HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020164 Ver 1_Year 2 Monitoring Report_20080414Year 2 Monitoring Report Trout Cove Stream Restoration ??'i{ ??y}yy1t! ?Q w^? i1 ?9N F "'sya?? M? s I sr? r e?{ "' w tia i y? ti to r? 4.. w + r ?.R r {, A ?. ?? 1 ,?' 34'? S? ? s z i t -n - }qs ahFy`K M prf 1x"^? ; ,. 13' ?'' ?j//?wn1 ": v „i.;? ? t `?-?I ? ?•? " ? i? it .??? r ??t? ??.? a ! e ?I p r 5 ?I fJ ,y?7r #,?? c ? k 't't?' 'S ?t4:?°^ #? ? i i, }w"?^• 4? j`{"?'S r I( k ;•j?f? ?cl A { f?,vu- •?c?y y ,,. I`K?-', d? ;v ?f t3"y ?'?f•? [ ^ae4 ) ..\a i? n i { e '??{?`x, ? ? ? 5 l,Y 54.. { a o-, ti x ?F a }app s t t #_n [ ti?y? z r? J a, t fl ' 4yp?? 4y 9J'? ?. ?. ? :6fff*FFA "i March 2008 EEP Project No. 388 Prepared for Qs?'S NCEEP, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 ?gc?Raw§ APR 1 4 2008 ZENR - wA ER QUAUTY WETLANDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH L_ -7 rltr Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary / Project Abstract ....................................................................... 1 II. Project Background ................................................................................................. 2 A. Location and Setting ............................................................................................... 2 B. Structure and Objectives ......................................................................................... 2 C. Project History and Background ............................................................................. 3 D. Monitoring Plan View ............................................................................................. 4 III. Project Condition and Monitoring Results ............................................................. 5 A. Vegetation Assessment ........................................................................................... 5 1. Soil Data .............................................................................................................. 6 2. Problem Areas Plan View (Vegetation) .............................................................. 6 3. Stem Counts ........................................................................................................ 6 4. Vegetation Plot Photos ........................................................................................ 8 B. Stream Assessment ................................................................................................. 8 1. Problem Areas Plan View (Stream) .................................................................... 8 2. Problem Areas Table Summary .......................................................................... 8 4. Fixed Photo Station Photos ................................................................................. 9 5. Stability Assessment ........................................................................................... 9 IV. Methodology Section ............................................................................................ 1 3 Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL i S&EC Job # 10079.132 March 2008 I. Executive Summary / Project Abstract I This report summarizes the monitoring efforts for Year 2 (2007) on the Trout Cove Stream Restoration in Clay County, NC. ' Monitoring of the vegetated buffer was performed during the growing season of 2007, by Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA (S&EC). Stem counts were performed within the established vegetation monitoring plots, resulting in a live stem density of approximately 590 stems per acre indicating vegetative success. No vegetative problem areas were observed. No significant infestations of exotic invasives or bare areas of soil that should be addressed. ' The stream channel was surveyed, and a visual stability assessment was performed. While several problem areas along the restored channel were observed, the overall channel is deemed stable and successful. Field observations indicate that at least 98% of all stream features, including riffles, pools, meanders, and channel bed and banks were stable. Although select in-channel rock structures were identified to have some ' minor problems, 95% of site structures were deemed stable. In 2008, Year 3 Monitoring will commence. Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL S&EC Job # 10079.D2 March 2008 1 II. Project Background The background information for this report was collected from previous monitoring data submitted to the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) by the Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) Department at North Carolina State University (NCSU). A. Location and Setting The Trout Cove Stream Restoration Project consists of an approximately 6.32 acre property in southwestern Clay County, NC. The site is located south of US Highway 64 and east of old US Highway 64 approximately 2 miles north of the Georgia state line. The site is located along Trout Cove Road just north of the community of Ogden, NC. This area is shown in detail in the attached vicinity map (Figure 1). To visit the site from I-40, take 19/74 eastbound. Turn left on US 64 in Murphy, NC. Turn left onto Old US 64 and continue past Brasstown, NC. Turn left onto Trout Cove Road and a right onto McCray Road. The site will be located to your right. B. Structure and Objectives ' The restoration site consists of approximately 2,683 linear feet of stream restoration and approximately 6.32 acres of riparian buffer restoration. Explicit project objectives and restoration quantities were not included in the project history provided by NCEEP. Restoration units are estimates based on site data collected. The structure and objectives are detailed in Tables I and Il. Table I: Project Structure Table Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project # 388) Se ment/Reach ID Linear Feet or Acreage Reach 1 1,876 linear feet Reach 2 807 linear feet Buffer Restoration 6.32 ac Table II: Project Objectives Table Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project # 388) Se ment/Reach ID Objectives Linear Feet or Acreage Comment Reach 1 Restoration 1,876 linear feet Reach 2 Restoration/Enhancement 807 linear feet Buffer Restoration 6.32 Acres Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL S&EC Job # 10079.132 March 2008 2 C. Project History and Background We have assumed that 2006 served as Monitoring Year 1, therefore 2007 will serve as Monitoring Year 2 of the required 5 years of monitoring. Additional details, to include the project designer, original design parameters, and the history of the project, have not been provided as of the date of this report. Details regarding the timeline of the project are included as Table 111. Table III: Project Activity and Reporting History Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #388) ctivity or Report Calendar Year of Completion or Planned Completion ctual Completion Date Restoration Plan Unknown Unknown Site Planted Unknown Unknown Initial-Year 1 monitoring 2006 Dec-06 Year 1 Vegetation Monitoring 2006 Aug-06 Year 2 Monitoring 2007 Nov-07 Year 2 Vegetation Monitoring 2007 Jun-07 Year 3 Monitoring 2008 Year 3 Vegetation Monitoring 2008 Year 4 Monitoring 2009 Year 4 Vegetation Monitoring 2009 Year 5 Monitoring 2010 Year 5 Vegetation Monitoring 2010 Based on data provided by NCEEP, it is unknown at this time which firms designed and constructed the Trout Cove project. Monitoring activities for Year 1 were performed and reported by S&EC. Additional information regarding known contractors is shown in Table IV. Trout Cove Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL March 2008 3 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 10079.D2 H Table IV: Project Contact Table Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #388) Designer Unknown Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Monitoring Performers 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 26714 Stream Monitoring POC S&EC i R J egan, ess ca Vegetation Monitoring POC The project is located within Clay County, which is located within the Blue Ridge Belt of the Mountains of North Carolina. The site is located within a rural area. Additional information regarding the stream is included as Table V. Table V: Project Background Table Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project #388) Project County Clay Drainage Area 0.453 s q. mi. Drainage impervious cover estimate (%) 5% Stream Order 1 st, 2nd Ph sio ra hic Region Mountain Ecore ion Blue Ridge Ros en Classification of As-Built Dominant Soil Types RhA LoC, FrA USGS HUC for Project and Reference 06020002 NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference 04-05-01 NCDWQ classification for Project and Reference WS-IV An portion of an project segment 303d listed? No An portion of an project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? No Reasons for 303d listing or stressor No % of project easement fenced 100% *Unknown - As-built data not provided D. Monitoring Plan View Original site survey data was provided to S&EC by NCEEP including the location of a series of monitoring devices previously installed onsite. The survey included a total of 2,683 linear feet of longitudinal profile and five (5) cross-sections. During our Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL S&EC Job # 10079.D2 March 2008 4 initial site visit on January 12, 2006, all cross-sections were located. These same