HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071579 Ver 1_Report_20080422o~--s~q SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT NORTH CAROLINA CENTER FOR AUTOMOTIVE RESEARCH (NCCAR) NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA S&ME PROJECT NO. 1051-07-460 Prepared For: McKim & Creed Raleigh, North Carolina Prepared By: S&ME, Inc. 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, North Carolina April 1 S, 2008 ~~ q~`°~ :rte ., . ~ A~F~ ~ s~ ~ a'" { .~ ~~Un i.'cl'd~ - '.'tiA 1 Gti l.l'%1j_,~ I D u1'~i~ANDS ANA Sr~4f~;~fr3T~F, g!~~y v M~IQM~CREED v :~ S&ME Celebrating 35 Years 1173.2008 April 15, 2008 McKim & Creed Venture IV Building 1730 Varsity Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Attention: Mr. Mark Smith, P.E. Vice President, Planning and Land Development Reference: Subsurface Exploration Report North Carolina Center for Automotive Research (NCCAR) Northampton County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 Dear Mr. Smith: S&ME, Inc. has completed the authorized subsurface exploration for the proposed NCCAR project in Northampton County, North Carolina. The work was performed in general accordance with our Proposal No. P215-07E (Revised) dated September 26, 2007. The purpose of the exploration was to evaluate subsurface conditions within the proposed construction areas and develop geotechnical engineering recommendations as they relate to site grading, structure foundations, and building and pavement subgrade support. This report presents a summary of pertinent site and project information, results of field and laboratory tests, and our geotechnical conclusions and recommendations. A boring location plan, Test Boring Records, laboratory test results and other applicable data and figures are included in the Appendix. ~.., APR ~ 2 2008 DEAR - V~IAi ER t;i.iAtJ~1 d ~h'FTi.HNDS ,4Ni) STgRPvf~lATkl; 9f2ANfik~ 1 S&ME, INC. / 3201 Spring Forest Road /Raleigh, NC 27616 / p 919.872.2660 f 919.876.3958 / www.smeinc.com 1 1 1 1 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 S&ME, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to provide our services on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report, or if we can be of further assistance, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. ~`~~~ J. Adam Browning, E.I. Staff Professional Cc: Mr. Gary Brown -Northampton County Economic Development Coifl Mr. Surinder Kahlon - Giffels, Inc. ' Mr. Tim Kurmaskie -Architects Kurmaskie & Tolson Associates, Inc. S:\PROJECTS\2007`~7-460 NCCAR Northampton Co\Geotech\Report\07-460 rpt NCCAR.doc 2 fibbif~ , 1 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS ' 1. PROJECT AND SITE INFORMATION ......................................................... Page ....... 2 1.1 Project Information ...................................................................................... ....... 2 2. 1.2 Site Description ............................................................................................ EXPLORATION PROGRAM ........................................................................... ....... 3 ....... 3 2.1 Soil Test Borings .......................................................................................... ....... 3 ' 2.2 Test Pits ........................................................................................................ 2.3 Laboratory Testing ....................................................................................... ....... 4 .......5 3. AREA GEOLOGY AND SOIL 5URVEY ........................................................ ....... 5 ' 3.1 Area Geology ............................................................................................... 3.2 Soil Survey ................................................................................................... ....... 5 ....... 6 4. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ......................................................................... ....... 6 ' S. 6. LABORATORY TESTING ............................................................................... CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ....... 7 10 6.1 Site Preparation ............................................................................................ ..... 11 6.1.1 Clearing, Grubbing, Stripping of Topsoil .................................... ..... 11 6.1.2 Temporary Site and Subsurface Drainage .................................... ..... 12 6.1.3 Evaluation of Areas to Receive Fill ............................................. ..... 12 ' 6.2 Excavations .................................................................................................. ..... 13 6.2.1 Excavations Above Groundwater Levels ..................................... ..... 13 6.2.2 Excavations Near and Below Groundwater Levels ..................... ..... 13 6.3 Structural Fill ............................................................................................... ..... 14 6.3.1 Re-Use of On-Site Soils as Structural Fill ................................... ..... 14 ' 6.3.2 Fill Placement .............................................................................. 6.3.3 Settlement Due to Fill .................................................................. ..... 15 ..... 17 6.4 Lune Atnendment ........................................................................................ ..... 18 ' 6.4.1 Drying .......................................................................................... 6.4.2 Stabilization .................................................................................. ..... 18 .... 19 6.5 Permanent Cut and Fill Slopes ...................................................................... .... 20 ' 6.6 Subgrade Repair and Improvement Methods ................................................ 6.7 Pavement Design Recommendations ............................................................ .... 20 .... 20 6.7.1 Flexible (Asphalt) Pavement ......................................................... .... 20 ' 6.7.2 Rigid (Concrete) Pavement ............................................................... 22 6.8 Foundation Support ........................................................................................... 22 6.8.1 General .......................................................................................... ....22 6.8.2 Settlement .................................................................................... .... 23 ' 6.9 Floor Slabs .................................................................................................... .... 23 6.10 Seismic Site Classification.. .......................................................................... .... 24 7. QUALITY CONTROL MONITORING AND TESTING .............................. .. 24 ' 8. QUALIFICATIONS OF REPORT .................................................................... .... 24 ' Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 1 1. PROJECT AND SITE INFORMATION ' 1,1 Prnjnrt Inf~rmw~~nn The proposed project consists of development of the North Carolina Center for 1 Automotive Research (NCCAR) on an approximate 650-acre tract of land in Northampton County, North Carolina. The site is located east of I-95, north of N.C. Highway 46 and south of N.C.S.R. 1202. The proposed project will consist of multiple ' construction phases. The initial phase of construction will consist of the following: • A security kiosk approximately 10 feet by 35 feet in plan dimension. Structural loads for the kiosk are unknown at the time of this report; however, wall loads less than 3 kips per linear foot and column loads less than 50 kips are anticipated. ' • An entrance road into the facility which begins at the security kiosk and continues to the beginning of the ride and handling road. The proposed entrance road will be approximately 2,500 feet long. We assume traffic along this road will consist of ' passenger vehicles, transfer trucks, and fuel trucks. We have estimated that the entrance road will be subjected to approximately 300,000 18-kip equivalent single axle loads (ESALs) over its design life. We understand the entrance road from the security kiosk to the entrance in to the site will be designed by others. • An operations and administration building with a plan area of 12,000 square feet. The building will be located near the entrance to the track area. The building will be a 1 to 2-story steel framed structure. Structural loads for the building are ' unknown at the time of this report; however, maximum column loads are assumed to be less than 150 kips. An approximately 2.03 mile ride and handling road. The road will be used by ' different types and volumes of vehicles weighing up to 45,000 pounds. The road will be designed for maximum speeds of 160 miles per hour. We understand that 100,000 18-kip equivalent single axle loads (ESALs) should be used as the design traffic loading. The paved road will be 40 feet wide with 10 feet shoulders and 100 feet of runoff area on both sides. The pavement and shoulders will have ' slopes of 1 % and 2%, respectively. The runoff area will have a design slope of 4%. Earlier plans called for a slope of 1 % on the shoulders and runoff areas; however, due to the significant importance of surface drainage at this site the grades were steepened. Open ditches will be provided beyond the runoff area for site surface drainage. We understand that due to the high speed traffic, only minimal differential settlement along the roadway can be tolerated. • A vehicle dynamics area (VDA) pad is proposed for construction on the west side of the ride and handling road. The FDA pad will be approximately 128 feet by 670 feet. The pad will be sloped at 1 % from the east to the west for surface ' drainage. Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 Based on the grading plan you have provided, proposed finish grades will range from 118 to 138 feet. Compared to existing grades at the boring locations, maximum cuts and fills of 17 and 7 feet, respectively, will be rectuired to obtain finish grades, We understand c»t and fill slopes will be constructed on inclinations of 4 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical). Areas inside the ride and handling road alignment (infield and runoff areas) will be grassed. The road shoulders will also be grassed. Four drainage ditches or swales will be constructed in the infield areas, draining to yard inlets. In these areas the Swale bottoms are at an elevation of 118 to 120 feet on the north and 115 to 118 feet on the south. We understand future development will consist of several structures, expansions of the ride and handling course, expansion of the VDA pad, and a large vehicle dynamics area. Plans for these future developments are unknown at this time. However, we understand that excavated soils not used as fill in areas of Phase I construction will be placed in the southeast portion of the future ride and handling course expansions. 1.2 Site Description The 650 acre site currently consists of planted pines on its southern portion and previously harvested woods on its northern portion. The harvested area of the site still contains some left over cut down trees and low cut stumps. In some cases trees were used to create haul roads. Areas of surface rutting from log skidders also exist. Surface water has ponded in some of these ruts. The planted areas consist of closely spaced, approximately 10 to 15 year old pine trees. A power line easement transverses the south portion of the site in an east-west direction. Low-lying, swampy areas are present along the proposed entrance road, south and west of the security kiosk. Standing and running water was present in this area during our field operations. Several low-lying areas with casual water were also observed in the harvested area on the north portion of the site. Based on provided topographic information, existing site elevations range from approximately 116 to 138 feet. For the most part the site gently slopes north to south. General site drainage is to the west and south, toward the Roanoke River. A large drainage Swale exists on the northwest portion of the property and slopes east to west. The highest portion of the site exists just south of this drainage Swale. 2. EXPLORATION PROGRAM 2.1 Soil Test Borings The subsurface exploration program for this project included a visual site reconnaissance by representatives o f S&ME and performance of 54 soil test borings and 7 test pits. Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 Boring/test pit locations were selected and located in the field by representatives of S&ME using global positioning satellite (GPS) equipment. Approximate boring locations are shown on Figure lA and 1B in the Appendix. Borings performed for this project were advanced to depths ranging from approximately 10 to 60 feet below the existing ground surface using hollow stem auger drilling procedures with a Mobile B-57 drill rig mounted on an all-terrain vehicle. Within each boring, samples of subsurface soils were taken at 2.5 foot intervals above a depth of 10 feet and at 5 foot intervals below 10 feet using asplit-spoon sampler. Standard penetration testing was performed in conjunction with split-spoon sampling in general accordance with ASTM D 1586-99. Several bulk samples of auger cuttings and one relatively undisturbed Shelby tube sample were also obtained. Groundwater levels were recorded in all boreholes after termination of drilling and in most boreholes after 24- hours. Temporary piezometers were also installed in borings T-1 and T-9 for groundwater measurements. After groundwater levels were measured, temporary piezometers were removed and boreholes were backfilled with auger cuttings and borehole closure devices. Representative portions of split-spoon, bulk, and Shelby tube samples were returned to our laboratory for visual classification and laboratory testing. Visual classification was performed in general accordance with Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) guidelines. Generalized Subsurface Profiles (Figures 2A, 2B, and 2C) and Test Boring Records presenting specific subsurface information from the borings are included in the Appendix. Stratification lines shown on Test Boring Records and Profile are intended to represent approximate depths of changes in soil types. Naturally, transitional changes in soil types are often gradual and cannot be defined at a particular depth. Ground surface elevations shown on the Test Boring Records were interpolated from the topographic information on the site plan provided. 2.2 Test Pits ' Representatives of S&ME were present at the site on January 4, 2008 to observe test pit excavations conducted using aCAT-320 track-mounted backhoe. Seven test pits were excavated by M.J. Pnce Construction Company and observed by S&ME at locations determined in the field based on encountered soil conditions. Test pits were performed in close proximity to boring locations T-3, T-5, T-18, T'-19, T-21, T-27, and T-29. Test pits were performed to depths ranging from about 6 to 16 feet below the existing ' ground surface. Encountered soils were visually classified in the field by an S&ME representative in general accordance with Unified C'tassification System (USCS) guidelines. Excavations were backfilled prior to removing the equipment from the site. Summaries of subsurface conditions encountered in test pits are shown on the Summary of Test Pit Data logs included in the Appendix. 1 1 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 2.3 Laboratory Testing Labnratn_ testing nn selected g lit_g„nnn l~,µll{ and Sheib" tube S%uii ieS inciudird t he a 1? t,.,.,.~, > J' l,' following tests: • Natural Moisture Content (ASTM D 2216) • Grain Size Analysis (ASTM D 422) • Atterberg limits (ASTM D 4318) • Standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) • California Bearing Ratio (ASTM 1883) • In-place Unit Weight (ASTM D 2937) • One-Dimensional Consolidation Testing (ASTM D 4186) The following laboratory tests were also performed as part of the recommended lime modification program: • Eades and Grim pH (ASTM D 6276) • Standard Proctor (ASTM D 698) with 3% Lime • California Bearing Ratio (ASTM D 1883) with 3% Lime • Unconfined Compression (ASTM D 2166) with 3% Lime All laboratory tests were performed in general accordance with ASTM procedures. 3. AREA GEOLOGY AND SOIL SURVEY 3.1 Area Geology The site is located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province of North Carolina near its boundary (Fall Line) with the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The Coastal Plain is typically characterized by marine and eolian sediments that were deposited during periods of fluctuating sea levels and moving shore lines. Near surface soils often consist of more recent undifferentiated deposits ofinter-bedded sands, silts, and clays. Deeper deposits also consist of sands, silts, or clays but can be defined as particular formations with distinguishable characteristics and engineering properties. The geology in the area of the subject site primarily consists of Undifferentiated Surface Deposits of Quaternary Age and recent alluvial sediments. Typically, the Undifferentiated Deposits consist of silty clays underlain by silty fine to coarse sands. The deposits are underlain by the Yorktown Formation of the Middle Tertiary Age. The Yorktown Formation consists of gray-green coarse to fine sands with trace of silt, clay, and shell material. The borings did not encounter the Yorktown Formation to the depths drilled. Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 ' 3.2 Soil Survey S~r1V11?, revieyyed the Np;-thampton Co'~ntj' Soil Surve`y', issued in August 1994, tGvbtalri near surface soil classification information for the subject site. The subject site lies in an area where the upper soils consist mostly of Bonneau and Caroline Series soils. The ' survey indicated that these soils consist of well drained to slowly permeable soils that formed in clayey marine sediments in the uplands on the Coastal Plain. Slopes are typically 0 to 12 percent. These soils are typically slightly to very strongly acidic. 4. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Approximately 4 to 18 inches of topsoil was encountered at the existing ground surface of the boring/test pit locations. Because of the surface rutting from past logging operations the topsoil has mixed into the underlying subsoils at some locations. Thus some deeper stripping may be required in some areas. Below the topsoil, natural Coastal Plain deposits were encountered to boring termination depths ranging from about 10 to 60 feet. Natural soils near the ground surface consist mainly of highly plastic clayey silts and silty clays (USCS classifications of MH, CH). Highly plastic silts and clays extend from below the topsoil to typical depths ranging from 5 to 15 feet with the greater depths encountered on the north portion of the site. Highly plastic soils were encountered in over two thirds of the borings. Highly plastic soils were not encountered in borings T-23, T-26, T-28, T-31, T-34, T-37, T-40, R-4, R-5, R-6, G-1, O-l, and O-2. Standard penetration test (SPT) N-values in highly plastic soils ranged from 5 to 29 blows per foot indicating firm to hard consistencies. Typically the SPT values in these soils ranged from 13 to 29 bpf. The highly plastic soils encountered are typically wet of their standard Proctor optimum moisture content. Low plasticity silty and sandy clays (CL), sandy and clayey silts (ML), and silty and clayey sands (SM, SC, SP-SC) were encountered beneath the highly plastic soils. Pea gravel was encountered in several of the split-spoon samples obtained in the mostly sand layers. SPT N-values in low plasticity soils ranged from 3 to 37 blows per foot. Recorded N-values indicate very loose to dense relative densities for sands and firm to hard consistencies for silts and clays. The low plasticity soils encountered are typically wet of their standard Proctor optimum moisture content. Groundwater levels were recorded in all borings after termination of drilling and in most borings after 24 hours. Temporary piezorneters were installed in borings T-1 and T-9 and were measured and removed several days after drilling. Seepage of water through excavation side walls was also recorded during test pit excavation. Groundwater levels recorded range from approximate depths of 3.5 to 19 feet below the existing ground surface or elevations of 108 to 131 feet. Groundwater levels in anticipated cut areas range Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 from approximately 4.6 to 21.6 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater levels were encountered above proposed final grades in borings T-7, T-17, T-18, T-19, and T- 29. In addition to the above borings groundwater was encountered within 2 _feet of design subgrade at T-S. Based on proposed final grades and groundwater levels encountered at the time of our field exploration, excavations at the boring locations could extend as much as 2.S to 10 feet below current groundwater levels. Prior to our exploration most of North Carolina has experienced severe drought conditions and the recorded water levels could be at historical lows. When normal rainfall returns the groundwater levels could rise several feet above the current levels. Perched water was observed in the test pits above highly plastic materials. Because of the ' soil conditions at this site, perched water should be anticipated in almost any area. Due to the blocky structure of some of the clays, some perched water or groundwater was encountered in these soils. 5. LABORATORY TESTING Laborato testin consisted of natural moisture content, Atterberg limits, grain size rY g analysis, standard Proctor, California Bearing Ratio (CBR), in-place unit weight, and consolidation testing. As part of our recommended lime modification program Eades- Grimm pH tests along with standard Proctor, CBR, and unconfined compression tests were performed on samples having 3 percent quicklime added. Summary tables of ' laboratory test results along with laboratory test records are included in the Appendix. Natural moisture contents of tested soils range from 18.2 to 34.1 percent. Tested samples above the groundwater table range from 18.2 to 33.7 percent and below the groundwater from 18.7 to 34.1 percent. Natural moisture contents of highly plastic clays and silts range from 21.4 to 33.7 percent. The average and median moisture content of the tested highly plastic soils was 29 percent. Atterberg limits testing on selected samples indicates liquid limits (LL) ranging from 31 to 79 percent, plastic limits (PL) ranging from 17 to 41 percent, and plasticity indices (PI) ranging from 13 to 47 percent. The highly plastic soils (having LLs greater than SO% and PIs greater than 30%) had an average LL of 67%, PL of 32%, and PI of 36%. Highly plastic soils with liquid limits greater than 50 percent and plasticity indices greater than 30 percent can shrink and swell with changes in moisture content, which can cause uplift or shrinkage damage to pavements or light buildings if not properly addressed. Grain size analysis testing was performed on bulk samples obtained from borings T-6 (17 to 22 feet below existing ground surface), T-10 (1 to S feet), and T-13 (1 to S feet). Samples tested from borings T-10 and T-13 contain mostly fine grained soils with 50.8 to ' 57.5 percent clay, 38.5 to 42.2 percent silt, and 4 to 7 percent sand. Based on the above Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 ' clay contents and PIs, these two samples have an activity, which is the water holding ability of the clay minerals, of 0.61 and 0.69. These are low activities and suggest the clay ' is a kaolinite. The sample tested from boring T-6 contains mostly coarse grained soil with 56.2 percent sand and 43.8 percent fines (silt and clay). Standard Proctor compaction testing on bulk samples of on-site borrow materials indicate maximum dry densities ranging from 95.7 to 115.1 pounds per cubic foot (pct with corresponding optimum moisture contents (OMC) ranging from 13.7 to 23.7 percent. Natural moisture content testing performed on these bulk samples indicate natural ' moisture contents ranging from 22.2 to 32.5 percent. Natural moisture contents of these bulk samples range from approximately 2 to 16 percent wet of their OMC. The wetter ' soils were those sampled below the water table, however even those soils above the water table had natural moistures 4 to 10 percent above their OMC. The average of all moisture samples relative to their OMC was 6 percent wet with a similar average wet of OMC value for the plastic clays and silts. Looking at the wet side of the Proctor curves, 95 and 92 percent compaction could be obtained at moistures 3 and 5 percent wet of OMC, respectively. However, at these moistures some instability and rutting in the fill under heavy rubber tired construction traffic should be expected. California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing was performed on untreated bulk specimens recompacted to approximately 98 percent of their standard Proctor maximum dry density. The test specimens were recompacted at moisture contents near their optimum moisture content. The specimens were then soaked for 96 hours during which swell values of 0.1 to 4.6 percent were recorded. Swell values recorded for the highly plastic soil samples (with the exception of the sample from boring T-6) range from 2.7 to 4.5 percent. A$er soaking, CBR values ranging from 1.3 to 9.6 percent were recorded. CBR values for highly plastic soil specimens range from 1.3 to 4.6 percent. ' In-place unit weight testing was performed on a relatively undisturbed Shelby tube sample obtained from boring G-1 at approximate depths ranging from 1.5 to 3.5 feet. In- place moist and dry unit weights of 126.8 and 107.0 pcf were recorded. e 1 Consolidation testing was performed on the relatively undisturbed Shelby tube sample obtained from boring G-1 and bulk sample obtained from the test pit performed near boring T-5. The bulk sample from the test pit performed near boring T-5 was recompacted to both 92 and 95 percent of its standard Proctor maximum dry density on the wet side of its OMC. The sample from boring G-1 was saturated prior to loading. The following table presents consolidation test results including compression indices (Cc) and coefficients of consolidation (Cv}. ' Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 „ _ _ . wring Depth (feet) USCS Classification Relative Com action* C` (_ , n~ 1 tsf (ft2/da ) G-1 1.5 - 3.5 CL Undisturbed 0.058 3.6 T-5 9 - 11 MH 92% 0.035 3.7 T-5 9 - 11 MH 95% 0.028 3.8 *Relative