HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0001384_Engineering Report_19971201 ENGINEERING REPORT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSES WASTEWATER DISPOSAL V KA C KATE�?Q(4C, QED ' SECTIOIV 1991 �°n-Discharn., p9�lt�r BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC. WILLIAMSBURG PLANT CASWELL COUNTY NPDES PERMIT NUMBER 0001384 December 1, 1997 WOJEK ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P.A. P.O. BOX 8847 GREENSBORO, NC 27419-0847 (910) 547-8063 r V1 � 14 -2- lb - Z16 - 14 -S O TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Summary and Conclusions II. Objective III. General IV. Evaluation of Alternative Disposal Figures: 1. General Location 2. NPDES Permit Discharge Locations 3. Adjacent Properties 4. Five Mile Radius 5. Haw River Discharge 6. LPP System 7. Drip Irrigation O 8. Spray Irrigation Attachments: A. Detailed Wastewater Analysis B. Discharge Monitoring Report Summary C. Discharge to Non-Zero Flow Stream D. LPP System E. Drip Irrigation F. Spray Irrigation G. Existing WWTP Upgrade Exhibits: 1. Preliminary Soil and Site Evaluation for Subsurface Disposal of Wastewater. 2. Preliminary Soil and Site Evaluation for Irrigation of Domestic Wastewater. O ENGINEERING REPORT ALTERNATIVES ANALYSES WASTEWATER DISPOSAL I. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS: A comparison of the costs and value of various alternative disposal methods is presented in the following table: SUMMARY: COST &VALUE OF ALTERNATIVE DISPOSAL METHODS ALTERNATIVE CAPITAL ANNUAL PRESENT COST O/M COST VALUE A. Discharge to NOT TECHNICALLY FEASIBLE POTW B. Discharge to Private Owned NOT FEASIBLE Treatment Works C. Discharge to Non- $ 782,080 $ 30,993 $1,098,637 Zero Flow Stream D. LLP System $1,876,581 $ 55,913 $2,447,667 E. Drip Irrigation $1,185,350 $110,676 $2,315,776 F. Spray Irrigation $1,142,740 $ 94,534 $2,108,295 G. Existing WWTP $ 216,710 $ 53,053 $ 758,585 With Upgrade Present Value: n= 20 years; r=7.5% 0 -3- Conclusions: 1. Based on an engineering analysis, an alternative disposal method is not economically achievable for this facility and discharge at outfall 001 should be continued. 2. The existing wastewater treatment plant is well operated and maintained and produces an effluent which meets current permit limits with few excursions of effluent limitations. No additional treatment should be required if the current limits are maintained. 3. Prior to discharge at outfall 001, tertiary filtration and dechlorination will be required if effluent limits are made more stringent for BODS and chlorine. No additional treatment will be needed to meet revised limits for ammonia and dissolved oxygen. II. OBJECTIVE: The Burlington Industries Williamsburg Plant discharges wastewater to two waterways. These waterways both have 7Q10/30Q2 of 0 cfs. The Williamsburg Plant NPDES permit, which expired on January 1996, required the permit renewal include an engineering evaluation of: ► Alternatives to direct wastewater discharge, and QIf there are no alternatives to surface water discharge, the cost of constructing a treatment facility to meet the limits of 5 mg/l BOD5 2 mg/l NH3N, 6 mg/1 dissolved oxygen and 17 ug/1 chlorine. An engineering report was submitted with the permit renewal application during July, 1995. This report is an amended engineering evaluation prepared to meet additional North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)requirements. III. GENERAL: The Burlington Industries Williamsburg Plant is located in Matkins, North Carolina (Figure 1). Woven fabric is manufactured at this facility. There are no manufacturing processes at the plant which generate wastewater. An on-site well system is used for water supply. The plant has three wastewater discharges permitted by NPDES Permit No. NC0001384 (Figure 2). Discharge 001 consists of treated sanitary wastewater from a domestic wastewater treatment facility. The wastewater treatment facility is an on-site package type extended aeration activated sludge treatment plant. The effluent from this plant is generally in compliance with -4- O permit limits. Waste activated sludge is disposed of on-site by land application in accordance with land application of residuals permit number WQ0005045. (Figure 2). A summary of selected parameters from discharge monitoring reports is contained in Attachment B. An analysis of an effluent grab sample for a list of State required parameters is contained in Attachment A. Figure 3 is compiled from U.S.G.S. charts and County tax maps. Williamsburg Plant property and surrounding adjacent properties are shown. This Figure 3 is to scale and indicates relative size,direction and distance to potential additional land. The potential need for additional land is presented hereinafter under sections discussing subsurface and spray irrigation disposal. Discharge 002 consists of air washer blowdown,compressor condensate,compressor cooling tower blowdown and water softener backwash. Discharge 003 consists of cooling tower blowdown. Wastewater generated from floor mopping and battery washing are disposed of off-site. Receiving waters are located in the Cape Fear River basin. Discharges 001 and 002 discharge to an unnamed tributary to Buttermilk Creek. Discharge 003 discharges to an unnamed tributary to Grays Branch. Grays Branch discharges to Stony Creek, the headwaters of the City of Burlington, Lake Burlington reservoir. Buttermilk Creek discharges to Grays Branch downstream of the City of Burlington,Lake Burlington reservoir. The following general information is submitted as required by the alternative evaluation report guidance document: Facility Name: Burlington Industries Williamsburg Plant County: Caswell Facility Location: Intersection of NC Highway 87 and NCSR 1100, Matkins, NC. Mailing Address: Terry Fripp, Director of Corporate Engineering Burlington Industries, Inc. Post Office Box 21207 Greensboro, NC 27420 Report Preparer: Donald M. Wojek, P.E. Wojek Engineering Associates, PA Post Office Box 8847 Greensboro, NC 27419-0847 O Telephone: (910) 547-8063 Fax: (910) 547-8064 -5- Plant Contact: Miriam S. White, P.E. Burlington House Group Division Environmental Engineer Post Office Box 691 Burlington, N.C. 27215 Telephone: (910) 228-2439 Fax: (910) 228-3010 IV. VALUATION OF ALTERNATIVE DISPOSAL: A. Discharge to Publicly Owned Treatment Work(POTW): There are no POTW systems within a five-mile radius of the Williamsburg Plant. Figure 4 show the area within a five-mile radius of the plant. The following County personnel were contacted. All stated that there are no plans to extend or provide public sewer services within a five-mile radius of the Williamsburg Plant. Rockingham County: Mike McDaniel O Environmental and Engineering Services Wentworth, North Carolina (910) 342-8371 Caswell County: Donnie K. Powell Environmental Health Division Yanceyville,North Carolina (910) 694-9731 Alamance County: Scott Elliott Assistant County Manager/Operations Graham, North Carolina (910) 228-1312 DISCHARGE TO POTW IS NOT A REASONABLE ALTERNATIVE. O -6- OB. Discharge to Privately Owned Treatment Works (PrOTW): As shown on the Figure 4"FIVE MILE RADIUS"map,there is an industrial PrOTW located at Altamahaw, North Carolina. Altamahaw is about five miles south of the Williamsburg Plant on State Highway 87. The Haw River crosses State Highway 87 at Altamahaw,North Carolina. Discharge to the Haw River at Altamahaw would be easier to construct and less costly than connecting to the PrOTW. Also, a direct discharge by the Williamsburg Plant to the Haw River would eliminate potential management problems between the Williamsburg Plant and the PrOTW owner. DISCHARGE TO A PRIVATELY OWNED TREATMENT WORK IS NOT A REASONABLE ALTERNATIVE C. Discharge to a Flowing Stream: The Haw River is the largest stream within five miles of the Williamsburg Plant. Waterways to the north of the Williamsburg Plant generally flow northeasterly to the Dan River. It is more than five miles to any of these waterways at a location where stream flow O is always greater than zero. Also, any Williamsburg Plant discharge to these waterways would constitute an unacceptable interbasin water transfer. Waterways directly east of the Williamsburg Plant flow into Lake Burlington. lake Burlington is the potable water supply for the City of Burlington. Waterways with a consistent flow to the southeast of the Williamsburg Plant are farther away from the Williamsburg Plant than the Haw River. Figure 5 shows the shortest routing along public roads to the Haw River. Attachment C shows the conceptual design,capital cost estimate and operations/maintenance cost estimate for the discharge of effluent from the Williamsburg Plant to the haw River. Discharge to the Haw River is a technically possible alternative with the following estimated costs: Estimated Capital Cost $ 782,080 Estimated O/M Cost $ 30,993 Present Value $1,098,637 O -7- D. Subsurface Disposal (LPP System): A potential subsurface disposal method for the site wastewater treatment plant effluent would be an LPP System. A schematic of the potential LPP System is shown in Figure 6. The system design was based on the results of a soil investigation conducted by Michael D. Eaker, Licensed Soil Scientist, Reg. No. 1030. A description of the soil investigation and recommendations are documented in a report contained in Exhibit I. Based on the soil investigation, the recommended hydraulic loading rate for a site LPP system is 0.1 gallons per day per square foot(gpd per sq. ft.). The soil investigation further identified areas of the plant property as provisionally suitable or unsuitable for a subsurface system. As shown on a Figure contained in Exhibit I, essentially all of the Williamsburg Plant is unsuitable for an LPP system with the exception of the areas currently used for sludge disposal. An off-site location will be necessary for an LPP system. It has been assumed that it will be possible to purchase suitable property within 1,500 feet of the plant. based on a review of a Soil Conservation Service survey, it is assumed an off-site location will have soil characteristics similar to the plant property. Attachment D contains the conceptual design and capital and operating cost estimates for subsurface LPP disposal of effluent from the Williamsburg Plant. Subsurface LPP is a technically possible alternative with the following estimated costs: O Estimated Capital Cost $1,876,581 Estimated O & M Costs $ 55,913 Present Value $2,447,667 E. Subsurface Disposal (Drip Irrigation): Drip