HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003433_Supplemental Information For Renewal Application_201609024 DUKE ENERGY. August 31, 2016 Mr. Ron Berry North Carolina Division of Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: NPDES Wastewater Permit Application Submittal Duke Energy Progress, LLC. Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant Permit #: NC0003433 Chatham County Dear Mr. Berry, Harry K. Sideris Senior Vice President Environmental, Health & Safety 526 S. Church Street Mail Code: EC3XP Charlotte, NC 28202 (704) 382-4303 RECEIVEMCDEONDWR SEP - 2 2016 Water Quaiity Perrnitting Section Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke) is submitting herewith three copies of supplemental information in support of the NPDES renewal application. This update is in addition to the previous updates and requests submitted for your review. This submittal is intended to provide an update of modifications that will be necessary to comply with recently enacted laws and regulations including the Federal Steam Electric Effluent Guidelines (ELG), Federal Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) rule, the North Carolina Coal ash Management Act of 2014 and HB 630 of 2016. Specific permit requests from Duke Energy are identified in bold throughout this submittal. With numerous federal and state requirements to coordinate and implement in a short time for the site, planning and sequencing of work are paramount and dynamic. As such, final scope and sequence for all work is not complete at this time. Where scope is still not finalized, Duke has provided a range of options that are being evaluated and provided various alternate scenarios in an attempt to limit the number of subsequent submittals necessary. This submittal contains a request for reinstatement of a previously permitted external outfall to waters of the United States that has been removed from the permit during previous permit cycles. This outfall contains wastewater that is characteristic of Outfall 007 when the plant was operational. As there has been no discharge from this plant in the previous 4 years (except for a minor valve leak from a riser structure in January 2016) there is no new data to provide for your review. All other proposed modifications contained herein are internal to our wastewater process flows, it is Duke's belief that the information provided in this submittal is of sufficient detail to allow for review and issuance or renewed NPDES permit for the Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant. This is Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant NPDES application update NC0003433 Chatham County Page 2 of 2 consistent with the guidance received from DEQ staff in a meeting on November 20, 2015 and follow up correspondence dated January 11, 2016 and January 28, 2016. 1. Duke intends to install a wastewater treatment system to treat ash basin bulk water and interstitial water within the 1985 and 1978 ash basins, respectively. The treatment system for Outfall 005 will be installed on a constructed pad within the basin. Both treatment systems will discharge at a similar flow path to their permitted outfall. Duke requests that this flow be listed as a contributing flow to Outfall •007, or as a contributing flow to the newly requested Outfall 008 (see below & attached). Additional treatment of the for the dewatering process may be completed via chemical and/or physical processes, prior to discharge to Outfall 001, Outfall 005, Outfall 007 or the newly requested Outfall 008. This treatment system may require the addition of a coagulant and/or flocculent to enhance solids removal. An updated Form 2C, flow diagram, flow description and flow narrative is provided in attachment 1. 2. Duke is requesting that the outfall for the 1963/1970 pond, Outfall 008 be reinstated under NPDES permit NC0003433 This outfall has been inactive for many years and was permitted in past NPDES permits to convey stormwater from the 1963/1970 ash basin directly to the Cape Fear River. The re -instated outfall would be used to facilitate the discharge of both bulk and interstitial decanting/dewatering from the 1978 and 1985 ash basins as well as the decanting of stormwater from the 1963/1970 ash basin to the Cape Fear River. Treated bulk and interstitial water (as described below) from the 1985 basin and the 1978 basin would be dewatered into Outfall 008. They would then be discharged through that outfall and out to the Cape Fear River. The 1963/1970 pond would also be dewatered through Outfall 008. The Cape Fear Plant was recently issued an NPDES stormwater permit, in that permit, NCDEMLR recommended that the outfall be covered under the NPDES wastewater permit since it does not qualify as a regulated stormwater outfall since it does not discharge the 25 year 24 hour storm event. Duke Energy requests permit limits for the new outfall should be consistent for ash basin discharge into the Cape Fear River. Duke Energy also requests that Outfall 001 and Outfall 005 remain in the permit in case of emergency overflow from the ash basins. An updated Form 2C, flow diagram, flow description and flow narrative is provided in attachment 1. Attachment 2 is an aerial photograph showing the flow path. 3. Duke Energy is requesting that the flows for Outfall 001 and Outfall 005 be combined during the decanting/dewatering process. Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant NPDES application update NC0003433 Chatham County Page 3 of 3 Duke Energy requests that the flow for the both Outfall 001 and Outfall 005 during the bulk decanting and interstitial dewatering process be limited to 1.78 MGD, the average combined flow of both Outfalls 001 and 005 during the last 4 years of plant operation (2009 — 2012). This will allow for the treatment systems for each ash basin to discharge at 500 gpm while treating both bulk and interstitial water and discharging it to Outfall 007, or the newly requested flow path to Outfall 008. 