HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0004961_RBSS_SARP_Rev0_Appx B_20161219Amec Foster Wheeler Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. December 2016 Duke Energy Coal Combustion Residuals Management Program Riverbend Steam Station Site Analysis and Removal Plan Revision 0 APPENDIX B: TABLES AND SELECT FIGURES FROM COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT (HDR, 2015a) AND CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN - PART 1 & PART 2 (HDR, 2015b and HDR, 2016)    7DEOHV      Table 1-1. Comparison of Sampling Data to Federal and State Regulatory Standards Sample Media Regulatory Criteria Administrative Code/ Regulatory Citation Ash NC Industrial and Protection of Groundwater PSRGs NCDENR Division of Waste Management* Soil NC Industrial and Protection of Groundwater PSRGs NCDENR Division of Waste Management Partially Weathered Rock/Bedrock NC Industrial and Protection of Groundwater PSRGs NCDENR Division of Waste Management Groundwater NC Groundwater Quality Standards and IMAC** 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Porewater NC Groundwater Quality Standards 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Seeps NC Groundwater Quality Standards 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Surface Water NC Surface Water and Wetland Standards 15A NCAC 02B .0202 Notes: *Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to The Groundwaters of North Carolina, lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 2L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs noted in this report are for reference only. ** Preliminary health-based soil remediation goals (PSRGs) have been adapted from the January 2015 USEPA Regional Screening Tables (RSL.) Table 2-1. NPDES Groundwater Monitoring Requirements Well Nomenclature Constituents and Parameters Frequency Monitoring Wells: MW -7SR, MW-7D, MW-8S, MW-8I, MW-8D, *MW-9, *MW-10, MW- 11SR, MW -11DR, *MW-13, MW-14, MW-15 Antimony Chromium Nickel Thallium February, June, October Arsenic Copper Nitrate Water Level Barium Iron pH Zinc Boron Lead Selenium Cadmium Manganese Sulfate Chloride Mercury TDS Note: Monitoring wells marked with * are located inside of the compliance boundary. Ta b l e 2 - 2 . E x c e e d a n c e s o f 2 L S t a n d a rd s a t C o m p l i a n c e W e l l s ( M a r c h 2 0 1 1 – J u n e 2 0 1 5 ) Pa r a m e t e r Ch r o m i u m Ir o n Ma n g a n e s e pH An t i m o n y Un i t s μ g/ L μ g/ L μ g/ L SU μ g/ L 2L S t a n d a r d 10 30 0 50 6. 5 - 8 . 5 1* * We l l I D Ra n g e o f E x c e e d a n c e s MW - 7 S R 14 44 5 – 5 3 2 54 – 3 0 4 5. 0 – 5 . 4 No E x c e e d a n c e s MW - 7 D No E x c e e d a n c e s No E x c e e d a n c e s No E x c e e d a n c e s 5. 5 – 5 . 8 1. 0 4 MW - 8 S No E x c e e d a n c e s No E x c e e d a n c e s 55 – 1 4 4 4. 3 – 5 . 2 No E x c e e d a n c e s MW - 8 I No E x c e e d a n c e s 43 6 – 2 , 5 1 0 52 – 1 6 8 5. 7 – 6 . 4 No E x c e e d a n c e s MW - 8 D No E x c e e d a n c e s 65 8 – 4 , 1 6 0 74 – 6 2 2 6. 3 – 6 . 5 No E x c e e d a n c e s MW - 9 * No E x c e e d a n c e s 34 1 – 1 , 9 5 0 62 – 8 7 5. 8 – 6 . 4 No E x c e e d a n c e s MW - 1 0 * No E x c e e d a n c e s 30 1 – 9 2 1 67 – 3 5 5 4. 8 – 5 . 4 No E x c e e d a n c e s MW - 1 1 S R No E x c e e d a n c e s No E x c e e d a n c e s 59 5. 6 – 5 . 8 No E x c e e d a n c e s MW - 1 1 D R No E x c e e d a n c e s No E x c e e d a n c e s 51 – 1 0 3 5. 6 - 5 . 9 No E x c e e d a n c e s MW - 1 3 * No E x c e e d a n c e s 7, 6 9 0 – 3 7 , 7 0 0 8, 0 7 0 – 1 0 , 5 0 0 5. 8 – 6 . 3 No E x c e e d a n c e s MW - 1 4 No E x c e e d a n c e s 36 9 – 9 3 5 56 – 3 5 3 No E x c e e d a n c e s No E x c e e d a n c e s MW - 1 5 No E x c e e d a n c e s 39 9 - 4 6 5 52 – 8 6 5. 1 – 5 . 2 No E x c e e d a n c e s No t e s : Mo n i t o r i n g w e l l s m a r k e d w i t h * a r e l o c a t e d i n s i d e o f t h e c o m p l i a n c e b o u n d a r y . ** A n t i m o n y c o n c e n t r a t i o n i s a n I n t e r i m M a x i m u m A l l o w a b l e C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( I M A C ) , a s l i s t e d i n 1 5 A N C A C 0 2 L . 0 2 0 0 . Table 2-3. Summary of Onsite Environmental Incidents NCDENR Incident # Year Reported Location of Incident Impacted Media Brief Description Status 3704 1988 At retired combustion turbine units Soil/ Groundwater Release of #2 fuel oil from underground piping associated with combustion turbine system Approximately 1,400 gallons of free product recovered. Free product recovery no longer occurs Semi-annual groundwater monitoring with plans to excavate soils following combustion turbine demolition in 2015 Most wells are now closed per NCDENR approval 3736 1988 Along fuel oil piping route to former combustion turbine units Soil Fuel oil, no estimate of release Closed in 1997 3875 1995 At 4.25M gallon AST Soil Fuel oil from underground pipe to AST; Contaminated soil was removed No documented closure but no work ongoing; AST to be demolished in 2015 Note: 1. Information regarding onsite environmental incidents provided by Duke Energy. Table 3-1. Range (10th percentile – 90th percentile) in Bulk Composition of Fly Ash, Bottom Ash, Rock, and Soil (Source: EPRI 2009a) Ta b l e 4 - 1 . P u b l i c a n d P r i v a t e W a t e r S u p p l y W e l l s W i t h i n 0 . 5 - M i l e Ra d i u s o f R i v e r b e n d S t e a m S t a t i o n A s h B a s i n C o m p l i a n c e B o u n d a r y Ma p I D # Pu b l i c W a t e r Sy s t e m N a m e Pr o p e r t y A d d r e s s (w e l l l o c a t i o n ) Co u n t y P a r c e l I D N u m b e r R e p o r t e d W e l l U s e Ap p r o x i m a t e Di s t a n c e f r o m As h B a s i n Co m p l i a n c e Bo u n d a r y ( f t ) Di r e c t i o n f r o m A s h Ba s i n We l l De p t h (f t - b g s ) Well Casing Depth (ft-bgs)Well Yield (gpm)Well Screen Interval (ft-bgs) 1N / A Ne c k R o a d , H u n t e r s v il l e , NC 2 8 0 7 8 Ga s t o n N / A D r i n k i n g 2 , 3 0 0 N o r t h e a s t N o d a t a N o d a t a N o d a t a N o d a t a No t e s : 1. M a p I D # s c o r r e s p o n d t o F i g u r e s 4 - 1 a n d 4 - 2 . Re p o r t e d P r i v a t e W a t e r S u p p l y W e l l s Table 4-2. Property Owner Addresses Contiguous to the Ash Basin Waste Boundary Map ID # Parcel ID # Property Address Street City State 1 4519520433 Horseshoe Bend Rd Mount Holly NC 2 4519429301 Horseshoe Bend Rd Mount Holly NC 3 4519730111 Horseshoe Bend Rd Mount Holly NC 4 4519542126 175 Steam Plant Rd Mount Holly NC Notes: 1. Property owner addresses obtained from the Gaston County, NC GIS website. 2. Map ID #s correspond to Figure 4-6. Table 6-1. Soil Mineralogy Results Boring ID Lab Performing Analysis Unique Lab Identifier Sample Depth (ft bgs) Soil Mineralogical Composition (wt %) Quartz Feldspars Illite Kaolinite Chlorite Biotite Calcite Gibbsite Mullite Amphibole Muscovite Smectite Magesioferrite Illite/ Total Smectite AS-2S American Assay RB-01 90 35.1 22.7 - 35.6 - 6.7 - - - - - - - - 100.1 C-2S American Assay RB-02 30.0-35.0 54.2 4.3 - 34.4 - 7.4 - - - - - - - - 100.3 AB-7S American Assay RB-03 20.0-25.0 66.8 - - 13 9.7 3.2 - 1.5 6.1 - - - - - 100.3 AB-8S American Assay RB-04 30.0-35.0 22.1 2.7 - 40.5 13 - - - - 21.2 - - 0.7 - 100.2 GWA-2S American Assay RB-05 48.0-52.0 14.8 18.8 3.5 13.8 - - 0.2 - - 32.9 - 16 - - 100 GWA-5S American Assay RB-06 72.0-74.0 45 9.5 16.9 28.6 - - - - - - - - - - 100 GWA-7S American Assay RB-07 22.0-23.0 14.1 2.5 15.3 39.4 - - - - - 23.8 - - 0.6 4.3 100 GWA-3S American Assay RB-08 26.0-29.0 11 40.1 39.5 8.5 - - - - - 0.8 - - - - 99.8 GWA-9BR American Assay RB-09 14.0-17.0 13.1 0.7 11.9 59 - - - - - - 14.9 - 0.7 - 100.3 AB-6D American Assay RB-10 88.5-90.0 38.1 - 7 47.4 0.4 - - - - - 7 - - - 99.9 MW-9BR American Assay RB-11 10.0-12.0 9.3 - 32.1 29.6 1.6 - - - - - 27.1 - - - 99.7 AB-2D American Assay RB-15 83.5-85.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AB-1D American Assay RB-16 78.5-80.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GWA-4S American Assay RB-17 32.0-35.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GWA-10S American Assay RB-18 21.0-23.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GWA-8D American Assay RB-19 19.0-20.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AB-1D American Assay RB-20 75.0-78.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Notes: 1. Further results will be available in forthcoming supplemental report. 2. Chemical composition of constituent minerals is as follows: Quartz – SiO2, Feldspar – (K,Na)[AlSi3O8]-Ca[Al2Si2O8], Illite – K1-1.5Al4[Si7-6.5Al1-1.5O20](OH)4, Kaolinite – Al4[Si4O10](OH)8, Chlorite – (Mg,Al,Fe)12[(Si,Al)8O20](OH)16, Biotite – K2(Mg,Fe+2)6-4(Fe+3,Al,Ti)0-2[Si6- 5Al2-3O20](OH,F)4, Calcite – CaCO3, Gibbsite – Al(OH)3, Mullite – 3Al2O3•2SiO2, Muscovite – K2Al4[Si6Al2O20](OH,F)4, Smectite – (½Ca,Na)0.7(Al,Mg,Fe)4[(Si,Al)8O20](OH)4•nH2O, Magnesioferrite – MgFe2+3O4 Table 6-2. Soil Chemistry Results, Oxides Boring ID Lab Performing Analysis Unique Lab Identifier Sample Depth (ft bgs) Oxide Composition, Loss on Ignition, Carbon, and Sulfur (wt. %) Al2O3 BaO CaO Cr2O3 Fe2O3 K2O MgO MnO Na2O P2O5 SiO2 SrO TiO2 V2O5 LOI C S AS-2S American Assay RB-01 90.0 24.45 0.05 0.67 <0.01 3.53 0.77 1.21 0.05 0.49 0.02 65.69 <0.01 0.57 <0.01 10.56 0.297 <0.005 C-2S American Assay RB-02 30.0-35.0 2.77 0.04 0.50 <0.01 6.30 0.33 0.67 0.04 0.15 0.02 71.15 <0.01 0.79 0.05 11.67 0.582 0.028 AB-7S American Assay RB-03 20.0-25.0 3.21 0.06 0.70 0.01 5.92 0.56 0.61 0.03 0.12 0.18 77.80 0.05 0.99 0.09 7.43 1.809 0.032 AB-8S American Assay RB-04 30.0-35.0 9.34 0.03 2.70 0.04 14.60 0.07 1.81 0.12 0.13 0.02 65.53 0.01 0.88 0.08 10.14 0.092 0.010 GWA-2S American Assay RB-05 48.0-52.0 20.87 0.06 4.90 <0.01 10.44 0.58 3.15 0.10 0.48 0.09 53.88 0.02 0.91 0.06 7.78 0.120 <0.005 GWA-5S American Assay RB-06 72.0-74.0 28.07 0.07 0.32 <0.01 5.59 0.20 0.43 0.08 0.03 0.04 59.54 <0.01 0.56 0.01 12.00 0.084 <0.005 GWA-7S American Assay RB-07 22.0-23.0 26.94 0.06 2.08 0.01 9.95 0.11 2.63 0.12 0.08 0.14 45.76 0.01 0.40 0.04 10.89 0.071 <0.005 GWA-3S American Assay RB-08 26.0-29.0 19.64 0.05 3.58 0.01 6.05 1.44 2.40 0.08 1.54 0.14 59.54 0.06 0.48 0.02 3.16 0.164 <0.005 GWA-9BR American Assay RB-09 14.0-17.0 24.20 0.03 0.56 0.02 12.30 0.47 0.91 0.10 0.18 0.14 51.17 <0.01 0.70 0.04 11.11 0.381 <0.005 AB-6D American Assay RB-10 88.5-90.0 24.38 0.08 0.34 <0.01 11.03 0.39 0.48 0.05 0.06 0.15 53.88 <0.01 0.76 0.04 10.57 0.126 <0.005 MW-9BR American Assay RB-11 10.0-12.0 26.41 0.05 0.37 0.01 8.32 0.54 0.49 0.03 0.15 0.11 53.14 <0.01 0.75 0.02 10.57 0.132 0.014 AB-2D American Assay RB-15 83.5-85.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AB-1D American Assay RB-16 78.5-80.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GWA-4S American Assay RB-17 32.0-35.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GWA-10S American Assay RB-18 21.0-23.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GWA-8D American Assay RB-19 19.0-20.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AB-1D American Assay RB-20 75.0-78.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Notes: 1. Further results will be available in forthcoming supplemental report. Table 6-3. Soil Chemistry Results, Elemental Boring ID Unique Lab Identifier Lab Performing Analysis Sample Depth (ft bgs) Elemental Composition (ppm) As Cd Ce Co Cu Ga La Mo Ni Pb Sb Se Sn W Zn Zr AS-2S RB-01 American Assay 90.0 8 0.5 54 14 22 19 23 <1 18 15 5 8 <1 5 111 84 C-2S RB-02 American Assay 30.0-35.0 46 <0.2 72 19 42 34 35 3 17 22 2 <1 <1 4 55 7 AB-7S RB-03 American Assay 20.0-25.0 96 0.5 129 43 85 33 53 9 53 39 4 <1 3 4 81 122 AB-8S RB-04 American Assay 30.0-35.0 57 0.2 20 48 131 23 13 <1 76 8 4 <1 <1 <1 60 27 GWA-2S RB-05 American Assay 48.0-52.0 4 <0.2 26 36 239 14 11 <1 27 7 2 <1 1 <1 79 4 GWA-5S RB-06 American Assay 72.0-74.0 4 <0.2 53 32 38 29 16 <1 20 9 1 <1 <1 <1 30 2 GWA-7S RB-07 American Assay 22.0-23.0 4 <0.2 21 37 127 18 7 7 72 8 <1 <1 <1 <1 70 12 GWA-3S RB-08 American Assay 26.0-29.0 2 <0.2 57 18 34 17 24 17 48 6 <1 <1 1 1 65 10 GWA-9BR RB-09 American Assay 14.0-17.0 5 <0.2 53 40 100 20 20 6 72 12 <1 <1 1 <1 83 29 AB-6D RB-10 American Assay 88.5-90.0 6 <0.2 69 22 77 25 22 2 25 16 1 <1 2 2 75 34 MW-9BR RB-11 American Assay 10.0-12.0 3 <0.2 66 18 33 21 26 5 88 15 <1 <1 1 1 67 25 AB-2D RB-15 American Assay 83.5-85.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AB-1D RB-16 American Assay 78.5-80.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GWA-4S RB-17 American Assay 32.0-35.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GWA-10S RB-18 American Assay 21.0-23.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GWA-8D RB-19 American Assay 19.0-20.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - AB-1D RB-20 American Assay 75.0-78.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Notes: 1. Further results will be available in forthcoming supplemental report. Ta b l e 6 - 4 . T r a n s i t i o n Z o ne M i n e r a l o g y R e s u l t s Bo r i n g ID La b P e r f o r m i n g An a l y s i s Un i q u e La b Id e n t i f i e r Sa m p l e De p t h (f t b g s ) Mi n e r a l o g i c a l C o m p o s i t i o n ( w t % ) Qu a r t z Fe l d s p a r s Mu s c o v i t e / Il l i t e Ve r m i c u l i t e / Il l i t e Ka o l i n i t e Chlorite Smectite Total AS - 1 D Te c h n o l o g y o f Ma t e r i a l s RB - 1 2 16 1 . 0 - 1 6 3 . 0 70 15 5 1 2 5 3 101 GW A - 7 D Te c h n o l o g y o f Ma t e r i a l s RB - 1 4 10 2 . 0 - 1 0 3 . 5 60 15 2 <1 1 15 8 101 GW A - 7 D Te c h n o l o g y o f Ma t e r i a l s RB - 2 1 17 7 . 7 - 1 7 9 . 1 50 17 5 <1 1 20 8 101 No t e s : 1. R e f e r t o A p p e n d i x H f o r a n a l y t i c a l p r o c e d u r e s . 2. C h e m i c a l c o m p o s i t i o n o f c o n s t i t u e n t m i n e r a l s i s a s f o l l o w s : Q u a r t z – S i O 2 , F e l d s p a r – ( K , N a ) [ A l S i 3 O 8 ]- C a [ A l 2 Si 2 O 8 ], M u s c o v i t e – K 2 Al 4 [Si 6 Al 2 O 20 ](OH,F)4 , Illite – K 1- 1 . 5 Al 4 [S i 7- 6 . 5 Al 1- 1 . 5 O 20 ]( O H ) 4 , V e r m i c u l i t e – ( M g , C a ) 0. 7 (M g , F e +3 ,A l ) 6 [( A l , S i ) 8 O 20 ]( O H ) 4 •8 H 2 O, K a o l i n i t e – A l 4 [S i 4 O 10 ]( O H ) 8 , C h l o r i t e – (M g , A l , F e ) 12 [( S i , A l ) 8 O 20 ]( O H ) 16 , S m e c t i t e – ( ½ C a , N a ) 0. 7 (A l , M g , F e ) 4 [( S i , A l ) 8 O 20 ]( O H ) 4 •n H 2 O Table 6-5. Chemical Composition of Transition Zone Samples Boring ID Lab Performing Analysis Unique Lab Identifier Sample Depth (ft bgs) Chemical Composition (wt %) Na2O MgO Al2O3 SiO2 P2O5 S K2O CaO TiO2 Fe2O3 Cr2O3 AS-1D Technology of Materials RB-12 161.0-163.0 4.9 1.1 17.2 68.5 <0.2 <0.1 1.4 3.3 0.3 3.4 <0.2 GWA-7D Technology of Materials RB-14 102.0-103.5 1.9 6.8 18.1 49.8 <0.2 <0.1 1.2 7.8 1.0 13.2 <0.2 GWA-7D Technology of Materials RB-21 177.7-179.1 3.8 4.0 21.8 54.2 <0.2 <0.1 1.5 6.5 0.4 7.6 <0.2 Notes: 1. Refer to Appendix H for analytical procedures. Table 6-6. Whole Rock Chemistry Results, Oxides Al2O3 BaO CaO Cr2O3 Fe2O3 K2O MgO MnO Na2O P2O5 SiO2 SrO TiO2 V2O5 LOI C S R-GWA-7BR-1 American Assay RB-22 125.9-126.1 21.62 0.02 11.88 0.02 8.62 0.29 6.69 0.10 1.37 0.08 52.65 0.11 0.50 0.08 0.52 0.104 0.036 R-GWA-9BR-1A American Assay RB-23 99.8-100.0 15.84 0.06 3.54 0.05 3.44 1.54 0.96 0.05 1.84 0.09 68.54 0.08 0.37 <0.01 0.84 0.123 0.025 R-AB-3BR-2 American Assay RB-24 188-188.3 18.58 0.02 9.67 0.02 9.21 0.65 5.61 0.11 1.46 0.11 55.45 0.11 0.66 0.06 1.67 0.116 0.225 R-GWA-9BR-1B American Assay RB-25 99.0-99.2 16.69 0.03 8.66 0.02 10.31 1.10 7.80 0.18 1.49 0.07 53.91 0.10 0.67 0.04 1.17 0.121 0.054 R-MW-9BR-1 American Assay RB-26 146.3-146.55 15.36 0.04 4.00 0.04 2.57 1.07 1.12 0.06 1.98 0.07 65.46 0.08 0.33 0.01 1.33 0.173 <0.005 R-AB-3BR-1 American Assay RB-27 184.9-185.1' 17.11 <0.01 13.49 0.05 9.75 0.06 7.88 0.13 1.13 0.14 49.55 0.12 0.60 0.06 3.80 0.427 0.377 R-MW-15BR-1 American Assay RB-28 44.3-44.5 15.24 0.08 4.04 0.05 4.72 1.21 1.53 0.08 1.66 0.08 72.14 0.09 0.32 <0.01 2.24 0.062 2.371 R-MW-7BR-1 American Assay RB-29 210.3-210.5 17.33 0.04 4.48 0.04 2.63 1.20 1.35 0.05 1.88 0.09 68.31 0.09 0.36 <0.01 1.57 0.255 0.025 1. ft bgs = feet below ground surface 2. Refer to Appendix H for laboratory reports Boring ID Lab Performing Analysis Unique Lab Identifier Sample Depth (ft bgs) Oxide Composition, Loss on Ignition, Carbon, and Sulfur (wt %) Page 1 of 1 Table 6-7. Whole Rock Chemistry Results, Elemental As Cd Ce Co Cu Ga La Mo Ni Pb Sb Se Sn W Zn Zr R-GWA-7BR-1 American Assay RB-22 125.9-126.1 1 <0.2 3 32 91 17 6 1 27 9 2 <1 4 <1 142 7 R-GWA-9BR-1A American Assay RB-23 99.8-100.0 3 <0.2 49 6 17 14 18 2 9 14 2 <1 4 <1 78 11 R-AB-3BR-2 American Assay RB-24 188-188.3 1 <0.2 28 29 75 15 8 <1 19 9 3 <1 4 <1 71 6 R-GWA-9BR-1B American Assay RB-25 99.0-99.2 1 <0.2 22 32 53 13 7 <1 24 11 2 <1 3 <1 98 6 R-MW-9BR-1 American Assay RB-26 146.3-146.55 2 <0.2 26 6 7 15 12 <1 8 10 2 <1 3 <1 84 2 R-AB-3BR-1 American Assay RB-27 184.9-185.1 2 <0.2 7 43 111 15 6 1 89 9414<1639 R-MW-15BR-1 American Assay RB-28 44.3-44.5 2 <0.2 18 21 58 14 9 19 12 8 2 <1 4 <1 88 3 R-MW-7BR-1 American Assay RB-29 210.3-210.5 4 <0.2 29 9 6 16 8 1 9 8 2 <1 1 <1 41 2 1. ft bgs = feet below ground surface 2. Refer to Appendix H for laboratory reports Boring ID Lab Performing Analysis Unique Lab Identifier Sample Depth (ft bgs) Elemental Composition (ppm) Page 1 of 1 Table 6-7. Whole Rock Chemistry Results, Elemental As Cd Ce Co Cu Ga La Mo Ni Pb Sb Se Sn W Zn R-GWA-7BR-1 American Assay RB-22 125.9-126.1 1 <0.2 3 32 91 17 6 1 27 9 2 <1 4 <1 142 R-GWA-9BR-1A American Assay RB-23 99.8-100.0 3 <0.2 49 6 17 14 18 2 9 14 2 <1 4 <1 78 R-AB-3BR-2 American Assay RB-24 188-188.3 1 <0.2 28 29 75 15 8 <1 19 9 3 <1 4 <1 71 R-GWA-9BR-1B American Assay RB-25 99.0-99.2 1 <0.2 22 32 53 13 7 <1 24 11 2 <1 3 <1 98 R-MW-9BR-1 American Assay RB-26 146.3-146.55 2 <0.2 26 6 7 15 12 <1 8 10 2 <1 3 <1 84 R-AB-3BR-1 American Assay RB-27 184.9-185.1 2 <0.2 7 43 111 15 6 1 89 9 4 1 4 <1 63 R-MW-15BR-1 American Assay RB-28 44.3-44.5 2 <0.2 18 21 58 14 9 19 12 8 2 <1 4 <1 88 R-MW-7BR-1 American Assay RB-29 210.3-210.5 4 <0.2 29 9 6 16 8 1982<11<141 1. ft bgs = feet below ground surface 2. Refer to Appendix H for laboratory reports Boring ID Lab Performing Analysis Unique Lab Identifier Sample Depth (ft bgs) Elemental Composition (ppm) Page 1 of 2 Table 6-7. Whole Rock Chemistry Results, Elemental Zr 7 11 6 6 2 9 3 2 Page 2 of 2 Table 6-8. Compliance and Voluntary Monitoring Well Construction Information Elevation of Water Level Land Surface Elevation Top of Well Casing Elevation Bottom of Well Elevation (ft) (ft) (ft)(ft bgs) MW-1D Deep 675.00 677.00 621 - 613 54.00 - 62.00 613.00 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-1S Shallow 675.00 677.00 670.00 - 660.00 5.00 - 15.00 660.00 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-2D Deep 720.00 722.00 637 - 632 83.00 - 88.00 632.00 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-2S Shallow 720.00 722.00 705.00 - 695.00 15.00 - 25.00 695.00 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-3D Deep 655.00 657.00 625.5 - 620.5 29.50 - 34.50 617.50 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-3S Shallow 655.00 657.00 651.00 - 641.00 4.00 - 14.00 641.00 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-4D Deep 655.00 657.00 600 - 595 55.00 - 60.00 595.00 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-4S Shallow 655.00 657.00 645.00 - 635.00 10.00 - 20.00 635.00 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-5D Deep 650.00 652.00 576 - 571 74.00 - 79.00 570.00 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-5S Shallow 650.00 652.00 645.00 - 635.00 5.00 - 15.00 635.00 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-6D Deep 650.00 652.00 580.5 - 575.5 69.50 - 74.50 575.50 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-6S Shallow 650.00 652.00 645.00 - 635.00 5.00 - 15.00 635.00 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-7D Deep 765.00 767.00 727 - 717 38.00 - 48.00 717.00 Background Well MW-7S Shallow 765.00 767.00 670 - 665 95.00 - 100.00 665.00 Background Well MW-7SR Shallow NA NA - 43 - 63 Background Well MW-8S Shallow 752.4 755.4 717.4 - 697.4 35 - 55 697.94 Upgradient - MW-8I Shallow 751.74 754.74 653.74 - 633.74 98 - 118 634.49 Upgradient - MW-8D Deep 753.03 756.03 597.03 - 587.03 156 - 166 587.95 Upgradient - MW-9 Shallow 648.84 651.84 635.84 - 620.84 13 - 28 620.93 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-10 Shallow 651.37 654.37 648.37 - 633.37 3 - 18 634 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-11SR Shallow 690.3 693.3 675.3 - 660.3 15 - 30 660 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-11DR Deep 690.18 693.18 655.18 - 650.18 35 - 40 650.56 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-13 Shallow 651.11 654.11 648.11 - 633.11 3 - 18 633.81 Downgradient - Ash Basin M-14 Shallow 659.84 662.84 656.84 - 641.84 3 - 18 642.95 Downgradient - Ash Basin MW-15 Shallow 655.12 657.12 652.12 - 637.12 3 - 18 635.33 Downgradient - Ash Basin Upgradient / Downgradient Compliance Voluntary Screened Interval (ft below bgs) Monitoring Well Type Monitoring Well ID Number Date Water Level was Obtained Screened Interval Elevation (ft) Page 1 of 1 Ta b l e 6 - 9 . 2 0 1 5 G r o u n d w a t e r A s s e s s m e n t M o n i t o r i n g W e l l C o n s t r u c t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n El e v a t i o n o f Wa t e r L e v e l La n d S u r f a c e El e v a t i o n To p o f W e l l Ca s i n g El e v a t i o n Bo t t o m o f W e l l El e v a t i o n (f t ) ( f t ) ( f t ) (f t b g s ) AB - 1 D D e e p 7 / 8 / 20 1 5 5 3 . 3 5 7 1 9 . 3 1 7 1 9 . 4 8 5 2 6 . 3 1 - 5 2 1 . 3 1 1 9 3 . 0 0 - 1 9 8 . 0 0 5 0 9 . 5 0 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 1 S S h a l l o w 7 / 8 / 20 1 5 3 3 . 7 9 7 1 9 . 3 0 7 1 9 . 5 5 6 9 0 . 3 0 - 6 7 5 . 3 0 2 9. 0 0 - 4 4 . 0 0 6 4 9 . 6 2 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 2 D D e e p 7 / 8 / 20 1 5 4 0 . 5 7 7 1 9 . 3 3 7 1 9 . 5 5 5 6 8 . 3 3 - 5 6 3 . 3 3 1 5 1 . 0 0 - 1 5 6 . 0 0 5 1 0 . 3 3 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 2 S S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 4 1 . 8 9 7 1 9 . 2 8 7 1 9 . 4 8 6 6 9 . 2 8 - 6 5 4 . 2 8 5 0. 0 0 - 6 5 . 0 0 6 4 4 . 2 4 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 3 B R B e d r o c k 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 1 4 4 . 6 3 7 2 7. 8 1 7 2 8 . 3 8 5 2 1 . 8 1 - 5 1 6 . 8 1 2 0 6 . 0 0 - 2 1 1 . 0 0 5 0 3 . 7 8 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 3 D D e e p 7 / 8 / 20 1 5 2 8 . 0 5 7 2 7 . 7 2 7 2 8 . 3 1 5 5 4 . 7 2 - 5 4 9 . 7 2 1 7 3 . 0 0 - 1 7 8 . 0 0 5 4 0 . 6 5 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 3 S S h a l l o w 7 / 8 / 20 1 5 2 2 . 0 4 7 2 7 . 7 8 7 2 8 . 3 5 7 1 4 . 7 8 - 6 9 9 . 7 8 1 3. 0 0 - 2 8 . 0 0 6 5 5 . 3 0 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 4 D D e e p 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 2 5 . 7 6 7 2 8 . 3 3 7 2 8 . 7 6 5 2 9 . 8 3 - 5 2 4 . 8 3 1 9 8 . 5 0 - 2 0 3 . 5 0 5 1 9 . 1 6 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 4 S S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 2 2 . 5 4 7 2 8 . 2 7 7 2 8 . 7 7 7 1 3 . 2 7 - 6 9 8 . 2 7 1 5. 0 0 - 3 0 . 0 0 6 7 3 . 6 9 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 5 D D e e p 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 4 4 . 3 0 7 2 4 . 4 6 7 2 1 . 3 4 5 7 0 . 4 6 - 5 6 5 . 4 6 1 5 4 . 0 0 - 1 5 9 . 0 0 5 5 2 . 3 3 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 5 S S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 1 3 . 9 5 7 2 4 . 4 8 7 2 1 . 3 6 7 1 5 . 4 8 - 7 0 0 . 4 8 9 . 0 0 - 2 4 . 0 0 6 9 5 . 3 7 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 5 S L S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 2 0 1 5 1 4 . 6 5 7 2 4. 4 9 7 2 1 . 4 3 6 7 7 . 4 9 - 6 6 7 . 4 9 4 7 . 0 0 - 5 7 . 0 0 6 5 3 . 4 4 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 6 B R U D e e p 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 6 5 . 2 1 72 8 . 5 1 7 2 8 . 8 1 5 5 9 . 5 1 - 5 5 4 . 5 1 1 6 9 . 0 0 - 1 7 4 . 0 0 5 4 8 . 7 5 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 6 S S h a l l o w 7 / 8 / 20 1 5 4 2 . 2 5 7 2 8 . 4 3 7 2 8 . 7 3 6 7 8 . 4 3 - 6 6 3 . 4 3 5 0. 0 0 - 6 5 . 0 0 6 5 3 . 8 2 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 7 D D e e p 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 1 3 . 6 1 7 2 9 . 6 8 7 2 6 . 8 4 5 8 7 . 6 8 - 5 8 2 . 6 8 1 4 2 . 0 0 - 1 4 7 . 0 0 5 1 8 . 0 0 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 7 I I n t e r m e d i a t e 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 1 3 . 2 0 7 2 9 . 4 7 7 2 6 . 6 3 6 5 9 . 4 7 - 6 4 4 . 4 7 7 0. 0 0 - 8 5 . 0 0 6 3 3 . 5 0 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 7 S S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 1 2 . 6 6 7 2 9 . 3 7 7 2 6 . 8 4 7 2 4 . 3 7 - 7 0 9 . 3 7 5 . 0 0 - 2 0 . 0 0 6 9 5 . 0 0 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 8 D D e e p 7 / 8 / 20 1 5 2 0 . 8 2 6 8 2 . 4 6 6 7 9 . 2 5 5 9 1 . 4 6 - 5 8 6 . 4 6 9 1. 0 0 - 9 6 . 0 0 5 7 6 . 7 0 D o w n g r a d i e n t AB - 8 S S h a l l o w 7 / 8 / 20 1 5 2 2 . 2 4 6 8 1 . 6 5 6 7 8 . 7 8 6 6 8 . 6 5 - 6 5 3 . 6 5 1 3. 0 0 - 2 8 . 0 0 6 3 9 . 4 0 D o w n g r a d i e n t AS - 1 D D e e p 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 8 8 . 5 9 7 6 6 . 9 3 7 6 3 . 9 6 5 9 5 . 9 3 - 5 9 0 . 9 3 1 7 1 . 0 0 - 1 7 6 . 0 0 5 8 0 . 9 7 D o w n g r a d i e n t AS - 1 S S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 8 6 . 3 2 7 6 7 . 4 4 7 6 4 . 4 8 6 8 6 . 4 4 - 6 7 1 . 4 4 8 1. 0 0 - 9 6 . 0 0 6 6 5 . 0 0 D o w n g r a d i e n t AS - 2 D D e e p 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 7 8 . 5 1 7 7 6 . 9 6 7 7 3 . 9 9 5 9 1 . 9 6 - 5 8 6 . 9 6 1 8 5 . 0 0 - 1 9 0 . 0 0 5 6 2 . 1 9 D o w n g r a d i e n t AS - 2 S S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 8 0 . 0 9 7 7 6 . 8 5 7 7 4 . 1 8 7 0 2 . 8 5 - 6 8 7 . 8 5 7 4. 0 0 - 8 9 . 0 0 6 8 2 . 1 8 D o w n g r a d i e n t AS - 3 D D e e p 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 6 3 . 3 6 7 7 8 . 5 8 7 7 5 . 8 9 6 3 9 . 5 8 - 6 3 4 . 5 8 1 3 9 . 0 0 - 1 4 4 . 0 0 6 2 7 . 7 0 D o w n g r a d i e n t AS - 3 S S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 20 1 5 6 2 . 4 5 7 7 8 . 5 2 7 7 5 . 6 9 7 1 9 . 7 2 - 7 0 4 . 7 2 5 8. 8 0 - 7 3 . 8 0 6 8 6 . 0 0 D o w n g r a d i e n t AS - 3 S A S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 2 0 1 5 6 2 . 54 N A 7 7 5 . 5 5 N A - N A 6 0 . 0 0 - 7 0 . 0 0 7 0 5 . 5 5 D o w n g r a d i e n t BG - 1 D D e e p 7 / 9 / 2 0 1 5 2 6 . 8 2 7 0 4 . 4 6 70 1 . 1 2 5 1 0 . 2 6 - 5 0 5 . 2 6 1 9 4 . 2 0 - 1 9 9 . 2 0 4 9 7 . 2 8 S i d e g r a d i e n t BG - 1 S S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 2 0 1 5 3 0 . 2 8 7 0 4 . 2 2 7 0 1 . 2 6 7 4 . 5 2 - 6 5 9 . 5 2 2 9 . 7 0 - 4 4 . 7 0 6 5 6 . 2 8 S i d e g r a d i e n t BG - 2 B R B e d r o c k 7 / 9 / 2 0 1 5 7 . 1 5 7 0 5 . 7 3 7 0 2 . 7 1 5 0 2 . 7 3 - 4 9 7 . 7 3 2 0 3 . 0 0 - 2 0 8 . 0 0 4 8 9 . 1 6 S i d e g r a d i e n t BG - 2 D D e e p 7 / 9 / 2 0 1 5 5 2 . 8 7 7 0 5 . 3 6 70 2 . 3 4 5 5 0 . 3 6 - 5 4 5 . 3 6 1 5 5 . 0 0 - 1 6 0 . 0 0 5 3 2 . 5 8 S i d e g r a d i e n t BG - 2 S S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 2 0 1 5 5 2 . 2 1 7 0 5 . 4 8 7 0 2 . 5 6 5 6 . 4 8 - 6 4 0 . 4 8 4 9 . 0 0 - 6 5 . 0 0 6 3 2 . 3 7 S i d e g r a d i e n t BG - 3 D D e e p 7 / 9 / 2 0 1 5 2 7 . 7 2 6 7 4 . 6 8 67 2 . 5 8 5 7 4 . 6 8 - 5 6 9 . 6 8 1 0 0 . 0 0 - 1 0 5 . 0 0 5 6 0 . 9 3 S i d e g r a d i e n t BG - 3 S S h a l l o w 7 / 9 / 2 0 1 5 2 7 . 2 0 6 7 3 . 8 9 6 7 2 . 1 3 6 5 1 . 8 9 - 6 3 6 . 8 9 2 2 . 0 0 - 3 7 . 0 0 6 3 4 . 7 2 S i d e g r a d i e n t C- 1 B R U D e e p 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 1 0 9 . 9 3 6 6 2 . 23 6 5 9 . 2 5 5 4 7 . 2 3 - 5 4 2 . 2 3 1 1 5 . 0 0 - 1 2 0 . 0 0 5 3 2 . 2 5 D o w n g r a d i e n t C- 1 S S h a l l o w 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 6 . 8 1 6 6 3 . 0 0 6 6 0 . 1 2 6 5 8 . 00 - 6 4 8 . 0 0 5 . 0 0 - 1 5 . 0 0 6 4 3 . 1 2 D o w n g r a d i e n t C- 2 D D e e p 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 2 8 . 1 5 6 8 4 . 5 3 68 1 . 6 1 5 5 1 . 5 3 - 5 4 6 . 5 3 1 3 3 . 0 0 - 1 3 8 . 0 0 5 2 9 . 5 2 D o w n g r a d i e n t C- 2 S S h a l l o w 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 2 4 . 9 5 6 8 4 . 2 9 6 8 1 . 2 9 6 6 6 . 2 9 - 6 5 1 . 2 9 1 8 . 0 0 - 3 3 . 0 0 6 4 4 . 2 5 D o w n g r a d i e n t GW A - 1 B R U D e e p 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 3 1 . 3 1 6 9 6 . 47 6 9 3 . 3 7 6 2 4 . 4 7 - 6 1 9 . 4 7 7 2 . 0 0 - 7 7 . 0 0 6 1 1 . 8 5 D o w n g r a d i e n t GW A - 1 S S h a l l o w 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 3 1 . 9 0 6 9 6 . 2 3 6 9 2 . 9 9 6 6 8 . 2 3 - 6 5 3 . 2 3 2 8 . 0 0 - 4 3 . 0 0 6 4 4 . 2 2 D o w n g r a d i e n t GW A - 2 B R B e d r o c k 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 4 1 . 3 5 6 8 9 . 8 2 6 8 6 . 5 7 5 7 4 . 8 2 - 5 6 9 . 8 2 1 1 5 . 0 0 - 1 2 0 . 0 0 5 6 1 . 5 7 D o w n g r a d i e n t GW A - 2 B R U D e e p N A N A 6 8 9 . 8 5 6 8 6 . 7 9 6 1 2 . 8 5 - 6 0 7 . 8 5 7 7 . 0 0 - 8 2 . 0 0 5 9 5 . 7 9 D o w n g r a d i e n t GW A - 2 S S h a l l o w 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 4 1 . 4 4 6 8 9 . 8 8 6 8 6 . 5 6 6 5 4 . 8 8 - 6 3 9 . 8 8 3 5 . 0 0 - 5 0 . 0 0 6 3 3 . 5 6 D o w n g r a d i e n t GW A - 3 D D e e p 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 2 8 . 4 1 6 7 7 . 08 6 7 3 . 9 6 6 3 5 . 0 8 - 6 3 0 . 0 8 4 2 . 0 0 - 4 7 . 0 0 6 1 8 . 9 6 D o w n g r a d i e n t GW A - 3 S S h a l l o w 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 2 7 . 9 1 6 7 7 . 0 8 6 7 4 . 1 3 6 5 9 . 0 8 - 6 4 9 . 0 8 1 8 . 0 0 - 2 8 . 0 0 6 6 4 . 0 9 D o w n g r a d i e n t GW A - 3 S A S h a l l o w 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 2 9 . 1 2 6 7 7 . 0 5 6 7 4 . 3 4 6 5 4 . 05 - 6 3 8 . 0 5 2 3 . 0 0 - 3 9 . 0 0 6 3 4 . 8 4 D o w n g r a d i e n t Upgradient / Downgradient Sc r e e n e d I n t e r v a l (f t b e l o w b g s ) Mo n i t o r i n g W e l l Ty p e Mo n i t o r i n g W e l l ID N u m b e r Da t e W a t e r L e v e l wa s O b t a i n e d Sc r e e n e d I n t e r v a l E l e v a t i o n (f t ) Page 1 of 2 Table 6-9. 2015 Groundwater Assessment Monitoring Well Construction Information Elevation of Water Level Land Surface Elevation Top of Well Casing Elevation Bottom of Well Elevation (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft bgs) Upgradient / DowngradientScreened Interval (ft below bgs) Monitoring Well Type Monitoring Well ID Number Date Water Level was Obtained Screened Interval Elevation (ft) GWA-4BR Bedrock NA NA 695.89 692.93 536.89 -531.89 159.00 -164.00 518.50 Downgradient GWA-4D Deep 7/10/2015 22.43 696.56 693.68 576.56 -571.56 120.00 -125.00 567.42 Upgradient GWA-4S Shallow 7/10/2015 21.95 696.35 693.4 679.35 -664.35 17.00 -32.00 657.09 Upgradient GWA-5D Deep NA NA 787.63 784.44 575.63 -570.63 212.00 -217.00 547.44 Upgradient GWA-5S Shallow 7/9/2015 74.57 787.95 784.85 727.95 -712.95 60.00 -75.00 708.85 Upgradient GWA-6D Deep 7/9/2015 52.28 770.06 767.03 627.06 -622.06 143.00 -148.00 576.00 Upgradient GWA-6S Shallow 7/9/2015 52.18 770.49 767.62 725.49 -710.49 45.00 -60.00 706.63 Upgradient GWA-7BR Bedrock 7/9/2015 14.00 688.23 684.98 561.23 -556.23 127.00 -132.00 511.07 Downgradient GWA-7D Deep 7/9/2015 15.06 689.15 685.89 589.15 -584.15 100.00 -105.00 556.39 Downgradient GWA-7S Shallow 7/9/2015 16.00 689.24 686.07 684.24 -669.24 5.00 -20.00 663.07 Downgradient GWA-8D Deep 7/8/2015 14.58 689.00 685.65 578.00 -573.00 111.00 -116.00 564.09 Downgradient GWA-8S Shallow 7/8/2015 14.66 689.24 686.01 681.24 -666.24 8.00 -23.00 661.82 Downgradient GWA-9BR Bedrock 7/8/2015 110.15 654.26 651.49 548.26 -543.26 106.00 -111.00 531.33 Downgradient GWA-9D Deep 7/8/2015 -1.69 654.69 652.08 592.69 -587.69 62.00 -67.00 579.79 Downgradient GWA-9S Shallow 7/8/2015 3.41 654.46 651.64 649.46 -639.46 5.00 -15.00 634.56 Downgradient GWA-10BRU Deep 7/8/2015 10.62 657.57 654.51 524.07 -519.07 133.50 -138.50 507.81 Downgradient GWA-10S Shallow 7/8/2015 11.75 658.71 655.58 651.21 -636.21 7.50 -22.50 632.27 Downgradient GWA-20BR Bedrock NA NA 738.35 738.76 437.75 -432.75 300.60 -305.60 427.20 Upgradient GWA-20D Deep NA NA 737.25 737.61 484.25 -479.25 253.00 -258.00 478.79 Upgradient GWA-20S Shallow NA NA 739.05 739.52 702.05 -686.05 37.00 -53.00 682.38 Upgradient GWA-21D Deep NA NA NA 773.07 TBD -TBD 274.00 -279.00 NA Upgradient GWA-21S Shallow NA NA NA 773.02 TBD -TBD 57.00 -72.00 NA Upgradient GWA-22BR-A Bedrock NA NA 763.78 760.71 494.78 -489.78 269.00 -274.00 459.35 Upgradient GWA-22D Deep 7/9/2015 49.90 761.94 758.7 563.94 -558.94 198.00 -203.00 545.32 Upgradient GWA-22S Shallow 7/9/2015 46.18 762.51 759.46 722.51 -707.51 40.00 -55.00 701.04 Upgradient GWA-23BR Bedrock 7/9/2015 40.36 746.23 743.58 461.23 -456.23 285.00 -290.00 440.73 Upgradient GWA-23D Deep 7/9/2015 38.35 745.94 743.2 524.94 -519.94 221.00 -226.00 516.07 Upgradient GWA-23S Shallow 7/9/2015 37.51 745.91 743.44 712.91 -697.91 33.00 -48.00 693.35 Upgradient MW-7BR Bedrock 7/9/2015 50.94 765.80 762.66 569.80 -564.80 196.00 -201.00 522.49 Upgradient MW-9BR Bedrock 7/8/2015 0.07 651.64 648.75 504.64 -499.64 147.00 -152.00 452.44 Downgradient MW-9D Deep 7/8/2015 0.58 651.48 648.5 550.48 -545.48 101.00 -106.00 525.49 Downgradient MW-15BR Bedrock 7/8/2015 9.42 656.53 653.25 600.53 -595.53 56.00 -61.00 591.25 Downgradient MW-15D Deep 7/8/2015 9.67 656.69 653.39 617.69 -612.69 39.00 -44.00 599.39 Downgradient OB-1 Observation 7/9/2015 38.29 749.02 746.02 716.02 -701.02 33.00 -48.00 696.02 Sidegradient OB-2 Observation 7/9/2015 44.12 723.10 720.11 684.10 -669.10 39.00 -54.00 664.11 Sidegradient Page 2 of 2 Page 1 of 1 Table 6-10. Summary of Hydraulic Gradient Calculations Well Pair Groundwater Elevation – Upgradient Well Groundwater Elevation – Down-gradient Well Flow Path Length Horizontal Hydraulic Gradient (h2) (h1) (dl) (i) Regolith (S wells) MW -8S / MW-9 709.81’ 647.78’ 1936’ 0.032 AB-4S / MW- 11SR 706.00’ 664.71’ 1584’ 0.026 AB-3S / GWA- 9S 706.31’ 648.23’ 1364’ 0.043 MW-7SR / BG- 3S 712.01’ 644.93’ 2596’ 0.026 Average Horizontal Hydraulic Gradient 0.032 Transition Zone (D wells) MW-8D / MW- 9D 705.53’ 647.92’ 1936’ 0.03 AB-4D / MW- 11DR 702.99’ 664.62’ 1584’ 0.024 AB-3D / GWA- 9D 700.26’ 653.77’ 1364’ 0.034 MW -7D / BG-3D 712.02’ 644.86’ 2596’ 0.026 Average Horizontal Hydraulic Gradient 0.028 Fractured Bedrock (BR wells) GWA-23BR / MW-9BR 703.22’ 648.68’ 1936’ 0.028 GWA-23BR / AB-3BR 703.22’ 583.75’ 3300’ 0.036 GWA-2BR / GWA-9BR 645.22’ 541.34’ 3168’ 0.033 Average Horizontal Hydraulic Gradient 0.032 Page 1 of 1 Table 7-1. Solid Matrix TI & TOC Parameters and Analytical Methods INORGANIC COMPOUNDS UNITS METHOD Antimony mg/kg EPA 6020 Arsenic mg/kg EPA 6020 Barium mg/kg EPA 6010 Boron mg/kg EPA 6010 Cadmium mg/kg EPA 6020 Chloride mg/kg SM4500-Cl-E Chromium mg/kg EPA 6010 Copper mg/kg EPA 6010 Iron mg/kg EPA 6010 Lead mg/kg EPA 6020 Manganese mg/kg EPA 6010 Mercury mg/kg EPA Method 7470A/7471 Nickel mg/kg EPA 6010 pH SU EPA 9045 Selenium mg/kg EPA 6020 Thallium (low level) mg/kg EPA 6020 Zinc mg/kg EPA 6010 Notes: 1. Soil samples to be analyzed for Total Inorganics using USEPA Methods 6010/6020 and pH using USEPA Method 9045, as noted above. 2. Ash samples to be analyzed for Total Inorganics using USEPA Methods 6010/6020 and pH using USEPA Method 9045; select ash samples will also be analyzed for leaching potential using SPLP Extraction Method 1312 in conjunction with USEPA Methods 6010/6020. SPLP results to be reported in units of mg/L for comparison to 2L Standards. 3. Samples to be analyzed for Total Organic Carbon using method EPA 9060. Sample result in concentration units of mg/kg of organic carbon on a dry weight basis. Total Organic Carbon UNITS METHOD TOC Mg/kg EPA 9060 Table 7-2. Ash Sample Results Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Manganese 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 100000 94 3 44000 46000 460 200 100000 70 9400 100000 800 5200 NS 0.9 5.8 580 45 63 3 360000 0.9 700 150 270 65 Sample Name Sample Date AB-3D(38.5-40) 4/14/2015 7390 7.1 U 35.6 295 17.2 J 1.4 0.85 U 11.4 4.5 J 28.7 9710 8.2 62.5 AB-4D(43.5-45) 5/4/2015 3370 8.2 U 20.9 129 20.5 U 0.66 0.98 U 4.8 8.2 U 18.9 3390 8.2 U 19.7 AB-5D(3.5-5) 4/6/2015 2900 7.3 U 14.2 180 18.2 U 0.83 0.87 U 4.2 3.8 J 18.7 6130 7.3 U 38.5 AB-5D(28.5-30) 4/7/2015 8420 6.9 U 55.4 301 20.3 2.7 J- 0.83 U 12.8 J-8.2 J 49.5 J-13500 12.9 J 64.5 J- AB-5D(48.5-50) 4/7/2015 8780 7 U 40 349 21.3 2.5 0.84 U 12.2 8.4 33.9 19100 8.4 98.1 AB-7D(3.5-5) 3/18/2015 5390 4.2 U 26.7 232 8.7 2.5 0.4 J 8.4 8.3 38.7 6790 10.3 32.9 AB-7D(8.5-10) 3/18/2015 10100 2 J-68.3 310 24.7 3.6 0.44 J 15.5 11.8 J+67.6 8240 23.7 88.5 AS-1D-1 (3.5-5) 3/2/2015 9000 3.2 U 69.2 302 29.7 4.2 0.3 J 14 11.4 72.1 9290 19.1 63.4 AS-1D-2 (33.5-35) 3/2/2015 5510 3.8 U 31.9 228 20.8 2.6 0.45 U 7.1 J+8.4 36.4 5240 11.5 30.8 AS-1D-3 (73.5-75) 3/2/2015 5420 3.7 U 33 270 23 2.3 0.44 UJ 8.1 J+7.5 34.7 9690 10 74.2 AS-2D-1 (3-4.5) 3/2/2015 6400 3.5 U 40.6 220 21.6 3 0.33 J 10 J+9.6 48.5 6010 15.3 37.4 AS-2D-5 (18.5-20) 3/4/2015 8830 3.6 U 62.7 493 33.8 4 0.37 J 11.6 J+11.2 62.3 6270 J+21.2 54.1 J+ AS-2S (18.5-20) 3/5/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AS-3D 3.5-5' 3/2/2015 12500 2.2 J 101 403 32.5 5.8 0.49 16.5 13.3 104 8340 28 58.1 AS-3D 33.5-35' 3/10/2015 6840 3.4 U 61.2 308 24.9 2.8 0.41 U 10.1 9 46 6820 12.7 48.9 AS-3D 43.5-45' 3/10/2015 7280 3.2 U 67.2 310 32.4 3.5 0.26 J 11.4 9.9 62.8 8360 16.1 62.3 C-1D(3.5-5.0) 3/24/2015 2550 3.9 U 34.9 132 3.9 U 0.44 0.47 U 4.4 3.9 U 31.3 18100 8.7 25.2 J C-1D(8.5-10.0) 3/24/2015 2170 3.4 U 47.8 126 3.4 U 0.23 0.41 U 4.6 3.4 U 19 20400 14.4 29 C-2D(3.5-5) 3/16/2015 4760 3 U 27.6 117 3 U 0.58 0.36 U 36.4 4.2 67.9 19600 12.2 103 C-2D(8.5-10) 3/16/2015 6160 3 U 10.3 84.5 11.6 0.38 0.36 U 9 J+3.7 37.3 J-14300 8.5 79.1 NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW U -- Not detected above the reporting detection bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Page 1 of 3 Table 7-2. Ash Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-3D(38.5-40) 4/14/2015 AB-4D(43.5-45) 5/4/2015 AB-5D(3.5-5) 4/6/2015 AB-5D(28.5-30) 4/7/2015 AB-5D(48.5-50) 4/7/2015 AB-7D(3.5-5) 3/18/2015 AB-7D(8.5-10) 3/18/2015 AS-1D-1 (3.5-5) 3/2/2015 AS-1D-2 (33.5-35) 3/2/2015 AS-1D-3 (73.5-75) 3/2/2015 AS-2D-1 (3-4.5) 3/2/2015 AS-2D-5 (18.5-20) 3/4/2015 AS-2S (18.5-20) 3/5/2015 AS-3D 3.5-5' 3/2/2015 AS-3D 33.5-35' 3/10/2015 AS-3D 43.5-45' 3/10/2015 C-1D(3.5-5.0) 3/24/2015 C-1D(8.5-10.0) 3/24/2015 C-2D(3.5-5) 3/16/2015 C-2D(8.5-10) 3/16/2015 NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical labo Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW U -- Not detected above the reporting detection bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Chloride Magnesium Nitrate Nitrogen 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 14797-55-8 7727-37-9 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 8 1200 4400 1200 100000 2.4 1200 70000 NS NS NS 100000 NS 1 NS 130 2.1 NS 0.28 6 1200 NS NS NS NS NS 0.066 3.5 U 8.9 7.1 U 123 7.1 U 39.7 11 1780 363 U 662 NA 36.3 UJ 0.066 4.1 U 4.5 8.2 U 62.8 8.2 U 9.9 4.3 J 1390 389 U 378 NA 38.9 UJ 0.017 3.6 U 8 7.3 U 72.7 7.3 U 15.3 8.6 J+ 1170 348 U 287 NA 34.8 UJ 0.02 2.4 J 16.7 6.9 U 226 6.9 U 46.4 22.7 2860 J- 340 U 760 NA 34 UJ 0.11 1.9 J 14 7 U 244 7 U 39 13.6 5360 NA 1030 NA 34 UJ 0.021 2.2 13.3 4.2 U 175 4.2 U 40.9 22.2 1870 422 U 475 NA 42.2 UJ 0.026 1.7 17.2 3.8 UJ 173 3.8 UJ 77.8 30.8 2080 NA 840 NA 37.2 UJ 0.023 2.1 J+ 17 2.5 J 261 3.2 U 67.7 24 2450 313 U 714 NA 31.3 UJ 0.037 1.7 J+ 13.2 2.9 J 162 3.8 U 44.4 15 1900 375 U 556 NA 37.5 UJ 0.029 1.7 J+ 13.5 2.5 J 150 3.7 U 37.9 14.1 2140 NA 593 NA 36.6 UJ 0.028 2.8 J+ 14.8 2.9 J 163 3.5 U 54.1 21.2 1660 341 U 517 NA 34.1 UJ 0.02 1.6 J+ 16.7 3 J 340 3.6 U 84.2 24.4 J+ 3630 NA 936 NA 35 UJ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.0066 J 3.1 J 25 2.9 J 371 3.4 U 95.7 41.9 3310 334 U 1000 NA 33.4 UJ 0.027 2.2 13.5 3.2 J 255 3.4 U 52.1 16.7 2600 329 U 770 NA 32.9 UJ 0.016 2.2 14.9 3.1 J 231 3.2 U 56.5 20.9 NA NA NA NA 31 UJ 0.12 1.1 1.6 J 2.7 J 50.3 3.9 U 10.6 6.1 289 393 U 232 NA 39.3 UJ 0.12 1.5 1.2 3 J 39.4 3.4 U 13.3 6.7 153 NA 385 NA 35.2 UJ 0.17 3.1 42.8 3.4 52.4 3 U 15.9 22.1 1530 291 U 1410 NA 29.1 UJ 0.065 1 12.6 J+ 3 UJ 34.9 J- 3 U 21.1 14.6 1250 J- NA 1250 J- NA 30.3 UJ Page 2 of 3 Table 7-2. Ash Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-3D(38.5-40) 4/14/2015 AB-4D(43.5-45) 5/4/2015 AB-5D(3.5-5) 4/6/2015 AB-5D(28.5-30) 4/7/2015 AB-5D(48.5-50) 4/7/2015 AB-7D(3.5-5) 3/18/2015 AB-7D(8.5-10) 3/18/2015 AS-1D-1 (3.5-5) 3/2/2015 AS-1D-2 (33.5-35) 3/2/2015 AS-1D-3 (73.5-75) 3/2/2015 AS-2D-1 (3-4.5) 3/2/2015 AS-2D-5 (18.5-20) 3/4/2015 AS-2S (18.5-20) 3/5/2015 AS-3D 3.5-5' 3/2/2015 AS-3D 33.5-35' 3/10/2015 AS-3D 43.5-45' 3/10/2015 C-1D(3.5-5.0) 3/24/2015 C-1D(8.5-10.0) 3/24/2015 C-2D(3.5-5) 3/16/2015 C-2D(8.5-10) 3/16/2015 NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical labo Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW U -- Not detected above the reporting detection bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) Total Organic Carbon 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 PH TOC mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Std. Units mg/kg NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 1090 355 U 363 U 7.5 J 70800 574 409 U 389 U 6.5 J 140000 J- 479 363 U 348 U 7.3 J 120000 1260 J+ 346 U 340 U 6.8 J 13000 1070 349 U NA 9.5 J 25600 821 170 422 U 6.2 J 125000 1690 276 NA 5.9 J 40600 1490 244 J+ 313 U 6.5 J 55100 924 176 J+ 375 U 7.9 J 86000 898 209 J+ NA 8 J 81300 981 190 J+ 341 U 7.2 J NA 1310 259 NA 7.9 J NA NA NA NA NA 47200 1890 429 334 U 6.6 J 53900 1030 194 329 U 7.2 J 164000 NA NA NA 7.8 J 84100 1010 159 393 U 3.9 J 197000 1090 142 NA 3.6 J 127000 967 147 183 J 5 J 177000 774 93 NA 5.3 J 95500 Page 3 of 3 Page 1 of 2  Table 7-3. Aqueous Matrix Parameters and Constituent Analytical Methods Parameter RL Units Method Field Parameters pH NA SU Field Water Quality Meter Specific Conductance NA mmho/cm Field Water Quality Meter Temperature NA ºC Field Water Quality Meter Dissolved Oxygen NA mg/L Field Water Quality Meter Oxidation Reduction Potential NA mV Field Water Quality Meter Turbidity NA NTU Field Water Quality Meter Ferrous Iron NA mg/L Field Test Kit Inorganics Aluminum 5 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Antimony 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Arsenic 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Barium 5 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Beryllium 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Boron 50 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Cadmium 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Chromium 1 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Cobalt 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Copper 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Iron 10 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Lead 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Manganese 5 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Mercury (low level) 0.012 μg/L EPA 245.7 or 1631 Molybdenum 5 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Nickel 5 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Selenium 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Strontium 5 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Thallium (low level) 0.2 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Vanadium (low level) 0.3 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Zinc 5 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010C Anions/Cations Alkalinity (as CaCO3) 20 mg/L SM 2320B Bicarbonate 20 mg/L SM 2320 Calcium 0.01 mg/L EPA 200.7 Carbonate 20 mg/L SM 2320 Chloride 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Magnesium 0.005 mg/L EPA 200.7 Methane 0.1 mg/L RSK 175 Nitrate as Nitrogen 0.023 mg-N/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Potassium 0.1 mg/L EPA 200.7 Page 2 of 2  Parameter RL Units Method Sodium 0.05 mg/L EPA 200.7 Sulfate 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Sulfide (as H2S)4 0.05 mg/L SM4500S-D Total Dissolved Solids 25 mg/L SM 2540C Total Organic Carbon 0.1 mg/L SM 5310 Total Suspended Solids 2 mg/L SM 2450D Additional Groundwater Constituents Iron Speciation (Fe(II), Fe(III) Vendor Specific μg/L IC-ICP-CRC-MS Manganese Speciation (Mn(II), Mn(IV) Vendor Specific μg/L IC-ICP-CRC-MS Notes: 1. Select constituents will be analyzed for total and dissolved concentrations. 2. RL is the laboratory analytical method reporting limit. 3. NA indicates not applicable. 4. Following wells to be sampled for Total Combined Radium: MW-13 and BG-1S/D 5. Sulfide (as H2S) will be analyzed for groundwater samples only. 6. All EPA methods and RLs are at or below the respective 2L or 2B Standard for constituents with standards. Table 7-4. Ash Basin Surface Water Sample Results Aluminum Aluminum Antimony Antimony Arsenic Arsenic Barium Barium Beryllium Beryllium Boron Boron Cadmium 7429-90-5 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-41-7 7440-41-7 7440-42-8 7440-42-8 7440-43-9 DTDTDTDTDTDTD ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 87 87 5.6 5.6 10 10 1000 1000 6.5 6.5 NS NS 0.15 NS NS NS NS 10 10 700 700 NS NS 700 700 2 NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS 4 4 NS NS NS Sample Name Sample Date SW-1 6/8/2015 62.2 43900 3.5 7.3 23.7 229 600 820 0.075 J 17.6 420 430 0.024 U SW-2 6/8/2015 51.7 93.1 2.4 2.6 33 37.2 120 130 0.067 U 0.067 U 390 410 0.043 J General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Qualifier Notes: IMAC** Analyte CAS RN FRACTION Result Unit NC 2B Surface Water (Lowest of AL, HH, WS)* 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 02B Surface Water Criteria NS - No applicable standard for this parameter U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. **NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. *NOTE for the purposes of comparison, the lowest value of the Water Supply, Human Health, or Freshwater Aquatic Life criteria was referenced in this table. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Standards and Protective Values & EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. Shading+Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. Page1of5 Table 7-4. Ash Basin Surface Water Sample Results Aluminum 7429-90-5 D ug/l 87 NS NS Sample Name Sample Date SW-1 6/8/2015 62.2 SW-2 6/8/2015 51.7 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Qualifier Notes: IMAC** Analyte CAS RN FRACTION Result Unit NC 2B Surface Water (Lowest of AL, HH, WS)* 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 02B Surface Water Criteria NS - No applicable standard for this parameter U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. **NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. *NOTE for the purposes of comparison, the lowest value of the Water Supply, Human Health, or Freshwater Aquatic Life criteria was referenced in this table. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Standards and Protective Values & EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. Shading+Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. Cadmium Chromium Chromium Cobalt Cobalt Copper Copper Iron Iron Lead Lead Manganese 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 TDTDTDTDTDTD ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 0.15 24 24 3 3 2.7 2.7 NS NS 0.54 0.54 NS 2 10 10 NS NS 1000 1000 300 300 15 15 50 NS NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 2 0.56 47.6 0.91 56.5 0.44 J+315 13.7 U 19100 0.046 U 107 130 0.055 J 0.18 J 0.5 0.13 U 0.16 J 2.4 J+ 1.4 J+ 13.7 U 29.9 J 0.19 J+ 0.048 J 2.5 U Page2of5 Table 7-4. Ash Basin Surface Water Sample Results Aluminum 7429-90-5 D ug/l 87 NS NS Sample Name Sample Date SW-1 6/8/2015 62.2 SW-2 6/8/2015 51.7 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Qualifier Notes: IMAC** Analyte CAS RN FRACTION Result Unit NC 2B Surface Water (Lowest of AL, HH, WS)* 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 02B Surface Water Criteria NS - No applicable standard for this parameter U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. **NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. *NOTE for the purposes of comparison, the lowest value of the Water Supply, Human Health, or Freshwater Aquatic Life criteria was referenced in this table. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Standards and Protective Values & EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. Shading+Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. Manganese Mercury Mercury Molybdenum Molybdenum Nickel Nickel Selenium Selenium Strontium Strontium Thallium 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 TDTDTDTDTDTD ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS NS NS 160 160 16 16 NS NS 14000 14000 0.24 50 1 1 NS NS 100 100 20 20 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.2 140 0.001 U 0.0072 58.3 55.1 4.2 103 1.1 5 470 790 0.3 3.3 J 0.001 U 0.001 U 53.5 60.3 4.4 5 0.96 1.1 410 440 0.81 Page3of5 Table 7-4. Ash Basin Surface Water Sample Results Aluminum 7429-90-5 D ug/l 87 NS NS Sample Name Sample Date SW-1 6/8/2015 62.2 SW-2 6/8/2015 51.7 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Qualifier Notes: IMAC** Analyte CAS RN FRACTION Result Unit NC 2B Surface Water (Lowest of AL, HH, WS)* 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 02B Surface Water Criteria NS - No applicable standard for this parameter U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. **NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. *NOTE for the purposes of comparison, the lowest value of the Water Supply, Human Health, or Freshwater Aquatic Life criteria was referenced in this table. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Standards and Protective Values & EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. Shading+Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. Thallium Vanadium Vanadium Zinc Zinc Alkalinity, HCO3 Alkalinity, CO3 Alkalinity, lab Calcium Chloride Magnesium Methane 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-66-6 ALK-HCO3 ALK-CO3 ALK-LAB 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 74-82-8 TDTDTNNNTNTN ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 0.24 NS NS 36 36 NS NS NS NS 230000 NS NS NS NS NS 1000 1000 NS NS NS NS 250000 NS NS 5.4 17.2 275 7.6 J 150 12000 10000 U 12000 18900 5400 3720 98 0.94 6.7 7.8 2.5 U 42 J+12000 10000 U 12000 16300 5400 3350 10 U Page4of5 Table 7-4. Ash Basin Surface Water Sample Results Aluminum 7429-90-5 D ug/l 87 NS NS Sample Name Sample Date SW-1 6/8/2015 62.2 SW-2 6/8/2015 51.7 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Qualifier Notes: IMAC** Analyte CAS RN FRACTION Result Unit NC 2B Surface Water (Lowest of AL, HH, WS)* 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 02B Surface Water Criteria NS - No applicable standard for this parameter U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. **NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. *NOTE for the purposes of comparison, the lowest value of the Water Supply, Human Health, or Freshwater Aquatic Life criteria was referenced in this table. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Standards and Protective Values & EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. Shading+Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 Potassium Sodium Sulfate Sulfide Total Organic Carbon Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids NO2-NO3 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 18496-25-8 TOC TDS TSS NTTNNNNN ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS NS NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 250000 NS NS 500000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 10 U 5440 4590 J 54100 100 U 1200 99000 J- 57000000 J- 10 U 4940 J 4780 J 55200 100 U 1200 99000 J- 3300 J- Page5of5 Table 7-5. Ash Basin Porewater Sample Results Aluminum Aluminum Antimony Antimony Arsenic Arsenic Barium Barium Boron Boron Beryllium Beryllium 7429-90-5 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-41-7 DTDTDTDTDTDT ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS NS NS NS 10 10 700 700 700 700 NS NS NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS 4 4 Sample Name Sample Date AB-3S 7/2/2015 140 2600 0.28 J 0.58 258 283 190 220 420 410 0.086 J 0.16 J AB-3S 7/7/2015 260 1200 1.8 1.7 0.78 0.93 53 59 430 410 0.2 U 0.073 J AB-4S 6/28/2015 710 790 0.5 U 2.2 0.5 U 428 94 98 520 500 0.2 U 0.2 U AB-5S 6/20/2015 140 1600 23.8 21.6 644 651 250 310 1400 1400 0.2 U 0.34 AB-5SL 6/8/2015 4830 6370 2.9 3.2 69.7 75.1 120 140 2100 2400 0.2 U 0.086 J AB-7S 6/22/2015 100 U 190 0.5 U 0.5 U 23.4 24.3 68 72 320 320 0.2 U 0.2 U C-1S 6/17/2015 770 1200 0.5 U 0.5 U 25.5 25.8 48 51 310 300 0.42 0.4 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. IMAC* NS - No applicable standard for this parameterg Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) April 2013*NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD Page1of5 Table 7-5. Ash Basin Porewater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-3S 7/2/2015 AB-3S 7/7/2015 AB-4S 6/28/2015 AB-5S 6/20/2015 AB-5SL 6/8/2015 AB-7S 6/22/2015 C-1S 6/17/2015 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. IMAC* NS - No applicable standard for this parameterg Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) April 2013*NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD Cadmium Cadmium Chromium Chromium Cobalt Cobalt Copper Copper Iron Iron Lead Lead 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 DTDTDTDTDTDT ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 2 2 10 10 NS NS 1000 1000 300 300 15 15 NS NS NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.08 U 0.025 J 2.4 J 4.3 1.3 1.9 3.5 J+ 7 2400 6500 0.88 1.7 0.025 J 0.029 J 2 J+ 3.6 0.35 J 0.72 1.8 8.2 30 J 990 0.075 J 0.42 J+ 0.08 U 0.041 J 0.18 J+ 0.56 J+ 0.5 U 5.7 0.75 J+ 0.23 J+ 50 U 32 J 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.079 J 0.1 0.21 J+ 1.8 J+ 0.2 J 1 3.2 5.5 50 U 660 0.24 1.7 0.08 U 0.071 J 0.25 J+ 0.99 J+ 0.5 U 0.25 J 1 U 1.5 J+ 50 U 240 0.1 U 0.4 0.08 U 0.034 J 0.37 J+ 0.84 J+13.7 13.4 2.2 J+ 0.92 J 11000 11200 0.16 0.29 0.08 U 0.08 U 1.6 4 115 102 1 U 2.2 176000 175000 0.1 U 0.25 Page2of5 Table 7-5. Ash Basin Porewater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-3S 7/2/2015 AB-3S 7/7/2015 AB-4S 6/28/2015 AB-5S 6/20/2015 AB-5SL 6/8/2015 AB-7S 6/22/2015 C-1S 6/17/2015 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. IMAC* NS - No applicable standard for this parameterg Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) April 2013*NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD Manganese Manganese Mercury Mercury Molybdenum Molybdenum Nickel Nickel Selenium Selenium Strontium Strontium 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-24-6 DTDTDTDTDTDT ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 50 50 1 1 NS NS 100 100 20 20 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 860 910 0.2 U 0.2 U 32.5 28.8 1.4 J+ 2.2 0.5 U 0.5 U 890 940 720 730 0.2 U 0.2 U 4.8 4.6 0.31 J 0.87 2.1 2 550 560 1200 1200 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.5 U 46.5 0.24 J+ 0.74 J+ 0.5 U 0.84 680 700 39 48 0.2 UJ 0.077 J+ 269 263 0.97 2.4 1.2 1.3 2300 2700 4.3 J 6.7 0.2 U 0.2 U 594 586 0.37 J 1.1 3.1 4 2400 2700 1300 1300 0.2 U 0.076 J+ 0.74 0.75 1.2 1.4 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 330 340 3400 3200 0.2 U 0.14 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 33.5 30.8 0.47 J 0.66 1400 1400 Page3of5 Table 7-5. Ash Basin Porewater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-3S 7/2/2015 AB-3S 7/7/2015 AB-4S 6/28/2015 AB-5S 6/20/2015 AB-5SL 6/8/2015 AB-7S 6/22/2015 C-1S 6/17/2015 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. IMAC* NS - No applicable standard for this parameterg Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) April 2013*NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD Thallium Thallium Vanadium Vanadium Zinc Zinc Alkalinity, HCO3 Alkalinity, CO3 Alkalinity, lab Calcium Chloride Magnesium 7440-28-0 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-66-6 ALK-HCO3 ALK-CO3 ALK-LAB 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 DTDTDTNNNTNT ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS NS NS NS 1000 1000 NS NS NS NS 250000 NS 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.056 J 0.075 J 6 11.3 10 U 8.9 J+ 52600 5000 U 52600 26000 7000 6380 0.06 J 0.064 J 3.9 4.9 17 21 254000 5000 U 254000 42200 12900 1940 0.1 U 0.19 1 U 166 10 U 10 U 69600 5000 U 69600 35300 6000 6230 0.36 0.48 200 231 10 U 4.8 J+ 201000 5000 U 201000 79700 11500 16900 0.1 U 0.042 J 130 151 10 U 10 U 40000 18000 60000 89900 7900 677 0.23 NA 1 U 1.1 3 J 5.3 J 24100 5000 U 24100 13300 2100 4250 0.03 J 0.062 J 2.7 4 82 91 11000 5000 U 11000 54600 9400 23500 Page4of5 Table 7-5. Ash Basin Porewater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-3S 7/2/2015 AB-3S 7/7/2015 AB-4S 6/28/2015 AB-5S 6/20/2015 AB-5SL 6/8/2015 AB-7S 6/22/2015 C-1S 6/17/2015 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. IMAC* NS - No applicable standard for this parameterg Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) April 2013*NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD Methane Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 Potassium Sodium Sulfate Sulfide Total Organic Carbon Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids 74-82-8 NO2-NO3 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 18496-25-8 TOC TDS TSS NNTTNNNNN ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS NS NS NS 250000 NS NS 500000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 268 18 J 5140 6870 48000 100 U 780 J 174000 35000 0.66 J+ 60 4060 J 144000 99300 100 U 1600 519000 49800 13 J+ 20 U 20500 19500 88900 J+ 100 U 740 J 234000 7700 10 UJ 20 U 14100 11400 99600 100 U 710 J 381000 180000 3000 20 U 20800 9560 208000 100 U 660 J 420000 J- 140000 J- 84.7 J 19 J+ 4540 J 9040 64800 100 U 680 J 140000 2500 U 262 J 20 U 23600 21900 559000 500 U 3900 1110000 12600 Page5of5 Table 7-6. Porewater Speciation Results Arsenate Arsenic Arsenite As(III) As(V) Chromium Chromium (VI) Chromium (VI) Fe(II) Fe(III) Ferrous Iron Iron ARSENATE 7440-38-2 ARSENITE 7784-46-5 10103-60-3 7440-47-3 18540-29-9 18540-29-9 1345-25-1 1309-37-1 15438-31-0 7439-89-6 TTTTTTDTTTTT ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l Sample Name Sample Date Porewater AB-3S 7/2/2015 NA NA NA 270 19.9 NA NA 0.05 U 2160 311 NA NA AB-5S 6/25/2015 NA NA NA 44.9 611 J+ NA NA 0.026 20 U 20 U NA NA AB-5SL 6/25/2015 NA NA NA 23.7 46.2 J+ NA NA 0.05 U 50.8 J- 20 U NA NA AB-7S 6/24/2015 NA NA NA 17.4 3.81 NA NA 0.05 U 9570 1340 NA NA Seeps RBSW001 7/9/2015 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.453 J+ NA NA 1.09 J+ NA NA NA NA 30 UJ 90.3 J RBSW001 7/15/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.02 U NA NA NA NA NA RBSW002 7/9/2015 0.2 J+ 0.466 J 0.266 J+ NA NA 0.918 J+ NA NA NA NA 20 J- 145 RBSW002 7/15/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.46 NA NA NA NA NA S-5 6/25/2015 NA NA NA 0.2 U 0.2 U NA NA 0.121 29 J- 20 U NA NA Ash Basin Surface Water SW-1 6/25/2015 NA NA NA 0.945 34.5 J+ NA NA 0.099 20 U 20 U NA NA SW-2 6/25/2015 NA NA NA 0.692 34.5 J+ NA NA 0.106 20 U 20 U NA NA NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: NS - No applicable standard for this J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. shading + bold - indicates exceedance North Carolina Department of *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting Page1of2 Table 7-6. Porewater Speciation Results Sample Name Sample Date Porewater AB-3S 7/2/2015 AB-5S 6/25/2015 AB-5SL 6/25/2015 AB-7S 6/24/2015 Seeps RBSW001 7/9/2015 RBSW001 7/15/2015 RBSW002 7/9/2015 RBSW002 7/15/2015 S-5 6/25/2015 Ash Basin Surface Water SW-1 6/25/2015 SW-2 6/25/2015 NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analyt Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: NS - No applicable standard for this J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. shading + bold - indicates exceedance North Carolina Department of *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting Manganese Manganese Mn(II) Mn(IV) Se(IV) Se(VI) Selenate Selenite 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 1344-43-0 1313-13-9 10102-18-8 13410-01-0 SELENATE SELENITE DTTTTTTT ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NA NA 981 1 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NA NA NA NA 47.7 1 U 0.84 0.254 NA NA NA NA 3.53 J+ 0.14 J+ 2.47 0.364 NA NA NA NA 1600 22.2 0.5 U 0.5 U NA NA 18.5 20.8 NA NA NA NA 33 4.87 J+ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 20.3 28.4 NA NA NA NA 16.2 3.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2100 1920 0.5 U 0.5 U NA NA NA NA 2.17 J+ 4.01 0.852 0.497 NA NA NA NA 5 U 2.27 0.884 0.284 NA NA Page2of2 Ta b l e 7 - 7 . A s h S a m p l e S P L P R e s u l t s Page 1 of 3 Al u m i n u m A n t i m o n y A r s e n i c B a r i u m B e r y l l i u m B o r o n C a d m i u m C h r o m i u m C o b a l t C o p p e r I r o n L e a d 74 2 9 - 9 0 - 5 7 4 4 0 - 3 6 - 0 7 4 4 0 - 3 8 - 2 7 4 4 0 - 3 9 - 3 7 4 4 0 - 4 1 - 7 7 4 4 0 - 4 2 - 8 7 4 4 0 - 4 3 - 9 7 4 4 0 - 4 7 - 3 7 4 4 0 - 4 8 - 4 7 4 4 0 - 5 0 - 8 7 4 3 9 - 8 9 - 6 7 4 3 9 - 9 2 - 1 TT T T T T T T T T T T ug / l u g / l u g / l u g / l u g / l u g / l ug / l u g / l u g / l u g / l u g / l u g / l NS N S 1 0 7 0 0 N S 7 0 0 2 1 0 N S 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 5 NS 1 N S N S 4 N S N S N S 1 N S N S N S Sa m p l e N a m e S a m p l e D a t e AB - 4 S ( 4 3 . 5 - 4 5 ) 5 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 8 . 6 J + 0 . 7 9 0 . 9 3 1 4 6 0 . 2 U 1 0 3 0 . 0 8 U 0 . 2 6 J + 0 . 1 7 J 0 . 5 5 J + 5 0 U 0 . 0 8 2 J + AB - 5 D ( 4 8 . 5 - 5 0 ) 4 / 7 / 2 0 1 5 3 8 6 0 4. 6 7 3 13 0 J + 0 . 2 U 4 2 8 0 . 0 2 9 J + 1 . 8 J + 0 . 1 6 J + 2 . 4 J + 2 0 3 0 . 4 8 J + AB - 7 D ( 8 . 5 - 1 0 ) 3 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 5 3 5 5 J + 4. 9 3 7 52 2 0 . 2 6 1 6 4 0 . 2 1 J + 0 . 5 U 2 1 . 8 J + 1 1 3 J + 0 . 8 2 J + AS - 1 D - 3 ( 7 3 . 5 - 7 5 ) 3 / 2 / 2 0 1 5 1 1 9 0 0 J + 6 1 2 8 44 7 J + 3 . 7 J + 1 1 1 0 . 4 27 J + 1 1 . 8 J + 56.6 J+5570 J+ 2 6 . 3 J + AS - 2 D - 5 ( 1 8 . 5 - 2 0 ) 3 / 4 / 2 0 1 5 4 1 5 J + 4. 8 8 9 . 7 10 8 J + 0 . 2 U 2 7 6 0 . 0 8 U 1 . 5 J + 0 . 5 U 1 U 5 0 U 0 . 1 6 J + AS - 3 D 4 3 . 5 - 4 5 ' 3 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 5 7 4 . 4 J + 2. 8 6 1 . 4 98 . 4 0 . 2 U 2 5 2 0 . 0 8 U 1 . 1 J + 0 . 5 U 3 . 1 5 0 U 0 . 4 6 J + C- 1 D ( 8 . 5 - 1 0 . 0 ) 3 / 2 4 / 2 0 1 5 7 1 . 8 J + 0 . 5 U 0 . 5 U 2 9 4 0 . 2 U 1 0 4 0 . 0 8 U 0 . 5 U 1. 7 1 U 5 0 U 0 . 1 U C- 2 D ( 8 . 5 - 1 0 ) 3 / 1 6 / 2 0 1 5 1 0 6 J + 0 . 5 U 0 . 5 U 3 1 4 0 . 2 U 1 1 7 0 . 0 8 U 0 . 6 8 J + 3. 1 2.3 J+ 5 0 U 0 . 5 1 J + NA - N o t a n a l y z e d o r n o t r e p o r t e d b y a n a l y t i c a l l a b o r a t o r y J - - E s t i m a t e d C o n c e n t r a t i o n J+ - - E s t i m a t e d c o n c e n t r a t i o n , b i a s e d h i g h . J- - - E s t i m a t e d c o n c e n t r a t i o n , b i a s e d l o w . Ge n e r a l N o t e s : sh a d i n g + b o l d - i n d i c a t e s e x c e e d a n c e o f NC 2 L o r I M A C C r i t e r i a . No r t h C a r o l i n a D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r o n m e n t an d N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s D i v i s i o n o f W a t e r Re s o u r c e s 0 2 L G r o u n d w a t e r Q u a l i t y St a n d a r d s a n d I n t e r i m M a x i m u m A l l o w a b l e Co n c e n t r a t i o n s ( I M A C s ) . A p r i l 2 0 1 3 *N O T E : T h e I M A C v a l u e i s s h o w n w h e r e th e r e i s n o a p p l i c a b l e 0 2 L s t a n d a r d . Ap p e n d i x # 1 o f 1 5 A N C A C S u b c h a p t e r 0 2 L Cl a s s i f i c a t i o n s a n d W a t e r Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s Ap p l i c a b l e t o t h e G r o u n d w a t e r s o f N o r t h Ca r o l i n a , l i s t s I n t e r i m M a x i m u m A l l o w a b l e Co n c e n t r a t i o n s ( I M A C s ) . T h e I M A C s w e r e is s u e d i n 2 0 1 0 a n d 2 0 1 1 , h o w e v e r N C D E N R ha s n o t e s t a b l i s h e d a 0 2 L s t a n d a r d f o r t h e s e co n s t i t u e n t s a s d e s c r i b e d i n 1 5 A N C A C 02 L . 0 2 0 2 ( c ) . F o r t h i s r e a s o n , I M A C s a r e no t e d i n t h i s r e p o r t f o r r e f e r e n c e o n l y . Qu a l i f i e r N o t e s : pg de t e c t i o n l i m i t . An a l y t e CA S R N Fr a c t i o n Re s u l t U n i t 15 A N C A C 0 2 L S T A N D A R D ug / l - m i c r o g r a m s p e r l i t e r NS - N o a p p l i c a b l e s t a n d a r d f o r t h i s pa r a m e t e r T - T o t a l D - D i s s o l v e d IM A C * N - F r a c t i o n n o t a p p l i c a b l e Co m p a r i s o n C r i t e r i a : Table 7-7. Ash Sample SPLP Results Page 2 of 3 Sample Name Sample Date AB-4S(43.5-45)5/8/2015 AB-5D(48.5-50)4/7/2015 AB-7D(8.5-10)3/18/2015 AS-1D-3 (73.5-75)3/2/2015 AS-2D-5 (18.5-20)3/4/2015 AS-3D 43.5-45'3/10/2015 C-1D(8.5-10.0)3/24/2015 C-2D(8.5-10)3/16/2015 NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytica J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. General Notes: shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina, lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Qualifier Notes: p g detection limit. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD ug/l - micrograms per liter NS - No applicable standard for this parameter T - Total D - Dissolved IMAC* N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Chloride Magnesium 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 T T T T T T T T T T N T ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 50 1 NS 100 20 NS NS NS 1000 NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.2 0.3 NS NS NS NS 275 0.2 U 3.4 0.64 J+0.5 U 89.6 0.1 U 0.5 J 31 2250 5000 U 341 J+ 10.7 J+0.2 U 8.8 1.2 J+38.7 287 0.1 U 55.4 175 J+14400 6800 U 220 J+ 151 J+0.2 U 9.8 1.3 J+0.78 206 0.63 17.4 157 3940 J+37600 U 466 J+ 53 0.6 U 11.5 J+23.5 J+3.2 368 J+1.2 112 44.2 J+7560 J+7300 U 1690 J+ 23.9 J+0.2 U 10.5 J+0.5 U 3.5 489 0.1 U 80.1 J+5 U 14800 7200 U 6030 J+ 5.8 J+0.2 U 29.2 0.5 U 3.2 238 0.1 U 52.4 9.6 5600 6200 U 909 63 0.2 U 0.5 U 2.6 0.5 U 50 0.1 U 1 U 156 844 7000 U 305 120 J+0.2 U 0.5 U 5.4 J+0.5 U 40.4 0.1 U 1 U 152 J+3140 30400 U 682 Table 7-7. Ash Sample SPLP Results Page 3 of 3 Sample Name Sample Date AB-4S(43.5-45)5/8/2015 AB-5D(48.5-50)4/7/2015 AB-7D(8.5-10)3/18/2015 AS-1D-3 (73.5-75)3/2/2015 AS-2D-5 (18.5-20)3/4/2015 AS-3D 43.5-45'3/10/2015 C-1D(8.5-10.0)3/24/2015 C-2D(8.5-10)3/16/2015 NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytica J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. General Notes: shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina, lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Qualifier Notes: p g detection limit. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD ug/l - micrograms per liter NS - No applicable standard for this parameter T - Total D - Dissolved IMAC* N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Nitrate Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) 14797-55-8 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 PH N T T N N ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l Std. Units 10000 NS NS 250000 6.5 - 8.5 NS NS NS NS NS 200 UJ 302 1300 6700 J+NA 270 UJ 520 J+328 J+23900 J+9.5 J 368000 J 1680 1490 J+23300 J+5.9 J 430 J 2800 J+5100 J+9300 8 J 410 J 889 J+4690 57200 7.9 J 29500 J 682 2830 8500 J+7.8 J 290 J 1900 1740 13300 J+3.6 J 325000 J 1860 1450 16700 J+5.3 J Table 7-8. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Identified Seeps - Exceedances of Appropriate Water Quality Standards Page 1 of 6 Aluminum Aluminum Antimony Antimony Arsenic Arsenic Barium Barium Boron Boron Beryllium 7429-90-5 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 D T D T D T D T D T D ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS NS 1 NS 10 10 700 700 700 700 NS NS NS NS 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS 4 Sample Name Sample ID Sample Date Background Seeps S-13 92257605001 7/7/2015 100 U 130 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.19 J 0.3 J 16 17 50 U 50 U 0.2 U Seeps S-2 92257351001 7/6/2015 100 U 100 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.12 J 0.12 J 30 30 500 480 0.2 U S-2 92257605002 7/7/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA S-5 92256216003 6/25/2015 100 U 330 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.3 J 32 69 480 490 0.2 U S-9 92257220002 7/3/2015 NA NA 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 33 35 410 390 0.2 U S-11 92257220003 7/3/2015 NA NA 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.21 J 27 30 420 400 0.2 U General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Table 7-8. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Identified Seeps - Exceedances of Appropriate Water Quality Standards Page 2 of 6 Sample Name Sample ID Sample Date Background Seeps S-13 92257605001 7/7/2015 Seeps S-2 92257351001 7/6/2015 S-2 92257605002 7/7/2015 S-5 92256216003 6/25/2015 S-9 92257220002 7/3/2015 S-11 92257220003 7/3/2015 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Beryllium Cadmium Cadmium Chromium Chromium Cobalt Cobalt Copper Copper Iron Iron 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 T D T D T D T D T D T ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS 2 2 10 10 NS NS 1000 1000 300 300 4 NS NS NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.28 J 0.41 J 0.5 U 0.24 J 0.95 J 0.92 J 230 1600 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.3 J 0.53 0.89 1.4 0.55 J 0.57 J 37 J 90 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.4 J 1.8 12.4 46.1 0.53 J 0.73 J 50 U 4600 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.37 J 0.59 1.4 2 0.31 J 0.49 J NA NA 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.19 J 1.8 9.7 13 0.47 J 2.2 NA NA Table 7-8. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Identified Seeps - Exceedances of Appropriate Water Quality Standards Page 3 of 6 Sample Name Sample ID Sample Date Background Seeps S-13 92257605001 7/7/2015 Seeps S-2 92257351001 7/6/2015 S-2 92257605002 7/7/2015 S-5 92256216003 6/25/2015 S-9 92257220002 7/3/2015 S-11 92257220003 7/3/2015 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Lead Lead Manganese Manganese Mercury Mercury Molybdenum Molybdenum Nickel Nickel Selenium 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 D T D T D T D T D T D ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 15 15 50 50 1 1 NS NS 100 100 20 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.1 U 0.13 79 110 NA 0.000843 J+0.13 J 0.15 J 0.5 UJ 0.18 J 0.5 U 0.1 U 0.1 U 280 300 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.16 J 0.12 J 0.81 0.82 0.5 U NA NA NA NA NA 0.000507 J+NA NA NA NA NA 0.1 U 0.52 1800 3100 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.11 J 0.5 U 3.6 7.1 0.5 U 0.1 U 0.094 J 210 210 NA 0.00414 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.1 1.2 0.5 U 0.1 U 0.51 2000 2000 NA 0.00887 0.5 U 0.1 J 0.69 1.4 0.5 U Table 7-8. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Identified Seeps - Exceedances of Appropriate Water Quality Standards Page 4 of 6 Sample Name Sample ID Sample Date Background Seeps S-13 92257605001 7/7/2015 Seeps S-2 92257351001 7/6/2015 S-2 92257605002 7/7/2015 S-5 92256216003 6/25/2015 S-9 92257220002 7/3/2015 S-11 92257220003 7/3/2015 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Selenium Strontium Strontium Thallium Thallium Vanadium Vanadium Zinc Zinc Alkalinity, HCO3 Alkalinity, CO3 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-66-6 ALK-HCO3 ALK-CO3 T D T D T D T D T N N ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 20 NS NS NS NS 0.3 NS 1000 1000 NS NS NS NS NS 0.2 0.2 NS 0.3 NS NS NS NS 0.5 U 79 79 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.52 J 1.4 4.8 J 3 J 39600 5000 U 0.5 U 280 280 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.3 J 0.33 J 4.1 J 10 U 59200 5000 U NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.5 U 43 52 0.1 U 0.021 J 1 U 1.8 10 U 6.5 J 10700 5000 U 0.5 U 36 36 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.38 J 0.48 J 10 U 10 U 23200 5000 U 0.5 U 32 29 0.1 U 0.025 J 0.39 J 3.2 7.4 J 2.8 J 13400 5000 U Table 7-8. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Identified Seeps - Exceedances of Appropriate Water Quality Standards Page 5 of 6 Sample Name Sample ID Sample Date Background Seeps S-13 92257605001 7/7/2015 Seeps S-2 92257351001 7/6/2015 S-2 92257605002 7/7/2015 S-5 92256216003 6/25/2015 S-9 92257220002 7/3/2015 S-11 92257220003 7/3/2015 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Alkalinity, lab Calcium Chloride Magnesium Methane Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 Potassium Sodium Sulfate Sulfide Total Organic Carbon ALK-LAB 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 74-82-8 NO2-NO3 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 18496-25-8 TOC N T N T N N T T N N N ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 39600 8540 1200 2580 27.3 79 5000 U 6960 1000 U 100 U 2100 59200 43000 6800 7930 14.9 J+310 5180 5850 89300 100 U 680 J NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10700 6140 7300 7400 2.2 J+29 5000 U 7440 35100 100 U 2000 23200 7410 6500 6460 5.7 J+110 5000 U 7140 25600 100 U 5600 13400 4050 6800 2710 56.8 45 5000 U 7780 16500 100 U 1100 Table 7-8. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Identified Seeps - Exceedances of Appropriate Water Quality Standards Page 6 of 6 Sample Name Sample ID Sample Date Background Seeps S-13 92257605001 7/7/2015 Seeps S-2 92257351001 7/6/2015 S-2 92257605002 7/7/2015 S-5 92256216003 6/25/2015 S-9 92257220002 7/3/2015 S-11 92257220003 7/3/2015 General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids TDS TSS N N ug/l ug/l 500000 NS NS NS 83000 7000 195000 2500 U NA NA 101000 5000 U 68000 5800 53000 30800 Table 7-9. Background Seep Sample Results Page 1 of 3 Well ID Date Collected Time Collected Temp (°C)pH (s.u.)Specific Cond. (μS)Diss. Oxy (mg/L) ORP/Redox(mV) Turbidity (ntu)Notes AB-1D 7/9/2015 1145 23.3 11.6 1367 1.1 -49.1 16.89 AB-1S 7/9/2015 1142 27.2 5.18 35.7 1.63 257.6 41.89 AB-2D 7/8/2015 1440 27.4 10.94 515 3.69 19 6.23 AB-2S 7/8/2015 1227 25.6 5.1 26.8 1.23 237.5 57.88 AB-3BR 7/22/2015 825 17.8 10.8 454 2.1 142.6 416.5 AB-3D 7/7/2015 1630 29.1 11.9 3092 0.7 -265.9 119.7 AB-3S 7/2/2015 1441 24.4 6.8 253.8 0.2 -62.4 105.6 AB-4D 6/28/2015 1357 21.26 11.53 458 3.39 -104.6 92 Stopped Sampling Needs Redevelopment AB-4D 7/8/2015 1125 25.5 10.6 316.6 2.5 59.4 20.64 AB-4S 6/28/2015 1619 21 9.8 534 0.29 -112.6 6.52 AB-5D 6/20/2015 1235 20.68 10.91 430 0.8 -30.1 3.27 AB-5D 7/8/2015 1630 21.2 10.6 370.6 1.3 -72.9 17.16 AB-5S 6/25/2015 1240 22.58 8.36 602 0.25 69.2 7.45 AB-5S 6/20/2015 1130 23.3 8.09 597 0.41 26.2 3.34 AB-5SL 6/25/2015 1440 21.87 10.73 652 0.22 -119.7 1.86 AB-6BRU 6/22/2015 1015 20.61 9.99 334 0.45 -53.6 3.25 AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 1615 23.4 9.7 368.7 0.6 -111.5 7.9 AB-6S 6/29/2015 1555 22.57 11.69 952 1.22 -50.7 163 Pump Issues (Not Sampled) AB-6S 6/30/2015 1005 23.27 11.46 1279 0.47 -1.1 46.3 AB-6S 6/22/2015 1450 23.46 11.91 1100 0.17 -102.7 18.8 AB-6S 7/1/2015 1205 24.27 11.07 811 0.29 79.4 44.3 AB-7D 7/1/2015 1105 19.1 11.91 905 8.21 -38.9 8.25 AB-7I 7/7/2015 1508 29.9 5.83 40.4 2.39 217.1 20.01 AB-7S 6/22/2015 1200 19.69 5.4 222 0.23 53.4 3.57 AB-7S 6/24/2015 1350 21.14 5.72 227 0.23 85.4 3.84 AB-8S 6/20/2015 1025 24.83 5.68 372 1.16 222 9.83 AS-1D 7/1/2015 1545 22.4 11.85 1670 4.3 -44 2.56 AS-1D 6/5/2015 1525 35.2 11.4 1592 6.6 36.6 6.2 AS-1S 6/29/2015 1439 21.3 6.19 1050 0.22 191 3.71 AS-1S 7/1/2015 1143 22.2 6.11 980 0.37 286 7.7 AS-1S 6/5/2015 1700 31.6 6.4 1167 1.3 142.8 14.2 AS-2D 7/1/2015 1227 20.92 11.57 807 3.02 -88.8 9.27 AS-2S 7/1/2015 1443 19.98 5.25 114 0.22 169.1 4.3 AS-2S 6/30/2015 1642 20.1 5.06 59 5.09 216 1.75 AS-2S 6/5/2015 1310 28.1 5.3 100 0.5 172 12 AS-3D 6/29/2015 1610 22.33 11.87 265 4.69 -111.6 9.97 AS-3D 7/1/2015 1610 22.84 10.3 160 6.57 -21.1 28 AS-3D 6/5/2015 1300 23.9 10.3 222.9 6.2 40.2 10 AS-3S 7/7/2015 1530 32.1 6.98 717 1.65 57.9 48.37 BG-1S 7/6/2015 1100 21.2 5.75 33.3 5.45 288 13.71 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 820 19.1 8.2 180.2 2.1 180.8 7.38 BG-3D 7/6/2015 1040 18.4 7.1 115.7 4.2 179.1 123.6 BG-3S 6/30/2015 1310 18.19 6.15 79 6.4 161.3 1.93 Table 7-9. Background Seep Sample Results Page 2 of 3 Well ID Date Collected Time Collected Temp (°C)pH (s.u.)Specific Cond. (μS)Diss. Oxy (mg/L) ORP/Redox(mV) Turbidity (ntu)Notes C-1BRU 7/6/2015 - ------ Well went dry and did not recharge within 48 hrs. Substances in well possibly affected the static water level reading C-1S 6/17/2015 1548 18.43 4.96 801 0.35 -25.2 3.14 C-2D 6/19/2015 1145 20.11 9.36 703 4.35 48.9 7.62 C-2D 6/25/2015 1246 21.07 8.63 279 3.61 -77.8 52 Reach Two Hour Limit at 1247 C-2S 6/19/2015 1455 20.54 4.16 220 2.43 479.9 6.4 C-2S 6/25/2015 1510 20.66 5.06 295 1.88 -46.1 8.15 Declared too turbid at 1511 GWA-10D 7/3/2015 748 19.7 10.92 519.3 1.89 183.8 7.75 GWA-10S 7/2/2015 1535 20.7 5.17 85.9 136 311 4.4 GWA-1D 7/2/2015 1315 18.8 11.22 504 0.33 -169.4 21.25 GWA-1S 7/2/2015 1355 20.8 6.07 78 3.03 237.5 47.36 GWA-20BR 7/27/2015 1230 18.9 11.9 2401 6 -45.8 8.62 GWA-20D 7/16/2015 1710 21.1 12.5 11175 4.9 74.2 8.95 GWA-20S 7/11/2015 1010 27.1 5.3 45.2 3.9 126.8 21.15 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 835 21.1 11.4 1240 5 49.8 1.04 GWA-22D 7/10/2015 1400 21.3 11 411.1 8.5 60.3 71.72 GWA-22S 7/10/2015 1205 32.8 5.18 22 3.45 239.9 8.32 GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 1620 23.2 12.2 3584 3.8 -89.4 10.2 GWA-23D 7/16/2015 1150 21.7 11.2 452.3 6.4 31.7 4.15 GWA-23S 7/10/2015 1010 24.9 5.3 44.1 3.1 227.3 9.05 GWA-2S 6/22/2015 1355 22.12 5.83 188 1/1/1900 70.6 7.72 GWA-2BRU 7/8/2015 815 20.3 12.11 5030 5.22 -111.1 116.4 Date 7/8/2015 BTB 1:16pm GWA-3SA 7/1/2015 1507 20.8 5.94 2263 0.25 -43.4 7.84 GWA-3D 6/17/2015 1337 20.55 7.42 1744 0.67 29.2 1.55 GWA-4BR 7/27/2015 1050 20.8 12.5 12552 3.2 -58.2 5.8 GWA-5D 7/11/2015 1140 19.2 10.3 215.6 8.6 81.3 2.01 GWA-5S 6/18/2015 943 18.6 3.56 184 5.98 4.2 1.92 GWA-6D 6/19/2015 1155 18.48 11.37 532 6.12 -102.5 3.98 GWA-6D 6/24/2015 1546 25.73 11.32 908 5.98 -103.7 8.81 GWA-6S 6/25/2015 905 21.87 6.25 83 6.38 127.6 85.2 Low Recharge GWA-7D 6/17/2015 1043 16.54 8.03 231 2.67 23.8 3.9 GWA-7S 6/19/2015 1450 19.88 4.99 61 5.58 -111.8 3.12 GWA-8D 6/28/2015 1445 20.1 7.21 166 0.12 38.7 5.23 GWA-8S 6/28/2015 1108 20.72 5.03 122 1.59 242.3 1.86 GWA-9BR 7/9/2015 1325 20.2 11.54 1622 7.33 129.1 137.3 GWA-9S 6/30/2015 1007 19.19 4.82 94 0.75 264.3 7.93 MW-10 6/29/2015 1557 16.81 5.47 112 1.18 158.4 7.18 MW-10 6/23/2015 1435 21.57 4.57 108 1.22 -12.3 4.88 MW-11DR 7/2/2015 1515 21.6 5.9 156.9 1.1 114.8 8.8 MW-11SR 7/2/2015 1200 20.3 5.8 161.5 1.6 117.3 8.1 MW-13 7/1/2015 925 16.5 6.88 170 0.26 -15.7 0.95 MW-14 7/1/2015 1305 17.98 7.19 181 1.5 58 1.97 MW-15 6/30/2015 1515 16.6 5.23 108 2.53 315.1 3.41 MW-15 6/23/2015 855 20.67 4.31 165 2.15 127.8 3.6 MW-15BR 6/23/2015 1040 18.63 11.21 555 2.23 -206 4.54 Table 7-9. Background Seep Sample Results Page 3 of 3 Well ID Date Collected Time Collected Temp (°C)pH (s.u.)Specific Cond. (μS)Diss. Oxy (mg/L) ORP/Redox(mV) Turbidity (ntu)Notes MW-1D 6/29/2015 1400 21.09 6.08 287 0.21 87.8 4.13 MW-1S 6/29/2015 1100 19.82 6.66 159 0.16 -92.6 6.82 MW-2D 6/30/2015 1500 19.34 6.35 93 0.55 9.6 5.36 MW-3D 6/30/2015 1305 18.83 6.73 182 0.1 114.9 2.8 MW-3S 6/30/2015 1415 17.61 6.04 169 4.06 150.2 5.06 MW-4D 6/18/2015 1428 15.94 4.59 88 0.61 85.5 4.52 MW-5D 6/18/2015 1211 17.64 6.34 257 0.81 46.7 1.82 MW-5S 6/26/2015 1615 17.87 5.93 100 1.99 -77.8 3.68 MW-6S 6/18/2015 1600 18.95 6.37 162 0.03 16 5.57 MW-8D 7/1/2015 1525 17.2 6.37 102 7.02 -45.3 84.3 Reach Two Hour Limit at 1526 MW-8I 7/1/2015 1135 17.18 5.68 68 7.39 -43.6 34.1 MW-8S 6/30/2015 1725 18.5 6.1 30 7.35 -83.1 8.45 MW-9 7/6/2015 1225 27.3 6.1 128.3 1.78 207.4 8.43 MW-9BR 7/2/2015 1345 19.2 11.4 728 4.6 -12 1.7 MW-9D 7/1/2015 1000 18.85 11.49 1037 2.16 18.9 7.06 MW-9D 7/2/2015 1230 22.1 11.4 921 2.8 -0.6 8.9 RBSW-001 7/9/2015 1430 31.2 9.1 40.3 5.4 143.4 15.95 RBSW-002 7/9/2015 1430 31.1 8 128.3 6 209.5 25.47 RBSW-003 7/9/2015 1430 - - - - - - Dry, no water to sample S-1 7/6/2015 - - - - - - - Wooded area, no water flow, soil slightly saturated S-10 7/3/2015 - - - - - - - Dry S-10 7/6/2015 - - - - - - - Dry, but wanted soil samples taken S-11 7/3/2015 1030 21.7 7.43 102.3 3.55 90 9.05 S-12 7/3/2015 - - - - - - - Dry S-12 7/6/2015 - - - - - - - Dry, but wanted soil samples taken S-13 7/7/2015 840 21.7 6.81 83.9 5.19 227.4 12.96 S-2 7/6/2015 830 22.9 6.93 394.3 5.27 190.9 0.8 Wooded dam with ABS/PVC pipe through middle, nice flow S-3 7/3/2015 - - - - - - - Dry S-3 7/6/2015 - - - - - - - Dry trench, no water flow, covered in leaves, very dry S-4 7/3/2015 845 20.9 8.05 147.3 5.26 81.5 7.29 S-5 7/7/2015 - - - - - - - Wooded area, small amount of water running through wooded dam/pvc pipe S-7 7/3/2015 1235 19.2 7.62 72.7 5.17 233.9 5.63 S-8 7/3/2015 1320 22.5 7.42 96.5 5.17 240.6 14.63 S-9 7/3/2015 1000 21 7.34 142.1 4.59 200.7 6.68 Table 7-. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) Identified Seeps - Exceedances of Appropriate Water Quality Standards Riverbend Steam Station NCDENR Regional Office Table Sample ID Division of Water Resources Lab Number Latitude (°) Longitude (°) Appropriate Water Quality Standard Temp. (°C) pH (SU) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) Dissolved Oxygen (% Saturation) Specific Conductance (μԼԼ/cm) Turbidity (NTU) ORP (mV) Flow (gpm) Aluminum (μg/L) Antimony (μg/L) Arsenic (μg/L) Barium (μg/L) Boron (μg/L) Bromide (mg/L) GW - 2L NE 6.5-8.5 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 1 10 700 700 NE SW - 2B (Class WS) NE 6.0-9.0 > 6.0 NE NE NE NE NE 87 5.6 10 1000 NE NE RBWW002 AC06052 35.3672322 -80.95943115 SW 8.8 6.1 12.1 107 168 100 < 10 4 150 300 N/A < 0.5 16 5.8 RBSP001 AC06044 35.36543027 -80.96638781 SW 13.2 6.9 8.8 86 215 N/A N/A N/A 180 < 10 < 2.0 39 220 N/A RBSP002 AC06045 35.37067271 -80.96274918 SW 12.1 6.7 8.9 85 121 N/A N/A N/A 110 < 10 < 2.0 44 340 N/A RBSP003 AC06046 35.36796809 -80.95935079 SW 10.9 5.25 6 55 96.5 N/A N/A N/A 78 < 10 < 2.0 26 240 N/A RBSW001 AC06047 35.36052816 -80.97510851 SW 13.1 7.2 10.7 101 60 N/A N/A N/A 57 < 10 < 2.0 19 < 50 N/A RBSW002 AC06048 35.36062195 -80.97522544 SW 12.3 7.4 9.9 94 241 N/A N/A N/A < 50 < 10 < 2.0 55 59 N/A RBSW003 AC06049 35.36065366 -80.97544711 SW 12.1 7.71 9.7 91 276.7 N/A N/A N/A < 50 < 10 < 2.0 54 < 50 N/A RBSW010 AC06050 35.36040248 -80.97801872 SW 9.4 6.2 5.9 53 272 N/A N/A N/A 270 < 10 < 2.0 110 < 50 N/A RBSW011 AC06051 35.36018427 -80.9789049 SW 9.4 6.3 3.9 35 188 N/A N/A N/A 190 < 10 < 2.0 45 < 50 N/A Notes: 1. Results from North Carolina Division of Water Quality, NC Division of Water Resources, and Pace Analytical Laboratory, Inc, from samples collected by NCDENR in March 2014 2. SW - 2B (Class WS) refers to the Class WS standards found in 15A NCAC 2B .0200 Surface Water and Wetlands Standards last amended January 1st, 2015 3. NE indicates that a standard has not been established for that parameter 4. N/A means that the constituent was not analyzed at that seep 5. Highlighted cells signify an exceedance of a 2L or 2B standard; the color corresponds with the relevant standard Laboratory, Inc, from samples collected by NCDENR in mid-March 2014 7. Temperature reported in degrees centigrade 8. pH reported in standard units (SU) 9.Լ indicates the unit "mho" the reciprocal of ohm 10. NTU indicates Nephalometric Turbidity Units 11. mV indicates millivolts 12. gpm signifies gallons per minute 13. GW - 2L refers to the Class GA standards found in 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Groundwater Quality Standards, last amended April 1st, 2013 14. "<" indicates a sample less than the laboratory practical quantitation (PQL) limit 15. P indicates an elevated PQL due to matrix interference or dilution factor not equal to one 16. J2 indicates that the reported value is estimated as it did not meet relevant quality controls for precision or accuracy 17. J3 indicates that the reported value is estimated as the sample matrix interfered with accurate determination 18. Analytical results in this table provided to Duke Energy by NCDENR. 1 of 3 Table 8-1. Solid Matrix Parameters and Analytical Methods or Soil, Ash, and Rock Parameters and Constituent Analysis - Analytical Methods Inorganic Compounds Units Method Antimony mg/kg EPA 6020 Arsenic mg/kg EPA 6020 Barium mg/kg EPA 6010 Boron mg/kg EPA 6010 Cadmium mg/kg EPA 6020 Chloride mg/kg SM4500-Cl-E Chromium mg/kg EPA 6010 Copper mg/kg EPA 6010 Iron mg/kg EPA 6010 Lead mg/kg EPA 6020 Manganese mg/kg EPA 6010 Mercury mg/kg EPA Method 7470A/7471 Nickel mg/kg EPA 6010 pH SU EPA 9045 Selenium mg/kg EPA 6020 Thallium (low level) mg/kg EPA 6020 Zinc mg/kg EPA 6010 Notes: 1. Soil samples to be analyzed for Total Inorganics using USEPA Methods 6010/6020 and pH using USEPA Method 9045, as noted above. 2. Ash samples to be analyzed for Total Inorganics using USEPA Methods 6010/6020 and pH using USEPA Method 9045; select ash samples will also be analyzed for leaching potential using SPLP Extraction Method 1312 in conjunction with USEPA Methods 6010/6020. SPLP results to be reported in units of mg/L for comparison to 2L Standards. 3. Samples to be analyzed for Total Organic Carbon using method EPA 9060. Sample result in concentration units of mg/kg of organic carbon on a dry weight basis. Total Organic Carbon Units Method TOC Mg/kg EPA 9060 Table 8-2. Background Soil Sample Results Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 100000 94 3 44000 46000 460 200 100000 70 9400 100000 800 NS 0.9 5.8 580 45 63 3 360000 0.9 700 150 270 Sample Name Sample Date BG-1D(5-6) 6/3/2015 12100 6.5 U 6.5 U 20.4 16.2 U 0.32 U 0.78 U 9 6.5 U 11.6 32200 13.7 BG-1D(14-15) 6/3/2015 11600 8.3 U 8.3 U 77.3 20.7 U 0.41 U 0.99 U 5.5 5 J 15.1 26800 4.9 J BG-1D(24-25) 6/3/2015 14100 8.2 U 8.2 U 175 20.5 U 0.25 J 0.98 U 5.4 22.8 25.2 28200 6 J BG-1D(30-31) 6/3/2015 13100 6.9 U 6.9 U 144 17.2 U 0.28 J 0.83 U 3.8 12.1 16.1 20000 6.9 U BG-1D(34-35) 6/3/2015 10900 8.3 U 8.3 U 189 20.8 U 0.29 J 1 U 3.1 13.9 16 19300 6.3 J BG-1D(44-45) 6/3/2015 9440 7.3 U 7.3 U 209 18.3 U 0.46 0.88 U 4.6 9.9 10.3 13500 7.3 U BG-2D (3.5-5) 6/13/2015 15700 6.1 U 5.5 J 17.7 J 15.3 U 0.2 J 0.73 U 33 6.1 U 8.1 36500 10.9 BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 10700 6.3 U 6.3 U 161 15.8 U 0.63 0.76 U 6 14.6 5.3 17100 15.2 BG-2D (53-54) 6/15/2015 11100 7.6 U 7.6 U 132 19 U 0.63 0.91 U 4.5 8.5 4.3 16000 3.9 J BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 15400 7.8 U 7.8 U 226 19.6 U 1.4 0.94 U 20.6 13.8 20.3 20600 7.8 U BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 11000 6.3 U 6.3 U 251 15.8 U 1 0.76 U 5.5 9.2 5.5 14600 3.5 J BG-3D(3-5) 6/13/2015 23100 6.3 U 6.3 U 28.4 15.7 U 0.33 0.75 U 17.4 6.3 U 11.4 34100 18.1 BG-3D(18.5-20) 6/13/2015 26000 6.1 U 6.1 U 240 15.4 U 0.66 0.74 U 14.4 14.6 16.4 23800 4.2 J BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 26700 6.2 U 6.2 U 276 15.6 U 0.84 0.75 U 6.1 11 10.4 18100 3.7 J BG-3D(27-28) 6/13/2015 21600 6.2 U 6.2 U 282 15.5 U 0.98 0.75 U 6.7 12.1 93.3 23500 3.3 J BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 15900 7.1 U 7.1 U 159 17.7 U 0.63 0.85 U 5.7 8 12.6 19400 7.1 U BG-3D (73-75) 6/13/2015 7630 5.7 U 5.7 U 96.3 14.3 U 0.26 J 0.69 U 3.1 5.7 U 71.8 13500 5.7 U MW-7BR(43.5-45) 4/24/2015 5650 J 6.4 UJ 6.4 UJ 31.3 12 J 0.32 U 0.77 U 3.6 7.3 J 4.5 12300 J 3.7 J+ MW-7BR(53.5-55) 4/24/2015 12300 S 7.3 U 7.3 U 110 19.6 0.23 J 0.88 U 7.6 14.7 15.4 21000 3.8 J Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW U -- Not detected above the reporting detection J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: Page 1 of 3 Table 8-2. Background Soil Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date BG-1D(5-6) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(14-15) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(24-25) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(30-31) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(34-35) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(44-45) 6/3/2015 BG-2D (3.5-5) 6/13/2015 BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (53-54) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 BG-3D(3-5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(18.5-20) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(27-28) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D (73-75) 6/13/2015 MW-7BR(43.5-45) 4/24/2015 MW-7BR(53.5-55) 4/24/2015 Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW U -- Not detected above the reporting detection J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Chloride Magnesium 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 5200 8 1200 4400 1200 100000 2.4 1200 70000 NS NS NS 65 1 NS 130 2.1 NS 0.28 6 1200 NS NS NS 29.1 0.048 3.2 U 1.3 J 6.5 U 3.2 U 6.5 U 89.2 6.5 U 162 U 321 U 162 U 226 0.0095 J 4.1 U 3.4 8.3 U 4.1 U 8.3 U 70.2 12.5 207 U 427 U 2750 1140 0.013 U 4.1 U 6.4 8.2 U 4.1 U 8.2 U 75.8 34.7 205 U 394 U 7340 518 0.011 U 3.4 U 5.3 4.7 J 2.3 J 6.9 U 59.7 30 96 J 330 U 5980 921 0.013 U 4.2 U 5.8 8.3 U 3.1 J 8.3 U 53.3 31.1 208 U 402 U 5710 817 0.012 U 3.7 U 4.7 7.3 U 4.6 7.3 U 38 33.6 244 353 U 4350 11.4 0.55 J- 3.1 U 1.5 U 6.1 U 3.9 6.1 U 89.2 7.7 451 301 UJ 308 290 0.01 UJ 3.2 U 4.5 6.3 U 7.2 6.3 U 43.9 45.7 NA NA NA 689 0.012 UJ 3.8 U 3.9 7.6 U 8 7.6 U 40.8 38.7 580 365 U 6530 1440 0.013 UJ 3.9 U 8.5 7.8 U 16.7 7.8 U 58.8 55.5 NA NA NA 975 0.01 UJ 3.2 U 4.5 6.3 U 14.9 6.3 U 37.9 42.9 NA NA NA 114 0.027 J+ 3.1 U 6.7 6.3 U 1.7 J 6.3 U 67.5 24.6 157 U 313 U 526 943 0.01 U 3.1 U 8.3 6.1 U 10.4 6.1 U 62.3 43 1150 309 U 8030 626 0.01 U 3.1 U 7.6 6.2 U 16.2 6.2 U 45.4 45.8 1420 NA 7660 724 0.0098 U 3.1 U 6.9 6.2 U 22.2 6.2 U 50.6 59.8 1540 307 U 9700 542 0.012 U 3.5 U 5.3 7.1 U 17.3 7.1 U 41.6 43.2 1520 NA 7530 805 0.0093 UJ 2.9 U 2.3 5.7 U 22.2 5.7 U 30.5 33.3 2480 284 UJ 4460 446 J 0.01 U 3.2 UJ 2.4 NA 3.2 U 6.4 U 29.2 6.6 160 U 323 U 620 615 0.012 U 3.7 U 4.9 7.3 U 2.1 J 7.3 U 58.5 31.7 183 U 369 U 4440 Page 2 of 3 Table 8-2. Background Soil Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date BG-1D(5-6) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(14-15) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(24-25) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(30-31) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(34-35) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(44-45) 6/3/2015 BG-2D (3.5-5) 6/13/2015 BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (53-54) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 BG-3D(3-5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(18.5-20) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(27-28) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D (73-75) 6/13/2015 MW-7BR(43.5-45) 4/24/2015 MW-7BR(53.5-55) 4/24/2015 Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW U -- Not detected above the reporting detection J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: Nitrate Nitrogen Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) Total Organic Carbon 14797-55-8 7727-37-9 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 PH TOC mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Std. Units mg/kg 100000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NA 32.1 UJ 325 U 325 U 321 U 4.6 J 448 J NA 42.7 UJ 2580 414 U 427 U 5.6 J 1020 U NA 39.4 UJ 6500 410 U 394 U 5 J 970 U NA 33 UJ 5550 345 U 330 U 5.4 J 818 U NA 40.2 UJ 4740 417 U 402 U 5.1 J 969 U NA 35.3 UJ 3410 367 U 353 U 5.7 J 857 U NA 30.1 UJ 1920 306 U 175 J- 6.1 J 1640 J- NA 31.4 UJ NA NA NA 4.5 J 749 UJ NA 36.5 UJ 6120 380 U 365 U 4.7 J 894 UJ NA 37.9 UJ NA NA NA 4.8 J 948 UJ NA 29.6 UJ NA NA NA 5.5 J 726 UJ 31.3 U NA 586 314 U 313 U 4.8 J 555 J 30.9 U NA 6450 307 U 309 U 6 J 752 U 31.8 U NA 6410 311 U NA 5.8 J 765 U 30.7 U NA 8700 311 U 307 U 5.9 J 758 U 34.6 U NA 7120 354 U NA 6.5 J 835 U NA 28.4 UJ 2760 286 U 284 UJ 6.1 J 683 UJ NA 32.3 UJ 216 J+ 321 U 323 U 5.4 J 780 UJ NA 36.9 UJ 3520 366 U 369 U 5.5 J 884 UJ Page 3 of 3 Table 8-3. Background PWR and Bedrock Sample Results Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 100000 94 3 44000 46000 460 200 100000 70 9400 100000 NS 0.9 5.8 580 45 63 3 360000 0.9 700 150 Sample Name Sample Date BG-2BR (166.4-166.5) 7/19/2015 5810 5.5 U 5.5 U 8.4 13.6 U 0.24 J 0.65 U 2.6 4.7 J 44.4 8950 BG-2D (159-160) 6/18/2015 10400 5.2 U 5.2 U 85.8 13 U 0.19 J 0.63 U 6.8 10.4 7.4 18800 MW7BR 196.0-196.6 6/5/2015 12900 4.7 U 4.7 U 25.4 11.9 U 0.24 U 0.57 U 4.6 7.3 50 7550 MW-7BR(179.4-179.6) 6/5/2015 2730 4.9 U 4.9 U 32.4 12.3 U 0.25 U 0.59 U 1.3 2.6 J 1.4 4100 Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW limit. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: Page 1 of 3 Table 8-3. Background PWR and Bedrock Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date BG-2BR (166.4-166.5) 7/19/2015 BG-2D (159-160) 6/18/2015 MW7BR 196.0-196.6 6/5/2015 MW-7BR(179.4-179.6) 6/5/2015 Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW limit. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: Lead Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 800 5200 8 1200 4400 1200 100000 2.4 1200 70000 NS 270 65 1 NS 130 2.1 NS 0.28 6 1200 NS 5.5 U 272 0.0084 U 2.7 UJ 2.6 5.5 U 13.9 5.5 U NA 24.7 4620 5.2 U 754 0.0084 U 2.6 U 6.4 5.2 U 15.8 5.2 U 30.4 50.2 2680 4.7 U 110 0.0058 U 2.4 U 7.7 4.7 U 57.4 4.7 U 17.7 19.7 9090 4.9 U 80.1 0.0079 U 2.5 U 1.8 4.9 U 4.7 4.9 U 8.5 12.3 978 Page 2 of 3 Table 8-3. Background PWR and Bedrock Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date BG-2BR (166.4-166.5) 7/19/2015 BG-2D (159-160) 6/18/2015 MW7BR 196.0-196.6 6/5/2015 MW-7BR(179.4-179.6) 6/5/2015 Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW limit. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: Chloride Magnesium Nitrate Nitrogen Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) Total Organic Carbon 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 14797-55-8 7727-37-9 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 PH TOC mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Std. Units mg/kg NS NS 100000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 252 U 3830 25.2 UJ NA 293 273 U 252 U 7.5 J NA 265 U 8560 26.5 UJ NA 2770 257 J 265 U 8.2 J 650 U 271 U 3540 27.1 UJ NA 295 237 U 271 U 7.3 J NA 249 U 2320 24.9 UJ NA 1660 245 U 249 U 8.2 J NA Page 3 of 3 Table 8-4. Soil Total Inorganic Results Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 100000 94 3 44000 46000 460 200 100000 70 9400 100000 800 NS 0.9 5.8 580 45 63 3 360000 0.9 700 150 270 Sample Name Sample Date AB-1D (8.5-10) 6/17/2015 12100 7.4 U 7.4 U 29.2 18.8 U 0.38 U 0.89 U 44.4 18 24.7 40600 8.7 AB-1D (28.5-30) 6/17/2015 8660 6.9 U 6.9 U 25.8 11.8 J 0.3 J 0.82 U 35.8 32.7 37.6 71900 6.9 U AB-1D (63.5-65.0) 6/17/2015 12200 6.1 U 6.1 U 31.2 15.3 U 0.31 U 0.73 U 33.8 6.1 UJ 15.9 31700 7 AB-1D (75-78) 6/17/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AB-1D (78.5-80) 6/17/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AB-2D (8.5-10) 6/15/2015 6750 7 U 7 U 25.7 17.5 U 0.35 U 0.84 U 16 8.6 18.6 31100 7 U AB-2D (28.5-30.0) 6/15/2015 8940 J+ 9.5 UJ 9.5 U 15.1 23.7 U 0.47 UJ 1.1 U 24.7 J-7 J-27 43200 J-7.9 J+ AB-2D (68.5-70) 6/15/2015 12700 6.4 U 12.9 U 41.5 10.9 J 0.32 U 0.77 U 55.3 35.1 49.7 70000 4.7 J AB-2D (83.5-85.0) 6/15/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AB-3D(3.5-5.0) 4/14/2015 2520 J 6.1 UJ 6.1 U 4.4 15.3 U 0.31 U 0.74 U 2.5 6.1 U 2.2 7620 J 6.1 U AB-3D(48.5-50) 4/14/2015 6990 7.3 U 33.8 301 16.7 J 1.4 0.87 U 9.6 4.1 J 24.1 7220 6.3 J AB-3D(68.5-70) 4/14/2015 9910 6.3 U 26.5 214 24.4 1.4 0.75 U 19.2 4.1 J 22.8 17900 8.2 AB-4D(3.5-5) 5/4/2015 8410 5.6 U 5.6 U 10.8 15.8 0.28 U 0.68 U 19.2 5.6 U 6.1 17800 4.9 J AB-4D(48.5-50) 5/4/2015 7670 7.1 U 7.1 U 68.7 36.6 0.38 0.85 U 27.3 36.1 35 42400 7.1 U AB-4D(58.5-61.5) 5/5/2015 12000 6.5 U 6.5 U 294 16.7 0.84 0.78 U 26.3 63.6 21.2 19000 6.5 U AB-4S(53.5-55) 5/8/2015 15100 7.6 U 7.6 U 266 19.1 U 0.46 0.92 U 33.4 75 67.2 41300 4.6 J AB-5D(58.5-60) 4/7/2015 8290 6.6 U 3.5 J 12.9 16.5 U 0.33 U 0.79 U 21.6 16.2 20.2 36600 6.6 U AB-5D(63.5-65) 4/7/2015 8470 7.1 U 3.7 J 67.2 17.7 U 0.45 0.85 U 6.1 6 J 49 37100 7.1 U AB-6D(8.5-10) 4/28/2015 8450 7.1 U 4.4 J 9.4 35.8 0.36 U 0.85 U 44.6 7.1 U 7.1 43300 7.7 AB-6D(28.5-30) 4/28/2015 8840 7.6 U 7.6 U 51.2 54.3 0.39 0.91 U 36.5 8.1 57.3 58300 7.8 AB-6D(73.5-75) 4/28/2015 5990 6.5 U 6.5 U 6.7 27 0.33 U 0.78 U 26.8 6.5 U 14.3 28700 5.9 J AB-7D(23.5-25) 3/18/2015 5720 3 U 1.6 J 10.2 3 U 0.06 U 0.36 U 16.8 3 U 5 7830 4.4 AB-7D(28.5-30) 3/18/2015 9090 3.6 U 24.6 79.6 2 J 0.73 0.43 U 27.6 4.7 15.2 21200 12.2 AB-7S(18.5-20) 3/23/2015 11900 J 4 U 35.1 213 30.5 2.3 J+ 0.47 U 17.2 8.3 59.6 J+16400 13.6 AB-7S(20-25) 3/23/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AB-8S(13-15) 4/1/2015 30900 4.6 UJ 9.2 UJ 300 51.7 1 0.55 U 186 48.4 71.2 57500 4.6 U AB-8S(20-25) 4/1/2015 31300 4.2 U 8.4 U 523 50 1.4 0.5 U 177 70.1 82.3 50200 4.2 U AB-8S(30-35) 4/1/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AS-1D-4 (83.5-85.5) 3/3/2015 14000 3.4 U 2.4 J 92.1 13.5 0.31 J 0.41 U 7.6 J+5.1 14.5 14400 3.3 J AS-1D-5 (88.5-90.5) 3/3/2015 7740 3.5 U 3.5 U 82.6 6.7 0.3 J 0.42 U 3.4 J+5.2 4.2 7540 1.8 J AS-2D-3 (23.5-25) 3/3/2015 2300 3.4 U 3.4 U 50.6 15 0.23 J 0.41 U 4.2 J+5.9 9.3 12200 12.5 AS-2D-4 (28.5-30) 3/3/2015 2500 3 U 3 U 30.2 16 0.27 J 0.35 U 4.8 J+6.1 12.5 12900 6 AS-2D-2 (30-31.5) 3/2/2015 4950 3.1 U 10.9 51.2 14.9 0.67 0.37 U 9.7 J+3.7 15.3 14300 6.8 AS-2S (23.5-25) 3/5/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AS-2S (28.5-30) 3/5/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AS-2S (50-53) 3/6/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AS-2S (90) 3/9/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AS-3D 53.5-55' 3/10/2015 3940 3.1 U 8.6 62.9 15.4 0.42 0.37 U 9.1 5.2 16.3 16600 8.4 AS-3D 58.5-60' 3/10/2015 3130 3.3 U 3.3 U 142 8.1 0.18 0.39 U 3.1 8.3 7.9 11100 2.4 J BG-1D(5-6) 6/3/2015 12100 6.5 U 6.5 U 20.4 16.2 U 0.32 U 0.78 U 9 6.5 U 11.6 32200 13.7 BG-1D(14-15) 6/3/2015 11600 8.3 U 8.3 U 77.3 20.7 U 0.41 U 0.99 U 5.5 5 J 15.1 26800 4.9 J BG-1D(24-25) 6/3/2015 14100 8.2 U 8.2 U 175 20.5 U 0.25 J 0.98 U 5.4 22.8 25.2 28200 6 J BG-1D(30-31) 6/3/2015 13100 6.9 U 6.9 U 144 17.2 U 0.28 J 0.83 U 3.8 12.1 16.1 20000 6.9 U BG-1D(34-35) 6/3/2015 10900 8.3 U 8.3 U 189 20.8 U 0.29 J 1 U 3.1 13.9 16 19300 6.3 J BG-1D(44-45) 6/3/2015 9440 7.3 U 7.3 U 209 18.3 U 0.46 0.88 U 4.6 9.9 10.3 13500 7.3 U BG-2D (3.5-5) 6/13/2015 15700 6.1 U 5.5 J 17.7 J 15.3 U 0.2 J 0.73 U 33 6.1 U 8.1 36500 10.9 BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 10700 6.3 U 6.3 U 161 15.8 U 0.63 0.76 U 6 14.6 5.3 17100 15.2 BG-2D (53-54) 6/15/2015 11100 7.6 U 7.6 U 132 19 U 0.63 0.91 U 4.5 8.5 4.3 16000 3.9 J BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 15400 7.8 U 7.8 U 226 19.6 U 1.4 0.94 U 20.6 13.8 20.3 20600 7.8 U BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 11000 6.3 U 6.3 U 251 15.8 U 1 0.76 U 5.5 9.2 5.5 14600 3.5 J BG-3D(3-5) 6/13/2015 23100 6.3 U 6.3 U 28.4 15.7 U 0.33 0.75 U 17.4 6.3 U 11.4 34100 18.1 BG-3D(18.5-20) 6/13/2015 26000 6.1 U 6.1 U 240 15.4 U 0.66 0.74 U 14.4 14.6 16.4 23800 4.2 J BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 26700 6.2 U 6.2 U 276 15.6 U 0.84 0.75 U 6.1 11 10.4 18100 3.7 J Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW Page 1 of 9 Table 8-4. Soil Total Inorganic Results Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 100000 94 3 44000 46000 460 200 100000 70 9400 100000 800 NS 0.9 5.8 580 45 63 3 360000 0.9 700 150 270 Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW BG-3D(27-28) 6/13/2015 21600 6.2 U 6.2 U 282 15.5 U 0.98 0.75 U 6.7 12.1 93.3 23500 3.3 J BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 15900 7.1 U 7.1 U 159 17.7 U 0.63 0.85 U 5.7 8 12.6 19400 7.1 U BG-3D (73-75) 6/13/2015 7630 5.7 U 5.7 U 96.3 14.3 U 0.26 J 0.69 U 3.1 5.7 U 71.8 13500 5.7 U C-1D(13.5-15.0) 3/24/2015 5470 3 U 3 U 8.8 3 U 0.13 0.36 U 9.3 3 U 18.1 6380 3 U C-1D(23.5-25.0) 3/24/2015 9130 2.9 U 2.9 U 95.5 2.9 U 0.32 0.34 U 6.2 6 15.3 11500 2.9 U C-2D(18.5-20) 3/16/2015 9940 3.7 U 3.7 UJ 10.2 3.7 U 0.15 0.45 U 9.9 3.1 J 27 39000 4.8 C-2D(23.5-25) 3/16/2015 5460 2.9 U 2.9 U 23.5 2.9 U 0.086 0.35 U 6.4 14 7.2 12800 3.5 C-2S(30-35) 3/23/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GWA-10S (8-9) 6/17/2015 14000 7.1 U 7.1 U 57.6 17.8 U 0.32 J 0.85 U 12.3 24.4 18.6 30100 5.9 J GWA-10S (13-14) 6/17/2015 14900 7.5 U 7.5 U 76.6 18.6 U 0.44 0.89 U 11.1 20.7 27.9 25400 7.5 U GWA-10S (21-23) 6/17/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GWA-1D(28.5-30) 6/8/2015 25200 7.6 U 7.6 U 164 18.9 U 1 0.91 U 92.8 34.8 27.9 31700 7.6 U GWA-1D(33.5-35) 6/8/2015 39600 8.5 U 8.5 U 288 21.2 U 0.96 1 U 110 38.9 232 55200 8.5 U GWA-1S(42-47) 6/9/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GWA-20D(40-41.5) 6/14/2015 6540 6.4 U 6.4 U 12.4 16 U 0.33 0.77 U 4.4 6.4 U 2.7 9880 6.4 U GWA-20D(45-46.5) 6/14/2015 12700 6.5 U 6.5 U 63.3 16.3 U 0.24 J 0.78 U 7.4 5 J 3.2 16300 6.5 U GWA-21D (3.5-5) 7/15/2015 37400 8.5 U 12.2 37.7 21.4 U 0.41 J 1 U 62.4 8.5 U 7.6 64000 20.9 GWA-21D (8.5-10) 7/16/2015 5430 J+ 5.9 U 3.6 J 2.5 J+ 14.8 UJ 0.3 U 0.71 U 17.7 J+ 5.9 U 5.2 J+38300 3.2 J GWA-21D (18.5-20) 7/16/2015 4250 7.4 U 7.4 U 3.7 UJ 18.4 U 0.44 0.88 U 16.9 J+5.3 J 7.9 J+26600 7.4 UJ GWA-21D (48.5-50) 7/18/2015 2070 6.3 U 6.3 U 113 15.7 UJ 0.24 J 0.75 U 3.2 4.5 J 16 14300 6.3 U GWA-21D (58.5-60) 7/18/2015 2550 6.5 U 6.5 U 65.9 16.2 U 0.32 U 0.78 U 1.2 J 7.3 12.3 7570 6.5 U GWA-22D(38.5-40.0) 5/7/2015 4130 7.7 U 7.7 U 24.7 19.2 U 0.38 U 0.92 U 4 7.7 U 9.9 7160 7.7 U GWA-22D(48.5-50.0) 5/7/2015 6750 6.8 U 6.8 U 32.6 17 U 0.34 UJ 0.82 U 2.1 3.9 J 3.2 6990 6.8 U GWA-23D(33.5-35) 5/12/2015 3140 6.5 U 6.5 U 27.6 16.3 U 0.33 U 0.78 U 1.6 UJ 6.9 2 5230 5 J GWA-23D(38.5-40) 5/12/2015 4560 6.7 U 6.7 U 18.4 16.8 U 0.34 U 0.81 U 2.2 18.6 2.8 7710 6.7 U GWA-2D(38.5-40.0) 4/14/2015 17800 7 U 7 U 151 16.2 J 0.26 J 0.84 U 1.5 J 15 16.8 24100 7 U GWA-2D(43.5-45.0) 4/14/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GWA-2D(43.5-45.0) 4/14/2015 24900 5.8 U 5.8 U 253 21.3 0.24 J 0.69 U 3.6 12.6 25.8 32300 5.8 U GWA-2S(48-52) 4/16/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GWA-3D(18.5-19) 4/21/2015 3450 5.8 U 5.8 U 25.6 14.5 U 0.29 U 0.7 U 4.5 5.8 U 1.4 UJ 5320 5.8 U GWA-4S (15-19) 6/21/2015 17300 8 U 8 U 115 39.8 U 1.4 0.96 U 58 25.5 33.9 38700 8 U GWA-4S (24-26) 6/21/2015 7290 6.8 U 6.8 U 115 17.1 U 0.35 0.82 U 5.1 5.8 J 3.1 10200 6.8 U GWA-4S (32-35) 6/21/2015 5900 8.2 U 8.2 U 95.6 20.6 U 0.27 J 0.99 U 5.5 4.4 J 5.2 8190 8.2 U GWA-4S (34-36) 6/21/2015 3800 6 U 6 U 70.2 15.1 U 0.3 U 0.72 U 2.6 3.1 J 2.4 4950 6 U GWA-5D(58.5-60) 4/10/2015 3340 6.9 U 6.9 U 28.7 17.2 U 0.22 J 0.83 U 3.2 13.5 7.1 18600 4.5 J GWA-5D(68.5-70) 4/10/2015 4390 8 U 8 U 32.7 19.9 U 0.4 U 0.96 U 8 17.3 8.2 16000 8 U GWA-5S(72-74) 4/14/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GWA-6D-1 (43.5-45) 3/4/2015 2380 3.4 U 3.4 U 75.5 14.9 0.29 J 0.41 U 7.3 J+25.4 23.2 19000 4.6 GWA-6D-2 (48.5-50) 3/4/2015 13200 4.4 U 4.4 U 176 16.2 0.3 J 0.53 U 1.2 J+10.5 28.1 18200 2.6 J GWA-7D(13.5-15.0) 4/17/2015 14600 7.1 U 7.1 U 212 17.7 U 0.35 U 0.85 U 13 34.7 47.9 23200 7.1 U GWA-7D(23.5-25.0) 4/17/2015 13100 6.9 U 6.9 U 130 17.4 U 0.35 U 0.83 U 15.8 20.1 47.7 19000 6.9 U GWA-7S(7.0-8.0) 4/21/2015 8390 6.7 U 6.7 U 117 16.7 U 0.33 U 0.8 U 53.4 73.8 51.8 58900 4.9 J GWA-7S(22.0-23.0) 4/21/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GWA-8D(8.5-10) 6/1/2015 8480 6.6 U 6.6 U 18.1 82.7 U 0.25 J 0.79 U 131 87 49 54200 6.6 U GWA-8D(18.5-20) 6/1/2015 22800 7.2 U 7.2 U 67.1 18 U 0.69 0.86 U 135 102 50.4 36400 7.2 U GWA-8D(19-20) 6/14/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GWA-9BR(14-17) 5/6/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GWA-9D(1) 5/5/2015 20300 7 U 7 U 105 17.5 U 0.5 0.84 U 52.1 38.7 55.5 62500 7 U GWA-9D(3.5-5.0) 5/4/2015 39800 6.5 U 3.5 J 35.3 16.3 U 0.4 0.78 U 210 19.8 61.9 109000 12.2 MW-15D(3.5-5) 4/29/2015 24000 7.9 U 7.9 U 66.5 40.1 0.88 0.95 U 30.1 6.6 J 22.5 J+48800 17.8 MW-15D(13.5-15) 4/29/2015 18400 8.4 U 8.4 U 200 33.5 1.8 1 U 29.5 17.4 18.6 J+36400 16 MW-7BR(43.5-45) 4/24/2015 5650 J 6.4 UJ 6.4 UJ 31.3 12 J 0.32 U 0.77 U 3.6 7.3 J 4.5 12300 J 3.7 J+ MW-7BR(53.5-55) 4/24/2015 12300 S 7.3 U 7.3 U 110 19.6 0.23 J 0.88 U 7.6 14.7 15.4 21000 3.8 J Page 2 of 9 Table 8-4. Soil Total Inorganic Results Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 100000 94 3 44000 46000 460 200 100000 70 9400 100000 800 NS 0.9 5.8 580 45 63 3 360000 0.9 700 150 270 Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW MW-9BR(10-12) 5/11/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA MW-9D(3.5-5) 5/1/2015 20300 9 U 9 U 187 23.3 1.2 1.1 U 23.7 37.9 15.7 26000 17 OB-1(33.5-35.0) 4/16/2015 3580 7.2 U 7.2 U 28.8 18 U 0.42 0.87 U 7.9 17.6 31.1 27400 7.2 U OB-1(43.5-45.0) 4/16/2015 3480 9 U 9 U 74.2 22.5 U 0.51 1.1 U 4.4 15.9 54.4 36700 9 U OB-2(38.5-40.0) 4/14/2015 14400 9.5 U 9.5 U 157 26.7 1.2 1.1 U 2.7 36.1 76.4 41000 9.5 U OB-2(48.5-50.0) 4/14/2015 15600 7.9 U 7.9 U 222 16.2 J 0.66 0.95 U 1.8 J 16.8 59.1 24900 7.9 U Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Page 3 of 9 Table 8-4. Soil Total Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-1D (8.5-10) 6/17/2015 AB-1D (28.5-30) 6/17/2015 AB-1D (63.5-65.0) 6/17/2015 AB-1D (75-78) 6/17/2015 AB-1D (78.5-80) 6/17/2015 AB-2D (8.5-10) 6/15/2015 AB-2D (28.5-30.0) 6/15/2015 AB-2D (68.5-70) 6/15/2015 AB-2D (83.5-85.0) 6/15/2015 AB-3D(3.5-5.0) 4/14/2015 AB-3D(48.5-50) 4/14/2015 AB-3D(68.5-70) 4/14/2015 AB-4D(3.5-5) 5/4/2015 AB-4D(48.5-50) 5/4/2015 AB-4D(58.5-61.5) 5/5/2015 AB-4S(53.5-55) 5/8/2015 AB-5D(58.5-60) 4/7/2015 AB-5D(63.5-65) 4/7/2015 AB-6D(8.5-10) 4/28/2015 AB-6D(28.5-30) 4/28/2015 AB-6D(73.5-75) 4/28/2015 AB-7D(23.5-25) 3/18/2015 AB-7D(28.5-30) 3/18/2015 AB-7S(18.5-20) 3/23/2015 AB-7S(20-25) 3/23/2015 AB-8S(13-15) 4/1/2015 AB-8S(20-25) 4/1/2015 AB-8S(30-35) 4/1/2015 AS-1D-4 (83.5-85.5) 3/3/2015 AS-1D-5 (88.5-90.5) 3/3/2015 AS-2D-3 (23.5-25) 3/3/2015 AS-2D-4 (28.5-30) 3/3/2015 AS-2D-2 (30-31.5) 3/2/2015 AS-2S (23.5-25) 3/5/2015 AS-2S (28.5-30) 3/5/2015 AS-2S (50-53) 3/6/2015 AS-2S (90) 3/9/2015 AS-3D 53.5-55' 3/10/2015 AS-3D 58.5-60' 3/10/2015 BG-1D(5-6) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(14-15) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(24-25) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(30-31) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(34-35) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(44-45) 6/3/2015 BG-2D (3.5-5) 6/13/2015 BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (53-54) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 BG-3D(3-5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(18.5-20) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Chloride Magnesium 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 5200 8 1200 4400 1200 100000 2.4 1200 70000 NS NS NS 65 1 NS 130 2.1 NS 0.28 6 1200 NS NS NS 652 0.098 3.8 U 10.8 7.4 U 2.9 J 7.4 U 86.4 15.1 265 364 U 686 563 0.033 3.4 U 14.6 6.9 U 3.4 U 6.9 U 92.6 18.5 168 U 336 U 369 20.2 0.13 3.1 U 5.3 6.1 U 3.1 U 6.1 U 77.3 11.7 180 316 U 602 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 171 0.0058 J 3.5 U 5.3 7 U 3.5 U 7 U 91.9 8.8 175 U 342 U 217 101 J-0.032 4.7 UJ 5 J- 9.5 UJ 4.7 U 9.5 U 161 J+21.5 237 U 473 U 256 522 0.031 3.2 U 30.8 6.4 U 3.2 U 6.4 U 150 14.7 161 U 333 U 222 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 41.4 J+ 0.01 UJ 3.1 U 1.5 U 6.1 UJ 3.1 U 6.1 U 18.1 3.3 J 153 U 313 U 130 J 50.3 0.035 3.6 U 8.3 7.3 U 142 7.3 U 23.9 8.7 3620 372 U 744 55.1 0.036 6.6 7 6.3 U 118 6.3 U 47.9 10.2 2460 312 U 681 51.2 0.032 2.8 U 1.6 5.6 U 2.8 U 5.6 U 36.4 4.5 J 202 289 U 214 485 0.011 U 3.5 U 15.5 7.1 U 10.9 7.1 U 58.1 11.6 614 353 U 890 3320 0.01 U 3.2 U 167 6.5 U 19.5 6.5 U 40.4 83 2190 NA 5220 1950 0.013 U 3.8 U 97.5 7.6 U 20.7 7.6 U 81.6 62.2 2250 386 U 5460 135 0.021 3.3 U 2.2 6.6 U 15.3 6.6 U 119 8.3 J+ 545 333 U 183 108 0.021 3.5 U 10.6 7.1 U 29 7.1 U 141 41.6 614 346 U 692 43.1 0.06 3.6 U 1.8 U 7.1 U 3.6 U 7.1 U 99.6 7.1 U 178 U 344 U 90.3 J 507 0.017 3.8 U 5.9 7.6 U 3.8 U 7.6 U 149 7.6 U 116 J 375 U 249 68.9 0.022 3.3 U 1.6 U 6.5 U 3.3 U 6.5 U 77.9 6.5 U 122 J 324 U 111 J 6.8 J+ 0.043 0.31 J 0.44 J+ 3 U 1.7 3 U 58.2 3.1 J+ 20.5 J+ 305 U 72.4 119 0.029 1.7 5.3 3.6 U 59.9 3.6 U 56.3 12.9 665 348 U 295 158 0.017 2.7 J 16.7 J+2.4 J 174 4 U 66.9 25 1900 J+ 411 U 807 J+ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1080 0.013 J 4.6 U 70.9 9.2 UJ 6.7 4.6 U 140 52.7 491 477 U 6550 1660 0.0087 J 4.2 U 75.1 8.4 U 16.3 4.2 U 145 49.1 1180 426 U 7340 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 170 0.019 0.68 U 4 3.4 U 8.9 3.4 U 35.4 28.7 373 J+ 344 U 4730 194 0.01 U 0.7 U 3.1 3.5 U 10 3.5 U 17.2 24.7 536 J+ 335 U 3710 313 0.0075 J 0.69 U 2.6 3.4 U 1.6 J+ 3.4 U 33.8 10.6 61 J+ 323 U 43.7 J+ 276 0.0082 J 0.59 U 2.9 3 U 1.4 J+ 3 U 37.3 7.4 65.1 J+ 302 U 51.5 J+ 85 0.023 1.1 J+ 4.9 3.1 U 27.7 3.1 U 44.4 7.4 J+ 343 J+ 302 U 157 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 127 0.012 1.6 3.5 3.1 U 44.8 3.1 U 46 6.4 779 305 U 207 793 0.01 U 0.66 U 2.2 3.3 U 0.43 J+ 3.3 U 21 7.1 32.9 U 327 U 107 29.1 0.048 3.2 U 1.3 J 6.5 U 3.2 U 6.5 U 89.2 6.5 U 162 U 321 U 162 U 226 0.0095 J 4.1 U 3.4 8.3 U 4.1 U 8.3 U 70.2 12.5 207 U 427 U 2750 1140 0.013 U 4.1 U 6.4 8.2 U 4.1 U 8.2 U 75.8 34.7 205 U 394 U 7340 518 0.011 U 3.4 U 5.3 4.7 J 2.3 J 6.9 U 59.7 30 96 J 330 U 5980 921 0.013 U 4.2 U 5.8 8.3 U 3.1 J 8.3 U 53.3 31.1 208 U 402 U 5710 817 0.012 U 3.7 U 4.7 7.3 U 4.6 7.3 U 38 33.6 244 353 U 4350 11.4 0.55 J- 3.1 U 1.5 U 6.1 U 3.9 6.1 U 89.2 7.7 451 301 UJ 308 290 0.01 UJ 3.2 U 4.5 6.3 U 7.2 6.3 U 43.9 45.7 NA NA NA 689 0.012 UJ 3.8 U 3.9 7.6 U 8 7.6 U 40.8 38.7 580 365 U 6530 1440 0.013 UJ 3.9 U 8.5 7.8 U 16.7 7.8 U 58.8 55.5 NA NA NA 975 0.01 UJ 3.2 U 4.5 6.3 U 14.9 6.3 U 37.9 42.9 NA NA NA 114 0.027 J+ 3.1 U 6.7 6.3 U 1.7 J 6.3 U 67.5 24.6 157 U 313 U 526 943 0.01 U 3.1 U 8.3 6.1 U 10.4 6.1 U 62.3 43 1150 309 U 8030 626 0.01 U 3.1 U 7.6 6.2 U 16.2 6.2 U 45.4 45.8 1420 NA 7660 Page 4 of 9 Table 8-4. Soil Total Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW BG-3D(27-28) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D (73-75) 6/13/2015 C-1D(13.5-15.0) 3/24/2015 C-1D(23.5-25.0) 3/24/2015 C-2D(18.5-20) 3/16/2015 C-2D(23.5-25) 3/16/2015 C-2S(30-35) 3/23/2015 GWA-10S (8-9) 6/17/2015 GWA-10S (13-14) 6/17/2015 GWA-10S (21-23) 6/17/2015 GWA-1D(28.5-30) 6/8/2015 GWA-1D(33.5-35) 6/8/2015 GWA-1S(42-47) 6/9/2015 GWA-20D(40-41.5) 6/14/2015 GWA-20D(45-46.5) 6/14/2015 GWA-21D (3.5-5) 7/15/2015 GWA-21D (8.5-10) 7/16/2015 GWA-21D (18.5-20) 7/16/2015 GWA-21D (48.5-50) 7/18/2015 GWA-21D (58.5-60) 7/18/2015 GWA-22D(38.5-40.0) 5/7/2015 GWA-22D(48.5-50.0) 5/7/2015 GWA-23D(33.5-35) 5/12/2015 GWA-23D(38.5-40) 5/12/2015 GWA-2D(38.5-40.0) 4/14/2015 GWA-2D(43.5-45.0) 4/14/2015 GWA-2D(43.5-45.0) 4/14/2015 GWA-2S(48-52) 4/16/2015 GWA-3D(18.5-19) 4/21/2015 GWA-4S (15-19) 6/21/2015 GWA-4S (24-26) 6/21/2015 GWA-4S (32-35) 6/21/2015 GWA-4S (34-36) 6/21/2015 GWA-5D(58.5-60) 4/10/2015 GWA-5D(68.5-70) 4/10/2015 GWA-5S(72-74) 4/14/2015 GWA-6D-1 (43.5-45) 3/4/2015 GWA-6D-2 (48.5-50) 3/4/2015 GWA-7D(13.5-15.0) 4/17/2015 GWA-7D(23.5-25.0) 4/17/2015 GWA-7S(7.0-8.0) 4/21/2015 GWA-7S(22.0-23.0) 4/21/2015 GWA-8D(8.5-10) 6/1/2015 GWA-8D(18.5-20) 6/1/2015 GWA-8D(19-20) 6/14/2015 GWA-9BR(14-17) 5/6/2015 GWA-9D(1) 5/5/2015 GWA-9D(3.5-5.0) 5/4/2015 MW-15D(3.5-5) 4/29/2015 MW-15D(13.5-15) 4/29/2015 MW-7BR(43.5-45) 4/24/2015 MW-7BR(53.5-55) 4/24/2015 Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Chloride Magnesium 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 5200 8 1200 4400 1200 100000 2.4 1200 70000 NS NS NS 65 1 NS 130 2.1 NS 0.28 6 1200 NS NS NS 724 0.0098 U 3.1 U 6.9 6.2 U 22.2 6.2 U 50.6 59.8 1540 307 U 9700 542 0.012 U 3.5 U 5.3 7.1 U 17.3 7.1 U 41.6 43.2 1520 NA 7530 805 0.0093 UJ 2.9 U 2.3 5.7 U 22.2 5.7 U 30.5 33.3 2480 284 UJ 4460 24.1 0.0063 J 0.59 U 2 3 U 6.2 3 U 15.2 11.9 309 280 U 961 242 0.01 U 0.57 U 4 2.9 U 11.5 2.9 U 23.3 33.9 302 275 U 5800 20.5 0.01 U 0.74 U 0.57 J+ 3.7 U 3.3 3.7 U 38.1 6.9 J+ 84.3 359 U 178 237 0.01 U 0.58 U 1.6 2.9 U 1.2 2.9 U 40.1 13.3 25 J+ 297 U 1470 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1840 0.063 J- 3.6 U 3 7.1 U 2.4 J 7.1 U 59.3 16.5 134 J 342 U 1520 893 0.024 J- 3.7 U 5.4 7.5 U 5 7.5 U 69 34.2 315 356 U 3960 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1090 0.012 U 3.8 U 34 7.6 U 5.7 7.6 U 88.2 92.4 1120 359 U 10400 2940 0.014 U 4.2 U 49.7 8.5 U 14.5 8.5 U 133 183 3830 430 U 26600 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 131 0.011 U 3.2 U 2.3 6.4 U 3.2 U 6.4 U 19 7.1 116 J 325 U 457 184 0.01 U 3.3 U 4.3 6.5 U 3.3 U 6.5 U 31.1 28.7 125 J 321 U 4320 153 0.54 4.3 UJ 3.5 8.5 U 7.1 8.5 U NA 17.3 379 402 U 232 92.7 0.0077 J 3 UJ 1.5 UJ 5.9 U 3 UJ 5.9 U NA 5.9 UJ NA NA NA 68.4 0.0098 J 3.7 UJ 10.2 7.4 U 3.7 UJ 7.4 U NA 35.5 J+ 184 UJ 369 U 184 UJ 592 0.01 UJ 3.1 UJ 2.9 6.3 U 3.1 U 6.3 U NA 20.2 NA NA NA 398 0.011 U 3.2 UJ 2.4 6.5 U 3.2 U 6.5 U NA 11.4 162 U 320 U 162 U 77.7 0.012 U 3.8 U 1.9 U 7.7 U 3.8 U 7.7 U 7 J 7.7 U 192 U 369 U 193 113 0.011 U 3.4 U 1.1 J 6.8 U 2 J 6.8 U 9.3 11.6 170 U 346 U 478 336 0.01 UJ 3.3 U 1.1 J 6.5 U 3.3 U 6.5 U 9.9 3.8 J+ 163 U 338 UJ 147 J 210 0.01 UJ 3.4 U 1.6 J 6.7 U 3.4 U 6.7 U 14.2 7.1 168 U 332 UJ 776 713 0.012 U 3.5 U 9.2 7 U 32.8 7 U 89.4 53.2 5290 362 U 10000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1120 0.0092 U 2.9 U 12.3 5.8 U 35.1 5.8 U 126 98.8 4360 277 U 20000 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 155 0.0087 UJ 2.9 U 2.9 5.8 U 4.4 5.8 U 11.5 14.7 843 271 UJ 2360 367 0.0081 J- 8 U 20.4 5.6 J 42.9 8 U 62.9 38.9 NA NA NA 269 0.012 UJ 3.4 U 4 6.8 U 9.2 6.8 U 19.2 32.5 533 332 U 4980 168 0.013 UJ 4.1 U 3.1 8.2 U 8 8.2 U 17.3 22.1 389 397 U 3460 231 0.0097 UJ 3 U 2.2 6 U 7.3 6 U 5.6 J 19.3 474 300 U 2260 477 0.011 U 3.4 U 1.7 U 6.9 U 3.4 U 6.9 U 33.6 6.8 J 172 U 341 U 172 U 575 0.012 U 4 U 2 UJ 8 U 4 U 8 U 34.9 6.5 J 199 U 389 U 277 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1270 0.01 U 0.68 U 4.2 J+ 3.4 U 0.68 U 3.4 U 55.8 3.6 J+ 34.1 U 353 U 92.1 J+ 523 0.01 U 0.89 U 2.4 J+ 4.4 U 21.8 4.4 U 55.5 56.7 J+ 4250 446 UJ 8830 813 0.011 U 3.5 U 14 7.1 U 26.5 7.1 U 73.8 68.4 3950 330 U 10200 296 0.011 U 3.5 U 10.5 6.9 U 25 6.9 U 59.2 54.3 4200 347 U 8020 1700 0.045 3.3 U 3.2 6.7 U 6.6 6.7 U 209 25.2 545 326 U 487 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 959 0.063 3.3 U 37.2 6.6 U 1.9 J 6.6 U 80.1 8.6 90 J+ 325 U 615 J+ 1410 0.011 U 3.6 U 151 7.2 U 7.4 7.2 U 33.5 143 1490 345 U 25800 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1560 0.034 3.5 U 17.8 7 U 6.1 7 U 143 25.7 459 358 U 975 937 0.13 3.3 U 52.4 6.5 U 5.3 6.5 U 148 38.9 262 330 U 845 335 0.011 J 4 U 7.4 7.9 U 4.5 J+ 7.9 U 118 37.4 194 J+ 381 U 1720 J+ 574 0.026 4.2 U 12.2 8.4 U 10.3 J+ 8.4 U 74.4 74.1 596 J+ 434 U 5700 446 J 0.01 U 3.2 UJ 2.4 NA 3.2 U 6.4 U 29.2 6.6 160 U 323 U 620 615 0.012 U 3.7 U 4.9 7.3 U 2.1 J 7.3 U 58.5 31.7 183 U 369 U 4440 Page 5 of 9 Table 8-4. Soil Total Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW MW-9BR(10-12) 5/11/2015 MW-9D(3.5-5) 5/1/2015 OB-1(33.5-35.0) 4/16/2015 OB-1(43.5-45.0) 4/16/2015 OB-2(38.5-40.0) 4/14/2015 OB-2(48.5-50.0) 4/14/2015 Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Chloride Magnesium 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 5200 8 1200 4400 1200 100000 2.4 1200 70000 NS NS NS 65 1 NS 130 2.1 NS 0.28 6 1200 NS NS NS NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 656 0.047 4.5 U 10 9 U 19.2 9 U 55.4 39.4 1130 430 U 2610 905 0.011 U 3.6 U 1.8 U 7.2 U 3.6 U 7.2 U 91 6.8 J 180 U 352 UJ 180 U 1270 0.014 U 4.5 U 1.8 J 9 U 4.5 U 9 U 128 9.3 225 U 444 U 199 J 1950 0.015 U 4.7 U 11.4 9.5 U 3 J 9.5 U 130 60.8 155 J 488 U 4330 938 0.013 U 3.9 U 8.9 7.9 U 3.8 J 7.9 U 80.2 84.9 266 391 U 7940 Page 6 of 9 Table 8-4. Soil Total Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-1D (8.5-10) 6/17/2015 AB-1D (28.5-30) 6/17/2015 AB-1D (63.5-65.0) 6/17/2015 AB-1D (75-78) 6/17/2015 AB-1D (78.5-80) 6/17/2015 AB-2D (8.5-10) 6/15/2015 AB-2D (28.5-30.0) 6/15/2015 AB-2D (68.5-70) 6/15/2015 AB-2D (83.5-85.0) 6/15/2015 AB-3D(3.5-5.0) 4/14/2015 AB-3D(48.5-50) 4/14/2015 AB-3D(68.5-70) 4/14/2015 AB-4D(3.5-5) 5/4/2015 AB-4D(48.5-50) 5/4/2015 AB-4D(58.5-61.5) 5/5/2015 AB-4S(53.5-55) 5/8/2015 AB-5D(58.5-60) 4/7/2015 AB-5D(63.5-65) 4/7/2015 AB-6D(8.5-10) 4/28/2015 AB-6D(28.5-30) 4/28/2015 AB-6D(73.5-75) 4/28/2015 AB-7D(23.5-25) 3/18/2015 AB-7D(28.5-30) 3/18/2015 AB-7S(18.5-20) 3/23/2015 AB-7S(20-25) 3/23/2015 AB-8S(13-15) 4/1/2015 AB-8S(20-25) 4/1/2015 AB-8S(30-35) 4/1/2015 AS-1D-4 (83.5-85.5) 3/3/2015 AS-1D-5 (88.5-90.5) 3/3/2015 AS-2D-3 (23.5-25) 3/3/2015 AS-2D-4 (28.5-30) 3/3/2015 AS-2D-2 (30-31.5) 3/2/2015 AS-2S (23.5-25) 3/5/2015 AS-2S (28.5-30) 3/5/2015 AS-2S (50-53) 3/6/2015 AS-2S (90) 3/9/2015 AS-3D 53.5-55' 3/10/2015 AS-3D 58.5-60' 3/10/2015 BG-1D(5-6) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(14-15) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(24-25) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(30-31) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(34-35) 6/3/2015 BG-1D(44-45) 6/3/2015 BG-2D (3.5-5) 6/13/2015 BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (53-54) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 BG-3D(3-5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(18.5-20) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW Nitrate Nitrogen Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) Total Organic Carbon 14797-55-8 7727-37-9 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 PH TOC mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Std. Units mg/kg 100000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 36.4 UJ NA 257 J 376 U 364 U 5.4 J 795 J 33.6 UJ NA 336 U 336 U 336 U 4.7 J 815 U 31.6 UJ NA 281 J 305 U 316 U 5.2 J 1040 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1010 J- NA NA NA NA NA NA 808 U 34.2 UJ NA 350 U 350 U 342 U 4.9 J 833 U 47.3 UJ NA 474 U 474 U 473 U 4.7 J 661 J 33.3 UJ NA 322 U 322 U 333 U 4.7 J 813 U NA NA NA NA NA NA 566 J NA 31.3 UJ 307 U 307 U 313 U 4.2 J 912 NA 37.2 UJ 980 203 J 372 U 8 J 53100 NA 31.2 UJ 704 201 J 312 U 7.7 J 5570 NA 28.9 UJ 282 U 282 U 289 U 5.3 J 823 J- NA 35.3 UJ 239 J 354 U 200 J 4.8 J 949 J- NA 31.8 UJ 324 U 324 U NA 5.9 J 502 J NA 38.6 UJ 318 J 382 U 386 U 5.2 J 938 U NA 33.3 UJ 229 J 329 U 333 U 6.4 J 1690 NA 34.6 UJ 226 J 354 U 222 J 4.8 J 3240 J NA 34.4 UJ 356 U 356 U 344 U NA 3200 J- NA 37.5 UJ 378 U 378 U 375 U 4.5 J 476 J- NA 32.4 UJ 326 U 326 U 181 J 4.4 J 637 J- NA 30.5 UJ 111 60.8 U 305 U 5.2 J 920 NA 34.8 UJ 557 83.4 348 U 5.2 J 10900 NA 41.1 UJ 1540 J+ 396 U 411 U 6.3 J 31900 NA NA NA NA NA NA 13800 NA 47.7 UJ 541 458 U 477 U 5.6 J 985 J NA 42.6 UJ 388 J 419 U 426 U 5.6 J 860 J NA NA NA NA NA NA 723 J NA 34.4 UJ 3100 115 J+ 344 U 5.3 J 1490 NA 33.5 UJ 3040 109 J+ 335 U 5.7 J 1010 NA 32.3 UJ 148 J+ 68.5 U 214 J 4.5 J NA NA 30.2 UJ 105 J+ 59.1 U 302 U 4.3 J NA NA 30.2 UJ 294 61.9 J+ 173 J 5.1 J NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3550 NA NA NA NA NA NA 5170 NA NA NA NA NA NA 14300 NA NA NA NA NA NA 1620 NA 30.5 UJ 273 42.4 J 305 U 7.7 J 1290 NA 32.7 UJ 148 65.7 U 327 U 5.4 J 784 U NA 32.1 UJ 325 U 325 U 321 U 4.6 J 448 J NA 42.7 UJ 2580 414 U 427 U 5.6 J 1020 U NA 39.4 UJ 6500 410 U 394 U 5 J 970 U NA 33 UJ 5550 345 U 330 U 5.4 J 818 U NA 40.2 UJ 4740 417 U 402 U 5.1 J 969 U NA 35.3 UJ 3410 367 U 353 U 5.7 J 857 U NA 30.1 UJ 1920 306 U 175 J- 6.1 J 1640 J- NA 31.4 UJ NA NA NA 4.5 J 749 UJ NA 36.5 UJ 6120 380 U 365 U 4.7 J 894 UJ NA 37.9 UJ NA NA NA 4.8 J 948 UJ NA 29.6 UJ NA NA NA 5.5 J 726 UJ 31.3 U NA 586 314 U 313 U 4.8 J 555 J 30.9 U NA 6450 307 U 309 U 6 J 752 U 31.8 U NA 6410 311 U NA 5.8 J 765 U Page 7 of 9 Table 8-4. Soil Total Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW BG-3D(27-28) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D (73-75) 6/13/2015 C-1D(13.5-15.0) 3/24/2015 C-1D(23.5-25.0) 3/24/2015 C-2D(18.5-20) 3/16/2015 C-2D(23.5-25) 3/16/2015 C-2S(30-35) 3/23/2015 GWA-10S (8-9) 6/17/2015 GWA-10S (13-14) 6/17/2015 GWA-10S (21-23) 6/17/2015 GWA-1D(28.5-30) 6/8/2015 GWA-1D(33.5-35) 6/8/2015 GWA-1S(42-47) 6/9/2015 GWA-20D(40-41.5) 6/14/2015 GWA-20D(45-46.5) 6/14/2015 GWA-21D (3.5-5) 7/15/2015 GWA-21D (8.5-10) 7/16/2015 GWA-21D (18.5-20) 7/16/2015 GWA-21D (48.5-50) 7/18/2015 GWA-21D (58.5-60) 7/18/2015 GWA-22D(38.5-40.0) 5/7/2015 GWA-22D(48.5-50.0) 5/7/2015 GWA-23D(33.5-35) 5/12/2015 GWA-23D(38.5-40) 5/12/2015 GWA-2D(38.5-40.0) 4/14/2015 GWA-2D(43.5-45.0) 4/14/2015 GWA-2D(43.5-45.0) 4/14/2015 GWA-2S(48-52) 4/16/2015 GWA-3D(18.5-19) 4/21/2015 GWA-4S (15-19) 6/21/2015 GWA-4S (24-26) 6/21/2015 GWA-4S (32-35) 6/21/2015 GWA-4S (34-36) 6/21/2015 GWA-5D(58.5-60) 4/10/2015 GWA-5D(68.5-70) 4/10/2015 GWA-5S(72-74) 4/14/2015 GWA-6D-1 (43.5-45) 3/4/2015 GWA-6D-2 (48.5-50) 3/4/2015 GWA-7D(13.5-15.0) 4/17/2015 GWA-7D(23.5-25.0) 4/17/2015 GWA-7S(7.0-8.0) 4/21/2015 GWA-7S(22.0-23.0) 4/21/2015 GWA-8D(8.5-10) 6/1/2015 GWA-8D(18.5-20) 6/1/2015 GWA-8D(19-20) 6/14/2015 GWA-9BR(14-17) 5/6/2015 GWA-9D(1) 5/5/2015 GWA-9D(3.5-5.0) 5/4/2015 MW-15D(3.5-5) 4/29/2015 MW-15D(13.5-15) 4/29/2015 MW-7BR(43.5-45) 4/24/2015 MW-7BR(53.5-55) 4/24/2015 Nitrate Nitrogen Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) Total Organic Carbon 14797-55-8 7727-37-9 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 PH TOC mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Std. Units mg/kg 100000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 30.7 U NA 8700 311 U 307 U 5.9 J 758 U 34.6 U NA 7120 354 U NA 6.5 J 835 U NA 28.4 UJ 2760 286 U 284 UJ 6.1 J 683 UJ NA 28 UJ 122 59.4 U 175 J 4 J 791 NA 27.5 UJ 5890 58.3 275 U 4.3 J 675 U NA 35.9 UJ 137 73.9 J 219 J 3.8 J 506 J NA 29.7 UJ 1340 58.1 U 297 U 3.8 J 707 U NA NA NA NA NA NA 1900 NA 34.2 UJ 389 355 U 342 U 4.1 J 974 J- NA 35.6 UJ 412 373 U 356 U 4.1 J 501 J- NA NA NA NA NA NA 469 J- 35.9 U NA 290 J 378 U 359 U 5.2 J 896 U 43 U NA 780 425 U 430 U 6.2 J 1060 U NA NA NA NA NA NA 603 J 32.5 U NA 182 J 321 U 325 U 4.8 J 795 U 32.1 U NA 3660 325 U 321 U 4.8 J 775 U 40.2 UJ NA 275 J 427 U 402 U 5 J 9440 29.4 UJ NA NA NA NA 5 J 603 J 36.9 UJ NA 368 UJ 368 UJ 369 U 5 J 897 U 30.2 UJ NA NA NA NA 5.2 J 741 U 32 UJ NA 325 U 325 U 320 U 5.2 J 789 U NA 36.9 UJ 216 J 384 U 369 U 5.1 J 884 U NA 34.6 UJ 225 J 341 U 346 U 4.9 J 836 U NA 33.8 UJ 325 U 325 U 338 UJ 4.6 J 795 UJ NA 33.2 UJ 708 337 U 332 UJ 4.7 J 800 UJ NA 36.2 UJ 2050 352 U 362 U 6.3 J NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 750 U NA 27.7 UJ 13100 289 U 277 U 6.4 J 683 U NA NA NA NA NA NA 902 J NA 27.1 UJ 1960 290 U 271 UJ 7.2 J NA NA 37.1 UJ NA NA NA 3.9 J 3480 J- NA 33.2 UJ 4420 342 U 332 U 3.8 J 999 J- NA 39.7 UJ 2820 412 U 397 U NA 956 UJ NA 30 UJ 1450 301 U 300 U 5.9 J 723 UJ NA 34.1 UJ 344 U 344 U 341 U 5.2 J 821 U NA 38.9 UJ 399 U 399 U 389 U 5 J 808 J NA NA NA NA NA NA 773 U NA 35.3 UJ 105 J+ 68.1 U 353 U 5.4 J 848 U NA 44.6 UJ 8320 156 J+ 446 U 5.5 J 1070 U NA 33 UJ 296 J 354 U 330 U 6.5 J 1240 NA 34.7 UJ 427 347 U 347 U 6.7 J 834 U NA 32.6 UJ 334 U 334 U 326 U 6 J 1020 NA NA NA NA NA NA 885 U NA 32.5 UJ 331 U 331 U 325 U 5 J 457 J NA 34.5 UJ 345 J 359 U 345 U 5.4 J 830 U NA NA NA NA NA NA 1080 J NA NA NA NA NA NA 1690 NA 35.8 UJ 346 J 349 U 358 U 4.9 J 5860 NA 33 UJ 420 326 U 330 U 4.9 J 1190 NA 38.1 UJ 1430 397 U 381 U 5.3 J 1670 J- NA 43.4 UJ 4550 421 U 434 U 5.3 J 962 J- NA 32.3 UJ 216 J+ 321 U 323 U 5.4 J 780 UJ NA 36.9 UJ 3520 366 U 369 U 5.5 J 884 UJ Page 8 of 9 Table 8-4. Soil Total Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW MW-9BR(10-12) 5/11/2015 MW-9D(3.5-5) 5/1/2015 OB-1(33.5-35.0) 4/16/2015 OB-1(43.5-45.0) 4/16/2015 OB-2(38.5-40.0) 4/14/2015 OB-2(48.5-50.0) 4/14/2015 Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Nitrate Nitrogen Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) Total Organic Carbon 14797-55-8 7727-37-9 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 PH TOC mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Std. Units mg/kg 100000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NA NA NA NA NA NA 849 NA 43 UJ 1500 451 U 430 U 5.7 J 29700 J- NA 35.2 UJ 361 U 361 U 352 UJ 5.1 J 844 U NA 44.4 UJ 450 U 450 U 444 U 5.1 J 1050 U NA 48.8 UJ 2440 474 U 488 U 5.5 J 922 U NA 39.1 UJ 5360 394 U 391 U 5.4 J 893 U Page 9 of 9 Table 8-5. PWR and Bedrock Totals Inorganic Results Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 100000 94 3 44000 46000 460 200 100000 70 9400 100000 NS 0.9 5.8 580 45 63 3 360000 0.9 700 150 Sample Name Sample Date AB-8D(90-90.5) 4/21/2015 3660 5 U 5 U 46.3 12.5 U 0.25 U 0.6 U 3 3 J 3.1 5590 BG-2BR (166.4-166.5) 7/19/2015 5810 5.5 U 5.5 U 8.4 13.6 U 0.24 J 0.65 U 2.6 4.7 J 44.4 8950 BG-2D (159-160) 6/18/2015 10400 5.2 U 5.2 U 85.8 13 U 0.19 J 0.63 U 6.8 10.4 7.4 18800 GWA-10D (131.5-131.8) 7/14/2015 27800 5.1 U 5.1 U 9.7 12.7 U 0.16 J 0.61 U 1.2 J 5.1 U 1.3 U 2530 GWA-1BRU 66.0-66.3 6/15/2015 4360 5 U 5 U 61.5 12.4 U 0.25 U 0.59 U 3.3 3.5 J 3.3 6380 GWA-20BR (301.9-302.4) 7/20/2015 2300 5.2 U 5.2 U 73.4 13 U 0.29 0.63 U 1.3 U 29.8 7.6 8680 GWA-22BR (207-208) 7/20/2015 10200 J+ 5.2 UJ 5.2 U 12 J+ 13 U 0.32 0.63 U 2.6 5 J+4.5 8740 J+ GWA-22BR (277-278) 7/20/2015 13900 5.7 U 5.7 U 18.7 14.2 U 0.27 J 0.68 U 1.7 2.9 J 1.4 U 6160 GWA-23BR 241.4-241.6 6/14/2015 3270 5.3 U 5.3 U 35.5 13.3 U 0.27 U 0.64 U 2.6 3.4 J 14.1 7700 GWA-23BR (216-217) 7/14/2015 4210 5.2 U 5.2 U 60.5 12.9 U 0.24 J 0.62 U 2.2 26.7 21 20300 GWA-2BR(80-81.5) 4/29/2015 9330 4.8 U 4.8 U 147 11.9 U 0.24 U 0.57 U 9.2 16.7 40.5 17200 GWA-2D(30.0-31.5) 4/13/2015 31100 7.8 U 7.8 U 611 26.1 0.98 0.94 U 1.3 J 18.8 5.3 39700 GWA-3D(40-40.5) 4/23/2015 791 5.2 U 5.2 U 9.8 13.1 U 0.26 U 0.63 U 1.2 J 5.2 U 1.7 1540 GWA-4BR (121.5-122.1) 7/14/2015 813 5.6 U 5.6 U 12 14 U 0.28 U 0.67 U 1.4 U 5.6 U 3 1280 GWA-4D (118-119.5) 7/18/2015 2260 5.7 U 5.7 U 36 14.3 U 0.29 U 0.68 U 1.2 J 5.7 U 1.2 J 3970 GWA-5D(229.5-230.0) 4/14/2015 23900 5.9 U 5.9 U 117 14.7 U 0.25 J 0.7 U 240 37.8 23.9 30900 GWA-6D(161-164) 3/19/2015 12500 2.6 U 2.6 U 178 2.6 U 0.09 0.31 U 65.6 17.9 51.8 16800 GWA-7D(93.5-98.5) 6/2/2015 15200 5.5 U 5.5 U 65.2 13.7 U 0.27 U 0.66 U 17.2 15.6 59.9 13800 GWA-9BR 80.0-80.2 6/11/2015 776 5.2 U 5.2 U 2.6 UJ 12.9 U 0.26 U 0.62 U 2.7 7.3 31.9 2180 GWA-9D(50.5-51) 5/5/2015 12700 6.1 U 6.1 U 47.2 15.1 U 0.3 U 0.73 U 36 14.5 120 20700 MW-15BR 38.7-39.1 5/8/2015 1870 4.6 U 4.6 U 16.4 11.6 U 0.23 U 0.56 U 6.1 2.8 J 8.4 3230 MW-15D 40.5-40.7 5/15/2015 1520 5.4 U 5.4 U 16.8 13.5 U 0.27 U 0.65 U 1.6 9.2 12.3 3850 MW9BR 141.7-142.0 5/30/2015 587 2.6 U 2.6 U 3.4 6.4 U 0.13 U 0.31 U 0.38 J 2.6 U 3 1130 MW-9D(63.5-65) 5/1/2015 8310 7.1 U 7.1 U 65.8 12.1 J 0.4 0.85 U 8.3 7.1 U 10.4 14400 Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW Page 1 of 6 Table 8-5. PWR and Bedrock Totals Inorganic Results Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 100000 94 3 44000 46000 460 200 100000 70 9400 100000 NS 0.9 5.8 580 45 63 3 360000 0.9 700 150 Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. limit. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: Page 2 of 6 Table 8-5. PWR and Bedrock Totals Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-8D(90-90.5) 4/21/2015 BG-2BR (166.4-166.5) 7/19/2015 BG-2D (159-160) 6/18/2015 GWA-10D (131.5-131.8) 7/14/2015 GWA-1BRU 66.0-66.3 6/15/2015 GWA-20BR (301.9-302.4) 7/20/2015 GWA-22BR (207-208) 7/20/2015 GWA-22BR (277-278) 7/20/2015 GWA-23BR 241.4-241.6 6/14/2015 GWA-23BR (216-217) 7/14/2015 GWA-2BR(80-81.5) 4/29/2015 GWA-2D(30.0-31.5) 4/13/2015 GWA-3D(40-40.5) 4/23/2015 GWA-4BR (121.5-122.1) 7/14/2015 GWA-4D (118-119.5) 7/18/2015 GWA-5D(229.5-230.0) 4/14/2015 GWA-6D(161-164) 3/19/2015 GWA-7D(93.5-98.5) 6/2/2015 GWA-9BR 80.0-80.2 6/11/2015 GWA-9D(50.5-51) 5/5/2015 MW-15BR 38.7-39.1 5/8/2015 MW-15D 40.5-40.7 5/15/2015 MW9BR 141.7-142.0 5/30/2015 MW-9D(63.5-65) 5/1/2015 Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW Lead Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 800 5200 8 1200 4400 1200 100000 2.4 1200 70000 NS 270 65 1 NS 130 2.1 NS 0.28 6 1200 NS 5 U 130 0.0076 UJ 2.5 U 3.2 5 U 4.9 5 U 11.4 13.6 1000 5.5 U 272 0.0084 U 2.7 UJ 2.6 5.5 U 13.9 5.5 U NA 24.7 4620 5.2 U 754 0.0084 U 2.6 U 6.4 5.2 U 15.8 5.2 U 30.4 50.2 2680 5.1 U 70.9 0.0083 U 2.5 UJ 0.65 J 5.1 U 179 5.1 U NA 6.4 25400 5 U 444 0.0083 U 3.5 3.4 5 U 2.8 5 U 16.4 19.6 579 5.2 U 825 0.0079 U 2.6 UJ 3.5 5.2 U 15.8 5.2 U NA 20.5 5030 5.2 UJ 253 J+0.0081 U 2.6 UJ 3.2 5.2 U 54 J+ 5.2 U NA 29.6 6970 J+ 5.7 U 155 0.0084 U 2.8 UJ 1.8 5.7 U 78.7 5.7 U NA 19.2 10600 5.3 U 198 0.0083 U 2.7 U 3.9 5.3 U 14 5.3 U 11 19.1 1950 5.2 UJ 508 0.0083 U 2.6 UJ 4.2 5.2 U 31.6 5.2 U NA 25 3340 4.8 U 2660 0.0079 UJ 4.8 7 4.8 U 19.4 4.8 U 83.4 43.2 5080 7.8 U 1560 0.012 U 3.9 U 14.6 7.8 U 33.2 7.8 U 128 149 3330 5.2 U 83.8 0.0086 UJ 2.6 U 1.1 J 5.2 U 2.6 UJ 5.2 U 5.2 U 4.2 J 362 5.6 U 39.1 0.0084 U 2.8 UJ 1.4 U 5.6 U 2.8 UJ 5.6 U NA 7.5 320 5.7 U 91.7 0.011 U 2.9 UJ 1.2 J 5.7 U 2.3 J 5.7 U NA 13.3 883 5.9 U 1010 0.0092 U 2.9 U 103 5.9 U 153 5.9 U 52.2 105 8140 2.6 U 200 0.01 U 0.52 U 52.7 2.6 U 28.4 2.6 U 69.8 27.8 3530 5.5 U 234 0.0085 U 2.7 U 13.3 5.5 U 83.3 5.5 U 39.8 23.2 6870 5.2 U 18.7 0.0078 U 2.6 U 0.77 J 5.2 U 3.2 5.2 U 4.6 J 3.3 J 553 6.1 U 373 0.0097 U 3 U 10.1 6.1 U 25.4 6.1 U 61.8 39.3 4110 3.8 J 131 0.0085 UJ 2.3 U 1.9 4.6 U 2.8 4.6 U 4 J 6.8 631 5.4 U 67.1 0.0072 UJ 2.7 U 1.3 UJ 5.4 U 2.1 J 5.4 U 6.5 6.3 643 2.6 U 57.1 0.008 UJ 1.3 U 0.59 J 2.6 U 1.4 2.6 U 1.8 J 2.6 U 382 7.1 U 440 0.011 U 3.5 U 7.8 7.1 U 35 7.1 U 26.6 40 2460 Page 3 of 6 Table 8-5. PWR and Bedrock Totals Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. limit. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: Lead Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 800 5200 8 1200 4400 1200 100000 2.4 1200 70000 NS 270 65 1 NS 130 2.1 NS 0.28 6 1200 NS Page 4 of 6 Table 8-5. PWR and Bedrock Totals Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-8D(90-90.5) 4/21/2015 BG-2BR (166.4-166.5) 7/19/2015 BG-2D (159-160) 6/18/2015 GWA-10D (131.5-131.8) 7/14/2015 GWA-1BRU 66.0-66.3 6/15/2015 GWA-20BR (301.9-302.4) 7/20/2015 GWA-22BR (207-208) 7/20/2015 GWA-22BR (277-278) 7/20/2015 GWA-23BR 241.4-241.6 6/14/2015 GWA-23BR (216-217) 7/14/2015 GWA-2BR(80-81.5) 4/29/2015 GWA-2D(30.0-31.5) 4/13/2015 GWA-3D(40-40.5) 4/23/2015 GWA-4BR (121.5-122.1) 7/14/2015 GWA-4D (118-119.5) 7/18/2015 GWA-5D(229.5-230.0) 4/14/2015 GWA-6D(161-164) 3/19/2015 GWA-7D(93.5-98.5) 6/2/2015 GWA-9BR 80.0-80.2 6/11/2015 GWA-9D(50.5-51) 5/5/2015 MW-15BR 38.7-39.1 5/8/2015 MW-15D 40.5-40.7 5/15/2015 MW9BR 141.7-142.0 5/30/2015 MW-9D(63.5-65) 5/1/2015 Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW Chloride Magnesium Nitrate Nitrogen Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) Total Organic Carbon 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 14797-55-8 7727-37-9 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 PH TOC mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Std. Units mg/kg NS NS 100000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 256 UJ 2800 NA 25.6 UJ 2390 251 U 256 UJ 8.3 J NA 252 U 3830 25.2 UJ NA 293 273 U 252 U 7.5 J NA 265 U 8560 26.5 UJ NA 2770 257 J 265 U 8.2 J 650 U 239 U 1120 23.9 UJ NA 1080 254 U 239 U 7.7 J NA 251 U 4330 25.1 UJ NA 3810 248 U 251 U 9.1 J NA 245 U 936 24.5 UJ NA 133 J 261 U 245 U 7.4 J NA 253 U 3040 J+ 25.3 UJ NA 218 J 261 U 253 U 8.3 J NA 269 U 1890 26.9 UJ NA 291 283 U 269 U 7.2 J NA 262 U 2880 26.2 UJ NA 219 J 266 U 262 U 7.2 J NA 256 U 2530 25.6 UJ NA 252 J 258 U 256 U 7.4 J NA 249 UJ 8300 NA 24.9 UJ 5490 238 U 249 UJ 8.5 J NA 382 U 23200 NA 38.2 UJ 10400 391 U 382 U 5.8 J 740 U 257 UJ 624 NA 25.7 UJ 471 262 U 257 UJ 7.5 J NA 249 U 618 24.9 UJ NA 572 280 U 249 U 7.2 J NA 249 U 1860 24.9 UJ NA 1750 285 U 249 U 7.2 J NA 287 U 27600 NA 28.7 UJ 294 U 294 U 287 U 7.1 J 708 U 257 U 8260 NA 25.7 UJ 3290 148 257 U 7.6 J 626 U 268 U 7230 NA 26.8 UJ 290 599 268 U 6.6 J NA 254 U 756 25.4 UJ NA 258 U 258 U 254 U 6.9 J NA 304 U 9890 NA 30.4 UJ 262 J 164 J 304 U 6.4 J 729 U 260 UJ 1620 26 UJ NA 188 J 232 U 260 UJ 7.2 J NA 362 UJ 1290 36.2 UJ NA 837 269 U 362 UJ 7.1 J NA 264 UJ 548 26.4 UJ NA 128 U 128 U 264 UJ 7.2 J NA 343 U 5660 NA 34.3 UJ 439 354 U 343 U 6.9 J 832 UJ Page 5 of 6 Table 8-5. PWR and Bedrock Totals Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical NS - No applicable standard for this parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. limit. bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: Chloride Magnesium Nitrate Nitrogen Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) Total Organic Carbon 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 14797-55-8 7727-37-9 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 PH TOC mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg Std. Units mg/kg NS NS 100000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Page 6 of 6 Table 8-6. Background Soil SPLP Results Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-41-7 7440-42-8 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 TTTTTTTTTTTT ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS NS 10 700 NS 700 2 10 NS 1000 300 15 NS 1 NS NS 4 NS NS NS 1 NS NS NS Sample Name Sample Date BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 100 U 5 U 5 U 2.7 J+ 2 U 13.7 J+ 0.8 U 5 U 5 U 10 U 500 U 1 U BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 100 U 5 U 5 U 5.1 J+ 2 U 13 J+ 0.8 U 5 U 5 U 10 U 500 U 1 U BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 597 J 5 U 5 U 6.9 J+ 2 U 47.8 J+ 0.8 U 5 U 5 U 10 U 229 J 1 U BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 2330 0.5 U 0.25 J 135 0.15 J 59.8 0.094 1.7 J+ 0.51 J+ 12.2 386 J+0.76 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 4910 J 0.24 J 0.36 J 143 0.39 54.9 0.27 4.6 J+0.72 J+ 3.5 J+796 J+0.84 J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. General Notes: shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Qualifier Notes:pg detection limit. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD ug/l - micrograms per liter NS - No applicable standard for this parameter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by T - Total D - Dissolved IMAC* N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Page 1 of 3 Table 8-6. Background Soil SPLP Results Sample Name Sample Date BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. General Notes: shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Qualifier Notes:pg detection limit. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD ug/l - micrograms per liter NS - No applicable standard for this parameter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by T - Total D - Dissolved IMAC* N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Chloride Magnesium 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 TTTTTTTTTTNT ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 50 1 NS 100 20 NS NS NS 1000 NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.2 0.3 NS NS NS NS 5 U 0.2 UJ 5 U 5 U 5 U 1.9 J 1 U 10 U 50 U 249 J 6300 UJ 108 J+ 5 U 0.2 UJ 5 U 5 U 5 U 5.3 1 U 10 U 50 U 586 7800 UJ 163 J+ 24.3 0.2 UJ 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 1 U 10 U 50 U 400 U 6000 UJ 85.9 J+ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6300 U NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6900 U NA 21.7 J+ 0.2 U 0.28 J 1.4 J+ 0.5 U 6.4 J+ 0.097 J 1.8 50.5 J+ 264 J+ NA 82.7 J+ 46.3 0.2 U 0.78 2.7 J+ 0.33 J 10.1 J+0.28 3.6 78.1 J+ 432 J+ NA 176 J+ Page 2 of 3 Table 8-6. Background Soil SPLP Results Sample Name Sample Date BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. General Notes: shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Qualifier Notes:pg detection limit. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD ug/l - micrograms per liter NS - No applicable standard for this parameter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by T - Total D - Dissolved IMAC* N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Nitrate Potassium Sodium Sulfate pH (field) 14797-55-8 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 PH NTTNN ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l Std. Units 10000 NS NS 250000 8.5 NS NS NS NS NS 920 J 428 J 882 J+ 2600 J 4.5 J 1100 J 437 J 1110 J+ 4300 J 4.8 J 410 J 224 J 3090 J+ 3500 J 5.5 J 250 UJ NA NA 2500 UJ 5.8 J 280 UJ NA NA 2900 J+ 6.5 J NA 299 J+ 2080 NA NA NA 378 J+ 2030 NA NA Page 3 of 3 Table 8-7. Soil SPLP Sample Results Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-41-7 7440-42-8 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 TTTTTTTTTTTTTT ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS NS 10 700 NS 700 2 10 NS 1000 300 15 50 1 NS 1 NS NS 4 NS NS NS 1 NS NS NS NS NS Sample Name Sample Date AB-1D (83.5-85) 6/17/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AB-1D (83.5-85) SPLP 6/17/2015 2050 0.5 U 0.5 U 219 0.2 U 80.8 0.08 U 2.3 J+ 0.56 2.8 J+1950 J+0.21 J+ 26.1 J+ 0.04 J+ AB-1S (63-65) 6/23/2015 100 U 5 U 5 U 1.2 J 2 U 16.7 J+ 0.8 U 5 U 5 U 10 U 500 U 1 U 12.3 0.2 UJ AB-3D(48.5-50) 4/14/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AB-3D(48.5-50) 4/14/2015 2020 3.4 98.8 224 0.2 U 158 0.035 J 4.7 0.46 J 9.7 756 J+1.7 8.2 J+ 0.2 U AB-4D(58.5-61.5) 5/5/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AB-4D(58.5-61.5) 5/5/2015 4090 0.5 U 0.2 J 105 0.1 J 67 0.08 U 3.3 1.3 6.5 8450 0.27 38 0.2 U BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 100 U 5 U 5 U 2.7 J+ 2 U 13.7 J+ 0.8 U 5 U 5 U 10 U 500 U 1 U 5 U 0.2 UJ BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 100 U 5 U 5 U 5.1 J+ 2 U 13 J+ 0.8 U 5 U 5 U 10 U 500 U 1 U 5 U 0.2 UJ BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 597 J 5 U 5 U 6.9 J+ 2 U 47.8 J+ 0.8 U 5 U 5 U 10 U 229 J 1 U 24.3 0.2 UJ BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 2330 0.5 U 0.25 J 135 0.15 J 59.8 0.094 1.7 J+ 0.51 J+ 12.2 386 J+0.76 21.7 J+ 0.2 U BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 4910 J 0.24 J 0.36 J 143 0.39 54.9 0.27 4.6 J+ 0.72 J+ 3.5 J+796 J+0.84 46.3 0.2 U GWA-21D (48.5-50) 7/18/2015 500 U 25 U 25 U 5.4 J 10 U 250 UJ 4 U 25 U 25 U 50 U 2500 U 5 U 12 J 0.6 U GWA-21D (8.5-10) 7/16/2015 262 J+ 25 U 25 U 500 UJ 10 U 250 UJ 4 U 25 UJ 25 U 50 UJ 2500 UJ 5 UJ 25 UJ 0.6 U GWA-4S (15-19) 6/21/2015 118 5 U 5 U 11.5 J 2 U 30.9 J+ 0.8 U 5 U 6.5 10 U 173 J 1 U 73 0.2 UJ J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. General Notes: shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Qualifier Notes:pg detection limit. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD ug/l - micrograms per liter NS - No applicable standard for this parameter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by T - Total D - Dissolved IMAC* N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Page 1 of 3 Table 8-7. Soil SPLP Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-1D (83.5-85) 6/17/2015 AB-1D (83.5-85) SPLP 6/17/2015 AB-1S (63-65) 6/23/2015 AB-3D(48.5-50) 4/14/2015 AB-3D(48.5-50) 4/14/2015 AB-4D(58.5-61.5) 5/5/2015 AB-4D(58.5-61.5) 5/5/2015 BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 GWA-21D (48.5-50) 7/18/2015 GWA-21D (8.5-10) 7/16/2015 GWA-4S (15-19) 6/21/2015 J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. General Notes: shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Qualifier Notes:pg detection limit. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD ug/l - micrograms per liter NS - No applicable standard for this parameter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by T - Total D - Dissolved IMAC* N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Chloride Magnesium Nitrate Potassium Sodium Sulfate 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 14797-55-8 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 TTTTTTTTNTNTTN ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS 100 20 NS NS NS 1000 NS 250000 NS 10000 NS NS 250000 NS NS NS NS 0.2 0.3 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5000 U NA 200 U NA NA 3200 0.22 J+ 2.9 J+ 0.5 U 9.8 0.1 U 3.8 42 J+ 669 J+ NA 813 NA 418 J+ 1900 J+ NA 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 1 U 10 U 50 U 185 J 5000 UJ 106 210 J 500 U 861 J+ 2100 J NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5000 U NA 200 UJ NA NA 6800 J+ 6.9 1.4 J+ 17.6 217 0.091 J 75.6 15.2 J+ 8300 NA 434 NA 211 J+ 1300 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6300 U NA 330 J NA NA 5400 J+ 0.5 U 7.9 0.5 U 10.3 0.1 U 12.5 45.1 1080 NA 1160 NA 301 1190 NA 5 U 5 U 5 U 1.9 J 1 U 10 U 50 U 249 J 6300 UJ 108 J+ 920 J 428 J 882 J+ 2600 J 5 U 5 U 5 U 5.3 1 U 10 U 50 U 586 7800 UJ 163 J+ 1100 J 437 J 1110 J+ 4300 J 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U 1 U 10 U 50 U 400 U 6000 UJ 85.9 J+ 410 J 224 J 3090 J+ 3500 J NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6300 U NA 250 UJ NA NA 2500 UJ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 6900 U NA 280 UJ NA NA 2900 J+ 0.28 J 1.4 J+ 0.5 U 6.4 J+ 0.097 J 1.8 50.5 J+ 264 J+ NA 82.7 J+ NA 299 J+ 2080 NA 0.78 2.7 J+ 0.33 J 10.1 J+0.28 3.6 78.1 J+ 432 J+ NA 176 J+ NA 378 J+ 2030 NA 25 UJ 25 U 25 U 25 U 5 U 50 U 250 U 2000 U 6200 U 500 U 360 2500 U 3080 J+ 2000 J 25 UJ 25 UJ 25 U 25 UJ 5 U 50 U 250 UJ 2000 UJ 6100 U 500 UJ 320 2500 UJ 2500 UJ 1700 J 5 U 2.6 J 5 U 39.2 1 U 10 U 50 U 2850 7700 UJ 2040 380 J 660 1810 J+ 28600 J Page 2 of 3 Table 8-7. Soil SPLP Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-1D (83.5-85) 6/17/2015 AB-1D (83.5-85) SPLP 6/17/2015 AB-1S (63-65) 6/23/2015 AB-3D(48.5-50) 4/14/2015 AB-3D(48.5-50) 4/14/2015 AB-4D(58.5-61.5) 5/5/2015 AB-4D(58.5-61.5) 5/5/2015 BG-2D (48-49) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (60-62) 6/15/2015 BG-2D (74-75) 6/15/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(23-24) 6/13/2015 BG-3D(34-35.5) 6/13/2015 GWA-21D (48.5-50) 7/18/2015 GWA-21D (8.5-10) 7/16/2015 GWA-4S (15-19) 6/21/2015 J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. General Notes: shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Qualifier Notes:pg detection limit. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD ug/l - micrograms per liter NS - No applicable standard for this parameter NA - Not analyzed or not reported by T - Total D - Dissolved IMAC* N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: pH (field) PH N Std. Units 8.5 NS NA NA NA 8 J NA 5.9 J NA 4.5 J 4.8 J 5.5 J 5.8 J 6.5 J NA NA 5.2 J 5 J 3.9 J Page 3 of 3 Table 8-8. Frequency and Concentration Ranges in Soil for COI Exceedances of North Carolina PSRGs Constituent of Interest NC Industrial PSRG NC Protection of GW PSRG No. of Borings > NC PSRGs* Concentration Range of Exceedances (in mg/kg) Arsenic 3 5.8 1 S 7 D 35.1 (AB-7S) 3.5J (AB-5D,GWA-9D) to 33.8 (AB-3D) Boron 46,000 45 1 S 50 to 51.7 (AB-8S) Cobalt 70 0.9 6 S 25 D 1 BR 3.1J (GWA-4S) to 75 (AB-4S) 3.1J (C-2D) to 102 (GWA-8D) 7.3J to 14.7 (MW-7BR) Iron 100,000 150 8 S 26 D 1 BR 4,950 (AB-4S) to 58,900 (GWA-7S) 5,230 (GWA-23D) to 109,000 (GWA-9D) 12,300J to 21,000 (MW-7BR) Manganese 5,200 65 8 S 25 D 1 BR 158 (AB-7S) to 1,950 (AB-4S,OB-2) 77.7 (GWA-22D) to 3,320 (AB-4D) 615 to 446J (MW-7BR) Nickel 4,400 130 2 D 151 (GWA-8D) to 167 (AB-4D) Selenium 1,200 2.1 2 S 1 D 2.4J (AB-7S) to 5.6J (GWA-4S) 4.7J (BG-1D) Vanadium 1,200 6 8 S 25 D 1 BR 17.3 (GWA-4S) to 145 (AB-8S) 7J (GWA-22D) to 148 (GWA-9D) 29.2 to 58.5 (MW-7BR) Note: For the “No. of Borings > North Carolina PSRGs” column, data reported represents borings, not individual samples within a given boring; exceedances of both Industrial and Protection of Groundwater PSRGs have been counted. Table 8-9. Frequency and Concentration Ranges in PWR and Bedrock for COI Exceedances of North Carolina PSRGs Constituent of Interest NC Industrial PSRG NC Protection of GW PSRG No. of Borings > NC PSRGs* Concentration Range of Exceedances (in mg/kg) Barium 44,000 580 1 D 611 (GWA-2D) Cobalt 70 0.9 8 D 12 BR 3J (AB-8D) to 37.8 (GWA-5D) 2.6J (MW-7BR) to 29.8 (GWA-20BR) Iron 100,000 150 12 D 14 BR 1,540 (GWA-3D) to 39,700 (GWA-2D) 1,130 (MW-9BR) to 20,300 (GWA-23BR) Manganese 5,200 65 12 D 11 BR 67.1 (MW-15D) to 1,560 (GWA-2D) 80.1 (MW-7BR) to 2,660 (GWA-2BR) Vanadium 1,200 6 9 D 5 BR 6.5 (MW-15D) to 128 (GWA-2D) 8.5 (MW-7BR) to 83.4 (GWA-2BR) Note: For the “No. of Borings > North Carolina PSRGs” column, data reported represents borings, not individual samples within a given boring; exceedances of both Industrial and Protection of Groundwater PSRGs have been counted. Table 8-10. Range of Constituent Concentrations and Comparison to Range of Reported Background Concentrations – Soil Beneath Ash Basin and Within Waste Boundary Constituent Background Soil Concentrations (Range, mg/kg) Soil Concentrations Beneath the Ash Basin (Range, mg/kg) Arsenic 5.5J to <8.3 1.6J to 35.1 Boron 12J to <20.8 2J to 54.3 Cobalt 5J to 22.8 <3 to 75 Iron 12,300J to 36,500 7,220 to 71,900 Manganese 11.4 to 1,440 6.8J to 3,320 Nickel 1.3J to 8.5 0.44J+ to 167 Selenium 4.7J to <8.3 2.4J to <9.5 Vanadium 29.2 to 89.2 18.1 to 161J+ Notes: 1. mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram 2. J = Estimated concentration 3. < = Not detected above the reporting detection limit Table 8-11. Range of Constituent Concentrations and Comparison to Range of Reported Background Concentrations – Soil Beneath Ash Storage Area Constituent Background Soil Concentrations (Range, mg/kg) Soil Concentrations Beneath the Ash Storage Area (Range, mg/kg) Arsenic 5.5J to <8.3 2.4J to 10.9 Cobalt 5J to 22.8 3.7 to 18.6 Iron 12,300J to 36,500 5,230 to 16,600 Manganese 11.4 to 1,440 85 to 793 Vanadium 29.2 to 89.2 9.9 to 46 Notes: 1. mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram 2. J = Estimated concentration 3. < = Not detected above the reporting detection limit Table 8-12. Range of Constituent Concentrations and Comparison to Range of Reported Background Concentrations – Soil Beneath Cinder Storage Area Constituent Background Soil Concentrations (Range, mg/kg) Soil Concentrations Beneath the Cinder Storage Area (Range, mg/kg) Cobalt 5J to 22.8 <3 to 14 Iron 12,300J to 36,500 6,380 to 39,000 Manganese 11.4 to 1,440 20.5 to 242 Vanadium 29.2 to 89.2 15.2 to 40.1 Notes: 1. mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram 2. J = Estimated concentration 3. < = Not detected above the reporting detection limit Table 8-13. Range of Constituent Concentrations and Comparison to Range of Reported Background Concentrations – Soil Outside Waste Boundary and Within Compliance Boundary Constituent Background Soil Concentrations (Range, mg/kg) Soil Concentrations Outside Waste Boundary and within Compliance Boundary (Range, mg/kg) Arsenic 5.5J to <8.3 <3.4 to 12.2 Barium 17.7J to 282 2.5J+ to 611 Cobalt 5J to 22.8 3.1J to 102 Iron 12,300J to 36,500 4,950 to 109,000 Manganese 11.4 to 1,440 68.4 to 2,940 Nickel 1.3J to 8.5 1.1J to 151 Selenium 4.7J to <8.3 <3.4 to <9.5 Vanadium 29.2 to 89.2 7J to 209 Notes: 1. mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram 2. J = Estimated concentration 3. < = Not detected above the reporting detection limit Table 8-14. Range of Constituent Concentrations and Comparison to Range of Reported Background Concentrations – PWR and Bedrock Beneath Ash Basin and Within Waste Boundary Constituent Background PWR and Bedrock Concentrations (Range, mg/kg) PWR and Bedrock Concentrations Beneath Ash Basin and within the Waste Boundary (Range, mg/kg) Cobalt 2.6J to 10.4 3J Iron 1,130 to 18,800 5,590 Manganese 57.1 to 754 130 Vanadium 1.8J to 30.4 11.4 Notes: 1. mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram 2. J = Estimated concentration 3. < = Not detected above the reporting detection limit Table 8-15. Range of Constituent Concentrations and Comparison to Range of Reported Background Concentrations – PWR and Bedrock BeneathAsh Storage Area Constituent Background PWR and Bedrock Concentrations (Range, mg/kg) PWR and Bedrock Concentrations Beneath Ash Storage Area (Range, mg/kg) Cobalt 2.6J to 10.4 3.4J to 26.7 Iron 1,130 to 18,800 7,700 to 20,300 Manganese 57.1 to 754 198 to 508 Vanadium 1.8J to 30.4 11 Notes: 1. mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram 2. J = Estimated concentration 3. < = Not detected above the reporting detection limit Table 8-16. Range of Constituent Concentrations and Comparison to Range of Reported Background Concentrations – PWR and Bedrock Outside the Waste Boundary and Within Compliance Boundary Constituent Background PWR and Bedrock Concentrations (Range, mg/kg) PWR and Bedrock Concentrations Outside the Waste Boundary and within Compliance Boundary (Range, mg/kg) Cobalt 2.6J to 10.4 <2.6 to 37.8 Iron 1,130 to 18,800 1,130 to 39,700 Manganese 57.1 to 754 18.7 to 2,660 Vanadium 1.8J to 30.4 1.8J to 128 Notes: 1. mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram 2. J = Estimated concentration 3. < = Not detected above the reporting detection limit Table 9-1. Surface Water Sample Results Aluminum Aluminum Antimony Antimony Arsenic Arsenic Barium Barium Beryllium Beryllium Boron Boron Cadmium Cadmium 7429-90-5 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-41-7 7440-41-7 7440-42-8 7440-42-8 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 DTDTDTDTDTDTDT ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 87 87 5.6 5.6 10 10 1000 1000 6.5 6.5 NS NS 0.15 0.15 NS NS NS NS 10 10 700 700 NS NS 700 700 2 2 NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS 4 4 NS NS NS NS Sample Name Sample Date Background S-13 7/7/2015 100 U 130 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.19 J 0.3 J 16 17 0.2 U 0.2 U 50 U 50 U 0.08 U 0.08 U Sidegradient RBSW001 7/9/2015 100 U 57 J 0.5 U 0.2 J 1.1 1.5 12 13 0.2 U 0.2 U 50 U 50 U 1.9 2 RBSW002 7/9/2015 120 230 0.16 J 0.5 UJ 1.1 1.3 29 31 0.2 U 0.2 U 39 J 38 J 0.3 0.32 Downgradient S-4 7/3/2015 NA NA 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 35 37 0.2 U 0.2 U 380 380 0.08 U 0.08 U S-6 6/25/2015 100 U 110 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.13 J 26 38 0.2 U 0.2 U 170 160 0.08 U 0.08 U S-7 7/3/2015 NA NA 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.38 J 11 100 0.2 U 0.1 J 55 60 0.08 U 0.08 U S-8 7/3/2015 NA NA 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.12 J 0.21 J 17 18 0.2 U 0.2 U 50 U 50 U 0.08 U 0.08 U SW-3 6/25/2015 100 U 310 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.93 2.4 58 76 0.2 U 0.2 U 500 530 0.08 U 0.033 J General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Standards and Protective Values & EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Shading+Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 02B Surface Water Criteria NS - No applicable standard for this parameter U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. **NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. *NOTE for the purposes of comparison, the lowest value of the Water Supply, Human Health, or Freshwater Aquatic Life criteria was referenced in this table. IMAC** Analyte CAS RN FRACTION Result Unit NC 2B Surface Water (Lowest of AL, HH, WS)* 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD Page 1 of 5 Table 9-1. Surface Water Sample Results Aluminum 7429-90-5 D ug/l 87 NS NS Sample Name Sample Date Background S-13 7/7/2015 100 U Sidegradient RBSW001 7/9/2015 100 U RBSW002 7/9/2015 120 Downgradient S-4 7/3/2015 NA S-6 6/25/2015 100 U S-7 7/3/2015 NA S-8 7/3/2015 NA SW-3 6/25/2015 100 U General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Standards and Protective Values & EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Shading+Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 02B Surface Water Criteria NS - No applicable standard for this parameter U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. **NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. *NOTE for the purposes of comparison, the lowest value of the Water Supply, Human Health, or Freshwater Aquatic Life criteria was referenced in this table. IMAC** Analyte CAS RN FRACTION Result Unit NC 2B Surface Water (Lowest of AL, HH, WS)* 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD Chromium Chromium Cobalt Cobalt Copper Copper Iron Iron Lead Lead Manganese Manganese Mercury 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 DTDTDTDTDTDTD ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 24 24 3 3 2.7 2.7 NS NS 0.54 0.54 NS NS NS 10 10 NS NS 1000 1000 300 300 15 15 50 50 1 NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.28 J 0.41 J 0.5 U 0.24 J 0.95 J 0.92 J 230 1600 0.1 U 0.13 79 110 NA 0.5 U 0.7 0.41 J 0.43 J 34.2 35.9 50 U 89 0.34 1.5 20 20 0.2 U 1.3 1.1 0.22 J 0.27 J 10.2 9.8 120 330 0.58 0.89 27 32 0.2 U 0.34 J 0.37 J 2.1 2.8 0.42 J 0.4 J NA NA 0.1 U 0.11 440 460 NA 0.23 J 1.1 6.3 9.6 1 U 0.3 J 120 2200 0.1 U 0.13 3900 4300 0.2 U 0.6 10.4 0.26 J 11.7 0.54 J 2.9 NA NA 0.1 U 1.1 98 2300 J+NA 0.63 0.33 J 0.5 U 0.28 J 0.9 J 0.8 J NA NA 0.1 U 0.15 40 92 NA 0.28 J 0.38 J 0.41 J 0.61 0.3 J 0.86 J 50 U 810 0.1 U 0.58 320 370 0.2 U Page 2 of 5 Table 9-1. Surface Water Sample Results Aluminum 7429-90-5 D ug/l 87 NS NS Sample Name Sample Date Background S-13 7/7/2015 100 U Sidegradient RBSW001 7/9/2015 100 U RBSW002 7/9/2015 120 Downgradient S-4 7/3/2015 NA S-6 6/25/2015 100 U S-7 7/3/2015 NA S-8 7/3/2015 NA SW-3 6/25/2015 100 U General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Standards and Protective Values & EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Shading+Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 02B Surface Water Criteria NS - No applicable standard for this parameter U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. **NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. *NOTE for the purposes of comparison, the lowest value of the Water Supply, Human Health, or Freshwater Aquatic Life criteria was referenced in this table. IMAC** Analyte CAS RN FRACTION Result Unit NC 2B Surface Water (Lowest of AL, HH, WS)* 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD Mercury Molybdenum Molybdenum Nickel Nickel Selenium Selenium Strontium Strontium Thallium Thallium Vanadium Vanadium 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 TDTDTDTDTDTDT ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS 160 160 16 16 NS NS 14000 14000 0.24 0.24 NS NS 1 NS NS 100 100 20 20 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.000843 J+ 0.13 J 0.15 J 0.5 UJ 0.18 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 79 79 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.52 J 1.4 0.2 UJ 0.28 J 0.28 J 0.89 1.2 36.4 35.4 23 23 0.036 J 0.1 U 0.79 J 0.97 J 0.2 U 1 0.98 1.3 1.1 6.9 6 120 120 0.019 J 0.1 U 2.4 2.8 0.00266 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.84 0.76 0.5 U 0.5 U 45 46 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.37 J 0.61 J 0.2 U 0.23 J 0.5 U 1.4 2.3 0.5 U 0.5 U 30 33 0.1 U 0.1 U 1 U 0.68 J 0.00114 0.099 J 0.5 U 1.4 10.5 0.5 U 0.5 U 20 28 0.1 U 0.023 J 0.41 J 6.2 0.0021 0.13 J 0.096 J 0.38 J 0.18 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 83 82 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.59 J 1.5 0.2 U 11 10.8 2.7 3 0.34 J 0.43 J 960 1200 0.15 0.22 1 U 1.2 Page 3 of 5 Table 9-1. Surface Water Sample Results Aluminum 7429-90-5 D ug/l 87 NS NS Sample Name Sample Date Background S-13 7/7/2015 100 U Sidegradient RBSW001 7/9/2015 100 U RBSW002 7/9/2015 120 Downgradient S-4 7/3/2015 NA S-6 6/25/2015 100 U S-7 7/3/2015 NA S-8 7/3/2015 NA SW-3 6/25/2015 100 U General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Standards and Protective Values & EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Shading+Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 02B Surface Water Criteria NS - No applicable standard for this parameter U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. **NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. *NOTE for the purposes of comparison, the lowest value of the Water Supply, Human Health, or Freshwater Aquatic Life criteria was referenced in this table. IMAC** Analyte CAS RN FRACTION Result Unit NC 2B Surface Water (Lowest of AL, HH, WS)* 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD Zinc Zinc Alkalinity, HCO3 Alkalinity, CO3 Alkalinity, lab Calcium Chloride Magnesium Methane Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 Potassium Sodium Sulfate 7440-66-6 7440-66-6 ALK-HCO3 ALK-CO3 ALK-LAB 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 74-82-8 NO2-NO3 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 DTNNNTNTNNTTN ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l 36 36 NS NS NS NS 230000 NS NS NS NS NS 250000 1000 1000 NS NS NS NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 4.8 J 3 J 39600 5000 U 39600 8540 1200 2580 27.3 79 5000 U 6960 1000 U 790 750 2500 J 5000 U 2500 J 3530 1000 U 324 2.7 J 1200 5000 U 5000 U 4700 140 140 24600 5000 U 24600 12700 4100 2720 0.81 J+ 990 2810 J 5480 18400 10 U 10 U 25500 5000 U 25500 7990 6500 6800 1.2 J+ 96 5000 U 6840 25400 10 U 10 U 30200 5000 U 30200 J- 4730 6600 7590 4.8 J+ 45 5000 U 7160 24500 10 U 22 22400 5000 U 22400 3420 6100 5980 1.5 J+ 12 J 5000 U 5000 U 1400 4.1 J 10 U 43100 5000 U 43100 8520 1300 2730 4.6 J+ 1500 5000 U 6830 1000 U 210 220 106000 5000 U 106000 57000 5500 14400 6.2 J+ 290 9310 10800 119000 Page 4 of 5 Table 9-1. Surface Water Sample Results Aluminum 7429-90-5 D ug/l 87 NS NS Sample Name Sample Date Background S-13 7/7/2015 100 U Sidegradient RBSW001 7/9/2015 100 U RBSW002 7/9/2015 120 Downgradient S-4 7/3/2015 NA S-6 6/25/2015 100 U S-7 7/3/2015 NA S-8 7/3/2015 NA SW-3 6/25/2015 100 U General Notes: ug/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 15A NCAC 02B Surface Water Standards and Protective Values & EPA National Recommended Water Quality Criteria. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Shading+Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 02B Surface Water Criteria NS - No applicable standard for this parameter U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. **NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. *NOTE for the purposes of comparison, the lowest value of the Water Supply, Human Health, or Freshwater Aquatic Life criteria was referenced in this table. IMAC** Analyte CAS RN FRACTION Result Unit NC 2B Surface Water (Lowest of AL, HH, WS)* 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD Sulfide Total Organic Carbon Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids 18496-25-8 TOC TDS TSS NNNN ug/l ug/l ug/l ug/l NS NS NS NS NS NS 500000 NS NS NS NS NS 100 U 2100 83000 7000 100 U 2800 32000 2500 U 100 U 3500 92000 8900 100 U 690 J 70000 5600 U 100 U 970 J 79000 2500 U 100 U 640 J 29000 146000 100 U 2000 62000 8100 100 U 2700 332000 2500 U Page 5 of 5 9. 2 N P D E S I n s t r e a m M e t a l s M o n i t o r i n g (F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 1 t o F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 ) Lo c a t i o n De p t h (m ) 27 8 . 0 ( U p s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 N A N A N A N A N A < 1 . 0 0 N A N A 27 7 . 5 ( D o w n s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 3 8 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 2 . 0 0 4 7 27 8 . 0 ( U p s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 0 2 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 2 . 0 0 5 1 27 7 . 5 ( D o w n s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 1 . 1 2 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 4 2 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 2 . 0 0 5 4 27 8 . 0 ( U p s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 2 . 0 0 5 2 27 7 . 5 ( D o w n s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 2 . 