cross-sections were surveyed in 2006 and again in 2007. Using provided survey data from 2005, we located five (5) previously established vegetation monitoring plots. A single corner of each of these plots was marked with iron pin with a plastic yellow cap. Four permanent corners had not been set. During our August 21, 2006 site visit S&EC established permanent corners with 1.5-inch PVC. The permanent corners were located with the survey data collected in November 2006. In Year 2 (2007) NCEEP requested that two (2) additional vegetation plots be installed on the tributary to the main channel. Each surveyed stream cross-section and vegetation monitoring plot is also a designated photo point that is photographed annually. The locations of all monitoring devices are shown on Sheets 1 through 4 (Overall Site Plan and Monitoring Plan View). III. Project Condition and Monitoring Results A. Vegetation Assessment The Trout Cove stream restoration site vegetation is dense and healthy throughout the site with a variety of herbaceous and woody species. The site contains a lush herbaceous layer particularly in the wetland areas and pond edges. Herbaceous species observed included large amounts of goldenrod (Solidago sp.), boneset (Eupatorium perfoliatum), soft rush (Juncus effusus), sedges (Carex sp.), ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis), great blue lobelia (Lobelia siphilitica), cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides) and jewelweed (Impatiens capensis). Larger trees (5-20 feet tall) can be seen throughout the buffer mostly consisting of black willow (Salix nigra), river birch (Betula nigra) and sycamore (Platanus occidentalis). Saplings and smaller individuals of oak, pine, maple, tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) were observed. Shrubs observed in the buffer included pepperbush (Clethra acuminata), silky dogwood (Cornus amomum), tag alder (Alnus serrulata), buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) and possumhaw (Viburnum nudum). The buffer area also contains a large amount of blackberry (Rubus sp.) which is extremely dense in some areas. The stream bank vegetation is also extremely dense and primarily made up of tag alder (Alnus serrulata) and silky dogwood (Cornus amomum). Exotic, invasive plant species do not appear to be a problem on the Trout Cove restoration site. Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) was observed but it was not dense or widespread. Seven (7) vegetation monitoring plots were established onsite as previously described. Five (5) plots are standard l Om x IOm plots and two (2) are non-standard 5m x 20m plots. Two (2) new plots were established on the tributary in 2007 by S&EC. Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL S&EC Job # 10079.D2 March 2008 5 The vegetative success criteria for the site require a minimum of 320 live stems per acre for the first three (3) years of monitoring. At the end of Year 4, a density of 290 stems per acre is required. At the end of the 5-year monitoring period, a live stem density of 260 stems per acre is required. 1. Soil Data L Table VI: Preliminary Soil Data Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project # 388) Max % Clay Depth on OM Series (in.) Surface K T % Reddies Loam, 0-3% slopes RhA) 80 5-18 0.20 4 3-8 Lonon Loam, 8-15% slopes (LoQ 80 7-20 0.24 5 0-2 French fine sand loam, 0-3% slopes (FrA 45 5-20 0.24 4 0-4 2. Problem Areas Plan View (vegetation) ' No vegetation problem areas were observed during visual inspection of the restoration site. 1 3. Stem Counts ' On June 12, 2007, S&EC conducted vegetation counts within each vegetation plot. The results of this survey are shown below in Table VIII. The taxonomic standard used for the counts is "Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and ' Surrounding Areas" by Alan S. Weakley. Vegetation counts were completed according to CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.0. ' The following tree and shrub species were observed within the vegetation monitoring plots in previous monitoring years according to stem count data ' collected by S&EC: Acer Rubrum (Red Maple), Alnus serrulata (Tag Alder), Betula nigra (River Birch), Cephalanthus occidentalis (Buttonbush), Cornus amomum (Silky Dogwood), Liquidambar styraciflua (Sweetgum), Platanus ' occidentalis (Sycamore), Salix nigra (Black Willow) and Viburnum nudum (Possumhaw) . 