HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140273 Ver 1_Scoping Comments_20080528o��C ... , , �9QG \ Vj r a °� -i O '< Wiliiam G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources May 28, 2008 Coleen H. Sullins, Director Division of Water Quality MEMORANDUM To: Melba McGee, DENR Environmental Coordinator a� .J, From: Rob Ridings, Division of Water Quality, Transportation Pernvtting Unit y Subject: Comments on the Finding of No Significant Impact related to proposed widening of SR 1616 from US 64 Business to SR 1541, Rocky Mount, Nash County, Federal Aid Project No. STP-1616(4), State Project No. 34927.1.1, TIP Nv�d31; DENR Clearinghouse No. 08-0351. This office has reviewed the referenced document dated received May 20, 2008. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is responsible for the issuance of the Secrion 401 Water Quality Certification for activities that impact Waters of the U.S., including wetlands. It is our understanding that the project as presented will result in impacts to jurisdictional wetlands, streatns, and/or riparian buffers. The DWQ offers the following comments based on review of the aforementioned document: Project Spec'dic Comments: 1. Stoney Creek and its tributaries aze class C, NSW; 303(d) waters of the State. DWQ is very concemed with sediment and erosion impacts that could result from this project. DWQ recommends that the most protec6ve sediment and erosion control BMPs be implemented to reduce the risk of nutrient runoff to Stoney Creek. DWQ requests that road design plans provide treatment of the storm water runoff through best management practices as detailed in the most recent version of NC DWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices. 2. This project is within the Taz-Pamlico River Basin. Riparian buffer impacts shall be avoided and minimized to the greatest extent possible pursuant to 15A NCAC 2B.0259. New development acriviries located in the protected 50-foot wide riparian areas within the basin shall be limited to "uses" identified within and constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2B.0259. Buffer mitigation may be required for buffer impacts resulting from activities classified as "allowable with mitigarion" wiUvn the "Table of Uses" section of the Buffer Rules or require a variance under the Buffer Rules. A buffer mitigation plan, including use of the NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program, must be provided to DWQ prior to approval of the Wate�Quality Certification. General Comments: The petmit applicarion shall provide a detailed and itemized presentarion of the proposed impacts to wetlands and streams with corresponding mapping. If mitigarion is necessary as required by 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h), it is preferable to present a conceptual (if not finalized) mitigation plan with the environmental documentarion. Appropriate mitigation plans will be required prior to issuance of a 401 Water Quality Certificarion. Transportation Peimilting Und � 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NoM Carolina 27699-1650 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Sulte 250, Raleigh, NoM Carolina 27604 Phona: 919-733-17861 FAX 979-733�8931 Intemet http�/lh2o enr state nc us/ncwetlands An Equal OpportunitylAtAimative Action Empbyer- 50%Recyde�U70% Post Consumer Paper �� 2. Environmental .assessment a�t�e� �ater runoff..nThese alt rnatilve shall in ude road des gns that streams and wetlands from s allow for treatment of the storm water runoff through best management practices as detailed m the most recent version of Stormwater Bes t Mana gement Practices, such as grassed swales, buffer , � areas, preformed scour holes, retention basins, etc. 3. After the selection of the preferred� alternative and prior to an i ill need to demonstrate the�avoid ce, Certification, the NCD.OT is respectfully reminded that they w ' � and minimization of impacts to wetlands (and streams) to the maximum extent practical. In � accordance with the Environmental Managem�er han acre to wetlands15In he event�that06(h)}, mitigation will be required for irnpacts of gr mitigation is required, the mitigation plan sPha�ll a� maynbe ava lable forusepasawetland tigation.d ` values. . The NC Ecosystem Enhancement gr 4. In accordance with the Environmental Managemact of eater than SO li earfeet o any single -- 2H.0506(h)}, mitigation will be required for imp �' , perennial stream. In the event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan shall be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. The NC Ecosystem Enhancement Program may be available for use as stream mitigation. , 5. Future documentation, including the 401 Water Quali d s eaml im�ac spwi hacorrespond nghnue to include an iterriized listing of the proposed wetland an P mappmg. 6. DWQ is very concerned with sediment and erosion impacts that cac�dtliat ma �occurl to the qua c DOT shall address these concerns by describing the potential imp Y environments and ariy mitigating factors that would reduce the impacts. 7. An analysis of cumulative and secondary impacts anticipated on of Water Qualty Policy on thea . The type and detail of analysis shall conform to the NC Divis , assessment of secondary and cumulative impacts dated April 10, 2004. ' 8. NC DOT is respectfully reminded that all impacts, including na �°anan buffer sneed to�belincluded excavation and clearing, to jurisdictional wetlands, streams, a p in the final impact calculations. These impacts, in addition to any construction impacts, temporary or otherwise, also need to be included as part of the 401 Water Qua:lity Certification Application. 9, .:_y��re streams must be cro'ssed, the DWQ prefers bridges be used in lieu of culverts. However, we realize that economic considerations often require thss S e b fish and other aquatic organ sams. - eulverts shall be countersunk.to allow unimpeded pa g Y rove Moreover, in areas where high quality wetlands or streams are impacted, a bridge may p ' preferable. When applicable,lDOT should not install the bridge bents:�in the creek, to the�maximum . extent practicable. 10. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or streams. 11. Borrow/waste` areas shall avoid wetlands to� the maximum a�e�ntual cti Certif cation and coluld s in � borrow/waste areas will need to be presented in the 401 W Q tY . , precipitate compensatbry mitigation. J' + l� � � lication will need to specifically address the proposed , , 12. The 401 Water Quality Certification app , methods for stormwater manag ement. More specifically;, stormwater shall not be permitted to discharge directly into streams or surface waters. the magnitude of impacts to wetlands and 13. Based on the information presented in the document, eers and corresponding streams may require an Nationwide Permit application to the Corps of Engin � Water uality Certification. Please be advised that e40 uwat standards are met and no we land 401 Q to ensure that wat q �' Iication .. satisfactory protection of water quality � Please be aware that any approval will or stream uses are lost. Final permit authorizati e NCDWQire •the submittal of a forma app by the NCDOT and written concurrence from th e contin ent on appropriate avoidance and minimizael table stolrmwaterman g m nt plan,t nd the b g maximum extent practical, the development of an a To riate. inclusion of appropriate mitiSation plans where app p 14. Bridge supports (bents) shall not be placed in the stream when possible. refers s anning structures. Spanning structures usually do not , 15. Whenever possible, the DWQ p bbin of the streambanks and do not require stream channel . require work within the stream or gru g � eali ent. The horizontal and vertical clearances pr� assabe and do not block navig ti n by r g� wildlife passage beneath the siructure, do not block is p g canoeists and boaters. � means assed swales, pre-formed scour holes, 16. Bridge deck drains shall not discharge directlyriate the str (� • Stormwater shall be directe across the bridge and pre-treated through site approp e etated buffers, etc ) before entering the stream. Please refer to the most current version of N vg DWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices. ed durin construction, a dry work area shall be maintained to prevent direct contact . 17, If concrete is us g ossible a uatic.life and curin concrete and stream water. Water that inad levated H and p�c�ed q ncrete shall between g not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for e . fish kills. lg, If temporary access roads or detours are constructed, the site shall be graded to its preconstruction , ed. When using temporary structures the area shall contonrs and elevatioris. Disturbed areas shall be seeded or mulched to stabilize the soi an appropriate native woody species shall be plan . be cleared but not grubbed. Clearing the area���t a rootl at ntact allowsthe area to re�vegetate mechanized equipment and leavirig the stumps ��— naturally and minimizes soil disturbance. - :. 19. Placexiient of culverts and other structures in waters, erts �th a d ametergreate rhan 48ainches, , .the elevation of the streambedby.one foot for all cu v and 20' ercent of the culvert diameter for culverts ha a gla elment of ulverts and other structures p low flow passage of water and:aquatic life. Design an p ' ludin temporary erosion control measures shall not beent to ort ps eam and down stream of the mc S dis-equilibrium of wetlands or streambeds or banks, a �ac above structures. The applicant is required to providcondationis unable to be mret due oebedrock or � maintained if requested in writing by DWQ• If th ldanee construetion, please contact the NC DWQ for gu other limiting featuxes encountered during . � ow to roceed and to determine whether or not a permit modification will be required. on h P 20. If multiple pipes or barrels are required, they shall be designed to mimie natural stream cross section, . � as ossible including pipes or barrels at flood plain elevation and/or sills where _ as closely. p appropriate. Widening the strcarn �ae� ases wa�ter veloc ty oaus g sedimentldepo ition that inlet or outlet end of structures typ Y requiresincreased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage. 21 app� oved nderSGenera� 401 Certifis ation Number 3494/Nat onwide Permit No.e6 for Survey is Activities. 1 ted 22. 23. 24. 25 Sediment and erosion control measures sufficient to protect water resources must be imp emen Control Plann ng and Des gn Manual and the most ecent vers on of NCS000250 �ment and Erosion All work in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry work area. Approved BMP measures from the most current versio cofferd mOs and�ot er divers on shvchues shall be nsed to manual such as sandbags, rock berms, prevent excavarion in flowing water. ry(NWI) maps, NC Coasta] Region Evaluation of While the use of Narional Wetland Invento ma s are useful tools, their inherent Wetland Significance (NGCREWS) maps and soil surveY P inaccuracies require that qualified personnel perform onsite wetland delineations prior to pernvt approval. Heavy equipment shall be operated from the bank rather than in sother c llutantsl nt str ams. �i1ns minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing P equipment shall be inspecte�aul c flu dsaortother�to xc matenals�mination of surface waters from leaking fuels, lubricants, hy precludes aquaticlife pasagehBi engineer`ing bou d rs orsltructures shalbe properly des gnedhat sized and installed. Riparian vegetation (native trees and shnibs) shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible. Riparian vegetation must be reestablerion of consh�uctlons�ction limits of the project by the end of the owing season following comp 26. 27 � The NCDWQ appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on your project. Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please wntact Rob Ridings at (919) 733-9817. C of Engineers, Washtingon Field Office cc: W�lliam Wescott, US ArmY orps Chad Coggins, Division 4 Environmental Officer Kathy Matthews, Environmental Protection Agency Travis Wilson, NC Wildlife Resources Commission Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., NCDOT PDEA �E �3�.