HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030368 Ver 1_Monitoring Reports_20080215ELLERBE CREEK STREAM RESTORATION - Project #127 Third Annual Monitoring Report - February 2008 - FINAL • Designed by: Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. Suite 300, 801 Jones Franklin Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Submitted to: .. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources } Ecosystem Enhancement Program QSy Stell] 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 0 FS F RECEIVED FEB 15 2008 NC ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENTPROGRAM • Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary .......... ......... .... ........................................................... 4 II. Project Background ................................................................................. 4 A. Project Objectives .................................................................................................. .. 4 B. Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach ................................................. .. 4 C. Location and Setting ................................................................................................. .. 5 D. History and Background .......................................................................................... .. 7 III. Project Conditions and Monitoring Results ........................................ 9 A. Vegetation Assessment ............................................................................................ .. 9 B. Stream Assessment ................................................................................................... 10 1. Morphometric Criteria ..................................................................................... 10 2. Hydrologic Criteria .......................................................................................... 11 C. Wetland Assessment ................................................................................................ 20 IV. Methodology ......................................................................................... 20 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Vicinity Map .........................................................................................................6 Figure 2 USGS Stream gauge data for Ellerbe Creek .....................................................12 Tables Exhibit Table I. Project Restoration Components ......................................................... 7 Exhibit Table II. Project Activity and Reporting History ...................................................7 Exhibit Table III. Project Contact Table ............................................................................ 8 Exhibit Table IV. Project Background Table ..................................................................... 8 Exhibit Table V. Verification of Bankfull Events ...........................................................15 Exhibit Table VII. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment ...................20 Exhibit Table VIII. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary ................................19 Exhibit Table IX. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary ............................. 21 • Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project #127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 2 APPENDICES • Appendix A Vegetation Raw Data Table Al. Vegetation Data Tables Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and Species Table 6. Vegetation Problem Areas Figure Al. Vegetation Current Condition Plan View Table A2. Vegetation Problem Area Photos Table A3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos Appendix B Geomorphologic Raw Data 1. Figure B1. Stream Current Condition Plan View 2. Table B1. Stream Problem Areas 3. Stream Problem Area Photos 4. Stream Photostation Photos 5. Qualtitative Visual Stability Assessment 6. Cross section Plots 7. Longitudinal Plots 8. Pebble Count Frequency Distribution Plots • Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report • Project #127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 3 • 1. Executive Summary The Ellerbe Creek stream restoration a project is located on the Hillandale Golf Course in Durham, North Carolina just east of the intersection of U.S. 15/501 and Interstate 85 (I- 85). The project has restored 6,279 linear feet of the perennial stream in the Neuse River Basin (USGS HUC 03020201050010). The drainage area for the site covers approximately 5,635 acres. Several unnamed tributaries enter Ellerbe Creek upstream of the restoration site. Project construction began in January 2004 and was completed in December of the same year. First year monitoring was done in the fall of 2005. Second year monitoring was completed in November 2006. The third year monitoring was completed in early July 2007. RJG&A's initial 2007 qualitative evaluation was conducted on 10 April. Quantitative vegetation and geomorphologic data were collected between 25 June and 10 July. Another qualitative evaluation was conducted on 02 October 2007. Vegetation monitoring was performed, recorded, entered, and analyzed pursuant to the methodology outlined in the Mitigation Plan and the First Annual Monitoring Report. The restoration project has met its design goals. No significant geomorphologic changes have occurred during the third monitoring year. Aquatic and semi-aquatic organisms have colonized most of the restoration area and the average woody stem density (843 per • acre) has exceeded the vegetation restoration goal. II. Project Background A. Project Objectives The objectives of the Ellerbe Creek Stream restoration project are to: 1. Establish a new floodplain at a lower elevation and connecting the stream to the new floodplain; 2. Reduce erosion and sedimentation; 3. Provide wildlife habitat through the creation of a more natural riparian buffer; 4. Improve aquatic habitat with the use of natural material stabilization structures and a riparian buffer; and 5. Improve water quality within Ellerbe Creek. B. Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach A Priority 2 stream restoration was used for the most of project's length to establish a new floodplain, improve sediment transport capability, restore wildlife habitat, and improve water quality. Some stream enhancement was done in the Croasdaile, Hillandale, and Albany reaches, where utility rights-of-way were present. The Albany reach also included preservation. The project involved channel dimension adjustments, pattern alterations, in-stream structure (root wads, rock vanes, and woody debris) • Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project #127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 4 installation to provide grade control and channel stability, and riparian buffer restoration (woody vegetation planting and stock exclusion). The areas where site constraints related to the golf course and utility rights-of-way are detailed in the As-Built Report. Exhibit Table I. Project Objectives Table (from Ellerbe Creek Year One Monitoring Report) Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 Reach ID Mitigation Type Linear Feet or Acreage Comment Hillsborough Restoration 1663 LF Changed dimension, pattern, and profile Croasdaile Restoration 199 LF Changed dimension, pattern, and profile Croasdaile Enhancement 504 LF Changed dimension and profile Hillandale Restoration 1321 LF Changed dimension, pattern, and profile Hillandale Enhancement 618 LF Changed dimension and profile Alban Restoration 1207 LF Changed dimension, pattern, and profile Alban Enhancement 391 LF Changed dimension and profile Alban Preservation 376 LF Protected existing stream Buffer Restoration 17.41 AC Restored buffer area Stormwater Wetland Creation 0.15 AC Created wetlands Pocket Wetlands Creation 0.23 AC Created wetlands C. Location and Setting The Ellerbe Creek restoration is located in the City of Durham on the Hillandale Golf Course. The golf course and restoration area are located approximately 1,500 feet east of the I-851U.S. 15/501 intersection, on the east and west sides of Hillandale Road. To access the site from I-85, travel south on exit 17a (Hillandale Road). Ellerbe Creek is at the bottom of the first hill. The restoration site begins where Ellerbe Creek emerges from a double box culvert under I-85, continues east under Belleview Avenue and Hillandale Road, and terminates approximately 300 feet west of Albany Street. Sprunt Avenue parallels most of the site to the south. Indian Trail parallels the Albany reach to the north (Figure 1). The Croasdaile reach is along an unnamed tributary to Ellerbe Creek that emerges from a double box culvert under I-85. It is paralleled by Belleview Avenue to the east. Maintenance of the immediately surrounding golf course, channel straightening, and the large amount of impervious surface in the surrounding urban watershed were primarily responsible for the stream's instability. The golf course had intensively managed the vegetation adjacent to the stream and only a grass buffer existed along the banks. The result was an entrenched stream with low sinuosity. The channel was incised four to six feet and erosion and slumping affected large portions of the banks. Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project #127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 5 • • • 0 0 • i r 1? v 1 r; -- ti ?42 . \=- ???--? ? !+ ?"?! I 8h it ??? ? ` % ???, • '^ ol} L 'L ; 6?t ate ?? ? t, ? ? I i „ ? Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Site 1 r ? ; y3 ?j I• 1 ???` ? ??? ? ?"»- 111/?1: ?? I ??? 4 I i 9 I 1 ? J , ? ? ^` J?? ? ` f ?^ / ?` it ??(? ? • ? fgh. l.r `V/"?? ? \: ? i \ \A YE l• / 47? . Figure 1. Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Durham County, NC 9 source: NCDOT Data Distribution - Tile 78 ?Y)ti?51( 111 F® www.ncdot.ortlit,tgis?DataDistribution' Durham County .... 0 1.500 n In __ Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Project #127 RJG&A 2007 Final Monitoring Report Year 3 of 5 Page 6 • • D. History and Background Exhibit Table II. Activity and Reporting History Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 Activity or Report Calendar Year of Completion or Planned Completion Actual Completion Date Restoration Plan 2003 March 2003 Construction 2005 March 2005 Temporary S&E mix applied 2004 December 2004 Permanent seed mix applied 2004 December 2004 Bare Root Planting 2004 January 2004 Mitigation Plan 2005 May 2005 As-built 2004 May 2005 Year 1 Monitoring 2005 October 2005 Year 2 Monitoring 2006 December 2006 Year 3 Monitoring Vegetation 2007 June 2007 Geomo hological 2007 July 2007 Report 2007 October 2007 Exhibit Table III. Project Contacts Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 Design: Stantec Consulting, Inc. 801 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 300 Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Mr. Brad Fairley (919 851-6866 Construction Contractor: SEI Environmental, Inc. 130 Penmarc Drive Raleigh, NC 27603-2470 Ms. Jackie Utley 919 832-2535 Monitoring Performers: RJG&A 1221 Corporation Parkway, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27610 Ms. Jessi O'Neal (919 872-1174 • Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project 9127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 7 Exhibit Table IV. Project Background - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 County Durham Drainage Area Hillsborough Reach - 1,140 Acres (1.78 s q. miles Hillandale Reach - 1,810 Acres 2.83 s q. miles Alban Reach - 2,150 Acres 3.36 s q. miles Croasdaile Reach - 535 Acres 0.84 s q. miles Drainage Impervious Cover Estimate % 80% im ervious; 20% forest and residential Stream Order Third Order Ph sio ra hic Region Piedmont Ecore ion Triassic Basins Ros en Classification of As-built C4 Dominant Soil Types Carteca , Chewacla, and Congaree Reference Site ID SCO#010551001A USGS HUC for Project and Reference Ellerbe: 03020201; Cabin Branch: 03020201; Tributary to Marks Creek: 03020201 NCDWQ Sub-basin for Project and Reference Ellerbe: 03-04-01; Cabin Branch: 03-04-01; Tributary to Marks Creek: 03-04-02 NCDWQ Classification for Project and Reference Ellerbe: Impaired; Cabin Branch: Not Rated; Tributa to Marks Creek: Excellent An portion of the project segment 303d listed? Yes Any portion of the project segment upstream of a 303d listed segment? Yes Reasons for 303d Listing or Stressor Urban runoff/storm sewers % of Project Easement Fenced 0% None • • Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project #127 Year 3 of 5 is RJG&A Page 8 9 • Figure 2. USGS 2007 stream gauge discharge data for Ellerbe Creek near Gorman, N.C. 588.8 0 488.8 y 388.8 288.8 a a? m 188.8 .a v ao ?o L V N O J 19:8 USGS 02086849 ELLERBE CREEK NEAR GORMAN, NC Jan 01 Feb 01 Mar 81 Apr 01 May 81 Jun 81 Jul 81 Rug 01 Sep 01 Oct 81 2007 2007 2087 2887 2887 2087 2807 2007 2087 2087 ---- Provisional Data Subject to Revision ---- - Median daily statistic {18 years} - Daily mean discharge • Table IX BEHI and Sediment Export Estimates only apply to Monitoring year 5 and were, therefore, not performed during 2007 (monitoring year 3). Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Project #127 RJG&A 2007 Final Monitoring Report Year 3 of 5 Page 12 • III. Project Conditions and Monitoring Results RJG&A's initial 2007 qualitative evaluation was conducted in April and the project appeared to be functioning as designed. Subsequent evaluations in July and October 2006 also revealed relatively complete design compliance, with a few minor exceptions, detailed below. A. Vegetation Assessment Hillsborough Reach Three vegetation problem areas were observed in the Hillsborough reach during the second growing season. Two of them are on the slopes between the terrace and the golf course. They are likely to have resulted from rill and gully erosion in compacted subsoil. The third, and largest, vegetation problem area involves both rill and gully erosion on the slopes as well as bare soil on the floodplain which appears to be result of poor growth medium (i.e. too compact/not enough organic material/nutrients). In addition to the three large vegetation problem areas, originally identified in the 2006 monitoring, small, isolated rill and gully areas exist throughout the project that have poor vegetative cover, as well (Appendix A.1 and A.2). Replanting, mulching, and installation of erosion control devices (e.g. coir matting) in the • rill and gully areas is recommended. Although poor soil/conditions in the larger vegetation problem area has resulted in bare soil and sparse herbaceous cover, the vegetation monitoring plot (HB-V3) located adjacent to the area contains 22 live, planted stems (or 890 stems per acre). Because the area is far exceeding the goal of 320 stems per acre, no remedial work appears to be necessary at this time. These areas should continue to be closely monitored. Although one beaverdam was observed, and subsequently removed during the geomorphological survey by an EEP subcontractor, no evidence of beaver browsing was observed in this, or any other reach in the project. Croasdaile Reach The only vegetation problem area observed in the Croasdaile reach was where the NCDOT rip-rap spillway crosses the stream buffer. No remedial action is recommended/possible at this time. Hillandale Reach A small rill and gully vegetation problem area was observed on the slope from the golf coarse in the Hillandale reach, immediately downstream from cross section four. As described above, this vegetation problem area is likely to be the result of the lack of an adequate substrate. . Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project #127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 9 Albany Reach • Two vegetation problem areas were observed in the Albany Reach. Both are a combination of rill and gully erosion on the slopes and bare soil on the floodplain, due to poor/compacted soil. Similar to the Hillsborough Reach, vegetation monitoring plots in the vicinity of these areas have 21 and 36 live planted stems (850 and 1457 stems per acre respectively), so no remedial action is recommended at this time. All Reaches The average live, planted woody stem density for all plots was 20.8 individuals per plot, (843 stems per acre). This exceeds the required 320 stems per acre in the third monitoring year by 263 percent, in spite of the 62.8 percent survival of planted woody stems (Table VII). B. Stream Assessment 1. Morphometric Criteria RJG&A staff evaluated the Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration site during April, June, and October 2007. The RJG&A staff collected the third year monitoring quantitative geomorphological data during July 2007. As the quantitative data and qualitative evaluations indicate, after the third growing • season the structure and function of the entire restoration project very closely match the as built conditions and nearly all structures appear to be functioning as designed. One high priority structural failure was observed at a cross vane on Ellerbe Creek's right bank at station 6330 (Appendix B I.3). The vane's downstream-most header rock has become entirely dislodged from the underlying footer and is in the channel below. From the header's former location, the downstream bank is eroding severely and slumping into the creek for approximately 30 more feet. Several low priority areas of scour, aggradation, and structure undermining were observed at other locations ( Exhibit Table X, Appendix B1). One beaverdam was found in the Hillsborough reach and removed by a subcontractor during data collection. The removal occurred on 2 July 2007 and the results of which can be seen in the longitudinal profile data (Appendix B.6). Beaver were subsequently removed from the site. The most obvious structural difference from monitoring year 2, was the increased number of aggradation areas, mostly in the form of bars. This may be due to a combination of high beaver activity in 2006 that trapped a large amount of sediment behind the dams, followed by the low flow conditions of 2007 that resulted in downcutting through the remaining sediment, instead of moving sediment though the system. The result appears to be an increase in the size and number of bars, especially in the Albany reach. Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report • Project #127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 10 • The lowest portion of the Albany reach continues to be "backwatered", presumably due to downstream beaver impoundments, resulting in flooded structures and aggregation in the two downstream-most pools. Several slopes with rill and gully erosion are still present throughout the site. These will continue to be evaluated. If erosion continues, organic material and secured stability matting may need to be remedially installed. Although construction overflow spillway that serves the I-85 stormwater settling basin has altered a portion of the Croasdaile Reach's right bank and the dimensions of the adjacent constructed wetland, it appears to be stable and functioning. 2. Hydrologic Criteria A crest gauge was installed at this site to document bankf ill events on 13 June 2007. As of 02 October 2007, at least one bankfull event had occurred. Based on NC CRONOS data from the 312515 Durham weather station during this time period, a bankfull event most likely occurred in response to a storm that occurred on 28 July 07, when the highest amount of precipitation (1.08 in) was recorded. Previous to this, potential occurrence was based on USGS stream gauge discharge data for Ellerbe Creek near Gorman (USGS 02086849). This gauge is located approximately 10 miles downstream of the restoration • site and has a drainage area of 21.9 square miles. According to the bankfull regional curves, a stream with a drainage area of 21.9 square miles would reach a bankfull discharge at 2,144.5 cubic feet per second (cfs) using the urban piedmont regional curves, and 819.7 cfs using the rural piedmont regional curve (Doll et al., 2002). Presumably due to a drought in the area, there have been no bankfull flow events at this USGS stream gauge in 2007 (Figure 2). Qualitative evaluation (rack and drift lines, downed herbaceous and woody vegetation on the floodplain) indicated at least one high flow event between 7 December 2006 and 11 April 2007. It is likely that another bankfull event occurred on 12 April 2007, based on on-site observation by RJG&A staff, of the water level in the channel being two to three inches below bankfull and rising. Exhibit Table V. Verification of Bankfull Events - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 Date of Data Date of Occurrence Photo # Collection Method (if available) 11 April 07 Between 7 December 06 and 12 April 07 On-site high water NA indicators 02 October 07 Between 13 June 07 and 02 October 07 Crest Gauge NA Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project #127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 1 I • • Exhibit Table VII. Categorical Stream Feature Visual Stability Assessment - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 Hillsborough Reach (1,663 ft Feature Initial MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 A. Riffles 100% 95% 87% 90% B. Pools 100% 80% 69% 94% C. Thalwe 100% 95% 78% 87% D. Meanders 100% 98% 94% 100% E. Bed General 100% 85% 100% 100% G. Bank 98% F. Vanes/J Hooks, etc. 100% 95% 89% 100% H. Wads and Boulders 100% 95% 75% 66.5% Croasdaile Reach (703 ft) A. Riffles 100% 95% 100% 100% B. Pools 100% 95% 100% 100% C. Thalwe 100% 95% 100% 100% D. Meanders 100% 95% 100% 100% E. Bed General 100% 95% 100% 100% G. Bank 100% F. Vanes/J Hooks, etc. 100% 95% 100% 100% H. Wads and Boulders 100% 95% 100% 100% Hillandale Reach 1,939 ft A. Riffles 100% 90% 93% 95% B. Pools 100% 85% 89% 96% C. Thalwe 100% 95% 80% 75% D. Meanders 100% 95% 83% 92% E. Bed General 100% 75% 100% 100% G. Bank 94% F. Vanes/J Hooks, etc. 100% 95% 92% 89% H. Wads and Boulders 100% 95% 50% 100% Alban Reach (1,974 ft A. Riffles 100% 60% 75% 60% B. Pools 100% 60% 62% 79% C. Thalwe 100% 80% 75% 45% D. Meanders 100% 95% 77% 77% E. Bed General 100% 50% 100% 100% G. Bank 89% F. Vanes/J Hooks, etc. 100% 95% 79% 85% H. Wads and Boulders 100% 95% 75% 75% Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project #127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 13 0 0 0 Exhibit Table VIII. Baseline Morph loand H draulic Summa - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 Reaches: Hillsborough, Hillandale, Alban * Parameters USGS Data Regional Curve Interval Project Reference Stream Pre-Existing Condition Design As-built Dimension Min Max Min Max Med Min Max Jled Min Max Mcd Bankfull Width (ft) NA NA 10.1 14.3 19.9 20.7 NA 22 26 NA 16.3 24.8 NA Flood rove Width ft) NA NA 47 59 25 40 NA 48 57 NA 50 100 NA BF Cross Sectional Areas ft NA NA 7.2 21.4 37.9 48.3 NA 28.9* 42.3* NA 25.8 82.4 NA BF Mean Depth (ft) NA NA 0.7 1.5 1.5 2.4 NA 1.8 2.2 NA 1.3 3.3 NA BF Maximum Depth (ft) NA NA 1.3 2.2 37.* 4.0 NA 2.7 3.2 NA 2.2 4.8 NA Width/De th Ratio NA NA 10 14 8 13 NA 28.9* 42.3* NA 12.7 19.2 NA Entrenchment Ratio NA NA 3.3 5.8 1.2 2.0 NA 2.2 2.2 NA 2.4 3.9 NA Bank Height Ratio NA NA - - - - - - - - 1.02 1.31 1.07 Wetted Perimeter (ft) NA NA 11.61 17.25 28.28 24.77 NA 21.89 24.59 NA 19.9 38.4 NA Hydraulic Radius (ft) NA NA 0.62 1.24 1.34 1.95 NA 1.32 1.72 NA 1.3 2.6 NA Substrate d50 (mm) NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.3 NA 5 NA 0.01 4.4 NA d84 (mm) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5 49 NA Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) NA NA 38 80 25 33 -- 90 105 NA 11.6 55.38 36.7 Radius of Curvature (ft) NA NA 37.73 160 NA 19 15 45 95 NA 34.78 114 67 Meander Wavelength NA NA 32 105 NA 129 65 85 295 NA 103 304 185 Meander Width ratio NA NA 3.74 7.89 1.3 1.6 -- 4.0 4.1 NA 0.47 2.41 1.48 Profile Riffle length (ft) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 103 NA NA NA NA Riffle slope (ft/ft) NA NA NA NA 0.906 1.091 0.011 0.001 0.002 NA NA NA NA Pool length (ft) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 27 NA NA NA NA Pools acing (ft) NA NA 5 49 19 29 24 24 160 NA NA NA NA additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft) NA NA NA NA NA 5200 Channel Length (ft) NA NA NA NA NA 5576 Sinuosity NA NA 1.2 1.03 1.11 1.05 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) NA NA NA 0.994 NA 0.97 BF slope (ft /ft) NA NA NA NA NA NA Ros en Classification NA NA C4b, C5 G4 C4 C4 Habitat Index NA NA NA NA NA NA Macrobenthos NA NA NA NA NA NA *All numbers have been copied directly from the first year monitoring report. Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Project #127 RJG&A Numbers that seem questionable have been identified with an asterisk (*). 2007 Final Monitoring Report Year 3 of 5 Page 14 • 0 0 Exhibit Table VIII. Baseline Morphology and Hydraulic Summary - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 - Reach: Croasdaile* Parameters USGS Data Regional Curve Interval Project Reference Stream Pre-Existing Condition Design As-built Dimension Min Max Min Max Med Min Max Med Min Max Med Bankfull Width (ft) NA NA 10.1 14.3 19.9 20.7 NA NA NA 17.5 9.1 11.5 NA Flood prone Width (ft) NA NA 47 59 25 40 NA NA NA 50 NA NA 21.2 BF Cross Sectional Area (s ft) NA NA 7.2 21.4 37.9 48.3 NA NA NA 16.9 14.5 19.7 NA BF Mean Depth ft) NA NA 0.7 1.5 1.5 2.4 NA NA NA 1.5 1.3 2.2 NA Maximum Depth (fl) NA NA 1.3 2.2 37.* 4.0 NA NA NA 2.1 1.9 2.8 NA Width/Depth Ratio NA NA 10 14 8 13 NA NA NA 12 NA NA 9.0 Entrenchment Ratio NA NA 3.3 5.8 1.2 2.0 NA NA NA 2.9 NA NA 1.9 Bank Height Ratio NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2.75 NA Wetted Perimeter (ft) NA NA 11.61 17.25 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Hydraulic Radius ft) NA NA 0.62 1.24 1.34 1.95 NA NA NA 1.01 1.1 1.6 NA Pattern Channel Beltwidth (ft) NA NA 38 80 25 33 NA NA NA 82.63 NA NA NA Radius of Curvature (ft) NA NA 37.73 160 NA 19 15 36 44 NA NA NA NA Meander Wavelength NA NA 32 105 NA 129 65 156 233 NA NA NA NA Meander Width ratio NA NA 3.74 7.89 1.3 1.6 NA NA NA 4.7 NA NA NA Profile Riffle length ft) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Riffle slope (ft/ft) NA NA NA NA 0.906 1.091 0.011 NA NA 0.002 NA NA NA Pool length (ft) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Poolspacing (ft) NA NA NA NA 19 29 24 29.2 78 NA NA NA NA Substrate d50 (mm) NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA d84 (mm) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Additional Reach Parameters Valle Length (ft) NA NA NA NA NA 687 Channel Length (ft) NA NA NA NA NA 703 Sinuosity NA NA 1.20-1.23 1.03 1.05 1.02 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) NA NA NA 0.994 NA NA BF slope ft/ft) NA NA NA NA NA NA Ros en Classification NA NA C4b, C5 G4 C4 134 Habitat Index NA NA NA NA NA NA Macrobenthos NA NA NA NA NA NA Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project 4127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 15 0 0 Fxhihit Tahly iX Mnrnhnlnav and Nvdraulir Mnnitnrina Snmmarv - F11-ha (Teel, Stream U-Mratinn -Prniort $177 _ Nillehnrnnah RParh • HB-XS1 HB-XS2 HB-XS3 HB-XS4 Dimension As-built Mon 01 Mon 02 Mon 03 As-built Mon 01 Mon 02 Mon 03 As-built Mon 01 Mon 02 Mon 03 As-built Mon 01 Mon 02 Mon 03 Bankfull Width (ft) 19.3 21.8 21.47 23.24 16.3 16.1 34.03 31.9 21.9 38 22.11 22.36 24.8 24.4 34.71 33.43 Flood prone Width (ft) 50 100 100 100 NA 100 100 100 85 100 100 100 NA 100 100 100 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 25.8 33.1 31.26 31.37 54.2 54 61.43 62.76 37.7 38.2 35.71 35.25 59.1 56.3 59.18 68.94 Mean Depth (ft) 1.3 1.5 1.46 1.35 3.3 3.4 1.81 1.97 1.7 1 1.61 1.58 2.4 2.3 1.71 2.06 Maximum Depth (11) 2.2 2.6 2.62 2.72 4.5 4.6 5.02 4.96 3.1 2.8 3.12 3.19 4.5 4.4 4.29 4.4 Width/Depth Ratio 14.5 14.3 14.75 17.22 NA 4.8 18.85 16.21 12.7 37.7 13.69 14.19 NA 10.6 20.36 16.21 Entrenchment Ratio 2.6 4.6 4.66 4.30 NA 6.2 2.94 3.13 3.9 2.6 4.52 4.47 NA 4.1 2.88 2.99 Bank Height Ratio 1.16 NA NA 1.01 1.07 NA NA 1.04 1.08 NA NA 1.08 1.03 NA NA 1.05 Wetted Perimeter (11) 19.9 22.8 22.45 24.27 21.1 21.5 39.3 37.54 23.2 38.7 23.28 23.7 28 27.3 37.72 36.86 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.3 1.5 1.39 1.29 2.6 2.5 1.56 1.67 1.6 1 1.53 1.49 2.1 2.1 1.57 1.87 Substrate d50 (mm) 11.7 12 4 5.7 11 9.6 0.06 0.06 NA 0.062 0.04 6.6 4.4 0.83 1.56 1.4 d84 (mm) 49 30 39.8 19 23 41 15.53 4 NA 1200 3 20.8 11 13 13.65 20.5 Entire Longitudinal Profile (all HB and part of HD) Mon 01 Mon 02 Mon 03 Pattern min max mean min max mean min max mean Channel Beltwidth (ft) NA NA NA 9.57 57.91 35.66 12.2 60.9 39.3 Radius of Curvature (ft) NA NA NA 39.1 126.49 69.6 31 126.2 60.5 Meander Wavelength NA NA NA 155.44 384.31 384.31 153.5 388.5 248.4 Meander Width ratio NA NA NA 1.21 1.21 Profile Riffle length (ft) NA NA NA 3.54 70.53 22.91 19.1 158.5 56.6 Riffle slope (ft/ft) NA NA NA 0.001 0.175 0.042 0 0.03 0.011 Pool length (ft) NA NA NA 18.18 425.86 118.6 17.3 93.9 44.2 Pool spacing (ft) NA NA NA 0.77 51.72 18.78 14.5 344 104.1 Additional Reach Parameters Valley Length (ft) Channel Length (fl) Sinuosity Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) BF slope (ft/ft) Rosgen Classification Habitat Index Macrobenthos * For entire longitudinal profile only Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Project #127 RJG&A Mon 01 Mon 02* Mon 03* 1586 3,050 ?.