irrigation is a potential disposal method for the effluent from the site wastewater treatment plant. Based on the increased operation and maintenance activities associated with surface drip irrigation lines, this evaluation assesses only subsurface drip irrigation. A schematic of the drip irrigation system is shown in Figure 7. The soil surface investigation referred to in Section D recommended a hydraulic loading rate for a subsurface drip irrigation system of 0.1 gpd per sq.ft. (Exhibit I). As with the LPP system, no suitable areas for drip irrigation system are presently available on-site. The conceptual design and cost estimates for a drip irrigation system have been prepared assuming any off-site location used for drip irrigation will be in the vicinity of the plant and have similar soil characteristics. O -8- Attachment E contains the conceptual design and capital and operating cost estimates for drip irrigation of effluent from the Williamsburg Plant. Subsurface drip irrigation is a technically possible alternative with the following estimated costs: Estimated Capital Cost $1,185,350 Estimated O & M Costs $ 110,676 Present Value $2,315,776 F. Spray Irrigation: Spray irrigation is a potential disposal method for wastewater generated at this site. The soil scientist site investigation resulted in a recommended spray irrigation rate of 1.5 inches per cycle with a 3.5 day cycle(Exhibit II). As with subsurface disposal, essentially all the site property suitable for spray irrigation is presently in use for sludge disposal. The conceptual design and cost estimates for a spray irrigation system have been prepared assuming any off-site location used for spray irrigation will be in the vicinity of the plant and have similar soil characteristics. O Attachment F contains the conceptual design and capital operating cost estimates for spray irrigation of effluent from the Williamsburg Plant. Spray irrigation is a technically possible alternative to discharge with the following estimated costs: Estimated Capital Cost $1,142,740 Estimated O & M Costs $ 94,534 Present Value $2,108,295 G. Existing Wastewater Treatment Plant(WWTP): The existing WWTP is an extended aeration activated sludge package plant with effluent chlorination using a table calcium hypochlorite system. The effluent from the existing wastewater treatment plant is in compliance with current permit conditions with the exception of infrequent random excursions of the ammonia limit. It is not technically practical or economically reasonable to design and install equipment to address these infrequent excursions. No additional treatment should be required if the current limits are maintained. O -9- • An evaluation of the additional treatment required to meet the following more stringent limits was conducted: '�+aPaSEfl r o>.� BODS 5 mg/1 3 a NH3 2 mg/1 2 Dissolved Oxygen 6 mg/l Chlorine 17 mg/1 00L As shown in the monitoring data contained in Attachments A and B,no additional treatment will be needed to meet the dissolved oxygen and ammonia limits. Tertiary filtration would likely be an effective method to ensure consistent compliance with the more stringent BODS limit. Compliance with the more stringent chlorine limitation could be accomplished using a tablet type feeder with sodium sulfite tablets. Attachment G contains the conceptual design and capital and operating cost estimates for upgrade of the WWTP. Upgrade of the WWTP will have the following estimated costs: Estimated Capital Cost $ 216,710 Estimated O & M Cost $ 53 053 Present Value $ 758,585 0 0 -10- I f • +fr i �m S r S -.' ,.- 1.-.- ... .• � ! --. ..".�'-.,_ f W UP - _ ao SA 1444 — I_�<•„ � iss3 _ -Ti SR 110(T' D Z ^f Zrm � � - z C7 c 4 m D � � Z D m _ Z (n Z 'ro En O f fqv ° �-1 4 ( r y n r a i 1 lz l `• t 11391 fq / •' f fir /� . - J` � ) 1 73� rt .t'I1D2�r�': LA x-11 V 4'~xy� _/'�~ r r.►\ '' 8 / (` i i/-�V•fltl wr i .. sV. in, A� 4RD " C max . BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC. WILLIAMSBURG PLANT FIGURE 3 ADJACENT PROPERTIES '97 NOV. WOJEK ENGINEERING ASSOC. r I m .4^ U U O 4 i 1 ca m5R 1144 � '. !f y UU_ '3 3DIK . .g �f 4 yr�m�Ai V r- Z 1 r L7 ! ^� D O V J EnZ •� xrnC � z F K 4 m O p N $ M Dm C Ztn N _ Fn O n 1 fhb N ! Ol I , l7 '` \ r, \ i.' •, if BURLINGTON • EXISTING WWAMSBRLANT ,WTTPCROSSING $ubStdttoRaY 789,x,, ROAD CROSSING AMSBUR t 2658 % e 172 r-i 6'15 f IA _H - i J! S ". _�1iy � �Y' ~\�y~=��� .... � '`� •f�Nb l Jib �pj i iar t i ti.- - _ L _ BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES INC. ROAD CR , ! t`"_ �._ T I,t y, WILLIAMSBURG PLANT TFAtL AT l FIGURE 5 „ DISCHARGE TO HAW RIVER 97 NOV. WOJEK ENGINEERING ASSOC. BACKWASH LPP LPP LPP LPP FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD NEW #1 #2 #3 #4 TERTIARY -------------- FILTER i 1 EXISTING -�1 WASTE WATER I TREATMENT PLANT LPP LPP LPP LPP I 1 FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD -- ----------J #5 #6 #7L #8 LPP LPP LPP LPP FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD NEW #9 #10 #11 #12 FILTRATE SUMP LPP LPP LPP LPP FIELD FIELD FIELD FIELD #13 #14 #15 #16 NEW NEW NEW PUMP BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC. DIRTY TRANSFER TANK WILLIAMSBURG PLANT WATER PUMP FIGURE 6 SCHEMATIC SUMP STATION POTENTIAL LPP SYSTEM '97 NOV. WOJEK ENGINEERING ASSOC. BACKWASH BACKWASH NEW rF4 NEW DRIP TERTIARY IRRIGATION r-------------I FILTER SYSTEM I I EXISTING -�I WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT I I L-- ---------- NEW DRIP IRRIGATION SYSTEM NEW NEW FILTRATE IRRIGATION SUMP SUMP NEW NEW BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC. DIRTY TRANSFER WILLIAMSBURG PLANT WATER PUMP FIGURE 7 SCHEMATIC SUMP STATION POTENTIAL DRIP IRRIGATION '97 NOV. WOJEK ENGINEERING ASSOC. ------------- EXISTING -� WASTE WATER i TREATMENT PLANT L-------------J SPRAY FIELD #1 NEW NEW TRANSFER STORAGE PUMP TANK STATION C40 SPRAY FIELD #2 BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES, INC. WILLIAMSBURG PLANT FIGURE 8 SCHEMATIC POTENTIAL SPRAY IRRIGATION '97 NOV. WOJEK ENGINEERING ASSOC. s • • [�2�it;i':��? 12'i,:'•:;;as•.�;�t,'r9a7i��.£;7=�:;:.. .. k ...... ......... > ... ......,....... ....:,�•.�.,. ... .. ..,. ... ._....... ATTACHMENT A DETAILED WASTEWATER ANALYSES Pg. 1/2 ESEARCh lit ANAIyTiCA[ :c* • = NG#34 z U bORATORIES�INC. AnaktcaWracm Cor>pau= _ ��i���ED ANP �`♦ Chemical Analysis for Selected Patametm and Sampling Locations Identified as Alternate gton t Industries, Mliamsburg(A Wojek Engineering&Associates Project,27 August 1997) L Volatile Method 620 4anics � Exist.Treat. 7 Parameter L-0EI�A1 Methylene Chktrida .....................:.... 0.010 . Triehiarotluoromathsne........................ 0.010 .........................BDL 1.1 Oidtloroettkrte....................... 0.010 ......................... 1,1-Di libroethow.......................... BOL . 0.010 ......... Chk�rotorm ................................ 0.010 .. ................SOL L ............... .... Carbon Tetrachloride .................. 1.2.Oichloropropane .... .... 0. 10 ....................... .... .................. 0.010 ... Trichloroethene ............................. 0.010 . ......................SOL OL DibromoeNorornettune........................ 0.010 ........ ............. 1.1.2-Trichloroethane......................... 0.010 ......................... TetraeWoroethens ........................... 0.010 ........ .............. SOL .BDL thlorobenzene ..... BDL 0.010 .........................BOL Tr ans•1,2toethiroe.... ...................... 0.010 ...... ..................BOL 1.2 OiGloroathane........................... 0.010 . .................•.BOL 1.1.1-Trichloroethane......................... 0.010 ... K.L Bromodichleromethene ........................ 0.010 ........................ BDL Ci:•1.3.Oichloropropens ....................... 0.010 . ..... ............ Benzene ............................ 0.010 ................. BDL Trans•1,3•Dichloropropene ......................BDL 0.010 .Or- _BOL 1.1.2-2-Te :...ockha •'..................... 0.010 .........................BDL 1,1,2.2-Tetrahllwoe!lune 0.010 . .BOL Takxne ............................... 0.010 ..........................BOL EthylBenzene ...............................0.010 . BDL CNoram-them 0.010 . ..................... &omorn"hane ............................. 0.010 .............. ..........BOL Y.nylChloride .............................. 0.010 . .....................BOL Chlorodhane............................... 0.010 .........................BDL Acetone .. 0.100 . .......BOL Carbon Oisullide ..... .......... BDL Valyl Acetate 0.010 ................. .......BDL .......... 0.010 .........................BOL 2•Butartorte ................................ 0.100 ..... 4-Methyl-24Pentsncn. ..................BOL 0.010 .........................BOL 2-Hexanone ............ 0.010 .........................BOL St: sne ........:......................... 0.010 .........................BOL Total Xylenes .............................. 0.010 .........................BDL If. Miscellaneous Parameter Total Solids................................ 5.00 ..........................528 Dissolved Solids....................... ...........................465 Total KjeWsN Nitrogen ropen ........................ 1.00 .......................BDL Ammonia-Nitrogen.......................... 1.00 ....................... BDL Nitrate-Nitrogen...................... 0.050 ... ........42.5 .............. Nitrite-Nitrogen ............................ O.O10 ...... ......... ......... BDL Total Organic Carbon ......................... 0.50 ............ .6.94 ... uochemi.0 Oxygen Demand.................... 1.00 ..,........ ...Sol ........... Chemical Oxygen Demand ..................... 5.00 ..1....................... 73.0 Chloride .................................. 1.00 ..........................60.3 Toth Sodium.................. ............. 1.00 ..........................55.5 Total Phosphoru............................. 0.050 .........................9.79 Sulfide ................................... 0.20 ..........................0.38 Total Cald .......... 0.200 ..............45.0 r total Magnesium ............................ 0.200 .........................9.45 Phenols 0.005 BOL Total Cordorm IMPN/100 misl. .............. 2 .. .... ............................... 16.000 TotalTAhakrmathanes ........................ 0.020 .......... SOL Alkalinity.Bicarbonate ........................ 1.00 ......... 