4. Option for treated landfill leachate to be routed to Outfall 005 should the option of an on -site landfill for the excavated ash be constructed Duke is considering both off -site and on -site disposal options for the ash removed from the basins. If selected, the on -site landfill option would require provision for leachate treatment — either by an off -site treatment plant or an on -site treatment plant. Duke would like to include reference in the permit to allow for the discharge of treated leachate should the option of an on -site coal combustion product (CCP) landfill and on -site treatment of leachate be pursued. 5. Area of wetness (AOW) disposition. Duke has previously identified a number of Areas of Wetness within the property. Duke has evaluated the list of AOW's submitted to the DEQ for permit coverage. Based upon further review of sampling data, Duke withdraws requests for coverage from areas previously identified as S-01, S-02, S-03, S-06, S-011, S-13 and S-14. This request is based on location of the respective AOW and/or review of sampling data that confirms the lack of pollutants associated with plant activities being released to Waters of the State from this point. Duke requests that DEQ provide concurrence or acknowledgement of this request in the NPDES Fact Sheet for the permit. Duke has also identified several AOW's upstream of permitted Outfall 007. Duke requests that these AOW's be listed as contributing flows to Outfall 007 in either the NPDES permit or the NPDES permit fact sheet as follows: AOW's that are contributing flows to NPDES Outfall 007 are: S-05, S-07, S-08, S-09, and S-12. Duke requests that any future AOW's that are identified and are tributary to these permitted outfalls not require notification to DEQ. See attachment 4 for an updated identified sampling point aerial photo. 6. Duke intends to construct a groundwater extraction well system The extraction well system, may be needed in the future, to remediate groundwater in the area of the ash basins, it is expected to discharge at approximately 600 gpm or 0.864 MGD. The extracted ground water will require additional treatment before being released to the environment. Additional treatment of the extracted groundwater water may be completed via chemical and/or physical processes prior to discharge to Outfall Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant NPDES application update NC0003433 Chatham County Page 4 of 4 001, Outfall 005, Outfall 007, or Outfall 008. This treatment system may require the addition of a coagulant and/or flocculent to enhance solids removal. We appreciate your attention to these requests and look forward to finalizing the NPDES permit for the Cape Fear Steam Electric plant in the near future. Should you have any questions regarding this letter or require additional information, please contact Mr. Steve Cahoon at (919) 546-7457 or at steve.cahoon@duke-energy.com. "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. " Sincerely, qAn Harry Sideris SVP - Environmental, Health & Safety Enclosures NCDEQ cc: Sergei Chernikov Duke Energy cc: Issa Zarzar, Steve Cahoon, Jonathan Stamas, Cedric Fairbanks Attachment 1 Revised Form 2C, Flow diagram and descriptions, NPDES Permit Narrative, and updated Chemical list August 31, 2016 'NPDES application update Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant NC0003433 EPA I.D. NUMBER (copyfromItem I of Form 1) Form Approved. NCD000830919 OMB No.2040-0086. Please print or type in the unshaded areas only. I I Approval expires 3-31-98. FORM 2C NPDES U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER 1401 EPA EXISTING MANUFACTURING,JCOMMERCIAL, MINING AND SILVICULTURE OPERATIONS Consolidated Permits Program I. OUTFALL LOCATION For each ouffall, list the latitude and longitude of its location to the nearest 15 seconds and the name of the receiving water. A. OUTFALL NUMBER (list) B. LATITUDE C. LONGITUDE D RECEIVING WATER (name) 1. DEG. 2. MIN 3 SEC 1 DEG 2. MIN 3 SEC. 007 35 35 15 79 02 39 Unnamed tributary to Cape Fear River 008 35 34 57 79 02 59 Cape Fear River II. FLOWS, SOURCES OF POLLUTION, AND TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES A. Attach a line drawing showing the water flow through the facility. Indicate sources of intake water, operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, and treatment units labeled to correspond to the more detailed descriptions in Item B Construct a water balance on the line drawing by showing average flows between intakes, operations, treatment units, and outfalls If a water balance cannot be determined (e.g., for certain mining activities), provide a pictorial description of the nature and amount of any sources of water and any collection or treatment measures. B. For each outall, provide a description of: (1) All operations contributing wastewater to the effluent, including process wastewater, sanitary wastewater, cooling water, and storm water runoff, (2) The average flow contributed by each operation; and (3) The treatment received by the wastewater. Continue on additional sheets if necessary 1 OUT- 2. OPERATION(S) CONTRIBUTING FLOW 3. TREATMENT FALL NO. (list) a. OPERATION (list) b. AVERAGE FLOW (include units) a. DESCRIPTION b. LIST CODES FROM TABLE 2C-1 007 Ash pond discharge 2.5 MGD (historic flows) Sedimentation, neutralization 1-U 2-K Once-thru cooling flow w/ towers 0 MGD Evaporation 1-F Once-thru cooling flow w/o towers 0 MGD Evaporation 1-F Low volume wastes 0 MGD Sedimentation, neutralization 1-U 2-K Coal pile runoff 0 MGD Sedimentation 1-U Storm water runoff (non categorical) 0.18 MGD Sedimentation 1-U Sanitary wastes 0 MGD Oxidation, sedimentation, 2-B 1-U disinfection 2-F treated bulk/interstitial ash 1.78 MGD (future) basin water treated landfill leachate 0.01 - 0.1 MGD (future) Stormwater from 1963/1970 ash basin Est. 0.72 MGD Sedimentation, neutralization 1-U 2-K 008 Ash pond discharge 2.5 MGD (historic flows) Sedimentation, neutralization 