HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0000019_Permit Rating Work Sheet 1983_19830406` NPDES Permit Rating Work Sheet ❑ Regular Addition `J O Discretionary Addition NPDES No.: I/ I C I U 1 v n I al ��� � no t ��— LIIstatus Facility Name: r ❑ Deletion I�I_,L_ kd r 16 1 �I _I L I L 111 C ILrzo iI-LIC -I—I CIO I( 1 I0 1 A 14 City: I_LI lAl All �tSI I_LIpNrI 6'_I Receiving Water: I!" I d I !` I r I I I I V I I K i I I I cJl I IpCI Reach Number Is this facility a steam electric power plant (SIC=4911) Is this permit for a municipal separate storm sewer with one or more of the following characteristics? serving a population greater than 700,0007 1. Power output 500 MW or greater (not using a coding pondAake) 2. A nuclear power plant ❑ YES; score is 700 (stop here) 3. Coding water discharge greater than 25% of the receiving stream's 7Q10 flow rate ❑ NO (continue) ❑ YES; score Is 600 (stop here) ❑ NO (continue) FACTOR 1: Toxic Pollutcnt Potential PCS SIC Code: I t ,� ,LI�° ILI-I Primary SIC Code: Ill 1241' Other SIC Codes I I—I_I_I_I Industrial Subcategory Code: I_I_I_I (Code 000 if no subcategory) Determine the Toxicity potential from Appendix A. ISe sun to use the TOTAL toxklty potential column and chuck one) Toxicity Group Code Points Toxklty Group Code Points Toxktty Group Code Prints U No process ( waste streams 0 0 ❑ 3. 3 15 ❑ 7. 7 35 ❑ 1 I. 5 1 ❑ 4 4 20 ❑ ❑ 8• 8 40 ❑ 2• 10 S. 5 25 ❑ ❑ 9. 9 45 6. 6 30 ❑ 10. 10 50 Code MxrkberChecked: 1—I-1 . Taal Prints Faixor'1: FACTOR-2: Flow/Stm m Flow Vdtmw (Ccrrpioto OM mw SecMon A or socuon 8: check only one) ection A —Wastewater Flow Only Considered Section 8 —Wastewater and Stream Flow Considered Was (See Inststructions ter Type Code Points Wastewater Type Percent of hstream Code Points Type I: Flow < 5 MGD (See instructlorts) ❑ 11 0 Wastewater Corxen- Plow 5 to 10 MGD ❑ 12 10 tration at Receiving Stream Lnw Flow Flow >10 to 50 MGD ❑ 13 20 Flow > 50 MGD ❑ 14 30 TYPE I/111: < 10% ❑ 41 0 Type II: Flow <1 MGD Flow 1 to S MGD ❑ 21 10 ❑ 22 2 10% to <50% ❑ 42 10 Flow >5 to 10 MGD 20 ❑ 23 30 2 5096 0 43 20 Flow >10 MCD ❑ 24 SO Type 111: Flow <1 MGD 31 0 Type M: < 10% 51 0 ❑ Flow 1 to S MGD ❑ 32 10 2 10% to <50% ❑ S2 20 Flow >S to 10 MGO ❑ 33 20 Flow >10 MGD ❑ 34 30 2 SO% ❑ 53 30 Curie ChecWed from SWson "at s: 1_- 1 ! Total Point: factor 2: LD16 I 1 As on Rorycied Piper -INPDES Permit Ratinglkork Sheet FACTOR 3: Conventional PoUutanh NPDES No.: (only when WNhd by the permit) A. oxygen Dernanding Pollutant: (ch :ck am) 0 eoD ❑ coo ❑ odw L Total Susperded Solids (iSS) —/ Perrrat Lhtoits: (�k one)tJ <100 NWday Code • 1 PORT • 0 O 100 to 1000 Wday 2 5 O 21000 to 5000 bVday 3 is O >5000 Wday 4 20 C. Nitrogen ftllutant: (dweck one) ❑ Mmora ❑ocher: Nkrogen Code Points <300 bslday 1 0 300 to1000 bs/day 2 5 >1000 to 3000 Wday 3 . 15 >3000lWday 4 20 Cade Chedoed: tQ: frofnts Siooradrf�J Tatal Prints Factor 3.4J�J FACTOR 4: h9ft HeaBh hnpac t Is d are a public drinking wann sappy located wlddn 50 m&s downstream of the effluent dtrdwrge (drh lndudes any body of water to which the nr dNng woo is a tributary)? A public ddnkfng water sapply nwy include AnNtradon gaNerks, or other methods of conveyance that ultimately get wotw !team the above odko nod supply. (If yes. check toxicity potential number below) Ld NO (If no, go to Factor S) Determine the human heofth toxldty potential frorn Appendix A. Use the same SIC code and subcategory reference as In Factor 1. (fie sure to use the human he&M tuxidty group column — dw& one below) Toxlcity Group Code Points Toxicity Group Code fbints Toxicity Group Code Points ❑ W process ❑ 3. 3 0 ❑ waste streams 0 0 ❑ 1. ❑ 4. 4 0 7. 7 is ❑ fi. a 20 1 0 ❑ 2. 2 0 Cl 5. S S ❑ 9. 9 25 ❑ 6. 6 10 ❑10. 10 30 Code Number. Chedoed:.i_I_„i . l�tal Poiritt Fastor�t l._I I . 2 ,NPDES Permit Rating VL;&rk Sheet FACTOR S: Water Quality Factors NPDES No.: I_ I_ I_I_I_I_I_I_I_f A. is (or will) one or non of the effluent discharge lbnits based on water quality factors of the recdWng stream (rodwr than technology -based federal effluent guidelines, or technology4wsed state effluent guideNnes), or has a wastdoad alloaadon been assigned to the dlscharge7 —/ Code Points id Ya 1 10 O No 2 0 fl Is the ncdving water In compBanoe with appplkabk water quality standards for pollutaannts dot an water quality Am/led In dare permit? / Code Points Or Yes 1 0 O No 2 S C Does the effluent ollscbwged IFam this fmgty exM* the reasonable potendd to vlalate Nester quality skondards due to whok effluent troaddty? Code Points 0 Yes 1 10 Ila' No 2 0 Cods Nwnbee G>rcked /Ii 1 B It C t PoNnts Factor 5 ; X E f, + 61 i + ::.. :. C t1 : . 11+nTAI, .. Ar.:4: 4rL �. rn v:Stit;;i is4;i:; .is ii.?�i:::.jvij:t!:.:....:..... rv. Ff .... .. r.......... .x.... rs...... ........ . ....... n...:..... .. FACTOR 6: Proximity to Now Coadd Wders A. Base Scots: Entry flow code hen (from Factor 2): I � I Enter the muldpllcatfon factorthot cormponds to the Now code 1 11 Check appropriate facility HM Code (from PCS).