5.06 pH(Std Unilsl .............................................................5.3 • Sample Sample Date Date 909949/50 Sample Time 8/27,97 0840] mgA M4ggrams Per Ulu.Parts Per Million M /100 most us•MProbable Number per 100 millilitersBOL Below Detection Limits PN Std Units -Standard Units P Q Bax 473.106 Stolt Street•KemerwAkL NOM Chtulm 27284.91GSW 2841 ATTACHMENT A DETAILED WASTEWATER ANALYSES . Pg. 2/2 Effluent Toxicity Report Form- Chronic'Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date 08/29/97 Facility Burlington Industries NPDESONC per/ County Laboratory Performing Research & Analytical Labs Inc Cotnmenu__Z luent Si Qf Responsible Charge a - Sigma=of 660ratory SUPWAw &wk mtental Sciences Branch MAIL ORIGINAL Div.of 6n4ronmental Management N:C.Dept.of EHNR 4401 Reedy Creek Road North Carolina Ceriodaohnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Raleigh.North Carolina 27607-6445 CONTROL ORGANISMS '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 a Young Produced rnnic TeStRe4mIts Calculated t Adult(L)ive (D)ead Tabular t Y.Raductios =2 .r--.— . Effluent% —] TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 Z 1/Young Produced Carmol CV PASS-. FAIL Adult(L)ive (D)ead x0 a Check Oae lst 1st tad rAnwlete This For EitherLeg-1 Test Start Date -� no/27/.97 Control o PH IIeatioa VMA)Date Treatment j _ Sample 1 08/27/97 Sample 2 ! Semoie TpR, ;, S E S E S E t n t n t a Grab Comp. Duration %o a i d r d= d Semple I .� .0.j t X t o t t7 CA C H 1st Ist 2nd Sample 2 0 0 4 O 0 v n D.O.Control Herdness(mgM48 Treatment HI Ifl Spec.Cond.(µmhos 171 1sus LC50/Acute ToueitvTest Orine<mgman <0.01 (Mortality expressed as e/q combining replicates) Semple temp.at receipt3,9 oC 0 5 10 20 40 j 70 j Igo Coneentration % % % I t % '%'*- Te K y` % % Notc:fgcase 0 0 0 50 55 1 75� 100' Mae/etity Complete This L 50- 30.71tt Section 95%Coofidenee Moving Average pmb� 14.41% • 58.33% SpeamenKrbe [3 ctanend pW� Corol836d T [(__ rgariemTested Ceriodaphnia debtsDuration) 48 6.8 .6 Caen 8.0 8.2 Copy of DEM foam AT•1047jrer.I D 3 ! PH D.O. f a...'.e..4 . .-- -..__. .__t.�..---............................ .._ ..... _ ..............,7C!+'r!r!r!ire'r'!•.fy'R!�xw7!r:-�r.......�.. ... .... .. ......"'^;.;:... ................ ,.. m S 0 Ol N W M 01 0 V A W O� W tp V fh N M A V M N N W W W N V y N A N N W -+ W J► UI !. ♦ (J1 V•N N N f,J� O N Q W A N W A W � W 7 oaaso89ooae aesoas 88oaa s �. CA D N r� m _ 0o i N N a Y t11 �p tom.► W W W -"+ -"+ A W N 01 th A A N A N 0� Cn or t0 Or � � n H v r C � (p W Q a V Of �D Q t W N A W W W A N OI 0r A N U1 W N N N O v "oo $ o c3B000ao rucoo " " 88oac'So C 14 N m O v N N N W N N A W A W N N 03 (/1 10 N N OD 01 N A W A th Ql O O 01 W V L tp 4y I� ^ 7 S O O O O O p O O C O O 8 O O 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 _o 0 3 a a ♦ tl1 0 V w -^+ W N N N W N 0 N a a a 8 0 o a 8 8 o c o 0 0 o a ren r r r r N r + + r r + m 'V ♦ + + C a i O ATTACHMENT C WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Discharge to Non-Zero Flow Stream Conceptual Design and Cost Estimate This alternative consists of pumping treated effluent from the existing wastewater treatment plant to the Haw River. The proposed route is shown on the schematic "Potential Discharge to Haw River"(Figure 5). Treated effluent complies with current NPDES Permit limitations. It is assumed that no additional treatment will be needed prior to discharge to the Haw River. Basic Design Criteria: Wastewater Flow, 25,000 GPD. Estimated that about one half of daily wastewater flow discharged during first shift. Design Flow = 25.000 GPD = 26 GPM O 2x8x60 Pump Rate = 26 GPM x 3 = 78 GPM Force Main To Haw River: Pump Rate, 80 GPM Force Main Length = 16,800 LFT Use 6"Diam. Sch. 40 PVC h,f = 0.07 FT/100 FT HL = 0.07 FT/100 FT x 16,800 FT 11.8 FT Use, 12 FT Static HD MAXIMUM MINIMUM Water Elev. @ Pump Sta. 735 740 C/1 O WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Discharge to Non-Zero Flow Stream Conceptual Design and Cost Estimate Max Elev. 786 786 Static HD, 51 46 HL 12 12 Discharge HD 63 58 80 GPM x 8.34 x 63.0 Pump Power = 33,000 x 0.3 4.2 Use 5 HP Force Main to Haw River- Estimated Cost: Pump Station @ WWTP: ► 6 x 8 x 14'deep conc. well $ 35,000 ► 2 Sub. Pumps- each 5 hp, 80 GPM @ 62 ft. tdh; rail syst. $ 13,000 ► Control Panel $ 8,000 ► Power, Transformer, Cable& Conduit $ 13,000 ► Standby Power 12 kw; Auto Transfer; Housing $ 17,000 $ 86,000 Force Main: ► 6"Diam. Sch 40 pvc B/S; 16,800 Lft. $ 92,400 ► Trenching- 15'wide; Gravel Bckfl; Haul cut mat. 3 ft. deep; 8.75 ft. $ 147,000 ► Bore; Jack, Casing; 3 each $ 9,000 ► Driveways - 15 each $ 3,000 O C/2 O WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Discharge to Non-Zero Flow Stream Conceptual Design and Cost Estimate Force Main To Haw River- Estimated Cost - Continued: ► Vac/Pres Relief Valves; Manholes; 7 each $ 10,500 ► Disch. Structure at River; MH and Headwall $ 2,500 $ 264,000 Survey: $ 27,720 ► Route Survey; Power; Cable; Phone; Driveways; Shrubs & Trees; R-O-W; Property Lines; Individual Easement maps; O Soils: $ 12,000 ► Rock; Poor Soil; 15 boring $ 39,720 Sub-Total: $ 390,120 Engineering: $ 44,860 ► Prepare Plans & Specs; Direct Survey, Soils &Easement Maps; Assist Legal. Easements: $ 168,000 ► 50% in State/County R-O-W; 20'wide; 155,000 sf required; $1.00/sf. C/3 O WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Discharge to Non-Zero Flow Stream Conceptual Design and Cost Estimate Force Main To Haw River-Estimated Cost- Continued: Legal: $ 108,000 Permits; Easements; Recording; 60 Working Days @ $1,800/day Sub-Total Est. Cap. Cost$ 710,980 Contingency: 10% $ 71,100 Total Estimated Capital Cost: $ 782,080 Q o C/4 O WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Discharge to Non-Zero Flow Stream Conceptual Design and Cost Estimate Operating/Maintenance Cost: ANNUAL Power: Pump: 25,000 GPD/80 GPM; 3.75 KW; $ 825 351D/YR; $0.12/KWH Security: 2 KW; 365 D/Y; 8 H/D $ 700 Manpower: Daily: Check Pump Station- 1 HR/D $ 14,700 7 D/W;50 W/YR; 350 MHR Weekly: Clean Pump Station; Check Force; $ 8,736 1 DAV; 52 W/YR; 208 MHR Monthly: Sampling; Data Logging; Reporting; $ 4,032 8 H/M; 12 M/YR 96 MHR 0 Misc: Consumable Spare Parts $ 2,000 Total Estimated O/M Costs $ 30,993 0 C/5 • WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Discharge to Non-Zero Flow Stream Conceptual Design and Cost Estimate Present Value: Co = Capital Cost $ 782,080 Ct = O/M Cost $ 30,993/Yr. n = 20 Yrs. r = 7.5% PV — Co + Ct +rx- r(1 +On 782,080+30,993 (1 +.075 20- 1 .075(1 +.075)'0 = 782,080+30,993 3.248 0.318 $1,098,637 • C/6 ATTACHMENT D WILLIAMSBURG PLANT LPP System Conceptual Design and Estimate The following LPP system design is based on our understanding of"current"requirements of Mr. Steven Berkowitz,On-Site Sewage Program, Sanitation Branch Division of Environmental Health, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. Wastewater Flow QAVG = 25,000 GPD LTAR = 0.1 GPD/SF Area Required = 25,000 GPD = 250,000 SF 0.1 GPD/SF Use 5 SF per LFT of Trench Total Length Required = 250,000 SF = 50,000 LFT O 5 SF/LFT State suggested total lateral length of 3,000 LFT/Field No. of Fields = 50.000 LFT = 16.6 Fields 3,000 LFT/FIELD Use 16 Fields Each Field = 50,000 LF = 3,125.LFT 16 Fields Use 16 Fields; 4 Dosing Pumps, each pump dosing 4 fields State suggested 70 FT to 100 FT Each lateral. Try 70 LFT Laterals: #Laterals = 3125 LFT = 44.6 70 LFT/EA 0 D/1 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT 0 LPP System Conceptual Design and Estimate Try 44 Laterals: Length = ,3 j�� = 71.02 LFT 44 Use: 44 laterals @ 72 LFT each; 22 on each side of one manifold 16 Manifolds If each field were installed on flat property, each field would be: 110 FT x 160 FT = 17,600 SF Area 16 Fields = 17,600 x 16 = 281,600 SF = 6.46 AC. Required repair area equals area for operating LPP fields. OArea Required: 16 LPP Field 6.46 AC. Repair Area 6.46 AC. Minimum Total 12.92 AC. State suggested minimum orifice is 5/32-inch. Flow per orifice: qo = 11.79 dzho' d = 5/32 = 0.156 h = 2ft. qo = 11.79(.156)'(2)0.5 = 0.406 GPM D/2 O WILLIAMSBURG PLANT LPP System Conceptual Design and Estimate Flow per Lateral qL = 72 LFT x qo = 5.68 GPM/Lateral 5 FT/ORIF Use 1'/4" Diam. Sch. 40 PVC Pipe Laterals Flow per Manifold qM = 44 x qL = 250 GPM/Manifold Use 5" Diam. Sch. 40 PVC Pipe Manifolds One force main serves 4 Manifolds Flow per force main qFM = 4 x qM = 1,000 GPM Use 8" Diam. Sch. 40 PVC Pipe Force Mains Dosing Pump Est. Head Pump Tank, Pump on Elev. 735 Lateral Elev. 770 Static HD 35 FT. Using 8"Diam. PVC Force Main at qp = 1,000 GPM: hLF = 1.55 FT/100 FT HL = .,5 x 1,000 FT = 15.5 FT. 100 Pump Total Disch. HD = 50.5 FT. O Use: Hydromatic Pumps; Model 4SL; 25 TDH HP, 1750 RPM; 1,000 GPM @ 50.5 FT. D/3 O WILLIAMSBURG PLANT LPP System Conceptual Design and Estimate LPP SYSTEM -COST ESTIMATE: New Filtrate Sump and Pumps 6'x 8'x 10' Deep Conc. Sump $ 35,000 2 Submers. Pumps, ea. 40 GPM $ 7,250 30 FT TDH; 1 HP; Rail Syst. Control Panel; NEMA 4; $ 4,500 Float Switches Power Cable& Conduit $ 2,500 3"Diam. Galv. Stl. Force Main $ 5,000 to Filter; Above Grnd; insulated& heat tape traced; 200 LFT $ 54,250 Tertiary Filter Parkson Dynasand Filter $ 20,500 Conc. Pad; Heat Tape Tracing; $ 30,750 Insulation; Disch. Piping; Frght; Installation Backwash Piping; Sand Trap; $ 8,500 Heat Tape Tracing&Insulation Air Comp; 1 SCFM @ 25 PSIG; Air Dryer; $ 12,500 Air Piping; Insulated Housing; Blowdown to WWTP; Installation Power Cable &Conduit $ 3,000 O $ 75,250 D/4 O WILLIAMSBURG PLANT LPP System Conceptual Design and Estimate Dirty Water Sump 4'x 4'x 6' Stl Sump; At Grade; Insulated $ 6,000 2 Submers. Pumps; ea. 20 GPM; 10 FT TDH; $ 2,200 0.5 HP Control Panel; NEMA 4; Float Switches $ 1,700 Power Cable& Conduit $ 2,300 Y $ 12,200 Transfer Pump Station 4'x 4'x 6'Precast Sump $ 6,000 O 2 Submers. Pumps: ea 20 GPM, $ 3,500 80'TDH; 2 HP, 230/460/3/60 2"Diam. Sch. 40 Stl Force Main; $ 11,625 1,500 LFT; One Rd. Crossing Control Panel; NEMA 4; $ 3,700 Flt. Switches; 1-Air Release Power Cable & Conduit $ 2,300 $ 27,125 Pump Tank Current requirements specify that large system pump tanks have a volume equal to daily flow 12'W x 10'D x 281 Conc. Tank $ 48,200 Poured in place; 22.2 Cy walls; 19 Cy Flr; Pre-cast top D/5 Q WILLIAMSBURG PLANT LPP System Conceptual Design and Estimate Alum. Hatches;4 ea @ 6 x 6 $ 12,500 Valve Vault; 8'W 4'D x 121 $ 6,750 Pre-cast with Alum. Hinged Covers $ 67,450 Dosing Pumps: 4 each; 1000 GPM $ 40,962 50.5 TDH;25 HP;230/460/60/3; 1750 RPM;Installed Rail System: 4 each; SS; Installed $ 14,840 Control panel; Floats Systs;Quadraplex; $ 16,750 Installed and Tested $ 72,552 Discharge Valving 4-8"Fig. Chk. Val;CI; Installed $ 5,100 10-8"Slip True Union PVC Ball Val; Installed $ 10,000 Misc. 8"Diam PVC Piping&Fittings; Installed $ 6,500 Pipe Supports;8 each;Grinnell Fig. 264 $ 2,800 $ 24,400 Force Mains 4 Force Main: ea 8"Diam. Sch. 40 PVC; B/S; $ 76,856 2,600 LFT Installation;30"W x 3'D Trench;Gravel $ 98,800 backfill; Backfill;Grade& Seed; 10,400 LFT. 4 ea. Air Release Valves; MHS With Lids;4'D $ 7,600 $ 183,256 D/6 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT LPP System Conceptual Design and Estimate Manifolds and :Laterals State Requirements: Lateral Inside 4"Diam Corr Slotted Pipe; Turn- ups at end each lateral & manifold; 3' wide trench; gravel base & cover; geotextile along sides and over top; backfill, grade and seed. All manifolds and laterals installed at surveyed constant grade. 