HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080781 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_200805060 8 0 7 8 1 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT REPORT GASTON MALL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NW CORNER OF COX ROAD AND FRANKLIN BLVD GASTONIA, NC f 06! 0?5PNC ?-?t_1??' PP-GASTON MALL, LLC January 2008 Woolpert Project No. 064961 r t f?! I TABLE OF CONTENTS Page(s) Abstract ................................................................................. 1 Existing Conditions ................ 1 ............................................... . . .. Proposed Conditions .................................................................. 1 Criteria .................................................................................. 6 Methodology ................................................................ Computations ........................................................................... 9 Addenda A, Dated 2/29/08 Exhibits: A - Location Map ............................................................ 2 B - Existing Conditions Map ............................................... 3 C - Soils Map ................................................................. 4 D - Proposed Overall Site Plan ............................................. 5 E - Paving and Grading Plan .............. ....... 17-20 F - Drainage Area Map ...................................................... 21 G - Drainage Sub-Basin Map ................................................ 22 Tables: 1 - Summary Tabulation ..................................................... 13 2 - Underground Detention, Stage vs. Storage ........................... 14 3 - Storm Filter Sizing ............................ : .... 15 ..................... . Appendices: A - Hydraulic Calculations B - Runoff and Detention Calculations - Out Parcel A C - Runoff and Detention Calculations - Out Parcel B D - Runoff and Detention Calculations - Area C E - Runoff and Detention Calculations - Area D F - Runoff and Detention Calculations - Area E G - Runoff and Detention Calculations - Area F H - Runoff and Detention Calculations - Area G I - Runoff and Detention Calculations - Area H 3 - Routing Calculations - Area H K - Bio-Retention Area Calculations L - Storm Filter Sizing Calculations M - Storm Filter Plan and Detail N - Storm Filter Operation and Maintenance Attachments ABSTRACT Pearson Properties plans to redevelop the existing Gaston Mall located at the southwest corner of Cox Road and Interstate 85 in the City of Gastonia, North Carolina. A location map is included as Exhibit A on page 2 for reference. The plan for redevelopment includes a mix of demolition, re-construction, and refurbishment to portions of the existing mall and new construction on the previously vacant portion of the property. Construction is anticipated to be sequenced in order to assist in maintaining existing business operations as required during the renovation. The project boasts some unique requirements, such as a FEMA Letter of Map Revision, a large culvert or bridge crossing over Duhart's creek which runs thru the site, a significant length of retaining wail, and a private roadway thru the property that connects Cox Road and Franklin Boulevard. EXISTING CONDITIONS The site consists of roughly 44 acres. A little less than half of the property is occupied by the existing mall, which was built sometime around 1970. For reference, the Existing Conditions Plan is included as Exhibit Bon page 3 of this report. Duhart's Creek and Tributary D-8 flow through the site. These two features are the focal point of the 100 year flood plain which encompasses a fair portion of the property including part of the existing parking lot. A fifteen foot (15') diameter culvert conveys Duhart's creek from the west side of the mall to the east side of Cox Road. A series of drainage inlets and pipe convey runoff from the-east and south side of the mall directly to said culvert. Conveyance is controlled by the inlet and pipe size only. The parking areas lying along the northwest portion of the site convey thru either a combination of pipes and inlets or overland flow into Tributary D-8. The westerly portion of the site is undeveloped at this time. A significant grade change exists between the extents of the property to the southwest at the frontage along both East Club Drive and Franklin Road and the existing mall. PROPOSED CONDITIONS An overall site plan is included as Exhibit D on page 5 The existing restaurant in the northeast portion of the site will be razed and replaced by a new strip mall. A retaining wall is planned for along Cox Road in order to blend this portion of the development into the overall plan. A small detention area shall be constructed just north of this building to assist in reducing potential surcharge of the existing inlets north of Harris Teeter. Woolpert,_Inc Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project 1 January 2008 PP Gaston Mall, LC Exhibit A - Location Map court ()r l% N}` J n Y N :.. G352r??7 - ? {dmtriOY?dfs. !S% h ?asdndge -?^_ G'SI ranktm Blvd c Nax ,•• firan am"w«s Maplewood D, NOtc1 act Jidn Ter "004 ? ? i?afk ?5 Gardner Park F Damson 6ivd„ . The center portion of the existing mall will be razed to allow construction of the new thru roadway. Some of the retail shops on the south side of the existing Harris Teeter will be re- developed. The remaining portions of the existing mall will benefit from refurbishment. The northwesterly portion of the site will be developed. The area is identified as Retail 1 on the overall site plan. Underground detention will be incorporated into this phase of development to meet water quality and quantity criterion. Underground detention was chosen due to practicality and proximity to the point of discharge. A bi.o-retention area will be added to the rear of Retail 1 in order to provide stormwater storage and assist in meeting the water quality requirements. Two out-parcels will be graded for future development. Each of these parcels shall require water management facilities for both stormwater quality and quantity at time of development. A proposed roadway will connect Cox Road and Franklin Boulevard. Said roadway will provide access to the parcels within the development. The roadway design will include a grade change of approximately fifty vertical feet between the existing mall and the connection to Franklin Road Woolpert, Inc Gaston Mall Redevelopment January 2008 PP Gaston Mall, LLC CRITERIA Several review entities have either jurisdiction over the development of this project. These include the City of Gastonia, Gaston County Natural Resources Department and the Army Corps of Engineers. For ease of reference, excerpts from the criterion are outlined below. A. In accordance with the City requirements, the criteria for the stormwater management system is based upon the pre-development versus the post-development rate of discharge from the site for both the two and ten year, 24 hour storm events. The City codes states in Section 17- 140(c): Both the two-year and ten year frequency storms shall be used in determining the amount of stormwater runoff generated. Control structure release rates shall approximate peak runoff rates for the two-year and ten-year storms, with emergency overflow capable of handling the 50 year discharge....Impoundmentfacilities located within automobile parking areas shall not exceed a maximum water depth of six inches.... Storage volume shall be adequate to attenuate the post- development peak discharge rates to pre-developed discharge rates for the two-year and ten-year storms. Routing calculations must be used to demonstrate that the storage volume is adequate. For detention basins, all detention volume shall be drained within 72 hours.... Because the site is a redevelopment project, the term "predevelopment" can be interpreted as either the existing condition or the property prior to any development. For that reason, the City code adds clarity to the issue in Section 17-140(d): Full storm-water detention requirements (the same as if. the site was undeveloped) shall apply to redevelopment of sites, conversions and expansions meeting any of the following thresholds: (1) Redevelopment of a site involving the razing of 50 percent or more of the total first floor square footage of all buildings on the site (as used herein, the term "razing" shall also include the removal of exterior building walls to the floor level); or (2) Reconstruction of 50 percent or more of the total square footage of all impervious surface areas, excluding buildings, on the site; or (4) Any increase of 50 percent or more in the amount of impervious surface area on the site existing upon February 15, 2000, or any incremental increase which results in a total cumulative increase in 50 percent or more in the amount of impervious surface on the site existing upon February 15, 2000. For areas of the site undergoing redevelopment, a coefficient of runoff of 0.25 shall be used Expansions or redevelopment of sites which are less than the above thresholds shall only be required to install stormwater detention for the incremental increase in impervious surface area over the amount of impervious surface existing immediately prior to such expansion or redevelopment. Based upon application of the code and the level of anticipated development and redevelopment, the proposed improvements do not exceed any of the aforementioned thresholds. The County states in Section 13.b.6 and 7 of the stormwater ordinance that "Stormwater detention shall be provided to insure that the rate of discharge for the I year, 24 hour storm does not exceed the predevelopment rate of discharge. In order to demonstrate this, inflow/outflow calculations shall also be submitted for any stormwater detention ponds" and "All Stormwater systems shall be designed and built to route at a minimum the 25 year 24 hour storm safely" respectively. The requirement to not exceed the rate of discharge for the 1 year, 1 day storm event shall be excluded from this analysis as the City criteria is more stringent. The routing calculation for the 25 year, 1 day storm event shall be included because the potential suitor of the Retail 1 site requires that the inlets not be surcharged more than 6" for the particular event. B. The City requires that the hydraulic gradient does not exceed the rim elevation for the 10 year storm event. This analysis of the conveyance system is accomplished using Hydroflow Storm Sewers (2005) for the hydraulic calculations. For this project, modifications to the existing Woolpert, Inc Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project January 2008 PP Gaston Mall,. LLC drainage system and patterns are expected. Data for the existing system will be compiled from combining survey data, available plan sets for the existing mall, and field observation. C. The City and County require that the discharge water meet the minimum requirements for stormwater quality. The County states in Section 13.b.1 and 2 of the stormwater ordinance that "The measures shall control and treat at a minimum the stormwater runofffrom the first inch of rainfall volume leaving the project site. Runoff volume drawdown time shall be a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 120 hours. " and "All structural stormwater treatment systems used to meet the requirements of this ordinance shall be designed to have a minimum of 85% average annual removal for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) " respectively. The water quality calculation shall be based upon the new and re-constructed portions of the site. These areas are further defined in the methodology and calculation section of this report. An underground detention system and bio-retention area shall be employed to meet both the stormwater management and water quality needs of the site. With the assistance of Contech Stormwater Solutions, a vault utilizing Contech's Stormfilter units shall be implemented to meet the requirements for stormwater quality for the discharge from the underground detention system. D. Lastly, an analysis will be provided to ensure that the volume of discharge does not exceed that of the existing condition. Although not part of the City nor County code, it is duly noted that a number of residents participated in public hearings at both the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. According to the oral testimony, residents living along Duhart 's Creek downstream of this property have a history of flooding. Generally speaking, the residents spoke in opposition citing that the level of flooding will be heightened. While rising water may be limited to the rear yards and the like, exercise of fiduciary judgment mandates that the design consider a potential increase of runoff volume generated by the improvements to the property. METHODOLOGY The computations methods employed by this analysis are three fold. They are as follows: 1. Analyze and size the conveyance system for adequate drainage. 2. Analyze and design the stormwater storage requirement and discharge structure to regulate the rate of discharge. 3. Integrate and design a system(s) adequate to meet the stormwater quality requirements. Because this is a redevelopment project, idiosyncrasies and inherent challenges are to be anticipated. The following is a catalog of the necessary steps in the three analysis listed above. ANALYZE AND DESIGN THE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM As with most drainage systems, runoff is conveyed using drainage inlets and piped connections. This portion of the analysis focuses on the sizing of the conveyance system. A. Determine the existing drainage patterns Included in the attachments are the construction plans for the mall thru the years and the current survey of the property. Using these pieces of information coupled, with field observation, the existing drainage system can be created. Woolpert, Inc Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project 7 January 2008 PP Gaston Mall, LLC B. Identify deficiencies in the existing drainage system. The existing drainage system is tied directly into the 15 foot underground culvert that conveys Duhart's Creek thru developed portion of the site. Changes due to site modifications over the years and comparison to current criteria will likely bring to light deficiencies in the existing system. C. Design the proposed grading and drainage system. After identifying potential deficiencies, the proposed design must properly integrate portions of the existing drainage system to remain into the proposed improvements. D. Analyze the conveyance network. Analyze the drainage system(s) using Hydroflow Storm Sewers (2005) for hydraulic calculations and adjust the pipe sizes if necessary to meet the criteria. STORMWATER STORAGE AND DISCHARGE STRUCTURE DESIGN The second portion of the analysis is the sizing of the detention basin. Because the discharge structure is closely tied to the water quality calculation, the design of this facet will be deferred to the final part of the report. A. Identify the drainage sub-basins within the project The project is broken into several distinctly segregated sub-basins. B. Categorize how the drainage sub-basins within the project should be analyzed. C. Compute the detention required and the allowable rates of discharge. The required volume and allowable discharge rates is computed using the existing conditions versus the proposed conditions for the 2, 10 and 25 year storm events. The computation is performed using Pondpack by Haestaed Methods. The analysis is based on the rational method and comparing the existing against post developed flow rates and runoff volumes. The design of the discharge structure will be deferred until the water quality volume and storage requirement has been analyzed. D. Design the underground detention system. The design will done based upon the required amount. The layout and design effort will be assisted by Contech Stormwater Solutions. STORMWATER QUALITY DESIGN The final aspect of the stormwater management system is water quality volume. The rate of discharge from the water quality system can then be used in the design of a discharge structure. A. Categorize how the drainage sub-basins within the project should be analyzed. Special consideration is required due to the nature of this project. For example, new construction or re-development shall meet the requirements. Existing areas may be excluded. Future development of parcels will require their own water quality. B. Design a system(s) to meet the water quality requirement. The requirement will be satisfied through a combination of bio-retention and stormfilter units by Contech Stormwater Solutions. The bio-retention will be located to the west of Retail 1. The stormfilter unit will be located within the parking area of Retail 1. Woolpert, Inc Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project January 2008 PP Gaston Mall, LLC C. Design the by-pass system for the allowable rate of discharge. This design of the structure is included at this juncture as it dependent upon and integral to the design of the stormfilter units. COMPUTATIONS 1. ANALYZE AND DESIGN THE CONVEYANCE SYSTEM A. Determine the existing drainage patterns The Existing Conditions Plan is included as Exhibit B on page 3. Runoff from the existing site discharges directly into the existing 15 foot culvert via drainage inlets and pipe or runs overland to the D-8 Tribrutary of Duhart's Creek. It also appears that the improvements have changed slightly from the original design plans over the course of time, likely due to small improvements that were not properly documented. B. Identify deficiencies in the existing drainage system The FIRM map covering the property indicates that the 100 Year flood plain encompasses a sizable portion of the existing parking lot. The flood plain elevation is +710.0. It must be noted and stressed that the existing system is tied directly to the Duhart's Creek. There is no detention system. Thus the controlling factor of the existing drainage system is the size of the pipe which comprises the conveyance system. Similarly, the site presently has no means of providing water quality for the runoff. Lastly, there are a number of inlets on the site that are connected to the conveyance system by means of piped tees. The inclusion of this configuration can place limitations on the ability to properly maintain the drainage network. C. Desigi the proposed grading and drainage system The paving and grading plans are included as Exhibit E on pages 17 thru 20 for reference. The site has been divided into three pipe conveyance networks. They are briefly identified as follows: 1. The portion of the existing system to remain. This network lies in the southeasterly portion of the property at the northwest corner of Franklin Road and Cox Road. The network ties directly into the 15 foot culvert pipe running thru the site. The upper end of this hydraulic network is proposed to be redirected to the proposed detention area. 2. The portion of the site lying on the south side of Duhart's Creek. This portion of the site includes the private thru roadway lying south of the crossing of Duhart's Creek, Outparcel "A" (1.07 acres), and the Outparcel "B" (1.47 acres). This network will be analyzed using a fixed tailwater elevation of +700. 3. The remainder of the developed site. This portion includes the new parking and drive aisles, the existing parking and drive aisles serving Mary Joe's and Harris Teeter, the re- developed portion of the site atthe northeast corner, and the balance of the private thru roadway. This tailwater elevation for the analysis of this network will be set to the invert elevation of the underground detention facilities. vvooipert, inc Gaston Mali Redevelopment Project January 2008 PP Gaston Mail, H C D. Analyze the conveyance network A drainage area map is included as Exhibit F on page 21. The map provides both contributing areas and numerical identifiers, which reflect the inlet number as taken from the construction plans. Each portion of the conveyance system is then analyzed using Hydroflow Storm Sewers (2005) Appendix A is the result of the hydraulic calculations. The number system employed by the spreadsheet corresponds to the inlet numbers on the drainage area map. Page 2 of Appendix A is the analysis of the portion of the site identified in 1.C.2 on page 9. Assumptions have been made to include the discharge received from Outparcel "A", Outparcel "B" and from the "Lanier Property". (Note: The Lanier Property is under different ownership. Due to an agreement between owners, discharge from this property will be conveyed via the drainage network running thru the private roadway.) Page 1 of Appendix A is the analysis of the portion of the site identified in I.C.3 on page 9. This conveyance system includes both existing and proposed drainage inlets and pipe. The existing inlets included in this portion of the network had been connected directly to the 15 foot culvert. Consideration should be given to two factors not represented in the calculations. First, a small detention area has been added to the northeast corner of the site. This area is included in order to alleviate surcharging that may be experienced at upper end of the hydraulic grade-line during periods of high intensity. Secondly, localized flooding may exist for short durations during short storm events having a high intensity of precipitation. The portion of the site identified in 1.C.1 on page 9 is omitted from the analysis. There is a net reduction in contributory areas as a result of the improvements. 2. STORMWATER STORAGE AND DISCHARGE STRUCTURE DESIGN A. Identify the drainage sub-basins Exhibit G on page 22 is the sub-basin map. The property has been divided in accordance to how the various areas are computed and incorporated into the surface water management calculations. A further description of the areas and the application is provided in item 2.B. below. B. Categorize how the drainage sub-basins should be analyzed. The following is a summary of the drainage sub-basins within the project limits and their application in the analysis. L Outparcel "A" consists of approximately 1.09 acres. The parcel is located in the southwesterly portion of the site and fronts Franklin Boulevard. This parcel will require stormwater management facilities and water quality provisions upon development. The area is excluded from the analysis, but included for informational purposes using assumed data. A drainage connection is included as shown in the proposed construction plans. A rate of discharge from this area is assumed in the pipe sizing calculations. 2. Outparcel "B" consists of approximately 1.47 acres. The parcel is located to the north of OutparceI A. This parcel will require stormwater management facilities and water quality provisions upon development. The area is excluded from the analysis, but Woolpert, Inc Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project 10 January 2008 PP Gaston Mall, LLC included for informational purposes using assumed data. A drainage connection is included as shown in the proposed construction plans. A rate of discharge from this area is assumed in the pipe sizing calculations. 3. "Area C" consists of approximately 6.64 acres in the southeast comer of the site. The acreage consists of existing parking areas and buildings that will remain. Runoff from this area discharges directly to the 15 foot culvert pipe running thru the site. This area will benefit from the addition of pervious areas throughout the parking area. 4. "Area D" consists of approximately 1.47 acres in the southwesterly portion of the site. The area is comprised of the private thru roadway lying south of the proposed culvert / bridge crossing. Due to the grading requirements of the roadway, providing storage and regulating the rate of discharge (beyond pipe control) within the area limits is not practical. Discharge from this area is anticipated to be pipe controlled. Compensating storage and rate of discharge is proposed within Area H. 5. "Area E" consists of approximately 4.67 acres in the northwest portion of the site. The acreage is comprised of the proposed retail 1 building, the drive aisle to the north of the building and the bio-retention area. Runoff from the building and drive aisle will be discharged to the bio-retention area. The design calculations for the water quality volume to be met with the bio-retention area are included in Appendix K of this report. 6. "Area F" consists of approximately 9.12 acres. This area is comprised of Duhart's Creek and the pervious areas contributing directly to the creek up to the 100 year flood plain (+710.0). For the purpose of this report, the time of concentration is halved for the post developed condition. 7. "Area G" consists of approximately 4.55 acres. The area is comprised of the existing Mary Joe's, Harris Teeter and a portion of the existing mall building together with the existing parking areas to the north. In the current condition, runoff from this area is conveyed either directly to the 15 foot diameter culvert pipe via a pipe network or to the D-8 Tributary via overland flow. As this area is presently developed and shall remain, it is excluded from the water quality calculation. In the proposed condition, runoff from these areas will be directed to the proposed underground detention system to be constructed within the parking area of Retail 1. For the purpose of these calculations, the rate and volume of runoff is based upon the existing condition having a "C" factor of 0.25. 8. "Area H" is the balance of the site. This area is comprised of the proposed parking lot for Retail 1 and Mary Joe's, the private thru roadway lying on the north side of the bridge, a majority of the existing building in the southeast quadrant of the property, the proposed shops and ancillary parking at the northeast corner of the site. The combined acreage is approximately 15.91 acres. Runoff is conveyed to the underground detention facility to be located within the Retail 1 parking lot. Water quality will be provided for this area. C. Compute the detention requirement and the allowable rates of discharge. In the post developed stage, the dominant means of conveyance to Duhart's Creek will be via a series of pipes and inlets. Attenuation of runoff to meet the storage requirements of the site will be accomplished through implementation of an underground detention system to be located in the new parking area of Area "H", located in the northwesterly portion of the property. Woolpert, Inc Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project 11 January 2008 PP Gaston Mall, LLC Certain portions of the site do not lend themselves to providing storage and limiting the rate of discharge. These areas are defined as: 1. The private drive/road lying south of the proposed bridge due to the slope of the roadway. 2. Portions of the existing drainage system will remain directly connected to the existing 15 diameter culvert. Replacement of the existing pipes due to inadequate sizes need to convey runoff to the proposed underground detention is likely not the best use of monetary resources for this project. Furthermore, the parking area being served by the pipe connections is to remain open to the public to service the existing business. 3. Duharts Creek and the areas immediately adjacent to it. These areas are pervious and located both within and outside the 100 year floodplain. Runoff from these areas, such as the creek's banks and the slope transitions in the westerly part of the site, will convey directly via overland flow to the creek. It should be noted that these areas will either be vegetated or remain in a natural state. The rate of discharge and the proposed underground detention system to be placed with Area "H" will be designed to compensate for the three areas list above. That is to say, the net result for the site will be to meet the City criteria. Each of the eight "areas" were modeled using Pondpack software by Haestead Methods. The modified rational method was used in order to compute the rates of discharge and volume of attenuation required for the various storm events for each area. The time of concentration for the undeveloped sites was developed using the Kirpich method. A multiplier of two was used. A coefficient of runoff of 0.25 was used for undeveloped portions of the sites. The time of concentration for the developed sites was set at 5 minutes. A coefficient of runoff of 0.85 was used for developed portions of the sites. The multiplier for the undeveloped site coupled with a small time of concentration was selected to yield conservative results when comparing the pre-developed and post-developed conditions. The computations, performed using Pondpack by Haestaad Methods, are included as Appendix B thru I. The analysis compares the pre-developed flow rates and volumes against the post-development flow rates and volumes. The analysis is done for the 2, 10 and 25 Year storm events. A summary of the results are as follows in Table 1 on page 13. Areas "A", "B" and "C" are included for informational purposes only. Areas "A" and "B" are anticipated to provide both detention and water quality prior to discharging into the private roadway's conveyance system upon development. Line "I" is the sum of the differences for the pre versus post rates and volume of Areas "D", 47% "G" and "H". For example, the difference in the peak rate for the 10 year storm event for Areas "D", "F", "G" and "H" is 2.50, 2.36, 8.42 and 21.84 efs respectively. The sum, 33.43 cfs, is computed in line I at the bottom of the table. This method is employed so the net result meets the City criteria. Similarly, Line I identifies the design parameters for the allowable rate of discharge and/or volume to be detained within the underground detention area. (Note: Area "E" demonstrates a net increase in storage. An increase in rate is not applicable and therefore omitted.) Woolpert, Inc Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project 12 January 2008 PP Gaston Mail, LC Table 1 - Summary Tabulation 2 YEAR STORM 10 YEAR STORM 25 YEAR STORM PEAK RATE VOLUME PEAK RATE VOLUME PEAK RATE VOLUME (.is) (Ac Ft) (ofs) (Ac Ft) (ofs) (Ac Ft) a a a OUTPARCEL 1 -1.094 Acres Note: Area shall TV it's own detentionM/OV upon development) Proposed 3.08 0.089 3-87 0.128 4.29 0-142 Difference 1.52 0.045 1.68 0.064 207 0.070 Predeveloped 1.56 0.044 1.99 0.064 2.22 0.072 OUTPARCEL B with FUTURE BLDG 7 -1.47 Acres (Note: Area shall provide it's own detentionANOV upon development) W Proposed 4.14 0.120 5.20 0.172 5.76 0 190 W M Q Difference 2.05 0.061 2.53 0.086 . 2.78 0094 F ' Predeveloped 2.09 0.059 2.67 0.086 2.98 0.096 Q AREA DIRECTLY DISCHARGING TO 15' DIA PIPE - 6.64 Acres (Note - Area has addition of landscape islands only) W Proposed 32.1 n!a 40.98 We 45.76 nla Difference 0:00 M 00: Predeveloped n/a :40:9B ... nta ;:: n/a a PORTION OF PRIVATE DRIVE -1.47 Acres W Proposed 4.04 0.123 5.09 0.175 5.64 0 194 a Difference 2.02 0.063 I ° 2.50. ' 0.088 . . .::::275 -99? Predeveloped .;`2.02' -- 0 060 2 59 7;: 0.087 ,, "2Bg 0.097 RETAIL 1 BLDG AND ANCILLARY, BIO-RETENTION -4.67 Acres w W W Proposed' Difference 0 0.366/0.306 -6 42 0.000 15.84 0.529/0.378 r 7.63 -O 3 17.58 0.581/0.379 .. 8.41' -0.082 Predeveloped 827 0.259 9a7.,; 0.285 Q DUHARTS CREEK AND CONTRIBUTING AREA - 9.12 Acres (Note - The Post To is 112 the Pre To) W Proposed 8 0.097 17.97 0.124 20.07 0.138 Q Difference F: 1;9T 0.014 2.36 OA16 266 Predeveloped 0.083 3i= 15 61.:ic: 0.108 ->i17;41•?: 0.120 a HARRIS TEETER I MARY JO'S AND PARKING -4.55 Acres (Note- Ex Conditions uses a •C- value of 0.25 for this area) 0 Proposed 13-25 04 16.6 0.574 15.67 0.755 W Q Difference 676 0 .210 .. 8.42 0-296 _. .` 0.321 Ex. Conditions ,-6;47`i 0.492 -" 0.276 0.434 a PRIMARY SITE -15.91 Acres = I.U Pro 55 0 105 75.85 1 M Q D fference 16 60 0 .250 51 04323 21 24.27 `' ?' It . `.-... _..... Ex Conditions ' .ir.: 0.555 :1-:54.34`- 0.722 i 60:27:rf`: 0.800 SUMMARY OF HIGHLIGHTED BLOCKS IN COLUMN Allowable peak rate of discharge from 2 2 _ Primary Development 31.10 0.537 33.43 0.723 40.00 0.800 1 Peak rate is measured as flow cresting the earthen dam of bioretention area and does not include discharge via the infiltration. Volume shown is runoff volume and retained volume. 