1-U 2-K Once-thru cooling flow w/ towers 0 MGD Evaporation 1-F Once-thru cooling flow w/o towers 0 MGD Evaporation 1-F 0 MGD Sedimentation, neutralization 1-U 2-K 0 MGD Sedimentation 1-U Sedimentation 1-U 0 MGD Oxidation, sedimentation, 2-8 1-U disinfection 2-F treated bulk/interstitial ash 1.78 MGD (future) basin water treated landfill leachate 0.01 - 0.1 MGD (future) Stormwater from 1963/1970 ash basin Est. 0.72 MGD Sedimentation, neutralization 1-U 2-K OFFICIAL USE ONLY (effluent gutdehnessub-categories) EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 1 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT C. Except for storm runoff, leaks, or spills, are any of the discharges described in Items II -A or B intermittent or seasonal? ❑ YES (complete thefollowing table) NO (go to Section III) 3. FREQUENCY 4 FLOW a DAYS PER B. TOTAL VOLUME 2 OPERATION(s) WEEK b. MONTHS a FLOW RATE (,n mgd) (specifyuvith emits) 1. OUTFALL NUMBER (list) CONTRIBUTING FLOW (list) (specify PER YEAR (spec�merage) 1. LONGTERM 2 MAXIMUM 1. LONGTERM 2. MAXIMUM C DURATION average) AVERAGE DAILY AVERAGE DAILY (in dap) III. PRODUCTION A. Does an effluent guideline (imitation promulgated by EPA under Section 304 of the Clean Water Act apply to your facility? ® YES (complete Item III-B) ❑ NO (go to Section III) B. Are the limitations in the applicable effluent guideline expressed in terms of production (or other measure of operation)? ❑ YES (complete Item III-0 m NO (go to Section IV) C If you answered "yes" to Item III-B, list the quantity which represents an actual measurement of your level of production, expressed in the terms and units used in the applicable effluent guideline, and indicate the affected outfalls. 1. AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION 2. AFFECTED OUTFACES (fist outfall numbers) a. QUANTITY PER DAY b UNITS OF MEASURE c. OPERATION, PRODUCT, MATERIAL, ETC. (sped) IV. IMPROVEMENTS A. Are you now required by any Federal, State or local authority to meet any implementation schedule for the construction, upgrading or operations of wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs which may affect the discharges described in this application? This includes, but is not limited to, permit conditions, administrative or enforcement orders, enforcement compliance schedule letters, stipulations, court orders, and grant or loan conditions. ❑ YES (complete the following table) NO (go to Item IVA 1. IDENTIFICATION OF CONDITION, AGREEMENT, ETC. 2. AFFECTED OUTFALLS 3. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 4. FINAL COMPLIANCE DATE a. NO b SOURCE OF DISCHARGE a. REQUIRED b. PROJECTED B. OPTIONAL: You may attach additional sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs (or other environmental projects which may affect your discharges) you now have underway or which you plan. Indicate whether each program is now underway or planned, and indicate your actual or planned schedules for construction. ❑ MARK "X" IF DESCRIPTION OF ADDITIONAL CONTROL PROGRAMS IS ATTACHED EPA Form 3510-2C (5-90) PAGE 2 of 4 CONTINUE ON PAGE 3 EPA I.D.'NUMBER (copyfromhem I of Form 1) CONTINUED FROM PAGE NCD000830919 V. INTAKE AND EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS A, B, & C: See instructions before proceeding — Complete one set of tables for each outfall — Annotate the outfall number in the space provided. NOTE: Tables V-A, V-B, and V-C are included on separate sheets numbered V-1 through V-9. D. Use the space below to list any of the pollutants listed in Table 2c-3 of the instructions, which you know or have reason to believe is discharged or may be discharged from any outfall. For every pollutant you list, briefly describe the reasons you believe it to be present and report any analytical data in your possession. 1.POLLUTANT 2.SOURCE 1.POLLUTANT 2.SOURCE Asbestos Trace amounts in insulation Strontium Trace amounts in coal Uranium Trace amounts in coal Vanadium Trace amounts in coal Zirconium Trace amounts in coal VI. POTENTIAL DISCHARGES NOT COVERED BY ANALYSIS Is any pollutant listed in Item V-C a substance or a component of a substance which you currently use or manufacture as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? mYES (list afi such pollutants below ) ❑ NO (ga to It,. VI-B) The following substances may be present in coal: Antimony Arsenic Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Copper Lead Mercury Nickel Selenium Silver Thallium Zinc See Attachment 4 for other potential discharges not covered by analyses. EPA Form 3510-2C (8-90) PAGE 3 of 4 CONTINUE ON REVERSE CONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII.BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last 3 years? ©YES(identify the iest(s)and describe their purposes below) ❑NO(go to Section Vlll) As required by the current NPDES permit chronic toxicity tests have been performed on a quarterly basis on the combined wastewater dicharge (Outfall 007) . All tests have passed for the last three years. VIII.CONTRACT ANALYSIS INFORMATION Were any of the analyses reported in Item V performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? ®YES(list the name,address,and telephone number of,and pollutants analyzed by, ❑NO(go to Section IX) each.such laboratory or firm below) A.NAME B.ADDRESS C.TELEPHONE D, POLLUTANTS ANALYZED (area code&no (list) Pace Analytical Labs Pace Analytical Services, Inc. (828)254-7176 All pollutants 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 IX.CERTIFICATION 1 certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete 1 am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations A.NAME&OFFICIAL TITLE(type or print) B.PHONE NO.