- HPRI 0 Code HPM Scorn Row COS ��attO^ Factor O t t 20 11, 31, or 41 0.00 O 2 2 0 12, 32, or 42 US O 3 3 30 13, 33, or 43 0.10 14 or 34 0.15 la' 4 4 0 21 or 51 0.10 O S S 20 22 or S2 0.30 23 or 53 0.60 HPRI code checked: I_I 24 1.00 Base Store: (HPRI Score) v x (Muitlplicstlon Factor) _ 0_ (TOTAL POMP" 6. Addldonal Points — NEP Program For a fadllty dat has an HPRI code of 3, does the facility discharge to one of the estuades enrolled In dw National Estuary Protection (NEP) program (see Instructions) or the Chesapeake Bay? Code Points VSNes 1 10 o 2 0 C Additional Points — Gnat Lakes Area of Concern For a Ibdllty that has an HPRI code of S, does d►e lbdllty dbcbarge any of dye pollutants of concern Into one of the Great Lakes' 31 areas of concern (see Instructions) Code N umber hedged: All Y IIJ C E f Points Factor 6: A I I t t i L—I OJ + C t I_I Code Points O Yes 1 10 D No 2 0 = L 1 TOTAL: 3 m' 03 rt m W µ N W w a w� O A O rt 03 FU O rt F+ p p ❑oo CO w rt m m pt v f�D � r rt rt �m F+ JM Mp y W µ v O ml r r O n 03 rt µ O p ( Technical Servi• es to Comaletel M n P rt w O rt w n W . a� t K0 o.t4 T c] p rt m 11 M A F m" w w � rt � o w a m p wW N �C V r DQ 0 n O p rt m fCD O A fD O m O w rt w qQw rtC p H m �F-h M v gO pR It CO Cr m r x � r 0 Cr rt m w ID v Fes+. d 'd .. rt m pw m M W OQ p. A O9 V mM w N O O n 00 0 N fD WO C Cr N m rt fD m �i a V N O v (Regional Mice to Co inlet ' m N FP, 'Od m w C ra w w e�• w Q maop � rt A I b 'o m � rt z O 0 d 0 w p r p IL w F+ rt rt V O n ^ ae M 0 H SL a rA w a � b y• rt O O 00 w w r O M M w n m 11 n i' b o w n 8 � � o o 1' M N A OJ h O T QQ r ,4 G P3 rt m r Q 1 N L. Li a O U r-I 71 «t 5C N � OVD m u 4.3 u a�i u a�i Cd w4 w c� v u q a� a� w au' v N .b Ai r-I 44 44 W b d u .b O 1-4 a cU A N rl .d 4! U O H L4 4J u b O 14 P. w O v E-4 (Technical Servi- es to Comaletel (Regional Mice to Co valet I'd pt 10 W fi m 0. bd �C tzp 07 rt m 7d p M 0 M W Fes+ rt 9 H- 0 n O rt P3 O µ p p to m rom m m m%.0 m 0 M m m rt PNrt C n' m w H Id C � W � 0 C. O r r O n 0 rt w 0 v M � O It rt ri w rt w n W 9 m 9 m r m C cJ _ rt m rk P VI r� m fA r Ci rt M w Oo rt w OnD 9 M rt ^0 m �e n O 0 rt • m c r -1 0 I" n w m n � a� Wrt w p m M M v tj R p m m or m N r 0 v rp m r 'd •• m p H Omo W A m9 m N m O v I v, m m hd K k m M W w O rt Fw-& m C m w w ti n 0Op to 0 P. 00 C~ w t En rt n CA m 't D m m � A Q. -�: ty fm v �d � m a • rr � � z Im CD 0 -:. o � � � a y+ m H m vwo rt r rt M w b rt H O ' O m E &4 L- O m U a, ,a cd A bo co k (L) . 00 .z cd � Cl cc u ,-i +1 0 41 u r-I N w W U a� u a, d w a W N .b Sri w w w b d U b 0 14 a O A b a� U .b O is a 41 u b 0 w a w 0 ar a H �.WA_RP.1✓NSVILLE 01 ADRANGLE I UNITED STATES 1* 'NORTH CAROLINA—ASHE CO. —DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR SPRAGUC r-J-iCC-r21C Caft1PRNy 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHICI GEOLOGICAL SURVEY LANSiMGp MeftrH CARn�iiNA F F r 4u ',81 ' 30' �56om• E. 457 ' �S %?I E 11`Of+11NT Z S l0'�3 s ` 36' 30' h :LansingSta Car S ` j', �! ✓ ( , � \ a / l� v ( N. 4-0 +/7• • ( = Cem `.1 C 11 1 \i �i f \ •f. Cem l/ 8ina. y � Nc- (� ` 1 •PMrnix `\ ' © J � , f �. 1 ice' Cern �� I`0-- t i I ,?, --..i - 1, i _ .- l ]i o� •�/-- Ok Hill tL" ofAvrt om & V — 3000 „ r r 31 ( o,Pp Cem c=— tr N ,• ram. _ _a R / t �• Cem fewADlZAni r _. / sue wsao 2 zo 9% �Zq -ysSQa F ACILITY NAME TYPE. OF WAS..fE COUNTY REGIONAL. OFFICE: F:ECE.IVING STREAM 7()10 : 41 CFS DRAINtAGE: AREA REQUEST NO. : 741 WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL.. FORM SF`RAGUE E::LEC",('RIC CO. C(:�t]!_.T.NG WATEFti p)PES Del (% e� oa3 : ASHE: WINSTON--SAL.EM RE0UESTO,, RAVE ADKINS N.FORK/NEW RIVER SUPISA'wIN : 050702 W7010 30P2 CFED h 142SQ f MI . STREAM t.,LAuJ . t RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS WASTE:F'LOW (S) (MGD) 1..0 .015 PIPES 001 AND C,03. THE: LjOIi_ (MG/L) : J L!IcCHARGE SHALL NOT CAU- NH3--N (MG/L) : THE TEMPERATURE OF RECEIVING D.O. (MG/L) : WATERS TO INCREASE BY MORE PH (SU) : u-9 THAN 2.8 C.= AteD IN 1d0 CASE TO FECAL COL.IFORM (/100ML) : EXCEED 29 C. ISS (MG/L) k n t F� O FJ I '�,Y rw.r � y ♦ C Q l OO Z �TTT TT+TT•T?•T?•�f•h T?•?TTT T T TT?TTTT�T T�TT•T •P TT�FTT•T •TTTT•TTTT TT�•TTT jP T` TT �T•TTK TTT+TTT*. T+T +TTT FACILITY IS PROPOSER ( ) EXISTING (✓ NEW ( ) LIMITS ARE : REVISION ( ) CONFIRMATION ( ) OF THOSE PRE!.:?OUSI.Y ISSUED REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED BY* MODELER SUPERVI SOR f MODEL I tNG GROUI- 1:P.E03IONAL. SUPERVI:::OR PEF;MI I S MANAGER • DATE I�i,TE : 1l � ._. .--- _�- 3 0 h 19�3 `Af�`E�, ✓, S ��A KEUTTE 1 1lbren woo. NOV WATER QUALIT%' DIM b .4 �—{ m m wW 0 bd W C7 O r rt � W 0 0 (0 (A a�aA \d �o o dm r r m m . 1 m m O O M o rt IIMO N' a ' E M n m w •� Q a G bd r O n CO 01 W � 1 R rt f� ( Technical Seri- es to Complete) ci w� 09 A m m rat • �% K W O rt W 3-1 0 a rt S-S m �e ki 0 br O O rt ,1) I .94 o O W O w n rt a� w w a m r°n b v O R O m w Cr m r r O Cr rt m r m rt W m K w QQ a o m o � V •• m -N w O O 1 O N m O C .O OO m m m 10 N O O 0 v i ( Regional Pf ice to Co i*t m H Ib m m 'Od M F4 o4W m � C R m a. w w k4 d n Oda m Oa w Cnn rt A n n d 10 v �d m Cr rt F z 0 Im C << 0 H a m m H W go r CDrt rt w �• v M n r F O v .