet rrr„~~i~i„~~' 19 GA. MIN. & SHALL HAVE ~ ~ 1/4' WIRE MESH 1.0 ~4' WIRE MESH 1/4" MESH OPENINGS .,•,r~ ` - 3~ - FlLTER FABRIC DESIGN CROSS SECTION CLASS I OR GRIP-RAP ~5 WASHID STONE - SETTLED TOP OF BERM ~5 WASHED STONE OR 57 STONE 2' TOP OF BERM OR 57 STONE BOTTOM OF WIRE MESH SHEET TITLE: Over 116" for Des+gn settled 2~ , fi .top ~ti~, settlement ~ 16' 2 ~ EXTENDS 2' HORIZONTALLY - UNDER sroNE . _ EROSION CONTROL 4' MIN. .Plan VreTly Wire Screen oncrete BTack i ~`ad yW ~ ~ , Y;° ~ I 1.5' ~ }pie r~:.; ;tip:: ,;t ,e% Gravel Fi 1 ter STANDARD ~ : yid ~ Emergency by- j;.~, 4 ~>r "~o~~, pnss 6" below 4' MIN. ~y~; c~~..~ • ~`'s~%.~;~~:. STEEL POST s ~ DETAILS 7 ~ II ~ ' „~~e,.` `+'.y, {`'i'~• : p" DRNEN 2' -~----max " , mm. " Sao' settled top of 2:1 SIDE i : , q , dnm SLOPE MAX. FlLTER FABRIC III r • lk a r, . o Y ~•i.'.1 r~~,~~,, q;::.+~ Y r. IMO GROUND L. 7 to 4 F \ ~ ~a+ .v . , . [•,;..I [ ~~I I I Runoff Overflow~'Z1 ~"'Filtereti Water L\Q\ 1 L;LAbb I UK U KIY K!W Water div with .a. o i1~w ^ 1`} J{ Natural Ground -"I - _ Sediment 111111 filter 3 3 MIN. IIIIIr to- 10 OF 5edifine illl Mn,at ~I • it Wire Screen 'illfl y ~ fabric min. * SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL BE CLEANED OUT WHEN STONE SECTION 2"x4" Wood Stud Curb Inlet SEE DETAIL E-31 FOR BAFFLE CONSTRUCTION SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION REACHES 1/2 THE TOTAL STORAGE VOLUME OF THE BASIN. Source: Modified from Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Manual. DATE: 5/2/2000 )ROP INLET PROTECTION BLOCK & GRAVEL CURB & GUTTER INLET FlLTER TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP 6.60 TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERM STONE OUTLET TEMPORARY WIRE, AND STONE DROP INLET I E - 8 E - 12 E-4 E - 17 PROJECT NO: 12375 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION GU 1011 and p, o~--° ~ TEMPORARY CROSSING CONSTRUCTIOP 1. CALL GCDNR EROSION CONRLOL OFFlCUL AND ENGINEER PoR PRE-CONStRUCDON ASSOCINLVS P~~~ J STR U CTI O N SPECIFICATIONS CONFERENCE PRK1R ro BEGINNNG LAND aSNRBING ACTMTY. Stream Channel TEMP. SEDIMENT PR a p ~ ~ ~ r SANDBAGS TO BE FlLLED NO MORE THAN 75% FOR SPOILS FROM 0 0 ~r CAPACRY OF THE BAG TO ALLOW EFFECTVE cca sTt ucn~l AN~~STNLT ~w~m~l~arFr<~E-Irs m TMPR~ a~li rHO~ERE 1 ENGINEERS-PLANNERS-SWRVEYORS PUMPING AND DIGGING p p ~ STACKING AND MOLDING OF BAGS. FLOW DIVERSION METHOD: ° NATURAL OR MAN-MADE WATER COURSES AND ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS. max bank 3 ~ p ~ ~ . 3. CLEAR iTMBER AND VEGETARON AS REQUIRED ONLY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SEDIMEM BASINS 1 do SEDIMENT TRAP ~!2. INSTALL SILT FENCE WRH OlI1LEf5 AS NWCATED ON Fzi Elt ~ ~ 5u .a law .DRY ~ ~ ~ ; ~ : < ~ F c woRK • - ~ 1. THE CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITY CROSSINI PLANS E BASIN CONSiR N. INSTALL ALL PFUSE 1 CONSTRUCRON BERMS AND UTILITY CROSSINGS SHOULD BE DONE IN ONE sLT FENCES TQ TXRECT FLOws to sEDIMENr TaASINS As INDICATED oN PLANS. „ y ° lf. DiV~rSiotiS ° OPERATION AT LOW WATER LEVELS TO MINIMIZE IMP ~ ~ ACT< ~ ~ ~+«YaiCN ~ r t. r.. dINIMIZE IMPACTS TO THE ENVIRONMENT. 4. INSTALL TEMPORARY ONERSION BERMS AS SHOWN. ALL DNERSION BERMS AND DRCHES MUST PROVIDm POSRNE DRAINAGE. . , ` 6 'a A' ~ ~,d ill f , ~ : ' ~ ~ OPPOSffE SIDE , ' 2. BRING BOTH SIDES OF THE UTILITY WITHIN 10 TO 20 ~ I ~ r,i_ c.v.~, TIN 10 TO 20 OF THE CROSSING ON EITHER 5. INSTALL n 21, MH 22. R /23 d< M~~I124 AS SHOWN ON PLANS BEFORE ANY g7ADING I u>> ~,w• W - , , ~ P r , , , , , ~ W. ` ' • ' • ' • _ SIDE. THE TEN-FOOT UNEXCAVATED AREA SHOULD REAM rP ~ `T ; p,ris~. , I•~+.>;w+~ia'G',:~'`" 'r s,~~tv' COMPIETED BURIED MNN • • COMPLETED BURIED MPJN SIDES ARE WITHIN 10 FEET AND UNTIL THE REST OF T! A SHOULD REAMAIN AS SUCH UNTIL BOTH Is To occtl~R giADE~oNLY AS NECESSARI' FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ABOVE PIPES 1TiE REST OF THE CROSSING PROCESS OCCURS. INS~AU~ai~ ~D suiRPOiI"CTU~ ~E,~CAL'WL Gf~NREt3EF0EMS~sILTG~CNT-G~ ~CI~ ` rzt: . r~~~. . - ` ° 3. INSTALL A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP DOWNSTREAM ]OWNSTREAM TO COLLECT SEDIMENT FROM 5' ~r E~N~°M~aDCSU oN~IL~N~HI•~. cor~r n~sH°~uL~~iYiNPSuc~riQN 2200 SILAS CREEK PKWY. - SUfTE 2B TRENCH ~ DEWATERING AND EXCAVATED TRENCH MATERIAL AS NEEI 4~ aaWW f ~ A ~ Sir' ~ ~SZr 4 ATERIAL AS NEEDED ON BOTH SIDES OF wHEN wATER LEVELS ARE AT THEIR LOWESi PoINi AND THTI~ Is LITTLE CHANCE FGR RAIN. WINSTON•SALEM, N.C. 27103 s ~ ~ y CROSSING. • ,,,i,'k d .1 ,.+~~`~~,t. ~~'ae - PIPELINE ~ 10'-20' • • r~ 7. STABILIZE DISTURBED AREAS (SEE SEEDING SPECS.) AS THEY ARE COMPLEiFD INCLUDING 336.723.2459 FAX 335.761.1425 E-MAIL guptonpa(a~GuptonCompanies.cam ' ~ 4. PLACE SANDBAGS AT APPROXIMATELY 1/2 OF STREAM V ~ ~ - ° ° ° TO PERFORM THE WORK. .a ~2 OF STREAM WIDTH FOR AN AREA REQUIRED STONE BASE FOR PROPOSED PAVED AREAS. gTOUND COVER SFWJ. BE PROVIDED WITHIN 15 DAYS FOLLAWING THE COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING. BERMS AND SLOPE DRNNS AT TOP OF flLL SLOPES SFWJ_ BE MAINTAINED DURING 1NE ENURE FlLL PROCESS , • f:,".u w•~' TEMP. SILT FENCE AROUND WORK AREA PER PLANS " w~' D~~D 5. DEWATER THE WORK AREA DISCHARGING THE PUMP INTC AND SHNJ. BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH DAY. THE PUMP INTO THE TEMP. SEDIMENT TRAP. 8. All. EROSION CONTROL DENCES SHALL BE INSPECTED AND MUST BE ADEQUATELY MAINTAINED. ~ton~ appraaeh ~i:ctian 6. BEGIN TRENCHING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE PER SPE( PIPE PER SPECIFlCATIONS. ALL TEMPORARY MEASURES MUST BE MAINTAINm AT A MINIMUM OF 50X aF THE OTtlgNAL ~ ~ ,r ~:1 ax slo eon road FLOW ~ m _ p , SIDE 1 CAPACITY. ALL NLET PROTECTION AT PIPE INLETS AND SRtUCTURES MUST BE INSTALLED AND IN WORKING ORDER AT THE END OF EACH DAY OF CONSTRUCTION. F'~" ~ 5t~rle over 7. BACKFlLL AROUND PIPE WITH NONERODIBLE MATERIAL, T, 3LE MATERIAL, TAMP MATERIAL AS REQUIRED, 9. NSTALL ALL PFRMA11ENi EROSION CONiROL DEVICE5 NLY.UDNG STORM DRAIN OURET v' ~ - PLACE ORIGINAL STREAM BED MATERIAL ON TOP OF NOI ~~,..r ~ gzot~xtlle~ ~ ~ • M1~,.,Lftq~ i , ° TRENCH TO ORIGINAL STREAM BED ELEVATION. ON TOP OF NONERODIBLE MATERIAL TO BRING PROTECTION AND VELOCRY CONIitOLS AS REQUIRED. ATION. 10. WHEN STABILIZATION IS SUBSTAMIALLY COMPLETE AND THE SITE HA5 BEEN INSPECTID BY ~ , " ~ -{ai?.C ~ SIDE 2 , o a TEMP. SEDIMENT PR ~ p p FOR SPOILS FROM 8. STABILIZE DISTURBED STREAM BANK WITH RIPRAP AS Sh H RIPRAP AS SHOWN ON PLANS. STABILIZE ENGINEER, REMOVE TEMPORARY MEASURES AND STABILIZE REMAINING AREAS ACCORDING TO Y a PUMPING AND DIGGING WORK AREAS AT TOP OF STREAM BANK PER SPECIFICAT SEEDING SPECIFlCATIONS. REMOVE SKIMMERS AND TEMP. PLATES AND REPLACE WTiH PER SPECIFICATIONS. PERMANENT PLATES AND HARDWARE AS INDICATED ON PLANS CONVER'T'ING SEDIMENT BASINS COMPLETED WORK AREA GRADED, ° a 0 • DRY' $ g _ 9. REMOVE SANDBAGS AND ALLOW STREAM TO RETURN TO SEEDED AND MULCHED PER SPECIFlCATIONS TO PERMANENT STORMWATER DEii]JTION DEVICES. RESEED WITH NATIVE GRASSES. TO RETURN TO NATURAL FLOW. • ~ woRK ° MOVE TO OPPOSITE SIDE TO COMPLETE CROSSING. rc • AREA CROSSING. NOTES: Q ~ ~ SUr~aC2 F~Ow . 1. ALL BORROW AND WASTE ARE THE RESPONSIBILQI' OF THE CONTRACTOR ' ~ . ~IVerSiOn ~ AND ALL STOCKPILES AND STAGING AREAS MUST BE WNHIN THE PROPOSED ~ J Original COMPLETED BURIED MAIN • ' ' TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. J . . Stre baTik ' ~ ~ ~ ~ . ''r. r Y ' 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING PERMIT'S AND INSTAWNG Q ERO~ON COMROL MEASURES, AS REQUIRED, FOR ALL OFF-BYTE BORROW OR ~ Q ~ ,y ri, ~ F ,u ,,,Tyr 'a ~ ~ ~r „tu ~ n ¢ t. ~ ~s ° TRENCH y wastE aREAS. ~ Z ~ ti f.. PIPELINE ..M.,~- ~ . k ~ V N 3. SEDIMENT BASINS SHALL BE CLEANED OUT WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATION ~ REACHES 1/2 THE TOTAL STORAGE VOLUME OF THE BASIN. ~ O z , ~.s ' SANDBAGS TO BE FlLLED NO MORE THAN 75% p~D ~ --r,~ ,x, ~ ; ~ CAPACITY OF THE BAG TO ALLOW EFFECTIVE ° ° FLOW TEMP. SILT FENCE AROUND WORK AREA PER PLANS ~ STACKING AND MOLDING OF BAGS. . MANAGING NAGING THE WATERCGURSE; W W ~ J- J Clacln 5~one Geo~texti~e . BYP~ Fabric BYPASS PUMPING SEEDBED PREPARATION NOTES: ~ ~ G ~ 1. SURFACE WATER CONTROL MEASURES TO BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO PLAN. ~ W LL PLAN VIEW 2. AREAS TO BE SEEDED SHALL BE RIPPED & SPREAD WQTi AVAILABLE TOPSOIL ~ ~ 3" DEEP. TOTAL S®BED PREPARED DEPTH SHALL BE 4" TO 6" DEEP. ~ ~ 3. LOOSE ROCKS, ROOTS AND OTHER OBSRtUCTIONS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM ~ Q ~ THE SURFACE SO THAT THEY WILL NOT INTERFERE WRH ESTABLISHMENT ~ ~ W ING TEMPORARY STABILJZED .FORD CREEK CROSS AND MAINTENANCE OF VEGETATION. SURFACE FOR FlNAL SEEDBED PREPARATION, AT FlNISHED GRADES SHOWN, SHALL BE REASONABLY SMOOTH & UNIFORM ON SLOPES LESS THAN 3:1. E-25 4. IF NO SOIL TEST IS TAKEN, FERTILIZER do UME TO 8E ACCORDING TO ' f•' ENERGY DISSIPATION ,f'•.. DiSCHARGEHOSE SEEDING SPECIFlCATIONS BELOW. IN ADDITION, PROVIDE 15 LBS/1000 S.F. OF SUPERPHOSPHATE W IMPERVIOUS 61 - IMPERVIOUS 611tE 5. IF SOIL TEST IS TAKEN, PROVIDE UME & FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL f-SUCTIDN HOSE R~~' \ 6. UME do FERTILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED UNIFORMLY d< MIXED WITH THE SOIL ~ti 1 ~ ~ SANDBAGS TO BE FlLLED NO MORE TITAN 75% ~-,,,~ti ' 4 ' • • ~ 1t ~ DURING SEEDBED PREPARATION. CAPACffY OF THE BAG TO ALLOW EFFECTVE _ STACKING AND MOLDING OF BAGS. \ = F4,0~~'"~~ PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS TEMPORARY CROSSING CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: b ~ Q , ~ l ~ { g ~ ~ ~ ' ,,.,..