compaction in relation to standard Proctor maximum dry density ' Lime Modification Testing Program Eades-Grimm pH tests were performed on a bulk sample of highly plastic silt obtained from boring T-10 and a bulk sample of highly plastic clay obtained from boring T-13. Based on this testing approximately 2 and 3 percent Quicklime by weight is required to reach a pH level of 12.4 for the highly plastic silt and highly plastic clay samples, ' respectively. Standard Proctor tests were performed on the bulk samples obtained from borings T-10 anal T-13, each mixed with 3 percent Quicklime. Standard Proctor maximum dry densities of lime amended soils range from 92.7 pcf for the highly plastic silt sample (95.7 pcf ' without lime) to 95.4 pcf for the highly plastic clay sample (98.2 pcf without lime). Optimum moisture contents of the lime amended soils range from 25.6 percent for the highly plastic clay sample (23.6% without lime) to 27.0 percent for the highly plastic silt sample (23.7% without lime). California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests were performed on the bulk samples obtained from ' borings T-10 and T-13, each mixed with 3 percent Quicklime. The samples were compacted to approximately 98 percent of their lime amended standard Proctor maximum dry density near their optimum moisture content. The samples were then soaked for 96 hours during which swell values ranging from 0.1 percent for the highly plastic clay sample (4.5% without lime) to 0.3 percent for the highly plastic silt sample (4.2% without lime) were recorded. After soaking, CBR values ranging from 31 percent for the highly plastic silt sample (1.9% without lime) to 37 percent for the highly plastic clay sample (1.3% without lime) were recorded. Unconfined com ression tests were erformed on recoin acted bulk sam les obtained p p p p ' from borings T-10 and T-13, each mixed with 3 percent Quicklime. The samples were recompacted to 98 percent of their lime amended standard Proctor maximum dry density near their optimum moisture content. Unconfined compression strengths of the lime ' treated samples range from 3,571 to 3,614 pounds per square foot. 1 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR Northampton County NC April 15 2008 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The subsur ace exploration indicates that tilt site is adapta'oie for the proposed construction. The primary geotechnical concerns at this site consist of the following: • Shallow groundwater tables will be encountered near and above proposed final grades, predominantly in the infield and drainage swale areas where the deeper cuts will occur. . • Natural moisture contents of on-site soils are significantly above their optimum moisture contents. • Highly plastic soils (clays and silts) will be encountered at or near final grades in cut areas. • Highly plastic soils will be required for use as structural fill in pavement and building areas since they are estimated to comprise over half of the soils at this site. The above issues will require specialized construction measures during grading. Such measures will include: • Some site dewatering (lowering of groundwater) before and during grading activities and permanent below-ground drainage (blanket, edge and French drains) in some pavement and infield areas. • Using specialized construction equipment in excavation areas where groundwater levels are near or above final grades. Use of track backhoes working above the groundwater table, top loading all terrain dump trucks, will be required to excavate to final grades. • Drying of on-site soils prior to their use as structural fill by means of significant scarifying and aerating or adding quicklime where very wet soils are encountered and compaction cannot be achieved. • Lime stabilizing of soils. at design grades in pavement and building areas using experienced contractors with specialized equipment for spreading, mixing, moisture conditioning, compacting and curing of the lime treated soil. • Allowing settlement due to mass fill loading to stabilize prior to paving. This will require installation of settlement plates and surface survey hubs to monitor fill settlements. Site grading will be very difficult during periods of extended rainfall and low ' temperatures that generally occur during the winter months. The clayey and silty soils at this site are very moisture sensitive. When wet, these soils tend to rut a11d pump under rubber-tired traffic and provide poor subgrade support for pavements, foundations, and floor slabs. Grading during wet weather will create significant undercutting and wasting of soils which can be substantially reduced if grading is undertaken during more favorable weather. 10 1 1 1 1 1 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 To reduce potential earthwork problems, site preparation and grading should be scheduled during the typically drier late spring; summer and early fall months; if poss;ble. Heavy rubber-tired construction equipment should not be allowed to operate on very wet or highly unstable subgrades at this site due to the potential for severe rutting and other damage fo the soils. Panning and trucking operations should not concentrate their hauling operations along the same routes. Their routes should be spread across the fill and cut areas. No heavy rubber tired equipment should be allowed to operate on soils found below the groundwater table. We recommend that exposed subgrades be sloped and sealed at the end of each day to promote runoff and reduce infiltration from rainfall. Proposed grades along the entrance road and in building areas were unknown at the time of this report. We recommend that at least 3 feet of vertical separation be provided between groundwater levels and final grades in these areas. The following sections present more detailed conclusions and recommendations regarding site development. Please note that areas outside of the proposed Phase I development have not been explored. Conditions in these areas maybe different than those presented in this report. Areas outside of the proposed Phase I development that will receive excess fill should be evaluated by a representative of the geotechnical engineer prior to fill placement. 6.1 Site Preparation 6.1.1 Clearing, Grubbing, Stripping of Topsoil Site preparation should begin by clearing trees, grubbing stumps, and removing vegetation and other unsuitable surface material from proposed construction areas. A large amount of downed trees and low cut stumps are still present in the previously harvested areas. The contractor should be prepared to dispose of these materials along with trees, stumps and vegetation in wooded areas. Topsoil depths ranging from 4 to 18 inches were encountered in the borings and test pits. Typical topsoil depths range between 6 and 12 inches. Deeper stripping depths should be anticipated during wet conditions and in portions of the site that were rutted during past clearing operations. Clearing and stripping operations over marginally stable subgrades will disturb underlying "clean" soils causing stripping depths to be greater than actual topsoil depths. Stripping should be performed with light, wide tracked equipment to reduce disturbance of underlying soils. Heavy rubber-tired trucks, loaders or pans should not be allowed to operate on marginally stable soils because rutting and pumping will likely occur, requiring repair of these areas. The effects of using heavy rubber-tired equipment during 11 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 ' clearing are apparent in the harvested areas where ruts containing ponded water currently exist. Topsoil maybe re-used on the surface of slopes for landscaping and in other areas approved by the civil engineer. Topsoil amounts greater than those required for ' landscaping should be anticipated and disposed of in designated areas. ' 6.1.2 Temporary Site and Subsurface Drainage A drainage feature (swale) currently exists on the northwest portion of the site. We recommend that a temporary ditch be constructed in this area to handle surface runoff during initial grading operations. The depth and width of the ditch necessary to handle ' surface runoff should be determined by the contractor during initial grading. The ditch should slope to drain to the west and if no outlet is available a sump and pumping operation maybe required. ' i ll i h i a y n t e areas ons, espec Control of groundwater will be required during grading operat where cuts will extend at or below the groundwater table (i.e. borings T-5, T-7, T-17, T- ' 18, T-19, and T-29). Groundwater should be maintained at least 2 feet below final grades. Temporary ditching, digging of sumps, and pumping will likely be required to maintain this separation. The final grading plans call for drainage swales or ditches in the cut areas of the infield. Early excavation of these drainage features will expedite subsurface drainage and help lower water tables. The contractor should be responsible for determining groundwater control measures during grading. 6.1.3 Evaluation of Areas to Receive Fill ' ce the ~te is stri ed of unsuitable surface materials and tem or draina e has been On si pp p ary g installed, the exposed subgrade of areas to receive fill should be evaluated by the ' geotechnical engineer. To aid the engineer during this evaluation, exposed subgrades should be proofrolled wrth a partially loaded dump truck or partially loaded pan. Any areas that are observed to rut, pump, or deflect excessively during the proofrolling ' process should be repaired as recommended by the geotechnical engineer. Possible repair measures could include undercutting and replacement or in place repair by drying and recompaction. Undercutting and replacement with compacted fill maybe considered in ' areas where at least 2 feet of separation exist between groundwater levels and undercut elevations. Bridge lifts maybe considered in pavement or infield areas where at least 5 feet of fill will be required to reach design grades. No bridge lifts will be allowed in ' building areas. The most practical repair measure will be influenced by the degree of instability which exists and prevailing weather conditions. As such, actual repair ' measures must be determined in the field at time of construction. ' 12 ' Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 6.2 Excavations ' xcavat. n b ve and l,c>1 ~z~ rl 4 1 '71 1. .1 !l ,1 ~~ E o s a o ~~u .,,,~o~. grounuvJawr levels vv'iu ve requireu. vur recoriuiteilua~1G11S for excavations are presented below. ' For confined excavations, trench safety must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The contractor will be responsible for all site safety, including the determination of appropriate trench safety measures according to OSHA guidelines. Excavation shoring or ' slope inclinations should properly account for hydrostatic pressures and seepage. The contractor should have extensive experience excavating in soils below the groundwater. 6.2.1 Excavations Above Groundwater Levels ' Excavations at least 2 feet above groundwater levels will typically extend through moderate to high consistency natural soils predominantly consisting of clays and silts. ' Past experience indicates that these materials can be excavated using conventional earth- moving equipment including dozers, pans, scrapers, and excavators. Local excavations for shallow utility trenches and foundations can likely be accomplished by a conventional ' backhoe. ' 6.2.2 Excavations Near and Below Groundwater Levels Groundwater levels were encountered above and within 2 feet of final grades in borings T-5, T-7, T-17, T-18, T-19, and T-29. Excavations within 2 feet and below groundwater levels will extend through moderate to high consistency natural soils consisting of clays, silts and sands. We recommend that as groundwater levels are approached that ' specialized equipment such as wide track dozers, all terrain dump trucks, track excavators, etc., be used to excavate these materials. The excavatlons below the groundwater table should be accomplished by a track backhoe with smooth face bucket, ' top loading all terrain dump trucks. No construction equipment should be allowed on the final grades in these areas. If pans are able to operate below the water table in the firm to stiff clays, their operations should cease at least 2 feet above the final grades and these ' final soils removed by backhoes top loading all terrain dump trucks. No construction equipment should be allowed to disturb the soils at the final grades. Groundwater infiltration will occur in excavations extending below groundwater levels. Groundwater infiltration will reduce stability of excavation slopes and will soften subgrades within excavation bottoms. The contractor should be prepared to install ' adequate drainage measures such as French drains, open ditches, internal sumps and pumps to keep groundwater at least 2 feet below final excavation grades. The final grading plans call for drainage swales or ditches in the cut areas of the infield. Early 13 1 1 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 excavation of these drainage features will expedite subsurface drainage and help lower water tables In proposed pavement areas, we recommend a blanket underdrain be installed beneath the pavement section where the bottoms of pavement excavations are within 2 feet of and below current groundwater levels. Soiree portions of the ride and handling road will require a blanket underdrain. Potential road sections requiring an underdrain could be near borings T-5, T-7, T-17, T-18, T-19 and T-29 where groundwater levels were within 2 feet of pavement bottom. The actual road sections requiring the underdrain will have to be identified in the field by an experienced geotechnical engineer. The underdrain should consist of 10 inches of washed stone (NCDOT #57) encapsulated (bottom, sides and top) with a needle punched nonwoven geotextile. The geotextile should be placed by hand labor and the NCDOT #57 stone should be end dumped from the trucks and pushed out on to the geotextile with wide track dozers. No equipment should be allowed on the geotextile. All stone trucks should operate on the stone layer. Edge drains should be included as part of the underdrain and should slope to drain to the open ditch beyond the runout area. See Figure 3C in the Appendix. In the infield where the cuts extend below the groundwater table a longitudinal French drain may be needed in this area for dewatering. This drain should be connected to the open ditch. 