(area code&no.) Harry K. Sideris, SVP Environmena/tal, Health and Safety (704) 382-4303 C.SIGNATURE D.DATE SIGNED EPA Form 3510-2C(8-90) PAGE 4 of 4 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. NPDES Permit NC0003433 - Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant 2016 Permit Application Amendment Attachment 2 Form 2C Item II -A Line Drawing Ground Water well L Supplemental Wastewater Extraction system G Treatment (consists of F clarifiers, oxidative/reductive media filters, ion exchange, Evaporation reverse osmosis, filter F press) Additional treatment Landfill added, as necessary. Leachate rAsh B F J Storage Seepage �—d Tanks Outfall005 Cape E C Effluent D Cape Fear Intake Structure Channel Fear River Outfall Outfall River 003 007 Parking Lot Drains Pump Station No. 5 Pump Station No. 9 West Pump Station Ash Pond (1978) No. 1 Low Volume Retention Basin OM separator Pump Station No. 3 Seepage Evaporation A Ash Pond K Outfall (1963/1970) —> 008 Outfall 001 H K I Supplemental Wastewater Treatment (consists of clarifiers, oxidative/reductive media filters, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, filter press) H Additional treatment added, as necessary. Sludge Disposal South Side Yard Drains H Ground Water well L Extraction system A2-2 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. NPDES Permit NC0003433 Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant 2014 Permit Application Amendment Attachment 2 Form 2C - Item II -A Line Drawing Flows Flows Estimated Average Flow Comments A 0.58 MGD Outfall 001 — West ash pond effluent to effluent channel (based on historic flows) B 0.66 MGD Outfall 005 — East ash pond effluent to effluent channel (based on historic flows) C 0 Outfall 003 — Once through cooling water to effluent channel D 1.24 MGD Outfall 007 — Discharge to tributary of the Cape Fear River (based on historic flows from ash ponds) E 0 Cape Fear River intake F 0.72 MGD Discharge from 1985 Ash basin WWTP to Outfall 005 or 008 G 0.3 MGD Est. low volume waste and stormwater return flow from ash basin WWTP to 1985 ash basin H 0.72 MGD Discharge from 1978 Ash basin WWTP to Outfall 001 or 008 I 0.3 MGD Est. low volume waste and stormwater return flow from ash basin WWTP to 1978 ash basin J 0.010-0.1 MGD Landfill Leachate K Est. 0.72 MGD Stormwater 1963/1970 ash basin L Est 0.864 MGD GW well extraction system A2-1 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. NPDES Permit NC0003433 Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant 2016 Permit Application Amendment Attachment 3 Form 2C - Item II-B Description of Operations Contributing Wastewater The Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant is a retired steam cycle electric generating plant that formerly consisted of two coal-fired units, two heat recovery boilers and four Internal Combustion (IC) Turbines. The site was retired in 2011 and is currently being demolished. No industrial activity is currently occurring onsite. All wastewaters formerly generated by the site historically discharged to the effluent channel prior to the combined outfall (Outfall 007). Components of the discharges and wastestreams are described below. Additionally, a detailed map with the location of various seeps on the property is being provided as part of this permit application. An NPDES industrial stormwater permit was issued by DEMLR for two stormwater outfalls (SW-002 and SW-003) at the Cape Fear Plant. A discussion of those outfalls is included in this document following the wastewater discussion. Chemical constituents contained in the discharges from this site will, in part, be representative of the naturally -occurring chemical quality of the intake water and will also have chemical constituents of such quality and quantity associated with similar discharges for fossil generating facilities of this size, type, and in the geographical location. Either all or part of the elements listed on the Periodic Table, either singularly or in any combination, may from time to time be contained in the discharge until the ash basins are permanently closed. Outfall 007 Combined Wastewater Discharge This outfall contains all waste stream flows including West Ash Pond discharge, once -through cooling water, and East Ash Pond discharge. Outfall 007 is located in the effluent channel approximately 250 feet downstream of the last internal outfall. Downstream of the effluent channel, the manmade canal becomes an unnamed tributary which flows to the Cape Fear River. West Ash Pond (1978 Pond) Discharge — Internal Outfall 001 The West Ash Pond currently receives stormmwater from the yard pump station. The dry areas of the ash pond may be treated with dust suppressant. Although all waste stream contributions to the ash pond will be eliminated, waste water remaining in the basin will continue to be removed through existing outfalls. As the water in the ash pond lowers, additional treatment may be brought onsite to ensure the ash pond discharge maintains compliance with NPDES permitted limits, such as a portable filtration unit. Descriptions of the individual waste streams are below. Bulk water decanting/Interstitial Dewatering Bulk and interstitial Ash basin water will be decanted/dewatered from the 1978 ash pond through Outfall 001 to either Outfall 007 or to Outfall 008. Additional wastewater equipment has been brought onsite to assist in the bulk and interstitial decanting/dewatering. The additional wastewater treatment consists of: • Ballasted flocculation; • Catalytic oxidation media filters; • Coagulant, polymer, and additive feed systems; • Ion exchange resin; • Reverse osmosis system; A3-1 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant • Filter press trailers and sludge holding tanks NPDES Permit NC0003433 2016 Permit Application Amendment Low volume wastes from the wastewater treatment system (WTS) as well as stormwater from the WTS pad area are recycled back to the ash pond. Sludge is removed from the system. The WTS will only discharge through Outfall 001. Historically, the west ash pond received coal pile runoff, settling basin drains, No. 2 fuel oil tank runoff, sand bed filter backwash, parking lot drains, equipment cooling tower blowdown and drain, boiler blowdown, oil unloading area drains, demineralizer regenerate, various yard and floor drains, ash trench drain, and miscellaneous low volume wastes. This pond also received bottom and fly ash either by ash transport system waters or by truck. The ash pond provides treatment by sedimentation, oxidation, neutralization, equalization, and adsorption.