�:;...,,. Department of Environment ancl Natural Resources � Ofiice of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs Project Review Form Project Number: 08-0351 County: Nash Due Date: 06/11/2008 Date Received: OS/16l2008 Project Description: Widen SR 1616 (Counhy Club Rd) from US64 Business to SR 1541 (Jeffrey's Rd). The project will widen the existing roadway to 64ft (19.2 meter), 5-lane, curb a�id gutter facility throughout the project'�-33�3. This Project is being reviewed as indicated below: Reeional Office Asheville Fayetteville Mooresvil le Raleigh Washington _ Wilmingron _ Winston-Salem Sign-Off/Region: Response (check all applicable) Office Area I In-House Review Air Warer Groundwater Land Quality E�gineer _ No objection to project as proposed. Insufficient information to complete review Soil & Water Coastal Management Wildlife �/ Wildlife - DOT Forest Resources Land Resources Parks & Recreation Water Quality �/ Water Quality - DOT Air Qualiry Marine Fisheries _ Water Resources Environmental Health Solid Wasee Mgmt Radiation Protection Other _ No Comment _ Other (specify or attach commenu) Reviewer/Agency: Regional Office Only: Please log into the IBEAM system and update your comments in the DSS (Decision Support System) application, SEPA module. If you have any questions, please contact Melba McGee, Environmental Coordinator at melba.mcgee@ncmail.net � ��t�r:-,�__. � r�'` ( ��"I`` -J��'��!'7(�. ' / biqy i �; '[1i;� �"�" "' .,, . „i,:�.��'rrN'�A;Fjj_" �I SK 161fi (Cuuntry Club Ruadl From [JS fi4 Business to SR 1541 (Jeffl•ey's Road) Rucky Mount, Nash Cuunty Federal Aid Project Nu. STRlfilfi(4� WI3S Nu.34927.t.1 7'1P No. U-3331 ADNI[MS'PKA'P1VE ACT[ON GINDING OF NO SIUNII�ICAN'I' IMYACC U. 5. DCPARI'MliN'P Of -PRA�SYORI'A PION FRDERAL NIGH W AY ADM1I INISTRA I'ION 1ND V. C. DGPARThIGNT OF 7'RANSPOR"I',\TION tiuhmil[ed pursuant to 42 U.ti.C.433212) (cl n�rxovr �: �%�S ����ti���-- Dute F�R �regory J.'Churpe, Ph.D., Manager Project llevefopmenf and Environmental Analysis Branch, NCDO"f �. Date Juhn F. Sullivan III, P.E., Division �ederal Highway Adminislration SR 1616 (Country Club Road) From US 64 Business to SR 1541 (Jeffrey's Road) Rocky Mount, Nash County Federal Aid Project No. STP-1616(4) WBS No. 34927.1.1 � TIP No. U-3331 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Apri12008 Documentation Prepared in Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch by: -3o—Og Date � �i,p o9 D e Project Engineer , '� TAB�E OF CONTEN'I'S I. TYPE OF ACTION ..............................................................................................1 II. III. IV. V. VI. A B C. D. E. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION ..................................................:...1 ALTERNATIVESSTUDIED ..............................:............................................... 2 SUMIVIARYOF IMPACTS ................................................................................. 3 ACTIONS REQUIRED BY OTHER AGENCIES ............................................ 5 COORDINATION AND COMMENTS ............................................................. 6 CIRCULATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ................................................... C COMMENTS RECENED ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ................:............. 6 1. i�nited States Environmental Protection Agency ................................................... 6 2. United States Fish and Wildlife Service ................................................................. 8 3. NC Department of Environmental and Natural Resources ..................................... 9 4. NC Division of Environmental Health ................................................................... 9 5. NC Wildlife Resources Commission .............................:...................................... 10 6. NC Division of Water Quality .............................................................................. 10 ADDITIONAL COORDINATION WITH FEMA ............................................................ 13 PUBLICINVOLVEMENT ........................................................................................... 14 COMMENTS MADE DURING AND FOLLOWING THE PUBLIC HEARING ..................... 1S VII. REVISIONS TO ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT .................................16 A. DESIGN CHANGES .................................................................................................. 16 B. SECTION 4(F� PROPERTY ........................................................................................ lE) C. TRAFFIC NOISE & AIR QUALITY ANALYSIS ........................................................... 17 1. Traffic Noise ......................................................................................................... 17 2. Air ualit .................:........... 17 Q Y ............................................................................... a. Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs) ........................................................... 18 VIII. BASIS FOR FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IIVIPACT .............................19 FIGURES Figure 1 Figure 2 . Figure 3a & 3b � APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Vicinity Map Aerial Project Layout FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Written Comments on Environmental Assessment Section 4( fl Coordination — Letter from City of Rocky Mount PROJECT COMMITMENTS SR 1616 (Country Club Road) From US 64 Business to SR 1541 (Jeffrey's Road) Rocky Mount, Nash County Federal Aid Project No. STP-1616(4) WBS No. 34927.1.1 TIP No. U-3331 Pro¢ram Develoament Branch Division 4 Desien Unit. Division 4 Construction. Financial Manaeement Division The existing sidewalk will be replaced if it is damaged or removed as a result of construcaon. A sidewalk will be included on one side of the bridge as part of this TIP project. At the request of the City of Rocky Mount, a sidewalk will also be included along the roadway portion of the project at additional cost to the City. A municipal agreement between the City and NCDOT will give specific details of the additional sidewalk, such as location, cost pazticipation requirements, and maintenance responsibility. Division 4 Desien Unit, Division 4 Construction NCDOT will adhere to all requirements set by the Federa] Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the amended deed restrictions for the nine Hazard Mitigation Grant Program properties. NCDOT will not perform any non-approved design or conswction on these properties. NCDOT will not acquire these properties as part of the right of way acquisition process; instead, the City of Rocky Mount will retain ownership of said properties. All applicable environmental and floodplain management requirements will be adhered to during design and constructio� of this project. A bus turnout will be added on Country Club Road near the Covenant Homes property between Hunter Hill Road and Jeffreys Road in order to accommodate the Golden East bus route in this azea. Due to the proposed guazdrail after the bridge crossing, access to the Country Club Road Paddle Trail Access Area will be shifted north of its existing location. As requested by the City of Rocky Mount, NCDOT will purchase the additional right of way on an adjacent property to create a twenry foot gravel access road to the paddle vail access site. U3331 Fnding of No Significant Mpan . I of 2 Apri12008 Division 4 Desien Unit Division 4 ConsttuMion, Hvdraulics Unit Since this project is in the Taz-Pamlico River Basin, sedimentation and erosion control measures shall adhere to the Design Standazds in Sensidve Watersheds [15A NCAC 04B.0124 (b)-(e)]. NCDOT will adhere to the Taz-Pamlico River Riparian Buffer Rules during the design and construction phases ofthis project. U3331 Finding of No Significant Impact Apri12008 \\ 2of2 � SR 1616 (Country Club Road) From US 64 Business to SR 1541 (Jeffrey's Road) Rocky Mount, IVash County Federal Aid Project No. STP-1616(4) WBS No. 34927.1.1 TIP No. U-3331 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Prepared by the Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation In Consultation with the Federal Highway Administration I. TYPE OF ACTION This is a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) administrative action, Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The FHWA has determined this project will not have any significant impact on the environment. This FONSI is based on the Environmental Assessment (EA) dated August 29, 2003, which has been independently evaluated by the FHWA and determined to adequately and accurately discuss the environmental issues and impacts of the proposed project. The EA provides sufficient evidence and analysis for deternuning that an Environmental Impact Statement is not required. The FHWA takes full responsibility for the accuracy, scope, and content of the EA. � II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ACTION The NCDOT proposes to widen SR 1616 (Country Club Road) from US 64 Business to SR 1541 (Jeffrey's Road) in the City of Rocky Mount located in Nash County (see Figure 1). The proposed project will convert the highway from its current configuration as a two-lane facility to a five-lane curb and gutter facility throughout the project. The total length of the project will be approximately 1.4 miles. The project will include replacing Bridge No. 112 over Stoney Creek with a new iive-lane, 250-foot long structure. The bridge will have a 5-foot sidewalk on one side. Additionally, the intersection of Country Club Road and Jeffrey's Road will be realigned as part of this project. This project is included in the approved 2Q07-2013 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and in the Draft 2008-2015 STIP. The current estimated cost is $16,825,000. This estimate includes $7,825,000 for right of way and $9,000,000 for construction. Right of way acquisition is scheduled to begin in Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2008 and construction in FFY 2009. III. ALTERNATIVES STUDIED Four alternatives were discussed in the EA: a"no build" alternative, a mass transportation alternative, and two widening alternatives. The "no build" alternative consisted of doing nothing to the existing facility. This alternative would not improve capacity or safety along Country Club Road in the project area, which is the stated purpose and need of the project. Road capacity would remain unchanged, while the traffic demand� would increase substantially. Therefore, the "no build" alternative was dropped from further consideration. The mass transportation alternative included the expansion of bus routes and/or rail service instead of increasing the capacity of the existing roadway. However, expansion of bus service is not expected to reduce traffic volumes sufficiently enough to eliminate the need for widening. The mass transportation alternative, without increasing the capacity of Country Club Road, does not meet the purpose and need of this project and was therefore eliminated from further study. Two widening alternatives were considered, Alternatives A and B. Both involve generally symmetrical widening of the roadway for a"best fit." Both alternatives are identical, except in the vicinity of the Stoney Creek bridge crossing. Alternative A consists of widening the roadway to the west as it approaches Stoney Creek and phase- constructing a new bridge on this west side. Alternative B has the same concept as Alternative A, except that the new bridge will be constructed to the east to allow for east side widening of the roadway. Alternative B was chosen as the recommended alternative because it allows for increased capacity, minimizes overall impacts to the area, and avoids wetlands on the west side of the existing roadway in the vicinity of Stoney Creek. The anticipated increase in trafiic to over 24,000 vehicles per day (vpd) by the year 2020 warranted widening of the existing two-lane facility to a five-lane facility in order to improve the level of service. The five-lane section with a center turn lane was chosen as the best typical sect'ion instead of the four-lane median divided facility for this project because it has a narrower footprint, which reduces the impact to the FEMA buyout properties. Also, since the project is occurring in a developed, urban area, the smaller footprint will decrease the impacts to commercial facilities and the associated parking. f►J, � IV. SUMMARY OF IlVIPACTS Adverse impacts to the human and natural environment were minimized through the development of several best-fit alignments. No adverse effect on the air quality of the surtounding area is anticipated as a result of the project. The proposed project will not impact any ,properties eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Th'is alternative will not encroach upon any known archaeological sites on or eligible for listing in the National Register. Three business relocations and no residential relocations are predicted to occur as a result of this proposed improvement, although lack of parking caused by right of way acquisition may potentially lead to a greater number of business relocations: Predicted noise level inereases for this project range up to +11 dBA; however, no noise abatement rneasures are recommended' at this time. ' There are three federally protected species listed for Nash County. The project will have a"No Effect" for all three species. There is one Section 4(� resource that will be impacted as a result of this project. The Country Club Paddle Trail Access site, located on Stoney Creek, will experience a temporary loss of access during construction. Goordination has occurred between NCDOT, FHWA, and the City of Rocky Mount to insure that the paddle trail access site is properly restored to its original function once the project is complete. M_ore information regarding this Section 4(fl resource can be found in°Section VII.B of this document. Table 1 below gives a summary of the resources and impacts due to the recommended alternative. Figure 2 shows :the recommended alternative. 