0 0 4 9 27 8 . 0 ( U p s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 2 2 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 4 2 27 7 . 5 ( D o w n s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 3 0 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 4 2 27 8 . 0 ( U p s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 2 5 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 8 2 5 1 27 7 . 5 ( D o w n s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 1 1 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 5 2 5 1 27 8 . 0 ( U p s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 6 6 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 2 5 27 7 . 5 ( D o w n s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 6 7 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 4 6 3 1 27 8 . 0 ( U p s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 7 1 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 4 7 27 7 . 5 ( D o w n s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 7 0 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 4 1 4 4 27 8 . 0 ( U p s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 2 8 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 2 . 0 0 4 3 27 7 . 5 ( D o w n s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 1 6 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 2 . 0 0 4 8 27 8 . 0 ( U p s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 1 4 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 5 . 0 0 4 1 27 7 . 5 ( D o w n s t r e a m ) 0 . 3 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 1 . 0 1 < 0 . 0 5 < 1 . 0 0 < 1 . 0 0 < 5 . 0 0 4 0 Se , T o t a l Re c o v e r a b l e Zn, Total Recoverable TDS (mg/L) As , T o t a l Re c o v e r a b l e Cd , T o t a l Re c o v e r a b l e Cr , T o t a l Re c o v e r a b l e Cu , T o t a l Re c o v e r a b l e Hg , U S E P A 24 5 . 1 ( μ g/ L ) Pb , T o t a l Re c o v e r a b l e Page 1 of 1 Table 9.3. Sediment Total Inorganic Results Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Manganese Mercury 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 100000 94 3 44000 46000 460 200 100000 70 9400 100000 800 5200 8 NS 0.9 5.8 580 45 63 3 360000 0.9 700 150 270 65 1 Sample Name Sample Date S-1 7/6/2015 11800 11.8 U 11.8 U 144 29.6 U 0.89 1.4 U 21 15.5 14.1 34600 10.5 J 257 0.047 S-2 7/6/2015 8990 13.6 U 11.2 J 169 34.1 U 0.87 1.6 U 16.5 124 48.8 25400 9.8 J 2560 0.061 S-3 7/6/2015 6860 J 8.9 UJ 8.9 UJ 144 13.1 J 1 1.1 U 25.2 346 43.3 28500 9.1 1870 0.32 S-4 7/3/2015 9870 17.8 U 17.8 U 245 30.4 J 0.69 J 2.1 U 51.5 162 24.5 58000 11.5 J 4110 0.096 S-6 7/6/2015 5020 27.6 U 27.6 U 1960 45.1 J 1.4 U 3.3 U 43.8 355 11.6 92500 27.6 U 64400 0.05 S-7 7/3/2015 5150 8 U 8 U 130 20 U 0.38 J 0.96 U 34.1 54.5 10.6 33300 8 UJ 2470 0.018 S-8 7/3/2015 2200 6.6 U 6.6 U 21 16.4 U 0.33 U 0.79 U 5.5 4.6 J 4.7 8100 6.6 U 92.8 0.014 S-9 7/3/2015 6980 11.2 U 11.2 U 129 16.6 J 0.46 J 1.3 U 47.1 139 17.2 33700 9.7 J 1630 0.11 S-10 7/6/2015 11300 14.9 U 14.9 U 122 19.6 J 0.76 1.8 U 40.2 73.6 39 35200 12.7 J 470 0.069 S-11 7/3/2015 13600 17.7 U 17.7 U 168 23.5 J 1.2 2.1 U 34.9 92 42.1 56100 10.9 J 2170 0.46 S-12 7/6/2015 14500 10.5 U 61.8 574 22.5 J 1.1 0.99 J 102 294 60.8 65800 16.2 11500 0.066 Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW U -- Not detected above the reporting bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by pp parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Page 1 of 3 Table 9.3. Sediment Total Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date S-1 7/6/2015 S-2 7/6/2015 S-3 7/6/2015 S-4 7/3/2015 S-6 7/6/2015 S-7 7/3/2015 S-8 7/3/2015 S-9 7/3/2015 S-10 7/6/2015 S-11 7/3/2015 S-12 7/6/2015 Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW U -- Not detected above the reporting bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by pp parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Molybdenum Nickel Selenium Strontium Thallium Vanadium Zinc Calcium Chloride Magnesium Nitrate Nitrogen Potassium Sodium 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 14797-55-8 7727-37-9 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 1200 4400 1200 100000 2.4 1200 70000 NS NS NS 100000 NS NS NS NS 130 2.1 NS 0.28 6 1200 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 5.9 U 8.5 11.8 U 18.2 11.8 U 39.8 77.9 1080 554 U 3160 55.4 UJ NA 2260 591 U 6.8 U 22.6 13.6 U 34.4 13.6 U 63.5 59.3 3210 654 U 1300 65.4 UJ NA 572 J 681 U 4.4 U 17.6 8.9 U 17.2 8.9 U 63.7 45.3 811 445 U 241 44.5 UJ NA 445 U 445 U 8.9 U 27.9 17.8 U 11.9 17.8 U 86.2 38.7 1480 848 U 1560 84.8 UJ NA 741 J 891 U 13.8 U 49.4 27.6 U 45.2 27.6 U 23.2 J 28.8 2510 1420 U 1950 142 UJ NA 1380 U 1380 U 4 U 32.9 8 U 8.5 8 U 35.2 39 729 387 U 2490 38.7 UJ NA 341 J 400 U 3.3 U 1.3 J 6.6 U 2 J 6.6 U 25.6 6 J 183 334 U 596 33.4 UJ NA 276 J 328 U 5.6 U 25.7 11.2 U 8.2 11.2 U 64.5 27.9 1050 530 U 1050 53 UJ NA 428 J 560 U 7.5 U 13.3 14.9 U 13.9 14.9 U 113 39.1 1580 699 U 1660 69.9 UJ NA 781 746 U 8.8 U 13.9 17.7 U 19.3 17.7 U 99 48.2 2560 834 U 2600 83.4 UJ NA 1250 883 U 16.4 107 10.5 U 25.8 10.5 U 126 218 2230 504 U 2500 50.4 UJ NA 792 524 U Page 2 of 3 Table 9.3. Sediment Total Inorganic Results Sample Name Sample Date S-1 7/6/2015 S-2 7/6/2015 S-3 7/6/2015 S-4 7/3/2015 S-6 7/6/2015 S-7 7/3/2015 S-8 7/3/2015 S-9 7/3/2015 S-10 7/6/2015 S-11 7/3/2015 S-12 7/6/2015 Std. Units - pH units Qualifier Notes: Analyte CAS RN Result Unit NC PSRG Ind NC PSRG Prot GW U -- Not detected above the reporting bold - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Industrial Health Based PSRG Italic/underline - indicates exceedance of NCDENR Protection of Groundwater PSRG Comparison Criteria: J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. mg/kg - milligrams per kilogram NA - Not analyzed or not reported by pp parameter Shading indicates exceedance of either applicable criteria. General Notes: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Soil Remediation Goals Table (March 2015) - Preliminary Industrial Health Based Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) and Protection of Groundwater PSRG. **Note: No PSRG for Total Chromium is currently available, as a surrogate the PSRG for Trivalent Chromium was used for comparison purposes only. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. Sulfate pH (field) Total Organic Carbon 14808-79-8 PH TOC mg/kg Std. Units mg/kg NS NS NS NS NS NS 1320 4.2 J 60800 402 J 6 J 66100 310 J 4.2 J 54300 848 U 7 J 53700 919 J 7.4 J 132000 387 U 6.8 J 23300 334 U 0.1 UJ 4240 530 U 7.2 J 31300 1470 3.8 J 69900 834 U 6.7 J 39200 482 J 5.6 J 39400 Page 3 of 3 Table 10-1. COIs Near RBSS with Associated State and Federal Drinking Water Standards Constituent NCAC 2L Groundwater Standard (μg/L) EPA Primary MCL (μg/L) EPA Secondary MCL (μg/L)IMAC (μg/L) Antimony - 6 - 1 Arsenic 10 10 - - Chromium 10 100 - - Cobalt - - - 1 Iron 300 - 300 - Manganese 50 - 50 - pH 6.5 - 8.5* - 6.5 - 8.5* - Sulfate 250,000 - 250,000 - Thallium - 2 - 0.2 TDS 500,000 - 500,000 - Vanadium - - - 0.3 *Standard Units Page 1 of 1 Table 10-2. Gaston and Mecklenburg Counties Private Well Statistics for COIs Count 1,822 Count 1,934 Minimum (μg/L) 0.5 Minimum (μg/L) 0.5 Maximum (μg/L) 232 Maximum (μg/L) 15 Mean (μg/L) 50 Mean (μg/L) 1.2 Percentage of wells above MCL 2.85% Percentage of wells above MCL 0.21% Count 366 Count 1,532 Minimum (μg/L) 5 Minimum (μg/L) 0.5 Maximum (μg/L) 30 Maximum (μg/L) 80 Mean (μg/L) 5.1 Mean (μg/L) 5.2 Percentage of wells above MCL 0.00% Percentage of wells above MCL 0.00% Count 1,815 Count 1,913 Minimum (μg/L) 0 Minimum (μg/L) 25 Maximum (μg/L) 98,000 Maximum (μg/L) 58,560 Mean (μg/L) 781.2 Mean (μg/L) 506 Percentage of wells above SMCL 24.74% Percentage of wells above SMCL 18.19% Count 1,834 Count 1,925 Minimum (SU) 5 Minimum (SU) 4.6 Maximum (SU) 10.3 Maximum (SU) 9.5 Mean (SU) 7.02 Mean (SU) 7.1 Percentage of wells above SMCL 0.60% Percentage of wells above SMCL 0.52% Percentage of wells below SMCL 19.25% Percentage of wells below SMCL 5.92% pH of Gaston County Groundwater pH of Mecklenburg County Groundwater Arsenic Concentrations in Gaston County Groundwater Arsenic Concentrations in Mecklenburg County Groundwater Chromium Concentrations in Gaston County Groundwater Chromium Concentrations in Mecklenburg County Groundwater Iron Concentrations in Gaston County Groundwater Iron Concentrations in Mecklenburg County Groundwater Page 1 of 1 Table 10-3. Regional Average Concentrations of Iron and Manganese in Groundwater Region Average Concentration of Iron in Groundwater (μg/L) North Carolina Coastal Plain 2715 North Carolina Piedmont 624 North Carolina Mountains 622 North Carolina (statewide) 1320 Region Average Concentration of Manganese in Groundwater (μg/L) North Carolina Coastal Plain 41 North Carolina Piedmont 221 North Carolina Mountains 44 North Carolina (statewide) 102 Page 1 of 1 Table 10-4. Background Groundwater Sample Results Aluminum Aluminum Antimony Antimony Arsenic Arsenic Barium Barium Boron Boron Beryllium Beryllium 7429-90-5 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-41-7 DTDTDTDTDTDT μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS NS NS 10 10 700 700 700 700 NS NS NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS 4 4 Sample Name Sample Date BG-1D 7/11/2015 740 1400 3.9 3.3 2.1 2 480 370 49 J 27 J 0.2 U 0.2 U BG-1S 7/6/2015 100 U 1600 0.23 J 0.43 J 0.5 U 0.21 J 20 42 50 U 50 U 0.2 U 0.076 J BG-2BR 7/17/2015 100 U 580 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.12 J 0.28 J 6 13 50 U 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U BG-2D 7/11/2015 480 530 0.63 0.72 0.6 0.66 39 42 50 U 50 UJ 0.2 U 0.2 U BG-2S 7/10/2015 100 U 100 U 0.25 J 0.33 J 0.14 J 0.12 J 68 71 50 U 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U BG-3D 7/6/2015 100 U 890 0.5 U 0.16 J 0.38 J 0.81 8.1 50 50 U 50 U 0.2 U 0.53 BG-3S 6/30/2015 100 U 100 U 1.4 J+ 1.3 J+0.5 U 0.5 U 33 33 50 U 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U MW-7BR 7/10/2015 690 760 0.22 J 0.86 0.24 J 0.23 J 290 340 50 U 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Page 1 of 5 Table 10-4. Background Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date BG-1D 7/11/2015 BG-1S 7/6/2015 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 BG-2D 7/11/2015 BG-2S 7/10/2015 BG-3D 7/6/2015 BG-3S 6/30/2015 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Cadmium Cadmium Chromium Chromium Cobalt Cobalt Copper Copper Iron Iron Lead Lead 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 DTDTDTDTDTDT μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 2 2 10 10 NS NS 1000 1000 300 300 15 15 NS NS NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.08 U 0.08 U 28.7 32.3 1.3 1.3 5.5 2.8 50 U 1500 0.61 0.24 0.08 U 0.034 J 0.43 J+ 5.2 1.9 3 0.66 J 2.4 50 U 2200 0.1 U 0.61 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.52 J+ 2.3 0.17 J 0.82 0.84 J+ 3.1 50 U 760 J 0.048 J 0.35 0.08 U 0.05 J 55.9 57.5 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.54 J+ 0.63 J 50 U 50 U 0.1 U 0.093 J 0.041 J 0.08 U 0.41 J 0.83 0.69 0.69 0.37 J 1 U 50 U 28 J 0.068 J 0.1 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.86 J+ 0.97 J+ 0.14 J 0.84 0.28 J+ 2.2 50 U 930 0.1 U 5.1 0.032 J 0.031 J 0.33 J+ 0.25 J+ 0.54 0.54 1 UJ 1 UJ 50 U 50 UJ 0.1 UJ 0.1 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 23.3 24.7 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.6 1.5 50 U 50 U 0.22 0.21 Page 2 of 5 Table 10-4. Background Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date BG-1D 7/11/2015 BG-1S 7/6/2015 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 BG-2D 7/11/2015 BG-2S 7/10/2015 BG-3D 7/6/2015 BG-3S 6/30/2015 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Manganese Manganese Mercury Mercury Molybdenum Molybdenum Nickel Nickel Selenium Selenium Strontium Strontium 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-24-6 DTDTDTDTDTDT μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 50 50 1 1 NS NS 100 100 20 20 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 5 U 27 0.2 U 0.12 J+ 10.1 9.4 1.8 6.7 2.7 2.1 4300 3300 240 300 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.2 J 1.8 4.4 0.5 U 0.5 U 14 16 5 U 28 J 0.14 J 0.79 J- 11 12.8 0.58 2.1 0.5 UJ 0.6 120 140 5 U 5 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 5 5.2 0.5 UJ 0.29 J 2.8 2.9 300 330 360 370 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.25 J 0.19 J 1.2 1.5 0.5 U 0.5 U 92 94 14 63 0.2 U 0.2 U 3.6 2.8 0.6 1.1 0.5 U 0.23 J 45 100 240 240 0.2 U 0.073 J 0.16 J 0.14 J 0.69 0.63 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 67 68 5 U 5 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 12.4 13.3 0.22 J 0.29 J 0.48 J 0.51 1400 1600 Page 3 of 5 Table 10-4. Background Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date BG-1D 7/11/2015 BG-1S 7/6/2015 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 BG-2D 7/11/2015 BG-2S 7/10/2015 BG-3D 7/6/2015 BG-3S 6/30/2015 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Thallium Thallium Vanadium Vanadium Zinc Zinc Alkalinity, HCO3 Alkalinity, CO3 Alkalinity, lab Calcium Chloride Magnesium 7440-28-0 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-66-6 ALK-HCO3 ALK-CO3 ALK-LAB 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 DTDTDTNNNTNT μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS NS NS 1000 1000 NS NS NS NS 250000 NS 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.1 U 0.1 U 20 22 10 U 10 U 5000 U 401000 412000 83300 6100 J- 112 0.016 J 0.032 J 1 U 5.9 14 19 10200 5000 U 10200 1460 1900 1330 0.016 J 0.1 U 2.7 4.6 10 U 12 75400 5000 U 75400 24200 2200 3100 0.1 U 0.1 UJ 29.2 29.9 10 UJ 10 U 59000 91300 150000 57600 10000 84.4 J 0.031 J 0.033 J+ 1 U 0.35 J 15 8.9 J 22100 5000 U 22100 11000 8900 2210 0.1 U 0.1 U 3.1 3.7 10 U 5.1 J 43200 5000 U 43200 9430 2800 2270 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.7 J+ 0.75 J+10 UJ 10 UJ 28900 5000 U 28900 6140 4600 775 0.071 J 0.064 J+2.1 2.1 10 U 10 U 5000 U 657000 1080000 537000 4900 100 U Page 4 of 5 Table 10-4. Background Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date BG-1D 7/11/2015 BG-1S 7/6/2015 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 BG-2D 7/11/2015 BG-2S 7/10/2015 BG-3D 7/6/2015 BG-3S 6/30/2015 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Methane Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 Potassium Sodium Sulfate Sulfide Total Organic Carbon Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids 74-82-8 NO2-NO3 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 18496-25-8 TOC TDS TSS NNTTNNNNN μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS NS NS 250000 NS NS 500000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 2.9 J+ 30 130000 75600 48400 J+ 100 U 7300 555000 237000 2.6 J+ 40 5000 U 5000 U 580 J 100 U 1000 U 25000 U 20600 12.6 J+ 500 5000 UJ 7670 8200 100 U 10100 J 118000 19600 1.8 J+ 1000 4880 J 29200 31100 100 U 1800 261000 2500 U 1.5 J+ 3900 5000 U 7180 2900 100 U 600 J 87000 7200 1.5 J+ 1600 5000 U 16400 1100 100 U 1000 U 231000 218000 1.4 J+ 20 U 5000 U 7260 2400 100 U 1000 U 57000 2500 U 1.6 J+ 19 J 17800 25300 7200 100 U 1300 1180000 7000 Page 5 of 5 Ta b l e 1 0 - 5 . R e d o x P o t e n t i a l Re d o x C a t e g o r y R e d o x P r o c e s s Sa m p l e N a m e S a m p l e D a t e AB - 1 D 7 / 9 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AB - 1 S 7 / 9 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AB - 2 D 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AB - 2 S 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 An o x i c O r M i x e d ( o x - a n ) F e ( I I I ) - O 2 ? AB - 3 B R 7 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e AB - 3 B R 7 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e AB - 3 D 7 / 7 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AB - 4 D 7 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AB - 5 D 6 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n AB - 6 B R U 6 / 2 2 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n AB - 6 B R U 7 / 2 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AB - 6 S 6 / 2 2 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n AB - 7 D 7 / 1 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n AB - 7 I 7 / 7 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AB - 8 D 6 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AB - 8 S 6 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n AS - 1 D 6 / 5 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AS - 1 S 6 / 5 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AS - 2 D 6 / 8 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AS - 2 S 6 / 5 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? AS - 3 D 6 / 5 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? BG - 1 D 7 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e BG - 1 S 7 / 6 / 2 0 1 5 An o x i c O r M i x e d ( o x - a n ) F e ( I I I ) - O 2 ? BG - 2 B R 7 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e BG - 2 D 7 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e BG - 2 S 7 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e BG - 3 D 7 / 6 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? BG - 3 S 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 5 An o x i c O r M i x e d ( o x - a n ) M n ( I V ) - O 2 ? C- 1 S 6 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? C- 2 D 6 / 1 9 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n C- 2 S 6 / 1 9 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n GW A - 1 0 D 7 / 3 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? GW A - 1 0 S 7 / 2 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? GW A - 1 D 7 / 2 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? GW A - 1 S 7 / 2 / 2 0 1 5 An o x i c O r M i x e d ( o x - a n ) F e ( I I I ) - O 2 ? GW A - 2 0 D 7 / 1 6 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 2 0 S 7 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 2 2 B R 7 / 21 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 2 2 B R 7 / 21 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 2 2 D 7 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 2 2 S 7 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 2 3 B R 7 / 17 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 2 3 D 7 / 1 6 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 2 3 S 7 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 2 B R 6 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? GW A - 2 B R U 7 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 2 B R U 7 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 2 S 6 / 2 2 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? GW A - 3 D 6 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n GW A - 3 S A 7 / 1 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? GW A - 4 D 7 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 4 S 7 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 5 D 7 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 5 S 6 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n GW A - 6 D 6 / 1 9 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n GW A - 6 S 6 / 1 9 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n GW A - 7 B R 7 / 7 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? GW A - 7 D 6 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n GW A - 7 S 6 / 1 9 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n GW A - 9 B R 7 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e GW A - 9 D 7 / 1 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? GW A - 9 S 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 1 0 6 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 1 1 D R 7 / 2 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? MW - 1 1 S R 7 / 2 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? MW - 1 3 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 5 An o x i c O r M i x e d ( o x - a n ) F e ( I I I ) - O 2 ? MW - 1 4 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 5 An o x i c O r M i x e d ( o x - a n ) S O 4 - O 2 ? MW - 1 5 6 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 1 5 B R 6 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 1 5 D 6 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? MW - 1 D 6 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 1 S 6 / 2 9 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 2 D 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 3 D 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 3 S 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 4 D 6 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 5 D 6 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 6 D 6 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? MW - 6 S 6 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 7 B R 7 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 5 In d e t e r m i n a t e MW - 8 D 7 / 1 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 8 I 7 / 1 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 8 S 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? MW - 9 7 / 6 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? MW - 9 B R 7 / 2 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? MW - 9 D 7 / 1 / 2 0 1 5 O2 > = 0 . 5 m g / L U n k n o w n MW - 9 D 7 / 2 / 2 0 1 5 Mi x e d ( a n o x i c ) F e ( I I I ) - S O 4 - O 2 ? An a l y t e Pa g e 1 o f 1 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Aluminum Aluminum Antimony Antimony Arsenic Arsenic Barium Barium Boron 7429-90-5 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 DTDTDTDTD μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS NS NS 10 10 700 700 700 NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS Sample Name Sample Date AB-1S 7/9/2015 100 U 220 2.8 3.2 0.14 J 0.17 J 21 21 50 U AB-1D 7/9/2015 610 1100 1.5 6.3 0.51 0.84 27 30 67 AB-2S 7/8/2015 100 U 680 3.4 3.1 0.5 U 0.2 J 25 28 50 U AB-2D 7/8/2015 710 1000 0.85 1 0.67 0.72 12 13 200 AB-3D 7/7/2015 160 1800 0.5 U 0.22 J 0.5 U 0.49 J 190 190 50 U AB-3BR 7/23/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AB-3BR 7/23/2015 518 7120 1 U 1 U 1 U 1.23 8 18 50 U AB-4D 7/8/2015 190 400 1.4 1.2 0.6 0.65 17 18 26 J AB-5D 6/20/2015 310 580 0.58 1.2 0.45 J 0.25 J 23 27 170 J+ AB-6S 6/22/2015 4300 5000 1.7 1.8 0.88 0.82 7.7 9 41 J AB-6BRU 6/22/2015 71 J 340 0.17 J 0.32 J 0.25 J 0.24 J 5.3 5.6 460 AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 310 3000 0.29 J 2.5 0.21 J 0.75 6.9 38 490 AB-7I 7/7/2015 100 U 530 3.6 1 J+ 0.12 J 0.5 U 33 35 50 U AB-7D 7/1/2015 1000 1200 7.2 J+ 7.5 1.9 2.2 39 41 36 J AB-8S 6/20/2015 100 U 200 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 130 130 240 J+ AB-8D 6/17/2015 100 U 420 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.31 J 0.17 J 44 45 470 AS-1S 6/5/2015 10 U 942 0.23 J 0.26 J 0.95 1.4 95 100 1900 AS-1D 6/5/2015 2820 3520 2.7 3 0.32 J 0.68 47 51 50 U AS-2S 6/5/2015 9.8 J 4060 0.18 J 0.21 J 0.5 U 0.42 J 150 170 50 U AS-2D 6/8/2015 556 759 1.3 J+1 J+ 0.43 J 0.66 42 50 50 U AS-3D 6/5/2015 492 926 1.2 1.6 0.87 0.97 14 21 50 U BG-1S 7/6/2015 100 U 1600 0.23 J 0.43 J 0.5 U 0.21 J 20 42 50 U BG-1D 7/11/2015 740 1400 3.9 3.3 2.1 2 480 370 49 J BG-2S 7/10/2015 100 U 100 U 0.25 J 0.33 J 0.14 J 0.12 J 68 71 50 U BG-2D 7/11/2015 480 530 0.63 0.72 0.6 0.66 39 42 50 U BG-2BR 7/17/2015 100 U 580 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.12 J 0.28 J 6 13 50 U BG-3S 6/30/2015 100 U 100 U 1.4 J+ 1.3 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 33 33 50 U BG-3D 7/6/2015 100 U 890 0.5 U 0.16 J 0.38 J 0.81 8.1 50 50 U C-2S 6/19/2015 1600 1900 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.86 0.95 J+ 35 36 170 J+ C-2D 6/19/2015 67 J 170 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.3 1.3 J+ 18 19 50 U GWA-1S 7/2/2015 100 U 1800 0.22 J 0.28 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 33 60 50 U GWA-1D 7/2/2015 680 1500 2.6 3.2 0.82 0.93 12 18 31 J GWA-2S 6/22/2015 100 U 570 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.14 J 0.28 J 43 52 440 GWA-2BRU 7/10/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GWA-2BRU 7/8/2015 100 U 2300 0.25 J 18.2 1.4 0.36 J 7.7 280 50 U GWA-2BR 6/17/2015 100 U 66 J 0.25 J 0.24 J 1.4 1.3 7.7 7.7 50 U GWA-3SA 7/1/2015 60 J 270 0.6 J+ 0.77 J+ 0.21 J 0.23 J 110 100 50 U GWA-3D 6/17/2015 73 J 92 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.72 0.65 44 49 34 J GWA-4S 7/10/2015 100 U 250 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 21 26 50 U GWA-4D 7/10/2015 100 U 52 J 0.17 J 0.5 U 0.28 J 0.22 J 26 26 50 U GWA-5S 6/18/2015 100 U 100 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 17 17 50 U GWA-5D 7/11/2015 420 460 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.1 0.96 8.4 9.6 31 J+ GWA-6S 6/19/2015 100 U 700 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.17 J 0.24 J+ 39 45 34 J+ Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Page 1 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Aluminum Aluminum Antimony Antimony Arsenic Arsenic Barium Barium Boron 7429-90-5 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 DTDTDTDTD μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS NS NS 10 10 700 700 700 NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* GWA-6D 6/19/2015 1000 1400 0.25 J 0.25 J 1 1 J+ 23 27 50 U GWA-7S 6/19/2015 100 U 1200 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.2 J+ 21 39 50 U GWA-7D 6/17/2015 100 U 430 0.5 U 0.17 J 0.46 J 0.48 J 8.3 13 50 U GWA-7BR 7/7/2015 100 U 120 0.25 J 0.96 0.23 J 0.29 J 11 18 50 U GWA-8S 6/28/2015 100 U 100 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.18 J 0.5 U 120 130 240 GWA-8D 6/28/2015 100 U 1200 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.12 J 0.5 U 4.1 J 5.3 120 GWA-9S 6/30/2015 88 J 160 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 0.5 U 28 30 210 GWA-9D 7/1/2015 100 U 450 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 0.13 J 7.3 9.4 260 GWA-9BR 7/10/2015 NA 4000 NA 4.5 NA 10.7 NA 3.7 J NA GWA-10S 7/2/2015 100 U 67 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 28 29 170 GWA-10D 7/3/2015 270 370 0.5 U 1.1 0.36 J 0.29 J 45 58 110 GWA-20S 7/11/2015 100 U 4200 0.5 U 0.22 J 0.5 U 3.3 23 67 30 J+ GWA-20D 7/16/2015 120 650 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.27 J+ 0.64 330 360 50 U GWA-22S 7/10/2015 100 U 180 3.5 2.2 0.5 U 0.5 U 31 34 50 U GWA-22D 7/10/2015 250 6000 0.5 U 1.4 0.78 0.91 16 61 50 U GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 314 766 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 36 185 50 U GWA-23S 7/10/2015 140 170 0.5 U 0.24 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 38 37 50 U GWA-23D 7/16/2015 500 560 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.82 J+ 0.9 14 15 37 J GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 260 490 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.28 J 140 130 50 U MW-1S 6/29/2015 100 U 100 U 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.49 J 0.5 U 21 22 310 MW-1D 6/29/2015 100 U 100 U 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 0.5 U 28 31 650 MW-2D 6/30/2015 100 U 100 U 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 0.5 U 22 23 50 U MW-3S 6/30/2015 100 U 100 U 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 0.5 U 16 17 260 MW-3D 6/30/2015 100 U 100 U 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 0.5 U 7.4 7.7 270 MW-4D 6/18/2015 100 U 220 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 64 65 290 MW-5S 6/25/2015 100 U 100 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 21 22 320 MW-5D 6/18/2015 100 U 180 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.12 J 0.5 U 32 32 400 MW-6S 6/18/2015 100 U 81 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 8.3 8.4 240 MW-6D 6/18/2015 100 U 71 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 7.1 7.4 340 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 690 760 0.22 J 0.86 0.24 J 0.23 J 290 340 50 U MW-8S 6/30/2015 100 U 170 0.4 J+ 0.83 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 52 57 50 U MW-8I 7/1/2015 100 U 1600 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 0.12 J 27 42 50 U MW-8D 7/1/2015 100 U 2500 0.5 UJ 0.21 J+ 0.12 J 0.32 J 21 43 50 U MW-9 7/6/2015 100 U 160 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.12 J 0.18 J 57 58 37 J MW-9D 7/2/2015 1100 1300 2.6 2.7 0.21 J 0.28 J 20 23 50 U MW-9D 7/1/2015 930 1000 16.8 5.4 0.28 J 0.38 J 20 21 50 U MW-9BR 7/2/2015 150 370 1.3 2.3 0.52 0.69 20 21 50 U MW-10 6/23/2015 100 U 210 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.16 J 49 56 170 MW-11SR 7/2/2015 100 U 100 U 0.72 0.87 0.5 U 0.5 U 23 25 340 MW-11DR 7/2/2015 100 U 78 J NA 0.59 NA 0.5 U 51 54 320 MW-13 6/30/2015 100 U 100 U 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.36 J 0.39 J 290 300 66 MW-14 6/30/2015 100 U 100 U 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 0.5 U 7.4 7.8 110 Page 2 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Aluminum Aluminum Antimony Antimony Arsenic Arsenic Barium Barium Boron 7429-90-5 7429-90-5 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 7440-39-3 7440-42-8 DTDTDTDTD μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS NS NS 10 10 700 700 700 NS NS 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* MW-15 6/23/2015 100 U 120 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.25 J 77 86 260 MW-15D 6/18/2015 880 930 0.74 0.74 1.2 1 9 9.1 190 MW-15BR 6/23/2015 160 250 0.21 J 0.25 J 0.68 0.78 18 23 240 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Page 3 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-1S 7/9/2015 AB-1D 7/9/2015 AB-2S 7/8/2015 AB-2D 7/8/2015 AB-3D 7/7/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-4D 7/8/2015 AB-5D 6/20/2015 AB-6S 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 AB-7I 7/7/2015 AB-7D 7/1/2015 AB-8S 6/20/2015 AB-8D 6/17/2015 AS-1S 6/5/2015 AS-1D 6/5/2015 AS-2S 6/5/2015 AS-2D 6/8/2015 AS-3D 6/5/2015 BG-1S 7/6/2015 BG-1D 7/11/2015 BG-2S 7/10/2015 BG-2D 7/11/2015 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 BG-3S 6/30/2015 BG-3D 7/6/2015 C-2S 6/19/2015 C-2D 6/19/2015 GWA-1S 7/2/2015 GWA-1D 7/2/2015 GWA-2S 6/22/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/10/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/8/2015 GWA-2BR 6/17/2015 GWA-3SA 7/1/2015 GWA-3D 6/17/2015 GWA-4S 7/10/2015 GWA-4D 7/10/2015 GWA-5S 6/18/2015 GWA-5D 7/11/2015 GWA-6S 6/19/2015 Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Boron Beryllium Beryllium Cadmium Cadmium Chromium Chromium Cobalt Cobalt 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 TDTDTDTDT μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 700 NS NS 2 2 10 10 NS NS NS 4 4 NS NS NS NS 1 1 50 U 0.2 U 0.12 J 0.028 J 0.08 U 0.48 J 1.8 J+16.2 15.9 65 0.2 U 0.068 J 0.062 J 0.031 J 21.2 49.2 0.5 U 2.9 50 U 0.14 J 0.15 J 0.041 J 0.065 J 0.3 J+ 2.5 J+15.9 17.1 160 0.091 J 0.2 U 0.034 J 0.045 J 12.1 13 0.5 U 0.15 J 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 45.3 51 0.5 U 0.18 J NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 50 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1.99 8.27 1 U 1.64 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 6.4 7.4 0.5 U 0.18 J 150 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 3.9 5.3 0.5 U 0.5 U 45 J 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.78 J+ 1.2 J+ 0.5 U 0.31 J 480 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 2 J+ 2.4 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 430 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.026 J 3.1 J 8.1 0.5 U 1.8 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.036 J+ 1.1 J+ 0.9 J+1.5 1.6 50 UJ 0.2 UJ 0.2 UJ 0.08 U 0.08 U 26.4 24.7 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 220 0.17 J 0.18 J 0.13 0.16 3.1 3.8 0.56 0.55 440 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.43 J 1.4 0.61 0.73 2200 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.031 J 0.054 J 0.66 J+ 6.1 5.3 5.4 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 830 903 0.5 U 0.18 J 50 U 0.18 J 0.21 0.11 0.13 10.2 44.8 10.1 12.4 28 J 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 20.7 22.5 0.5 U 0.2 J 27 J 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 20.9 23.5 0.5 U 0.16 J 50 U 0.2 U 0.076 J 0.08 U 0.034 J 0.43 J+ 5.2 1.9 3 27 J 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 28.7 32.3 1.3 1.3 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.041 J 0.08 U 0.41 J 0.83 0.69 0.69 50 UJ 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.05 J 55.9 57.5 0.5 U 0.5 U 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.52 J+ 2.3 0.17 J 0.82 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.032 J 0.031 J 0.33 J+ 0.25 J+ 0.54 0.54 50 U 0.2 U 0.53 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.86 J+ 0.97 J+ 0.14 J 0.84 170 2.1 1.9 0.21 0.21 0.51 J+ 0.64 J+42.5 39.7 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.055 J 0.08 U 2.7 J+ 2.5 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 50 UJ 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 1.1 J 11.6 0.23 J 2.1 33 J 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 2.9 J 6.1 0.5 U 0.55 460 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.032 J 0.08 U 1 J+ 2.8 J+ 0.5 U 0.34 J NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 3.4 46 0.5 U 0.81 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 3.4 7.4 0.5 U 0.5 U 50 UJ 0.2 UJ 0.2 UJ 0.16 0.19 0.55 J+ 0.53 J+19.8 18.4 34 J 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.14 0.11 0.86 1.1 1.2 1.1 50 UJ 0.24 0.26 0.11 0.12 2.2 2.1 1.4 1.7 50 UJ 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.093 0.08 U 0.6 2.1 0.52 0.52 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.32 J+ 0.57 J+4.6 4.5 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 11.9 24.5 0.5 U 0.21 J 50 U 0.2 U 0.079 J 0.24 0.2 0.52 J+ 1.7 J+25.3 27.6 Page 4 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* GWA-6D 6/19/2015 GWA-7S 6/19/2015 GWA-7D 6/17/2015 GWA-7BR 7/7/2015 GWA-8S 6/28/2015 GWA-8D 6/28/2015 GWA-9S 6/30/2015 GWA-9D 7/1/2015 GWA-9BR 7/10/2015 GWA-10S 7/2/2015 GWA-10D 7/3/2015 GWA-20S 7/11/2015 GWA-20D 7/16/2015 GWA-22S 7/10/2015 GWA-22D 7/10/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-23S 7/10/2015 GWA-23D 7/16/2015 GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 MW-1S 6/29/2015 MW-1D 6/29/2015 MW-2D 6/30/2015 MW-3S 6/30/2015 MW-3D 6/30/2015 MW-4D 6/18/2015 MW-5S 6/25/2015 MW-5D 6/18/2015 MW-6S 6/18/2015 MW-6D 6/18/2015 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 MW-8S 6/30/2015 MW-8I 7/1/2015 MW-8D 7/1/2015 MW-9 7/6/2015 MW-9D 7/2/2015 MW-9D 7/1/2015 MW-9BR 7/2/2015 MW-10 6/23/2015 MW-11SR 7/2/2015 MW-11DR 7/2/2015 MW-13 6/30/2015 MW-14 6/30/2015 Boron Beryllium Beryllium Cadmium Cadmium Chromium Chromium Cobalt Cobalt 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 TDTDTDTDT μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 700 NS NS 2 2 10 10 NS NS NS 4 4 NS NS NS NS 1 1 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 21 24.8 0.5 U 0.3 J+ 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 2.3 J+ 3.8 0.31 J+ 1 J+ 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 2.1 3.3 0.5 U 0.63 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 7.8 5.8 0.5 U 0.5 U 240 0.073 J 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.054 J 1.5 J+ 6.4 J+2 66.8 110 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 2.5 J+ 4.2 J+ 0.16 J 0.7 200 0.08 J 0.078 J 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.36 J+ 0.32 J+51 50.1 260 J+ 0.2 UJ 0.2 UJ 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.4 J+ 0.39 J+ 0.47 J+ 0.58 210 NA 0.2 U NA 0.08 U NA 40.6 NA 0.75 170 0.094 J 0.11 J 0.038 J 0.032 J 1 J 3.5 J 10.3 10 140 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 7.9 6.1 0.5 U 0.19 J 50 U 0.2 U 0.65 0.036 J 0.13 0.38 J+133 3 12.7 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.027 J 144 186 0.5 U 1.9 50 U 0.08 J 0.2 U 0.078 J+ 0.075 J 0.77 J+ 1.9 J+1.2 1.3 50 U 0.2 U 0.28 0.08 UJ 0.08 U 171 174 0.5 U 3.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 50 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 49.5 108 1 U 1 U 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.038 J+ 0.04 J 0.54 J+ 3.2 J+3.1 3.3 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 53.6 55 0.5 U 0.5 U 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 13.4 15.6 0.5 U 0.5 U 300 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.5 UJ 0.57 J+60.7 61 650 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.1 0.12 0.66 J+ 0.8 J+ 0.25 J 0.51 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 2.3 J+ 3.6 J+ 0.5 U 0.14 J 260 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.41 J+ 0.44 J+ 0.5 U 0.14 J 260 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 1.8 J+ 1.7 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 270 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 1.3 J+ 1.4 J+ 0.57 0.67 330 0.084 J 0.072 J 0.08 U 0.08 U 1.6 1.7 2.2 1.9 380 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 2.4 J+ 2.7 J+ 0.5 U 0.24 J 230 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.36 J+ 0.5 UJ 0.21 J 0.2 J 320 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 1.1 J+ 1.9 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 23.3 24.7 0.5 U 0.5 U 50 U 0.095 J 0.089 J 0.08 U 0.036 J 0.42 J+ 0.71 J+ 0.2 J 0.23 J 50 U 0.2 UJ 0.24 J+ 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.71 J+ 1.3 J+ 0.5 UJ 0.76 50 UJ 0.11 J+ 0.12 J+ 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.77 J+ 4.1 0.5 UJ 1.1 36 J 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 1 J+ 1.2 0.67 0.87 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 26.3 27 0.5 U 0.5 U 50 UJ 0.2 UJ 0.2 UJ 0.08 U 0.08 U 24.8 20.6 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 50 U 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 5 4 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 180 0.12 J 0.15 J 0.027 J 0.082 2.1 J+ 2.7 0.72 0.9 360 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.026 J 1.9 J 1.8 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 320 NA 0.071 J NA 0.08 U NA 2.5 J NA 0.5 UJ 60 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 0.4 J+ 0.38 J+24.3 23.7 130 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 1.3 J+ 1.7 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U Page 5 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* MW-15 6/23/2015 MW-15D 6/18/2015 MW-15BR 6/23/2015 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Boron Beryllium Beryllium Cadmium Cadmium Chromium Chromium Cobalt Cobalt 7440-42-8 7440-41-7 7440-41-7 7440-43-9 7440-43-9 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 TDTDTDTDT μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 700 NS NS 2 2 10 10 NS NS NS 4 4 NS NS NS NS 1 1 280 0.15 J 0.22 0.028 J 0.08 U 4.9 6.8 0.58 1.3 170 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 3.5 3.5 0.5 U 0.5 U 260 0.2 U 0.2 U 0.08 U 0.08 U 4.2 4.9 0.5 U 0.5 U Page 6 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-1S 7/9/2015 AB-1D 7/9/2015 AB-2S 7/8/2015 AB-2D 7/8/2015 AB-3D 7/7/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-4D 7/8/2015 AB-5D 6/20/2015 AB-6S 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 AB-7I 7/7/2015 AB-7D 7/1/2015 AB-8S 6/20/2015 AB-8D 6/17/2015 AS-1S 6/5/2015 AS-1D 6/5/2015 AS-2S 6/5/2015 AS-2D 6/8/2015 AS-3D 6/5/2015 BG-1S 7/6/2015 BG-1D 7/11/2015 BG-2S 7/10/2015 BG-2D 7/11/2015 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 BG-3S 6/30/2015 BG-3D 7/6/2015 C-2S 6/19/2015 C-2D 6/19/2015 GWA-1S 7/2/2015 GWA-1D 7/2/2015 GWA-2S 6/22/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/10/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/8/2015 GWA-2BR 6/17/2015 GWA-3SA 7/1/2015 GWA-3D 6/17/2015 GWA-4S 7/10/2015 GWA-4D 7/10/2015 GWA-5S 6/18/2015 GWA-5D 7/11/2015 GWA-6S 6/19/2015 Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Copper Copper Iron Iron Lead Lead Manganese Manganese Mercury 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 DTDTDTDTD μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 1000 1000 300 300 15 15 50 50 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.8 J 6.4 50 U 510 0.077 J 0.18 260 250 0.2 U 0.44 J 6.2 50 U 370 0.13 0.85 5 U 10 0.2 U 6.5 J+ 7.6 50 U 1700 0.12 J+ 0.29 310 330 0.2 U 5.5 J 6.9 50 U 130 0.13 J 0.13 5 U 5.6 0.2 U 2.4 4.7 50 U 270 0.16 0.44 J+ 5 U 6.7 0.2 U NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.26 9.15 33 4440 1 U 1 U 5 U 87 0.05 U 1.1 J+ 1.2 50 U 130 0.1 UJ 0.055 J 5 U 4.1 J 0.2 U 0.99 J+ 1.7 J+ 50 U 56 0.088 J 0.1 U 5 U 5 U 0.2 U 1.7 J+ 1.3 50 U 730 0.1 UJ 0.19 5 U 12 0.2 U 5.4 0.46 J 50 U 85 0.72 0.1 U 5 U 4 J 0.11 J+ 0.3 J+ 9.2 52 970 0.1 U 0.73 J+ 2.8 J 25 0.2 U 1.4 0.5 J+ 50 U 380 0.06 J 0.11 J+77 85 0.2 U 1.3 J+ 2.3 J+ 50 U 94 J+ 0.1 UJ 0.1 UJ 5 U 4.6 J 0.2 U 0.3 J+ 0.56 J+ 50 U 160 0.1 U 0.1 U 140 150 0.2 U 0.58 J 1.3 60 300 0.1 U 0.1 UJ 130 140 0.2 U 1.5 J+ 1.5 J+ 50 U 660 0.083 J 0.14 1700 1900 0.2 U 4.1 J+ 5.7 J+ 100 107 0.053 J 0.11 5 U 3.7 J 0.2 U 0.45 J+ 3.9 J+314 2090 0.056 J 1.4 580 640 0.2 U 1 UJ 3.3 J+ 50 U 221 0.1 U 0.1 U 5 U 8.2 0.2 U 1.5 J+ 3.5 J+ 50 U 279 0.1 U 0.094 J 5 U 12 0.2 U 0.66 J 2.4 50 U 2200 0.1 U 0.61 240 300 0.2 U 5.5 2.8 50 U 1500 0.61 0.24 5 U 27 0.2 U 0.37 J 1 U 50 U 28 J 0.068 J 0.1 U 360 370 0.2 U 0.54 J+ 0.63 J 50 U 50 U 0.1 U 0.093 J 5 U 5 U 0.2 U 0.84 J+ 3.1 50 U 760 J 0.048 J 0.35 5 U 28 J 0.14 J 1 UJ 1 UJ 50 U 50 UJ 0.1 UJ 0.1 U 240 240 0.2 U 0.28 J+ 2.2 50 U 930 0.1 U 5.1 14 63 0.2 U 5.9 J+ 5.8 J+ 50 U 140 J+ 0.17 J+ 0.2 580 600 0.2 U 0.58 J+ 1.6 J+ 50 U 56 J+ 0.1 U 0.1 U 7 9.1 0.2 U 1.8 J+ 9.8 50 U 1800 0.12 0.21 J+ 30 110 0.2 U 0.74 J+ 4.1 50 U 720 0.1 U 0.13 J+ 5 U 28 0.2 U 1.2 J+ 1.3 50 U 590 0.066 J 0.076 J 56 95 0.1 J+ NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.27 J 8.2 50 U 1500 0.1 U 0.81 3.5 J 61 0.2 U 0.27 J 0.49 J 50 U 64 0.1 U 0.048 J 3.5 J 5 UJ 0.2 U 0.51 J+ 0.92 J+ 190 420 0.1 UJ 0.14 J+13600 12700 0.2 U 2.1 4.2 50 U 50 U 0.1 U 0.1 U 11600 9200 0.2 U 0.97 J 0.45 J 50 U 220 0.3 0.083 J 92 120 0.2 U 1.8 0.97 J 50 U 62 0.26 0.1 U 27 28 0.2 U 1.4 J+ 2.6 J+ 50 U 44 J+ 0.1 U 0.1 U 200 190 0.2 U 0.67 J+ 0.69 J 50 U 86 0.056 J+ 1.3 5 U 5 U 0.2 U 6.2 J+ 10.4 50 U 1100 0.1 U 0.59 1100 1300 0.2 U Page 7 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* GWA-6D 6/19/2015 GWA-7S 6/19/2015 GWA-7D 6/17/2015 GWA-7BR 7/7/2015 GWA-8S 6/28/2015 GWA-8D 6/28/2015 GWA-9S 6/30/2015 GWA-9D 7/1/2015 GWA-9BR 7/10/2015 GWA-10S 7/2/2015 GWA-10D 7/3/2015 GWA-20S 7/11/2015 GWA-20D 7/16/2015 GWA-22S 7/10/2015 GWA-22D 7/10/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-23S 7/10/2015 GWA-23D 7/16/2015 GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 MW-1S 6/29/2015 MW-1D 6/29/2015 MW-2D 6/30/2015 MW-3S 6/30/2015 MW-3D 6/30/2015 MW-4D 6/18/2015 MW-5S 6/25/2015 MW-5D 6/18/2015 MW-6S 6/18/2015 MW-6D 6/18/2015 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 MW-8S 6/30/2015 MW-8I 7/1/2015 MW-8D 7/1/2015 MW-9 7/6/2015 MW-9D 7/2/2015 MW-9D 7/1/2015 MW-9BR 7/2/2015 MW-10 6/23/2015 MW-11SR 7/2/2015 MW-11DR 7/2/2015 MW-13 6/30/2015 MW-14 6/30/2015 Copper Copper Iron Iron Lead Lead Manganese Manganese Mercury 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 DTDTDTDTD μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 1000 1000 300 300 15 15 50 50 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 1.3 J+ 4.3 J+ 50 U 290 J+ 0.1 UJ 0.1 U 5 U 6.8 0.2 U 0.31 J+ 3.6 J+ 50 U 790 0.1 U 0.26 16 30 0.2 U 0.97 J 2.6 50 U 440 0.053 J 0.35 5 U 28 0.2 U 1.7 0.49 J 50 U 77 0.14 0.14 5 U 4.2 J 0.2 U 5.8 J+ 11.2 J+ 50 U 58 0.63 0.1 U 760 720 0.2 U 7.5 J+ 1.1 J+ 50 U 1300 0.76 0.072 J+69 96 0.2 U 2.7 J+ 1.4 J+ 26 J 170 J+ 0.13 J+ 0.14 3000 2900 0.2 U 1 UJ 2.5 J+ 80 270 0.1 UJ 0.074 J+83 90 0.2 U NA 27.7 NA 450 NA 0.84 NA 13 NA 1.3 J+ 1.5 J+ 32 J 87 0.1 U 0.1 UJ 240 250 0.2 U 1.2 J+ 3 50 U 170 0.1 U 0.42 5 U 10 0.2 U 0.52 J+ 29.7 34 J 9500 0.058 J+ 7.5 150 320 0.2 U 2 J+ 9.2 50 U 660 0.71 J+ 1.1 5 U 15 0.2 U 5 5 50 U 94 0.062 J+ 0.071 J 44 48 0.2 U 0.48 J 12.3 50 U 2600 0.1 UJ 1.2 5 U 120 0.2 U NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.01 4.28 10 U 61 1 U 1 U 5 U 5 U 0.05 U 0.95 J+ 9.9 50 U 530 0.094 J+ 0.18 81 82 0.2 U 1.2 J+ 2 50 U 33 J 0.1 UJ 0.1 U 5 U 5 U 0.2 U 2 J+ 1.1 50 U 140 0.19 0.31 5 U 4.4 J 0.098 J 1 UJ 0.26 J+30600 30800 0.1 UJ 0.064 J 2600 2600 0.2 U 0.9 J+ 1.1 J+ 50 U 74 J+ 0.1 UJ 0.064 J 430 530 0.2 U 0.63 J+ 0.23 J+ 50 U 72 J+ 0.072 J+ 0.1 U 7.7 8.3 0.2 U 8.9 J+ 0.22 J+ 50 U 140 J+ 0.88 J+ 0.24 53 68 0.2 U 6.9 J+ 1 UJ 50 U 44 J+ 0.68 J+ 0.09 J 5 U 5 U 0.2 U 1.4 J+ 2.1 J+ 50 U 230 J+ 0.1 U 0.058 J 22 J+ 24 J+ 0.2 U 6.1 0.32 J 50 U 50 U 0.73 0.062 J 49 39 0.2 U 1.5 J+ 4.2 J+ 50 U 200 J+ 0.1 U 0.082 J 3 J+ 8.1 J+ 0.2 U 1.1 J+ 1 U 71 J+ 250 J+ 0.1 U 0.051 J 43 44 0.2 U 0.46 J+ 1.2 J+ 50 U 93 J+ 0.1 U 0.051 J 7.2 J+ 8.4 J+ 0.2 U 1.6 1.5 50 U 50 U 0.22 0.21 5 U 5 U 0.2 U 0.95 J+ 0.41 J+ 50 U 85 J+ 0.061 J+ 0.076 J 54 57 0.2 U 1.6 J+ 68 J+ 50 U 2100 0.093 J+ 0.28 J+ 2.8 J 39 0.2 U 7 J+ 24.5 J+ 50 U 2700 0.095 J+ 0.73 J+ 3.5 J 40 0.2 U 1.2 0.48 J 50 U 220 0.18 0.21 4.6 J 7 0.2 U 1.7 J+ 2.5 J+ 88 180 0.1 U 0.091 J+ 4.6 J 8.1 0.2 U 0.98 J+ 1.2 J+ 50 U 50 UJ 0.1 UJ 0.1 UJ 5 U 5 U 0.2 U 0.9 J+ 1.6 J+ 50 U 180 0.057 J 0.33 J+ 5 U 7.5 0.2 U 0.44 J 0.7 J 50 U 220 0.1 U 0.15 30 36 0.1 J+ 0.33 J+ 0.32 J+ 33 J 46 J 0.047 J 0.1 UJ 29 32 0.2 U NA 0.37 J+ 50 U 62 NA 0.081 J+ 6.3 9.1 0.2 U 0.5 J+ 0.29 J+15000 15700 0.1 UJ 0.1 U 8700 8300 0.2 U 0.34 J+ 1 UJ 50 U 28 J+ 0.1 UJ 0.1 U 3.1 J 4 J 0.2 U Page 8 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* MW-15 6/23/2015 MW-15D 6/18/2015 MW-15BR 6/23/2015 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Copper Copper Iron Iron Lead Lead Manganese Manganese Mercury 7440-50-8 7440-50-8 7439-89-6 7439-89-6 7439-92-1 7439-92-1 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7439-97-6 DTDTDTDTD μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 1000 1000 300 300 15 15 50 50 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 8 2.8 50 U 160 0.72 0.6 26 33 0.1 J+ 2.3 J+ 2.5 J+ 50 U 75 J+ 0.1 U 0.059 J 5 U 3.3 J+ 0.2 U 0.52 J 0.7 J 50 U 54 0.1 U 0.066 J 5 U 4.4 J 0.095 J+ Page 9 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-1S 7/9/2015 AB-1D 7/9/2015 AB-2S 7/8/2015 AB-2D 7/8/2015 AB-3D 7/7/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-4D 7/8/2015 AB-5D 6/20/2015 AB-6S 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 AB-7I 7/7/2015 AB-7D 7/1/2015 AB-8S 6/20/2015 AB-8D 6/17/2015 AS-1S 6/5/2015 AS-1D 6/5/2015 AS-2S 6/5/2015 AS-2D 6/8/2015 AS-3D 6/5/2015 BG-1S 7/6/2015 BG-1D 7/11/2015 BG-2S 7/10/2015 BG-2D 7/11/2015 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 BG-3S 6/30/2015 BG-3D 7/6/2015 C-2S 6/19/2015 C-2D 6/19/2015 GWA-1S 7/2/2015 GWA-1D 7/2/2015 GWA-2S 6/22/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/10/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/8/2015 GWA-2BR 6/17/2015 GWA-3SA 7/1/2015 GWA-3D 6/17/2015 GWA-4S 7/10/2015 GWA-4D 7/10/2015 GWA-5S 6/18/2015 GWA-5D 7/11/2015 GWA-6S 6/19/2015 Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Mercury Molybdenum Molybdenum Nickel Nickel Selenium Selenium Strontium Strontium 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-24-6 TDTDTDTDT μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 1 NS NS 100 100 20 20 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.11 J+ 0.12 J 0.17 J 2.9 3.3 0.78 0.5 U 11 12 0.09 J 4.2 4.6 0.5 U 16.6 0.9 0.46 J 330 360 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.24 J 3.6 3 0.5 U 0.5 U 12 12 0.2 U 14.1 8.9 0.5 UJ 0.28 J 0.53 0.57 170 180 0.2 U 31.6 34.5 0.38 J 0.98 2.7 3.1 3300 3300 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.05 U 5.07 5.66 1.44 4.42 19.9 15.4 220 285 0.2 U 3.4 3.3 0.18 J+ 0.97 0.49 J 0.47 J 270 280 0.2 U 4 5.4 0.5 U 0.31 J+ 0.24 J 0.31 J 350 400 0.2 U 8.7 7.6 1.3 1.3 J+ 2.8 2.6 210 230 0.085 J+ 1.2 1.2 0.28 J 0.43 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 250 270 0.2 U 1.7 2.8 0.21 J+ 3.3 0.5 U 0.27 J 290 650 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.79 0.76 0.5 U 0.5 U 40 34 0.2 U 8 J+ 8.5 J+ 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 0.76 0.77 300 290 0.11 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.8 2.1 1.2 1.2 510 510 0.11 J+ 1.2 1.3 1 1.3 0.36 J 0.34 J 490 490 0.2 U 132 136 2.6 5.2 0.5 U 0.49 J 2600 2800 0.2 U 50.5 57.4 0.5 U 2.2 0.94 1.1 690 730 0.2 U 0.49 J 1.5 20.9 31.1 0.5 U 0.5 U 82 88 0.2 U 9.9 10.5 0.5 U 0.95 1.2 1.2 530 590 0.2 U 21.7 22.1 0.5 U 1.6 0.59 0.66 120 140 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.2 J 1.8 4.4 0.5 U 0.5 U 14 16 0.12 J+ 10.1 9.4 1.8 6.7 2.7 2.1 4300 3300 0.2 U 0.25 J 0.19 J 1.2 1.5 0.5 U 0.5 U 92 94 0.2 U 5 5.2 0.5 UJ 0.29 J 2.8 2.9 300 330 0.79 J- 11 12.8 0.58 2.1 0.5 UJ 0.6 120 140 0.073 J 0.16 J 0.14 J 0.69 0.63 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 67 68 0.2 U 3.6 2.8 0.6 1.1 0.5 U 0.23 J 45 100 0.27 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 25.7 25 1.5 1.5 520 530 0.085 J+ 1 1.1 J+ 0.95 J+ 0.91 J+ 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 170 170 0.2 U 0.24 J 0.43 J 1 J+ 6.3 0.5 U 0.5 U 35 40 0.2 U 9.5 10.5 0.18 J+ 1.6 0.49 J 0.5 U 330 350 0.088 J+ 0.5 U 0.1 J 0.45 J 0.81 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 180 180 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.2 U 6.1 60.1 0.65 8.4 1.3 2.3 150 2900 0.15 J+ 6.1 5.9 0.65 2.9 1.3 1.2 150 150 0.2 U 0.63 J+ 0.56 J+ 61.2 61.3 5.3 5.7 1900 1800 0.13 J+ 5.6 6.8 57.4 49.8 5.8 5.2 2000 2000 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 4.1 4.5 0.36 J 0.4 J 230 240 0.2 U 1 1 3.6 4.3 0.5 U 0.5 U 120 130 0.11 J+ 0.13 J 0.19 J 3.8 3.7 0.5 U 0.5 U 9.5 9.7 0.2 U 1.6 3 2.4 9.4 0.5 U 0.5 U 140 160 0.073 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 4.6 5.2 0.5 U 0.5 U 12 12 Page 10 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* GWA-6D 6/19/2015 GWA-7S 6/19/2015 GWA-7D 6/17/2015 GWA-7BR 7/7/2015 GWA-8S 6/28/2015 GWA-8D 6/28/2015 GWA-9S 6/30/2015 GWA-9D 7/1/2015 GWA-9BR 7/10/2015 GWA-10S 7/2/2015 GWA-10D 7/3/2015 GWA-20S 7/11/2015 GWA-20D 7/16/2015 GWA-22S 7/10/2015 GWA-22D 7/10/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-23S 7/10/2015 GWA-23D 7/16/2015 GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 MW-1S 6/29/2015 MW-1D 6/29/2015 MW-2D 6/30/2015 MW-3S 6/30/2015 MW-3D 6/30/2015 MW-4D 6/18/2015 MW-5S 6/25/2015 MW-5D 6/18/2015 MW-6S 6/18/2015 MW-6D 6/18/2015 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 MW-8S 6/30/2015 MW-8I 7/1/2015 MW-8D 7/1/2015 MW-9 7/6/2015 MW-9D 7/2/2015 MW-9D 7/1/2015 MW-9BR 7/2/2015 MW-10 6/23/2015 MW-11SR 7/2/2015 MW-11DR 7/2/2015 MW-13 6/30/2015 MW-14 6/30/2015 Mercury Molybdenum Molybdenum Nickel Nickel Selenium Selenium Strontium Strontium 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-24-6 TDTDTDTDT μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 1 NS NS 100 100 20 20 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.071 J+ 7.8 7.6 0.5 U 1.8 J+ 0.56 0.56 180 190 0.075 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.2 J+ 2.8 0.5 U 0.5 U 46 48 0.13 J+ 2.7 2.5 0.5 U 0.77 0.24 J 0.24 J 180 190 0.2 U 2.2 2.2 1.6 0.34 J 0.61 0.3 J 160 170 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.1 J+ 21.1 0.27 J 0.5 U 16 17 0.2 U 0.72 0.68 J+ 0.72 J+ 1.9 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 80 84 0.11 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 2.1 2.1 0.5 U 0.5 U 29 30 0.2 U 0.47 J+ 0.47 J+ 0.82 J+ 0.71 0.5 U 0.5 U 110 120 0.2 U NA 47.3 NA 11.1 NA 1.6 NA 300 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.9 J+ 3.3 0.5 U 0.5 U 64 67 0.2 U 6 4.1 0.25 J+ 0.81 0.6 0.41 J 490 520 0.2 U 0.5 U 14.3 7.3 40.5 0.5 U 0.31 J 24 J+ 34 0.2 U 67.3 71.8 0.27 J 18.5 5.9 6.7 4300 4500 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.1 J 0.93 J+ 1.1 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 13 13 0.2 U 5.3 7.1 0.5 UJ 5.7 0.64 1.1 240 420 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.05 U 670 946 1 U 3.51 4.21 4.39 336 1370 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.13 J 2.3 J+ 3.5 0.5 U 0.5 U 6.5 9.9 0.2 U 6.5 4.9 0.5 U 0.36 J 0.39 J 0.4 J 200 210 0.2 U 4.8 5.2 0.5 U 0.52 0.38 J 0.3 J 990 910 0.2 U 0.18 J 0.12 J 0.41 J 0.56 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 32 33 0.11 J 0.16 J 0.5 U 5.1 5.6 0.27 J 0.28 J 290 320 0.2 U 0.1 J 0.12 J 1.1 1.5 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 88 95 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.8 0.45 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 120 130 0.088 J 0.098 J 0.5 U 0.39 J 0.24 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 170 180 0.15 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.1 J+ 1.1 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 180 180 0.26 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.1 0.74 0.29 J 0.29 J 20 21 0.095 J+ 0.22 J 0.24 J 0.32 J+ 0.54 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 270 260 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.68 J+ 0.2 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 120 120 0.2 UJ 0.27 J 0.18 J 0.85 J+ 0.9 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 120 120 0.2 U 12.4 13.3 0.22 J 0.29 J 0.48 J 0.51 1400 1600 0.2 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.69 0.84 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 9 9.6 0.2 U 0.5 UJ 3.2 J+ 0.38 J+ 1 0.5 