1 1 ' Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL S&EC Job # 10079.D2 ' March 2008 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Trout Cove Stream Restoration Vegetation Monitoring (EEP Project# 388) Live Stem Counts per Plot arranged by Species Plot # Species Reach 1 Tributar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Year 2 Totals Acer rubrum Red Maple 1 1 1 2 5 Alnus serrulata* Tag Alder 5 3 1 8 13 30 Betula nigra River Birch 1 4 5 10 Cephalanthus occidentalis Buttonbush 1 2 2 1 6 Clethra alnifolia Pepperbush 2 1 3 Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood 1 6 2 8 10 2 29 briodendron tulipifera Tulip poplar 1 1 2 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 1 1 1 3 Salix nigra Black Willow 6 3 1 2 2 14 Year 2 2007 Plot Totals 9 17 4 24 29 11 8 102 Year 1 2006 Plot Totals 6 18 4 22 28 N/A N/A 78 Previous Plot Totals 5 4 5 22 14 N/A N/A 50 Plot Live Stem Density 364 689 162 972 1175 445 324 Overall Site Stem Density 590 * Numerous volunteers observed - not included in the stem counts shown The average number of stems per sample plot is approximately 14 stems. Based on this stem count, the 2007 (Year 2) vegetation monitoring of the site revealed an average live stem density of 590 stems per acre. As shown in Table VIII, one plot (Plot 3) has shown a stem density of less than the desired 320 stems per acre. However, while not quantified in the above table, each plot has shown a large number of volunteers in addition to the original planted stems including additional species such as Red Oak and Trout Cove Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL March 2008 7 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 10079.D2 Pepperbush. If these new plants are taken into consideration, stem density would likely be much higher than 320 stems per acre in that plot. 4. Vegetation Plot Photos Photos taken during the June 12, 2007 Vegetation Sampling event are included as Appendix A. B. Stream Assessment 1. Problem Areas Plan View (Stream) An assessment of channel stability was performed on June 12, 2007, by S&EC. Areas of concern that were observed and documented included localized bank scour, and stressed or failing structures. These problem areas are shown on Sheets 5 through 7 (Problem Area Plan View) and described in Table IX. 2. Problem Areas Table Summary Table IX: Stream Problem Areas Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site (EEP Project # 388) Feature Issues Number Suspected Cause Photo number 1 1+40 - 1+55 Erosion/Undercutting 3 (3+60 - 3+70) Erosion/Undercutting Structure 4 (3+95 - 4+05) Erosion/Undercutting 1 2 (Rock Shift) 5 4+60 - 4+70) Erosion/Undercutting - 6 (23+05 - 23+15) Erosion/Undercutting 7 28+30 - 28+40) Erosion/Undercutting Structure (Rock Piping) 2 (2+90 - 3+00) Erosion 3 1 2+50 - 2+60 Erosion/Undercutting Banks 2 4+10 - 4+18) Erosion/Undercutting Banks 3 (6+20 - 6+27 Erosion/Undercutting Banks Bank Scour 4 (22+55 - 22+95) Erosion/Undercutting Banks 4-5 5 (24+96 - 25+00) Erosion/Undercutting Banks 6 (26+00 - 26+05 Erosion/Undercutting Banks 7 (27+40 - 27+95) Erosion/Undercutting Banks Trout Cove Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL March 2008 8 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 10079.D2 3. Numbered Issues Photo Section Representative photos of each category of stream problem area were taken and are shown in Appendix B. 4. Fixed Photo Station Photos Photos from established photo stations (at each cross-section) were collected during the stream survey (November 2007). Cross-section photos taken during the Monitoring Year 1 survey (November 2006) are included for comparison. These photos are included in Appendix B. 5. Stability assessment A visual qualitative assessment was performed to inspect channel facets, meanders, bed, banks, and installed structures. This visual assessment was confirmed and enhanced with a quantitative assessment of the physical stream survey. The goal of this assessment is to provide a percentage of the features listed in Table X that are in a state of stability. Table X was compiled from the data in Table B 1 in Appendix B of this report. Table X: Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site (EEP # 388) Feature MY-1 2006 MY-2 2007 MY-3 2008 MY-4 2009 MY-5 2010 A. Riffles 100% 99% B. Pools 100% 100% C. Thalwe 100% 100% D. Meanders 100% 100% E. Bed General 99% 98% F. Channel General N/A N/A G. Banks 99.5% 98.6% H. Vanes/ J Hooks, etc. 96% 95% 1. Wads and Boulders N/A N/A 6. Quantitative Morphology The following tables (Table XI and Table XII) summarize the quantitative data collected from the cross-sectional and longitudinal stream survey. Collected data was analyzed and summarized, and then compared with baseline data available for this project. The Quantitative Morphology Tables illustrate the degree of departure, if any, of the current channel from the baseline data. Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL S&EC Job # 10079.D2 March 2008 9 2005 stream survey data received from NCEEP, was collected and provided ' by NCSU. Two reaches of the stream channel originally surveyed in 2005 were again surveyed using assumed vertical and horizontal coordinates. ' We understand that a crest gauge has been installed on the site; however at the time of this submittal, no data from that gauge was available to S&EC. A ' review of available on-line USGS gauge sites was performed to determine if a suitable surrogate gauge was present in the area. No nearby gauge was identified. The closest USGS gauge to the site was on Brasstown Creek (near Brasstown, NC, Gauge Identification Number 03548330) which is approximately 3.3 miles from the project site. Based on this large distance, significant disparity in watershed sizes, and topographic variation, it is ' unlikely that a conclusive determination regarding the number of bankfull events experienced on the restoration site could be made. ' Based on observed site conditions, to include wrack lines, staining of vegetation, displaced/flattened vegetation, and observable sediment deposition, it appears that one or more overbank events have occurred during ' this monitoring year. Similar observations were made during 2006 by S&EC indicating that one or more bankfull events have occurred onsite in each of the last two monitoring years. ' Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL S&EC Job # 10079.D2 March 2008 10 Table X1. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary TROUT COVE STREAM RESTORATION SITE (EEP Project #388) Parameter Pre-Existing Condition Project Reference Stream Design As-built Dimension Min Max Avg. Min Max Avg. Min Max Avg. Min Max Avg. BF Width (ft * * » ' * * * * * » Floodprone Widt (ft » » * * * * » * » » « « BF Cros Sectional Are ' " " * * ' * » » » » r BF Mean * * * ' ' ` * » » » ` ` BF Max T Width/ Ratii Entrenchmen Rati * ' * * * ' * » » ` ` » Bank Heigh Rati * * " * * * ` * » » » ` Wette Perimeter(ft * * * * * * * * * * « Hydraulic radiu (ft ' " * * ' ' * * ' ` ` » Pattern Channe Beltwidth (ft * * + * » r r " * « r « Radius o Curvature (ft Meande Wavelength (ft * * * * * " * * » » * ` Meander Widt rati * " * * " * * ` * » « » ror' Riffle length (ft * ' * * * * * » * * » r Riffle slope (ft/ft' * * * " * * ' * * » » » Pool length (ft * * * * * * * * » Pool spacing (ft * * " * * " » * * * ` » Substrate d50 (mm " * * * « * * « * r r « d84 (mm " * * * « " r r « r . « Additional React Parameters Valley Length (ft * * " Channel Lengt (ft Sinuosi Water Surfac Slope (ft/ft BF slope (ft/ft * * ` Rosge Classificatio *Habitat Inde *Macrobentho items oenoteo wim an astensK nave not Deen provtaeu oue to: racK of uata Pruviucu Lot PrcvWw monitoring years, incorrect data provided for previous monitoring years, or these are items outside the scope of this year's monitoring effort. Trout Cove Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring - DRAFT December 2007 II Soil Environmental Consultants, PA S EC lob #10079.D2 1 1 11 Exhibit Table XII. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary TROUT COVE STREAM RESTORATION SITE (EEP Project #388) Parameter LOWER REACH UPPER REACH XS I -POOL 1 XS2 - RIFFLE 2 XS3 - POOL 2 XS4 - RIFFLE 2 XS5 - POOL 3 Dimension AS BUILT MYl MY2 AS BUILT MYl MY2 AS BUILT MYI MY2 AS BUILT MYl MY2 AS BUILT MYI MY2 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 BF Width (ft * 15.69 10.96 * 9.6 6.79 * 18.63 15.52 22.33 21.64 * 12.47 11.13 Floodprone Width (ft • 54.22 3241 • 50 28.13 • 50 32.93 ' 50 48.58 • 50 39.88 BF Cross Section. Area (ftt * 11.21 17.63 * 10.02 8.78 " 10.1 7.16 " 10.3 11.35 * 10.07 8.85 BF Mean Depth (ft * 0.71 1.61 * 1.04 1.29 * 0.54 0.46 * 0.46 0.52 • 0.81 0.8 BF Max Depth (ft 2.35 2.22 * 2.3 2.19 * 1.48 L23 ' 1.22 • 1.81 L8 Width/Depth Ran * 22.1 6.81 • 9.23 5.26 * 34.5 33.74 * 48.54 15.4 13.91 Entrenchment Rani 3.46 2.96 5.21 4.15 2.68 2.12 2.24 " 4.01 3.58 Bank Height Ran * 1.04 1.08 1.20 1.26 1.54 1.59 1.06 1.49 1.52 Wetted Perimeter(ft * 16.93 12.77 * 10.88 8.64 • 19.35 15.89 • 22.73 r22.07 13.57 12.19 Hydraulic radius (ft 0.66 1.38 0.92 1.02 0.52 0.45 0.45 0.74 0.73 Substrate 150 (mm ' d84 (mm • ' • • * r r r r * * r Parameter As-built (2005) MY-1 (2006) MY-2 (2007) Pattern Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Channel Belmidth (ft • * * 24.28 84.5 45.88 22.06 80.88 4735 Radius of Curvatur (ft * * * 19.03 38.59 28.26 20.95 35.37 28.49 Meander Wavelengtl (ft) * * * 57.75 135.06 103.88 57 124.64 90.36 Meander Width ran * • 3.92969 6.04837 4.65204 3.2489 11.9116 6.97349 Profile Riffle length (ft * • 4.69 Riffle slope HIM E 007284 0.04092 0.0239 Pool length(ft 434 3009 14.39 4.75 22.33 1L98 Pool spacing (ft ? 