3 Table 1: Su�unary of Resources and Impacts Resource Impacts Areas and Parks Major Utility Crossings Historic Properties (Eligible or Listed on National Register) Archaeological Sites Federally-Listed Species within Corridor 100-Year Floodplain Crossings Prime Farmland Residential Relocations Business Relocations � Hazardous Material Sites Jetland Impacts tream Crossings tream Impacts foise Receptor Impacts Jater Supply Watershed Protected Areas �ildlife Refuges and Game Lands ection 4(fl Impacts (Parks) 2inority/Low Income Population Adverse & Disproportional Impacts) Itility Cost ;onstruction Cost :ight of Way Cost Total Cost * de minimus 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 acres 1 801inear feet 0 0 0 0* 0 $813,000 $9,000,000 $7,825,000 $17,638,000 � r a V. ACTIONS REQUIRED BY OTHER AGENCIES A Nationwide Permit will be required with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers due to impacts to jurisdictional wetlands and surface waters. A Section 404 Water Quality Certification will be required by the NC Department of Environmental and Natural Resources. • 5 VI. COORDINATION AND COMMENTS A. Circulation of Environmental Assessment The NCDOT approved the EA on August 22, 2003 and the FHWA approved the EA on August 29, 2003. The approved EA was circulated to the following federal, state, and local agencies for review and comments. An asterisk (*) indicates a written response was received from the agency. Copies of the correspondence received are included in Appendix A of this document. Responses to substantial comments are noted in Section B. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers * U.S. Environmental Protection Agency * U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service * Federal Emergency Management Agency State Clearinghouse * N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources * N.C. Division of Environmental Health * N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission * N.C. Division of Water Quality N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries City of Rocky Mount B. Comments Received on the Environmental Assessment 1. United States Environmental Protection A�ency Comment: "EPA has no environmental concerns regarding the project's overall purpose ,, and need and the alternatives considered as outlined in the EA." . Response: Comment noted. Comment: "A summary is contained in the beginning of the EA and addresses environmental effects of the project on Page ii, Section F. A brief table of the impacts from the proposed project would be helpful to the reader." Response: Please see Section N of this document for the above referenced table. Comment: "According to the EA, approximately 0.16 acres of wetlands will be impacted by Alternative A. Alternative B would result in a. net loss of 0 acres of wetlands. No compensatory mitigation is being required by permitting agencies. NCDOT indicates that minimization activities have been considered and that the lengthening of the replacement bridge over Stoney Creek from 160 feet to 180 feet has helped." C� Response: The bridge over Stoney Creek will actually be lengthened from 180 feet to 250 feet in order to minimize impacts to the floodplain. Comment: "Stream impacts for both Alternatives A and B are a total of 80 linear feet and include the lengthening of culverts over the unnamed tributary (UT) to Stoney Creek and the widening of Stoney Creek." Response: Comment noted. Comment: "Page 22 of the EA addresses burning as the main option for the debris generated during clearing and grubbing operations. EPA prefers recycling methods, such as shredding and mulching, and making such materials available to the public for free. Burning is EPA's least preferred option." Response: Comment noted. Comment: "Page 25 of the EA appears to have missing words in the 2°d paragraph of Section e, Traffic Noise and Contour. There are 8 businesses and 15 residences which will have noise level increases under the No Build Alternative (8 receptor increases would be substantial). The average increase to these 23 receptors is 7 to 8 dBA. The EA (page 25) indicates that the maximum predicted noise level increase is +11 dBA. The maximum number of substantial impacts (from the Build Alternative) is 21 receptors. EPA was unable to identify which of the 21 receptors in Appendix C, Table N6, will receive substantial noise impacts from the project." Response: All impacts are substantial except receivers # 12, 13 and 19. This data comes from the Traffic Noise and Air Quality report dated August 20, 1999. Please refer to Table N4 in that report to verify this data. These findings are based on the old Noise Policy. Comment: "EPA acknowledges that Alternative B has 1.77 acres of forest land impacts and Alternative A has 1.86 acres." Response: Comment noted. Comment: "It would be helpful to EPA to identify what percentage of each soil (type) series is located within the proposed right of way (Page 30 of the EA). Response: According to the Natural Resource Conservation Service Soil Survey for Nash County, the breakdown of soil series present in the proposed right of way is as follows: Udorthents, loamy 17°Io . Meggett loam, frequently flooded � 3% Bibb loam, frequently flooded 6% 7 Altavista sandy loam, 0 to 3% slopes, rarely flooded 47% Goldsboro fine sandy loam, 0 to 2% slopes 27% Comment: "It is unclear from reviewing the EA when the last actual field survey for the ,� Dwarf wedge mussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) was performed. Page 41 of the EA indicates that a visual and tactile search in Stoney Creek was - performed for 2 man-hours. _. Response: Mussels and other aquatic life were surveyed using tactile and visual techniques by NCDOT biologists on July 23, 1999. 2. United States Fish and Wildlife Service Comment: "Alternative A would widen the bridge on the west side, while Alternative B would widen the bridge on the east side. Alternative B is the preferred alternative due to its zero impacts on wetlands (as opposed to 0.16 acres for Alternative A). The Service supports the preferred alternative. Both alternatives have minimal impacts to streams (40 linear feet impact each to Stoney Creek and Unnamed Tributary to Stoney Creek)." Response: Comment noted. Comment: "Almost all of the project will occur in a suburban and residential environment with minimal fish and wildlife habitat available. The only natural terrestrial community within the project area is the forested area in the vicinity of Stoney Creek. Alternative B would avoid all impacts to the bottomland hardwood forest along Stoney Creek, but would impact up to 1.77 acres of mixed pine hardwood forest. However, the impacts to forest habitat will occur in previously fragmented forest in which the terrestrial � habitat value has already been degraded by adjacent development. For this reason, the Service generally prefers widening existing roads to constructing new ones." Response: Comment noted. Comment: "There are three federally endangered species listed for Nash County: red- cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) and Tar spinymussel (Elliptio steinstansana). The EA renders a"No Effect" conclusion for each of these three species. Due to the lack of habitat, the Service concurs with the "No Effect" conclusion for the red-cockaded woodpecker. However, the Service does not concur with the "No Effect" conclusion for the dwarf wedgemussel and the Tar spinymussel. The EA states that mussel surveys were conducted on July 23, 1999. These surveys are inadequate for two reasons. Firstly, the surveys are now more than four years old. New surveys should be performed. Secondly, the surveys only extended 200 feet below the bridge crossing of 8 Stoney Creek. 'The EA states that the stream reach within the construction limits does not provide habitat for the two mussel species. However, since stream impacts can affect mussels for a considerable distance downstream and upstream, simply surveying within the project footprint is inadequate. A new mussel survey, which extends at least 100 meters upstream and 400 meters downstream of the bridge crossing, should be conducted. Please note that dwarf wedgemussel has been known to occur in Stoney Creek several miles upstream of the project site." Response: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife service has since concurred with the "No Effect" conclusion on the dwarf wedgemussel and the Tar spinymussel via an email from Gary Jordan dated 1/3/06 and has determined that no further mussel surveys need to be performed. 3. NC Denartment of Environmental and Natural Resources Comment: "Any open burning associated with subject proposal must be in compliance with 15 A NCAC (2Q.0100, 2Q.0300, 2H.0600)." Response: Comment noted. Comment: "Demolition or renovations of structures containing asbestos material must be in compliance with 15 A NCAC 2.1110(a)(1) which requires notification and removal prior to demolition. Contact Asbestos Control Group 919-733- 0820." Response: Comment noted. Comment: "Sediment and erosion control must be addressed per NCDOT's approved ' program for all land-disturbing activities proposed. Particular attention must be given to design and installation of adequate perimeter sediment trapping devices as well as stable stormwater conveyances and outlets." Response: Comment noted. 4. NC Division of Environmental Health Comment: "Relocation of water mains must be approved by DENR's Public Water Supply Section." Response: Comment noted. 5. NC Wildlife Itesources Commission Comment: "NCWRC supports the NCDOT preferred Alternative B. This alternative . - will shift the bridge over Stoney Creek to the east, avoiding any wetland impacts. The project will cross Stoney Creek and an unnamed tributary to Stoney Creek." Response: Commented noted. Comment: "Records indicate mussel surveys were conducted for these sites in July of 1999. These surveys are in excess of two years old; therefore, new mussel surveys should be conducted." Response: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife service has since concurred with the "No Effect" conclusion on the dwarf wedgemussel and the Tar spinymussel via an email from Gary Jordan dated 1/3/06 and has determined that no further mussel surveys need to be performed. Comment: "Nash County has two federally endangered mussels listed: dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) and Tar spinymussel (Elliptio steinstansana). Our records also indicate known occurrences of two state endangered mussels in close proximity to the project: yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa) and yellow lance (Elliptio lanceolota). It should also be noted in Table 11 that yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa) and yellow lance (Elliptio lanceolota) are listed as state T/PE. Both of these species are currently listed as state endangered. NCDOT should conduct a new mussel survey extending 100 meters upstream and 400 meters downstream of the proposed crossing." Response: Both the yellow lampmussel and the yellow lance are now listed as Federal Species of Concern. Gary Jordan of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) stated in an email dated 1/3/06 to NCDOT that new mussel surveys do not need to be performed since the USFWS is in concurrence with the "No Effect" conclusion for the dwarf wedgemussel and the Tar spinymussel. 