16 fields; ea 3168 LFT; $548,951 Manifolds& Lateral; Gravel; Installed Y_ $548,951 Monitoring Wells Monitoring Wells; 6 ea; max 40'Deep; $ 15,000 State Specs; $2,500 each. Sampling Pmp &Accessories; Water level tape $ 7,500 $ 22,500 Power Transformer; Power Dist. Panel; Cable& Conduit $ 42,250 100HP/22.5 KW; 230/460/3/60 Standby Generator; 37.5 KW; Auto Transfer $ 42,500 Switch; Housing; Propane Fuel Supply; $ 84,750 Survey Property Survey; Topographic Survey; 15,000 LFT; $ 16,250 40 AC; $0.15/LFT; $350/AC Layout laterals & Force Main; 35,344 LFT; $0.50/LFT $ 17,672 D/7 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT LPP System Conceptual Design and Estimate Soils Scientist 50'Grid Entire Prop ($12,000); $ 60,000 Detailed Soil Analysis ($9,000); Mounding Studies ($25,000); Preliminary Layout LPP Lines($14,000) Soils Bearing Capacity at WWTP; Y $ 7,500 Rock Probing Throughout $ 101,422 Sub-Total $1,274,106 Engineering $ 127,400 Prepare Plans and Specs; Direct Surveys; Equipment Purchase Orders; State Approvals Revisions by State $ 19,100 Land $ 237,500 Additional land required; 25 acres @ $9,500/Acre Legal and Real Estate $ 47,875 Permits; Contracts Review; Land Purchase; 20 Working Days; $225./14r. $431,875 Sub-Total Estimated Capital Cost $1,705,981 Contingency: 10% $ 170,600 Total Estimated capital Cost $1,876,581 D/8 Q WILLIAMSBURG PLANT LPP System Conceptual Design and Estimate Operation and Maintenance- Cost Estimate: Manpower Daily Hose-down; Log Data& Service Reports; $ 26,208 4 mhr/d, 3d/wk, 52wk/yr; 624 mhr. Quarterly: Clean Pump Tank; Adjust Lateral Press; $ 5,376 32mhr,4 x/yr; 128 mhr Semi-Annually: Flush manifolds; flush laterals; $ 2,688 32 mhr, 2 x/yr; 64 mhr Hauling: 12,000 gal., 2 x/yr; $900 3,000 gals. $ 7,200 Reports: 6 mhr/mth., 12 mth/yr., 72 mhr $ 3,024 $ 44,496 Power Dosing: 25,000 GPD/500 GPM; 7.5 KW; 357 d/yr; $ 322 $0.12/kwh Transfer Pump: 25,000 GPD; 1.5 KW; 357 d/yr. $ 675 $0.12/KWH Air Compressor: 0.75 KW'6 H/D; 357 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 193 Filter Feed: 0.75 KW; 12 H/D; 357 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 386 Dirty Water: 0.375 KW; 12 H/D; 357 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 193 Heat Tape: 30 KW; 8 H/D; 60 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 1,728 Security: 2 KW; 365 d/yr; 8 H/D; $0.12/KWH $ 700 $ 4,197 D/9 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT LPP System Conceptual Design and Estimate Miscellaneous Filter Sand: 6 bags/month $ 720 12 mth/yr; 100#/bag Mechanical Allowance: Equal 1-10 HP Pump $ 6,500 $ 7,220 Total Estimated O/M Cost $ 55,913 Present Value: Co = Capital Cost C, = O/M Cost n = 20 Yrs. r = 7.5% PV = Co+Ct (1 +r)n_I r(1 +r)2 $1,876,581 +$55,913 (1 + .075)20_1 .075(1 + .075)20 $1,876,581 +$55,913 3-248 0.318 $2,447,667 D/10 ATTACHMENT E WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Drip Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate The following drip irrigation process design is based on proprietary drip irrigation equipment and information furnished by one manufacturer/vendor. The drip irrigation process includes: 1. Tertiary Filtration System, sump and filter feed pumps; dirty water sump and pumps and air compressor(oil free dry air); 2. New transfer pump station; 3. New irrigation sump; 4. Drip irrigation system Wastewater flow, QAvG = 25,000 GPD 4 LTAR = 0.1 GPD/SF Irrigation area = As required by drip irrigation equipment manufacturer 6.74 acres Repair area = 6.74 acres Total Area = 13.44 acres Tertiary Filter = Parkson Corporation; Dynasand; Upflow; Continuous Backwash and Sand Replacement. E/1 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Drip Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Drip Irrigation Process - Cost Estimate New Filtration Sump and Pumps: 6'x 8'x 10' Deep Conc. Sump; no cover; MH Rungs $ 35,000 2 Submersible Pumps; each 40 GPM @ 30 ft. TDH; 1 HP; $ 7,250 230/460/3/60; Rail System; Installed Control Panel; NEMA 4; Dry transf, Float Switch Actuation; $ 4,500 Installed Power Cable &Conduit; Installed $ 2,500 3"diam. galv. stl. Force Main to Filter; Above Grd; Heat Tape $ 5,000 Traced & Insulated; 200 Lft; Installed $ 54,250 Tertiary Filter: Parkson Corporation, Dynasand Filter; Upflow; Continuous $ 20,500 Backwash and Sand Replacement; Installed Conc. Pad; Filtered Effluent Piping; Heat Tape Tracing; $ 30,750 Insulation; Installed Backwash piping& and Trap; Heat Tape Tracing; Installed $ 8,500 Air Compressor; 1.0 SUM @ 25 PSIG; Air Dryer; Air Piping $ 12,500 Insulated Housing; Blowdown to dirty water sump; Installed Power Cable& Conduit; Installed $ 3,000 $ 75,250 Dirty Water Sump: 4'x 4'x 8' Deep Precast Conc. Sump; No Cover; Installed $ 6,000 E/2 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT 0 Drip Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate 2 Submersible Pumps; each 20 GPM @ 10 ft. TDH; 0.5 HP; $ 2,200 230/60/1; Installed Control Panel; NEMA 4; Float Switches; Installed $ 1,700 Power Cable& Conduit; Installed $ 2,300 $ 12,200 Transfer Pump Station: 4'x 4' 6' Precast Sump $ 6,000 2 Submersible Pumps, each 20 GPM, 80'TDH, 2 HP $ 3,500 230/460/3/60 O2"Diam. Sch 40 stl Force Main; 1,500 Lft; One road crossing $ 11,625 Control Panel; NEMA 4; Flt Switches; 1-Air Release $ 3,200 Power Cable&Conduit $ 2,500 Y_ $ 27,125 Note: Returning drip irrigation flush water would use transfer force main with control valves. Drip Irrigation System: "Perc Rite"Control System; Bioline Tubing; Dosing Pumps; Adapters; $ 140,800 Valves; Appurtenances Note: Biolines are direct bury using"stinger-type"plow. Building 8 x 12 Wood Framed; Heated; Insulated; Fans & Louvers; $ 9,000 Conc. Slab; Lights; Installed Supply and Return piping; Installed $ 36,600 Field Zones Dripper Lines; Installed $ 125,000 E/3 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Drip Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Miscellaneous Yard Piping; Installed $ 7,500 Contingencies $ 31,890 Power Cable; Control Wiring; Conduit $ 3,000 $ 353,800 Monitoring Wells: Monitoring Wells; 6 ea; Max 40' Deep; State Specs; $2,500 ea $ 15,000 Sampling Pump &Accessories; Water Level Tape $ 7,500 $ 22,500 OPower: Transformer; Power Distribution Panel; Cable & Conduit; $ 27,000 20 HP/15 KW; 230/460/60/3; Heaters @ 30 KW; Installed Standby Generator; 20 KW; Auto Transfer Switch; Housing; $ 38,500 Propane Fuel; Installed Y_ $ 65,500 Survey: Property Survey; Topographic Survey; 15,000 Lft @ $0.15/Lft; $ 16,250 40 acres @ $350/acre Layout dripper lines @ controlled constant elevations; $ 22,500 125,000 Lft @ $0.18/Lft. Soils Scientist: 50' Grid Entire Property($12,000); Detailed Soil Analysis $ 46,000 ($9,000); Mounding Studies ($25,000) E/4 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Drip Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Soils: Rock Probing; Bearing Cap. $ 7,500 Y $ 92,250 Sub-Total Capital Costs $ 702,875 Engineering $ 70,200 Plans & Specs; Direct Surveys; Direct Layouts; Equipment Purchase Orders; State Approvals State Required Revisions $ 19,100 O Land: $ 237,500 Additional land Required; 25 acres @ $9,500/acre Legal & Real Estate: $ 47,875 Land Purchase; Contracts Review; Permits; 20 Wrk Days @ $225/Hr. $ 374,675 Sub-Total Estimated Capital Costs $1,077,550 Contingency: 10% $ 107,800 Total Estimated Capital Cost $1,185,350 0 E/5 Manpower: Daily: Hose down as necessary; read &record data; $ 44,100 service filter sand and sand trap; check property oper; service reports; maint. requests; 3 hr/d; 7 d/wk; 50 wk/yr. 1050 MHR 1/2 Weeks: Flush all fields; check all valve filters; 3 hr/d; 1 d/2wks $ 3,275 52 wks/yr; 78 MHR 1/6 Months: Clean"Perc Rite"Filters& Service; 3 hr/d; 1 d/6mnth; $ 252 12 months/yr; 6 MHR Annually: Clean all sumps; Land apply sludge on site; 16 hr/d; $ 672 1 d/yr; 16 MHR $ 48,300 Power: Filter Feed: 40 GPM; 0.75 KW; 357 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 335 O Filter Air Comp: 1.5 KW; 6 hr/d; 357 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 385 Transfer Pump: 1.5 KW; 11 hr/d; 357 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 710 Drip Feed Pump: 32 GPM; 3.75 KW; 357 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 2,105 Dirty Water: 0.375KW; 12 h/d; 357 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 193 Heat Tape: 30 KW; 8 h/d; 60 d/yr; $0.12/KW $ 1,728 Security: 2 KW; 8 h/d; 365 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 700 $ 6,156 Miscellaneous: Filter Sand: 6 bags/month; 12 months/yr; 100#bag $ 720 Monitoring Well Sample Analysis; 12/yr., 6 wells - $550 each $ 39,600 Q Annual Monitoring Wells Scan; 1/yr; 6 wells @ $1,400 each $ 8,400 Mechanical Allowance: equal to replacing one 5 HP Pump & Motor; $ 6,500 including labor& equipment E/6 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Drip Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Consumables: Allow $ 1,000 56,220 Total Estimated O/M Cost: $ 110,676 PRESENT VALUE: Co = Capital Cost Ct = O/M Cost n = 20 Yrs. r = 7.5% PV = Co+Ct + "- r(1 +ry _ $1,185,350+$110,676 (1 +0.75)20- 1 0.75(1 +0.75)'0 $1,185,350+$110,676 3.248 0.318 $2,315,776 E/7 IIII ! o"lol 111 i-'f :!�f (�1A1�1 I I I rn u�i�.t��l�.l il l I� 1 IN ljl`"-! z MPG I I irn jig 1. !:: a • t ! , � 11111 { i 11111. 1 ( 11 �» w F � vuw fII�,1f1l1 ( ! # I ! j: I J-r ! ! . .,r• � . `='•� i ( I �I I�INI I I I 1 I l: I t �# . II so 1 I III i ;� ; !: : I I { I '1 ! I I I' } ! I I, I 1• I � 11 ! lllilill : li. l1 I I .1 11 8/3 aluwus3 puu uihsaa junudaauoD uoijuginj du(] 1XVICIOWISS dITUM WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Drip Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate E/9 ' PPJdJNG E"TV W rE FOkSurt n ton M111a4hpilid_ _ --- ___ ' ELu,':Ez- 199713 Prking d lirkA> t=?' 