(Ceased) Coal Pile Runoff The coal has been removed and the "coal pile area" has been covered with soil and graded in accordance with an approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. Historically, storm water runoff from the coal pile was routed to the West Ash Pond for treatment. (Ceased) Low Volume Wastes The low volume wastes retention basin contains an oil water separator and historically received various plant process wastes streams and stormwater from industrial areas. In 2013 Duke Energy submitted to NCDENR a 90- day closure letter for this basin. This basin will be cleaned and breached in accordance with that closure letter. Comingled wastewater from this basin flowed to the West Ash Pond. (Ceased) Boiler blowdown, drainage, and wastes from the equipment cooling tower and its associated heat exchangers may have contained minute quantities of treatment chemicals. The small quantities of these low volume wastes were sent to the low volume wastes retention basin. Miscellaneous Wastes Plant area floor and yard drains were routed to the West Ash Pond and included equipment drainage wash down water, and rainfall runoff. Drains from areas likely to contain oil -filled equipment or storage were routed to the low volume wastes retention basin which contained an oil/water separator. Waste oil was disposed of according to the appropriate regulations. (Ceased) Internal combustion turbine facility false start drain tanks were discharged into the low volume wastes retention basin. (Ceased) Cooling tower basin sludge; residuals from the low volume wastes retention basin and the coal pile ditch; ash trench materials; circulating water tunnel sediment; boiler, electrostatic precipitator, and associated appurtenances vacuuming sediments; sludge from catch basins, sumps, etc.; and other miscellaneous low volume wastes from plant process were also transported to the West Ash Pond. (Ceased) Once -through Cooling Water — Internal Outfall 003 Once -through condenser cooling water for the coal fired units and heat recovery units was withdrawn from the Cape Fear River, passed through the condenser, and discharged directly into the effluent channel. Some cooling was accomplished in the effluent channel. When the temperature at Outfall 007 approached 32°C, cooling towers were placed in service to keep the channel water at or below 32°C. East Ash Pond (1985 Pond) — Internal Outfall 005 Currently no wastestreams are routed to the east ash pond. The dry areas of the ash pond may be treated with dust suppressant. Although all waste stream contributions to the ash pond have been eliminated, waste water remaining in the basin will continue to be removed through existing outfalls. A3-2 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. NPDES Permit NC0003433 Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant 2016 Permit Application Amendment Bulk water decanting/Interstitial Dewatering Bulk and interstitial Ash basin water will be decanted/dewatered from the 1978 ash pond through Outfall 001 to either Outfall 007 or to Outtall 008. Additional wastewater equipment has been brought onsite to assist in the bulk and interstitial decanting/dewatering to ensure the ash pond discharge maintains compliance with NPDES permitted limits. The additional wastewater treatment consists of: • Ballasted flocculation; • Catalytic oxidation media filters; • Coagulant, polymer, and additive feed systems; • Ion exchange resin; • Reverse osmosis system; • Filter press trailers and sludge holding tanks Low volume wastes from the wastewater treatment system (WTS) as well as stormwater from the WTS pad area are recycled back to the ash pond. Sludge is removed from the system. The WTS will only discharge through Outfall 001. The East Ash Pond historically received ash transport waters (bottom and fly ash), runoff from yard drains, air preheater washes, electrostatic precipitator washes, spent sandblast material, sewage treatment plant effluent, and miscellaneous low volume wastes. The ash pond provides treatment by sedimentation, oxidation, neutralization, equalization, and adsorption. Descriptions of the individual historical waste streams are below. Ash Sluice Water Fly ash and bottom ash from both units were hydraulically conveyed by an ash sluice pipeline to the ash pond. As needed, alum was added to the ash sluice influent to aid settling. (Ceased) A Rotamie system was used to inject urea into Units 5 and 6. In the boiler, the ammonia/urea reacted with NOx to form water vapor and nitrogen. The system was designed to minimize any ammonia formation and ammonia slip. Any unreacted ammonia adsorbed on the fly ash from this system was carried to the ash pond via ash sluice water. (Ceased) Sanitary Waste Treatment Effluent Historically, sanitary wastes were treated at an extended aeration package plant prior to discharge to the East Ash Pond which provided secondary treatment for the effluent. Currently, sanitary wastes are treated in an onsite septic system permitted by Chatham County. Temporary, portable toilets are occasionally brought on site as needed to accommodate staffing levels. (Ceased) Miscellaneous Wastes Cooling tower basin sludge; residuals from the low volume wastes retention basin and coal pile retention basin; ash trench materials; circulating water tunnel sediment; boiler, electrostatic precipitator wash, spent sandblast material, air preheater wash, and other miscellaneous low volume wastes from plant process were also transported to the East Ash Pond. (Ceased) Landfill Leachate In the future, Duke Energy plans to discharge wastewater from an onsite coal ash landfill. Landfill leachate from the lined