--~''f 3:1 SLOPES OR FLATTER ON OF THE STREAM BANKS AND BED AND APPROACH SECROINS TO A MINIMUM. _-,_.,..•~Y_ `ti- 1. KEEP CLEARING AND EXCAVAII ww~ ~ ,~`ti`/,, . f i PROJECT ~ ~ TOP OF BANK 2. DIVERT ALL SURFACE WATER FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SftE ONTO UNDISNRBED AREAS ADJOINING THE SCREAM. ~ ` j'tik 1 ` \ 1. APPLY AGRICULTURAL LIME AT THE RATE OF 4000 LB/ACRE k 3. KEEP STREAM CROSSINGS AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE STREAM FLAW. ~ DEWATERING DEVICE ~r IMPERVIOUS DIKE 2. APPLY 10-10-10 COMMERCIAL FEttTiUZER AT THE RATE OF 1000 LB/ACRE. E CENTER LINE OF THE CROSSING FOR A MINIMUM WSTANCE OF 30 FEEL ~ WORK AREA 4. ALIGN ROAD APPROACHES WITH TH { s ;;~j / 3. SEED IN ACCORDANCE WRH THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULI: AND I APPLICATION RATES: RNSE BPoDGE ABUTMENTS AND CULVERT Fll1.S A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT ABOVE THE ADJOINING APPROACH SECTIONS TO PREVENT EROSION FROM SURFACE RUNOFF AND TO ALLOW FLOOD FLOWS TO PASS AROUND ~ >;e.~ ; • ~ • , • ~ • i DATE TYPE PLANTING RATE , THE STRUCTURE ;z : :.,,.`.~.1'-~~y .~ti + AUG. 20 -OCT. 25 TALL FESCUE AND 80 LB/AC. OR 2 LB/10D0 S.F. G WATER INCLUDING PLANNm OVERFLAW AREAS, WfCH UTILITY OR PIPE ~ , ; f 5. STABIIJZE All DISNRBED AREAS SUBJECT TO FLOWIN • FEB. 1 -APR. 15 SERICEA LESPEDEZA AND 20 LI3/AC. OR 1/2 LI3/1000 S.F. RIPRAP OR OTHER SUITABLE MEANS IF DESIGN VELOCRY IXCEEDS THE ALLAWABLE FOR THE IN-PLACE SOIL ' ~ } NOTE: . -""r•~ KOBE LESPEDEZA 10 LB/AC. OR 1/4 LB/1000 S.F. - WORKAREA 6. INSTALL BYPASS PUMPING PER DETAIL E-29, PIPED OR FLOW DIVERSIONS, OR BYPASS CHANNEIS TO ENSURE ENSURE TOANCNORALL THAT TEMPORARY CREEK CROSSINGS ARE CONSTRUCTED iN THE DRY. PUMPS AND PIPES SECURELY. MAY 1 -AUG. 15 ORDSUD~ANGR ~ 15 LAB%A~C: OR 1%3 LAB%10~ S F. ENSURE THAT BYPASS CHANNELS NECESSARY TO DEWATER THE CROSSING SITE ARE STABLE BEFORE DNERICNG THE STREAM. UPON COMPLETION OF THE CROSSING, FlLI, COMPACT, AND sTaBIIJZE THE BYPASS CHANNEL SECTION VIEW FEB. 1 - MAY 1 ADD RYE (GRAIN) 40 U3/AC. OR 1 LB/1000 S.F. APPROPRIATELY. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPQRTATION AUG. 15 -OCT. 15 7. REMOVE TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSINGS IMMEDIATELY WHEN THEY ARE NO LONGER NEEDED. RESTORE THE AUGUST 2003 NSPORTATION BMPs FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES t NOTES - USE UNSCARIFlED SEED FOR SERICEA LI~PmEZA AFTER AUG. 15. STREAM CHANNEL TO CTS ORIGINAL CROSS-SECTION, AND SMOOTH AND APPROPRIATELY STABWZE ALL DISNRBm AREAS. WHERE PERIODIC MOWING IS PLANNED, OMR SERICEA AND INCREASE KOBE LESPEDEZA TO 40 LB/ACRE 8. ANY IN-STREAM SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE REMOVED UPON STABILJZAl10N OF THE AREA. 4. MULCH WITH GRAIN STRAW APPLIED AT A RATE OF 44D0 U3/ACRE, OR EQUIVALIaTT COVER TEMPORARY CREEK CROSSING -FLOW DNERSION COFFER DAM METHOD NorES: - RNNS TO CHECK FOR BLACKAGE IN THE 9. INSPECT TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSINGS AFTER RUNOff PRODUCING OF ANOTHER SUITABLE MULCH. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITIi ASPHALT, NETTING, OR CHANNEL, EROSKN•I OF ABUTMENTS, CHANNEL SCOUR, RIRAP DISPLACEMENT, OR PIPING. MAKE ALL REPAIRS Maintenance ROVING OR CRIMPING WiTH A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL A DISK WRH BLADES SEi NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL SCALE: IMMEDIATELY. TO PREVENT FURTHER DAMAGE TO THE INSTALLATION, E - Z7 1. Set up bypass pump and temporary piping. Plac 10, UMR FORD CROSSINGS TO STREAMS WITH MAXIMUM 5 ET, BANK HEIGHT. ry piping. Place outlet 1. Routinely inspect bypass pump and temporary piping to of temporary pipe to minimize erosion at dischar or provide temporary energy dissipation measures ~sion at discharge site ensure proper operation. SLOPES GREATER THAN 3:1 TO 2:1 SLOPES N.T.S. ration measures. Firmly 2. Inspect impervious dike for leaks and repair any damage. REFEiLENCfS: Erosion and Sediment Control Wonning and Design Manual .anchor pump and piping. 3. Inspect discharge point for erosion. 1. APPLY AGRICULTURAL UME AT THE RATE OF 2-3 TONS/ACRE 2. Construct outlet protection if needed. ed. 4. Ensure flow is adequately diverted through pipe. 2• APPLY 10-10-10 COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER AT THE RATE OF s0o-1200 LB/ACRE 3. Construct impervious dike upstream of work area n of work area to 5. Inspect and maintain dewatering device to ensure clean discharge. 3. SEED IN ACCORDANCE WffH THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE AND APPLICATION RATES: RE1/ISIONS; impound water for bypass pump intake. Use a i Ttake. Use a floating Typical Problems DATE TYPE PLANTING RATE intake for pumps where possible. 1. Pump failure. JULY 25 -SEPT. 15 TALL FESCUE AND 100 LB/AC. OR 2 1/ LB 1000 S.F. 4. Construct an impervious dike downstream, if necE B to isolate work areas. (stream, If necessary, 2. Erosion at outlet ~ MAR. 1 -MAY 10 SERICEA LESPEDEZA AND 20 U3/AC. OR 1~ LB%1000 S.F. KOREAN LESPEDEZA AND 10 LB/AC. OR 1/4 U3 1000 S.F. SAND BAGS PIPELINE 3. Leaks in piping and improper connection to pump. REDTOP AND 5 LB/ . OR 1/B LB%t000 s.F. - TRENCH 5. Check o eration of um and i in s stem P p P PP 9 Y ng system. KENNCKY BLUEGRASS 5 LB~. OR 1/8 ~L,gB/~1000 S.F. 6. Upon completion of construction, remove impervic w" -""~j t bypass pump, and temporary pipes. ^emove impervious dike, MAY 1 -AUG. 15 oROSUDA~NGRASMB~ 15 LAB%A~C: OR i~3 LB"/1000 S F. S. t=1nw - FLOW MAR. 1 -MAY 1 ADD RYE (GRAIN) 40 LB/AC. OR 1 LB/1000 S.F. AUG. 15 - SEPi. 15 t` ~'r 8 ~ti~ ' a .<Y r:. " NOTES -USE UNSCARIFlED SEED FOR SERICEA IESPEDEZA AFTER AUG. 1 FOR NORTH AND EAST FACING SLOPES, SEED EARLIER IN FALL AND LATER IN SPRING. ^4;~ r ~ class 8 Eros+an TEMPORARI~ , ~r TEMPORARY WATERCOURSE DIVERSION RESEED, FERTILIZE, AND MULCH DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY. 01" #5 ar sir ' Stnne B' Ncb 1 n~, T MOW NO MORE THAN ONCE A YEAR. #57 wasr3ed s~tane . ~ ° T , k ~t• , I A A i i, E ~ 29 4. MULCH WITH STRAW APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 4000-5000 LB/ACRE AND IWCHOR SURVEYED BY: CRH BY TACKING WTTii ASPHALT, ROVNG, OR NETDNG. NETTING 15 THE PREFERRED ANCHORING I ~ ~ ,'i FLUME PLAN VIEW ,.Is ' METHOD oN srEEP sLOPES. DRAWN BY: BSH y r" DESIGNED BY: BSH r c. 6 ..T f.: k ti pYiT f ~S . i r ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ , TEMPORARY CROSSING CONSTRUCTIC Yr ~ a )z,x , , ~ j A,~Y ~ r b P ~ et q., ~ ~r NSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS APPROVED BY: HBG . k~ ~:~,st ~r~r TOP of BANK , , ~7 ~ ~ . r ~ ~ ~ FLUME CONSTRUCITON METHOD: i. APPLY AGRICULTURAL LIME AT THE RATE OF 2000 LB/ACRE THOD: 9 a }~a ~ `'r ~ , , r , t"~- ~ SANDBAGS. t T ,J y 11 /il r1 1 ~ ~ 2. APPLY 10-10-10 COMMERCIAL FERTLIZER AT THE RATE OF 750-1000 LB/ACRE ' " 4~ Ff ~1 q7W C lr Lutit tt~ ti ~ ~ , ~ iz r ~ FLUME .3 1 i Irv;; W a r 3. SEED IN ACCORDANCE WiTH THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE AND APPLICATION RATES: 1,; ~ ~ ' ~ ~ - ~--STREAM BED 1. THE CONSTRUCTION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITY CROSSII UTILITY CROSSINGS SHOULD BE DONE IN ONE DATE TYPE PLANTING RATE ; CA ~ ° - ~ ~ 1:°T~ ~ I' w °~'~r . OPERATION AT LOW WATER LEVELS TO MINIMIZE IMPACT I ~ 1 Bade fill under stream , MINIMIZE IMPACTS TO THE ENVIRONMENT. ~;SSJ ••,C JAN. 1 -MAY 1 RYE (GRAIN)) AND 120 U3/ OR 2 3/4 LI3/1000 S.F. ~~oF M' r t 't ; ' ; ~ i bad fo be nonerodible PIPELINE 2. BRING BOTH SIDES OF THE UTILITY WITHIN 10 TO 20' 1;,1 ~ SIDE. THE TEN-FOOT UNEXCAVATED AREA SHOULD REA MIN 10' TO 20` OF THE CROSSING ON EITHER KOBE LESPFOEZA 50 LB~: OR 1 1/e LB/loco s.F. EA SHOULD REAMAIN AS SUCH UNTIL BOTH 'e E I _ material SIDES ARE WITHIN tO FEET AND UNTIL THE REST OF ' ,i T 'F .THE REST OF THE CROSSING PROCESS OCCURS... MAY 1 -AUG. 15 GERMAN MILLET 40 LB/AC. aR t LB/loon s.F. ~ja, (,u ~ x v_!s, 3. INSTALL A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT TRAP DOWNSTREAM T t t, ~ , ".,~f: ' r r' FLUME SECTION A A DEWATERING AND EXCAVATED TRENCH MATERIAL AS NEI DOWNSTREAM TO COLLECT SEDIMENT FROM aR suDANGI:ASS 5o u3/AC. DR 1 1/a us/1Dao s.F. 360 MATERIAL AS NEEDED ON BOTH SIDES OF :~:.AUG. 15 -DEC. 3o RYE (GRAIN) 120 LI3/AC. OR 2 3/4 LB/1000 S.F. 