U 0.5 U 54 64 0.2 U 1.8 J+ 2.3 J+ 0.92 J+ 2.4 0.5 U 0.5 U 88 100 0.2 U 0.14 J 0.14 J 0.85 1 0.5 U 0.5 U 190 190 0.2 U 7 7 0.47 J+ 0.45 J 0.38 J 0.38 J 300 300 0.2 U 6.4 J+ 6 J+ 0.5 UJ 0.18 J 0.35 J 0.38 J 300 300 0.2 U 4.1 3.4 0.2 J+ 0.73 0.5 U 0.22 J 180 160 0.081 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 1 1 0.44 J 0.53 63 70 0.2 U 0.15 J 0.16 J 0.96 J+ 0.9 0.72 0.71 140 150 0.2 U NA 0.14 J NA 0.66 NA 0.72 80 84 0.072 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.7 1.8 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 79 82 0.2 U 0.5 UJ 0.37 J 0.62 0.7 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 33 35 Page 11 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* MW-15 6/23/2015 MW-15D 6/18/2015 MW-15BR 6/23/2015 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Mercury Molybdenum Molybdenum Nickel Nickel Selenium Selenium Strontium Strontium 7439-97-6 7439-98-7 7439-98-7 7440-02-0 7440-02-0 7782-49-2 7782-49-2 7440-24-6 7440-24-6 TDTDTDTDT μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 1 NS NS 100 100 20 20 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.078 J+ 0.5 U 0.5 U 1.3 1.6 1.9 2 63 70 0.073 J 11.3 10.7 0.51 J+ 0.28 J+ 1.1 1.1 220 210 0.088 J+ 8.4 8.2 0.5 U 0.21 J 0.63 0.57 320 370 Page 12 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-1S 7/9/2015 AB-1D 7/9/2015 AB-2S 7/8/2015 AB-2D 7/8/2015 AB-3D 7/7/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-4D 7/8/2015 AB-5D 6/20/2015 AB-6S 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 AB-7I 7/7/2015 AB-7D 7/1/2015 AB-8S 6/20/2015 AB-8D 6/17/2015 AS-1S 6/5/2015 AS-1D 6/5/2015 AS-2S 6/5/2015 AS-2D 6/8/2015 AS-3D 6/5/2015 BG-1S 7/6/2015 BG-1D 7/11/2015 BG-2S 7/10/2015 BG-2D 7/11/2015 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 BG-3S 6/30/2015 BG-3D 7/6/2015 C-2S 6/19/2015 C-2D 6/19/2015 GWA-1S 7/2/2015 GWA-1D 7/2/2015 GWA-2S 6/22/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/10/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/8/2015 GWA-2BR 6/17/2015 GWA-3SA 7/1/2015 GWA-3D 6/17/2015 GWA-4S 7/10/2015 GWA-4D 7/10/2015 GWA-5S 6/18/2015 GWA-5D 7/11/2015 GWA-6S 6/19/2015 Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Thallium Thallium Vanadium Vanadium Zinc Zinc Alkalinity, HCO3 Alkalinity, CO3 Alkalinity, lab 7440-28-0 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-66-6 ALK-HCO3 ALK-CO3 ALK-LAB DTDTDTNNN μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS NS NS 1000 1000 NS NS NS 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 NS NS NS NS NS 0.018 J 0.1 U 1 U 1.8 26 33 1900 J 5000 U 1900 J 0.097 J 0.064 J 11.5 20 10 U 12 72000 211000 282000 0.052 J 0.072 J 1 U 3.8 33 31 1600 J 5000 U 1600 J 0.055 J 0.06 J 31.1 32.4 34 18 107000 36400 143000 0.018 J 0.025 J 7.4 11.5 10 U 23 5000 U 309000 638000 NA NA NA NA NA NA 19900 86100 106000 J+ 0.2 U 0.2 U 19 32.1 6 33 NA NA NA 0.027 J 0.1 U 24.1 24 10 U 6.1 J 53900 27200 81100 0.1 U 0.1 U 12.7 12.5 3.6 J+ 3.3 J+ 5000 U 57800 100000 0.1 U NA 24.3 25.2 3.8 J 10 U 5000 U 245000 245000 0.1 U NA 12.1 11.9 10 U 10 U 41600 27000 68600 0.1 U 0.1 U 11.4 18.6 10 U 49 J+ 92400 17000 109000 0.042 J+ 0.048 J+ 1 U 1 U 8.3 J+ 7.5 J 9800 5000 U 9800 0.1 U 0.1 U 41.1 40.5 10 UJ 10 UJ 69800 110000 180000 0.1 U 0.02 J 0.37 J 0.79 J 84 78 28500 5000 U 28500 0.1 U 0.1 U 2.3 2.7 10 U 2.7 J+ 77300 5000 U 77300 0.065 J 0.076 J 0.48 J+ 1.6 J+ 11 J+ 12 350000 10000 U 350000 0.1 U 0.1 U 13.4 14.4 10 U 2.9 J 10000 U 10000 U 470000 0.085 J 0.11 1 U 3.9 110 J+ 120 42000 10000 U 42000 0.1 U 0.1 U 31.8 34.6 10 U 5.3 J+ 10000 U 87000 150000 0.1 U 0.1 U 17.2 18.2 10 U 6.4 J 18000 37000 66000 0.016 J 0.032 J 1 U 5.9 14 19 10200 5000 U 10200 0.1 U 0.1 U 20 22 10 U 10 U 5000 U 401000 412000 0.031 J 0.033 J+ 1 U 0.35 J 15 8.9 J 22100 5000 U 22100 0.1 U 0.1 UJ 29.2 29.9 10 UJ 10 U 59000 91300 150000 0.016 J 0.1 U 2.7 4.6 10 U 12 75400 5000 U 75400 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.7 J+ 0.75 J+ 10 UJ 10 UJ 28900 5000 U 28900 0.1 U 0.1 U 3.1 3.7 10 U 5.1 J 43200 5000 U 43200 0.095 J 0.09 J 1 U 0.52 J 94 J+ 89 J+ 5000 U 5000 U 5000 U 0.1 U 0.1 U 9.5 10.9 10 U 3.3 J+ 98700 3600 J 102000 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.86 J 7.9 29 27 J+ 25000 5000 U 25000 0.1 U 0.1 U 16.9 21 10 U 4 J+ 148000 35000 183000 0.1 U NA 1.1 2.3 5.8 J 5.4 J 32000 5000 U 32000 NA NA NA NA NA NA 5000 U 618000 1400000 0.1 U 0.03 J 12.3 4 3 J+ 15 J+ 5000 U 618000 1400000 0.1 U 0.1 U 12.3 11.8 3 J+ 10 U 64100 5000 U 64100 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.66 J 1.3 9.8 J+ 2.8 J+ 36300 5000 U 36300 0.016 J 0.1 U 4.3 4.6 14 J+ 29 J+ 72900 5000 U 72900 0.1 U 0.1 UJ 0.37 J 0.84 J 53 60 17600 5000 U 17600 0.094 J 0.1 UJ 2.4 2.4 7.6 J 10 U 50700 5000 U 50700 0.1 U 0.1 U 1 U 1 U 9.8 J+ 14 J+ 2700 J 5000 U 2700 J 0.1 U 0.1 U 13.9 13.9 10 U 10 U 16900 59600 76500 0.041 J 0.054 J 1 U 4.8 30 J+ 28 J+ 9800 5000 U 9800 Page 13 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* GWA-6D 6/19/2015 GWA-7S 6/19/2015 GWA-7D 6/17/2015 GWA-7BR 7/7/2015 GWA-8S 6/28/2015 GWA-8D 6/28/2015 GWA-9S 6/30/2015 GWA-9D 7/1/2015 GWA-9BR 7/10/2015 GWA-10S 7/2/2015 GWA-10D 7/3/2015 GWA-20S 7/11/2015 GWA-20D 7/16/2015 GWA-22S 7/10/2015 GWA-22D 7/10/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-23S 7/10/2015 GWA-23D 7/16/2015 GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 MW-1S 6/29/2015 MW-1D 6/29/2015 MW-2D 6/30/2015 MW-3S 6/30/2015 MW-3D 6/30/2015 MW-4D 6/18/2015 MW-5S 6/25/2015 MW-5D 6/18/2015 MW-6S 6/18/2015 MW-6D 6/18/2015 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 MW-8S 6/30/2015 MW-8I 7/1/2015 MW-8D 7/1/2015 MW-9 7/6/2015 MW-9D 7/2/2015 MW-9D 7/1/2015 MW-9BR 7/2/2015 MW-10 6/23/2015 MW-11SR 7/2/2015 MW-11DR 7/2/2015 MW-13 6/30/2015 MW-14 6/30/2015 Thallium Thallium Vanadium Vanadium Zinc Zinc Alkalinity, HCO3 Alkalinity, CO3 Alkalinity, lab 7440-28-0 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-66-6 ALK-HCO3 ALK-CO3 ALK-LAB DTDTDTNNN μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS NS NS 1000 1000 NS NS NS 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 NS NS NS NS NS 0.1 U 0.1 U 26.9 28 10 U 8.7 J+ 5000 U 47900 129000 J- 0.1 U 0.1 U 1 UJ 3.5 J+5.2 J+ 5.2 J+ 32700 5000 U 32700 0.032 J 0.018 J 11.6 12.1 10 U 7.3 J+ 81000 5000 U 81000 0.017 J 0.1 U 10.9 10.9 6.5 J 15 45400 14900 60300 0.1 U 0.031 J 1 U 1 U 32 35 J+ 1200 J 5000 U 1200 J 0.027 J 0.1 U 5.5 5.5 6.6 J 12 J+ 45400 5000 U 45400 0.041 J 0.04 J 0.42 J+ 0.52 J+ 5 J+ 5.3 J+ 5000 U 5000 U 5000 U 0.1 U 0.1 U 2.3 2.8 10 UJ 10 UJ 30600 5000 U 30600 NA 0.1 U NA 67.5 NA 11 J+ NA NA NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.39 J 0.62 J 13 8.6 J 4300 J 5000 U 4300 J 0.1 U 0.1 U 7.7 6.8 10 U 7.7 J 96100 J 36600 J 133000 J 0.04 J 0.087 J 1 U 23 18 J+ 64 7800 5000 U 7800 3.1 3.2 0.66 J 2.1 10 U 5.7 J+ 5000 U 1370000 2170000 J 0.02 J 0.02 J 1 U 1 U 35 J+ 19 J+ 2900 J 5000 U 2900 J 0.1 U 0.1 U 16.1 18.5 10 UJ 14 J+ 48200 92500 141000 NA NA NA NA NA NA 5000 U 142000 332000 J+ 0.2 U 0.2 U 9.95 4.33 5 U 9 NA NA NA 0.1 U 0.1 U 1 U 1 U 14 J+ 19 J+ 8400 5000 U 8400 0.1 UJ 0.1 U 31.9 34.1 10 U 3.8 J+ 44400 98200 143000 J 0.077 J 0.077 J 3.9 5.3 10 U 200 J 5000 U 217000 800000 0.1 U 0.1 U 1 UJ 1 UJ 10 UJ 10 UJ 28200 5000 U 28200 J+ 0.061 J 0.034 J 1.9 J+ 2.1 J+ 6.7 J+ 14 J+ 18900 5000 U 18900 0.1 U 0.1 U 4.5 4.7 9.9 J+ 8.8 J+ 40700 5000 U 40700 J- 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.54 J+ 0.6 J+ 10 UJ 10 UJ 43400 5000 U 43400 0.1 U 0.1 U 5.8 6.2 10 UJ 10 UJ 53200 5000 U 53200 0.1 U 0.1 U 1 U 1.1 3.3 J+ 6.3 J+ 17000 5000 U 17000 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.53 J 1 U 13 3.3 J 6000 5000 U 6000 0.1 U 0.1 U 8.5 8.6 6.8 J+ 8.6 J+ 73800 5000 U 73800 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.3 J 0.35 J 10 U 10 U 21300 5000 U 21300 0.1 U 0.1 U 3.7 3.8 10 U 10 UJ 31000 5000 U 31000 0.071 J 0.064 J+2.1 2.1 10 U 10 U 5000 U 657000 1080000 0.1 U 0.033 J 0.45 J+ 0.32 J+ 4.3 J+ 5.9 J+ 1100 J 5000 U 1100 J 0.1 U 0.02 J 0.94 J 2.8 7.6 J+ 49 J+ 21800 5000 U 21800 0.1 U 0.1 U 1.2 4.1 27 J+ 17 J+ 32800 5000 U 32800 0.1 U 0.1 U 2.1 J+ 2.7 10 UJ 10 UJ 42400 5000 U 42400 0.1 U 0.1 U 12.5 12.8 10 U 4.1 J+ 87800 75600 163000 0.1 U 0.1 U 11.7 12.5 10 UJ 10 UJ 240000 5000 U 240000 0.1 U 0.017 J 7.8 7.8 10 U 9.4 J 65200 55200 120000 J+ 0.1 U NA 0.46 J 1.2 3.1 J 4.1 J 5900 5000 U 5900 0.1 U 0.1 U 1.3 1.4 2.7 J 4.1 J+ 14600 5000 U 14600 NA 0.1 U NA 2.1 5.3 J 5.8 J+ 16100 5000 U 16100 0.076 J 0.072 J 1 UJ 1 UJ 10 UJ 10 UJ 57900 5000 U 57900 0.1 U 0.1 U 2.6 J+ 2.6 J+10 UJ 10 UJ 45800 5000 U 45800 Page 14 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* MW-15 6/23/2015 MW-15D 6/18/2015 MW-15BR 6/23/2015 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Thallium Thallium Vanadium Vanadium Zinc Zinc Alkalinity, HCO3 Alkalinity, CO3 Alkalinity, lab 7440-28-0 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 7440-66-6 7440-66-6 ALK-HCO3 ALK-CO3 ALK-LAB DTDTDTNNN μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS NS NS 1000 1000 NS NS NS 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 NS NS NS NS NS 0.1 U NA 1 U 2.7 5.4 J 6.7 J 3100 J 5000 U 3100 J 0.1 U 0.1 U 23.6 22.4 10 U 10 U 5000 U 113000 132000 0.1 U NA 2.1 2.2 10 U 10 U 5000 U 105000 105000 Page 15 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-1S 7/9/2015 AB-1D 7/9/2015 AB-2S 7/8/2015 AB-2D 7/8/2015 AB-3D 7/7/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-4D 7/8/2015 AB-5D 6/20/2015 AB-6S 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 AB-7I 7/7/2015 AB-7D 7/1/2015 AB-8S 6/20/2015 AB-8D 6/17/2015 AS-1S 6/5/2015 AS-1D 6/5/2015 AS-2S 6/5/2015 AS-2D 6/8/2015 AS-3D 6/5/2015 BG-1S 7/6/2015 BG-1D 7/11/2015 BG-2S 7/10/2015 BG-2D 7/11/2015 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 BG-3S 6/30/2015 BG-3D 7/6/2015 C-2S 6/19/2015 C-2D 6/19/2015 GWA-1S 7/2/2015 GWA-1D 7/2/2015 GWA-2S 6/22/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/10/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/8/2015 GWA-2BR 6/17/2015 GWA-3SA 7/1/2015 GWA-3D 6/17/2015 GWA-4S 7/10/2015 GWA-4D 7/10/2015 GWA-5S 6/18/2015 GWA-5D 7/11/2015 GWA-6S 6/19/2015 Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Calcium Chloride Magnesium Methane Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 Potassium Sodium Sulfate Sulfide 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 74-82-8 NO2-NO3 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 18496-25-8 TNTNNTTNN μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 1170 5300 974 68.3 720 5000 U 2960 J 690 J 100 U 123000 4900 524 2 J+ 230 6920 7830 22800 100 U 1130 3300 610 65.3 940 5000 U 5000 U 1000 UJ 100 U 64000 6400 270 1.2 J+ 83 4040 J 11800 22700 100 U 283000 6400 141 2.6 J+ 73 80200 50300 144000 100 U NA NA NA 1.4 J+ 48 NA NA NA 100 U 31300 2200 1930 NA NA 18800 19800 17000 NA 32900 2500 571 1.6 J+ 530 8420 9950 13100 100 U 42600 4700 1950 2.3 J+ 200 17000 18200 56300 100 U 94400 8800 57.9 J 201 J 16 J+ 10200 8820 15700 100 U 41600 5300 9370 1.6 J+ 48 J+ 4250 J 9640 83500 100 U 92800 5400 4100 10 UJ 120 43400 18300 87000 100 U 2030 1800 726 10 UJ 51 5000 U 5050 6300 100 U 70100 7200 100 U 2.7 J+ 130 8150 29500 46500 100 U 37700 5300 11700 10 UJ 200 5000 U 14800 132000 100 U 61300 5800 12700 2.7 J+ 20 U 3710 J 14000 136000 100 U 167000 M6 18300 34000 M1 100 320 J+ 9550 12900 231000 1000 UJ 111000 5700 100 U 810 J- 94 J+ 14200 30500 21300 100 U 4870 2600 1310 5400 J- 20 U 4700 J 8280 5200 500 U 69900 M1 4100 258 10 U 20 U 6690 25000 26000 100 U 20400 3100 740 10 U 20 UJ 3760 J 12400 18000 100 U 1460 1900 1330 2.6 J+ 40 5000 U 5000 U 580 J 100 U 83300 6100 J- 112 2.9 J+ 30 130000 75600 48400 J+ 100 U 11000 8900 2210 1.5 J+ 3900 5000 U 7180 2900 100 U 57600 10000 84.4 J 1.8 J+ 1000 4880 J 29200 31100 100 U 24200 2200 3100 12.6 J+ 500 5000 UJ 7670 8200 100 U 6140 4600 775 1.4 J+ 20 U 5000 U 7260 2400 100 U 9430 2800 2270 1.5 J+ 1600 5000 U 16400 1100 100 U 11800 3200 4640 10 UJ 3600 J+ 8380 4040 J 60400 100 U 23800 2200 3150 1.8 J+ 25 5000 U 11900 1900 100 U 4160 5200 3390 2 J+ 120 5000 U 6740 1000 U 100 U 47400 3200 606 10 UJ 190 16600 15300 8700 100 U 13200 5800 7360 2.1 J+ 320 5000 U 6490 36100 100 U NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 343000 13100 196 2.2 J+ 160 253000 162000 3000 100 U 27400 5200 4350 3.3 J+ 20 U 8930 9360 39500 100 U 367000 6100 134000 2.9 J+ 26 10600 44000 1420000 100 U 437000 6500 113000 2.3 J+ 46 11400 48000 1310000 100 U 25200 2900 8040 1.8 J+ 20 U 5000 U 6660 84700 100 U 12300 3200 2950 1.9 J+ 110 5000 U 9800 4400 100 U 915 980 J 278 2.4 J+ 20 U 5000 U 5000 U 1000 U 100 U 28000 2100 453 1.3 J+ 21 5000 U 9360 5000 100 U 1390 2900 795 2.1 J+ 23 5000 U 2960 J 1200 100 U Page 16 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* GWA-6D 6/19/2015 GWA-7S 6/19/2015 GWA-7D 6/17/2015 GWA-7BR 7/7/2015 GWA-8S 6/28/2015 GWA-8D 6/28/2015 GWA-9S 6/30/2015 GWA-9D 7/1/2015 GWA-9BR 7/10/2015 GWA-10S 7/2/2015 GWA-10D 7/3/2015 GWA-20S 7/11/2015 GWA-20D 7/16/2015 GWA-22S 7/10/2015 GWA-22D 7/10/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-23S 7/10/2015 GWA-23D 7/16/2015 GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 MW-1S 6/29/2015 MW-1D 6/29/2015 MW-2D 6/30/2015 MW-3S 6/30/2015 MW-3D 6/30/2015 MW-4D 6/18/2015 MW-5S 6/25/2015 MW-5D 6/18/2015 MW-6S 6/18/2015 MW-6D 6/18/2015 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 MW-8S 6/30/2015 MW-8I 7/1/2015 MW-8D 7/1/2015 MW-9 7/6/2015 MW-9D 7/2/2015 MW-9D 7/1/2015 MW-9BR 7/2/2015 MW-10 6/23/2015 MW-11SR 7/2/2015 MW-11DR 7/2/2015 MW-13 6/30/2015 MW-14 6/30/2015 Calcium Chloride Magnesium Methane Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 Potassium Sodium Sulfate Sulfide 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 74-82-8 NO2-NO3 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 18496-25-8 TNTNNTTNN μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 47800 2400 185 1.7 J+ 20 U 3200 J 9870 15500 100 U 6540 2600 4360 1.7 J+ 20 U 5000 U 5000 U 530 J 100 U 24500 4400 5480 1.7 J+ 84 5000 U 20200 32300 100 U 33600 3000 6240 7.4 J+ 91 4840 J 6940 21500 100 U 2070 6200 6390 1.6 J+ 600 4080 J 6510 36000 J+ 100 U 14600 6300 9720 1.7 J+ 12 J+ 5000 U 4800 J 23800 J+ 100 U 2170 6800 2760 1.5 J+ 140 5000 U 5970 26500 100 U 14100 6700 6390 24.4 13 J 5000 U 8250 33200 100 U 17500 NA 127 NA NA 162000 133000 NA NA 5040 5700 5840 1.2 J+ 20 UJ 5000 U 4620 J 31000 100 U 25600 6400 5810 2 J+ 18 J 64400 28300 25900 100 U 2780 8100 1160 1.3 J+ 20 U 5000 U 4430 J 980 J 100 U 758000 J- 9800 100 U 10 UJ 59 188000 73900 376000 J+100 U 696 2800 431 10 UJ 14 J 5000 U 5000 U 1000 U 100 U 44400 5700 1240 10 UJ 55 34600 29400 23500 100 U NA NA NA 1.4 J+ 87 NA NA NA 100 U 303000 7400 53 NA NA 9360 27400 21000 NA 858 2300 435 2.1 J+ 480 5000 U 2510 J 1000 U 100 U 46400 2600 50.3 J 1.5 J+ 20 UJ 5000 U 13800 10600 100 U 307000 2000 257 1.9 J+ 75 27700 J 23300 18000 100 U 2010 10700 986 101 12 J 5000 U 6090 1200 J- 100 U 25300 7900 8250 2.5 J+ 20 U 5000 U 9730 86100 100 U 6950 4600 4120 1.1 J+ 20 U 5000 U 5930 720 J 100 U 13800 7100 8850 2 J+ 20 U 5000 U 4160 J 29900 100 U 17100 6600 8750 30.1 32 5000 U 4040 J 26700 100 U 10900 5400 3850 15.7 J+ 18 J+ 5000 U 7750 30900 100 U 889 7000 845 1.5 J+ 54 5000 U 10700 10200 100 U 24300 6500 12900 2.1 J+ 140 J+ 5000 U 8170 44600 100 U 11100 6600 6740 52.3 J 20 U 5000 U 7310 36700 100 U 14000 6600 6950 21.2 J+ 20 U 5000 U 6670 34600 100 U 537000 4900 100 U 1.6 J+ 19 J 17800 25300 7200 100 U 345 7000 246 1 J+ 20 U 5000 U 5000 U 580 J 100 U 2960 J+ 1000 UJ 920 2.6 J+ 24 5000 U 7580 1000 U 100 UJ 5760 1200 1320 1.5 J+ 41 5000 U 10000 1000 U 100 U 12400 2200 3650 10 U 35 5000 U 10900 24600 100 U 72200 J- 2400 648 1.4 J+ 440 4350 J 15500 27600 100 U 72600 J- 2700 955 1.7 J+ 460 4260 J 16800 27000 100 U 56200 6300 3230 10 UJ 250 3910 J 11600 18000 100 U 4290 6400 2940 1.8 J+ 47 J+ 5000 U 6220 19500 100 UJ 9290 6000 5990 33 250 5000 U 7500 37600 100 U 9150 5900 6350 1.8 J+ 320 5000 U 6770 36000 100 U 9340 4200 4670 28.3 20 U 5000 U 3120 J 15700 100 U 6790 13500 16500 1.6 J+ 71 5000 U 2550 J 30100 100 U Page 17 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* MW-15 6/23/2015 MW-15D 6/18/2015 MW-15BR 6/23/2015 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Calcium Chloride Magnesium Methane Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 Potassium Sodium Sulfate Sulfide 7440-70-2 16887-00-6 7439-95-4 74-82-8 NO2-NO3 7440-09-7 7440-23-5 14808-79-8 18496-25-8 TNTNNTTNN μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS 250000 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 3930 6000 3110 2 J+ 49 J+ 5000 U 9240 29000 100 U 52700 6200 899 2 J+ 82 J+ 8700 18300 40100 100 U 8160 7500 1080 2 J+ 77 J+ 51300 50100 39500 100 U Page 18 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date AB-1S 7/9/2015 AB-1D 7/9/2015 AB-2S 7/8/2015 AB-2D 7/8/2015 AB-3D 7/7/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-4D 7/8/2015 AB-5D 6/20/2015 AB-6S 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 AB-7I 7/7/2015 AB-7D 7/1/2015 AB-8S 6/20/2015 AB-8D 6/17/2015 AS-1S 6/5/2015 AS-1D 6/5/2015 AS-2S 6/5/2015 AS-2D 6/8/2015 AS-3D 6/5/2015 BG-1S 7/6/2015 BG-1D 7/11/2015 BG-2S 7/10/2015 BG-2D 7/11/2015 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 BG-3S 6/30/2015 BG-3D 7/6/2015 C-2S 6/19/2015 C-2D 6/19/2015 GWA-1S 7/2/2015 GWA-1D 7/2/2015 GWA-2S 6/22/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/10/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/8/2015 GWA-2BR 6/17/2015 GWA-3SA 7/1/2015 GWA-3D 6/17/2015 GWA-4S 7/10/2015 GWA-4D 7/10/2015 GWA-5S 6/18/2015 GWA-5D 7/11/2015 GWA-6S 6/19/2015 Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Total Organic Carbon Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids TOC TDS TSS NNN μg/l μg/l μg/l NS 500000 NS NS NS NS 900 J 40000 90000 1400 351000 2800 U 640 J+ 30000 32000 2700 241000 7800 4900 946000 63200 1300 NA NA NA 160000 330000 790 J 159000 30100 720 J 214000 2500 U 1700 296000 13900 1000 U 247000 8200 1000 U 212000 187000 1000 U 41000 21200 3300 326000 11100 1000 U 274000 13300 1000 U 361000 5900 2300 750000 J-390000 J- 2100 390000 J- 9100 J- 1500 62000 J- 120000 J- 2400 280000 J- 11000 J- 1000 UJ 110000 J- 4300 J- 1000 U 25000 U 20600 7300 555000 237000 600 J 87000 7200 1800 261000 2500 U 10100 J 118000 19600 1000 U 57000 2500 U 1000 U 231000 218000 600 J 160000 J+ 14800 530 J 152000 J+ 5500 1000 U 78000 80800 740 J 232000 62700 1000 U 132000 8400 NA NA NA 6900 18100000 792000 910 J 164000 5000 U 1000 U 23000000 7900 1100 2390000 3100 U 1000 U 187000 18100 1000 U 101000 2500 U 1000 U 25000 U 2500 U 1000 U 137000 5600 U 1300 31000 J+ 5000 U Page 19 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* GWA-6D 6/19/2015 GWA-7S 6/19/2015 GWA-7D 6/17/2015 GWA-7BR 7/7/2015 GWA-8S 6/28/2015 GWA-8D 6/28/2015 GWA-9S 6/30/2015 GWA-9D 7/1/2015 GWA-9BR 7/10/2015 GWA-10S 7/2/2015 GWA-10D 7/3/2015 GWA-20S 7/11/2015 GWA-20D 7/16/2015 GWA-22S 7/10/2015 GWA-22D 7/10/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-23S 7/10/2015 GWA-23D 7/16/2015 GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 MW-1S 6/29/2015 MW-1D 6/29/2015 MW-2D 6/30/2015 MW-3S 6/30/2015 MW-3D 6/30/2015 MW-4D 6/18/2015 MW-5S 6/25/2015 MW-5D 6/18/2015 MW-6S 6/18/2015 MW-6D 6/18/2015 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 MW-8S 6/30/2015 MW-8I 7/1/2015 MW-8D 7/1/2015 MW-9 7/6/2015 MW-9D 7/2/2015 MW-9D 7/1/2015 MW-9BR 7/2/2015 MW-10 6/23/2015 MW-11SR 7/2/2015 MW-11DR 7/2/2015 MW-13 6/30/2015 MW-14 6/30/2015 Total Organic Carbon Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids TOC TDS TSS NNN μg/l μg/l μg/l NS 500000 NS NS NS NS 1000 U 184000 J+ 15000 1000 U 65000 J+ 2500 U 800 J 176000 23000 1000 U 141000 11200 1000 U 85000 29000 1000 U 128000 119000 8600 60000 5600 1000 U 26000 8500 NA NA NA 1000 U 109000 2500 U 3000 185000 38800 1000 U 31000 31300 8300 2900000 25200 1000 U 25000 U 11900 6800 214000 13100 2200 NA NA NA 360000 5000 U 1000 U 27000 21900 670 J 196000 2500 U 820 J 790000 39700 1000 U 60000 14800 1000 U 197000 2500 U 1000 U 92000 20400 1000 U 118000 2500 U 1000 U 141000 2500 U 1000 U 113000 8400 J+ 14700 58000 2500 U 15300 186000 2500 U 1000 U 121000 12300 J+ 1000 U 129000 4600 J+ 1300 1180000 7000 1000 U 25000 U 42300 1000 U 77000 35200 1000 U 111000 29600 1000 U 114000 4700 1000 U 243000 24100 1000 U 223000 10400 570 J 107000 88000 1000 U 69000 J 5000 U 1000 U 25000 U 2500 U 8500 140000 16700 790 J 87000 5900 1000 U 138000 2500 U Page 20 of 21 Table 10-6. Groundwater Sample Results Sample Name Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* MW-15 6/23/2015 MW-15D 6/18/2015 MW-15BR 6/23/2015 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina , lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. NA - Not analyzed or not reported by analytical laboratory Total Organic Carbon Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids TOC TDS TSS NNN μg/l μg/l μg/l NS 500000 NS NS NS NS 1000 U 227000 20300 640 J 241000 10600 J+ 1600 232000 2500 U Page 21 of 21 Table 10-7. Groundwater Speciation Results Arsenate Arsenic Arsenite As(III) As(V) Chromium Chromium (VI) Chromium (VI) Fe(II) Fe(III) Ferrous Iron Iron Manganese ARSENATE 7440-38-2 ARSENITE 7784-46-5 10103-60-3 7440-47-3 18540-29-9 18540-29-9 1345-25-1 1309-37-1 15438-31-0 7439-89-6 7439-96-5 TTTTTTDTTTTTD μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l Matrix Sample Name Sample Date Groundwater AB-2D 7/8/2015 0.682 0.682 0.5 UJ NA NA 13.4 11 NA NA NA 30 R 143 1.85 J Groundwater AB-2S 7/8/2015 0.568 0.568 0.5 UJ NA NA 2.16 J+ 0.02 U NA NA NA 30 R 273 J+ 249 Groundwater AB-3D 7/7/2015 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.301 J NA NA 57.4 42 NA NA NA 30 UJ 130 0.719 J+ Groundwater AB-5D 7/8/2015 0.464 J+ 0.464 J+ 0.5 UJ NA NA 3.73 J+ 3.3 NA NA NA 30 R 47.1 J+ 0.544 J+ Groundwater AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 NA NA NA 0.2 U 0.235 NA NA 2 11.7 20 U NA NA NA Groundwater AB-6S 7/1/2015 1.25 1.25 0.5 UJ NA NA 1.12 J+ 0.21 NA NA NA 41 243 7.29 Groundwater AB-7D 7/1/2015 1.75 1.75 0.5 UJ NA NA 32.9 26 NA NA NA 40 U 43.6 J+ 2 U Groundwater AB-7I 7/7/2015 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ 0.5 UJ NA NA 7.86 0.38 NA NA NA 30 UJ 115 74.7 Groundwater AS1-D 7/1/2015 0.5 U 0.354 0.215 J- NA NA 974 810 NA NA NA 40 U 87.7 J 0.322 J Groundwater AS1-S 7/1/2015 1.21 1.21 0.5 UJ NA NA 0.774 J+ 0.031 NA NA NA 40 U 90.4 J 2280 Groundwater AS-2D 7/1/2015 0.304 J 0.304 0.5 UJ NA NA 22.5 19 NA NA NA 40 U 204 2 U Groundwater AS-2S 7/1/2015 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 UJ NA NA 2.15 0.014 J NA NA NA 144 170 674 Groundwater AS-3D 7/1/2015 0.685 0.685 0.5 UJ NA NA 28.3 19 NA NA NA 40 U 62.9 J+ 0.0955 J Groundwater AS-3S 7/7/2015 0.834 J+ 0.834 J+ 0.5 UJ NA NA 3.13 1.6 NA NA NA 30 UJ 40.8 J+ 731 Groundwater C-2D 6/25/2015 NA NA NA 0.2 U 1.18 J+ NA NA 2.53 29 J- 20 U NA NA NA Groundwater C-2S 6/25/2015 NA NA NA 0.2 U 0.2 U NA NA 0.273 20 U 9.1 J- NA NA NA Groundwater GWA-22S 7/10/2015 0.748 0.748 0.5 U NA NA 1.05 NA NA NA NA 40 U 26.5 J 42.9 Groundwater GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NA NA 15.1 13 NA NA NA NA 223 2 U Groundwater GWA-23D 7/16/2015 0.808 0.808 0.5 U NA NA 56.3 51 NA NA NA 30 UJ 100 U 2 U Groundwater GWA-6D 6/24/2015 NA NA NA 0.2 U 0.584 NA NA 20.6 20 U 20 U NA NA NA Groundwater GWA-6S 6/25/2015 NA NA NA 0.2 U 0.2 U NA NA 0.102 7.3 J- 20 U NA NA NA Groundwater GWA-9D 7/1/2015 0.487 J 0.487 0.5 UJ NA NA 0.822 J+ 0.043 NA NA NA 95 135 78 Groundwater GWA-9S 6/30/2015 0.312 J 0.312 0.5 UJ NA NA 0.445 J+ 0.033 NA NA NA NA 3150 Groundwater MW-10 6/29/2015 0.273 J 0.273 J- 0.5 UJ NA NA 1.67 0.2 NA NA NA NA 420 54.5 Groundwater MW-11DR 7/2/2015 NA NA NA 0.2 U 0.2 U NA NA 1.68 20 U 9.3 NA NA NA Groundwater MW-11SR 7/2/2015 NA NA NA 0.2 U 0.2 U NA NA 1.3 39.8 20 U NA NA NA Groundwater MW-13 6/30/2015 0.5 U 0.547 0.404 J- NA NA 0.602 J+ 0.02 U NA NA NA NA 8950 Groundwater MW-14 6/30/2015 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 UJ NA NA 1.23 J+ 0.76 NA NA NA NA 2.92 Groundwater MW-15 6/29/2015 0.322 J 0.322 J- 0.5 UJ NA NA 5.06 4.3 NA NA NA NA 216 J+ 17.3 Groundwater MW-1D 6/29/2015 0.5 U 0.5 UJ 0.262 J- NA NA 0.905 J+ 0.48 NA NA NA NA 463 Groundwater MW-1S 6/29/2015 0.5 U 0.269 J- 0.459 J- NA NA 0.294 J+ 0.02 U NA NA NA NA 22400 2780 Groundwater MW-8D 7/1/2015 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 UJ NA NA 3.38 0.5 NA NA NA 101 1530 22.5 Groundwater MW-8I 7/1/2015 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 UJ NA NA 1.78 J+ 0.024 NA NA NA 40 U 802 3.65 Groundwater MW-8S 6/30/2015 0.189 J 0.189 0.5 UJ NA NA 0.402 J+ 0.25 NA NA NA NA 51.7 Groundwater MW-9 7/6/2015 0.5 UJ 0.324 J+ 0.227 J NA NA 2.61 0.54 NA NA NA 30 UJ 108 5.94 Groundwater MW-9BR 7/2/2015 NA NA NA 0.2 U 0.829 NA NA 4.2 28.1 6.8 NA NA NA Groundwater MW-9D 7/1/2015 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 UJ NA NA 29.6 28 NA NA NA 40 U 92.9 J 0.138 J Groundwater MW-9D 7/2/2015 NA NA NA 0.2 U 0.303 NA NA 22.1 101 678 NA NA NA Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit Page 1 of 2 Table 10-7. Groundwater Speciation Results Matrix Sample Name Sample Date Groundwater AB-2D 7/8/2015 Groundwater AB-2S 7/8/2015 Groundwater AB-3D 7/7/2015 Groundwater AB-5D 7/8/2015 Groundwater AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 Groundwater AB-6S 7/1/2015 Groundwater AB-7D 7/1/2015 Groundwater AB-7I 7/7/2015 Groundwater AS1-D 7/1/2015 Groundwater AS1-S 7/1/2015 Groundwater AS-2D 7/1/2015 Groundwater AS-2S 7/1/2015 Groundwater AS-3D 7/1/2015 Groundwater AS-3S 7/7/2015 Groundwater C-2D 6/25/2015 Groundwater C-2S 6/25/2015 Groundwater GWA-22S 7/10/2015 Groundwater GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 Groundwater GWA-23D 7/16/2015 Groundwater GWA-6D 6/24/2015 Groundwater GWA-6S 6/25/2015 Groundwater GWA-9D 7/1/2015 Groundwater GWA-9S 6/30/2015 Groundwater MW-10 6/29/2015 Groundwater MW-11DR 7/2/2015 Groundwater MW-11SR 7/2/2015 Groundwater MW-13 6/30/2015 Groundwater MW-14 6/30/2015 Groundwater MW-15 6/29/2015 Groundwater MW-1D 6/29/2015 Groundwater MW-1S 6/29/2015 Groundwater MW-8D 7/1/2015 Groundwater MW-8I 7/1/2015 Groundwater MW-8S 6/30/2015 Groundwater MW-9 7/6/2015 Groundwater MW-9BR 7/2/2015 Groundwater MW-9D 7/1/2015 Groundwater MW-9D 7/2/2015 Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit Manganese Mn(II) Mn(IV) Se(IV) Se(VI) Selenate Selenite 7439-96-5 1344-43-0 1313-13-9 10102-18-8 13410-01-0 SELENATE SELENITE TTTTTTT μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 4.87 NA NA NA NA 2 U 2 U 346 NA NA NA NA 2 U 2 U 5.89 J+ NA NA NA NA 3.32 J+ 1.18 J+ 1.51 J+ NA NA NA NA 2 U 2 U NA 5 U 66.4 0.5 U 0.5 U NA NA 39 J+ NA NA NA NA 1.56 J+ 2.44 J+ 1.21 J+ NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 1.22 J+ 89.9 J+ NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 2 UJ 1.62 J+ NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 2 UJ 2200 NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 2 UJ 5.25 J+ NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 0.999 J+ 662 NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 2 UJ 5.85 J+ NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 1.1 J+ 878 J+ NA NA NA NA 2.65 J+ 2 UJ NA 11.1 14.5 0.5 U 0.5 U NA NA NA 688 28.7 0.5 U 0.924 NA NA 44.2 NA NA NA NA 2 U 2 U 10.8 NA NA NA NA 2 U 1.4 J 2 UNANANANA2 U2 U NA 5 U 5.24 0.5 U 0.437 NA NA NA 1600 200 0.5 U 0.5 U NA NA 81.6 NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 3.62 J+ 3040 NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 2.27 J+ 41.3 NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 3.73 J+ NA 8.6 5.52 0.5 U 0.613 NA NA NA 32.2 1 U 0.5 U 0.538 NA NA 6930 NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 5.05 J+ 3.72 J+ NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 2.51 J+ 19.2 NA NA NA NA 2.27 J+ 8.53 J+ 504 NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 4.91 J+ 2850 NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 6.47 J+ 41.2 J+ NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 2 UJ 31 J+ NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 2 UJ 42.7 NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 1.69 J+ 8.03 J+ NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 2 U NA 5 U 5.62 0.5 U 0.5 U NA NA 3.19 J+ NA NA NA NA 2 UJ 1.31 J+ NA 5 U 18.9 0.5 U 0.5 U NA NA Page 2 of 2 Table 10-8. Exceedance of North Carolina 2L Standards for Groundwater Sample Results Antimony Antimony Arsenic Arsenic Boron Boron Chromium Chromium Cobalt Cobalt Iron 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-42-8 7440-42-8 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 7439-89-6 DTDTDTDTDTD μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS 10 10 700 700 10 10 NS NS 300 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS 1 1 NS Sample DNE*me Sample Date AB-1D 7/9/2015 1.5 6.3 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*21.2 49.2 DNE*2.9 DNE* AB-1S 7/9/2015 2.8 3.2 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*16.2 15.9 DNE* AB-2D 7/8/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*12.1 13 DNE* DNE* DNE* AB-2S 7/8/2015 3.4 3.1 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*15.9 17.1 DNE* AB-3BR 7/23/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.64 DNE* AB-3D 7/7/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*45.3 51 DNE* DNE* DNE* AB-4D 7/8/2015 1.4 1.2 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* AB-5D 6/20/2015 DNE*1.2 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* AB-6BRU 6/22/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 DNE*2.5 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.8 DNE* AB-6S 6/22/2015 1.7 1.8 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* AB-7D 7/1/2015 7.2 J+ 7.5 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*26.4 24.7 DNE* DNE* DNE* AB-7I 7/7/2015 3.6 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.5 1.6 DNE* AB-8D 6/17/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* AB-8S 6/20/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* AS-1D 6/5/2015 2.7 3 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*830 903 DNE* DNE* DNE* AS-1S 6/5/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1900 2200 DNE* DNE*5.3 5.4 DNE* AS-2D 6/8/2015 1.3 J+DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*20.7 22.5 DNE* DNE* DNE* AS-2S 6/5/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*10.2 44.8 10.1 12.4 314 AS-3D 6/5/2015 1.2 1.6 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*20.9 23.5 DNE* DNE* DNE* BG-1D 7/11/2015 3.9 3.3 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*28.7 32.3 1.3 1.3 DNE* BG-1S 7/6/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.9 3 DNE* BG-2BR 7/17/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* BG-2D 7/11/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*55.9 57.5 DNE* DNE* DNE* BG-2S 7/10/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* BG-3D 7/6/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* BG-3S 6/30/2015 1.4 J+ 1.3 J+DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* C-2D 6/19/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* C-2S 6/19/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*42.5 39.7 DNE* GWA-10D 7/3/2015 DNE*1.1 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-10S 7/2/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*10.3 10 DNE* GWA-1D 7/2/2015 2.6 3.2 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-1S 7/2/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*11.6 DNE*2.1 DNE* GWA-20D 7/16/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*144 186 DNE*1.9 DNE* GWA-20S 7/11/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*133 3 12.7 DNE* GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*49.5 108 DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-22D 7/10/2015 DNE*1.4 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*171 174 DNE*3.4 DNE* GWA-22S 7/10/2015 3.5 2.2 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.2 1.3 DNE* GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*13.4 15.6 DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-23D 7/16/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*53.6 55 DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-23S 7/10/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*3.1 3.3 DNE* GWA-2BR 6/17/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-2BRU 7/8/2015 22.4 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*22.9 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-2BRU 7/10/2015 DNE*18.2 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*46 DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-2S 6/22/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Page 1 of 6 Table 10-8. Exceedance of North Carolina 2L Standards for Groundwater Sample Results Antimony Antimony Arsenic Arsenic Boron Boron Chromium Chromium Cobalt Cobalt Iron 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-42-8 7440-42-8 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 7439-89-6 DTDTDTDTDTD μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS 10 10 700 700 10 10 NS NS 300 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS 1 1 NS Sample DNE*me Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* GWA-3D 6/17/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.2 1.1 DNE* GWA-3SA 7/1/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*19.8 18.4 DNE* GWA-4D 7/10/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-4S 7/10/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.4 1.7 DNE* GWA-5D 7/11/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*11.9 24.5 DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-5S 6/18/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*4.6 4.5 DNE* GWA-6D 6/19/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*21 24.8 DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-6S 6/19/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*25.3 27.6 DNE* GWA-7BR 7/7/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-7D 6/17/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-7S 6/19/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-8D 6/28/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-8S 6/28/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*2 66.8 DNE* GWA-9BR 7/10/2015 DNE*4.5 DNE*10.7 DNE* DNE* DNE*40.6 DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-9D 7/1/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* GWA-9S 6/30/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*51 50.1 DNE* MW-10 6/23/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-11DR 7/2/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-11SR 7/2/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-13 6/30/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*24.3 23.7 15000 MW-14 6/30/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-15 6/23/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.3 DNE* MW-15BR 6/23/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-15D 6/18/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-1D 6/29/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-1S 6/29/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*60.7 61 30600 MW-2D 6/30/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-3D 6/30/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-3S 6/30/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-4D 6/18/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-5D 6/18/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-5S 6/25/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*2.2 1.9 DNE* MW-6D 6/18/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-6S 6/18/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-7BR 7/10/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*23.3 24.7 DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-8D 7/1/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.1 DNE* MW-8I 7/1/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-8S 6/30/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-9 7/6/2015 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-9BR 7/2/2015 1.3 2.3 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-9D 7/1/2015 16.8 5.4 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*24.8 20.6 DNE* DNE* DNE* MW-9D 7/2/2015 2.6 2.7 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*26.3 27 DNE* DNE* DNE* General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter Page 2 of 6 Table 10-8. Exceedance of North Carolina 2L Standards for Groundwater Sample Results Antimony Antimony Arsenic Arsenic Boron Boron Chromium Chromium Cobalt Cobalt Iron 7440-36-0 7440-36-0 7440-38-2 7440-38-2 7440-42-8 7440-42-8 7440-47-3 7440-47-3 7440-48-4 7440-48-4 7439-89-6 DTDTDTDTDTD μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l NS NS 10 10 700 700 10 10 NS NS 300 1 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS 1 1 NS Sample DNE*me Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. DNE* - Does not exceed NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North CaroliDNE* Department of Environment and DNE*tural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North CaroliDNE*, lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Page 3 of 6 Table 10-8. Exceedance of North Carolina 2L Standards for Groundwater Sample Results Sample DNE*me Sample Date AB-1D 7/9/2015 AB-1S 7/9/2015 AB-2D 7/8/2015 AB-2S 7/8/2015 AB-3BR 7/23/2015 AB-3D 7/7/2015 AB-4D 7/8/2015 AB-5D 6/20/2015 AB-6BRU 6/22/2015 AB-6BRU 7/2/2015 AB-6S 6/22/2015 AB-7D 7/1/2015 AB-7I 7/7/2015 AB-8D 6/17/2015 AB-8S 6/20/2015 AS-1D 6/5/2015 AS-1S 6/5/2015 AS-2D 6/8/2015 AS-2S 6/5/2015 AS-3D 6/5/2015 BG-1D 7/11/2015 BG-1S 7/6/2015 BG-2BR 7/17/2015 BG-2D 7/11/2015 BG-2S 7/10/2015 BG-3D 7/6/2015 BG-3S 6/30/2015 C-2D 6/19/2015 C-2S 6/19/2015 GWA-10D 7/3/2015 GWA-10S 7/2/2015 GWA-1D 7/2/2015 GWA-1S 7/2/2015 GWA-20D 7/16/2015 GWA-20S 7/11/2015 GWA-22BR 7/21/2015 GWA-22D 7/10/2015 GWA-22S 7/10/2015 GWA-23BR 7/17/2015 GWA-23D 7/16/2015 GWA-23S 7/10/2015 GWA-2BR 6/17/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/8/2015 GWA-2BRU 7/10/2015 GWA-2S 6/22/2015 Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* Iron Manganese Manganese Thallium Thallium Vanadium Vanadium Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids 7439-89-6 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7440-28-0 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 14808-79-8 TDS TDTDTDTNN μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 300 50 50 NS NS NS NS 250000 500000 NS NS NS 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 NS NS 370 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*11.5 20 DNE* DNE* 510 260 250 DNE* DNE* DNE*1.8 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*31.1 32.4 DNE* DNE* 1700 310 330 DNE* DNE* DNE*3.8 DNE* DNE* 4440 DNE*87 DNE* DNE*19 32.1 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*7.4 11.5 DNE*946000 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*24.1 24 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*12.7 12.5 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*12.1 11.9 DNE* DNE* 970 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*11.4 18.6 DNE* DNE* 730 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*24.3 25.2 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*41.1 40.5 DNE* DNE* 380 77 85 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*130 140 DNE* DNE*2.3 2.7 DNE* DNE* DNE*140 150 DNE* DNE*0.37 J 0.79 J DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*13.4 14.4 DNE* DNE* 660 1700 1900 DNE* DNE*0.48 J+ 1.6 J+DNE*750000 J- DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*31.8 34.6 DNE* DNE* 2090 580 640 DNE* DNE* DNE*3.9 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*17.2 18.2 DNE* DNE* 1500 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*20 22 DNE*555000 2200 240 300 DNE* DNE* DNE*5.9 DNE* DNE* 760 J DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*2.7 4.6 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*29.2 29.9 DNE* DNE* DNE*360 370 DNE* DNE* DNE*0.35 J DNE* DNE* 930 DNE*63 DNE* DNE*3.1 3.7 DNE* DNE* DNE*240 240 DNE* DNE*0.7 J+ 0.75 J+DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*9.5 10.9 DNE* DNE* DNE*580 600 DNE* DNE* DNE*0.52 J DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*7.7 6.8 DNE* DNE* DNE*240 250 DNE* DNE*0.39 J 0.62 J DNE* DNE* 720 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*16.9 21 DNE* DNE* 1800 DNE*110 DNE* DNE*0.86 J 7.9 DNE* DNE* 660 DNE* DNE*3.1 3.2 0.66 J 2.1 376000 J+ 2900000 9500 150 320 DNE* DNE* DNE*23 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*9.95 4.33 DNE* DNE* 2600 DNE*120 DNE* DNE*16.1 18.5 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*3.9 5.3 DNE*790000 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*31.9 34.1 DNE* DNE* 530 81 82 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*12.3 11.8 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* 1500 DNE*61 DNE* DNE* DNE*4 DNE*18100000 590 56 95 DNE* DNE*1.1 2.3 DNE* DNE* Page 4 of 6 Table 10-8. Exceedance of North Carolina 2L Standards for Groundwater Sample Results Sample DNE*me Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* GWA-3D 6/17/2015 GWA-3SA 7/1/2015 GWA-4D 7/10/2015 GWA-4S 7/10/2015 GWA-5D 7/11/2015 GWA-5S 6/18/2015 GWA-6D 6/19/2015 GWA-6S 6/19/2015 GWA-7BR 7/7/2015 GWA-7D 6/17/2015 GWA-7S 6/19/2015 GWA-8D 6/28/2015 GWA-8S 6/28/2015 GWA-9BR 7/10/2015 GWA-9D 7/1/2015 GWA-9S 6/30/2015 MW-10 6/23/2015 MW-11DR 7/2/2015 MW-11SR 7/2/2015 MW-13 6/30/2015 MW-14 6/30/2015 MW-15 6/23/2015 MW-15BR 6/23/2015 MW-15D 6/18/2015 MW-1D 6/29/2015 MW-1S 6/29/2015 MW-2D 6/30/2015 MW-3D 6/30/2015 MW-3S 6/30/2015 MW-4D 6/18/2015 MW-5D 6/18/2015 MW-5S 6/25/2015 MW-6D 6/18/2015 MW-6S 6/18/2015 MW-7BR 7/10/2015 MW-8D 7/1/2015 MW-8I 7/1/2015 MW-8S 6/30/2015 MW-9 7/6/2015 MW-9BR 7/2/2015 MW-9D 7/1/2015 MW-9D 7/2/2015 General Notes: μg/l - micrograms per liter Iron Manganese Manganese Thallium Thallium Vanadium Vanadium Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids 7439-89-6 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7440-28-0 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 14808-79-8 TDS TDTDTDTNN μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 300 50 50 NS NS NS NS 250000 500000 NS NS NS 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 NS NS DNE*11600 9200 DNE* DNE*4.3 4.6 1310000 2390000 420 13600 12700 DNE* DNE*0.66 J 1.3 1420000 23000000 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*2.4 2.4 DNE* DNE* DNE*92 120 DNE* DNE*0.37 J 0.84 J DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*13.9 13.9 DNE* DNE* DNE*200 190 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*26.9 28 DNE* DNE* 1100 1100 1300 DNE* DNE* DNE*4.8 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*10.9 10.9 DNE* DNE* 440 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*11.6 12.1 DNE* DNE* 790 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*3.5 J+DNE* DNE* 1300 69 96 DNE* DNE*5.5 5.5 DNE* DNE* DNE*760 720 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* 450 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*67.5 DNE* DNE* DNE*83 90 DNE* DNE*2.3 2.8 DNE* DNE* DNE*3000 2900 DNE* DNE*0.42 J+ 0.52 J+DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*0.46 J 1.2 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*2.1 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.3 1.4 DNE* DNE* 15700 8700 8300 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*2.6 J+ 2.6 J+DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*2.7 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*2.1 2.2 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*23.6 22.4 DNE* DNE* DNE*430 530 DNE* DNE*1.9 J+ 2.1 J+DNE* DNE* 30800 2600 2600 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*4.5 4.7 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*5.8 6.2 DNE* DNE* DNE*53 68 DNE* DNE*0.54 J+ 0.6 J+DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.1 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*8.5 8.6 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*0.53 J DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*3.7 3.8 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*0.35 J DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*2.1 2.1 DNE*1180000 2700 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*1.2 4.1 DNE* DNE* 2100 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*0.94 J 2.8 DNE* DNE* DNE*54 57 DNE* DNE*0.45 J+ 0.32 J+DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*2.1 J+ 2.7 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*7.8 7.8 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*11.7 12.5 DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE* DNE*12.5 12.8 DNE* DNE* Page 5 of 6 Table 10-8. Exceedance of North Carolina 2L Standards for Groundwater Sample Results Sample DNE*me Sample Date Analyte CAS RN Fraction Result Unit 15A NCAC 02L STANDARD IMAC* T - Total D - Dissolved N - Fraction not applicable Comparison Criteria: Qualifier Notes: U -- Not detected above the reporting detection limit. J -- Estimated Concentration J+ -- Estimated concentration, biased high. J- --Estimated concentration, biased low. DNE* - Does not exceed NS - No applicable standard for this parameter shading + bold - indicates exceedance of NC 2L or IMAC Criteria. North CaroliDNE* Department of Environment and DNE*tural Resources Division of Water Resources 02L Groundwater Quality Standards and Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). April 2013 *NOTE: The IMAC value is shown where there is no applicable 02L standard. Appendix #1 of 15A NCAC Subchapter 02L Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North CaroliDNE*, lists Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs). The IMACs were issued in 2010 and 2011, however NCDENR has not established a 02L standard for these constituents as described in 15A NCAC 02L.0202(c). For this reason, IMACs are noted in this report for reference only. Iron Manganese Manganese Thallium Thallium Vanadium Vanadium Sulfate Total Dissolved Solids 7439-89-6 7439-96-5 7439-96-5 7440-28-0 7440-28-0 7440-62-2 7440-62-2 14808-79-8 TDS TDTDTDTNN μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l μg/l 300 50 50 NS NS NS NS 250000 500000 NS NS NS 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 NS NS Page 6 of 6 Table 10-9. Range of Constituent Concentrations and Comparison to Range of Reported Background and Regional Concentrations – Groundwater Beneath Ash Basin and Within Waste Boundary Constituent Background Groundwater Concentrations (Range, μg/L) Regional Groundwater Concentrations (Range, μg/L) Groundwater Concentrations Beneath the Ash Basin and Within Waste Boundary (Range, μg/L) Antimony <1 to 1.04 0.22J to 7.5 Chromium <1 to 14 0.5 to 80 0.9J+ to 51 Cobalt <1 0.15J to 17.1 Iron <10 to 790 0 to 98,000 56 to 4,400 Manganese <5 to 413 Average 102 4J to 330 pH 5.0 to 5.9* 4.6 to 10.3* 5.1 to 11.91* TDS 10,000 to 120,000 30,000 to 946,000 Vanadium NA 0.1 to 14.8 0.79J to 40.5 Notes: 1. μg/L = micrograms per liter 2. J = Estimated concentration 3. U = Not detected above the reporting detection limit 4. NA = No data available 5. * = Standard Units, SU 6. TDS: Total Dissolved Solids Table 10-10. Range of Constituent Concentrations and Comparison to Range of Reported Background and Regional Concentrations – Groundwater Beneath Ash Storage Area Constituent Background Groundwater Concentrations (Range, μg/L) Regional Groundwater Concentrations (Range, μg/L) Groundwater Concentrations Beneath the Ash Storage Area (Range, μg/L) Antimony <1 to 1.04 0.21J to 3 Boron <50 to <100 <0.01 to 0.59 27J to 2,200 Chromium <1 to 14 0.5 to 80 3.2J+ to 903 Cobalt <1 0.16J to 12.4 Iron <10 to 790 0 to 98,000 33J to 2,090 Manganese <5 to 413 Average 102 3.7J to 1,900 pH 5.0 to 5.9* 4.6 to 10.3* 5.1 to 12.2* Vanadium NA 0.1 to 14.8 <1 to 34.6 Notes: 1. μg/L = micrograms per liter 2. J = Estimated concentration 3. NA = No data available 4. * = Standard Units, SU Table 10-11. Range of Constituent Concentrations and Comparison to Range of Reported Background and Regional Concentrations – Groundwater Beneath Cinder Storage Area Constituent Background Groundwater Concentrations (Range, μg/L) Regional Groundwater Concentrations (Range, μg/L) Groundwater Concentrations Beneath the Cinder Storage Area (Range, μg/L) Cobalt <1 <0.5 to 39.7 Manganese <5 to 413 Average 102 9.1 to 600 pH 5.0 to 5.9* 4.6 to 10.3* 4.2 to 9.4* Vanadium NA 0.1 to 14.8 0.52J to 10.9 Notes: 1. μg/L = micrograms per liter 2. J = Estimated concentration 3. U = Not detected above the reporting detection limit 4. NA = No data available 5. TDS: Total Dissolved Solids 6. * = Standard Units = SU Table 10-12. Range of Constituent Concentrations and Comparison to Range of Reported Background and Regional Concentrations – Groundwater Beyond Ash Basin Waste Boundary and within Compliance Boundary Constituent Background Groundwater Concentrations (Range, μg/L) Regional Groundwater Concentrations (Range, μg/L) Groundwater Concentrations Beyond Ash Basin Waste Boundary and within Compliance Boundary (Range, μg/L) Antimony <1 to 1.04 0.17J to 18.2 Arsenic <1 to <2 0.12J to 10.7 Chromium <1 to 14 0.5 to 80 0.32J+ to 186 Cobalt <1 0.14J to 66.8 Iron <10 to 790 0 to 98,000 28J+ to 30,800 Manganese <5 to 413 Average 102 3.3J+ to 12,700 pH 5.1 to 5.9* 4.6 to 10.3* 3.5 to 12.5 Thallium <0.2 0.017J to 3.2 Vanadium NA 0.32J+ to 67.5 Sulfate 120 to <1,000 530J to 1,420,000 TDS 10,000 to 120,000 <25,000 to 23,000,000 Notes: 1. μg/L = micrograms per liter 2. J = Estimated concentration 3. U = Not detected above the reporting detection limit 4. NA = No data available 5. TDS: Total Dissolved Solids 6. * = Standard Units = SU Ta b l e 1 0 - 1 3 . G r o u n d w a t e r R a d i o l o g i c a l R e s u l t s Ra d i u m - 2 2 6 R a d i u m - 2 2 8 U r a n i u m , N a t u r a l U R A N I U M - 2 3 3 U R A N I U M - 2 3 4 U R A N I U M - 2 3 6 13 9 8 2 - 6 3 - 3 1 5 2 6 2 - 2 0 - 1 74 4 0 - 6 1 - 1 1 3 9 6 8 - 5 5 - 3 1 39 6 6 - 2 9 - 5 1 3 9 8 2 - 7 0 - 2 TT T T T T pC i / L p C i / L u g / m L u g / m L u g / m L u g / m L Sa m p l e N a m e S a m p l e D a t e BG - 1 D 7 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 5 0. 6 5 2 J + 3 . 1 8 J + 0 . 0 0 01 1 2 J 0 . 0 0 0 0 5 U 0 . 0 00 0 5 U 0 . 0 0 0 0 5 U BG - 1 S 7 / 6 / 2 0 1 5 1. 0 1 J + 3 U 0 . 0 0 0 3 3 1 0 . 0 0 0 0 5 U 0 . 0 0 0 0 5 U 0 . 0 0 0 0 5 U MW - 1 3 6 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 5 1 U 3 U 0 . 0 0 0 2 U 0 . 0 0 0 0 5 U 0 . 0 0 0 0 5 U 0 . 