2 Volume does not include a net reduction in runoff volume discharged from the Retail 1as demonstrated in line E. The acreage for the bio-retention area is included in the Line E D. Using the summation from Table 1, design the underground detention system According to Line I of Table 1 above, the underground detention system must provide a minimum of 0.723 and 0.800 acre feet in the 10 year and 25 year storm event respectively. The underground detention system consists of 2,500 lineal feet of 60" pipe and 266 lineal feet of 48" pipe. The invert elevation of the pipes is +701.50. The volumetric equivalent of the pipes is utilized in the routing calculations. Table 2 on page 14 lists the stage against available storage. Using the table, the required volume and equivalent stage within the underground detention system is,as follows: 10 Year, 1 day storm event - 0.761 Ac.Ft 4 Elevation 704.42 25 Year, 1 day storm event - 0.800 Ac-Ft -> Elevation 704.77 The underground detention system provides adequate storage capacity. Additional storage will be required to meet the discharge requirements. Woolpert, Inc Gaston Mail Redevelopment Project 13 January 2008 PP Gaston Mall, H C Table 2 - Underground Detention, Stage vs. Storage Elev. Vol. (Ft) (ACFt) 701.55 0.00 701.60 0.01 701.65 0.01 701.70 0.02 701.75 0.02 701.80 0.03 701.85 0.04 701.90 0.05 701.95 0.05 702.00 0.06 702.05 0.07 702.10 0.08 702.15 0.09 702.20 0.10 702.25 0.12 702.30 0.13 702.35 0.14 702.40 0.15 702.45 0.16 702.50 0.18 Elev. Vol. (Ft) (AcFt) 702.55 0.19 702.60 0.20 702.65 0.21 702.70 0.23 702.75 0.24 702.80 0.25 702.85 0.27 702.90 0.28 702.95 0.30 703.00 0.31 703.05 0.33 703.10 0.34 703.15 0.35 703.20 0.37 703.25 0.38 703.30 0.40 703.35 0.41 703.40 0.43 703.45 0.44 703.50 0.46 Elev. Vol. (Ft) (AcFt) 703.55 0.47 703.60 0.49 703.65 0.51 703.70 0.52 703.75 0.54 703.80 0.55 703.85 0.57 703.90 0.58 703.95 0.60 704.00 0.61 704.05 0.63 704.10 0.64 704.15 0.66 704.20 0.68 704.25 0.69 704.30 0.71 704.35 0.72 704.40 0.74 704.45 0.75 704.50 0.77 STORMWATER QUALITY DESIGN Elev. Vol. (Ft) (AcFt) 704.55 0.78 704.60 0.80 704.65 0.81 704.70 0.83 704.75 0.84 704.80 0.86 704.85 0.87 704.90 0.89 704.95 0.90 705.00 0.91 705.05 0.93 705.10 0.94 705.15 0.95 705.20 0.97 705.25 0.98 705.30 0.99 705.35 1.01 705.40 1.02 705.45 1.03 705.50 1.04 Elev. Vol. (Ft) (AcFt) 705.55 1.05 705.60 1.07 705.65 1.08 705.70 1.09 705.75 1.10 705.80 1.11 705.85 1.12 705.90 1.13 705.95 1.14 706.00 1.14 706.05 1.15 706.10 1.16 706.15 1.17 706.20 1.18 706.25 1.18 706.30 1.19 706.35 1.19 706.40 1.20 706.45 1.20 706.50 1.20 A. Categorize the drainage sub-basins within the project for water quality The following is list of the areas described in section 23 of this section together with the application of each in determining the appropriate volume requirements for stormwater quality. Outparcel A and B shall satisfy the requirements for water quality upon development. The parcels are not included in these calculations. With the exception of added landscape islands, Areas C and G shall remain virtually the same as in the existing condition and are therefore excluded from water quality calculations. It should be noted that runoff from Area G will be routed thru the proposed StormFilter system located in Area H. Area E shall satisfy the requirement for water quality through the use of the bio-retention area located to the west of the proposed Retail 1 building. Refer to section 3.13 of this section of the report for additional information. Area F is Duhart's Creek, the banks and those areas that are directly connected. Area F is excluded from water quality calculations. Water quality shall be provided for the entirety of Area H. As previously stated, this area includes new development, re-development and an existing building. Due to grading constraints, providing water quality for Area D is impractical. Inclusion of the existing building within Area H is adequate compensation for Area D. Woolpert, Inc Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project 14 January2008 PP Gaston Mall, LLG In summary, the area used for the water quality and the method of meeting the requirement shall be as follows: Area E, 4.67 acres, in a bio-retention area Area H, 15.91 acres, in a StormFilter system B. Prepare the water quality calculations The water quality design is divided into two components which are segregated by the large culvert pipe to be serviced by the D-8 tributary of Duhart's Creek. A bio-retention system is designed to serve Area E. The design calculations for the area are included in Appendix K of this report. The design uses the allowable depth of twelve inches within the facility. Water quality for Area H is met through the implementation of 102 StormFilter units by Contech Stormwater Solutions. Runoff is initially conveyed to the underground detention area and thru a vault which houses the StormFilter network. After the proper volume is attained in the underground detention, runoff may discharge via a weir controlled by-pass. A summary of the design calculation prepared by Contech is shown in Table 3 below. The complete design calculation is included as Appendix L and M. Table 3 - StormFilter Sizing StormFilter Sizing - Water Qualit Proiect Name: Date: y Volume Based Gaston Man 1/1712008 Input xXX - - aesult - XX7t SITE CHARACTERISTIC INPUT Design Storm, P (inches) 1.00 - Total Area, AT (acres) 15.91 Impervious Area, Ai (acres) 13.04 Water Quality Volume, WQv (cu ft) 45489 Average Rainfall, (inches) 45 Runoff Coefficient, C 0.84 Pretreatment efficiency, (/) 30k EMC of TSS, (mg/L)' 54.2 ANNUAL MASS LOAD CALCULATIONS Annual Mass Load, (tbs) 6,659 Required Filter Efficiency, (%) 0.79 \lJ?Nair Ir^ 11 Allowable Load per Cartridge, (lbs) 36 Number of Cartridges Required 102 STOATir SYSTEM DESIGN ?,? SCsLUT1®E?4S?. Vault Size Box Culvert vvoolperi, inc Gaston Mail Redevelopment Project 15 January 2008 PP Gaston Mail, LLC C. Design the by-pass system for the allowable rate of discharge The stormfilter system is designed to provide water quality. Runoff that exceeds this volume is discharged to Duhart's Creek. The rate of discharge is limited to meet the existing conditions. For this particular project, Area "H" not only provides additional storage to compensate for other portions of the project, but it also compensates for the acceptable rate of discharge. A weir will be placed within a structure between the underground detention system and the point of discharge to Duhart's Creek. The weir data is included in the routing calculations for the primary site, which is included as Appendix J. Line I of Table 1 on page 13 computes the allowable discharge rate for Area "IT'. 'The computed rate is according to the calculations included in Appendix J. The allowable and computed rate of discharges is as follows: 2 Year, 1 day storm event - 31.10 cfs (allowable) / 12.27 (computed) 10 Year, 1 day storm event - 33.43 cfs (allowable) / 21.52 (computed) 25 Year, 1 day storm event - 40.00 cfs (allowable) / 32.95 (computed) The computed water surface elevation for the various storm events is as follows: 2 Year, 1 day storm event - Elevation +705.37 10 Year, 1 day storm event - Elevation +706.68 25 Year, 1 day storm event - Elevation +708.42 CONCLUSION The City's ordinance prohibits the peak rate of discharge in the developed condition to exceed that of the pre-developed condition for the 10 year storm event. While some of the projects sub- basins do not meet the criteria, the project when viewed in totality does meet the city requirement. The computations also demonstrate that the net volume discharged from the site is not increased for the various storm events. This provision and consideration is included in the analysis due to the sensitivity expressed by the residents downstream of the site along Duharts Creek. The proposed system meets the allowable discharge rate criteria for the various storm events. Finally, the existing condition also has no provision for meeting water quality requirements. The project meets the volumetric requirements for all new construction and areas undergoing complete re-development. G:\SD\Ptoj acts\Gaston Mall Redevelo-t\64961 Gaston Mall\Engineecing\Sto= Design\PONDPACC\Rational - 9th set of talc's\sto-atez managment -1-t.doc wooipert, Inc Gaston Mall Redevelopment Project 16 January.2008 PP Gaston Mali, LLC 2/20/2008 11:29 AM Pipe Calculations 1 of 1 From To Drainage C C x A Inlet R i R Point 1 Point 0 Area .276 Factor .9 Increment 0 25 Cumm. 7 6 Time in. 9 54 a n Fall / 5 99 unoff Q .:.:;??:C;,; .,•;,4(!ti`!:::: :?9.;:. , .::::;;:;:;:;:>: •.;?Slapa :::<•;;:;:o:»;;:;:: ;t >:i:i>:»s>:i:>:i: apacity Q C.FS. VEL. by slope) F.P.S. low Time MIN. emarks 33 31 0.48 0.9 . 0.43 . 5 68 . 8 69 . 6 22 39.37 35 35 701.50 701 6 701.50 94.0 0.00% 48 0.00 0 #DIV/0! 34 33 0.45 0.9 0 41 . 5 25 . 8 01 . 6 41 . 33 6 . 2 701.50 164.0 0.08% 48 40.48 3 0.75 35 34 0.49 0 9 . 0 44 . 4 84 . 7 72 . 6 49 . 2 701.70 701.62 120.0 0.07% 48 37.28 (3pyQ=$ Q 'pjf 36 35 0.62 . 0.9 . 0 56 . 3 31 . 7 31 . 6 60 31 Al 21 701.95 701.70 100.0 0.25% 42 50.44 5.53 0.30 37 36 0.24 0.9 . 0 22 . 2 75 . 6 80 . 6 74 .86 1 702.25 701.95 126.0 0.25% 36 33.44 5.04 0.42 . . . . 8.55 702.64 702.25 153.0 0.25% 36 33.44 785 0 53 . J 63 0.58 0 9 0 52 1 51 6 03 6 94 l J 0.00 . 0 9 . 0 00 . 0 99 . 5 77 . 7 01 10.47 703.25 F7 703.00 '` 95.0 0.26% 24 11.64 4.19 0.38 {j$jo-{Qj': G l 1.10 . 0 9 . 0 99 . 0 99 . 5 00 . 7 22 6.91 3 3 `. : 7f?3: ?¢> 45.4 0.20% 21 7.07 3.35 0.23 'A Y t ©+la; a : t+ E .:........ ' 40 41-A 64 40 0.05 0.05 . 0.5 0 5 . 0.02 0 02 . 0.09 0 07 . 6.69 6 36 . 6.76 6 85 7.12 0.62 Z¢`$`? 706.20 >`09<>s 704.40 202.7 169.0 0.69% 1.07% 15 15 5.38 6.68 4.39 3.41 0. 77 0.83 ... ............. 41-B 41-A 0 05 . 0 5 . 0 02 . 0 05 . . 6 04 . 6 0.47 706.75 706.20 60.0 0.92% 15 6.20 2.99 0.33 41-C 41-B . 0.05 . 0 5 . 0 02 . 0 02 . 5 00 .94 7 22 0.32 707.35 706.75 55.0 1.09% 15 6.77 2.83 0.32 62 37 0.43 . 0 9 . 0 39 . 2 54 . 6 60 . 6 79 0.17 17 707.90 707.35 110.0 0.50% 15 4.58 1.77 1.04 63 62 0.42 . 0 9 . 0 37 . 2 15 . 6 40 . 6 84 .21 702.85 702.64 68.7 0.40% 30 26.01 5.66 0.20 61 63 0.30 . 0 9 . 0 27 . 0 27 . 5 00 . 7 22 14.70 703.00 702.85 67.0 0.50% 24 16.04 5.79 0.19 A?fkl!?$p..... ?;6`iE::;:.': 58 39 0.29 . 0 9 . 0 26 . 0 64 . 5 10 . 7 19 1.92 704.24 703.75 25.5 1.00% 15 6.48 4.60 0.09 59 58 0.42 . 0 9 . 0 38 . 0 38 . 5 00 . 7 22 4.60 703.41 703.00 62.0 1.00% 18 10.53 5.76 0.18 . . . . . 2.73 703.71 703.41 30.0 1.00% 18 10.53 5.00 0.117 53 35 0 45 0 9 0 41 1 08 5 60 7 06 54 53 . 0 50 . 0 9 . 0 45 . 0 68 . 5 38 . 7 1 7.65 702.70 702.20 99.1 0.50% 24 16.04 5.05 0.33 55 58 54 31 . 0.25 0 77 . 0.9 0 9 . 0.23 0 69 . 0.23 1 07 . 5.00 5 10 . 2 7.22 7 19 4.80 1.62 703.32 704.57 702.70 703.57 74.0 100.0 0.85% 1.000% 18 15 9.71 6.48 5.48 4.39 0.23 0.38 . . . . . . 7.71 702.65 701.75 90.3 1.00% 18 10.53 6.51 0.23 Page 1 Appendix A Gaston Mall Storm 1b.xls 2/1/2008 2:44 PM Prniach ('a clnn 00a/1 _ I ino 9 Pipe Calculations From To Drainage C C x A Inlet Rain Runoff Invert Elm -' i r? Iii --- - - :, C it V Point 50 49 Point 51 50 Area 0.07 0 26 Factor 0.9 0 9 Increment 0.07 0 24 Cumm. 1.08 1 01 Time Min. 5.66 5 58 Fall In/Hr 7.04 Q C.F.S. 24.15 C',?rl 700.09 L=nrl 700.00 ?' 37.7 .25% P,- 36 apac y Q C.F.S. 33.44 EL. (by slope) F.P.S. 5.15 Flow Time MIN. 0.12 Remarks 48 49 . 0 17 . 0 9 . 0 15 . 0 78 . 5 41 7.06 23.70 722.18 719.50 67.0 4.00% 24 45.37 14.60 0.08 47 48 . 0 12 . 0 9 . 0 11 . 0 63 . 5 28 7.11 22.05 728.10 722.38 143.1 4.00% 24 45.37 14.34 0.17 46 47 . 0 24 . 0.9 . 0 22 . 0 22 . 5 00 7.15 19.21 740.32 728.60 146.5 8.00% 18 29.79 17.91 0.14 45 47 . 0 12 0 9 . 0 10 . 0 30 . 5 20 7.22 7 14.61 747.77 740.77 87.5 8.00% 15 18.32 16.58 0.09 44 45 . 0 22 , 0 9 . 0 20 . 0 20 . 5 .17 11.21 746.83 740.52 76.3 8.00% 18 29.79 15.67 0.08 . . . . .00 7.22 5.11 762.00 750.00 150.1 8.00% 15 18.32 12.79 0.20 Notes: 1 Inlet 48 is calculated to convey 1.81 cfs peak flow from the "Lanier property" as a result of future development. The additional flow is included hereto. 2 Inlet 47 Is calculated to convey 1.70 cfs peak flow from the "Lanier property" as a result of future development. The additional flow is included hereto. 3 Inlet 46 is calculated to convey 3.97 cfs peak flow from the "Lanier property" as a result of future development. The additional flow is included hereto. 4 Inlet 45 is calculated.to convey 5.37 cfs peak flow from the "Future Bldg 7" as a result of future development. The additional flow is included hereto. 5 Inlet 44 is calculated to convey 3.69 cfs peak flow from the "Outparcel A" as a result of future development. The additional flow Is included hereto. 6 Actual flow rates contributing as described in notes 1 thru 5 to be determined upon development. 1 of 1 Page 2 Appendix A Gaston Mall Storm 2.xls 2/1/2008 2:49 PM Protect: Gaston Mall - I ina 3 Pipe Calculations From To Drainage C C x A Inlet Rain Runoff In rel1l rwt fit ! 5/a u C it Point Point Area Factor Ecrement Cumm. Time Min. - Fall In/Hr Q C.F.S L:',7?g1 nt1-; _ i, ,., u u,! = , Li apac y Q C.F.S. VEL. (by slope) F.P.S. Flow Time MIN. Remarks 23 B C 24 24 B 0.28 0 0 53 0.9 0.9 0 9 0.25 0.00 0 47 0.25 2.04 2 04 5.00- 5.00 5 0 7.22 7.22 1.81 14.75 702.30 701.50 _ 102.0 80.0 1.00% 1.00% 18 18 10.53 10.53 4.46 5.96 0.38 0.22 . . . . . 0 7.22 14.75 703.77 701.80 164.0 1.20% 24 85 24 8 25 0 33 D C 0.25 0.85 0.21 1.57 5.00 7.22 11.33 7Q5 66 705 09 ' 93 .7 0.61% _ 10 . 85 4 . 2 75 . 0 57 E D 0.90 0.85 0.76 1.36 5.00 7.22 9.82 7R6,34 705 a8 89.2 0.54% . 57 4 . 2 56 , 0 58 F C 0.70 0.85 0.80 0.80 5.00 7:22 4.32 7j6,q 7pEa 4h. 97.5 0.10% 8 . 1.99 . 1.'13 . 1.44 Page 3 Appendix A 1 of'I Gaston Mall Stonn 3.xls 211/2008 2:53 PM Pipe Calculations Project: Gaston Mall - Line 4 From To Drainage C C x A Inlet Rain Runoff Inval Point 29 Point 59 Area 0.09718 Factor 0 9 Increment 0 09 Cumm. 30 1 Time Min. Fall In/Nr 11 0? ppQr C.F.S. -- ?'y Capacity C.F.S. VEL. (by slope) F.P.S. Flow Time MIN 28 27 29 28 0.34 1.00 , 0.9 0.9 . 0.31 0.90 . 1.21 0,90 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.22 7.22 7.22 9.35 8.72 6 50 702.24 703.32 705 31 701.75 702.44 70 5 48.8 8 8.0 1.00% .00% 1 18 18 10.53 10.53 6.73 6.66 . 0.12 0.22 . . 3. 7 108.9 1.60% 15 8.19 7.41 0.25 Page 4 1 of 1 Appendix A Gaston Mall Storm 4.xls 2/112008 2:56 PM Pipe Calculations 1 of 1 Project: Gaston Mall - Target Line From To Drainage C C x A Inlet Rain Runoff Inver d t E le - ? -,,, t ^ 777 --- Point 23 Point 2 Area .71 Factor .9 Increment .54 Cumm. 1 54 Time Min. _ 5 00 Fall In/1 tr 7 22 Q C. F. S 11 (,;, " _ ? - T . Capacity Q C. F. S. VEL. (by slope) F. P. S. Flow Time MIN. Remar/cs 22 - 21 ---- - O.BO - 0.9 - 0.72 , ---- 2 28 . --- 5 00 . 7 22 .11 16 31 706.99 705.59 93.0 1.50% 18 12.90 8.21 0.19 '-? 7 e QC' 71, itr 21 19 1 19 1 18 0.00 0.00 0.657 0,9 0:9 0.9 0.00 0.00 0.59 . 2.26 2.26 6.89 . 5.00 5.00 5.00 . 7.22 7.22 7.22 . 16.31 16.31 49.75 705.59 704.94 704.51 703.32 704.94 704.51 703.32 703.00 65.0 43,0 1190 32.0 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 24 30 30 30 22.68 41.13 41.13 41.13 _7.86 7.89 7.89 8.38 0.14 0.09 0.25 0.06 . ; 3a 3 2 3 2 1 0,02 0.22 0.05 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.02 0.20 0.05 0,02 4.00 4,04 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.22 7.22 7.22 0.13 28.85 29.17 707.96 706.05 703.28 706.80 703.53 702.00 116.0 252.0 128.0 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 15 24 24 6.48 22.68 22.68 2.09 7.22 7.22 0.92 0.58 0.30 1 4 3 0.51 0.9 0.46 3.78 5.00 7.22 27.29 710.41 706.30 411.0 1.00% 24 22 68 7 22 0 95 . . . 9 8 8 7 0.56 0.00 0.9 0.9 0.50 0 00 0.50 0 50 5.00 5 00 7.22 7 22 3.62 704.89 704.89 74.7 O.DO°,o 15 0.00 0.00 7 6 6 5 1.01 1.04 0.9 0 9 . 0.91 0 94 . 1.41 2 35 . 5.00 5 00 . 7.22 3.62 10.19 704.89 704.89 704.89 704.89 57.3 '124.0 0,009c O.OU°'° 36 36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 A 5 4 1.075 . 0 9 . 0 97 . 3 32 . 5 00 7.22 16.97 704.89 704.89 124.0 0.00°l0 36 0.00 0.00 . . . . 7.22 23.96 70489 704.89 111.0 U.00'Su 36 000 0.00 #DIV/OI Page 5 Appendix A Gaston Mall Storm new lar0et.xls "OUTPARCEL A" Table of Contents xxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxx MASTER SUMMARY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Watershed....... Mod. Rational Grand Summary ........ 1.01 Master Network Summary ............. 1.02 *xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAINFALL DATA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Table 2.01 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Table 2.03 +xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HYG ADDITION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OUT 10.......... 2 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.01 OUT 10.......... 10 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.03 OUT 10.......... 25 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.05 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POND ROUTING *xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OUTPARCEL A IN 2 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.01 OUTPARCEL A IN 10 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.03 OUTPARCEL A IN 25 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.05 ****************** RATIONAL METHOD CALCS ******************* OUTPARCEL A..... PRE C and Area ..................... 5.01 OUTPARCEL A..... 2 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.02 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.03 OUTPARCEL A..... POST C and Area .................... 5.04 OUTPARCEL A..... 10 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ....... :.... 5.05 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.06 OUTPARCEL A..... 25 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.07 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.08 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX B Page 1 of 16 Type.... Mod. Rational Grand Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x x x x * MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD x x ---- Grand Summary For All Storm Frequencies ---- x * x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxx *xxxxxxxxxxxxx:txxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxx**xxxxxxxxx Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Area = 1.094 acres Tc = .0833 hrs ............. VOLUMES Freq. Adjusted Duration I Qpeak Allowable) Inflow Storage years 'C' ---------------- hrs --------- in/hr ------------ cfs ---- cfs ac-ft - ac-ft 2 .850 .3500 3.2880 -- 3.08 -------------- 1.56 --- ---- .089 ---------- .045 10 .850 .4000 4.1240 3.87 1.99 .128 .064 25 .850 .4000 4.5720 4.29 2.22 .142 .070 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX B Page 2 of 16 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID Gastonia Rainfall Return Event Type IDF ID ------------ --------------- ---------------- 2 Yr I-D-F Curve 2 year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Curve 10 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Curve 25 Year Gastonia MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Modified Rational Method Network (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ---------- --- ---- Type ---- Event ------ ac-ft Trun ---------- - hrs cfs ft ac-ft *OUT 10 JCT 2 - .089 --------- .0833 -------- 3.08 -------- ------------ *OUT 10 JCT 10 .128 .0833 3.87 *OCT 10 JCT 25 .142 .0833 4.29 OUTPARCEL A AREA 2 .089 .0833 3.08 OUTPARCEL A AREA 10 .128 .0833 3.87 OUTPARCEL A AREA 25 .142 .0833 4.29 OUTPARCEL A IN POND 2 .089 .0833 3.08 OUTPARCEL A IN POND 10 .128 .0833 3.87 OUTPARCEL A IN POND 25 .142 .0833 4.29 OUTPARCEL A OUT POND 2 .089 .0833 3.08 OUTPARCEL A OUT POND 10 .128 .0833 3.87 OUTPARCEL A OUT POND 25 .142 .0833 4.29 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX B Page 3 of 16 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.01 Name.... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs --------- Intens., in/hr -- .0833 ----------- 7.2000 .1670 5.7600 .2500 4.8800 .5000 3.6200 1.0000 2.3000 Type.... I-D-F.Table Page 2.02 Name.... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ----------- Intens., in/hr -- .0833 --------- 5.6400 .1670 4.4400 .2500 3.7600 .5000 2.5800 1.0000 .9500 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.03 Name.... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ----------- Intens., in/hr ---- .0833 ------- 8.0400 .1670 6.4200 .2500 5.4000 .5000 4.0200 1.0000 2.6700 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX B Page 4 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.01 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS OUTPARCEL A IN INLETS 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS 2 Yr .089 .0833 3.08 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT 10 2 Yr .089 .0833 3.08 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.02 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 3.08 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .089 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I----------------------------------------- --------------------- .0000 I .00 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 .4165 I .62 .00 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX 6 Page 5 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.03 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS OUTPARCEL A IN INLETS 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUT 10 ------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INLETS 10 Yr .128 .0833 3.87 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT 10 10 Yr .128 .0833 3.87 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.04 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 3.87 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .128 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time i Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I--------------------------------------------- ----------------- .0000 I .00 3.87 3.87 3.87 3.87 .4165 I 3.10 .00 OUTPARCELA Page 6 of 16 APPENDIX B J Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.05 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mail Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ------------------------------------------- ----------- INLETS OUTPARCEL A IN --------------------- INLETS 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft ------------------------------------- ---------- hrs cfs - --- INLETS 25 Yr .142 ----------------------- ,0833 4.29 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft -------------------------------------------- hrs cfs -------- OUT 10 25 Yr .142 ---------------------- .0833 4.29 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.06 Name..., OUT 10 Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 25 Yr --------- -------------------------- Peak Discharge = 4.29 cfs - Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .142 ac-ft ------------------------------------ HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first --------- I----------------------------- value in each row. ------------- .0000 I .00 4.29 4.29 -•------------------- 4.29 4.29 .4165 I 3.44 .00 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX B Page 7 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.01 Name.... OUTPARCEL A IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUTP_z1RCEL A IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- ADDLINK 20 OUTPARCEL A OUTPARCEL A 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUTPARCEL A IN --------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- oUTPARCEL A 2 Yr .089 .0833 3.08 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUTPARCEL A IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPARCEL A IN 2 Yr .089 .0833 3.08 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.02 Name.... OUTPARCEL A IN Event: 2 yr File.:.. C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUTPARCEL A IN HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 3.08 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .089 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROCRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I--------------------------------------------- ----------------- .0000 I .00 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 .4163 I .62 .00 OUTPARCELA Page 8 of 16 APPENDIX B Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.03 Name.... OUT-PARCEL A IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUTPARCEL A IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 OUTPARCEL A OUTPARCEL A 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUTPARCEL A IN ---------- ------------------ - -- --- - - Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file ----------- H..G ID ------------------ = HYG ---- g to ------ ac-ft ----- hrs cfs OUTPARCEL A 10 Yr ------ .128 ------------- .0833 ----------- 3.87 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUTPARCEL A IN ----------- ------------------- ---- ---- - Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file ----------- HYG ID ------------------- HYG ---- tag ----- ac-ft ---- hrs cfs OUTPARCEL A IN 10 Yr ------- .128 ------------- .0833 ----------- 3.87 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.04 Name.... OUTPARCEL A IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 10 Year. Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUTPARCEL A IN HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 3.87 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .128 ac-ft ------------------------------------ HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs 1 Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I--------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 3.87 3.87 3.87 3.87 .4165 1 3.10 .00 OUTPARCELA APPENDIX B Page 9 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.05 Name..... OUTP_ARCEL A IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of Calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUTPARCEL A IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADDLINK 20 OUTPARCEL A OUTPARCEL A 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUTPARCEL A IN --------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPARCEL A 25 Yr .142 .0833 4.29 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUTPARCEL A IN ------------------------------------ Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID H G tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTP_ARCEL A IN 25 Yr .142 .0833 4.29 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.06 Name.... OUTPARCEL A IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUTPARCEL A IN HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 4.29 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .142 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (Cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 .4165 I 3.44 .00 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX B Page 10 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.01 Name.... OUTPARCEL A Tag: PRE File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW RATIONAL, C COEFFICIENT DATA Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Predeveloped Condition .2500 1.094 .274 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .2500 1.094 .274 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX B Page 11 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.02 Name:... OUTPARCEL A Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD-PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 2 Yr 2 2 year Gastonia Tc = .0833 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area Peak Q (years) factor final in/hr acres 1 cfs ----- ------ ----- 2 Yr 2 .250 1.000 1 .250 5.6400 1.094 1 1.56 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.03 Name.... OUTPARCEL A Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 2 Yr 2 2 year Gastonia Td = .3500 hrs ------------------------------ Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area 1 Peak Q (years) factor 1 final in/hr acres 1 cfs ----- ------ ----- 2 Yr 2 .850 1.000 1 .850 3.2880 1.094 I 3.08 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = OUTPARCEL A HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 3.08 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .089 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (Cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I---------------- --------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 3.08 3.08 3.08 3.08 .4165 1 .62 .00 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX B Page 12 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.04 Name.... OQTPARCEL A Tag: POST File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Bldg 7 Development .8500 1.094 .930 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .8500 1.094 .930 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX B Page 13 cf 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.05 Name.... OUTPARCEL A Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Tc = .0833 hrs ---------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I----------------------------- 10 Yr 10 .250 1.000 1 .250 7.2000 1.094 1.99 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.06 Name.... OUTPARCEL A Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Td = .4000 hrs .----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres 1 cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I ----------------------------- I ---------- 10 Yr 10 .850 1.000 1 .850 4.1240 1.094 3.87 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = OUTPARCEL A HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 3.87 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .128 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 3.87 3.87 3.87 3.87 .4165 1 3.10 .00 OUTPAROELA APPENDIX B Page 14 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.07 Name.... OUTPARCEL A Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL A.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Tc = .0833 hrs .----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I---------------------------- 25 Yr 25 .250 1.000 I .250 8.0400 1.094 2.22 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.08 Name.... OUTPARCEL A Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Td = .4000 hrs .----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ i----------------------- =- --I 25 Yr 25 .850 1.000 I .850 4.5720 1.094 I 4.29 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = OUTPARCEL A HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 4.29 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .142 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time'increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 .4165 I 3.44 .00 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX B Page 15 of 16 Appendix A A-1 Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr... 2.01 ----- 2 ----- 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr... 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr... 2.03 ----- 0 ----- OUT 10 2 Yr... 3.01, 3.03, 3.05 OUTPARCEL A PRE... 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08 OUTPARCEL A IN 2 Yr... 4.01, 4.03, 4.05 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 1.02 OUTPARCEL A APPENDIX 6 Page 16 of 16 "OUTPARCEL B" Table of Contents xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MASTER SUMMARY Watershed....... Mod. Rational Grand Summary ........ 1.01 Master Network Summary 1.02 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAINFALL DATA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.01 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.03 xxxxx+xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx** POND ROUTING xxxxxxxxx+xxxxxxxxxxxxx SITE IN 2 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 3.01 SITE IN 10 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 3.03 SITE IN 25 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 3.05 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RATIONAL METHOD CALCS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OUTPARCEL B...... PRE C and Area ........................ 4.01 OUTPARCEL B...... 2 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 4.02 Mod. Rational Hyg ................ 4.03 OUTPARCEL B...... POST C and Area ...................... 4.04 OUTPARCEL B...... 10 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 4.05 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 4.06 OUTPARCEL B...... 25 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 4.07 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 4.08 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 1 of 16 Type.... Mod. Rational Grand Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL OUTPARCEL B.PPW xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx * x * x * MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD * ---- Grand Summary For All Storm Frequencies ---- x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx**xx*xxxxxxxxx*xx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxx*xx:xxxxxxxxxx+**xxxxxxxx*xxxx Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Area = 1.470 acres Tc = .0833 hrs VOLUMES Freq. Adjusted Duration I Qpeak Allowablei Inflow Storage years 'C' ---------------- hrs --------- in/hr ------------ cfs cfs I ac-ft ac-ft 2 .850 .3500 3.2880 ------- 4.14 ---------- --- 2.09 I -------- .120 ---------- .061 10 .850 .4000 4.1240 5.20 2.67 ( .172 .086 25 .850 .4000 4.5720 5.76 2.98 I .190 .094 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 2 of 16 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.:.. C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID Gastonia Rainfall Return Event Type IDF ID ------------ --------------- ---------------- 2 Yr I-D-F Curve 2 year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Curve 10 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Curve 25 Year Gastonia MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Modified Rational Method Network (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ------------- ---- Type Event ---- ------ ac-ft Trun ---------- -- hrs -- cfs ft ac-ft OUTPARCEL B AREA 2 .120 - ------ .0833 -------- -------- ------------ 4.14 OUTPARCEL B AREA 10 .172 .0833 5.20 OUTPARCEL B AREA 25 .190 .0833 5.76 *OUT 10 AT 2 .120 .0833 4.14 *OUT 10 JCT 10 .172 .0833 5.20 *OUT 10 JCT 25 .190 .0833 5.76 SITE IN POND 2 .120 .0833 4.14 SITE IN POND 10 .172 .0833 5.20 SITE IN POND 25 .190 .0833 5.76 SITE OUT POND 2 .120 .0833 4.14 SITE OUT POND 10 .172 .0833 5.20 SITE OUT POND 25 .190 .0833 5.76 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 3 d 16 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.01 Name.... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of caic's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- ----------- .0833 7.2000 .1670 5.7600 .2500 4.8800 .5000 3.6200 1.0000 2.3000 Type.....I-D-F Table Page 2.02 Name.... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ----------- Intens., in/hr --- .0833 -------- 5.6400 .1670 4.4400 .2500 3.7600 .5000 2.5800 1.0000 .9500 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.03 Name.... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mali Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ----------- Intens., in/hr --- .0833 -------- 8.0400 .1670 6.4200 .2500 5.4000 .5000 4.0200 1.0000 2.6700 OUTPARCEL B Page 4 of 16 APPENDIX C Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.01 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS SITE IN INLETS 2 Yr INFLOWS T0: OUT 10 -------------------------------------- Volume HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft ------------------------------------------------ INLETS 2 Yr .120 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 Peak Time Peak Flow hrs cfs ---------------------- .0833 4.14 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs AS -------------------------------------------------------------------------. OUT 10 2 Yr .120 .0833 4.14 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.02 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 4.14 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .120 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 .4165 I .84 .00 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 5 d 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.03 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mail Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS SITE IN INLETS 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS 10 Yr .172 .0833 5.20 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT 10 10 Yr .172 .0833 5.20 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.04 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.20 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .172 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time ?. Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I------------------------------------------------------------ .0000 I .00 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 .4165 I 4.17 .00 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 6 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.05 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS SITE IN INLETS 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS 25 Yr .190 .0833 5.76 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag _ ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT 10 25 Yr .190 .0833 5.76 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.06 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 25 yr File.... Q \Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.76 cfs Time to Peak = 0833 hrs HYG Volume = .190 ac-ft ------------------------------------ HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 .4165 4.62 .00 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 7 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.01 Name.... SITE IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 OUTPARCEL B OUTPARCEL B 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPARCEL B 2 Yr .120 .0833 4.14 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE IN 2 Yr .120 .0833 4.14 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.02 Name.... SITE IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAI, FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 4.14 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .120 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 .4165 .84 .00 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 8 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.03 Name.... SITE IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 OUTPARCEL B OUTPARCEL B 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTP_ARCEL B 10 Yr .172 .0833 5.20 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE IN 10 Yr .172 .0833 5.20 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.04 Name.... SITE IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG '7.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.20 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .172 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs j Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I -------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 .4165 I 4.17 .00 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 9 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.05 Name.... SITE IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 OUTPARCEL B OUTPARCEL B 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPARCEL B 25 Yr .190 .0833 5.76 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ----------------------------------------------------------------=---------- SITE IN 25 Yr .190 .0833 5.76 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.06 Name.... SITE IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 25 Yr y._ ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.76 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .190 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 .4165 4.62 .00 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 10 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.01 Name.... OUTPARCEL B Tag: PRE File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- --------- Predeveloped Condition .2500 1.470 .368 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .2500 1.470 .368 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 11 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.02 Name.... OUTPARCEL B Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 2 Yr 2 2 year Gastonia Tc = .0833 hrs .----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area ( Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- 2 Yr 2 .250 1.000 I .250 5.6400 1.470 2.09 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.03 Name.... OUTPARCEL B Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 2 Yr 2 2 year Gastonia Td = .3500 hrs .----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ---------- 2 Yr 2 .850 1.000 1 .850 3.2880 1.470 I 4.14 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = OUTPARCEL B HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 4.14 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .120 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------i-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 4.14 4.14 4.14 4.14 .4165 I .84 .00 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 12 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.04 Name.... OUTPARCEL B Tag: POST File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA ......................................................................... ......................................................................... Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Bldg 7 Development .8500 1.470 1.250 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .8500 1.470 1.250 ......................................................................... ......................................................................... OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 13 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.05 Name.... OUTPARCEL B Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Tc = .0833 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj C I Area Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 10 Yr 10 .250 1.000 .250 7.2000 1.470 I 2.67 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.06 Name.... OUTPARCEL B Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Td = .4000 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area i Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 10 Yr 10 .850 1.000 I .850 4.1240 1.470 I 5.20 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = OUTPARCEL B HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.20 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .172 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time,increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------=----------------------------------- .0000 ( .00 5.20 5.20 5.20 5.20 .4165 I 4.17 .00 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 14 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.07 Name.... OUTPARCEL B Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL FUTURE BLDG 7.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Tc = .0833 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I -------- 25 Yr 25 .250 1.000 1 .250 8.0400 1.470 1 2.98 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.0B Name.... OUTPARCEL B Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Td = .4000 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I ----------------------------- I ---------- 25 Yr 25 .850 1.000 1 .850 4.5720 1.470 5.76 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = OUTPARCEL B HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.76 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .190 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 .4165 I 4.62 .00 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 15of16 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr... 2.01 ----- 2 ----- 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr... 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr.... 2.03 ----- F ----- OUTPARCEL B PRE... 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08 ----- 0 ----- OUT 10 2 Yr... 3.01, 3.03, 3.05 ----- S ----- SITE IN 2 Yr... 4.01, 4.03, 4.05 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 1.02, A-1 OUTPARCEL B APPENDIX C Page 16 of 16 AREA C (Portion of site directly connected To 151 diameter culvert) Table of Contents xxxxxxxxxx+xxxxxxxxxxx MASTER SUMMARY xxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Watershed....... Mod. Rational Grand Summary ........ 1.01 Master Network Summary ............. 1.02 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAINFALL DATA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.01 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr I-D-F Table 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.03 xxxxxxxxxx*xxxxx+xx***+ HYG ADDITION ******xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OUT 10.......... 2 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.01 OUT 10.......... 10 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.03 OUT 10.......... 25 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.05 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POND ROUTING xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx INLETS IN 2 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.01 INLETS IN 10 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.03 INLETS IN 25 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.05 xxxxx*xxxx*xxxxxxx RATIONAL METHOD CALCS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AREA C C and Area 5.01 AREA C 2 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.02 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.03 AREA C POST C and Area ......................... 5.04 AREA C 10 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.05 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.06 AREA C 25 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.07 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.08 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 1 of 16 Type.... Mod. Rational Grand Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of caic's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW *xxxxxxxxxxxxxxrxxx**xxxx**xxx***xxx*xxxx*xx*xx*:xx**x:xxx**xxx*xxx*xxxx *xxxxxxxx**xxxxxxxx*xxxxxx**xxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxx***xxx****xxxxxxxxxxx x x x x x MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD x ---- Grand Summary For All Storm Frequencies ---- x x x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Area = 5.770 acres Tc = .0833 hrs VOLUMES „ Freq. Adjusted Duration I Qpeak Allowablel Inflow Storage years 'C' ---------------- hrs --------- in/hr --------- cfs cfs I ac-ft ac-ft 2 .850 .4000 3.0520 15..09 6.03 1 .499 .304 10 .850 .6333 3.2680 16.16 7.82 I .846 .444 25 .850 .6667 3.5700 17.65 8.69 1 .973 .502 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 2 of 16 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID Gastonia Rainfall Return Event Type IDF ID ------------ --------------- ---------------- 2 Yr I-D-F Curve 2 year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Curve 10 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Curve 25 Year Gastonia MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Modified Rational Method Network (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ----------- ------ Type ---- Event ------ ac-ft Trun ---------- -- hrs --------- cfs - ft ac-ft INLETS IN POND 2 .499 .0833 ------- 15.09 -------- ------------ INLETS IN POND 10 .846 .0833 16.16 INLETS IN POND 25 .973 .0833 17.65 INLETS OUT POND 2 .499 .0833 15.09 INLETS OUT POND 10 .846 .0833 16.16 INLETS OUT POND 25 .973 .0833 17.65 *OUT 10 JCT 2 .499 .0833 15.09 *OUT 10 JCT 10 .846 .0833 16.16 *OUT 10 JCT 25 .973 .0833 17.65 AREA C AREA 2 .499 .0833 15.09 AREA C AREA 10 .846 .0833 16.16 AREA C AREA 25 .973 .0833 17.65 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 3of16 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.01 Name.... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ----------- Intens., in/hr -------- .0833 --- 7.2000 .1670 5.7600 .2500 4.8800 .5000 3.6200 1.0000 2.3000 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.02 Name.... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ----------- Intens., in/hr -------- .0833 --- 5.6400 .1670 4.4400 .2500 3.7600 .5000 2.5800 1.0000 .9500 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.03 Name.... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ----------- Intens., in/hr ------ .0833 ----- 8.0400 .1670 6.4200 .2500 5.4000 .5000 4.0200 1.0000 2.6700 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 4 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.01 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT INLETS IN DIRECT CONNECT 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT 2 Yr .499 .0833 15.09 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG.tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT 10 2 Yr .499 .0833 15,09 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.02 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE. PPW Storm..-. 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 15.09 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .499 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 15.09 15.09 15.09 15:09 .4165 I 12.10 .00 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 5 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.03 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C.:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT INLETS IN DIRECT CONNECT 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUT 10 --------------------------- HYG file HYG ID --------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT ---------- Volume HYG tag ac-ft --------------------- 10 Yr .846 Peak Time Peak Flow hrs cfs ---------------------- .0833 16.16 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 ------------------------ HYG file HYG ID ------------------------ OUT 10 ----------- Volume HYG tag ac-ft -------------------- 10 Yr .846 Peak Time Peak Flow hrs cfs --------------------- .0833 16.16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.04 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 16.16 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .846 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 16.16 16.16 16.16 16.16 .4165 I 16.16 16.16 16.16 9.75 .00 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 6 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.05 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG to -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT INLETS IN DIRECT CONNECT 25 Yr INFLOWS TO! OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT 25 Yr .973 .0833 17.65 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT 10 25 Yr .973 .0833 17.65 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.06 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 25 yr File.... CAGaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge 17.65 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .973 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time i Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 17.65 17.65 17.65 17.65 .4165 I 17.65 17.65 17.65 17.65 .06 .8330 I .00 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 7d 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.01 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: INLETS IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ADDLINK 20 SE PART OF SITE SE PART OF SITE 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: INLETS IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE PART OF SITE 2 Yr .499 .0833 15.09 TOTAL FLOW INTO: INLETS IN --------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS IN 2 Yr .499 .0833 15.09 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.02 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = INLETS IN HYG Tag = 2 Y-r ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 15.09 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .499 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 15.09 15.09 15.09 15.09 .4165 12.10 .00 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 8 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.03 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Taa: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: INLETS IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 SE PART OF SITE SE PART OF SITE 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: INLETS IN --------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE PART OF SITE 10 Yr .846 .0833 16.16 TOTAL FLOW INTO: INLETS IN --------- ----------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS IN 10 Yr .846 .0833 16.16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.04 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = INLETS IN HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 16.16 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .846 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 16.16 16.16 16.16 16.16 .4165 16.16 16.16 16.16 9.75 .00 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 9 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.05 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: INLETS IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 SE PART OF SITE SE PART OF SITE 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: INLETS IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SE PART OF SITE 25 Yr .973 .0833 17.65 TOTAL FLOW INTO: INLETS IN ---- ---------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS IN 25 Yr .973 .0833 17.65 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.06 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = INLETS IN HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 17.65 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .973 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 17.65 17.65 17.65 17.65 .4165 I 17.65 17.65 17.65 17.65 .06 .8330 I .00 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 10 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.01 Name.... SE PART OF SITE Tag: PRE File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA . ................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Developed portion at SE corner conn .2500 5.770 1.443 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .2500 5.770 1.443 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 11 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.02 Name.... SE PART OF SITE Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 2 Yr 2 2 year Gastonia Tc = .2032 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I -------- 2 Yr 2 .250 1.000 I .250 4.1434 5.770 I 6.03 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page. 5.03 Name.... SE PART OF SITE Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ --------- 2 Yr 2 2 year Gastonia -` Td = .4000 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor i final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------i ---------- 2 Yr 2 .850 1.000 I .850 3.0520 5.770 I 15.09 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = SE PART OF SITE HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 15.09 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .499 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I---------------------- .0000 I .00 15.09 15.09 15.09 15.09 .4165 I 12.10 .00 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 12 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.04 Name.... SE PART OF SITE Tag: POST File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Developed portion at SE corner cone .8500 5.770 4.905 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .8500 5.770 4.905 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 13 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.05 Name.... SE PART OF SITE Event: 10 yr File:... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Tc = .2032 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area Peak Q (years) factor final in/hr acres 1 cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ i-----------------------------I 10 Yr 10 .250 1.000 .250 5.3761 5.770 1 7.82 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.06 Name.... SE PART OF SITE Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Td = .6333 hrs .----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj C I Area Peak Q. (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I --------- 10 Yr 10 .850 1.000 I .850 3.2680 5.770 1 16.16 -------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = SE PART OF SITE HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 16.16 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .846 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I- Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 16.16 16.16 16.16 16.16 .4165 1 16.16 16.16 16.16 9.75 .00 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.07 AREA C Page 14 of 16 APPENDIX D Name.... SE PART OF SITE Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\RATIONAL DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO PIPE.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Tc = .2032 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj C I Area Peak Q (years) factor final in/hr acres cfs ----- ------ ----- ----------------------------------- I -------- 25 Yr 25 .250 1.000 .250 5.9751 5.770 8.69 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.08 Name.... SE PART OF SITE Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 Vr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------- ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Td = .6667 hrs ------------------------------ Tag Freq C C adj C I Area Peak Q (years) factor final in/hr acres cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I -------- 25 Yr 25 .850 1.000 .850 3.5700 5.770 17.65 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = SE PART OF SITE HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 17.65 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .973 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------- ----------------- .0000 .00 17.65 17..65 17.65 17.65 .4165 17.65 17.65 17.65 17.65 .06 .8330 I .00 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 15 of 16 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr... 2.01 ----- 2 ----- 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr... 2.02 25 Year Gastonia.25 Yr... 2.03 ----- I ----- INLETS IN 2 Yr... 4.01, 4.03, 4.05 ----- 0 ----- OUT 10 2 Yr... 3.01, 3.03, 3.05 ----- S ----- SE PART OF SITE PRE... 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 1.02 A-1 AREA C APPENDIX D Page 16 of 16 AREA D Table o Contents xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MASTER SUMMARY xxxxxxxx*xxx-rxxxxxxxx Watershed....... Mod. Rational Grand Summary ........ 1.01 Master Network Summary ............. 1.02 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RAINFALL DATA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.01 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr I-D-F Table 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.03 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POND ROUTING x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DIRECT CONNECT.. 2 Yr Node: Addition Summary 3.01 DIRECT CONNECT. 10 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3,03 DIRECT CONNECT..25 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.05 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POND ROUTING xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SITE IN 2 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.01 SITE IN 10 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary ...... .... 4.03 SITE IN 25 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary ........ .... 4.05 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx RATIONAL METHOD CALCS xxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxx AREA D ....... PRE C and Area ........ ............. 5.01 AREA D ....... 2 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.02 Mod. Rational Hyg ..... ............. 5.03 AREA D ....... POST C and Area ....... ............. 5.04 AREA D ....... 10 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.05 Mod. Rational Hyg ..... ............. 5.06 AREA D ....... 25 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.07 Mod,. Rational Hyg ..... ............. 5.08 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 1 of 16 Type.... Mod. Rational Grand Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx***xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxx xlx xx x-txxxxxxx*xxxxx***xx*:rxx*xxxxx**xxxxx::tx** x x x x * MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD * ---- Grand Summary For A11 Storm Frequencies ---- x * x x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx**xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*:txxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) ................ Area = ......... 1.470 acres ............ ....... Tc ............... = .0833 ....... hrs ........... ................ ......... ............ ...... ............... .................. VOLUMES Freq. Adjusted Duration I Qpeak Allowable) Inflow Storage years 'C' ---------------- hrs --------- in/hr ------------ cfs ------- cfs I ---------- --- ac-ft ------- ac-ft ----- 2 .850 .3667 3.2093 4.04 2.02 .123 .063 10 .850 .4167 4.0400 5.09 2.59 .175 .088 25 .850 .4167 4.4800 5.64 2.89 .194 .097 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 2 of 16 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID Gastonia Rainfall Return Event Type IDF ID ------------ --------------- ---------------- 2 Yr I-D-F Curve 2 year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Curve 10 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Curve 25 Year Gastonia MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Modified Rational Method Network (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (True= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event ------ ac-ft Trun ---------- -- hrs cfs ft ac-ft *DIRECT CONNECT JCT 2 .123 --------- .0833 -------- 4.04 -------- ------------ *DIRECT CONNECT JCT 10 .175 .0833 5.09 *DIRECT CONNECT JCT 25 .194 .0833 5.64 SITE IN POND 2 .123 .0833 4.04 SITE IN POND 10 .175 .0833 5.09 SITE IN POND 25 .194 .0833 5.64 SITE OUT POND 2 .123 .0833 4.04 SITE OUT POND 10 .175 .0833 5.09 SITE OUT POND 25 .194 .0833 5.64 AREA D AREA 2 .123 .0833 4.04 AREA D AREA 10 .175 .0833 5.09 AREA D AREA 25 .194 .0833 5.64 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 3 of 16 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.01 Name.... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ----------- Intens., in/hr ----------- .0833 7.2000 .1670 5.7600 .2500 4.8800 .5000 3.6200 1.0000 2.3000 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.02 Name.... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- ----------- .0833 5.6400 .1670 4.4400 .2500 3.7600 .5000 2.5800 1.0000 .9500 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.03 Name.... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- ------- .0833 6.0400 .1670 6.4200 .2500 5.4000 .5000 4.0200 1.0000 2.6700 AREA D APPENDIX E j Page 4 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.01 Name.... DIRECT CONNECT Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: DIRECT CONNECT HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID "HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS SITE IN INLETS 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: DIRECT CONNECT ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS 2 Yr .123 .0833 4.04 TOTAL FLOW INTO: DIRECT CONNECT ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DIRECT CONNECT 2 Yr .123 .0833 4.04 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.02 Name.... DIRECT CONNECT Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = DIRECT CONNECT HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 4.04 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .123 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (Cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0633 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 .4165 1.62 .00 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 5 of 16 - Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.03 Name.... DIRECT CONNECT Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: DIRECT CONNECT HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG to -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS SITE IN INLETS 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: DIRECT CONNECT ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS 10 Yr .175 .0833 5.09 TOTAL FLOW INTO: DIRECT CONNECT ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT 10 Yr .175 .0833 5.09 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.04 Name.... DIRECT CONNECT Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = DIRECT CONNECT HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.09 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .175 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 5.09 5.09 5.09 5.09 .4165 1 5.09 .01 .00 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 6 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.05 Name.... DIRECT CONNECT Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: DIRECT CONNECT HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS SITE IN INLETS 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: DIRECT CONNECT ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS 25 Yr .194 .0833 5.64 TOTAL FLOW INTO: DIRECT CONNECT ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT 25 Yr .194 .0833 5.64 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.06 Name.... DIRECT CONNECT Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = DIRECT CONNECT HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.64 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .194 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 l .00 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 .4165 I 5.64 .01 .00 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 7 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.01 Name.... SITE IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mail Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 THRU ROAD THRU ROAD 2 Yr ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- THRU ROAD 2 Yr .123 .0833 4.04 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE IN 2 Yr .123 .0833 4.04 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.02 Name.... SITE IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 4.04 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .123 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 .4165 I 1.62 .00 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 8 of 16 " Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.03 Name.... SITE IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall.Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATION_AL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 THRU ROAD THRU ROAD 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THRU ROAD 10 Yr .175 .0833 5.09 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE IN 10 Yr .175 .0833 5.09 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.04 Name.... SITE IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.09 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .175 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 5.09 5.09 5.09 5.09 .4165 1 5.09 .01 .00 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 9 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow'Summary Page 4.05 Name.... SITE IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory; C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINR 20 THRU ROAD THRU ROAD 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THRU ROAD 25 Yr .194 .0833 5.64 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE IN 25 Yr .194 .0833 5.64 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.06 Name.... SITE IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.64 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .194 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I----------------- -------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 .4165 I 5.64 .01 .00 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 10 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.01 Name.... THRII ROAD Tag: PRE. File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRII ROAD RATIONAL.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT.DATA Area C x Area Soil/Surface ------------ Description --------------- C acres acres Predeveloped ----- Condition -------- ---------- .2500 1.470 ---------- .368 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .2500 1.470 .368 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 11 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.02 Name.... THRU ROAD Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 2 Yr 2 2 year Gastonia Tc = .0962 hrs .-----------------------------. Tag Freq C C adj 1 C I Area 1 Peak Q (years) factor 1 final in/hr acres 1 cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---=------ 2 Yr 2 .250 1.000 1 .250 5.4550 1.470 2.02 ------------------------------ Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.03 Name.... THRU ROAD Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of ca7.c's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 2 Yr 2 2 year Gastonia Td = .3667 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj 1 C I Area 1 Peak Q (years) factor 1 final in/hr acres 1 cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 2 Yr 2 .850 1.000 .850 3.2093 1.470 1 4.04 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = THRU ROAD HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 4.04 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .123 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------i---------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 4.04 4.04 4.04 4.04 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 12 of 16 .4165 1.62 .00 Type.... C and Area Page 5.04 Name.... THRII ROAD Tag: POST File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRII ROAD RATIONAL.