'y9 .FHG I NE~:~',~0~:` ` CROSSING. '~,,-~R~S 8. GHQ, ; Stream 4. SANDBAGS TO BE FlLLED NO MORE THAN 75% CAPACf IAN 75~ CAPACITY OF THE BAG TO ALLOW NOTES - OMfT KOBE USPEDEZA WHEN TEMP. COVER IS NOT TO EXTEND BEYOND JUNE BAGS AROUND FLUME. NOTES - TOPDRESS WRH 50 LI3/ACRE OF NITROGEN IN MARCH. IF TEMP. COVER IS TO Channel STREAM WIDTH EFFECTIVE STACKING AND MOLDING OF BAGS AROUND Sand bags io be placed SAND BAGS higer than anticipated 5. LAY FLUME ALONG BOTTOM OF STREAM. PLACE SANDI 1. PLACE SANDBAGS AT UPPER END OF FLUME EXTEND BEYOND JUNE 15, OVERSEER WITH 50 LB/ACRE KOBE LESPEDEZA IN LATE FEBRUARY OR EARLY MARCH. JME TO LOWER WATER LEVEL. _ Ca of I culvxrts 6" Water level. Depress AND THEN AT THE LOWER END OF FLUME TO LOWER NCOQT#5 ar #57 P ~ 7 center for overflow a tagefiher = bankfuCl ;row woshedstnne minimum 6". 6. DEWATER THE WORK AREA DISCHARGING THE PUMP INl G THE PUMP INTO THE TEMP. SEDIMENT TRAP. 4. MULCH WiTH STRAW APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 4000 LB/ACRE AND ANCHOR SHEET TITLE: BY TACKING WITH ASPHALT, NETTING, OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL A DISK WiTH BLADES ~ f~~ r • Class B Eros~nn . ' ~ ~ stone 7. BEGIN TRENCHING AND INSTALLATION OF PIPE PER SPI FLUME IF PIPE PER SPECIFICATIONS. SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL EROSION CON~OL' r -r ~ . ~ Y i y l r . , ~ 8. BACKFlLL AROUND PIPE WITH NONERODIBLE MATERIAL, )IBLE MATERIAL, TAMP MATERIAL AS REQUIRED, STREAM CROSSING - ~ - d„?'-";r ~ PLACE ORIGINAL STREAM BED MATERIAL ON TOP OF Ni c?. / - . ~ VATION~P OF NONERODIBLE MATERIAL TO BRING DETAILS PIP---- ELINE TRENCH TO ORIGINAL STREAM BED ELEVATION. ~ ~ diameter aP pipe or LZ° ' i 9. STABWZE DISTURBED STREAM BANK WITH RIPRAP AS . whii:hever ~s greater ~ F;iter Clout WORK AREAS AT TOP OF STREAM BANK PER SPECIFl(;~ K~PER P ECIFlCATIONS. ON PLANS. STABILIZE SEQUENCE OF CONST, LOW STREAM TO RETURN TO NATURAL FLOW Fl t1MF SEGTlnN 6-I3' 10. REMOVE SANDBAGS AND FLUME TO ALLOW STREAM TO BEING CAREFUL NOT TO DISTURB BOTTOM OF STREAM. 'OM OF STREAM. 11 OF 18 DATE: 5/2/2008 TEMPORARY CULVERT AND STONE CREEK CROSSING TEMPORARY CREEK CROSSING -FLUME CONSfRUC710N METHOD E-26 E-28 PROJECT N0: 12375 Gupton and SEDIMENT /EXTENDED DETENTION BASIN Arm Assembly Associates P.A. Construction Specifications ENGINEERS•PLANNERS•SURVEYORS 1. Clear, grub, and strip the area under the embankment of all vegetation "C"Enclosure and root mat. Remove all surface soil containing high amounts of organic " matter and stockpile or dispose of it properly. Haul all objectionable material to the designated disposal area, w Water Entry Unit 2. Ensure that fill material for the embankment is free of roots, woody vegetation, organic matker, and other objectionable material. Place the fill TIVE VIEW PERSPEC in lifts not to exceed 9 inches, and machine compact it. Over fill the embankment 6 inches to allow for settlement PVC Vent Pipe 3. Shape the basin to the specified dimensions. Excavate a small 2200 SILAS CREEK PKWY. • SUITE 2B peninsula about 1.5 feet above the basin bottom around the planned WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. 27103 Schedule 40 location of the skimmer to accommodate a concrete slob for the skimmer 336.723.2459 FAX 33fr761.1425 to settle on in order to keep grass and debris away from the skimmer. E-MNL guptonpa(~GupmnCompanles.cam PVC End Cap PVC Elbow PVC pipe The slab also allows the skimmer to settle to the bottom and drain the / entire basin. The additional 1.5 feet excavation will accumulate most of the sediment and will become the basin bottom. The slab usually holds a Water Surface small amount of water that aids in keeping debris away from the skimmer ~s PVC End Cap that could clog the screen and inlet 4. Place the barrel (outlet pipe) on a firm, smooth foundation of ' Schedule 40 VC Tee PVC Pipe PVC Pipe Qri~ce impervious soil. Do not use pervious material such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone as backfill around the pipe. Place the fill material around 1!2"Holes in ~ the pipe spillway in 4-inch layers and compact it under and around the pipe to at least the same density as the adjacent embankment. Care n e ide PVC Tee Plate Udrs must be taken not to raise the pipe from the firm contact with its foundation when compacting under the pipe haunches. Install anti-seep collars as specified slightly down stream from dam centerline. Place a minimum depth of 2 feet of compdcted bac~ll over the outlet pipe ~ before crossing it with construction equipment. In no case should the pipe Q Flexible conduit be installed by cutting a trench through the dam after the Hose 6 embankment is complete. Install the concrete anti-floatation dab base; ~ securely attach the box riser to the base at the proper elevations and ~ J Bottom Surface locations as shown on the plans. J 5. Assemble the skimmer following the manufacturer's instructions. ~ ~ ~ ~ FRONT VIEW R 6. Lay the assembled skimmer on the bottom of the basin w'dh the ~ END VIEW SKIMME Des. By. W. Faircdoth flexible joint at the proper inlet location on the riser. Attach the flexible H W V ~ Dwg. By: w.KM. Date: April f 1, f997 joint to the inlet pipe and position the skimmer over the excavated ~ ~ N peninsula and slab in the basin. The skimmer should settle level across p" ~ the top of the pipe with the door on it, so that the debris guards work. Z ~ p ? ~ Otherwise, debris that accumulates around the float will flow under the float and clog the screen, when the water level drops. Adjust the flexible ~ ~ ~ J E -DETAIL FAIRCLOTH tm TYPE SKIMM R joint connection ff necessary, especially if the skimmer is pulled to the W side and the inlet pipe is not aligned with the riser. The float is balanced ~ O ~ ~ so that the rear settles down as the last few inches of water drain from Z _ E - 22 the basin. This positions the float and guards to contain floating debris on W' 0 the outside of the float as the water level drops. Place a stake at the ~ ~ W connection of the flexible joint so that the backhae operator will know the ~ ©~ij location when excavating accumulated sediment from under the skimmer and not damage it. After installing the skimmer, check to make sure the ~ W NoTTs orifice has not fallen out while moving. Tie a polypropylene rope around the tee between the vent and horizontal tube. Anchor the other end of 1. I* Is TTIe IENGIH aF 1tE IiPPAP APRON. the rope to a stake on the embankment or side of the basin. Tension the i D - 1.5 n11fS THE NAlww sIDNI: Dw~E1E>s ~ xar LESS rope as necessary so that the skimmer will settle into the pit after the basin drains. (Adapted from "A Manual for Designing, Installing and 1IiAt1 10•. Maintaining Skimmer Sediment Basins." February, 1999. J. W. Fairdoth & 3. IN A WELL-DF}1NFD G4WlEL EKIQiD 1HE APRON UP THE CHANIEL N1Nfi WALL BANfS TO AN F1LYAlION OF B' Son). La out baffle location and di a 6" x tt" ttench alon the bottom and sides of the basin, o~ ~ ~ ~ A~ ~ 7. Earthen spillways -Install the spillway in undisturbed sot. The W Y 9 9 ~ wHaiEVeR Is uss. Dmre ;mil fence posts 18" into the ground and place the post no more than 4 apart. achievement of planned elevations, grade, design width, and entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operation of the spillway. #9 reinforcin wire secured to to of asts ~ A FlLTER FABRIC aR elAraleT SHOIR.D BE g p p ~D ,lotne rePRia Lo - 2BA' The spillway may be lined with laminated plastic or permeable geotextile fabric. The fabric must be wide and long enough to cover the bottom and sides and extend onto the top of the dam for anchoring in a trench. The ExlstrlD NA111RAL STREAM BED E1FYA110N To eE WMAMED edges may be secured with 12-inch staples or pins. The fabric must be long enough to extend down the slope and exit onto stable ground. The 4' EwsnNC HUURIL STREAM BED ELEVATION 7D BE MNNTAWm width of the fabric must be one piece, not joined or spliced; otherwise Noteul. wAFR ELLVNIOt1 water can get under the fabric. If the length of the fabric is insufficient for the entire length of the spillway, multiple sections, spanning the complete width, may be used. The upper section(s) should overlap the lower section(s) so that water cannot flow under the fabric. Secure the upper edge and sides of the fabric in a trench with staples or pins. D (Adapted from "A Manual far Designing, Installing and Maintaining Skimmer Sediment Basins." February, 1999. J. W. Faircloth d< 5on.). D~~'~ ~ ~ Il 8. Inlets -Discharge water into the basin in a manner to prevent erosion. Use temporary slope drains or diversions w'rih outlet protection to divert II I I rNlEr ~ ouTtr:r ARItOR sediment laden water to the upper end of the pool area to improve basin Bottom of basin /T ` ~ ~ IJ aASS I ap RAP m Bt: I+U91FD/PIACFD so THAT 1DP B7GE Is trap efficiency. P~~ s mP rase s a ~ ~ ~ 9. Erosion control -Construct the structure so that the disturbed area is ~~ED tl ALLOW SPIED Ew I~ ~sTRt1M BED so As To Sloped side of basin VIEWS LOOKING minimized. Divert surface water away from bare areas. Complete the FQR embankment before the area is cleared. Stabilize the emergency