+ m al 'd m :O m N' rt O O CNI � � O S Al c m VJ .. rt w � n c O ~' o omo � E `rtC o .. .. d V m 0 N 5L O m 0 v �E C 6�7 0 d. nA JA L V 0 d •a 0 L CL d Q L LED U) 0 U d Ato q w u �i +1 w 41 u W CO W .o W V I r� T n� a� U N 4 \ v b C,07 V 4 0 e-1 W W W b a� U .d 0 p a A a� a d U 10 0 4 u 0 b 0 H a W 0 a `ti H 1� FACILITY NAME TYPE OF WASTE COUNTY REGIONAL- OFFICE I Ei,EIVING STREAM 7`410 : 41 CFS DRAINAGE AREA l=:El1 JEtiT t�'E' . - • t W A S T E L 0 A D A L L 0 AT T. FjN r'',FPRO1 AL F0Rfl OWED offka SPRAGUE ELECTRIC CO. 'ir's oot -vo-C L%3 ELECTROPLATING 8 COOLING AclHE: WINSTON--SALEM REQUESTOR R. BAIRD r N.F. NEW R . 'SUBBAS I N : 05-07-0':: W7010 : 56 CFS 79 CFS 142 SQ.MI. c,TRtr�M CLASS .I RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS Men, I Mtiyx Movd-kly yy MaSc. R p„I. f o WASTEFLOW(S) (MCIt) : ;'..v1 LEAD 0•3 0.57 B P T (tiG/L) : 0.3. D. ��Plf NICKEL 1.26 3.51 BPT NH3-N (MG/L) : - S IL<<'ER 0 • i 0.44 BF'T Ii.O• (MGiL) : ZINC O.GO 2.64 BPT PH (SU) 6-'= �_ ��f CYANIDE 0.1S3 WQ FECAL COLIFORM (i100ML): - TTO 0.58 BPT TSS : MG L �3 u : Of / 0IL&GREA'SE 17 4. BP ; CADMIUM MG/L .13 wQ ALUMINUM 5.0 10.0 EF'A CHROMIUM MG /L : .8 2,'.87 dui COPPER MG/L : 1.09 3.7' T1je Glisc(,ara� S %•,a�/�` ►.ccs-� use c, e��tLpe_ -Ae, f/rXjrodnj� j^e_cciVjm Mcrc l'j4r.5 ' b increase, More- Than a„ 6 �, 0°4 a4v - omC0x�di4l'ollis Q AW 46111/ 3K PlaJc e xCeece FACILITY IS PROPOSED ) EXISTING LIMITS ARE REVISION ( CONFIRMATION ( ) OF THOSE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED �►K BPf REVIEWER AND RECOMMENDED rY MODELER SUPERVISORYMODELING GROUP REGIONAL SUPER' r v ID R G PERMITS MANAGER APPROVED BY CATER Q�pL1TY S pN ON OPERATIONS BR AU_ :ATE : _,L��/_ ___DATE - f -•----_RATE DIVISION DIRECTOR ----------------- �� �� DIVISION OF ENWIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 25, 1983 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Reggie Baird FROM: Mark Lewis SUBJECT: Sprague Electric - combined pipes 001-005 Ashe County A sampling of the Sprague waste lagoon conducted on August 1, 1980 indicated aluminum levels of 500 mg/1- This concentration of aluminum could be potentially toxic when rc-leased to the stream. I therefore, recommend that a reopener clause shor.ld )e included in the permit. This clause should state that the company may be required to do biomonitoring of their effluent. I have already requested that a toxicity screen be conducted on this facility. ML:cs cc: copy to circulate with approval form ,J/ DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 25, 1983 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Ken Eagleson THRU : Steve Tedder /4� FROM: Mark Lewis ���✓� SUBJECT: Potential Bioassay Sprague Electric Company 1 ' Pipes 001-005 `b In reviewing the permit for Sprague Electric (Ashe County-NC0000019), previous chemical analysis of their lagoon indicated alu;ninum levels of 500 mg/l. I feel that this facility should be investagated for toxicity. Please schedule this facility for a screen. ML:cs 001*7 • " . 4 Xr ve �1 MEMO. h i DATE:��'lyl� TO �Cr� ~ �`+� SUBJECT: �Q/i1 h cm eWo Qrvcm we C+ MI --�r4�s � a i`�+►� rit; lls s ecl us i - ex� s+I 1 ni F-E's -� 1 tk�e r t GI Z pe l i r�• ids woc,�1� l-� 6 k �o�+ o- per S need -6 laa- aA ded ow --A o e �n -� eR.�-I�e,r �e<�►� -�teY 1�a� 7 ��s�ha���s b'�'- "'o``'-i-�i� �14ve.4 , W4*"e-17) 001 ODZ 6.m been cmb+ne& iii 0o1 00+ no lan34=r Ob-j no I.nlec-�:SCh2rgC�4. -ore- oj-r, &&r a 01 j 00 3 ) 005 j 4: <004 C%r"e4A-1/vp a.0 wa,olre.s o Ara 4. I cToevt iL+ farce llets -k4\e r+ uQ r aL�6-1 cN&v j So nj-- o -S- -tko waxlz Qr�ba.b� c�ei-s 'h -t%e r� ue,r �. v,�e. �n,oQe -� C�ose-�cs 1r►�6 `7he Q .seems -la lee �r1r;neJ -�-o C wOni �l ;-Vs Qroeess w&s-+�es. '� hawa. a�4-acjnecQ s-we--� 1eyrerc-s am-k Sa \P- A4z+Q • hao. alSe, i�Clue ct. -- wS2P North Carolina Department of Natural & Economic Resources a e � v � o V• ' d Cfc c •� Lo U a 3 Q ce 1. .4 A Y - on • oil r � 1 U N J 1+ N W P4 0J b ,4 0 0 w w V ` b 0 a A. a • d u 0 b 0 w a 0 w a w 0 0 H Fit NPDES WASTE LOAD AUACAt1ON Facility.,Name: SPCL�}Gt�t� ��se�CLcc COrAAAAJK Date: ;�- _g1- Existing l rl Permit No.: IV ` 0ODDO 9 Pipe No.: �d County: Proposed Q Design CapAcity (MGD): • 01 5 Industrial (X of Flow): 100% Domestic (% of Flow)*: 0 ! o Receiving Stream: N09-19 QZ-AJ U* &LEW i?t2 Class: if C �� Sub -Basin: �.�r 0 �Yw�(oi r--�G-0Regional Officedetecea%-c USGS Quad: Plaase attach) Requestor: A(z uos (Guideline _limitations, if applicable, are to be hsted ' on , the back of this. farm:} Design Temp. i Drainage Area: Avg.'