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Private Roadway .8500 1.470 1.250 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .8500 1.470 1.250 ......................................................................... j AREA D APPENDIX E Page 13 d 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.05 Name.... THRU ROAD Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Tc = .0962 hrs ------------_----------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 10 Yr 10 .250 1.000 I .250 6.9780 1.470 I 2.59 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.06 Name.... THRU ROAD Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Td = .4167 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I------------------------------I -------- 10 Yr 10 .850 1.000 I .850 4.0400 1.470 5.09 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = THRU ROAD HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.09 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .175 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 5.09 5.09 5.09 5.09 .4165 5.09 .01 .00 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 14 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.07 Name.... THRU ROAD Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\THRU ROAD RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Tc = .0962 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 25 Yr 25 .250 1.000 .250 7.7902 1.470 I 2.89 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.08 Name.... THRU ROAD Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File..... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 3 set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Td = .4167 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 25 Yr 25 .850 1.000 I .850 4.4800 1.470 I 5.64 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = THRU ROAD HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 5.64 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .194 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------- 7-------------------------- .0000 I .00 5.64 5.64 5.64 5.64 .4165 I 5.64 .01 .00 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 15 of 16 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr... 2.01 ----- 2 ----- 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr... 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr... 2.03 ----- D ----- DIRECT CONNECT 2 Yr... 3.01, 3.03, 3.05 ----- S SITE IN 2 Yr... 4.01, 4.03, 4.05 ----- T ----- THRU ROAD PRE... 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 1.02 A-1 AREA D APPENDIX E Page 16 of 16 AREA E Table of Contents xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MASTER SUMMARY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xx Watershed....... Mod. Rational Grand Summary ........ 1.01 Master Network Summary ............. 1.02 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtxx RAINFALL DATA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx** 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Table .................. 2.01 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr I-D-F Table .................. 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Table .................. 2.03 xxxxxxx+xxxxxtxxxxxxxxx HYG ADDITION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CONTROLLED...... 2 Yr Node: Addition Summary ....... 3.01 CONTROLLED...... 10 Yr Node: Addition Summary ....... 3.03 CONTROLLED...... 25 Yr Node: Addition Summary ....... 3.05 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POND ROUTING xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BIO-RETENTIONIN 2 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .... 4.01 BIO-RETENTIONIN 10 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .... 4.03 BIO-RETENTIONIN 25 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .... 4.05 xxxxxkxxxxxxxxxxxx RATIONAL METHOD CALCS xxxxxxx*:xxxxxxxxxx RETAIL 1/BIORETENT PRE C and Area ................... 5.01 RETAIL 1/BIORETENT 2 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.02 Mod. Rational Graph ................ 5.03 RETAIL 1/BIORETENT POST C and Area ......................... 5.04 RETAIL 1/BIORETENT 10 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.05 Mod. Rational.Graph .. .............. 5.06 RETAIL 1/BIORETENT 25 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.07 Mod. Rational Graph .. .............. 5.08 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 1 of 16 Type.... Mod. Rational Grand Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mail Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW * * * x * MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD * ---- Grand Summary For All Storm Frequencies ---- * * x * Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Area = 4.670 acres Tc = .0833 hrs VOLUMES Freq. Adjusted Duration I Qpeak Allowablel Inflow Storage years 'C' ---------------- hrs --------- in/hr ---- -- cfs cfs I ac-ft ac-ft 2 .817 .3500 --- --- 3.2880 ------ 12.64 ----------- I--- 6.42 l ------- .366 ----------- .185 10 .817 .4000 4.1240 15.86 8.21 l .524 .259 25 .817 .4000 4.5720 17.58 9.17 .581 .285 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 2 d 16 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network De sign Storm File, ID Gastonia Rainfall Return Event ------------ Type IDF ID --------------- -------- -------- 2 Yr I-D-F Curve 2 year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Curve 10 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Curve 25 Year Gastonia MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Modified Rational Method Net work ( *Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversi on;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type ----------------- ---- Event ac-ft Trun ------ ---------- -- -- hrs ------- cfs -------- ft ac-ft -------- ------------ BIO-RETENTIONIN POND 2 .365 .0900 12.64 BIO-RETENTIONIN POND 10 .524 .0900 15.85 BIO-RETENTIONIN POND 25 .581 .0900 17.58 BIO-RETENTIONOUT POND 2 .000 .0100 .00 703.97 .365 BID-RETENTIONOUT POND 10 .146 .3900 15.84 704.04 .395 BIO-RETENTIONOUT POND 25 .203 .3800 17.58 704.05 .396 *CONTROLLED JCT 2 .000 .0100 .00 *CONTROLLED JCT 10 .146 .3900 15.84 *CONTROLLED JCT 25 .203 .3800 17.58 TARGET/BIORETENT AREA 2 .365 L .0933 12.64 TARGET/BIORETENT AREA 10 .524 L .0933 15.86 TARGET/BIORETENT AREA 25 .581 L .0933 17.56 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 3 of 16 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.01 Name.... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ------- intens., in/hr ---- .0833 ----------- 7.2000 .1670 5.7600 .2500 4.8800 .5000 3.6200 1.0000 2.3000 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.02 Name.... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ------- Intens., in/hr ---- .0833 ----------- 5.6400 .1670 4.4400 .2500 3.7600 .5000 2.5800 1.0000 .9500 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.03 Name.... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ---- intens., in/hr ------- .0833 ----------- 8.0400 .1670 6.4200 .2500 5.4000 .5000 4.0200 1.0000 2.6700 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 4 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.01 Name.... CONTROLLED Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: CONTROLLED HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG ---------------------------------------- file ---------- HYG ID ------ HYG tag INLETS BIO-RETENTIONIN ----- INLETS ------------- 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: CONTROLLED ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ----------------------------------------- ac-ft ------ hrs cfs INLETS 2 Yr --- .000 ----------- .0100 ------------- .00 TOTAL FLOW INTO: CONTROLLED ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ----------------------------------------- ac-ft ----- hrs cfs CONTROLLED 2 Yr ----- .000 ---------- .0100 ------------- .00 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.02 Name.... CONTROLLED Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = CONTROLLED HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0100 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 .00 .00 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 5 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.03 Name.... CONTROLLED Event: 10 yr File..,. C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th se t of calc's\ RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: CONTROLLED HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID ----------- HYG to - INLETS BIO-RETENTIONIN INLETS ------------ 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: CONTROLLED ----------------------- ----------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ----------------------------------------- ac-ft --- - hrs cfs INLETS 10 Yr - --- .146 ------------ .3900 ------------- 15.84 TOTAL FLOW INTO: CONTROLLED ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ----------------------------------------- ac-ft --- - hrs cfs CONTROLLED 10 Yr - --- .146 ------------ .3900 ------------- 15.84 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.04 Name.... CONTROLLED Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ RETAIL 1 B_IORE_TENTION.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = CONTROLLED HYG Tag = 10 Yr --- - - ------------------- Peak Discharge = ----------- 15.84 cfs Time to Peak = .3900 hrs HYG Volume = ------------------------ .146 ac-ft ----------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Tim e increment = .0100 hrs hrs ------I Time on left represen ----------------------- ts time for first value in each row. .3300 I -- .00 7.02 ----------- 12.85 --------------- 14.99 --- 15.62 .3800 15.79 15.84 15.70 14.97 13.56 .4300 I 11.84 10.05 8.26 6.48 4.75 .4800 I 3.07 1.77 1.05 .67 .46 .5300 I ,33 .24 .18 .14 .11 .5800 I .09 .08 .06 .05 .04 .6300 I .04 .04 .03 .03 .03 .6800 I .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .7300 I .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .7800 I .01 .01 .01 .01 .00 .8300 I .00 ,00 .00 .00 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 6 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.05 Name.... CONTROLLED Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: CONTROLLED HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS BIO-RETENTIONIN INLETS 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: CONTROLLED ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS 25 Yr .203 .3800 17.58 TOTAL FLOW INTO: CONTROLLED ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLLED 25 Yr .203 .3800 17.58 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.06 Name.... CONTROLLED Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = CONTROLLED HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 17.58 cfs Time to Peak = .3800 hrs HYG Volume = .203 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0100 hrs hrs I --------- - Time on ----------- left represents -------------- time for first value in each row. I .3000 .00 - 6.19 --------- 13.68 --------------- 16.51 ----------- 17.30 .3500 17.51 17.56 17.57 17.58 17.58 .4000 17.40 16.58 14.99 13.07 11.08 .4500 I 9.09 7.12 5.19 3.33 1.90 .5000 I 1.11 .71 .48 .34 .25 .5500 I .19 .15 .12 .10 .08 .6000 I .06 .05 .05 .04 .04 .6500 I .03 .03 .03 .02 .02 .7000 I .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .7500 I .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .8000 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .8500 .00 .00 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 7 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.01 Name.... BIO-RETENTIONIN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: BIO-RETENTIONIN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: Adding in hydrograph that is truncated on left... WARNING: Missed peak when adding hydrograph... ADDLINK 20 TARGET/BIORETENT TARGET/BIORETENT2 Yr INFLOWS TO: BIO-RETENTIONIN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET/BIORETENT 2 Yr .365 .0933 12.64 TOTAL FLOW INTO: BIO-RETENTIONIN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIO-RETENTIONIN 2 Yr .365 .0900 12.64 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.02 Name.... BIO-RETENTIONIN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = 310-RETENTIONIN HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------- ------------------ Peak Discharge = 12.64 ------ cfs Time to Peak = .0900 hrs HYG Volume = .365 ----------------------------- ac-ft ------ HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0100 hrs hrs ------ I Time on left represents time for -------------- ---- first value in each row. .0000 1 - ------------ .00 1.52 ----- 3.03 ---------------- 4.55 ------- 6.07 .0500 7.59 9.10 10.62 12.14 12.64 .1000 1 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 .1500 1 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 .2000 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 .2500 1 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 .3000 1 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 12.64 .3500 1 12.31 11.12 9.61 8.09 6.57 .4000 1 5.06 3.54 2.02 Si . .00 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 8 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.03 Name.... BIO-RETENTIONIN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: BIO-RETENTIONIN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG to -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 TARGET/BIORETENT TARGET/BIORETENT10 Yr INFLOWS TO: BIO-RETENTIONIN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET/BIORETENT 10 Yr .524 .0933 15.86 TOTAL FLOW INTO: BIO-RETENTIONIN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak_ Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIO-RETENTIONIN 10 Yr .524 .0900 15.85 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.04 Name.... BIO-RETENTIONIN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = BIO-RETENTIONIN HYG Tag = 10 ----------- Yr --- Peak Discharge ---------------- = 15.85 ----- cfs Time to Peak = .0900 hrs HYG Volume -------------- = .524 ---------------- ac-ft ----- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0100 hrs hrs ---------I Time on lef --------------- t represents time for --------------- first value in each row. .0000 .00 - 1.90 ----- 3.81 ---------------- 5.71 ---------- 7.61 .0500 9.51 11.42 13.32 15.22 15.85 .1000 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 .1500 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 .2000 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 .2500 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 .3000 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 .3500 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 15.86 .4000 15.44 13.95 12.05 10.15 8.24 .4500 6.34 4.44 2.54 .63 .00 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 9 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.05 Name.... BIO-RETENTIONIN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: BIO-RETENTIONIN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 TARGET/BIORETENT TARGET/BIORETENT25 Yr INFLOWS TO: BIO-RETENTIONIN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGET/BIORETENT 25 Yr .581 .0933 17.58 TOTAL FLOW INTO: BIO-RETENTIONIN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIO-RETENTIONIN 25 Yr .581 .0900 17.58 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.06 Name.... BIO-RETENTIONIN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = BIO-RETENTIONIN HYG Tag = 25 Yr --------------- -------------- Peak Discharge = 17.58 ------ cfs Time to Peak = .0900 hrs HYG Volume = .581 ----------------------------- ac-ft ------ HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0100 hrs hrs ------ I Time on left represents time for ----------------------------- first value in each row. .0000 1 - .00 2.11 ------ 4.22 ---------------- 6.33 --------- 8.44 .0500 10.55 12.66 14.77 16.88 17.58 .1000 1 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 .1500 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 .2000 1 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 .2500 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 .3000 1 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 .3500 I 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 17.58 .4000 1 17.11 15.47 13.36 11.25 9.14 .4500 I 7.03 4.92 2.81 .70 .00 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 10 of 16 " Type.... C and Area Page 5.01 Name.... TARGET/BIORETENT Tag: PRE File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area C x Area Soil/Surface ------------- Description C -------------- acres acres Predeveloped ----- -------- Portion of the site .2500 ---------- 4.670 ---------- 1.168 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .2500 4.670 1.168 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 11 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.02 Name.... TARGET/BIORETENT Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 2 Yr 2 2 year Gastonia Tc = .0962 hrs .----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- - ----- ------ i------------- 2 Yr 2 .250 1.000 I .250 5.4546 4.670 6.42 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.03 .Name.... TARGET/BIORETENT Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) * RETURN FREQUENCY: 2 yr I Allowable Outflow: 6.42 cfs * 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 Required Storage: .185 ac-ft *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Peak Inflow: 12.64 cfs * HYG File: 2 Yr ********************************************************************** Q I Td = .3500 hrs I Return Freq: 2 yr /------- Approx. Duration for Max. Storage ------/ C adj.factor:1.000 I i I I Tc= .0833 hrs I I = 5.6396 in/hr I Area = 4.670 acres Q = 21.68 cfs I Weighted C = .817 I Adjusted C = .817 I I 1 I Required Storage -- .185 ac-ft I Td= .3500 hrs I I I = 3.2880 in/hr I x x x x x x x I x x x x x x x x x x x Q= 12.64 cfs l I I x x I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q= 6.42 cfs x o Ix (Allow.Outflow) i o i 1 I x o NOT TO SCALE I x ° o I x ------------------------ I ----------------------------- I ------------ .1420 hrs .3910 hrs T AREA E APPENDIX F Page 12 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.04 Name.... TARGET/BIORETENT Tag: POST File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Primary Development .9000 4.070 3.663 Bio-retention .2500 .600 .150 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .8165 4.670 3.813 ......................................................................... ......................................................................... AREA E APPENDIX F Page 13 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.05 Name.... TARGET/BIORETENT Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Tc = .0962 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area 1 Peak Q (years) factor 1 final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 10 Yr 10 .250 1.000 1 .250 6.9776 4.670 I 8.21 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.06 Name.... TARGET/BIORETENT Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Q * RETURN FREQUENCY: 10 yr Allowable Outflow: 8.21 cfs * 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 Required Storage: .259 ac ft *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Peak Inflow: 15.86 cfs * HYG File: 10 Yr Td = .4000 hrs 1 Return Freq: 10 yr - Approx. Duration for Max. Storage ------/ C adj.factor:1.000 I . I I x I • I X O I o I o AREA E I I Tc= .0833 hrs I = 7.1995 in/hr I Area = 4.670 acres Q = 27.68 cfs i Weighted C = .817 I• 1 Adjusted C = .817 . I I I Required Storage -- .259 ac-ft Td= .4000 hrs I I I = 4.1240 in/hr x x x x x x xlx x x x x x x x x x x Q= 15.86 cfs i x x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q= 8.21 cfs 0 I• Ix (A11ow.Outflow) 0 1 1 I 'NOT TO SCALE I x I I I x ------------ I ----------------------------- I ------------ .1419 hrs .4402 hrs T Page 14 of 16 APPENDIX F Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.07 Name.... TARGET/BIORETENT Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Tc = .0962 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres cfs ----- ------ ----- ----------------------------------- I -------- 25 Yr 25 .250 1.000 I .250 7.7898 4.670 I 9.17 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.08 Name.... TARGET/BIORETENT Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\RETAIL 1 BIORETENTION.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) * RETURN FREQUENCY: 25 yr I Allowable Outflow: 9.17 cfs * 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 Required Storage: .285 ac-ft *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Peak Inflow: 17.58 cfs * HYG File: 25 Yr Q I Td = .4000 hrs I Return Freq: 25 yr /------- Approx. Duration for Max. Storage ------/ C adj.factor:1.000 I I I I I Tc= .0833 hrs I I = 8.0394 in/hr Area = 4.670 acres Q = 30.91 cfs I Weighted C = .817 1• I Adjusted C = .817 I I I I Required Storage I -- .285 ac-ft I Td= .4000 hrs I I I = 4.5720 in/hr x x x x x x x l x x x x x x x x x x x Q= 17.58 cfs I I x x o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Q= 9.17 cfs x o i. Ix (Allow.Outflow) o I 1 x o NOT TO SCALE x o 1 l o I x ------------------------ I------------------------------ I------------ .1419 hrs .4399 hrs T AREA E APPENDIX F Page 15 of 16 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr... 2.01 ----- 2 ----- 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr... 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr... 2.03 ----- B ----- BIO-RETENTIONIN 2 Yr... 4.01, 4.03, 4.05 ----- C ----- CONTROLLED 2 Yr... 3.01, 3.03, 3.05 ------ T ----- TARGET/BIORETENT PRE... 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 1.02 A-1 AREA E APPENDIX F Page 16 of 16 DU'HARTS CREEK A14-D CONTRIBUTING AREA Table of Contents f: xxxx+*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MASTER SUMMARY xxxxxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxx watershed....... Mod. Rational Grand Summary ........ 1.01 Master Network Summary ............. 1.02 xxxxxxxxxi-xxxxxxxxxxxx RAINFALL DATA *xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.01 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.03 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HYG ADDITION xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CREEK........... 2 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.01 CREEK........... 10 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.03 CREEK........... 25 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.05 xx*xxxi:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POND ROUTING **xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SITE IN 2 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summarv .......... 4.01 SITE IN 10 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.03 SITE IN 25 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary 4.05 xxxxx*x-,:xxxxxxxxxx RATIONAL METHOD CALCS xxx*x*:x*x*xx*x++ CREEK........... PRE C and Area ......................... 5.01 CREEK........... 2 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.02 Mod. Rational Hyg .... .............. 5.03 CREEK........... POST C and Area ........... .............. 5.04 CREEK........... 10 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.05 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.06 CREEK........... 25 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.07 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.08 AREA F APPENDIX G Page 1 of 16 Type.... Mod. Rational Grand Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREER RATIONAL.PPW * * * MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD * ---- Grand Summary For All Storm Frequencies ---- * * * Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) ................ Area = ......... 9.120 acres ........... ....... Tc ............... = .0833 ....... hrs ........... ................ ......... ........... ....... ............... .................. VOLUMES Freq. Adjusted Duration. I Qpeak Allowable) Inflow Storage years 'C' ---------------- hrs --------- in/hr ----------- cfs ------- cfs I - ac-ft ac-ft 2 .271 .0833 5.6400 14.08 12.11 .097 .014 10 .271 .0833 7.2000 17.97 15.61 .124 .016 25 .271 .0833 8.0400 20.07 17.41 .138 .018 AREA F APPENDIX G Page 2 of 16 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mail Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID Return Event ------------ 2 Yr 10 Yr 25 Yr Rainfall Type I-D-F Curve I-D-F Curve I-D-F Curve Gastonia IDF ID ---------------- 2 year Gastonia 10 Year Gastonia 25 Year Gastonia MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Modified Rational Method Network (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID ----------- ------ Type --- Event ------ ac-ft Trun ---------- - hrs - cfs ft ac-ft CREEK - AREA 2 - .097 -- ------ .0833 -------- -------- ------------ 14.08 CREEK AURA 10 .124 .0833 17.97 CREEK AREA 25 .138 .0833 20.07 *CREEK JCT 2 .097 .0833 14.08 *CREEK JCT 10 .124 .0833 17.97 *CREEK JCT 25 .138 .0833 20.07 SITE IN POND 2 .097 .0833 14.08 SITE IN POND 10 .124 .0833 17.97 SITE IN POND 25 .138 .0833 20.07 SITE OUT POND 2 .097 .0833 14.08 SITE OUT POND 10 .124 .0833 17.97 SITE OUT POND 25 .138 .0833 20.07 AREA F APPENDIX G Page 3 of 16 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.01. Name.... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ----------- Intens., in/hr ------- .0833 ---- 7.2000 .1670 5.7600 .2500 4.8800 .5000 3.6200 1.0000 2.3000 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.02 Name.... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- ----------- .0833 5.6400 1670 4.4400 .2500 3.7600 .5000 2.5800 1.0000 .9500 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.03 Name.... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ---------- intens., in/hr - .0833 ----------- 8.0400 .1670 6.4200 .2500 5.4000 .5000 4.0200 1.0000 2.6700 AREA F APPENDIX G Page 4 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.01 Name.... CREEK Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: CREEK HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS SITE IN INLETS 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: CREEK -------- -------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------- - ac-ft - hrs cfs - INLETS 2 Yr ----------- .097 --------- .0833 ------------- 14.08 TOTAL FLOW INTO: CREEK -------- -------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file -------- HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------- ac-ft ---------- hrs cfs CREEK 2 Yr -- .097 --------- .0833 ------------- 14.08 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.02 Name.... CREEK Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set o f calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = CREEK HYG Tag = 2 Yr ------------- ----------------- Peak Discharge = 14.08 ----- cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .097 ------------------------------ ac-ft ----- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .08 33 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left represents time for first - ------------------------- value in each row. .0000 I ------ I .00 14.08 ----------- .00 ---------- ---------- AREA F APPENDIX G Page 5 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.03 Name.... CREEK Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: CREEK HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ ---=-------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS SITE IN INLETS 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: CREEK ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INLETS 10 Yr .124 .0833 17.97 TOTAL FLOW INTO: CREEK ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREEK 10 Yr .124 .0833 17.97 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.04 Name.... CREEK Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = CREEK HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 17.97 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = 124 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 17.97 .00 AREA F APPENDIX G Page 6 of 1.6 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.05 Name.... CREEK Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: CREEK HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS SITE IN INLETS 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: CREEK ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS 25 Yr .138 .0833 20.07 . TOTAL FLOW INTO: CREEK ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs As ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREEK ' 25 Yr .138 .0833 20.07 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.06 Name.... CREEK Event: 25 yr File.... Q \Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONA'L.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = CREEK HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 20.07 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .138 ac-ft -----------------------------.------ HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row, ------ I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 20.07 .00 AREA F APPENDIX G Page 7 016 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.01 Name.... SITE IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG to -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 CREEK CREEK 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREEK 2 Yr .097 .0833 14.08 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HY"G file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cf.s -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE IN 2 Yr .097 .0833 14.08 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.02 Name.... SITE IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack.\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file - HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 14.08 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .097 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 14.08 .00 AREA F APPENDIX G Page 8 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.03 Name.... SITE IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 CREEK CREEK 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREEK 10 Yr .124 .0833 17.97 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE IN 10 Yr .124 .0833 17.97 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.04 Name.... SITE IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 17.97 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .124 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 17.97 .00 AREA F APPENDIX G Page 9 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.05 Name.... SITE IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 CREEK CREEK 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREEK 25 Yr .138 .0833 20.07 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE IN 25 Yr .138 .0833 20.07 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.06 Name.... SITE IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 20.07 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .138 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 20.07 .00 AREA F APPENDIX G ?y Page 10 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.01 Name.... CREEK Tag: PRE File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Duharts Creek - Contributing .2500 8.860 2.215 Duharts Creek - Creek Line 1.0000 .260 .260 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .2714 9.120 2.475 ....................................................................... ....................................................................... AREA F APPENDIX G Page 11 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.02 Name.... CREEK Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 2 Yr 2 2 vear Gastonia Tc = .1382 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 2 Yr 2 .271 1.000 .271 4.8531 9.120 I 12.11 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.03 Name.... CREEK Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) * RETURN FREQUENCY: 2 yr I Allowable Outflow: 12.11 cfs * 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 I Required Storage: .014 ac-ft * STORM DURATION = Tc for Max.Storage *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Peak Inflow: 14.08 cfs * HYG File: 2 Yr Q I Tc= .0833 hrs I = 5.6400 in/hr Area = 9.120 acres Q = 14.08 cfs Weighted C = .271 Adjusted C = .271 Required Storage ----------- .014 ac-ft • I- I . • I • 0 0 o Q = 12.11 cfs 0 I. (A11ow.Outflow) o I , 0 I NOT TO SCALE I --------------------- ------------------------- .0949 hrs T AREA F APPENDIX G Page 12 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.04 Name.... CREEK Tag: POST File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description ---------------------------- C acres acres ---- Duharts Creek - Contributing -------- .2500 ---------- 8.860 ---------- 2.215 Duharts Creek - Creek Line 1.0000 .260 .260 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .2714 9.120 2.475 AREA F APPENDIX G Page 13 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.05 Name.... CREEK Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Tc = .1382 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------i ---------- 10 Yr 10 .271 1.000 I .271 6.2557 9.120 I 15.61 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.06 Name.... CREEK Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) * RETURN FREQUENCY: 10 yr I Allowable Outflow: 15.61 cfs * 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 I Required Storage: .016 ac-ft * STORM DURATION - Tc for Max.Storage *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Peak Inflow: 17.97 cfs * HYG File: 10 Yr ********************************************************************** Q Tc= .0633 hrs I = 7.2000 in/hr Area = 9.120 acres Q = 17.97 cfs Weighted C = .271 Adjusted C = .271 Required Storage ----------- .016 ac-ft I- I I 0 0 o Q = 15.61 cfs 0 (Allow.0utflow) o I . 0 I NOT TO SCALE D i ----------------------I------------------------ .0942 hrs T AREA F APPENDIX G Page 14 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.07 Name.... CREEK Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25• Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Tc = .1382 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 25 Yr 25 .271 1.000 I .271 6.9776 9.120 I 17.41 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.08 Name.... CREEK Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\CREEK RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) * RETURN FREQUENCY: 25 yr I Allowable Outflow: 17.41 cfs * 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 I. Required Storage: .018 ac-ft * STORM DURATION = Tc for Max.Storage *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Peak Inflow: 20.07 cfs * HYG File: 25 Yr Q I Tc= .0833 hrs I = 8.0400 in/hr Area = 9.120 acres Q = 20.07 cfs Weighted C = .271 Adjusted C = .271 Required Storage ----------- -01B ac-ft • I. I . i 0 0 o Q = 17.41 cfs o I• (Allow.0utflow) o I . o NOT TO SCALE 0 i =________ > I ---------------------------.