landfill will be collected in two 500,000 gallon tanks and routed to the WTS for additional treatment and discharge through Outfall 008. Non contact stormwater will be collected in retention ponds and permitted initially as construction stormwater under the NC construction general A3-3 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. NPDES Permit NC0003433 Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant 2016 Permit Application Amendment permit NCG120000. Once the landfill is capped, non contact water will also be routed along the ground surface to the retention ponds. The ponds are designed to capture the 25 year, 24-hour storm with an additional 1 foot of freeboard. Outfall 008 As requested with the accompanying cover letter Duke Energy requests that the former Outfall Sw-008, be reinstated in the NPDES permit as a wastewater Outfall 008 to aid in the bulk decanting and interstitial dewatering process. This outfall contains treated bulk decanted and interstitial dewatering waste water from all flows listed in this permit as ceased from both the 1978 ash pond (Outfall 001) and the 1985 ash pond Outfall 005. It would also contain decanted stormwater from the 1963/1970 ash pond. These flows are listed below. West Ash Pond (1978 Pond) Discharge — Internal Outfall 001 Coal Pile Runoff The coal has been removed and the "coal pile area" has been covered with soil and graded in accordance with an approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan. Historically, storm water runoff from the coal pile was routed to the West Ash Pond for treatment. (Ceased) Low Volume Wastes The low volume wastes retention basin contains an oil water separator and historically received various plant process wastes streams and stormwater from industrial areas. In 2013 Duke Energy submitted to NCDENR a 90- day closure letter for this basin. This basin will be cleaned and breached in accordance with that closure letter. Comingled wastewater from this basin flowed to the West Ash Pond. (Ceased) Boiler blowdown, drainage, and wastes from the equipment cooling tower and its associated heat exchangers may have contained minute quantities of treatment chemicals. The small quantities of these low volume wastes were sent to the low volume wastes retention basin. Miscellaneous Wastes Plant area floor and yard drains were routed to the West Ash Pond and included equipment drainage wash down water, and rainfall runoff. Drains from areas likely to contain oil -filled equipment or storage were routed to the low volume wastes retention basin which contained an oil/water separator. Waste oil was disposed of according to the appropriate regulations. (Ceased) Internal combustion turbine facility false start drain tanks were discharged into the low volume wastes retention basin. (Ceased) Cooling tower basin sludge; residuals from the low volume wastes retention basin and the coal pile ditch; ash trench materials; circulating water tunnel sediment; boiler, electrostatic precipitator, and associated appurtenances vacuuming sediments; sludge from catch basins, sumps, etc.; and other miscellaneous low volume wastes from plant process were also transported to the West Ash Pond. (Ceased) East Ash Pond (1985 Pond) Discharge — Internal Outfall 005 Ash Sluice Water Fly ash and bottom ash from both units were hydraulically conveyed by an ash sluice pipeline to the ash pond. As needed, alum was added to the ash sluice influent to aid settling. (Ceased) A Rotamix° system was used to inject urea into Units 5 and 6. In the boiler, the ammonia/urea reacted with NOx to form water vapor and nitrogen. The system was designed to minimize any ammonia formation and ammonia slip. Any unreacted ammonia adsorbed on the fly ash from this system was carried to the ash pond via ash sluice water. (Ceased) A3-4 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. NPDES Permit NC0003433 Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant 2016 Permit Application Amendment Sanitary Waste Treatment Effluent Historically, sanitary wastes were treated at an extended aeration package plant prior to discharge to the East Ash Pond which provided secondary treatment for the effluent. Currently, sanitary wastes are treated in an onsite septic system permitted by Chatham County. Temporary, portable toilets are occasionally brought on site as needed to accommodate staffing levels. (Ceased) Miscellaneous Wastes Cooling tower basin sludge; residuals from the low volume wastes retention basin and coal pile retention basin; ash trench materials; circulating water tunnel sediment; boiler, electrostatic precipitator wash, spent sandblast material, air preheater wash, and other miscellaneous low volume wastes from plant process were also transported to the East Ash Pond. (Ceased) Storm Water In 2016, Duke Energy Progress, Inc. applied for an individual stormwater permit (prior to that, stormwater outfalls were included in the NPDES wastewater permit). Since 2013, the site has been further demolished and holds an approved Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, which subjects the site to the requirements of the Construction Stormwater General Permit. The following descriptions apply to the SW outfalls identified in DEP's 2011 application for an individual stormwater permit. Outfall SW-1 and Outfall SW-8 are legacy riser structures from inactive ash ponds. Discharges of stormwater from these outfalls are rare and NCDENR has concurred with the estimation that it would take greater than the 25-year, 24- hour storm event to generate a discharge from these outfalls. DEMLR chose not to include these outfalls as stormwater outfalls. The riser structure from Outfall SW-1 has been decommissioned and can no longer discharge stormwater. The riser structure from Outfall SW-008 has been improved, and DEMLR recommended that that outfall be placed into the NPDES permit. Stormwater collected along the railroad track between the plant entrance road and the plant site