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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030147 Ver 0_Monitoring Plan_20080521Progress Energy May 20, 2008 Mr. John Dorne N.C. Division of Water Quality 401 /Wetlands Unit y .? S1 L Parkview Building Mp,, as 2321 Crabtree Boulevard 14F R ?+j\' ??c G sir r Raleigh, NC 27604 Dear Mr. Dorney: Per your telephone conversation with John Crutchfield on April 23, Progress Energy would like to propose a modification to the continuous dissolved oxygen monitoring program that it is currently conducting as an interim measure until the 401 Water Quality Certificate (WQC) permanent compliance monitoring points are established for the Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project. Based on ongoing monitoring, we propose the following modification: • Blewett Falls Development-Drop the monitoring stations at U.S. Highway 74 Bridge (BFCM2) and Hitchcock Creek (BFCM3) (Figure 1). Retain monitoring stations located in the power plant tailrace (BFCM1) and approximately 0.5 miles below the power plant (BFCMIA). • Tillery Development-Drop the monitoring stations at N.C. Highway 109 Bridge (TYCM3) and Turkey Top Creek (TYCM4) (Figure 1). Retain monitoring stations located at N.C. Highway 731 (TYCM 1) and just above Rocky River confluence (TYCM2). Redeploy monitors from TYCM2 and TYCM3 at the N.C. Highway 731 Bridge at mid-channel (TYCM12) and west channel side (TYCM13) to obtain additional channel lateral data. These data will be used to aid in the decision-making about the location of the permanent DO compliance monitoring point per 401 WQC and FERC license requirements. These modifications would be implemented for the 2008 continuous DO monitoring program and the 2008 turbine venting studies. Our previous studies' have shown that DO dynamics are driven by algal photosynthesis and respiration dynamics and other watershed factors at these lower stations. Therefore, we would like to re-focus our monitoring program. We will be issuing the 2007 turbine venting study to the N.C. Division of Water Quality by the end of June, and will also send the 2008 study plan. In addition, the 2006-2007 continuous monitoring data will also be submitted to your agency. We would like to arrange a meeting with you to discuss the 2007 turbine venting results and our 2008 study plan. 1 Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. Tillery Hydro Plant 1/9 1 11cry Darn Road Mount Gilead, NC 273D6 Please review this request and provide your concurrence with these proposed monitoring changes. If you have any questions about this request, please contact John Crutchfield at 919- 546-7095. Sincerely yours, Cecil T. Gurganus?,ro-og Manager, Hydro Operations Enclosure c: John Crutchfield Larry Mann Alan Madewell 1Progress Energy. 2005a. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project FERC No. 2206. Intensive temperature and dissolved oxygen study of the Pee Dee River below the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants. Water Resources Group. Issues Nos. 7 and 8 - Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality. November 2005. Progress Energy. . 2005b. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Project FERC No. 2206. Continuous water quality monitoring in the Pee Dee River below the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants. Water Resources Group. Issues Nos. 7 and 8 - Lake Tillery and Blewett Falls Lakes and Tailwaters Water Quality. November 2005. Progress Energy. 2006a. Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydrolectric Project FERC No. 2206. Continuous Water Quality Monitoring in the Pee Dee River below the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants, May-October 2005. Progress Energy. 2006b. Yadkin-Pee Dee Hydrolectric Project FERC No. 2206. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 2206. Investigation of measures to enhance dissolved oxygen concentrations in the tailwaters of the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Developments. Phase I: Turbine venting. Prepared for Progress Energy, Raleigh, North Carolina. Prepared by Devine Tarbell & Associates, Inc. Charlotte, NC. April 2007. 2 w iuiel-V yam r Turku' rrt',, Top , Creek t 4 4 Bro n 7 !. '? Creek B1es !7;115 Lake Baxo arts BFCMt .? Blewett FaDs Dam - BFC.uu :. M src? ? r. ?g ' 4 :: ? +t? ? 7. ? BFGSt1B 44, t Hit h k c coc C k ree ? BFC:!?13 PROGRESS ENERGY Water Quality Monibr Type TILLERY AND BLEWETT FALLS NOM CAMGM Lm ro y t Level Logger HYDROELECTRIC PLANTS Continuous WO Monilor Water Quality Monitor 3 ..5 1 2 3 s 6 Locations awe. C&ck% Proud L4mallon 4ika Figure 1. Location of continous dissolved oxygen monitoring stations below the Tillery and Blewett Falls Hydroelectric Plants.