spillway DOWNSTREAM embankment and all other disturbed areas above the crest of the principal spillway immediately offer construction. R ' c'n INLET /OUTLET STABILIZATION elnfor I g Baffles to be woven fabric VVlre REFER TO PLAN ri n Green E - 23 10. Install porous baffles as specified in locations shown on plans. ~ ~O • - VIEW OF BASIN hke North Ame ca Woven fabricfolded Top of C125 coconut fiber matrix 11. After all the sediment-producing areas have been permanently F~R stabilized, remove the accumulated silt and dispose properly, bringing the WN~~~~~ FOR BAFFLE with heavyweight polypropylene ever horizontal post baffle PLACEMENT AND netting 0.625 x 0.625 inch basin to its original design volume. Check the operation of the skimmer SHAPE mesh size with ultraviolet Horizontal past and spillways and make sure all pipes and structures are clear. Dress basin slopes and sow native grosses and flowers to make the basin as additives on both sides or CULVERT PIPE INSTALLATION GUIDE a proven equal product. Fence and fabrlC _ attractive as possible. Smooth the slopes to blend with the adjoining buried In trench U~PSTREAMDAMS AND OR PUMP~AROl1ND WORK AREAS~AS REQUIRED RELEA~N~G W~A1FR areas and stabilize properly and immediately. w~A~ SCALE: DOWNSTREAM ON A RIP RAP APRON OR OTHER STABIU2ID AREA SUCH AS A ROCK 5tREAM ~ STREMI Maintenance >AnoN aria N.T.S. Attach woven fabric on upstream 6" x 8"trench LT a°a~' wAiis Muster ~ ~ of Lots, s~MPS~, AuM~; oR eoaa n~iAT ~u~noNaND Side of baftie. backfilled and II THE RPE. THE PIPE BED sHOULD DE EITHER ROCK-FREE SOIL OR GRAVEL. BEDDING ~mpWG Inspect skimmer sediment basins weekly and after each significant II SHOULD PROVIDE EVEN DISTPoBLRWN OF THE LOAD OVER THE LE7IGGTFI OF THE PIPE THE Secure fabric to hog wire and posts. compacted d _ TME THE (one-half inch or greater) rainfall event and repair immediately. Remove 11 Ll LZ Ll PIPE SHOULD Elf1END EIEYOND THE TOE aF THE FlLL SIUPE. ALIGNNENT WITHIN THE with Stapp. It CIfIWNEL THE PIPE SHOULD BENSTALtID BELOW THE STREAM BED ALLOSW T~t1E STREAM ~ ~ sediment and restore the basin to its original dimensions when sediment ~ TME 51REAM accumulates to one-hall the height of the first baffle. Pull the skimmer ~''~--~~t u TO REESTABLISH THE STREAM BED THROUGH 1HE PINE. FlLL AND TAMPING SHODU) BE DONE W LAYERS AND SHOULD BE STARTED AT EACH PIPE FND AND FlWNG B1 BETWEEN. utD BE to one side so that the sediment underneath it can be excmated. B~• Excavate the sediment from the entire basin, not just around the skimmer REVISIONS: RE:inforcin INTO T~IiEFlILD SEK1TIi THE CULVERT ItLLET~AND OUTLET SHOULD BE ~OR~EDpW~fIH R~0WC #9 reinforcing wire , g TO PROTECT THESE AREAS AGAINST EROSION. THE INLET AND ounFT CHANNEL BED or the first cell. Make sure vegetation growing in the bottom of the basin Bm~ does not hold down the skimmer. Repair the baffles if they are damaged. 2/2O/O7 UPDATE secured t0 top of wi13 dnu'1~7ted SHODUI ~ EKCAVAIED PRIOR TO THE PtACEMENi OF THE RIP RAP 5tlClf THAT THE TOP T?iE mr Re-anchor the baffles if water IS flowing undemeath or around them. If ~s Nrp the skimmer is clogged with trash and there is water in the basin, usually 4/25/07 UPDATE posts at both ends of °ROaD FlLL sEwuLO E~ ~E~mED 1D A~SOD-FORMING GRASS MIX 81MEDUTELY~ FOLLOWINGD ' ' . battle $ COMPLETION OF THE CULVERT INSTALUTKIN TO PREVENT EROSION AND SEDIMEMATION OF iAIION OF jerking an the rope will make the skimmer twb up and down and dislodge ' THE STREAM. the debris and restore flow. If this does not work, pull the skimmer over 6/11 /07 UPDATE to the side of the basin and remove the debris. Also check the orifice . ~ . • , A OUTLET PIPE A inside the skimmer to see if it is clogged; if so remove the debris. If the skimmer .arm or barrel pipe is clogged, the orifice can be removed and the obstruction cleared with a plumbers snake or by flushing with water. 3 Be sure and replace the orifice before repositioning the skimmer. Check the fabric lined spillway for damage and make any required repairs with fabric that spans the full width of the spillway. . • , . 3 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION MANUAL FOR Bottom of baffle buried in PERMANENT EXTENDED DETENTION POND SURVEYED BY: CRH . side of basin to prevent I. Monthly, ar after every runoff producing rainfall event, DRAWN BY: HBG Bottom of hog were and fabric buried in trench with compacted soil, runaround PAN whichever comes first: DESIGNED BY: 'HBG PLUNGE PDOL TYPE A DIMENSION SCHEDULE A. Inspect the trash rack; remove accumulated debris, DU4 L1 L2 LT W1 W2 WT D 5rONE fBPRAP E d50 11ECk?ESS repair/replace if it is not functioning. APPROVED BY: HBG 12" 2' 2' 6' 2' 2' 6' 1' B' 14" 1' B. Inspect and clear the orifice of any obstructions. SEDIMENT BASIN POROUS BAFFLES -DETAIL ,5" r 2' 6' 2' 2' 6' e• ,4" C. Inspect the pond side slopes and grassed inlet swales; remove trash, and. repair eroded areas before the next 18` 3' 2' 8' 3' 2' 8' 1' 6" 14" 1' rainfall event 24" 3' 2' 8' 3' 2' 8' 1' 8' 16" 1' E - 21 30' 4' 2' 10' 4' 2' 10' 2' 8" 24" 1' II. Quarterly (Four times a year): : G A 0 36" 4' 2' 10' 4' 2' 10' 2' 12' 2T 2' A. Ins ect the collections tem ~.e. catch basins, i in :'Q•;•~ESS~ . 4 y', 42" 4' 3' 11' 4' 3' 11' 2' 12' 2T 2' grassed swales) for proper functioning. Accumulatedg 'a E 48" 5' 3' 13' 5' 3' 13' 2.5' 12' 2T 2' trash will be cleared from basin grates, basin bottoms, and piping will be checked for obstructions and cleared 360 LT as r wired. ' B. Pond inlet pipes will be checked for undercutting. Riprap %'Q!~ ' ~ ' ~Q~ ; E or other energy dissipation structures will be replaced, ~'~,,~5 G~ L1 L2 L1 and broken pipes will be repaired. INSTALL LEVEL & FLUSH III. Semi-annually (twice a year): OUTLET PIPE WITH NATURAL GROUND A. Accumulated sediment from the bottom of the outlet structure will be removed. D NATURAL GROUND _ B. The fore bay depth will be checked at various points. SHEET TITLE: C. Grassed swales, including the vegetated filter if applicable, 2•~ 21 = I i ~n- I will be reseeded twice a year as necessary. S~~ER FILTER FABRIC LINER -I~ IV. Annually (Once a year): BIN DET.~ ~_ybll~ll~l~ll- ~~I Iii . ~~bl~l~ll Ilk ~~II~I I I .I A. The pond depth will be checked at various points. Sediment ~I~~I~ ~~~I~ removal will occur when the depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth or 3 ft, whichever is greater. Sediment must be removed to at least the original design SECTION A-A depth. V. General: J OF RIP RAP PLUNGE POOL TYPE A A. Mowing of the side slopes will be accomplished according 'I to the season. Maximum grass height will be 6 inches. E- 24 B. All components of the detention pond system will be kept in good working order. Repair or replacement components will meet the original design specifications as per the DATE: 5/2/200$ approved stormwater plan. If previously approved components are determined to be ineffective, the component must be PROJECT NO: redesigned and/or replaced. 12375 General LandecapUlg Guklance for AD ngforAUStomrwat~BMPa DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DATA GuplOn an~ 1 Trees, shrubs, and woody vegetetia ~ ~Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INLET O-10y RIMIINLET PIPE ASSOCIat2S P A 2 Plant trees and at k3ast 151 away from a spilxiay ebuciu 8frUb8 et te9at 15 feet eWBy frOlrl the t0a Of ek?pe Of a dam and at leflst 25 feet STRUCTURE INVERT INVERT GRATE , , N0. STATION TYPE DRAINAGE ATINLET TOP OF N0. IN OUT TYPE ~ gpuyyay etnktlres AREA AC (CFS CURB IN ENGINEERS-PLANNERS-SURVEYORS S Trees a shnd>s known to have bn sut>eurface dreinage faantles. known t0 have krlg tapr00t8 atlOUld not ba yyifhh the Vicinity Of the eartfl dart! Or 1 CB 026 1.48 768,02 763.77 F le feandes 2 2+57,69 CB 0.37 124 755.37 751.12 F ~ 4. Plant trees and shnlbs at k3ast 25 shrubs at least 25 feet away from perforated pipes 3 YI 0.10 0.34 761.85 752.14 GRATE 4 3+38.74 CB 0.25 0.84 751.45 2 747.20 747.00 F / cRAVa aveR ttlP RAP 5. Provide 15 foot ClearBraa from a n CleararlCa lion B rlDrl-dOg~rlQ, bW fb1N OrIfICd 3 74720 ' Fat Access To RISER t0'-O° B - \ FAIRCLOTH MANUF. Q hlabaceous embankment. 5 YI 023 0.77 751,50 748.2D GRATE .T / MIN. MIN. ToP of oAM _ P POROUS BAFFLES PVC PIPE SKIMMER iRASi1 GUARD banlcrrerd plentln~ StWl~d be ItaNted to 10 alctles h height. 6 2+81.09 CB 0.20 0.67 754.20 5 747.64 747.44 G 7 0+4676 CB 0.13 0.44 752,D0 6 746.85 746.65 E 2200 SILAS CREEK PKWY. • SUITE 28 IN FLOW-~- DEL E-18 $ 729.10 4 x ~ CONC. 7. Use erOSlOrI Control mats and febrli Itrol mats end fabrbs h drerrlets to redlx;e the potentlal WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. 27103 ~ \ \ .05 100 YR 51RUCrlIRE ~ ~ EMERGFNf.1' SPILLWAY - - _ _ _ _ fa Br09bn. - - - 727.6 8 1+35,38 CB 0.10 0.34 757.72 753.47 F 336.723.2458 FAX 336.761.1425 9 0+59.80 CB 0.14 0.47 752.61 7 746.00 745.84 G E-MAIL guptanpe~GuptonCompanies.com 72 . 