6. NC Division of Water Qualitv Comment: "The document does not include any anticipated impacts to protected Tar- Pamlico River Riparian Buffers. Please provide updated data that indicates the anticipated impacts to these resources." Response: According to the Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Buffer Rules, this project will have 4800 square feet (0.11 acres) of Zone 1 impacts and 3200 square feet (0.07 acres) of Zone 2 impacts. 10 Comment: "As proposed, the project requires the replacement of an existing bridge. Is an onsite detour for the project proposed? If so, are the impacts associated with the onsite detour included in the impacts listed in the EA? The impacts should include those to the streams, wetlands, and riparian buffers." Response: The cunent design allows for staged construction of the bridge, thereby maintaining existing traffic onsite. No detour bridge is anticipated. - Comment: "The document recommends Alternative B as the preferred alternative. However, no discussion that explains the rationale for the decision is included. Please provide a discussion that details the rationale used to make the recommended decision. It should include a discussion on the anticipated impacts to both the natural and human environment." Response: As the EA mentioned, fewer wetlands will be impacted by Alternative B (see page 39 of the EA). Comment: "The project impacts Stoney Creek and tributaries to Stoney Creek. Stoney Creek is included as a 303(d) listed surface water for impairment due to � sediment. As such, the project will need to be designed to discharge stormwater as diffuse flow through riparian buffers at non-erosive velocities. This requirement will also bring the project in compliance with the Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Buffer Rules." Response: These comments will be addressed after the design phase of the project has been completed. Comment: "Since Stoney Creek is included on the 303(d) list, NCDOT will need to strictly adhere to sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs) for sensitive waters entitled "Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds" (15A NCAC 04B.0024) throughout the design and construction of the project." Response: On the 2006 final 303(d) list Stoney Creek is included for Impaired Biological Integrity, but no potential source(s) are given. Since sedimentation is not listed as a cause, NCDOT does not agree that this qualifies Stoney Creek for the Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds. However, since this project is in the Tar-Pamlico River Basin, sedimentation and erosion control measures shall adhere to the Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds [15A NCAC 04B.0124 (b)-(e)]. Comment: "At this time, the NCDWQ agrees with the document's assessment that the project will not result in increased secondary and cumulative impacts. The , reasons for this assessment are: 1) that the project is a widening alternative, and 2) the project is located in an existing urban landscape with established infrastructure. The addition of two lanes to the existing road is not likely to stimulate any additional development activity than what would already 11 occur. As such, and even though a 303(d) listed stream is located along the project, a quantitative analysis of secondary and cumulative impacts is not required. However, a qualitative assessment consistent with the criteria agreed to by DWQ will be a required aspect of the application for a 401 Water Quality Certification." Response: This will be addressed as part of the permit. Comment: "After the selection of the preferred alternative and prior to an issuance of the 401 Water Quality Certification, the NCDOT is respectfully reminded that they will need to demonstrate the avoidance and minimization of impacts to wetlands (and streams) to the maximum extent practical. Based on the impacts described in the document, wetland mitigation may be required for this project. Should the impacts to jurisdictional wetlands exceed 1.0 acres, mitigation may be required in accordance with NCDWQ Wetland Rules { 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h)(2)}." Response: Comment noted. Comment: "In accordance with the NCDWQ Wetlands Rules { 15A NCAC 2H.0506(b)(6)}, mitigation will be required for ,impacts greater than 150 linear feet to any single perennial stream. In the event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan should be designed to replace appropriate.lost functions and values. In accordance with the NCDWQ Wetlands Rules . { 15A NCAC 2H.0506(h)(3) }, the Wetland Restoration Program may be available for use as stream mitigation." Response: Comment noted. Comment: "Please be advised that culverts should be countersunk to allow unimpeded passage by fish and other aquatic organisms. Moreover, in areas where high quality wetlands or streams are impacted, a bridge may prove preferable. — When applicable, DOT should not install the bridge bents in the creek, to the - maximum extent practicable." Response: These comments will be addressed during the design phase of the project. Comment: "Sediment and erosion control measures should not be placed in wetlands." Response: Comment noted. Comment: "Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. Impacts to wetlands in borrow/waste areas could precipitate compensatory mitigation." , Response: Comment noted. 12 1 Comment: "The 401 Water Quality Certification application will need to speciiically address the proposed methods for stormwater management.. More specifically, stormwater should not be permitted to discharge directly into the creek. All stormwater discharges shall be directed to discharge as diffuse flow through riparian buffers at non-erosive velocities." Response: These comments will be addressed during the design phase of the project. Comment: "Future documentation should include an itemized listing of the proposed wetland and stream impacts with conesponding mapping." Response: Comment noted. See Figure 2. Comment: "Based on the information presented in this document, the magnitude of impacts to wetlands and streams will require an Individual Permit application to the Corps of Engineers and corresponding 401 Water Quality Certification. Please be advised that a 401 Water Quality Certification requires satisfactory protection of water quality to ensure that water quality standards are met and no wetland or stream uses are lost. Final permit authorization will require the submittal of a formal application by the NCDOT and written concurrence from the NCDWQ. Please be aware that any approval will be contingent upon appropriate avoidance and minimization of wetland and stream impacts to the maximum extent practical, the development of an acceptable stormwater management plan, and the inclusion of appropriate mitigation plans where appropriate." Response: Comment noted. C. Additional Coordination with FEMA Due to the presence of several properties adjacent to the project site that were acquired as part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), this project had been delayed from its original schedule. This project was originally slated to begin right of way acquisition in fiscal year 2002 and construction in iiscal year 2004. After extensive coordination with FEMA, consent was given to amend the deed restrictions and allow NCDOT to widen the road onto the properties in question, with several stipulations. The requirements set by FEMA on the use of the HMGP properties are as follows: � The amendment of the deed restrictions will apply only to the nine parcels (including the two, two-parcel tracts) that will be directly affected by construction of the proposed highway improvements. 13 • The amendment of the deed restrictions will apply only to land directly � under the footprint of the road. The City of Rocky Mount will retain title to the land and must maintain all of the HMGP acquired property - consistent with 44 CFR Section 206.434(e) and the recorded open space land use restrictions, as amended. The restriction of the deed-restricted , land is in perpetuity. • The proposed road must comply with Federal, State, and local environmental and floodplain management requirements, including FEMA regulations implementing Executive Orders (EO) 11988, 11990, and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. • Changes in the scope of the project and/or alignment of the proposed highway improvements that will affect other properties acquired with FEMA grant funds will require prior approval by the agreement signatories from FEMA, State, and the City. Any changes made without prior approval will void this approval and amendments to deed restrictions. • This detertnination is based on the road as proposed to date and may not �,_ be relied upon in the event of design changes with respect to the project footprint on the HMGP restricted parcels; the City may request reconsideration by FEMA in such cases. D. Public Involvement In accordance with 23 USC 128, the NCDOT certifies that a public hearing of the subject project has been held and the social, economic and environmental impacts, consistency with local community planning goals and objectives, and comments from individuals have been considered in the selection of the preferred alternative. A combined informal Public Hearing was held on September 27, 2007 at Winstead Avenue Elementary School in Rocky Mount, NC. Approximately 28 people were present for the hearing, including NCDOT personnel. The recommended alternative, Alternative B, was presented for comments at the hearing. A five-lane curb and gutter facility with 12-foot travel lanes was presented as the typical section for the entire project. Since this was an informal hearing, no formal transcript was prepared. A summary of the comments made during and following the hearing can be found below. 14 � E. Comments Made Durin� and Followin� the Public Hearin� Several comments were received both during and after the hearing. These comments , are listed below: Comment: The City of Rocky Mount recommended that NCDOT fully acquire several properties that will be significantly impacted by the project and as a result, out of compliance with the City's Land Development Code. Response: The NCDOT Right of Way Branch will consider this request once right of way acquisition is underway. Comment: A bus turnout and pedestrian crossing lights were requested on Country Club Road near Covenant Homes to service the needs of the residents in that area. Response: NCDOT will revise the design to include a bus turnout on southbound Country Club Road near Covenant Homes. However, after reviewing traffic counts provided by the City of Rocky Mount, it was determined that there are not enough pedestrians to warrant pedestrian signals at this location. Comment: Concern was expressed about the elimination of parking at the Country Club Square Condominiums and how this would affect the businesses at that location. � Response: The NCDOT Right of Way Branch will address this issue during the right of way acquisition phase. 