25000 GFR — . .... rr O�l�Crt�ISf____ I 20 zoo;d gat zone dos!LNM><tgtjt um flus;20 za:les �26 taut X Z&7'In FU'-.LXX _— 8.7'4 MUM: — l.AT ST REVIVX4. EST— ITEM DE-SCRIPTIC►N ^�_ G.UpN•t— e�l.E5� — SERC-Rl"E 14100E_4<?Af;QC.QF.R=32,CIPrt':fI — .16,857:54 2. — •5 HP F.UMP64MVit FHASE r 2 :5 w5,i50,a0 3. _ 0.61 OP"SlOL11gE FUSING 4— — 36 4. —i/Z,RtkMCCNNECTORSF V4''M1:"r KIT ADV,rEF;S —`—�-- — I:= :6_— 524.80 5. r '00 :S32.20 B. a .Y4''IPS FLEXT!B(NC—�--- ___fi--- 16 :6 —Z:76.OD 7. — 1"AR1 AIF: R;LEASE VALVE-- — ( —.`—!---20 :6 —2,136.24 8. 12":;01-EKOI1)VkOffi:;(NOF.M'I.Y(.L.Ci'SF:O) 21 88— 1 Z"801-EK Oil)VALVE,;(KOF.OX OPENIM) 0 :6 ;t F'VC;-Bi1LLl:C,01*VAL\FE F,P'/C S'I12AINER' 2 :1• �48.fJ 10. I-LUAT SIRATCHES —� 3 .6 — 155.25 11_�hri M cro-Spray"-- .�-- .—.�..� p 12_12 HP PP1M NCi P()IQI) --- --- -- 0 --�— 13. 111Y'AtiTO FLU:;H 7AI_VES(;'PE_R S.F. CELL) 0 :b _ 14. .AUr4-oVLER OP-10\1 --- `.b9.25 — 'S _ DE:R'RliS& CHECK VA.};VE80 $ �6D.3r1 16.. 3U STOM ZED::OFTV 1AF:E're?4P 3:>VIOI-§, _—~ p •� .�.— 1 17. 4U:{IL.Af:Y 1i1-1'VA TJ±II T4N{AIAIZM r— — --�— ----- ____ SU3Tt)T/%L: -�- — -------,-- -- --- — -- :� W7282.45 — 3%SALE:3T4X: — TO'F'Ai_ESTIMATED EQUWAjEtJ7' i43,7tA�_ r FROGHT 8 t: WER#KiUFtAt1Cj'• fl04= —_ TEf"HifiCAL ASSISTAWE,ISTARIAP,1,CXtVlAlUt TIZAMN1. TarAt.PltQJECT EQUO HENT PRIC94G .,_�t1Gi.rf lldii't]IYIw 4�~ �— �. .�.. .._...._�....,._..... ---..... gm OF2N-4 i 7,319.40 • j ' ATTACHMENT F WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Spray Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Site Characteristics: Soils investigations and subsequent recommendations are attached to this report as Exhibit II. "Preliminary Soil and Site Investigation for Irrigation of Domestic Wastewater, Burlington Industries, Williamsburg Plant, Caswell County, N.C.", by Michael Decker, Licensed Soil Scientist,Number 1030. Summary Recommendations: A. Irrigation in 1 to 2 hours B. 1.5 inches per cycle C. 3.5 day cycle D. Monthly rate is ratios of days per month and 3.5 day cycle multiplied by 1.5 Oinches. Note: Most of the Williamsburg Plant property suitable for spray irrigation is already being used for permitted waste activated sludge disposal by land application. There is insufficient land available on Williamsburg property for spray irrigation. It is estimated that adjacent and/or nearby property will have similar characteristics as those presented in the soils report. Climatological data was obtained from The National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, North Carolina. Wastewater Characteristics: Effluent from and existing sludge package plant, raw sewage from sanitary facilities and cafeteria; all domestic type wastewater. No process wastewater. No cooling waste or storm water. Floor mop water hauled away for treatment by permitted facilities. 0 Flow, QAvG = 25,000 GPD F/1 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Spray Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Quality: Completed required laboratory analytical report is attached. BOD = BDL Total Solids = 528 Mg/L Dissolved Solids = 488 Mg/L TKN = BDL Ammonia-N = BDL Nitrate = 42.5 Mg/L Nitrate = BDL Conceptual Design: The following table presents "Monthly Average, Maximum and Minimum Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Data", 1992 to 1996. This data is obtained from The National Climatic Data Center, Asheville, North Carolina. This data is for the Greensboro,North Carolina area. This is the area closest to the Williamsburg Plant. F/2 p o b m C-Ayy tz x > � z K M-3 CD z x FF < p z � p Q N W W N A A N W A W W P N W O Ch 00 N as W N "O ON "D b O `G 'b < O w O\ �A w !-A !-A co CD w C \0 k-A 00 .A (�A C C Ol� PI R Q1 U 00 N A W W N 00 yy Oo cc z d W O t1i W O\ W W �10 J A w .. 110 r.l n 14O 1.0 A Z' Cl. O a' O S7 O .- p v z c� CD O O ►- w A In A w �-. O O O W 0o1 W N 00 00 v A 00 crCSD � N c 0 ON to w N O O A 00 A W 00 L, N A W Z O O\ O\ 00 w O �o 00 A IC O � y n O O ►- N A to A N O O O O N to N O w w N w 00 ON c ON ON N �1 z z o Q A 3 w w w w w w w w w w N w z N O �o O — a � � r tN O O -- N � tr A N •_ vi lV 00 �D O, cN N w N W 00 CK ,9 y R ON U N N W W N W N O 00 00 ON CN ►� d A W 01% 00 00 D\ 00 ,^ ?7 N W � � GCJ (4. � .. v > a a 00 p r7l o °° N00z > y II a co + s > 41 r 0 O� W ON to w to t.A .o A ON v w w J ON VA 00 N W w N 00 NO O1 ,A .. ny � S 03 z 00 O 00 �o A N > A 10 N 00 i, a\ 00 -- N — LA w N '7 II e > -• zz WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Spray Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Attached following table"Water Balance: Williamsburg Plant, Spray Irrigation"presents basic design data and design. Application Days: Calendar month less number of days at and below freezing. Drainage: Amount of effluent that soil can sorb; based on ratio of application day divided by 3.5 day cycle,then multiplied by 1.5 inches per cycle. Spray Area Required = Volume to be Applied Effluent Application Rate QAvG = 25,000 GPD = 3,333 CF/D and 365 D/YR. Effluent Application Rate = 78.64" = 6.5 FT. 3.333 x 365 = 187,161 SF 6.5 4.3 Acres Total Land Area Required: Spray Area = 4.3 Ac x 43,560 = 187,308 SF Assume Length = 4 x Width L x W = 187,308 SF W = (187,308) = 216 FT 4 L = 4W = 864 FT Setback from property lines=200 FT Minimum Total Land Required (200+216+200)x(200+864+200) 778,624 SF = 17.87 Acres Allow for storage, R-O-W Easements, Pumping, Power, Misc., 1.13 Acres Estimated Total 19.00 Acres F/5 O WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Spray Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Storage volume calculations are summarized in attached table"Spray Irrigation Storage". Daily Flow = 25,000 GPD = 3,333 DF/D Waste Flow = Days/Month x Daily Flow Waste Applied = Area X Effluent Applied 4.3 Acres X 43.560 X Inches Effluent Applied 12 CF Wasteflow -Waste Applied=+/- Storage + = Waste to Storage 0 - = Waste from Storage Cum. Storage = Volume of Storage required cannot be less than "0". Storage Required = 387,557 Cu. Ft., Maximum Month. Final design of storage volume would involve adjustments for seepage/leakage, evaporation and/or rainfall. Use Steel Tank, Slab on Grade Vol. = 11 DZ x d= 387,557 CF 4 Use: D = 4d D = 125 FT d = 31 FT+ 3FT FRBRD = 34 FT. F/6 oil to to o 0 cP � � o .n O 0Oo 00 r 000 \ J L44 ... �' J O 0000 �p OHO w J N A 00 J O ± J 00 110 J v, �D In N O- r O W N + -(-A J O 00 00 s 00 00 00 IA N LA 00 -- 00 N Ch J W � J (-A 00 LA N A A + + N W W W W N± ++ C+ O J 00 O Do 00 N 00 O J , N W �O O� Cn O �- In p� DO O W O Ltj 00 OLA A7 OQ M O WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Spray Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Distribution -July: Maximum Waste flow = 103,323 CF/M Cycles/M = 31 DIM = 8.8 Cycles/M 3.5 D/Cycle Volume = 103.323 CF/M = 11,740 CF/Cycle 8.8 Cycles/M Irrigation = 11.740 CF/Cycle = 0.063 Ft/Cycle 4.3 Ac x 43,560 SF/Ac 0.75"/Cycle Soils report recommend 1 -Application per day, once per 3.5 days, not more than 1.5" per application in about 1 to 2 hours. O Use: 11,740 CF/Cycle = 88,100 Gal/Cycle 1 -Hour Application Q = 88,100 Gal = 1,470 GPM 60 M Use 2 Fields and 4 sprays per field Area each spray = 187.308 = 23,414 SF 8 Diam = 4 x 23,414) 0.5 = 175' TC q, each spray = 1}4Q = 185 GPM 8 Length = 100 Lft. Use: 4"Diam Stl., 17100' qh, Each Header = 185 x 4 = 740 GPM O Length = 800 Lft F/8 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Spray Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Use: 6"Diam. Stl., 3.57100' gfin, Force Main = 1,480 GPM Length = 1,000 Lft. Use: 8"Diam., 3.3'/100' Transfer Pump Station: 4'x 4'x 6' Precast Sump with Cover $ 6,000 2 Submers. Pumps ; ea. 20 GPM, 80'TDH; 2 HP, 230/460/60/3 $ 3,500 O 2" Diam. sch.40 PVC Force Main; 2,000 Lft., 1-road crossing; $ 11,625 1 air release Control Panel; NEMA 4; Brkrs., Strtrs; Flt. Switch; Timers; Heater $ 3,700 Power Cable & Conduit $ 2,300 $ 27,125 Storage Tank: 125' Diameter, 34'High; 3/8"@ 8'; 5/16"@ 8'; ''/a" @ 18'; 129' Diam. $ 456,510 Reinf. Conc. Slab, 18"thick; Installed Y $ 456,510 Spray Pump Station: 2 Pumps: Each 1470 GPM, 160'TDH; 100 HP, 230/460/60/3; $ 23,400 Goulds 3196, 6 x 8 - 15 Lt; Installed 14' x 14' Shed; Conc. Slab; Two Roll-Up Doors; Heat; Lights; $ 26,880 Security; Installed F/9 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Spray Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Discharge Piping&Valve Nest; 6"x 8"Diam. Piping&Valves; $ 9,200 Installed Control Panel; Breakers; Starters; Start/Stop Alarm; Lighting Panel; $ 18,000 Installed Power Cable & Conduit; Instr. Wire &Conduit; Installed $ 9,300 $ 86,780 Monitoring Wells: Monitoring Wells- 6 each; Max 40" Deep; State Specs; $2,500 each $ 15,000 Sampling Pump and Accessories; Water Level Tape $ 7,500 O $ 22,500 Piping: Suction Piping: 10"Diam; 2 each; 25 Lft; Insul. &Heat Tape Traced; $ 2,750 Installed. Stl. Force Main: 8: Diam; 1,000 Lft. Buried, Installed $ 31,000 Stl. Header: 6" Diam; 2 each; 800 Lft. Buried, Installed $ 28,800 Stl. Spray Lateral; 4" Diam; 8 each; 100 Lft., Buried, Installed $ 22,400 Spray Nozzles; 8 each; Risers, Installed $ 800 $ 85,750 Sub-Total $ 678,665 O F/10 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Spray Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Engineering: $ 67,800 Plans & Specs; Direct Surveying; Direct Soils; Detailed Design; Approvals Surveying: $ 35,000 Property; Topography; Transfer Piping; Easement; 20,000 Lft., 20 Acres Soils Scientist: $ 12,000 Detailed Soils Investigation; No Mounding Soils: $ 7,500 © Storage Tank&Foundation; Rock Search $ 122,300 Land: $ 190,000 Additional Land Required- 19 acres; Spray Field; 1 Acre R-O-W; $9,500/Acre Legal and Real Estate: $ 47,875 Land Purchase; Contracts Review; Insurance Review; Permits; 20 Work Days @ $225.00/Hr. $ 237,875 Sub-Total Est. Capital Cost $1,038,840 Contingency- 10% $ 103,900 o �- Estimated Total Capital Cost $1,142,740 F/11 O WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Spray Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Manpower: Daily: Check Transfer System; Storage Tank& Pumps; $ 30,576 Spray Fields;Read& Record Data;2 hr/d; 7 d/wk; 52 wk/yr. 728 MHR. Weekly: Hose down and clean all systems and equipment;4 hr/d; $ 8,400 1 d/wk; 50 wk/yr.,200 MHR. Monthly: Collect and transport Mon. Wells Samples(6); 6 hr/d; $ 252 1 d/m; 12 m/yr; 72 MHR Quarterly: Supervise field maintenance; 8 hr/d; 1 d/3m; 12 m/yr; $ 1,344 32 MHR $ 40,572 Power: Transfer Pump: 1.5 KW; 11 hr/d;357 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 710 Spray Pumping: 75 KW;2 hr/d;2 d/wk;52 wk/yr; $ 1,872 $0.12/KWH Heat Tape; Security; 