10 YR ti! ~ / \ \ R.000~MIER n - LEVEL SPREADER gency SpI1Way8 W 8. Stabllze al ems ~T T N IY rgency spllways with plant materiel that can vAtl?stand atronp fkrwa Root materiel s 7x8.36 7ze.54 rR 3 should be fibrotJe and eubstandel but \ - 9 ~ 1 3 LAYER OF arld aubstantlal but Isadng a taproot 10 4+22.14 GB 028 0.94 749.41 4 745.15 744.74 F 9 744.94 I,;/T FOREBAY ~ ~ . 57 STONE Dh~lt fkriYe irOm 89edfi QTY / T6' B0.0W EXGIVATED PEFOtSUU IpOrarly from seeded BreflS Illtll etabll~ad 11 5+75.11 CB 0.30 1.01 746.64 10 741.78. 740,61 F 20R OF POND VOL T ~ 7zz.oD 15' ACP 0 IAOX 30' MIN. FlL1ER STRIP a ~ ' : / / / ~ > ~ , • , \ ` 1Q Check water tolereraea of exlsiinS 12 7+28.11 CB 0.41 1.38 745.08 11 739.48 738.88 F derences of exlstlng phut materials prior to IrMaldatbn of eras _ 13 1+52.32 GB 0.19 0.64 748.68 744.43 G \ \ \ \ \ \ / , /y/ / / / / / / / / / , \ / / / / / / / /~\i/\ / / / / / ~ n Stablire aqua5c and safety berx~ i arld Safety benales vYlth ernergerlt wetland plerlth and Wet eaed mbras 14 1+52.32 CB 0.15 D.50 748.68 13 743.83 743.63 F \ y ~i~/ ~ / Vii. /i,/~,. ~,./~a~~. /y//Y~/y~ ~ ~ s x 9 5.5 x 5.5' ANTISED' ~ / ~ 3' WIDE STRIP OF ~ Do ~ tlbdc metlter~ aCC688 15 0+35,32 CB 022 0.74 745,76 14 741.29 739.75 F 18hfar18rlCa aCCea8 t0 8trlxrilJ<ea Wilk areas p ehndre. sTatF 4' sous PAD COLLARS / / iy/~// i 5 uNDeR suwMeR \ \ \ FlLTER FABRIC i6 Y1 032 1.08 737.67 734.42 GRATE ~ILT~R FABRIC ~N~ 19. To I'eduCe th~Tnal wam~np, shade CLASS 1 OR B tVP RAP I Ina! Wamlhp, Shade irRow and outlbW alarrlels a8 Wei ee 8outhprl axpoeures of 17 YI 0.08 0.27 738.54 16 733.48 73328 GRATE 18 9+80.69 CB 022 0.74 74536 17 732.18 731.98 G ~ RIP RAP PLUNGE POOL 19 8+39.93 TI 0.92 3.09 743.78 12 737.77 73037 Q SKIMMER -SEDIMENT BASIN CROSS SECTION SEE DET. E-24 14 Avdd p that w5 requtre ra that VVIn requtre rWt>t19 Or t7terwiva Che1111CB1 applicatkrts 0~ 1uri Brea). 15 737.05 18 730.57 ~ 15. I~ve sou tested to detemfne N th d t0 detemrYle N there h a need fp emwldmerda 20 MH 0.34 1.14 733.40 19 729.31 729.11 JJ 16. Nadve plant spades ahodd be ap adapted to local arteite soil and tend eae8 BhOWd be 8pectlied Over exotlC a fpeigrl Spades because they ere VYan 21 TI 1.70 5.72 751.23 743,44 ~ Q nrdte son arld temperature condnorw„ are benefidel fa wild'rfe, and reglie ittle p n0 22 6+76.92 MH 0.00 0.00 745.05 21 741.04 740.84 V (r Od addtlonel amendmarns. leirt8. ~ ~ ANTi-VORTEX PLATE 1~ Decrease the erea8 where merlaa 23 TI 1.48 4.98 754,57 747.78 ~ ~ V N refl8 Where manaQad Qfa89 (tllf) h UBBd tJse IOW mal~rtance ground CcvSr to absorb 24 4+55.50 MH 0,00 O.OD 749.40 22 736.59 736.39 nn~off. REBAR TRASH RACK 23 745.15 O Z 6'x 6" WELDED N0. 4 REBAR E0. WAY 5' O.C. 11. Plant stream and water buffers an xi vrater buffers and tYb~ str~s with trees, strobe, amamentel greases, and herbarreous ~ ~ W J' TOP OF BOX ANCHOR TO STRUCNRE 727.OO materieb where pasal~le, to atabl~e I >samle, to atabl~e bedrs end provide shads W ~ _.t STORM PIPE DATA ~ p Z` ~ ' 4 ` < ' ~ 18. Ma4tlaln and frame desirable view a CtBVe& 8" SLUICE GATE ` a Screen unattracilve views Into ame deeirable views. ire rarefial not to block views at entrances, exits, a dffkxlR road W Z _ lttraCtlVe VIEWS UdO the etle. Aestlletlcs arld visual OhereCterlBtlCe shadd be Second h FROM TO INLET TOTAL C I INLET PIPE PIPE FIFE REO'D USED PoFE FIFE ~ ~ W 0 FAIRCLOTH MANUF. N11~10rtaIK79 ONy to pot#rtarrt relraval i i p0lutant removal and MOff COntrd dlarecteltatlCa, NO INLET INLET AREA APEA COEFF INTEN. FLOW FLOW SLOPE LENGTH DIA. DIA CAPAC. VELOC. ~ ~ ~ LL PVC PIPE SIMMER 6" PVC PIPE °.i a . . POND DRAIN <:..a : a, '19. US8 t0 B N0. N0. AC AC I CFS CFS FT I I CF FPS 0 rohblt pedestrian aC~Ba to pods p Steeper 810p0& 1 1 EX. CB 0.26 0.26 0.98 5.80 1 A8 1.48 0.01 OD 67.92 8.6 15 6.48 3.65 ~ W ON SIDE OF BOX P 1 a 4' (INSIDE DIM.) SQUARE n . REINF. CONCREiE STRUCTURE 2Q The designer BhDUId CBrefUUy COn o .,d a - keep4p in mind the mahter~ance kegs carefully aansider the lon>~•temr vegetation manayemerrt sCateyy for the i3MP, a W e ma6lterrance legacy fa the future ovrt?ers Make sure the iadnty mahtenence 2 2 4 0.37 0.37 0.55 5.80 1.24 1,24 0.0100 90.02 8.1 15 6.46 3A9 agreement lndudes reou~emente to e a e ~ ~ 8n81t8 ~ h f 3 3 4 0.10 0.10 0.58 5.80 0.34 0.34 401 OD 98,37 4.9 15 6.48 2.52 BARREL / OUTLET PIPE 4 4 it 025 0.72 D.58 5.80 0.84 2A2 0.01 D0 90.32 t0A 15 6A8 4.13 Q n Provide a plerdirp avface tl>at cap roads hA sliface tllat can wltlwtend the compectlorr of vehktles using nretrlterrerloe access 5 5 6 0.23 0.23 0.58 5.80 0.77 0.77 0.0100 56.18 6.8 15 6.48 3.10 BOTTOM OF BOX , ~ 722.00 FU9(BLE HOSE < a 6 6 7 0.20 OA3 0.58 5.80 0.67 1A5 0.0100 58.92 8.6 15 6.48 3.63 AND CLAMPS ` .:o ' e If a BMP la nkely to receive aXCe DD, n ey t0 receive eXC868Ne amourds cf dek~ng salt, Salt tolererlt plants Should be rraed 7 7 10 D.13 0.56 0.58 5.80 0.44 1.88 0.0100 64.46 9.4 15 6.48 3.68 ANCHOR TO CONC. BASE . ~ 722.00 23. Provkle e'IQIagB to hey educate 1 a t0 tlBlp educate the public 8114 t0 dBSlgrlfltA rrleirrterrarlce nINtS. 8 8 9 0.10 0.10 0.58 5.80 0.34 0.34 40100 84.59 4.9 15 6.48 2.52 9 9 10 0.14 0.80 0.58 5.80 0.47 2.69 0.0100 85.59 10.8 15 6.48 4.24 24. Chose plants to assts a dhrersly A paste a dhrersity Of hSTbflCeou9, atrub aril U1aa spedas 10 10 11 0.28 1.80 0.58 5.80 0.94 6A6 0.0100 153.78 14.6 18 10.53 5.19 11 11 12 0.30 2.1D D.58 5.80 1.01 7.06 0.0100 153RD 15.5 18 10.53 5.39 12 12 19 OAi 2.51 0.58 5.80 1.38 SA4 0.0100 111.29 16.6 16 10.53 5.64 REINF. CONCRETE RISER DETAIL -SIDE SECTION VIEW primp a neiaal tk w~ rig r1at1Y81 Vegetatlan WtIBn p08an71a 13 13 14 0.19 0.19 0.58 5.60 0.64 0.64 0.0100 60.D2 6.3 15 6A8 2.96 SOIL• 14 14 15 0.15 0.34 0.58 5.80 0.50 1.14 0.0100 117.00 7.8 15 6A8 3A2 15 15 19 0.22 0.56 0.58 5.80 0.74 1.88 40412 69,99 7.2 15 13.15 6.59 pROGRE~S K le r to test the edl k ry to test the aril h whktll you are about to plant h order to detem~le the fonowYl~ 16 16 17 0.32 0.32 0.58 5.80 1.08 1.08 0.0100 85.30 7.7 15 6AB 3.37 1/4' SO. WIRE MESH wmt STAINLESS STEEL pFk whether sad neutral, c rifler sad neutral, a alkatire 17 17 18 0.08 0.40 0.58 5.80 0.27 1.35 0.0100 118.04 8.3 15 6.48 3.56 DR~~N~ 18 18 19 0.22 0.62 0.58 5.80 0.74 2.09 0.0100 140.69 9.8 15 6.48 3.98 #5 STONE OVER CLAMP OVER PIPE INLET ~ maJa sol rutrlentS Nltrogi PIPE INLET RYneraiS 8lah ae dlelatad ~ fMltr NIIfOgBr~ ~ POf886~fr1 19 19 20 0.92 4.61 0.58 5.60 3.09 15.51 0.0100 106.03 20.8 24 22.68 6.56 ~ ~ ~ Cflelat8d ~ ~ 20 20 OUTLET 0.34 4.95 458 5.60 1.14 16.65 0.0100 51.58 21A 24 22.68 6.66 POND DRAIN HBVe e01 samples eneyzed by exper s" PVC PEE Agrkxdhral F.Tderebn Otikte; who wll analyzed by experierxred and g1181i1ied tI1dlViduab, ouch as those st the USr~A 21 21 22 1.70 1.70 0.58 5.80 5.72 5.72 0.0100 24.42 14.3 15 6A8 5.12 QOVERNMENTAL ton QfIICS; Wl1O WII AXplab'I h Wrilhp the reeults, what they mear4 a8 Mfen 8S Whet SOn 22 22 24 0.00 1,70 0.58 5.8D O.DD 5.72 0.0100 421 A2 14,3 15 6.48 5.12 ff~lD~11TQ~ amendRtams wOUld be reglied Cer~ j be replied Cartah Sort carldtlorle, 8nd1 as merele says C8r1 present various 23 23 24 1.48 lA8 0.58 5.80 4.98 4.98 0.01 OD 26.25 13,6 15 6A6 4.94 ~~Cn~ry~~~~Q corletraUrth to the Qowih of plertt ma QOWIh Of plant materials end may raglrFe tits gukiance of qualified pfOf08810r1B1a When 24 24 OUTLET 0.00 2.30 0.58 5.60 0.00 7.14 0.0100 74.37 16.0 18 10.53 5.52 - - - - - poor sole can not be alrlerlded seed ~ coTrer as Q as possible seed mbcea and plant must ba ae~ctad to astabnetl grolrrd FOR FAIRCLOTH MANUF. i that rely hsve ~10~ y ttsve been fnvolved h canstrrwtlon can become compacted eo that plant roots carrlot I MER m ~ penetrate the soli Also seeds wll na PVC PIPE SK M eaten by bide Fa pfen<ftg slxxees, Also seeds wll na on the surer of compacted arils and are oaten washed away a DO NOT r plerrtlrg aaxxeee, sons alla~d be kwsened to a depth of three to flue klches Herd ° 4' SQUARE INSIDE REINF. 2 BARREL o e ~ sole may requ7a dkddng to a deeper " CONCRETE STRUCTURE to a deeper depth Tl,e soY sllodd be loosened regardless of the grould rx~ver. USE FOR - „ This wil Improve Seed COntaCt Wlh 11 2 ORIFlCE DIAMETER s" SLUICE GATE ° the saL For arses to be sodded, disk a dim ~ eryt ~`~?