15 t VII. REVISIONS TO EIVVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT A. Desi�n Changes Based on the agencies' comments on the Environmental Assessment and the comments received from the Public Hearing, two design changes will be made for this project. The first design change is the increased bridge length over Stoney Creek. The design of the proposed Stoney Creek bridge has been increased from 180 feet to 250 feet in length per recommendations from NCDOT's Hydraulics Unit. By lengthening the bridge, NCDOT will maintain a No Rise condition for the 100-year floodplain of Stoney Creek. After reviewing comments received from the Public Hearing requesting a bus turnout on Country Club Road, NCDOT has deternuned that it is feasible to add this to the project scope. The Golden East bus route follows Country Club Road and has a major sfop at Covenant Homes, midway between Hunter Hill Road and Jeffreys Road. Adding a bus turnout to Country Club Road in this area would reduce traffic congestion due to bus service and also improve safety for the bus passengers as they get on and off the bus. B. Section 4(f1 Propertv Section 4(fl of the US Department of Transportation Act of 1966, as amended, specifies that publicly owned land from a public park, recreation area, wildlife and waterfowl refuge, and all historic sites of national, state, and local significance may be used for federal projects only if there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use of such land and the project includes all possible planning to minimize harm to 4(fl lands resulting from such use. The Country Club Paddle Trail Access site was not previously listed in the Environmental Assessment (dated August 2003) as a Section 4(fl resource because it was not in existence at that time. This site is now part of the Tar River Paddle Trail, a 55 mile length of public access trail system. It is owned and maintained by the City of Rocky Mount and is located on one of the aforementioned FEMA buyout properties. The original purchase of the property was funded via a Division of Water Quality grant, although the actual construction of the access steps was performed by a local Boy Scout as a service project. Under the current alternative, the Country Club Paddle Trail Access site will be , encroached on by the proposed right of way for Country Club Road and will experience a temporary loss of access during construction as a result of the widening of the bridge and ' the existing roadway. The area of impact will be approximately 3400 square feet, which is about five (5) percent of the total site area. Due to the proposed guardrail after the bridge crossing, access to the paddle trail site will be shifted north of its existing location. As requested by the City of Rocky Mount (see letter in Appendix B), NCDOT will purchase fifteen feet of additional right of way on an adjacent property to cieate a twenty � 16 t foot wide gravel access road to the paddle trail access site. This access road will also have a paved driveway turnout onto Country Club Road. Section 6009(a) of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) amended existing Section 4(� legislation to simplify the processing and approval of projects that have only de minimis impacts on lands protected by Section 4(fl. This revision provides that if a transportation use of Section 4(fl property results in a de minimis impact on the property, an analysis of avoidance alternatives is not required and the Section 4( fl evaluation process is complete. NCDOT and FHWA have determined that the proposed use of the land from the Country Club Paddle Trail Access site will be considered a de minimis impact because the highway improvements will only have a small impact to the paddle trail site and will not permanently inhibit the site's function. C. Traffic Noise & Air Qualiiv Analvsis 1. Traffic Noise The Traff'ic Noise Analysis for this project, dated August 20, 1999, was performed in accordance with the "old" NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy. Noise analyses on all projects for which the final environmental document is signed after September 2, 2004 must comply with the "new" NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, effective on that date. The 1999 analysis included the use of STAMINA and OPTIMA trafiic noise modeling software. The Code of Federal Regulations Chapter 23 Part 772 (23 CFR 772) requires that the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (FHWA TNM), or any other model determined by the FHWA to be consistent with the methodology of the FHWA TNM, must be used for highway traffic analyses begun more than six months after the April 14, 2004 FHWA TNM 2.5 guidance memorandum. Based upon these considerations, a revised Trafiic Noise Analysis is being prepared for this project, in accordance with the current NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy and using TNM 2.5 software. 2. Air Qualitv The existing Air Quality Analysis for this project, dated August 20, 1998, does not address Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs). All environmental documents signed more than six months after the February 3, 2006 FHWA MSAT guidance memorandum must include MSAT information. Additionally, the existing analysis does not include a carbon monoxide (CO) microscale analysis, which is now necessary for projects in CO attainment counties, such as Nash County. The existing Air Quality Analysis found in the Environmental Assessment for this project also contains outdated conformity information, which must be conected. 17 Based upon these considerations, a revised Air Quality Analysis is needed for U- 3331. The Traffic Noise & Air Quality Group will provide the revised analysis for inclusion in the project planning file. � a. Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs) Recently, concerns for air toxics impacts are more frequent on transportation projects during the NEPA process. Transportation agencies are increasingly expected by the public and other agencies to address MSAT impacts in their environmental documents as the science emerges. Mobile Source Air Toxics (MSATs) analysis is a continuing area of research where, while much work has been done to assess �the overall health risk of air toxics, many questions remain unanswered. In particular, the tools and techniques for assessing project-specific health impacts from MSATs are limited. These limitations impede FHWA's ability to evaluate how mobile source health risks should factor into project-level decision-making under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Also, EPA has not established regulatory concentration targets for the six relevant MSAT pollutants appropriate for use in the project development process. FHWA has several research projects underway to more clearly define potential risks from MSAT emissions associated with transportation projects. While this research is ongoing, FHWA requires each NEPA document to qualitatively address MSATs and their relationship to the specific highway project through� a tiered approach. A qualitative Tier 2 analysis of MSATs for this project appears in its entirety in the Traffic Noise & Air Quality Report. A copy of this report is available on the fourth floor of the Transportation Building, 1 South Wilmington Street, Raleigh. : VIII. BASIS FOR FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Based upon a study of the impacts of the proposed project as documented in the EA, and upon receiving comments from federal, state, and local agencies and the general public, it is the finding of the FHWA and the NCDOT that this project will not have a significant adverse impact upon the human or natural environment. The project is not controversial from an environmental standpoint. No significant impacts to natural, social, ecological, cultural, or scenic resources are expected. The proposed project is consistent with local plans and will not disrupt any communities. The project has been extensively coordinated with federal, state, and local agencies. In view of the above evaluation, it has been determined that a FONSI is applicable afor this project. Therefore, neither an Environmental Impact Statement nor further environmental analysis is required. The following persons may be contacted for additional information regarding this proposal: Mr. John F. Sullivan, III, P.E. Division Administrator Federal Highway Administration 310 New Bern Avenue Suite 410 Raleigh, NC 27601-1418 (919) 856-4346 Mr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. Manager Project Development and Environmental Analysis Branch North Carolina Department of Transportation 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 (919) 733-3141 KOG/kog 19 Legend Roadway Microstation Renderer /�/ Edge of Pavemenl % `�.;' Proposed Curb and Guuer Lane Lines Lane Arrows : `•. / Existing Curb antl Gutfer � \ / Ezisting Edge of Pavemem Proposed Concrete Sidewa!'�.��. ,' <� � Monolilhlc Island �_ Li proposed Bridge �� --- Creeks, Streams and Rivers . � Delineated Wetlands PonAs.Lakes 0 � ��Vel���� j I �T 9`. >i.1' �r.:���� ; !' ,�� ' 'lY � .� y �ei y� �, fi �, � �. � � � . R.l�,l 'F `k" ; ,, �/ ~ '` i �. r� > �°� �,,��� : . �. `�'•... �1�'s'ir.%^ .\ � i-� �x �.'.\F�.•I� �� Y' � � i 'fi.� ��*,Y�. . � ���� �.., A•, . � , 1 � � � 1. � ��� � •'�' -�� t t�'� ���' . � � o � � ' �.� � � / � � � �� , 1 � �V . y/ i. y � �c i.i ,� 1 .��� . . • • ' , .�� �� _.. . � � � �,._.� , ;� � v' • l � � ��� � � ^/ ^ 1 4�y� O � �� �` �ii R" a //w♦ 9 � ,3 � . 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FIGURE 3B . . �. •cfu � }u�.nv1 . •• y . .� v.yaelpW��1'�t . - w v., a.. r m� r:.�� �Vritten Cornments on Environmental Assessment � Ja�teo sr�T� s, S � ri Z �� r �~r�� PROSEG�\O October 27, 2003. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION REGION 4 ATLANTA FEDERAL CENTER 61 FORSYTH STREET ' ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-8960 Dr. Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. � - Environmental Manager Director, Project Development and Environmental :- Analysis Branch N.C. Department of Transportafion „ 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 � ,. � NO IIS �Q FOOZ 0� 1�p SUBJ: EPA Review of the Federal Environmental Assessment for the SR 1616 (Country Club Ro�d) Improvements, Rocky Mount, Nash County; Federal Aid Project No. STP-1616(4), State Project No. 8.2321601, T.I.P. Project No. U-3331 Dear Dr. Thorpe: Pursuant to Section 309 of the Clean Air Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has reviewed the referenced North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Environmental Assessment {EA) for the SR 1616 (Country Club Road) Improveinents from US 64 Business to SR 1541 (Jeffrey's Road), in Rocky IVlount, Nash County. The EA addresses the No-build alternative, mass transportation and two widening construction alternatives (Alternatives A and B). The length of the proposed widening alternatives is ap,proximately 1.4 miles. A 5-lane, curb and gutter facility with a lengthened bridge (to 180 feet) and a side-walk on one side is NCDOT's recommended alternative (Alternative B). The aligninent chosen is a"best-fit" with the use of symmetrical and widening to one side in, order to minimize potential impacts. This project is a non-Merger Team project.' EPA offers the following comments on the EA. It appears that NCDOT and FHWA have streamlined some of the sections of the EA. � EPA has no environmental concerns regarding the project's overall purpose and need and the -, alternatives considered as outlined in the EA. ► SUMMARI' A sunimary is contained in the beginning of the EA and addresses enviroiunental effects of the project on Page ii, Section F. A brief table of the impacts from the proposed project would be helpful to the reader. Intemet Address (URL) . http://www.epa.gov Racycled/Racyclabla . Pdnted wRh Vegetable Od 8ased Inks on Recyded Paper (Mlnimum 30 / Postconsumer) ► AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT * Wetland Impacts: According to the EA, approximately 0.16 acres of wetlands will be impacted �__ by Alternative A. Alternative B would result in a net loss of 0 acres of wetlands. No " compensatory mitigation is being required by pernutting agencies. NCDOT indicates that ��� minimization activities have been considered and that the lengthening of the replacement bridge ��, over Stoney Creek from 160 feet to 180 feet has helped achieve this goal. "_\' `� J * Stream ImDacts: Stream impacts for both Alternatives A and B aze a total of 801ineaz feet and include the lengthening of culverts over the unnamed tributary (UT) to Stoney Creek and the widening of the bridge over Stoney Creek. * Air Ouali �t�lmpacts: Page 22 of the EA addresses burning as the main option for the debris generated during clearing and grubbing operations. EPA prefers reeycling methods, such as shredding and mulching, and making such materials available to the public for free. Burning is EPA's least preferred option. * Noise Recentor Impacts: Page 25 of the EA appeazs to have missing words in the 2°d paragraph ;'� ) of Section e, Traffic Noise and Contour. There aze 8 businesses and 15 residences which will � have noise level increases under the No-build Alternative (8 receptor increases would be ' substantial). The average increase to these 23 receptors is 7 to 8 dBA. The EA (Page 25) '� \� indicates that the maximum predicted noise level increase is + 11 dBA. The maximum number of '` ` substantial impacts (from the Build Alternative) is 21 receptors. EPA was unable to identify which ,� of the 21 receptors in Appendix C, Table N6, will receive substantial noise impacts from the / project. � * Forest Imnacts: EPA acknowledges that Altemative B has 1.77 acres of forest land impacts and Alternative A has 1.86 acres. * Soils Information: It would be helpful to EPA to identify what percentage of each.soil (type) series is located within the proposed right of way (Page 30 of the EA). * Threatened and Endangered Species: It is uncleaz from reviewing the EA when the last actual field survey for the Dwarf wedge mussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) was performed. Page 41 of the EA indicates that a visual and tactile seazch in Stoney Creek was performed for 2 man hours. ' _� =/ ♦ ► SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES . . EPA requests some clarification of issues for the proposed project, including: noise receptor impacts and threatened and endangered species. EPA would also prefer that NCDOT actively pursue more environmentally-friendly options for vegetati�e debris generated during clearing and grubbing opera"tions. We appreciate the opportunity to comment on this EA. Should you have questions regarding these comments, please feel free to contact Christopher Militscher of my staff at 919-856-4206. • Sincerely, ._Ti/ ' f r�u��� �f >�1��,� Heinz J. Mueller, Chief NEPA Program Office Office of Policy and Management r-� �O� y�r,�`.