2 KW; 8 hr/d; 7 d/wk; 52 wk/yr; $ 700 $0.12/KWH Y_ $ 3,282 Miscellaneous: Monitoring Well Sample Analyses; 12/yr; $550 ea;6 wells $ 39,600 Monitoring Well Annual Scan; 6 wells-$1,400 each $ 8,400 Mechanical repairs;allow 40 man-hours $ 1,680 Consumables-allow $ 1.000 $ 50,680 QTotal Estimated Operations& Maintenance Cost $ 94,534 F/12 WILLLALMSBURG PLANT Spray Irrigation Conceptual Design and Estimate Co = Capital Cost C, = O/M Cost n = 20 Yrs. r = 7.5% PV = Co+Ct (h"-1 r(I +r)" $1,142,740+$94,534 (1+_x}75)20- 1 .075(1 + .075)20 _ $1,142,740+$94,534 3.248 0.318 • _ $2,108,295 F/13 ATTACHMENT G WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Existing WWTP With Upgrade Conceptual Design and Cost Estimate This alternative consists of the capital costs associated with upgrading the existing WWTP by adding dechlorination and tertiary filtration. Operation and maintenance costs included in this alternative are for the existing WWTP and upgrade. Wastewater Flow, QAvc = 25,000 GPD Equivalent Loading = 2 GPM/SF New Filtrate Sump & Pumps: 6'x8'x10'Deep Conc. Sump $35,000 2 Submers. Pumps, ea 40 GPM $ 7,250 30 ft. TDH; 1 HP; Rail Syst. O Control Panel; NEMA 4; Float Switches $ 4,500 Power Cable & Conduit $ 2,500 3"Diam. Galv. Stl. Force Main $ 5,000 To Filter; Above Ground; Insulated& Heat Tape Traced; 200 Lft. Y $54,250 Tertiary Filter: Parkson Dynasand Filter $20,500 Conc. Pad; Heat Tape Tracing; Insulation; $30,750 Disch. Piping; Installation Backwash piping; Sand Trap; Heat Tape Tracing; $ 8,500 0 G/1 Q WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Existing WWTP With Upgrade Conceptual Design and Cost Estimate Tertiary Filter-Continued: Air Comp; 1 SCFM @ 25 PSIG; Air Dryer $12,500 Air Piping; Insulated Housing; Blowdown to WWTP; Installation Power Cable& Conduit; $ 3,000 $75,250 New Chlorination/Dechlorination: Chlorine Contact Tank; 70 CF Vol. $ 6,250 Precast Conc; Baffles; Sanuril Tablet Chlorination; At Grade; Installation Discharge Structure; Installation $ 3,760 $16,260 Power: Transformer; Power Distr. Panel; Cable& Conduit; $ 8,750 10 HP, 230/460/60/3; Installation Survey: $ 4,500 Topography; Layout Soils: $ 3,700 Bearing; Rock $ 8,200 Sub-Total $162,710 O G/2 O WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Existing WWTP With Upgrade Conceptual Design and Cost Estimate Engineering: $ 16,300 Prepare Plans & Specs; Equip. Purch. Orders; State Approvals Legal: $ 18,000 Review Documents; 10 Wrk Days; $225.00/hr. $ 34,300 Sub-Total Est. Cap. Cost $197,010 Contingency 10%: $ 19,700 Total Est. Capital Cost $216,710 0 G/3 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Existing WWTP With Upgrade Conceptual Design and Cost Estimate Manpower: Daily: Clean, adjust,read&record; Reports $ 17,420 4 hr/d; 50/wk; 52 wk/yr; 1040 MHR Weekly: Service Sand Filter; 2 hr/d; 1 d/wk; $ 4,368 52 wk/yr; 104 MHR Quarterly: Haul & Land Apply Sludge; $ 1,344 8 hr/d; 1 d/3m; 12 m/yr; 32 MHR Monthly: Prepare & Submit Reports; 16 MHR $ 672 Power: Filter Feed; 0.75 KW; 12 h/d $ 386 357 d/yr; $0.12/KWH Air Comp: 0.75 KW; 6 h/d; $ 193 357 d/yr; $0.12/KWH Heat Tape: 30 KW; 8 h/d; 60 d/yr. $ 1,728 $0.12/KWH Exist. WWTP; 3.75 KW; 24 hr/d; $ 3,942 365 d/yr; $0.12/KWH $ 6,249 Miscellaneous: Daily Sampling& Analysis; BOD, $ 20,280 TSS,NH3, Fecal,pH, Temp, CL2; Sample, Analyze & Report; 5 d/wk; 52 wk/yr. 0 G/4 WILLIAMSBURG PLANT Existing WWTP With Upgrade Conceptual Design and Cost Estimate Miscellaneous -Continued: Filter Sand; 6 bags/mnth. $ 720 12 mnth/yr; 100#Bag Mechanical- allow $ 1,000 Consumables - allow $ 1,000 $23,000 Total Estimated O/M Cost $53,053 Present Value: Co = Capital Cost Ct = O/M Cost n = 20 Yrs. r = 7.5% PV = Co+Ct 1 +r °- r(1 +r)2 $216,710+$53,053 (1 + .075)20_1 .075(1 + .075)20 $216,710+$53,053 3.248 0.318 _ $758,585 G/5 f f • t EXHIBIT I f i f: f PRELIMINARY SOIL AND SITE EVALUATION FOR SUBSURFACE DISPOSAL OF WASTEWATER BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES,WILLIAMSBURG PLANT CASWELL COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA r f PREPARED FOR: fWOJEK ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, PA GREENSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA l PREPARED BY: S017THEASTERN SOIL AND ENAlRON;IIENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. SEP-rEmBER 24, 1997 { `!WfN:C:titOw17•:•7.tr_q.7.+7q•^..St+.T: !�'w�::..'q.:.__ _._. 'tip'...... ........_w_.w_ ... :�rq ....' ..w. .t+.+r:._ .....v.. _.... ... ....... ._ Southeastern Soil & Environmental ' Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311.7696 Phone/Fax(910)822-4540 1 f INTRODUCTION The Burlington Industries Plant has been required by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management to conduct an engineering alternatives analysis for the disposal of 25,000 gpd of domestic wastewater. The purpose of this report is to identify on and off site soil areas that would likely be useable for subsurface wastewater disposal. ` Information contained in this report will be used to conduct a cost Po projection analysis to determine the economic impacts of this alternative. If economic impacts of this alternative are deemed reasonable,then further site specific studies will be conducted to determine the permittability of the site according to 15A NCAC 18A .1900. ` Site Location and General Description 1 The site is located on the corner of NC Hxvy. 87 and SR 1100 just north of the Caswell/Alamance County line. A site map is enclosed which will be referred to in the • remainder of the report. The soil areas considered useable for subsurface wastewater I disposal are both cleared and wooded. The cleared areas are currently used for sludge disposal. The site topography is a combination of ridges grading through linear slopes to drainage depressions. The typical slope range is 2%to 20%. Soils Description Hand auger borings were performed over the entire tract. The site map(see Appendix) gives specific locations for soil borings and approximate areal extent of the useable area. A typical profile description and boring logs for the soil type(most like the Cecil soil series) are also included in the Appendix. Soils typically had a surface layer 4 to 10 inches thick that was sandy loam with granular structure. The subsoil was found to have a clay texture with subangular blocky structure to depths of 48 to 66 inches. Below the subsoil. weathered rock(saprolite)was encountered to depths exceeding 84 inches. The estimated soil wetness depth (observed [w colors of chroma 2 of less) ryas greater than 7 feet. SOIL/SITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS •WETLANDS MAPPING • LAND USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING • SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS, EVALUATION & DESIGN .y.,\.r-..w.-..w-...w.rte+1���'7.�r�•!•v�r!e-'�.rl,r,�::(St1':'.C..!e-l...v...w..........-_ ....-. f Site Suitability for Subsurface Disposal The soils on this site are considered to have moderatermeabili based on texture. Pe tY These soils will allow for infiltration,treatment,and,at a reasonable loading,adequate lateral and vertical movement of wastewater and are provisionally suitable for use with subsurface disposal. Hydraulic Loading Rate According to 15A NCAC 18A .1900 soils in this category typically require a long term acceptance rate of 0.1 to 0.4 gpd/sq. ft. for a conventional trench. Structure becomes the determining factor in water movement (as much as 90%). Since these soils contain i moderate structure,a preliminary rate of 0.2 gpd/sq. ft. should be used in designing a conventional system (0.1 gpd/sq. ft. for LPP or drip irrigation). fSurrounding Properties OAlthough no testing was done, a survey of surrounding properties was completed. The Caswell County Soil Conservation Service was consulted for field sheets of surrounding properties. Those properties %kith similar elevations and topographical conditions appear to contain similar soils. Again, no testing was completed on these properties. Further testing would be required prior to entering into any contractual obligations. Conclusions and Recommendations The hydraulic consideration for a subsurface waste disposal system is only one part of the systems design. The waste constituents also require analysis to determine if hydraulics or nutrients %will limit the area needed to handle the projected volume of wastewater proposed to be generated. It is, however,our professional opinion that the soils on this site should allow for effective drainage at the rates we have given (subject to further hydraulic conductivity analysis). I O I f__ i r Again, this report is preliminary in nature and does not suggest or imply that further studies would conclude that the site is suitable for subsurface wastewater disposal. Given the information we have been provided concerning this project,as of this date,and our site and soils evaluation, we are submitting this report for your use and for review by the appropriate regulatory personnel. Sincerely, Mike Eaker SOIL S President t Q EAnQ 1030 C • 6`�p5`�(�fRLE f • 1 'S � r If AX .!� AW F V _ U f , 1. i Profile Description for Map Unit A This map unit consists of well drained,irtoderately permeable soils on upland ridges and ( side slopes of the Piedmont. These soils formed in materials weathered from felsic and �.. crystalline rocks. Slopes range from 0 to 20 percent. A - 0 to 7 inches; brown(7.5YR 4/4)sandy loam; moderate medium granular structure; t friable, common fine and medium roots;common fine pores; few rock fragments; abrupt smooth boundary. BE - 7 to 12 inches; strong brown (7.5YR 5/6)clay loam; weak medium subangular blockv structure; friable, few small roots; few fine and common medium pores; abrupt Csmooth boundary. QBt 1 - 12 to 20 inches, red(2.5YR 4/8)clay; common medium distinct red(5YR 5/8 and common medium strong bro%%m(7.5YR 5/8)mottles, moderate medium subangular blocky structure; moderately plastic and slightly sticky; friable; few small roots; few small pores; common distinct clay films on faces of peds;gradual wavy boundary. Bt2 - 20 to 43 inches; red (2.5YR 4/8)clay; common medium prominent strong brown (7.5YR 5;'8) mottles; moderate medium subangular blocky structure;friable; moderately ( plastic and slightly sticky; few fine roots and pores;distinct clay films on faces of peds: gradual wavy boundary. 130 -43 to 52 inches; red (2.5YR 4.8) clay loam; weak fine and medium subangular structure: friable; moderately plastic and slightly sticky, few distinct clay films on faces i ��f peds: gradual wavy boundary. 