(l89 1663 3,398 ;, 89 1.05 1.11 1.10 0.97 0.0035 0.0047 NA 0.0018 0.0035 C4 C5 C5 NA NA NA NA NA NA 2007 Final Monitoring Report Year 3 of 5 Page 16 0 0 Exhibit Table IX. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 - Hillandale Reach is HD-XS I HD-XS2 HD-XS3 HD-XS4 Dimension As-built Mon 01 Mon 02 Mon 03 As-built Mon 01 Mon 02 Mon 03 As-built Mon 01 Mon 02 Mon 03 As-built Mon 01 Mon 02 Mon 03 Bankfull Width (ft) 37.1 30 31.09 45.03 23.9 41.9 36.08 33.00 40.4 45.2 45.08 45.27 34.7 39.2 38.71 34.83 Floodprone Width (ft) NA 100 100 100 75 100 100 100.00 NA 100 100 101.5 100 105 105 105 BF Cross Sectional Area (s 1 49.1 37.3 36.45 46.23 33.2 38.8 33.7 31.53 89.1 101.2 100.5 98.82 62.7 69.2 64.24 64.27 BF Mean Depth (ft) 1.3 1.2 1.17 1.03 1.4 0.9 0.93 0.96 2.2 2.2 2.23 2.18 1.8 1.8 1.66 1.85 BF Maximum Depth (ft) 3.2 3 3.02 2.96 3 2.9 2.83 2.87 4.2 4.5 4.63 4.83 3.2 4 3.74 4.08 Width/Depth Ratio NA 24.2 26.52 43.86 17.2 45.1 38.62 34.53 NA 20.1 20.22 20.74 19.2 22.3 23.33 18.88 Entrenchment Ratio NA 3.3 3.22 2.22 3.1 2.4 2.77 3.03 NA 2.2 2.22 0.23 2.9 2.7 2.71 0.22 Bank Height Ratio 1.13 NA NA 1.14 1.02 NA NA 1.08 1.07 NA NA 1.02 1.09 NA NA 1.12 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 38.4 31.2 32.73 46.61 25.1 43.3 37.55 34.34 41.7 46.6 46.71 47.04 35.6 40.4 40.26 36.56 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.3 1.2 1.11 0.99 1.3 0.9 0.9 0.92 2.1 2.2 2.15 2.10 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.76 Substrate d50 (mm) 0.4 0.59 0.06 3 NA 0.062 0.13 0.06 1.7 7 9.57 0.8 1.8 0.062 0.05 6.9 d84 (mm) 5 8 6.36 13 10 0.062 0.84 0.42 10 18 15.46 14.4 6 0.062 7.49 15.6 Additional Reach Parameters Mon 01 V d[,c} Leo?th (Jtl 1 RU4 Channel Length (it) 1939 Sinuosity 1.07 Water Surface Slope: (tt/ft) NA BF slope (ff/ft) NA Rosgen Classification C4 Habitat Index NA Macrobenthos NA Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project #127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 17 • • Exhibit Table IX. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration -Project #127 -Albany Reach • AL-XS1 AL-XS2 AL-XS3 AL-XS4 Dimension 1 As-built Mon Ol Mon 02 Mon 03 As-built Mon O1 Mon (12 Mon 03 As-built Mon 0l Mon 02 Mon 03 As-built Mon Ol Mon 02 Mon 03 13ankfull Width (ft) 29 31.7 53.05 48.02 27 28 45.36 46.60 27.4 21.3 23.99 21.40 28.6 28.9 35.88 26.27 Floodprone Width (ft) NA 100 100 100.00 100 100 100 100.00 NA 100 100 100.00 70 71.9 100 100.00 BF Cross Sectional Area (sq ft) 60.5 69.1 84.87 79.45 68.4 70.1 73.36 78.63 82.4 71.4 65.9 61.50 55.4 55.7 48.23 45.30 BF Mean Depth (11) 2.1 2.2 1.6 1.65 2.5 2.5 1.62 1.69 3 3.3 2.75 2.87 1.9 1.9 1.34 1.72 BF Maximum Depth (ft) 3.5 3.9 4.12 4.34 4.8 4.6 4.67 4.71 5.1 4.4 4.4 4.31 3.2 3.3 3.32 3.14 Width/Depth Ratio NA 14.5 33.16 29.03 10.7 11.2 28.04 27.62 NA 6.4 8.73 7.45 14.8 15 26.7 15.23 Entrenchment Ratio NA 3.2 1.89 2.08 3.7 3.6 2.21 2.15 NA 4.7 4.17 0.58 2.4 2.5 2.79 0.21 Bank Height Ratio 1.07 NA NA 1.03 1.08 NA NA 1.06 1.14 NA NA 1.14 1.31 NA NA 1.23 Wetted Perimeter (11) 30.2 33.5 55.09 50.24 30.7 30.7 49.46 50.24 32.3 25.3 28.15 24.92 29.6 30 37.42 27.38 Hydraulic Radius (11) 2 2.1 1.54 1.58 2.2 2.3 1.48 1.57 2.5 2.8 2.34 2.47 1.9 1.9 1.29 1.65 Substrate d50 (mm) 0.1 0.062 2.29 0.2 0.2 0.86 0.29 0.2 0.4 9.2 6.98 0.6 0.2 3.5 0.8 2.8 d84 (mm) 6 3.8 12.24 5.7 9 10 9.1 1 22 22 16.83 9.7 5 12 6.47 8.8 Additional Reach Parameters Mon 01 Valley Length (ft) 1888 Channel Length (lt) 1974 Sinuosirti 1.04 Water Surlace Slope (1111) NA BF slope (ftlft) NA Rosgen Classification C4 Habitat Index NA Macrobenthos NA Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project #127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 18 • 0 • Exhibit Table IX. Morphology and Hydraulic Monitoring Summary - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 - Croasdaile Reach CR-XS1 CR-XS2 Dimension As-built Mon 01 Mon 02 Mon 03 As-built Mon 01 Mon 02 Mon 03 Bankfull Width (ft) 9.1 9.4 8 .59 9.05 11.5 13.4 10.28 11.4 Floodprone Width (ft) NA 9.8 9.8 21.88 21.2 23.3 23.3 21.78 BF Cross Sectional Area (sq ft) 19.7 20.4 18.36 20.45 14.5 17.9 11.67 13.98 BF Mean Depth (ft) 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.26 1.3 1.3 1.14 1.23 BF Maximum Depth (ft) 2.8 2.5 2.59 2.81 1.9 2.1 1.73 2 Width/Depth Ratio NA 4.4 4.02 4 9 10 9.06 9.3 Entrenchment Ratio NA 1 1.14 2.42 1.9 1.7 2.27 1.91 Bank Height Ratio 2.34 NA NA 2.35 2.75 NA NA 2.78 Wetted Perimeter (11) 12.7 11.1 12.05 12.62 12.8 14.8 11.36 12.48 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1.6 1.8 1.52 1.62 1.1 1.2 1.03 1.12 Substrate d50 (mm) 9.9 12 13.85 5.7 14 12 9.47 8.3 d84 (mm) 19 24 23.85 30.9 27 20 27.3 20.2 Additional Reach Parameters Mon 01 Vallev Length (ft') t?87 Channal Length (frl 7O, Sinuosity 1.02 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) NA BF Mope (ft/ft) NA Rot,gen Clas,vilication B4 Habitat Index NA Macrobenthos NA Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project 4127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 19 • • G Wetland Assessment As part of the project design, a stormwater wetland and 11 pocket wetlands were created throughout the Ellerbe Creek floodplain. No monitoring wells were established in relation to any of these wetlands and EEP did not claim any mitigation credit for them. By all appearances, all of the wetlands appear to be functioning as designed. The NCDOT rip-rap stormwater spillway could negatively impact hydrology in the Croasdaile Reach's constructed wetland. IV. Methodology Methods employed were a combination those specified in the Mitigation Plan, the First Annual Monitoring Report, and standard regulatory guidance and procedures documents. Stream monitoring data was collected using the techniques described in US ACE Stream Mitigation Guidelines, US Forest Service's Stream Channel Reference Sites, and Applied River morphology (USACE, 2003; Harrelson et al., 1994; Rosgen, 1996). Vegetation data collection followed the methodology described in the Mitigation Plan and the First Annual Monitoring Report. The taxonomic standard used to identify vegetation is Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia Georgia, and Surrounding Areas (Weakly, 2007). Harrelson, Cheryl, C. L. Rawlins, and John Potpondy. 1994. Stream Channel Reference Sites: An Illustrated Guide to Field Technique. USDA, Forest Service. General Technical Report RM-245. Rosgen, D L. 1996. Applied River Morphology. Wildland Hydrology Books, Pagosa Springs, CO. References Rosgen, DL. 1997. "A Geomorpho logical Approach to Restoration of Incised Rivers. In Proceedings of the Conference on Management of Landscapes Disturbed by Channel Incision, ed. S.S.Y. Wang, E.J. Langendoen and F.B. Shields, Jr. University of Mississippi Press, Oxford, MS. US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. Prepared with cooperation from the US Environmental Protection Agency, NC Wildlife Resources Commission, and the NC Division of Water Quality. Weakley, Alan. 2007. Flora of the Carolinas, Virginia, Georgia, and Surrounding Areas. Retrieved March 27, 2007 from: http://www.herbarium.unc.edu/flora.htm. • Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 2007 Final Monitoring Report Project #127 Year 3 of 5 RJG&A Page 20 • Appendix A. Vegetation Data Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 Table Al. Vegetation Data Tables Table 5. Stem Count by Plot and Species Table 6. Vegetation Problem Areas Figure Al. Vegetation Current Condition Plan View Table A2. Vegetation Problem Area Photos Table A3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos • 0 • • Al. Vegetation Data Tables Table 5. Stem Counts and Summary Data by Species and Plot - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 • Hi llsborough Croasdaile Hillandale Albany pecies -a <0 r c ~a M > J ti °c 41 } 0 ?- ; N o 'C IQ r^N+ D O a 7a _ c R -- m x r o a N i m x .r 0 a M m x ?. 0 a r v 0 a N w v 0 a r 0 x ?. 0 a N 0 x .. 0 a. M O x .r 0 FL r J a r 0 a N J a .. 0 a M J a r 0 a Aronia arbutifolia 33 17 52 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 9 3 1 2 0 Betula nigra 42 24 57 7 3 0 5 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 12 Cephalanthus occidentalis* 0 16 0 0 0 0 4 0 6 0 0 3 3 0 Clethra alnifolia 8 12 100 0 0 2 0 1 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 Cornus amomum 93 63 68 2 7 9 12 12 5 1 0 4 3 8 2 Cornus florida 1 1 100 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 35 23 66 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 11 Ilex verticillata 3 2 67 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Juniperus virginiana 5 2 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Morelia cerifera 2 2 100 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Quercus coccinea 7 3 43 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Quercus phellos 24 16 67 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 8 Salix sericea 23 17 74 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 7 0 Sambucus canadensis 51 15 29 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 8 0 1 Spirea tomentosa** 0 7 * 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 Symphoficatpos orbiculatus 4 6 100 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 Vaccinium corymbosum 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Viburnum nudum 7 3 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 Unknown spp. 0 0 -- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total per plot 20 20 22 19 29 8 19 17 18 21 36 All Plots 364 229 62.8 Average woody stems per acre 1,339 843 • C. occidentalis may have been identified as V. nudum during War 1. There is no record of t he plant in War 15 vegetation plot data. • S. tomentosa may have been identified as C. alnifolia during afar 1. There is no record of t he plant in Yar 15 vegetation plot data. • Exhibit Table 6. Vegetation Problem Areas - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 Feature/Issue Station/Range Probable Cause Photo # Bare soil/eroded slopes 1140-1280 Compated soil/high VP1 runoff from golf course Bare soil/eroded slopes 1840-2025 Compated soil/high VP1 runoff from golf course Bare soil/eroded slopes, 1890-2070 Compated soil/high VP1, including floodplain runoff from golf course VP2 Bare soil/eroded slopes 3540-3630 Compated soil/high VP1 runoff from golf course Bare soil/eroded slopes, 5555-5840 Compated soil/high VP1, including floodplain runoff from golf course VP2 Bare soil/eroded slopes, 6315-6570 Compated soil/high VP1, including floodplain runoff from golf course VP2 • 0 • • Vegetation Plot Coordinates: Hillsborough Reach Plot Side HB-Vi HB-V2 HB-V3 Pin Coordinate E20115741.5610 E20116120.1110 E 2016551.0870 N 827358.3480 N 827428.6750 N 827505.1970 A 19.5' 31.1' 31.9' B 52.1' 35.4' 32.6' C 23.2' 33.1' 31.3' D 53' 36.2' 39.4' HB1L 2015742.0022 827332.7693 HB1R 2015772.552 827290.9634 HB2L 2015799.2852 827350.0513 HB2R 2015803.356 827295.5714 HB3L 2016595.6390 827499.8180 HB3R 2016610.0550 827433.3600 HB4L 2015654.5640 827499.8920 HB4R 20116634.3500 827432.4490 CR1 L 2016939.2680 827570.7490 CR1 R 2016915.6680 827552.4340 CR2L 2016957.7640 827541.2870 CR2R 2016933.5100 827520.8490 Photopoints HB-P1 2015577.0052 827347.3258 HB-P2 2015623.7143 827314.4264 HB-P3 2015802.5285 827349.0571 HB-P4 2015961.3634 827401.3361 HB-P5 2016127.5574 827481.3197 HB-P6&P7 2016301.8430 827496.7037 HB-P8 2016523.1130 827464.0709 HB-P9 2016749.2114 827430.4392 HB-P10 2016966.4524 827439.7628 CR-P1 2016781.3114 828053.9579 CR-P2 2016818.9390 827855.0313 CR-P3 2016919.4678 827582.3480 1400 1000 1200 11100 1300 1500 Pin Coordinate E 2016811.8250 N 827741.1850 E 2016933.510 N 827520.8490 A 32.4' 18.3' B 33.2' 65.5' C 29.9' 21.7' D 31.9' 64.1' Figure A 1.1- Current Conditions Plan View - 2007 - Monitoring Year 3 Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Durham, NC - NCEEP Project #127 LEGEND ? Bare/Eroded Soil (rill and gully) Thalweg-2007 Survey NCDOT Stormwater Structures As-built Drawings S I'dbSt t1 g °° Do pv 0 ° p4 J> pg6oq DJ D°DO D°DO 1> P°p4 D° D 4 og D °p 4 04 D °p 9 04 D o°qpv° DO° Op 9,4° 4pv°q 114° qpv°q p4° 4pv DO 11v Dg Do 114 Pv 114 Dv P4 Dv DO Pv 114 Dv 114 DoD ,1 D 044 4° qJ g114 40°4, qp13 V -a .1 •°8asit; s4 13 4J 4114, q° qJ 6 4 0 °4 °° D ° °o D ° ° 4, V 1n9, 4 Dvp v 2D D'3 C' V Dvp6se ` pd -,;4.3 4v Dv pq D°p4 Dvpq 4o4D4ogD° o4D °p 4 aqD °p 4ogDn °31> O 74 '3t, O°° v°4po°o °°4p O°v v°Op Obi 4°o Pv°e p q°o °o p -3 °13 pv°o p q°a pv°4 D 0 0° o° o° V4-' v° a° v° p4 D pJ D p4 D p4 D 0 D p4 D p4 D 4 I> C> DD v° 4p aqp ° 4pO°gp D q qp 4 p4° 4D4° 4 pq° 4114 D V C16 P a DO w 114 ° , v eoV?1. v ovD p ° 4 v4 1 -(a 0 D 4110 pvc 1000 ( upp ie y an ec Ellerbe Easement Boundary 1 i 1050 Thalweg - As-built - - Top of Bank D ;1 1 1100 ? Vegetation Monitoring Plots P ;? ?