combines with the drainage of an open field which is directed via Outfall SW-2 into Shaddox Creek that flows into the Haw River just above the confluence with the Deep River. Historically, coal was moved along the railroad track, however coal is no longer brought onsite. There is currently no industrial activity occurring within this drainage area. Stormwater collected along the roadside swell beside the plant entrance road is directed via Outfall SW-3 towards drainages that go to Shaddox Creek. Historically this location was selected to capture potential impacts from an ash sluice line that crossed under the entrance road. Ash is no longer sluiced and the line has been physically disconnected. Other Wastes Herbicide Usage in the Treatment System Ponds Herbicides are used as needed to control nuisance aquatic vegetation. These herbicides are applied by licensed applicators, or persons under the immediate supervision of a licensed applicator, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. A3-5 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. NPDES Permit NC0003433 Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant 2016 Permit Application Amendment Attachment 4 Form 2C - Item VI Potential Discharges Not Covered by Analysis Estimated Quantity Chemical(per ear Frequency Purpose Wood fibers in proprietary binder mixture 350-750 lb/acre per Every 4 months or Soil stabilizer and dust control (BioCoverSS) application as needed for ash pond Anionic Water Soluble Polymer in 825 gal Every 4 months or Soil stabilizer and dust control Emulsion (EcoGreen Barrier) as needed for ash pond Recycled paper (Country Boy Cellulose 700 bales Every 4 months or Soil stabilizer and dust control Fiber) as needed for ash pond, Bentonite, hydrated aluminum silicate 12,500 Ibs Every 4 months or Soil stabilizer and dust control (BEN -GEL) as needed for ash pond Ash Pond Water Wastewater Treatment System Chlorine Dioxide < 500 As needed Biofouling control gallons Sulfuric Acid (98%) < 500 As needed Membrane cleaning gallons ChemTreat P860E Polymer <1000 Continuous Polymer gallons Ferric Chloride 30,000 Continuous Wastewater treatment additive gallons Sodium Hypochlorite 30,000 Continuous Wastewater treatment additive gallons Sodium Bisulfite 2,000 Continuous Wastewater treatment additive gallons ChemTreat RL9004 <1000 As needed Antiscalant gallons Sodium Hydroxide <10,000 Continuous Wastewater treatment additive gallons Listed chemicals are no longer being utilized for the purposes identified below. However, they were used during historic operations and trace amounts have the potential to be discharged during plant demolition. No Longer Aluminum sulfate None Used Water treatment flocculent No Longer Aluminum chloroh drate None Used Water treatment coagulant GEBetz Spectrus OX103 (1-bromo-3-chloro-5,5- No Longer dimeth Ih dantoin) None Used Biofouling control No Longer Biofouling control in sewage Calcium hypochlorite None Used treatment Sanuril 115 (calcium hypochlorite and 1-bromo-3- No Longer Biofouling control in sewage chloro-5,5-dimeth Ih dantoin None Used treatment AB Cutrine Plus (copper carbonate, triethanolamine, No Longer monoethanolamine) None Used Algae control in ash ponds A4-1 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. NPDES Permit NC0003433 Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant 2016 Permit Application Amendment Estimated Quantity Chemical(per ear Frequency Purpose Cygent Plus (alkyl hydroxypoly oxyethylene, No Longer d'limonene) None Used Algae control in Ash Ponds No Longer VITEC 3000 (proprietary) None Used Antiscalant No Longer Oxygen scavenger; passivating Steamate PAS3040 (proprietary) None Used agent GEBetz Steamate PAS3040 No Longer Oxygen scavenger; passivating h dro uinone None Used agent GEBetz Steamate NA0240 No Longer mor holine None Used pH control in condensate No Longer Sodium hydroxide None Used pH control No Longer Caustic soda (anhydrous) None Used pH control GEBetz Optisperse HP9410 No Longer Solids dispersant in boiler, pH monosodium phosphate) None Used control No Longer Solids dispersant in boiler, pH Disodium phosphate None Used control No Longer Solids dispersant in boiler, pH Trisodium phosphate None Used control No Longer Solids dispersant in boiler, pH Sodium polyphosphate None Used control Dianodic DN2126 (phosphoric acid, potassium hydroxide, No Longer 1-H-benzotriazole, methyl tol Itriazole) None Used Corrosion inhibitor No Longer NOx control during ozone Aqueous urea 50% None Used months No Longer Citric acid 50% None Used Boiler cleaning No Longer Sodium nitrite None Used Boiler cleaning No Longer Ammonium bicarbonate None Used Boiler cleaning No Longer Soda ash None Used Boiler cleaning, if needed No Longer Ammonium persulfate None Used Boiler cleaning, if needed No Longer Ammonium bifluoride None Used Boiler cleaning, if needed No Longer Sodium bromate None Used Boiler cleaning, if needed No Longer Hydrochloric acid None Used Boiler cleaning, if needed No Longer Eth lenediaminetetraacetic acid EDTA None Used Boiler cleaning, if needed No Longer ChelClean 675 (proprietary) None Used Boiler cleaning, if needed Renewz No Longer sodium hydroxide, potassium silicate None Used Condenser coil cleaning TC-X10 Plus No Longer sodium hydroxide) None Used Steam cleaning A4-2 Duke Energy Progress, Inc. NPDES Permit NC0003433 Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant 2016 Permit Application Amendment Estimated Quantity Chemical(per ear Frequency Purpose No Longer RoClean L403 (proprietary) None Used RO membrane cleaning No Longer RoClean P111 (proprietary) None Used RO membrane cleaning No Longer RoClean P303A (proprietary) None Used RO membrane cleaning 20 Degree Baume Muriatic Acid No Longer (hydrochloric acid None Used RO membrane cleaning No Longer Morton softener salt None Used RO softener regeneration No Longer Cargill salt None Used EDI cleaning Cl 38B (Alum) No Longer aluminum chloroh drate None Used TSS control in ash