1 C - 5'_ to 84 inches; reddish yello%% (5YR 6/8) line sandy loam saprolite: le%% coarse distinct reddish vellov. (7.5YR 7.6) and 1e\v distinct pink (7.5YR 8.4) mottles; massive_ liable. O . L. :)A-.- =•:ALJATEC. OEPARThgElll OF ENvIRal'IMENT HEALTH Af 0 NATURAL RESOURCES PROPER TY I.D PRCFER—,'RECORQc DIVISION OF ENVIROMAENTAL HEALTH ON•S:TE WAST EWATER SECT:ON - ' SITE/SOIL EVALUATION FOR ON-SITE WASTE WATER ' 417uSTL.IfmS PHONE - i..2CRE SS (.�L�.�.iRn.SQuA-� h1 -r '-CC.:, PROPERTY SIZE: PROPOSED FACILTIY T/r G�D J�f�rF v/ f'ird. -:C.:,i!ON OF SITE Hier W7 '.4A'=_R SUPPLYOn.Si;e '/Nell Community Public Other EVALUATION BY Auger Boring FACTORS PROFILES t 2 3 a 5 6 I 8 ^ •V :LANDSCAPE POSITION ! 1940 I Fist LS Ls L I ! c L �Pc:'ro) 19ao y % y'.. a- I 74 DEP-i: i 0 - y o- • O u _1D-/ -`- I eAlLft) jrcv0 1941(A)(1 .f/ (� ' .s/4,a—I ILc� I ,frr.R lG�1 - SGI.�-, Consistence I .1941 f� i / F' (-.- 1.194',(A )(2) -11941(A)(2) M / jv // n✓l ov ,.e ,irL.'._� !.Aonefal05`y 941(A)(3, VeA J) +• /V I✓,�' :�rft I .,.(,� .J•4 ..fL� -_ /✓ - �I�P- /; -S" 6 -57 ' 6 �S S6 :i941L4u/ I 4LL ��r• G �(I� �(q Ka•y L.[- "`:)r• 5'e"C� 1947 ' �� I Fi r,/f,/ r (IIr/ Ci' r. �• Fi i—f r.. S: - :r s• ,;.u2)� JAK i (Ji- 16K I jalI, t�,k iSbl� Stitt- �lK- l((ML. s ,c ;AH3)' I -t�al I `�i/L Sri d 1�'� S61 r- ..ri...�r+ ., -•=ir ! _ ! /jrri' (JT I (a'� S(i��I IC ext re�orcc^ 19 i, A)(1':i S.CG �It.L ! �.0 I Sd�(. i :Crl- f.Cl_ a1t,L Sl< � f.CC.. .• S. L 1 ( i S S S SAJ esw er.c:e 194; fR�' SSP --- jy :c :941(A)(= - - -------'— CY,--_•—>7 7 '�� I /I I P7 '77 T71 77, _ 1'. PROPERTiRECORCEC JL-i'in!rtEN: OF Eravif2ONMENT JA:E =•:i,LLATECIt HEA."h ANO NATURAL RESOURCES PROPER'Y I.0 ..DmSiON OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH •,^,!+•SITE\NASTEVVATER SECTION SITE/SOIL EVALUATION FOR 2or ON-SITE WASTE WATER L,rr46Ton1 PHONE --- _. / PROPERTY SIZE. PPO POSED �ACILTIV ZS vsi� �r I,AI w�r,l :..._ .. .. . .:is 5. --- - --- — ::;,.'_i< J::PPLY On-Slte Well Community Public Other EVALUATION 13Y Auger Boring ✓ -_— �_ PROFILES - - FACTORS — tt 12 f3 14 r5 /6 ?05ITION ; 1940 GS r!s L1 LS i �j - t t940 G'/• 8 • 4 •/ 6 `1'/. i Y/ i 6'/ / 7'/. S�JPc :ro+ --- - Cp.r^� DEPTH p-G /o- 7 o-L o -.v ► /0-(. o-� i o• s. ' o•<. _c c� rD-,1-. "C•:.:'ef Group 1941(A)(1) Ste-., .)Co-t �w++_ Ls.� I .J L►--�-. S<+--�- ? S(..--`' ..1�+•+. .l<� ---.s7�.` - -- _rr 1941(A)(2) W r ✓ i I w i v i M i .+ r i T ,�i .. ,c'1.' .::er�wgy1941(A)(7) r✓ i 7- G-SL I /o-fv -4a G• YS ! 4-y9 ``fJ, 6 -y`l . 4.-" r✓l� I L1: ' G!t �4 C4- V�fry. C/��i-7 --- i;941(Aii2,I ✓Al. 1 tilt- J`K sL'. f L- J`!'= - S�1L 1b_— _- j19 r(Ai(�J S 1 1 OCi 1r ( Y -�Y .�o�Y ; �6-rf Y �-�`s'I - y rat :e orov:: �.t941(A)(1) L 1 1941, I ! 14 _c ! i P '1941(A)(2)I - - - - +--,7'i -, 7/ 'y 71 _.. .'7 '� , 7 .77 / 7 i 7r Y�9 3;.*. �o�$0 1 yf_ S'L �L row _��._._ yo 77 4r., PL— 121__ - o Z_ -a. L o, Z r✓. �. L c. t L -- - ---- - IAC';EPTANCE RA' ----- - (SYSTEM TYPE Go�J _- -- -- - �� J• mr RS PRESENT_ — -- — EXHIBIT II i f . PRELIMINARY SOIL AND SITE EVALUATION FOR IRRIGATION OF DOMESTIC WASTEWATER BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES,WILLIAMSBURG PLANT CASWELL COUNTY,NORTH CAROLINA t • I PREPARED FOR: WOJEK ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, PA GREENSBORO,NORTH CAROLINA l PREPARED BN': SOUTIiEASTER\ SOIL AND ENVIROX.MEtiTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. SEPTEMBER 24, 1997 i • l qL Southeastern Soil & Environmental Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 9321 Fayetteville, NC 28311-7696 ?? Phone/Fax(910) 822-4540 (' Introduction The Burlington Industries Plant has been required by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management to conduct an engineering alternatives analysis for the disposal of 25,000 gpd of domestic wastewater. The purpose of this report is to identify on and off site soil areas that would likely be useable for wastewater irrigation. Information contained in this report will be used to conduct a cost projection analysis to determine the economic impacts of this alternative. If economic impacts of this alternative are deemed reasonable,then further site specific studies will be conducted to determine the permittability of the site according to T15A: 02H.0200. lSite Location and General Description The site is located on the corner of NC Hwy. 87 and SR 1100 just north of the Caswell/Alamance County line. A site map is enclosed which will be referred to in the . remainder of the report. The soil areas considered useable for wastewater irrigation are both cleared and wooded. The cleared areas are currently used for sludge disposal. The site topography is a combination of ridges grading through linear slopes to drainage depressions. The typical slope range is 2%to 20%(slopes considered for wastewater l irrigation was generally less that 8%). I Soils Description Hand auger borings were performed over the entire tract. The site ma see Appendix) P( PPe ) gives specific locations for soil borings and approximate areal extent of the useable area. A typical profile description and boring logs for the soil type(most like the Cecil soil series)are also included in the Appendix_ Soils typically had a surface laver 4 to 10 inches thick that was sandy loam with granular structure. The subsoil was found to have a clay texture WIth subangular blocky structure to depths of 48 to 66 inches. Below the subsoil, weathered rock (saprolite)was encountered to depths exceeding 84 inches. The estimated soil wetness depth (observed by colors of chroma 2 of less) was greater than 7 feet. I SOIL/SITE EVALUATION • SOIL PHYSICAL ANALYSIS • WETLANDS MAPPING • LANG USE/SUBDIVISION PLANNING GROUNDWATER DRAINAGE/MOUNDING • SURFACE/SUBSURFACE WASTE TREATMENT SYSTEMS, EVALUATION &DESIGN L .. r!r:�•;rv!I+sCn,VY!ef!'es!p-K^.i^e!�+y;.^,rq•, r•��y�r..........ti,;��e!.r«.-.- ....;.nrrrTrt!!t7.^':..................+te-r..� .:•:,:•:.:._• ._ .-._.. __.__ ..._ .......... .. I Site Suitability for Spray Irrigation The soils on this site are considered to have moderate infiltration with slow to moderate permeability based on texture. These soils will allow for infiltration,treatment,and,at a reasonable loading,plant uptake of nutrients supplied by the wastewater and are suitable for use with spray irrigation. Hydraulic Loading Rate(Soil Water!Characteristics Method) Factors to be considered in hydraulic loading include hydraulic conductivity, irrigation volumes and intervals between irrigation. The soils recommended for use with spray irrigation on this site are moderately well drained and will allow for wastewater applications year-round. This report will not provide a water balance, but by utilizing both in-situ conductivity data and published soil water data,we will provide an estimated monthly drainage rate. The water balance,once calculated,will provide the weekly loading rate utilizing this value(the monthly drainage rate). The objective of establishing an optimum drainage rate is to maintain good soil physical and chemical characteristics,to promote vigorous plant growth and proper assimilation of waste constituents, while at the same time applying an optimum amount of wastewater. Thus, the optimum drainage rate must be established so that the water stays within the root zone long enough for the roots and/or soil to assimilate the waste,but not so long as to inhibit plant activity. In order to determine a soils water characteristic one can field measure those properties, which is not practical. or utilize published data such as that provided in the Person Count- Soil Survey -.lune 1995. [Note: Caswell County does not have a published survey.J For the purposes of this report, we used the data published in the Soil Survey for the Cecil series. The monthly drainage rafe is determined from a combination of drainage potential at a given soil moisture tension, thickness of the surface layer,time allowed for soil re-aeration following a recharge event, and duration of a recharge event. The I amount of water lost from saturation to field capacity depends on the texture of the topsoil and subsoil. As water begins to drain down through the soil profile following rainfall or irrigation,the soil above begins to re-aerate. All of these factors must be considered to effectively determine the drainage rate expected. Generally,irrigation is accomplished in 1 to 2 hours,drainage of the soil in 3 to 5 days and re-aeration in 3 to 5 days. Based on the sandy loam to clay loam surface texture, structure and consistence,we feel that a 3.5 day cycle is appropriate for this site. Based on the soil properties observed on this site and using the data form the Soil Survey for the Cecil series,a drainage rate can be determined. The difference between the total porosity and the water lost at 50 cm soil tension is the field capacity. This amount of water could be applied and stored in the surface one foot or equal to 22%times 12 inches or 2.64 inches. This is the amount of water, if applied lower than the infiltration rate, that could be stored without runoff. However,the volume of interest is the amount that could be applied in order to supply a plant available volume to maximize plant uptake and renovation of wastewater. This is even more critical in moderate to rapidly permeable soils. The range of available water content in the surface one foot of this soil Iseries is 13%to 15%per inch. Multiplying an assumed,conservative value of 13% to the surface one foot yields a volume of approximately 1.5 inches. To complete the estimated monthly value, this value of 1.5 inches is multiplied by a ratio of a 30 day month and a 3.5 day cycle to yield a monthly drainage rate of 12.85 inches per month (151 in. annually). Although this does not give the average monthly application rate, it is the final value needed to calculate the water balance. Hydraulic Conductivity Method We perfonned several hydraulic conductivity measurements in the clay(Bt) horizon using a compact-constant-liead-permeameter. Consistently, we obtained readings in I. . I: excess of 0.06 inches per hour for this layer. This value is equivalent to 0.90 gallons per day per square foot as compared to 0.75 inches per week being equivalent to 0.07 gallons per day per square foot. In the above comparison, it can be seen that a rate of 0.75 inches per week would not hydraulically limit the sites ability to assimilate the proposed wastewater additions. j Surrounding Properties ' Although no testing was completed,a survey of surrounding properties was completed. The Caswell County Soil Conservation Service