-- Monitoring Cross Sections 1150 * Photo Points As-built Features 1 I i ; 1204 Pre-existing Features ppO4 1250 OD t 4D 1300 t1 1 1350 'ko's ells 1 1400 1 1 1450 1 1 Feet 1 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 500 1600 1700 0 150 1550 2300 12400 c 1600 2500 1650 ip 28501 2950 1700r2650 12750 W 1550 11650 '1750 1450 2450 12550 2600 2700 1850 11950 12050 '2150 2250 2350 0 3000' N r Q Q a? W Z3 ? .rn LL ILL I 11250 '1350 X1050 1150 • Vegetation Plot Coordinates: Hillandale Reach Plot Side HD-V1 HD-V2 HD-V3 Pin Coordinate E 20117272.5870 E 2017822.8120 E 2018339.7600 N 827357.3090 N 827293.6640 N 827077.4290 A 19.9' 30.8' 20' B 48.4' 31.1' 44.6' C 22.2' 34.2' 14.2' D 44.7' 32' 46.1' N 3150 3250 13050 3350 12950 I 2850 M 3450 3550 3650 3750 3850 Easting Northing Cross-sections HD1L 2017297.3510 827444.6380 HD1R 2017305.8250 827358.5730 HD2L 2017374.0400 827421.2960 HD2R 2017358.2570 827357.0970 HD3L 2017882.0380 827326.3380 HD3R 2017835.7280 827218.0475 HD4L 2017870.4020 827311.3050 HD4R 2017919.3160 827220.8030 Photopoints HD-P1 2017158.5527 827368.2372 HD-P2 2017423.2777 827370.9011 HD-P3 2017633.3927 827372.5660 HD-P4 2017780.9060 827327.6127 HD-P5 2018032.6444 827207.0713 HD-P6 2018319.0135 827067.8826 HD-P7 2018632.0216 826962.3256 3950 2900 cy 3000 3100 Q Q 3200 3300 L L > > m m ILL ILL 3400 '3500 a 13600 3700 3800 11 4050 Figure A1.2 - Current Conditions Plan View - 2007 - Monitoring Year 3 Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Durham, NC - NCEEP Project #127 LEGEND ? Bare/Eroded Soil (rill and gully) Thalweg-2007 Survey NCDOT Stormwater Structures As-built Drawings (Supplied by Stantec Ellerbe Easement Boundary Thalweg - As-built - - Top of Bank Vegetation Monitoring Plots ?--? Monitoring Cross Sections * Photo Points Q As-built Features Pre-existing Features r? ' Von 11?, f'Y, S}LN hM Feet 4150 4250 0 150 4350 N CO Q Q 4850 P 4450 45501 46501 47501 1? 3900 4000 4100 4200 14300 4400 ? 0 4950' 4500 D_ 14900 4600 14700 r_ 4800 R 2 0 • .C 7 U 4,40 Plot Side Vegetation Plot Coordinates: Albany Reach AL-V1 AL-V2 AL-V3 Pin Coordinate E 20117272.5870 E 2017822.8120 E 2018339.7600 N 827357.3090 N 827293.6640 N 827077.4290 A 19.8' 33.1' 30.4' B 54.7' 33.9' 45.8' C 20.6' 36.1' 34.3' D 51.5' 37.7' 45.8' 513 Easting Northing Cross-sections AL1L 2019638.8850 827132.4120 AL1R 2019653.3780 827052.7850 AL21L 2019670.2730 827138.9190 AL2R 2019716.0120 827068.9910 ALK 2019819.4940 827182.5337 AL3R 2019825.5310 827101.4830 AL4L 2019845.6470 827189.0390 AL4R 2019867.0530 827112.7780 Photopoints AL-P1 2018922.3866 826950.6711 AL-P2 2019315.6779 827040.2114 AL-P3 2019581.5016 827088.1615 AL-P4 2019822.0184 827155.9245 AL-P5 2020004.7951 827193.1524 AL-P6 2020248.1090 827221.4564 AL-P7 2020410.0740 827196.1493 AL-P8 2020545.5332 827244.7655 Figure A1.3 - Current Conditions Plan View - 2007 - Monitoring Year 3 Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Durham, NC - NCEEP Project #127 LEGEND ? Bare/Eroded Soil (rill and gully) Thalweg-2007 Survey NCDOT Stormwater Structures As-built Drawings (Supplied by Stantec Ellerbe Easement Boundary Thalweg -As-built - - Top of Bank Vegetation Monitoring Plots Monitoring Cross Sections * Photo Points Q As-built Features Pre-existing Features r~ I SStt'1ll 1.>? ??u ?:?i?l)1 !'kUt:X AM Feet Q 0 1501 5? 51 0 s • Appendix A2. Vegetation Problem Area Photographs - 2007 - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 • VP1. Bare soil/eroded slopes VP2. Bare soil on floodplain Appendix A3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs - 2007 - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration OF. • HB-V1 (July 2007) HB-V1 (September 2006) HB-V2 (July 2007) HB-V2 (September 2006) • 9 0 Appendix A3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs - 2007 - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Photo not available H B-V3 r CR-V1 (July 2007) CR-V1 (September 2006) Appendix A3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs - 2007 - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Photo not available ¦ C R-V2 r,?'fs r V ?t 4 HD-V1 (July 2007) • CR-V2 (September 2006) Appendix A3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs - 2007 - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 5 ? x f 4 t " HD-V2 (September S HD-V2 "JM+'? HD-V3 (September 2006) HD-V3 (July 2007) • • • Appendix A3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs - 2007 - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration AL-V1 (September f iH?f ?tkyrw l" s da ??'1Yy(t y, a ;_x Yt 0-M AL-V1 y AL-V2 (September 2006) AL-V2 (July 2007) 0 0 0 Appendix A3. Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photographs - 2007 - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration AL-V3 (July 2007) AL-V3 (September 2006) • Appendix B. Stream Data Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 1. Figure B 1. Stream Current Condition Plan View 2. Table B 1. Stream Problem Areas 3. Stream Problem Area Photos 4. Stream Photostation Photos 5. Table B2. Qualtitative Visual Stability Assessment 6. Cross section Plots 7. Longitudinal Plots and As-Built Profile 8. Pebble Count Frequency Distribution Plots • 0 • • Vegetation Plot Coordinates: Hillsborough Reach Plot Side HB-V1 HB-V2 HB-V3 Pin Coordinate E20115741.5610 E20116120.1110 E 2016551.0870 N 827358.3480 N 827428.6750 N 827505.1970 A 19.5' 31.1' 31.9' B 52.1' 35.4' 32.6' C 23.2' 33.1' 31.3' D 53' 36.2' 39.4' HB1L 2015742.0022 827332. 7693 HB1R 2015772.552 827290. 9634 HB2L 2015799.2852 827350. 0513 HB2R 2015803.356 827295. 5714 HB3L 2016595.6390 827499. 8180 HB3R 2016610.0550 827433. 3600 HB41L 2015654.5640 827499. 8920 HB4R 20116634.3500 827432. 4490 CR1L 2016939.2680 827570. 7490 CR1R 2016915.6680 827552. 4340 CR2L 2016957.7640 827541. 2870 CR2R 2016933.5100 827520. 8490 Photopoints HB-P1 2015577.0052 827347. 3258 HB-P2 2015623.7143 827314. 4264 HB-P3 2015802.5285 827349. 0571 HB-P4 2015961.3634 827401. 3361 HB-P5 2016127.5574 827481. 3197 HB-P6&P7 2016301.8430 827496. 7037 HB-P8 2016523.1130 827464. 0709 HB-P9 2016749.2114 827430. 4392 HB-P10 2016966.4524 827439. 7628 CR-P1 2016781.3114 828053. 9579 CR-P2 2016818.9390 827855. 0313 CR-P3 2016919.4678 827582. 3480 1400 1000 1200 11100 1300 1500 Vegetation Plot Coordinates: Croasdaile Reach Plot Side CR-V1 CR-V2 Pin Coordinate E 2016811.8250 E 2016933.510 N 827741.1850 N 827520.8490 A 32.4' 18.3' B 33.2' 65.5' C 29.9' 21.7' D 31.9' 64.1' °?g6c pd v6q vDvpq Dvdq oq D °D 4 vq D ° Dva '74 4 Dv° V 13 O°°O O°°O O°°O 9°°O O°°O O°°° pq D pq D p4 D 1> D bq t, Dq D 1> D D° 4 0 D° 4 o D° 4 v D° °qp v° 4pv°4p v44DO°qb v? 4DV°4p v° 4Dv 4 4 q 4 4 404 q 4 4 4 9 4 4 4 4 d 4 ° v o°°v D°°v OC°v D°°v °°v D°°° e° q D Q D D° p 9 by q D ° p qDv 4 D, 6 4 Q aSlh D b° DI q Dv V, D D° Dv ?DQ ovq°d DQ ovS?ett\ll?gaVo a"3vC,a4 13 13 J> 4 O OO O°, v°°° oa O°°O 0°°O 0°•?O °O°P p°° D Dpc D4p-7 Dppo DgDo DDpQ 64pv Pbp? DgpvgD O 4 4 I> 01 qv 4q v 4 p 44 a4 4 11 4, v qq 404 q g 4D4, Q°d Goa4 4D po°q pvaq pv°q C°°° /< DoDVOpgpv° oDV°D9q 1QNN 4D° °q Dq° qDv q po I> e 6 1 .raP °D4 Dq ° 1600 ;1700 11800 1900 12000 2100 W 1550 1650 1450 1750 1850 11950 '2050 2150 2200 50 2300 D?? 2350 1000 Thalweg-2007 Survey ® NCDOT Stormwater Structures - 1050 As-built Drawin s (Supplied by Stantec 1100 Ellerbe Easement Boundary Thalweg - As-built - - Top of Bank 1150 Vegetation Monitoring Plots . 1200 Monitoring Cross Sections 'Photo Points Q As-built Features ?i 1250 Pre-existing Features 1300 ` r 1350 kosrtelll 1400 it loll 1'1? r r.,:..u n. n. Figure B1.1 - Current Conditions Plan View - 2007 - Monitoring Year 3 Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Durham, NC - NCEEP Project #127 Stream Problem Areas High Priority • Boulder failure Low Priority 00 Bank undercut/scour 0 Aggradation (bar) Boulder undercut (i) Aggradation (pool) Root wad undercut 0 Rill and gully 1 1450 1500 1550 2400 1600 2500 ` 1650 1700,2650 2450 2600 2700 0 Feet 150 a) c_ J 2850 42 2950 50 m 2900 3000 2800 N CIO CO 3 ? m ILL 11 11250 '1350 is 1050 1150 1 0 1 0 • Vegetation Plot Coordinates, Hillandale Reach Plot Side HD-V1 HD-V2 HD-V3 Pin Coordinate E 20117272.5870 E 2017822.8120 E 2018339.7600 N 827357.3090 N 827293.6640 N 827077.4290 A 19.9' 30.8' 20' B 48.4' 31.1' 44.6' C 22.2' 34.2' 14.2' D 44.7' 32' 46.1' ? 13050 I31 50 3250 (3350 ? 12950 2i11 1 1 1 1 13450 Easting Northing Cross-sectio ns HD1L 2017297.3510 827444.6380 HD1R 2017305.8250 827358.5730 HD2L 2017374.0400 827421.2960 H D2R 2017358.2570 827357.0970 H D3L 2017882.0380 827326.3380 H D3R 2017835.7280 827218.0475 HD4L 2017870.4020 827311.3050 H D4R 2017919.3160 827220.8030 Photopoints HD-P1 2017158.5527 827368.2372 HD-P2 2017423.2777 827370.9011 HD-P3 2017633.3927 827372.5660 HD-P4 2017780.9060 827327.6127 HD-P5 2018032.6444 827207.0713 HD-P6 2018319.0135 827067.8826 3550 3650 3750 3850 3950 '3000 '3100 13200 13300 7 N CO m ? 3 _m ? UP Figure B 1.2 - Current Conditions Plan View - 2007 - Monitoring Year 3 Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Durham NC - NCEEP Project #127 Stream Problem Areas High Priority • Boulder failure Low Priority 00 Bank undercut/scour OAggradation (bar) 0 Boulder undercut OAggradation (pool 0 Root wad undercut 0 Rill and gully Thalweg-2007 Survey 0 NCDOT Stormwater Structures As-built Drawings (Supplied by Stantec) - Ellerbe Easement Boundary - Thalweg -As-built - - Top of Bank r2 Vegetation Monitoring Plots ?-- Monitoring Cross Sections *Photo Points Q As-built Features Pre-existing Features r I- I )s?Ste] II rII #ti fY.(il.N AM 4150 Feet 3400 \ 4250 0 150 ??, 1 "?••_.,? 4350 3500 CY) N r \, \ T M \ 4450 4750 4850 m \ 4550 4650 • m ILL ? . .,\ LL 3900 two 4000 ' •-..-. -.9 . l0 4100 1 4200 4300 14400 4950 450011 Q) c J 14900 4600 4700 4800 1 2F 3600 m 3700 3800 • • Q) .c J UI N m ? JAI Plot Side Vegetation Plot Coordinates: Albany Reach AL-V1 AL-V2 AL-V3 Pin Coordinate E 20117272.5870 E 2017822.8120 E 2018339.7600 N 827357.3090 N 827293.6640 N 827077.4290 A 19.8' 33.1' 30.4' B 54.7' 33.9' 45.8' C 20.6' 36.1' 34.3' D 51.5' 37.7' 45.8' ?y0 50 Easting Northing Cross-sectio ns AL1L 2019638.8850 827132.4120 AL1R 2019653.3780 827052.7850 AL2L 2019670.2730 827138.9190 AL2R 2019716.0120 827068.9910 ALK 2019819.4940 827182.5337 AL3R 2019825.5310 827101.4830 AL4L 2019845.6470 827189.0390 AL4R 2019867.0530 827112.7780 Photopoints AL-P1 2018922.3866 826950.6711 AL-P2 2019315.6779 827040.2114 AL-P3 2019581.5016 827088.1615 AL-P4 2019822.0184 827155.9245 AL-P5 2020004.7951 827193.1524 AL-P6 2020248.1090 827221.4564 AL-P7 2020410.0740 827196.1493 AL-P8 2020545.5332 827244.7655 X50 Figure B 1.3 - Current Conditions Plan View - 2007 - Monitoring Year 3 Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Durham, NC - NCEEP Project #127 Stream Problem Areas High Priority • Boulder failure Low Priority 00 Bank undercut/scour OAggradation (bar) 0 Boulder undercut OAggradation (pool) 0 Root wad undercut HI Rill and gully Thalweg-2007 Survey M NCDOT Stormwater Structures As-built Drawings (Supplied by Stantec) - Ellerbe Easement Boundary - Thalweg -As-built - - Top of Bank Vegetation Monitoring Plots +-? Monitoring Cross Sections *Photo Points d As-built Features Pre-existing Features r~ {'OS stem 1 ?ll loll ?t'Illl'?l? P1tU?.N ?.M Feet Q 0 150 6'\ 0 A radation bar 6030 Upstream sediment sources SP1 A radation bar 6075 Upstream sediment sources SP1 Bank undercut/scour 6075-6180 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 A radation (bar) 6110 Upstream sediment sources SP1 Bank undercut/scour 6220-6250 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 Bank undercut/scour 6270 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 Boulder failure 6330 Insufficient coarse backfill SP7 Bank undercut/scour 6340-6360 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 A radation bar 6410 Upstream sediment sources SP1 Rill and gully 6425 Insufficient growth medium SP3 Rill and gully 6510 Insufficient growth medium SP3 * Croasdaile Reach • • 0 • 0 Exhibit Table B.1 Stream Problem Areas - Ellerbe Stream Restoration - Project #127 Feature/Issue Station Suspected Cause Photo Bank undercut/scour 1040 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 Bank undercut/scour 1050 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 Bank undercut/scour 1290-1320 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 Rill and gully 1335 Insufficient growth medium SP3 Bank undercut/scour 1340 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 Rootwad under/backcut 1625 Unknown SP5 Rill and gully 1627 Insufficient growth medium SP3 Rill and gully 1780 Insufficient growth medium SP3 Rill and gully 1860 Insufficient growth medium SP3 Rootwad under/backcut 1870 Unknown SP5 Bank undercut/scour 2020-2055 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 Bank undercut/scour 2300-2320 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 A radation bar 1230 * Level spreader SP1 A radation (pool) 1625 * Upstream sediment sources SP2 Bank undercut/scour 2620-2685 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 Bank undercut/scour 2750 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 A radation (bar) 2850 Upstream sediment sources SP1 Bank undercut/scour 3275 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 Rill and gully 3480 Insufficient growth medium SP3 Rill and gully 3550 Insufficient growth medium SP3 A radation (bar) 3580 Upstream sediment sources SP1 Rill and gully 3600 Insufficient growth medium SP3 Rill and gully 3635 Insufficient growth medium SP3 Boulder undercut 3650 Insufficient coarse backfill SP6 Rill and gully 3790 Insufficient growth medium SP3 A radation bar 3845 Upstream sediment sources SP1 Bank undercut/scour 4410 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 Bank undercut/scour 4440-4455 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 A radation bar 4475 Upstream sediment sources SP1 A radation bar 4860 Upstream sediment sources SP1 A radation (bar) 4890 Upstream sediment sources SP1 Rootwad under/backcut 4940 Upstream sediment sources SP5 Bank undercut/scour 4960-5000 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 A radation (bar) 5140 Upstream sediment sources SP1 A radation bar 5145 Upstream sediment sources SP1 Bank undercut/scour 5150 Insufficient rootwad/armorin SP4 A radation (pool) 5190 Upstream sediment sources SP2 A radation bar 5200 Upstream sediment sources SP1 A radation (bar) 5275 Upstream sediment sources SP1 A radation (bar) 5280 Upstream sediment sources SP1 A radation bar 5400 Upstream sediment sources SP1 Rill and ull 5460 Insufficient growth medium SP3 Rill and gully 5540 Insufficient growth medium SP3 A radation bar 5760 Upstream sediment sources SP1 0 9 0 Appendix B2. Stream Problem Area Photographs - 2007 - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 SP1. SPI Rill and gully SP2 ation (pool) • SP4. Bank undercut/scour 0 0 0 Appendix B2. Stream Problem Area Photographs - 2007 - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Project #127 SP5. Root wad undercut SP6. Boulder undercut SP7. Boulder failure SP8. Stream after beaverdam removal 9 9 Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration HB-PO1 faci • HB-P02 facing downstream (12/05/06) HB-P02 facing downstream (07/10/07) s • Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration HB-P03 facing downstream (1 r Ia ' • HB-P03 facing downstream (07/10/07) HB-P04 facing downstream (12/04/06) 0 0 0 Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration HB-P05 faci HB-P06 looking south across stream (12/04/06) HB-P06 looking south across stream (07/10/07) 0 0 0 Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration HB-P07 facing downstream (12/04/06) HB-PO8 facing downstream (07/10/07) HB-P08 facing downstream (12/04/06) Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration ;.'