•Streamflow: 7Q10: Winter 7Q10: 30Q2: Location of D.O.minimum (miles be1Qw outfall): Slope: Velocity (fps): Kl (base e, per day, 200C): K2 (base e, per day, 200C)- Effluent Characteristics Monthly Avera a Comments I i Effluent Monthly Characteristics Average Comments Original Allocation a Revised Allocation Date(s) of Revision(s) (Please attach previous allocation) Prepared By: Reviewed By: Date: CP"Z2 P �'A gyp'{ d o x �s he For App wide Bisciargers, List Complete Weline Limitation Below drag Effluent Characteristics _ „ Daily _ ,� O �— ..,�� -• 1 • i Type of Product Produced Lbs/Day Produced Effluent Guideline Reference VICINITY MAP 1141 1210 s 0 a a in 109 Ra I 1124 109 y � �afly Rd v' Gefow S ,soon d 1119 � 742 11 ,S w -V 1 k. 742 1120- 1124 Fi GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 4,000' 4,000' 0 4,000' FIGURE 1 CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG UTILITIES 503 LAND APPLICATION PROGRAM The compliance boundary is established either 250 ft from the residuals application area or 50 feet wifhir MECKLENBURG COUNTY the property boundary, whichever is closest to the application area. The review boundary is establishe WQ0000057 midway between the compliance boundary and the perimeter of the residuals application area. AM locations are approximate. LOCATION MAP FOR SITES NC-AN4XWX & 07 n =:. CD K an MM r rl Mf+H 1� rt I H ae: �oCa zrmmM 11 rmp 11 x m �pyo: •pn K� �rin 1 � i rrr n t9: ,Y M W 3 �o H ^7 1 rC fC I H r r o ft Co hi M 1 1 Nz [1 /Q'1 p, r H o ff y r I\\ 1 m N r n r'0 B B to . �^yrr f o 1 zz m C i�'m Apo qr rH M .ij rt O M H M t+ z; C is O M �6y 7C z y 0C ►' z O � 1 'tO711ii[`7 H �ro H'HC] 1 1 rF•rMF+.r..r.��P a. tt�� �,oro1000 i '►.-yyp H zppHO90o Oi�ir = rr011 B a e B 9 8 8 p rp»» a�p'1 k+ N � H 6z] "roA 7H•,�o N 6I � O f1 3•� � .07 7 7 7 .07 .07 7 O � 0 KoOzer+nMnK�rKKyy�� y CE, r r z o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S �73yd � n� n � 7 0� N M M M N N t'• C tN! eN9 R7 m to 'Mm z•pp M N t�7 ((M�� y nNzyNH �O T. ! OO 1 •C HHO �zIR �� N H t'm9 O• G q d I It \ zMrxin axe �g c jtt"D ZO r C 1 W m •• \ bM S N o ryp �H1 7MD ;�.�y7• n ct •• » M H Y t7 W H O PIN lb ! m o o F- ~ 0 00 >r HH M i ►0-r M N i •�yC+ I � y� H t N� p3 A N I p I 0 M M 0 0 �'1 w ' !'� � tz•1 ry�y MM ?C O 'O Gz1 � N 1 1 I ���!!!1y 8 y3 •Y r 8i� tr1 ^f tr�p z O n I I N Rq � 9 K m •• r ' 1 1� m co o P. N o� /V C ci H n W ^� J V 0 WARRENSVILLE QUADRANGLE �y����� .,' NORTH CAROLINA—ASHE CO. NAC 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) PGL e a a 194 13 MJ. TO U.S. 58 81 ° 30' it 32'30" t 52 53 1 260000 FEET 54 )/STURGILLS 4.7 Mi. 36030' .'ill j ��� r'L4 mg� (( �n •� i' `! °\ I offing_$ c po �7 j= o4038 - "d �-� L� �2 �• \����i 1 hceCh �rA�ut F-\-sc- C_ CO. r /V if owl 41 001 97 +Grave 1000000 �. — -��� ( yy4 �h� • `c� / 1 FEET 4036 cem -_- 'TO) r 1. �� 11 • (� �� \ �� 40 35 .mo_ \° o '• \�� %'- ° 17-1 r = � l o � j" 4034 Nvy/�a v � � •' oNrJ MEOI.� � a, / f-11 � � \���� ��7�� ')�1\�� _ :;• � _ �t o1 `. - -�ti ill �ru, ��r� 1'1111$�� 'r. I." j Discharge Number 001, formerly 001 & 002, (manufacturing areas) .750 MGD This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water from electro-coating process machines and related process equipment plus small amounts of process wastes from the cleaning and coating applications, air condition condensate, boiler blowdown, and water dionization plant discharge from regeneration stream. This discharge consists of Discharges 001 and 002 on the EPA issued permit. Discharge Number 003 (manufacturing areas). This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water plus wash water used to clean completed capacitors, and air condition condensate. Discharge Number 005 (etch house). .500 MGD ,This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water from various etching and cleaning operations,and contact rinse water. The discharge consists of acids-, alkalies, sodium chloride (brime), etched aluminum by-products, and cleaners. The majority of the aluminum removed from the foil during the anodizing operations is precipitated out and then vacuum filtered from the brine. Brine is re -used and the aluminum precipitate is sold to another company that converts it to alum. Discharge Number 006 (sanitary flows plus cafeteria). .018MGD The sanitary waste treatment facility is an 18,000 GPD plant consisting of a bar screen Imhoff tank, dosing tank with dual alternating siphons, dual sand filters, sludge drying beds with return for bed effluent, a chlorination system and flow measurement. Discharge Number 007, formerly water plant filter backwash, (fire pump test water only). The fire pump is operated to assure that it will function properly during emergencies. Water is merely withdrawn from the river and then returned directly with no treatment. Lagoon Holding System (no direct discharge). Wastewater from the etching areas and coating areas are discharged into a dual lagoon system at the rate of approx. 