�� �.��..��..o. � . �...�,:.�, .....,.���..� William G. Ross Jr., Secretary \0 G North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, � � Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director > � . _ � Division of Water Quality � Q -� - Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water �uality MEMORANDUM To: Melba McGee From: John Hennessy "1 ; : ��C /� L� ` January 6, 2004 Subject: EA comments on proposed improv�ments to Country Club Road (SR 1616) from US 64 Business to leffreys Road (SP. 1541), Rocky Nlount, Nash County. State Project No. 8.23216Q.1, TIP U- 3331, DENR Project Number 04-0105. • This office has reviewed the referenced document. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) is responsible for the issuaii�c of tne Se��tion 401 'vJater Quality Certification for activities that impact Waters of the U.S., including wetlands. It is our understanding [hat the preferred alternative, as presented in ttie'EA, will result in impacts to 80 linear feet of streams as described below: Stream Hame River Basin Stream Classification(s) Stream Indes Number Stonev Creek Tar-Pzmlico (030203) Class C NSW (303(d)) 28-68 UT Stonev Creek Tar-Pamlico (030203) Class C NSW (303(d)) 28-68 The D:�'Q oi`ers [he following comments based on review of the aforementioned document: A) � The document does not include any anticipated impacts to protected Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Buffers. Please provide updated data that indicates the anticipated impacts to these resources. As proposed, the project requires the replacement of an exis[ing bridge. Is an onsite detour for the pxoject proposed? If so, are the impacts associated with the onsite detour included in the impacts listed in the EA? The impac[s should include those to streams, wetlands, and riparian buffers. C) The document recommends Alternative B as the preferred alternative. However, no discussion that explains [he rationale for the decision is included. Please provide a discussion that details the rationale used [o make the recommended decision. It should include a discussion on the anticipated impacts to both the naturai and human environment. D) The project impacts Stoney Creek and tributaries to Stoney Creek. Stoney Creek is included as a 303(d) listed surface water for impairment due to sediment. As such, [he project will need to be designed to discharge stormwater as diffuse flow through riparian buffers at non-erosive velocities. This requirement will also bring the project in compliance with the Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Buffer Rules. ��A. NCDENK N. C. Division of Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (919) 733-1786 Customer Service: i-800-623-77a8 O�GG W a T �RQG � r > _{ o -� E) F) Gj William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director " Division of Water Quality • Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director Division of Water �uality Since Stoney Creek is included on the 303(d) list, NCDOT will need to stric[ly adhere to sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices for sensitive waters entitled "Design Standards in Sensitive Watersheds" (15A NCAC 04B .0024) throu�hout design and construction of the project .� At this time, the NCDWQ agrees with the document's assessment that the project will not result in increased secondary and cumulative impacts. The reasons for this assessment are: 1) that the project is a wideninC alterna[ive, and 2) [he project is located in an•existing urban landscape wi[h established infrastructure. The addition of two lanes to the existing road is not likely to stimulate any additional development activi[y than what would already occur. As such, and even though a 303(d). listed stream is located along the project, a quantitative analysis of secondary, and cumulative impacts is not required. However, a qualitative assessment consistent with the criteria agreed to by DWQ will be a required aspect of the application for a 401 Water.Qaulity Certification. Aiter the selection of the preferred alternative and prior to an issuance of the 401 Water Qua[ity . Certification, the NCDOT is respectfully reminded that they will need to demonstrate the avoidance and minimization of impacts to wetlands (and streams) to the maximum extent practical. Based on'the impacts described in the document, wetland mitigation may be required for this project. Should the impacts to ;uri�dictional we[lands exceed 1.0 acres, mitigation may be required in accordance with NCDWQ wetland Rules { 1�A NCAC 2H.0506 (h)(2) }. In accordance with the NCDWQ Wetlands Rules { 15A NCAC 2H.0506(b)(6)}, mitibation will be required for impacts of b eater than 150 linear feet [o any single perennial stream. In the event that mitigation is required, the mitigation plan should be designed to replace appropriate lost functions and values. In accordance with the NCDWQ Wetlands Rules (15A NCAC 2H.0506 (h)(3) }, the Wetland Restoration Program may be available for�use as stream mitigation. . Please be advised [hat culverts should be cauntersunk to allow unimpeded passage by fish and other aquatic organisms. Moreover, in areas where high quality wetlands or streams are impacted, a brid�e may prove preferable. When applicable, DOT should not install the bridge bents in the'creek, to the maximum extent practicable. Sediment and erosion control measures should not be placed in wetlands. Borrow/waste areas should avoid wetlands [o the maximum extent practicable. Impacts to wetlands in torrow/waste areas could precipitate compensatory mitigation. The 401 Water Quality Certification application will need to specifically address the proposed methods for stormwater management. More specifically, stormwater should not be permitted [o discharge directly into the creek. All stormwater discharges shall be directed to discharge as diffuse flow throu�h riparian buffers at non-erosive velocities. Future documentation should include an itemized listing of the proposed wetland and stream impacts with corresponding mapping. N. C. Division of Water �uality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27899-1650 (919) 733-1786 Customer Service: 1-300-623-7748 \O�� W A TFRQG � � > � O � Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources ' , Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director . . . - • - Division of Water Quality ' Coleen H. Sullins, Deputy Director , Division of Water Quality N) Based on the information presen[ed in the document, [he magnitude of impacts to wetlands and streams will require an Individual Permit application to the Corps of Engineers and corresponding,401 Water Quality Certification. Please be advised [hat a 401 Water Qu�ality Certification requires satisfactory protection of water quality to ensure that water quality standards are met and no wetland.or s[ream uses are lost. Final permit authorization will require the submittal of a formal application by the NCDOT and wri[ten concurrence from the NCDWQ. Please be aware that any approval will be contingent on appropriate . avoidance and minimization of wetland and stream impacts to the maximum extent practical, the development of an acceptable stormwater management plan, and the inclusion of appropriate mitigation plans where appropriate. The NCDWQ appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on your project. Should you have any questions or require any additic;nal information, please contact 7ohn Hennessy at (919) 733-5694. �� cc: Mike Bell, Corps of Engineers Gary Jordan, USFWS Travis Wilson, NCWRC John Hennessy, NCDWQ File Copy c:�ncdot\T� U-3331\comments\U-3331 comments.doc N. C. Division o( Water Quality 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 (919) 733-1786 Customer Service: 1-800-623-7748 United States Department of the In FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Raleigh Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, Norrh Carolina 27636-3726 October 16, 2003 Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D. North Carolina Department of Transportation Project Development and Environmental Analysis 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1548 Dear Dr. Thorpe: This letter is iri response to your October 10, 2003 letter requesting comments from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) on the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed widening of SR 1616 (Country Club Road) from US 64 Business to SR 1541 (Jeffrey's Road) in Nash County, North Carolina (TIP No. U-3331). These comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (16 U.S.C. 661-667d) and section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531-1543). Two almost identical build alternatives are described in the EA, with the only difference occurring at the Stoney Creek bridge crossing. Both alternatives would provide a five lane facility with widening generally occumng symmetrically from the existing alignment. Both alternatives would replace the existing 160 feet long bridge over Stoney Creek with a 180 feet long bridge. Alternative A would widen the bridge on the west side, while Alternative B would widen the bridge on the east side.. Alternative B is the preferred alternative due to its zero impacts on wetlands (as opposed to 0.16 acres for Alternative A). The Service supports the preferred alternative. Both alternatives have minimal impacts to streams (401inear feet impact each to Stoney Creek and Unnamed 'Tributary to Stoney Creek). Almost all of the project will occur in a suburban and residential environment with minimal fish and wildlife habitat available. The only natural terrestrial community within the proj ect area is the forested area in the vicinity of Stoney Creek. Alternative B would avoid all impacts to bottomland hardwood forest along Stoney Creek, but would impact up to 1.77 acres of mixed pine hardwood forest. However, the impacts to forest habitat will occur in previously fragmented forest in which the terrestrial habitat value has already been degraded by adjacent development. For this reason, the Service generally prefers widening existing roads to constructing new ones. There are three federally endangered species listed for Nash County: red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon) and Tar spinymussel (Elliptio steinstansana). The EA renders a"No Effect" conclusion for each of.these three species. Due to the lack of habitat, the Service concurs with the "No Effect" conclusion for the red-cockaded woodpecker. However, the Service does not concur with the "No Effect" conclusion for the dwarf wedgemussel and Tar spinymussel. The EA states that mussel surveys were conducted on July 23, 1999. These surveys are inadequate for two reasons. Firstly, the surveys are now more than four years old. New surveys should be performed. Secondly, the surveys only extended 200 feet below the bridge crossing of Stoney Creek. The EA states that the stream reach within the construction limits does not provide habitat for the two mussel species. However, since stream impacts can affect mussels for a considerable distance downstream and upstream, simply surveying within the project footprint is inadequate. A new mussel survey, which extends at least 100 meters upstream and 400 meters downstream of the bridge crossing, should be conducted. Please note that dwarf wedgemussel has been known to occur in Stoney Creek several miles upstream of the project site. With the exception of its treatment of endangered mussels, the Service believes that this EA adequately addresses the existing fish and wildlife resources, the waters and wetlands of the United States, and the potential impacts of this proposed project on these resources. Future . documentation and correspondence should correct the deficiency regarding the federally endangered dwarf wedgemussel and Tar spinymussel. The Service appreciates the opportunity to review this project. If you have any questions regarding our response, please contact Mr. Gary Jordan at (919) 856-4520, ext. 32. Sincerely, ��1���� Garland B. Pardue, Ph.D. Ecological Services Supervisor cc: Chris Militscher, USEPA, Raleigh, NC Travis Wilson, NCWRC, Creedmore, NC John Hennessy, NCDWQ, Raleigh, NC Mike Bell, USACE, Washington, NC David Franklin, USACE, Wilmington, NC � � ?