HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0007064_Response to Comments_20161012BSEP 16-0090 Enclosure .:, OCT 12 2016 Water Quality Permitting Section Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Response to Comments RECEIV EDI NCDEQ1 D'iVP OCT 12 2016 Water Quality Permitting Sect9on Respons'e to NCDEQ w Entrain'rnent a 3ti� s i ��, P t�: cl: DUKE ENERGY September 1,- 2016 AT F Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Response to NCDEQ Comments — Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Contents Introduction.............................................................................................. Development of Entrainment Characterization Study Plans ................................................... M Duke Energy 1 1 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Response to NCDEQ Comments — Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 1 Introduction M The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) rule implementing §316(b) of the Clean Water Act (the rule) was published on August 15, 2014 in the Federal Register. The rule applies to existing facilities with design intake flows (DIF) of more than 2 million gallons per day (MGD) that withdraw from Waters of the United States, use at least 25 percent of that water exclusively for cooling purposes, and have or require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Existing facilities with an actual intake flow >_ 125 MGD are required to provide an entrainment characterization study (40 CFR 122.21(r)(9)) as part of their permit renewal application. Duke Energy has proposed using entrainment data collected as part of the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant's (BSEP's) NPDES monitoring requirements, supplemented with the monthly collection of eggs during 2016 and 2017, to prepare the entrainment characterization study for BSEP. The goal of the entrainment characterization study is to estimate the seasonal and annual abundance of fish eggs and larvae that are drawn into the cooling water systems. 2 Development of Entrainment Characterization Study Plans An Entrainment Characterization Study Plan (ECSP) was developed for BSEP. The ECSP describes the sampling design and site-specific approach for entrainment sampling; the rationale for the selection of gear type, sampling location, and other components of the sampling design; and a discussion regarding how the study fulfills the requirements of the rule. While not required to undergo a peer -review, a draft of the ECSP was sent to a subject matter expert in fisheries biology for an independent review. After addressing comments and incorporating relevant changes, the final ECSP was sent to the Director for review. Comments were received from Bryn H. Tracy (Senior Environmental Specialist, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality [NCDEQ]) by email on July 27, 2016 and these comments, as well responses to comments, are provided in Table 2-1. Duke Energy 11 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Response to NCDEQ Comments — Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Table 2-1. Responses to Bryn H. Tracy (Sr. Environmental Specialist, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality) Comments on the Entrainment Characterization Study Plan for Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Brunswick Page 44, Category,1, Charge 3, Response and Resolution,, 3rd ,Paragraph = goes'the lack„of so,ciaf';;,-' "benefit (commercial 'and/or recreational) for, anchovies, gobies, and silversides outweigh their ecological. importance as part of the forage base and r thus,justify„ not providing them with some sort of, .tee protection? Is this in the 316(6) final rule? Can you, provide a scientific citation for reaching this conclusion? Brunswick I have rfo other comments on this Entrainment Characterization Study Plan. Forage fish have ecological benefit and play a” critical role in functional food webs. The traditional approach for, estimating;the,ualue.of,forage'fish'is to determine,„their biomass aril convert"that estimate'to fish with commerciahor recreational value'"(e.g., bass). Since these models have trophic transfer efficiency built in (that is, 1 Ib. of forage fish equals <1 I Ib. of bass), they necessarily confer less value to forage fish than commercial and recreational fish: Therefore,' from, a purely resource economics' stand poi nt,.these",fish contr'ibute'less to the °social benefit than species that are considered, important in a recreational and commercial sense. 9 Furthermore ,'rnesh,sizes, smaller than^505-pm.LLar�e impractical for use at Brunswick due to, clogging°and e6'sfruction.offhe'inesli''openings` Duke Energy"will`'carry""out sensitivity analyses when developing social benefits using high and' low entrainment rates, which will help qualify the affect over or under estimating entrainment has on the social benefits. No response necessary. Crabtree, Roy E. Ph.D., Regional Administrator, National Marine Fisheries Service (2012 August 20). Re: Request to Reinitiate Section 7 Consultation for Atlantic Sturgeon at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2 [Letter to: Mr. Jeremy J. Susco. Acting Chief, Nuclear Regulatory Commission]. Duke Energy 1 2 w°4�a��s ,a, . ,"?; a",: •;4i<:'aeiS µ'a Y, E1.aavP."4 •• •, • • ,1y�!wCa1<""'4",""3a;;,r.l.`:\ : `\ 44 �', 1k%�, Brunswick Page 18 — I believe there was a recent notice in the Brunswick is within the proposed critical habitat listing for Atlantic Sturgeon, which includes Federal Registrar regarding designation of critical sections of the Cape Fear River from its confluence with the Atlantic Ocean to the fall line habitat for Atlantic Sturgeon and possibly Shortnose (Critical Habitat for the Endangered Carolina and South Atlantic Distinct Population Sturgeon. Looking into your crystal ball, do you Segments of Atlantic Sturgeon). expect critical habitat for these two species to include . any areas in the vicinity of the Plant? The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) received a determination from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) regarding the potential for activities at Brunswick to adversely affect sturgeon: it stated that Atlantic Sturgeon are not likely to be adversely affected by the operation of Brunswick Nuclear Planta ' Brunswick Page 44, Category,1, Charge 3, Response and Resolution,, 3rd ,Paragraph = goes'the lack„of so,ciaf';;,-' "benefit (commercial 'and/or recreational) for, anchovies, gobies, and silversides outweigh their ecological. importance as part of the forage base and r thus,justify„ not providing them with some sort of, .tee protection? Is this in the 316(6) final rule? Can you, provide a scientific citation for reaching this conclusion? Brunswick I have rfo other comments on this Entrainment Characterization Study Plan. Forage fish have ecological benefit and play a” critical role in functional food webs. The traditional approach for, estimating;the,ualue.of,forage'fish'is to determine,„their biomass aril convert"that estimate'to fish with commerciahor recreational value'"(e.g., bass). Since these models have trophic transfer efficiency built in (that is, 1 Ib. of forage fish equals <1 I Ib. of bass), they necessarily confer less value to forage fish than commercial and recreational fish: Therefore,' from, a purely resource economics' stand poi nt,.these",fish contr'ibute'less to the °social benefit than species that are considered, important in a recreational and commercial sense. 9 Furthermore ,'rnesh,sizes, smaller than^505-pm.LLar�e impractical for use at Brunswick due to, clogging°and e6'sfruction.offhe'inesli''openings` Duke Energy"will`'carry""out sensitivity analyses when developing social benefits using high and' low entrainment rates, which will help qualify the affect over or under estimating entrainment has on the social benefits. No response necessary. Crabtree, Roy E. Ph.D., Regional Administrator, National Marine Fisheries Service (2012 August 20). Re: Request to Reinitiate Section 7 Consultation for Atlantic Sturgeon at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2 [Letter to: Mr. Jeremy J. Susco. Acting Chief, Nuclear Regulatory Commission]. Duke Energy 1 2 BSEP 16-0090 Enclosure Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Final Entrainment Characterization Study Plan F)� .Entrainment, -Characterization- Study Plan Prepared for: NDUKE ERDY Prepared by: HDR Engineering; Inc. September 2; 2016 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Contents 1 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1.1 Regulatory Background...................................................................................... 1.2 Study Plan Objectives and Document Organization ............................................ 2 Generating Station Description..................................................................................... 2.1 Source Waterbody.............................................................................................. 2.2 Station and Cooling Water Intake Description..................................................... 2.2.1 Diversion Structure................................................................................. 2.2.2 Intake Canal and Intake Structure.......................................................... 2.2.3 Fish Return System................................................................................ 3 Historical Studies......................................................................................................... 4 Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Species................................................................ 5 Basis for Sampling Design.............................................................................. 6 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan ........................................................ 6.1 Introduction........................................................................................... 6.2 Sample Collection.................................................................................. 6.3 Sample Sorting and Processing............................................................. 6.4 Data Management and Analysis............................................................ 6.5 Laboratory Quality Control..................................................................... 6.6 Reporting.............................................................................................. 7 References..................................................................................................... APPENDIX A —Select Species Spawning and Early Life History Data ...................... APPENDIX B — Response to Informal Review Comments ......................................... FN ..................1 .................. 1 .................. 3 .................. 4 .................. 4 .................. 6 .................. 8 .................. 9 ................ 10 ................ 12 ................ 17 ................ 20 ................ 22 ................ 22 ................ 22 ................ 26 ................ 27 ................ 27 ................ 27 ....................... 28 ....................... 30 ....................... 40 Duke Energy 1 1 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Tables 0 Table 1-1. §316(b) Rule for Existing Facilities Submittal Requirements Summary ....................................2 Table 2-1. Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Circulating Water Pump Intake Flow by Unit and Average Daily Water Withdrawal from the Cape Fear River, 2013-2014 (USEIA 2015) ................................................... 6 Table 3-1. Number of Larval Organisms Collected During Entrainment Sampling at the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, 2010-2012 (Source: Duke Energy 2014)..........................................................................13 Table 3-2. Mean Annual Percent Reduction in the Number of Representative Taxa Entrained at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, 1984-2012 (Source: Duke Energy 2014) ..............................................16 Table 4-1. Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species and Potential to Occur Near Brunswick Steam ElectricPlant.........................................................................................................................................18 Table 5-1. Summary of Approach for Development of §122.21(r)(9) Required Entrainment Characterizations................................................................................................................................... 21 Table 6-1. Entrainment Sampling Details...............................................................................................23 Table A-1. Spawning and Early Life History of Fish Species Present at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant. 30 Table A-2. Spawning and Early Life History of Crab Species Present at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 34 Table A-3. Spawning and Early Life History of Shrimp Species Present at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant .............................................................................................................................................................. 36 Table B-1. Directed Charge Questions...................................................................................................40 Table B-2. Peer Reviewer Responses to Directed Charge Questions.....................................................42 Duke Energy 1 11 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Figures FN Figure 2-1. Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Vicinity Map (Source: Progress Energy 2011) ....................... 