30 GPM. The primary lagoon (upper) receives all waste deemed inappropriate for direct discharges to the New River. No oils are put into the lagoon by intent. Precipitates settle out and wastes tend to equalize. During extremely wet weather, several siphons are used , to releave high water levels in the upper lagoon to a lower lagoon. The wastewater either evaporates from the lagoons or flows through the solids under them. When the lagoons become full of solids, they have been drained, allowed to set up and then stabilized or covered. -Vi1 r &-U N.C. Dept. NRCD MAY 15 1990 Winston-F^I'm Regional Oitice Request No.: 5500 ------------------- WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM ------------------- Facility Name: NPDES No.: Type of Waste: Status: Receiving Stream: Classification: Subbasin: County: SPRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY NC0000019 (PIPE 001) 100% INDUSTRIAL EXISTING RENEWAL W/ MODIFICATION NORTH FORK NEW RIVER C 050702 Drainage ASHE Summer Regional Office: WSRO Winter Requestor: SHANKLIN Average Date of Request: 11/30/89 Quad: B12NE area: 142.00 sq mi 7Q10: 41.00 cfs 7Q10: 56.00 cfs flow: 240.00 cfs 30Q2: 79.00 cfs -------------------- RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS -------------------------- DAILY DAILY Wasteflow (mgd): 0.500 AVG. MAX. BOD5 (mg/1) : monitor 0 & G (mR/1) : _ _ _ Z6 52 TSS (ug/1) : monitor TTO (mg/1) : monitor Cadmium (ug/1): monitor Temperature (C)' monitor Chromium (ug/1): monitor Cyanide (ug/1): monitor Copper (ug/1): monitor i ~A Lead (ug/1) : monitor D Nickel (ug/1): monitor MAY 7 Zsy� Silver (ug/1) : monitor Zinc (ug/1) • monitor Toxicity Testing Req.: N PER44!TS& EJGIt�EFR!!y� ---------------------------- MONITORING ------------------------------------- Upstream (Y/N): Y Location: 100 ft.above outfall Downstream (Y/N): Y Location: 300 ft. below outfall ----------------------------- COMMENTS -------------------------------------- *NOTE: WASTEFLOW AND 0&G LIMITS HAVE BEEN REVISED PER WSRO RECOMMENDATION. REVISED LIMITS AND MONITORING RECOMMENDED BASED ON SPRAGUE DIVERTING PROCESS WATER FROM OUTFALL 001 TO ONSITE LAGOON SYSTEM. PROCEDURE TO BE COMPLETED BY APRIL 30, 1990. TECH SUPPORT RECOMMENDS THAT GROUNDWATER BE NOTIFIED OF LAGOON SYSTEM SO THAT APPROPRIATE REVIEWS CAN BE CONDUCTED BY THEIR SECTION. RECOMMEND INSTREAM MONITORING FOR TEMPERATURE. THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EFFLUENT SHALL BE SUCH AS NOT TO CAUSE AN INCREASE IN THE TEMPERATURE OF THE RECEIVING STREAM OF MORE THAN 2.8 DEGREES C AND IN NO CASE CAUSE THE AMBIENT WATER TEMPERATURE TO EXCEED 29 DEGREES C. EFFLUENT MONITORING FOR METALS AND OTHER CONSTITUENTS SHOULD BE ONCE PER MONTH FOR ONE YEAR TO SEE IF STILL PRESENT IN DISCHARGE FROM OUTFALL 001. ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Recommended by: '" I Date: f 6 Reviewed by Tech Support Supervisor: ( Ct�6�� Date: 5 %d S U v Regional Supervisor: Cam,- Date: S -/ .S - 1 D Permits & Engineering: Date: A; RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: JUN 08 1990 Z'I �..di 30,C,t r. VLLD "tL� 4u-tL4 Ir U TU co vK� 6ljk� e)-m U �aw u-e d "af vv1 -f ov CG� coo u� v�x� OSPRAGUESPRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY . - THE MARK OF RELIABILITY Box 1, Sprague Road, Lansing, North Carolina 28643-9503 Tel.919/384-2551 FAX 919/384-3721 May 2, 1990 Mr. Jule Shanklin Environmental Engineer State of North Carolina Divison of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 Subject: NPDES Application NPDES No. 0000019 Dear Mr. Shanklin, Per our discussion of this morning, please change our discharge limits for outfall 001 from .750 MGD to .500 MGD. We are looking forward to receiving our new permit in July. Sincerely T.M. Miller Chemical Engineer c7A! WIP0 0.5070 Z w �i, °�- ��- cis— �- - ��� �/ �`•� c4r /w 17ij-3sy- zss/ Request No.: 5500 ------------------- WASTELOAD ALLOCATION APPROVAL FORM ------------------- Facility Name: SPRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY NPDES No.: NC0000019 (PIPE 001) Type of Waste: 100% INDUSTRIAL Status: EXISTING RENEWAL W/ MODIFICATION Receiving Stream: NORTH FORK NEW RIVER Classification: C Subbasin: 050702 Drainage area: 142.00 sq mi County: ASHE Summer 7010: 41.00 cfs Regional Office: WSRO Winter 7Q10: 56.00 cfs Requestor: SHANKLIN Average flow: 240.00 cfs Date of Request: 11/30/89 30Q2: 79.00 cfs Quad: B12NE -------------------- RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS-------------------------- Wasteflow (mgd) : BOD5 (mg/1) : TSS (ug/1) : Cadmium (ug/1) : Chromium (ug/1) : Copper (ug/1) : Lead (ug/1) : Nickel (ug/1) : Silver (ug/1) : Zinc (ug/1) : -0. 