------------------- .0943 hrs T AREA F APPENDIX G Page 15 of 16 Appendix A A-1 Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr... 2.01 ----- 2 ----- 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr... 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr... 2.03 ----- C ----- CREEK PRE... 5.01, 3.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 3.03, 5.05, 5.06, 3.05, 5.07, 5.08 ----- S ----- SITE IN 2 Yr... 4.01, 4.03, 4.05 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 1.02 AREA F APPENDIX G Page 16 of 16 AREA G Table of Contents xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MASTER SUMMARY xxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Watershed....... Mod. Rational Grand Summary ........ 1.01 Master Network Summary ............. 1.02 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxx RAINFALL DATA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Table ....................... 2.01 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr I-D-F Table ....................... 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Table ....................... 2.03 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HYG ADDITION xxxxxxx:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OUT 10.......... 2 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.01 OUT 10......... 10 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.03 OUT 10......... 25 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.05 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POND ROUTING xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx INLETS IN 2 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.01 INLETS IN 10 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary ......... 4.03 INLETS IN 25 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary ......... 4.05 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx RATIONAL METHOD CALCS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HARRIS TEETER... PRE C and Area ......................... 5.01 HARRIS TEETER... 2 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.02 Mod. Rational Graph ................ 5.03 HARRIS TEETER... POST C and Area ......................... 5.04 HARRIS TEETER... 10 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.05 Mod. Rational Graph ................ 5.06 HARRIS TEETER... 25 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.07 Mod. Rational Graph 5.08 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 1 of 16 Type.... Mod. Rational Grand Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mail Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARRING.PPW ************************************************************************ * * * * * MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD * ---- Grand Summary For All Storm Frequencies ---- * * Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) ................ Area = ......... 4.550 acres ............ ...... Tc ............... = .0833 ........ hrs .......... ................ ......... ............ ...... ............... .................. VOLUMES Freq. Adjusted Duration I Qpeak Allowablel Inflow Storage years 'C' ---------------- hrs --------- in/hr -------- cfs cfs I ac-ft ac-ft 2 .900 .3667 3.2093 13.25 6.47 ; .402 .210 10 .900 .4167 4.0400 16.68 8.26 .574 .296 25 .900 .5833 3.7950 15.67 9.22 l .755 .321 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 2 of 16 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID Gastonia Rainfall Return Event Type IDF ID ------------ --------------- ---------------- 2 Yr I-D-F Curve 2 year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Curve 10 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Curve 25 Year Gastonia MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Modified Rational Method Network (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ----------------- Type ---- Event ------ ac-ft Trun HARRIS TEETER AREA 2 ---------- .402 HARRIS TEETER AREA 10 .574 HARRIS TEETER AREA 25 .755 INLETS IN POND 2 .402 INLETS IN POND 10 .574 INLETS IN POND 25 .755 INLETS OUT POND 2 .402 INLETS OUT POND 10 .574 INLETS OUT POND 25 .755 *OUT 10 JCT 2 .402 *OUT 10 JCT 10 .574 *OUT 10 JCT 25 .755 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage hrs ------- cfs ft ac-ft ------ .0833 -- -------- ------------- 13.25 .0833 16.68 .0833 15.67 .0833 13.25 .0833 16.68 .0833 15.67 .0833 13.25 .0833 16.68 .0833 15.67 .0833 13.25 .0833 16.68 .0833 15.67 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 3 of 16 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.01 Name.... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs ----------- Intens., in/hr --- .0833 -------- 7.2000 .1670 5.7600 .2500 4.8800 .5000 3.6200 1.0000 2.3000 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.02 Name.... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- ----------- .0833 5.6400 .1670 4.4400 .2500 3.7600 .5000 2.5800 1.0000 .9500 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.03 Name.... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- ----------- .0833 8.0400 .1670 6.4200 .2500 5.4000 .5000 4.0200 1.0000 2.6700 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 4 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.01 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT INLETS IN DIRECT CONNECT 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT 2 Yr .402 .0833 13.25 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT 10 2 Yr .402 .0833 13.25 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.02 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 13.25 cfs Time to Peak .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .402 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 .4165 5.32 .00 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 5 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.03 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT INLETS IN DIRECT CONNECT 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUT 10 ----------- ------ ------------ ---- ------ - Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file ----------- HYG ------ ID ------------ HYG ---- tag ------ ac-ft ---------- hrs cfs DIRECT CONNECT 10 Yr - .574 ------------- .0833 ---------- 16.68 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 ----------- ------ ------------ ---- ------ - Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file ----------- HYG ------ ID ------------ HYG ----- tag ---- ac-ft hrs cfs OUT 10 10 - Yr ----------- .574 ------------- .0833 ---------- 16.68 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.04 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 16.68 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .574 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I ------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 16.68 16.68 16.68 16.68 .4165 I 16.68 .03 .00 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 6 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.05 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: OUT 10 HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT INLETS IN DIRECT CONNECT 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECT CONNECT 25 Yr .755 .0833 15.67 TOTAL FLOW INTO: OUT 10 ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUT 10 25 Yr .755 .0833 15.67 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.06 Name.... OUT 10 Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = OUT 10 HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 15.67 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .755 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 15.67 15.67 15.67 15.67 .4165 15.67 15.67 15.67 .04 .00 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 7 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.01 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc`s\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: INLETS IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 HARRIS TEETER HARRIS TEETER 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: INLETS IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARRIS TEETER 2 Yr .402 .0833 13.25 TOTAL FLOW INTO: INLETS IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS IN 2 Yr .402 .0833 13.25 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.02 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = INLETS IN HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 13.25 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .402 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (Cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 13.25 13.25 13.25 13.25 .4165 I 5.32 .00 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 8 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.03 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: INLETS IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG to -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 HARRIS TEETER HARRIS TEETER 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: INLETS IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARRIS TEETER 10 Yr .574 .0833 16.68 TOTAL FLOW INTO: INLETS IN ----------------------------- ----------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS IN 10 Yr .574 .0833 16.68 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.04 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of talc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = INLETS IN HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 16.68 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .574 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I -------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 16.68 16.68 16.68 16.68 .4165 I 16.68 .03 .00 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 9 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.05 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: INLETS IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG to ----------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ADDLINK 20 HARRIS TEETER HARRIS TEETER 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: INLETS IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARRIS TEETER 25 Yr .755 .0833 15.67 TOTAL FLOW INTO: INLETS IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INLETS IN 25 Yr .755 .0833 15.67 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.06 Name.... INLETS IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = INLETS IN HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 15.67 cfs Time to Peak = .0833 hrs HYG Volume = .755 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I---------------------------- .0000 .00 15.67 15.67 15.67 15.67 .4165 15.67 15.67 15.67 .04 .00 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 10 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.01 Name.... HARRIS TEETER Tag: PRE File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND P.ARKING.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA ......................................................................... Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Developed portion at SE corner conn .2500 4.550 1.138 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .2500 4.550 1.138 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 11 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.02 Name.... HARRIS TEETER Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING. PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 2 Yr 2 2 year Gastonia Tc = .0833 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------i --=------- 2 Yr 2 .250 1.000 I .250 5.6400 4.550 I 6.47 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.03 Name.... HARRIS TEETER Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CIA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) ********************************************************************** * RETURN FREQUENCY: 2 yr Allowable Outflow: 6.47 cfs * 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 I Required Storage: .210 ac-ft *-----------------------------------------------=-------------------=* * Peak Inflow: 13.25 cfs * HYG File: 2 Yr x Q I Td = .3667 hrs I Return Freq: 2 yr /------- Approx. Duration for Max. Storage ------/ C adj.factor:1.000 I I i I I Tc= .0833 hrs I I = 5.6400 in/hr I Area = 4.550 acres Q = 23.29 cfs I Weighted C = .900 I I• I Adjusted C = .900 I I I I I Required Storage I -- .210 ac-ft I Td= .3667 hrs I I I I = 3.2093 in/hr I x x x x x x x l x x x x x x x x x x x Q= 13.25 cfs I i i x x I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q= 6.47 cfs I x o I. Ix (Allow.Outflow) I 0 I I X o I NOT TO SCALE x t o I I x ------------------------ I--------- =------------------- I------------ .1435 hrs .4093 hrs T AREA G APPENDIX H Page 12 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.04 Name.... HARRIS TEETER Tag: POST File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA Area C X Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ----------- ---------- Developed portion at SE corner conn .9000 4.550 4.095 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .9000 4.550 4.095 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 13 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.05 Name.... HARRIS TEETER Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CIA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Tc = .0833 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 10 Yr 10 .250 1.000 .250 7.2000 4.550 I 8.26 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.06 Name.... HARRIS TEETER Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER. AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for. Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CIA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) ********************************************************************** * RETURN FREQUENCY: 10 yr Allowable Outflow: 8.26 cfs x 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 I Required Storage: .296 ac-ft *--------------------------------------------------------------------*. * Peak inflow: 16.68 cfs = * HYG File: 10 Yr Q I Td = .4167 hrs I Return Freq: 10 yr /------- Approx. Duration for Max. Storage ------/ C adj.factor:1.000 I I I i I Tc= .0833 hrs I I = 7.2000 in/hr I Area = 4.550 acres Q = 29.73 cfs i Weighted C = .900 i• Adjusted C = .900 I I I I Required Storage I I -- .296 ac-ft I Td= .4167 hrs I I I I = 4.0400 in/hr I x x x x x x x i x x x x x x x x x x x Q= 16.68 cfs i I i x x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q= 8.26 cfs x 0 I• Ix (Allow.Outflow) I o I 1 I x o I NOT TO SCALE x I o i 1 I o I x ------------------------ I----------------------------- .1435 hrs .4587 hrs T AREA G APPENDIX H Page 14 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.07 Name.... HARRIS TEETER Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Tc = .0833 hrs ------------------. Tag Freq C C adj C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I -------- 25 Yr 25 .250 1.000 I .250 8.0400 4.550 I 9.22 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.08 Name.... HARRIS TEETER Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\HARRIS TEETER AND PARKING.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) * RETURN FREQUENCY: 25 yr I Allowable Outflow: 9.22 cfs * 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 Required Storage: .321 ac-ft *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Peak Inflow: 15.67 cfs * HYG File: 25 Yr Q I Td = .5833 hrs I Return Freq: 25 yr /------- Approx. Duration for Max. Storage ------/ C adj.factor:1.000 i I I I I Tc= .0833 hrs 1 I = 8.0400 in/hr I Area = 4.550 acres I Q = 33.20 cfs I Weighted C = .900 I• I Adjusted C = .900 I I I I Required Storage -- .321 ac-ft I Td= .5833 hrs I I I I I= 3.7950 in/hr x x x x x x x l x x x x x x x x x x x Q= 15.67 cfs I i x x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Q= 9.22 cfs i x 0 I• Ix (Allow.Outflow) o I 1 I x 0 I NOT TO SCALE X I I x ------------------------i-----------------------------I------------ .1435 hrs .6176 hrs T AREA G APPENDIX H Page 15 of 16 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr... 2.01 ----- 2 ----- 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr... 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr... 2.03 ----- H ----- HARRIS TEETER PRE... 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08 ----- I ----- INLETS IN 2 Yr... 4.01, 4.03, 4.05 ----- 0 ----- OUT 10 2 Yr... 3.01, 3.03, 3.05 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 1.02 A-1 AREA G APPENDIX H Page 16 of 16 PRIMARY SITE Table of Contents xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MASTER SUMMARY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Watershed....... Mod. Rational Grand Summary 1.01 Master Network Summary ............. 1.02 xxx****xxxx*xxx**xx**x RAINFALL DATA xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.01 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Table ........................ 2.03 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx**xxx HYG ADDITION x*xx*xxxxx**xx.xxxxxxx*.* CONTROLLED...... 2 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.01 CONTROLLED...... 10 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.03 CONTROLLED...... 25 Yr Node: Addition Summary ............. 3.05 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx POND ROUTING xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SITE IN 2 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.01 SITE IN 10 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.03 SITE IN 25 Yr Node: Pond Inflow Summary .......... 4.05 ****************** RATIONAL METHOD CALCS ******************* PRIMARY SITE.... PRE C and Area ......................... 5.01 PRIMARY SITE.... 2 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.02 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.03 PRIMARY SITE.... POST C and Area ......................... 5.04 PRIMARY SITE.... 10 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.05 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.06 PRIMARY SITE.... 25 Yr Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.07 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.08 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 1 of 16 - Type.... Mod. Rational Grand Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW * * * * * MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD * ---- Grand Summary For All Storm Frequencies ---- * * * * Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) ................ Area = ......... 15.910 acres .................. Tc ............... = .0833 ....... hrs ........... ................ ......... .......... ........ ............... .................. VOLUMES Freq. Adjusted Duration I Qpeak Allowable] Inflow Storage years IV ---------------- hrs --------- in/hr ---------- cfs --------- cfs I ---------- --- ac-ft ------- ac-ft ----------- 2 .820 .1667 4.4448 58.47 41.87 I .805 .250 10 .820 .1667 5.7657 75.85 54.34 I 1.045 .323 25 .820 .1667 6.4265 84.54 60.27 I 1.164 .364 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 2 of 16 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID Rainfall Return Event Type ------------ ----------- 2 Yr I-D-F Curve 10 Yr I-D-F Curve 25 Yr I-D-F Curve Gastonia IDF ID ---------------- 2 year Gastonia 10 Year Gastonia 25 Year Gastonia MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Modified Rational Method Network (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return BYG Vol Qpeak Node ID ------------ Type Event ac-ft Trun hrs - *CONTROLLED ---- ---- JCT ------ 2 ---------- -- .805 --------- .1666 *CONTROLLED JCT 10 1.045 .1666 *CONTROLLED JCT 25 1.164 .1666 PRIMARY SITE AREA 2 .805 .1666 PRIMARY SITE AREA 10 1.045 .1666 PRIMARY SITE AREA 25 1.164 .1666 SITE IN POND 2 .805 .1666 SITE IN POND 10 1.045 .1666 SITE IN POND 25 1.164 .1666 SITE OUT POND 2 .805 .1666 SITE OUT POND 10 1.045 .1666 SITE OUT POND 25 1.164 .1666 Max Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage cfs ft ac-ft ------- -------- ------------ 58.47 75.85 84.54 58.47 75.85 84.54 58.47 75.85 84.54 58.47 75.85 84.54 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 3 of 16 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.01 Name.... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- ----------- .0833 7.2000 .1670 5.7600 .2500 4.8800 .5000 3.6200 1.0000 2.3000 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.02 Name.... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- ----------- .0833 5.6400 .1670 4.4400 .2500 3.7600 .5000 2.5800 1.0000 .9500 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.03 Name.... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- ----------- .0833 8.0400 .1670 6.4200 .2500 5.4000 .5000 4.0200 1.0000 2.6700 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 4 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.01 Name.... CONTROLLED Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAP H ADDITION at Node: CONTROLLED HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG ---------------------------------------- file ---------- HYG ID ------- HYG tag OUTLET SITE IN ---- OUTLET ------------- 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: CONTROLLED ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ----------------------------------------- ac-ft --- hrs cfs OUTLET 2 Yr ------ .805 ----------- .1666 ------------- 58.47 TOTAL FLOW INTO: CONTROLLED ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ----------------------------------------- ac-ft ------- hrs cfs CONTROLLED 2 Yr --- .805 ---------- .1666 ------------- 58.47 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.02 Name.... CONTROLLED Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = CONTROLLED HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 58.47 cfs Time to Peak = .1666 hrs HYG Volume = .805 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 58.45 58.47 .07 .00 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 5 of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.03 Name.... CONTROLLED Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: CONTROLLED HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTLET SITE IN OUTLET 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: CONTROLLED -------------------- HYG file HYG ID ----------------------- OUTLET TOTAL FLOW INTO: CONTROLLED ---------------------------- HYG file HYG ID ---------------------------- CONTROLLED ---------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------- 10 Yr 1.045 .1666 75.85 ---------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------- 10 Yr 1.045 .1666 75.85 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.04 Name.... CONTROLLED Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = CONTROLLED HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 75.85 cfs Time to Peak = .1666 hrs HYG Volume = 1.045 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 75.82 75.85 .09 .00 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 6 Of 16 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.05 Name.... CONTROLLED Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: CONTROLLED HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTLET SITE IN OUTLET 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: CONTROLLED ----------------------- HYG file HYG ID ----------------------- OUTLET TOTAL FLOW INTO: CONTROLLED ---------------------------- HYG file HYG ID ---------------------------- CONTROLLED ---------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------- 25 Yr 1.164 .1666 84.54 ---------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------- ------ 25 Yr 1.164 .1666 84.54 Type.... Node: Addition Summary Page 3.06 Name.... CONTROLLED Evert: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = CONTROLLED HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 84.54 cfs Time to Peak = .1666 hrs HYG Volume = 1.164 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------i------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 .00 84.51 84.54 .10 .00 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 7 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.01 Name.... SITE IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ - ---------- ------------------------- - Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID. HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 PRIMARY SITE PRIMARY SITE 2 Yr INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------- PRIMARY SITE 2 Yr .805 .1666 58.47 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE IN 2 Yr .805 .1666 58.47 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.02 Name.... SITE IN Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 2 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 58.47 cfs Time to Peak = .166.6 hrs HYG Volume = .805 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 58.45 58.47 .07 .00 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 8 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.03 Name.... SITE IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 PRIMARY SITE PRIMARY SITE 10 Yr INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ----------- ------------------ ----- ----- - Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file ----------- HYG ID ------------------ HYG ----- tag ----- ac-ft - - hrs cfs PRIMARY SITE 10 Yr - -------- 1.045 ------------- .1666 ---------- 75.85 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ----------- ------------------ ----- ----- - Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file ----------- HYG ID ------------------ HYG ----- tag ----- ac-ft ---- -- hrs cfs SITE IN 10 Yr - ---- 1.045 ------------- .1666 ---------- 75.85 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.04 Name.... SITE IN Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 75.85 cfs Time to Peak = .1666 hrs HYG Volume = 1.045 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time 1 Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I------------------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 75.82 75.85 .09 .00 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 9 of 16 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.05 Name.... SITE IN Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY FOR HYDROGRAPH ADDITION at Node: SITE IN HYG Directory: C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ ----------------------------- Upstream Link ID Upstream Node ID HYG file HYG ID HYG taa -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDLINK 20 PRIMARY SITE PRIMARY SITE 25 Yr INFLOWS TO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRIMARY SITE 25 Yr 1.164 .1666 84.54 TOTAL FLOW INTO: SITE IN ---------------------------------------- Volume Peak Time Peak Flow HYG file HYG ID HYG tag ac-ft hrs cfs -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SITE IN 25 Yr 1.164 .1666 84.54 Type.... Node: Pond Inflow Summary Page 4.06 Name.... SITE IN Event: 25 yr. File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PR.IMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TOTAL NODE INFLOW... HYG file = HYG ID = SITE IN HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 84.54 cfs Time to Peak = .1666 hrs HYG Volume = 1.164 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ------ I---------------- ---------------------------------------------- .0000 1 .00 84.51 84.54 .10 .00 AREA H APPENDIX 1 Page 10 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.01 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: PRE File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Predeveloped Portion of the site .2500 5.028 1.257 Ex. Developed .8500 10.882 9.250 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .6604 15.910 10.507 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 11 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.02 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAR DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag ----- Freq ----- File - IDF Curve 2 Yr - 2 ---- - ------ ---------------- 2 year Gastonia T'c = .2265 hrs -- Tag Freq C C adj --------------------------- I C I Area Peak Q ----- (years) ------ ----- factor ------ I final in/hr acres 1 -- - cfs 2 Yr 2 .660 1.000 - ------------------------- I I 1 .660 3.9523 15.910 I ----------------------------- ---------- 41.87 Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.03 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) * RETURN FREQUENCY: 2 yr I Allowable Outflow: 41.87 cfs * 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 1 Required Storage: .250 ac-ft *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Peak Inflow: 58.47 cfs * HYG File: 2 Yr ********************************************************************** Q Td = .1667 hrs I Return Freq: 2 yr ------ Approx. Duration for Max. Storage ------/ C adj.factor:1.000 I I Tc= .0833 hrs I = 5.6396 in/hr 1 Area = 15.910 acres Q = 74.19 cfs I Weighted C = .820 I• I Adjusted C = .820 • I I I Required Storage -- .250 ac-ft I Td= .1667 hrs I I = 4.4448 in/hr x x x x x x x I x x x x x x x x x x x Q= 58.47 cfs • I x x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q= 41.87 cfs x o I. Ix (Allow.Outflow) o 1 x o 1 NOT TO SCALE I x 0 1 _____= I 0 I I x -----------------------I-----------------------------I------------ .1196 hrs .1903 hrs T AREA H APPENDIX I Page 12 of 16 Type.... C and Area Page 5.04 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: POST File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Primary Development .8200 15.910 13.046 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .8200 15.910 13.046 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 13 of 16 - Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.05 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Tc = .2265 hrs .-----------------------------. Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I -------- 10 Yr 10 .660 1.000 I .660 5.1289 15.910 I 54.34 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.06 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRI_MARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) ********************************************************************** * RETURN FREQUENCY: 10 yr I Allowable Outflow: 54.34 cfs * 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 I Required Storage: .323 ac-ft *------------------------------------- ------------------------------- * Peak Inflow: 75.85 cfs * HYG File: 10 Yr Q I Td = .1667 hrs I Return Freq: 10 yr /------- Approx. Duration for Max. Storage ------/ C adj.factor:1.000 I I i I I Tc= .0833 hrs I I = 7.1995 in/hr Area = 15.910 acres Q = 94.71 cfs I Weighted C = .820 I I• I Adjusted C = .820 I i I I Required Storage I I -- .323 ac-ft Td= .1667 hrs i i I I I= 5.7657 in/hr I x x x x x x x l x x x x x x x x x x x Q= 75.85 cfs I I I x x I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q= 54.34 cfs I x o I. Ix (Allow.Outflow) i o I 1 I x o NOT TO SCALE I x I 0 I l 0 1 x ------------------------ I----------=------------------I------------ .1189 hrs .1903 hrs T AREA H APPENDIX I Page 14 of 16 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.07 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONA-L.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Tc = .2265 hrs .----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I ----------------------------- I ---------- 25 Yr 25 .660 1.000 1 .660 5.6885 15.910 I 60.27 ----------------------------- Type.... Mod. Rational Graph Page 5.08 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE RATIONAL.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Graphical Summary for Maximum Required Storage ---- Method T Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) * RETURN FREQUENCY: 25 yr I Allowable outflow: 60.27 cfs * 'C' Adjustment: 1.000 1 Required Storage: .364 ac-ft *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Peak Inflow: 84.54 cfs * HYG File: 25 Yr Q I Td = .1667 hrs I Return Freq: 25 yr /------- Approx. Duration for Max. Storage ------/ C adj.factor:1.000 I I I I Tc= .0833 hrs I I I = 8.0394 in/hr 1 Area = 15.910 acres I Q = 105.76 cfs 1 Weighted C = .820 I- Adjusted C = .820 I I 1 I I Required Storage I -- .364 ac-ft I Td= .1667 hrs I I l I = 6.4265 in/hr x x x x x x x l x x x x x x x x x x x Q= 84.54 cfs I I x x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0° 0° 0 0 0 0 Q= 60.27 cfs x o 1. Ix (Allow.Outflow) I 0 I 1 1 x 0 NOT TO SCALE I x I ° I I x ------------------------ I----------------------------- .1192 hrs .1906 hrs T AREA H APPENDIX I Page 15 of 16 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names ----- 1 ----- 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr... 2.01 ----- 2 ----- 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr... 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr... 2.03 ----- C ----- CONTROLLED 2 Yr... 3.01, 3.03, 3.05 ----- P ----- PRIMARY SITE PRE... 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08 ----- S SITE IN 2 Yr... 4.01, 4.03, 4.05 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 1.02 A-1 AREA H APPENDIX I Page 16 of 16 ROUTING CALCULATIONS FOR AREA H Table of Contents x,r+*:rx*f***txxxx***:t MASTER SUMMARY ***x*xt:tx*x,r*,r:**+x Watershed....... Mod. Rational Grand Summary ........ 1.01 Master Network Summary ............. 1.02 :* ***rx t.x xt*+t RAINFALL DATA *******=xt**z rx *rtx* 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Table .................. 2.01 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr I-D-F Table ................... 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Table .................. 2.03 50 Year Gastonia 50 Yr I-D-F Table .................. 2.04 xx*****x:r*****x,r** TIME VS.VOL ******xx:r-r*+***tx:?i:t SITE.......... 2 Yr Time vs. Volume 3.01 SITE......... 10 Yr Time vs. Volume ................. 3.03 SITE......... 25 Yr Time vs. Volume ................. 3.05 SITE......... 50 Yr Time vs. Volume ................. 3.07 * ****************** OUTLET STRUCTURES ********************* Out to Creek.... Outlet Input Data .................. 4.01 Composite Rating Curve ............. 4.05 ****************** RATIONAL METHOD CALCS ******************* PRIMARY SITE.... Rational Predev. Peak Q ............ 5.01 PRIMARY SITE.... PRE C and Area ..................... 5.02 PRIMARY SITE.... 2 Yr Mod. Rational Storm Calcs .......... 5.03 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.04 PRIMARY SITE.... POST C and Area ..................... 