HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0003433_Draft cov let_20161005Water Resources L,NVIRONMENTAI, QUALITY PAT MCCRORY Governot DONALD R. VAN DER VAART scere(R!)' S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Dlreelor October 5, 2016 Mr. Harry K. Sideris Senior Vice President Environmental, Health & Safety Duke Energy Progress, LLC 526 S. Church Street Mail Code: EC3XP Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 Subject: Draft NPDES Permit Modification & Renewal Permit NC0003433 Cape Fear Steam Electric Plant Chatham County Class II Facility SIC 4911 Dear Mr. Sideris: Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the Draft NPDES permit Modification & Renewal for your facility based on your final August 31, 2016 revised application. Please review this draft carefully to ensure thorough understanding of the requirements and conditions it contains. Starting December 21, 2016, federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and specify that, if a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit DMRs electronically to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. The requirement to begin reporting discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) internet application has been added to your final NPDES permit. [See Special Condition A. (27.)] For information on eDMR, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr. For more information on EPA's final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule, please visit the following web site: http://www2.epa.gov/compliance/final-national-pollutant-discharge-eliminations stem npdes electronic -reporting -rule. With the closure and removal of all steam and turbine generation wastewater sources, including sanitary wastewater, this site primary focus will be management and closure of the remaining ash basins, disclosure and management of seeps, and compliance as directed by other regulatory agencies. To facilitate the closure of the on-site ash basins, a new outfall was requested to allow the discharge of treated ash basins' decanting and dewatering wastewater to the Cape Fear River State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 807 6300 Page 12 October 5, 2016 from new ash basin treatment systems. Additional permit coverage was also requested for future treatment of on-site groundwater remediation wastewater and on-site ash landfill leachate wastewater utilizing the new treatment systems. To provide a potential emergency overflow outlet for the three ash basins internal outfalls were also requested. The March 13, 2015 application addendum's East and West Ash Basins water analyses was used to develop decanting and dewatering requirements for all on-site ash basins. The August 28, 2016 AOW's seep water analyses was used to develop seep -based outfall requirements. Proposed ChanEes to Permit 1. Removed Outfall 003 and following Special Conditions as they are no longer applicable: a. A. (2.) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements (Outfall 003) b. A. (6.) Intake Screen Backwash c. A. (7.) Biocide Condition d. A. (8.) Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plant e. A. (10.) Section 316 (b) of CWA 2. Repurposed Internal Outfalls 001 and 005 (Emergency East & West Ash Basin overflows): a. Removed Total Arsenic, Total Copper, Total Iron, Total Selenium, Ammonia -Nitrogen monitoring requirements. b. Added pH monitoring with limits requirement. c. Revised limitation page and flow narrative to reflect episodic emergency overflow requirement. 3. Repurposed Outfall 007 (Collects seeps S-05, S-07, S-08, S-12 discharge and episodic discharge from Internal Outfalls 001 & 005): a. Removed Fecal Coliform and Chronic Toxicity monitoring, and Temperature limit requirements. b. Added seep -based requirements for Conductivity, Nitrate/Nitrite as N, and Total Hardness monitoring; and TSS and Oil & Grease monitoring with limits. c. Revised monitoring of toxicants to incorporate monitoring for seep toxicants of concern. Further revisions were made to add limits or remove parameters based on reasonable potential analyses of seeps data, in this case, Total Arsenic, Total Cadmium, Total Copper, Total Molybdenum, Total Nickel, Sulfates, and Total Thallium received limits; and Total Antimony monitoring was not required. 4. Added New Outfall 008 (Treated ash basins decanting wastewater and episodic discharge from Internal Outfalls 008A): a. Incorporated treated ash basin decanting wastewater outfall requirements for Flow monitoring with Daily Maximum Limit; continuous pH monitoring with limits and automatic shutoff of decanting pump; continuous TSS monitoring with limits and automatic shutoff of decanting pump; Oil & Grease monitoring with limits; net Turbidity monitoring with limit; Chronic Toxicity P/F with Limit; and Total Hardness and Nitrate/Nitrite as N monitoring. b. Incorporated monthly monitoring for decanting toxicants of concern. Further revisions were made to add limits or remove parameters based on reasonable potential analyses of ash basins bulk water data, in this case, Total Arsenic, Total Copper, Fluoride, Total Molybdenum, Total Nickel, Sulfates, and Total Selenium, Total Thallium, and Total Page 13 October 5, 2016 Zinc received limits; Total Antimony, Total Chromium, and Total Lead monitoring was not required. c. Incorporated Mercury TMDL WQBEL, annual average, based on ash basins bulk data review. d. Incorporated required TN and TP nutrient monitoring per 15A NCAC 2B .0500. e. Incorporated narratives for definitions, for decanting operation criteria, and for notification prior to commencing the initial ash basin decanting operation. 