HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0003090_Monitoring - 11-2016_20161212 (5)SUBMIT FORM ON SIM PAPER ONLY CROUhiDWATEER QUALITY MONITORING: rwy�w� v r u,yry RmA I to Please Prfal Cfeearfy or Type Facility Name_�� Permit Name (if diiterent): ty c c, Contact Persor+MCet�-,r:ine ts�b ` Tele �,.�g' Tetepftiane Weft Location/ Site Name: No. of Wells to be Sampled; I. Weft I'lentification Number (from Permit), For Grcundyraiee Traetmeat Sysl Well Depth; 30 D 0 A. Well Diameter: ..Qin. f�tecic°dne; El Influent$$ Screened Interval & . ft. to _ ft } Depth to Water level: ZA. 1 0. below Measuring point. 0 Effluent (99) h4easuft Paint (M.P.) is.� _ ft, above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in H.: Gallons of luster pumpedlbafl ed before sampling: 5 Daae sample collected: Field analysis: pH- % G0 , Specific Conductance u�titeu Temp. /to "C, Odor..... Appearance. k�.1`sar� DE€'AWNIENTOF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURM WATEli OVUM WISION, CIRQUNDWATER SECTION t636 MAIL SERVIC9 CMMA PERMIT fl: v�_r4c)oJ3d9D F..XPIRATION DATE: 44 '6G (> Non -Discharge - ule NPI]ES QEI .I�i ITF�OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagow _Retnedtaiiom Infiltration Gallery spray Field f omixliakm: Rotary Distributor Land ApplWailon of Sludge €7 her. - - - (tii]T1=: Values Should mflact dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Date trample anal ; // S- L wratory Nanta: Certification Na.L�SC 3<-I PARAMETERS (Samples far metals were.callected unfiltered -YES NO and field acidified Cf�l7� mg(I Coliform.- MF Fecal _._,./100Ml Coliform: MIT Total r __-- f100n-d (bate: Use PRION mathad fir higiely turbid Samples) m A Dissolved Solids: Total 7 2.0_ mg/l hen analyzed) unfts TpH OC fir' _ 4 rng/I Chloride _ S.Z; mgA Arsenic mg/l Grease and Coils mg/l Phenol mg/I Sulfate - iia m Specific Conductance --- , -- - -_^ uMh Total Ammonia — -- _ .: mg/I TKN as N -- _ -- mg/l Nitrite (NO2) as N m A Nitrate (NO3) as N C• "�A mg 1 Phosphorus: Total as F - mg/I Orthophosphate _ _ mg/I At - Aluminitrt, = mg,ri 9a - Barium. m gn Ca - calcium= r'mgA mgA Cd - Cadmium ChroFml=Total"' mgil :. iWu - Capper , � rftl Fe o Iron mg/t Hg - Mercury Q tin g/ K - Potasslutzt, _ tYlg/l Mg - Magnesium- mg//l Mn - Manganese mg/1 YES NO) N! - Nickel -- - mgA Pb w LeeM9A Zn - Zinc mgA Ammonia Nitrogen ----<0, mg/I Other (Specity Compounds and Concentration Units) ZU IV ORGANICS: (GG,GCildlS,IjpLC) (SPOCItyteal and method 0. Attach lab report) Report Attached? Yes - (1) No (4} VOC method M ; method # GROUNDWATER OLIALITY MONITORING: Facility Nanw Permit Name (it G. Well Lotion/ Site Mame: SUBMIT FORM ON Pleasre PrintCfearfy or County Telephone #: No. of Wells to be WeR Identification Number (from Perm1t): LYv� .s _ � F,at Qwundvfater If64atrt�eJld SyStirititr Welt Depth: a?2 . 1 5 ft. Well Diameter: _ �-_ in. t k 4�se: � trestmortt �$ Screened Interml. It. to it. ) De to Water Level., 0 Effluent (99) . � ft. below measuring point Measuring PoInt (M.P.) is: �_ ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation in fl.: Gallons Of waster Pum edfballed before sampling. .33 mate Sample collected: 1[ I e. f=ield analyrsts: pli • U , SPecifle Conductance — Umhos Temp. i �•_ a °C, Odor — Appearances EARAN��,� (Samples for metals were collected urufllteretl YE=S NO L.F rrtgli Collforral: MF Fecal /100m Coliform: MF Total -- /iUOml (Note: Use t+ PN method faar highly turbid samosa) mgA Dissolved Sollda: Total /6 2 mg/l pH (when anal ed)a un"S - � - mg/l Chlorldb 6 ` Arsenic rn Grease and Offs - - rrtg4 Phenol mgt Sulfate—__ - <to nn gA Spec#ie Conductance m-- -- - - Whos Total Ammonia _-- mg/l TKN as N mg/l PAPER ONLY DEPARTNIM OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES Wren GuALffY DwIstoN, GR=40WATER sECTioN 1636 AWL SERVICE COMR PERMIT V.1%43 Cj a -Su-tc3 EXPIRATION LATE: - Non -Discharge UIC NPDES TYPE OEP-EMITIEQ OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon RetnMdlallon: Infiltration Gallery Spray Field ___._-_ Samediatim- Rotary Distributer -Lend Apptihahion al Sludge Ofhet; MOTE: Values should refloat dissolved and colloidal concentratlanss. Date sample analyzed: i 1 Y _- 10 a, I i Ce Laboratory Name: ` (? E S- n 0,-k%j nL Certification No. I\JC- 3. anti field acidified YES Nitrite (NO2) as N mgA Nitrate (NO3) as N 0 - S-7 k m /1 Phosphorus. T. as P mg/l Orthophosphate rng/i At - Aluminum mgA IIS - Barium m gA Ca - Calcium mgA Cd - Cadmium-- - - mg/l Chromium: Total _ mg/l Cu - Copper - mgh Fe - Iron - mg/l l-tg - Mercury � .. - - mg/( K - Potasslum mg/l Mg - Magnesium Mg/l Mn - Manganese mg4 - NO) Ni - Nickel: mg/l Pb Lea Mgrl Zn - Zino Mg/l Ammonia Nitrogen_ Other (Specify Compounds and Concentration UTdis) His ORGANICS: (GG,GCtMS,t PLC) (Specify tett and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes (1) No (0) voc method! #6.2 3c) method go - - SUBMIT FORM ON XELLM PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER GUALITY MONITORING: r msg_"..( 6 rOrwry"_ MA 6 MCI Please PH& Clearty o Type Facility t<Fame:_, twn O� k./ Permit Name (if crept): Corstact Person: CQ ?•t �, ` kf �" VM County l! "a Yh ' , �— Telephone #: k- C-0 WellLocation/ Sita Name: -121( k- No. of Wells to be Sampled: �. Well Identiftcation Number (froze Permit): �77", Far t�lrisnndwatsr Trtiatmefltsyslf Well Depth. 7,0 _:�6 Well Diameter:_ in. Check Qnrr: El influent (98) Screened Interval :ate . Le ;.ft. to - It. 0 Effluent (99) Depth to Water Level: C�X ft. below measudngi point Measvdng Point (M.P.) is:_. ft. above farts/ surfac�e,. /Relative M.P. Elevation in fl Gallons of water Pump ed/bailed before sampling. L `/ Date Sample collected: i! 8 Field analysis: pH 62 -,RX— , Specific Conductance — UM s -- Temp. /K- 3 °C, Odor - Appearance _Sl,aj.-i/V _77L 4 I P'ARABIIMRS (Samples for metals were collected COD m Coliform: PAF Few � l.� � _...f100MInl -Phosphorus. Total as P Coliform: MF Total _- /100nll (trots: Use MPH method f'ar 11103y turbid Samples) At - Aluminum Dissolved S+ollds: Total ` AS mull PH (when analysed) units TOC <' 1. o _ mWI Chloride mgt Arsenic mg/l Grease and Offs -- mg/l Phenol Mgli �. Sulfate s 1 C)mgASpecific K - Potallunt Conductance _ uMhos Total Ammonia �.�_.. rng/I TKN as N. mg/I Unfiltered—yES DEPARTMEWOF 9NVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES wmai avAgry ntvisiou, anouNDWATER SECTION 1536 MAIL SERVIC9 CEtd R PERMIT ft, t4l0ao'spga EXPIRATION DA' Non-Discharge-- NPpES TYPE Q p'EEJMWrEp OPERATION BEING MONCTORED Lagoon Reffeft fan: Infiltration Caffery Spray Field Fiprrrediation: Rotary Distributor -Land Application of Sludge - other: NOTE=. Valueg ShoUld reflect tilasatved and - colloidal concentrations. Date sample analyzed- l7 $ — i/ a/ 1 L Laboratory Name: CertifiCation No. �tf� NO and field acidified VER Nitrite (NO2) as N mgA N1trate (NO3) as N 0 a XG Mg/I -Phosphorus. Total as P mg/I Orthophosphate mg/I At - Aluminum mull 13a - Barium m,g/l Cat - Calcium- - _- mgA Cd - Cadmium - �_ Mg/I Chromium: Total - - _... mg4 Cu - Copper rrlgll Fe - Iron _ mg/l Fig - Mercury mgll K - Potallunt mg/I Mg - Magnesium mgA Mn - Manganese mgA SOI. Ni - Nickel m Zn - Zinc mgA Ammonia Nitrogen--< O � rlag/l Other (SPecily Compounds and Concentration uris) BEG4 ON ORGANICS: (ec.Gc/fvms,i E (Specify test and method 4. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? lies (1 No 0 ) ( } VOC mettfod IM = CPQ 3a [7 - method 4 - -- SUBMIT FORM ON YEILQ9 PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER OUALfTY MONITORING: Facility Name Permit Name (it WeR Location/ Site blame: Please County rn.,,6nksk . Telephone No. of Welts to be Sampisd: We# tdentibcatlon Number (tram Perm(t): _- Welt Depth: ft. Well Diameter. Screened lnUn-aI. _ , ft. to _ ft. Depth to Water Level: % g3 ft. below measuring point. Messurfng Point (M.P.) it. above land surface. R Gallom of water pumpeftalied before eamptkV. Field analysis: pH -, Speak Conductance — - Temp. le= °C, Odor Al EARAMETERS (Samples for metals were collected COD tTt Coliform: IMF Fecal c /10Cm1 Coliform: MF Total -- -- /100MI (Ierdfa: Us* PROH M61110d f6f hisiblY turbid samptsat) mg/I Dissolved Solids: Total 5-3, o Mg/I pH (when analyzed) unhs TOC__ <.I--- ---- _� mglf Chloride - -41, 1 �. mg/l Arsenic mgli Grease and Oils m Phenol m94 Sulfate - <'Ja nn gA Specific Conductance®_ -- - uMhoos, TOW Ammonia —_—_-- - Mg/I TKN as N mg/I FOr {�6 wdwater Treatment $Vst&m in. check Ons; 0 ("fluent (9$) 13 Effluent (99) staltive M.P. Elevation In R.: Date sample collected: /1JTTZ7 unfllterecl - YES NO DEPARTMENroF BHMiPiONMENT a NATURAL RESOURCES WATER GUALrrY OiWISION, GROUNDWATER SECTION 036 MAIL SERVICE C><M R PERMIT #- LJ(3 dOd 3690 EXPIRATION DATE: Non -Discharge UIC� NPDES JYPF QE PEFtMEMEQ OPERATION BEING MONfTORED La®atxti Remediation_ Infiltration Gallery Spray Field poo riedia6m Rotary Distributor -Land Appficatlan of Studge Other; NME., Values :should refloct dissolved and colloidal concentrations, Data sample analyt i Laboratory Name. � d4M 14 Cerblication No. ,d:�c 3 and field acidified —YES Nitrite (NO2) as N mgh Nitrate (1403) as N —_Q . '-A I m A Phosphorus. Total as P _ _ mg/I Orthophosphate _ mg/I At - Aluminum _` _-- M9A Ba - Barium mg/I Ca - Calcium_-- m Cd - Cadmium my Chromium: Total _ mg/I Cu - Capper - - l Fe - Iron mg/I Fig - Mercury - _ - 1Tt K - P'otalsslurn Mg/I Ing - Magnesium MgA Mn - Manganese .- rrrg/i NO) Ni - Nickel g m Pb - Lead t[ rn/I Zn - Zinc mg(l Ammonia Nitrogen Other (Spectly Compounds and Concentration Units) ORGANICS: (GC,GC1M8,HPIL (Spe0(6y test and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attechad? Yes -(I) No (4) VOC method # = CR 3c, LD - method # =--- - SUBMIT FORM ON YELL= PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: Please Print Clearfy or Facility Name:_ Permit Name (t Fatcifity Andress Gaun Contact Rerson:�L �-!� ielsPhtine Well Location/ Site Fume: —tl^ No. of Wells to be Sampled; Se a Well rdentitication Number (from Permit),M_ epi T und++hrraster Treatment Systa s Welt Depth: 27. ---IQ _fL Well Diameter: ._ 2—in. Check Oar �] rent .feat (g$) Softened Interval: l ft. to ft. Effluent Depth to Water Level �S� ft. I�lcw trteaauring poInLI­ Measuring �5�� Point (M.P.) ft. above land surface. Relative M.P. Elevation In ft.: GaHOne of water pumped/ba6fed before sampling. _ Data sarnpfe colfeeted: Field analysis: pH , Specific Conductance -- uMhos _17— TOMP- - °C, 000r � Appearance PERMIT C 0EPAFYTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NAnjRAL WEsouRCES WATER GLIAL M WISIAN, GROUNDWATER SECTION 1636 AWL SEFMCE CENTER EXPIRATION DATE: Ntln-Discharge_ UIC NPOES TYPE QE PEEMITTE11 OPERATION BEING MONITORED Lagoon Remediation: Infiltration Gaffery Spray Field llsrnedla%M_ _ Rotary aistrabutor Land AppkaWn of Studge - - Ott�t: NOTA: Values should mflacl dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Date sampleartame/ i1 - N \ �� 1 Laboratory Na:.