5 Figure 2-2. Aerial View of Brunswick Steam Electric Plant........................................................................ 7 Figure 2-3. Site Configuration of Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (Source: Duke Energy 2014) ................8 Figure 2-4. Aerial View of the Diversion Structure at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant ............................... 9 Figure 2-5. Photograph of Brunswick Steam Electric Plant's Cooling Water Intake Structure (Looking upstream)..............................................................................................................................................10 Figure 2-6. Plan View of Fish Return System at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant....................................11 Figure 3-1. Annual Number of Total Organisms Entrained at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant and Percent Reduction from Baseline Entrainment Estimates, 1979-2004 (Source: Duke Energy 2014) ....................15 Figure 4-1. Geographical Boundary of the IPAC Search.........................................................................17 Figure 6-1. Cumulative Distribution of Sampling Results. Note the Similarity in Entrainment Estimates Derived from Utilizing Data Collected Weekly (Blue Line) and Data Collected Monthly (Green Line)....... 23 Figure 6-2. Aerial View of Sampling Location at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (Image Modified from: GoogleEarth)........................................................................................................................................25 Figure 6-3. Photograph of Entrainment Sampling of the Discharge Weir at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (Source: Duke Energy 2014).................................................................................................................. 25 Duke Energy I ill Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Acronyms and Abbreviations FN °C........................................................................................................................ degrees Celsius OF.................................................................................................................. degrees Fahrenheit AIF................................................................................................................... actual intake flow BSEP........................................................................................... Brunswick Steam Electric Plant BTA.................................................................................................... Best Technology Available CCW...................................................................................................... condenser cooling water cfs............................................................................................................... cubic feet per second CP&L.................................................................................... Carolina Power and Light Company CWIS.............................................................................................cooling water intake structure DIF................................................................................................................... design intake flow Director ................................................National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Director Duke Energy................................................................................... Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC ECSP........................................................................... Entrainment Characterization Study Plan EDT............................................................................................................ Eastern Daylight Time EI................................................................................................................................... elevation EPA..................................................................................U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EST.......................................................................................................... Eastern Standard Time gpm.................................................................................................................gallons per minute HDR......................................................................................................... HDR Engineering, Inc. IPAC........................................................... Information for Planning and Conservation (website) ms cubic meter .............................................................................................................................. MW............................................................................................................................... megawatt 4.im.............................................................................................................. micrometer or micron mm............................................................................................................................... millimeter MGD......................................................................................................... million gallons per day msl........................................................................................................................ mean sea level NMFS......................................................................................National Marine Fisheries Service NCDENR ..............................North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources NPDEQ...................................................... North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality NCWRC.............................................................. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission NPDES............................................................ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System PEC............................................................................................Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. QA.................................................................................................................. Quality Assurance QC........................................................................................................................ Quality Control RIS.......................................................................................... Representative Important Species RTE.........................................................................................Rare, Threatened, or Endangered SOP...........................................................................................Standard Operating Procedures USAEC..................................................................................... U.S. Atomic Energy Commission USEIA..............................................................................U.S. Energy Information Administration USFWS.......................................................................................... U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USNRC.............................................................................. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Duke Energy I iv Entrainment Characterization Study Plan ��i Brunswick Steam Electric Plant c 1 Introduction 1.1 Regulatory Background The Clean Water Act was enacted in 1972 and introduced the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program. Facilities with NPDES permits are subject to §316(b) of the Act, which requires that the location, design, construction and capacity of cooling water intake structures (CWIS) reflect best technology available (BTA) for minimizing adverse environmental impacts. Cooling water intakes can cause adverse environmental impacts by drawing early life -stage fish and shellfish or their eggs into and through cooling water systems (entrainment) or trapping juvenile or adult fish against the screens at the opening of an intake structure (impingement). On August 15, 2014, the final §316(b) Rule for existing facilities was published in the Federal Register. The Rule applies to existing power generating facilities with design intake flows (DIF) that withdraw more than 2 million gallons per day (MGD) from Waters of the United States, use at least 25 percent of that water exclusively for cooling purposes, and have or require an NPDES permit. The final Rule supersedes the Phase II Rule, which regulated large electrical generating facilities until it was remanded in 2007, and the remanded existing -facility aspects of the previously promulgated Phase III Rule. The final Rule became effective on October 14, 2014. Facilities subject to the new Rule are required to develop and submit technical material, identified at §122.21(r)(2)-(14), that will be used by the NPDES Director (Director) to make a BTA determination for the facility (Table 1-1). The specific information required for submittal and the compliance schedule are dependent on actual intake flow rates (AIF) at the facility and NPDES permit renewal date. Existing facilities with an AIF z 125 MGD are required to address impingement and entrainment and provide explicit entrainment studies which may involve extensive field and economic studies (§122.21(r)(9)-(13)). Existing facilities with AIF < 125 MGD have fewer application submittals. For such facilities, the Director must still determine a BTA for entrainment on a site-specific basis and the applicant may supply information relevant to the Director's decision. Facilities are required to submit §316(b) application materials to their Director along with their next permit renewal, unless that permit renewal takes place prior to July 14, 2018, in which case an alternate schedule may be negotiated. Duke Energy Progress, LLC's (Duke Energy) Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (BSEP) is subject to the existing facility Rule and based on its current configuration and operation, must develop and submit each of the §122.21(r)(2)-(13) submittal requirements with its next permit renewal timeframe in accordance with the Rule's technical and schedule requirements. Within the §122.21(r)(2)-(13) requirements, (r)(4), (7), (9), (10) and (11) have specific requirements related to entrainment evaluations (refer to Table 1-1 for additional detail). This document provides an Entrainment Characterization Study Plan (ECSP) to support §316(b) compliance at the facility with consideration of these specific requirements. As part of the development of this Study Plan, Duke Energy submitted an earlier draft of this document to a subject matter expert in the field of Duke Energy 11 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan ��� Brunswick Steam Electric Plant fisheries (see Appendix B) for review and identified the subject matter expert as a peer reviewer to the State. While the descriptions of equipment and methods included in this ECSP were intended to be implemented as written, changes to the ECSP may be required based on facility requirements and/or situations encountered during execution. Table 1-1. §316(b) Rule for Existing Facilities Submittal Requirements Summary t. (2) Source Water Physical Data Characterization of the source water body including intake area of influence rCooling Water Intake i Characterization of cooling water system; includes drawings and narrative; description of operation; Structure Data li water balance Source Water Characterization of biological community in the vicinity of the intake; life history summaries; (4) Baseline Biological susceptibility to impingement and entrainment; existing data; identification of missing data; Characterization data threatened and endangered species and designated critical habitat summary for action area; fragile fish and shellfish species list (<30 percent impingement survival) !! Cooling Water Describes cooling water system and intake structure; proportion of design flow used; water reuse System'Data summary; proportion of source water body withdrawn (monthly); seasonal operation summary; f existing impingement mortality and entrainment reduction measures; flow/MW efficiency Chosen Method of Compliance with Provides facility's proposed approach to meet the impingement mortality requirement (chosen from (i) Mortality seven available options); provides detailed study plan for monitoring compliance, if required by Standard selected compliance option; addresses entrapment where required ______—^----.