was consulted for field sheets of surrounding properties. Those properties with similar elevations and topographical conditions appear to contain similar soils. Again,no testing was completed on these properties. Further testing would be required prior to entering into any contractual obligations. IConclusions and Recommendations The hydraulic consideration for a spray irrigation system is only one part of the systems ! design. The waste constituents also require analysis to determine if hydraulics or nutrients will limit the area needed to handle the projected volume of wastewater proposed to be generated. It is,however,our professional opinion that the soils on this site should allow for effective infiltration,plant uptake and drainage at the rates we have given. Actual wastewater loading can be adjusted by the operator using a monthly balance and by applying more effluent during drought periods as well as less during stress periods. Again, this report is preliminary in nature and does not suggest or imply that further studies would conclude that the site is suitable for irrigation of wastewater. Given the information we have been provided concerning this project, as of this date, and our site and soils evaluation, we are submitting this report for your use and for review My the appropriate regulatory personnel. Sincerely, EQ SOIL's t fY! i lii �R4-- � � �r�E• Mike Eaker President `�J� 1030 ' i i Profile Description for Map Unit A This map unit consists of well drained,moderately permeable soils on upland rid es and g side slopes of the Piedmont. These soils formed in materials weathered from felsic and crystalline rocks. Slopes range from 0 to 20 percent. A-0 to 7 inches;brown(7.5YR 4/4)sandy loam; moderate medium granular structure; friable;common fine and medium roots; common fine pores; few rock fragments; abrupt smooth boundary. BE-7 to 12 inches; strong brown(7.5YR 5/6)clay loam; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; few small roots-, few fine and common medium pores; abrupt smooth boundary. • Btl - 12 to 20 inches, red (2.5YR 4/8)clay, common medium distinct red(5YR 5/8 and common medium strong brown(7.5YR 5/8)mottles; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; moderately plastic and slightly sticky; friable; few small roots; few small pores;common distinct clay films on faces of peds; gradual wavy boundary. Bt2 -20 to 43 inches; red (2.5YR 4/8)clay; common medium prominent strong brown (7.5YR 518) mottles; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; friable; moderately plastic and slightly sticky; few fine roots and pores: distinct clay films on faces of peds; grradual wavy boundary. Bt' -43 to 52 inches; red(2.5YR 4/8)clay loam. weak fine and medium subangular structure; friable. moderately plastic and slightly stick-; fear distinct clay films on faces of pods; gradual wavy boundary. C - 52 to 84 inches: reddish yellow(5YR 6.'8) fine sande loam saprolite; few coarse distinct reddish yellmv(7.5YR T6)and Iew distinct pink (7.5YR 8/4) mottles; massive; friable. • sP(L/F Y !fL�t�g TI �•�J f 17 t AOP A > 1 4k 3. •1L N. SPRAT jf4t6A�to/! � 11 rt _ �,`DEEAF1T OF ENVIRONMENT DA7E c:'AWA7ED RT HEALTH AC"TNATURAL RESOURCES PROPERTY LD. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROPERTY RECORDED ON-S;TE WASTEWATER SECTION - ;;; SITE/SOIL EVALUATION Ile FOR ON-SITE WASTE WATER (( ( pFY { APP' ;CANT ��tILi-W'elINV-ST(•>�S PHONE. APPLICATION DATE. 1111 � n ACCRESS: �t�`tRn.S'buR l u '`a T COUNTY: �iksL i Lt- PROPERTY SIZE: PROPOSED FACILTIY: i LOCATION OF SITE. LYATER SUPPLY' On-Site Well Community Public Other EVALUATION BY: Auger Boring P-,_ Cut I FACTORS PROFILES j t 2 3 T4 5 6 7 g p LANDSCAPE POSITION j 1940 f�1` (�� L< G 5 1 C C-X 'SLOPE (°�) 1940 d9-2 3 �� `� �. 4/ HORIZON i DEPTH o - Y o' • 0- a O-v ! 4' Texture Group ?941(A)(1) t;/ f/ �Cp S 'Ler- S(�+ 1 ro SL•,r G -�Lo�.i Consistence I .1941 f� C Structure I?941(A)(2) N( c•6i `! �i svl I i /K �''fi ; �• c+ Mineralogy 941(A)(3) •-CRIZON 2 DEPT-: j y. fol. 'extvre Group G1(A)(1) o1� Uur GL(4 L� ens s•ence °41 I F� 1 ,lrr I l i�1Fi � Tib r. �• � � •e 1941i .tmeralcgy 1)94 t(A)(3)I i CPc:�ON 3 DEPTH I j Sz' `(I 9'» '13`I (,0-$Y (00- 0'( Texture Grout Li 9" 3,cC fre-L StV 5 �:(� S.c( S,Gt_ I S,i L S.CC —s• � f Cons s;ence 94 13�r I STIP -r .(h l SAF SI4P S Q J� _ ' �A J i 41 r 77 I 7 / � �___._._.._ - �. _ c4 I � 7 � � 9' I '77' I y�I '77r 77' I �7 � tel' 77 ' y7. 114 -- o, 1. 0,2- �. 1- �- L U. Z o, z. 2 0. o. z 4f TE - -''`E SPACE tc:4; -- IS!"E LONG TERM --- 'OR5 ;194uj !ACCEPTANCE RATE ,-- - - -5S;FiCATION ',9481 l� --__— :S'-'STEM TYPE. 1, • OEPi+RTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT OATE=W LUATEO: - HEALTH ANO NATURAL RESOURCES PROPERTY I.O. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OF RECORDED ON-SITE WASTEWATER SECTION SITE/SOIL EVALUATION �...• FOR Zor ON-SITE WASTE WATER _ IAR?, ir�A(`' 3L.L�L.rn(�.Tonl I MOk,ST(L%f-S PHONE: APPLICATION SATE ADDRESS I COUNT! PROPERTY SIZE PROPOSED FACILTIY_ Zf OPl> .sI n O t LOCATION F SiT�: WATER SUPPLY. On-Site Well Community Public Other EVALUATION BY: Auger Boring ✓ P•: Cut l I FACTORS PROFILES ! tl 12 13 14 15 16 /' ! 18 J : Z0 ( • NDSCAPE POSITION .1940 GS �s GJ GS LS a 1940 G% $' , /,'/• 6 '. Y'/. Y'/ I t:-4 c. % 7 !SLOPE (.6) � - MORIZON DEPTH O-L /0-7 D-G O -•0 O-L o.r. p• y ! p.G. o-(� p• — I Texture Group 1941(A)(1) sLo...., C"' Sef" J Consistence I 1941 Suuc--:E r 1 Minerarogy 111941(A)(3) r.Urt.-J"N ? DEPTH 7' L-•�6 /o-jv - 60 G• YS 6-Y9 1 G- J TExT--e 5rc-.- 1)941(A)(,)! Chi. L4. U. U• G(. � I C./« Gly-_--�/•� -c-.--e �t9<t;A. �il 164 L. S I(<- -/(►/� S frk - ..fb . t.;rnera, I154t(i.li�}! S .S i ✓� 1 •(E j 1 SIE .5�-�'r ._-,5�— If r. R.�O h D E=T 1-+ I III .iO -�Y •pf .rlo J'K 1 J 6-�'`{ i (.o-�- 1 yrf.-e y r Texture 3:°up 19<t(A)('•}f S. f[( 1iC 1 L 1 J_( L J L ! S, C —3•` - J- �c:5:s:er.ce °< S�-P 1 J flP t 1A-P SA7' I IA•P 54-? .. •f R� --- — �<;, - -- -- -s P1 Al-- - -ns -- -- - OJ ll P1 P1 �1 PJ L Z L p O. L � c -- =_ — - -~----- - I S!"E LONG TERM — ,•`' t�„ 50 �� ,1°�5) iACCEPTANCE RATE -- �S !SYSTEM TYPE. �KJ SENT - - - _ c_:•...,.....�....--_.-...... .......•.,.�.......... .. .. ..-- �,_,..... .--._-_ _...�...-a,-krdr Win;_:.__-_, --------------'-"----------- -— DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT DATE _VALUATED: HEALTH AND NATURAL RESOURCES PROPERTY LD. ` DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEA ' PROPERTY RECORDED L ON-SITE WASTEWATER SECTION SITEISOIL EVALUATION - FOR 3 ON-SITE WASTE WATER LAPPLICANT �`t� ��^ Z��Kt�/1 PHONE. APP_i-_AT*1QN ADDRESS: ' COUNTY: Gccs✓c,l I PROPERTY SIZE: PROPOSED FACILTIY: -w l d LOCATION OF SITE: lJ �• t WATER SUPPLY: On-Site Well Comm ity Public Other EVALUATION 8Y: Auger 9onnS =/P•; Cu; (' FACTORS ' PROFILES yt L2 L3X4 z5 Z6 L' I 2.e Z= 30 LANDSCAPE POSITION •1940 1 GS A /' SLOPE(%) 1940 i 4 ,1. o- V, 0.3• o- %l o - '/. 'n-r'/.i o-1 J- -_3 IhORIZONIDEPTH ! 9- O- O-e .;0-/J O-IO -n- 7 11( Texture Group 1941(A)('): -r G". S Lo_' J`� -J I- Consistence I .1941 ' i Structure 1941(A)(2jl w Ii / •-� •^ w .- .,� I Mineralogy )941(A)(31 [ A) ' e1- �. ��__• �.__ I !�ORIZON2DEPTH - O A-VO -(,I P-Ge O-4•1 -7.4%, ' I Texture Group 1i1941(;, .. Grrl. i' �(-•. t� jG=• C./. Consistence _/�-(•r (�..� I_. Structure t 94 i.A) - k J O(L Sy/� ' I i& Mineralo y nORI-UN 2 1JEPTI, 'fi•.F •-IF'I f �1-d'•1 ! o- 4I6 62 P'l bo Texture Group {19:1(Ai+' f�G J, C 1.I- ! J. 0 f. GL 1. � ( 1, � i-L J , L L Consistence 194. J,4f j,¢,0 1 -r/f? dqO -j.f/° ! -rAP i JfFP_ •�4P _. JffP I/�P t - Structurr I _ I Mlneralogy onsls;ence - i ' ------ ----- St:ucture - ....::rraloyy f 7r--- - - ,- 7 , f 5C 'vE'yESS 154, i 7' j +T' 1 v7 I '7 77 7 ---- > ! ' --�� ^�- _ :;'C.ti'; _ 7 I > 7 � 7r �_� 7/ _.. - a7 I 7 - .R:C' •_ ^• c» �c=- c?p (0 vo - 1' -- P-1 PS Ps Ps P� L..,. a Z. pZ � o � ot✓ 1 taL oL at � - ,- ---=iy»J _ON1G TERM ~:.i: ANC RATE _ --- • (�..''�JSIr IC I•.T!'✓h I l -__ .S*,STEM EM 7'VP--- �IV�.__.-. ___. _•. - SE'1E__ EVALr'ATEC ?Y— -}'}- _j rP=ccyT r-- - CEPARTMENI OF ENVIRONMENT 0.A-, z•:A,..::,TEC v. HEALTH ANO NATURAL RESOURCES PRCPEn i! LC .— OIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTh PRCFER--.' RECORCc ON-SITE WASTEWATER SECTION SITE/SOIL EVALUATION FOR YoF Y ON-SITE WASTE WATER 1 �.�. _. ;+NT ��'�1„^t�+ �d�s 4✓, PHONE: AOCRESS' ,�r:r! C—W�.-••-l1 PROPERTY SIZE: PROPOSED FACILTIY _SCA??ON OF SITE. ------- :lA.ER SUPPLY :n-Site Well Community Public Other EVALUATION 8Y. r.,:^yer :enng EFACTORS PROFILES 31 32 33 ;4 35 36 3 7 3e :CSE POSITION ! 1s4o LS c Ls rCAP ! L r✓S `'� �-s -- - IT- -..— ` 5�OPE (°� 1940 i o 3 i. Y y. b'/. ? /. -C' . i S�• CR!ZON DEPTH I I O-l► 0-(' o — ------. Texture Grouc I1941(A)(1)I SL.... C�.-� �<+ (.—�- SC.� SL.—I - :nsistence ( 1941 I =. 5 ccure i 1941(A)(2)l :Mineralogy 11941(A)(3)I Alf-. fir, L. OEP"r, i b� .exlure Grouc 1)941(A)( )i U% Gil. Ll C- w s s e ce 1941 c e c• '2b,IL � SbL' 'cy� �`�n ? OEPTr U- I 3 I -8 i �' i1 -9 lip-ej '1 f44 i lute GrouF ;,i 941(A)(1,I s.L L L L. L - :o:.s s;erce-- —.194. J P 77 3S A— __----., ----- o. L o.L -k L o.L o.L o. L L t — SPAr �g tl - (ACCEPTANCE RATE --- - — ---•y4V 1V~u.U.yl _p� ISYSTEM+ PE - �.. ..:,---- ;,• -M_ 'tel._-.— -------- - -_---__=____ 001ARIMENI OF E,,vlROMNlEh1T DATE c/i.; :.icC HEALTn AND NATURAL RESOURCES PROPER-,Y :.0. c —�- CIV(SION OF ENvIR01+MENTAL HEALTH PROPER-' RECOR•.L.EC C!+-SITE WASTEWATER SECTION SITE/SOIL EVALUATION - (( FOR 3° � ON-SITE WASTEWATER 30•(11 nt� �� PHONE APP_.0 A2CRESS PROPERTY SIZE: PROPOSED FACILTIY- Cn-Sae Well Comm ity Public Otter EVALUATION BY. Auger Boring /�• -, __ ' FACTORS PROFILES -- - --- Z7 L2 L3 14 LS 2-6 L' i L8 Z -- 3J-. i_-!,NC 5 CAPE POSITION ( .1940 LS - ( 1940 1 7• o- 04' o- %1 0 1i 0-Y 0-1 / O-j1 O_3 % ;w JEpT:, i 0-1. O-<. 0- O /o 0-10 1 0- 7 0- 7 o - re. o -C II -- `cx%g0 Group I�941(A)(')I ,S • S�.r SCo -C[w� LLL or. J J(a__ ----'-_n5isltncr I .1941 _C• rC 11941(A)(2)I t,,J'� I ✓ I ..i / ..� / +�� — ,.r.�raiosy �?941(A)(3)i E A)/:,x _ ( L EPT. ! O D C�1 -�ie I /O .b L -- 7 _(00 f. 6 ,)941(A; .)I GI4 U i �• G L��' �`•••_�+/� U�r SOIL i L 1 f`� L �!/< S t/L rf�cy. ;t941;A113• s SG 1 .46-, I 1� I 1E.z VEx- fir:. ,���• ��,c yb.� .-� .. -t-�r (o- �; -f I o-A r:2 F vo k`(�r.-� S CL J. ( 1 1� C J.L 3 , L Jj L_ -J.4,0 ..si4/� 1fiP dfP I -rrP I. JAP f J P .r4P sf�P t.4� . ___ �__—.mac— _—._ __- �j41 _ i i .— I - .___•—__ - _ . 7 - - - - - --- -- o. L o. L o. o. Z O.1 i _- `�v -~u"-4°► 0 SYSTEM TYPE CAD- J-- --- - ' GTHEP.S PRESENT :.�Y•.M•k�.i{:S�..Nl:P::..•'.l' __-...—•`-f:.•_^.aSYL_'•�f�:a_•_.._...--. .. .... t.- I