= i.` k1 1d . ? .. _?11e`? HB-P09 facing downstream A ,44 HB-P10 facing downstream (12104/06) .. -" HB-P09 faci app M " y 1 b a ; 7 r + s 1711 HB-P10 facing downstream (07/10/07) 0 0 0 Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration facing downstream CR-P02 facing downstream (07/10/07) CR-P02 facing downstream (12/04/06) Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration ?A 1A, W, N t Q CR-P03 faci downstream (07/10/07) z, HD-P01 facing downstream (12/04/06) HD-P01 facing downstream (07/10/07) 0 9 Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration HD-P02 facing downstream (12/04/06) fr HD-P03 facing downstream (12/04/06) HD-P03 facing downstream (07/27/07) Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration HD-P04 facing d t`?M •uy R• q 12/04/06) HD-P04 faci • HD-P05 facing downstream (12/04/06) HD-P05 facing downstream (07/27/07) Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration d 4 Y • HD-P07 facing downstream (12/04/06) HD-P07 facing downstream (07/27/07) • • Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration • AL-P01 facing downstream (12/05/06) AL-P02 facing downstream (07/27/07) AL-P02 facing downstream (12/05/06) 0 0 Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration AL-P03 facing downstream AL-P04 facing downstream (12/05/06) •, • AL-P03 facing downstream (07/27/07) AL-P04 facing downstream (07/27/07) • • Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration AL-P05 faci AL-P06 facing downstream (12/05/06) • AL-P06 facing downstream (07/27/07) • • Appendix B3. Permanent Photopoint Photographs - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration 'rV ?'tl r ?a AL-P07 facing downstream • AL-P08 facing downstream (07/27/07) AL-P08 facing downstream (12/05/06) 0 0 Table B2. Visual Morphological Assessment Ellerbe Stream Restoration Project - Hillsborough Reach - Project #127 Feature Metric (per As-built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Total Total Percent Feature Category Number Number Number/ Performing Performing Performing per As- feet in in Stable Mean (%) as Intended built Unstable Condition State A. Riffles 1. Present 10 12 2/76 83 2. Armor stable 10 12 2/22 83 3. Facet grade appears stable 11 12 1/16 92 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining 11 12 1/13 92 5. Length appropriate 12 12 0/0 100 90 B. Pools 1. Present 12 12 0/0 100 2. Sufficiently deep 10 12 2/44 83 3. Length appropriate 12 12 0/0 100 94 C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of meander bend (run/inflection) centering 8 11 3/32 73 2. Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering 12 12 0/0 100 86 D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion 12 12 0/0 100 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation 3. Apparent Rc within spec 4. Sufficient floodplain access and relief 12 12 12 12 NA 0/0 0/0 NA 100 100 100 E. Bed (General) 1. General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation) 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing downcutting or head cutting 1 1 NA NA 100 F. Bank G. Vanes 1. Actively eroding, wasting or slumping bank 1. Free of back or arm scour 2. Height appropriate 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate 4. Free of piping or other structural failures NA 7 7 7 7 NA 7 7 7 7 4/36 0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0 98 100 100 100 100 98 00 H. Wads/Bould 1. Free of scour 2. Footing stable 1 3 3 3 2/11 0/0 33 100 67 • Table B2. Visual Morphological Assessment Ellerbe Stream Restoration Project - Croasdaile Reach - Project #127 Feature Metric (per As-built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Total Total Percent Feature Category Number Number Number/ Performing Performing Performing per As- feet in in Stable Mean (%) as Intended built Unstable Condition State A. Riffles 1. Present 4 4 0/0 100 2. Armor stable 2 2 0/0 100 3. Facet grade appears stable 4 4 0/0 100 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining 4 4 100 5. Length appropriate 4 4 100 100 B. Pools 1. Present 5 5 0/0 100 2. Sufficiently deep 5 5 0/0 100 3. Length appropriate 5 5 0/0 100 100 C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of meander bend (run/inflection) centering 4 4 0/0 100 2. Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering 4 4 0/0 100 100 D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion 4 4 0/0 100 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation 4 4 0/0 NA 3. Apparent Rc within spec 4 4 0/0 100 4. Sufficient floodplain access and relief 4 4 0/0 100 100 E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation) 1 NA 1115 NA (General) 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing downcutting or head cutting 0 0/0 NA NA F. Bank 1. Actively eroding, wasting or slumping bank NA NA 0;0 100 100 G. Vanes 1. Free of back or arm scour 2 2 0/0 100 2. Height appropriate 2 2 0/0 100 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate 2 2 0/0 100 4. Free of piping or other structural failures 2 2 0/0 100 100 H. 1. Free of scour 0 0 0/0 NA Wads/Bould 2. Footing stable 0 0 0/0 NA NA 0 0 • s Table B2. Visual Morphological Assessment Ellerbe Stream Restoration Project - Hillandale Reach - Project #127 Feature Metric (per As-built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Total Total Percent Feature Category Number Number Number/ Performing Performing Performing per As- feet in in Stable Mean (%) as Intended built Unstable Condition State A. Riffles 1. Present 8 8 0/0 100 2. Armor stable 7 8 1/14 88 3. Facet grade appears stable 8 8 0/0 100 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining 7 8 1/11 88 5. Length appropriate 8 8 1/7 100 95 B. Pools 1. Present 9 9 0/0 100 2. Sufficiently deep 9 9 2/14 100 3. Length appropriate 8 9 1/24 89 96 C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of meander bend (run/inflection) centering 5 8 3/53 63 2. Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering 6 7 1/12 86 74 D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion 7 8 1/6 88 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation 1 NA 3. Apparent Rc within spec 8 8 0/0 100 4. Sufficient floodplain access and relief 7 8 1/12 88 92 E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation) 2 2 NA NA (General) 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing downcutting or head cutting NA NA NA NA NA F. Bank 1. Actively eroding, wasting or slumping bank NA NA 5/124 94 94 G. Vanes 1. Free of back or arm scour 8 9 1/5 89 2. Height appropriate 7 9 2/15 78 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate 8 9 1/13 89 4. Free of piping or other structural failures 9 9 0/0 100 89 H. 1. Free of scour 1 1 0/0 100 Wads/Bould 2. Footing stable 1 1 0/0 100 100 • Table B2. Visual Morphological Assessment Ellerbe Stream Restoration Project - Albany Reach - Project #127 Feature Metric (per As-built and reference baselines) (# Stable) Total Total Percent Feature Category Number Number Number/ Performing Performing Performing per As- feet in in Stable Mean (%) as Intended built Unstable Condition State A. Riffles 1. Present 3 4 1/25 75 2. Armor stable 3 4 3/15 75 3. Facet grade appears stable 2 4 2/32 50 4. Minimal evidence of embedding/fining 2 4 2/11 50 5. Length appropriate 2 4 2/23 50 60 B. Pools 1. Present 13 13 0/0 100 2. Sufficiently deep 9 13 3/48 69 3. Length appropriate 9 13 5/17 69 79 C. Thalweg 1. Upstream of meander bend (run/inflection) centering 8 10 2/9 80 2. Downstream of meander (glide/inflection) centering 7 10 3/42 70 75 D. Meanders 1. Outer bend in state of limited/controlled erosion 5 10 5/38 50 2. Of those eroding, # w/concomitant point bar formation 4 4/24 NA 3. Apparent Rc within spec 10 10 0/0 100 4. Sufficient floodplain access and relief 8 10 2/18 80 77 E. Bed 1. General channel bed aggradation areas (bar formation) 28 NA (General) 2. Channel bed degradation - areas of increasing downcutting or head cutting 0 NA NA F. Bank 1. Actively eroding, wasting or slumping bank NA NA 8/216 89 89 G. Vanes 1. Free of back or arm scour 10 12 2/26 83 2. Height appropriate 9 12 3/31 75 3. Angle and geometry appear appropriate 12 12 0/0 100 4. Free of piping or other structural failures 10 12 2/8 83 85 H. 1. Free of scour 1 2 1/4 50 Wads/Bould 2. Footing stable 2 2 0/0 100 75 0 0 116 B5. Cross Section Plots, Photos. and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Neese • • a Watershed: XS ID Ellerbe Creek HB-I (riffle) ? , i Reach: Hilkboro 'a Date: Field Crew: 76/'2007 K.B. and TO '- Station Ro d Ht Elevation SUMMARN DATA 0 4.05 362.58 Floodprone Elevation (H) 36419 3 4.51 362.10 Bankfu6 Elevation (ft) 361 47 103 5 361.63 Floodprone Width (R) 45.00 ?,y •k 14.4 5,145 361.49 B.nkfull Width (it) 23.24 • 16.4 5.19 361.44 Entrenchment Ratio 1.94 ? ..- ' 19 1 6.2 160.43 Mean Depth (ft) 1.35 213 (.48 160.15 Maximum Depth (ft) 2.72 e ? 22.3 7.14 35949 Width/Depth Ratio 17.22 reh?- L a.. • ^; 7 22.9 23 4 7.53 768 359.10 158 95 Bankfull Area (sq ft) Wett d P rim t r (ft) 3137 24 27 r ` . 24.6 7.82 . 358.81 e e e e Hydraulic Radius (D) . 1 21) I 25.8 7.88 358.75 27,4 7.65 358.98 Streum Type: C4 27.9 7.38 159.25 293 7.14 359: 11t .y• .+r T 30 31.2 6.8 6.74 359.8' 359.81) ' iY ) *•?v a- ?I 31.6 6.48 3601 t - y 32.6 6.54 160.Ja 335 6.02 360 t?1 t. 34.6 5 95 3611 nr Y . G 1 ? 38.4 5.14 361 4, . ? 41 6 4.54 362.01) \ iu of ?i. ,. .ecii,n IIJI.b„ilookinc Joe nmtrru, 43.7 3.82 362.81 45 3.4 363.23 HB-1 (riffle) 47 364 363 362 361 r ? ? :.. rll w.+ yi et ? y W J` ¢? r r • / -Bankfull -2007 July zoos oa - 2005 Oct. r -As-built 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Station (feet) 360 359 358 • B5. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Neuse Watershed: Ellerbe Creek XS, D HB-2lpoo1) Reach: Hillsboro Date: 7/6/2007 Field Crew: K.B. and 3 0. Station Ro d Ht Elevation SI: MMARY DATA 54.6 4. 15 36259 Floodprone Elevation (ft) 366.68 53 4,48 362.26 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 361,72 50,6 4.52 362.22 Floodprone Width (ft) 100.00 47.3 5.18 361.56 Bankful] Width (ft) 11,90 43.5 5.28 361.46 Entrenchment Radii 3.13 39.6 515 361,49 Mean Depth (ft) 1.97 37.2 5.15 361.59 Maximum Depth (ft) 4 96 33.1 4.84 361.90 Width/Depth Ratio 16.21 31.8 4.88 361.86 Bankfull Area (sq f) 62.76 30.8 5.15 361.59 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 37 54 29.9 5 361.74 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 1,67 26.6 5.02 361,72 26 Tl 35264 Stream Type: C6 24.8 7.92 358.82 23.9 8.54 358.20 20.9 9.4 357.34 18.7 9.98 356.76 17.6 9.98 356.76 173 9.2 357.54 16.1 8.95 357,79 14.8 9.3 357.44 11.8 8.94 357.80 10,9 5.45 361.29 9,9 5.18 361.56 7.l 4.84 361.90 3.8 4.64 362.10 F 1.8 4 362.74 0 3.54 363.20 364 • • View of cross-section Hillsboro 2 looking downstrear HB-2 (pool) 363 362 361 360 w ` 359 358 357 356 0 -Bankfull +-2007 July 2006 Oct. -2005 Oct. - Ae_hiin 10 20 30 Station (feet) 40 50 0 0 B5. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Neese Watershed: Ellerbe Creek XS ID HB-3 (riffle) Reach: Hillsboro Date: 7/9/2007 Field Crew: K.B. and J.O. Station R od Ht Elevation SUMMARY DATA 0 2 362.29 Floodprone Elevation (ft) 3 334 361.49 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 3.6 3,98 360.85 Floodprone Width (ft) 7.7 5.15 359.68 Bankfu8 Width (ft) 9.7 5.5 359.33 Entrenchment Ratio 12.8 5.73 359.10 Mean Depth (ft) 163 5.73 359.10 Maximum Depth (ft) 18.4 5.59 359,24 Width/Depth Ratio 233 5.81 359.02 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 25.6 6.44 35839 Wetted perimeter (ft) 26.8 6.78 35895 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 2T S 7.2 357.63 28J 7.44 357.39 Stream Type: C6 28.7 7.43 357.40 29.7 7.88 356.95 30.6 8.15 356.68 31.5 8.59 356.24 32.6 8.81 356.02 343 8 98 355.85 353 8.94 355.89 36 8.78 356.05 36.2 8.24 356.59 36.8 7.97 356.86 39.1 T14 357.69 40.6 7 357.83 41.9 6.58 358.25 43.2 46 6.41 5 55 358.42 35928 . 363 53.2 5.6 359.23 61.4 5.52 35931 68.7 5.6 359.23 362 70.3 5.38 359.45 73.4 4.85 359.98 75.5 4.14 360.69 361 360 0 359 v ` 358 357 356 355 362,23 359.04 100.00 2296 4.47 1.58 3.19 14.19 35.25 23.70 1.49 View of cross-section Hillsboro 3 looking downstream HB-3 (riffle) • -Bankfull +2007 July 2006 Oct. - 2005 Oct. - Ac-h. lilt 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (feet) • • B5. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Neuse Watershed: Ellerbe Creek XS ID H B-3 1 poop Reach: Hillshun, Date: 7/9/2007 Field Crew: K.B. and) O. Station R od Ht Elevation SUMMARY 1)%TA 0 1 360.72 Floodprone Elevation (B) ;63.66 4.1 4,47 ;59.39 Bankfull Elevation (R) 359.26 9.3 4.75 359.11 Floodprone Width (ft) 100.00 12.9 4.54 35992 Bankfull Width (R; 3343 13.7 4.6 359.26 Entrenchment Ratio 2.99 14.5 5.09 358.77 Mean Depth (ft) 2.06 15 7.64 356.22 Maslow. Depth (R) 4.40 16.5 8.57 355.29 Width/Depth Ratio 16.21 17.8 9 354.86 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 68.94 21.8 8.69 355,17 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 36.86 25 8.32 355.54 Hydraulic Radius (R) 1.87 26.7 7.87 355.99 26.9 7.65 356.21 Stream Type: C5 27 7.25 356.61 31.9 6.14 35272 32.8 6.02 357.84 34.6 5.85 358.01 38.9 50 358.18 41.4 4.65 35221 43.4 4.38 35948 51.8 458 359.28 61.2 4.57 359.29 65.9 3.63 360.23 View of move-..coon - - Ildlehaio l lookinedo,-,t- 69.5 2.85 361,01 - 361 360 359 0 358 357 356 355 354 HB-4 (pool) • ad= Bankfull 20,37 July 2006 Oct. 2005 Oct. -As-built 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (feet) • • • B5. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Nease Watershed: Ellerbe Creek XS ID [ID-1 (pool) Reach: Hillatdale Date: 7/62007 Field Crew: KB. and J.O. Station Rod Ht Elevation SUMMARY DATA 0 3.04 359.94 Floodprone Elevation (ft) 55 5.15 357.83 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 24 6.15 356.83 Floodprone Width (ft) 12.4 6.84 356.14 Bankfu8 Width (ft) Is .3 7.22 355,76 Entrenchment Ratie 18.8 7.25 355.73 Mean Depth (ft) 212 7.05 355.93 Maximum Depth (ft) 21.8 6.8 356.18 Width/Depth Ratio 234 6.62 356.36 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 25.4 6.8 356.18 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 27.3 6.92 356.06 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 31.2 7.02 355.96 32.1 7.65 355.33 Stream Type: C6 33 7.74 35524 34.4 8.85 354.13 346 9.48 353.50 35.8 9.94 353.04 37.1 9.98 353.00 39.1 9.85 353.13 39.4 9.7 153.28 40.7 9.14 353.84 43.1 9.04 353.94 45.8 8.1 35488 47.7 8.25 354.73 49.6 8.32 354,66 52.4 8.18 354.80 54.8 8.04 354.94 56 T9 355.08 57.6 7.9 355.08 360 58.6 7.54 355.44 64 7,15 355.83 73.1 69 356.08 359 78.4 6.88 356.10 82 6.55 356.43 86 6.15 356.83 358 357 ° 356 a, 355 354 353 352 358.92 355.96 100.00 45.03 2.22 1.03 2.96 43.86 46.23 46.61 0.99 View of cross-section Hillandaie I looking downstrew HD-1 (pool) 0 10 20 30 40 50 Station (feet) -Bankfull -3rd Year 2nd Year - 1 st Year -As-built 60 70 80 0 0 0 B5. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Watershed: XS ID Reach: Date: Field Crew: Station F 0 4 8.1 12 13.8 14.9 15.9 21.7 25.9 29.1 32.5 35.3 36.5 37.2 395 41.8 45A 46A 47.2 48.1 49.4 50.4 51.2 52 53.1 53.8 54.2 55.5 59.E 61.2 65 68 od Ht. 2.98 5.28 6 6.1 6.52 6.55 6.8 6.95 6.88 6.7 6.64 7.2 7.34 7 6.85 7.08 8.38 8.7 8.74 9.2 9.25 9.64 9.75 9.42 9.64 9.52 8.94 8.52 7,11 6.74 6.78 5.6 Neuse Ellerbe Creek HD-2 (ruffle) Hillandale 7/6,2007 K.B. and J.O. Elevation SUMMARY DATA 359.99 Floodprone Elevation (ft) 357b9 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 356.97 Floodprone Width (ft) 356.87 Bankfull Width (ft) 356.45 Entrenchment Ratio 356.42 Mean Depth (ft) 356.17 Maximum Depth (ft) 356.02 Width/Depth Ratio 356.09 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 35627 Wetted perimeter (ft) 35633 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 355.77 355.63 Stream Type: CS 355.97 356,12 355.89 354.59 354.27 354.23 353,77 353.72 353,31 353.22 353.55 353.33 353.45 354.03 354.45 360 355.82 356,23 356.19 357.37 359 358 357 a 356 w` 355 354 353 0 35896 356.09 100.00 33.00 3.03 0.96 2.87 34.53 31.53 34.34 0.92 eW of cross-seelon Hllumdo]e 2lookmg nPmean HD-2 (riffle) -? 2007 July 2006 Oct. 2005 Oct. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Station (feet) 0 0 0 B5. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Neuse Watershed: Ellerbe Creek XS ID HD-3 Ipoop Reach: Hil landale Date: 7/S/2007 Field Crew: S.D. and K.R. Station Rod Ht. Elevation SUMMARI DAI.A 0 1.3 359.27 Floodprone Elevation (ft) 5 2 48 358.09 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 1035 3.77 356.80 Floodprone Width (ft) I T6 4.52 356.05 Bankfull Width (ft) 28.9 5 355.57 Entrenchment Ratio 37.1 5.74 354.83 Mean Depth (ft) 41.3 6.17 35440 Maximum Depth (ft) 47 6.93 353.64 Width/Depth Ratio 503 7.32 353.25 BankfuR Area (sq R) 55 7.75 352.82 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 56.2 8.02 352.55 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 57,2 8.65 351.92 57.3 8.78 351.79 Stream Type: C4 59.1 9.39 351.18 61.2 9.8 350.77 64 10.02 350.55 66.1 9.82 350.75 69.2 8.65 351.92 693 8.49 352.08 70 7.6 352.97 72 7.01 353.56 739 6.03 354.54 76.3 5.18 355.39 86 5.08 355.49 904 4.94 355.63 96.6 328 357.29 101.5 1.6 358.97 360 359 358 357 356 355 w 354 353 352 351 350 HD-3 (pool) -Bankfull -2007 July ce zoos Oct. 2005 Oct. As-built - - _ \?' . ?j 0 360.21 35538 101.50 45,27 2.24 2.18 4.83 20.74 98.82 47.04 2.10 View of cross-section Hillandale 3 looking upstreau 20 40 60 80 100 Station (feet) • • • B5. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Watershed: XS ID Reach: Date: Field Cr-: Station R 0 od Ht. 2.82 Elevation 357.78 7 3.73 356.87 13 4.36 356.24 21.5 4.81 355.79 28.2 5.22 355.38 30.7 5.85 354.75 343 7.06 353.54 37.9 7.99 352.61 39.8 825 35235 41 8.78 351.82 41.9 8.64 351.96 42.1 9.01 351.59 43.7 9.78 350.82 45 9.46 351.14 45.8 9.14 351.46 46 8.63 351.97 46.4 85 352.10 49 8,41 352.19 50 8.54 352.06 50.7 8.01 352.59 51.5 7,86 352.74 53.1 7.58 353.02 54 7.32 353.28 56.9 7.03 353.57 65 5.69 354.91 74 5.65 154.95 84 5.43 355.17 91 5.38 355.22 97.8 4.96 355.64 101.5 4.37 356.23 1012 383 35677 105 2.92 357.68 Neu- Ellerbe Creek HD-4 (riffle) Hillandale T 'S,2007 S.D. and K.R. d ?i -8ankfull \/ - - X2007 July 2006 Oct. 2005 Oct. As-built 100 • • • B5. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Neuse Watershed: Ellerbe Creek XS ID AL-1 (riffle) Reach: Albany Date: 7/92007 Field Crew: K_B.. K.R. -d.1 O. Station R od Ht Elevation SUMMARYD,%'iA 0 6.8 352.01 Floodprone Elevation (ft 5.9 796 350.85 Bankfu6 Elevation (ft) 10 8.29 35052 Floodprone Width (it) 12.6 8.8 350.01 Bankfull Width (ft) 14 8.97 349.84 Entrenchment Ratie 16 9.47 349 34 Mean Depth (ft) 21.4 9.63 349.18 Maximum Depth (ft) 27.3 9.11 349.70 Width/Depth Ratio 30 8.27 350.54 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 36.7 8.29 35052 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 43.5 9.61 349.20 Hydraulic Radian (ft) 46A 10.25 348.56 48.1 10.42 348.39 Stream Type: 1 49.9 11.05 347.76 508 11.46 34735 51.8 1235 34646 55.1 12.51 346.30 57.9 12.72 346.09 58.7 1144 346.37 602 11.19 347,62 60.4 11.05 34776 60.7 10.66 348.15 61.5 10.49 34832 66 8,38 350.43 693 8.04 350.77 72.9 TI 35171 76.1 805 5.6 4 09 353.21 354 71 355 354 353 352 351 350 349 348 347 346 345 AL-1 (riffle) -Bankfull -2007 July 2006 Oct 2005 Oct. As-built 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Station (feet) 0 0 85. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Naise Watershed: Ellerbe Creek XS ID AL-2 (pool) Reach: Albany Date: 710!2007 Field Crew: J 0 and S.D. Station 0 Rod Ht. 732 Elevation 352.24 2.3 716 352 Z6 8 55 351.01 15 8.87 350.69 18S 9.48 350.08 22.7 9.63 34993 24.9 9.51 350.05 27.4 8.9 350.66 34 1 8.96 350.6 35.5 9.12 350.44 40.2 9.94 349.62 47 11,05 348.51 47.7 11.72 347.84 48.7 12-04 347.52 49 12.86 346.7 51 134 346.16 54.5 13.62 345.94 56 13.46 346.1 593 12.66 346.9 60.7 11.93 347-63 61 11.45 348.11 61.7 11.13 348.43 62.3 8.64 350.92 64.4 8.94 350.62 66.4 8.83 350.73 67.2 8.63 350.93 71A 8.46 151.1 74.4 8.12 151,44 78S 6.82 352J4 81.6 5.88 353.68 84 5-1 35446 SUMMARV DA"rA Floodprone Elevation (ft) 355 36 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 350.65 Floodprone Width (ft) 100.00 Bankfull Width (ftJ 46-60 Entrenchment Ratio 2.15 Mean Depth (ft) 1.69 Maximum Depth (ft 4.71 Width/Depth Ratio 27.62 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 78.63 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 50.24 Hydraulic Radios (ft) 1,57 Stream Type: C4 • AL-2 (pool) 355 354 - - - - 353 352 d 351 0 350 W 349 348 -Dankfull -2007 July 347 2006 Oct. Zoos , Oct Oct As-built i 346 345 - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Station (feet) data adjusted to match as-built and year 2 endpoint View of cross-section Alb- 2 Innkin nstreao 0 0 35. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham. NC River Basin: Watershed: XS ID Reach: Date: Field Crew: Station I 0 6.7 13.6 20.2 25.2 221 29.3 3L2 31.8 38.3 42 45.8 45.9 46.3 48.9 503 52.2 63.1 72.8 75.3 83.3 Ht. 6.32 8.07 9.59 9.94 10.24 10.53 12.19 12.46 13.14 14.8 14.27 13.43 13.04 1238 11 84 10.06 9.9 9.42 9.16 8.79 5.41 353.95 349.64 100.00 21.40 4.67 2.87 4.31 7.45 61.50 24.92 2,47 • 354 352 350 0 ` 348 346 - 344 0 10 20 30 Nei- Ellerbe Creek AL-3 (timI) Albany 7/10/2007 J.O. mid S.D. Aevadoo SUMMARY DATA 353.81 Floodprone Elevation (k) 352.06 Bankfull Elevation (ft) 350.54 Floodprone Width (Id 350.19 Bankfufl Width (ft) 349.89 Entrenchment Ratio 349.60 Mean Depth (ft) 347.94 Maximum Depth (ft) 347.67 Width/Depth Ratio 346.99 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 345.33 Wetted Perimeter (ft) 345.86 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 346.70 347.09 Stream Type: C4 347.75 348.29 350.07 350-23 350.71 350.97 351.34 354.72 40 Station (feet) ?s-3rd Year 2nd Year 7 st Year - As-built 50 60 70 80 View of cross-section Albany 3 looking downstream AL-3 (pool) B5. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Watershed: XS ID Reach: Date: Field Crew: Station 0 9.5 16.7 23.4 28.9 34 37.2 41.1 42.1 42,8 43 449 45.6 46 46.4 48 52.3 57.3 69.7 75.6 78.5 rd Ht 6.24 8.56 10.34 10.34 10.61 12.43 12.61 12.69 11.1 13.19 13.37 13.69 13.75 13.64 13.16 12.77 11.59 9-88 9.18 7.16 5.91 352.72 349.58 100.00 26.27 3.81 1.72 3.14 1523 45.30 27,38 1.65 354 352 350 a ` 348 346 -- - 344 0 10 20 30 Neuse Ellerbe Creek AL-4 (riffle) Albany 7/10/2007 J.O. and S.D- ;levation SUMMARY DATA 353.95 Floodprone Elevation (ft) 351.63 Bankfull Elevation (B) 349.85 Floodprone Width (D) 349.85 Bankfu8 Width (R) 349.58 Entrenchment Ratio 347.76 Mean Depth (ft) 34258 Maximum Depth (B) 347.50 Width/Depth Ratio 347.09 Bankfull Area (sq ft) 347-00 Wetted Perimeter (R) 346.82 Hydraulic Radius (ft) 346.50 346.44 Stream Type: C5 346.55 247,03 347.42 348.60 350.31 351.01 353.03 354.28 40 Station (feet) -Bankfull 2007 July 2006 Oct - 2005 Oct. -As-built 50 60 70 80 View of cross-section Albany 4looking upstrean AL-4 (riffle) 0 0 0 B5. Cross Section Plots, Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Watershed: XS ID Reach: Date: Field Crew: Neose Ellerbe Creek CR-I (pool) Croasdaile 779/2007 J.O. and K.B. Station 0 Rod Nt. 4.72 Elevation 362.64 3.7 6.19 361.17 6.1 7.5 359.86 7.7 8.29 359.07 9.1 9.06 358.3 11 9.44 357.92 11.3 11.73 355.63 13.3 12 355.36 15.1 172 355.16 16.6 11.91 355.45 18 11.48 355.88 19.6 10.91 356.45 19.8 9.36 358 21.1 9.01 358.35 213 8.72 358.64 22.1 8.34 359.02 23.9 7.7 359.66 26.2 6.62 360.74 28.6 5.6 361.76 Bankfull +2007 July iI 2006 Oct. 2005 Oct. As-built 25 • B5. Cross Section Plots. Photos, and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Restoration Monitoring Year 2 (2006) - Durham, NC River Basin: Watershed: XS ID Reach: Date: Field Crew: Nei- Hlerbe Creek CR-2 (riffle) Croasdaile 7/92007 J.O. and K.B. 0 0 Station 0 Rod Ht. 4.99 Elevation 36236 1 5.42 361.93 3b 6.35 361 83 8.25 359.1 IIJ 1 939 357.96 1 2 9.59 357.76 137 1038 356.97 14.8 10.51 356.84 15.6 ILI1 356.24 17 1139 355.96 17.8 11.19 356.16 19.2 11.12 356.23 20.8 10.92 356A3 21.2 10.71 356.64 21.8 10.1 357.25 215 9.39 357.96 23.7 9.04 358.31 26.9 8.02 35933 28.6 7 360.35 29 6.9 360.45 30.1 6.1 36125 31 5.83 36152 31 4.16 361.52 -Banktull ? 2007 July 2006 Oct. 2005 Oct. -- As-built B6. Longitudinal Plots and Raw Data Tables - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration - Monitoring Year 3 (2007) - Project #127 Mon 03 Pattern min max average Channel Beltwidth (ft) 12.2 60.9 393 Radius of Curvature (ft) 31 126.2 60.5 Meander Wavelength 153.5 388.5 248.4 Meander Width ratio 1.21 Profile min max average Riffle length (ft) 19.1 158.5 56.6 Riffle slope ft/ft 0 0.03 0.011 Pool length ft 17.3 93.9 44.2 Pool spacing 01 14.5 344 104.1 Additional Reach Parameters Mon 03* Valley Length (ft) 3,089 Channel Length (ft) 3,389 Sinuosity 1.10 Water Surface Slope (ft/ft) 0.0047 BF slope (ft/ft) 0.0035 Rosgen Classification C5 Habitat Index NA Macrobenthos NA * For entire longitudinal profile only ©lerbe Creek 2005-2007 Longitudinal Profiles 362 360 358 356 354 352 W 350 348 - 346 1000 Beaver dam .i 1250 1500 1750 12000 2 i UT confluence 2500 2750 Station (feet) 1 s t Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 3000 250 3500 3750 4000 Concrete slab in channel • • • • Ellerbe Creek 2007 Longitudinal Profile 364.0 362.0 360.0 358.0 356.0 0 354.0 d W 352.0 350.0 348.0 346.0 1000.0 Year 3 Thalweg Water Surface (before beaverdam removal) Water Surface (after beaverdam removal) Bankfull x Beaverdam I 1500.0 2000.0 2500.0 3000.0 3500.0 4000.0 Stations (feet) • 1 2 3 4 5 9 Dewberry Tliv w ?;"Ills /.?,r I l ?t vII TREE TABLE L " ,r 6 18" C DAR NAP I I `\ I E C] R ,V TU I I II ` 2 20 I I 121 III Y21RB 70' OAN \ 1 I yy pl . j? t I I 'lle 1 III \ II 129ac '0 12' cEwR ? CA IIII \ \I 12941 12" TwN CEDAR 11 . " CED R I ` }.ti? ' ??L v T2942 4 A III 11 T3290 10" CEDAR II T3297 24" PINE -N- AIII 1 I T3299 14 CUTA T33aD 20' " GUN )VIII A T3322 m wlPltr CEDAR I \ T3564 12- PEAR II LEGEND ( I \ T49EV3 PINE VICINITY MAP pl w A321 \ I 1 T491} 22 2' PINE I 1 " ?V NOT 70 SCALE e CONTROL IRON FOUND T4914 25 P NE 93 1I IBM 365.49 Jt \ T4916 18" CEDAR 1 36" RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE BENCHMARK 60 0 30 60 720 1111 1 I ? 11 1 1 ? 1 ® T&1 ?1 1 1 / 3 I - TREE LINE t INCH = eaTEET 111` '41 I RIP RAP \?\\ 1 II 111 l y1` 1 1 ROCK STRUCTURE NN7\\?11I \\\\? 11 Oli? \\\ I1 gg I. 0 ROOT waD I, Lawrence F. Lee III, hereby certify that this topographic Survey map was prepared under my supervision, that the survey 1 //yJ?1? \ OVA \ 1 l 1 A was conducted under my supervision occorCng to the Standards V \ 1 \ 1 -- IHALIEG of Practice for Land Surveying 1n North Carolina', that this nd th rti l error i Cl A t hi \VA )lA A A? 1 ? LEFT BANNFULL - - - - - e ve sJ,vey s a ass opograp c survey, a ca 1 f t b I il 4 t d IO t th V \ 1 \ ? ? IGHT BANKFUIL 025 fla 'le num er O m es 2XCeE n1 e5 e 54aoYe r00 O run from the reference datum; witness my hand and seal ? \\ VA A \ \ \\I this 25TH day of MARCH , 2005. r3 5b1 Lawrence F. Lee III, PLS L-3884 1 ? TACO T3299 \ ? \ ? R?pA-o \ y T3297 soar run \?A4\ ?\\ \\\?