------ be i (7) Entrainment Provides summary of relevant entrainment studies (latent mortality, technology efficacy); can ,f from the facility in question or elsewhere with justification; studies should not be more than 10 years II Performance studies i old without justification; new studies are not required. Provides operational status for each unit; age and capacity utilizations for the past five years; (8) Operational Status upgrades within last 15 years; uprates and Nuclear Regulatory Commission relicensing status for nuclear facilities; decommissioning and replacement plans; current and future operation as it relates to actual and design intake flow Requires at least two years of data to sufficiently characterize annual, seasonal, and diel variations I u in entrainment, including variations related to climate, weather, spawning, feeding, and water G column migration; facilities may use historical data that are representative of current operation of the f facility and conditions at the site with documentation regarding the continued relevance of the data i Entrainment (9) Characterization ! to document total entrainment and entrainment mortality;includes identifications to the lowest taxon ` Study possible; data must be representative of each intake; must document how the location of the intake ;i in the water body and water column are accounted for; must document intake flows associated with i I the data collection; documentation in the study must include the method in which latent mortality would be identified (including QA/QC); sampling and data must be appropriate for a quantitative E Comprehensive (10) Technical Feasibility Provides an evaluation of technical feasibility and incremental costs of entrainment technologies; & Cost Evaluation Net Present Value of facility compliance costs and social costs to be provided; requires peer review Study Provides a discussion of monetized and non -monetized water quality benefits of candidate i ! entrainment technologies from (r)(10) using data in (r)(9); benefits to be quantified physical or Benefits Valuation biological units and monetized using appropriate economic valuation methods; includes changes in E (11)'i;! fish stock and harvest levels and description of monetization; must evaluate thermal discharges, Study facility capacity, operations, and reliability; discussion of previous mitigation efforts and effects; 4 ! benefits to environment and community; social benefits analysis based on principle of willingness -to- pay; requires peer review Duke Energy 1 2 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant c� - `__ =00, Non -Water Quality Provides a discussion of non -water quality factors (air emissions and their health and environmental 12 , Environmental and impacts, energypenalty,' thermal discharge, noise, safety, ( ) p p lt y.� 9 y, grid reliability, consumptive water use, Other Impacts .' Assessment etc.) attributable to the entrainment technologies; requires peer review f A,-Documentation,"ofyextemal peer review„by Peer,R'eview vnj` „ � Peer” Reviews must "-lie `�approved� by- the JV applicant must" explain why:significanl;'F =applicable: , alified experts,° ofsubmitfals ( ?DES" Director -"and $pr'e'sent,` reviewer, =�eco' mmefid ations "0 reoentialsr- I ne disregarded, 'if s Study Plan Objectives and Document OrganizatioZ The ECSP is developed to support BSEP's §316(b) compliance through development of a site- specific ECSP with the following objectives in mind: 1. Collect data to support development of §122.21(r)(9), which requires a two year minimum Entrainment Characterization Study at the facility; 2. Collect data to support development of §122.21(r)(7), which allows for summaries of relevant technology efficacy studies conducted at the facility; and 3. Collect data to support Duke Energy's goal of obtaining sufficient data to evaluate the biological efficacy of potential alternative intake technologies. This may require site specific evaluations and social cost -benefit analyses as a part of the §122.21(r)(10)-(12) compliance evaluations. While not a primary objective, the entrainment data gathered will help support the development of §122.21(r)(4), which requires characterization of the biological community in the vicinity of the CWIS and includes identification of species and life stages most susceptible to entrainment at the facility. To meet these objectives, this document provides summaries of the station's configuration and operation (Section 2), historical biological sampling efforts conducted at the facility relevant to cooling water intake evaluations (Section 3), a summary of Rare, Threatened, and Endangered (RTE) Species identified near the facility (Section 4), a sampling program design based on this information (Section 5), recommended study methods including gear type, schedule, frequency, and quality control procedures (Section 6), references cited (Section 7), life history information for species likely to be entrained (Appendix A), and responses from informal peer reviewers to the charge questions on the ECSP (Appendix B). The species included in Appendix A are representative species entrained and impinged at the BSEP in 2010 through 2012. Duke Energy 1 3 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan FN Steam Electric Plant s This section presents background information on the source waterbody (Cape Fear Estuary) from which BSEP withdraws cooling water and provides information regarding the design and operation of the CWIS. 2.1 Source Waterbody The BSEP is located adjacent to the Cape Fear Estuary approximately 5.7 miles upstream from the mouth of the Cape Fear River (Figure 2-1). The BSEP is located in the eastern -most part of the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province, near the southeastern border of North Carolina. It is in a region of low relief, with elevations ranging from sea level to approximately 30 feet above mean sea level. Extensive areas of fresh- and salt -water marsh and swamps exist in the region (USAEC 1974). The point at which water is drawn into BSEP's intake canal is located in the Cape Fear Estuary. Estuaries are tidally influenced, partially enclosed, coastal areas where freshwater and saltwater mix. These areas are typically protected from the full force of wind -driven ocean waves, often by barrier islands, spits, salt marshes, or other land forms (USNRC 2006). Species found in estuaries are specially adapted for life in this transitional area. The region surrounding the BSEP intake canal entrance is an area that experiences a large tidal exchange (CP&L 1985). A salinity gradient exists where runoff from the Cape Fear River mixes with water from the Atlantic Ocean. The water near the BSEP intake is well -mixed because of complex water circulation patterns, tidal effects, and high exchange ratios with the ocean. This portion of the estuary is shallow and irregular in shape with many islands and channels that enhance mixing (CP&L 1985). A dredged channel extends from the mouth of the river upstream to the North Carolina State Ports Authority located at Wilmington, NC. Salinity is influenced primarily by tidal conditions and the rate of freshwater inflow. Because the freshwater inflow from the Cape Fear River and its tributaries is highly variable, salinity at the intake may range from nearly zero to thirty-two parts per thousand (USAEC 1974). The Cape Fear Estuary serves as a nursery area for larval and post -larval stages of fish and shellfish. Some species such as anchovy (Anchoa spp.) are spawned in the estuary while other species such as Atlantic Menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) are spawned in the ocean (PEC 2003). Salinity and temperature influence the spatial and seasonal distribution of these estuarine species (CP&L 1985). The ebb and flow of water in the estuary also contributes to the transport and/or retention of larvae and other organisms throughout the estuary (CP&L 1980). Duke Energy 14 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Wiz' �.�"•:,�z�=� z,= �=F � - .. a � `, 1 Y � - ' - d �B�Pt�srvic:kwtn � � . Rant<� fi uu>3 �L£t ?a'n�?gk'.;�"P-x" 'a r��J.`���f✓1YL-5;�m��� -- �'x° - - _? I?AF Dan SDUM Ocean Discharge Area IZ- a .=x 2 i all Figure 2-1. Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Vicinity Map (Source: Progress Energy 2011) Duke Energy 1 5 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant FN 7111 T ��,'=i i ` v° r a111 The BSEP is located in Brunswick County in southeastern North Carolina, near the mouth of the Cape Fear River. The BSEP is a two -unit thermal power plant that uses boiling water reactors and steam -driven turbine generators with a rated output of 1,870 megawatts (MW). The plant has been in operation since the mid 1970s. The BSEP has two nuclear generation units with a total design intake flow for the cooling system of approximately 1,921 MGD'. The BSEP incorporates several fish protection features at the facility including: a diversion structure, modified Ristroph traveling screens (with fine- and coarse -mesh screens), and a fish return system. In addition, reduced intake flow from December through March reduces the entrainment of winter spawning fish larvae. The design intake flow rates and actual flow rates (2013 and 2014) are shown in Table 2-1. The general plant layout is shown on Figure 2-2. Table 2-1. Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Circulating Water Pump Intake Flow by Unit and Average Daily Water Withdrawal from the Cape Fear River, 2013-2014 (USEIA 2015) 899, 669.5 619.4 Facility' 1,798 1,253 1;304.3-, ' Total station flow (1,921 MGD) includes the cooling water flow from the two main condensers for both units (1,797 MGD) along with service water flow (115.2 MGD) and screenwash water flow (8.4 MGD). Duke Energy 1 6 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan MBrunswick Steam Electric Plant Figure 2-2. Aerial View of Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Duke Energy 1 7 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant The once -through cooling system is designed to remove waste heat from the two main condensers when both reactors operate at full power. The cooling water system includes the intake canal, intake structure, intake pumps, condensers, equipment cooling, and discharge canal. At the termination of the discharge canal, the Caswell Beach pumping station moves water through the discharge pipes offshore into the Atlantic Ocean. The cooling water is withdrawn from the Cape Fear River Estuary by way of a 3 -mile long intake canal. The intake canal system consists of an open cut from the ship channel through Snows Marsh and extends through the upland area between the estuary and the plant site. In total, the intake canal system is approximately 18,000 feet in length (Figure 2-3). The canal bottom is generally maintained at about -18 feet msl (18 feet below mean sea level) by dredging. Maintenance of the canal dimensions helps to reduce the approach velocity to the screens. ,. :`1N r'Creek al Nancy's Cr �e uiri'Lo`orancii' ��. G 9`�:rr; u4ccess`road' -" ` s Fisfiu xi=1Sh C�tllRltflUlYte Rety n base ; . e:. ,;'•: ' .. 'i" - 'tfIVerSI®n' nta a canal sfriacttiref Pl6nt,&ea �N" < =Intake structure ll3SC afge,` "5 if�.yt s:a000 rneters" �. O'` ,tom©� 2000 30` Cape Fear River feet��" Figure 2-3. Site Configuration of Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (Source: Duke Energy 2014) 2.2.1 Diversion Structure A fish diversion structure was built across the mouth of the intake canal in 1982 (Figure 2-4). The diversion structure reduces the number of fish that enter the intake canal and, thus, the number of fish and shellfish impinged. The diversion structure at the entrance to the cooling Duke Energy 1 8 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan FNL Brunswick Steam Electric Plant jN water intake canal consists of trash racks in front of fixed 3/8 -inch slot sized screens. The trash racks and screens are inspected daily and cleaned when necessary. During the growing season, aquatic vegetation is removed (via mechanical rake) several times daily. The diversion structure is maintained by the BSEP to mitigate potential impacts to sea turtles as well. Figure 2-4. Aerial View of the Diversion Structure at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 2.2.2 Intake Canal and Intake Structure As described above, cooling water is drawn from the Cape Fear River by way of a 3 -mile long intake canal. The intake canal is subject to the same tidal fluctuations as the Cape Fear Estuary. Water movement in the intake canal is complex and current velocities vary with circulating water pump rates, tides (i.e., daily and seasonal variation), and location in the canal (CP&L 1980). Current velocities in the intake canal are approximately 0.6 feet per second (CP&L 2000). The circulating water intake structure consists of eight separate intake bays (i.e., four bays per unit), each with a trash rack, vertical traveling screen, and vertical intake pump. Over the years several different combinations of fine -mesh and coarse -mesh panels have been used to balance larval fish protection and debris loading. As of 2012, there were 42 fine -mesh (1 -mm) panels and eight coarse -mesh (9.5 -mm) panels on each traveling screen. Each unit typically operates with three bays in service. The screens are rotated and washed continuously. Fish are washed off the screens using a low pressure wash. Debris is then removed using a high Duke Energy 19 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant FN pressure wash. The fish and debris returns are combined and routed into a common fish return flume near the end of the intake structure (Figure 2-5). Figure 2-5. Photograph of Brunswick Steam Electric Plant's Cooling Water Intake Structure (Looking upstream) The fish and debris washed from the intake screens are collected and returned via a fish return system (Figure 2-6). The screenwash water, carrying marine life and debris, flows via the fish return system into a holding pond (also referred to as the return basin). From this return basin, the organisms can move into the Walden Creek nursery area and then the Cape Fear River (Figure 2-3) (Progress Energy undated). Prior to the construction of the fish return system, CP&L transported impinged organisms to the Cape Fear Estuary by boat (CP&L 1980). The fine -mesh screens reduce entrainment. Larvae that would have been entrained are returned alive by the fish return system to the Cape Fear Estuary in substantial numbers (Duke Energy 2014). Based on site-specific survival estimates, approximately 45 to 49 percent of the larvae are returned alive to the estuary (Duke Energy 2014). The most valuable commercial taxa, flounder, shrimp, and swimming crab larvae, exhibited the highest survival rate (>87 percent). Duke Energy 1 10 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 40.21. �ASiiS4rsdA��:';S In)o _� x riA.em wviceuY4wt•W�'xecC Av4+xo '~�!-�t•h. A ♦LTJ w+.'t ' 1 4� cif .w Dn�laJ 'k' �- '�• 0. wt e. ncwnm M•e aur tom, � t j 77/Fye Y \ n'sµ+a+� 4 n4D�wt 'AErS Fscr t�F ' S t� '-._ee•mnw i .i 'µsq-�i 0.]