`�o�t� �arolina �lild�Z�e Res��xc�s ��mm�ss�o� � � MENIORAND�TiYI - ' TO_ ,�_. FRO�: r'. . , DATE: �.h�irlcs R Fullwecrd, F,xzcuti�c� Director Me2ba alctcGee Q.ff..�,c� af Lenislative and Intergavern�t,e�ital .a..ff.airs, DENR � Travi$ �yilson, Higf�way T?.roject �oordf� r����- f' Habitat �onsezvati�n Pro� ��n '� ` '�1 Novem�er .13, ZQ43 �UBJ£�T: iJQ.ctb� �arolin� Department of. Tra�zsportatian (NCDO'I'} Environmcntal .�sst�sment (E��} for'the pzoposed widening of SR. .l.bl. �(Country Club �oad) fro.m US� � Business t4 SR 1541 {yeffrey's .Raac1} in Nash County, North Cazolina. TIP No. U-3331, SCH Proiect No. 04-0105. Staff biologists with the N. C. Wildlife Resourc�s Comrnissiot� h�ve reviewed the subject EA and are famili.ar with habitat values in the project area. Tl�e puzpv�e of t�is review w�s ko asscss project i.r�pa�ts tv fis1� and wil.dlif� r�sources. �ur comments are provided in accordancc � with e��,ii� p.rovisions of the ATationa] Environmental Palicy Act (42 U.5:C. 4332{�)(c)) and the �'ish and Wildlife Coorclination Act (�t$ Sk�t- ��1, as am�ndad; 1G U.�.C. 6b1-667d}. NCDOT proposes to widen existirig SR ] G.ib tv a five lane curh and gu.tter facility ineludin.g replacernent af the bridge pvez� Stoney Cree1�. The totai pr�ject length is .a�5�irox.imately 1.4 miles: Estimated impacts f�t' the NCDOT preferred alternative are 80 liner feet of impacts to jurisdictional streams, an.d no wetland impaets We have reviewed tb.e data in the E,�, �1C�V�� supports the �iCDOT prcferrec� alternati��e $. 't'tai.s alt�mativ� wi]1 shi:f� th� Bri�gc over Stoney Creek t4 the ��e�t, avoiding any wctland irn�acts. T'.he project will cross Stoney Creck and �.n unnamed tcibutary to Stoney �re�;k. Records indicate mussel svrs,�eys wer2 coa,�u�ted for t'l�ese sites in July of 1999, these survey are iva exe�ss o�two y�ar.s ald, thc�farz n�w mussel surveys should be conducted. Nash County ha.5 two feder.�lly endangcred mussel ai3ted: dwarf wedgemussel (t�.lasmidonta:heter�d�rz} and�Tar spinymussel (E1liptio �teiii.�t��.sazza�. Ovr rtcords also indzcate kno�rn accurt�nces flf h�ro state endangered muss�Is in �Iose praximit�� to #he projecr 3�ellow lampmussel (Z,ampsilis eariosa) ' Mailin.gAddr�ss: Divis.ion of inl.and Fishcrics * 17? 1 Iviail Sen�ic�: Ccntcr � Ralei�h, NC: 27f,99-1,7�1 . Tolc�hone: (�19) 73�-363i ext.231' • Fa�c: (`71�}'1S-7b�3 ��� � �iovember 13, 2(303 � and yeli�w lance (Llli�tie l�nc�alot�), it should also be notcd in T3ble 1 l ye.11ow lampmussel �Lampsilis cariosa) a.zad yello�v lanca {ElIi�tip tancec�,lota) are list�� as state T/PE, both of thcse; sp�cies arc clurentIy listed as state endanger�d. I�TCDpT should �onduct a new mussel sun�ey extending i 0� meters upstreazn and 400 meters downstream of the proposed crossings. Thanl: you for the op��rtunity to comment on this EA. �f we can be of any further assistance please call m� at (919) 52$-9886. �c: Garp Jordan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser�icc, Raleigh John Hennessy, DWQ, Raleigh Eric �lls�'ri�ye3', U.S. .�r. my Corps of En�ineers, Raleigl� , ,- U.S. Departrnent of Homdand Security' Re�ion IV 3003 Cliamb.leeTuckcr Rc�ad Atlu�ta. Ga 30341 � cf�iM so�`�e ;. ' i i �'� °�' FEM 3= i �f �,� �4 f.,�p�6� August 10, 2006 Mr. H. Douglas Hoell Jr. Direct�r, Division of Emergency Management North Carolina Departmenf of Grime Control and Public Safety 4713 Mail Service C.enter - Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4713. ,� SiJB7ECT: City of Rocky Mount Request for Deed Amendment on Hazard Mitigation Grant Program - � (HMGP) Deed Restricted Property Dear Mr. Hoe1L• ; As requested by the North Carolina Division of Emergancy Management (NCDEM) in your letter of August � 16, 2005,. we have consid'ered the use of affected deed restricted properties for the construction of , +mprovements to North Carolina Deparlment of Transportation {NCDOT) administered portions of the Federal-aid highway system in the city of Rocky Mount, NC. The Federal Emergency Ivfanagement A�ency �' (FEMA) consents to amendment of the deed resh�ictions. This consent is subject to the restrictions identified herein, and fol{owing written confumation and concurrence as required below. This consent will be applicable to the f411owing parcels to clarify that construction of the propQsed b�gt►way improvements is allowed given ttre unique and particulaz circumstances of fliis case: � 136 Cove Drive � l40 Country Club Road (two parcels under common address) 520 Country C�ub Road 530 Country Club Road 542 Country Club Road (two parcels under common address) . 650 Country Club Road ' _� ' 654 Country Club Road � • Ths amendments are subject to the following stipularions: A. The amendment of the deed restrictions will apply only to the nine parcels (two, twaparcel tracts, as noied above) that vril] be directly a�'ected by construc�i�n of fhe proposed hi�,'�way improvemzn�s. 'These parcels are identified and described in Attachment A-1 through A-?. B. The amendment of the deed resh-ictions ruill apply only to land directly under the footprint of *.he ,- road. The City will retain title to the land a��d must maintain all of the fIIviGP acquired property +" � consistent with 44 CFR § 206.434 {e) and the recorded open space land use restrictions, as amended. ` The restricrion of the deed-restricted �land is in perpetuity. � � ,� , `` C. The proposed road must comply with Federal, State, and local environmental and floodplain ,-� management reguirements, including FEMA regulations implementing Executive Orders (E�) -' 11988, 11990 and Secdon 404 of the Clean Water Act_ ,� . _ � � � � , w,. ��_fer�a.gov D. Changes in the scope af the project and/ or alignment or ��t�e pru�5�+u ,���a���� ��►�� � a•A,�=•Y�- •-•�- wi11 affect other properties acquired with FEMA grant funds will require pnor approval by the agreement signatories FEMA, State, City. Any chanSes made wit6out prior approval wi.]1 void this approval and amendments to deed restrictions. E. This determination is based on the road as proposed to date and may not be relied upon in the event of design changes with respect to the project footprint on the IIIviGP restncted parcels; the City may request reconsideration by FEMA in such cases. � Under the Stafford Act, any land purchased with HMGP fun�s must be restricted to open space use in perpetuity. The deed-Testricted property is not eligible for any disaster assistance for any purpose from any Federal source. . Enclosed are the draft legal documents for amending the land use restrictions and for allowin� the use of the referenced deed-restricted properties for the construction of the proposed highway improvements. VVe request written conf'irmation from the State and from the City that each party concurs with and agrees to the understandings and stipulations in this conditional determination. We also request that the State and the City review the enclosed draf� legal documents for accuracy with respect to the af�ected parcels, ta ensure the legal form of the documents is not in conflict with jurisdictional requirements of the State and the City, and to identify appropriate sigaatories for the Agreement. When we receive the requested concurrence, we will proce�d to finalize the Agency determination and prepare the deed amendment documents. Shouid you need any further clarification on this issue please contact Dan Shirk, Lead Mitigation Specialist, at 770-220-5403. , FnC�nc�irPc � �-�,� , � _ ' _'� � � � � ' ` �- , �°� � '.�":� , "� ,! z� _� .' `' ' ' _� _} � 1° ; E ;�, - t - _,.. . _ ... � .....� .. � ...... � . � , �... � - -� — — ����� Department of Environm?n' ai1C� jE]�ilJf�� R250UtC25 Projec� Number: �""''' �� ' ``�'Due Dat�; ;.��_ �� , r � 1NTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEiN - PROJE�t COT�IMENTS � After reviPw of this projeR it has been deterrnined that the DENR permit(s) and/or apprnvals indicated rnay nead to be obcained ia order for this preje to c�mply yvith North Carolina Law. Questions regarding these permits should 6e addreszed to the Regional OfScz indicated on the rmverse of ihis fo+: A!I applica6ons, information and guidelines relative to these plans and permits are available from the same Aegional Ofii�e, PERMIA � Ptimrittn construct & operate wastevrater treatment facilitie� sewer system extensions & sewer systertu not dixharging inio siate surface wate+s. Q i+IPOES-permit to discharge into su►face water and/a Application 180 days before begin a�tivity. On-sife inspection preapp�K�n permittooperateandtonstruccwastewate+facilities conferenceusual.Additionally,abminpermitto.consmxtwastewat�ytreahnent d'eschaiging into state sur(ace waters. faciGty-grantetl aker NPDES. Heply time, 30 days after rrceipt of plans or issue of NPDFS permiFwhichever is iater. - -=----- -----_ . _ . .. .._.,.. .. . --- .YVaier USe PertniY " �- -- . _� .. -�PPlication technical conference usualiy necessary-- � 0 . � •' � Well Cautruction Permit Cvmplete appiication must be ►eceived and permit issued prior tn the insiallation of a well. \ o Dredge and FII Permit Application copy must be served on each adjacent riparian' property owne�. flo-site inspection. Preappllcation conference usual Flling may require Easemen� to Fill from N C De rtmen[ of Ad i ist ti d Fed 1 � ed SFECIAL APPtltAT10M PR4CEDURES or F�QUIREMEN� ' Appli�cion 90 days befoce begin construction rn award oi consiruction contracts: OrrsBe inspection. Post�ppfication technical conference usual. _ . _Pa m n ra on an era r ge and Fill Permit � Pnmit to conrtruct & operate Air Pollution Abatement ' facilities and/or Emission Sources as per 15 A MCAC . . �►/q i1 . (2Q.OlOQ2p.0300.2H.0600) '� Arry opm buming associated with subject prvposal - must be in compliance with 75 A NCAC ZD.1900 ' � Oemol'rtion or ceno�rations of structuies containing ', asbestos materia) must be in compliance with ' • 15 A NCAC 2D.11) 0(a) (1) which requires notification N/A and remaval pr'ror to demolition_ ContacE Asbestos C�ntrol Group 919-733-D820. � Complex5ource Permitrequired under 75A NCAC ZD.OSi30 �, The Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973.must be properfy addressed For any land disturbing activity. An arosion & sedimentation control ylan will be required if one or mor,e acres to be disturbed Plan fited with proper, RegionaF Office (Land Qvality Sectionj at least 30 days before beginning activiry. A fee of 540 for the first acre or any part oF an acre. , � The 5edimentation Pdlution Control Act cf 1973 musCtre addressed with respeci ta the referenced local Ordinance. � hlining Peimit On-site inspection usual. 