9 105.54 5121 29.94 87.91 57.62 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length HI * 1746 1746 Channel Length (ft • 1876 1876 Sinuosi * 1.07 1.07 Water Surface Slop (h/ft * 0.04092 0.0409 BF slope (ft/ft • 0.04092 0.0409 Rosgen Classificatio (74b CO Habitat Index Macrobenthos Trout Cove Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring -DRAFT December 2007 12 Soil Environmental Consultants, PA S EC Job #10079.D2 IV. Methodology Section No unavoidable deviations from initially prescribed methodologies were implemented as a part of monitoring Year 2 (2007) activities. Vegetation counts were completed according to CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.0. References Lee, Michael T., R. K. Peet, S. D. Roberts, and T. R. Wentworth. 2006. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.0 (http://cvs.bio.unc.edu/methods.htm) Weakley, Alan S. 2004. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas. Trout Cove Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring - FINAL March 2008 13 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job # 10079.D2 j f D X 223 r 4 `L t w I / -I VI F Project Number: i? 10079. D2 Project Manager: JER Scale: I = 1000' Date: DECEMBER 2007 } L i'r V S C? Map Title: Figure I - USGS Map Trout Cove Stream Restoration Clay County, NC Source: Peachtree Quadrangle ,:.d7 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Rd. - Raleigh, NC 27614 (919) 846.5900 • (919) 846-9467 Web Page www SandEC.com ?Li_ _1hF r x Cl _ )L)L - - ? I b E Lo I-) ? D _ s, t 1 ?I r {{ i JE,f 17 V?r) C ? fir tt 44 I ? ?;? ?. i ?r i? , i??+, - Tom. •? ..ap,fi - , _ ,° 11 a ! ? I Project Number: Map Title: 10079.D2 Figure 2 - 5oib Map Project Manager: JER Trout Cove Stream Restoration 0 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Scale: Clay County, NC 11010 Raven Ridge Rd. - Raleigh, NC 27614 y (919) 846 5900 • (919) 846-9467 1 250' Web Page: www.SandEC.com Date: Source: JANUARY 2008 5oil 5urvey of Clay County, NC j? ?Ln O c4- -? o ca ? > --? U O ? 0 f LLJ LLJ j I 0 4-1 E Q Q ~ C) U-i G2 C) Q2 G C) > z Q J W J J W a w p? anon qno,?l 0 ? U -z -z- s > c6 2 s-- ? ? 0-/ a-/ ?. Q ? °Oo?a?cD-'?n cn w U zU \\ j oz?E?4-1 LU Uoo??? o? z?z? ?cn IV O QQ s E EjM? ° ?v? w O?z oz? 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N ? g N w z D r /\dvd UIVV 11VUVV LUUG 11 IUd1V\6Vd\LU bLOU I \%6601 -U 154??\L?dS\\ ® m m m APPENDIX A APPENDIX A - Vegetation Data Survey Tables Trout Cove Stream Restoration Vegetation Monitoring (EEP Project# 388) Live Stem Counts per Plot arranged b Species Plot # Reach 1 Reach 2 Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ear Totals Acer rubrum Red Maple 1 1 1 3 Alnus serru/ata* Tag Alder 5 3 1 8 13 30 Betula nigra River Birch 1 1 Cepha/anthus occidentalis Buttonbush 1 2 2 5 Clethra a/nifolia Pe erbush 2 1 3 Corpus amomum* Silk Dogwood 1 6 2 8 10 27 Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip poplar 1 1 2 P/atanus occidentalis S camore 1 1 2 Salix nigra Black Willow 6 3 1 10 Year 2 (2007) Plot Totals 9 17 4 24 29 83 Year 1 (2006) Plot Totals 6 18 4 22 28 N/A N/A 78 Previous Plot Totals 5 4 5 22 14 N/A N/A 50 Plot Live Stem Density 364 689 162 972 1175 Report Prepared By David Ingersoll Date Prepared 6/20/2007 14:32 database name 2007-TC-CVS_EEP_EntryTool_v210.mdb database location \\Sec2\iobs10-10999k\10079.D2\Veoetation DESCRIPTION OF WORKSHEETS IN THIS DOCUMENT------------ ' Metadata This worksheet, which is a summary of the project and the project data. Plots List of plots surveyed. Vigor Frequency distribution of vigor classes. ' Vigor by Spp Frequency distribution of vigor classes listed by species. Damage List of most frequent damage classes with number of occurrences and Damage by Spp Damage values tallied by type for each species. ' Damage by Plot Damage values tallied by type for each plot. Stem Count by Plot and Spp Count of living stems of each species for each plot; dead and missing st PROJECT SUMMARY------------------------------------- Project Code project Name Description TC Trout Cove Trout Cove Branch Stream Restoratio 1 Table 2. - Vegetation Vigor by Species Species 4 3 2 1 0 Missing Acer rubrum 3 2 Alnus serrulata 18 10 2 Betula ni ra 9 1 Cephalanthus occidentalis 4 2 Clethra alnifolia 2 1 Cornus amomum 17 10 1 1 Liriodendron tuli ifera 1 1 Platanus occidentalis 3 Salix ni ra 9 4 1 TOT: 9 66 31 3 2 0 0 Table 3. - Vegetation Damage by Species pecies All Damage Categorie s (no damage Insect s (other damage Acer rubrum 5 4 1 Alnus serrulata 30 30 Betula ni ra 10 9 1 Cephalanthus occidentalis 6 6 Clethra alnifolia 3 2 1 Cornus amomum 29 27 2 Liriodendron tuli ifera 2 2 Platanus occidentalis 3 3 Salix ni ra 14 10 4 TOT 9 102 93 9 0 Table 4. - Vegetation Damage by Plot lot All Damage Categories (no damage) Insects (other damage) TC-01-buffer1-year: 2 9 9 TC-01-buffer2- ear:2 