5. Added New Outfall 008 (Treated ash basins dewatering/decanting wastewater and episodic discharge from Internal Outfalls 008A): a. Incorporated treated ash basin dewatering wastewater outfall requirements which are the same as listed 4.a. above, but with monitoring reporting frequency increased to weekly. b. Incorporated weekly monitoring for dewatering toxicants of concern. Further revisions were made to add limits or remove parameters based on reasonable potential analyses of ash basins interstitial water data, in this case, Total Arsenic, Total Barium, Total Chromium VI, Total Chromium III, Total Copper, Total Lead, Fluoride, Total Molybdenum, Total Nickel, Sulfates, and Total Selenium, Total Thallium, and Total Zinc received limits; Total Chromium weekly monitoring was added. c. Incorporated Mercury TMDL WQBEL, annual average, based on ash basins interstitial water data review. d. Incorporated required TN and TP nutrient monitoring per 15A NCAC 2B .0500. e. Incorporated narratives for definitions, for dewatering/decanting operation criteria, and for notification prior to commencing the initial ash basin dewatering operation. 6. Added New Outfall 008 (Treated ash basins dewatering/decanting/groundwater remediation wastewater and episodic discharge from Internal Outfalls 008A): a. Incorporated treated ash basins dewatering/decanting wastewater outfall requirements as listed in 5. a., b., c., d. above. To address remainder of groundwater toxicants of concern added limits for Total Antimony, Total Cadmium, and Chlorides, and added monthly monitoring for Total Aluminum, Total Manganese, and TDS. b. Incorporated narratives for definitions, for dewatering/decanting/groundwater remediation operation criteria, and for notification prior to commencing addition of groundwater remediation wastewater to treatment systems. 7. Added New Outfall 008 (Completion of ash basins dewatering/decanting operation, groundwater remediation wastewater treatment only): a. Incorporated groundwater remediation requirements for weekly Flow monitoring; weekly pH, TSS, and Oil & Grease monitoring with limits; quarterly Chronic Toxicity P/F Limit; and quarterly Total Hardness monitoring. b. Incorporated treated ash basins dewatering/decanting wastewater outfall requirements as listed in 5. b. above since same parameters of concern apply. To address remainder of groundwater toxicants of concern added limits for Total Antimony, Total Cadmium, and Chlorides, and added monthly monitoring for Total Aluminum, Total Manganese, and TDS. c. Incorporated Total Mercury WQBEL, annual average, with monthly monitoring as this remains a toxicant of concern. d. Incorporated Total TN and TP nutrient monitoring per 15A NCAC 2B .0500. Page 14 October 5, 2016 e. Incorporated narratives for definitions, for groundwater remediation operation criteria, and for notification prior to completion and termination of ash basin decanting/dewatering operation. f. Note episodic ash basin discharges from Internal Outfalls 001, 005, and 008A are no longer allowed. 8. Added New Outfall 008 (Completion of ash basins dewatering/decanting operation, groundwater remediation/ash landfill leachate wastewater treatment only): a. Incorporated leachate requirements for weekly Temperature monitoring and monthly Conductivity monitoring. b. Incorporated groundwater remediation wastewater treatment only requirements as listed in 7. a., b., c., d., f. above since same requirements apply. To address remainder of ash landfill leachate toxicants of concern added weekly monitoring of Total Silver with limits. c. Incorporated narratives for definitions, groundwater remediation/leachate operation criteria, and for notification prior to commencing the addition of leachate wastewater to treatment system. 9. Added New Internal Outfall 008A (Emergency 1963/1970 Ash Basin overflow): Same requirements as listed for Internal Outfalls 001 & 005. 10. Added New Seep -Based Outfall 009 (5-04): a. Incorporated seep -based requirements for Flow, Nitrate/Nitrite as N, Temperature, Conductivity, Total Hardness monitoring; and pH, TSS, and Oil & Grease monitoring with limits. b. Incorporated monitoring for seep toxicants of concern. Further revisions were made to add limits or remove parameters based on reasonable potential analyses of seep data, in this case, Total Arsenic, Total Cadmium, Total Chromium VI, Total Copper, Total Lead, Total Nickel, Sulfates, and Total Selenium, and Total Thallium received limits; and Fluoride monitoring was not required. 