?�5u;ku �4; GW'c� WD -f —Z T,. -r :^v`�•;- fl � �k:,�P ^� aroaa sswa' CF`a.c rl.�l .�,A ,�'"� �.,..�.c'�`•e • � � + t �� �y�'+'�ig�\�c�E`AS p� �� �� I F. ewJ ltlVh'+aCP.esuT� + �ikt r 53 <ti}\`� � �:-� n � aarseweu�w�w svamxr aucts^�i , o.•t tn'Sxt.cxU+v1 c?w.d3W ' " „ h'�. � �\ •\J/ ,L�.� ,,I P i/ . i \ s j : ! , �"J A �.y .��� NI ' F" s. a•�r cE+�ue a - �! � -�• t I,n:.� � _ . _ _ r.cr.r.sA. £r � �v,.sra -.wfF,oa:. lenaae cdyw.,auucasxas, / J/j le A/J "� t/ f'f " .�' J{ `?i i e J a t :-i�^•y 'F:.;aRnY"G� nPf6c+R-�ye_rY 1 a a � �({ \ �r.. y._:Y._,..-' ..._3".a.....-H.�...... s•i4mea-naz.natmtt<c<,iAr sexas� ' L.EGTa!'N A.A,'^lV�GFI. GANAL Gt•.��'i 5C4'10ry ' aS�/'F 4Yh w' uory '� ssi R3r4z.1 E*a'srs Figure 2-6. Plan View of Fish Return System at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Duke Energy 111 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant M. - Environmental Environmental studies associated with the BSEP began in 1968, before the plant began withdrawing water from the .estuary. Comprehensive physical, chemical, and biological studies of the estuary and near -shore regions were conducted in the mid- and late -1970s. These original studies were followed by a long-term monitoring program through the early 1990s that monitored fish and shellfish populations within the estuary and documented the effectiveness of the intake modifications to reduce entrainment and impingement of organisms. Beginning in 1994, the biological monitoring program was reduced with the concurrence of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) (Duke Energy 2014). Based on almost two decades of operation with no detectable adverse impacts on fish and shellfish populations in the Cape Fear Estuary, the monitoring program was modified to concentrate on the impingement and entrainment of organisms. Fish population special studies conducted in the estuarine nursery areas during 1999, 2001, and 2002, indicated no decline in the abundance of species compared to long-term data collected from the 1980s through 1993. Results from biological monitoring from 2010 to 20122 provide entrainment rates of larval fish and shellfish (Table 3-1) and longer term trends (Figure 3-1; 1979-2012) for selected representative species to evaluate the effectiveness of the NPDES-required intake modifications (i.e., intake canal diversion structure, fish return system, seasonal reductions in water flow, and 1 -mm slot size fine mesh screens on 42 of 50 intake traveling screens) (Duke Energy 2014). Biological monitoring data for 2013-2015 will be reported later this year. 2 Biological monitoring continued past 2012, however the 2010-2012 data is the most recent publicly available information. Duke Energy 1 12 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant LAD Table 3-1. Number of Larval Organisms Collected During Entrainment Sampling at the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, 2010-2012 (Source: Duke Energy 2014) Elops saurus Ladyfish 1 2 4 Megalop .aflanticaI Tarpon i 0 0 1 Myrophis punctatus Specked Worm Eel 2 6 1 Alosa,medioctis i Hickory Shad 1' t€ 0 i=0 Brevoortia tyrannus Atlantic Menhaden 47 544 33 Anchoa spp. i An 2,8 ';� 459 h754 Synodus foetens Inshore Lizardfish 6 1 1 z Urophycis spp. h Unidentified hake ` 1 0. 0 Urophycis regia Spotted Hake 0 1 0 Menidia spp. [ Silversides 6 �.. .. 154. µ'f 7 i. �...,v..�...__, 53 _r 76 _] Syngnathus spp. Unidentified Pipefish 0 1 0 Syngnathus.fuscus i Northern Pipefish L: 0 ;! "" 0 11 1 Syngnathus louisianae Chain Pipefish 4 0 1 Prinoritus spp. :, Searobin ! 12 — 0 2 Morone spp. Temperate bass 1 0 1 Caranx hippos Crevalle Jack Trachinotus falcatus Permit 1 0 0 O►thopristis chrysoptera = Pigfish 26 7 " 15 _ Lagodon rhomboids Pinfish 93 89 114 Archosargus probatocephalus Sheepshead - " 0 0 2 Bairdiella chrysoura Silver Perch 279 31 55 Cynoscion nebulosus `Spotted Seatrout � _ i 57 0 9 w Cynoscion regalis Weakfish 18 2 18 Leiostomusxanthurus ' Spot 806 1,192 ` 458 Menticirrhus spp. Kingfish spp. 32 0 0 Micropogonias undulates ' Atlantic Croaker 919 1135 Sciaenops ocellatus Red Drum 0 0 6 Pogoniascromis - Black Drum j -1 3 0 Stellifer lanceolatus Star Drum 2 0 0 Chaetodipterus faber"! Atlantic Spadefish2 " �0 0 Mugil cephalus Striped Mullet 3 12 40 MUgil curema gr AWhiteMullet 7 .0 0= Duke Energy 1 13 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Blennidae- Combtooth Blennies 20 25 25 Gerreidae' t:Mojarras w, Dormitator maculatus Fat Sleeper 0 2 2 e3 4=Gobionelfus s Gob" Gobiosoma spp. Goby- 869 231 940 ? Gobiosoinaibosc`" �-!taNaked�Gob°„ Citharichthys,spp. ` Whiff 5 4 0 3_ r",z u Paralichfh e -s` Flounder-'� ;". `-� '"z" Y.,. P,P, "' 1 Trinectes maculates Hogchoker 28 5 9 Gotiiesozsfruinosus�. _'V-. ;ur -; Symphurus spp. Tonguefish 5 3 3 Spheroiilesrnaculates�NortliernPuffer <3` a ? - Unidentified Fish 1 1 << -0 mR(Postlarvae);'�=��=139 � "227n_'l�.•;:y.gg=-,",. Trachypeneus constrictus T -con or Hardback Shrimp 24 ' 14- 18 , ._: _ d Portunldae- �rSyirirnr'riin �cratis� 5" �� 3 `�' _ ,44^ �4 Portunidae- Swimming crab megalops 72 120 122 -t TALvORGANISII S_`,' G 6,482:=_� � ,..._ " ` 3"19T, Y ; " . �" , Duke Energy 1 14 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Figure 3-1. Annual Number of Total Organisms Entrained at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant and Percent Reduction from Baseline Entrainment Estimates, 1979-2004 (Source: Duke Energy 2014) Entrainment sampling was conducted in the discharge weir (Figures 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3). Densities calculated for all larval organisms were averaged to obtain a mean number per 1,000 cubic meters (m) of water entrained through the plant per sampling date (Duke Energy 2014). An assessment of the overall decrease in entrainment due to fine -mesh screens, fish return system, and reductions in plant cooling water flow was conducted using historical entrainment data from 1979 through 2012 (Table 3-2). Data collected in 1983 was excluded from the analysis since fine -mesh screens and the fish return system were not fully operational for a portion of that year (Duke Energy 2014). Data that originated prior to 1983 can be used to estimate the annual number of organisms entrained during a period with no controls in place (i.e., no fine -mesh screens, fish return system, or limitations of cooling water flow). Mean daily entrainment densities were multiplied by design cooling water flow and summed to obtain an annual estimate of total number entrained (Table 3-2). A calculated annual baseline entrainment rate was obtained by averaging the annual number entrained for years 1979 through 1981. Therefore, the estimated annual number entrained each year after 1983 was subtracted from the annual baseline (1979-1981) to obtain a percentage reduction from baseline due to the installation of fine -mesh screens, fish return system, and reducing cooling water flow (Duke Energy 2014). Duke Energy 1 15 9000 100 8000 `t 7000 _, •- "'' !�, $0 o 0000 t 1 v a) 5000 - -- — --_ -_ ---- -- – — – - _ = so V 4000 40 d) w 3000 L L L_ 2000 20 a 1000 Z 0 0 M O T N M It W) W co O O T N M tri CO r— O M O r N M �t t� OD 00 00 00 c0 CO 00 COO O O O 6') CA 67 6) fA 67 O) 6) O O O O O 6) 67 O) O O O O O O 6) O O 6) O 67 O O Q) O C) 67 O O O O O T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T N N N N N --�— Number entrained --= Baseline E —�— Percent Reduction Target Reduction Figure 3-1. Annual Number of Total Organisms Entrained at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant and Percent Reduction from Baseline Entrainment Estimates, 1979-2004 (Source: Duke Energy 2014) Entrainment sampling was conducted in the discharge weir (Figures 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3). Densities calculated for all larval organisms were averaged to obtain a mean number per 1,000 cubic meters (m) of water entrained through the plant per sampling date (Duke Energy 2014). An assessment of the overall decrease in entrainment due to fine -mesh screens, fish return system, and reductions in plant cooling water flow was conducted using historical entrainment data from 1979 through 2012 (Table 3-2). Data collected in 1983 was excluded from the analysis since fine -mesh screens and the fish return system were not fully operational for a portion of that year (Duke Energy 2014). Data that originated prior to 1983 can be used to estimate the annual number of organisms entrained during a period with no controls in place (i.e., no fine -mesh screens, fish return system, or limitations of cooling water flow). Mean daily entrainment densities were multiplied by design cooling water flow and summed to obtain an annual estimate of total number entrained (Table 3-2). A calculated annual baseline entrainment rate was obtained by averaging the annual number entrained for years 1979 through 1981. Therefore, the estimated annual number entrained each year after 1983 was subtracted from the annual baseline (1979-1981) to obtain a percentage reduction from baseline due to the installation of fine -mesh screens, fish return system, and reducing cooling water flow (Duke Energy 2014). Duke Energy 1 15 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant M&... � 41" Table 3-2. Mean Annual Percent Reduction in the Number of Representative Taxa Entrained at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, 1934-2012 (Source: Duke Energy 2014) Vial ♦y.'Y \�f'M#%<'-..`€ .qrv�7'-�' "Anchovies 78 Atlantic` -Menhaden --- Spot 59 C aker 8 Trout 63 Mullet- [ l 89" l 'Flounder 91 G o omaspp�i .- 80 Shrimp (post -larvae) 84 �_ s'-Potunid'crab`.megalops,=s 95 TOTALORGANISMS 76 Gobiosoma spp., Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus), and anchovies (Anchoa spp.) were the most abundant taxa collected in entrainment samples from 2010-2012. Portunid crab megalops, Pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides), Microgobius spp. (a genus of gobies), shrimp post -larvae, silversides (Menidia spp.), and Atlantic Croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) were also among the ten most abundant taxa entrained one or more years from 2010-2012. Microgobius spp. typically have not been numerous enough to include among the top ten species. The large numbers of Microgobius spp. collected during 2012 may have been influenced by the consistently higher salinities in the Cape Fear Estuary during 2011 and 2012 that in turn may have enhanced the preferred high salinity habitat for this species (Duke Energy 2014). Seasonal variations for larvae entrained in 2012 represent the seasonal patterns expected and observed for 2010 and 2011. Atlantic Menhaden, Spot, Atlantic Croaker, Pinfish, Flounder, and mullet (family Mugilidae), which are all ocean -spawned species, were most abundant during winter and early spring. Penaeid shrimp larvae were present as early as January but were most abundant during spring, summer, and early fall (Duke Energy 2014). Estuarine -spawned species (e.g., anchovies, Gobiosoma spp., Microgobius spp., and silversides) were most abundant during the spring and summer. Pigfish (Orthopristis chrysoptera), Seatrout (family Sciaenidae) and Silver Perch (Bairdiella chrysoura) were present during the spring and summer. Some portunid crab megalops larvae were collected sporadically throughout the year but peak abundance occurred during the fall and coincided with Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) spawning (Duke Energy 2014). Duke Energy 1 16 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 01 `, �:` `' o`�� r z.' i!o- .a '� ,�f erg' �➢ ".: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife's (USFWS) map -based search tool (Information for Planning and Conservation; IPAC) was consulted to generate a resource report and determine the potential presence of Federally -listed species within the Cape Fear Estuary and the surrounding land (Figure 4-1, USFWS 2016). There are two rare, threatened, or endangered (RTE) fish species within the Cape Fear Estuary: Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus) and Shortnose Sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum). There is no critical habitat designation for these two fish species in the Cape Fear Estuary. The fish diversion structure minimizes the number of fish that enter the BSEP intake canal and thus, reduces the number of aquatic organisms that are impinged on the traveling screens. No Atlantic Sturgeon have been impinged since CP&L installed the fish diversion structure in 1982 (USNRC 2012). There are five RTE turtle species within the Cape Fear Estuary (Table 4-1). There are critical habitat designations in the Cape Fear Estuary for four of the five RTE turtle species (Green Sea Turtle [Chelonia mydas], Hawksbill Sea Turtle [Eretmochelys imbricate], Leatherback Sea Turtle [Dermochelys coriacea], and Loggerhead Sea Turtle [Caretta caretta]). No critical habitat for these species is designated within the zone of influence of the intake. Polling Lutea ily F�aih` ' Chill, t " �" a fy y %Jisk. $50ai3tl t aI om tic Figure 4-1. Geographical Boundary of the IPAC Search Duke Energy 1 17 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant W Table 4-1. Rare, Threatened, or Endangered Species and Potential to Occur Near Brunswick Steam Electric Plant ,Shortnose Sturgeon - Endangered _ - Unknown ° Unlikely' 'No �- 77 _ ere" kei� :Un like) �No=' "Atlantic`Stur'�eon=�=-3.>'�=r='Endan` dss;� 'Leatherback Sea Turtle Endangered _ Low likelihood' Likely4 .'Yes Kem" s . itlle .Sea=Turtle: E ndaner'ed - V-77 _aike I 5 ,-, L 4Yes `� Y.- 4 Loggerhead Sea Turtle -Threatened Like lye Likely Yes 771 ��Green"Sea Turtle- Threatened�� �=Yes�-=�"�>� mss v. df �; Hawksbill.Sea Turtle -,Endangeretl Low likelihood Likelys Yes Nine adult Shortnose Sturgeon were captured in the Cape Fear River between 1987 and 1998. However, no Shortnose Sturgeon has been collected at the BSEP (CP&L 2004). 