17 12 5 TC-01-buffer3- ear:2 4 4 TC-01-buffer4- ear:2 24 21 3 TC-01-buffer5- ear:2 29 28 1 TC-01-buffer6- ear:2 11 11 TC-01-buffer7- ear:2 8 8 TOT: 7 102 93 9 Table 5. - Stem Count by Plot and Species TC-01- TC-01- TC-01- TC-01- TC-01- TC-01- TC-01- Total # avg# buffer1- buffer2- buffer3- buffer4- buffer5- buffer6- buffer7- S ecies Stems lots stems ear:2 ear:2 ear:2 ear:2 ear:2 ear:2 ear:2 Acer rubrum 5 4 1.25 1 1 1 2 Alnus serrulata 30 5 6 5 3 1 8 13 Betula ni ra 10 3 3.33 1 4 5 Cephalanthus occidentalis 6 4 1.5 1 2 2 1 Clethra alnifolia 3 2 1.5 2 1 Cornus amomum 29 6 4.83 1 6 2 8 10 2 Liriodendron tuli ifera 2 2 1 1 1 Platanus occidentalis 3 2 1.5 1 1 Salix ni ra 14 5 2.8 6 3 1 2 2 9 102 9 17 4 24 29 11 8 APPENDIX A - Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot #1-Year 2 (June 12, 2007) ?, AA NIP Y ^. tart YY?WA '? ? Y i' ; . \ A ?, .+Yr +r'? ? yY"?;e rv +.•. to ? j ?:. ,y; 44 44, 1 m w? '?';, f ? ? .. ? '4.a`? "?e4 err .• ? I r? r a t? .r Vegetation Monitoring Plot #I-Year 1 (June 20, 2006) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL S&EC Project # - 10079.D2 March 2008 Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot #2-Year 2 (June 12, 2007) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL S&EC Project # - 10079.D2 March 2008 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #2-Year 1 (June 20, 2006) Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Vegetation Monitoring Plot #3-Year 2 (June 12, 2007) 2 r $ , .. ? '??`'A •\'Ca"? ANR "FIK': f 'DNS ? ,e? - ? ?.., v ? wA +., f b +C' ,'a??R7 {rir'?"'. i'??` T.. * ? ? '4?•Yl nr '?-`*• ,,, ; •.. A.f M ?t ,? , ,A I- #???." ?" '?'? i'.9l,ar?c .,Tw`+?. a ?' ^r. ? . ? ..r r i<'t - « 'c'w ,r ?;:, S?>. ?`?+. R , Vegetation Monitoring Plot #3-Year 1 (June 20, 2006) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL S&EC Project # - 10079.D2 March 2008 Appendix A Trout Cove Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL March 2008 Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Project # - 10079.D2 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #4-Year 2 (June 12, 2007) Vegetation Monitoring Plot #4-Year 1 (June 20, 2006) Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos A 5 V ` + ? ` wc ? y S41"+rt ? y A ?:• Qa, (, A ?.,? , ? ? t i y i 1 5 ,, "P / ,... _ w `` S ?' l V ?N ,' l . } T r'i 4 'm. y,?. c * 'f n Y ` •? i . _ p % ,14 1? r •r y? Vegetation Monitoring Plot #5-Year 1 (June 20, 2006) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL S&EC Project # - 10079.D2 March 2008 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #5-Year 2 (June 12, 2007) Appendix A Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos + x 7 r i 4 ? ?lM,s " `'' c '?i h= S?^ soh. b k Vegetation Monitoring Plot #6-Year 2 (December 12, 2007) 4 xlw I t . ti ', •. a{ . "" "'. : ? ? m ?r?n 4, ?' rlk a '7 a YN 4, i n Alt ? 4- + r? s t All" ? " . yA?ts+oM "• ?. ?i ?? t ? - ;'. ? ?+t{'?.?s ? ?,. ? `a1' y'r J"?, ''i4Q ??Q_, 4 Vegetation Monitoring Plot #7-Year 2 (December 12, 2007) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL S&EC Project # - 10079.D2 March 2008 APPENDIX B APPENDIX B - Stream Problem Areas Appendix B Stream Problem Area Photos Figure 2-Typical Rock Shift (June 12, 2007) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL S&EC Job# 10079.132 March 208 Figure I - Typical Rock Shift (June 12, 2007) Stream Problem Area Photos Figure 4-Typical Bank Scour (November 13, 2007) 11 Appendix B Trout Cove Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL March 208 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job# 10079.D2 Figure 3-Typical Rock Piping (June 12, 2007) Appendix B Stream Problem Area Photos Figure 5-Typical Bank Scour (June 12, 2007) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL March 208 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA S&EC Job# 10079.D2 APPENDIX B - Cross-section Data X \ O \x? I X \x x0) - 00 X OX an,. O X Ox r ? O ? O Ox O O Ox O It: N O OX (17 ? OX?h ? 0 ? ? i I Ox?O U ? U Ox o I I I - ?o O I xllj O xp I I O x? x O _ \h O Ox --- ? Ox - -- N I -- Ox00 m 0 u Ln v m N - o - It It It (4224) UOlgeAOlg L.() O N L9 O N O O T 11 O l9 17 O a) L N- R/ I E ? +-N O U o 4, L ? U O L Ln ?o Ln Ln Ln v m Ln N Ln - Ln O Ln m Ln cq O u Ln Ln Ln ?t Ln Ln N Ln - Ln O Ln 6? d ?t Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln + O Ln Ln + O O Ln + O Ln + O O + O m O O s:_- m O o ? 