'ISO n/t/V monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor monitor 0 & Gf1T': TTO (mg/1) Temperature (C) Cyanide (ug/1) : DAILY DAILY AVG. MAX. Z�- Z2 '' monitor monitor monitor Toxicity Testing Req.: N ---------------------------- MONITORING ------------------------------------- Upstream (Y/N): Y Location: 100 ft.above outfall Downstream (Y/N): Y Location: 300 ft. below outfall ----------------------------- COMMENTS -------------------------------------- REVISED LIMITS AND MONITORING RECOMMENDED BASED ON SPRAGUE DIVERTING PROCESS WATER FROM OUTFALL 001 TO ONSITE LAGOON SYSTEM. PROCEDURE TO BE COMPLETED BY APRIL 30, 1990. TECH SUPPORT RECOMMENDS THAT GROUNDWATER BE NOTIFIED OF LAGOON SYSTEM SO THAT APPROPRIATE REVIEWS CAN BE CONDUCTED BY THEIR SECTION. RECOMMEND INSTREAM MONITORING FOR TEMPERATURE. THE TEMPERATURE OF THE EFFLUENT SHALL BE SUCH AS NOT TO CAUSE AN INCREASE IN THE TEMPERATURE OF THE RECEIVING STREAM OF MORE THAN 2.8 DEGREES C AND IN NO CASE CAUSE THE AMBIENT WATER TEMPERATURE TO EXCEED 29 DEGREES C. EFFLUENT MONITORING FOR METALS AND OTHER CONSTITUENTS SHOULD BE ONCE PER MONTH FOR ONE YEAR TO SEE IF STILL PRESENT IN DISCHARGE FROM OUTFALL 001. Recommended by: mite : 3/Z°/ 50 Reviewed by Tech Support Supervisor: Date: Regional Supervisor: Permits & Engineering: RETURN TO TECHNICAL SERVICES BY: Date: Date: `{SPRAGUE MARK Of OEuuwrr SPRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY Box 1, Sprague Road, Lansing, North Carolina 28643-9503 Tel. 919/384-2551 FAX 919/384-3721 March 1, 1990 i Ms. Jackie Nowell F" O"IVED N.C. Divison of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street MAR 6 1990 Raleigh, N. C. 27611 TECHNICAL SUPPORT BRANCH Dear Jackie, in response to our telephone conversa3ion of March 14, 1990, attached are test results from a lagoon sample taken in the fall of 1989. An EP toxicity test was performed on the liquid sample and showed amounts of toxic metals to be well below the "hazardous waste" level. We do not have a permit to discharge from this impoundment into either surface or groundwater. However, as I mentioned, I am in the early stages of trying to get a land application permit for this waste stream. This will involve testing for total solids, TOC, COD, Na, S(-2), Mg, phenol, total coliforms, Al, pH, BOD, Cl(-), P, HCO3(-), NO3(-), total trihalomethanes, total halogenated compounds, and TDS. Also, the pp?cess water in outfall 001 should be eliminate y the end of April -as pointed out in the letter to Jule Shanklin on Februar--y 3�, 1990. We hope�hat fFiis w--T1 allow us a more favorable permit for this discharge. Sincerely, SPRAGUE ELECTRIP COMPANY vV l Mickey -Willer Chemical Engineer attachments(2) cc: B.L.Barker - Sprague R.J.Watson - Sprague WSRO 9 SPECIALTIES ATS LAB DRAWER 939, JAMESTOWN, NC 27282 DATA REPSOraaue Electric Plant Lansing, NC 28643 Sample Information Sample Date 10/17/89 Re Report Date td 1/4/90 Parameters Units Conci oundmen Conc. Conc. Conc. Color 95031 Total Residue 9508 mg/1 Total Suspended Residue 9510 mg/1 Total Dissolved Residue 9509 mg/1 Fecal Coliform Bacteria 9530 /100m1 B.O.D., 5 day 9541 mg/1 Chemical Oxygen Demand 9543 mg/1 Kjeldahl Nitrogen 9517 mg/1 Ammonia Nitrogen 95161 mg/1 Phosphorus, Total (As P) 9521 mg/1 Detergents (MBAS) 9538 mg/1 Sulfide 9527 mg/1 Oil and Grease 9535 mg/1 Phenols 9537 µg/1 Phenols (CHCL3 Ext. Method) 9598 µg/1 Residual Chlorine 9500 mg/1 Aluminum 9546 99/1 Cadmium 95521 99/1 Chromium 9554 µ911 Copper 9557 µ9/1 Iron 9558 99/1 Lead 9559 µg/1 Mercury 9562 49/1 Nickel 9564 99/1 Silver 9567 µg/1 Tin 9570 µ9/1 Zinc 9572 µg/1 Hexavalent Chromium (MIBK Ext.) 9590 µg/1 Dissolved Oxygen 9504 mg/1 EP Toxicity ea ate ProcedureX Metals x pH 9505 Flow Rate MGD Discharge Number Water Temperature Sample Time Period (Composites only) Sample Time (Grab Samples) Lab Sample Number Lbs./Day (From mg/1) = Concentration x 0.0083 x Flow (in thousand gallons/day). Lbs./Day (From µg/1) = Concentration x 0.0000083 x Flow (in thousand gallons/day). MGD=Million Gallons Day Remarks: Samples Collected by, PS-36.8614 8 REV. 5/83 Requested By Order * . l SPRAGUE ELECTRIC Resultsr #98214 ,. ti•" r ry w A. r i Total Aluminum (ppm) Y, <1 k ,. .` Total Barium (ppm) .:�. <1 r j ,T` Total Cadmium (ppm) <0.04 •i, �,• :r r - .. , Total Chromium . (ppm) <0.1 ," �, K ' ;. I Total Lead (ppm) 0.13 0 Total Silver (ppm) <0.1_ Total Mercury -(ppm) <0.0005 .. .1 s• " Total Arsenic (ppm)- ' Total Selenium' (ppm) 0.009 ,• ..., .. , ,I - 1. . r' F. _ •.•1 1 �,t ^' ' ' - 1., I _,yam'••' . - L, .f ••'J_ { �• • .P' Jl .' r � w f , .. r,- it . ! iP. _ _ L . .� OL n y • .• f _- •.� � + r'-, '. �' A •r �. , ti. Ills � .., -_ .. - ` • - I _ � • ; r•� _ .yF, r _ ,•1 / _ ..�—. -7 _ �' -• �• h J ` •M {' L-Y�lG. 1L �� f-i'L'iL - •f ,, . ._ ate, _ {./�• _f. yam+_ 1. h 'i• . .YJ5 +:i y'4--' . - z� os070 z pv / c)03 00 f d ao 6 . / /v Igo, ,os �,�,, ,o�,,�,,,-• � �- •1, .� AEe2..� Aoe b 3 l/ YAr a 5 (.211,11� 0 L —ell abi 7� 7� -64 e 7�4_, � Y r NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION PERMIT NO.: NC0000019 PERMITTEE NAME: Sprague Electric Company Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal with Modification Major Minor -q Pipe No.: 003 Design Capacity: Domestic (% of Flow): 0 Industrial (% of Flow): 100 Comments: `,_ , n 1 �2� c�`�'�-- Ci 2 3- 4 STREAM INDEX: 10-24 12 ) RECEIVING STREAM: North Fork New River Class: C Sub -Basin: 05-07-02 Reference USGS Quad: B 12NE, Warrensville (please attach) County: Ashe Regional Office: Winston-Salem Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 8/31/89 Treatment Plant Class: I Classification changes within three miles: Class C to Virginia Line - in excess of 20 miles. Requested by: Prepared by- 2-1- To Jule Shanklin * . %%o,"4 Date: 11/29/89 Date: S /d 9 Date:.5- Lq d Modeler Date Rec. # Siwnt d Il 30 04 6561 4 Drainage Area (miZAvg. Streamflow (cfs): .240 7Q10 (cfs) 91 Winter 7Q10 (cfs) .5�6 30Q2 (cfs) 79 Toxicity Limits: IWC % Acute/Chronic Instream Monitoring: Parameters �-• .