5urety bond filed witfi DENR. Bond amoun; varies wrth rype mine and number of acres of affected land. Any are mined great�r than • o�e ave must be permitted. The appropriate bond must be received be'{cre the permit can be issued. � I North Carolina 9urning pe�mit Nortnal Process Ttr, �tatutory Time tirr, 30.da}r (90 days) 90-120 days (N/A) 30 days IWA) % daiYS (15 days) SS days (90 days) 60 days 60 d ays f90 d ays} 20 days (30 days) 30 days 30 days {60 days) On-site inspection by N.0 Divisiort of Foresf Resourres if permit exc� 4 days � 1 day inVA) �I Special Gcound Uearanc 08�ming �ermi[-�Z couniies � Or►-site inspection by N.C.Division oF Forest Resources required 'if rti�e ttian Frve 1 in �oastal N.Lwith organic soils acres of grou�d clearing activities are involved. Inspections should•� requested j � day at least ten days before actual burn is planned.' j (r��A) � I Oil Refining Facilities N/A 40- 1?Odays {�/�j � Dam Saiety Permit if permit required,apptiCation 50 days beFore oegin consiruction. Applicant musthireM.C:qualifiedengineerto: prepareplans,inspec2construction,c>r:i(y construction is according to DENR approved olans. May also require �rmit undar mosq�dto convol program,and a�bOd permit from Corps of Engi��r> I 30 da�s An inspettion of site is necessary to verify Hazard Classification. A minimvn (60 daysl fee of 52L�0.00 must a<companq the appli�ation. An additional processing fz� based on a percentage or the total project cost will he required upon completion. I PEzrniTs � I Permit to drill explora!ory oil or gas well � i Geophysicai 6cploration Permit � I. 5tate Lakes Construction Permit �' A01 Water Quality Certifiotion � I CAMA Permit for MA7C)R development � CAMA Permit for MINOR development __ __ SPECIAL AP?�}�AT10N "rROCEDURES or REQUiRE�b1ENT$ file surety bond oF$5,000 with DENR running co State of N.C. cond'qional that any well opened by drill operaror shall, upon abandonmenc, be plugged acmrding to DENR rulgs and regulations. Application filed with DENR at least 10 days pria to issue of permit. App�i�ation by letter. No.standard application Form. Application fees based on structure size is charged. Must include descriptions & drawi�gs ofstructure & proof of ownership d riparian property. N/A 5250.00 fee must atcompany application 550.00 fee must ac.Company applicatian � I 5everal geadetiCmonumenu are located in or near the project area. IF any monument needs to 6e moved or destroyed, please notify; N.0 Geodetic 5urvey, Boz 27687 Raleigh, N.G 27671 ❑� Abandanment of anywells, if required rnust 6e in ac�vrtlance wi[h Title 15/l Subchapter ZC0700. . _l Norrt�al Proc�ssTit� (Sta�ut� �me Lin3,` ��� 10 days /- � (Y/A} 10 days (N/A) _ 1 S - 20 days (N/A) SS days � � ' (130 days) � 6o days S 130 days) 22--�__ (25 days) �� Not�cation of the proper regional office is requested if'orphan' underground storage ta�la {UST51 are dacovered during any eecavation op�retion. �+ Compliance with 15A NCAC 2H 1000 (Coastal5tormwater pules) is required. I- � 45 days r (N/A) �— Qthertom�nents (attach additional pages as necessary, being czrtain to cite comment authorKy) ' ' " - � �^ �j !. 5i ��'u?" �,i�.i�.� � �T�;i?i �^'�G�r-1 ;� �- f�;L�•. ia � ^� �:L'��v .�� � �wv' i j 15%a d��i:�fL�u1 f�„� � �, i ��j �`� ./� �_ 1 ���'"�� � V L...��(:>- j'�� �.'-',�'''?j ,%" a'lil�� ,% �"� �-!'"'i�"v^-i I�Y' 1. �6 C-L. t. r'� J C.-.- �%->a — rJ e 5 i L/`-�� i��:: / 1 "1� {/J / �'!'-% f �`"t'� ��fZ-.n, �r%i`IZ�'l�G�si.r��"j�� j`�` !l ��+V G� 6JJ jK6; 5 �j ' iif2 . ��� �.�,�,� -� �7� >I G,� � ! �� � ��.��-�� N �: �� ,�.�;zL:,: ����-�:- ,� . -�z-r �r�--n-� �i�� 1 J'^.1��: ....� T�,_�{•i��l1W +� /i �G-tJj!yi i� j C..�i� L L/� i/�7?��f>_` ��.;Si�—+�-� � ' <...'�'T���'+.__ .'�''23�I '>>`�/�7�!'�.� �= L.�J IZS��-"� � REGiONAL �FF9CE5 � � Questions regarding these permits shoutd be addressed to the Regional Office marked below. � AshQville RegionaD Office ❑ Mooresville Regior�ai �D#fice ❑ YflilmingtonR�ional Of#ice 59 Woodfin Place 919 North Main Street 1�7 Cardinal Drive Extension Asheville, N.C.28801 �Ulooresville, N.C.28115 V`/ilmington,N.C.28405 (3Z8) 251-6208 (704) 663-1699 (910) 395-3900 ❑ Fayettevii�Q Reg�onal Office � ❑ Ralei�h Regional Offic� ❑ W�nstan-Satem, Re9io�a) pff�P 2�5 Green 5tfeet, Suite 714 3800 Barrett Drive, P.O. Box 27687 585 Waughtown 5treet Fayetteville, N.C.283�1 Raleigh, N.C. 27511 Winston-Salem, N.t.27107 (910) 48fi-1541 (919) 571-d700 (335) 771-4o�J0 O LVashingtan Region�! flffice 943 Washington.5quare 1�1a11 Washingion, N.�.27889 (�52) 94b-6481 '! -- =:.—=_-=-� ..==- -_ ___—= _ � . . . , ,... , � r� i.. ; ;..,�; ;; J ;.,- ::. _ .; f. , . ;, :� ` `�DEPARTMcNT OF ENVIR�NMENT AND NATURAL RESOUgCES D1VISION OF ENVfRONMENTAL HEALTH '?��� �^' ! � �• Project Number ,� ` ��,/��� County . �. ��, J f.� 1Inter-Agency Project Revi;/ew Response \ � . � � / ^,I � �-! C'i"! � J �—L 't %1;`; % 1�( ,7_" ..4�;'. T�.. `<� � '%'� ., Projeci Name % t��i ��i�r I Type of Project �,f ������'.��y�I. -���t I�/,r� . J � ii�i .L j1LL`F.Lj �,L' L�Z�- .�J C{` I ti%%' � L%� i' , . . , � Comments provided by: , ' ` � j� � � j� :' r^/tiJ �.vJ��� �'�� :� %� 7 ��, �i � , :..�—.�. c-i ❑ Regional Program Person ' ��i, '�., �`•`-� .:� �.�t-.= % /Q.`�.�1 t�f�, .�`_`�.�.- � ❑ Regional Engineer for Public Water Supply Section ❑ Central Office program-�.erson �i 1 � f+; .� i .- �n f /� �� ' �i r r, � ��' /�� � � Z. Name: `".? �".,,a. f�y; :r _'�.:�#- _��'- Date: y , � ..� � _. - .�-' : , �- � � , � : � -\ 7 y— ! ._ � 1 �.��� Telephone number��" :' I� �� �-=�` '� i� - t-°- l U(�' :.�_ - Program within Division of Environmental Health: ❑ Public �Nater Supply ❑ Other, Name of Program: R�sponse (check all applicable): ❑ No objection to project as proposed ❑ No comment ❑ Insufficient information to complete review ❑ Comments attached [�-- "�lSee comments below �} ^ j' .�-..-- i"—� '-� � I - {- + i . :..i ' i�� �'�tJ I�ti• �'L'i�✓' �.__� %I � 'C_./1•r' ��''� i `. ��t �=�; `_ I;`1; �.,,y ., ,;; �;�; „��,� s�' `.. � ;�� _ r.�_._ � 1 �,%` � r�; �-...�„''� � � �''�.5�-�C"� t�,,� �7 il; ._ lrJ j� \ Return to: Public UVater Suoply Section Environmental Review Coordinator for the Division of Environmental Health 1 ,�1�i..{.�;� f l-�;.__ ; _,� _ "_ : �' i :iF:;—�;M � ;, i� i; • , i :,;s �JijJ� -.., i?_ ,± i` I.. d',�: �.�,...._....r.....�-.......--.._...-.-:..' ii��i i f �.'; i •'-. � S — P ` ` ��1`.11i� �r � �I�..�il , G � V . _ ; 1 ��.....,.......,... _.....�__�._.....__.,,...i � ���Ji7L'. .;P! i.. . `..�..Fi.',w� '. %; •..� ��� �,. _..-.�___.._-...�m....._.._.�.._��,_.�...._..i " a't� i_ r% :;v�- :� , � .:� i,. �'� L � `��'�,. �' '��EPARTMENT OF ENVlRONMENT,�ND .. �i! Cl ��1. �� �. �I.,l,i °� �" ' NATURAL RESOURCES '� �' � -,: °o s�� �' ��,iV1SION OF ENVI�ONMENTAL HEALTH "�� ; � '�`��''� Inter-Agency Project Review Response , _ _ j i �a�5�•H ` Project Name Type o� Proj Project Number County ❑ The applicant should be advised that plans and specifications for all v��ater system improvements must be approved by the Division of Environmental Health prior to the award of a contract or the initiation of construction (as required by 15A NCAC 18C .Q300et. seq.). For information, contact the Public W�ater Supply Section, (919) 733-2321. ❑ This project will be classified as a non-community public water suFply and must camply with stata and federal drinking water monitoring requirements. For more information the applicant shouid contact th2 Public Water Supply Section, (919} 733-2321. ❑ If this project is constructed as proposed, we will recommend closure of feet of adjaceni waters to the harvest of shell�ish. For information regardirig the shellfish sanitation program, t;�e applicant should contact the Shellfish Sanitation Section at (252) 726-6827. ❑ The soil disposal area(s) proposed for this project may produce a mosquito breeding probiem. For information concerning appropriate mosquito control measures, tne applicant should contact the Public Health Pest Plla�agement Section at (252) 726-8970. ❑ The applicant should be advised that prior to the removal or demolition of dilapidated structures, a extensive rodent control program may be necessary in order to prev2nt the migration of the rodenfs to adjacent areas. For information concerning rodent control, contact the local health department or the Public Health Pest Management Section at (919) 733-6407. ❑ The applicant should be advised to�contact the local health department regarding their requirements for septic tank installations (as required under 15A NCAC 18A. 1900 et. sep.). For information concerning septic tank and other on-site waste disposal methods, contact the On-Site Wastewater Section at (919) 733-2895. ❑ Tha applicant should be advised to contact the local health department regarding the sanitary facilities required for this project. ❑ If existing water lines will be relocated during the construction, plans for the water line relocation must be submitted to the Division of Environmental Health, Public Water Supply Section, Technical Services Branch, 1034 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1634, (919) 733-2321. ❑ For Regional and Central Office comments, see the rev2�se side of this form. Reviewer Section/Branch Date Section 4 Coordination - �� Letter from Cit oi Y Rock Mount � Y c � . o* . � , J - - �� ROCKY � � , MOUNT DEPARTMENT OF �oA.� =•wa���A ENGWEERI April 16, 2008 � ' 0 � Ms. Kristine O. Graham, EIT � ` Project Planning Engineer • NCDOT � 1548 Mai1 Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 � - RE: Country Club Road Widening Project U-3331 ' Dear Ms. Graham: .-�� Within the limits of TIP Project U-3331, the City of Rocky Mount cunently has vehicular access onto Country Club Road for our paddle trail access site at Stony Creek. It will be necessary to maintain � vehicular access to this site from Country Club Road as part of the widening project. ` Per our recent meeting, NCDOT proposes that the vehicular access be shifted northward along the west ' side of Country Club Road and run behind the future guardrail back to the paddle trail site. The City of Rocky Mount will need an additional 15' of right-of-way (see attaehed preliminary plan) to accommodate turning movements into the relocated access behind the guardrail. It is our understanding that NCDOT will acquire the necessary right-of-way and construct the new vehicular access as part of ;� , Project U-3331. A 20' wide gravel.access will need to be constructed with a paved driveway turnout onto Country Club Road. If the right-of=way cannot be obtained, then the City ofRocky Mount requests that a break in the future ' guardrail be provided for a driveway at the City's existing paddle trail access. ' Should you need additional information, please call me at (252) 972-1123. ' Sincerely; ' ��"'�..-..r— ��Z��: v.� - � Stephen J. Ye man, PE, PTOE Assistant City Engineer — Transportation Attachment cc: Peter Varney, Assistant City Manager Brad Kerr, PE, Director of Engineering � ',^' Dale Smith, Director of Parks & Recreation . David Griffin, Outdoor Recreation Program Coordinator � Jerry Page, PE, NCDOT — Division Project Manager , ,; , .. 331 South Franklin'Street • Post Office Box 1180 • Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27-80?-I 180 Telephone (2�2) 972-1121 • Fax (2�2) 972-1176 • Website: www.roc�ymountnc.gov e . i----------------------------------�-r----------------------------��6-------- ---_---------------- — - ----------------� � � W� ; ' GRAPHIC SCALES � N � ; 4 PRELIMINARY PLANS ; ' SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ' i5O 25 O 5O lOO DATE FEBRUARY 20 2008 � � i � � PLANS � � z ��TY �F ROCKY A• DONALD STALLINGS et al � MOUNT DB 1697 PG 569 N 21'48'4� a N DB 176 � � i N a O P 52 Z EIP 89.96' i N I I � I I ��� �s � O � I I � •� F � a ^' D CITY OF ' ' s N��`9 � N ROCKY MOLI � � ? F` � � i ; �,9- � �� � DB 187T PG U � � � � '� � � i a � / � � I � �/ �N I � �... ,r� S 33°OS'18' W EIP � � O� - � � � / T---- I R�J ,r-� 70.00' i .W � /. �ONEy CREEK � - I � p5• 42 p2 '� H 26^5� ROBERT . RHAM J i DB SIPG 387 � � �3 � i � � � �� � i i � W/LT i�� � - -" � *� .,tF � � �� �o� � I r � �---�—C-----�----�----�-�---�— i--------- —��—� sR i�rr m�urrr�,� r � ' ' ' � � - — i s � j� � i 5+�s � � . . • - -- – �n i r m _ ��• ,`'. LGRAU 350 __ ---- ----� � --t—' — -- \ � . ���p`�F'� � `� �0�� „ � . . ' .`L� 4.�' �J _______________________ ___c_ __..5_."�l_._ ___________ ___ ,� / � � / � � / � y � ' , � I 1 � CONC --�-----. 0 � �`�TE � �I5' RCP . �—� --F----f------F- ---F-- i Q J��i�` / \ � � � ��, � _-' �/ �O\ Qroj�• �lW Z �-�� — —F- i i — �