11. Added New Seep -Based Outfall 010A (5-09): a. Incorporated seep -based requirements for Flow, Nitrate/Nitrite as N, Temperature, Conductivity, Total Hardness monitoring; and pH, TSS, and Oil & Grease monitoring with limits. b. Incorporated monitoring for seep toxicants of concern. Further revisions were made to add limits or remove parameters based on reasonable potential analyses of seep data, in this case, Sulfates received limits and Total Antimony monitoring was not required. 12. Added New Seep -Based Outfall 010B (5-10): a. Incorporated seep -based requirements for Flow, Nitrate/Nitrite as N, Temperature, Conductivity, Total Hardness monitoring; and pH, TSS, and Oil & Grease monitoring with limits. b. Incorporated monitoring for seep toxicants of concern. Further revisions were made to add limits or remove parameters based on reasonable potential analyses of seep data, in this case, Total Arsenic, Total Copper, and Total Lead received limits; and Total Antimony and Fluoride monitoring was not required. c. Incorporated Total Mercury WQBEL, annual average, per Mercury TMDL. Page 15 October 5, 2016 13. Added New Seep -Based Outfall 011A (5-15): a. Incorporated seep -based requirements for Flow, Nitrate/Nitrite as N, Temperature, Conductivity, Total Hardness monitoring; and pH, TSS, and Oil & Grease monitoring with limits. b. Incorporated monitoring for seep toxicants of concern. Further revisions were made to add limits or remove parameters based on reasonable potential analyses of seep data, in this case, Total Arsenic, Total Molybdenum, Sulfates, and Total Thallium received limits; and Total Antimony monitoring was not required. 14. Added New Seep -Based Outfall 011B (5-18): a. Incorporated seep -based requirements for Flow, Nitrate/Nitrite as N, Temperature, Conductivity, Total Hardness monitoring; and pH, TSS, and Oil & Grease monitoring with limits. b. Incorporated monitoring for seep toxicants of concern. No data was available so the adding of limits or removing of parameters was based on the toxicant requirements from adjacent seeps, in this case, Total Arsenic, Fluoride, Total Molybdenum, Total Nickel, Sulfates, Total Thallium, and Total Zinc received limits; and Total Antimony monitoring was not required. c. Incorporated Total Mercury WQBEL, annual average, based on requirement from adjacent seeps. 15. Added New Seep Based Outfall 011C (5-16): a. Incorporated seep -based requirements for Flow, Nitrate/Nitrite as N, Temperature, Conductivity, Total Hardness monitoring; and pH, TSS, and Oil & Grease monitoring with limits. b. Incorporated monitoring for seep toxicants of concern. Further revisions were made to add limits or remove parameters based on reasonable potential analyses of seep data, in this case, Total Arsenic, Fluoride, Total Nickel, Sulfates, Total Thallium, and Total Zinc received limits; and Fluoride monitoring was not required. 16. Added New Seep -Based Outfall 011D (5-17): a. Incorporated seep -based requirements for Flow, Nitrate/Nitrite as N, Temperature, Conductivity, Total Hardness monitoring; and pH, TSS, and Oil & Grease monitoring with limits. b. Incorporated monitoring for seep toxicants of concern. Further revisions were made to add limits or remove parameters based on reasonable potential analyses of seep data, in this case, Total Lead, Total Nickel, Sulfates, and Total Zinc received limits; and Total Antimony and Fluoride monitoring was not required. c. Incorporated Total Mercury WQBEL, annual average, per Mercury TMDL. 17. Added following Special Conditions to address new permit requirements: a. A. (18.) Chronic Toxicity Limit (Monthly). b. A. (23.) Instream Monitoring. c. A. (24.) Applicable State Law (State Enforceable Only). d. A. (25.) Addition of Other Wastewaters to Ash Basin Treatment Systems. e. A. (26.) Discharge from Seepage f. A. (27.) Electronic Reporting of Discharge Monitoring Reports Page 16 October 5, 2016 18. Added following Attachments to address new permit requirements: a. Added Attachment 1 Groundwater Monitoring Plan b. Added Attachment 2 Pan for Identification of new Discharges (State Enforceable Only) Concurrent with this notification the Division is publishing a notice in a newspaper having circulation in the general Chatham County area, soliciting public comments on this draft permit. Please provide any written comments you may have to the following: NCDEQ/DWR, NPDES Permitting Branch, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 no later than 30 days after receipt of this draft permit. Following the 30 -day public comment period, the Division will review all pertinent comments and take appropriate action prior to issuing a final permit. If you have questions concerning this draft permit, please call me at (919) 807-6396 or by email at ron.berry@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, 9" &,"'YVY Ron Berry, Engineer NPDES Complex Permitting Unit Hardcopy: NPDES Files Ecopy: US EPA Region 4 (include Standard Conditions, Fact Sheet, Application) US EPA/Karrie-Joe Shell (include Standard Conditions, Fact Sheet) Email: Shell.Karrie-Joe@epa.gov DWR/ PWSS Regional Engineer/Allen Hardy (include approval form) DWR/Regional Operations Section/Eric Smith DWR/Aquatic Toxicology Branch/Susan Meadows DWR/Raleigh Regional Office/Water Quality (include Fact Sheet) DWR/Operator Certification Unit/Maureen Kinney Duke Energy Progress, LLC /Richard Baker Email: Richard.Baker@duke-energy.com