6.3 Structural Fill 6.3.1 Re-Use of On-Site Soils as Structural Fill On-site soils, excluding topsoil and soils with less than 3 percent organics, maybe used as fill in the pavement, infield and building areas provided recommendations provided herein are followed. Our experience has shown when borrowing soils from areas that were in the past covered with pines, the tap roots may extend several feet below the ground surface. Wasting of borrow soils (below the stripped topsoil) with these tap roots is not necessary; however, if excessive tap roots are prevalent in the fill sections, some root raking maybe necessary. The need to remove some of the roots in the fill section will need to be determined in the field by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. On-site soils consist of high plasticity silts and clays (MH, CH) along with low plasticity sands, silts, and clays (SM, SC, SP-SC, ML, CL). It should be expected that over 1/2 of the on-site borrow will consist of high plasticity clays and silts. Based on laboratory testing, high and low plasticity soils are 2 to 16 percent wet of their optimum moisture ' content. The wetter soils were those sampled below the water table; however, even those soils above the water table had natural moistures 4 to 10 percent above their OMC. The average of the moisture contents relative to their OMC for all tested samples was 6 1 14 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County, NC April 15, 2008 ' percent wet with a similar average wet of OMC value for the plastic clays and silts. Reduction of the natural moisture contents will be paramount for the successful grading ' and compaction of soils at this site. ' In our opinion this natural drying can only be accomplished during warm and low humidity weather conditions that can exist during the late spring, summer and early fall. This drying will require the grading contractor to extensively disc, harrow, windrow, aerate, etc. during favorable weather conditions. Soils should not be considered unsuitable due to moisture content. For those soils having natural moistures greater than 6 percent wet of their OMC it may become more cost effective and efficient to add (rotary mix) 1 to 2 percent quicklime into the cut soils prior to excavating and placing in the fill section. This amount of lime addition should sufficiently dry the soils to allow the required compaction to be obtained. The compaction moisture requirements for this project will allow the grading contractor to place the fill at OMC to 3 percent wet of OMC for areas requiring 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density and OMC to 5 percent wet of OMC for areas requiring 92 percent compaction (see Section 6.3.2 Fill Placement). Therefore, the drying of the borrow soils will not be as extensive as would normally be required and should allow the grading contractor to achieve most of the drying without resorting to lime addition. The need for lime for drying will be a function of weather, wetness of the soil and time saved not drying by natural means. 6.3.2 Fill Placement All structural fill should be placed in 8 to 10 inch loose lifts. The geotechnical engineer or a qualified soil technician working under the direction of the geotechnical engineer should observe site preparation and fill placement operations. A sufficient number of density tests and moisture checks should be performed during fill placement to confirm that the recommended degree of compaction and moisture ranges are being achieved. Recommendations for each of the proposed areas are provided in the following sections. Pavement Areas ' Pavement areas include those areas beneath the pavement and extending out 10 feet on either side. In these areas structural fill should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). In order to achieve 95 percent compaction and obtain a moisture range that reduces future swell potential of the plastic soils, the borrow soils will need to be placed in a moisture range of OMC to 3 percent wet of OMC. 15 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 We recommend that the final 12 inches in pavement areas consist of soils stabilized using 4 percent quicklime by dry weight. This stabilized zone should extend 5 feet ol~tsi_de the pavement box on both sides. See Figure 3A in the Appendix. Recommendations regarding lime stabilization are presented in section 6.4.2 of this report. Lime treated soils should be compacted to 98 percent of their lime treated standard Proctor maximum dry density and in a moisture range of OMC to 3 percent wet of OMC. Sufficient moisture should be present in the soils to activate (hydrate) the lime. Literature and experience suggests this will likely require the moistures to be closer to the 3 percent wet of OMC. Lime treatment of the top 12 inches of subgrade will also be required in the cut areas where groundwater tables are 2 feet or greater below the bottom of the pavement section. See Figure 3B in the Appendix. Fill placed in the road shoulder areas (10 feet outside the pavement edges) should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the soil's standard Proctor maximum dry density in a moisture range of OMC to 3 percent wet of OMC. These soils should consist of the clayey soils having maximum plasticity indices (PIs) of 35 percent. The reason for placing clayey soils in the road shoulder is to reduce moisture penetration beside the pavement section and into the subgrade soils. We understand the shoulder grades are set at 2 percent. This slope is necessary to provide positive runoff. Ponding of surface water on the shoulder would be detrimental to the life and serviceability of the asphalt pavement. We understand the shoulders will be grassed. As the turf is established the shoulders should be mowed and maintained so water freely flows off the pavement and shoulder in to the infield area. Infield Areas Structural fill placed in the infield areas should be compacted to at least 92 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) with exception of the final foot which should receive 95 percent compaction. In order to achieve 92 percent compaction, the moisture content of these fill soils will need to be reduced to no greater than 5 percent wet of their OMC. At these moisture levels the fill sections will most likely be unstable and some rutting may occur under heavy rubber tired equipment. If trafficabilty issues develop, the contractor may have to perform some additional soil drying or use lighter ground contact pressure equipment. In order to achieve 95 percent compaction, the moisture content of these fill soils will need to be reduced to at least 3 percent wet of the soil's OMC. Building Areas From a fill placement standpoint the building areas should include the building pad footprint and an area extending 10 feet beyond the footprint. On-site soils maybe used as structural fill in the proposed building areas. The final 12 inches at the subgrade level 16 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 L should be stabilized with 4 percent lime by weight (see section 6.4.1) to reduce the soil's plasticity and increase slab subgrade support. Fill soils placed below the final 12 inches in the building areas should be compacted to at least 95 percent of their standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). The ' moisture content of these fill soils should be maintained between OMC and 3 percent wet of their OMC during compaction to reduce future swelling potential. Lime stabilized soils placed in the final 12 inches below final grade in building areas should be compacted to 98 percent of their lime treated standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). The moisture content of these fill soils should be in a range of OMC to 3 percent wet of OMC. Sufficient moisture should be present in the soils to activate (hydrate) the lime which will most likely require the moistures to be closer to the 3 percent wet of OMC. 6.3.3 Settlement Due to Fill d way We anticipate as much as 7 feet of fill will be required at this site for roa construction. The weight of this fill will cause underlying soils to settle and some consolidation of the fill mass will occur. A consolidation test was performed on an undisturbed sample of the more compressible virgin soils. Two consolidation tests were also performed on recompacted samples of the highly plastic soils. These samples were recompacted at 92 percent and 95 percent of their standard Proctor maximum dry density at moistures on the wet side of the Proctor curves. These tests indicate C~ values of 0.03 to 0.06 and C,, values of 3.6 to 3.8 feet squared per day. Utilizing this test data and fill loads of 10 feet, maximum settlement of about 2 inches was calculated. Also, based on time-rate consolidation analysis we have estimated 90 percent or more of the settlement will occur within 1 to 4 weeks after. completion of fill placement. Therefore, based on this analysis it would appear pavement construction could begin 3 to 4 weeks after the completion of fill placement. It is estimated that after this waiting period the roadway in deeper fill sections should experience less tan %2 inch of future settlement. In order to monitor the fill settlement in pavement and building areas where more than 5 feet of fill is placed, we recommend that settlement plates be installed at the base of the fill. Once these areas have been raised to design subgrade elevation, settlement hubs should be installed at the surface. The elevation of the plates and hubs should be measured at least twice weekly by the surveyor. This data should be furnished to us for review. Asphalt paving operations and foundation construction should not begin in these areas until monitoring of settlement hubs indicates that fill induced settlement has stabilized. 17 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 6.4 Lime Amendment The. limp amenr~rnent pros a:Il «~~ll .^.Cns.St of uuing iiiiie jvr Stauiiizaiivri grid diyirtg purposes. Lime amendment will be required to stabilize subgrade soils in the building and pavement areas (cut and fill sections) and may also be needed for drying some of the soils that have excessive moisture contents to obtain the recommended degree of compaction. Construction considerations regarding both lime stabilization and drying are described in the following sections. It should be noted that quicklime is an alkaline material that is reactive in the presence of moisture. Construction workers should be made aware of the hazards associated with lime including (but not limited to) eye irritation, skin burns (both chemical and thermal}, and inhalation hazards. 6.4.1 Drying Due to the relatively high natural moisture contents of some of the on-site soils, quicklime may be required in areas requiring 95 percent compaction to expedite fill placement by lowering in-situ moistures and causing some slight improvement in the soil plasticity characteristics. We recommend lime only be used for drying soils with moisture ' r s OMC. contents greater than 6 percent of the soil Lime for drying will typically require mixing 1 to 2 percent lime by dry weight into the soils. With the addition of quicklime, the moisture content of the soils is reduced by the following processes: • Chemical combination of water and lime evaporates water • Heat from the reaction increases evaporation ' • Chemical changes in the soil reduce its capacity to hold water The lime drying process typically consists of the following steps: fill areas th b i il l . orrow or e ayer n 1. Scarifying so 2. Spreading of lime at a rate determined by the lime contractor in the field at time of grading. 3. Rotor mixing the lime into the soil. 4. Allowing sufficient time for the lime to react with the soils for drying to occur. 5. Removal of the lime treated layer from the cut area and transport to the fill section for placement and compaction or compaction of the lime Treated Layer in the fill section. ill b h d e s w o The amount of quicklime required to dry the soils and construction met dependent upon conditions encountered during construction and should be determined by 18 1 1 1 1 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR Northampton County NC April 15. 