2 No sturgeon species have been collected at BSEP. 3 Rarely enters estuary (CP&L 1998). In a letter dated 21 May 2003, the NCDNR indicated that the only record of rare species at BSEP was the Carolina diamondback terrapin (NMFS 2003). " Leatherback and Hawksbill Sea Turtles may also be adversely affected, but their occurrence in the action area is far less likely (NMFS 2000). 5 Collected in intake canal (CP&L 1998). 6 Collected in intake canal (CP&L 1998). Collected in intake canal (CP&L 1998). e Rarely enters estuary (CP&L 1998). 9 Leatherback and Hawksbill Sea Turtles may also be adversely affected, but their occurrence in the action area is far less likely (NFMS 2000). Biological opinions issued by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) found little potential for adverse impact to either species of sturgeon at BSEP since the installation of the diversion structure at the head of the canal (NMFS 2000). Shortnose Sturgeon was not included in the list of species requiring action to prevent impacts because the population in the Cape Fear River was small and they inhabit portions of the river upstream of the BSEP intake canal. Further, no Shortnose Sturgeon had been collected in decades of sampling at BSEP (Progress Energy undated). The Atlantic Sturgeon is relatively common in the lower Cape Fear River (Moser and Ross 1995). Juvenile Atlantic Sturgeon prefer water greater than 10 meters deep near the saltwater and freshwater interface. The presence of federally protected sea turtles in the intake canal was documented prior to the installation of the diversion structure. Turtles can move into the intake canal when there is an infiltration of water around the diversion structure or when a screen fails. The BSEP has a permit issued annually by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) for the capture, tagging, and relocation of sea turtles that move into the intake canal through breaches in the diversion structure. Operation of the water intake system of the BSEP is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the Loggerhead, Leatherback, Green, Hawksbill, or Duke Energy 1 18 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant i iMP Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtles (NMFS 2000). This conclusion is based on the proposed action's (operation of the cooling water system) anticipated effects on each of these species being limited to the incidental take, through death or injury, of a small number of immature sea turtles per year over the next 20 years (NMFS 2000). Duke Energy 1 19 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan FN Steam Electric Plant 5 Basis for Sampling Design The goals of the ECSP are consistent with the long-term goals of the on-going entrainment monitoring at BSEP. The existing program has evolved based on analysis of the multi-decadal dataset and with consultation from the State of North Carolina. As a result, implementing a few minor modifications to the existing sampling program was determined as the best approach for collecting samples to satisfy the requirements of the Rule. The recommended approach for the BSEP (described in greater detail in Section 6) is to collect samples at the discharge weirs where the underground discharge lines surface at the head of the discharge canal (see Figure 2-3). Two round 0.5-m plankton nets mounted sided -by -side with 505 -pm mesh will be lowered into one of the two discharge weirs just below the water surface. The water will be fished for five minutes. The discharge weirs at BSEP are an ideal location for collecting samples and offer several advantages over sampling at the intake including: • The geometry of the discharge flumes allows easy access to the full cooling water flow. • The discharge weir location is safer to access than the intake structures. • All collected organisms have been entrained. • The water at the discharge is well mixed and eliminates the potential for non-random distribution of organisms. • The well mixed flow at the discharge reduces the potential for gear avoidance. Sampling at the discharge, however, is not without disadvantages. The greatest disadvantage is potential loss or damage to organisms passing through the cooling water system or extruded through the nets in the high velocity discharge. The collection gear used for entrainment sampling has remained unchanged since 1984 (Duke Energy 2014). Depth -integrated samples collected from the intake point were compared to samples collected at the discharge point; species composition and densities were not statistically different. Samples collected at the discharge point had the advantage of being well mixed and, therefore, sampling from different depths to obtain a representative sample was not required (Copeland et al. 1976). Entrainment sampling will occur once a month beginning in January 1, 2016 and will continue through December 31, 2017. Two periods of peak abundance were identified in historical entrainment; a winter peak consisting mainly of Spot, Atlantic Croaker, flounder, Atlantic Menhaden, mullet and Brown Shrimp and a summer peak consisting mainly of seatrout, anchovies, gobies and Pink and White Shrimp (CP&L 1985). Each sample collection event will be conducted over a 24-hour period with sample sets collected in six, 5 -minute intervals. The sampling frequency selected for this entrainment study will provide fish taxa, density distribution, and seasonal/diel variation data over a two year period. Factors important to meeting the §122.21(r)(9) requirements, along with a basis for how those requirements will be addressed for the BSEP are summarized in Table 5-1. Duke Energy 1 20 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan ��� Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Table 5-1. Summary of Approach for Development of §122.21(r)(9) Required Entrainment Characterizations Two years of data and annual Entrainment samples will be collected January4hrough December 2016 variation (Year 1) and January through December 2017 (Year 2) "b 6h,e`-1 `omro`sitions-basedfh Eval—uation ofmonthlyspeces°and-life°stage`c , p , ".Seasonal Variation' - Year 1 and-.6ac2=studies` Each 24 -hr sampling event will be split into six 4 -Flour intervals in.the Diel variation Year 1 and Year 2 studies.to capture diel variation =Weather- information,and water tem° eratur`e will;be collected=during;`, R v- 1 Variation relatedto climate,. _ . °,, -" each sampling event- ogevaluate,differences,in-,entrairiment--rates - weather k - _ based°on these.factors-:" Variation related to`spawning, feeding Year 1 and Year 2 data will -be analyzed to ,determine species -and -life and water column migrations stage. variations over time along with spawning and feeding,variation- I The resolution of to ono c d e t g i" =" Id"enti ii 'ion-bfdowest taxon "ossible P { , ""g a - , ,y -- throw" h re "ular evaluations;of catch':data,vvlth;tfie- oal of reducin .:t, 9 9 9" g " l percent'of unidentified organisms°an'd-increasing; resolution,of-genera, and Fid° her tazonomie�d"esi nations° 9 9 Data must be representative of each Sampling at the discharge weirris expected to be�representative,of the intake total facility i"'Howaheaocatiori-of�tF�e`infake-in:fhe`���Samolirig"at.the dischargeweir-.represents.`all'flowtithfougfithe;facility water body arevaccounted for Y" v; and will-account<for intake location ° , , F Document flow associated with the The facility will monitor flows ,for the years of sampling and that data will data collections be documented in the final report I °Methods,in=whieh,I,atent,morfalitywill ;" :. i Latent mortality wil°Knot`ki`e evaluated as apart of the rstudy;`therefo jbeidenfifled,rriethotls,a�e riot prov'id'etl a Data must be appropriate for a Data will be expressed as taxon and life stage specific densities which quantitative survey car;, be multiplied by flow to support quantification of entrainment rates Duke Energy 1 21 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan ��� Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 6 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan 6.1 Introduction This section of the ECSP provides methods, materials, and procedures for entrainment sample collection and processing. A site-specific Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for field work, as well as one for laboratory analysis, will be used to direct work. The SOP will be modified to reflect the expanded scope of work resulting from making additions to the existing long-term monitoring program identified in this ECSP. The SOPs will lay out detailed field sampling procedures, laboratory procedures, data quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC), and database management procedures. This will ensure consistent field sampling and laboratory methods and that the data developed will have a similar format to data collected at other facilities in Duke Energy's fleet where entrainment sampling is required. 6.2 Sample Collection Entrainment samples will be collected once per month from January 1 through December 31 in 2016 and 2017 (12 sampling events in each year). Samples will be collected only when the facility is in operation and discharging cooling water. Typically, samples will be collected from one discharge weir only. The once per month sampling frequency should be sufficient to adequately describe seasonal patterns in entrainment as requested in the final §316(b) Rule for existing facilities. In addition, data from the previous 5 years will be used to supplement the newly collected data to help minimize the outlier effects and provide a better estimate of entrainment. Data from yearly sampling from 1979 to 2004 were used to demonstrate that estimates of entrainment based on weekly data were similar to those generated based on a monthly sampling frequency. Of relevance to this discussion are the similarities in estimates generated from weekly sampling (blue line) and monthly sampling (green line)' (Figure 6-1). Based on these data and consultation with North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Duke Energy decreased the sampling frequency from weekly to monthly. 3 While not relevant to determining sample frequency, Figure 6-1 also shows the reduction in entrainment (black line) associated with the technological and operational changes (fine -mesh screen panels and seasonal flow reduction) as compared to historical entrainment (red line). Duke Energy 1 22 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Figure 6-1. Cumulative Distribution of Sampling Results. Note the Similarity in Entrainment Estimates Derived from Utilizing Data Collected Weekly (Blue Line) and Data Collected Monthly (Green Line) During each 24-hour sampling event, one of the discharge weirs will be sampled just below the water surface within the following discrete 4 -hour time intervals: 0900, 1200, 1500, 2100, 2400, and 0300 Eastern Standard Time (EST) (one hour later during Eastern Daylight Time [EDT]). Sampling time may deviate up to 15 minutes from the scheduled time without adversely affecting results. Each sampling event consists of six, 5 -minute samples stratified by photoperiod and tide. During the year, a total of 72 samples will be collected for a program total of 144 samples over the two year study period (Table 6-1). Table 6-1. Entrainment Sampling Details Sample Location One of the two discharge weirs Sampling Events (Days)? T my -four (24) sampling events; once per month; January 1 through December 31, 2016 and between January 1 through i December 31, 2017 i Daily Collection Schedule Samples collected every 4 hours in a 24-hour period (six, 5 -minute paired collections / 24-hour period) ;Targeted Organisms "I Fish eggs, larvae,,andjuveniles _v _ Duke Energy 1 23 100 W 8® �- 60r 40 50th Percentile 80th Percentile Nu. % Nu. % 20 Baseline 9.45 18.46 (� Weekly 1.44 84.7 4.13 77.6 Monthly 2.38 74.9 5.06 72.6 0 Post -baseline 1.79 81.1 4.79 74.0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Number entrained (millions) �— Baseline Weekly Monthly Post -baseline Figure 6-1. Cumulative Distribution of Sampling Results. Note the Similarity in Entrainment Estimates Derived from Utilizing Data Collected Weekly (Blue Line) and Data Collected Monthly (Green Line) During each 24-hour sampling event, one of the discharge weirs will be sampled just below the water surface within the following discrete 4 -hour time intervals: 0900, 1200, 1500, 2100, 2400, and 0300 Eastern Standard Time (EST) (one hour later during Eastern Daylight Time [EDT]). Sampling time may deviate up to 15 minutes from the scheduled time without adversely affecting results. Each sampling event consists of six, 5 -minute samples stratified by photoperiod and tide. During the year, a total of 72 samples will be collected for a program total of 144 samples over the two year study period (Table 6-1). Table 6-1. Entrainment Sampling Details Sample Location One of the two discharge weirs Sampling Events (Days)? T my -four (24) sampling events; once per month; January 1 through December 31, 2016 and between January 1 through i December 31, 2017 i Daily Collection Schedule Samples collected every 4 hours in a 24-hour period (six, 5 -minute paired collections / 24-hour period) ;Targeted Organisms "I Fish eggs, larvae,,andjuveniles _v _ Duke Energy 1 23 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant c e W - Depths Samples collected from just below water surface are representative of any vertical distribution at the intake because the cooling water and organisms are well mixed after going through the cooling water system `Sample D,ur'atiori i .,P nkton nets will be fished forafive minutes. ` r ISR Number of Samples per Sampling Six (6) paired, samples per sampling day Event (Day) ;Total Numkier of=Samp",les .y I rTwelve (12) -sampling events/year x=12 samples,[6 pairedysa g r' event (days) -x 2 years =-288 samples) Entrainment samples will be collected just below water surface at one of the two discharge weirs (Figure 6-2). Two identical 0.5 -meter round 505 -Nm mesh plankton nets will be mounted side-by-side on a stainless tow bar and will be fished in one of the discharge weirs. Unless there is a reason that one weir is unavailable for sampling (e.g., during a unit outage), then alternate weirs will be sampled each month. The plankton nets will be lowered and raised into position with a boom system (Figure 6-3). At the time of sampling, water temperature, salinity, volume sampled, and sampling flume will be recorded. In addition, the units in operation and actual intake flow rates will be obtained from operations before the data are analyzed. At the completion of the sampling event, the nets will be retrieved as quickly as possible and the flowmeter readings will be recorded. General OceanicsT"' mechanical flowmeters will be mounted in the mouth of each net to measure flow. If the difference between the flowmeter readings from each net is greater than 2,000 revolutions, the samples will be re -collected. The plankton nets will be washed thoroughly using wash buckets and organisms will be collected in cups. The cups will be emptied into appropriate sample containers. Larval densities will be averaged to obtain a mean number per 1,000 m3 of water entrained through the plant per sampling event. Duke Energy 1 24 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan a�� Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Figure 6-2. Aerial View of Sampling Location at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (Image Modified from: Google Earth) Figure 6-3. Photograph of Entrainment Sampling of the Discharge Weir at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (Source: Duke Energy 2014) Duke Energy] 25 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 6.3 Sample Sorting and Processing Samples are first rinsed with water in a 505 -Nm (or smaller) mesh sieve to remove excess formalin. The samples are then placed in trays and with the aid of a magnifier and/or light, organisms are removed from the samples. The Sorter's initials and dates are inputted into the Sample Log/QC Report 9 (FRM-00842). Similar organisms are placed together in vials containing approximately three percent formalin. All vials from one sample are placed together and labeled for further processing. The number of vials for each sample is recorded on the Sample Log/QC Report Form along with the number of organisms sorted. During periods of high concentrations of small fish (two to five millimeters), usually during the summer months, samples may be sorted twice. The decision to have all samples sorted a second time is made by the lead scientist. Once all vials for one sample are obtained, the Identifier initials and dates the Sample Log/QC Report Form. When identification is complete, the Identifier records the date completed and the number of organisms found. Most organisms will be identified to the lowest practical taxa (using taxonomic keys and processing guidelines) and recorded on the Brunswick Fisheries Investigations Form (FRM-00838). Prior to 1984, length frequencies were obtained for up to 30 individuals per sample. From 1984 to 2012, all species had only the minimum and maximum lengths recorded. From 2012 to present, 30 length measurements are taken from the historically dominant or important species. Remaining specimens are counted and the value 9999 is recorded in the length column. Portunidae megalops are counted only and 9999 is recorded in the length column. Because of the extensive historical morphometric datasets, current standards (i.e., 30 length measurements were taken form the historically dominant or important species) will continue during 2016 and 2017 sampling. After all samples in a set are processed, at least 10 percent of the set is randomly selected for reprocessing (for the purposes of this procedure a set of entrainment samples is defined as one per unit per sampling trip). A unique computer-generated table of random numbers is used for each program. This table is different from the random number table used to select samples for sorting QC. If a sample selected for identification QC contains zero organisms, an alternate sample is selected from the table. The processor for QC (someone other than original Identifier) initials and dates the Sample Log/QC Report. The two data sheets are compared. Discrepancies such as misidentification, errors in counting, or significant differences in measurements are noted on the Larval Fish Identification Discrepancies Form (FRM-00843). The program leader or designee then compares the number of errors and makes a judgment on whether or not the sample set passes or fails. Errors are not corrected if the set passes QC. The program leader decides whether all or part of the set should be reprocessed if the set fails. Eggs were initially identified during the 1970s. Because the Representative Important Species (RIS) spawn offshore and their eggs were rarely collected, egg identification activities were removed from the program. In order to remain consistent with the Rule, fish eggs will be removed from the sample during the sorting phase and placed in vials labeled with a unique ID associated with the date and time of their collection. These eggs will be sent to the Normandeau Duke Energy 1 26 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan MBrunswick Steam Electric Plant Associates, Inc. laboratory in Bedford, NH where taxonomists will identify samples to the lowest practical taxon. Up to 10 eggs of each taxon will be measured for minimum and maximum diameter. 6.4 Data Management and Analysis During each sampling event, water temperature, salinity, flowmeter readings, flowmeter numbers, water quality instrument numbers, and unit sampled, are recorded on the Entrainment Header Log (FRM-00837). This information is entered on the Brunswick Fisheries Investigations Form (FRM-00838). Data sheets are inspected for completeness prior to data entry. Data are entered into Microsoft Excel spreadsheets and are reviewed by a second person to confirm their accuracy. A more extensive automated QC is completed within Excel and is uploaded to the server/mainframe prior to data analysis. 6.5 Laboratory Quality Control Sample residue is reserved for quality control checks, where at least 10 percent of the set is randomly selected (using a computer-generated random number for each program). Sample residue is reprocessed by someone other than the original sorter. The QC Sorter initials and dates the Sample Log/QC Report Form. The number of organisms found in the QC sort is used to calculate the percent accuracy using the following equation: # Organisms in Original Sort # Organisms in Original Sort(s) + # Organisms in QC Sort The set passes if the accuracy (calculated to the nearest tenth of a percent) is 90 percent or more. If the accuracy is under 90 percent, the set fails and the remaining samples in the set (excluding those samples used for the QC sort) must be resorted. All organisms found in this sort are added to those found in the preceding sort. The set is run through the QC process until it passes. Organisms recovered from the samples selected for a QC check are discarded if the set passes. 6.6 Reporting At the completion of the study, a report describing the study program, including facility description, study design, sampling methods, data analysis methods, and results, will be generated. The final report will include all tables, figures, photographs and engineering drawings as necessary to document the work done. Estimates of entrainment by species, life stage, month, and diel period under design, and recorded intake flows, will also be included. The report will be organized with supporting information and details (e.g., field data, SOP, lab results) in attached appendices, as needed. Duke Energy 1 27 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 7 References M Carolina Power and Light Company (CP&L). 2004. 1980. Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Cape Fear Studies: Interpretive Report. Southport, North Carolina. . 1985. Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Cape Fear Studies: Interpretive Report. New Hill, North Carolina. 1998. Memo from C. Wheeler to J. W. Johnson, J. C. Nukles, Jr. and A. Eaddy forwarding the Threatened and Endangered Species Self -Assessment Report. 2000. CP&L Integrated Resource Plan. September 1. Applicant's Environmental Report — Operating License Renewal Stage, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Units 1 and 2. Docket Nos. 50-325 and 50-324, Southport, North Carolina. Copeland, B. J., J.M. Miller, W. Watson, R. Hodson, W.S. Birkhead, and J. Schneider. 1976. Meroplankton: Problems of Sampling and Analysis of Entrainment, in (L.D. Jensen, ed.) Third National Workshop on Entrainment and Impingement, Ecological Analysts, Inc., Melville, NY. Duke Energy. 2014. Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 2010-2012 Biological Monitoring Report. Duke Energy Progress Inc., Water and Natural Resources. Raleigh, North Carolina. June 2014. Moser, M.L. and S.W. Ross. 1995. Habitat Use and Movements of Shortnose and Atlantic Sturgeons in the Lower Cape Fear River, North Carolina. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 124(2): 225-234. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). 2000. Endangered Species Act — Section 7 Consultation Biological Opinion for the Operation of the Cooling Water Intake System at the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Carolina Power and Light Company. Progress Energy. 2011. Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 2009 Biological Monitoring Report. Progress Energy Service Company, LLC, Environmental Services Section. Raleigh, North Carolina. March 2011. . Undated. Applicant's Environmental Report: Operating License Renewal Stage, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit 1 (License No. DPR-71) and Unit 2 (License No. DPR- 62). Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. (PEC). 2003. Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 2003 Biological Monitoring Report. Environmental Services Section. New Hill, North Carolina. Duke Energy 1 28 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant FN U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (USAEC). 1974. Final Environmental Statement Related to the Continued Construction and Proposed Issuance of an Operating License for the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Units 1 and 2. Carolina Power and Light Company. Dockets Nos. 50- 324 and 50-325. Washington, DC. U.S. Energy Information Administration (USEIA). 2015. Form EIA -923 Detailed Data. https://www.eia.gov/electricity/data/eia923/. Accessed on February 11, 2016. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2016. Information for Planning and Conservation (IPAC). https:Hecos.fws.gov/ipac/. Accessed April 6, 2016. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC). 2006. Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants, Supplement 25, Regarding Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit 1 and Unit 2. Washington, D.C. April 2006. . 2012. Biological Assessment, Brunswick Steam Electric Plant: Units 1 and 2 and Continued Operation. Duke Energy 1 29 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant APPENDIX A - Select Species Spawning and Early Life History Data Table A-1. Spawning and Early Life History of Fish Species Present at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant W t Eggs are buoyant. li Spavun in shelf They are distinguished waters that are from other eggs by Newly hatched y I their large size (i.e., 38,000 to 700,000 ,larvae are 4.5 Atlantic ' November to ; 100 to 200 4{ ' 1.5 to 1.8 mm �{ ova per fish, mm in length, I meters offshore, Open water f I� i i Menhaden ;; March 11 �I diameter), broad !� depending on size � growing to 5.7 !, �l probably within EI perivitelline space, offish mm within four 70 meters of theli surface I it small oil globule (i.e., days of hatching „ i 0.105 to 0.17 mm), and long embryo Bay anchovy is a Spawn where The approximately 1- batch (serial) spawner. water depth is Bay Year-round mm fertilized eggs are Pelagic, slightly p -ies Common Sawnrn• period 9 Saw pa nrng Nest Eggs Fecundf ` Rates t.arvae Size " Refere ces Name season producing tat Struewre a mean of 1,129 0.035 -inch floating or of female length ova per batch t Eggs are buoyant. li Spavun in shelf They are distinguished waters that are from other eggs by Newly hatched y I their large size (i.e., 38,000 to 700,000 ,larvae are 4.5 Atlantic ' November to ; 100 to 200 4{ ' 1.5 to 1.8 mm �{ ova per fish, mm in length, I meters offshore, Open water f I� i i Menhaden ;; March 11 �I diameter), broad !� depending on size � growing to 5.7 !, �l probably within EI perivitelline space, offish mm within four 70 meters of theli surface I it small oil globule (i.e., days of hatching „ i 0.105 to 0.17 mm), and long embryo Bay anchovy is a Spawn where The approximately 1- batch (serial) spawner. water depth is Bay Year-round mm fertilized eggs are Pelagic, slightly Individual females Larvae are 1.8 to less than 20 Open water Anchovy spawning ellipsoid with spawn at least 50 2.0 mm long at meters, salinities segmented yolk -mass times each hatch from 0-32 ppt and no oil globules season producing per 5 to 7 inches and lack fin a mean of 1,129 0.035 -inch floating or of female length ova per batch t Eggs are buoyant. li Spavun in shelf They are distinguished waters that are from other eggs by Newly hatched y I their large size (i.e., 38,000 to 700,000 ,larvae are 4.5 Atlantic ' November to ; 100 to 200 4{ ' 1.5 to 1.8 mm �{ ova per fish, mm in length, I meters offshore, Open water f I� i i Menhaden ;; March 11 �I diameter), broad !