\ TI NOTES \ INK, I]'VRrIrAyr 1) Horizontal and vertical datum b 9 i d t d d i taken From approved construction 07/18/03 by! %? % ? raw ngs y on ec, a e 2) Lowest banktull shown in pro . file for clarity. a PROFILE MAIN LINE HORIZONTAL SCALE 1"60, _ VERTICAL SCALE I" =60' - I I - J - R _ / 0R1D - _ to II V T - o m sl I ? i ? I F ', I. 1 w 1 Z m I I II ? I I I ? I I I I li I I ? l a w ?n r m n n m m a n - - ?n o n al -? m o m m n o m n m o m - ml rv o n m rv a n _ m m . M ,D M J h N m L 6 ? M vi M M n M M ni n n n n M'. vi n h M n » n h M n M h M M n n n n M M M M M rl E D C B A 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+SU 14+UU 14+50 15+UV 15+JV 10+UU la+5u 1/+UU I/+5u In+uu I-- I-- I-U iu+w zu+Du e1+Uu 1- «ruv 1s+1v cxw -_- .--- -- I.- -_ -w -rr- 11- ao+vv a.\1-1..o\wpo „y\TUme[Ens-.oI-va.s\1L11AE1-TR -.11 mg ylenms .1 11 Au sT Dewberry & Davis, Inc. M ?Dau>: 9,11M- eYaeK,ND2M7 PHg1E: 91B lDI.YFD FAIL9-199W W ZZ) W -N j F- J W 0 U ?W Zm?Jo o ?U) WO:Ir ZQWO? N 0UWWo ?2dJQz WCwg V = VrWJ ^ LPL O SEAL G•p?lo tS"p p 0?/y M1 •' ?rNCE f y,••'' J PROJECT NO 73125900 SHEET NO. 1 01 4 DRAWN BY LFL APP-D BY REB CHECKED BY JP DATE 02/11/0.5 • • • 1 2 3 4 5 - - ---------------- --- --- - - TREE TABLE _ As -r -- LEGEND p ff s 12096 18' CEDAR ?".? r?} Et fy II 121]2 20' MAPLE " CONTROL IRON FOUND ] J q ? OAK T2178 30 9 3030' Rn9 30' OAK " ? ... f 12" CEDAR T94 ' RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 36 12941 12" TWIN CEDAR ® BENCHMARK 7HU CEDAR T3297 10" LEDAR 7329] 24' PINE TREE LINE P r 13299 14' GLM 13300 20 GUM 13322 10" ?RWLEi CEDAR W RIP RAP A? n M, 13564 12" PEAR ROCK STRUCTURE VICINI TY MAP t4909 "' P'"E " NOT TO SCALE PINE x4913 222 91 5 P I! NE 744 74916 18" CEDAR 60 0 30 60 120 ROOT WAD C\ w 1 INCH = 50FEET - - THALWEG , J 1-35612 1NV-356.23 ...5505 1135599 i-JN?'. C-- ??\\ s6-C (??r l???\ \? ) e Lawrence F. Lee III, hereby certify that this Topographic - - - - LEFT BANKFULL ----- RIGHT SANKFU.L D A Js s - - - v S Survey map was prepared under my supervision, that the survey was conducted under my supervision according to the Standards ? ?? ' ?JS of Practice for Land Surveying in North Carolina, that this l error survey is a Class A topographic survey, and the vertica uare root of the number of miles do t ex 10 ti th n d .. T2942 es o cee . mes e sq from the reference datum; witness my hand and seal this 25TH day of MARCH , 2005 . III PLS L-3884 E L , Lawr nce ee - \\ - ?J55 \\ _ - _ _ xp NJ =354.5 1cq ?Z rmv=353av TT'\c __ O? ? I V Z 301N \? - R ? ? - \ a j? ? ' \ ° rJSS \ NOTES 55_ r2119?=/ = 1) Horizontal and vertical datum taken from approved construction = a drawings by Stontec, doted 07/18/03. a 2) -owest bankfuil shown in profile `or clarity. 4 PROFILE MAIN LINE HORIZONTAL SCALE 1=60' _ VER CAC CA I i I A, - - _ _ - I. , I 0 ? - I I - +-- - - -? - I - - - al ' ` - 1 I I 0 I 1 I 1 I I I i I ? i t I I D iuM SLAV n 0 ?I r?? 56 00 r1 o M h n ^I r?']i Ni a H raj o rv M n n h M o C%i M n ro M o r ?1 m M m, _ n n n a _ rn M o m d vii m o ,O o m ai M o d rn? d m d M m na'1 ? m d a m n'1 6 a d M - d M M o h n d M N M o o ??j - h n m v?j o d hIl a d rv d M n o - cl h - d h a d raj nl o of - h M o d o rNj', h a d v?j n d h a o h a u, h n 6 x?j n d M w I'I n n n h a? a M o o h m m m rn M n o M - d m m h 29+00 29+50 30+00 30+50 31+00 31+50 32+00 32+50 33+00 33+50 34+00 34+50 35+00 35+50 36+00 36+50 37+00 37+50 38+00 38+50 39+00 39+50 40+00 40+50 41+00 41+50 42+00 42+50 43+00 43+50 44+00 44+50 45+00 45+50 46+00 46+50 47+00 E D c B A 1 \13I-X\C1DD\--eLL1-EE a5-8H-\d,\ELLEN3EE-T0P0-BASE 1, 1/18/tW5 11 r6.5P A. [ST 0 Dewberry Dewberry & Dads, Inc. 23pI IE1V.CYI S mw sDnE- wicaM,Wcn RKOxe namlppa FALp1pN1IDa3 W > Z0 N _j I-?WOU Z t[ tL o LUU0z U) ZQ W0x mW7 = WQo N o U >aJ°Z wewg w ?a 0 SEAL ! c, PROJECT NO. 73125900 SHEET NO 2 OF I ORAMN BY LR APPROVED BY REB CHECNEB BY JP DATE 02111105 A 5 W • • IBM 355 19 -=' ?'- _ ----- - VICINITY MAP _ -- =- _ - NOT TO SCALE , - - TREE TABLE 12096 18" CEDAR 20" MAPLE 7 ? '?L T21 T21 78 30" OAK 2 T2179 30" OAK ' 14911 x1916 x4917 71909"??'? CEDAR T2940 12 i29a1 12 TWIN CHAR 12942 14° CEDAR ]BU 35101 y"?%??n/ '' 13290 10 CEDAR TJ2.97 24' PINE 13299 14' GUM ? ? T3300 20" GUM ' j _ J?l? - c TRIPLET CEDAR 13322 10 T3564 12' PEAR T4909 34' PINE / y '- " ?' 1491 1] 22 PINE 1494 15 PNE ` ?? _ INV=351.17 CEDAR T4915 18 60 0 30 60 120 F LEGEND c a - , CONTROL IKON FOUND 1 wcr+ = soFELr 36' NOR REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE BENCHMARK I, Lawrence F. Lee III, hereby certify that this Topographic 41 rem r.wvwvvv.-r TREE LINE Su•vey map was prepared under my supervision, that the survey was conducted under my supervision according to the Standards of Practice for Land Surveying in North Caroline; that this RIP RAP survey is a Ocss A topographic survey, and the vertical error does not exceed .10 times the square root of the number of miles ROC STRUCTURE run from the reference datum; witness my hand and seal ROOT WAD this 24TH day of MARCH 2005. 0- Z-7 x --A,,y. ?• NOTES - P LS L-3884 Lee IU e F r n L , . aw e c 1) Horizontal and ve rtical datum taken Prom ooproved construction -- TNALwEC by St g doted /18/0 LEFT BANNFUll RIGHT BANKFULL s 2) Lowesi ba clarity rol hown for PROFILE MAIN LINE HORIZONTAL SCALE VERTICAL SCA I I 1= I I I I - - ? i I ' I - i 'I AT E V I _ - I I I I i I - h a n N I 'I o 01 m m l 3 0.00 m n m rv n 06 ? m of m ai a a n M A m m om m a- w ?? °i a e ? ? a a< m ?' m n n n n n a ? ? _ n n m N rv a m m o ml h ,? h a vi a, 6 vi vi ? al a a a v ? h r a g a n a ?? '° a s a. a a a' h n n n an n m a a m m a e a a a n n; n n n, an n n n M n n n m m ? any n n n n n n n n n s e a 6 n vi °al °a a a a r a a a n n n n n n n of n n n 1 n n n , 50 62 00 50 63+00 63+50 64+00 64+50 65+00 65+50 62 9 50 + 52+00 52+50 53+00 53+50 54+00 54+50 55+00 55+50 56+00 56+50 57+00 57+50 58+00 58+50 59+00 59+50 60+00 60+50 61+00 61+ 51+50 50+00 50+50 51+00 + + 48+50 49+Oo 4 48+00 E D C B A 11 Dewberry Dewberry & Davis, Ini =1 REASwaLe MW sullBZro suE1P?1, NCZnm Pr10NE %&®i.BmB FAl81BIDI.YiSJ W > Z]?/? Cr NM V/ JF-Y:D QJ WO LUO o W0< ?ZQW0= U MLU "0J° >a- J°z wQ< Wg = 00 SEAL ?0H ?ARO ?4 2Qa°SSSSIp1'?/??• PROJECT NO 13125900 SHEET NO. 3 OF 4 DRAWN BY Le- APPROvED BY REB GREENED BY JP DATE e2111105 • • • E D C 6 A 1 2 3 \ `1 y\ t ?t1111 1\\ ?1?\0. t ? l '1 11\ Il y\\ 1M iii '1 v tv I ?II i '??It i11, I I ,? v vii' ? vv 11 t IBM 16519 i J11 \ -N- LEGE ND 60 0 30 60 120 \\\\? 1\11 H J CONTROL IRON FOUND 76' PC' REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE 1 INCH = 60FEET \\ \ ?`1l ® TH. BENCHMARK \ Jyg' \?\ / \I \ \ ®L' \ /E^,?vvv?- TREE LINE \ y?B? \ vIv?v RIP RAP \\ Lawrence F. Lee ill, hereby certify that this Topographic AA ??q 1 \ ROCK STRUCTURE Survey map was prepared under my supervision, that the survey VA { E3564 was conducted uncle" my supervision according to the Standards \1 t thi f P f i i N h C li th i L S 0 ROOT WAD urvey ng n ort aro na; a s o ract ce or and v survey is a Class A topographic survey, and the vertical error ? does not exceed 10 times the square root of the number of miles v THALWEc run from the reference datum; witness my nand and seal this 25TH da of MARCH 2005 tv - - - - \ LEFT B L y w t \\ : J \?,ih ANFUIL RIGHT BANKFU La La renee F. Lee III, PLS L-3864 TJ29 9 329 tVt x3291 RODT WAD NGiES ! ate 1) Horizontal and vertical dctum taken from approved construction drowings by Stantea, dated 07/18/03. `rsu?L=- c -'- 2) Lowest bankfull shown in profile for Glorify- 366.08 4 PROFILE TRIBUTARY j I I I I ? I ? --- ... .. -- --- - 360 HORIZONTAL SCALE SCALE I - \ VERTICAL _SCALE SCALE 1" 30' 350 DATUM ELEV I 340.00 n a a n d o In m n GO a, o n Co 6 an i n a m ' N rn d' DJ GO I? r DO Do DO ad Do r Do Ln to t0 an r ED r u Mi Ln Pr) 1 ? v N Fn ' N Ln Ln In In «7 In N LM In lf) N M Ln Ln N Ln N7 u7 9? >n l N7 M M N7 N] t7 t7 Nl r? ? r7 ? r'7 ? r7 r7 ? N1 M SEAL ;'oO .AILS VAp !y'?? h?/bS e LiF 10+00 10+50 11+00 11+50 12+00 12+50 13+00 13+50 14+00 14+50 15+00 15+50 16+00 16+50 17+00 PROJECT NO. 13126900 SHEET NO. S OF 1 v.\1312-0v1Dn\Yrwry\ELTERBEE AS-BUILT5\d.'g\ELLLRBEE-IOPO-BAS`..BYg 3/2B/- 9. A6.52 AU EST - -- - - 5 Dewberry & Davis, Inc. =I9EkMXAs- sunm S4k10H, HC 99997 P E: 919&1.90.8 F/JLW9.11111 9 11 Dewberry W UIr w U) J F- Z o LU Ca 0 ? U) C9 = ZQ?W1 'm 0=JQo awZ Z< g /- (7 2 V/ a- r VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE DRANK Or IFL APPROVED Sy RED CHECKED BY JP DATE 02111105 • • 100 Class % Cumulative % 150 = 5.7 mm 184= 19.0 mm 100 90 80 70 60 C d 50 ` 40 d 30 20 10 0 r o 0 0 0 .? v e m > > a p s 0 0 -Va •s o Q s a r' r? s Q g a 0 s rn? o pp 6? ?S O 9 'V ' ?iD E V 01 Q `QO c? iS ?? av .- o b -0 o rn ??, oo s? rn? c, 0 ao cv R-11? ls? Particle Size Class (mm) 137. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section HBASI Particle Size Ranee (mml Total # Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 2 2 2 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 0 0 2 Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 4 4 6 R Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 7 7 13 Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 8 8 21 Very Course Sand 1.0-2 6 6 27 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 12 12 39 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 11 11 50 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 8 8 58 Medium Gravel 8-11.3 7 7 65 Medium Gravel i 11.3-16 14 14 79 U Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 11 11 90 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 7 7 97 Very Course Gravel 32-45 1 1 98 Very Course Gravel 45-64 1 1 99 Small Cobble 64-90 1 1 100 Small Cobble 90-128 0 0 100 o Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 100 Large Cobble 180-256 0 0 100 Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 ^o Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 i otai 40 35 N 30 v R 25 a 20 15 3 10 Z 5 0 0 B7. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section HBAS2 p-+;ran Ci7P Ranoe (mml Tntal # Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 52 52 52 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 3 3 55 fl Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 3 3 58 % Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 14 14 72 Ln Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 4 4 76 Very Course Sand 1.0-2 5 5 81 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 3 3 84 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 0 0 84 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 0 0 84 ;, Medium Gravel 8-11.3 2 2 86 Medium Gravel `. L. 11.3-16 3 3 89 U Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 5 5 94 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 5 5 99 Very Course Gravel 32-45 1 1 100 Very Course Gravel 45-64 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64-90 0 0 100 a Small Cobble 90-128 0 0 100 Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 100 Large Cobble 180-256 0 0 100 L Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 ^o Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 ' Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 Total 50 100 y d V_ 40 cC d 30 O 20 E 3 Z 10 0 Class % -Cumulative % J50 = 0.06 mm JB4 = 4.0 mm 100 90 80 70 60 C 50 40 (L 30 20 10 0 t- 0 0 0 0 z 01 T>> c3 0 v c0 >> c& a 'p t 4 O LO s? ?o a o? a r s % 'o o ip a bs P. p? c? O b •S 6 6' c? O 61 a r' P ,;V `'s y Particle Size Class (mm) • • 0 • • IN ® Class % Cumulative % 150= 6.6 mm 184 = 20.8 mm 100 90 80 70 60 d 50 ` 40 IL 30 20 10 0 r o 0 0 0 a A r cv >> a o A rn o>> o s O 'O S A O c? S 6' O °6a Op ?0 O° `' •' oa `ter' 6'? AcS v `pO 4aiS ?a6? a? a0 K Particle Size Class (mm) B7. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section HBAS3 Particle Size Ranee (mm) Total # Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 35 35 35 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 0 0 35 ,a Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 0 0 35 Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 0 0 35 Z Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 0 0 35 Very Course Sand 1.0-2 0 0 35 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 4 4 39 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 7 7 46 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 10 10 56 Medium Gravel 8-11.3 11 11 67 R Medium Gravel L 11.3-16 9 9 76 Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 11 11 87 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 7 7 94 Very Course Gravel 32-45 1 1 95 Very Course Gravel 45-64 4 4 99 Small Cobble 64-90 0 0 99 Small Cobble 90-128 1 1 100 Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 100 Large Cobble 180-256 0 0 100 L Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 :2 Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 t otai 70 60 v 50 m a 40 w O d 30 E 20 Z 10 0 0 B7. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section HBAS4 P-4-1.. Size Range fmml Total # Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 17 17 17 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 6 6 23 Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 6 6 29 R Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 11 11 40 cn Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 8 8 48 Very Course Sand 1.0-2 5 5 53 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 4 4 57 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 1 1 58 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 1 1 59 d Medium Gravel 8-11.3 7 7 66 i Medium Gravel 11.3-16 7 7 73 Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 16 16 89 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 11 11 100 Very Course Gravel 32-45 0 0 100 Very Course Gravel 45-64 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64-90 0 0 100 Small Cobble 90-128 0 0 100 a Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 100 Large Cobble 180-256 0 0 100 L Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 :9 Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 Total 35 100 30 H cr v 25 iV a 20 O 15 d E 10 3 Z 5 0 Class % -- 0 Cumulative % J50= 1.4 mm J84 = 20.5 mm 100 90 80 70 60 = 50 40 IL 30 20 10 0 r O O O O p v (p (p i 'rn p a oa vs v `Q0 i? 