0 0 0 0 5 U An a l y t e CA S R N Fr a c t i o n Re s u l t U n i t Page 1 of 1 Table 11-1. Soil/Material Properties for Ash, Fill, Alluvium, and Soil/Saprolite Riverbend Steam Station Plastic Limit (PL) Liquid Limits (LL) Plasticity Index (PI)Coarse7 Fine8 Coarse9 Medium10 Fine11 Silt12 Clay13 AB-1D Jar 18.5-20 Tan-Brown Elastic Silt - - 31.0 - - - 0.0 0.3 0.5 7.2 12.7 30.7 48.6 - 1.3% -F AB-1D UD 75-77 Olive-Brown Silty Sand SM 2.705 23.6 30 41 11 0.0 9.5 16.1 11.7 20.6 34.2 7.9 41.6% 22% 8.16E-07 M1 AB-1S UD 61-63 Red-Brown Elastic Silt with Sand MH 2.701 23.6 42 69 27 0.0 0.5 4.6 7.4 14.1 31.6 41.8 41.4% 3% 8.12E-07 F AB-2D Jar 48.5-50 Red-Brown Elastic Silt - - 28.4 - - - 0.0 6.7 1.4 6.5 15.9 34.3 35.2 - 4% -F AB-2D UD 83-85 Olive-Brown Sandy Silt ML 2.848 36.7 NP 44 NP 0.0 0.0 0.5 2.3 35.6 53.7 7.9 52.4% 17% 5.04E-05 M1 AB-2S UD 30-32 Red-Brown Sandy Elastic Silt MH 2.729 33.4 43 62 19 0.0 2.1 6.1 8.9 12.4 39.1 31.4 50.0% 4% 1.06E-05 F AB-3D Jar 13.5-15 Red-Brown Clayey Sand - - 12.6 - - - 0.0 11.3 8.9 23.4 21.0 8.5 26.9 - - - F AB-3S UD 8-10 Red-Brown Clayey Sand with Gravel SC 2.651 28 55 27 0.0 16.0 12.5 30.0 17.1 4.3 20.1 -14% - F AB-4D Jar 13.5-15 Red-Brown Sandy Elastic Silt - - 24.4 - - - 0.0 0.6 0.7 9.5 21.2 27.4 40.6 -3% - F AB-4S UD 18-20 Red-Brown Clayey Sand SC 2.629 13.5 23 49 26 0.0 1.4 3.1 21.8 27.1 7.4 39.2 43.9%- 5.75E-05 A / F AB-5D Jar 28.5-30 Fly Ash - - 29.0 - - - 0.0 11.3 14.0 15.6 19.5 33.9 5.7 -24% - A AB-5SL UD 59-61 Red-Brown Sandy Lean Clay CL 2.672 16.7 25 45 20 0.0 9.7 4.0 13.4 21.4 17.3 34.2 32.7%-9.32E-07 M1 AB-6BRU Jar 23.5-25 Red-Brown Elastic Silt - - 34.2 - - - 0.0 1.9 1.8 7.6 14.3 30.5 43.9 -2% -F AB-6BRU UD 93-95 Orange-Brown Sandy Elastic Silt MH 2.624 48.9 41 54 13 0.0 0.0 0.9 10.5 18.5 44.0 26.1 56.3%5% 1.56E-06 M1 AB-6S UD 23-24.2 Orange-Brown Clayey Sand SC 2.669 12.0 20 37 17 0.0 3.6 6.0 22.1 27.1 13.2 28.0 46.1%-1.02E-04 F AB-7D Jar 3.5-5 Fly Ash - - 52.4 - - - 0.0 1.0 1.1 2.8 29.3 53.3 12.5 -14% -A AB-7S UD 25-27 Whitish-Red Silty Sand SM 2.669 20.9 29 47 18 0.0 0.1 2.7 28.7 24.0 18.7 25.8 40.6%6% 4.82E-05 M1 AB-8S UD 2.2-4.5 Red-Brown Elastic Silt MH 2.658 40.7 49 77 28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.6 3.3 37.5 58.6 55.4%1% 9.13E-05 M1 AB-8S UD 28-30 Orange-Brown Elastic Silt with Sand MH 2.700 52.6 41 51 10 0.0 0.0 0.1 2.8 23.4 61.9 11.8 59.8%13% 3.33E-06 M1 AB-8S UD 43-45 Light-Brown Silt with Sand ML 2.681 35.8 38 45 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 18.5 70.4 9.2 48.9%12% 2.04E-05 M2 AS-1S UD 40-42 Fly Ash ML 2.134 31.6 NP NV NP 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.7 23.0 72.0 4.1 51.8%15% 1.33E-04 A AS-2S UD 8-10 Fly Ash ML 2.193 46.8 NP NV NP 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.7 8.2 81.2 9.1 52.9%7% 2.15E-05 A AS-2S UD 53-55 Grey-Red Sandy Elastic Silt MH 2.687 23.9 29 50 21 0.0 3.8 3.2 18.2 23.2 25.7 25.9 42.0%5% 1.03E-06 M1 AS-2S UD 88-90 White-Brown Silty Sand SM 2.683 20.1 NP NV NP 0.0 0.0 4.5 24.7 38.1 27.3 5.4 37.7%26% 7.37E-05 M1 AS-3D Jar 23.5-25 Fly Ash - - 18.6 - - - 0.0 2.0 4.5 11.7 30.8 42.7 8.3 -19% -A AS-3S UD 25-27 Fly Ash ML 2.259 29.4 NP NV NP 0.0 1.1 1.8 3.7 15.0 65.3 13.1 48.5%10% 1.84E-05 A BG-1S UD 10-12.3 Red-Brown Micaceous Sandy Elastic Silt MH 2.676 30.7 NP 53 NP 0.0 0.0 2.7 20.7 25.6 32.6 18.4 51.0%12% 7.42E-06 M1 BG-1S UD 35-37.3 Red-Brown Silty Sand SM 2.689 36.2 45 47 2 0.0 0.0 8.5 22.0 27.4 33.8 8.3 51.8%21% 6.93E-05 M1 C-2D Jar 8.5-10 Black-Brown Silty Sand with PWR - - 23.8 - - - 0.0 17.1 10.8 18.4 26.7 15.1 11.9 -20% -A C-2S UD 35-37 White-Brown Silty Sand SM 2.676 30.7 NP NV NP 0.0 0.0 1.7 25.1 37.7 32.0 3.5 48.7%26% 2.36E-04 M1 GWA-10BRU Jar 3.5-5 Orange-Brown Elastic Silt with Gravel - - 21.5 - - - 0.0 20.9 1.3 2.2 22.6 18.1 34.9 ---M1 GWA-10S UD 21-23 Brown Elastic Silt with Sand MH 2.709 38.0 56 86 30 0.0 0.0 1.0 10.3 12.6 29.2 46.9 53.6%2% 3.86E-06 M1 GWA-1S UD 47-47.75 Grey-White Silty Sand SM 2.923 15.0 NP 27 NP 0.0 0.2 0.8 14.0 49.5 31.3 4.2 34.2%26% 1.90E-05 M1 GWA-2S UD 50-50.5 -M1/M2 GWA-3S UD 24-25 Light Brown Clayey Sand with Gravel SC 2.638 11.5 19 27 8 0.0 15.5 16.8 23.7 20.3 17.1 6.6 48.8%27% 2.51E-06 M2 GWA-4D Jar 5-6.5 Red-Brown Elastic Silt - - 31.2 - - - 0.0 0.0 3.2 13.3 11.5 41.3 30.7 -4% -M1 GWA-4D Jar 55-56.5 Tan-White Silty Sand - - 14.8 - - - 0.0 2.3 16.2 31.8 29.6 15.7 4.4 -30% -M2 GWA-4S UD 32-34 White-Brown Silty Sand SM 2.660 NP 30 NP 0.0 1.6 20.4 21.8 33.3 19.6 3.3 -30% -M1 GWA-5D Jar 83.5-85 Reddish-White Sandy Elastic Silt - - 27.0 - - - 0.0 0.0 1.1 21.2 21.0 38.4 18.3 -12% -M1 GWA-5D Jar 168.5-169.6 Orange-Brown Sandy Elastic Silt - - 23.6 - - - 0.0 0.0 2.7 21.1 24.5 37.5 14.2 -15% -M2 GWA-5S UD 74-76 Orange-Brown Sandy Silt ML 2.651 40 45 5 0.0 0.0 2.0 20.7 24.3 39.6 13.4 -16% -M1 GWA-6D Jar 48.5-50 Red-Brown and White Sandy Silt - - 31.0 - - - 0.0 0.0 1.2 21.7 26.8 36.9 13.4 -16% -M1 GWA-6D Jar 128.5-129.6 Olive-White Sandy Elastic Silt - - 21.1 - - - 0.0 0.0 0.3 3.6 20.1 60.7 15.3 -10% -M2 GWA-6S UD 13.5-15.5 Yellow-Brown Clayey Sand SC 2.657 16.2 25 40 15 0.0 1.3 2.8 30.1 25.7 21.4 18.7 32.2%12% 4.14E-06 M1 GWA-6S UD 33.5-35.5 Light Purple Sandy Silt ML 2.665 30.3 36 48 12 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.0 39.3 40.6 11.1 52.8%18% 9.85E-05 M1 GWA-7D Jar 38.5-40 Olive-Brown and White Sandy Elastic Silt - - 31.3 - - - 0.0 0.0 0.7 12.3 19.1 44.2 23.7 -6% -M1 GWA-7D Jar 83.5-84 White-Brown and Black Silty Sand - - 18.8 - - - 0.0 0.0 0.2 22.4 28.9 36.9 11.6 -18% -M2 GWA-7S UD 20-22 Whitish-Brown Sandy Silt ML 2.680 40.1 29 44 15 0.0 0.1 4.3 15.0 13.8 44.6 22.2 51.6%8% 3.99E-06 M1 GWA-8D Jar 18.5-20 Red-Brown Sandy Silt - - 50.9 - - - 0.0 0.0 0.2 4.9 30.6 44.2 20.1 -10% -M1 GWA-8D Jar 69-70.1 Olive-Brown Silty Sand - - 11.3 - - - 0.0 1.5 5.9 20.6 28.9 34.5 8.6 -20% -M2 GWA-8S UD 20-22 Orange-Brown Sandy Silt ML 2.644 39.3 28 35 7 0.0 0.0 6.7 5.6 36.6 34.1 17.0 51.5%14% 2.96E-05 M1 GWA-9BRA UD 14-16 Red-Brown Elastic Silt with Sand MH 2.694 34.4 37 79 42 0.0 0.3 0.5 4.2 10.0 13.8 71.2 49.5%-7.11E-07 M1 MW-9BR UD 10-12 Yellow-White Elastic Silt MH 2.603 39.3 32 57 25 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 8.2 33.3 58.3 49.8%0.75% 9.50E-08 M1 MW-9BR UD 18-20 Grey Sandy Silt ML 2.642 23.4 25 27 2 0.0 0.7 0.9 1.3 27.8 48.2 21.1 37.5% 8%7.32E-08 M1 MW-9BR UD 55-56 Orange-Brown Silt with Sand ML 2.747 16.2 33 38 5 0.0 0.3 2.5 6.0 15.4 68.9 6.9 32.3% 14% 1.59E-05 M2 Notes: 1. ASTM Standard D 2487, Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) Hydrostratigraphy% Gravel % Sand % FinesSpecific Gravity2 Natural Moisture Content3 (%) Atterberg Limits4 Grain Size5 Total Porosity2 (%) Vertical Hydraulic Conductivty6, kv20, (cm/sec) Estimated Specific Yield/Effective Porosity14 (%) 2" Recovery, Loose Material; No Permeability or Hydrometer Borehole Sample # Depth (ft)Material Description USCS1 Table 11-1. Soil/Material Properties for Ash, Fill, Alluvium, and Soil/Saprolite Riverbend Steam Station Plastic Limit (PL) Liquid Limits (LL) Plasticity Index (PI)Coarse7 Fine8 Coarse9 Medium10 Fine11 Silt12 Clay13 Hydrostratigraphy% Gravel % Sand % FinesSpecific Gravity2 Natural Moisture Content3 (%) Atterberg Limits4 Grain Size5 Total Porosity2 (%) Vertical Hydraulic Conductivty6, kv20, (cm/sec) Estimated Specific Yield/Effective Porosity14 (%) Borehole Sample # Depth (ft)Material Description USCS1 2. ASTM Standard D 854, "Standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by Water Pycnometer" 3. ASTM Standard D 2216, "Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass 4. ASTM Standard D 4318, "Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils 5. ASTM Standard D 422, "Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils 6. ASTM Standard D 5084, "Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter" 7. Coarse Gravel: 19.0mm – 75mm 8. Fine Gravel: 4.75mm – 19.0mm 9. Coarse Sand: 2.0mm – 4.75mm 10. Medium Sand: 0.425mm – 2.0mm 11. Fine Sand: 0.075mm – 0.425mm 12. Silt: 0.005mm – 0.075mm 13. Clay: <0.005mm 14. All columns directly derived from laboratory analyses except "Estimated Specific Yield/Effective Porosity." Specific yield/effective porosity estimated from soil testing using Fetter/Bear diagrams (Johnson, 1967). 15. Effective porosity and specific yield are not synonymous. For practical purposes, they may be estimated as approximately equal in value. 16. AB-6BRU represented as AB-6D on geotechnical lab reports due to re-name event after sample submission 17. GWA-9BRA represented as GWA-9D on lab reports due to re-name event after sample submission 18. GWA-10BRU represented as GWA-10D on lab report due to re-name event after sample submission Ta b l e 1 1 - 2 . F i e l d P e r m e a b i l i t y T e s t R e s u l t s Bo r e h o l e Te s t C a t e g o r y De p t h 1 o f T e s t (f t b g s ) De p t h 2 o f T e s t (f t b g s ) Ve r t i c a l Hy d r a u l i c Co n d u c t i v i t y ' k ' Ho r i z o n t a l H y d r a u l i c C o n d u c t i v i t y ' k ' (c m / s e c ) Hy d r o s t r a t i g r a p h i c La y e r AB - 5 D We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 15 3 15 9 - 1. 6 0 E - 0 5 TZ AB - 5 S L Fl u s h B o t t o m 35 - 1. 5 0 E - 0 4 - A AB - 5 S L Fl u s h B o t t o m 63 - 1. 2 0 E - 0 4 - M1 AB - 5 S L We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 37 42 - 7. 8 0 E - 0 6 A AB - 7 D We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 13 1 13 8 - 1. 4 0 E - 0 4 M2 AS - 2 D We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 17 7 18 3 - 1. 3 0 E - 0 5 TZ BG - 1 S Fl u s h B o t t o m 40 - 2. 0 0 E - 0 5 - M1 BG - 1 S Fl u s h B o t t o m 12 - 4. 5 0 E - 0 6 - M1 BG - 1 S We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 40 45 - 5. 0 0 E - 0 5 M1 BG - 1 S We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 12 16 . 3 - 5. 9 0 E - 0 5 M1 BG - 2 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 20 3 21 3 - 6. 8 0 E - 0 6 BR BG - 2 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 19 3 . 5 20 0 - 9. 5 0 E - 0 6 BR BG - 2 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 18 5 19 1 . 5 - 6. 7 0 E - 0 7 BR BG - 3 D We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 96 . 4 10 1 . 4 - 1. 5 0 E - 0 5 TZ GW A - 1 0 D We l l P o i n t - C o n s t a n t H e a d 13 1 . 5 13 6 . 5 - 3. 2 0 E - 0 4 BR GW A - 2 0 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 27 5 . 5 28 2 - 2. 0 0 E - 0 5 BR GW A - 2 0 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 28 4 . 5 29 1 - No T a k e a t M a x i m u m P r e s s u r e o f 1 8 0 p s i BR GW A - 2 0 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 30 0 . 5 30 7 - No T a k e a t M a x i m u m P r e s s u r e o f 1 3 5 p s i BR GW A - 2 B R We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 74 80 - 1. 7 0 E - 0 5 BR GW A - 2 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 11 5 . 6 12 1 . 8 - 5. 1 0 E - 0 6 BR GW A - 2 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 10 8 11 4 . 2 - 3. 7 0 E - 0 7 BR GW A - 2 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 97 10 3 . 2 - 2. 2 0 E - 0 7 BR GW A - 3 D We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 39 45 - 1. 7 0 E - 0 4 M2 GW A - 4 D We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 11 8 12 3 - 1. 8 0 E - 0 5 TZ GW A - 5 D We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 19 1 19 7 - 9. 1 0 E - 0 6 M2 GW A - 6 D We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 14 3 14 8 - 7. 6 0 E - 0 5 TZ GW A - 7 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 14 5 15 1 . 2 - 2. 7 0 E - 0 6 BR GW A - 7 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 12 5 13 1 . 2 - 2. 6 0 E - 0 3 BR GW A - 9 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 10 7 11 3 . 2 - 2. 0 0 E - 0 6 BR GW A - 9 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 95 10 1 . 2 - 2. 8 0 E - 0 6 BR GW A - 9 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 76 82 . 2 - 6. 8 0 E - 0 6 BR GW A - 9 D We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 52 57 - 5. 4 0 E - 0 6 M2 MW - 7 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 22 0 22 6 . 2 - 8. 8 0 E - 0 6 BR MW - 7 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 20 5 21 1 . 2 - 1. 4 0 E - 0 5 BR MW - 7 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 19 5 20 1 . 2 - 1. 9 0 E - 0 4 BR MW - 9 B R Fl u s h B o t t o m 30 - 5. 8 0 E - 0 5 - M1 MW - 9 B R Fl u s h B o t t o m 65 - 4. 3 0 E - 0 4 - M2 MW - 9 B R We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 30 35 - 7. 0 0 E - 0 5 M1 MW - 9 B R We l l P o i n t - F a l l i n g H e a d 65 70 - 6. 9 0 E - 0 5 M2 MW - 9 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 15 4 16 0 . 2 - 5. 1 0 E - 0 6 BR MW - 9 B R Pa c k e r T e s t 14 7 15 3 . 2 - 4. 6 0 E - 0 5 BR N o t e s : 1. R e f e r t o S e c t i o n 1 1 . 2 . 1 f o r d i s c u s s i o n o f f i e l d p r o c e d u r e s 2. R e f e r t o A p p e n d i x H f o r c a l c u l a t i o n w o r k s h e e t s 3. F o r t h e p r e s s u r e t e s t , t h e t h i c k n e s s o f s a t u r a t e d m a t e r i a l a b o v e a r e l a t i v e l y i m p e r m e a b l e b e d i s a s s u m e d t o b e 6 0 0 f e e t f o r a f r a c t u r e d b e d r o c k s y s t e m . W a t e r fl o w a t t h i s d e p t h o r g r e a t e r i n s u c h s y s t e m s i s w e l l d o cu m e n t e d i n t h e P i e d m o n t r e g i o n ( D a n i e l e t a l . , 1 9 8 9 ) Table 11-3. Slug Test Permeability Results Borehole Category of Test Depth 1 of Test (ft bgs) Depth 2 of Test (ft bgs) Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity 'k' (cm/sec) Hydrostratigraphic Layer Contractor AB-1D Slug 193.0 198.0 1.26E-04 TZ Terracon AB-1S Slug 29.0 44.0 1.91E-05 F Terracon AB-2D Slug 151.0 156.0 7.46E-04 M2 Terracon AB-2S Slug 50.0 65.0 2.02E-05 F Terracon AB-3BR Slug 206.0 211.0 6.15E-06 BR Terracon AB-3S Slug 13.0 28.0 3.18E-04 F/A Terracon AB-3D Slug 173.0 178.0 1.98E-05 TZ Terracon AB-4D Slug 198.5 203.5 7.57E-05 BR Terracon AB-4S Slug 15.0 30.0 3.37E-05 F/A Terracon AB-5D Slug 154.0 159.0 4.00E-04 TZ S&ME AB-5S Slug 9.0 24.0 3.70E-04 A S&ME AB-5SL Slug 47.0 57.0 3.55E-04 A S&ME AB-6D/BRU Slug 169.0 174.0 1.40E-04 BR S&ME AB-6S Slug 50.0 65.0 9.00E-05 F S&ME AB-7D Slug 142.0 147.0 1.75E-04 M2 ERM AB-7I Slug 70.0 85.0 6.99E-05 M1 ERM AB-7S Slug 5.0 20.0 6.41E-03 A/M1 ERM AB-8D Slug 91.3 96.3 6.87E-04 TZ ERM AB-8S Slug 16.3 31.3 1.18E-03 M1 ERM AS-1S Slug 81.0 96.0 3.57E-04 M1 ERM AS-1D Slug 171.0 176.0 N/A TZ ERM AS-2D Slug 185.0 190.0 5.66E-05 TZ ERM AS-2S Slug 74.0 89.0 6.99E-04 M1 ERM AS-3S Slug 58.8 73.8 1.29E-04 M1 ERM AS-3SA Slug 60.0 70.0 N/A M1 ERM AS-3D Slug 139.0 144.0 N/A TZ ERM BG-1D Slug 194.2 199.2 5.95E-06 TZ ERM BG-1S Slug 29.7 44.7 7.79E-05 M1 ERM BG-2BR Slug 203.0 208.0 2.87E-06 BR Terracon BG-2D Slug 155.0 160.0 4.66E-04 TZ Terracon BG-2S Slug 49.0 65.0 2.28E-05 M1 Terracon BG-2D Slug 150.0 155.0 4.15E-04 M2/TZ ERM BG-3S Slug 22.3 37.3 2.41E-04 M1 ERM C-1BRU Slug 115.0 120.0 6.62E-07 BR Terracon BG-3D Slug 100.0 105.0 N/A TZ/BR ERM C-1S Slug 8.3 18.3 9.87E-04 A/M1 ERM C-2D Slug 133.0 138.0 1.75E-04 TZ S&ME C-2S Slug 18.0 33.0 1.20E-03 M1 S&ME GWA-10D/BRSlug 133.5 138.5 1.30E-03 BR S&ME Borehole Category of Test Depth 1 of Test (ft bgs) Depth 2 of Test (ft bgs) Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity 'k' (cm/sec) Hydrostratigraphic Layer Contractor GWA-10S Slug 7.5 22.5 9.65E-04 M1 S&ME GWA-1D/BRUSlug 72.0 77.0 1.51E-04 BR ERM GWA-1S Slug 29.3 44.3 6.09E-03 M1 ERM GWA-20BR Slug 300.6 305.6 1.61E-05 BR Terracon GWA-20D Slug 253.0 258.0 9.92E-06 BR Terracon GWA-20S Slug 37.0 52.0 8.56E-06 M1 Terracon GWA-22BR-A Slug 269.0 274.0 9.99E-05 BR Terracon GWA-22D Slug 198.0 203.0 1.95E-03 M2 S&ME GWA-22S Slug 40.0 55.0 1.65E-04 M1 S&ME GWA-23BR Slug 285.0 290.0 2.90E-05 BR Terracon GWA-23D Slug 221.0 226.0 2.95E-04 TZ Terracon GWA-23S Slug 33.0 48.0 1.38E-04 M1 S&ME GWA-2BR Slug 113.0 123.0 2.13E-04 BR ERM GWA-2S Slug 35.0 50.0 2.62E-02 M1/M2 ERM GWA-3D Slug 42.0 47.0 2.35E-03 M2/TZ S&ME GWA-3SA Slug 24.0 39.0 1.95E-03 M2 S&ME GWA-4BR Slug 159.0 164.0 3.01E-06 BR Terracon GWA-4D Slug 120.0 125.0 1.56E-04 TZ Terracon GWA-4S Slug 17.0 32.0 1.45E-04 M1 Terracon GWA-2BRU Slug 77.0 82.0 N/A BR ERM GWA-5D Slug 212.0 217.0 6.47E-05 M2 ERM GWA-5S Slug 60.0 75.0 N/A M1 ERM GWA-6D Slug 143.0 148.0 1.10E-05 TZ ERM GWA-6S Slug 48.0 63.0 5.52E-04 M1 ERM GWA-7BR Slug 127.0 132.0 1.11E-04 BR ERM GWA-7D Slug 100.0 105.0 2.67E-04 M2 ERM GWA-7S Slug 8.2 23.2 2.23E-03 M1 ERM GWA-8D Slug 111.0 116.0 1.75E-02 TZ S&ME GWA-8S Slug 8.0 23.0 9.40E-04 M1 S&ME GWA-9D Slug 62.0 67.0 7.45E-04 M2 S&ME GWA-9S Slug 5.0 15.0 4.05E-03 M1 S&ME MW-15D Slug 41.7 46.7 7.71E-04 TZ/BR ERM MW-15BR Slug 57.5 62.5 N/A BR ERM MW-7BR Slug 197.5 207.5 N/A BR ERM MW-9BR Slug 147.0 152.0 4.35E-04 BR S&ME MW-9D Slug 101.0 106.0 1.35E-04 TZ S&ME Notes: 1. Slug test data in which test interval bridges hydrostratigraphic layers were not used in the statistical analysis. 2. Refer to Appendix H for procedures and full reports. Table 11-4. Historic Slug Test Permeability Results Borehole Category of Test Depth 1 of Test (ft bgs) Depth 2 of Test (ft bgs) Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity 'k' (cm/sec) Hydrostratigraphic Layer MW-1S1 Historic Slug 5.0 15.0 5.8E-03 M1 MW-1D1 Historic Slug 54.0 62.0 4.8E-02 M2 MW-2S1 Historic Slug 15.0 25.0 1.5E-02 M1 MW-2D1 Historic Slug 83.0 88.0 3.5E-03 - MW-3S1 Historic Slug 4.0 14.0 1.7E-02 M1 MW-3D1 Historic Slug 29.5 34.5 1.1E-02 M2 MW-4S1 Historic Slug 10.0 20.0 2.6E-02 S MW-4D1 Historic Slug 55.0 60.0 1.5E-03 M2 MW-5S1 Historic Slug 5.0 15.0 1.3E-03 S MW-5D1 Historic Slug 74.0 79.0 2.8E-04 M2 MW-6S1 Historic Slug 5.0 15.0 3.1E-03 S MW-6D1 Historic Slug 69.5 74.5 1.5E-02 M2 MW-7S1 Historic Slug 38.0 48.0 4.7E-03 M1 MW-7D1 Historic Slug 95.0 100.0 1.5E-03 BR MW-7SR2 Historic Slug 43.0 63.0 1.5E-05 M1 MW-8S2 Historic Slug 35.0 55.0 1.5E-04 M1 MW-8I2 Historic Slug 98.0 118.0 6.5E-05 M2 MW-8D2 Historic Slug 156.0 166.0 2.1E-04 M2 MW-92 Historic Slug 13.0 28.0 2.1E-04 M1 MW-102 Historic Slug 3.0 18.0 2.6E-04 M1 MW-11SR2 Historic Slug 15.0 30.0 1.2E-03 M1, M2 MW-11DR2 Historic Slug 35.0 40.0 1.2E-03 TZ MW-122 Historic Slug 3.5 18.5 2.8E-02 M1 MW-132 Historic Slug 3.0 18.0 3.5E-04 M1 MW-142 Historic Slug 3.0 18.0 3.2E-05 M2 MW-152 Historic Slug 3.0 18.0 4.6E-04 M1 Notes: 1. Historic boring logs (Appendix H) were used in the hydrostratigraphic characterization of screen intervals. 2. Historic boring logs that did not provide Standard Penetration Testing did not receive hydrostratigraphic characterization. 3. Historic slug test results in which test interval bridges hydrostratigraphic layers were not used in the statistical analysis. 4. See Appendix H for referenced historic slug test reports. References: 1. 1 Summary Report of Monitoring Well Installation at Riverbend Steam Station. Developed by Arcadis, dated January 7, 2007. Arcadis Project No. NC106027.0001 2. 2 Amended Ash Basin Monitoring Well Installation Report. Developed by MACTEC, dated March 30, 2011. MACTEC Project No. 6228-10-5284 Table 11-5. Laboratory Permeability Test Results Borehole Category of Test Depth 1 of Test (ft bgs) Depth 2 of Test (ft bgs) Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity 'k' (cm/sec) Hydrostratigraphic Layer AB-1D Laboratory Conductivity 75.0 77.0 8.2E-07 M1 AB-1S Laboratory Conductivity 61.0 63.0 8.1E-07 F AB-2D Laboratory Conductivity 83.0 85.0 5.0E-05 M1 AB-2S Laboratory Conductivity 30.0 32.0 1.1E-05 F AB-4S Laboratory Conductivity 18.0 20.0 5.8E-05 F/A AB-5SL Laboratory Conductivity 59.0 61.0 9.3E-07 M1 AB-6BRU Laboratory Conductivity 93.0 95.0 1.6E-06 M1 AB-6S Laboratory Conductivity 23.0 24.2 1.0E-04 F AB-7S Laboratory Conductivity 25.0 27.0 4.8E-05 M1 AB-8S Laboratory Conductivity 2.2 4.5 9.1E-05 M1 AB-8S Laboratory Conductivity 28.0 30.0 3.3E-06 M1 AB-8S Laboratory Conductivity 43.0 45.0 2.0E-05 M2 AS-1S Laboratory Conductivity 40.0 42.0 1.3E-04 A AS-2S Laboratory Conductivity 8.0 10.0 2.2E-05 A AS-2S Laboratory Conductivity 53.0 55.0 1.0E-06 M1 AS-2S Laboratory Conductivity 88.0 90.0 7.4E-05 M1 AS-3S Laboratory Conductivity 25.0 27.0 1.8E-05 A BG-1S Laboratory Conductivity 10.0 12.3 7.4E-06 M1 BG-1S Laboratory Conductivity 35.0 37.3 6.9E-05 M1 C-2S Laboratory Conductivity 35.0 37.0 2.4E-04 M1 GWA-10S Laboratory Conductivity 21.0 23.0 3.9E-06 M1 GWA-1S Laboratory Conductivity 47.0 47.5 1.9E-05 M1 GWA-3S Laboratory Conductivity 24.0 25.0 2.5E-06 M2 GWA-6S Laboratory Conductivity 13.5 15.5 4.1E-06 M1 GWA-6S Laboratory Conductivity 33.5 35.5 9.9E-05 M1 GWA-7S Laboratory Conductivity 20.0 22.0 4.0E-06 M1 GWA-8S Laboratory Conductivity 20.0 22.0 3.0E-05 M1 GWA-9BRA Laboratory Conductivity 14.0 16.0 7.1E-07 M1 MW-9BR Laboratory Conductivity 10.0 12.0 9.5E-08 M1 MW-9BR Laboratory Conductivity 18.0 20.0 7.3E-08 M1 MW-9BR Laboratory Conductivity 55.0 56.0 1.6E-05 M2 Notes: 1. Vertical hydraulic conductivity values from laboratory testing in accordance with ASTM Standard D 5084 2. Laboratory conductivity results in which test interval bridges hydrostratigraphic layers were not used in the statistical analysis. 3. AB-6BRU represented as AB-6D on geotechnical lab reports due to re-name event after sample submission 4. GWA-9BRA represented as GWA-9D on lab reports due to re-name event after sample submission Table 11-6. Historic Laboratory Permeability Test Result Borehole Category of Test Depth 1 of Test (ft bgs) Depth 2 of Test (ft bgs) Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity 'k' (cm/sec) Hydrostratigraphic Layer B-202 Historic Laboratory 66.3 66.8 6.90E-06 M1 Note: 1. See Appendix H for referenced historic laboratory permeability report. Reference: 1. Phase 2 Reconstitution of Design of Ash Pond Designs Work Plan for Riverbend Steam Station. Developed by URS, dated September 26, 2014. URS Project No. 31829861 Table 11-7. Total Porosity for Upper Hydrostratigraphic Units (A, F, S, M1, and M2) Hydrostratigraphic Unit N Mean (%) Median (%) Mean + 1SD (%) Mean - 1SD (%) Minimum (%) Maximum (%) Ash 6 45.2% 44.3% 47.0% 43.3% 43.5% 48.2% Fill 4 45.0% 45.3% 47.8% 42.2% 41.4% 48.0% Alluvium (S) 15 43.9% 44.0% 46.1% 41.7% 38.3% 47.4% M1 27 46.2% 46.0% 50.5% 41.9% 37.4% 55.4% M2 25 42.8% 43.5% 45.3% 40.4% 36.5% 46.9% Notes: 1. Total porosity estimated from soil testing, using both Fetter/Bear Diagrams (Johnson, 1967) and results from Laboratory Conductivity testing. 2. Initial data from Allen (N=6), Buck (N=14), and Cliffside-Rogers (N=5) CSA Investigations were used in conjunction with two Riverbend samples in the statistical analysis for M2 total porosity. 3. Initial data from Allen (N=6), Buck (N=1), Cliffside-Rogers (N=2), and Dan River (N=6) CSA Investigations used in the statistical analysis for alluvium total porosity. Table 11-8. Estimated Effective Porosity/Specific Yield and Specific Storage for Upper Hydrostratigraphic Units (A, F, S, M1, and M2) Effective Porosity/Specific Yield (%) Specific Storage (1/ft) Hydrostratigraphic Unit N Mean (%) Median (%) Mean + 1SD (%) Mean - 1SD (%) Minimum (%) Maximum (%) Ash 6 17.0% 17.0% 22.0% 12.0% 10.0% 24.0% - Fill 6 2.6% 2.5% 3.6% 1.6% 1.3% 4.0% 6.1E-05 - 4.0E-05 Alluvium (S) 17 17.8% 18.5% 29.6% 6.1% 3.0% 40.0% 3.0E-04 - 1.5E-05 M1 25 12.1% 12.0% 19.9% 4.3% 0.8% 26.0% 3.0E-04 - 1.5E-05 M2 7 18.6% 17.5% 26.1% 11.2% 10.0% 30.0% 1.5E-05 - 6.2E-05 Notes: 1. Effective porosity/specific yield estimated from soil testing using Fetter/Bear Diagrams (Johnson, 1967). 2. Effective porosity and specific yield are not synonymous. For practical purposes, they may be estimated as approximately equal in value. 3. Specific Storage ranges based on published values (Domenico and Mifflin, 1965). Alluvium and M1 fall within the same range of values. 4. Initial data from Allen (N=5), Buck (N=2), Cliffside-Rogers (N=2), and Dan River (N=8) CSA Investigations were used in the statistical analysis for alluvium effective porosity/specific yield. Ta b l e 1 1 - 9 . H y d r o s t r a t i g r a p h i c L a y e r P r o p e r t i e s - H o r i z o n t al H y d r a u l i c C o n d u c t i v i t y Hy d r o s t r a t i g r a p h i c U n i t N Ge o m e t r i c Me a n (c m / s e c ) Ge o m e t r i c Me a n + 1 S D (c m / s e c ) Ge o m e t r i c Me a n - 1 S D (c m / s e c ) Ge o m e t r i c Me d i a n (c m / s e c ) Mi n i m u m (c m / s e c ) Ma x i m u m (c m / s e c ) As h 4 4 1 . 1 E - 0 3 6 . 0 E - 0 3 2 . 1 E - 0 4 1 . 3 E - 0 3 3 . 0 E - 0 5 1 . 7 E - 0 2 Fi l l 14 4 . 3 E - 0 5 1 . 5 E - 0 4 1 . 3 E - 0 5 5 . 4 E - 0 5 5 . 4 E - 0 6 2 . 4 E - 0 4 Al l u v i u m ( S ) 11 4 . 3 E - 0 4 4 . 5 E - 0 3 4 . 0 E - 0 5 9 . 2 E - 0 4 7 . 1 E - 0 6 2 . 6 E - 0 2 M1 32 3 . 8 E - 0 4 2 . 6 E - 0 3 5 . 4 E - 0 5 9 . 2 E - 0 4 8 . 6 E - 0 6 1 . 7 E - 0 2 M2 19 2 . 7 E - 0 4 2 . 3 E - 0 3 3 . 2 E - 0 5 2 . 1 E - 0 4 5 . 4 E - 0 6 1 . 5 E - 0 2 Tr a n s i t i o n Z o n e ( T Z ) 18 7 . 6 E - 0 5 3 . 8 E - 0 4 1 . 5 E - 0 5 9 . 8 E - 0 5 5 . 9 E - 0 6 1 . 2 E - 0 3 Be d r o c k ( B R ) 34 1 . 7 E - 0 5 1 . 6 E - 0 4 1 . 8 E - 0 6 1 . 2 E - 0 5 2 . 2 E - 0 7 1 . 5 E - 0 3 No t e s : 1. H y d r a u l i c C o n d u c t i v i t y , ‘ k ,’ v a l u e s h a v e a n a p p r o x i m a t e l o g n o r m a l d i s t r i b u t io n . G e o m e t r i c m e a n , m e d i a n , a n d s t a n d a r d d e v i a t io n e s t i m a t e d b y t a k i n g t h e l o g o f t h e v a lu e s a n d r u n n i n g s t a n d a r d s t a t i s t i c s o n t he l o g v a l u e s , t h e n c o n v er t i n g t h o s e v a l u e s b ac k . 2. D a t a s e t d e r i v e d f r o m R i v e r b e n d C S A I n v e s t ig a t i o n a n d h i s t o r i c a l r e p o r t s . R e f e r t o t a b l e s 1 1 - 4 a n d 1 1 - 6 f o r h i s t o r i c c o n d u c t i vi t y d a t a . 3. A s h d a t a s e t d e r i v e d f r o m R i v e r b e n d CS A i n v e s t i g a t i o n ( N = 2 ) , A l l e n ( N = 13 ) , B u c k ( N = 1 7 ) , a n d C l i f f s i d e ( N = 1 2 ) . 4. F i l l d a t a s e t d e r i v e d f r o m R i v e r b e n d C SA i n v e s t i g a t i o n ( N = 3 ) , A l l e n ( N = 5 ) , C l i f f s i d e ( N = 4 ) , a n d D a n R i v e r ( N = 2 ) 5. A l l u v i u m d a t a s e t d e r i v e d f r o m R i v e r be n d C S A i n v e s t i g a t i o n ( N = 3 ) , A l l e n ( N = 2 ) , C l i f f s i d e ( N = 3 ) , a n d D a n R i v e r ( N = 3 ) . Page 1 of 1 Ta b l e 1 1 - 1 0 . H y d r o s t r a t i g r a p h i c L a y e r P r o p e r ti e s - V e r t i c a l H y d ra u l i c C o n d u c t i v i t y Hy d r o s t r a t i g r a p h i c U n i t N Ge o m e t r i c Me a n (c m / s e c ) Ge o m e t r i c Me a n + 1 S D (c m / s e c ) Ge o m e t r i c Me a n - 1 S D (c m / s e c ) Ge o m e t r i c Me d i a n (c m / s e c ) Mi n i m u m (c m / s e c ) Ma x i m u m (c m / s e c ) As h 45 1 . 1 E - 0 4 5 . 8 E - 0 4 2 . 1 E - 0 5 1 . 2 E - 0 4 3 . 0 E - 0 6 3 . 1 E - 0 3 Fi l l 24 8 . 4 E - 0 6 5 . 3 E - 0 5 1 . 3 E - 0 6 9 .9 9 E - 0 6 1 . 1 E - 0 4 1 . 1 E - 0 4 Al l u v i u m ( S ) 10 2 . 7 E - 0 6 6 . 0 E - 0 5 1 . 2 E - 0 7 1 . 6 E - 0 6 4 . 6 E - 0 8 6 . 2 E - 0 4 M1 26 8 . 2 E - 0 6 7 . 4 E - 0 5 9 . 1 E - 0 7 7 . 2 E - 0 6 7 . 3 E - 0 8 2 . 4 E - 0 4 M2 3 5 . 2 E - 0 5 3 . 2 E - 0 4 8 . 3 E - 0 6 2 .0 E - 0 5 1 . 6 E - 0 5 4 . 3 E - 0 4 Tr a n s i t i o n Z o n e ( T Z ) 0- - - - - - Be d r o c k ( B R ) 0- - - - - - No t e s : 1. H y d r a u l i c C o n d u c t i v i t y , ‘ k ,’ v a l u e s h a v e a n a p p r o x i m a t e l o g n o r m a l d i s t r i b u t io n . G e o m e t r i c m e a n , m e d i a n , a n d s t a n d a r d d e v i a t i on e s t i m a t e d b y t a k i n g t h e l o g o f t h e v a lu e s a n d r u n n i n g s t a n d a r d s t a t i s t i c s o n t he l o g v a l u e s , t h e n c o n v er t i n g t h o s e v a l u e s b ac k . 2. D a t a s e t d e r i v e d f r o m C S A I n v e st i g a t i o n a n d h i s t o r i c a l r e p o r t s . Re f e r t o t a b l e s 1 1 - 4 a n d 1 1 - 6 fo r h i s t o r i c c o n d u c t i v i t y d a t a . 3. A s h d a t a s e t d e r i v e d f r o m R i v e r b e n d C S A in v e s t i g a t i o n ( N = 4 ) , A l l e n ( N = 1 0 ) , B u c k ( N =1 1 ) , C l i f f s i d e ( N = 1 4 ) , a n d D a n R i v e r ( N = 6 ) . 4. F i l l d a t a s e t d e r i v e d f r o m R i v e r b e n d C S A i n ve s t i g a t i o n ( N = 3 ) , A l l e n ( N = 5 ) , B u c k ( N = 4 ), C l i f f s i d e ( N = 9 ) , a n d D a n R i v e r ( N = 3 ) . 3. A l l u v i u m d a t a s e t d e r i v e d f r o m C SA I n v e s t i g a t i o n S i t e s A l l e n ( N = 3 ) , Cl i f f s i d e ( N = 3 ) , a n d D a n R i v e r ( N = 4 ) . 4. V e r t i c a l h y d r a u l i c c o n d u c t i v i t y v a l u e s f o r t h e T Z a n d B R c o u l d n o t b e m e a s u r e d i n t h e f i e l d o r l a b o r a t o r y . V e r t i c a l a n d h o r i z o n t a l c o n d u c t i v i t y f o r t h e s e l a y e r s a r e u n l i k e l y t o b e e q u a l . C o n s i d e r t o b e e q u a l a s a n i n i t i a l a s s u m p t i o n a n d ad j u s t a s n e c e s s a r y d u r i n g f l o w m o d e l c a l i b r a t i o n Page 1 of 1 Table: 11-12 Hydraulic Gradient (Vertical) Well Water Table Elevation (ft, msl) Total Well Depth (ft, bgs) Vetrtical Gradient (ft/ft) 1,2 GWA-20D 737.3 258.0 GWA-20S 739.1 53.0 AS-1D 675.4 175.0 AS-1S 678.2 96.0 C-1BRU 549.3 120.0 C-1S 653.3 15.0 GWA-3D 645.5 47.0 GWA-3S 646.2 28.0 AB-3D 700.2 178.0 AB-3S 706.3 28.0 GWA-8D 671.1 116.0 GWA-8S 671.3 23.0 AB-7D 713.5 147.0 AB-7S 714.4 20.0 GWA-7D 671.0 105.0 GWA-7S 670.2 20.0 BG-3D 644.8 105.0 BG-3S 645.0 36.6 Notes: 1. Gradient = Water Table Elevation Deep Well - Water Table Elevation Shallow Well Total Depth Deep Well - Total Depth Shallow Well 2. Positive gradients represent upward flow and negative gradients represent downward flow. -0.002 -0.009 -0.035 -0.990 -0.038 -0.040 -0.007 0.009 -0.002 1 of 1 Table 11-13. Groundwater Seepage Velocities. Well Pair Ash Fill Alluvium M1 M2 TZ BR MW-8S / MW-9 214.37 54.79 80.03 104.05 48.09 - - AB-4S / MW-11SR 174.18 44.52 65.03 84.54 39.08 - - AB-3S / GWA-9S 288.07 73.63 107.55 139.81 64.62 - - MW-7SR / BG-3S 174.18 44.52 65.03 84.54 39.08 - - MW-8D / MW-9D -----2.36E+04 - 4.72E+06 - AB-4D / MW-11DR -----1.89E+04 - 3.78E+06 - AB-3D / GWA-9D -----2.68E+04 - 5.35E+06 - MW-7D / BG-3D -----2.05E+04 - 4.09E+06 - GWA-23BR / MW-9BR ----- -9.86E+04 GWA-23BR / AB-3BR ----- -1.27E+05 GWA-2BR / GWA-9BR ----- -1.07E+08 Notes: 1. Refer to Table 11-9 for horizontal hydraulic conductivity values. 2. Refer to Table 6-10 for horizontal hydraulic gradients. 3. Refer to Table 11-8 for effective porosity/specific yield for upper hydrostratigraphic units; refer to Table 11-11 for effective porosity/specific yield for lower hydrostratigraphic units. Regolith (S wells); Seepage Velocity (ft/yr) Transition Zone (D Wells); Seepage Velocity (ft/yr) Fractured Bedrock (BR Wells); Seepage Velocity (ft/yr) Page 1 of 1 Table 12-1. Selection of Human Health COPCs - Groundwaterr T INORGANIC Aluminum 7429-90-5 86 11 - 7120 - AB-3BR 5 - 100 100 7120 2000 NA NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Antimony 7440-36-0 17 0.17 J 18.2 - GWA-2BRU 0.5 - 1 1 18.2 0.78 NA 1 Y 1 T INORGANIC Arsenic 7440-38-2 27 0.12 J 10.7 - GWA-9BR 0.5 - 1 1 10.7 0.052 10 NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Barium 7440-39-3 100 3.7 J 553 - GWA-20BR 5 - 5 5 553 380 700 NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Beryllium 7440-41-7 20 0.068 J 1.9 - C-2S 0.2 - 1 1 1.9 2.5 NA 4 N 2 T INORGANIC Boron 7440-42-8 46 27 J 2200 - AS-1S 50 - 50 50 2200 400 700 NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Cadmium 7440-43-9 9 0.026 J 0.21 - C-2S 0.08 - 1 1 0.21 0.92 2 NA Y 3 T INORGANIC Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 43 0.294 J+ 974 - AS-1D 0.5 - 5 5 974 2200 10 NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Cobalt 7440-48-4 65 0.14 J 66.8 - GWA-8S 0.5 - 1 1 66.8 0.6 NA 1 Y 1 T INORGANIC Copper 7440-50-8 34 0.22 J+ 68 J+ MW-8I 1 - 5 5 68 80 1000 NA N 2 T INORGANIC Iron (Fe) 7439-89-6 90 10 - 37700 - MW-13 10 - 100 100 37700 1400 300 NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Lead 7439-92-1 25 0.048 J 7.5 - GWA-20S 0.1 - 1 1 7.5 15 15 NA N 2 T INORGANIC Manganese (Mn) 7439-96-5 90 0.792 J 12700 - GWA-3SA 2 - 50 50 12700 43 50 NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Mercury 7439-97-6 10 0.071 J+ 0.27 J+ C-2S 0.05 - 0.2 0.2 0.27 0.063 1 NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Molybdenum 7439-98-7 68 0.1 J 946 - GWA-22BR 0.5 - 10 10 946 10 NA NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Nickel 7440-02-0 36 0.18 J 61.3 - GWA-3SA 0.5 - 5 5 61.3 39 100 NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Selenium 7782-49-2 24 0.22 J 15.4 - AB-3BR 0.5 - 1 1 15.4 10 20 NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Sodium 7440-23-5 97 1050 - 162000 - GWA-2BRU 50 - 50000 50000 162000 NA NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Strontium 7440-24-6 100 9.6 - 4500 - GWA-20D 5 - 5 5 4500 1200 NA NA Y 1 T INORGANIC Thallium 7440-28-0 33 0.016 J 3.2 - GWA-20D 0.1 - 0.2 0.2 3.2 0.02 NA 0.2 Y 1 T INORGANIC Titanium 7440-32-6 0 ND - ND - ND 0.2 - 0.2 0.2 0.2 NA NA NA N 6 T INORGANIC Vanadium 7440-62-2 90 0.32 J+ 67.5 - GWA-9BR 0.3 - 1 1 67.5 8.6 NA 0.3 Y 1 T INORGANIC Zinc 7440-66-6 41 2.7 J+ 200 J GWA-23BR 5 - 10 10 200 600 1000 NA N 2 Notes: All units are in ug/L The applicable criteria for chromium III was input as a surrogate for chromium total when none was available. The speciation data for chromium was not available. (1) Maximum concentration. If contaminant was not detected, reporting limit (RL) was entered per 15A NCAC 02L. (2) USEPA Regional Screening Level Generic Tables, Residential Tapwaters, June 2015. http://www.epa.gov/reg3hwmd/risk/human/rb-concentration_table/Generic_Tables/index.htm Target Risk = 1E-06 and Target Hazard Quotient = 0.1 (3) North Carolina 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Groundwater Standards, Effective April 1, 2013. http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/gwstandards (4) North Carolina Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMAC) http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/gwstandards (5) Rationale for Selection/Deletion: 1 - Contaminant concentration exceeds screening value. 2 - Contaminant concentration and RL are less than screening value. 3 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding the screening value; however the RL exceeds the screening value. 4 - Contaminant was found in concentrations exceeding its RL; however, there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 5 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding its RL; however, there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 6 - Contaminant concentration was nondetect and set to equal the RL; there is no current screening value for the contaminant. Qualifiers: J - Estimated Concentration J+ - Concentration Biased High - No Qualifier Abbreviations: CASRN - Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number COPC - Contaminant of Potential Concern GWQS - Groundwater Quality Standards IMAC - Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations NA - No Criteria/Not Applicable ND - Not Detected Q - Data Qualifier RL - Reporting Limit Groundwater COPC? (Y/N) Rationale for Selection or Deletion (5) 15A NCAC 02L .0202 GWQS (3) NC IMAC (4) Total or Dissolved (T or D) CASRN Frequency of Detection (%) ContaminantContaminant Group Location of Maximum Detected Concentration Range of Detection Limits Concentration Used for Screening (1) USEPA Tapwater RSLs (2) Maximum Reporting Limit Range of Detection Minimum Detected Concentration Q Maximum Detected Concentration Q Page: 1 of 1 Table 12-2. Selection of Human Health COPCs - Soil T INORGANIC Aluminum 7429-90-5 100 2070 - 39800 - GWA-9D 5.7 - 229 229 39800 110000 N 2 T INORGANIC Antimony 7440-36-0 0 ND - ND - ND 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 9.5 47 N 2 T INORGANIC Arsenic 7440-38-2 19 1.6 J 35.1 - AB-7S 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 35.1 3 Y 1 T INORGANIC Barium 7440-39-3 99 2.5 J+ 523 - AB-8S 0.57 - 8 8 523 22000 N 2 T INORGANIC Beryllium 7440-41-7 76 0.086 - 2.3 J+ AB-7S 0.06 - 0.8 0.8 2.3 230 N 2 T INORGANIC Boron 7440-42-8 38 2 J 51.7 - AB-8S 2.9 - 88.1 88.1 51.7 23000 N 2 T INORGANIC Cadmium 7440-43-9 0 ND - ND - ND 0.34 - 1.1 1.1 1.1 98 N 2 T INORGANIC Chromium (Total)7440-47-3 99 1.2 J 210 - GWA-9D 0.29 - 11.5 11.5 210 180000 N 2 T INORGANIC Cobalt 7440-48-4 88 3.1 J 102 - GWA-8D 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 102 35 Y 1 T INORGANIC Copper 7440-50-8 99 1.9 - 232 - GWA-1D 0.29 - 11.5 11.5 232 4700 N 2 T INORGANIC Iron (Fe) 7439-89-6 100 4950 - 109000 - GWA-9D 2.3 - 91.6 91.6 109000 82000 Y 1 T INORGANIC Lead 7439-92-1 44 1.8 J 20.9 - GWA-21D 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 20.9 800 N 2 T INORGANIC Manganese (Mn) 7439-96-5 100 6.8 J+ 3320 - AB-4D 0.29 - 11.5 11.5 3320 2600 Y 1 T INORGANIC Mercury 7439-97-6 43 0.0063 J 0.54 - GWA-21D 0.0087 - 0.02 0.02 0.54 4 N 2 T INORGANIC Molybdenum 7439-98-7 9 0.31 J 6.6 - AB-3D 0.57 - 8 8 6.6 580 N 2 T INORGANIC Nickel 7440-02-0 91 0.44 J+ 167 - AB-4D 0.29 - 11.5 11.5 167 2200 N 2 T INORGANIC Selenium 7782-49-2 3 2.4 J 5.6 J GWA-4S 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 5.6 580 N 2 T INORGANIC Sodium 7440-23-5 15 42.4 J 203 J AB-3D 57.5 - 797 797 203 NA Y 5 T INORGANIC Strontium 7440-24-6 76 0.43 J+ 174 - AB-7S 0.57 - 8 8 174 70000 N 2 T INORGANIC Thallium 7440-28-0 0 ND - ND - ND 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 9.5 1.2 Y 1 T INORGANIC Vanadium 7440-62-2 100 5.6 J 209 - GWA-7S 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 209 580 N 2 T INORGANIC Zinc 7440-66-6 97 3.1 J+ 183 - GWA-1D 1.1 - 15.9 15.9 183 35000 N 2 Notes: All units are in mg/kg The applicable criteria for chromium III was input as a surrogate for chromium total when none was available. The speciation data for chromium was not available. (1) Maximum concentration. If contaminant was not detected, reporting limit (RL) was entered. (2) USEPA Regional Screening Level Generic Tables, Industrial Soil, June 2015. http://www.epa.gov/reg3hwmd/risk/human/rb-concentration_table/Generic_Tables/index.htm Target Risk = 1E-06 and Target Hazard Quotient = 0.1 (3) Rationale for Selection/Deletion: 1 - Contaminant concentration exceeds screening value. 2 - Contaminant concentration and RL are less than screening value. 3 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding the screening value; however the RL exceeds the screening value. 4 - Contaminant was found in concentrations exceeding its RL; however, there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 5 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding its RL; however, there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 6 - Contaminant concentration was nondetect and set to equal the RL; there is no current screening value for the contaminant. Qualifiers: J - Estimated Concentration J+ - Concentration Biased High - No Qualifier Abbreviations: CASRN - Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number COPC - Contaminant of Potential Concern NA - No Criteria/Not Applicable ND - Not Detected Q - Data Qualifier RL - Reporting Limit Soil COPC? (Y/N) Rationale for Selection or Deletion (3) USEPA Industrial Soils RSL (2) Location of Maximum Detected Concentration Range of Detection Limits Concentration Used for Screening (1) Maximum Reporting LimitQ Maximum Detected Concentration Q Total or Dissolved (T or D) CASRN Frequency of Detection (%) Contaminant Range of Detection Minimum Detected Concentration Contaminant Group Page: 1 of 1 Table 12-3. Selection of Human Health COPCs - Freshwater T INORGANIC Aluminum 7429-90-5 100 130 - 310 - SW-3 100 - 100 100 310 6500 8000 N 2 T INORGANIC Antimony 7440-36-0 0 ND - ND - ND 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 0.5 5.6 640 N 2 T INORGANIC Arsenic 7440-38-2 100 0.3 J 2.4 - SW-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 2.4 10 10 N 2 T INORGANIC Barium 7440-39-3 100 17 - 76 - SW-3 5 - 5 5 76 1000 200000 N 2 T INORGANIC Beryllium 7440-41-7 0 ND - ND - ND 0.2 - 0.2 0.2 0.2 NA NA N 6 T INORGANIC Boron 7440-42-8 50 530 - 530 - SW-3 50 - 50 50 530 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Cadmium 7440-43-9 50 0.033 J 0.033 J SW-3 0.08 - 0.08 0.08 0.033 NA NA Y 5 T INORGANIC Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 100 0.38 J 0.41 J S-13 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 0.41 NA NA Y 5 T INORGANIC Cobalt 7440-48-4 100 0.24 J 0.61 - SW-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 0.61 3 4 N 2 T INORGANIC Copper 7440-50-8 100 0.86 J 0.92 J S-13 1 - 1 1 0.92 NA NA Y 5 T INORGANIC Iron (Fe) 7439-89-6 100 810 - 1600 - S-13 50 - 50 50 1600 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Lead 7439-92-1 100 0.13 - 0.58 - SW-3 0.1 - 0.1 0.1 0.58 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Manganese (Mn) 7439-96-5 100 110 - 370 - SW-3 5 - 5 5 370 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Mercury 7439-97-6 50 0.000843 J+ 0.000843 J+ S-13 0.0005 - 0.2 0.2 0.000843 NA NA Y 5 T INORGANIC Molybdenum 7439-98-7 100 0.15 J 10.8 - SW-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 10.8 160 2000 N 2 T INORGANIC Nickel 7440-02-0 100 0.18 J 3 - SW-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 3 25 NA N 2 T INORGANIC Selenium 7782-49-2 50 0.43 J 0.43 J SW-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 0.43 NA NA Y 5 T INORGANIC Sodium 7440-23-5 100 6960 - 10800 - SW-3 5000 - 5000 5000 10800 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Strontium 7440-24-6 100 79 - 1200 - SW-3 5 - 5 5 1200 14000 40000 N 2 T INORGANIC Thallium 7440-28-0 50 0.22 - 0.22 - SW-3 0.1 - 0.1 0.1 0.22 0.24 0.47 N 2 T INORGANIC Vanadium 7440-62-2 100 1.2 - 1.4 - S-13 1 - 1 1 1.4 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Zinc 7440-66-6 100 3 J 220 - SW-3 10 - 10 10 220 NA NA Y 4 Notes: All units are in ug/L Dissolved concentrations are compared to applicable criteria. The applicable criteria for chromium III was input as a surrogate for chromium total when none was available. The speciation data for chromium was not available. (1) Maximum concentration. If contaminant was not detected, reporting limit (RL) was entered. (2) 15A NCAC 2B or EPA National Water Quality Criteria (http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=dfc89f23-a372-4782-b3b0-60e6884b1696&groupId=38364) (3) 15A NCAC 2B or EPA National Water Quality Criteria (http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=dfc89f23-a372-4782-b3b0-60e6884b1696&groupId=38364) (4) Rationale for Selection/Deletion: 1 - Contaminant concentration exceeds screening value. 2 - Contaminant concentration and RL are less than screening value. 3 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding the screening value; however the RL exceeds the screening value. 4 - Contaminant was found in concentrations exceeding its RL; however, there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 5 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding its RL; however, there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 6 - Contaminant concentration was nondetect and set to equal the RL; there is no current screening value for the contaminant. Qualifiers: J - Estimated Concentration J+ - Concentration Biased High - No Qualifier Abbreviations: CASRN - Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number COPC - Contaminant of Potential Concern NA - No Criteria/Not Applicable ND - Not Detected Q - Data Qualifier RL - Reporting Limit USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency WQC - Water Quality Criteria WQS - Water Quality Standards Range of Detection Minimum Detected Concentration Q Maximum Detected Concentration Q Total or Dissolved (T or D) CASRN Frequency of Detection (%) ContaminantContaminant Group Rationale for Selection or Deletion (4) Location of Maximum Detected Concentration Range of Detection Limits Concentration Used for Screening (1) NC Water Supply (WS) WQS & USEPA National WQC (2) Surface Water COPC? (Y/N) NC Human Health (HH) WQS & USEPA National WQC (3) Maximum Reporting Limit Page: 1 of 1 Table 12-4. Selection of Human Health COPCs - Sediment T INORGANIC Aluminum 7429-90-5 100 2200 - 14500 - S-12 32.8 - 138 138 1.45E+04 7.70E+03 Y 1 T INORGANIC Antimony 7440-36-0 0 ND - ND - ND 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 27.6 3.1 Y 1 T INORGANIC Arsenic 7440-38-2 18 11.2 J 61.8 - S-12 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 61.8 0.67 Y 1 T INORGANIC Barium 7440-39-3 100 21 - 1960 - S-6 3.3 - 13.8 13.8 1960 1500 Y 1 T INORGANIC Beryllium 7440-41-7 82 0.38 J 1.2 - S-11 0.33 - 1.4 1.4 1.2 16 N 2 T INORGANIC Boron 7440-42-8 64 13.1 J 45.1 J S-6 16.4 - 69.1 69.1 45.1 1600 N 2 T INORGANIC Cadmium 7440-43-9 9 0.99 J 0.99 J S-12 0.79 - 3.3 3.3 0.99 7 N 2 T INORGANIC Chromium (Total) 7440-47-3 100 5.5 - 102 - S-12 1.6 - 6.9 6.9 102 12000 N 2 T INORGANIC Cobalt 7440-48-4 100 4.6 J 355 - S-6 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 355 2.3 Y 1 T INORGANIC Copper 7440-50-8 100 4.7 - 60.8 - S-12 1.6 - 6.9 6.9 60.8 310 N 2 T INORGANIC Iron (Fe) 7439-89-6 100 8100 - 92500 - S-6 13.1 - 55.2 55.2 92500 5500 Y 1 T INORGANIC Lead 7439-92-1 73 9.1 - 16.2 - S-12 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 16.2 400 N 2 T INORGANIC Manganese (Mn) 7439-96-5 100 92.8 - 64400 - S-6 1.6 - 69.1 69.1 64400 180 Y 1 T INORGANIC Mercury 7439-97-6 100 0.014 - 0.46 - S-11 0.01 - 0.047 0.047 0.46 0.94 N 2 T INORGANIC Molybdenum 7439-98-7 9 16.4 - 16.4 - S-12 3.3 - 13.8 13.8 16.4 39 N 2 T INORGANIC Nickel 7440-02-0 100 1.3 J 107 - S-12 1.6 - 6.9 6.9 107 150 N 2 T INORGANIC Selenium 7782-49-2 0 ND - ND - ND 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 27.6 39 N 2 T INORGANIC Sodium 7440-23-5 0 ND - ND - ND 328 - 1380 1380 1380 NA N 6 T INORGANIC Strontium 7440-24-6 100 2 J 45.2 - S-6 3.3 - 13.8 13.8 45.2 4700 N 2 T INORGANIC Thallium 7440-28-0 0 ND - ND - ND 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 27.6 0.078 Y 1 T INORGANIC Vanadium 7440-62-2 100 23.2 J 126 - S-12 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 126 39 Y 1 T INORGANIC Zinc 7440-66-6 100 6 J 218 - S-12 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 218 2300 N 2 Notes: All units are in mg/kg The applicable criteria for chromium III was input as a surrogate for chromium total when none was available. The speciation data for chromium was not available. (1) Maximum concentration. If contaminant was not detected, reporting limit (RL) was entered. (2) USEPA Regional Screening Level Generic Tables, Resident Soil, June 2015. http://www.epa.gov/reg3hwmd/risk/human/rb-concentration_table/Generic_Tables/index.htm Target Risk = 1E-06 and Target Hazard Quotient = 0.1 (3) Rationale for Selection/Deletion: 1 - Contaminant concentration exceeds screening value. 2 - Contaminant concentration and RL are less than screening value. 3 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding the screening value; however the RL exceeds the screening value. 4 - Contaminant was found in concentrations exceeding its RL; however, there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 5 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding its RL; however, there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 6 - Contaminant concentration was nondetect and set to equal the RL; there is no current screening value for the contaminant. Qualifiers: J - Estimated Concentration - No Qualifier Abbreviations: CASRN - Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number COPC - Contaminant of Potential Concern Q - Data Qualifier NA - No Criteria/Not Applicable ND - Not Detected RL - Reporting Limit RSL - Regional Screening Level Sediment COPC? (Y/N) Rationale for Selection or Deletion (3) Minimum Detected Concentration Q Maximum Detected Concentration Q Range of Detection Location of Maximum Detected Concentration Range of Detection Limits Concentration Used for Screening (1) USEPA Resident Soils RSL (2) Maximum Reporting Limit Frequency of Detection (%) Total or Dissolved (T or D) Contaminant CASRNContaminant Group Page: 1 of 1 Ta b l e 1 2 - 5 . C o n t a m i n a n t s o f P o te n t i a l H u m a n H e a l t h C o n c e r n IN O R G A N I C A l u m i n u m 74 2 9 - 9 0 - 5 Y 1 N 2 N 2 Y 1 IN O R G A N I C A n t i m o n y 74 4 0 - 3 6 - 0 Y 1 N 2 N 2 Y 1 IN O R G A N I C A r s e n i c 74 4 0 - 3 8 - 2 Y 1 Y 1 N 2 Y 1 IN O R G A N I C B a r i u m 74 4 0 - 3 9 - 3 Y 1 N 2 N 2 Y 1 IN O R G A N I C B e r y l l i u m 74 4 0 - 4 1 - 7 N 2 N 2 N 6 N 2 IN O R G A N I C B o r o n 74 4 0 - 4 2 - 8 Y 1 N 2 Y 4 N 2 IN O R G A N I C C a d m i u m 74 4 0 - 4 3 - 9 Y 3 N 2 Y 5 N 2 IN O R G A N I C C h r o m i u m ( T o t a l ) 74 4 0 - 4 7 - 3 Y 1 N 2 Y 5 N 2 IN O R G A N I C C o b a l t 74 4 0 - 4 8 - 4 Y 1 Y 1 N 2 Y 1 IN O R G A N I C C o p p e r 74 4 0 - 5 0 - 8 N 2 N 2 Y 5 N 2 IN O R G A N I C I r o n ( F e ) 74 3 9 - 8 9 - 6 Y 1 Y 1 Y 4 Y 1 IN O R G A N I C L e a d 74 3 9 - 9 2 - 1 N 2 N 2 Y 4 N 2 IN O R G A N I C M a n g a n e s e ( M n ) 74 3 9 - 9 6 - 5 Y 1 Y 1 Y 4 Y 1 IN O R G A N I C M e r c u r y 74 3 9 - 9 7 - 6 Y 1 N 2 Y 5 N 2 IN O R G A N I C M o l y b d e n u m 74 3 9 - 9 8 - 7 Y 1 N 2 N 2 N 2 IN O R G A N I C N i c k e l 74 4 0 - 0 2 - 0 Y 1 N 2 N 2 N 2 IN O R G A N I C S e l e n i u m 77 8 2 - 4 9 - 2 Y 1 N 2 Y 5 N 2 IN O R G A N I C S o d i u m 74 4 0 - 2 3 - 5 Y 4 Y 5 Y 4 N 6 IN O R G A N I C S t r o n t i u m 74 4 0 - 2 4 - 6 Y 1 N 2 N 2 N 2 IN O R G A N I C T h a l l i u m 74 4 0 - 2 8 - 0 Y 1 Y 1 N 2 Y 1 IN O R G A N I C T i t a n i u m 7440-32-6 N 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - IN O R G A N I C V a n a d i u m 74 4 0 - 6 2 - 2 Y 1 N 2 Y 4 Y 1 IN O R G A N I C Z i n c 74 4 0 - 6 6 - 6 N 2 N 2 Y 4 N 2 No t e s : -- D i s s o l v e d a n a l y t e w a s n o t a n a l y z ed o r p r o v i d e d b y t h e l a b o r a t o r y Ra t i o n a l e f o r S e l e c t i o n / D e l e t i o n : 1 - C o n t a m i n a n t c o n c e n t r a t i o n e x c e e d s s c r e e n i n g v a l u e . 2 - C o n t a m i n a n t c o n c e n t r a t i o n a n d R L a r e l e s s t h a n s c r e e n i n g v a l u e . 3 - C o n t a m i n a n t w a s n o t f o u n d i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n s e x c e e d i n g t h e s c r e e n i n g v a l u e ; h o w e v e r t h e R L e x c e e d s t h e s c r e e n i n g v a l u e. 4 - C o n t a m i n a n t w a s f o u n d i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n s e x c e e d i n g i t s R L ; h o w e v e r , t h e r e i s n o c u r r e n t s c r e e n i n g v a l u e f o r t h e c o n t a mi n a n t . 5 - C o n t a m i n a n t w a s n o t f o u n d i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n s e x c e e d i n g i t s R L ; h o w e v e r , t h e r e i s n o c u r r e n t s c r e e n i n g v a l u e f o r t h e c on t a m i n a n t . 6 - C o n t a m i n a n t c o n c e n t r a t i o n w a s n o n d e t e c t a n d s e t t o eq u a l t h e R L ; t h e r e i s n o c u r r e n t s c r e e n i n g v a l u e f o r t h e c o n t a m i na n t . Ab b r e v i a t i o n s : CA S R N - C h e m i c a l A b s t r a c t S e r v i c e R e g i s t r y N u m b e r CO P C - C o n t a m i n a n t o f P o t e n t i a l C o n c e r n Rationale for Selection or Deletion Gr o u n d w a t e r CO P C Su r f a c e W a t e r CO P C CA S R N Sediment COPC Co n t a m i n a n t So i l CO P C Co n t a m i n a n t Gr o u p Ra t i o n a l e f o r Se l e c t i o n o r De l e t i o n Ra t i o n a l e f o r Se l e c t i o n o r De l e t i o n Ra t i o n a l e f o r Se l e c t i o n o r De l e t i o n Page: 1 of 1 Table 12-6. Selection of Ecological COPCs - Soil T INORGANIC Aluminum 7429-90-5 100 2070 - 39800 - GWA-9D 5.7 - 229 229 39800 50 7.96E+02 Y 1 T INORGANIC Antimony 7440-36-0 0 ND - ND - ND 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 9.5 3.5 2.71E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Arsenic 7440-38-2 19 1.6 J 35.1 - AB-7S 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 35.1 10 3.51E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Barium 7440-39-3 99 2.5 J+ 523 - AB-8S 0.57 - 8 8 523 165 3.17E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Beryllium 7440-41-7 76 0.086 - 2.3 J+ AB-7S 0.06 - 0.8 0.8 2.3 1.1 2.09E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Boron 7440-42-8 38 2 J 51.7 - AB-8S 2.9 - 88.1 88.1 51.7 0.5 1.03E+02 Y 1 T INORGANIC Cadmium 7440-43-9 0 ND - ND - ND 0.34 - 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.6 6.88E-01 N NC T INORGANIC Chromium (Total)7440-47-3 99 1.2 J 210 - GWA-9D 0.29 - 11.5 11.5 210 0.4 5.25E+02 Y 1 T INORGANIC Cobalt 7440-48-4 88 3.1 J 102 - GWA-8D 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 102 20 5.10E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Copper 7440-50-8 99 1.9 - 232 - GWA-1D 0.29 - 11.5 11.5 232 40 5.80E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Iron (Fe)7439-89-6 100 4950 - 109000 - GWA-9D 2.3 - 91.6 91.6 109000 200 5.45E+02 Y 1 T INORGANIC Lead 7439-92-1 44 1.8 J 20.9 - GWA-21D 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 20.9 50 4.18E-01 N NC T INORGANIC Manganese (Mn)7439-96-5 100 6.8 J+ 3320 - AB-4D 0.29 - 11.5 11.5 3320 100 3.32E+01 Y 1 T INORGANIC Mercury 7439-97-6 43 0.0063 J 0.54 - GWA-21D 0.0087 - 0.02 0.02 0.54 0.1 5.40E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Molybdenum 7439-98-7 9 0.31 J 6.6 - AB-3D 0.57 - 8 8 6.6 23.30E+00Y 1 T INORGANIC Nickel 7440-02-0 91 0.44 J+ 167 - AB-4D 0.29 - 11.5 11.5 167 30 5.57E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Selenium 7782-49-2 3 2.4 J 5.6 J GWA-4S 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 5.6 0.81 6.91E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Sodium 7440-23-5 15 42.4 J 203 J AB-3D 57.5 - 797 797 203 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Strontium 7440-24-6 76 0.43 J+ 174 - AB-7S 0.57 - 8 8 174 NA NA Y 3 T INORGANIC Thallium 7440-28-0 0 ND - ND - ND 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 9.5 19.50E+00Y 1 T INORGANIC Vanadium 7440-62-2 100 5.6 J 209 - GWA-7S 2.9 - 9.5 9.5 209 21.05E+02Y 1 T INORGANIC Zinc 7440-66-6 97 3.1 J+ 183 - GWA-1D 1.1 - 15.9 15.9 183 50 3.66E+00 Y 1 Notes: All units are in mg/kg. The speciation data for chromium was not available. (1) Maximum concentration. If contaminant was not detected, maximum reporting limit (RL) was input per NC SLERA Guidance. (2) Based on US EPA's Region 4 Water Quality Management Division, Water Quality Standards Unit's Screening List (http://www.epa.gov/region4/superfund/images/allprogrammedia/pdfs/tsstablesoilvalues.pdf). (3) Screening Hazard Quotient (HQ) = Concentration Used for Screening / EPA Region IV ESV. (4) Contaminant Categories: 1 - Contaminant is found in concentrations exceeding its screening value. 2 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding the RL; however, the RL exceed its screening value. 