2008 a qualified contractor experienced with lime modification. Lime modification. should not be performed on frozen soil. 6.4.2 Stabilization Due to low California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values and the tendency of highly plastic soils to shrink/swell with changes in moisture content, we recommend that the final 12 inches of subgrade in both cuts and fills of pavement and building pad areas be lime stabilized. Lime stabilization, if constructed properly, provides long-term strength, stability and durability, while also producing a relatively impermeable layer. Based on laboratory testing, we recommend 4 percent lime by dry weight be incorporated into the upper 12 inches of subgrade within the building and pavement limits and 5 feet beyond those limits. The lime stabilization construction process typically consists of the following steps: 1. Bringing soil layer to desired grade. 2. Scarifying soil layer and partial pulverization. 3. Spreading of quicklime at a rate of at least 4 percent by dry weight. 4. Rotor mixing of lime with soil while hydrating the lime. 5. Allowing soil to mellow for a sufficient period to allow the chemical reaction to occur. 6. Further rotor mixing and pulverizing lime amended soil to achieve thorough mixing. Obtaining proper moisture in the soils for compaction. 7. Compacting soil/lime mixture to desired compaction level. 8. Curing of soil by sealing the compacted layer with a bituminous prime coat emulsion. Lime stabilization methods should be performed in general accordance with the 2006 North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures", Section 501. Lime stabilization should not be performed when the air temperature is below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Lime should only be applied in areas that can be initially mixed and sealed during the day of application. Lime should not be applied in windy conditions. We recommend that a representative of the geotechnical engineer be on-site during lime stabilization to confirm the following items are in accordance with our recommendations: • Amount of lime spread • Lime hydration is consistent throughout treated layer Thickness of lime stabilized layer 1 19 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County, NC April 15, 2008 ' Compaction of lime stabilized layer 6.5 Permanent Cut and Fill Slopes ' Permanent cut and fill slopes should be constructed at least 3:1 (H:V) or flatter for long- term stability and erosion control. Based on the final grading plan, proposed cut and fill slopes are designed with an inclination of 4:1 (H:V). Slopes should be vegetated as soon as possible to reduce surface erosion. Slopes of 3:1 (H:V) or flatter are typically required to allow mowers and other landscaping equipment to operate safely. Buildings or ' structures should be located a sufficient distance (at least 10 feet) from the edge of crest of any slope to avoid creating slope instability due to the surcharge loading. 6.6 Subgrade Repair and Improvement Methods Exposed untreated subgrades can deteriorate and lose support when exposed to construction traffic and adverse weather conditions. Deterioration can occur in the form or rutting, pumping, freezing, or erosion. We recommend that during construction, exposed Subgrade surfaces be sealed and sloped to drain at the end of each day or when wet weather is forecast. 6.7 Pavement Design Recommendations We understand the ride and handling road will consist of mostly asphalt pavement with some sections being considered for concrete pavement. We understand that the entrance road will consist of asphalt pavement. Our pavement design recommendations are based on the assumed traffic loading conditions, our field and laboratory findings and analysis using AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures (1993) design procedures. Our recommendations for asphalt and concrete pavement are provided in the following sections. 6.7.1 Flexible (Asphalt) Pavement ' The flexible avement should consist of a surface course of as haltic concrete underlain p p by crushed aggregate base course (CABC) stone underlain by 12 inches of lime stabilized subbase. The pavement section presented below is based on a design California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 2 percent for the clayey and silty subgrade soils. ' 20 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 Flexible Pavement Flexible Pavement NCCAR Design (inches) Design (inches) Asphalt Pavement Ride and Handling Road Entrance Road Asphalt Concrete Surface Course - 1.5 2.0 Superpave Type S-9.SB Asphalt Concrete Intermediate Course - 2.5 3.0 Superpave Type I-19.OB Crushed Aggregate Base Course (CABC) 8.0 10.0 Stone Lime Stabilized Subbase 12.0 12.0 All materials and construction methods should conform to the 2006 edition of the NCDOT "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. " Recommendations regarding lime stabilization of the subbase are described in section 6.4.2 of this report. The crushed aggregate base course stone should consist of stone meeting the requirements under Section 520, pages 5-10 through 5-15 and Section 1010, pages 10-30 through 10-40. The base course stone should be compacted to at least 100 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the modified Proctor compaction test, AASHTO T-180 as modified by NCDOT. To confirm that the base course stone has been uniformly compacted and has sufficient thickness, in-place density tests and thickness measurements should be performed by a qualified soils technician and the area should be thoroughly proofrolled under his observation. The base course stone should be end dumped from the trucks and pushed out onto the lime treated subgrade. The stone trucks should not be allowed to operate directly on the lime treated subgrade soils. The asphaltic concrete should consist of Superpave types S-9.SB and I-19.OB. Asphaltic concrete should conform to Section 610, pages 6-27 through 6-51 in the 2006 edition of the NCDOT "Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures. " A tack coat should be placed between the surface and intermediate asphalt courses. Sufficient testing and observation should be performed during pavement construction to confirm. that the required thickness, density, and quality requirements of the specifications are obtained. r 21 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 Although our analysis was based on a 20 year design life, our experience indicates that an overlay may be needed in approximately 12 to 15 years due to normal weathering and aging of the asphaltic concrete. Also, some areas could require repair in a shorter time period. 6.7.2 Rigid (Concrete) Pavement Concrete pavement sections should consist of the section presented in the table below. Our concrete pavement design was performed using the same design traffic as in asphalt pavement areas along the ride and handling track (100,000 ESALs). The compressive strength of the concrete was assumed to be 4,000 psi. A modulus of subgrade reaction of ' 175 pci was used for design assuming 6 inches of compacted CABC stone underlain by 12 inches of lime treated soils beneath the pavement. We have assumed that load transfer across contraction (saw} joints will be handled by aggregate interlock. At construction or expansion joints load transfer devices such as smooth steel dowels should be considered. CABC should meet the material and compaction requirements stated in the "Flexible (Asphalt) Pavement" section above. 1 1 NCCAR Concrete Pavement Concrete Pavement Design Ride and Handling Road Concrete (4,000 psi) 6.0 inches Crushed Aggregate Base Course (CABC} Stone 6.0 inches Lime Stabilized Subbase 12.0 inches Maximum Joint Spacing 15 feet in all directions Saw joints should be cut at least'/4 of the thickness of the concrete pavement to promote shrinkage cracking along the joint. 6.8 Foundation Support 6.8.1 General The proposed security kiosk and operations and administration building maybe supported on shallow spread footings bearing in the virgin soils or compacted fill. The shallow spread footings maybe designed with an allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 pounds per square foot. In order to help maintain moisture conditions in the soils beneath the slab and reduce the potential for shrink/swell issues in the plastic soils, we recommend 22 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 ' that a curtain wall footing be installed around the perimeter of the buildings. This footing should bear at a level 30 inches below exterior grade and can be used to support any exterior building wall loads. We also recommend interior column and wall footings bear 30 inches below subgrade elevations. These bearing elevations will provide adequate frost protection. Individual column footings should be at least 24 inches wide and continuous wall footings should be at least 18 inches wide. This recommendation is made to help prevent localized or "punching" shear failure which can occur with very narrow footings. The geotechnical engineer or his representative should observe foundation bearing conditions prior to placement of reinforcing steel and concrete. This evaluation should include the performance of shallow hand auger borings with dynamic cone penetrometer testing to confirm the suitability of bearing soils for foundation support. Exposure to the environment will cause the bearing soils to rapidly deteriorate, particularly if foundations extend near or below groundwater. Excessively loose/soft soils, water and other unsuitable materials should be removed. Over-excavated soils should be replaced with lean concrete. If foundations extend near or below groundwater, a lean concrete mud mat should be placed above the exposed subgrade to reduce groundwater infiltration and loosening/softening of bearing soils. A mud mat will also provide a firm surface for placement of reinforcing steel. To further reduce the potential for deterioration of bearing soils, we recommend that foundation excavation and placement of concrete be conducted on the same day if practical. ' 6.8.2 Settlement Based on encountered subsurface conditions, anticipated loads, and assuming the site is prepared in accordance with this report, we expect that total settlement beneath shallow foundations should be 1 inch or less. Detailed structural information is necessary to ' estimate differential settlement. However, we expect that differential settlements will be less than 1/2 inch for footings bearing on similar materials. 6.9 Floor Slabs The floor slabs can be adequately supported on lime stabilized soils. We recommend that the upper 12 inches beneath buildings be lime stabilized in accordance with the recommendations provided in this report (section 6.4.2). We recommend a subgrade modulus of 150 pci be used for lime stabilized soil supported slabs with maximum distributed loads of less than 100 pounds per square foot (psf) or relatively light concentrated loads. If slabs will support larger distributed loads or relatively high concentrated loads, this information should be provided to us for review. t 23 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County NC April 15, 2008 The slab should be separated from column and wall footings to allow for relative displacement. This separation is especially important along the wall footing (curtain wall). If the slab is structurally attached to the wall footing, cracking could occur in this area. This would be due to the slab being restrained by the lug footing, not allowing the slab to shrink (drag) along the subgrade. Once tension stresses in the slab exceed the concrete's tensile strength a crack would occur. Exposure to the environment and construction activities will weaken the floor slab subgrade soils. Therefore, we recommend that subgrade soils in slab areas be evaluated prior to concrete placement. If deterioration of soils has occurred, undercutting and replacement maybe necessary. 6.10 Seismic Site Classification Based on results of soil test borings, past experience, and information provided in section 1615 of the North Carolina Building Code, it is our opinion the site should preliminarily be considered as Class D with respect to seismic design considerations. 