pond No Longer Laundry detergent (e.g., Tide None Used Laundry cleaner No Longer Bleach None Used Laundry cleaner No Longer Weed herbicide (e.g., Roundup) None Used Weed killer treatment Ant pesticide No Longer (e.g., h drameth Inon inerts None Used Ant killer treatment No Longer Alkyl alcohol None Used Freeze conditioning agent No Longer Propylene glycol None Used Freeze conditioning agent No Longer Calcium chloride None Used Freeze conditioning agent No Longer Dieth lene glycol None Used Freeze conditioning agent No Longer Glycerin None Used Freeze conditioning agent A►4-3 Attachment 2 Aerial Photograph depicting proposed Outfall 008 and wastewater treatment system discharge routs from the 1978 and 1985 ash basins August 31, 2016 NPDES application update Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant NC0003433 Outfall 005 1985 Ash Pond 85 Pump Outfall 007 System !, M r! Cape Fear Plant s L Jurisdictional - waters ✓ K �,/' /'�� Non Jurisdictional ti r waters 78 Pump Outfall 001 system 1978 Ash Pond 1956 Ash Pond -I -- -- - - 70 Impoundment r / (Gravity) 1970 Ash Pond Re -permitted Outfall 008 Q 2016 Google L Imagery Date: 41SQ016 t 1993 17 S 677238.54 m E 3939510.21 m N elev 170 it 0201OGoogte� e Eye alt 10189 it O Attachment 3 Possible Future Condition Cape Fear CCP Landfill Data Comparison Untreated Mayo CCP Landfill leachate data August 31, 2016 NPDES application update Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant NC0003433 TABLE 8 LEACHATE FIELD AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS MAYO CCP LANDFILL PHASE I - PERMIT NO.7305 MAYO STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT DUKE ENERGY PROGRESS, LLC, ROXBORO, NC Sample Date' Aprli 6, 2016 Laboratory CertiOeate Codes, Werra Corporation field t559 5ie(d Sampling perforr�d icy SynTerra Corporation Duke Eortagy Analytical Laboratory S24E Parameter SWS ID Urds Certificate Code Sample Location RDL S VSL 7305 L-1. Feld pH 320 SU 5,591 7.9 - NE Specific Conductance 323 umhoJcm 5,591 305 - NE Temperature 325 °C 5,591 14 - NE Arsenic 14 µg/L 248 14.7 1 10 Barium 15 µg/L 248 61 5 100 Boron 428 µg/L 248 1,270 50 NE Cadmium 34 µOL 248 < 1 1 1 Chloride 455 µg/L 248 39=0 1,000 NE Chromium 51 µg/L 248 26 5 10 Copper 54 µg/L 248 < 5 5 10 Fluoride 312 µg/L 248 130 100 2,000 Iron 340 µg/L 248 416 10 300 Lead 131 pg/L 248 < 1 1 10 Manganese 342 µg/L 248 8 5 50 Mercury 132 µg/L 248 a 0.05 0:05 0.2 Nickel 152 pg/L 248 34 5 50 Nib -ate (as Nitrogen) 303 µg/L 248 630 23 10,000 Selenium 183 µg/L 248 1.7 1 10 Silver 184 pg/L 248 < 5 5 10 Sulfate 315 119/L 248 130,000 2,000 250,000 Total Dissolved Solids 311 µg/L 248 330,000 25,000 NE Zinc 213 µg/L 248 204 5 10 rEp=:u ur: gj ulcum vr. j" I. . Canlrntrattoesate equal toorrifeaterManLtteSWSL 2. Bold coarrn4ations are equal to of g:eattr than the 15A h'CAC 2H Sttrdatd (for pH told t^!r'r.,t&& a mraciCmtY outer of the range). 3. Gotweatralform presented ki mkragtffins per trier (pq/L'� 4. 5Y4 ID is Me Send Waste Staten Idenngcatran Number. S. RDL is the tabaawtit reporting [omit. 6. SASL is the Edlk1 Waste Section limn. HCOEQ defines the SWSL as the tawcst amount of ecvlsee N a samba that ran be que ivIlatNeCy deterrrr'ned wbh s-iabla ruftwon and ecauacy. 7. Grerod vabres IrMIc -a values that ertal or ere greater 1Mn the S hSL B. Quatr us In owic elltleed te,t art tabotatwy deco queflilcs Id Tow. 'U" Is used to wenttty stiffs not Cffnam et oe effluan tu; wt'tib equal the Lfraratary% melitod d*Ldlon Urnk (HDL). P rs toot] to Idt% y e0meted conrenbatlwa whkh equd er are gew r that the HOL bd ate less than the lebuetoris nreusrd repwttng Nmk (PA). 9. 5111 indictees Stcndu d 1latts. 10. R-fern ln6 ales mkfomhos per. centimeter. 11. HE Ifecales not esUlAislred. 12. AecordIng to the Corntltumt tmk•ap webpage on Hta NCOEQ Dtdslea of y139M_ IYlaragemGl[ r ebpr2-, Htere %no SWSL rarchimet asaochred tehh CAS number IM87.03 6, wMin IsCA Ira S repa_ reported by the Mboratery fur MeaWlses mpitaed. Tkferar a era SWEL Ord a cos the chhtlde t+t5tt CAS numbef SW301 as spedfed on tho Coovltuent loofrup webpe��. 13. Analkakal rea tto e6fataed from EleMwkc Data DelheraVa (EOD) provided by INA& Ef aq an May 17, 201r, VIVUe Energy Pr0gtess.10261Q5XAW%17.2016 Well Samplag HonoTNWI IL2016 SOLID WASTE PBLHn REPOInXTabia 8 • Leacnate Flied and Andyncat Ref'A'.xkx ftga i d 1 Attachment 4 Updated Sampling Point Aerial Photo August 31, 2016 NPDES application update Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant NC0003433 Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY September 06, 2016 Paula J. Sims, Vice President Duke Energy Carolinas LLC PO Box 1551 Raleigh, NC 27602 PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART secretary S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Director Subject: Additional Information for Current Permit Renewal Application No. NC0003433 Cape Fear Steam Electric Power Plant Chatham County Dear Ms: Sims: The Water Quality Permitting Section acknowledges receipt of your permit application and supporting documentation received on September 02,-2016. The primary reviewer for this renewal application is Ron Berry. The primary reviewer will review your application, and he will contact you if additional information is required to complete your permit renewal. Per G.S. 150B-3 your current permit does not expire until permit decision on the application is made. Continuation of the current permit is contingent on timely and sufficient application for renewal of the current permit. Please respond in a timely manner to requests for additional information necessary to complete the permit application. If you have any additional questions concerning renewal of the subject permit, please contact Ron Berry at 919-807-6389 or Ron.Berry@ncdenr.gov. cc: Central Files NPDES Raleigh Regional Office Sincerely, ?Am %le id Wren Thedford Wastewater Branch State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919-807-6300 I Cape Fear AK ........ ....... 41 kj Ar r