~e ~,~trat ~ ~ CON~'~~IIG'TION _ o SIDE SECTION ~ > COildtlOn8 Can ditlorls can prevent poor vegetative cover. This sava8 money because vagetatlpr win ' VIEW rat need to be replanted, D >>a~ BARREL / OLRLET PIPE Whenever posslTlei, tool shotdd be b to~oi Should be spread to a depth of four to eight hlctles end tightly compacted to - mhdmlm thk9atess of four inches ThV _ FLOW otrr materiel. The use of topsoA slows v~ ~ of far tnctles This provides orgar4c matter end knportant rnrtrlents fp the plant d o deeper. This erlares opidcer and tT?a topsoA slows vegetetlan to becpne eateblisfled fasts and roots to penetrate SCALE: es quktlrer acrd mpe a Stebilizatlon, mekalg ft lase Ukely that the plaids wU wash out dtrttg a heavy slam ff tap heavy stem tl tapaol has been stodgtlled h deep molalde fp a kry plod of thrrr N.T.S. it ie necessary to test - the sol fa pH as wan as mkxob~l a test wan as mlaoblal actlvtly. tl the microbial actlvtly has been destroyed n is necessary to FLEIBLE H0~ Inoallate the eol after appncatlon AHD CLAMPS ° rfter appUcatlon ' p > ~ Remember that newly Installed plant I p 0. p transplanted Be 8U8 that 80n1e 801Y1 ~ inataned plant materiel requires ureter h order to recover from the ahodr of beVq REVISIONS: ore that some aacce of water Is provided espeaeny rang dry ixalods TtYa wIB 4" GRAVEL UNDER SKIMMER redUCB pkrnt k>ae and provkte the rtel EXTiND TO 1' BEYOND WHERE SKIMMER SETTLES srrd provkfe the crew plant materieb with a dlance to establish root Qovrih ------J CONC. BASE SLAB EXTENDED EXTENDED DETENTION BASIN PLANT LIST ZONE 1 -DEEP POOL - 3 BRICK OR CONC. RISER DETAIL -TOP VIEW DEEP POOL - 3' INUNDATION BELOW NORMAL POOL Scientific Name Name Common Name Flowering Installation Period Rate or Spacu Cephalanthus occidental'is us occidental'is Buttonbus]'i May-August RIP RAP *Elodea Canadensis nadensis Common waterweed July-September teum Spatterdock June-September 0.15-0.95 mm 25 2' *Nuphar luteum IJNED *Nymphaea,odorata ~dorata Water tally June-September SURVEYED BY: CRH *Potamogeton pectinatus ~n pectinatus Pondweed Summer F.E.S. DATA INLET OUTLET PROTECTION polyrhiza Greater duckweed Summer DRAWN BY: JSB FABRIC ~ *Spirodela polyrhiza FILTER 20 Vallisneria.Americana 3.Amexicana wild celery July-October F.E.S. SIZE DRANVAGE 0-10y V-l0y INVERT PIPE LENGTH WIDTH WIDTH 1HIg0~SS RIP-RAP TOP OF SPILLWAY LOW MARSH - 12'v INUNDATION MAXIMUM BELOW NORMAL POOL NO. AREA ELEV. N0. La Do+la 3>f Do (DEP1H) SIZE DESIGNED BY: JSB 2 729.1 ZONE 2 -LOW MARSH - 1 ~ \ \ \ ~ / \ Scientific Name Name Con[[wa Name Flowering Installation (IN) (ACRE) (CFS) (FPS) (Fl•) (FT) (IN) (IN) APPROVED BY: HBG Period Rate ar Spacit 20 14 16 6 14 6 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / ~ ~ / / / / Peltandra virginica 24 10 12 4.5 14 6 virginica Arrow-arum May-July 12" o. c, / / / ~ / / / ~ Polygonum pennsylvanicum pennsylvanicum ..Pennsylvania May-October 2 8 / / / / ~ ~ ~ \ Polygonum punctatum Smartweed ~ ~ ~ ~ punctatuni Water Smartweed July-October ; CA Q ///i Polygonum sagittatum sagittatum Tearthumb June-September g$ ( ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Pontederia cordate / / / / / / / / / / / / \ Sa ittaria latifolia ~ q cordate Pickerel Weed June-November ~,~OF~ r a' latifolia Arrow Head July-September 18" o. c. ;Q \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ *Scirpus validus alidus Soft Stemmed June-September E Bulrush - 360 / / / / / / / / / / *T ha latifolia YP ifolia Broad Leaved May-July 18" o. c. - i,,/ / Zizania aquatics Cattail ;~y 'LNG I NE~'~ uatica Wild Rice June-Se tember p '','PR/S'e ~~Q ; ' ZONE 3 -HIGH MARSH - HIGH MARSH - 6" INUNDATION MAXIMUM BELOW NORMAL POOL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SPILLWAY CROSS SECTION Scientific Name Name Common Name Flowering Installation Period Rate or Spada Acorus calamus Decodon Serticilatus emus Sweet Flag May-August 0.3-0.9 nun rticilatus Swamp Loosetrife July-September q *Elodea Canadensis nadensis Common Waterweed July-September SHEET TITLE' BASIN I Hibiscus moscheutos Iris versicolor pscheutos Rose Mallow July-September 36" o.c. ' color Blue Flag May-July 0.15-0.45 mm STORM PIPE & SEDIMENT EXTENDED DETENTION BASIN Iris pseudocorus ocorus Ye11o Flaq May-July 1B" o. c. Leersia oryzoides Orontium aquaticum yzoides Rice Cutgrass June-October 5'~UG'~~i quaticum Golden Club April-June CiZCS.Rl WITH RISER BARREL AND FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER Saururus ~eruu, eiuus Lizards Tail June-September 20~ of mix ZONE 4,5 -BANKS/SHORE - BrjNNxs/SHORES -TOLERATES SATURATED soIL CorroITIOrrs EXTENDED DETENTION E-25 Scientific Name Name Common Name Flowering Installation BASIN DETAILS Period Rate or Spacu Aster puniceus ceus Swamp Aster August-November A O E n Caltha palustris Carex lurida ustris Marsh Marigold April-June I ]V( da Lurid Sedge June-October 10% of mix Impatiens capensis capensis Jewelweed June-September Lobelia cardinalis *Panicum virgatum rdinalis Cardinal Flower July-October irgatum Switchgrass July-September 40% of mix Phalaris arundinacea *Scirpus pungens rundinacea Reed Canary Grass June-August DATE. 5/2/200 ° ungens Three Squared Rush June-September 18" o.c. Veronia noveboracensis veboracensis New York Ironweed August-October * plants known to be part. - PROJECT NO: nown to be particularly good at pollutant removal 12375 Gupton and WET DETENTION BASINS GENERAL LANDSCAPING GUIDANCE FOR ALL STORMWATER BMPs ASSOCIat2S R.A. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. Trees, shrubs, and woody vegetation are not allowed on any embankment impounding water. ENGINEERS•PLANNERS-SURVEYORS 1. Even moderate rainfall events during the construction of a w can cause extensive damage to it. Protective measures shout nstruction of a wet detention basin measures should be employed 2. Paard trees and shrubs of least 15 feet away from the toe of slope of a dam and at least 25 feet both in the contributing drainage area, and at the wet deten rt the wet detention basin itself. away from a principal spillway structures. Temporary drainage or erosion control measures should be u res should be used to reduce the 3. Trees or shrubs known to have long taproots should not be within the vicinity of the earth dam or e potential for damage to the wet detention basin before the isin before the site is stabilized. subsurface drainage facilities. The control measures may include stabilizing the surface with the surface with erosion mats, / uer and the emergency spillway 4. Plant trees and shrubs at Mast 25 feet away from perforated pipes. sediment traps, and diversions. Vegetative cover and the ems tO' vEGEraTEO sHaF also should be completed as quickly as possible during consi ible during construction. - ~P ~ - e' Th si n r should address the otential for beddin erosior 5. Provide 15 foot clearance from anon-clogging, low flow orifice. 2200 SILAS CREEK PKWY. - SUITE 2B bedding erosion and WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. 27103 ~ Accsss To IasER 10' 0" a de g e p g y `'y~ catastrophic failure of any buried outlet conduit. A filter diap'. luit. A filter diaphragm and drain 6. Herbaceous embankment plantings should be limited to 10 inches in height, 336-723.2459 FAX 336.761-1425 i~ 6~ MIN. MIN. ~ of system should be provided along the barrel of the principal ree.~a if the principal spillway to prevent e•MAi~ gupmnpa~GuptanCompanies,com IN Flow--? to' vEGEraTEU sHEtF 4~ , 4~ 3 piping. DWQ is aware of an evolution in standard practice, ar lard practice, and of accumulated 7. Use erosion control mats and fabrics in channels to reduce the potential ~ ~zs.os rao rs ~ t ~ _ °"Q ~LL"'AY evidence su estin that in most circumstances filter dia hra . T ~i i~ - - - - ins 99 9 ;es filter diaphragms are much far erosion. ~yi i i i ~i i _____??~-32 101 p-- ~,,,,,o, n,,~ - ~!I LEVEL SPREADER superior to anti-seep collars in preventing piping. DWQ strong ` <i i ~ ~ dia hra ms to the older desi nanti-see collar. If reinforcE ping. DWQ strongly prefers filter 8. Stabilize all emergency spillways with plant material that can withstand strong flows. Root material Ilar. If reinforced concrete pipe is should be fibrous and substantial but lacking a taproot. ~ •aiy~ i -----r~s.sa 2 ~ 9 3 " P 9 9 P ~y ~ ~';.a'p~>~~ Poop ~ 1 3 LAYER OF used for the principal spillway, "0-ring" gaskets (ASTM C361) ets (ASTM C361) should be used ~ ~ ~ FGREBAY ~ • . X57 STONE petted during installation. 9. Divert flows temporarily from seeded areas until stabil'¢ed. 20X OF POND VOL js' rslow to create watertight joints and should be inspected during m /y ~Ai°~ 0W11' 4•a' ~~•aa t5 RCP O tODX 30' MIN. FILTER STRIP Adopted from the NCDENR Stormrvate~ BMP Manua/ - 2007 ' Vlanua/ - 2007 10. Check water tderances of existing plant materials prior to inundation of area. ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i \ ~ \ \ \ \ ~ ~ v~i~i 2. Clear, grub, and strip the area under the embankment of ~ ~ ~ ~ [ ~ ~ ~ ,`~i(i`~i i i i`i` i ~ ~ ~i~i ~i~~ ; " ~ ~ ~~T and root mat, Remove all surface soil containing high amour embankment of all vegetation 11. Stabilize aquatic and safety benches with emergent wetland plants and wet seed mixes. fining high amounts of organic _ ~ a~ ~ ~ 5.5 x 5.5 ANTISEEP ~ y~ ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ . _ _ 3' WIDE STRIP OF_... _ _ _matter_and stockpile or dispose of it propery. au a o fec y. Haul all objectionable 12. Do not black maintenance access to structures with trees or shrubs. ~ Puy ANN. ~ ~ COLLARS i~~ FILTER FABRIC material to the designated disposal area. 13. To reduce thermal warming, shade irdlow and outflow channels as well as southern exposures of Q ~ p qM UFE IL ~R FAB IC LIN~R 3. Ensure that fill material for the embankment is free of r~ ent is free of roots, woody ponds. RIP RAP PLUNGE POOL ve etation or anic matter and other ob'ectionable material. anable material. Place the fill 14. Avoid plantings that will require routine or intensive chemical applications (i.e. turf area). ~ J SEE DEr. E-24 9 9 ~ in lifts not to exceed 9 inches, and machine compact it. Ov compact it. Over fill the SEDIMENT BASIN CONVERTED TO WET DETENTION BASIN embankment s inches to allow for settlement. f 15. Have soil tested to determine if there is a need for amendments. 