42- Ln N + O O N + O Ln O O O Ln O + O O O + Ln O O 1TN I <9 O O O N (gOO4) UOlgeAaI:l Ln m 0 O m O O _ 42, O O C) rV m E m ? O ^L -LN U 1 ( Q?? O U p L 5 U O L Ln N + O O N + O Ln + 0 o_ O Ln 0 O ?T- o 0 n Ln n \r Ln co Ln N Ln - n c) n m a o ?r v ,ri ?r N_ v o ch m v v ?r ?r m m (gOO4) uoigenQQ 0 Ln 0 0 N I U 0 N 0 0 IN T O O O R/ d E L O L 4-N ? U N N O L(1 U ? ? O O U L i I I I I I I I I i I I I i I I I O O Ln Ln O O Ln O Ln ?r 0 0 ?r 0 c? O o O cn + O Ln N O O N O Ln + O O + O Ln O + O O O - + Ln Ln ? Ln m Ln N Ln - Ln O Ln m Ln cp Ln t? o <9 LO L9 N L9 _ ?9 ?9 Ln Ln Ln C9 L9 L9 L9 lD Ln Ln Ln (?aa}) uoi??na?? n V 9 v V i O ? O O O ? O Ln E ? O L 4L V 1 Q? O ? U p ? L ? U O L I I I I I I I --- I I ? I I I I I I I I I II I? I i I i I I I O O 0 O Ln O 0 O ?r O m O O p + +' O +m Ln N + O O N + O Lf? + O O + O Ln O + O O O I I I I I I I I I I + ?O to l- Lo <9 Ln Ln Ln ?t Ln m Ln N Ln - Ln O O (1901) uoigL-najg Ln O IN I <9 O O O O jN I Appendix B Cr055-5CCtlon Photos Cross-section # I -Year 2 (November 13, 2007) Cross-section # I -Year I (November 17, 2006) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL S&EC Job# 10079.D2 March 2008 Appendix B Cross-section Photos Cross-section #2-Year 2 (November 13, 2007) Cross-section #2-Year I (November 17, 2006) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL S&EC Job# 10079.132 March 2008 Appendix B Cross-section Photos Cross-section #3-Year 2 (November 13, 2007) Cross-section #3-Year I (November 17, 2006) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL S&EC Job# 10079.D2 March 2008 Appendix B Cross-section Photos Cross-section #4-Year I (November 17, 2006) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL S&EC Job# 10079.132 March 2008 Cross-section #4-Year 2 (November 13, 2007) Appendix B Cross-section Photos Cross-section #5-Year 2 (November 13, 2007) Cross-section #5-Year I (November 17, 2006) Trout Cove Stream Restoration Site Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Year 2 Monitoring-FINAL S&EC Job# 10079.132 March 2008 ' APPENDIX B - ' Longitudinal Profile Data 1 1 n. 1 1 o° oX s o o ? n rv E ' o cn CL- U 75 D ?? O J o(o C),X O° ?x o° ?X CD 0 o O ' ?X U O z ° X Q m ? Q ? o N °° DX O° N O O N I ?X (° 2x O° x O° Ox o Lr) o Tn o LC) O Ln o Ln o LC) o u u Ln Ln ?r d m co N O I UVNIT] s ? U O -'? c? L ? O ? ? O rv J I ?- O cn ti U ? O ? ? O N x I 10 i i ¦ I 00 ?x 2 ?O ?x 2 00 ?x 2 h0 ?x 2 00 ?x 2 h0 ?x 00 ?x 2 h0 ?x 2 o? ?x 2 ?o z 2? x O 00 Q ?x (f ?o lbx 2 Oo ?x 2 ?O ?x 2 00 2x xh0 00 x ?O Ox 2 00 Ox o L o Ln 0 Ln o m m O o.? L U L cf? Ln 0 0 N 0 0 N r- 0 0 1N T Table 131. Qualitative Visual Stability Assessment Date: November, 2007 Project # 10079.D2 Feature Category (# stable) Total Total Feature Number Number/ % perfor. number Perform. performing feet in in stable per As- Mean or as unstable condition built Total Metric (per As-built and reference baselines intended state A. Riffles 1. Present? 64 64 NA 100% 2. Armor stable (e. g. no displacement)? 64 64 NA 100% 3. Facet grade appears stable? 64 64 NA 100% 4. Stable interval grade? 64 64 NA 100% 5. Featurespacing appropriate? 59 64 NA 92% 6. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining? 64 64 NA 100% 7. Depth appears appropriate for current discharge? 64 64 NA N/A 8. Length appropriate? 54 64 NA N/A 99% C 1 B. Pools 1. Present? (e. g. not subject to severe a radation? 59 59 NA 100%° 2. Suffiecientl deep Max Pool D:Mean Bkf>1.6 59 59 NA 100% 3. Thalwe located outer bend? 59 59 NA 100% 4. Spacing appropriate? 59 59 NA N/A 5. Non-a radin not filling)? 59 59 NA 100% 6. Length appropriate? 59 59 NA N/A 100% C. Thalweq 1. Upstream of meander bend (run/inflection) centering? 59 59 NA 100% 2 Downstream of meancrr iylidN inflection l center'mq? 59 50 NA 100 100°ia D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion? 59 59 NA 100% 2. Of those eroding, # w/ concomitant point bar formation? 0 59 NA 0% 3. Apparent Rc within spec? N/A N/A NA N/A 4. Sufficient flood lain access and relief? 59 59 NA 100% 100% E. Bed General 1. General channel bed a radation areas bar formation NA NA 0 100% channel a egra a on - areas o increasing own cutting or head cutting? NA NA 75 96% 98% F. Channel Capac./Dimen 1. Channel width: depth appears out of design/tv e spec? NA NA N/A N/A N/A G. Banks 1. A arent scour points from channel processes NA NA 0 100% 2. Apparent cut points from overland flow NA NA 50 99% 3. Apparent cut or scour from flood water re-entry to channel (e. g. inadequate flood lain access? NA NA 0 100% 4. Tension cracks NA NA 0 100% 5. Bank gradient in excess of 40%? NA NA 200 95% 6. Collapse/slumping NA NA 124 97% 7. Ratio of bank height: bankfull height elevated NA NA N/A 100% 98.6% H. Vanes 1. Free of back or arm scour? 53 56 NA 95% 2. Height appropriate? 51 56 NA 91% 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate? 53 56 NA 95% 4. Free of i in or other structural failures? 55 56 NA 98% 95% 1. Wads/Boulders 1. Free of scour? N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2. Footinq stable? N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Notes