� depending on size � growing to 5.7 !, �l probably within EI perivitelline space, offish mm within four 70 meters of theli surface I it small oil globule (i.e., days of hatching „ i 0.105 to 0.17 mm), and long embryo Houde and Zastrow undated Rodgers and Van Den ! Avyle 1989 I Sink 2011 Duke Energy 1 30 Newly hatched Fecundity larvae are Protracted estimates range approximately spawning Atlantic Croaker from 41,000 eggs 0.06 inches long Atlantic season that Spawn offshore Open water Produces 0.024- to per 5 to 7 inches and lack fin Croaker lasts from 0.035 -inch floating or of female length buds, October to semi -buoyant eggs to 180,000 eggs mouthparts, March for a 15.5 -inch digestive tracts, female and eye pigmentation Houde and Zastrow undated Rodgers and Van Den ! Avyle 1989 I Sink 2011 Duke Energy 1 30 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant M "'.uL''re ' ,0„a 'w `` Y,,, • "fie o i7, -W q- - - Spawn �lnthe [p I tl Initial growth is relatively deep { rapid while Spawning water of the i Fecundity + I � i � larvae remain in [� occurs from outer continental ,, estimates range !! October through ' shelf, though �, ! Eggs are pelagic and fromi offshore waters. I Spot �; i+ Open water i� Growth then l Hill 2005 March, peaking I some evidently 9' (1 buoyanti approximately slows in the early +i m December �, spawn in j ;' 77,000 to 84,000 i jl I period of i and January i� nearshore eggs per season i I i waters and estuarine i + E 1 { �residency 4 estuaries In non -tidal areas, estuaries Eggs are spherical, and lagoons, generally with one oil Protracted near tidal droplet, but Fecundity spawning passes, and occasionally two or increases with season which outside three. Eggs have been size. The Hatched larvae Spotted estuaries. Johnson and Seaman extends from Open water reported to be approximate range from 1.3 to Seatrout late April Spawning occurs demersal and pelagic range is 15,000 to 1.6 mm 1986 through early at night in bays depending upon 1,100,000 eggs October or lagoons and in salinity. At higher per female deeper channels salinities eggs are and depressions buoyant adjacent to grassy flats '� ------ Spawn in and-- °� around the edge i 'I Eggs are transparent Ij of the continental I and pale yellow, non - Estimated Protracted shelf off the i' adhesive, and fecundity is 0.5 to . Hatched larvae i i' a 2.0 million eggs i� Striped i) spawning i, coasts of North spherical with an I E are i j Open water ,� i� per female, 11 Bester undated Mullet i season from' Carolina, South ij average diameter of I I approximately i 1 ; depending upon October to April !j Carolina, ,l ' 0.72 mm. Each egg �I size of the 2.4 mm in length �+ ! Georgia, and the (' contains an oil globule, i {j � east coast of fmaking it buoyant jl individual - — - Florida Duke Energy 1 31 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant ARM - \ ,.��;e```;'; �v^,,, `,, e® .^;;>;z ";xtx&k.,.# • ;,',„s, . �. ,�. ,a,�^ n�..,+, ,^,,,,` aaa.e,;sy,c,.s,M,; ,.,\., , Spawn in late Southern fall and early Sandy bottoms Flounder winter but some offshore spawn in early spring Open water Buoyant eggs that float to the surface Females typically spawn every three to seven days over a period of approximately two months, typically producing 17,000 to 100,000 eggs in each session Adult female i Eggs are roughly 1 I� Pinfish between i' mm in diameter, 1 Late fall through r3 i�� 1111 and 152 mm Pinfish f; Offshore Open water usually with a single oil ' i early spring } i i' globule and a narrow �� contained an perivitelline space ave eggsage of 21,600 Probably occurs Ovarian eggs round, Late May to at sea, however Blackcheek October with a spawning in Open water largest measured 0.5 Information not Tonguefish mm with 6-10 oil available peak in June large estuaries is significant droplets -- - --- ---- - - -- Ij - -- -- I� Spawn in deep --- -- - – I, – i waters along the I' 11 Eggs are pelagic and buoyant and 0.7 to 0.8 i i Early spring1, Spotted (? (April through Hake continental slope, primarily off southern IR Open Water ! mm in diameter with a �!, 0.04 to 0.12 mm Unknown May) !i Georges Bank (' perivitelline space and l� }I a 0.19 to 0.28 mm oil and the Middle Atlantic Bight globule ii Yolk -sac larvae began metamorphosing to postlarvae at 8 to 11 mm long Reagan and Wingo 1985 Hatched larvae — averaged 2.3 I mm in length. 6 The yolk -sac, I I visible 24 hours Masterson 2008 ' after hatching, is E completely absorbed once i f larvae reached a size of 2.7 mm Larvae range from 1.3 mm to Martin 1978 at least 10 mm I Unknown li Chang et al. 1999 i Duke Energy 1 32 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Atlantic Silverside Spawn in the Spawning `;: intertidal zone of = = extends from nearly all major ., late March "estuaries and; Open water through June tributaries within sh"allow°waters offshore"" .. �" their geographic Newly hatched IarVae'are •`"•_, approximately 5, . -range - - r-yys div ueineisdi, adhesive, and found in i shallow waters of estuarine intertidal zones. Eggs range" a The average Larvae range in from 0.9 to= 1.2 mm in y number of eggs :i size from 5.5 to, diameter. 'Eggs are ;, spawned in a 15.0 mm in total i' Fay et al. 1983 transparent, yellow to season is 4,500 to 3 length green'and'have five to ;' 5,000 per female twelve large oil globules and i] numerous small globules F�? Duke Energy[ 33 Eggs arespherical, Rough Silverside,' Spring through" ' Fall'" ' ° " " sh"allow°waters offshore"" .. �" almost transparent, . dem"ersaI 'adhering °"' "' ' Information' not Open waters" together,irflarge-, ��. � � available Newly hatched IarVae'are •`"•_, approximately 5, . Smith 1914 , T „ . uclusters, which are "" „ . mrnin.length ,..., carried inshore to iriteitidal zones ° -,"..a, "3 ° � �.... ° .. ... •.- � ,,,," ... ,_- Duke Energy[ 33 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Table A-2. Spawning and Early Life History of Crab Species Present at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant M)< Duke Energy 1 34 mate only once in; The megalops larva their lives. After is more crablike in mating; females;.appearance " Measures'. than the Althougha-female migrate to high- approximately 0.25 zoeae; its carapace ,will mate only once, Tidal fresh salinity waters in mm upon hatching. is broader than its �' i� `she will produce areas. Salinity,;: lower estuaries, They bear little length and has biting ;,, many fertilized egg; is important sounds, and near=claws morphological " and pointed ; masses during her but shore spawning '; -They resemblance to : joints at the ends of I, " the legs. The,-" ,, lifetime from this requirements areas. over- adults, are filter �i single mating Blue Crab vary, by life winter,before and live a megalops swims (seven broods in Zinski 2006 stages. spawning by planktonic existence. freely, but generally :; one year from a Generally burrowing in the . 1. Zoeal development ;' stays near the i� `single mating and ' optimum is 3- ;, mud. Females may require 1 to 49 is bottom in nearshore up to 18 broods to 15 -parts usually spawn two ; 'days, depen"ding on 1, or lower'"estuarine ii" over a two- to two per thousand to nine months after mating. Spawning, `salinity and ;; high -salinity areas. '; There are usually and ahalf--year occurs from March temperature seven zoeal stages Period) through October, t ;' and one postlarval or with•peaksfrom megalopal, stage i April to August • t' ii Duke Energy 1 34 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant W Duke Energy 35 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Table A-3. Spawning and Early Life History of Shrimp Species Present at Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 011 .k�",...;;�F: vn,.,q;.:S P rkl , ,,i'uµ- 7 The larvae go through approximately 10 different The male transfers a packet phases before they start to A single look like adult shrimp. They of sperm called a move into estuaries where they produces inhabit seagrass beds, tidal spermatophore to the female marshes and creeks as they Prefers shallow, warm, Spawn in the and it is attached to the Atlantic low salinity waters to spring along the female's underside. Eggs are White approximately 90 feet coast from the ejected by the female and Shrimp deep with organic -rich, beach to several fertilized as they pass the muddy bottoms miles offshore spermatophore. The eggs sink to the bottom of the ocean, where they hatch within 24 hours - ------------- fi Pink shrimp are++, j 'j associated with shell it occurs j The eggs are approximately Ii 'sand, sand, coral -mud, Spawning in oceanic waters 0.23 to 0.33 mm in diameter Pink t or mud bottoms. i Subadults prefer shell 1i at depths of 4 to and are demersal. Coloration Shrimp ;! sand and loose peat !! 48 meters and I; probably in !j is generally an opaque 13 yellow -brownish but the i4 and adults prefer (I deeper waters chorion may appear bluish fi calcareous sediments ,� also under certain light reflections (j but are also found on ;_ hard sand bottoms; E? I The larvae go through approximately 10 different phases before they start to A single look like adult shrimp. They female move into estuaries where they produces inhabit seagrass beds, tidal between NWF 2016 marshes and creeks as they 500,000 and continue to mature. After 1 million approximately two to three months, the larvae will reach eggs adult size and move towards the ocean Pink shrimp larvae have exhibited five nauplii stages, three protozoeal stages, and two to five mysis stages. Larval 1 development is generally 15 to !; j 21 days (i Unknown 1 Bielsa et al. 1983 11 Postlarvae enter estuarine and coastal bay nursery areas at 8 mm total length. Peaks of abundance occur in spring and late fall k �i j{ Duke Energy 1 36 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant M Species S aWning fecundity° Common Habitat p g Eggs Larvae' References Period, ° ° Rates . n Name coastal areas during late winter and spring •s. Larson et al. 1989 Duke Energy 1 37 Hatching usually occurs within `. ',',24 hours but is inhibited at Spawn offshore !i salinities below 27 parts per at depths, usually thousand or above 35 parts, per '+ t4 thousand. Planktonic larvae' Prefer loose peat and exceeding 18 " ;: ' develop offshore through five' sandy mud althoughnaupliar, meters with three protozoeal, and , Brown they frequent other spawning occurring most of •,,Eggs•aredemersal, non - three Mysis stage's before " adhesive, spherical, and .0.26 , Unknown Shrimp substrates such as the year. The metamorphosis to postlarvae. to 0.28 mm in diameter sand, silt, or clay mixed :;-Larval development, takes with rock fragments majority of9'approximately spawning may. 11 days ° occur into early s Postlarvae are transported by fall. :! surface ocean currents'to coastal areas during late winter and spring •s. Larson et al. 1989 Duke Energy 1 37 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Life History References 01 Bester, Cathleen. Undated. Striped Mullet. Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida. http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/discover/species-profiles/mugil-cephalus. Accessed on February 15, 2016. Biella, L.M., W.H. Murdich, and R.F. Labisky. 1983. Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (South Florida) — Pink Shrimp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-82/11.17. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, TR EL -82-4. 21 pp. Chang, S., W.W. Morse, and P.L. Berrien. 1999. Essential Fish Habitat Source Document: White Hake (Urophycis tenuis) Life History and Habitat Characteristics. National Marine Fisheries Service, James J. Howard Marine Sciences Lab. Highlands, New Jersey. September 1999. Fay, C.W., R.J. Neves, and G.B. Pardue. 1983. Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (Mid -Atlantic): Atlantic Silverside. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Division of Biological Services. FWS/OBS- 82/11.10. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, TR EL -82-4. 15 pp. Guillory, V., P. Prejean, M. Bourgeois, J. Burdon, and J. Merrell. 1996. A Biological and Fisheries Profile of the Blue Crab. Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Hill, K. 2005. Species Inventory: Spot. Smithsonian Marine Station. June 9, 2005. Houde, E.D. and C.E. Zastrow. Undated. Bay Anchovy, Anchoa mitchilli. University of Maryland, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies. Solomons, Maryland. Johnson, D.R. and W. Seaman, Jr. 1986. Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (South Florida), Spotted Seatrout. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Biol. Rep. 82(11.43). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, TR EL -82-4. 18 pp. Larson, S.C., M.J. Van Den Avyle, and E.L. Bozeman, Jr. 1989. Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (South Atlantic), Brown Shrimp. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Biol. Rep. 82(11.90). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers TR EL -82-4. 14 pp. Martin, Douglas F. 1978. Develop of Fishes of the Mid -Atlantic Bight, An Atlas of Egg, Larval, and Juvenile Stages. Volume VI, Stromateidae through Ogcocephalidae. Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies. Solomons, Maryland. January 1978. Duke Energy 1 38 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan L�� Brunswick Steam Electric Plant r Masterson, J. 2008. Species Inventory: Pinfish. Smithsonian Marine Station. September 1, 2008. National Wildlife Federation (NWF). 2016. Atlantic White Shrimp. https://www.nwf.org/Wildlife/Wildlife-Library/Invertebrates/Atlantic-White- Shrimp.aspx. Accessed February 15, 2016. Puglisi, Melany P. 2008. Smithsonian Marine Station. October 1, 2008. http://www.sms.si.edu/irlspec/Callinectes similis.htm. Accessed February 15, 2016. Reagan, R.E., and W.M. Wingo. 1985. Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (Gulf of Mexico), Southern Flounder. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Biol. Rep. 82(11.30). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers TR EL- 82-4. 9 pp. Rodgers, G.S. and M.J. Van Den Avyle. 1989. Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirements of Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (Mid-Atlantic), Atlantic Menhaden. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Biol. Rep. 82(11.108). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers TR EL-82-4. 23 pp. Sink, Todd. 2011. Species Profile: Atlantic Croaker. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. SRAC Publication No. 7208. August 2011. Smith, Hugh M. 1914. Bulletin of the United States, Bureau of Fisheries. Volume XXXIV. Rough Silverside. 420-423 pp. Zinski, Steven C. 2006. Blue Crab Life Cycle. https://www.bluecrab.info/lifecycle.html. Accessed February 15, 2016. Duke Energy 1 39 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan I�� Brunswick Steam Electric Plant APPENDIX R — Response to Informal Review Comments While not required to be peer reviewed under the Rule, Duke Energy engaged Fisheries Biology subject matter experts to informally review this ECSP. The purpose of the informal review was to afford the Peer Reviewer the opportunity to evaluate the entrainment study objectives and methodology, and to comment if the proposed methods do not meet industry standards. Duke Energy's intent was to ensure that if data were collected as detailed in the ECSP that the data would be sufficient for the intended use in the BTA determination process required in §122.21(r)(10)-(12). In order to help focus the review, charge questions were developed (Table B-1). The primary goal was to develop a study that meets the objectives of the Rule -required Entrainment Characterization Study. Table B-1. Directed Charge Questions Will the proposed sampling depth(s) �) and location provide for a ' Yes/No representative sample of the water column? Considering fish and shellfish known or expected to be in the source waterbody, (i 2 will the proposed sampling period �j Yes/No f+ (months) provide the ability to !� understand seasonal variations in -entrainment? Is the sampling equipment proposed 3) appropriate to collect entrainable Yes/No organisms at this type of intake structure? Does the plan lay out QA/QC�I 14) :i requirements clearly? Are these ; Yes/No i requirements adequate? Duke Energy 140 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 01 Identifying eggs and larvae to species is often difficult and sometimes impossible. Does the sampling plan 5) provide sufficient measures to preserve Yes/No organism integrity and support ,identification to the lowest taxon practicable? Will the study design provide sufficient data to support a benefits analysis of 7) entrainment reducing technologies Yes/No required to be evaluated by the Rule ; including biological performance as required in 40 CFR 122.21(r)(11)? Does the study design meet the 6) requirements of the Rule at 406CFR Yes/No so, what needs to be added or clarified? Will the study design provide sufficient data to support a benefits analysis of 7) entrainment reducing technologies Yes/No required to be evaluated by the Rule ; including biological performance as required in 40 CFR 122.21(r)(11)? After receipt of the peer reviewer's comments, the following responses were developed and the ECSPs were updated to reflect those changes. Comments were divided into four categories as follows: • Category 1: Comments that are clearly applicable (i.e., relevant under the charge and improve the quality of the work product). These comments were incorporated into the ECSP. • Category 2: Comments that represent a misunderstanding by Informal Reviewers. These comments were not incorporated into the ECSP. • Category 3: Comments that are minor and do not materially change or lend additional value to the ECSP (e.g., comments that were meant as "FYI', preferential suggestions, or are beyond the scope of the charge). These comments may or may not have been incorporated into the ECSP at the discretion of the Report Originator. • Category 4: Major Peer Reviewer comments that the Report Originators do not agree with and choose not to incorporate into the ECSP. Table B-2 presents the site-specific responses to comments received on the Brunswick ECSP. Duke Energy 141 Are there any deficiencies °in -the- study Plan that might prevent you or. others 8) I (e.g., Regulators) from understanding what is being proposed for sampling? If Yes/No I` so, what needs to be added or clarified? After receipt of the peer reviewer's comments, the following responses were developed and the ECSPs were updated to reflect those changes. Comments were divided into four categories as follows: • Category 1: Comments that are clearly applicable (i.e., relevant under the charge and improve the quality of the work product). These comments were incorporated into the ECSP. • Category 2: Comments that represent a misunderstanding by Informal Reviewers. These comments were not incorporated into the ECSP. • Category 3: Comments that are minor and do not materially change or lend additional value to the ECSP (e.g., comments that were meant as "FYI', preferential suggestions, or are beyond the scope of the charge). These comments may or may not have been incorporated into the ECSP at the discretion of the Report Originator. • Category 4: Major Peer Reviewer comments that the Report Originators do not agree with and choose not to incorporate into the ECSP. Table B-2 presents the site-specific responses to comments received on the Brunswick ECSP. Duke Energy 141 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Table B-2. Peer Reviewer Responses to Directed Charge Questions Responseent It is unclear why the age of the data would be relevant to the findings. Transit through power plant cooling systems can subject organisms to elevated temperature and physical stresses that can damage organisms and make them more As stated in the Plan, collections in the discharge will integrate all depths difficult to identify. Since the conditions of plant passage of water and organisms actually entrained. have not changed in the intervening years, the data should continue to be relevant. A question remains, though, whether the sampling of the discharge fully represents the numbers entrained, due to damages in the pumping and piping. The text says the intake vs discharge was compared and differences found to be non-significant. But the study was a long time ago (1976) and may be questioned due to its age. Considering the extensive effort at QA/QC for the samples once collected, it seems worth doing a QA test (perhaps a few at different times of year) to ensure that they discharge samples are really representative. Site-specific studies conducted at BSEP determined that samples collected in the discharge were not significantly different from those collected at the intake and therefore sampling at the discharge was appropriate and has been the basis of sampling for decades. There is no reason to assume that findings from new QA studies would be different from what was observed previously given that the facility configuration exclusive of the fine -mesh screens has not changed. Therefore, Duke Energy does not, at this time, propose to conduct new studies to compare intake to discharge entrainment estimates. Figure 6-1, which is intended to justify the monthly collections, isn't clear. 2 What constitutes the "baselihe".and "post -baseline'? The figure needs Text and figure caption were updated to clarify. explanation either in the text of a more complete legend. 0 Client Name 1 42 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 1 3 4 4 3 The double nets are fine. The mesh size is larger than most are now using, though. May need to justify the larger mesh. There is detailed QA/QC for handling the samples once collected, but not for whether the sample at the discharge is truly representative. There are historical, operational, and biological justifications for continuing to use 505 --Nm mesh nets for sampling entrainment at Brunswick. All previous entrainment and larval survival studies conducted at Brunswick have used 505 --Nm mesh. Similarly, the ocean and estuary sampling conducted historically has used this size mesh. Continuing to use 505 --Nm mesh will allow a direct application of previous data to support 122.21(r) evaluations. From an operational standpoint, results of clogging studies led to time limits on sampling with 505 --pm mesh. Presumably using a finer -mesh would exacerbate clogging issues and require shorter sampling durations. There is also biological justification for the use 505—pm mesh at Brunswick. The numerically dominant fish, shrimp, and crabs collected at Brunswick are spawned in the near - shore ocean or offshore. The majority of these fish larvae are old enough to exhibit fin -ray development when recruited to the estuary. As such, these larvae are large and robust enough to avoid extrusion through the 505 --Nm mesh. The numerically dominant estuarine spawners (anchovies, gobies, and silversides) have egg diameters that are 0.7 to 1.2 mm. In addition, gobies and silversides have demersal and adhesive eggs that are less likely to become involved with the intake. All three groups of estuarine spawning species have value as forage base, but are unlikely to contribute substantially to the social benefit of fish protection because they lack commercial and recreational value. ;l ti �i Refer to the response to Question 1 above. ii i Dr. Coutant responded to the question, "Does the sampling plan provide 5 sufficient measures to preserve organism integrity and support NA identification to the lowest taxon practicable?" with a "Yes" and provided no additional comment. MPC Duke Energy 1 43 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Two ears? Yes, but on page 23, 2ndparagraph after the bullets it i; Y P 9 says R ' the project runs from January 2016 to December 31, implying a one-year 1 6 I study. Table 5-1 is clear that the ending is Dec 31, 2017. Need to fix the k� text. Text has been fixed. See response to Question 1 above. i ' See#1 above re. representative. Other criteria are well described as being met. 1 and 4 7 1 believe so, especially if the plan is revised somewhat in light of review. The Study Plan has been updated with respect to reviewer comments with the exception of Question 1. FN Duke Energy 1 44 The deficiencies are mostly in describing the intake system (which may J be a problem for the regulators or others not familiar with the intake) and i; NA; comment i editorial details. ESCP was corrected to ECSP in Section 1.2, line 2. We 3 from the body of { j 1. Section 1.2, line 2: ESCP should be ECSP. But I suggest I; have left ECSP as an acronym for Entrainment the comments spelling out the Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Characterization Study Plan to be consistent with ECSPs transmittal email '; throughout. Few things are more aggravating for a reviewer ;; submitted of the other eight facilities in the Carolinas. � than a bunch of acronyms that put the document in code. I 2. The description of the intake system isn't clear in many places (see Page 4, middle paragraph, line 6; Figure 1; Section 2.2, 1s' paragraph, line 5). It's not clear whether the canal intake is on the ship channel because the figures show it coming off the NA; comment side channel. It would be helpful for a regulator if the text 3 from the body of better explained that the intake channel extends beyond the Section 2 has been rewritten for clarity. the comments side channel out to the main ship channel. The text refers transmittal email repeatedly to Snows Marsh, but it is not labeled on any of the figures. It would be helpful to have it labeled on each figure that the text refers to it (see Section 2.2.1). Figure 3-2 could include labels that would clear up much of the above. ' NA; comment from the bodyof � '� --- -'—--------_- Section 2 has been rewritten for clarity and new figures and 3 the comments 3. Figures 2-2 and 2-3 are not called out in the text. references have been added. transmittal email NA; comment from the body of 4. The placement of the Fish Diversion Structure isn't clear, 3 the comments especially in light of confusion noted above. What is meant by Section 2 has been rewritten for clarity. transmittal email the "canal proper"? Just a few additional words would help. NA; comment 5. In section 2.2.1, mention of the trash racks, blocker panels from the body of (what are these?) and fixed screens would be helped by a fI After further discussion with Duke Energy, the blocker 3 { the comments i diagram. What happens at the Fish Diversion Structure is panels are the bar racks. This has been revised in the transmittal email ; pretty important to what gets into the intake. The text should discussion of the diversion structure. reference figures 2-3 and 2-4. FN Duke Energy 1 44 Entrainment Characterization Study Plan Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Category Charge No.^-'v�, h,,;4 q±Comment1,' Response`and Resolution NA; comment 3 from the body of the comments transmittal email I NA; comment 3 from the body of the comments transmittal email 6. Section 2.2.2, 1" paragraph: should refer to Figure 2-3; 2nd Section 2 has been rewritten for clarity. paragraph needs to refer to Figure 2-5. Figures 2-6 to 2-9. Engineering drawings are not the best for No response required' showing what you want (too detailed), but may be ok.�--_-- NA; comment from the body of g. Figure 3-1 label: Note form should be from Section 2 has been rewritten for clarity. the comments transmittal email ' NA; comment ! from the body of 3 the comments transmittal email 9. Good historical summary and Section 4. No response, required- —� VP Duke Energy 1 45