4. Shape the basin to the specified dimensions. Excavate a ins. Excavate a small 16. Native plant species should be specifred over exotic or foreign species because they are well ~ Z 0 peninsula about 1.5 feet above the basin bottom around the ttom around the planned adapted to local on-site soil and temperature conditions, are beneficial for wildlife, and require I'rttle or no ~ W V N' location of the skimmer to accommodate a concrete slab fo to settle on in order to keep grass and debris away from to concrete slab for the skimmer additional amendments. a Z ris away from the skimmer. Z ~ 0 - ~ The slab also allows the skimmer to settle to the bottom ar ANTI-VORTEX PLATE o the bottom and drain the 16. Decrease the areas where managed grass (turf) is used. Use low maintenance ground cover to absorb ~ W entire basin. The additional 1.5 feet excavation will accumula ~n will accumulate most of run-off. W~ the sediment and will become the basin bottom, The slab u; 4° SCH 40 PVC PIPE small amount of water that aids in keeping debris away fror :om, The slab usually holds a ~ Z ~ debris away from the skimmer 17. Plant stream and water buffers and filter strips with trees, shrubs, ornamental grasses, and herbaceous ~ ~ 0 F. WITH SCREW TYPE PLUG REBAR TRASH RACK that could clog the screen and inlet. materials where possible, to stabil'ze banks and provide shade. ~ Z = ~ 6 x 6 WELDED N0. 4 BORED AND SECURELY » W~~ 6 SLUICE GATE REBAR EA. WAY 4. Place the barrel (outlet pipe) on a firm, smooth foundatii TOP. OF,BOX MOUNTED. IN CONC. BOX ANCHOR TO STRUCTURE impervious soil. Do not use pervious material such as sand, smooth foundation of 18. klaintairi and frame desirable views. Be careful not to black views at entrances, exits, or d'rfficult rood ~ ~ curves. Screen unattractive views into the site, Aesthetics and visual characteristics should be second in such as sand, gravel, or ~ ~ Q 727.00 crushed stone as backfill around the pipe. Place the fill mat lace the fill material around importance only to pollutant removal and runoff control characteristics. W TO PREVENT TAMPERING the pipe spillway in 4-inch .layers and compact it under and ' - _ _ pipe to at least the same density os the adjacent embankm act it under and around the 19. Use plants to proh~it pedestrian access to pools ar steeper slopes. _ - must be taken not to raise the pipe from the firm contact jacent embankment. Care a fie firm contact with its 20. fie designer should carefully consider the long-term vegetation management strategy for the BMP, W foundation when compacting under the pipe haunches. Insta haunches. Install anti-seep keeping in mind the maintenance legacy for the future owners. Make sure the facility maindenance 2.00 ~ _ < 4 (INSIDE DIM.) SQUARE _ y collars as specified slightly down stream from dam centerlinE ' PRE-CAST CONC. STRUCTURE minimum depth of 2 feet of compacted backfill over the our n dam centerline. Place a agreement includes requirements to ensure vegetation cover in perpetuity. kfill over the outlet pipe before crossing it with construction equipment. In no case sl it. In no case should the pipe 21. Provide a planting surface that can withstand the cornpactian of vehicles using maintenance access NORMAL POOL ELEVATION: 725.00 ~ conduit be installed by cutting a trench through the dam afi ugh the dam after the roads, - - < < ~ embankment is complete. Install the concrete anti-floatation ~ secure) attach the box riser to the base at the ro er elev r anti-floatation slab base; the proper elevations and 22. If a Bh1P is likely to receive excessive amounts of deicing Solt, salt tolerant plants should be used. w Y PP w ~ ~ ~.Q locations as shown on the plans. 1.0 ° o < ~ t o < 23. Provide signage to help educate the public and to designate maintenance limits. 5. Earthen spillways -Install the spillway in undisturbed soih ~ ° a° achievement of tanned elevations, rode, desi n width, and undisturbed soil. The sign width, and entrance and 24. Chose plards to create a diversity of herbaceous, shrub and tree species. ~ P 9 9 w ~ ~ < a exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operation o ssful operation of the spillway. 25. Preserve existing natural vegetation when possible. u. < ~ BARREL OUTLET PIPE The spillway may be lined with laminated plastic or permeabl " < . stic or permeable geotextile ~~~N~~ 0 2 SUBMERGED ORIFICE HOLE DRILLED < . fabric, The fabric must be wide and long enough to cover fi ough to cover the bottom and SOIL: `or anchoring in a trench. The DRAWINQS TYPE PVC CAP sides and extend onto the top of the dam for anchoring in INTO SCREW ON ° << edges may be secured with 12-inch staples or pins. The fat or pins. The fabric must be It is necessary to test the soil in which you are about to plant in order to determine the following: BOTTOM OF BOX .a ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ Ion enou h to extend down the slo a and exit onto stable 722.00 9 9 P < . width of the fabric must be one piece, not joined or spliced ;xit onto stable ground. The ~ ~ ° it P: water can et under the fabric. If the ten th of the fabric i joined or spliced; otherwise pH; whether acid, neutral, or alkaline i of the fabric is insufficient major soil nutrients; Nftrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium \ D' DA ° 9 9 ° for the entire ten th of the spillwa ,multiple sections, spann sections, spanning the minerals; such as chelated iron, lime BOTTOM OF POND / ~ ~ ° ? -0 9 Y \ p D D. D ° coin lete width, ma be used. The upper section(s) should o • \ 722.00 P Y ;tion(s) should overlap- the 721.00 lower section(s) so that water cannot flow under the fabric. ° p" REMOVE SKIMMER upper edge and sides of the fabric in a trench with staples nder the fabric. Secure the Have soil samples analyzed by experienced and qualified individuals, such as those at the USDA AUDI IL¦1~ lch with staples or pins. Agricultural Extension Office, who will explain in writing the results, what they mean, as well as what soil F~R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PLUG EXIST. PIPE A fr m "A M nual for Desi nin Installin and Maintai da ted o a , ( P 9 9 9 Iling and Maintaining Skimmer amendments would be required. Certain soil conditions, such as marine clays, can present serious \ INSIDE ~dtiirrFins." Februa , 1999. J. W. Foircloth & Son.). constraints to the growth of plant materials and may require the guidance of qualified professionals. When cloth & Son.). poor soils can not be amended, seed mixes and plant material must be selected to establish ground T ~ / ~ ry ~ i ~ ~ VIEW / cover as quickly as possible. ~ N~T ~ ~ 6. Inlets -Discharge water into the basin in a manner to F ANCHOR TO CONC. BASE Use temporary slope drains or diversions with outlet protectic r a manner to prevent erosion. Areas that recently have been involved in construction can become compacted so that plant roots cannot ~ ~QC eo~ 1 outlet protection to divert penetrate the soil Nsa seeds will lie on the surface of compacted soils and are often washed away or V~G 1" sediment laden water to the upper end of the pool area to le pool area to improve basin eaten by birds. For planting success, soils should be loosened to a depth of three to five inches. Hard /~N~~N soils may require disking to a deeper depth. The soil should be loosened regardless of the ground cover, This will improve seed contact with the sail, increase germination rates, and allow the roots to penetrate 7: Erosion control -Construct the structure so that the dis so that the disturbed area is the soil. Far areas to be sodded, disking is necessary so that the roots can penetrate the soil. Providing minimized. Divert surface water away from bare areas. Comp are areas. Complete the good growing conditions can prevent poor vegetative cover. fiis saves money because vegetation will CONCRETE RISER DETAIL -SIDE SECTION VIEW embankment before the area is cleared, Stabilize the emer e 9 embankment and all other disturbed areas above the crest c ~ilize the emergency spillway not need to be replanted. bove the crest of the principal Whenever possible, topsoil should be spread to a depth of four to eight inches and lightly compacted to SCALE: spillway immediately after construction. minimum thickness of four inches. This provides organic matter and important nutrients for the plant N.T.S. material. The use of topsoil allows vegetation to become established faster and roots to penetrate 8. After all the sediment-producing areas have been -perman we been -permanently deeper. This ensures quicker and more complete stabilization, making it