<- ff i�+�*✓ Upstream Y Location �460. a,P-. Downstream Y Location Effluent Characteristics Summer Winter BOD5 (mg/1) NH3-N (mg/1) D.O. (mg/1) TSS (mg/1) F. Col. (/100 ml) pH (SU)etc diS't S�� .v covrE : t.�►c••r •c Discharge Number 001, formerly 001 & 002, (manufacturing areas) .750 MGD This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water from electro-coating process machines and related process equipment plus small amounts of process wastes from the cleaning and coating applications, air condition condensate, boiler blowdown, and water dionization plant discharge from regeneration stream. This discharge consists of Discharges 001 and 002 on the EPA issued permit. Discharge Number 003 (manufacturing areas). This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water plus wash water used to clean completed capacitors, and air condition condensate. Discharge Number 005 (etch house). .500 MGD This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water from various etching and cleaning operations.and contact rinse water. The discharge consists of acids, alkalies, sodium chloride (brime), etched aluminum by-products, and cleaners. The majority of the aluminum removed from the foil during the anodizing operations is precipitated out and then vacuum filtered from the brine. Brine is re -used and the aluminum precipitate is sold to another company that converts it to alum. Discharge Number 006 (sanitary flows plus cafeteria). .018MGD The sanitary waste treatment facility is an 18,000 GPD plant consisting of a bar screen Imhoff tank, dosing tank with dual alternating siphons, dual sand filters, sludge drying beds with return for bed effluent, a chlorination system and flow measurement. Discharge Number 007, formerly water plant filter backwash, (fire pump test water only). The fire pump is operated to assure that it will function properly during emergencies. Water is merely withdrawn from the river and then returned directly with no treatment. Lagoon Holding System (no direct discharge). Wastewater from the etching areas and coating areas are discharged into a dual lagoon system at the rate of approx. 30 GPM. The primary lagoon (upper) receives all waste deemed inappropriate for direct discharges to the New River. No oils are put into the lagoon by intent. Precipitates settle out and wastes tend to equalize. During extremely wet weather, several siphons are used to releave high water levels in the upper lagoon to a lower lagoon. The wastewater either evaporates from the lagoons or flows through the solids under them. When the lagoons become full of solids, they have been drained, allowed to set up and then stabilized or covered. WARRENSVILLE QUADRANGLE lly1y�� NORTH CAROLINA—ASHE CO. uQ5 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) `Gl /—'� 13 Ml. TO U.S. 81"30' it 32'30" 452 453 1 260000 FEET 454 Ira' �STU.4GILLS 4.7 36.30' S P�1S�r1G AS �'_uV�� �11�� •Q ^ \ \ •, �� •�L lri V v� p.tl °L°n Bra r ��1 i L�gp(, "� A 1, Ao�ti1 0� 1-A�JS�NC� g% ji �n1 WTP a / hem �// on li I r _ ✓v. 2� -� �194 4038 -Bins. PhceCh r� G 1 ��` - \ h �rA9uE ODL J i; Grave C� _ l = 1 000 000 FEET ` 4036 C z,Cem �-.1 Northw3t 4035 ViHigl a nsvllle �� 11 ��� 27'30„ ',� den, %� � � � - _ ! ` � � _J `\�� � P, •�.— . .. . i D 4034 Discharge Pipe 003 This discharge consists of: non -contact cooling water from process pumps that pump electrolyte such as dimethyl formamide. Currently all process water is stored in a tank and hauled away, but thw facility may use this pipe to discharge wash water and other process water from manufacturing. Discharge Pipe 005 This discharge connection was removed and plugged with concrete. This discharge should be removed from the permit per request of Mr. Dean Hovermale, Safty/Env. engineer. Discharge Pipe 006 This is a 18,000 gpd Imhoff tank with sandfilters that discharges domestic waste from the company. A kitchen, which has a grease trap, discharges into this system. Discharge Pipe 007 This system takes in water from the river and sends it through a sandfilter. The overflow from the sandfilters is discharged from this pipe. The filtered water is used for non -contact cooling water and boiler blowdown, which is discharged in pipe 003. Per- request- of United- Chemi-Con contingent pipe 005 should be' removed from tne"'perinit Iddition; this offige r�,ecommends a-- �_ ... , toxicity limit be added to the.permit:for—outfalls 001,_003, 006. We recommend this NPDES permit request be renewed with thesery modifications. 