3 - Contaminant was found in concentrations exceeding its RL; however, there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 4 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding the RL and there is no current screening value for the contaminant. Qualifiers: J - Estimated Concentration J+ - Concentration Biased High J- - Concentration Biased Low - No Qualifier Abbreviations: CASRN - Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number COPC - Contaminant of Potential Concern ESV - Ecological Screening Value NA - No Criteria/Not Applicable NC - No Contaminant Category ND - Not Detected Q - Data Qualifier RL - Reporting Limit SLERA - Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment Contaminant Group Maximum Reporting Limit Location of Maximum Detected Concentration Soil COPC? (Y/N) Total or Dissolved (T or D) CASRN Frequency of Detection Range of Detection Contaminant Minimum Detected Concentration Q Maximum Detected Concentration Q Contaminant Category (4) Range of Detection Limits Concentration Used for Screening (1) EPA Region IV Soil ESV (2) Screening Hazard Quotient (3) Page: 1 of 1 Table 12-7. Selection of Ecological COPCs - Freshwater D INORGANIC Aluminum 7429-90-5 0 ND - ND - ND 100 - 100 100 100 87 1.15E+00 87 Y Y 1, 5 D INORGANIC Antimony 7440-36-0 0 ND - ND - ND 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 0.5 160 3.13E-03 NA NA N NC D INORGANIC Arsenic 7440-38-2 100 0.19 J 0.93 - SW-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 0.93 190 4.89E-03 150 N N NC D INORGANIC Barium 7440-39-3 100 16 - 58 - SW-3 5 - 5 5 58 NA NA NA NA Y 3 D INORGANIC Beryllium 7440-41-7 0 ND - ND - ND 0.2 - 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.53 3.77E-01 6.5 N N NC D INORGANIC Boron 7440-42-8 50 500 - 500 - SW-3 50 - 50 50 500 750 6.67E-01 NA NA N NC D INORGANIC Cadmium 7440-43-9 0 ND - ND - ND 0.08 - 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.66 1.21E-01 0.15 N N NC D INORGANIC Chromium (Total)7440-47-3 100 0.28 J 0.28 J SW-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 0.28 117.32 2.39E-03 24 N N NC D INORGANIC Cobalt 7440-48-4 50 0.41 J 0.41 J SW-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 0.41 NA NA NA NA Y 4 D INORGANIC Copper 7440-50-8 100 0.3 J 0.95 J S-13 1 - 1 1 0.95 6.54 1.45E-01 2.7 N N NC D INORGANIC Iron (Fe)7439-89-6 50 230 - 230 - S-13 50 - 50 50 230 1000 2.30E-01 NA NA N NC D INORGANIC Lead 7439-92-1 0 ND - ND - ND 0.1 - 0.1 0.1 0.1 1.32 7.58E-02 0.54 N N NC D INORGANIC Manganese (Mn)7439-96-5 100 79 - 320 - SW-3 5 - 5 5 320 NA NA NA NA Y 3 D INORGANIC Mercury 7439-97-6 0 ND - ND - ND 0.2 - 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.012 1.67E+01 0.012 Y Y 1, 5 D INORGANIC Molybdenum 7439-98-7 100 0.13 J 11 - SW-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 11 NA NA NA NA Y 3 D INORGANIC Nickel 7440-02-0 50 2.7 - 2.7 - SW-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 2.7 87.71 3.08E-02 16 N N NC D INORGANIC Selenium 7782-49-2 50 0.34 J 0.34 J SW-3 0.5 - 0.5 0.5 0.34 5 6.80E-02 5 N N NC D INORGANIC Strontium 7440-24-6 100 79 - 960 - SW-3 5 - 5 5 960 NA NA NA NA Y 3 D INORGANIC Thallium 7440-28-0 50 0.15 - 0.15 - SW-3 0.1 - 0.1 0.1 0.15 4 3.75E-02 NA NA N NC D INORGANIC Vanadium 7440-62-2 50 0.52 J 0.52 J S-13 1 - 1 1 0.52 NA NA NA NA Y 3 D INORGANIC Zinc 7440-66-6 100 4.8 J 210 - SW-3 10 - 10 10 210 58.91 3.56E+00 36 Y Y 1, 5 Notes: All units are in ug/L. Dissolved concentrations are compared to applicable criteria. The applicable criteria for chromium III was input as a surrogate for chromium total when none was available. The EPA Region IV CSV for arsenic III was input as a surrogate for arsenic total since none was available. Dissolved sodium concentrations were not analyzed or provided by the laboratory. The speciation data for chromium was not available. (1) Maximum concentration. If contaminant was not detected, maximum reporting limit (RL) was input per NC SLERA Guidance. (2) Based on US EPA's Region 4 Water Quality Management Division, Water Quality Standards Unit's Screening List - Chronic Screening Values (http://www.epa.gov/region4/superfund/programs/riskassess/ecolbul.html#tbl1). (3) Screening Hazard Quotient = Concentration Used for Screening / EPA Region IV CSV. (4) 15A NCAC 2B or EPA National Criteria (http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_library/get_file?uuid=dfc89f23-a372-4782-b3b0-60e6884b1696&groupId=38364) The minimum of the 15A NCAC 2B Freshwater Aquatic Life was input. Based on surface water classification (WS-IV, B and C) and other factors, Saltwater Aquatic Life, Water Supply, Human Health, Trout Waters, High Quality Waters and Swamp Waters are not applicable. (5) Contaminant Categories: 1 - Contaminant is found in concentrations exceeding its screening value. 2 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding the RL; however, the RL exceed its screening value. 3 - Contaminant was found in concentrations exceeding its RL; however, there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 4 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding the RL and there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 5 - Contaminant's RL or maximum concentration exceeds the NC Water Quality Criteria. Qualifiers: J - Estimated Concentration J+ - Concentration Biased High - No Qualifier Abbreviations: CASRN - Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number COPC - Contaminant of Potential Concern CSV - Chronic Screening Value NA - No Criteria/Not Applicable NC - No Contaminant Category ND - Not Detected NCWQS - North Carolina Water Quality Standard Q - Data Qualifier RL - Reporting Limit SLERA - Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment WQC - Water Quality Criteria Contaminant Group Maximum Reporting Limit Contaminant Total or Dissolved (T or D) CASRN Contaminant Category (5) Location of Maximum Detected Concentration Frequency of Detection Range of Detection Limits Concentration Used for Screening (1) Screening Hazard Quotient (3) Exceed NCWQS? (Y/N) EPA Region IV SW CSV (2) NC Freshwater Aquatic Life WQS & EPA National WQC (4) Freshwater COPC? (Y/N) Range of Detection Minimum Detected Concentration Q Maximum Detected Concentration Q Page: 1 of 1 Table 12-8. Selection of Ecological COPCs - Sediment T INORGANIC Aluminum 7429-90-5 100 2200 - 14500 - S-12 32.8 - 138 138 14500 NA NA Y 3 T INORGANIC Antimony 7440-36-0 0 ND - ND - ND 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 27.6 12 2.30E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Arsenic 7440-38-2 18 11.2 J 61.8 - S-12 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 61.8 7.24 8.54E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Barium 7440-39-3 100 21 - 1960 - S-6 3.3 - 13.8 13.8 1960 NA NA Y 3 T INORGANIC Beryllium 7440-41-7 82 0.38 J 1.2 - S-11 0.33 - 1.4 1.4 1.2 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Boron 7440-42-8 64 13.1 J 45.1 J S-6 16.4 - 69.1 69.1 45.1 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Cadmium 7440-43-9 9 0.99 J 0.99 J S-12 0.79 - 3.3 3.3 0.99 19.90E-01Y 2 T INORGANIC Chromium (Total)7440-47-3 100 5.5 - 102 - S-12 1.6 - 6.9 6.9 102 52.3 1.95E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Cobalt 7440-48-4 100 4.6 J 355 - S-6 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 355 NA NA Y 3 T INORGANIC Copper 7440-50-8 100 4.7 - 60.8 - S-12 1.6 - 6.9 6.9 60.8 18.7 3.25E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Iron (Fe)7439-89-6 100 8100 - 92500 - S-6 13.1 - 55.2 55.2 92500 NA NA Y 3 T INORGANIC Lead 7439-92-1 73 9.1 - 16.2 - S-12 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 16.2 30.2 5.36E-01 N NC T INORGANIC Manganese (Mn)7439-96-5 100 92.8 - 64400 - S-6 1.6 - 69.1 69.1 64400 NA NA Y 3 T INORGANIC Mercury 7439-97-6 100 0.014 - 0.46 - S-11 0.01 - 0.047 0.047 0.46 0.13 3.54E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Molybdenum 7439-98-7 9 16.4 - 16.4 - S-12 3.3 - 13.8 13.8 16.4 NA NA Y 3 T INORGANIC Nickel 7440-02-0 100 1.3 J 107 - S-12 1.6 - 6.9 6.9 107 15.9 6.73E+00 Y 1 T INORGANIC Selenium 7782-49-2 0 ND - ND - ND 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 27.6 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Sodium 7440-23-5 0 ND - ND - ND 328 - 1380 1380 1380 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Strontium 7440-24-6 100 2 J 45.2 - S-6 3.3 - 13.8 13.8 45.2 NA NA Y 3 T INORGANIC Thallium 7440-28-0 0 ND - ND - ND 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 27.6 NA NA Y 4 T INORGANIC Vanadium 7440-62-2 100 23.2 J 126 - S-12 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 126 NA NA Y 3 T INORGANIC Zinc 7440-66-6 100 6 J 218 - S-12 6.6 - 27.6 27.6 218 124 1.76E+00 Y 1 N Anion/Cation Nitrate 14797-55-8 0 ND - ND - ND 33.4 - 142 142 142 NA NA Y 4 N Anion/Cation Sulfate 14808-79-8 55 310 J 1470 - S-10 334 - 1420 1420 1470 NA NA Y 3 N Anion/Cation Chloride 16887-00-6 0 ND - ND - ND 334 - 1420 1420 1420 NA NA Y 4 Notes: All units are in mg/kg. The speciation data for chromium was not available. (1) Maximum concentration. If contaminant was not detected, maximum reporting limit (RL) was input per NC SLERA Guidance. (2) Ecological Risk Assessment Bulletins--Supplement to RAGS, Table 3 Sediment Screening Values (http://www.epa.gov/region4/superfund/programs/riskassess/ecolbul.html#tbl3) The sediment ecological screening value is determined using the maximum of the practical quantitation limit (PQL) and the Effects Value; since no laboratory-specific PQLs are provided, the Effects Value was applied as the criterion. (3) Screening Hazard Quotient (HQ) = Concentration Used for Screening / EPA Region IV Sediment Effects Value. (4) Contaminant Categories: 1 - Contaminant is found in concentrations exceeding its screening value. 2 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding the RL; however, the RL exceed its screening value. 3 - Contaminant was found in concentrations exceeding its RL; however, there is no current screening value for the contaminant. 4 - Contaminant was not found in concentrations exceeding the RL and there is no current screening value for the contaminant. Qualifier: J - Estimated Concentration - No Qualifier Abbreviations: CASRN - Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number COPC - Contaminant of Potential Concern NA - No Criteria/Not Applicable NC - No Contaminant Category ND - Not Detected PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit Q - Data Qualifier RL - Reporting Limit SLERA - Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment Contaminant Group Maximum Reporting Limit Total or Dissolved (T or D) Contaminant CASRN Frequency of Detection Range of Detection Limits Minimum Detected Concentration Q Maximum Detected Concentration Q Location of Maximum Detected Concentration Range of Detection Screening Hazard Quotient (3) Sediment COPC? (Y/N) Contaminant Category (5) Concentration Used for Screening (1) EPA Region IV Sediment Effects Value (2) Page: 1 of 1 Ta b l e 1 2 - 9 . C o n t a m i n a n t s o f P o t e n t i a l E c o l o g i c a l C o n c e r n IN O R G A N I C A l u m i n u m 74 2 9 - 9 0 - 5 Y 1 Y 1 , 5 Y 3 IN O R G A N I C A n t i m o n y 74 4 0 - 3 6 - 0 Y 1 N N C Y 1 IN O R G A N I C A r s e n i c 74 4 0 - 3 8 - 2 Y 1 N N C Y 1 IN O R G A N I C B a r i u m 74 4 0 - 3 9 - 3 Y 1 Y 3 Y 3 IN O R G A N I C B e r y l l i u m 74 4 0 - 4 1 - 7 Y 1 N N C Y 4 IN O R G A N I C B o r o n 74 4 0 - 4 2 - 8 Y 1 N N C Y 4 IN O R G A N I C C a d m i u m 74 4 0 - 4 3 - 9 N N C N N C Y 2 IN O R G A N I C C h r o m i u m ( T o t a l ) 74 4 0 - 4 7 - 3 Y 1 N N C Y 1 IN O R G A N I C C o b a l t 74 4 0 - 4 8 - 4 Y 1 Y 4 Y 3 IN O R G A N I C C o p p e r 74 4 0 - 5 0 - 8 Y 1 N N C Y 1 IN O R G A N I C I r o n ( F e ) 74 3 9 - 8 9 - 6 Y 1 N N C Y 3 IN O R G A N I C L e a d 74 3 9 - 9 2 - 1 N N C N N C N N C IN O R G A N I C M a n g a n e s e ( M n ) 74 3 9 - 9 6 - 5 Y 1 Y 3 Y 3 IN O R G A N I C M e r c u r y 74 3 9 - 9 7 - 6 Y 1 Y 1 , 5 Y 1 IN O R G A N I C M o l y b d e n u m 74 3 9 - 9 8 - 7 Y 1 Y 3 Y 3 IN O R G A N I C N i c k e l 74 4 0 - 0 2 - 0 Y 1 N N C Y 1 IN O R G A N I C S e l e n i u m 77 8 2 - 4 9 - 2 Y 1 N N C Y 4 IN O R G A N I C S o d i u m 74 4 0 - 2 3 - 5 Y 4 - - - - Y 4 IN O R G A N I C S t r o n t i u m 74 4 0 - 2 4 - 6 Y 3 Y 3 Y 3 IN O R G A N I C T h a l l i u m 74 4 0 - 2 8 - 0 Y 1 N N C Y 4 IN O R G A N I C V a n a d i u m 74 4 0 - 6 2 - 2 Y 1 Y 3 Y 3 IN O R G A N I C Z i n c 74 4 0 - 6 6 - 6 Y 1 Y 1 , 5 Y 1 No t e s : -- D i s s o l v e d a n a l y t e w a s n o t a n a l y z ed o r p r o v i d e d b y t h e l a b o r a t o r y . Co n t a m i n a n t C a t e g o r i e s : 1 - C o n t a m i n a n t i s f o u n d i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n s e x c e e d i n g i t s s c r e e n i n g v a l u e . 2 - C o n t a m i n a n t w a s n o t f o u n d i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n s e x c e e d i n g t h e R L , h o w e v e r , t h e R L e x c e e d i t s s c r e e n i n g v a l u e . 3 - C o n t a m i n a n t w a s f o u n d i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n s e x c e e d i n g i t s R L , h o w e v e r , t h e r e i s n o c u r r e n t s c r e e n i n g v a l u e f o r t h e c o n t a mi n a n t . 4 - C o n t a m i n a n t w a s n o t f o u n d i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n s e x c ee d i n g t h e R L a n d t h e r e i s n o c u r r e n t s c r e e n i n g v a l u e f o r t h e c o n t a m i na n t . 5 - C o n t a m i n a n t ' s R L o r m a x i m u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n e x c e e d s t h e N C W a t e r Q u a l i t y S t a n d a r d s . Ab b r e v i a t i o n s : CA S R N - C h e m i c a l A b s t r a c t S e r v i c e R e g i s t r y N u m b e r CO P C - C o n t a m i n a n t o f P o t e n t i a l C o n c e r n Co n t a m i n a n t Gr o u p Se d i m e n t CO P C Se d i m e n t Co n t a m i n a n t Ca t e g o r y Fr e s h w a t e r CO P C Fr e s h w a t e r Co n t a m i n a n t Ca t e g o r y CA S R N So i l CO P C So i l Co n t a m i n a n t Ca t e g o r y Co n t a m i n a n t Page: 1 of 1 Ta b l e 1 2 - 1 0 . T h r e a t e n e d a n d E n d a n g e r e d S p e c i e s i n G a s t o n a n d M e c k l e n b u r g C o u n t i e s , N o r t h C a r o l i n a Co m m o n N a m e S c i e n t i f i c N a m e St a t e St a t u s 1 Fe d e r a l S t a t u s 1 Co u n t y R e c o r d St a t u s 1 Fe d e r a l St a t u s (U S F W S Ra l e i g h F i e l d Of f i c e ) 2 Fe d e r a l Re c o r d St a t u s 2 Co u n t y Ve r t e b r a t e Am e r i c a n e e l A n g u i l l a r o s t r a t a - - - - - - F S C C u r r e n t M e c k l e n b u r g - - Am e r i c a n P e r e g r i n e Fa l c o n Fa l c o p e r e g r i n u s a n a t u m (s y n . F a l c o p e r e g r i n u s ) E - - C u r r e n t - - - - M e c k l e n b u r g - - At l a n t i c H i g h f i n Ca r p s u c k e r Ca r p i o d e s s p . c f . v e l i f e r S C - - H i s t o r i c a l - - - - Ga s t o n , Me c k l e n b u r g Ca t a w b a , P e e D e e , a n d C a p e F e a r r i v e r s Ba l d E a g l e H a l i a e e t u s l e u c o c e p h a l u s T B G P A C u r r e n t B G P A C u r r e n t Ga s t o n , Me c k l e n b u r g Ma t u r e f o r e s t s n e a r l a r g e b o d i e s o f w a t e r ( f o r n e s t i n g ) ; l a k e s an d s o u n d s ( f o r f o r a g i n g ) [ n e s t i n g s i t e s o n l y ] Bo g t u r t l e C l e m m y s m u h l e n b e r g i i T T ( S / A ) C u r r e n t T ( S / A ) C u r r e n t G a s t o n B o g s , w e t p a s t u r e s , w e t t h i c k e t s Ca r o l i n a D a r t e r E t h e o s t o m a c o l l i s S C F S C C u r r e n t F S C C u r r e n t M e c k l e n b u r g Ro a n o k e , T a r , N e u s e , C a p e F e a r , Y a d k i n - - P e e D e e , a n d Ca t a w b a d r a i n a g e s No r t h e r n l o n g - e a r e d b a t M y o t i s s e p t e n t r i o n a l i s - - - - - - T Pr o b a b l e / P o t en t i a l Ga s t o n , Me c k l e n b u r g -- No r t h e r n Y e l l o w B a t L a s i u r u s i n t e r m e d i u s S C - - C u r r e n t - - - - M e c k l e n b u r g Ro o s t s i n S p a n i s h m o s s a n d o t h e r t h i c k v e g e t a t i o n n e a r wa t e r , o f t e n i n l o n g l e a f p i n e h a b i t a t s Ol d f i e l d D e e r m o u s e P e r o m y s c u s p o l i o n o t u s S C - - C u r r e n t - - - - M e c k l e n b u r g S a n d y , f a l l o w f i e l d s n e a r S o u t h C a r o l i n a l i n e Pi g m y R a t t l e s n a k e S i s t r u r u s m i l i a r i u s S C - - C u r r e n t - - - - G a s t o n P i n e f l a t w o o d s , p i n e / o a k s a n d h i l l s , o t h e r p i n e / o a k f o r e s t s St a r - n o s e d M o l e - Co a s t a l P l a i n p o p u l a t i o n Co n d y l u r a c r i s t a t a p o p . 1 SC -- H i s t o r i c a l -- -- M e c k l e n b u r g Mo i s t m e a d o w s , b o g s , s w a m p s , b o t t o m l a n d s [ m o u n t a i n po p u l a t i o n n o t o f c o n c e r n ] Ti m b e r R a t t l e s n a k e C r o t a l u s h o r r i d u s S C - - C u r r e n t - - - - Ga s t o n , Me c k l e n b u r g We t l a n d f o r e s t s i n t h e C o a s t a l P l a i n ; r o c k y , u p l a n d f o r e s t s el s e w h e r e [ N H P t r a c k i n g o n l y d e n / h i b e r n a c u l a s i t e s a n d se l e c t e d i s o l a t e d p o p u l a t i o n s ] In v e r t e b r a t e Ca r o l i n a c r e e k s h e l l V i l l o s a v a u g h a n i a n a E F S C C u r r e n t F S C C u r r e n t M e c k l e n b u r g Ca p e F e a r , Y a d k i n - - P e e D e e , a n d C a t a w b a d r a i n a g e s (e n d e m i c t o N o r t h C a r o l i n a a n d a d j a c e n t S o u t h C a r o l i n a ) Ca r o l i n a H e e l s p l i t t e r L a s m i g o n a d e c o r a t a E E C u r r e n t E C u r r e n t M e c k l e n b u r g Ca t a w b a a n d P e e D e e d r a i n a g e s ( e n d e m i c t o t h i s a r e a i n No r t h C a r o l i n a a n d a d j a c e n t S o u t h C a r o l i n a ) Cr e e p e r St r o p h i t u s u n d u l a t u s T - - C u r r e n t - - - - Ga s t o n , Me c k l e n b u r g Ro a n o k e , T a r , N e u s e , C a p e F e a r , Y a d k i n - - P e e D e e , Ca t a w b a , B r o a d , a n d F r e n c h B r o a d d r a i n a g e s No t c h e d R a i n b o w Vi l l o s a c o n s t r i c t a SC - - C u r r e n t - - - - M e c k l e n b u r g Ro a n o k e , T a r , N e u s e , Y a d k i n - - P e e D e e , a n d C a t a w b a dr a i n a g e s Va s c u l a r P l a n t Al a b a m a G r a p e - f e r n S c e p t r i d i u m j e n m a n i i SC - V -- H i s t o r i c a l -- -- M e c k l e n b u r g M o i s t w o o d s Ap p a l a c h i a n G o l d e n - ba n n e r Th e r m o p s i s m o l l i s S C - V - - C u r r e n t - - - - G a s t o n D r y r i d g e s a n d o p e n w o o d l a n d s Be a r O a k Q u e r c u s i l i c i f o l i a E -- C u r r e n t -- -- G a s t o n D r y s u m m i t s a n d r o c k y w o o d s o n P i e d m o n t m o n a d n o c k s Bi g l e a f M a g n o l i a M a g n o l i a m a c r o p h y l l a T -- C u r r e n t -- -- G a s t o n R i c h d e c i d u o u s f o r e s t s Ca r o l i n a B i r d f o o t - t r e f o i l A c m i s p o n h e l l e r i SC - V FS C C u r r e n t -- -- M e c k l e n b u r g O p e n w o o d s o v e r c l a y s o i l s , r o a d s i d e s Ca r o l i n a T h i s t l e C i r s i u m c a r o l i n i a n u m E -- C u r r e n t -- -- M e c k l e n b u r g F o r e s t s a n d d i s t u r b e d a r e a s , m o s t l y o n b a s i c s o i l s Di s s e c t e d T o o t h w o r t C a r d a m i n e d i s s e c t a SC - V -- C u r r e n t -- -- M e c k l e n b u r g R i c h w o o d s , c o v e f o r e s t s , b o t t o m l a n d s Dw a r f a s t e r E u r y b i a m i r a b i l i s -- -- - - FS C Cu r r e n t M e c k l e n b u r g - - Dw a r f C h i n q u a p i n O a k Q u e r c u s p r i n o i d e s E -- H i s t o r i c a l -- -- G a s t o n D r y , r o c k y s l o p e s Dw a r f J u n i p e r Ju n i p e r u s c o m m u n i s v a r . de p r e s s a SC - V -- C u r r e n t -- -- G a s t o n H i g h e l e v a t i o n g r a n i t i c d o m e s , l o w e l e v a t i o n r o c k y s u m m i t s Dw a r f - f l o w e r e d He a r t l e a f He x a s t y l i s n a n i f l o r a T T C u r r e n t -- -- G a s t o n R i c h d e c i d u o u s f o r e s t s , b l u f f s , a n d r a v i n e s Ge o r g i a a s t e r Sy m p h y o t r i c h u m ge o r g i a n u m T C C u r r e n t C Cu r r e n t Ga s t o n , Me c k l e n b u r g Op e n w o o d s , r o a d s i d e s , a n d o t h e r r i g h t s - o f - w a y Ma g n o l i a V i n e S c h i s a n d r a g l a b r a T -- C u r r e n t -- -- G a s t o n R i c h s l o p e s a n d f l o o d p l a i n i s l a n d s Mi c h a u x ' s S u m a c R h u s m i c h a u x i i E E C u r r e n t E Cu r r e n t M e c k l e n b u r g S a n d h i l l s , s a n d y f o r e s t s , w o o d l a n d , w o o d l a n d e d g e s No r t h e r n C u p - p l a n t S i l p h i u m p e r f o l i a t u m T -- C u r r e n t -- -- M e c k l e n b u r g F l o o d p l a i n s Pi e d m o n t H o r s e b a l m C o l l i n s o n i a t u b e r o s a SC - V -- C u r r e n t -- -- M e c k l e n b u r g R i c h h a r d w o o d f o r e s t s Pr a i r i e A n e m o n e A n e m o n e c a r o l i n i a n a E -- C u r r e n t -- -- M e c k l e n b u r g C l a y e y w o o d l a n d s o v e r m a f i c r o c k s Pr a i r i e b i r d s f o o t - t r e f o i l Lo t u s u n i f o l i o l a t u s v a r . h e l l e ri -- -- - - FS C Cu r r e n t M e c k l e n b u r g - - Pu r s h ' s W i l d - p e t u n i a R u e l l i a p u r s h i a n a S C - V - - C u r r e n t - - - - G a s t o n Gl a d e s a n d w o o d l a n d s , m o s t l y o v e r m a f i c o r c a l c a r e o u s ro c k s Sc h w e i n i t z ’ s s u n f l o w e r He l i a n t h u s s c h w e i n i t z i i E E C u r r e n t E Cu r r e n t Ga s t o n , Me c k l e n b u r g Op e n w o o d s , r o a d s i d e s , a n d o t h e r r i g h t s - o f - w a y Sh o a l s s p i d e r l i l y H y m e n o c a l l i s c o r o n a r i a -- -- - - FS C Pr o b a b l e / P o t en t i a l Ga s t o n - - Sh o o t i n g - s t a r P r i m u l a m e a d i a T - - H i s t o r i c a l - - - - M e c k l e n b u r g Ma f i c c l i f f s , d r y c o n i f e r o u s w o o d l a n d s , a n d a s s o c i a t e d nu t r i e n t - r i c h a l l u v i a l f o r e s t s Sm o o t h C o n e f l o w e r E c h i n a c e a l a e v i g a t a E E C u r r e n t E Cu r r e n t M e c k l e n b u r g G l a d e s , w o o d l a n d s , a n d o p e n a r e a s o v e r m a f i c r o c k s So u t h e r n A n e m o n e A n e m o n e b e r l a n d i e r i E -- H i s t o r i c a l -- -- M e c k l e n b u r g T h i n s o i l s a r o u n d r o c k o u t c r o p s , u s u a l l y o n b a s i c s o i l Ta l l L a r k s p u r D e l p h i n i u m e x a l t a t u m E FS C H i s t o r i c a l FS C Hi s t o r i c Ga s t o n , Me c k l e n b u r g Gr a s s y b a l d s , g l a d e s , w o o d l a n d s , m o s t l y o v e r m a f i c r o c k Vi r g i n i a S p i d e r w o r t T r a d e s c a n t i a v i r g i n i a n a T -- C u r r e n t -- -- M e c k l e n b u r g R i c h w o o d s o n c i r c u m n e u t r a l s o i l s No t e s : 1 S t a t e S t a t u s , F e d e r a l S t a t u s , C o u n t y R e c o r d S t a t u s a n d H a b i t a t R e q u i r e m e n t s o b t a i n e d f r o m N o r t h C a r o l i n a D e p a r t m e n t o f E n v i r on m e n t a n d N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s , N a t u r a l H e r i t a g e P r o g r a m w e b s i t e , ht t p : / / p o r t a l . n c d e n r . o r g / w e b / n h p / d a t a b a s e - s e a r c h 2 F e d e r a l ( U S F W S R a l e i g h F i e l d O f f i c e ) S t a t u s an d F e d e r a l R e c o r d S t a t u s o b t a i n e d f r o m U . S . F i s h & W i l d l i f e S e r v i c e , E n d a n g e r e d S p e c i e s , T h r e a t e n e d S p e c i e s , F e d e r a l S p e c i e s o f C o n c e r n a n d C a n d i d a t e S p e c i e s we b s i t e , h t t p : / / w w w . f w s . g o v / r a l e i g h / s p e c i e s / c n t y l i s t / n c _ c o u n t i e s . h t m l Pr o t e c t i o n S t a t u s Sp e c i e s Ha b i t a t R e q u i r e m e n t s 1 Table 15-1. Riverbend Groundwater Development and Sampling Schedule Well ID Approximate Well Total Depth (ft. bgs) Well Screen Length (ft) Approximate Well Screen Interval (ft. bgs) Analysis Parameters AB-1D 198 5 193-198 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-1S 44 15 29-44 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-2D 156 5 151-156 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-2S 65 15 50-65 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-3BR 211 5 206-211 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-3D 178 5 173-178 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-3S 28 15 13-28 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-4D 209.5 5 198.5-203.05 Table 10 AB-4S 30 15 15-30 Table 10 AB-5D 159 5 154-159 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) 8/15/2015 1 of 9 Table 15-1. Riverbend Groundwater Development and Sampling Schedule Well ID Approximate Well Total Depth (ft. bgs) Well Screen Length (ft) Approximate Well Screen Interval (ft. bgs) Analysis Parameters AB-5S 24 15 9-24 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-5SL 57 10 47-57 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-6BRU 174 5 169-174 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-6S 65 15 50-65 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-7D 147 5 142-147 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-7I 85 15 70-85 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-7S 20 15 5-20 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AB-8D 96 5 91-96 Table 10 AB-8S 28 15 13-28 Table 10 AS-1D 176 5 171-176 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) 8/15/2015 2 of 9 Table 15-1. Riverbend Groundwater Development and Sampling Schedule Well ID Approximate Well Total Depth (ft. bgs) Well Screen Length (ft) Approximate Well Screen Interval (ft. bgs) Analysis Parameters AS-1S 96 15 81-96 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AS-2D 190 5 185-190 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AS-2S 89 15 74-89 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AS-3D 144 5 139-144 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) AS-3SA 70 10 60-70 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) BG-1D 199.2 5 194.2-199.2 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) BG-1S 45 15 30-45 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) BG-2BR 208 5 203-208 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) 8/15/2015 3 of 9 Table 15-1. Riverbend Groundwater Development and Sampling Schedule Well ID Approximate Well Total Depth (ft. bgs) Well Screen Length (ft) Approximate Well Screen Interval (ft. bgs) Analysis Parameters BG-2D 160 5 155-160 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) BG-2S 65 16 49-65 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) BG-3D 105 5 100-105 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) BG-3S 36.6 15 21.1-36.6 Table 10 C-1BRU 120 5 115-120 Table 10 C-1S 15 10 5-15 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) C-2D 138 5 133-138 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) C-2S 33 15 18-33 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-1BRU 77 5 72-77 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-1S 43 15 28-43 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-2BR 120 5 115-120 Table 10 8/15/2015 4 of 9 Table 15-1. Riverbend Groundwater Development and Sampling Schedule Well ID Approximate Well Total Depth (ft. bgs) Well Screen Length (ft) Approximate Well Screen Interval (ft. bgs) Analysis Parameters GWA-2BRU 82 5 77-82 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-2S 50 15 35-50 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-3D 47 5 42-47 Table 10 GWA-3SA 39.5 15 23-39 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-4BR 164 5 159-164 Table 10 GWA-4D 125 5 120-125 Table 10 GWA-4S 32 15 17-32 Table 10 GWA-5D 217 5 212-217 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-5S 75 15 60-75 Table 10 GWA-6D 148 5 143-148 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-6S 60 15 45-60 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-7BR 132 5 127-132 Table 10 GWA-7D 105 5 100-105 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) 8/15/2015 5 of 9 Table 15-1. Riverbend Groundwater Development and Sampling Schedule Well ID Approximate Well Total Depth (ft. bgs) Well Screen Length (ft) Approximate Well Screen Interval (ft. bgs) Analysis Parameters GWA-7S 20 15 5-20 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-8D 116 5 111-116 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-8S 23 15 8-23 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-9BR 111 5 106-111 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-9D 67 5 62-67 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-9S 15 10 5-15 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-10BRU 138.5 5 133.5-138.5 Table 10 GWA-10S 22.5 15 7.5-22.5 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-20BR 305.6 5 300.6-305.6 Table 10 GWA-20D 258 5 253-258 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) 8/15/2015 6 of 9 Table 15-1. Riverbend Groundwater Development and Sampling Schedule Well ID Approximate Well Total Depth (ft. bgs) Well Screen Length (ft) Approximate Well Screen Interval (ft. bgs) Analysis Parameters GWA-20S 53 15 37-53 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-21BR 5 Table 10 GWA-21D 279 5 274-279 Table 10 GWA-21S 72 5 57-72 Table 10 GWA-22BR-A 274 5 269-274 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-22D 203 5 198-203 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-22S 57 15 40-55 Table 10 GWA-23BR 290 5 285-290 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-23D 226 5 221-226 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) GWA-23S 50 15 33-48 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) MW-1D 62 5 57-62 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) 8/15/2015 7 of 9 Table 15-1. Riverbend Groundwater Development and Sampling Schedule Well ID Approximate Well Total Depth (ft. bgs) Well Screen Length (ft) Approximate Well Screen Interval (ft. bgs) Analysis Parameters MW-1S 15 10 5-15 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) MW-2BRU 88 5 83-88 Table 10 MW-2S 25 10 15-25 Table 10 MW-3D 34.5 5 29.5-34.5 Table 10 MW-3S 14 10 4-14 Table 10 MW-4D 60 5 55-60 Table 10 MW-4S 20 10 10-20 Table 10 MW-5D 79 5 74-79 Table 10 MW-5S 15 10 5-15 Table 10 MW-6D 74.5 5 69.5-74.5 Table 10 MW-6S 15 10 5-15 Table 10 MW-7BR 201 5 196-201 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) MW-7SR 20 43-63 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) MW-8D 166 10 156-166 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) MW-8I 118 20 98-118 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) MW-8S 55 20 35-55 Table 10 MW-9 28 5 13-28 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) 8/15/2015 8 of 9 Table 15-1. Riverbend Groundwater Development and Sampling Schedule Well ID Approximate Well Total Depth (ft. bgs) Well Screen Length (ft) Approximate Well Screen Interval (ft. bgs) Analysis Parameters MW-9BR 152 5 147-152 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) MW-9D 106 5 101-106 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) MW-10 18 15 3-18 Table 10 MW-11DR 40 5 35-40 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) MW-11SR 30 15 15-30 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) MW-13 18 15 3-18 Table 10 As (III & V) Cr (III & VI) Fe (II & III) Mn (II & IV) Se (II, IV, & VI) Radium/Uranium MW-14 18 15 3-18 Table 10 MW-15 18 15 3-18 Table 10 MW-15BR 62 5 56-61 Table 10 MW-15D 44 5 39-44 Table 10 OB-1 48 15 33-48 GW Levels Only OB-2 54 15 39-54 GW Levels Only 8/15/2015 9 of 9 Table 16-1. Recommended Parameters and Constituents PARAMETER RL UNITS METHOD FIELD PARAMETERS pH NA SU Field water quality meter Conductivity NA mmho/cm Field water quality meter Temperature NA ºC Field water quality meter Dissolved Oxygen NA mg/L Field water quality meter Oxidation Reduction Potential NA mV Field water quality meter Turbidity NA NTU Field Water Quality Meter Ferrous Iron NA mg/L Field Test Kit DETECTION MONITORING CONSTITUENTS Boron 50 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010 Calcium 0.01 mg/L EPA 200.7 Chloride 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Fluoride mg/L Sulfate 0.1 mg/L EPA 300.0 or 9056A Total Dissolved Solids 25 mg/L SM 2540C ASSESSMENT MONITORING CONSTITUENTS Antimony 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020 Arsenic 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020 Barium 5 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010 Beryllium 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Chromium μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010 Cobalt 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Iron 10 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010 Lead 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020 Manganese 5 μg/L EPA 200.7 or 6010 Total Combined Radium (226 and 228) 4 5 pCi/L EPA 903.0 Selenium 1 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020 Thallium (low level) 0.2 μg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020 Vanadium (low level) 0.3 mg/L EPA 200.8 or 6020A Table 16-2. Interim Groundwater Monitoring Plan Sample Locations Well/Boring ID Category Associated Ash Disposal Area AB-1D Downgradient AB Secondary Cell AB-1S Downgradient AB Secondary Cell AB-2D Downgradient AB Secondary Cell AB-2S Downgradient AB Secondary Cell AB-6BRU Downgradient AB Primary Cell AB-6S Downgradient AB Primary Cell AB-8D Downgradient AB Primary Cell AB-8S Downgradient AB Primary Cell BG-1D Background None BG-1S Background None BG-2BR Background None BG-2D Background None BG-2S Background None BG-3D Background None BG-3S Background None GWA-10BRU Downgradient AB Secondary Cell GWA-10S Downgradient AB Secondary Cell GWA-1BRU Downgradient AB Secondary Cell GWA-1S Downgradient AB Secondary Cell GWA-2BR Downgradient AB Primary Cell GWA-2BRU Downgradient AB Primary Cell GWA-2S Downgradient AB Primary Cell GWA-3D Downgradient Coal Pile GWA-3SA Downgradient Coal Pile GWA-7BR Downgradient AB Primary Cell GWA-7D Downgradient AB Primary Cell GWA-7S Downgradient AB Primary Cell GWA-8D Downgradient AB Secondary Cell GWA-8S Downgradient AB Secondary Cell GWA-9BR Downgradient AB Secondary Cell GWA-9D Downgradient AB Secondary Cell GWA-9S Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-10 Downgradient AB Primary Cell MW-11DR Downgradient AB intermediate dike MW-11SR Downgradient AB intermediate dike MW-13 Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-14 Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-15 Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-15BR Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-15D Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-1D Downgradient AB Primary Cell MW-1S Downgradient AB Primary Cell MW-2BRU Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-2S Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-3D Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-3S Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-4D Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-4S Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-5D Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-5S Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-6D Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-6S Downgradient AB Secondary Cell MW-7BR Background None MW-9 Downgradient Cinder Storage MW-9BR Downgradient Cinder Storage MW-9D Downgradient Cinder Storage MW-7SR Background None MW-7D Background None     )LJXUHV    / 43 . �- \\. � ��--�J1rl►I�I i1I �a maFF; Moir, \ . _.. _ � !/ / - \ \\\ ///- \\\Q��•- \ \ \\ .rig: r�: .+. , . � - ID ASH BASIN SECONDARY CELL RCp r'q/ e'9 P O• /i / / / ,•, \ \ /f \ l O All. ,) J►� l/!//� / i / /�, ram\ \` i \\ o� NO �q/r 0\t\\\/,r, , -, I �F�a` / \\ II I�I►IIIIIII\\\ '' 1 \ 1,! i i///' ///fl /r• IIII\ \\ ! /11(I �•�J / ASH BASIN Q� \ \III III I IIII II PRIMARY CELL ►, \ 1 / 1/ll Il lip/// �}11\�Ijl� r y• 1 / r tL � \ 1 /- III I I I ( � / %•/( (_oe �'//../�/'i�}���/// �l•'1 _ o \�� 1 �-' i.' 1 . \ /'i i % �ii .• , O ` - I \ II' II I III I � . / ., � / / // ,,., / •- • /: \ o Mfl /j//l(i�' _---� ��.�=-,�i� \ j J1 i I111�IC11 \ _ //,, �/�ii - \�\\ \ , // , ///' ice__ -o / / .\..-• X /i //i//ll�\\�\\� //, _ (//T--_ \o_�i �/ �. I/J IIIJI J'1. I \\ •\ I / / // / \ /�/ \ / // I \ \ , ---' IFII // \ \l /\\� \- . CINDER, I\ Jei� J�(' I I I 1 \ /( // _ \ I 1 STORAGE,.'// ..//�/�'.� \�_ - ��\�l°(Ill � _-' � ,�► III /�% / -/—------- - r _-.-- �, \�\\ \ \ \ I I \1 \ I �// /// / - \ / J -1 I I /� � -.. Ij1 (I // =` ' ` � / \ \ ►: /l / \ 1 / /s!i!i! _"- _ _ _ _ ��j /ii/� 711 r/((/(l II/ / IIe i%�_�-� I11( 1 /t` ASH II /� '.'�-.. -.• \ � ` .-_ • r -- --- �a I • .e / \ \ \ � `/l \ \\ \\ \ / l l ( > II / F // / / \\ \\ J I ! I I. I \ \ 1 / �\\\�\\\ STORAGE _. I {� //r ; � ` � , �. � ' I \\IIlll(I k((l'`_-`-__/ =; J11� /✓✓1ti`'/� _ �:� t`f \( �(`t /= \�\ I \ I } { ( �\\\�~..�\\\\ 1�.1/ ��/l P!\ /•.i II`/j// �=lll( 00%I\�\�����.4111��� ,(. ��I' _-� �x li �17 �I i/////i =� J >//11 (/ � / � // `,i /%- i (�/)1 J/ �`�• \'.) / _-_._/ /\ o� • /e/\ \ \ � (/ // �i�� \`\�o I - . I ,✓ // --- �- � - = ��� 1 ���� BEND BE � l \ •- ( / � / /1 \ \ -_; \ 1 1 \_ _ ^ \ � / / / / J � \I I it I11. - �, / // �. D. -4 — o / - RIVE BOND / / / ///e �/ I I � j'� \ AM STATION ///— \ ( I /�-//I �,�-- /l'�,; ` .11/ / �/. -; 1.t. OQ• /�' /1 \ \\\\\\IIILIIIC� `///. \ IIIII �� 1 \\/ �_- =' R f _ I( - - / -- - _ J "=1 , \\ )// / // \ \ �\ - - - f i ZA t .. I - _ ,1�. D 1, IIII _, I / �_ > ,� m/`//%r /%� i�/if ) JI JI i/lllf -// f�\(�` ,- )I/l C/� y.- J/ // Q� \► /) / � r a.Jlllb1 - �/ r (�/_� _,,,\ • ~\e ., ,. _ •- � __ I ) / /, / `, , PROPERTY 1 / _ _ / /11►'1 \ I \ \I I 1 I I / / ( c �\ \ / ( .11,-I 1c -: i _ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE' QC� ' 4111�I/(I -= .(1 1►) '' 11 :\\// II /j I\\`\\ �\,\__ f =�1I1 1 \( \1 \ \ i yr .i \ i I / 1\ / �-mr?1`i\\� L/ BASIN 1 OJ�fQ�' '. / - 1\`/%/1/' \1+\ \ \\\• I \I \ 1 \\•\ r -I �+\ DUKE ENERGY .., \\/) i\ lilt , k\. //i // y/'`J I I - \ •. •. � Ql'l 11( ^••t 1 1l1/l` d_.,� z- 1 i / I Ill 1 I _ a ` �\ \\\\ \ \\\\�\\\\ \\ \ --- // —�/ I I I \.\e �-,\ \\_>� \'r. I(/ 1 \ c �a --f // I11 •' ' •'' l 'Y� � /J)1} \ 11�-�.��--_ \\\ • 1 \11\\ .� 'L)111\\\ll (\\\ � .� ��'— -`= r�'� - - IN STREAM TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUFC \ �� \IIIII , '•-,�.1:11111 \� 1 1 -*• 1 \\ 1 �' -_ \\ �\a\ � � \01 1 / I , !'�1,� / , /� \\\\\� \�`�. ' . . MOUNTAIN 11 \ ISLAND LAKE \ \ \ o = \\ \ Mae A\ 0 S.`11 I V! NAb, LL NTION A RIVERBEND STEAM STATION FLOW SCHEMATIC MAY 14, 2014 001 Stormwater from MGD Roof Drains & Paving 0.023 Stormwater from Coal MGD Pile 0.001 0.001 0.001 Drinking Water System MGD General Plant MGD MGD City of Mt.Holly Supply Sanitary jo- Sanitary System �► Wastewater Groundwater Remediation Oil Water Separator 0.03 MGD Track Hopper Sump Groundwater 0.05 MGD Yard Drain Sump 0.025 1.0 Evaporation & 0.139 MGD MGD 1 Infiltration MGD _ 0.021 I Stormwater from Pond Areas & GD _ Turbine Room Sump Upgradient Watershed Ash Basin 0.025 0.025 MGD MGD Surface lu s Boiler Room Sump Seepage - 0.195 Intermittent 0.025 MGD Intermittent : MGD 0.139 Old End Pit Sump MGD 0.025 MGD Outfall 002 Outfall 002A Y — 0.15 <0.1 �.i <0.1 Outfall 001 MGD � MGD MGD Catawba River Intake Tunnel ID Plant Chiller System Mountain Island Lake Flows are approximated averages which have a high variability on a daily basis B r o o k s h i r e B l v d (SECONDARY CELL) (PRIMARY CELL) ASH BASIN CINDER STORAGEASH STORAGE RIVERBEND STEAM STATION HO R S E S HO E D R S T E A M P L A N T R D C O P P E R C V H E R O N C O V E D R LEE S T AUB URN CV MARIN CT TURNO U T DR B R A X T O N G A T E C T LUCI A R I V E R B E N D H W Y B ROO K R I D G E D R W I L L O W S P R I N G T R L RI V E N D E L L CT CE DAR S T LAU R E L GLE N C T JOHN S O N ST SU MM ER WIN D L N ROCKY L N C R I C K E T H O LL O W COV E POIN T E LA K E H A V E N DR ST O N E W A T E R BA Y L N H O R S E S H O E L A K E R D OAK STFOX RIDGE LN WO O D W A R D RID G E DR S OUT H CEN T U R I O N L N NIV E N S CO V E R D WATERF O R D D R V I L L A G E G L E N W A Y WO O D W I N D S D R RIVE R S I DE DR H O L D S W O R T H D R HIDDEN PINES DR HO L B E R T L N E D D I E N I C H O L S D R W I L L O W T R E E L N N C 1 6 H W Y LUMBER LN HORSESHOE BENDBEACH RD 1 NECK RD NEC K R D J O H N S ON-D A V I S RD BALLYPATLN DRAKE COVE RD J O H N S O N - D A V I S R D D U K E A C C E S S R D N E C K R D A R T H U R A U T E N R D RECEPTOR MAP DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DATE FIGURE AUGUST 2015 4-2 PA T H : G : \ P R O J E C T S \ D U K E _ E N E R G Y \ A S H _ B A S I N _ W E L L S _ R E C E P T O R S \ R I V E R B E N D \ M X D \ R B S S _ F I G _ 4 _ 2 _ 2 0 1 5 0 7 2 3 _ M C M . M X D - U S E R : M M U R C H I S - D A T E : 7 / 23 / 2 0 1 5 NOTES: 1. ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARIES AND ASH STORAGE AREA BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. PRIVATE WELLS LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 3.ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY IS FROM NC ONEMAP GIS ONLINE SERVICE. 4. THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY IS ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO THE DEFINITION FOUND IN 15A NCAC 02L.0107(a). 5. HYDROGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM USGS 7.5-MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS LAKE NORMAN SOUTH, NC AND MOUNTAIN ISLAND LAKE, NC-VA. 6. DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY WAS SUPPLIED BY DUKE ENERGY REAL ESTATE. 7. PROPERTY BOUNDARIES WERE SUPPLIED BY THE GASTON COUNTY AND MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS OFFICES. 8. INFORMATION PERTAINING TO IDENTIFIED WATER SUPPLY WELLS IS INCLUDED IN TABLE 4-1 Legend DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY 0.5 MILE OFFSET FROM ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY STREAM PROPERTY LINES REPORTED PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY WELL N 500 0 500 1,000 SCALE (FEET) NOTES: 1. ASH BASIN, ASH STORAGE AREA, AND CINDER STORAGE AREA WASTE BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM WSP (DATED APRIL 2014). 3. CMP IS ASSUMED TO BE AN ABBREVIATION FOR CORRUGATED METAL PIPE. HDPE IS ASSUMED TO BE AN ABBREVIATION FOR HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE. CPP IS ASSUMED TO BE AN ABBREVIATION FOR CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE. RCP IS ASSUMED TO BE AN ABBREVIATION FOR REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE. 4. UNDERGROUND FEATURES PROVIDED BY STANTEC AND DUKE ENERGY. 5. PIPE LOCATION AND LENGTH SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. k;t et V4 y S '� , Sr� r s k 'fr' "YF.. w, •}!�. l*: 1 ts e ' fi, ...y r .._ _ _'-'r.}o� i"•1. ;Y;t y'. ♦ �:`q'fr �;,,w � .mow � i ♦ � �r ��+'�� �i%e: . � _. i1 �.: ".fir ! d^ i ' � °" 'a• � • �„f . � ',� •. � Y, ` �� �`�� ^p� ,� > � � _ � 4� � e. : "� IA a 'jK .ti 4,� r fdF • "r•=�j`p. �r•�`'�; t.• 4T':�: `-"�'s.- .2-�' �.j'r' •',},F',Ji,aq.,• •6'.` Zii j'•�,u: kL ,� 4 `y - �• , . r !r ,� . � 7':+c 'f � -. . K' yer �aS � �. �" 'r� � � ; 4 g - �� : R. , � ' r �I �• •f,�� `� �. � , ,,p� �. {' k�� _ .ti-�' s. _ -. _' ,.r. '••i� - _.r.$ .._ -. _ ,,.:.a ��7. sir �.�.�R. :�1 ., .yP'• '�`. .+./•,''�fi.� __ . � �Y�'-�.5_,�"�+►a+_�.`„''4. ..1'iE°iL. �i_..l "dr�'��•..�.,�"5�,f u ��t �'�•°. SCALE (FEET) _ /00' 0 /00' 200' l" = 200 LEGEND: ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY 1500 FT OFFSET FROM ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY —_ PIPE SEGMENT ASH BASIN UNDERGROUND FEATURES MAP DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN DATE AUGUST 2015 FIGURE GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROD NA 43 !< !< !< !< !<!<!< !<!< !< !< !<!<!< !< !< !< !< !< !< !<!<!< !< !<!< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !<!< !<!< !< !<!< Cat a w b a R ive r F L O W F L O W FLOW FLOW AB2SAB2S NRNR AB6SAB6S 686.73'686.73' AS2SAS2S 694.09'694.09'AS3SA AS3SA 710.01'710.01' GWA23SGWA23S 705.89'705.89' MW3S MW3S 645.06'645.06' MW6S MW6S 649.73'649.73' MW7S MW7S NRNR MW7SRMW7SR 709.04'709.04' MW8I 707.16'MW8I 707.16' MW8S 709.86'MW8S 709.86' AB1S AB1S 685.73'685.73' AB3SAB3S 706.26'706.26' AB4SAB4S 705.91'705.91' AB5S AB5S 707.5'707.5' AB5SLAB5SL 706.87'706.87' AB7IAB7I 713.78'713.78'AB7SAB7S 714.42'714.42' AB8S 656.55'AB8S 656.55' AS1S AS1S 678.17'678.17' BG1SBG1S 670.96'670.96' BG2SBG2S 651.82'651.82' BG3SBG3S 644.96'644.96' C1SC1S 653.31'653.31' C2S C2S 656.39'656.39' GWA10SGWA10S 643.79'643.79'GWA1S GWA1S 661.15'661.15' GWA20S GWA20S NRNR GWA22S 712.92'GWA22S 712.92' GWA2SGWA2S 645.13'645.13' GWA3S GWA3S 646.21'646.21' GWA3SAGWA3SA 645.52'645.52' GWA4S GWA4S 674.17'674.17' GWA5SGWA5S 710.41'710.41' GWA6S GWA6S 715.45'715.45' GWA7S GWA7S 670.18'670.18' GWA8S GWA8S 671.26'671.26' GWA9S GWA9S 648.24'648.24' MW10MW10 643.74'643.74' MW11SR MW11SR 664.68'664.68' MW12MW12 NRNR MW13MW13 643.07'643.07' MW14MW14 652.62'652.62' MW15MW15 643.74'643.74' MW1SMW1S 652.58'652.58' MW2S MW2S 687.03'687.03' MW4SMW4S 648.16'648.16' MW5SMW5S 643.55'643.55' MW9MW9 647.74'647.74' OB1 OB1 707.75'707.75'OB2 OB2 675.98'675.98' S R-1912 POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE – SHALLOW WELLS (S) (7/8 - 10, 2015) DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DATE FIGURE 6-5 PA T H : S : \ P R O J E C T S \ D U K E E N E R G Y \ A S H B A S I N \ M A P _ D O C S \ R I V E R B E N D \ R E P O R T _ R I V E R B E N D _ A N S I B _ G W _ C O N T O U R _ S _ W E L L _ C O N T O U R S . M X D - U S E R : D S O U C I E - D A T E : 8 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 5 LEGEND !<ASH BASIN ASSESSMENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL !<ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL !<ASH BASIN VOLUNTARY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL GROUNDWATER CONTOUR LINE DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY STREAM AUGUST 2015 N 500 0 500 1,000 SCALE (FEET) NR - NO READING !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !<!< !< !< !< !< !<!<!< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< !< Cat a w b a R ive r F L O W FLOW FLOW FL O W AB1DAB1D 666.2'666.2' AB2DAB2D 678.41'678.41' AS1DAS1D 675.39'675.39' AB3D 700.2'AB3D 700.2' AB4DAB4D 702.91'702.91' AB5DAB5D 677.13'677.13' AB7DAB7D 713.48'713.48' AB8DAB8D 658.58'658.58' AS2D AS2D 695.47'695.47'AS3DAS3D 712.53'712.53' BG1D BG1D 674.44'674.44' BG2DBG2D 647.96'647.96' BG3DBG3D 644.85'644.85' C2DC2D 653.38'653.38' GWA20DGWA20D NRNR GWA22DGWA22D 709.29'709.29' GWA23DGWA23D 704.94'704.94' GWA3DGWA3D 645.5'645.5' GWA4DGWA4D 673.88'673.88' GWA5DGWA5D NRNR GWA6DGWA6D 714.74'714.74' GWA7D GWA7D 670.98'670.98' GWA8D GWA8D 671.08'671.08' GWA9DGWA9D 653.78'653.78' MW11DRMW11DR 664.59'664.59' MW15DMW15D 643.84'643.84' MW1DMW1D 649.95'649.95' MW2DMW2D 687.39'687.39' MW3DMW3D 652.45'652.45' MW4DMW4D 647.32'647.32' MW5DMW5D 647.66'647.66' MW6DMW6D 650.63'650.63' MW7DMW7D 714.4'714.4' MW8DMW8D 705.55'705.55' MW9DMW9D 647.93'647.93' 68 5 ' 68 5 ' 665'665' 64 5 ' 64 5 ' 6 8 5 ' 6 8 5 ' 66 5 ' 66 5 ' 685'685' 6 4 5 ' 6 4 5 ' 70 5 ' 70 5 ' 705'705' 7 0 5 ' 7 0 5 ' 705'705' 715'715' 70 5 ' 70 5 ' 665 ' 665 '64 5 ' 64 5 ' S R-1912 POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE – DEEP WELLS (D) (7/8 - 10, 2015) DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DATE FIGURE 6-6 PA T H : S : \ P R O J E C T S \ D U K E E N E R G Y \ A S H B A S I N \ M A P _ D O C S \ R I V E R B E N D \ R E P O R T _ R I V E R B E N D _ A N S I B _ G W _ C O N T O U R _ D _ W E L L _ C O N T O U R S . M X D - U S E R : D S O U C I E - D A T E : 8 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 5 LEGEND !<ASH BASIN ASSESSMENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL !<ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL !<ASH BASIN VOLUNTARY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL Groundwater Contour Line DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY STREAM AUGUST 2015 N 500 0 500 1,000 SCALE (FEET) NR - NO READING !< !< !< !< !< !< !<!<!< !<!< !< !<!< !< !< !< !< Cat a w b a R ive r F L O W GWA23BRGWA23BR 703.38'703.38' GWA7BR**GWA7BR** '' AB3BR AB3BR 583.67'583.67' AB6BRUAB6BRU 663.59'663.59' BG2BRBG2BR 693.83'693.83' C1BRUC1BRU 549.33'549.33' GWA20BR GWA20BR NRNR GWA22BRGWA22BR NRNR GWA2BRGWA2BR 645.24'645.24' GWA4BRGWA4BR NRNR GWA7BR 671.01'GWA7BR 671.01' GWA9BRGWA9BR 541.34'541.34' MW15BRMW15BR 643.95'643.95' MW7BRMW7BR 711.76'711.76' MW9BRMW9BR 648.72'648.72' GWA2BRUGWA2BRU NANA GWA1BRUGWA1BRU 662.07'662.07' GWA10BRUGWA10BRU 643.92643.92 720'720' 700'700' 680'680' 660'660' S R-1912 POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE – BEDROCK WELLS (BRU AND BR) (7/8 - 10, 2015) DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DATE FIGURE 6-7 PA T H : S : \ P R O J E C T S \ D U K E E N E R G Y \ A S H B A S I N \ M A P _ D O C S \ R I V E R B E N D \ R E P O R T _ R I V E R B E N D _ A N S I B _ G W _ C O N T O U R _ B R _ W E L L _ C O N T O U R S . M X D - U S E R : D S O U C I E - D A T E : 8 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 5 LEGEND !<ASH BASIN ASSESSMENT GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL GROUNDWATER CONTOUR LINE DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY STREAM AUGUST 2015 N 500 0 500 1,000 SCALE (FEET) NR - NO READING � I � ,: ,_ "' y 1',.: _� , I,. , � - ` .d' ]r Aar , * 5 ,.a a _. - • %, _ f t t r ;. ,11 1xr %:.. 1 n .,, t . ..�.. St.. 6, 3 -c, y > . , . • >, / - x•: P 1 - --.m F . 't'S .. I r .fit' ' ,. r S 4° S °,. D - 1 1 _ .. 1-1 r d' �_ t a . .. , - � w � &F K I - , " - , F * _ W . . 4 _ r 1, I* _� � I - �N . ,- ` . ' . . -t � i- y , + � ' �," ' 'F` 1 _ s,• " i . e � g : _ , r,..' . _ _ GWA-10D MW-3D zQ- \,T - GWA-IS S-5 MW 4S ., Q ry • ' .; Q = 4' GWA-1D s ._ _ , _ Q, MW- /TQ o1 A. 4 h;'• C .;z 4QMW-11SR :::: - .1 d �0,� IF MW-11 DR SW-1 _ . :, �''. �I MW 5D 4 M W-2S _ _ ,.s .r MW-2D AB-1S ' _ „ r - S-3 AB 1D , - - S 10 e d y J }tT ,�,j` '{r 1 w '- ASH BASIN - O S 11 �- +. BMW-6S ,�. . '' r'N4AB 2S _. ,� GWA 9S '. r- GWA-9D AB-2D GWA-9BR S -12 C I r n wm_i�w_,_ ,I -- tre _ ..,,i 1 7 1 , I- I M xR , '. - 11 ; . * " �, ' . C_ r 9 fr-}@ .y J `.♦' I.f ' `4 ` .3 � . 'sue t',W. rJ • E , ..,,.rt " 1".. r ti v r - 1 .! I •/ % a �. i �$� l .F ! '4 f. S e I- 0� ­I .1'.I I Z" ,_ .I.- .-.'1 ' '44, . f� I j. V'..LI. , �. , I I��� �- I . , ,,1� '� -1I .- �.�.� 7,1- L, . 1. .:" :,.$,,I�.� � *., j '. '�! 1 �- ,� I ," � ,. ' , .v� "-� 4 . -: ;I .- � �- �-�� ., �.I- I IJ. �I­I I � , 1 .- � 5�i• 5 nr }y Re :•t3,s.. ` r - e: i' v I. I, 1,. I.... . , , , i, k yy �,.I"J, �� I-.1I,,.?1�,4 �,:I'. , ,1,�.� 1. � _1,"I�I �I,. i!1,A"-,-�. �,, ,'",Y_ -��V, -,7.� I'.. �,�',:� �..'I. +-r�I, ,--�"i1, .4 P. y � _• , + 'V ri4 , v,. { - a,, may.. ". t '. -. " r E b Y -,- ea,.. -, _ _ Y¢ - ! a _ •r i t` - 1� F a: •q:5 € rlif , ate'. r ,, - .. _ - - . I { : F - - r . S y r±. 1 . 4 .` .' , / yti S•f• , t 4 1 �t. .� , , "'1. ,. _ a,..: "� ,. k._a. ._ - , s t�,@' y, W,' , ' , �. r 1 . a: r -: . ,. a. v €. { , ,�_ t k a y r, -, , -w-, • - , , 1P $' 4 _,. w'r , .. a-,' n+ a a y t fi... 4 " A. '1 Y • 1 a �, ,,, •, : _, t . ,f_}.. ,��3f-�.,. i. L.- ,'< f. ." ,', _ ' ' ..ram t. iv - • Pr te: 9 : n ,..a �' ` A.} - ... .i � f � [' a �., .1 " , t Rr _ r- '?, -:J' r +,. _ : a >< .:o-... -.... '€..�' c : .: .: ,. ))�' ,., .,tie r ,. 1 1 f k ° £ 46' .4 `1 t' w ... - , r .ram. t r Y r i , Y �,.; v �r . �, r s r` c Y' t T - -,.'k. ,6 env r+l _' jp'{T; �`. b"TM''-. r t 1,}'Q, ��°. .'1' 'k:' 'i �I 1 �S .b'n'. ,+ r7, �; , • - - _ q Yyi# W4r r[ a t' O, t e u a r ,r.: Pe,�,r' %3*` ep ,�1+'' y+"F: d* ;lcty sz j•, ,rs,'',r i s f. d r • a,-.. s '.ir S` -yS� i� ..jam r.,.h a'a.9• ' i.;, 'y ' b ,� s•' '� n, r 4._:: ._:.,'� - -:> w �y �F ,� '� � y ,yam _. / Jt 1'. "i•_q Idx.� r'%-,. „ .-:3._i!1%,�"� �, 4" .L . t ,r. �. � 1, i R ,. .3: Y-. , % r , fV` 5 , � - I. `4 . . I '' ,- 1 � I -,21. 1 . " ,' I � Y"I-I - � . I � a . T �y , . 4 ', a r 61' :*, . .1 ' ; . � . . h- , � ,' , 1 1 c i t a } , . - _ :, K s- •a F� ,, r, , �I ", r.-tA r , •• 1 • , " - a,. f-. `t f :.. • .,,: • c - _ : - - !r .,. 3" ys... a. - 4 - = .ti . , } -6 } . Kyn - 11 - 4 q ' asP'' ^ •,`'0' .t r b d j Jr '.r'�411k,G4�C" .. 3°."{ •,r f",4.. G?•t ,ij:0j J w �. h S �f �,�' , .. `7^ai - _ :r - _ .. `.'- {C t41' 10A a :7 . -t, , } - .'%.er '�F'yw �, }•+:a'-r. _ .� i,'� 'fi' j+'.r i•',., ..t'F @ S a:,,:, r� (@ t `_ i,r , t. �. ,: .� c. • ,� ,jCI -�. ,I� 1 1,.e.1 /; " 1. 1 I . /�,1I.I I %.- ;I, 10I;,,01�. �' I , ,,. .I ,,'f.--4, I, .�; � -: , *I,./��-.I I I .�.,.,1- , _ I/ !-'. ,r�-� ', 1I,,,, �, ,. : / .- I� 1. I,I� . ��11"IfLI /-' k1.I 1I (-"-�o I,fI,��4 I; , ,� - V..'- � ,4. . .. ,-I ,- t.I i3.�I­ . ., .4 ��, 1,- - , i, t, �, L )4G'I I GLI 101� ,l:IW - , . "%- ;.,', , cI LI w a � _ r I� • • °r d• " 4 } 1 r�c 1 � '` •:4 .., c �y' n , .... -._ �... - -- ,.... y� V P y y :k +i 4 . 9 , k t r r+11 _r ` %r , ; 1 • ! R• �"'• •` ". ,Sa` !�` k ' ,,'', '+ ;'f a ti''• �' a. < F,6 r, r'�' R i --� , T T , J ,: / MS .: ; • a ,9 » 4 i1 ps �r "°°fit'_:' 'S '> ,.,, -'". 1 , _ • 1 • , p�'� }•' ,.#v , _ •. . `�'.'Fq..n .xa,.fi �`-r .�. y .:a -_ .... 1 _� "�q�_-• L: _e �- .pt'. <t _ F .I: 1" 'G ... - , -'t,.Y ,F. -_. .. ,. v _-.�.:__.:- .t., t ':. tr•'... - ♦d' p'a yX ,� -y^ F',d • i 1, - r _ - .. t .° - - *.: , F,. ; , • , _ -� i r r r' vv' '> �'.r - _ _, . ', 1 s 8 ,. 4 _ Y yy_ - _ • A r .- -..9 . Y , 1 r' ,�,'. A• a P [ 1 1 , d `Lti T' F,. 4 , , la xC _ - - '^ ." _ n y {; R.. y J F:. i Y - ,:..•. X Jf , a �{,3�t' . i t 4 �` 3 ,p�� is , .r � `1• _ sal. Z t- '. : r t yr _ -X. -.,:• • .<. 'k' r _ ..I 4 '1� :, 1� r , - x t Y 1�' '.y }�,• Y < r ..T .: q , 4.. a .,.. W. w { .. @ a - i F ii'1� d � .ai ,- �t. Ik' .. , .- _ •. _ era .. _. _ r .. a- �Y' ri / a x' _ - a { �I 1+, - ' n LE i' r!� Rs /J 1 r' �¢ r. i r 7r r 1 4 u J r e'c . ,µ. e _ y #, '. r.`'y,. r' ,...a ,.L, ,.. t' YF 1, #' a I I 1 11, ll B n G , , _- 1 . .1 I , --i 1 , ,, - � I- L 1 �' * - , {I`J •�.a.a. ky, ,i R - t " �g F F IA a t . Xk: s ?&�` h n r f,. F Y 1 ,. +�. , . , k, -+tau s-zdw.1 _r__1`J_ _C­_-ri., _ r..•r.t�: _ 1 :1 _ _ t -,..tea.—,` • - -r �1yq If 'I fy ° `, . 1, .F, fir_" ,"w r ".Y, ` y _� �, NOTES: 1. PARCEL DATA FOR THE SITE WAS OBTAINED FROM DUKE ENERGY REAL ESTATEAND ISAPPROXIMATE. 2. ASH STORAGE BOUNDARY AND CINDER STORAGE BOUNDARY ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. AS -BUILT MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY. 4. SHALLOW MONITORING WELLS (S) - WELL SCREEN INSTALLED ACROSS THESURFICIAL WATER TABLE. 