5.05 PRIMARY SITE.... 10 Yr Mod. Rational Storm Calcs .......... 5.06 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.07 PRIMARY SITE.... 25 Yr Mod. Rational Storm Calcs .......... 5.06 Mod. Rational Hyg .................. 5.09 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS Page 1 of 35 APPENDIX J Type.... Mod. Rational Grand Summary Page 1.01 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW ************************************************************************ * * * * MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD * ---- Grand Summary For All Storm Frequencies ---- * * * * Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) ................ Area = ......... 20.460 acres .................. Tc ............... = .0833 ....... hrs ........... ................ ......... ......... ......... ............... .................. VOLUMES Freq. Adjusted Duration I Qpeak Allowable) Inflow Storage years 'C' hrs in/hr cfs cfs ac-ft ac-ft --------------- --------- ----------------------------- I --------------------- 2 .861 .2000 4.1696 74.07 46.40 I .. 1.224 .483 10 .861 .2000 5.4101 96.11 60.22 1.589 .626 25 .861 .2000 6.0145 106.85 66.79 1.766 .698 50 .861 .2000 6.4627 114.81 71.75 1.898 .751 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 2 of 35 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.02 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW MASTER DESIGN STORM SUMMARY Default Network Design Storm File, ID Gastonia Rainfall Retu ---- rn Event -------- Type --- IDF ID 2 Yr ----------- I-D-F Curve - ------- 2 year --------- Gastonia 10 Yr I-D-F Curve 10 Year Gastonia 25 Yr I-D-F Curve 25 Year Gastonia 50 Yr I-D-F Curve 50 Year Gastonia --------------------------- ICPM CALCULATION TOLERANCES Target Convergence= .000 cfs +/- Max. Iterations = 50 loops ICPM Time Step = .0250 hrs Output Time Step = .0833 hrs ICPM Ending Time = 35.0000 hrs ------------------------------- MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Modified Rational Method Network (*Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Return HYG Vol Node ID ----------- ------ Type ---- Event ------ ac-ft Trun - CS POND 2 --------- .974 CS POND 10 1.492 CS POND 25 1.761 CS POND 50 1.659 CS OUT POND 2 1.126 CS OUT POND 10 1.505 CS OUT POND 25 1.646 CS OUT POND 50 1.750 Max Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage hrs ------- cfs -------- ft ------ ac-ft 14.27 -- ------------ .2499 26.08 .2499 37.68 .2499 37.58 .2499 12.27 705.19 .000 .3332 21.52 705.59 .000 .2499 32.95 706.01 .000 .2499 36.36 706.12 .000 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 3 of 35 Type.... Master Network Summary Page 1.03 Name.... Watershed File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4 th set of cal c's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW ------ ----------- ICPM CALCULATION ---------------- ----------- TOLERANCES --- ------------ Target Convergence= .000 --- cfs +/- Max. Iterations = 50 loops ICPM Time Step = .0250 hrs Output Time Step = .0833 hrs ICPM Ending Time ----------------- = 35.0000 ------------ hrs -- MASTER NETWORK SUMMARY Modified Rational Method Network ( *Node=Outfall; +Node=Diversion;) (Trun= HYG Truncation: Blank=None; L=Left; R=Rt; LR=Left&Rt) Max Return HYG Vol Qpeak Qpeak Max WSEL Pond Storage Node ID Type ----------------- ---- Event ------ --- ac-ft Trun ------- hrs cfs ft ac-ft *DUHARTS CREEK JCT 2 -- -- 1.125 ------- .2499 -------- 12.27 -------- ------------ *DUHARTS CREEK JCT 10 1.504 .3332 21.52 *DUHARTS CREEK JCT 25 1.646 .2499 32.95 *DUHARTS CREEK JCT 50 1.749 .2499 36.36 PRIMARY SITE AREA 2 1.224 .1666 74.07 PRIMARY SITE AREA 10 1.589 .1666 96.11 PRIMARY SITE AREA 25 1,766 .1666 106.85 PRIMARY SITE AREA 50 1.898 .1666 114.81 SITE POND 2 1.184 .1666 71.10 SITE POND 10 1.536 .1666 92.25 SITE POND 25 1.707 .1666 102.56 SITE POND 50 1.834 .1666 110.20 SITE OUT POND 2 974 .2499 14.27 705.37 1.011 SITE OUT POND 10 1.492 .2499 26.08 706.68 1.204 SITE OUT POND 25 1.761 .2499 37.68 708.42 1.267 SITE OUT. POND 50 1.659 .2499 37.58 708.68 1.339 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 4 or 35 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.01 Name.... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- --------- -- .0833 7.2000 .1670 5.7600 .2500 4.8800 .5000 3.6200 1.0000 2.3000 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.02 Name.... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc`s\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- -------- --- .0833 5.6400 .1670 4.4400 .2500 3.7600 5000 2.5800 1.0000 .9500 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.03 Name.... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time,,hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- ----------- .0833 8.0400 .1670 6.4200 .2500 5.4000 .5000 4.0200 1.0000 2.6700 Type.... I-D-F Table Page 2.04 Name.... 50 Year Gastonia Tag: 50 Yr Event: 50 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 50 Year Gastonia Tag: 50 Yr " Rainfall-Intensity-Duration Curve Time, hrs Intens., in/hr ----------- ----------- .0833 8.6400 .1670 6.9000 .2500 5.8000 .5000 4.3800 1.0000 2.9600 AREA N ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 5 of 35 Type.... Time vs. Volume Page 3.01 Name.... SITE Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondp ack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TIME vs. VOLUME (ac-ft) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left ---------------- represents ----------- time for first -- value in each row. .0000 I .000 .242 ------------ - .698 -------- .980 ------------ 1.011 .4165 .957 .912 .876 .848 .824 .8330 I .807 .792 .777 .722 .672 1.2495 I .626 .578 .554 .545 ,510 1.6660 .477 ,447 .416 .393 .372 2.0825 .351 .331 .313 .290 .269 2.4990 I .250 .238 .227 .217 .200 2.9155 .187 .178 ,171 .161 .150 3.3320 I .139 .130 .122 .115 .109 3.7485 .103 .096 .090 .084 .079 4.1650 .074 .070 .066 .062 .058 4.5815 I .055 .051 .049 .046 .043 4.9980 I .041 .039 .037 .035 .033 5.4145 .032 .030 .029 .028 .027 5.8310 I .026 .025 .024 .023 .022 6.2475 .021 .020 .020 .019 .019 6.6640 I .018 .017 .017 .016 .016 7.0805 I .016 .015 .015 .014 .014 7.4970 I .014 .013 .013 .013 .012 7.9135 I .012 .012 .011 .011 .011 8.3300 .011 .010 .010 .010 .010 8.7465 I .010 .009 ,009 .009 ,009 9.1630 .009 .009 .008 .008 .008 9.5795 I .008 .008 .008 .008 .007 9.9960 I ,007 .007 .007 .007 .007 10.4125 .007 .007 .007 .006 .006 10.8290 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 r 11.2455 I .006 .006 .006 .006 .005 11.6620 ( .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 12.0785 I .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 12.4950 I .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 12.9115 I .004 .004 ,004 .004 .004 r 13.3280 I .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 13.7445 I .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 14.1610 I .004 .004 ,004 .004 .004 14.5775 I ,004 .004 .004 .004 .004 14.9940 I .004 .003 .003 .003 .003 15.4105 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 15.8270 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 16.2435 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 16.6600 I .003 ,003 .003 .003 .003 17.0765 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 17.4930 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J - Page 6 of 35 Type.... Time vs. Volume Page 3.02 Name.... SITE Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondp ack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr TIME vs. VOLUME (ac-ft) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I ---------I---- Time on left ------------ represents ----- time for first value in each row. 17.9095 I .003 ------ .003 --------------- .003 - ------- .003 ------------ .003 18.3260 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 18.7425 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.1590 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.5755 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.9920 .002 .002 .002 :002 .002 20.4085 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 20.8250 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 21.2415 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 21.6580 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.0745 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.4910 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.9075 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 23.3240 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 23.7405 ) .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 24:1570 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 24.5735 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 24.9900 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .001 25.4065 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 25.8230 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 26.2395 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 26.6560 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 27.0725 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 27.4890 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 27.9055 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 28.3220 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 28.7385 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.1550 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.5715 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.9880 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 30.4045 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 30.8210 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 31.2375 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 31.6540 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 32.0705 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 32.4870 i .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 32.9035 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 33.3200 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .-001 33.7365 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 34.1530 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 34.5695 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 34.9860 I .001 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS Page 7 of 35 APPENDIX J Type.... Time vs. Volume Page 3.03 Name.... SITE Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th se t of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MS FOR ROUTI NG.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TIME vs. VOLUME (ac-ft) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs -------- Time on left -I----------------- represents time for first ------- value in each row. .0000 .000 ------ .312 ------------ .889 ------ 1.204 -------------- 1.186 .4165 1.090 1.015 .957 .913 .877 .8330 .848 .825 .807 .792 .734 1.2495 .682 .629 .602 .593 .553 1.6660 .517 .484 .450 .433 .397 2.0825 .374 .354 .336 .317 .300 2.4990 .284 .265 .246 .229 .219 2.9155 .205 .194 .186 .175 .163 3.3320 .151 .142 .134 .126 .117 3.7485 .110 .103 .098 .093 .086 4.1650 .081 .076 .072 .067 .063 4.5815 .059 .056 .053 .050 .047 4.9980 .044 .042 .040 .038 .036 5.4145 .? - .034 .032 .031 .030 .028 5.8310 .027 .026 .025 .024 .023 6.2475 .022 .021 .021 .020 .019 6.6640 .019 .018 .018 .017 .017 7.0805 .016 .016 .015 .015 .014 7.4970 .014 .014 .013 .013 .013 7.9135 .012 .012 .012 .012 .011 8.3300 .011 .011 .011 .010 .010 8.7465 .010 .010 .010 .009 .009 9.1630 .009 .009 .009 .008 .008 9.5795 .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 9.9960 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 10.4125 .007 .007 .007 .007 .006 10.8290 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 11.2455 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 11.6620 .006 .005 .005 .005 .005 12.0785 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 12.4950 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 12.9115 .005 .005 .004 .004 .004 13.3280 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 13.7445 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 14.1610 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 14.5775 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 14.9940 .004 .004 .003 .003 .003 15.4105 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 15.8270 ) .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 16.2435 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 16.6600 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 17.0765 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 17.4930 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 8 of 35 Type.... Time vs. Volume Page 3.04 Name.... SITE Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTI NG.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr TIME vs. VOLUME (ac-ft) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 h rs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents time for first ------- - value in each row. 17.9095 I .003 ------ .003 -- --------- .003 ------- .003 ------------ .003 18.3260 I .003 .002 .002 .002 .002 18.7425 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.1590 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.5755 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.9920 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 20.4085 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 20.8250 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 21.2415 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 21.6580 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.0745 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.4910 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.9075 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 23.3240 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 23.7405 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 24.1570 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 24.5735 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 24.9900 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 25.4065 I .002 .001 .001 .001 .001 25.8230 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 26.2395 I 001 .001 .001 .001 .001 26.6560 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 27.0725 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 27.4890 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 27.9055 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 28.3220 I ,001 .001 .001 .001 .001 28.7385 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.1550 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.5715 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.9880 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001. 30.4045 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 30.821.0 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 31.2375 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 31.6540 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 32.0705 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 32.4870 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 32.9035 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 33.3200 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 33.7365 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 34.1530 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 34.5695 I .001 .001 .001 .001 ,001 34.9860 I .001 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 9 of 35 Type.... Time vs. Volume Page 3.05 Name.... SITE Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set o f calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTI NG.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TIME vs. VOLUME (ac-ft) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents time for first ----- value in each row. .0000 .000 -------- .346 ------------ .977 ---------- 1.267 ---------- 1.213 .4165 I 1.120 1.038 .975 .927 .888 .8330 .858 .833 .811 .793 .733 1.2495 I .676 .667 .638 .595 .555 1.6660 i .516 .480 .474 .455 .427 2.0825 I .395 .363 .334 .316 .300 2.4990 I .285 .271 .257 .244 .228 2.9155 I .213 .205 .190 .176 .163 3.3320 I .154 .148 .140 .131 .122 3.74B5 .113 .106 .099 .093 .088 4.1650 I .083 .078 .073 .069 .065 4.5815 I .061 .057 .054 .051 .048 4.9980 .045 .043 .040 .038 .036 5.4145 I .035 .033 .032 .030 .029 5.8310 I .028 .026 .025 .024 .023 6.2475 .023 .022 .021 .020 .020 6.6640 I .019 .018 .018 .017 .017 7.0805 I .016 .016 .015 .015 .015 7.4970 I .014 .014 .014 .013 .013 7.9135 I .013 .012 .012 .012 .011 8.3300 .011 .011 .011 .010 .010 8.7465 I .010 .010 .010 .009 .009 9.1630 .009 .009 .009 .009 .008 9.5795 I .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 9.9960 .008 .007 .007 .007 .007 10.4125 I .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 10.8290 .006 .006 .006 .0066 .006 11.2455 I .006 .0066 .006 .006 .006 11.6620 I .006 .005 .005 .005 .005 12.0785 I .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 12.4950 I .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 12.9115 I .005 .005 .004 .004 .004 13.3280 I .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 13.7445 I .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 _, 14.1610 I .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 14.5775 I .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 14.9940 I .004 .004 .004 .003 .003 15.4105 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 15.8270 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 16.2435 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 16.6600 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 17.0765 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 17.4930 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 10 of 35 Type.... Time vs. volume Page 3.06 Name.... SITE Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr rile.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of Calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTI NG.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr TIME vs. VOLUME (ac-ft) Time Output Time increment = .0833 h rs hrs -------- Time on left -I----------------- represents time for first ---------- value in each row. 17.9095 .003 -- .003 ------------- .003 ------- .003 --- .003 18.3260 .003 .003 .002 .002 .002 18.7425 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.1590 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.5755 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.9920 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 20.4085 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 20.8250 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 21.2415 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 21.6580 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.0745 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.4910 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.9075 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 23.3240 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 23.7405 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 24.1570 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 24.5735 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 24.9900 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 25.4065 I .002 .001 .001 .001 .001 25.8230 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 26.2395 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 26.6560 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 27.0725 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 27.4890 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 27.9055 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 28.3220 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 28.7385 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.1550 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.5715 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.9880 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 30.4045 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 30.8210 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 31.2375 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 31.6540 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 32.0705 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 32.4870 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 32.9035 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 33.3200 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 33.7365 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 34.1530 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 34.5695 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 34.9860 .001 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 11 of 35 Type.... Time vs. Volume tr• i Page 3.07 Name.... SITE Tag: 50 Yr Eve nt: 50 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTI NG.PPW Storm... 50 Year Gastonia Tag: 50 Yr TIME vs. VOLUME (ac-ft) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs -------- ( Time on left -I----------------- represents time for first ----------- value in each row. .0000 I .000 -- .371 ------- ----- 1.044 ---------- 1.339 ---------- 1.257 .4165 I 1.152 1.062 .993 .941 .899 .8330 I .866 .840 .820 .801 .747 1.2495 I .735 .684 .637 .593 .549 1.6660 I .526 .518 .485 .454 .426 2.0825 I .402 .378 .356 .330 .305 2.4990 I .282 .268 .255 ,243 .232 2.9155 I .221 .204 .189 .176 .167 3.3320 .161 .152 .141 .131 .124 3.7485 .117 .109 .102 .095 .089 4.1650 I .084 .079 .075 .070 .066 4.5815 I .062 .058 .055 .052 .049 4.9980 I .046 .043 .041 .039 .037 5.4145 I .035 .034 .032 .030 .029 5.8310 .028 .027 .026 .025 .024 6.2475 I .023 .022 .021 .020 .020 6.6640 I .019 .019 .018 .017 .017 7.0805 I .016 .016 .016 .015 .015 7.4970 I .014 .014 .014 .013 .013 T 7.9135 .013 .012 .012 .012 .011 8.3300 I .011 .011 .011 .010 .010 8.7465 I .010 .010 .010 .009 .009 9.1630 .009 .009 .009 .009 .008 9.5795 I .008 .008 .008 .008 .008 9.9960 I .008 .007 .007 .007 .007 10.4125 .007 .007 .007 .007 .007 10.8290 .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 11.2455 I .006 .006 .006 .006 .006 11.6620 I .006 .005 .005 .005 .005 12.0785 i .005 .005 .005 .005 ,005 12.4950 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 12.9115 I .005 .005 .004 .004 .004 13.3280 i .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 13.7445 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 14.1610 I .004 .004 .004 .004 ,004 14.5775 .004 .004 .004 .004 .004 14.9940 .004 .004 .004 .003 .003 15.4105 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 2.5.8270 .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 16.2435 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 16.6600 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 17.0765 I ,003 .003 .003 .003 .003 17.4930 I .003 .003 .003 .003 .003 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 12 of 35 Type.... Time vs. Volume Page 3.08 Name.... SITE Tag: 50 Yr Event: 50 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th se t of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Storm... 50 Year Gastonia Tag: 50 Yr TIME vs. VOLUME (ac-ft) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs -------- I Time on left -I----------------- represents time for first ------ value in each row. 17.9095 I .003 ------- .003 --- --------- .003 ------ .003 -------------- .003 18.3260 I .003 .003 .002 .002 .002 18.7425 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.1590 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.5755 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 19.9920 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 20.4085 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 20.8250 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 21.2415 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 21.6580 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.0745 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.4910 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 22.9075 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 23.3240 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 23.7405 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 24.1570 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 24.5735 .002 .002 .002 ,002 .002 24.9900 I .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 25.4065 I .002 .001 .001 .001 .001 25.8230 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 26.2395 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 26.6560 I .001 .001 .001 .001 ,001 27.0725 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 27.4890 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 27.9055 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 28.3220 I .001 .001 ,001 .001 .001 28.7385 I 001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.1550 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.5715 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 29.9880 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 30.4045 I .001 .001 .001 .001 ,001 30.8210 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 31.2375 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 31.6540 I .001 .001 .001 .001 001 32.0705 1 .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 32.4870 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 32.9035 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 33.3200 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 33.7365 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 34.1530 I .001 .001 .001 ,001 .001 34.5695 I .001 .001 .001 .001 .001 34.9860 I .001 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 13 of 35 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 4.01 Name.... Out to Creek File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engineer: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped REQUESTED POND WS ELEVATIONS: Min. Elev.= 700.00 ft Increment = .03 ft Max. Elev.= 71.0.00 ft ********************************************** OUTLET CONNECTIVITY ---> Forward Flow Only (UpStream to DnStream) G--- Reverse Flow ')nly (DnStream to Upstream) <---> Forward and Reverse Both Allowed Structure No. Outfall. E1, ft E2, ft ----------------- ---- ------- --------- --------- User Defined Table U0 ---> TW .000 710.000 Weir-Rectangular WO ---> CO 704.420 710.000 Culvert-Circular CO ---> TW 700.000 710.000 TW SETUP, DS Channel AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 14 of 35 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 4.02 Name.... Out to Creek File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4t1i set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engineer: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = U0 Structure Type = User Defined Table ------------------------------------ ELEV-FLOW RATING TABLE Elev, ft Flow, cfs --------- --------- 700.00 .00 701.50 .00 702.00 .75 702.50 1.60 704.00 1.70 709.50 1.70 710.00 1.70 Structure ID Structure Type -------------- # of Openings Crest Elev. Weir Length Weir Coeff. Wo Weir-Rectangular ---------------- 1 704.42 ft 5.00 ft 3.130000 Weir TW effects (Use adjustment equation) AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 15 of 35 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 4.03 Name.... Out to Creek File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engineer: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = Co Structure Type = Culvert-Circular ------------------------------------ No. Barrels = 1 Barrel Diameter = 2.5000 ft Upstream Invert = 700.00 ft Dnstream Invert = 698.50 ft Horiz. Length = 140.00 ft Barrel Length = 140.01 ft Barrel Slope = .01071 ft/ft OUTLET CONTROL DATA... Mannings n = .0210 Ke = .5000 (forward entrance loss) Kb = .024052 (per ft of full flow) Kr .5000 (reverse entrance loss) HW Convergence = .001 +/- ft INLET CONTROL DATA... Equation form = 1 Inlet Control K = .0078 Inlet Control M = 2.0000 inlet Control c = .03790 Inlet Control Y = .690C Tl ratio (HW/D) = 1,130 T2 ratio (HW/D) = 1.291 Slope Factor = -.500 Use unsubmerged inlet control Form 1 equ. below Tl ele: Use submerged inlet control Form 1 equ. above T2 elev. In transition zone between unsubmerged and submerged inlet control, interpolate between flows at T1 & T2... At T1 Elev = 702.83 ft ---> Flow = 27.16 cfs At T2 Elev = 703.23 ft ---> Flow = 31.05 cfs AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 16 of 35 Type.... Outlet Input Data Page 4.04 Name.... Out to Creek File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack_\Rational - 4th'set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engineer: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped OUTLET STRUCTURE INPUT DATA Structure ID = TW Structure Type = TW SETUP, DS Channel ------------------------------------- FREE OUTF_ALL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED CONVERGENCE TOLERANCES... Maximum Iterations= 40 Min. TW tolerance = .01 ft Max. TW tolerance = .01 ft Min. HW tolerance = .01 ft Max. HW tolerance = .01 ft Min. Q tolerance = .00 cfs Max. Q tolerance = .00 cfs AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 17 of 35 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Page 4.05 Name.... Out to Creek File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of talc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engineer: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes ---------------- -------- Converge ------------------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- f ----- t +/-ft --- --- Contrib uti ng Structures 701.65 .23 Free -- Outfall ---- UO ---- (no --- Q: ------------- WO,CO) 701.68 .26 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.70 .30 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.73 .34 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.75 .38 Free .Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.78 .41 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.80 .45 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.83 .49 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.85 .52 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.88 .56 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.90 .60 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.93 .64 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.95 .68 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 701.98 .71 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.00 .75 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.03 .79 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.05 .83 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.08 .88 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.10 .92 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.13 .96 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.15 1.01 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.18 1.05 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.20 1.09 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.23 1.13 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.25 1.16 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.28 1.22 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.30 1.26 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.33 1.30 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.35 1.34 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.38 1.39 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.40 1.43 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.43 1.47 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.45 1.52 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 18 of 35 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Out to Creek Page 4.06 File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th'set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engineer: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q No tes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge --- --- - --- --------------- E1ev. Q TW E lev Error ft -------- cfs ------- f ----- t +/-ft --- --- Contributi ng Structures 702.48 1.56 Free -- Outfall ---- UO ---- (no --- Q: --------------- WO,CO) 702.50 1.60 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.53 1.60 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.55 1.60 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.58 1.61 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.60 1.61 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.63 1.61 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.65 1.61 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.68 1.61 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.70 1.61 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.73 1.61 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.75 1.62 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.78 1.62 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.80 1.62 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.83 1.62 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) '102.85 1.62 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.88 1.63 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.90 1.63 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.93 1.63 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.95 1.63 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 702.98 1.63 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.00 1.63 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.03 1.64 Free Outfall UO (no Q: W0,C0) 703.05 1.64 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.08 1.64 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.10 1.64 Free Ou.tfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.13 1.64 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.15 1.64 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.18 1.64 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.20 1.65 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.23 1.65 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.25 1.65 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.28 1.65 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 19 of 35 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Page 4.07 Name.... Out to Creek File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engineer: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes ---------------- -------- Converge ---------- --------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures -------- ------- -------- ----- -------------------------- 703.30 1.65 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.33 1.66 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.35 1.66 Free outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.38 1.66 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.40 1.66 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.43 1.66 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.45 1.66 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.48 1.66 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.50 1.67 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.53 1.67 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.55 1.67 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.58 1.67 Free Outfall UO (no Q:,WO,CO) 703.60 1.67 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.63 1.68 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.65 1.68 Free Outfall UO (no Q. WO,CO) 703.68 1.68 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.70 1.68 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.73 1.68 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.75 1.68 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.78 1.69 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.80 1.69 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.83 1.69 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.85 1.69 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.88 1.69 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.90 1.69 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.93 1.69 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.95 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 703.98 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.00 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.03 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.05 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.08 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.10 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J " l Page 20 of 35 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Name.... Out to Creek Page 4.08 File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engine er: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge Elev. Q TW E lev Error ft -------- cfs ------- f ----- t +/-ft --- - Contributing Structures 704.13 1.70 Free ---- Outfall ----------- UO (no Q: --------------- WO,CO) 704.15 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.18 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.20 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) _ 704.23 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.25 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.28 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.30 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.33 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q. WO,CO) 704.35 1.70 Free outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.38 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.40 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no 0: WO,CO) 704.42 1.70 Free Outfall UO (no Q: WO,CO) 704.43 1.71 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 704.45 1.78 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.48 1.90 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.50 2.05 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.53 2.23 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.55 2.43 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.58 2.66 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.60 2.89 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.63 3.15 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.65 3.43 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.68 3.71 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.70 4.02 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.73 4.34 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.75 4.67 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.78 5.01 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.80 5.37 Free outfall UO,WO,CO 704.83 5.73 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.85 6.11 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.88 6.50 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 704.90 6.91 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 21 Df 35 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Page 4.09 Name.... Out to Creek File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mail Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engineer: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ------- ------------------- Elev. Q TW E lev Error ft -------- cfs ------- f ----- t +/-ft --- Contributing Structures 704.93 7.32 Free ----- Outfall -------------------------- UO,Wo,C0 704.95 7.74 Free Outfall U0,WO,C0 704.98 8.17 Free Outfall UO,W0,Co 705.00 8.61 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 705.03 9.07 Free Outfall UO,WO,Co 705.05 9.53 Free Outfall U0,Wo,C0 705.08 9.99 Free Outfall UO,W0,C0 705.10 10.48 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.13 10.97 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.15 11.43 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 705.18 11.97 Free outfall U0,W0,C0 705.20 12.48 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 705.23 13.00 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.25 13.54 Free outfall UO,WO,CO 705.28 14.07 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.30 14.61 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.33 15.15 Free outfall U0,W0,C0 705.35 15.74 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.38 16.31 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.40 16.88 Free Outfall UO,W0,CO 705.43 17.46 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.45 18.07 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.48 18.65 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.50 19.27 Free Dutfall U0,W0,C0 705.53 19.88 Free Outfall UO,Wo,CO 705.55 20.49 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.58 21.14 Free outfall U0,W0,C0 705.60 21.77 Free Outfall U0,WO,Co 705.63 22.40 Free Outfall UO,W0,C0 705.65 23.05 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.68 23.71 Free Outfall U0,WO,CO 705.70 24.37 Free Outfall U0,W0,CO 705.73 25.04 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 22 of 35 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Page 4.10 Name.... Out to Creek File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engineer: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes ---------------- -------- Converge ------------------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures -------- ------- -------- ----- -------------------------- 705.75 25.70 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.78 26.38 Free Outfall UO,WO,Co 105.80 27.07 Free Outfall UO,W0,C0 705.83 27.76 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.85 28.46 Free Outfall UO,W0,C0 705.88 29.18 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.90 29.88 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 705.93 30.59 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 705.95 31.31 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 705.98 32.04 Free Outfall U0,W0,CO 706.00 32.78 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.03 33.52 Free Outfall Uo,WO,Co 706.05 34.27 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.08 35.02 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 706.10 35.78 Free Outfall U0,WO,CO 706.13 36.39 Free Outfall U0,WO,CO 706.15 36.83 Free Outfall UO,WO,Co 706.18 37.21 Free Outfall Uo,WO,Co 706.20 37.55 Free Outfall Uo,W0,C0 706.23 37.84 Free Outfall UO,W0,C0 706.25 38.15 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.28 38.43 Free Outfall UO,WO,Co 706.30 38.68 Free Outfall Uo,WO,Co 706.33 38.92 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.35 39.19 Free Outfall Uo,W0,C0 706.38 39.43 Free Outfall UO,W0,C0 706.40 39.66 Free Outfall UO,W0,C0 706.43 39.88 Free Outfall Uo,W0,C0 706.45 40.09 Free Outfall Uo,W0,C0 706.48 40.29 Free Outfall UO,W0,C0 706.50 40.49 Free Outfall UO,WO,Co 706.53 40.69 Free Outfall Uo,W0,C0 706.55 40.88 Free Outfall Uo,W0,C0 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 23 of 35 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Page 4.11 Name.... Out to Creek File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engineer: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS E1ev, Total Q Notes -------- -------- ----- --- Converge ----------------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft -------- cfs ------- ft +/-ft ------- - Contributing Structures 706.58 41.07 Free - -- -- Outfall ------------------------ U0,w0,C0 706.60 41.24 Free Outfall U0,w0,C0 706.63 41.43 Free Outfall U0,w0,C0 706.65 41.60 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.68 41.77 Free Outfall UO1WO,CO 706.70 41.93 Free Out-fall U0,w0,C0 706.73 42.11 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.75 42.26 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.78 42.42 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.80 42.62 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.83 42.78 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.85 42.93 Free Outfall UO,w0,C0 706.88 43.08 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 706.90 43.22 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.93 43.37 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.95 43.51 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 706.98 43.65 Free Outfall U0,w0,C0 707.00 43.79 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.03 43.93 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.05 44.06 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.08 44.19 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.10 44.32 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.13 44.46 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.15 44.58 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.18 44.71 Free Outfall U0,w0,C0 707.20 44.83 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.23 44.95 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.25 45.07 Free Outfall U0,w0,C0 707.28 45.19 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.30 45.32 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.33 45.43 Free Outfall U0,w0,C0 707.35 45.56 Free Outfall U0,w0,C0 707.38 45.66 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 24 of 35 Type.... Composite Rating Curve Page 4.12 Name.... Out to Creek File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th'set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Title... Project Date: 3/20/2007 Project Engineer: Woolpert Project Title: Gaston Mall - Predeveloped ***** COMPOSITE OUTFLOW SUMMARY **** WS Elev, Total Q Notes ---------------- -------- Converge ------------------------- Elev. Q TW Elev Error ft cfs ft +/-ft Contributing Structures -------- ------- -------- ----- -------------------------- 707.40 45.77 Free Outfall UO,WO,Co 707.43 45.90 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.45 46.00 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 707.48 46.12 Free Outfall UO1WO,CO 707.50 46.23 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.53 46.35 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.55 46.45 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 707.58 46.57 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 _ 707.60 46.67 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.63 46.78 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 707.65 46.69 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO '707.68 46.99 Free Outfall U0, inWO, CO 707.70 47.09 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.73 47.20 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.75 47.30 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 707.78 47.40 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 707.80 47.51 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.83 47.62 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.85 47.72 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 707.88 47.81 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 707.90 47.92 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 '707.93 48.01 Free Outfall Uo,W0,C0 707.95 48.11 Free Outfall Uo,W0,C0 707.98 48.21 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 708.00 48.30 Free Outfall Uo,W0,C0 708.03 48.40 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 708.05 48.50 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 708.08 48.60 Free Outfall Uo,W0,C0 708.10 48.69 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 708.13 48.79 Free Outfall UO,Wa,Co 708.15 48.88 Free Outfall UO,WO,.CO 708.18 48.98 Free Outfall UO,WO,CO 708.20 49.07 Free Outfall U0,W0,C0 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 25 of 35 Type.... Rational Predev. Peak Q Page 5.01 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Event: 2 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr SUMMARY OF RATIONAL METHOD PEAK DISCHARGES --- PREDEVELOPED CONDITIONS --- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag ----- Freq ------ File ------- IDF Curve 2 Yr 2 ----- ---------------- 2 year Gastonia Tc = .2265 hrs Tag Freq C C adj .-----------------------------. I C I Area I Peak Q ----- (years) ------ factor ----- ------ 1 final in/hr acres cfs 2 Yr 2 .569 1.000 I-----------------------------I ---------- 1 .569 3.9523 20.460 1 46.40 ----------------------------- AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 26 of 35 Type.... C and Area Page 5.02 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: PRE File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIM_ARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA ................................. ............ ............ ................ --------------------------------- ------------ ------------ Area ---------------- C x Area Soil/Surface Description - -------------------------------- C - acres acres Predeveloped Portion of the site ------- .2500 ---------- 5.028 ---------- 1.257 Ex. Developed .8500 10.882 9.250 Harris Teeter / Mary Joes and Parki .2500 4.550 1.138 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .5691 20.460 11.644 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 27 of 35 Type.... Mod. Rational Storm Calcs Page 5.03 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Summary for Single Storm Frequency ---- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) RETURN FREQUENCY: 2 yr 'C -------------------------- ' Adjustment = 1.0 ------------------- 00Allowable ------------ Q = 46.40 ---------- cfs --------- Hydrograph Storm Duration, Td = .2000 hrs Tc = .0833 hrs Hydrograph File: 2 Yr VOLUMES Wtd. Adjusted Duration Intens. Area Qpeak I Inflow Storage 'C' 'C' hrs -------------------------- in/hr acres ----------- cfs 1 ac-ft ac-ft .861 .861 .0833 -------- 5.6396 20.460 --------- -- 100.19 I ---------- .690 --------- .361 .861 .861 .1667 4.4448 20.460 78.96 I 1.088 .468 ********** **:***************************:****************** Storage Maximum .861 .861 .2000 4.1696 20.460 74.07 I 1.224 .483 .861 .861 .2500 3.7600 20.460 66.80 1.380 .458 .861 .861 .3333 3.3667 20.460 59.81 I 1.648 .419 .861 .861 .5000 2.5800 20.460 45.83 1 Qpeak < Qallow _i AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 28 of 35 Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.04 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: 2 Yr Event: 2 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 2 year Gastonia Tag: 2 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL, METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq --- File IDF Curve -- ------ - 2 Yr 2 ----------- ---------------- 2 year Gastonia Td = .2000 hrs - Tag Freq --------------------- C C adj C I ------- Area Peak Q (years) ----- ------ - factor final in/hr ---- ------ acres cfs 2 Yr 2 ---------------------- .861 1.000 .861 4.1696 ---------------------- -------I 20.460 ------- ---------- 74.07 HYG file = HYG ID = PRIMARY SITE HYG --- Tag = 2 Yr - - --- - Peak - -- ----------------------- Discharge = 74.07 cfs Time to Peak = .1666 hrs HYG ---- Volume = 1.224 ac-ft ------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .08 33 hrs hrs T --------- I ----- ime on left represents time for first ------------------ value in each row. .0000 I ------------------- .00 74.05 74.07 ---------- 29.72 ---------- .00 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 29 of 35 Type.... C and Area Page 5.05 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: POST rile.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW RATIONAL C COEFFICIENT DATA ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area C x Area Soil/Surface Description C acres acres -------------------------------- -------- ---------- ---------- Primary Development .8500 15.910 13.524 Harris Teeter / Mary Joes and Parki .9000 4.550 4.095 WEIGHTED C & TOTAL AREA ---> .8611 20.460 17.619 ....................................................................... ....................................................................... AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J -" Page 30 of 35 Type.... Mod. Rational Storm Calcs Page 5.06 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Summary for Single Storm Frequency ---- Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) RETURN FREQUENCY: ----------------- 10 yr 'C' Adjustment = 1.000A1lowable ----------------------------------------- Q = 60.22 ---------- cfs -------- Hydrograph Storm Duration, Td = .2000 hrs Tc = .0833 hrs Hydrograph File: 10 Yr : ................. ......... ............ ....... ............. .................. VOLUMES Wtd. Adjusted Duration Intens. Area Qpeak I Inflow Storage 'C' 'C' -hrs in/hr acres cfs I ac-ft ac-ft ----------------- .861 .861 --------- .0833 ------------ 7.1995 -------- 20.460 -------- --- 127.90 ---------- .881 -------- .436 .861 .861 .1667 5.7657 20.460 102.43 1.411 .606 **************** *******************:*********************** Storage Maximum .861 .861 .2000 5.4101 20.460 96.11 1.589 .626 .861 .861 .2500 4.6800 20.460 86.69 1.791 .593 .861 .861 .3333 4.4600 20.460 79.23 2.183 .584 .861 .861 .5000 3.6200 20.460 64.31 2.657 .266 .861 .861 .6667 3.1800 20.460 56.49 Qpeak < Qallow AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS Page 31 of 35 APPENDIX J Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.07 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: 10 Yr Event: 10 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 10 Year Gastonia Tag: 10 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 10 Yr 10 10 Year Gastonia Td = .2000 hrs .-----------------------------. Tag Freq C C adj C I Area Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres I cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 10 Yr 10 .861 1.000 I .861 5.4101 20.460 I 96.11 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = PRIMARY SITE HYG Tag = 10 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 96.11 cfs Time to Peak = .1666 hrs HYG Volume = 1.589 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. ---------I-------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 I .00 96.08 96.11 38.56 .00 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 32 of 35 Type.... Mod. Rational Storm Calcs Page 5.08 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rational - 4th set of calc's\PRIMARY SITE WITH HT AND MJ FOR ROUTING.PPW Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD ---- Summary for Single Storm Frequency ---- Q = C--LA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 / (1.2 * 3600) RETURN FREQUENCY: 25 yr 'C' Adjustment = 1.000Allowable Q = 66.79 cfs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph Storm Duration, Td = .2000 hrs Tc = .0833 hrs Hydrograph File: 25 Yr ................... VOLUMES Wtd. Adjusted Duration Intens. Area Qpeak I Inflow Storage 'C' 'C' hrs in/hr acres cfs ac-ft ac-ft -------------------------------------------- ---------- °-------------------- .861 .861 .0833 8.0394 20.460 142.62 .984 .476 ,861 .861 .1667 6.4265 20.460 114.17 1.573 .680 xxxxxxxxxxx k:rxxxxxx**xxx**xxx:rxxxx**xxxxx,rxx**xx*x**xxxxxxx* Storage Maximum .861 .861 .2000 6.0145 20.460 106.85 1.766 .698 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*xxxx**xxxx****xxxx*xxx*xxxx .861 .861 .2500 5.4000 20.460 95.93 1.962 .655 .861 .861 .3333 4.9400 20.460 87.76 2.418 .645 .861 .861 .5-000 4.0200 20.460 71.41 2.951 .299 .861 .861 .6667 3.5700 20.460 63.42 Qpeak < Qallow AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 33 of 35 Type.... Mod. Rational Hyg Page 5.09 Name.... PRIMARY SITE Tag: 25 Yr Event: 25 yr File.... C:\My Stuff\Gaston Mall Pondpack\Rationai - 4th set of calc's\ Storm... 25 Year Gastonia Tag: 25 Yr MODIFIED RATIONAL METHOD HYDROGRAPH Q = CiA * Units Conversion; Where Conversion = 43560 /.(12 * 3600) Tag Freq File IDF Curve ----- ------ ------------ ---------------- 25 Yr 25 25 Year Gastonia Td = .2000 hrs ----------------------------- Tag Freq C C adj I C I Area I Peak Q (years) factor I final in/hr acres cfs ----- ------ ----- ------ I-----------------------------I ---------- 25 Yr 25 .861 1.000 I .861 6.0145 20.460 I 106.85 ----------------------------- HYG file = HYG ID = PRIMARY SITE HYG Tag = 25 Yr ----------------------------------- Peak Discharge = 106.85 cfs Time to Peak = .1666 hrs HYG Volume = 1.766 ac-ft ----------------------------------- HYDROGRAPH ORDINATES (cfs) Time I Output Time increment = .0833 hrs hrs I Time on left represents time for first value in each row. --------- I------------------------------------------------------------- .0000 ( .00 106.81 106.85 42.86 .00 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS APPENDIX J Page 34 of 35 Appendix A Index of Starting Page Numbers for ID Names 10 Year Gastonia 10 Yr... 2.01 ----- 2 ----- 2 year Gastonia 2 Yr... 2.02 25 Year Gastonia 25 Yr... 2.03 ----- 5 ----- 50 Year Gastonia 50 Yr... 2.04 ----- 0 ----- Out to Creek... 4.01 ----- P ----- PRIMARY SITE... 5.01, 5.02, 5.03, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06, 5.07, 5.08, 5.09, 3.01, 3.03, 3.05, 3.07 ----- W ----- Watershed... 1.01, 1.02 AREA H ROUTING CALCULATIONS Page 35 of 35 A-1 APPENDIX J Gaston Mail Redevelopment Detention / Bioretention Design Total Drainage Area (Ac.) 4.38 AC Drainage Area Breakdown (Pre) Area (AC) C Value Pervious 438 0.25 Impervious 0 0.9 Drainage Area Breakdown (Post) Area (AC) C Value Pervious 0.59 0.25 Impervious 3.79 0.9 Biorention Design Runoff Volume Determined b Pre Development Runoff Volume Design Storm Volume Required / Simple Method R, = 0.05 + 0.90 IA R„ = 0.05 1.D0 (in) V = 3630 RD*P.v*A V = 794.97 CF Post Development Runoff Volume R„ = 0.05 + 0.90 IA k = 0.826767 Design Stone 1.00 (n) Volume Required V = 3630 RD*Rv*A V = 13176.9 CF Gastonia 10Yr Rainfall Intensity (in/hr) Peak Flow. (Pre) Q = CiA Q =(436)(7.26)(.25) Q = 7.95 CFS Composite C 0.812443 Peak Flow (Pre) Q = CIA Q =(4.36)(7.26)(.81) Q = 25.83 CFS 7.26 Rv = Runoff Coefficient IA = Impervious Fraction (Impervous Area/Total Area) V = Volume of Runoff RD = Design Storm Runoff Depth A = Drainage Area (AC) Rv = Runoff Coefficient IA = Impervious Fraction (Impervous Area/Total Area) V = Volume of Runoff RD = Design Storm Runoff Depth A = Drainage Area (AC) APPENDIX i< Gaston Mall Redevelopment Detention / Bioretention Design Total Drainage Area (Ac.) 4.38 AC Drainage Area Breakdown (Pre) Area (AC) C Value Pervious 4.38 0.25 Impervious D 0.9 Drainage Area Breakdown (Post) Area (AC) C Value Pervious 0.59 D25 Impervious 3.79 0.9 Detention Design Runoff Volume Determined b, Pre Development Runoff Volume Design Storm Volume Required i Simple Method Rv = O.D5 + 0.90 IA R„ = 0.05 4.97 (in) V = 3630 Ro*Rv*A V = 3951.001 CF Post Development Runoff Volume RV = 0.05 + 0.90 IA R„ = 0.828767 Design Storm 4.97 (in) Volume Required V = 3630 Ro*Rv*A V = 65489.19 CF Amount Required to Detain (Pre - Post) Storage Volume Required 61538.19 CF Gastonia 10Yr Rainfall Intensity (in/hr) Peak Flow (Pre) Q = CiA Q =(4.36)(7.26)(.25) Q = 7.95 CFS Composite C 0.812443 Peak Flow (Pre) Q=CiA Q =(4.36)(726)(.81) Q = 25.83 CFS 7.26 Rv = Runoff Coefficient IA = Impervious Fraction (Impervous Areal i otal Area) NOAA 10YR 24HR Rainfall Depth V = Volume of Runoff RD = Design Storm Runoff Depth A = Drainage Area (AC) Rv = Runoff Coefficient IA = Impervious Fraction (Impervous Area/Total Area) V = Volume of Runoff RD = Design Storm Runoff Depth A = Drainage Area (AC) APPENDIX K SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT REPORT ADDENDA "A" GASTON MALL REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NW CORNER OF COX ROAD AND FRANKLIN BLVD GASTONIA, NC PP-GASTON MALL, LLC February 29, 2008 Woolpert Project No. 064961 ADDENDA A Overview An amendment Chapter 14, of the City of Gastonia ("City") Ordinances was made effective February lst 2008. The amendment was promulgated by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission in response to the Federal Phase H Stormwater Regulations. The amendment added Division 4, Management of Post Development Stormwater Runoff. Computations A copy of the proposed ordinance referenced above as well as a supplementary manual published by the City is attached to this addendum for reference. According to the definitions provided, the parking lot expansion addition and the retail 1 building are considered a "high density project". An excerpt from Section 14-738(c)(1) provides the water quality standard for high density development as follows: The measures shall control and treat the difference in the stormwater runoff volume leaving the project site between the pre- and post- development conditions for, at a minimum, the f rst inch of rain. i. Treatment volume drawdown time shall be a minimum of 48 hours, but not more than 96 hours. ii. The measure shall discharge the treatment volume at a rate equal to or less than the pre-development discharge rate for the one year, 24 hour storm event. iii. ,411 structural stormwater treatment systems used to meet the requirements of the program shall be designed to have a minimum of 85% average annual removal for Total Suspended Solids (TSS) from the treatment volume; any system designed in compliance with the manual shall be considered to have the TSS removal efficiency indicated in that manual. Treatment" trains" shall be considered to have removal efficiencies equal to the treatment sum of the various components of the "train ". Attached to this addendum is an "impervious area map" depicting the areas considered for this analysis. Area 1 is a portion of the new thru roadway to be constructed. Area 2 is the Retail 1 building, some associated parking areas and the area set aside for a bio-retention area. Area 3 is a new impervious area used for parking for Retail 1. The remainder of the site is divided into three categories: Existing development, Duhart's creek and the adjoining pervious area(s) and future development, which shall be required to meet the water quality standards at the time of development. Area 1 is limited in design capacity to meet the City's requirement for water quality due to slope on the roadway. For that reason, Area 4 shall be used to compensate within the water quality calculation. Said area is of equal size and contiguous to area 3. Area 4 is currently an existing parking lot servicing the existing mall. Runoff from Area 2 is routed to the bio-retention area. The bio-retention area shall be created using fill meeting having a permeability rate of approximately 2 inches per hour. The location of the bio-retention is complimentary to Duhart's Creek and the mitigation area encompassing same. According to Chapter 12 of the NC DENR Stormwater BMP manual, the use of bio-retention shall result in a credit of 85% removal and meeting the peak runoff attenuation. Runoff from Area 3 and 4 is routed to the underground detention system and shall be treated by the Stormfilter system located under the parking lot. Refer to the construction plans and section 33 and 3.C on page 15 and 16 respective of the report for additional information. According to Table 3 on page 15, the volume of water treated to meet the TSS requirement exceeds the City required minimum. The system does not meet the treatment volume drawdown minimum of 48 hours. However, it should be Woolpert, Inc Gaston Mall Redevelopment - Phase II Addenda January 29, 2008 P.P. Gaston Mall, LLC Rev February 28, 2008 noted that the drawdown rate is a function of the number of cartridges and available head. Because the system is a filter-type, not meeting the minimum time requirement should not be construed as a deficiency. The table below shows the total flows for the pre and post development conditions for the 1 year storm event for the combination of area 3 and 4 from the attached impervious area map. A Coefficient of runoff of 0.25 was used for the existing conditions. The computations were performed using Pondpack by Haestaed Methods. The output data for the routing analysis is attached to this addendum. The rate of discharge thru the storm filters is conservatively assumed as 1.67 cfs. (Note: The rate of discharge for the stormfilter system is roughly 7.48 pm per cartridge for a system having 10 feet of available head.) Existing Conditions Post-improvement Discharge Storage Routed Discharge Storage Routed E (cfs) (Ac-Ft) Stage (ft) (cfs) (Ac-Ft) Stage (ft) 6 64 0.044 774.88 0.67 0.084 774.97 . The system meets Section 14-738(c)(1)ii of the City ordinance. G:tSD\Proje \Gaton MaH Rod-iop-t\64961 G-Ma11tF giaeeringl9to DesiptPONDPACY.Vtntiona1-4thse1 ofcalc'stPhM 11 addmda.doe Woolpert, Inc Gaston Mali Redevelopment- Phase II Addenda 2 January 29, 2008 P.P. Gaston Mall, LLC Rev February 28, 2008 / -ld .2d3F a / LCPER'E ,1 11 jl I 11 lx/) E1 1 -g. FR9fih7.I.N 4V - EA 1 = 1.47 Acres - (TO BE COMPENSATED BY AREA 4) AREA 2 = 4.94 Ames / (TO BE ROUTED TO BIO-RETENTION AREA) - - - - - _ - _ _ _ -_ ,xiEaSTATE es EnSieouNp - - - - - - - ? - - - - -1 LIMITS OF EXISTIN(3-_ ------------------------------------ PARKING LOT ---- o C? O > 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? m? 0-) N c? zoo 3- Ln 10 I m? ?? O z co Nn 0 o c?, o 0 0 o d a LJ L0 CD r Ea? o ? 4 I lr oJ b EXIST TlErvE? T?aa IS N-) O o N? n"t X E.I E ?0 °° ^, --- Orr CO 0 L_ 11 ?Co O vrL i SNO ? - T 5,772 E ----J-L-LL J --2`s - ?, 0 Li 'o L -- PRIVATE - ?--? DRIVE P= PaoEE 1,,° = E oosE 0 0 I I , ',1 --.,r- I U 0 E,, 1 11 ? I rrer,?..P0 0 1 uCUORS ORE ` 1 J 1 ??? , C NG CNTER H ELTER T$ IP NIrvnl 4.1 III ICEL E PAINIII ._ O EX. DEVEODP ?.\ vHnsE nT I I jMy? 1 NCO \ EoEPnoxRS ?jP4 PRRCE L 0 O 0 ?-?-- -- .- E FP.MPL(,V EL4T ]00' F/IV --.--- - - --------- ----------- d/}} -------------- AREA 3 = 4.61 Acres - (TO BE ROUTED THROUGH UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY) AREA 4 = 1.47 Acres 0 1 60 320 480 (COMPENSATING FOR AREA 1. TO BE ROUTED THROUGH -UNDERGROUND STORAGE FACILITY) NORTy GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET CIE. W C O to m a m 0 w 0 //,?_ U'AAUIF Qv Sizing Proposal STORMWATER Gaston Mall Stormwater Treatment System/Design Summary Gastonia, NC Information provided: ® Total contributing area = 15.91 acres ® Impervious area = 13.04 acres Water Quality Volume = 45,489 fe ® Presiding agency = City of Gastonia Design Requirement: Provide 85% Total Suspended Solids removal ® Mass load design method ® Design rainfall depth = 1.0" ® Cartridge operating flow rate = 7.5 GPM (36 pound mass load removal capability prior to occlusion) ® Media = Perlite/Zeolite/GAC i Drop required from inlet to outlet = 18" Size and cost estimates: The Stormwater Management StormFilter® is a passive siphon-actuated, flow-through, stormwater filtration system consisting of a structure that houses rechargeable, media-filled. fitter cartridges. The StormFilter works by passing stormwater through the media-filled cartridges, which trap particulates and adsorb pollutants such as dissolved metals, nutrients, and hydrocarbons. The Volume StormFilter is designed to act as "capture and treat" system. This system will treat the entire Water Quality Volume (WQv), which is stored upstream of the filter in a pipe detention system. The system is sized according to the annual mass load method as described in the CONTECN Stormwater Solutions Inc. design manual. Essentially, this method models the total mass load of TSS, in pounds, generated from the site on an annualized basis, using the information above. The number of cartridges required to meet this mass load requirement is then calculated, as a function of the total mass than can be removed per cartridge prior to required filter changeout. The StormFilter for this site was sized to provide 102 cartridges in order to meet the mass load requirement. We can accommodate 102 cartridges using a Box Culvert StormFilter (see attached drawing). This sizing includes 30% pretreatment with a pretreatment sump that can store 30% of the annual mass load expected for this site (1997 Ibs in 29 ft3). A 4'x6' vault with 2 foot sump provides this pretreatment. The StormFilter and pretreatment sump combined are designed to provide 85% TSS removal, per NC state water quality design requirements. The estimated cost of this system, complete and delivered to the jobsite, is available upon request. The contractor is responsible for installing the vault and all external plumbing. c€) ntechstormwater.com Mid-Atlantic: 521 Progress Drive, Suite H, Unthicun, MD 21090 Tall-free: 386-740-3318 Fax: 866-378.8511 1123/2008 CONTECH Engineer.MRP Sizing Summary Maintenance: The StormFilter requires regular maintenance to operate effectively. The expected maintenance interval is 12-18 months, but may vary depending on weather and site conditions. CONTECH Stormwater Solutions Inc. offers full maintenance services to all of our clients, as well as a cartridge exchange program to facilitate owner provided maintenance. Please contact CONTECH or navigate to contechstormwater.com for more information in this regard. if you have any questions or concerns regarding CONTECH Stormwater Solutions design for this project, please call our Stormwater Consultant, Jack Moore, at 843.224.1726. APPENDTA L StormFilter Sizinci - Water Quality Project N'arne: Date: Volume Basest Gaston Mall 1/17/2008 Input XXX ? Result XXX SITE CHARACTERISTIC INPUT Design Storm, P (inches) 1.00 Total Area, AT (acres) 15.911 Impervious Area, A, (acres) 13.04 Water Quality Volume, WQv (cu ft) 45489 Average Rainfall, (inches) 45 Runoff Coefficient, C 0.64 Pretreatment efficiency, (%) ?30% EMC of 'rSS, (mg/L)* 54.2 ANNUAL MASS LOAD CALCULATIONS Annual Mass Load, (Ibs) 6,659 Requires! Filter Efficiency, (/a) 0.79 /. Avow Allowable Load per Cartridge, (Ibs) 36 _ ," Number of Cartridges Required 1t12 .... T RMATER . SYSTEM DESIGN Vault Size P)OX cuivert D> -o m z 0 r TS-0037 Detention Summary Proiect Name: Date: Gaston Mail 1/23/2008 Stgmge Requirement Water Quality Volume, WQv (cf) 45480 Required WQV storage (75% WQV) (cf) 34117 Ripe Length Storage provided in 266' of 48" pipe (cf) 3343 Storage provided in 2,500' of 60" pipe (cf) 40087 Invert of detention system 701.5' Water Quality Storage WQV Depth in 60" and 48" 2.02' Water Quality Volume water surface elevation 704.42' WQV storage provided in Box Culvert StormFilter (cf) 1783 Storage in 60" and 48" pip below elevation 704.42' (cf) 32330 Summary ?"MMI Total WQV storage (cf) 34122 STRMATE " ° " Total storage (cf) 54213 mo ° ? { I ] -Q m z r TS-BO37 u VIE AM U101 PRELIMINARY m = = " NOT APPROVED FOR FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER ?- SOLUTIONS INC. 6u" UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM GASTON MALL REDEVELOPMENT 2 1 0 1-24-08 PRELIMINARY / PROPOSAL DRAWINGS KJW N0. DA7E DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY APPROVED BY THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPROVES THE ATTACHED (5) PAGES. CUSTOMER DATE--- NOTES: 1) ALL ELEVATIONS, DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF RISERS AND INLETS, SHALL. BE VERIFIED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO RELEASING FOR FABRICATION. 2) IN SITUATIONS WHERE A FINE-GRAINED BACKFILL MATERIAL IS USED ADJACENT TO THE PIPE SYSTEM, AND ESPECIALLY IN SITUATIONS INVOLVING HIGH GROUNDWATER TABLES, CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO THE USE OF GASKETED PIPE JOINTS. AT THE VERY LEAST, THE PIPE JOINTS SHOULD BE WRAPPED IN A SUITABLE, NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TO PREVENT INFILTRATION OF FINES INTO THE PIPE SYSTEM. 3) ALL FITTINGS AND REINFORCEMENT COMPLY WITH ASTMM A998. 4) SYSTEM MADE FROM: 60" 0, 5".1", ALT2, 14gD., CSP. 5) MINIMUM COVER HEIGHT FOR PIPE DESCRIBED IN NOTE #4 IS 12". 6) CONSIDERATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT LOADS MUST BE TAKEN IIJTO ACCOUNT. SEE DETAIL 3, PAGE P5. 7) ALL PIPE DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO MANUFACTURERS TOLERANCES. 8) ALL RISERS AND STUBS ARE 2 2/y" X Y2" CORRUGATION AND 16 GAGE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9) RISERS TO BE FIELD TRIMMED TO FINAL GRADE, MAY BE FITTED WITH LADDER OR STEPS AS REQUIRED BY ENGINEER OF RECORD. FOR TYPICAL MANHOLE DETAIL, SEE DETAIL 4, PAGE P5. 10) SYSTEM IS DESIGNED FOR H2O AND H25 LOADING. GASTONIA, NC INDEX: P1 COVER SHEET P2-P3 PRELIMINARY LAYOUT P4-P5CONSTRUCTION DETAILS SPECIFICATION FOR CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE-ALUMINIZED TYPE 2 STEEL: SCOPE THIS SPECIFICATION COVERS THE MANUFACTURE AND INSTALLATION OF THE CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE (CSP) DETAILED IN THE PROJECT PLANS. MATERIAL THE ALUMINIZED TYPE 2 STEEL COILS SHALL CONFORM TO THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M 274 OR ASTM A 929. EEL THE CSP SHALL BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M-36 OR ASTM A750. THE PIPE SIZES, GAUGES AND CORRUGATIONS SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON THE PROJECT PLANS. ALL FABRICATION OF THE PRODUCT SHALL OCCUR WITHIN THE UNITED STATES. HANDLING & ASSEMBLY SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NCSPA'S (NATIONAL CORRUGATED STEEL PIPE ASSOCIATION) RECOMMENDATIONS. INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH AASHTO STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY BRIDGES, SECTION 26, DIVISION II OR ASTM A 798 AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE PROJECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. IF THERE ARE ANY INCONSISTENCIES OR CONFLICTS THE CONTRACTOR SHOULD DISCUSS AND RESOLVE WITH THE PROJECT ENGINEER. IT IS ALWAYS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FOLLOW OSHA GUIDELINES FOR SAFE PRACTICES. CONSTRUCTION LOADS CONSTRUCTION LOADS MAY BE HIGHER THAN FINAL LOADS. FOLLOW THE MANUFACTURER'S OR NCSPA GUIDELINES. NOTE: 1. LOCATION OF ALL MANHOLES, STUBS, INLETS, OUTLETS AND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURES, TO BE SPECIFIED 3Y PROJECT ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 2. ALL RECOMMENDED REINFORCING ON THE SYSTEM WILL BE DESIGNED BY MANUFACTURER TO CONFORM TO ASTM A998 AFTER PURCHASE ORDER IS ISSUED. INSTALLATION SPECIFICATON_ PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE DETENTION SYSTEM A PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE CONDUCTED. THOSE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ARE THE SUPPLIER OF THE DETEN110N SYSTEM, THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR, SUB CONTRACTORS AND THE ENGINEER. FOUNDATION /BEDDING PREPARATION PRIOR TO PLACING THE BEDDING, THE FOUNDATION MUST BE CONSTRUCTED TO A UNIFORM AND STABLE GRADE. IN THE EVEIJT THAT UNSUITABLE FOUNDATION MATERIALS ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING EXCAVATION, THEY SHALL BE REMOVED AND BROUGHT BACK TO THE GRADE W T}i A FILL MATERIAL AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ONCE THE FOUNDATION PREPARATION IS COMPLETE, THE 4 INCHES OF A WELL-GRADED GRANULAR MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED AS THE BEDDING. BACKFILL THE BACKFILL SHALL BE AN Al. A2 OR A3 GRANULAR FILL PER AASHTO IA-145 OR A WELL-GRADED GRANULAR FILL AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER (SEE INSTALLATION GUIDELINES). THE MATERIAL SHALL BE PLACED IN 8-INCH LOOSE LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO 909, AASHTO T99 STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY. WHEN PLACING THE FIRST LIFTS OF BACKFILL IT IS IMPORTANT TO MAKE SURE THAT THE BACKFILL IS PROPERLY COMPACTED UNDER AND AROUND THE PIPE HAUNCHES. BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED SUCH THAT THERE IS NO MORE THAN A TWO LIFT DIFFERENTIAL BETWEEN ANY OF THE PIPES AT ANY TIME DURING THE BACKFILL PROCESS. THE BACKFILL SHALL BE ADVANCED ALONG THE LENGTH OF THE DETENTION SYSTEM AT THE SAME RATE TO AVOID DIFFERENTIAL LOADING ON THE PIPE. OTHER ALTERNATE BACKFILL MATERIAL MAY BE ALLOWED DEPENDING ON SITE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. REFER TO TYPICAL BACKFILL DETAIL WITHIN THIS SET OF PLANS FOR TYPE OF MATERIAL REQUIRED. MINIMUM COVER BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED TO THE PROPER ELEVATION OVER THE SYSTEM AS OUTLINED IN THE PLANS. MINIMUM COVER FOR CONSTRUCTION LOADING NEEDS TO BE DETERMINED BASED ON THE TYPE OF EQUIPMENT THAT IS PLANNED FOR CONSTRUCTION. PROPER COVER FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE DETERMINED PRIOR TO ]HE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING BY THE ENGINEER. CONTECH PROJECT ID # 3D984 3D" GRATE INLET RISER RIM = 709.00' INV = 701.50' 15" STUB INV = 705. DO'S REINFORCED BULKHEAD OUTLET CONTROL (TYP. OF 6) STRUCTURE 30" STUB WEIR ELEV. = 704.42' IIJV = 701.50' 24" STUB, 15" STUB INV = 701.5 INV = 701.5 BOX CULVERT STORMFILTER WITH 102 CARTRIDGES 4'X6' PRETREATMENT VAULT W/ 2'-0" SUMP 120'-9" 36" RISER -0" RIM = 71D.D0' i INV = 701.50' - - -36" RISER 3-4 RIM = 710.D0' INV = 7D1.5D' 46" CIAP INV = 701.50' CONNECTS TO DRAINAGE SYSTEM -FULL LENGTH NOT SHOWN 18" STUB INV = 705.00' 30' GRATE 30' GRATE `o -9" INLET RISER INLET RISER 103'-3" I RIM = 700' RIM = 70.00' INV = 7011..50' IIJV = 701.SD'? , 1B" STUB 390'-6" INV = 705.00' HUGGER BAND 30" TRANSFER PIPE 35" RISER SEE DETAIL INV = 701.50' RIM - 710.00 P3 (TYP OF 5) INV = 701.SD' 10'-6" 0 I To 0 P3 18" STUB 36" RISER INV = 705.00' RIM = 710.00' _ INV = 701.50' 24" STUB `?18" STUB 10'-6" INV = 7D1.90' IIJV = 705.00' PRELIMINARY LAYOUT PRELIMINARY NOT APPROVED FOR FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION 3 1 0 1-24-08 PRELIMINARY / PROPOSAL DRAWMGS KJW 110. DATE _ DESCRIPTION DRAWN 6Y APPROVED BY SCALE : 1"=35' STORAGE VOLUME PROVIDED = 52430 C.F. NOTE: 1, LOCATION OF ALL MANHOLES, STUBS, INLETS, OUTLETS AND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURES, TO BE SPECIFIED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 2. ALL RECOMMENDED REINFORCING ON THE SYSTEM WILL BE DESIGNED BY MANUFACTURER TO CONFORM TO ASTM A998 AFTER PURCHASE ORDER IS ISSUED. STORMW aozs TED = TO BE DETERMINED CONTECH IDS 30984 NOTFS; PIPE IS 6D"; ALT2; 14GA.; 5"x1" PIPE IS 4B"; ALT2; 14GA.; 2 2/3"X1/2" SPACING BETWEEN PIPES 15 2'-6" p @?/{ SYSTEM INVERT IS 7D1.50" IRELIMINAI tl LAYOUT 60" UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM GASTON MALL REDEVELOPMIENT GASTONIA. NC sHep? T., 640'-0" ULTRAFLO CULVERT LAYOUT SCALE : 1" = 50' PRELIMINARY NOT APPROVED FOR FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION 3 z 1 D 1-24-08 PRELIMINARY /PROPOSAL ORAMNGS KJW NO. DATE DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY APPROVE. BY NOTE: 1. LOCATION OF ALL MANHOLES, STUBS, INLETS, OUTLETS AND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURES, TO BE SPECIFIED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 2. ALL RECOMMENDED REINFORCING ON THE SYSTEM WILL BE DESIGNED BY MANUFACTURER TO CONFORM TO ASTM A998 AFTER PURCHASE ORDER IS ISSUED. TBD = TO BE DETERMINED NOTES: PIPE IS 72"; ALT2; ULTRAFLO; 12GA. SPACING BETWEEN PIPES IS 3'-0' SYSTEM INVERT IS 701.00" 60" UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM GASTON MALL REDEVELOPMENT "eY GASTONIA, NC ."EP3 OF S 12-1 /8" 10' 0-RING H-12 HUGGER GASKET BAND T, BAR & STRAP O-RING GASKET NECTOR E) GI 3.) NORMAL ROADWAY EMBANKMENT FILL PLACED IN 8" LIFTS AND COMPACTED TO MIN. 90% STANDARD DENSITY PER AASHTO T-99. 4.) 12" MIN. FOR DIAMETERS THROUGH 96" 18" MIN. FOR DIAMETERS FROM 102" TO 144" DISTANCE IS MEASURED FROM TOP OF PIPE TO TOP OF RIGID PAVEMENT OR BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT. 5.) WELL-GRADED GRANULAR FILL MATERIAL FROM SPRINGLINE UP. TO BE COMPACTED TO MIN. 90% STANDARD DENSITY PER AASHTO T-99.) 6.) 12"0 THRU 84"0 2 2/3" X 1/2" CSP, GAGE PER AASHTO SECTION 12. REFER TO PROJECT DRAWINGS. 8.) STANDARD SPACING IN TABLE, SPECIAL SPACING IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY CONTECH CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS INC. SPACING CHART PER AISI AND NCSPA GUIDELINES DIAMETER REQUIRED SPACING UP TO 24 " 1 12 24" - 72 " 1/2 PIPE DIA 72" AND UP 36" 9.) CONTECH C4D NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT SOIL MIGRATION. 10.) RELATIVELY LOOSE GRANULAR BEDDING, ROUGHLY SHAPED TO FIT THE BOTTOM OF THE PIPE, FROM SPRINGLINE OF PIPE TO 4"-6" BELOW BOTTOM OF PIPE. (STONE OR OTHER SUITABLE GRANULAR MATERIAL). TYPICAL BACKFILL DETAIL P4 SCALE: N.T.S. PRELIMINARY NOT APPROVED FOR FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION 3 1 0 1-24-08 PRELIMINARY / PROPOSAL DRAWINGS KJW NO. DATE DESCRIPT m DRAWN BY APPROVED BY NOTE: 1. LOCATION OF ALL MANHOLES, STUBS, INLETS, OUTLETS AND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURES, TO BE SPECIFIED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 2. ALL RECOMMENDED REINFORCING ON THE SYSTEM WILL BE DESIGNED BY MANUFACTURER TO CONFORM TO ASTM A998 AFTER PURCHASE ORDER IS ISSUED. TBD = TO BE DETERMINED CONTECHID9 30984 NCH 60" UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM GASTON MALL REDEVELOPMENT caSTnldtO we zNEOa na s "0 BAR H-12 HUGGER "0 BOLT 1 3/B" THK. 7" WIDE FLAT NEOPRENE GASKET FLAT GASKET H-12 HUGGER BAND NO GASKET GASKETED SECTION GENERAL NOTES ' 1. REFER TO CONTECH BAND SELECTION GUIDE FOR BAND WIDTH, GAGE, AND FASTENER TYPES. 2. BANDS FOR PIPE-ARCH ARE THE SAME AS FOR EQUIVALE14T DIAMETER ROUND PIPE. 3. BANDS ARE NORMALLY FURNISHED AS FOLLOWS: 12" THRU 48" 1-PIECE 54" THRU 96" 2-PIECE 102" THRU 144" 3-PIECES. 4. BAND FASTENERS ARE ATTACHED WITH SPOT WELDS, RIVETS OR HAND WELDS. ALL ALUMINUM BANDS, BOTH SINGLE AND DOUBLE BB&S, ARE FURNISHED WITH A 14 GAGE ALUMINUM BACK-UP PLATE WELDED TO THE BAND AND THE STRAP. 5. REROLLED ANNULAR END CORRUGATIONS ARE NORMALLY 2-2/3" X 1/2". 6. DIMENSIONS ARE SUBJECT TO MANUFACTURING TOLERANCES. 7. ORDER SHALL DESIGNATE GASKET OPTION. 2 H-12 HUGGER BAND DETAIL P4 SCALE: N.T.S. 1.) RIGID OR FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT 7.) 54"0 THRU 144"0 3" X 1" OR 5" X 1" CSP GAGE PER AASHTO SECTION 12. 2.) GRANULAR ROAD BASE REFER TO PROJECT DRAWINGS. CONNECTION DETAIL SINGLE BOLT. BAR & STRAP Z 0 ° TRAFFIC RATED MANHOLE ? N OR CATCH BASIN (BY } o 11: 0 CONTRACTOR) GRATE FRAME INSIDE ?-' Z C) a VEHICULAR WEARING SURFACE DIAMETER SHOULD o (BY CONTRACTOR) EQUAL APPROXIMATELY a w (RISER 0+ 3") o o rFINISHED GRADE a m i !I SIZE, REINFORCING COMPACTED BY ENGINEER SUB GRADE CUT RISER TO FINAL CMP RISER BASE COLLAR/SLAB ELEVATION IN FIELD (BY CONTRACTOR) CONSTRUCTION LOADS: FOR TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE LOADS, AN EXTRA AMOUNT OF COMPACTED COVER MAY BE REQUIRED OVER THE TOP OF THE PIPE. THE HEIGHT-OF-COVER SHALL MEET THE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS SHOWN IN THE TABLE BELOW. THE USE OF HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT NECESSITATES GREATER PROTECTION FOR THE PIPE THAN FINISHED GRADE COVER MINIMUMS FOR NORMAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC. PIPE SPAN AXLE LOADS (kips) INCHES 16-50 50-75 75-110110-15 MI NIMUM C OVER (F T 12-42 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0 48-72 3.0 3.0 3.5 4.0 78-120 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.0 126-144 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.5 'MINIMUM COVER MAY VARY, DEPENDING ON LOCAL CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST PROVIDE THE ADDITIONAL COVER REQUIRED TO AVOID DAMAGE TO THE PIPE. MINIMUM COVER IS MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF THE PIPE TO THE TOP OF THE MAINTAINED CONSTRUCTION ROADWAY SURFACE. (-3--? CONSTRUCTION LOADING DIAGRAM P5 SCALE: N.T.S. PRELIMINARY NOT APPROVED FOR FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION 3 2 i 0 1-24-08 PRELIMINARY / PROPOSAL DRAWINGS KJW 140. DATE DESCRIPTION DRAWN BY APPROVED BY NOTE: 1. LOCATION OF ALL MANHOLES, STUBS, INLETS, OUTLETS AND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURES, TO BE SPECIFIED BY PROJECT ENGINEER OF RECORD PRIOR TO FABRICATION. 2. ALL RECOMMENDED REINFORCING ON THE SYSTEM WILL BE DESIGNED BY MANUFACTURER TO CONFORM TO ASTM A998 AFTER PURCHASE ORDER IS ISSUED. TBD = TO BE DETERMINED _ CONTECHID# 30994 ACCESS LADDER--/ (BY MANUFACTURER) SECTION AA A-A USE FLEXIBLE JOINT MATERIAL TO PREVENT CONCRETE FROM CONTACTING THE RISER IN ANY WAY REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLE NOTES: CAP DESIGNED BY ENGINEER 1. THE CONCRETE CAP SHALL BE SIZED AND DESIGNED BY OTHERS SO THAT THE LOADS ARE TRANSMITTED TO THE SOIL, AND NOT THE RISER. 2. THE CONCRETE CAP SHALL BE SIZED TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE BOTTOM AREA BASED 014 THE ALLOWABLE BEARING CAPACITY OF THE SOIL. 3. THE FLEXIBLE JOINT MATERIAL (RECYCLED VINYL OR EQ.) TO BE STIFF ENOUGH SO THAT THE CONCRETE CAN NEVER ENGAGE WITH THE RISER CORRUGATIONS. MANHOLE CAP DETAIL P5 SCALE: N.T.S. 60" UNDERGROUND DETENTION SYSTEM GAST014 MALL REDEVELOPMENT GASTONIA, NC PI 50F5 LN 18, STORMWATER The Storrnwater Operation and Maintenance Management StormFilter® Vault, Cast-In-Place, and Linear Units Important. These guidelines should be used as a part of your site stormwa ter management plan. Description The Stormwater Management StormFilter® (StormFilter) is a passive, flow-through, stormwater filtration system. The system is comprised of one or more vaults that house rechargeable, media-filled, filter cartridges. The StormFilter works by passing stormwater through the media-filled cartridges, which trap particulates and adsorb materials such as dissolved metals and hydrocarbons. Once filtered through the media, the treated stormwater is directed to a collection pipe or discharged into an open channel drainage way. The StormFilter is offered in multiple configurations, including vault, linear, catch basin, manhole, and cast-in-place. The vault, linear, manhole, and catch basin models utilize pre-manufactured units to ease the design and installation processes. The cast-in-place units are customized for larger flows and may be either covered or uncovered underground units. Purpose The StormFilter is a passive, flow-through, stormwater filtration system designed to improve the quality of stormwater runoff from the urban environment before it enters receiving waterways. It is intended to function as a Best Management Practice (BMP) to meet federal, state, and local requirements for treating runoff in compliance with the Clean Water Act. Through independent third party studies, it has been demonstrated that the StormFilter is highly effective for "treatment of first flush flows and for treatment of flow-paced flows during the latter part of a storm. In general, the StormFilter's efficiency is highest when pollutant concentrations are highest. The primary non-point source pollutants targeted for removal by the StormFilter are: suspended solids (TSS), oil and grease, soluble metals, nutrients, organics, and trash and debris. Sizing The StormFilter is sized to treat the peak flow of a water quality design storm. The peak flow is determined from calculations based on the contributing watershed hydrology and from a design storm magnitude set by the local stormwater management agency. The particular size of a StormFilter unit is determined by the number of filter cartridges (see Figure 1) required to treat this peak flow. The flow rate through each filter cartridge is adjustable, allowing control over the amount of contact time between the influent and the filter media. The maximum flow rate through each cartridge can be adjusted to between 5 and 15 gpm using a calibrated restrictor disc at the base of each filter cartridge. Adjustments to the cartridge flow rate will affect the number of cartridges required to treat the peak flow. 92006 CONTECH Stormwater solutions Toll-free: 800.548.4667 1 of 9 contechstormwater.com Vault, CIP and Linear StormFilter Operation and-Maintenance Guidelines Basic Function The StormFilter is designed to siphon stormwater runoff through a filter cartridge containing media. A variety of filter media is available and can be customized for each site to target and remove the desired levels of sediments, dissolved phosphorus, dissolved metals, organics, and oil and grease. In many cases, a combination of media is recommended to maximize the effectiveness of the stormwater pollutant removal. Figure 1. The StormFilter Cartridge Priming System Function When stormwater in the StormFilter unit enters a StormFilter cartridge, it percolates horizontally through the cartridge's filter media and collects in the center tube of the cartridge, where the float in the cartridge is in a closed (downward) position. Water continues to pass through the filter media and into the cartridge's center tube. The air in the cartridge is displaced by the water and purged from beneath the filter hood through the one-way check valve located in the cap. Once the center tube is gilled with water (approximately 18 inches deep), there is enough buoyant force on the float to open the float valve and allow the treated water in the center tube to flow into the under-drain manifold. This cause's the check valve to close, initiating a siphon that draws polluted water throughout the full surface area and volume of the filter. Thus, the entire filter cartridge is used to filter water throughout the duration of the storm, regardless of the water surface elevation in the unit. This siphon continues until the water surface elevation drops to the elevation of the hood's scrubbing regulators. The cartridges are connected to the under- drain manifold with a plastic connector. Since some media used is potentially buoyant, a threaded connector affixed to the under-drain manifold (with glue or other adhesive) is necessary to ensure that the cartridge isn't lifted out of place. For the heavier compost media, a slip connector is used. The StormFilter is also equipped with flow spreaders that trap floating debris and surface films, even during overflow conditions. Depending on individual site characteristics, some systems are equipped with high and/or base flow bypasses. High flow bypasses are installed when the calculated peak storm event generates a flow that overcomes the overflow capacity of the system. This is especially important for precast systems. Base flow bypasses are sometimes installed to bypass continuous inflows caused by ground water seepage, which usually do not require treatment. All StormFilter units are designed with an overflow. The overflow operates when the inflow rate is greater than the treatment capacity of the filter cartridges. ©2006 CONTECH Stormwater Solutions Toll-free: 800.548.466.7 2 of 9 contechstormwater.com Vault, CI? and Linear StormFilter Operation and Maintenance Guidelines Maintenance Guidelines The primary purpose of the StormFilter is to filter out and prevent pollutants from entering our waterways. Like any effective filtration system, periodically these pollutants must be removed to restore the StormFilter to its full efficiency and effectiveness. Maintenance requirements and frequency are dependent on the pollutant load characteristics of each site. Maintenance activities may be required in the event of a chemical spill or due to excessive sediment loading from site erosion or extreme storms. It is also good practice to inspect the system after severe storm events. Types of Maintenance Presently, procedures have been developed for two levels of maintenance: a inspection/minor maintenance ® Major maintenance. Inspection/minor maintenance activities are combined since minor maintenance does not require special equipment and typically little or no materials are in need of disposal. Inspection/minor maintenance typically involves: a Inspection of the vault itself ® Removal of vegetation and trash and debris. Major maintenance typically includes: a Cartridge replacement Sediment removal Important: Applicable safety (OSHA) and disposal regulations should be followed during all maintenance activities. Two scheduled inspections/maintenance activities should take place during the year. First, an inspection/minor maintenance activity should be done. During the minor maintenance activity (routine inspection, debris removal), the need for major maintenance should be determined and, if disposal during major maintenance will be required, samples of the sediments and media should be obtained. Second, if required, a major maintenance activity (replacement of the filter cartridges and associated sediment removal) should be performed. In addition to these two scheduled activities, it is important to check the condition of the StormFilter unit after major storms for damage caused by high flows and for high sediment accumulation that may be caused by localized erosion in the drainage area. It may be necessary to adjust the maintenance activity schedule depending on the actual operating conditions encountered by the system. In general, minor maintenance activities will occur late in the rainy season, and major maintenance will occur in late summer to early fall when flows into the system are not likely to be present. Maintenance Activity Frequency The primary factor controlling timing of maintenance for the StormFilter is sedimentation. Maintenance Activity Timing 92006 CONTECH Stormwater Solutions Toll-free: 800.548.4667 3 of 9 contechstormwater.com Vault, CIP and Linear StormFiiter Operation and Maintenance Guidelines A properly functioning system will remove solids from water by trapping particulates in the porous structure of the filter media. The flow through the system will naturally decrease as more and more solids are trapped. Eventually the flow through the system will be low enough to require replacement of the cartridges. It may be possible to extend the usable span of the cartridges by removing sediment from upstream trapping devices on an as-needed basis in order to prevent material from being re-suspended and discharged to the system. Site conditions greatly influence maintenance requirements. StormFilter units located in areas with erosion or active construction should be inspected and maintained more often than those in fully stabilized areas. The maintenance frequency may be adjusted as additional monitoring information becomes available during the inspection program. Areas that develop known problems should be inspected more frequently than areas that demonstrate no problems, particularly after large storms. Ultimately, inspection and maintenance activities should be scheduled based on the historic records and characteristics of an individual StormFilter system. It is recommended that the maintenance agency develop a database to properly manage StormFilter maintenance programs. Prior to the development of the maintenance database, the following maintenance frequencies should be followed: Inspection/minor maintenance • Onetime per year • After Major Storms Major maintenance One time per year In the event of a chemical spill Frequencies should be updated as required. The recommended initial frequency for inspection/minor maintenance is two times per year for precast units. StormFilter units should be inspected after all major storms. Sediment removal and cartridge replacement on an annual basis is recommended until further knowledge is gained about a particular system. Once an understanding of site characteristics has been established, maintenance may not be needed for one to two years, but inspection is warranted. Maintenance Methods InspectionlMinor Maintenance The primary goal of a maintenance inspection is to assess the condition of the cartridges relative to the level of sediment loading. It may be desirable to conduct this inspection during a storm to observe the relative flow through the filter cartridges. If the submerged cartridges are severely plugged, large amounts of sediments will be present and very little flow will be discharged from the drainage pipes. If this is the case, it is likely that the cartridges need to be replaced. Warning: In the case of a spill, the worker should abort maintenance activities until the proper guidance is obtained. Notify the local hazard control agency and CONTECH Stormwater Solutions immediately. To conduct an inspection and/or minor maintenance: Important: Maintenance must be performed by a utility worker familiar with StormFilter u n its. 1. If applicable, set up safety equipment to protect pedestrians from fall hazards due to open vault doors or when work is being done near walkways or roadways. 2. Visually inspect the external condition of the unit and take notes concerning defects/problems. ©2006 CONTECH Stonwater Solutions Toll-tee: 800.548.4667 4 of 9 contechstormwater.com Vault, CiP and Linear StormFilter Operation and Maintenance Guidelines Important: This activity will require that workers enter the vault to remove the cartridges from the drainage system. Method 1: a. Using an appropriate sling, attach the cable from the boom, crane, or tripod to the cartridge being removed. Contact CONTECH Stormwater Solutions for specifications on appropriate attachment devices. This activity will require that workers enter the vault to remove the cartridges from the drainage system and place them under the vault opening for lifting. Important: Note that cartridges containing media other than the leaf media require unscrewing from their threaded connectors. Take care not to damage the manifold connectors. This connector should remain installed in the manifold and capped if necessary. b. Remove the used cartridges (250 lbs. each). from the vault. Important: Care must be used to avoid damaging the cartridges during removal and installation. The cost of repairing components damaged during maintenance will be the responsibility of the owner unless CONTECH Stormwater Solutions performs the maintenance activities and damage is not related to discharges to the system. c. Set the used cartridge aside or load onto the hauling truck. d. Continue steps a through c until all cartridges have been removed. Method 2: a. Unscrew the cartridge cap. b. Remove the cartridge hood. c. Tip the cartridge on its side. Important: Note that cartridges containing media other than the leaf media require unscrewing from their threaded connectors. Take care not to damage the manifold connectors. This connector should remain installed in the manifold and capped if necessary. d. Empty the cartridge onto the vault floor. e. Set the empty, used cartridge aside or load onto the hauling truck. f. Continue steps a through e until all cartridges have been removed. 9. Remove deposited sediment from the floor of the vault and, if large amounts are present, from the forebay. This can usually be accomplished by shoveling the sediment into containers, which, once full, are lifted mechanically from the vault and placed onto the hauling truck. If Method 2 in Step 8 is used to empty the cartridges, or in cases of extreme sediment loading, a vactor truck may be required. 10. Once the sediments are removed, assess the condition of the vault and the condition of the manifold and connectors. The connectors are short sections of 2-inch schedule 40 PVC, or threaded schedule 80 PVC that should protrude above the floor of the vault. a. If required, apply a light coating of FDA approved silicon grease to the outside of the exposed portion of the connectors. This ensures a watertight connection between the cartridge and the drainage pipe. b. Replace any damaged connectors. 11. Using the boom, crane, or tripod, lower and install the new cartridges. Once 9)2006 CONTECH Stormwater Solutions Tolkiree: 800.548.4667 6 of 9 contechstormwateccom Vault, CIP and Linear StormFlter Operation and Maintenance Guidelines again, take care not to damage connections. 12. Close and. fasten the door. 13. Remove safety equipment. 14. Make notes about the local drainage area relative to ongoing construction, erosion problems, or high loadings of other materials to the system. 15. Finally, dispose of the residual materials in accordance with applicable regulations. Make arrangements to return the used cartridges to CONTECH Stormwater Solutions. Related Maintenance Activities (Performed on an as-needed basis) StormFilter units are often just one of many components in a more comprehensive stormwater drainage and treatment system. The entire system may include catch basins, detention vaults, sedimentation vaults and manholes, detention/retention ponds, swales, artificial wetlands, and other miscellaneous components. In order for maintenance of the StormFilter to be successful, it is imperative that all other components be properly maintained. The maintenance/repair of upstream facilities should be carried out prior to StormFilter maintenance activities. In addition to considering upstream facilities, it is also. important to correct any problems identified in the drainage area. Drainage area concerns may include: erosion problems, heavy oil and grease loading, and discharges of inappropriate materials. Material Disposal The accumulated sediment found in stormwater treatment and conveyance systems must be handled and disposed of in a manner that will not allow the material to affect surface or ground water. It is possible for sediments to contain measurable concentrations of heavy metals and organic chemicals (such as pesticides and petroleum products). Areas with the greatest potential for high pollutant loading include industrial areas and heavily traveled roads. Sediments and water must be disposed of in accordance with all applicable waste disposal regulations. It is not appropriate to discharge untreated materials back to the stormwater drainage system. Part of arranging for maintenance to occur should include coordination of disposal of solids (landfill coordination) and liquids (municipal vacuum truck decant facility, local wastewater treatment plant, on-site treatment and discharge). Owners should contact the local public works department and inquire about how the department disposes of their street waste residuals. CONTECH Stormwater Solutions will determine disposal methods or reuse of the media contained in the cartridges. If the material has been contaminated with any unusual substance, the cost of special handling and disposal will be the responsibility of the owner. ©2006 CON TECH Stormwater Solutions Toll-;Fee: 800.548.4667 7 of 9 contechstormwater.com Vault, CI° and Linear StormFilter Operation and Maintenance Guidelines Date: Personnel: Location: System Type: Vault Cast-In-Place Linear System Observations Media Months in Service: Oil and Grease in Forebay: Yes No Sediment Depth in Forebay: Sediment Depth on Vault Floor: Structural Damage: Estimated Flow from Drainage Pipes (if available): Cartridges Submerged: Yes No How Deep: StormFilter Minor Maintenance Activities (check off if done and dive description':) Trash and Debris Removal: Minor Structural Repairs: Drainage Area Report Excessive Oil and Grease Loading: Yes No Source: Sediment Accumulation on Pavement: Yes No Source: Erosion of Landscaped Areas: Yes No Source: Items Needing Further Work: Other Comments: System Size: Review the condition reports from the previous minor and major maintenance visits. ©2006 CONTECH Stormwater Solutions Toll-free: 800.548.4667 8 of 9 contechstormwater.com Vault, CIP and Linear StornnFilter Operation and Maintenance Guidelines MT-TO M 1117M M? Date: Location: System Type: Vault Cast-In-Place Linear List Safety Procedures and Equipment Used: System Size: System Observations Media Months in Service: Oil and Grease in Forebay: Yes No Sediment Depth in Forebay: Sediment Depth on Vault Floor: Structural Damage: Drainage Area Report Excessive Oil and Grease Loading: Yes No Source: Sediment Accumulation on Pavement: Yes No Source: Erosion of Landscaped Areas: Yes No Source: StormFilter Cartridge Replacement Maintenance Activities Remove Trash and Debris: Yes No Details: Replace Cartridges: Yes No Details: Sediment Removed: Yes No Details: Quantity of Sediment Removed (estimate?): Minor Structural Repairs: Yes No Details: Residuals (debris, sediment) Disposal Methods: Notes: Personnel: ©2006 CONTECH Storrnwater Solutions Toll-free: 800.548.4667 g of g contechstormwaieccom Vault, CIP and Linear StormFilter Operation and Maintenance Guidelines