� c— Certification No.17-1 kA PARAMETERS E -T (Samples f®r Metals Wars Collected Unfiltered YES - NO 10field acidifled CAM M qA Collform: IMF Few! /i 00ml Coliform., MF Total (Note. Use MPH method tar hf1jhiy Dissolved Sol#ds: Total pH (when analyzed) Chloride Arsenic _-- Grease and Offs __-- m11. 94 Phenol rrtgll sulfa -to rn Specific: Conductance _ uMhos Total Ammonia �—___ . mgll TKN as N 1`119/1 ` ' e (€40,!, a, N m 11 t NC as N� I os crus: Total as mg/I (hate rng/I rturat mgA Bari rng� mgA C - Cadrniu mgfl Chromium-. To Mg/I Cu - Copper a -:�— mgll Fe - Iron mg/l Hg - Mercury m K - Putt isailun Mg/I Mg - Magnesium M gA Mn - Manganese _ ., Mg/I —YES NO) Ni - Nicker _ Pb t Lead Zn - Zinc Arr monia , Other ( ir* Compound's and Corioentra mgfi mg/1 mgA tttg/I Units) nt= r1W �_ �►/iw�lie ENDOW_ ORGANICS: (GC,GC1M8,MPLa;) (SPeaify teat and method #. Attach lab report.) Report Attached? Yes (1) No VOC method M =____ -- — mefhod 4 GAN -59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Permit # ,46000--$"W) (Submit one each monitoring period ivith GW -59 forms.) 1 Enter date monitoring results were due. !/ 3e !6) Will this monitoring report (GW -59 and GW -59A) YES NO be submitted after the established due date? 2 Was any required information missing on the GW -59 report forms? YES NO IF the answer to question 1 or 2 is "YES", list in the space provided below the well identification number(s) and explain the problems encountered in obtaining the required information. 3 Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing YES NO identification plate, area overgrown, etc.)? If the answer is "Yes", contact the Regional ice for guidance. 4 Are any monitored constituents equal to or above the established standards? YES NO if the answer to question 4 is "NO", skip to section 8. *the answer to question 4 is "YES" list the affected wells individually with constituent(s) and concentration(s) exceeding standards in the space provided below: 5 For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the YES NO same constituent(s) in the same well(s) in the last two years? if the answer to question 5 is "NO", skip to section 8. If the answer to question 5 is "YES" list in the spade provided below, each welt with constituent(s) exceeding standards, concentration(s) reported, and sample collection date for each occurrence (for the last two years). 6 Are the monitoring wells listed in section 5 located at or beyond the review boundary? YES NO If the answer is "YES". a groundwater quality problem may be occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. /f the answer is "NO", monitoring wells may be Improperly located; contact the Regional Office. 7 Is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division involving this YES NO groundwater quality problem? !f the answer to question 7 is "YES" describe those actions in the space provided below. N the answer to question 7 is "NO" contact the Realonal Office within 90 days: an evaluation may be reaulred to determine the impact the waste disposal system is having at the review and comollance boundaries surrounding this facility. Failure to do so may subiect the permittee to a Notice of Violation, fines, and/orpenalties. g The person completing this portion (GW --59A) of the monitoring report should sign below and submit this form with GW -59 forms for required wells to the address provided at the top of the current GW -59 form. 'I hereby'acknovuledge that the ab6ve information was evaluated'and the mforti ation submitted' -m this I report (Compliance Report GW=59A) isarue arid_complete to the, best 'mw knowledge:' : r Signature of Permi (or Authorized Agent ate GW -59A 12/82003 i