7. QUALITY CONTROL MONITORING AND TESTING The subsurface conditions at this site warrant the presence of full-time, on-site, experienced soil technicians working under the direction of the geotechnical engineer. We recommend that our fine be utilized to provide these services because of our familiarity with the project design assumptions, site and subsurface conditions and our engineering analysis which form the basis for the recommendations presented herein. Construction items that will require field monitoring and testing will include but are not limited to: • Proofrolling of subgrades to evaluate stability and strength • Monitoring of drainage and dewatering activities • Density and moisture testing of borrow soils • Field classification of soils • Monitoring and testing during lime amendment operations • Footing bearing evaluations • Evaluation of fill settlement data 8. QUALIFICATIONS OF REPORT This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering practice for specific application to this project. Any wetland, environmental, or contaminant assessment efforts are beyond the scope of this geotechnical exploration; and therefore, those issues are not addressed in this geotechnical exploration report. The recommendations contained in this report are based on the applicable standards of our 24 Subsurface Exploration Report S&ME Project No. 1051-07-460 NCCAR -Northampton County, NC April 15, 2008 profession at the time this report was prepared. No other warranty, express or implied, is made. Conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based, in part, upon the data obtained from the geotechnical exploration. The nature and extent of variations between and outside of the borings made may not become evident until construction. If variations appear evident, then it will be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report. In the event that any changes in the grades, nature, design, or location of the proposed structures or pavements are planned, the recommendations contained in this report should be reviewed and modified or verified in writing. We recommend that our firm be provided the opportunity for general review of final design specifications to verify that recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented. 1 25 L /J iV lV V t ~. ~, '' i ~. '\' h 1 1 1 1 "~ ' - 4 " d SOL/D =r PLAS77C P/PE N ~ -~ ~~ -~ ~- V ~~ -- .~~ J SLOPE TO DRAIN TO OPEN D/TCH, ' 100' CENTERS UNLESS F/ELD = COND/T/ONS WARRANT CLOSER SPAC/NG ~~ i L 'Z L ' ' scA~E: NTS SO/L F/LL io r r, a ~ >~o uw c ~ ~~ . =s - ~,. ~;: . J V Tcrc v~, u ~ 4 S . . ~ ,J ... ._ ~.. n ... ... .......... .r~..r ..y ..y..."..." _ ,J~ ~~ -'Ot Y ,~ c ~~ ,. J -, J ~y ~~ ', 24'" i onrE: FEB. 2008 DRAWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO: ,~#..: ,. 1051-07-460 NCDOT NO. 57 WASHED STONE NEEDLE PUNCHED NONWOIiEN GEOTEXT/LE 4"' ~ PERFORATED PLASTIC PIPE LONGITUDINAL FRENCH DRAIN FIGURE NO. INFIELD AREA 4 NCCAR NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1 1 S&ME NCCAR ~utiriiis and Giiv Leveis at Boring Locations Boring # GS EI. (ft) WT EI. FG EI. (ft) Cut (ft) Fill (ft) FG Depth Above WT FG Depth Below WT T-1 132 120.1 125 7 4.9 T-2 131 118.2 133 2 14.8 T-3 134 116.5 134 0 0 17.5 T-4 129 120.3 125 4 4.7 T-5 132 127.4 128 4 0.6. T-6 136 114.4 134 2 19.6 T-7 132 125.5 123 9 2.5 T-8 134 126.7 132 2 5.3 T-9 136 117.1 134 2 16.9 T-10 138 118 124 14 6 T-11 131 119 125 6 6 T-12 134 119 127 7 8 T-13 136 117.7 122 14 4.3 T-14 127 115.5 122 5 6.5 T-15 130 120.6 125 5 4.4 T-16 124 117.9 125 1 7.1 T-17 136 129.1 119 17 10.1 T-18 132 126.9 121 11 5.9 T-19 138 130.6 122 16 8.6 T-20 133 118 125 8 7 T-21 137 119.5 125 12 5.5 T-22 131 118 124 7 6 T-23 129 116 127 2 11 T-24 131 118.4 127 4 8.6 T-25 132 115.3 125 7 9.7 T-26 124 116.2 129 5 12.8 T-27 127 119.7 124 3 4.3 T-28 125 118 123 2 5 T-29 135 128.8 124 11 4.8 T-30 127 114.8 125 2 10.2 T-31 124 114.2 120 4 5.8 T-32 124 115 128 4 13 T-33 124 115.9 125 1 9.1 T-34 122 113.2 118 4 4.8 T-35 122 114.8 125 3 10.2 T-36 121 114.1 118 3 3.9 T-37 118 113.1 125 7 11.9 T-38 119 112 125 6 13 T-39 123 110.9 123 0 0 12.1 T-40 123 108 118 5 10 T-41 122 110.7 124 2 13.3 Note: At borings T-10, 11, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30 and 40 boreholes were caved. Groundwater levels were assumed to be just below the caved depth. ~ LEOEND TO SOIL CLASSIFICATION AND SYMBOLS ~ SOIL TYPES (Shown in Graphic Log) ' ~~~ Fill ^ Asphalt o Concrete ' Topsoil ° ~ Gravel Sand ' Silt Clay Organic Silty Sand ' ~ Clayey Sand Sandy Silt Clayey Silt ' ~i; Sandy Clay Silty Clay Partially Weathered ' Rock Cored Rock ' iNATE R LEVELS (Shown in Water Level Column) ~ =Water Level At Termination of Boring ~ =Water Level Taken After 24 Hours ~ =Loss of Drilling Water HC =Hole Cave CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS STD. PENETRATION RESISTANCE CONSISTENCY BLOWS/FOOT Very Soft 0 to 2 Soft 3 to 4 Firm 5 to 8 Stiff 9 to 15 Very Stiff 16 to 30 Hard 31 to 50 Very Hard Over 50 RELATIVE DENSITY OF_COHESIONLESS SOILS STD. PENETRATION RESISTANCE RELATIVE DENSITY BLOWS/FOOT Very Loose 0 to 4 Loose 5 to 10 Medium Dense 11 to 30 Dense 31 to 50 Very Dense Over 50 SAMPLER TYPES (Shown in Samples Column) Shelby Tube ® Split Spoon Rock Core No Recovery TERMS Standard -The Number of Blows of 140 Ib. Hammer Falling Penetration 30 in. Required to Drive 1.4 in. I.D. Split Spoon Resistance Sampler 1 Foot. As Specified in ASTM D-1588. REC -Total Length of Rock Recovered in the Core Barrel Divided by the Total Length of the Core Run Times 100%. RQD -Total Length of Sound Rock Segments Recovered that are Longer Than or Equal to 4" (mechanical breaks excluded) Divided by the Total Length of the Core Run Times 100%. ENGINEERING TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T- 1 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/13/07 ELEVATION: 132.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-114" HSA BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft 14' @ TOB, 11.9' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J j ~ ~,~ ~ STANDARD PENETRATInN TEST porn ~ ~ = c~ Q o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ (blowsfft) N-Value o o' W ~ w V ~ ~ Z w 10 20 30 60 80 _ TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Very Stiff Gray-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 19 Very Stiff Tan-Gray Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 20 5 127.0 Very Stiff Brown Silty CLAY (CL), Moist 27 Very Stiff Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 21 10 122.0 i Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet ~ 10 15 117.0 5 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet below existing ground 112.0 surface. Borehole caved at 14.5 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 14 feet at termination of boring - and at 11.9 feet on November 16, 2007. i *Temporary piezometer installed. 25 107.0 C L 30 z 102.0 0 i n 0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. 80R/NG, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION ((N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB HAMMER FAWNG 30IN REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. LD. SAMPLER 1 FT 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 Iii ~ ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 t 1 f i i i PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T- 2 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/13/07 ELEVATION: 131.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 12.8' @ TOB DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 ~ J ~ w w V RTA,NflAF2fl PFAIFTR 4TI(1N TECT BATA ~ ^ w ~ = c7 o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ w ~ d ~ ~ I- a, ~ w (blows/ft) N-Value o ~ C~ ~ ~ O Z w " w ~ 10 20 30 60 80 °" TOPSOIL (7 Inches) Stiff Tan-Gray Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 11 11 5 126.0 Very Stiff Gray-Tan Sandy Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 19 Very Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 22 10 121.0 Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet ~ HC 7 15 116.0 10 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet below existing ground 111.0 surface. Borehole caved at 14 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 12.8 feet at termination of ' boring. 25 106.0 i s S 30 i 101.0 S i i NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) I S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLI G 30 /N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~~ , ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 r c c c u c L c PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T- 3 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/9/07 ELEVATION: 134.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 25.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 17.5' @ TOB DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J > ,,, W n STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DAT?. a w a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~~ ~ w (blows/ft) N-value O v 0! J ~ H ~~ Z W Q ~ W 10 20 30 60 80 _ TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Firm Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 7 Stiff Gray-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 15 5 129.0 Very Stiff Tan-Gray Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 22 Stiff Gray-Brown Silty CLAY (CH), Moist to Wet 15 10 124.0 Stiff Brown Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 12 15 119.0 HC • Loose Tan Silty Fine SAND (SM), Wet 5 20 114.0 Loose Clayey Medium to Fine SAND (SC), Wet 10 25 Boring terminated at 25 feet below existing ground 109.0 surface. Borehole caved at 18 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 17.5 feet at termination of boring. *Bag sample obtained from 10 to 15 feet. 30 104.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1566. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30 JN, REQUIRED TO OR/VE 1.41N. LD. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL f5 AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY Page 1 of 1 I~ . ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 a c r F C c c C u r PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-4 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/13/07 ELEVATION: 129.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft 8.2' @ TOB, 8.7' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J LU > , iii Z $Tf1NQARp PFRIFTRp.,TI(1 AI TECT neTpi ~ ~, a~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ a a ~ ¢ ~, (blows/ft) N-Value o ~, ~ W N Z w c~ Q ~ w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (5 Inches) Stiff Gray-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 9 Stiff Tan-Gray Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 11 5 124.0 14 Very Stiff Gray-Orange Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 22 10 HC 119.0 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Medium SAND (SC) With Gravel, Wet 11 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 114.0 surface. Borehole caved at 10.2 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 8.2 feet at termination of boring and at 8.7 feet after 24 hours. 20 109.0 25 104.0 30 99.0 NOTES: 1. THI S LOG !S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQU/RED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT IXACT 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT T/ME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 1 1 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T- 5 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/13/07 ELEVATION: 132.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1l4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 25.0 ft 15.4' @ TOB, 4.6' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J j ~ w ? STANDARD PENETRATION TEST pATA. ~ ^ w = C7 o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ d rl ~ ~ ~, (blows/ft) N-Value w o ~ W Q Q ~, Z w ~ ~ w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Very Stiff Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 23 Stiff Gray Silty CLAY (CH), Moist to Wet 1 15 5 127.0 Very Stiff Red-Gray to Gray-Brown Clayey SILT (MH), Wet 22 24 10 122.0 Stiff Black-Brown Sandy SILT (ML), Wet 11 15 S7 117.0 Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 9 20 HC 112.0 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Medium to Fine SAND (SC), Wet 13 25 Boring terminated at 25 feet below existing ground 107.0 surface. Borehole caved at 20.2 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 15.4 feet at termination of boring and after 4.6 feet after 24 hours. 30 102.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG 1S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 /N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-6 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/9/07 ELEVATION: 136.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-114" HSA BORING DEPTH: 30.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 21.6' @ TOB DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J ~ uJ ~ Z CTl1,NrlARrl PF~.IFTP4TI~~~ TEST fJAT~ a w ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~~ Q w (blows/ft) N-value p -- ~ -~ ~ Q O w '-' Ur ~ ~ Z ~ w 10 20 30 60 80 - TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Stiff Red-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Wet SS-1 9 Very Stiff Red-Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Wet SS-2 17 5 131.0 Stiff Red-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Wet SS-3 11 SS-4 12 10 126.0 Stiff Brown Silty CLAY (CH), Wet SS-5 14 15 121.0 Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 9 20 116.0 Loose Tan Silty Fine SAND (SM), Wet ~ 6 25 111.0 '• Medium Dense Tan Silty Fine SAND (SM), Wet 19 30 goring terminated at 30 feet below existing ground 106.0 surface. Borehole caved at 22 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 21.6 feet at termination of boring. *Bag sample obtained from 1 to 5 feet, 5 to 10 feet and 17 to 22 feet. NOTES: 1. THIS LOG /S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA /S IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3, PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 /N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-7 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/14/07 ELEVATION: 132.