'd `'J` Orn - 'O ?, 00 'OU, S'`'0, '`{" '°, b j ' •? :? p, , 90 c, C? Qa T ciS TD, r'Q Op 5 Op ?c? O O O '' '6 •0 O? tPO 6 6c' c? 0 Particle Size Class (mm) • • 0 B7. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section HDAS1 Particle Size Ranee (mm) Total # Class % Cumulative % • S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 9 9 9 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 0 0 9 ti Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 12 12 21 Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 7 7 28 Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 11 11 39 Ve Course Sand 1.0-2 8 8 47 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 6 6 53 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 2 2 55 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 13 13 68 Medium Gravel 8-11.3 11 11 79 Medium Gravel 11.3-16 14 14 93 Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 5 5 98 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 1 1 99 Very Course Gravel 32-45 1 1 100 Very Course Gravel 45-64 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64-90 0 0 100 Small Cobble 90-128 0 0 100 ° Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 100 Large Cobble 180-256 0 0 100 L Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 '.° Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 ° Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 50 45 d 40 v 35 CL 30 0 25 y 20 E 15 Z 10 1 otal Class % 0 Cumulative % 5 0 N 0 0 0 0 i1` dP > > 0 , 0 0 > > c' LP 01 .? J 0 '0 °O'a ?S O° `' •' ICP a `JCS p X90 cW 1'w t? O o •?, rn •rn c? 0 T, c? cp °v a? s o 100 100 90 80 70 60 c d 50 ` 40 aL 30 20 10 0 Particle Size Class (mm) 150= 3.0 mm 184= 13.0 mm • B7. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section HDAS2 Size Ranue (mml Total # Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 55 55 55 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 0 0 55 V Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 20 20 75 ° Medium Sand R 0.25-0.5 13 13 88 Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 9 9 97 Very Course Sand 1.0-2 1 1 98 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 1 1 99 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 0 0 99 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 0 0 99 Medium Gravel 8-11.3 0 0 99 L Medium Gravel 11.3-16 0 0 99 Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 0 0 99 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 0 0 99 Very Course Gravel 32-45 0 0 99 Very Course Gravel 45-64 1 1 100 Small Cobble 64-90 0 0 100 a Small Cobble 90-128 0 0 100 .a Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 100 Large Cobble 180-256 0 0 100 Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 Total 60 H 50 d 40 ?o IL 0 30 d 20 3 Z 10 0 100 S Class % 4 Cumulative % i50= 0.06 mm Ja4= 0.42 mm 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 d 30 20 10 0 4 r 0 0 0 0 " ca v cS d > >? ?? 0? QS ? 00 a I CP 01 p 00 S1 'o ? 0 0 06? r'S ?0 q' b cS' >0 `'a pS A fl0 a ce Qa ciS a" 0" T> o b •s _o rn .o o °o s° rnr, r, or, a° o Particle Size Class (mm) • • 0 • • r 0 0 0 0,?o? v s W>> ?- ° z a+ 0>> a a s 0 •O •I? _S •O 77 tS? j rn tJ t? cS D O .J w c5` 6? °? 6? O 19 0 a > V3 QS p 9° `' burn ?s s cv Class % Cumulative % Particle Size Class (mm) B7. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section HDAS3 P.rtirla Size Ranue (mm) Total 4 Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 23 23 23 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 0 0 23 ,a Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 9 9 32 Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 10 10 42 Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 14 14 56 Very Course Sand 1.0-2 10 10 66 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 4 4 70 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 0 0 70 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 2 2 72 Medium Gravel 8-11.3 6 6 78 L Medium Gravel 11.3-16 9 9 87 Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 8 8 95 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 4 4 99 Very Course Gravel 32-45 0 0 99 Very Course Gravel 45-64 0 0 99 Small Cobble 64-90 0 0 99 Small Cobble 90-128 0 0 99 Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 99 Large Cobble 180-256 1 1 100 L Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 :2 Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 Total 30 100 150= 0.8 mm i84 = 14.4 mm 100 90 80 70 60 c N 50 ` 40 GL. 30 20 10 0 ui 25 d v 20 R a 15 d 10 3 Z 5 0 • B7. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section HDAS4 Parfirlr Size Ranee (mm) Total # Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 15 15 15 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 0 0 15 V Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 12 12 27 Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 3 3 30 rn Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 4 4 34 Very Course Sand 1.0-2 7 7 41 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 4 4 45 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 3 3 48 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 4 4 52 Medium Gravel 8-11.3 13 13 65 y Medium Gravel 11.3-16 21 21 86 C7 Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 8 8 94 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 6 6 100 Very Course Gravel 32-45 0 0 100 Very Course Gravel 45-64 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64-90 0 0 100 Small Cobble 90-128 0 0 100 Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 100 Large Cobble 180-256 0 0 100 L Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 Total 60 100 rn 50 a> v :C 40 M a 0 30 d 20 7 Z 10 0 Class % Cumulative % i50= 6.9 mm 184= 15.6 mm 100 90 80 70 60 c 50 40 d 30 20 10 0 o °o os 'o Q s `? ?rn `°- ` 3 ?L'% orn s? ?o C? o 0 o C? l'? lJQ Y CS S CP Particle Size Class (mm) • • 0 • • B7. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section ALAS1 Particle Size Range fmml Total # Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 35 35 35 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 2 2 37 a Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 23 23 60 Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 16 16 76 `n Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 4 4 80 Very Course Sand 1.0-2 2 2 82 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 0 0 82 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 2 2 84 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 3 3 87 Medium Gravel 8-11.3 5 5 92 L Medium Gravel 11.3-16 5 5 97 U Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 2 2 99 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 1 1 100 Very Course Gravel 32-45 0 0 100 Very Course Gravel 45-64 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64-90 0 0 100 Z Small Cobble 90-128 0 0 100 Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 100 Large Cobble 180-256 0 0 100 L Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 o Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 i otai 40 35 N 30 v 25 IL 0 20 15 E 10 Z 5 0 100 Class % $ Cumulative % 150 = 0.2 mm 184 = 5.7 mm 100 90 80 70 60 d 50 ` 40 a. 30 20 10 0 x 0 0 0 0 a Q S (p >> a'p v 0>>? 0 S J 0 0 a s o b 's >> rn r' r' s o c) o r U' 0 .0 61 01 ?p R- 0 Lp 01 d o o •s rn .6 c? o m as as (:p Particle Size Class (mm) B7. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section ALAS2 1D--+i..]. Sipe Rance (mml Tota14 Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 32 32 32 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 6 6 38 Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 24 24 62 Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 16 16 78 Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 6 6 84 Ve Course Sand 1.0-2 1 1 85 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 2 2 87 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 0 0 87 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 4 4 91 d Medium Gravel 8-11.3 1 1 92 i Medium Gravel 11.3-16 4 4 96 Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 2 2 98 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 2 2 100 Very Course Gravel 32-45 0 0 100 Very Course Gravel 45-64 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64-90 0 0 100 Z Small Cobble 90-128 0 0 100 a Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 100 Large Cobble 180-256 0 0 100 L Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 Total 35 100 • i50= 0.2 mm 1e4= 1.0 mm 100 90 80 70 60 = 50 40 d 30 20 10 0 30 OA C) _v 25 jL 20 O 15 m E 10 Z 5 Class % -Cumulative % 0 r 0000 "c3 7 s o>> a o R o o>> a o s O 'O 'Ip 'S 'O )PI c3 c? T P, O c? d S 6? O a •06? O p c' '? ??i? • j c3 6'? pS v i9o e0 ??d c?, ?O ? °pcP c? O D? •S O .0 c? O 6" a c? c? cQ Q cP Particle Size Class (mm) • • 137. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section ALAS3 r-f-l.. Size Range fmml Total # Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 21 21 21 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 2 2 23 ,a Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 6 6 29 w Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 20 20 49 Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 8 8 57 Very Course Sand 1.0-2 6 6 63 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 5 5 68 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 3 3 71 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 9 9 80 d Medium Gravel 8-11.3 8 8 88 L Medium Gravel 11.3-16 7 7 95 U Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 5 5 100 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 0 0 100 Very Course Gravel 32-45 0 0 100 Very Course Gravel 45-64 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64-90 0 0 100 :3 Small Cobble 90-128 0 0 100 Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 100 Large Cobble 180-256 0 0 100 L Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 ° Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 Total 25 100 20 v a 15 0 d 10 E 3 Z 5 0 Class % Cumulative % J50 = 0.6 mm J84= 9.7 mm 100 90 80 70 60 = 50 40 a 30 20 10 0 x 0 0 0 0-, r? Q s >> a a a rn s>> c? a s 0 -0 61 o? rn? `'''0 ` .0 c' `'? 1rs ? Qcs `ern d o O? •? s '6 c? 0 ? c? c? az> 0n d? s cP Particle Size Class (mm) 0 137. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section ALAS4 Partirle Size Range (mml Tatal # t,lass % rmmulativP 0/ S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 8 8 8 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 0 0 8 Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 8 8 16 Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 5 5 21 Z Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 9 9 30 Ve Course Sand 1.0-2 14 14 44 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 16 16 60 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 7 7 67 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 14 14 81 d Medium Gravel 8-11.3 12 12 93 0 Medium Gravel L 11.3-16 6 6 99 U Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 0 0 99 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 1 1 100 Very Course Gravel 32-45 0 0 100 Very Course Gravel 45-64 0 0 100 Small Cobble 64-90 0 0 100 Z Small Cobble 90-128 0 0 100 o Medium Cobble U 128-180 0 0 100 Large Cobble 180-256 0 0 100 L Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 ^o Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 1 otal 35 30 N) d _v 25 a 20 w 15 d E 10 Z 5 0 IOU Class % Cumulative % 150 = 2.8 mm 184 = 8.8 mm 100 90 80 70 60 = d 50 ` 40 li 30 20 10 0 r O O O O c? 3? 1 j >> °'a mac? R v 0 '0 T, t, -1 161 L? 'd, 19 b To ° o ?o 0 T, o Particle Size Class (mm) ?° J -,COP i-3 u) ip ?o • • r • • p ° a ° p }T S j ,?0 ate mac? vs `q0 acS (a6) , ?O J T, O _S -0 L? 6' •? p 6' , c? aY a3 p Class % -Cumulative % Particle Size Class (mm) B7. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section CRAS1 Particle Size RanLye (mm) Total # Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 25 25 25 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 0 0 25 Q Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 5 5 30 Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 4 4 34 In Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 2 2 36 Very Course Sand 1.0-2 5 5 41 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 7 7 48 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 2 2 50 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 4 4 54 ;, Medium Gravel 8-11.3 6 6 60 Medium Gravel L 11.3-16 8 8 68 C7 Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 8 8 76 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 9 9 85 Very Course Gravel 32-45 5 5 90 Very Course Gravel 45-64 2 2 92 Small Cobble 64-90 1 1 93 Small Cobble 90-128 1 1 94 Medium Cobble U 128-180 2 2 96 Large Cobble 180-256 3 3 99 L Small Boulders 256-362 1 1 100 ^o Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 1 otal 30 100 150= 5.7 mm 184= 30.9 mm 100 90 80 70 60 c m 50 ` 40 d 30 20 10 0 rn 25 d v 20 ?o a 0 15 d 10 7 Z 5 0 0 B7. Pebble Count - Ellerbe Creek Stream Restoration Third Year Monitoring 07/01/2007 Cross Section CRAS2 p-tirla Size Range (mm) Total # Class % Cumulative % S/C Silt/Clay < 0.062 15 15 15 Very Fine Sand 0.062-0.125 0 0 15 .C Fine Sand 0.125-0.25 1 1 16 Medium Sand 0.25-0.5 7 7 23 Coarse Sand 0.5-1.0 6 6 29 Very Course Sand 1.0-2 4 4 33 Very Fine Gravel 2-4 9 9 42 Fine Gravel 4-5.7 1 1 43 Fine Gravel 5.7-8 6 6 49 d Medium Gravel 8-11.3 10 10 59 R Medium Gravel L 11.3-16 18 18 77 Coarse Gravel 16-22.6 11 11 88 Coarse Gravel 22.6-32 3 3 91 Very Course Gravel 32-45 1 1 92 Very Course Gravel 45-64 0 0 92 Small Cobble d 64-90 1 1 93 Z Small Cobble 90-128 3 3 96 U Medium Cobble 128-180 1 1 97 Large Cobble 180-256 3 3 100 Small Boulders 256-362 0 0 100 •o Small Boulders 362-512 0 0 100 ' Medium Boulders 0 512-1024 0 0 100 Large Boulders 1024-2048 0 0 100 Bedrock > 2048 0 0 100 Total 30 100 J50 = 8.3 mm i84 = 20.2 mm 100 90 80 70 60 C d 50 ` 40 O. 30 20 10 0 N 25 a> v 20 ca a C 15 d E 10 7 Z 5 0 r o 0 0 0,-c? 7.s o>> a a o>> a s o •o • 1 s o b 10% c' ?' s gi o a o s rn o .0 M TD i? •> ? -, • "' •6 bs Q 90 a ? ? ? ?5 i cp av ma o b or .o 0 ?o •rn oa o o 1161, T, or, ao `A e Class % Cumulative % Particle Size Class (mm) • • 0