5. SHALLOW LOWER MONITORING WELLS (SL) - BOTTOM OF WELL SCREEN SETATTHEASH-REGOLITH INTERFACE. 6. INTERMEDIATE MONITORING WELLS (I) - WELL SCREEN INSTALLEDIN REGOLITH BELOW WATERTABLEAND BELOWASH INASH BASIN. 7. DEEP MONITORING WELLS (D) - WELL SCREEN INSTALLED IN THE TRANSITION ZONE BETWEEN COMPETENT BEDROCK AND THE REGOLITH. S. BEDROCK UPPER MONITORING WELLS (BRU) - WELL SCREEN INSTALLED IN COMPETENT BEDROCK IN THE FIRST15 FEETWHERE NOTRANSITION ZONE EXISTS. 9. BEDROCK MONITORING WELL (BR) - WELL SCREEN INSTALLED IN ROCK FRACTURE ZONE WITHIN COMPETENT BEDROCK. 10. TOPOGRAPHY DATA FOR THE SITE WAS OBTAINED FROM NC DOT GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) WEB SITE. 11.ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM WSP(DATEDAPRIL2014). 12. THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY IS ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO THE DEFINITION FOUND IN 15A NCACO2L.0107 (a). 13. SEEP SAMPLING LOCATIONS WERE OBTAINED BY HDR USING A TRIMBLE HANDHELDGPS UNIT ONAPRIL29,2014. 14. HYDROGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM USGS 7.5-MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS MOUNTAIN ISLAND LAKE, NC. * INDICATES SEEP SAMPLING LOCATIONS WERE NOT RECORDED WITH GPS UNIT AND ARE APPROXIMATE. SCALE (FEET) 150, 0 150, 300, /" = 300' ►N * a,. T' :_' 1 , ,. *; t rJ {� tr -`' s : ,sI-,� u , t; --. �... r .a % ; ,� *t . 'I " - ,. . l 1 . I 1 , � � � L 1 , 1 - , l e � _j ; j ­ � LEGEND: a DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCEBOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT WITH DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY ASH OR CINDER STORAGE AREA BOUNDARY STREAM TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR (4 FOOT) EXISTING ASH BASIN VOLUNTARY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL EXISTING ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION OBSERVATION WELL LOCATION SEEP SAMPLE LOCATION SURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATION MONITORING WELL AND SAMPLE LOCATIONS DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN CASTO N COUNTY, NORTH CAR 0 D NA DATE AUGUST 2015 FIGURE 108 100 10 9 R7 A 8.8 6.25 � 4.39 A 5.65 3.02 4.65 3.19 2,76 2.84 1.8 14 2L Standard: 10 ug/I 1.34 1.28 µg/l. 10 - 1 NTU 0. 81 0.8v 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 s 5 5 5 5 5 1 0 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tChromium ■ Chromium, diss (ug/1)—dr-Turbidity, field (NTU) MW-7SR DATE Chromium and Turbidity DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC AUGUST 2015 RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA 10000 1000 1710 1420 921 1000 182 634 509 100 310 2L Standard: 3GO µgJL 295 301 252 84.1 291 235 220 147 29.7 µg/L100 NTU vNV 79 21.7 72 \/ 8.19 \10.7 ® 7.73 10 ■ 10 6,92 6.95 _. 5.08 432 4.28 5.51 5.23 3.19 1 1 — Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-1.4 Feb-15 Jun-15 Oct-10 +Iron, total (ug/1) ■ Iron, dins (ug/1) —A—Turbidity, field (NTU) VW-10 DATE Iron and Turbidity AUGUST2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 100 10 486 2L Standard: 300 µg/L 138 109 87 63 67 39 62 46 38 ■ 33 30 33 28 20 ■ 14 5.07 5.44 6.13 • 3.44 2.72 / 3.53 2.41 3.34 2.48 2.05 2 2.35 .55 1.37 1 Oct-10 100 10 NTU 1 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 +Iron, total (ug/1) IN Iron, diss (ug/1) —Turbidity, field (NTU) M W-11 SR DATE Iron and Turbidity AUGUST2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA µg/L 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 Oct-10 37700 30300 23000 24100 24100 19000 20600 19300 20900 16900 18300 19200 21100 /32500 21000 13500 7690 18.8 9.32 18.3 13.7 2L Standard: 300 µ lL 7.67 7.78 y 6.4 4.67 \ / 3.75' \ .3..'6'. 3.14v 3-15 2.4 2.44 100 10 NTU 1 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tlron, total (ug/I) ■ Iron, diss (ug/I) --*—Turbidity, field.(NTU) M W-13 DATE F)""Z Iron and Turbidity AUGUST2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 100 686 935 660 421 1 371 374 369 472 280 206 /,n 175 98 100 25.6 2LStandard:300µ lL 58 Y 14.4 A 12.9 µg/L 8.64 - 10 NTU 8.21 13 6.09 6.52 5.48 10 4.89 5.08 4.31 3.92 3.24 2.04 1.85 1 11 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tlron, total (ug/1) ■ Iron, diss (ug/1) —A—Turbidity, field (NTU) M W-14 DATE Iron and Turbidity AUGUST2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 100 465 399 274 4 227 168 230 160 198 2L Standard: 300 paS/L 100 44 1 75 58 74 v v 72 55 40 13.2 45 µg/L 10.8 10.9 10 NTU 7.99 6.02 10 3:83 4.16 3.35 V2.15 2.59 273' 2.48 1:7T 1.5 1 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-7.5 Jun-15 tlron, total (ug/I) ■ Iron, diss (ug/1) --*—Turbidity, field (NTU) M W-15 Dare Iron and Turbidity AUGUST2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA me 1000 100 10 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 —III—Iron, total (ug/1) ■ Iron, diss (ug/1) —*-Turbidity, field.(NTU) 10 1 NTU 0 M W-7SR DATE F)""Z Iron and Turbidity AUGUST2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10000 1000 4160 2050 1680 1330 1480 1320 2410 954 1720 1000 217 1120 1 _ 949 110 777 93.7 & 100 100 76 44 2L Stand�r41: 3 µg/L 72.4 6€ \32.6 µg/L 100 71 36 NTU ■ 25 27.4 24.7 ■ 16 30 10 1 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 00-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tlron, total (ug/1) ■ Iron, diss (ug/1) —Turbidity, field (NTU) M W-8D DATE Iron and Turbidity AUGUST2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10000 100 2460 2510 2100 38.7 37.2 51.6 32.2 32.2 43.2 1000 812 1410 643::2 618 629 593 618 942 976 497 787 853 2LStandard:300µWL 23 20.8 "n) 436 19.8 17.7 18.2 14.1 10.8 100 10 µg/L NTU 9.87 44 ■ ■ 10 1 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tlron, total (ug/1) ■ Iron, diss (ug/1) —*—Turbidity, field.(NTU) M W-81 UATE F)""Z Iron and Turbidity AUGUST2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10000 1000 2440 1870 1950 1620 1110 1130 A A 1000 10fi0 569 139 100 464 2L Standard: 300 µg/L 263 381 209 49.7 341 272 37 220 A µg/L 100 A 140 NTU 21.2 29.5 18.6 14.3 14.4 19 12.6 ■ 10 13 10.3 ■ 10 4.79 4.28 5.82 5.07 3.56 1 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tlron, total (ug/1) ■ Iron, diss (ug/1) —Turbidity, field (NTU) M W-9 UATE F)""Z Iron and Turbidity AUGUST2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 1000 I 355 242 198 A 232 133 182 124 100 132 100 67 68 84.1 z Z Zac 72 dard: 50 µg/LNTU 37 48 29.7 36 µg/L 33 21.7 19 ■ 15 10 10 10.7 8.19 --- �7.�73 6.95 5.08 4.32 4.28 5.81 16 5.23 3.19 1 — 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feh-15 Jun-15 +Manganese, tot (ug/1) ■ Manganese, diss (ug/1) —Turbidity, field (NTU) MW-10 DATE Manganese and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 100 384 100 59 2L Standard: 50 µg/L NTU µg/L 10 4 11 2 30 17 14 12 5.44 16 1 13 12 10 10 12 8 $, 5.07 9 7 3.44 2.72 / 3,53 3.34 \ 2.41 2.48 —� T 2.05 2.35 2.55 1.37 3 1 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 Oct-10 +Manganese, tot (ug/1) ■ Manganese, diss (ug/1) (Turbidity, field (NTU) MW-11 SR DATE Manganese and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 100000 100 11200 10300 10000 10100 10500 10000 9330 10000 10500 1111 R070 g.. 8760 10400 10300 10300 10300 10100 1000 18'8 18.3 13.7 NTU µg/L 10 7.67 7.78 `A 9.32 100 6.4 4.67 5.26 2L Standard: 50 µg/L /75 3.26 3.14 3.15 2.4 2.44 10 1 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tManganese, tot (ug/I) ■ Manganese, diss (ug/I) —,Turbidity, field (NTU) M W-13 Dare Manganese and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 100 353 270 193 185 205 1 126 32 100 4 25.6 81 63 90 55 12.9 56 14.4 NTU 43 NP./L 2L Standard: 50 4/1-4/1-10 \, I64� 8.21 8.fi52 20 4A9 &08 6.09 10 5.48 3.92 4.31 3.24 5 5 2.04 :LON 1 1 — Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-:14 Feb-15 Jun-15 Oct-10 tManganese, tot (ug/1) ■ Manganese, diss (ug/1) —Turbidity, field (NTU) M W-14 Dare Manganese and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 100 100 86 58 52 53 21. Standard: 50 µg/L 50 45 .46 49 47 45 37 - 41 13.2 NTU 10 10 µg/L 10.8 10.9 7.99 6.02 4.16 3,35 V..3 2.48 2.59 2.73 1.77 2.15 1.5 1 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tManganese, tot (ug/1) ■ Manganese, diss (ug/1) —Turbidity, field (NTU) MW-15 DATE Manganese and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 8.8 10 9.17 6.25 413 5.66 4.39 4.65 256 304 I\V\ 3.19 167 113 2.84 3.02 2.76 122 100 67 68 1.34 1 8 54 43 38 40 \V/31 33 NTU 1.28 49 ` 41 1 2L Standard: 50 µg/L 0.8 0.81 10 1 0 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tManganese, tot (ug/1) ■ Manganese, diss (ug/1) —Turbidity, field (NTU) MW-7SR DATE Manganese and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 1000 743 671 535 452 622 174 143 217 82 110 118 86 933 100 100 72.4 100 76 44 74 60 21-standard: 50 Ng/L 34 31 i R/L 41.4 NTU 36 35 274 32.6 25 ■ 24.7 16 12 Is 1* 10 10 ■ 5 1 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14' Feb-15 Jun-15 tManganese, tot (ug/I) ■ Manganese, dins (ug/1) —Turbidity, field (NTU) M W-8D DATE Manganese and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 100 1000 51.6 290 43.2 168 38.7 37.2 32.2 32.2 93 20.8 100 17.7 18.2 23 20.4 52 19.8 2L Standard: 50 µg/L 39 10.8 38 --7 32 14.1 9.97 43 23 47 30 NTU µg/L 10 24 15 10 5 5 1 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 --#—Manganese, tot (ug/1) ■ Manganese, diss (ug/I) —*—Turbidity, field (NTU) MW-81 DATE Manganese and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 1000 282' 347 4 139 100 87 100 68 62 49 2L Standard: 50 µg/L 49.7 A µg/L 25 25 37 - NTU 29.5 20 19 21.2 A 18.6 14.3 14.4 10 10 12.6 10 10.3 7 7 5 ■ 5.82 5 5.07 5 4.79 4.21 3.56 1 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 —*—Manganese, tot (ug/I) ■ Manganese, diss (ug/I) —*--Turbidity, field (NTU) M W-9 UATE Manganese and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10 SU Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-1-5 May-15 pH (field) —i—Turbidity, field M W-10 Dare pH and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 100 NTU 10 1 10 10 3.4 2L Standard: 6.5 - 8.5SU 2.6 2.24 2.24 1.94 1.77 1.66 1.55 5.83 5 87 5.63 5.67 5.66 5.75 5.67 5.64 5.76 5.65 5.55 5.71 5.73 5.68 0.94 1.24 0.94 1 NTU SU y 0.68 x 0.64 0.18 x 0 0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 +pH (field) —Turbidity, field M W-11 DR DATE pH and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10 8 6 4 2 0 Sep-10 r _ate jS;l;I 5.72 5.78 5.72 5.67 5.77 5.68 5.73 5.68 5.62 21-Standard: 6.5 - 8.55U 1,13 3.44 3.53 Y 5 5.07 .44 3.34 2.72 2.35 2.41 2.15 2.48 2.05 1.37 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 +pH (field) —Turbidity, field MW-11SR pH and Turbidity DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 DATE AUGUST2015 FIGURE Figure 10- 100 10 NTU 1 10 8 6 SU 4 2 6.27 6.35 18.8 18.3 6.22 6.29 6.18 6.28 6.13 5.99 5.97 5.8 5.86 6.17 6.13 5.97 13.7 2L Standard: 6.5 - 8.5SU 9.32 7 67 7.78 6.4 At 5.26 4.67 .75 3.26 3.14 i3aSe 2.44 0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 +pH (field) —Turbidity, field MW-13 pH and Turbidity DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 DATE AUGUST2015 FIGURE Figure 10- 100 10 NTU 1 10 8 6 SU 4 2 13.2 5.21 2L Standard: 6.5 - §. 5.16 5.19 5.07 5.2 5.1 5.19 5.11 5.06 5.05 5.07 5.1 5.29 10.8 10.9 7.99 6.02 3.83 4.16 3.35 2.73 2.48 2.59 2.15 1.77 1.5 0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 tpH (field) —*--Turbidity, field MW-15 pH and Turbidity DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 DATE AUGUST2015 FIGURE Figure 10- 100 10 NTU 1 10 8 6 SU 4 2 8.82 A 6.5 s� 4.73 3.25 3.04 3 2.05 2LStandard &5-8.55U 5.79 5.8 5.68 5.68 5.61 5.56 1.48 5.51 5.5 5.69 5.62 5.48 5.61 5.56 5,79 1.2 0.79 A 0.89 0.59 0.42 0.44 0.29 0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 +pH (field) —*—Turbidity, field M W-7D pH and Turbidity DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 DATE AUGUST2015 FIGURE Figure 10- 10 1 NTU 0 10 8 6 5U 4 2 9.17 8.8 5.66 z z 4.65 4.39 2.76 3.02 A,--/ Y 3.19 2.84 1.8 2L Standard: 6.5-8.5SU 1.281.34 5.48 5.33 5.34 5.37 5 29 5.13 5.19 4.96 5.06 5.05 5.1 5,05 5.24 5.12 0.8 0.81 0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 tpH (field) —*—Turbidity, field MW-7SR pH and Turbidity DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 DATE AUGUST 2015 FIGURE Figure 10- 10 1 NTU 0 Su 10 8 6 4 2 217 7 6.84 6.81 110 6.8 6.77 100 93.7 7.08 6.27 6.31 6.34 6.34 6.34 76 6.49 6.41 6.38 6.34 72.4 60 44 41.4 36 32.6 27.4 25 24.7 16 2L Standard: 6.5 - 8.5SU 0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 --*--pH (field) —*--Turbidity, field M W-8D pH and Turbidity DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 DATE AUGUST2015 FIGURE Figure 10- 1000 100 NTU 10 1 10 8 6 Su 4 2 51,.6 43.2 37.2 38.7 ,1 32.2 23 20.4 19.8 20.8 6.82 17.7 18.2 6.4 6.33 6.4. 6.4 6.38 14.1 �6��O9�,&,0 6 6.03 5.98 6.02 6.01 5.97 5.65 9 87 10.8 21-Standard: 6.5 - 8.5SU 0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 --*--pH (field) (Turbidity, field M W-81 pH and Turbidity DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 DATE AUGUST2015 FIGURE Figue 10- 100 10 NTU 1 10 SU 8 6 4 2 18 16 13.2 10.7 9.98 iLst d:6.5-assu 4.8 478 4.82 5.33 5.22 5.22 T 4.94 7 89 5.08 5.07 4.92 4.83 4.75 4.71 9.46 4.34 7.65 7.07 7.42 6.76 6.12 4.18 2.77 2.72 Y y 0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 --*--pH (field) (Turbidity, field M W-8S pH and Turbidity DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 DATE AUGUST2015 FIGURE Figure 10- 100 10 NTU 1 10 1000 8 2L Standard: 6.5 - 8.5SU 100 6.1 5.95 6 6..4 6.4 5.99 6.29 6. 6.23 6.03 6.01 5.97 6.05 37 5.82 Su A NTU 18.6` 4 12.6 14.3 14.4 10 10.3 2 5.82 - "=�— 3.56 -f-----w-' 4.795.07 4.28 0 1 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 tpH(field) —*--Turbidity, field M W-9 UATE pH and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10 µg/L 1 0 8.82 6.5 4.73 3 3.04 3.25 1.48 2.05 1.2 1 1 1 1 1 1.04 1 2LStandard: lµg/L 1 1 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 0v .89 0.74 0.59 0.44 0.42 0.29 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-1.5 Jun-15 tAntimony, tot (ug/1) ■ Antimony, dins (ug/1)—d—Turbidity, field (NTU) MW-7D DATE Antimony and Turbidity AUGUST 2015 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE Figure 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 10 1 NTU 1 0 1 100 2L Standard: 10 ug/I 10 pg/L 1 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 —h—MW-7D(BG) tMW-8D --*- MW-81 --IFMW-11DR MW-7D vs Deep Wells DATE ChroER Duke Cum inns AUGUST2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 100 14 10 µg/L 2L Standard10 ug/I 1 Sep-10 .Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 —BMW-7SR(BG) tMW-10 tMW-11SR CIE—MW-13 MW-14 MW-15 BMW-8S MW-9 MW-7SR vs Shallow Wells DATE Chromium (tot) AUGUST 2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE to - Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 10000 1000 - 2L Standard: 300 pWL 100 µg/L ■ ■ 20 ■ ■ 10 ® ® ® ® ® ■ ® i 10. ® 1 ■ 1 Sep-30 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 —BMW-7D (BG) tMW-8D BMW-81 --IFMW-11DR MW-7D vs Deep Wells DATE Iron (tot) AUGUST 2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 100000 10000 1000 A Standard: 300 µg/L 100 10 1 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 ->jr-MW-7SR(BG) BMW -SS tMW-9—*—MW-10 BMW-115R MW-13 BMW-14 —MW-15 MW-7SR vs Shallow Wells DATE KR Iron (tot) AUGUST 2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 . 100 ■ 2L Standard: 50 µg/L ■ µg/L ■ ■ 10 ® ® ® ® 5 1 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 tMW-7D(BG) tMW-8D BMW-81 --M-MW-11DR MW-71D vs Deep Wells DATE EReli(tot, AUGUST2015 DukeCaro Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 100000 - 10000 - 0 EA00 1000 µ6/L - 7 I 353 9 . . . . ■ . 185 . . 132 100 or 6 00,■ 2L Standard: 50 µg/L 43 8.4 ® 32 ■ ® 18 4 10 ■ . . 4 1 , Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 t MW-11SR fMW-7SR(BG) —0I t MW-9 --IFMW-10 MW-13 MW-14 MW-15 MW-7SSR vs Deep Wells DATE ERManganese (tot) AUGUST 2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 9 9 21-Standard: 6.5 - 8.5 SU 8 8 7 7 SU 6 6 5 5 4 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 —vk—MW-7D(BG) tMW-8D tMW-81 --)rMW-11DR MW-7D vs Deep Wells DATE pH, field AUGUST2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 9 � - 8 2L Standard: 6.5 - 8.5 SU 7 6.95 6.86 6.79 6.8 6.81 6.71 6.73 6.79 6.85 5.74 6.73 6.76 6.63 6.64 6.64 6 5 SU 4 3 - 2 1 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 —rir--MW-75R(BG) +MW-8S tMW-9 --)IFMW-10 BMW-11SR +MW-13 BMW-14 —MW-15 MW-7SR vs Shallow Wells DATE F)""Z pH, field Duke Carolinas, LLC AUGUST 2015 Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 10 i 1 pg/L 0 • ! ■ i i ■ ■ f ■ i ■ ! ■ � 2L Standard: 1 ug/I Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 —BMW-7D (BG) +MW-8D +MW-81 --I—MW-11DR MW-7D vs DeepWells DATE KP Antimony (tot) AUGUST 2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 10 M/L 2L Standard: 1 ug/I 0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 --A—MW-7SR(BG) BMW-10 tMW-11SR-If—MW-13 —MW-14 MW-15 BMW-8S —MW-9 MW-7SR vs Shallow Wells DATE ERAntimony (tot) AUGUST 2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 10 2L Standard: lug/I ug/I 1 IN M 0 M IN 0 0 01 0 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 MW-10 tMW-11DR —BMW-115R —04—MW-13 MW-14 MW-15 MW-8D MW-81 MW-8S tMW-9 Stacked Time Series Plots - Compliance Wells DATE Antimony AUGUST 2015 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE Figure 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 100,000 10,000 1,000 ug/1 300 2L Standard: 100 ON IL 10 1 Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tMW-10 t—MW-11DR MW-11SR —0—MW-13—0—MW-14 MW-15 MW-80 MW-8I MW-8S tMW-9 Stacked Time Series Plots - Compliance Wells DATE Iron AUGUST 2015 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE Figure 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 100,000 10,000 1,000 ug/I 1-7 100 2L Standard: g/I 10 eor Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tMW-10—FMW-I1DR fMW-11SR --(—MW-13—w—MW-14 BMW-15 +MW-8D —MW-81 —MW-85 tMW-9 Stacked Time Series Plots - Compliance Wells DATE Manganese AUGUST 2015 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE Figure10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA ug/1 10 1 Oct-10 2L Standard: 10 ug/1 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tMW-10 tMW-11DR—1rMW-11SR-I—MW-13 —OK—MW-14 — MW-15 MW-8D —MW-81 —MW-SS +MW-9 Stacked Time Series Plots - Compliance Wells DATE Chromium AUGUST 2015 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE Figure 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 9 8 7 2L Standard: 6.5 - 8.5 SU 6 5 SUI 4 3 2 1 0 -, Oct-10 Feb-11 Jun-11 Oct-11 Feb-12 Jun-12 Oct-12 Feb-13 Jun-13 Oct-13 Feb-14 Jun-14 Oct-14 Feb-15 Jun-15 tMW-10 -41-MW-11DR fMW-11SR -0-BMW-13 --IFMW-14 tMW-15 +MW-8D —MW-81 —MW-85 tMW-9 —Seriesl—Series2 Stacked Time Series Plots - Compliance Wells DATE PH AUGUST 2015 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE Figure10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 Ratios > 1 signify concentration greater than concentration in background well. 44 100 072 109.032 ® ® 97;. -- 7.719 70.5 ® ® 43.190 8.722 36.923 ® 43;6 4.051 19.520 17.281 2.343 10 21LStandard: 300 Ng/L O ';� 6.561 7.290 0 4. 32 .976 221 3. 1 /2.575 2.3941.96 2.903 342.141 005 1.4 ■■ ■ ■ .584 c a 1 .872 :gap 76BB 0.90 0.733 .658 0.661 v S 542 0 - .424 .443 452 .354 0.3 67 0.317 0.287 .249 0.258 .204 197 0.147 3 - 0.127 0,109 0 7.046 0.076 0.052 - 0 0.030 0 Sep-30 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 -BMW-81/MW-7D +MW-11DR/MW-7D +MW-10/MW-7SR-IFMW-11SR/MW-7SR tMW-13/MW-7SR --MW-14/MW-7SR -MW-15/MW-7SR-MW-8S/MW-7SR tMW-9/MW-7SR Correlation Plot - Compliance Wells vs. Background DATE FY� Iron (tot) AUGUST 2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 1000 Ratios > 1 signify concentration greater than concentration in background well. 5.8065 265.78195 000 3.2500 153.7313 162.2222 118.6765 100 All 91.1504 84.4262 9.8802 42 34.2105 33. c 10 8.6 u o ® 78 5.6061 7.6 6 `m A,6.3.4 ® 581 3.1239 6 32 - 00 3.10 c ® 2.4444 u 2.1257 1. 59 _ 1.18 T1251 1.15 1842 12 .250 .7 it 1.2593 1 0.9298 852 .7734 0.7611 0.686 0.6852 0. 60 0.5526 .48 0.4750 _ 0.4186 2985 .31 0.3226 JWM 7 8.�368 .2124 . 8 6 .1332 0.1414 0.1393 0.1481 0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 .Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 -9jr-MW-81/MW-7D BMW-11DR/MW-7D tMW-8S/MW-7SR --)I(-MW-9/MW-7SR tMW-10/MW-7SR MW-11SR/MW-7SR BMW-13/MW-7SR -MW-14/MW-7SR -4-MW-15/MW-7SR Correlation Plot - Compliance Well vs. Background DATE Manganese (tot) AUGUST 2015 Duke Carolinas,, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 10 Ratios > 1 signify concentration greater than concentration in background well. 0 c 0 a c m c 1 v c m c 0 V 0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 —rhr-MW-81/MW-7D tMW-11DR/MW-7D tMW-10/MW-7SR—W—MW-11SR/MW-7SR tMW-13/MW-7SR +MW-14/MW-7SR—MW-15/MW_7SR—MW-8S/MW-7SR—*—MW-9/MW-7SR Correlation Plot - Compliance Well vs. Background DATE Ch Duke Cum inns AUGUST2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 1.6 Ratios > 1 signify concentration greater than concentration in background well. 2L Standard: 6.5 - 8.5 SU 1.4 1.2 _ 1.0 0 z c 0 0.8 m 0 0 c 0.6 m c 0 u 0.4 0.2 0.0 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 —dr-MW-81/MW-7D tMW-11DR/MW-7D tMW-10/MW-7SR—W—MW-11SR/MW-7SR tMW-14/MW-7SR—0—MW-15/MW-7SR BMW-8S/MW-7SR—MW-9/MW7SR Correlation Plot - Compliance Well vs. Background DATE ER(fipH eld) Dukear AUGUST2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 0 10 Ratios > 1 signify concentration greater than concentration in background well. 0 1 1 Sep-10 Jan-11 May-11 Sep-11 Jan-12 May-12 Sep-12 Jan-13 May-13 —91r-MW-81/MW-7D tMW-11DR/MW-7D +MW-10/MW-7SR —I--MW-11SR/MW-7SR tMW-13/MW-7SR Sep-13 Jan-14 May-14 Sep-14 Jan-15 May-15 MW-14/MW-7SR MW-15/MW-7SR—MW-8S/MW-7SR tMW-9/MW-7SR Correlation Plot - Compliance Well vs. Background DATE KR Antimony (tot) AUGUST 2015 Duke Carolinas, LLC Riverbend Steam Station Ash Basin FIGURE 10- Gaston County, NORTH CAROLINA 0 �o �o Jy 0' AB �o oc' � 2 oao Vo Gr \ / TO 0 Calcium CATIONS �00 Ash Basin Porewater • Ash Basin Water 00 Background Monitoring Wells 0a 4 3k 00 W 90 �G � 3 ,Bas b� ryo F. o �o bo 0 00 00 0 0 Chloride+Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 ANIONS NOTE: Nitrate plus Nitrite was reported by the laboratory and is used here. Equivalent weight of 54 used (average of nitrate and nitrite). DATE PIPER DIAGRAM -ASH BASIN POREWATER, WATER, AND AUGUST 2015 FY� BACKGROUND MONITORING WELLS DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC FIGURE RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN 10- GASTON COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA �00 �o Q� SW �Ory 00 AB-5S O� Z SW-3 S-9 oar 'VO Ur a 0 �O 00 00 10 a0 0 O Calcium CATIONS Ash Basin Porewater Ash Basin Water Co ,s od Seeps 4 3k SW-2 co0 y S 5 sG AB-7S 3 b0 10 F. n O �O a0 00 00 00 n Chloride+Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 ANIONS NOTE: Nitrate plus Nitrite was reported by the laboratory and is used here. Equivalent weight of 54 used (average of nitrate and nitrite) DATE PIPER DIAGRAM -ASH BASIN POREWATER, WATER, AND AUGUST 2015 FY� SEEPS DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC FIGURE RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA moo Ash Basin Porewater GWA-3SA `m GWA-3D Downgradient "S" Wells oo Downgradient "D" Wells �O C-15 odd q GWA-10S Downgradient "BR" Wells �O Q MWAD 43 pR AMS x Z 6'0 AB-5S 00 W AB-8D kQ �N�. A" O GWA-8S MWA1DR W-11SR G3 -1 a0 vO GWA-2S O b i GWA-8D �♦ AB-7S GWA-9D Ur ABA S AB -SS AB-6BRU TO, RO WA-7BR -5 O AB-3D O GWA-7D , 0 Calcium CATIONS Chloride+Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 ANIONS NOTE: Nitrate plus Nitrite was reported by the laboratory and is used here. Equivalent weight of 54 used (average of nitrate and nitrite). DATE PIPER DIAGRAM -ASH BASIN POREWATER, WATER, AND AUGUST 2015 FY� DOWNGRADIENT "S", "D", AND "BR" MONITORING WELLS DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC FIGURE RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN 10- GASTON COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA �00 Ash Basin Porewater Ash Basin Water �a Upgradient "S" Wells ?0 GWA4S C-1S ny� Q Upgradient "D" Wells Q' c3 Upgradient "BR" Wells Ory 5W-1 00 k 00 W sW-2 p� AB-5SL G Z SW-3 I 0 Oda VO AB-7S b0 Ur � AB-5S AB-4S tJ0 ti0 GWA-20S GWA-22BRI GWA-M O / / O 0 bO 00 00 10 'PO 0 Calcium CATIONS Chloride+Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 ANIONS NOTE: Nitrate plus Nitrite was reported by the laboratory and is used here. Equivalent weight of 54 used (average of nitrate and nitrite) DATE PIPER DIAGRAM -ASH BASIN POREWATER, WATER, AND AUGUST 2015 F)l"R UPGRADIENT "S", "D", AND "BR" MONITORING WELLS DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC FIGURE RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN 10- GASTON COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA �00 Ash Basin Porewater Ash Basin "S" Wells do �,� Ash Basin "D" Wells y i 0a� Ash Basin "BR" Wells Q AB-8S C-is n G3 Ory x 00 00 W C^ A LRQ O� AB-5SL Oil 1s. a0 v AS-1S �L O AB-7S O b Ur / AB-1 S AB-5S A -5 O AD S-2 O Calcium CATIONS n O �O b0 00 eO 00 n Chloride+Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 ANIONS NOTE: Nitrate plus Nitrite was reported by the laboratory and is used here. Equivalent weight of 54 used (average of nitrate and nitrite) DATE PIPER DIAGRAM -ASH BASIN POREWATER, "S", "D", AND "BR" MONITORING WELLS DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC AUGUST 2015 L7"i"103 RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE 10- GASTON COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA moo 190 'o ® Ash Basin "S" Wells �O �y d� Seeps OryQ AMS 4�x 0 O �i O S 2 O Oryco � s s° c3 a° Vo VO AB-1 S G AS-1S s_y / �O 1 �O O / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ O 'b0 1O 00 �0 �p O O Calcium CATIONS �O �O 00 00 Chloride+Nitrogen, NO2 plus NO3 ANIONS NOTE: Nitrate plus Nitrite was reported by the laboratory and is used here. Equivalent weight of 54 used (average of nitrate and nitrite). DATE PIPER DIAGRAM - ASH BASIN "S" WELLS AND SEEPS DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC AUGUST 2015 RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN FIGURE 10- GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1 12 I 3 14 I 5 16 17 18 A SOUTHWEST 800 F----. 70, GWE z 0 a w w GWA-4BR jig/L) hromium 38.1 ed Solids 1,500,000 anadium 0.9 AS-2D ) I I— �-4D GWA-4BR — — — — — GWA-4S ------ ) I I 500 H 0 -------------------- = AS-2S Ana lyte f L Chromium AS -IS Cobalt GWA-4S Ana lyte f L Cobalt 1.7 Manganese 120 Vanadium 0.841 +GWA-4D Ana lyte J Vanadiuml 2.4 Ana to f L Baron 2200 Cobalt 5.4 Iron 660 MancIlanese 1900 Total Dissolved Solids 750000 3- Vanadium 1.6 J+ AS-1D Ana tee f L Antimony 3 Chromium 903 Vanadium 14.4 AS- 2 D Ana to J L Chromium 22.5 %'anadiu111 34.E Iro n Klan anew Vanadium 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 DISTANCE (ft) HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas N.C.B.E.L.S. License Number: F-0116 440 S. Church Street, Suite 900 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 ISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION SECTION A SCALE: HORIZ 1 "=100' IFIC 11-1 VERT 1 "=25' PROJECT MANAGER S. SPINNER, P.G. DRAWN BY: - DESIGNED BY: - CHECKED BY: - APPROVED BY: - PROJECT NUMBER 000000000246403 AS-3D -- L---------------_ AS-3D 44.8 Ana to 1 L 12.4 1 Antimony 1.6 2090 Chromium 23.5 1:1111111 !�anadi�rm 18.2 1400 1600 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1800 2000 NORTHEAST 1 800 700 600 LLJ Z J 2 U Q --J 500 2200 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINASILIC /� DUKE ENERGY.: GASTON COUNTY' RIVERBEND STEAM STATION COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT NORTH CAROLINA NOTE: 1. CONCENTRATIONS OF CONSTITUENTS OF INTEREST IN GROUNDWATER REPORTED IN UNITS OF MICROGRAMS PER LITER (ug/L) ANALYTE NC 2L GROUNDWATER IMAC ANTIMONY 1** ARSENIC 10 BARIUM 700 BERYLLIUM 4** � CADMIUM UM 200 CHLORIDE*** 250,000 CHROMIUM 10 COBALT ** COPPER*** 1,000 IRON 300 I LEAD 15 (MANGANESE 50 MERCURY 1 NICKEL 100 NITRATE*** 10,000 NITRATE AS N*** 1.000 pH (field) 6.5 — 8.5 SELENIUM 20 SULFATE*** 250,000 THALLIUM 0.2 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 500,000 VANADIUM 0.3** ZINC*** 1000 ** Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC) *** Unit reported in mg/L in standard, converted here to pug/L to match units displayed on figure. All units shown in pug/L except pH which is standard units. NOTES: U = NOT DETECTED ABOVE LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT J = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION 3.0 = LESS THAN LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT J+ = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION BIASED HIGH J— = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION BIASED LOW *DNE = DOES NOT EXCEED LEGEND: WATER TABLE SURFACE (SUMMER 2015) ASH — ASH F — FILL S — ALLUVIUM M1 — SOIL/SAPROLITE; N < 50 M2 — SAPROLITE/WEATHERED ROCK; N >! 50% OR REC < 50% TZ — PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK; REC>50% AND RQD <50% BR — SOUND ROCK;REC >: 85% AND RQD >- 50% CROSS SECTION A -A' GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS 0 1" Z, FILENAME SCALE AS NOTED D C B A SHEET FIGURE 10- .1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 SOUTHWEST 800 700 I O LL.I z 0 j W w z J W J _ U Q 600 AB- 7S Ana lyte 1 L Arsenic Cobalt Iron Manganese, Vanadiurn AB- 7I Ana lyte (p / L Cobalt 1 Iron A Man anese L 500 1- 2200 AB- I U Ana lyte J L Antimony 7.5 Chromium 24.7 Vanadiuml 40.5 'N%% N"*� AB-3BR I AB-3D Fff 1K1TC0AAC-n1ATC nA\A --—————————————— — — — --- WATER IN BASIN AB-21a Ana a /L Chromium 13 Vanadium 32.4 AB-2D AB-2S II SECONDARY DAM AB-2S Anal a /L Antimony Cobalt Iron Manganese Vanadium Vanadium 2.8 GWA-9BR Arsenic Chromium Iran Vanadium 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 DISTANCE (ft) HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas N.C.B.E.L.S. License Number: F-0116 440 S. Church Street, Suite 900 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 ISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION SECTION A SCALE: HORIZ 1 "=100' IFIC 11-1 VERT 1 "=25' PROJECT MANAGER S. SPINNER, P.G. DRAWN BY: - DESIGNED BY: - CHECKED BY: - APPROVED BY: - PROJECT NUMBER 000000000246403 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 10.7 40.6 450 67.5 A' NORTHEAST 1 800 700 GWA-9BR GWA-9S ]P GWA-9S Arm lyte / L Cobalt 50.1 Manganese 2900 Vanadium 0.52 3+ Iwo] J 500 4400 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINASILIC /� DUKE ENERGY.: GASTON COUNTN RIVERBEND STEAM STATION COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT NORTH CAROLINA NOTE: 1. CONCENTRATIONS OF CONSTITUENTS OF INTEREST IN GROUNDWATER REPORTED IN UNITS OF MICROGRAMS PER LITER (ug/L) ■C ANALYTE NC 2L GROUNDWATER IMAC ANTIMONY 1** ARSENIC 10 BARIUM 700 BERYLLIUM 4** BORON 700 CADMIUM 2 CHLORIDE*** 250,000 CHROMIUM 10 COBALT 1** COPPER*** 1,000 IRON 300 I LEAD 15 (MANGANESE 50 MERCURY 1 NICKEL 100 NITRATE*** 10,000 NITRATE AS N*** 1.000 pH (field) 6.5 - 8.5 SELENIUM 20 SULFATE*** 250,000 THALLIUM 0.2 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 500,000 VANADIUM 0.3** ZINC*** 1000 I C ** Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC) *** Unit reported in mg/L in standard, converted here to pug/L to match units displayed on figure. All units shown in pug/L except pH which is standard units. NOTES: U = NOT DETECTED ABOVE LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT J = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION 3.0 = LESS THAN LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT I— J+ = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION BIASED HIGH J- = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION BIASED LOW *DNE = DOES NOT EXCEED LEGEND: WATER TABLE SURFACE (SUMMER 2015) ASH - ASH F - FILL S - ALLUVIUM M1 - SOIL/SAPROLITE; N < 50 M2 - SAPROLITE/WEATHERED ROCK; N >! 50% OR REC < 50% TZ - PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK; REC>50% AND RQD <50% BR - SOUND ROCK;REC >: 85% AND RQD >- 50% CROSS SECTION A -A' GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS 0 1" 2° FILENAME SCALE AS NOTED /W SHEET FIGURE 10- .2 1 2 1 3 5 n. 7 : w r r B WEST 800 700 — an �� M I I 3i0 CD r,-- GWA-3S 650 .•• 550 500 1- 0 GWA-3D knalyte (Ng/L) Cobalt 1.1 Manganese 9200 Sulfate 1310000 Total Dissolved Solids 2390000 Vanadium 4.6 GWA- 3SA Ana lyte / L Coba1t 18.4 Iro n 420 Manganese 12700 Sulfate 1420000 Total Dissolved Solids 23000000 Vanadium 1.3 200 400 HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas N.C.B.E.L.S. License Number: F-0116 440 S. Church Street, Suite 900 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 C-1BRU C-1S C-2D C-is Analyte WglL) Arsenic Cobalt Iron 25.8 102 175000 Manganese 3200 Sulfate 559000 Total Dissolved Solids 1110000 F, Vanadium 4 C-2D Analyte (Ng/L) Vanadiuml 10.9 ISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION C-2S C-2S Analyte [pg/I Cobalt Manganese Vanadium 39.7 600 0.523 AB-8D Ana to / L flan anew 140 Vanadium2.7 1200 1400 DISTANCE (ft) SECTION B SCALE: HORIZ 1 "=100' IFIG 11-1 VERT 1 "=25' PROJECT MANAGER S. SPINNER, P.G. DRAWN BY: - DESIGNED BY: - CHECKED BY: - APPROVED BY: - PROJECT NUMBER 000000000246403 1600 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PRIMARY DAM AB-8S Analyte (Ng/L) Manganese Vanadium 15Q 0.793 AB-5SL Analyte / L Antimony ti.2 Arsenic 5.1 Boron 2400 Vanadium 151 AB -SD Ana lyte / L Antimony 1.2 Vanadium 12.5 2000 2200 AB-5D AB-F SL AB-5S DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS,LLC /� DUKE AENERGY.. GASTON COUNTN RIVERBEND STEAM STATION COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT NORTH CAROLINA EAST 800 700 AB -SS Analyte / L Antimony 21.6 f Arsenio 651 Boron 1400 iron 660 Thallium 0.48 Vanadium 2-31 �E 1 50 NOTE: 1. CONCENTRATIONS OF CONSTITUENTS OF INTEREST IN GROUNDWATER REPORTED IN UNITS OF MICROGRAMS PER LITER (ug/L) ANALYTE NC 2L GROUNDWATER IMAC ANTIMONY 1** ARSENIC 10 BARIUM 700 BERYLLIUM 4** BORON 700 1 CADMIUM 2 CHLORIDE*** 250,000 CHROMIUM 10 COBALT 1** COPPER*** 1,000 IRON 300 I LEAD 15 (MANGANESE 50 MERCURY 1 NICKEL 100 NITRATE*** 10,000 1 NITRATE AS N*** 1.000 pH (field) 6.5 - 8.5 SELENIUM 20 SULFATE*** 250,000 THALLIUM 0.2 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 500,000 VANADIUM 0.3** ZINC*** 1000 6 ** Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC) *** Unit reported in mg/L in standard, converted here to pug/L to match units displayed on figure. All units shown in pug/L except pH which is standard units. NOTES: U = NOT DETECTED ABOVE LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT J = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION No 3.0 = LESS THAN LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT J+ = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION BIASED HIGH O J- = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION BIASED LOW W *DNE = DOES NOT EXCEED U LLL 550 Z J U Q 500 2400 2600 LEGEND: WATER TABLE SURFACE (SUMMER 2015) ASH - ASH F - FILL S - ALLUVIUM M1 - SOIL/SAPROLITE; N < 50 M2 - SAPROLITE/WEATHERED ROCK; N >! 50% OR REC < 50% TZ - PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK; REC>50% AND RQD <50% BR - SOUND ROCK;REC >: 85% AND RQD >- 50% CROSS SECTION B-B' GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS 0 1" 2° FILENAME SCALE AS NOTED C C SHEET FIGURE 10- .1 1 2 3 5 A 7 : WEST 800 700 6 O z •- 0 Q Lv J W LLL 600 LL.I Z J U �Q 550 500 B' EAST AB -IS Ana lyte f L INTERMEDIATE DAM Antim0a 3.2 Cubak 15.9 AB-4D WATER SECONDARY DAM AB-1 D Iron 510 - AB-4S IN BASIN AB-1S Manganese 250 Vanadium 1.8 i MW-13 R- - _ _ CATAWBA RIVER Arsenic MOUNTAIN ISLAND LAKE AB-1 [ Ana e f L Antimony 6.3 Chromium 49.2 Cobalt 2.9 ==J Mom iron 370 Vanadium 20 AB-4D Ana to j L Antimony1.2 Vanadium 24 Antimony 2.2 42$ Cobalt 5.7 Manganese 1,240 Vanadium 166 AB-45 Analyte CN91�] h7W-13 Ana e L) 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 DISTANCE (ft) HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas N.C.B.E.L.S. License Number: F-0116 440 S. Church Street, Suite 900 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 ISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION SECTION rB SCALE: HORIZ 1 "=40' FIG 11-1 VERT 1"=10' PROJECT MANAGER DRAWN BY: - DESIGNED BY: - CHECKED BY: - APPROVED BY: - PROJECT NUMBER 000000000246403 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINASILIC /� DUKE ENERGY.: GASTON COUNTY RIVERBEND STEAM STATION COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT NORTH CAROLINA 700 650 550 500 NOTE: 1. CONCENTRATIONS OF CONSTITUENTS OF INTEREST IN GROUNDWATER REPORTED IN UNITS OF MICROGRAMS PER LITER (ug/L) C ANALYTE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINASILIC /� DUKE ENERGY.: GASTON COUNTY RIVERBEND STEAM STATION COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT NORTH CAROLINA 700 650 550 500 NOTE: 1. CONCENTRATIONS OF CONSTITUENTS OF INTEREST IN GROUNDWATER REPORTED IN UNITS OF MICROGRAMS PER LITER (ug/L) C ANALYTE NC 2L GROUNDWATER IMAC ANTIMONY 1** � ARSENIC 10 � � BARIUM 700 � BERYLLIUM 4** � BORON 700 � � CADMIUM 2 � � CHLORIDE*** 250,000 � CHOBOMIUM 10 ** � COPPER*** 1,000 � � IRON 300 � I LEAD 15 � (MANGANESE 50 � I MERCURY 1 � � NICKEL 100 � � NITRATE*** 10,000 � � NITRATE AS N*** 1.000 � pH (field) 6.5 - 8.5 � SELENIUM 20 � � SULFATE*** 250,000 � � THALLIUM 0.2 � � TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 500,000 � VANADIUM 0.3** ZINC*** 1000 I C ** Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC) *** Unit reported in mg/L in standard, converted here to pug/L to match units displayed on figure. All units shown in pug/L except pH which is standard units. NOTES: U = NOT DETECTED ABOVE LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT J = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION 3.0 = LESS THAN LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT l--- J+ = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION BIASED HIGH J- = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION BIASED LOWLV *DNE = DOES NOT EXCEED LEGEND: WATER TABLE SURFACE (SUMMER 2015) ASH -ASH F - FILL S - ALLUVIUM M1 - SOIL/SAPROLITE; N < 50 M2 - SAPROLITE/WEATHERED ROCK; N >- 50% OR REC S 50% TZ - PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK; REC>50% AND RQD <50% BR - SOUND ROCK;REC >- 85% AND RQD >- 50% CROSS SECTION B-B' GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS 0 1" 2- FILENAME SCALE AS NOTED SHEET FIGURE 10- .2 HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas N.C.B.E.L.S. License Number: F-0116 440 S. Church Street, Suite 900 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 ISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT MANAGER S. SPINNER, P.G. DRAWN BY: - DESIGNED BY: - CHECKED BY: - APPROVED BY: - PROJECT NUMBER 1 000000000246403 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS,LLC DUKE ENERGY.: GASTON COUNTY RIVERBEND STEAM STATION COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT NORTH CAROLINA CROSS SECTION C-Cl GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS 0 1" 2° FILENAME SCALE I AS NOTED SHEET FIGURE 10- HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas N.C.B.E.L.S. License Number: F-0116 440 S. Church Street, Suite 900 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 ISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT MANAGER S. SPINNER, P.G. DRAWN BY: - DESIGNED BY: - CHECKED BY: - APPROVED BY: - PROJECT NUMBER 1 000000000246403 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS,LLC DUKE ENERGY.: GASTON COUNTY RIVERBEND STEAM STATION COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT NORTH CAROLINA CROSS SECTION D-D' GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS 0 1" 2° FILENAME SCALE I AS NOTED SHEET FIGURE 10- 1 2 3 5 1.1 7 : E NORTH 800 70 650 I, a w J LIJ MW-9D M 500 400 MW-9D Ana lyte / L Say rn pie 1 Sample 2 Antimony 5.4 2.7 Chromium 20.6 27 Vanadium 12.5 12.8 MW-9BR Ana a /L Antimonyl 2.3 Vanadium 7.8 AS- 2D Ana lyte / L Chromium 22.5 Vanadium 34.6 AS-2S Anallyte (N9/L) Chromium 44.8 Cobalt 12.4 Iran 2090 Manganese 640 Vanadium 3.9 GWA-23D Ana to 1 L Chromium 55 Vanadium 34.1 E' SOUTH 800 GWA--23BR I 1 q I GWA-23S 1' ' ' 400 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 DISTANCE (ft) HDR Engineering, Inc. of the Carolinas N.C.B.E.L.S. License Number: F-0116 440 S. Church Street, Suite 900 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 ISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION SECTION E SCALE: HORIZ 1 "=80' IFIG 11-1 VERT 1 "=40' PROJECT MANAGER S. SPINNER, P.G. DRAWN BY: - DESIGNED BY: - CHECKED BY: - APPROVED BY: - PROJECT NUMBER 000000000246403 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINASILIC /� DUKE ENERGY.: GASTON COUNTN RIVERBEND STEAM STATION COMPREHENSIVE SITE ASSESSMENT NORTH CAROLINA NOTE: 1. CONCENTRATIONS OF CONSTITUENTS OF INTEREST IN GROUNDWATER REPORTED IN UNITS OF MICROGRAMS PER LITER (ug/L) ANALYTE NC 2L GROUNDWATER IMAC ANTIMONY 1** ARSENIC 10 BARIUM 700 BERYLLIUM 4** BORON 700 CADMIUM 2 CHLORIDE*** 250,000 CHROMIUM 10 COBALT 1** COPPER*** 1,000 IRON 300 I LEAD 15 (MANGANESE 50 MERCURY 1 NICKEL 100 NITRATE*** 10,000 NITRATE AS N*** 1.000 pH (field) 6.5 — 8.5 SELENIUM 20 SULFATE*** 250,000 THALLIUM 0.2 TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS 500,000 VANADIUM 0.3** ZINC*** 1000 ** Interim Maximum Allowable Concentration (IMAC) *** Unit reported in mg/L in standard, converted here to lug/L to match units displayed on figure. All units shown in pug/L except pH which is standard units. NOTES: U = NOT DETECTED ABOVE LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT J = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION 3.0 = LESS THAN LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT J+ = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION BIASED HIGH J— = ESTIMATED CONCENTRATION BIASED LOW *DNE = DOES NOT EXCEED LEGEND: WATER TABLE SURFACE (SUMMER 2015) ASH — ASH F — FILL S — ALLUVIUM M1 — SOIL/SAPROLITE; N < 50 M2 — SAPROLITE/WEATHERED ROCK; N >! 50% OR REC < 50% TZ — PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK; REC>50% AND RQD <50% BR — SOUND ROCK;REC >: 85% AND RQD >- 50% CROSS SECTION E-El GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS 0 1" 2° FILENAME SCALE AS NOTED SHEET FIGURE 10- C C LV /0 NOTES: 1, ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARIES AND ASH STORAGE AREA BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. PRIVATE WELLS LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE.. 3.ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY IS FROM NC ONEMAP GIS ONLINE SERVICE, 4. THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY IS ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO THE DEFINITION FOUND IN 15A NCAC 02L.0107(a). 5. HYDROGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM USGS 7.5-MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS LAKE NORMAN SOUTH. NC AND MOUNTAIN ISLAND LAKE. NO -VA. 6. DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARYWAS SUPPLIED BY DUKE ENERGY REAL ESTATE- 7. PROPERTY BOUNDARIES WERE SUPPLIED BY THE GASTON COUNTY AND MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS OFFICES. S. INFORMATION PERTAINING TO IDENTIFIED WATER SUPPLY WELLS IS INCLUDED IN TABLE 4.1 SCALE {FEET} 500 0 500 1.000 'try# —DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY cif. �� ` • ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY �,,�;'� • ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY FT i fI • — �t� COINCIDENT WITH DUKE ENERGY l�rye PROPERTY BOUNDARY 0.5 MILE OFFSET FROM ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY STREAM PROPERTY LINES REPORTED PRIVATE WATER SUPPLY WELL F)l RECEPTOR MAP DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN NPDES PERMIT #NCO004961 GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DATE NOVEMBER 2015 FIGURE 1-4 ~ econdary Cell i ASHSASIN scharge Tower (PRIMARY CELL) CINDER . STORAGE`' _as�, ASH STORAGE` F31VEREND. �a'i #_ rt c _ O _ L C - _ ` r 7 f 00. x i NOTES: 1.ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARIES AND ASH STORAGE AREA BOUNDARIES ARE APPROXIMATE. SCALE (FEET 2. PRIVATE WELLS LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 3, ORTHOPHOTOGRAPHY IS FROM NC ONEMAP GIS ONLINE SERVICE. 500 0 500 1,000 4. THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY IS ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO THE DEFINITION FOUND IN 15ANGAC 02L-0107Iaj. 5. HYDROGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM USGS 7.5-MINUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS LAKE NORMAN SOUTH. NC AND MOUNTAIN ISLAND LAKE, NC -VA. 6. DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY WAS SUPPLIED BY DUKE ENERGY REAL ESTATE. 7. PROPERTY BOUNDARIES WERE SUPPLIED BY THE GASTON COUNTY AND MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS OFFICES. 6, INFORMATION PERTAINING TO IDENTIFIED WATER SUPPLY WELLS IS INCLUDED IN TABLE 4-1 r. Legend �. — — — DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY ? ' — COINCIDENT WITH DUKE ENERGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY STREAM ?�� t "'_ ►t i DISCHARGE TOWER MUNICIPAL WATER INTAKES t RIVERM ILE MUNICIPAL WATER INTAKES MAP DATE DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC NOVEMBER 2015 RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FIGURE 1-6 Y 'F f* L� I DU�EE�E�G� c � d i r � � � '' r 4 ` � �� �A + r-$� �� ��4x f'jl n.rjrry S� �: • �dry �jS� r;t G l�- 0 't.. r• ivy ML a���% _ lr � � 4 *, y�,ti ' } il}► x y,__Wi .� ` 4 5 r t,... - . . • z 4y LEGEND: DUKE ENERGYPROP€RTY BOUNDARY r. _ _ _ _ _ ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY 1-2S ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY COINCIDENT - - - — _ WITH DUKE E NE RGY PROPERTY BOUNDARY CINDER - ASH BASIN WASTE BOUNDARY aRAGE :-6ASH OR CINDER STORAGE AREA BOLI NOARY ■ . - STREAM Q r TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR 14 FOOT( EXISTING ASH BASIN VOLUNTARY GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL d EXISTING ASH BASIN COMPLIANCE GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATION - • OBSERVATION WELL LOCATION ? FraF AREA OF WETNESS'SAM PLE LOCATIONS n 9 SURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATION NOTES: 1. PARCEL DATA FOR THE SITE WAS OBTAINED FROM DUKE ENERGY REAL ESTATE AND 15 APPROXIMATE. 2. ASH STORAGE BOUNDARY AND CINDER STORAGE BOUNDARY ARE APPROXIMATE. 3. AS•SUI IT MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS PROVIDED BY DUKE ENERGY. 4. SHALLOW MONITORING WELLS ISI - WELL SCREEN INSTALLED ACROSS THE SURFICIAL WATER TABLE. S. SHALLOW LOWER MON17ORI NG WELLS (SL} - BOTTOM OF WELL SCREEN SET AT TH E ASH-REGOUTH I NTERFACE. G. INTERMEDIATE MONITORING WELLS {I] - WELL SCREEN INSTALLEOIN REGOUTH BELOW WATER TABLE AND BELOW ASH IN ASH BASIN. 7. DEEP MONITORING WELLS (D) - WELL SCREEN INSTALLED IN THE TRANSITION ZONE BETWEEN COMPETENT BEDROCK AND THE REGOUTH. 9. BEDROCK. UPPER MONITORING WEDS MRUI - WELL SCREEN INSTALLED IN COMPETENT BEDROCK IN THE FIRST 15 FEET WHERE NO TRANSITION ZONE EXISTS. 9. BEDROCK MONITORING WELL (BR) - WELL. SCREEN INSTALLED IN ROCK FRACTURE ZONE WITHIN COMPETENT BEDROCK, 10. TOPOGRAPHY DATA FOR THE SITE WAS OBTAINED FROM NC DOT GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM {GISI WEB SITE. 11.- ORTHOPHOTOG RAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM W SP (DATED APRIL 2014). 12- THE COMPLIANCE BOUNDARY IS ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO THE DEFINITION FOUND IN 1SA NCAC 02L -0107 W- 13. AREAS OF WETNESS SAMPLING LOCATIONS WERE OBTAINED BY HDR USING A TRIMBLE HANDHELD GP5 UNIT ON APRIL 79, 2014, 14. HYDROGRAPHY WAS OBTAINED FROM USES 7.5•MLNUTE SERIES TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS MOUNTAIN ISLAND LAKE, NC. SCALE (FEET) ISO, P 150, $00, I • = 960' x1d SITE SAMPLING LOCATIONS DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVERBEND STEAM STATION ASH BASIN GASTON COUNTY, NTY, NORTH CAROLI NA DATE FEBRUARY 2016 FIGURE 2-1 1 East Basin Y Mountain island Lake Soil/Sapprolite Shallow (Flow Layer Fractured Bedrock/Bedrock. Flow Layer SCALE (FEET) 500 D 500 1,000 ar.w c..,. rase. cw�n. ruc xexam*s Areas with Highest Concentrations of Constituents 1 Antimony 2 Arsenic 3 Baron 4 Chromium 5 Cobalt 6 Hexavalent Chromium 7 Sulfate 8 Thallium 9 Vanadium LEGEND Approximate Lake I River Extent El Regolith (Shallow and Deep Flow Layers) 71 Bedrock 0 Source Area Areas of elevated constituent concentration �► Groundwater Flow Direction Cross Section Location 8-6' NOTE: VISUAL AID ONLY - DEPICTION MOTTO SCALE SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL - 3D REPRESENTATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC RIVEREEND STEAM STATION GASTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DATE FEBRUARY 2016 FIGURE 3.1 2 3 0 5 7 NOTES: WEST 750i 700 650 r N 0z Lv (y 5 L1 Lti Lv Z J U -16, b00 2600 EVAPORATION/PRECIPITATION INTERMEDIATE DAM b AB-4D . P i r♦ ► + + + + +' + ' WATER �' ' , ` �` b b SECONDARY DAM + i f # + + + + + + + AB-4S IN BASIN +, +.+ + + + + + # f + + + + + + + f + + + f + + + + + # + + + # + + f # f + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # + + + + + + + # + + + + + + f + + + + + # + + + + + + + # + # + + { + + + + # f f # f + + + + # + + + # f i + + # f # + + + + ♦^+� — - � iF-^F �' � 1—+—+'—+_ -4— ♦—+—+ �- � +�-+�. �- .�� i`-7• . 6 3_ i_+�.+ .L- � •t—+ + -+- � # + # + # + + # + + # # + # a + + + + + + + # + } # # + + + # + + + { + + # + + + } + + + + + # + } + + + + + + } + + } } + + + + + + + + + + + i + + + + + + } + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # # # # # # h + # + + + + + + + + + # + + # # # + + + + + # } # } + # + # # + + + + + + + + + # + + # + # + # + + + # + + + + # h + + + + + + + + + + -+ # # + + + # + + .. + + + + + + + + + # + + + + + + + # + # # # + # # # + # + # # # # + + # + + + + + # + + + + + + # # # + + # + + + + + + + + + + # + + # # # + + + # # + + # # # + + + # # # + # # + + # # # + # + + # + + + + # + + + + + + + # + + -h + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # + + + + + + # + + + + + + + + + # # + + + + + # # + + + + + + + + + # # + + + + + + # # # + + . + + + + # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # # + + # + +r# + + + + + + + + # # + # + # + + + # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + # +r+ + + + + + # + # + # + + + + + + # + # # # + # + + a + + + # + + # k + -F + + # + + + ............ k + + # + + + # + k + + + + + # + k + k + + + + # + # k # + + + + # + k + k + + + + k + + } k + + + + # # # + + t # + + + + + # # # # + 4 # + + t + # + + + + + # # # + + + + + # k + # + + i # + + + + + + + + # # + # # + # + + # + # + + + + + # + + + + + + # + + + # + # # + # + + # + # + + # # # + # + + # # + # + + . + # . k + + +. # + + + + # k + + + + + + # + + + h + + # } . . # t + + + + + + # + + + + .h + + # + + + # + # + + + + # + # + # . } # # # # } + + + + # + # + # + # # # . t + + + t + + + + + + # + + } # + + # •h + + + t + + # + + +++++++##++#h+++f+}++++++ift++++++#t+#++t+f++++#+#++h+t+}#++#+++fi+#++++++}#+++++#++k+#++++.+#+#+++++ft+i+++++++++#++#++++#++++++f+h++#+++tf++++i + + + # #++++t+#+++++#+#h+++++}++++k+++++# + + + + + + # + + f + + + + + + + + f f + + } + + + + + + + + + + { # + } + + + + + t t # # + + + + + + i } + + # + + + + # + t } } + + + } + i•LEA G HATE + + + + + + + + # + + + + + + + + + } + t 4 } + + + + + + f # f # + t + + # + + + k # + + + + + + + + + + } + + ♦ + ♦ + # # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + } + + + # + + + # + # + + ♦ #h + + + + + + # + t + # + + + + } + + + + + x + T t + FL E A L 1 ATE + + # + Y # f + + 4 + + # + + + + + + + f + + . f f + + + + + + + + f f + + + + # + + + f + + + # + + + + # + } f # + + # # + + f + + + + + + + } # + # # # + + + + + + + + + f + f + + + + . + # + f + + + + + + + f + f f + # # t } + f # + + + + + + + + + + + f + # # . } + + + + + # + + t + + + f + # + + # + + # # + + + + + + ^ . . + + + + # + + + # # + + # # + + - 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License Number: F-0116 440 S. Church Street, Suite 900 Charlotte, NC 28202-2075 704.338.6700 3000 ISSUE DATE DESCRIPTION 3200 3400 3600 SECTION B SCALE: HORIZ 1 "=40' - VERT 1"=10' PROJECT MANAGER V. CARBONE DRAWN BY: - DESIGNED BY: - CHECKED BY: - APPROVED BY: - PROJECT NUMBER 000000000266802 4000 DISTANCE (ft) NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION B' EAST 750 MW-13 -� CAT.4WBA RIVER 650 v7MOUNTAIN ISLAND LAKE X 4200 4400 4600 4800 DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS,LLC if DUKE +; ENERGY GASTON COUNTY RIVERBEND STEAM STATION 6*4 1. CONCEPTUAL DRAWING FOR DEMONSTRATION PURPOSES ONLY. 2. BEDROCK FRACTURES DEPICTED ON SECTION DO NOT REPRESENT ACTUAL FRACTURE FREQUENCY OR ORIENTATION. X X LEGEND: WATER TABLE SURFACE (JUNE 2015) FILL ASH REGOLITH BEDROCK (FRACTURED) LEACHATE GROUNDWATER FLOW PATH SITE CONCEPTUAL MODEL CROSS SECTIONAL p 2' FILENAME I FIGURE 3-2.2.DWG SCALE I AS NOTED SHEET FIGURE 3-2 C