less likely that the plants will t/4• sa. wlsE MESH stabilized, remove the accumulated silt and dispose properly, wrrH sruNtrss stm. basin fo its original design volume. Check the operation of dispose properly, bringing the wash out during a heavy storm. ff topsoil has been stockpiled in deep mounds for a long period of time, ~ sT~E ovER coup INL~ and s illwa s and make sure all i es and structures are ch PIPE INLET P Y P P :he operation of the orifice it is necessary to test structures are clear. Dress the soil for pH as well as microbial actively. ff the microbial activity has been destroyed, it is necessary to REVISIONS: basin slopes and sow native grasses and flowers to make th wets to make the basin as inoculate the soil after application. POND DRAIN attractive as possible. Smooth the slopes to blend with the ~ blend with the adjoining Remember that newly installed paard material requires water in order to recover from the shock of being s' I'VC PIPE areas and stabilize properly and immediately: transplanted. Be sure that some source of water is provided, especially during dry periods, This will reduce plant loss and provide the new plant materials with a chance to establish root growth. - - MAINTENANCE WET DETENTION BASIN PLANT LIST t 1. Please refer to Section 7.0, General BMP Maintenance, for Maintenance, for information on types m' ~ of maintenance, typical frequency, and specific maintenance is maintenance tasks that are ZONE 1 -DEEP POOL - 3' INUNDATION BELOW NORMAL POOL e D 4 (INSIDE DIM.) SQUARE common to all BMPs. The followin information is maintenanc D . PRE-CASE CONC. 5RtUCTURE 9 ~n is maintenance that is specific to wet detention basins. Specific items that require careful 6' SLUICE GATE require careful inspection far a Scientific Name Camagn Name Flowering Installation wet detention basin include: evaluation of the aquatic environ aquatic .environment, vegetation, Period Rate or spaci~ e SIDE SECTION and sediment build-u . VIEW P C Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush May-August *Elodea Canadensis Common waterweed July-September _ ~ 0~ 2. A ro ram of monitorn the a vatic environment of a e P9 9 q P -onment of a permanent wet detention *Nunhar luteum Spatterdock June-September 0.15-0.95 msn SURVEYED BY: CRH basin should be established. Items such as water clarity and Yates Clarl~,I and nl al fawth *Nymphaea odorata Water Lilly June-September `7 g g *Potamogeton pectinatus Pondweed Summer ~ FLOW our should be monitored re ulorl . RIP RAP ~ 9 y *Spirodela polyrhiza Greater duckweed SLUnmex DRAWN BY: HBG Vallisneria Americana Wild celery July-October LINED 25.2 ° 3. The vegetation located on the vegetated shelf must be pr shelf must be properly maintained in zoNE 2 -Low MARSH - 12" INUNDATION MAXIMUM BELOW NORMAL Pool -DESIGNED BY: HBG and in order to prevent bank APPROVED BY: HBG , TER FABRIC ~ 4' SCH 4O PvC PIPE _ order to achieve additional pollutant removal and in order to F1L 20 WRIT SCREW TYPE PLUG ties should be noted and Scientific Name coeman Name Flowering Installation ILLWAY BORm AND SECURELY a erosion. Bare spots, weeds, and invasive species should be r 2 TOP OF SP remedied as soon as possible to prevent larger problems. A 729.10 MouNiID w CONC. aox der problems. Although a regular Period sate or snaai~ D ~ ° . ° d grass maintenance program .for the upland locations around )cations around the BMP will Peltandra virginica Arrow-arum May-July 12" o.c. 1 ° ` D reduce weed intrusion, some weeds invariabl will a edr. Pei \ \ ~ \ \ \ < \ \ \ \ ~ ~ \ \ \ therefore be necessary. Chemical application to control weed. will appear. Periodic weeding will Polygonum pennsylvanicum Pennsylvania May-October Smartweed C/a, , to control weeds should be , / carefully considered and monitored.. Frequent mointenance ac' Polygonum punctatum Water Smartweed July-October SSA O~ maintenance activities such as Polygonum sagittatum Tearthumb June-September ~',oFE ~ ~ ' 727.80 - ~~\~\~\j ~ ~ ~ ~ removing debris and cutting grass will result in a facility tha In a facility that IS bath fUnCtlonal Pontederia cordata Pickerel Weed June-November .C / ~ ~ ~ ~ CONC. BASE SLAB and attractive. \ \ \ \ ~ AITACH TO STRUCnBtE 5agittaria latifolia Arrow Head July-September 18" o.c. E *Scirpus validus Soft Stemmed June-September Bulrush 360 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ 4. Sediment accumulation should be monitored through visua ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ basin bottoms and the sediment accumulation depth marker. :d through visual inspection of the *'l~pha latifolia Broad Leaved May-July 18" o.c. - •%F4' f.Q~,,~ Cattail ' '9 PIN 6 ,`0 n depth marker. When the zizania aquatica Wild Rice June-September ~';,r~Q/~~""'~~ Q \ \ \ \ \ - CONCRETE RISER DETAIL TOP VIEW s ecified de th of sediment has been reached in either the \ P P ~d in either the forebay or main ',,,5 B. ' / basin the sediment should be removed and dis osed of ro P PI disposed of properly, and the ZONE 3 -HIGH MARSH - 6" INUNDATION MAXIMUM BELOW NORMAL POOL forebay or main basin repaired as designed (e.g. proper veg~ (e.g. proper vegetation replaced). Scientific Name Common Name Flowering Installation Period Rate or Spaci~ 5. Important maintenance procedures: SPILLWAY CROSS SECTION Acorus calamus Sweet Flaq May-August 0.3-0.9 mm Immediately after the wet detention basin is established, f is established, the plants on the Decodon verticilatus Swamp Loosetrife July-September vegetated shelf and perimeter of the basin should be watere if needed, until the plants become established (commonly sip should be watered twice weekly *Elodea Canadensis Common Waterweed July-September SHEET TITLE; Hibiscus moscheutos Rose Mallow July-September 36" o.c. ~d (Commonly six weeks). Iris versicolor Blue Flag May-July 0.15-0.95 mm W LT DETENTIQN -No portion of the wet. detention pond should be fertilized uld be fertilized after the first Inltlal Iris pseudocorus Ye11o Flag May-July 18" o.c. ~ T~ ~ fertilization that. is required to establish the plants on the vE Leersia oryzoides Rice Cutgrass June-October BASIN DETAILS plants on the vegetated shelf. Orontium aquaticum Golden Club April-June _Stable groundcover should be maintained in the drainage in the drainage area to reduce the Saururus ceruus Lizards Tail June-September 20~ of mix sediment load to the wet detention basin. ZONE 4,5 -BANKS/SHORES -TOLERATES SATURATED SOIL CONDITIONS -If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to per the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain shoulc ~gency or to perform maintenance, ~ncy drain should be minimized. to scientific Name Common Name Flowering Installation Period Rate or Spacit BMP ~ the maximum extent practical inspect the embankment. Aster puniceus Swamp Aster August-November A WET EXTENDED DETENTION BASIN -Once a year, a dam safety expert should inspect the emt Caltha palustris Marsh Marigold April-June OF I }v( 6. After the wet detention pond is established, it should be WITH WATER QUALITY DRAW DOWN ORIFICE month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater 'd, it should be inspected once a Carex lurida Lurid Sedge June-October 10% of mix 14 OC Impatiens capensis Jewelweed June-September n event greater than 1.0 inches (or Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower July-October 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of inspection an of inspection and maintenance *Panicum virgatum Switchgrass July-September 40%s of mix Phalaris arundinacea Reed Canary Grass June-August DATE. 5/2/2008 should be kept in a known set location and must be availat E 26 must be available upon request. *Scirpus pungens Three Squared Rush June-September 18" o.c. Refer to NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual Table 10-6 "Samr able 10-6 "Sample Inspection and veronia noveboracensis New York Ironweed August-October Maintenance Provisions for Wet Detention Basins". PROJECT ,ins". * plants known to be particularly good at pollutant removal NO: 12375 _ ,,o. , ~ ~ ~ L~ f b(p,~~ }y] ~ yg~Ly ;q.~gpp,~~ yy~.~ ~wµn#y>. $ o ' ~6'..i ~Ltl~>iu. 93 ~w?"4.. bd 9,w 3w 'Y ~}'Wffs»: 4Gb9 ~Rn~N $"M7"R i3~ ?i r•3 y;N ~ do B ~y 9~ r , u. q...,.~ r«. C` ~ ;°s5:?~b: ~ .€d ~ ,~Q £ i:.y`Yax3" ' d~a•bb`i8 ax.¢,i'S .3 ~6 i§.~w;~#86~, 3~ 4~ YY~~ ~.y * ~ t" y.. ~ 7 ~p~+34~g . i ~ , ~ ~ p ~ ?~w ~a a s"~ : ~,~A~.3~ yF"'«aV s. f~ f ~ , ~~A~. ~ f' . ~ F , . _ , , w. : , . , : ' ~ • : # is by~~ ~4„ $ ~^•'S ~Qg~py~?~ y,;~` p pygpp ~q 3 .g~ 9g~ . r r , • # f) 1 ''ti.''~ ',.'#L.o-,.. ~:ig9'E4~;. ~.w~#~.9~CF£~.i ~ F'..'s3?~4Yka%C';~.:3~5 .~~~1'd 8a:8;.:.. sC'L ?a:IP y~: k`°'".::. b'E?B ; .>.i"F,.°°i~, :Le:73~~'9 fY~~. ..d :•s 5 < ~ v . ~ r~_ a<,aa•~ ~.`d «d » ~3~tk b.a4k~~s ~ .~.Y ~L ~~45 ~„a'" d i 1~ , , .RT •:%x. b,3r e, y, n~, ~i~:F.~~~ ww"'F T~fXfXY"'.Rz ~iY. .46.!'i~ ,:ati~K.~i~4 ~t~.,aw.'3 i iv7°elA~ ~R 84`$gk e~Er 3£Rb ~ ~ A°0 ~y &;$?R. ~ ~ y, . xd' . 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