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 13' @ TOB, 6.5' After 24 Hr . DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J > ,~ iJ ? $TANDAR[1 PFNFTRATI(1N TFC7 noTn, F ~ _~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ a s ~ F' ~, (blows/ft) N-Value W ~ ~ r w Q Q ~ Z w J U 3 . w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Very Stiff Tan Sandy Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 17 Very Stiff Orange-Gray Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 20 5 127.0 Very Stiff Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist to Wet ~ 26 29 10 122.0 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet ~ HC 11 15 117.0 Medium Dense Brown Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 29 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet below existing ground 112.0 surface. Borehole caved at 15 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 13 feet at termination of boring - and at 6.5 feet after 24 hours. i 25 107.0 i i f S c 30 102.0 i h NOTES: 7. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THATREPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQU/RED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. f. D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL !SAT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 t 1 ~~ F c ~( i c I r i PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T- 8 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11!13107 ELEVATION: 134.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 25.0 ft 14.5' @ TOB, 7.3' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 J w Z STA~VDA rl f~CI.ICTfI~TIl~~i Pa.ru~~inniivrvTESTGATA ,~ w ~ _ Q o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ (blowslft) N-Value o ~- ~ ~ ~ O w c~ ~ z w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Very Stiff Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 17 Very Stiff Tan-Gray Clayey SILT (MH), Moist to Wet 17 5 129.0 Very Stiff Red Clayey SILT (ML), Wet i 16 Stiff Gray-Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Wet 12 10 124.0 Very Stiff Brown Silty CLAY (CH), Wet ~ 16 15 119.0 Stiff Black-Brown Sandy SILT (ML), Wet 11 20 114.0 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 17 25 Boring terminated at 25 feet below existing ground 109.0 surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a S depth of 14.5 feet at termination of boring and at 7.3 feet after 24 hours. 30 104.0 i 7 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1 4 IN LD. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 c c c c F PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T- 9 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/13/07 ELEVATION: 136.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 30.0 ft 21' TOB & 18.9' on ~ LOGGED BY: A. Browning -07 WATER LEVEL: 12-0 DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J j w iJ ~ STANDARD PENFTRATIQnI TFCT r1ATA a ~ °_- o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ w (blows/ft) N-value wo ~- ~ -~ ~ ~ O w C7 3 Z W 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (8 Inches) Stiff Tan Silty CLAY (CL), Moist 10 Very Stiff Red-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 19 5 131.0 21 Very Stiff Gray-Orange Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 17 10 126.0 Very Stiff Brown Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 18 15 121.0 Firm Tan Sandy SILT (ML), Wet 1 _ 7 20 116.0 i Stiff Brown Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 14 25 111.0 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 11 30 goring terminated at 30 feet-below existing ground 106.0 surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 21 feet at termination of boring and at 18.9 feet on December 1, 2007. *Temporary piezometer installed. NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF 8L0 WS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DR/VE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER r Fr. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL !S AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-10 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11!9/07 ELEVATION: 138.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-114" HSA BORING DEPTH: 25.0 ft LOGGED BY: K. Brown WATER LEVEL: Dry @ TOB & After 24 Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U ? ,,, i~ ~ STANDARD PFnIETRATIQN TFFT [~GTG, w a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ Q ~ (blows/ft) N-value p -- ~ -~ ~ ~ O w .., C7 ~ Z w 10 20 30 60 80 =.i TOPSOIL (12 Inches) Firm Red-Orange Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 5 Very Stiff Orange-Red Clayey SILT (MH), Wet 20 5 133.0 Stiff to Very Stiff Red-Gray Clayey SILT (MH), Wet 12 17 10 128.0 Stiff Brown Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 15 15 123.0 HC 15 20 118.0 Loose Brown Clayey Silty Fine SAND (SM), Wet 7 25 Boring terminated at 25 feet below existing ground 113.0 surtace. Borehole caved at 19.5 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring and after 24 hours. Bag sample obtained from 1 to 5 feet. 30 108.0 NOTES: 1. 7}!!S LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) lS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30 IN. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 /N. I.D. SAMPLER 1FT 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5 WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 -~ . ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-11 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/14/07 ELEVATION: 131.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Dry @ TOB & After 24 Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J Il.l ~ _ ~ ~~ ~ Z ~ C N 11Rr1 PFNFT DT AI TFCT DPT , T.A..D. R. !O. P ~ ~, a ~ Q o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ii ~ ~ ¢ ~, (blows/ft) N-Value o~ W Q w ~ ¢ ~ ~ Z w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (7 Inches) Very Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 19 Very Stiff Tan-Red Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 28 5 126.0 Very Stiff Gray-Tan Sandy CLAY (CH), Moist 27 Very Stiff Gray-Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 18 10 121.0 HC Medium Dense Orange Clayey Fine SAND (SC), • Wet 14 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 116.0 surface. Borehole caved at 12.2 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring and after 24 hours. 20 111.0 25 106.0 30 101.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1566. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30IN. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 fN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY Page 1 of 1 I~ . ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 F c L i c t PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-12 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/14/07 ELEVATION: 134.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 25.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 15' @ TOB DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J ~ w w V CTA[JfIARrJ PFAIETPATI(lAl TECT LIATA a w a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~~ Q w (blows/ft) N-value wo ,- ~ -' H ~ O w U ~ Z w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (8 Inches) Stiff Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 11 Very Stiff Red-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist to Wet SS-3 22 5 129.0 17 20 10 124.0 ~ 22 15 119.0 HC Medium Dense Orange Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 21 2p 114.0 Medium Dense Orange Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Gravel, Wet 22 25 Boring terminated at 25 feet below existing ground 109.0 surtace. Borehole caved at 17 feet below existing i ground surface. Groundwater was observed in > borehole at a depth of 15 feet below existing ground I surface. '• 30 i i i i 104.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA I S IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30 /N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 1N. I.D. SAMPLER i FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL 1S AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~N ` ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-13 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/9107 ELEVATION: 136.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-114" HSA BORING DEPTH: 30.0 ft LOGGED BY: K. Brown WATER LEVEL: 18.3' @ TOB DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 v J ~ .., ,~, ~ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DP.TA a w ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (blows/ft) N-value o -- ~ -' F ~ O Z w c~ ~ w 10 20 30 60 80 ~~ ;:; TOPSOIL (8 Inches) Stiff to Very Stiff Orange-Gray Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 15 19 5 131.0 21 Very Stiff Brown Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 29 10 126.0 Very Stiff Brown-Gray Clayey SILT (MH), Wet 18 15 121.0 Loose to Medium Dense Tan Silty SAND (SM), Wet ~ HC 10 20 116.0 J 17 25 •' 111.0 i 5 f i ~ 19 _ 30 goring terminated at 30 feet below existing ground 106.0 ~ surface. Borehole caved at 19 feet below existing - ground surface. Groundwater was observed in ~ borehole at a depth of 18.3 feet at termination of boring. ~ 'Bulk samples obtained from 1 to 5 feet and 5 to 10 - 5 feet. NOTES: 1. THI S LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY 8E USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION ((N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FAWNG 30 /N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4 STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5 WATER LEVEL !S AT 71ME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~~ ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 PROJECT: NCCAR TEST BORING RECORD T-14 Northampton County, North Carolina 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/14/07 ELEVATION: 127.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 11.5' @ TOB DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 J ~ ,.,., ? CT~,rI rlGRll PF(~IFj"R~TI~I(.I TGCT ppre~ ~ -- ~ ~ _ ~ Q o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ W ~ d a ~ ~ ~, (blows/ft) N-Value w o ~ ~ Q ~ Z w v ~ W 10 20 30 60 80 ~,;_ ~. TOPSOIL (7 Inches) Stiff Gray-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 13 13 5 122.0 Very Stiff Gray-Tan Sandy Silty CLAY (CL), Moist 19 Stiff Tan Sandy Silty CLAY (CL), Wet 14 10 117.0 Medium Dense Brown Clayey Medium to Fine SAND (SC) With Gravel, Wet HC 16 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 112.0 surface. Borehole caved at 13.2 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 11.5 feet at termination of boring. 20 107.0 i i y 25 102.0 S s f S 30 97.0 i J 5 NOTES' 1. THIS LOG /S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA 1S IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL I S AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 iy . ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 r r c c 1 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-15 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/12/07 ELEVATION: 130.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft Dry @ TOB, 9.4' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J ? ~ ,,, Z $TANDAI~[~ PFNFTR4TIllN TFC'r DP.TA ~ a w = C~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ rr d ~ ~~ ~ ~, Q (blows/ft) N-Value O `~ ~ J F- ca ~ Z w w `' U > W 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (5 Inches) Stiff Brown Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 9 Very Stiff Red-Tan Sandy Silty CLAY (CL), Moist 26 5 125.0 30 Very Stiff Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Moist to Wet 1 21 10 120.0 Stiff Tan-Gray Silty CLAY (CH), Wet HC 15 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 115.0 surface. Borehole caved at 12.5 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 9.4 feet after 24 hours. 20 110.0 25 105.0 30 100.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLWG 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN LD. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5 WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 .^~ ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 r c F ^ C L c c c i c PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-16 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/14/07 ELEVATION: 124.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 11' @ TOB, 6.1' After 24 H DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J j ,,, w Z C $TANr)ARII PFI.IFTRQTICIN TFCT rIATA t1- ^ w = c7 Q o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ii rz ~ ~ ~ (blows/ft) N-Value w ~ v ~ w ~ a (n Z w J Q ~ w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (7 Inches) Very Stiff Red-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 25 Hard Gray-Orange Sandy Silty CLAY (CL), Moist 31 5 119.0 Very Stiff Gray-Tan Sandy Silty CLAY (CL), Wet 1 28 Very Stiff Gray-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 21 10 114.0 Medium Dense Brown Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Gravel, Wet HC 29 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 109.0 surface. Borehole caved at 13 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 11 feet at termination of boring and at 6.1 feet after 24 hours. 