11 "NWWV� SignatuVe of report preparer Date Water Quality Regio NPDES Permit Staff Report Version 10/92 Supervisor Date t31ZNG' Page 5 PERMIT NO.: NC0000019 PERMITTEE NAME: Sprague Electric Company Facility Status: Existing Permit Status: Renewal with Modification Major Minor Pipe No.: NPDES WASTE LOAD�I.LOCATION 0057 (C-4-cu 06'.06 Design Capacity: 0.5 OOHGO Domestic (% of Flow): 0 Industrial (% of Flow): 100 Comments: 4 STREAM INDEX: 10-24 121 RECEIVING STREAM: North Fork New River Class: C Sub -Basin: 05-07-02 Reference USGS Quad: B 12NE, Warrensville (please attach) County: Ashe Regional Office: Winston-Salem Regional Office Previous Exp. Date: 8/31/89 Treatment Plant Class: I Classification changes within three miles: Class C to Virginia Line - in excess of 20 miles. Requested by: Prepared by: Reviewed b�, Jule Shanklin Ay_ h ".A Date: 11/29/89 Date: 5 A/ qo Date: - a l G C Modeler Date Rec. # JM/J �\ 3� 0q SSoZ Drainage Area (mil ) /42 Avg. Streamflow (cfs): Z70 7Q10 (cfs) 9/ Winter 7Q10 (cfs) 5 6 30Q2 (cfs) 7 9 Toxicity Limits: IWC !•P % Acut hron' Instream Monitoring: Parameters e Co Cu �, 1 c 2-J cly fjY W a/., Gi,,Je Upstream y Location Downstream \% Location -70 i"I'., v•� ------------- ------ RCCC14MMFM EFFLUENT LIMITS DAILY DAILY• DAILY DAILY AVG. MAX. AVG. MAX. Wasteflow (mgd): 0.50 0.50 (BPT) Zinc (ug/1): 1480 2610 (BPT) Cadmium (ug/1): 260 690 (BPT) Cyanide(ug/1): 510 1200 (WQ) Chromium (ug/1): 1710 2770 (BPT) TTO (ug/1): 2130 (BPT) Copper (ug/1): 2070 3380 (BPT) 0 & G (mg/1): 26 52 (BPT) Lead (ug/1): 430 690 (BPT) TSS (mg/1): 31 60 (BPT) Nickel (ug/1): 2380 3980 (BPT) Al (ug/1): 5000 10000 (EPA) Silver (ug/1): 240 430 (BPT) TRC (ug/1): 200 200 (EPA) Toxicity Testing Req.: QUARTERLY CHRONIC/CERIODAPHNIA @ 1.8% MONITORING Upstream (YIN): Y Location: SR1659 Downstream (YIN): Y Location: 300 FT BELOW OUTFALL (BELOW PIPE 007) -------------------------- COMMENTS -------- ------------------------ **pH a 6-9 SU** RECOMMEND INSTREAM MONITORING FOR CADMIUM, CHROMIUM, COPPER, LEAD, NICKEL, SILVER, ZINC, CYANIDE, OIL & GREASE, TSS, AND ALUMINUM. WARRENSVILLE QUADRANGLE kcD1C4�� NORTH CAROLINA—ASHE CO. NP5 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) QE' 3 Boae54 1904 �•\L13 �MI GTo US 58 81 ° 30 32'30" 152 531260000 FEET STUR ILLS 4 ; MI. 36 °30' 31ing �AUS�aG �. ti oLong,Bi — 11 �� ,�' Ipl o� t �•� O ' •• i� \ou11% o� �ANS�NCr zsor W h1TP —tea �fhE_ •y 1`�� /, R- E'�E� K "A P 10 00 If I 038 .-Bina. •Ashle �� f .194 .Phoen x /� 1(\�ll ` Ch �YA�v t —,LE �I lA . \�) 1 - �� ��� • •1 �� III �l v �'. 1 �I� . - \\\ x."�;� 00! /! \• �11 `\ 0011 Cem 1 ij --� l / 1 r � � ; 11 - t rave 1000000 FEET \ c •� W \ � — / �� •I\Y •l o �-,Cem 683 •ri 10 : �/ L�0� !/O�J i��/ " _ 1 . v" North� st 70 1035 2800-- — f 4034 Sovko t Discharge Number 001, formerly 001 & 002, (manufacturing areas) .750 MGD This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water from electro-coating process machines and related process equipment plus small amounts of process wastes from the cleaning and coating applications, air condition condensate, boiler blowdown, and water dionization plant discharge from regeneration stream. This discharge consists of Discharges 001 and 002 on the EPA issued permit. Discharge Number 003 (manufacturing areas). This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water plus wash water used to clean completed capacitors, and air condition condensate. Discharge Number 005 (etch house). .500 MGD This discharge consists of non -contact cooling water from various etching and cleaning operations -and contact rinse water. The discharge consists of acids, alkalies, sodium chloride (brime), etched aluminum by-products, and cleaners. The majority of the aluminum removed from the foil during the anodizing operations is precipitated out and then vacuum filtered from the brine. Brine is re -used and the aluminum precipitate is sold to another company that converts it to alum. Discharge Number 006 (sanitary flows plus cafeteria). .018MGD The sanitary waste treatment facility is an 18,000 GPD plant consisting of a bar screen Imhoff tank, dosing tank with dual alternating siphons, dual sand filters, sludge drying beds with return for bed effluent, a chlorination system and flow measurement. Discharge Number 007, formerly water plant filter backwash, (fire pump test water only). The fire pump is operated to assure that it will function properly during emergencies. Water is merely withdrawn from the river and then returned directly with no treatment. Lagoon Holding System (no direct discharge). Wastewater from the etching areas and coating areas are discharged into a dual lagoon system at the rate of approx. 30 GPM. The primary lagoon (upper) receives all waste deemed inappropriate for direct discharges to the New River. No oils are put into the lagoon by intent. Precipitates settle out and wastes tend to equalize. During extremely wet weather, several siphons are used to releave high water levels in the upper lagoon to a lower lagoon. The wastewater either evaporates from the lagoons or flows through the solids under them. When the lagoons become full of solids, they have been drained, allowed to set up and then stabilized or covered.