20 104.0 1 I 25 , i 9.0 ' 30 i i 94.0 NOTES: 1. THE S LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB HAMMER FAW G 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ^~=i~ ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-17 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/12/07 ELEVATION: 136.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft Dry @ TOB, 6.9' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J j W ,`i O STANr1GRh PFIJFTRATI~IN TEST DP.TA w~ ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w Q~ ~ w (blows/ft) N-value v ~ ~, Q ~ (n Z J w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Stiff Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 13 Stiff to Very Stiff Gray-Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Moist to Wet 14 5 131.0 ~ 17 23 10 126.0 Very Stiff Brown Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 18 15 121.0 Stiff Brown Sandy SILT (ML), Wet HC 11 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet below existing ground 116.0 surface. Borehole caved at 18 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 6.9 feet after 24 hours. j 25 i i 111.0 1 30 106.0 i y NOTES: 1. THl S LOG 15 ONLY A POR710N OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA /S IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUEJ IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLI G 30IN. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPlFR 1 FT. 4. STRATlF1CATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-18 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/14/07 ELEVATION: 132.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft 11.5' @ TOB, 5.1' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 v J j i;; ~~~ ~ STP,NDP,AD pE~iETRArICn; TEST DATA ~ Q MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (blowslft) N-value w , o .- J ~ ~ ~ o Z w c~ ~ w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Stiff Red-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 13 Stiff Gray-Tan Silty CLAY (CL), Moist 1 SS-2 11 5 127.0 Stiff Orange-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 13 Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 7 10 122.0 Medium Dense Brown Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Gravel, Wet HC 21 15 ~ 117.0 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Medium SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 19 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet below existing ground 112.0 surface. Borehole caved at 14 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 11.5 feet at termination of i boring and at 5.1 feet after 24 hours. 25 i 107.0 ' 30 102.0 i i NOTES: i. THIS LOG !S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3 PENETRATION (N-VALUE) !S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLI G 30 /N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. LD. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL I S AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ^~ . ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 i II PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-19 1051-07~i60 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/14/07 ELEVATION: 138.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 25.0 ft Dry @ TOB, 7.4' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 (J J ~ W ,,, v $TANLl4RrJ PFNFTR~~'rlflAi T`vT DP.TA a w ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (blows/ft) N-value Z ~ ~ W 10 20 30 60 80 -:~ ~ TOPSOIL (8 Inches) Very Stiff Tan-Orange to Red-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist SS-1 23 SS-2 28 5 133.0 Very Stiff Red-Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 1 SS-3 23 Stiff Gray-Red Clayey SILT (MH), Wet SS-4 15 10 128.0 Very Stiff Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 19 15 123.0 Firm Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet HC 8 20 118.0 Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Medium to Fine - ~ SAND (SC), Wet ~ 15 25 Boring terminated at 25 feet below existing ground 113.0 surface. Borehole caved at 18.3 feet below existing ~ ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. C 30 t 108.0 n r e n NOTES: 1. THIS LOG !S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) !S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~£ ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 t 1 f~ c c PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-20 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/16/07 ELEVATION: 133.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-114" HSA BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 15' @ TOB DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 v J > ;;~ ~ z STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA r w = c~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ a s ~ ~~ (blows/ft) N-Value w ~ ~ Ur W Q Q ~ Z w J 3 W 10 20 30 60 80 __ TOPSOIL (7 Inches) Very Stiff Gray-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 19 Very Stiff Orange-Red Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 18 5 128.0 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 15 Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 10 10 123.0 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Gravel, Wet ~ 25 15 118.0 HC 21 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet below existing ground 113.0 surface. Borehole caved at 16.5 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 15 feet at termination of boring. 25 108.0 30 103.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG f5 ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) !S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. 1. D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-21 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11!16!07 ELEVATION: 137.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1l4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Cave @ 17.5' DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 ~ J w ~~ o STANDARD PENETRATION TEST nnTa. _ w~ ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION W J Q~ > w (blows/ft) N-value o ~ ¢ ~ ~, Z w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (8 Inches) Medium Dense Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Moist 18 Very Stiff Red-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 22 5 132.0 Very Stiff Orange-Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 23 Very Stiff Black-Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 18 10 127.0 Stiff Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 10 15 122.0 Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Medium to Fine HC SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 13 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet below existing ground 117.0 surface. Borehole caved at 17.5 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. 25 112.0 30 107.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY APORT/ON OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3 PENETRATION /N-VALUE) fS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30 /N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE f.4 !N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 c a u 0 c c PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-22 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/14/07 ELEVATION: 131.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Cave @ 13' DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 v J j w ~~~ ~ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA ~ w ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w ~ ~ ~ ~ (blows/ft) N-value , o F ~ O w " c~ Q ~ Z w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (7 Inches) Very Stiff Red-Tan Sandy CLAY (CH), Moist 17 Very Stiff Red-Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 26 5 126.0 23 27 10 121.0 Stiff Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Wet HC 9 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 116.0 surface. Borehole caved at 13 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. 20 111.0 25 106.0 30 101.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONL V BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA fS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3.. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30 /N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 r~~ ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 r r F C C c a c PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-23 1051-0760 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/12/07 ELEVATION: 129.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Cave @ 13' DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 C) J ~ W W V STAr~IrIARD PEt~F-~R ATihnl TF~T r~L,TA ~ ~ a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ w (blows/ft) N-value W ... ~ ~ ~ W ~ Ur F- rn J W 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Very Stiff Tan to Tan-Red Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 17 23 5 124.0 Stiff Tan-Red to Tan Sandy SILT (ML), Moist 13 9 10 119.0 Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet HC 8 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 114.0 surface. Borehole caved at 13 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. 2p 109.0 25 104.0 30 99.0 NOTES: 1. THI S LOG 1 S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA /S IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUEJ IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. LD. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL /SAT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~~ . ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 r c r F L I PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-24 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/16/07 ELEVATION: 131.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Cave @ 12.6' DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 ~, LL1 ~ uJ ..r Z V CT4(.I [10,,R rl PFNFTR~T'I(11.1 TFCT fJAT,L{ ~ o ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w ~ ~ w (blows/ft) N-value , ~ z ~ ~ w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (12 Inches) Very Stiff Red-Tan Sandy Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 19 Very Stiff Red Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 17 5 126.0 Stiff Gray-Red to Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 15 9 1p 121.0 Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet HC 9 15 Boring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 116.0 surface. Borehole caved at 12.6 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. 20 111.0 i i 25 106.0 30 101.0 NOTES: 1. THI S LOG f S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECTAND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH 7HATREPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FAWNG 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 /N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ^N ` ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 t 1 1 r c c c c PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-25 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/16/07 ELEVATION: 132.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Cave @ 16.7' DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J j W ~, ~ O STnNnnRp PENETP.P.Tlnni TGCT neTq a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ w (blows/ft) N-value W ~ ~ ~ J U` W ~ ~ O Z w " j > W 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (8 Inches) Very Stiff Red-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 16 Very Stiff to Stiff Red-Tan Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 26 5 127.0 15 Stiff Brown Sandy SILT (ML), Moist 11 10 122.0 Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Medium to Fine SAND (SC), Moist 13 15 117.0 HC Loose Orange-Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 6 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet below existing ground 112.0 surface. Borehole caved at 16.7 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at i termination of boring. ~ 25 107.0 i 30 102.0 NOTES: i. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER W/TN THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE W/1N ASTM D-1586. 3 PENETRATION ((N-VALUE) fS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FAWNG 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WA 7 ER LEVEL I S AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 t 1 r s ~' ~~ i ~! i ~~ PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-26 1051-0760 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/12/07 ELEVATION: 124.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 12' @ TOB, 7.8' After 24 H DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J ? uJ „~ Z STANr1ARD PFNFTI?GTI()AI TFCT rlAT4~ H w ~ = c9 ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ w a s ¢ ~ ~' ~, w (blowslff) N-Value o ~ a ~ ~, Z w 10 20 30 60 80 --t TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 13 Very Stiff Tan-Red to Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 25 5 119.0 16 1 Loose Orange-Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 8 10 114.0 Very Loose Brown Clayey Medium SAND (SC) With - Gravel, Wet 3 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 109.0 surface. Borehole caved at 11.5 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 12 feet at termination of boring and at 7.8 feet after 24 hours. 2p 104.0 I 25 i t 99.0 30 94.0 i i i NOTES: 1. 7H1 S LOG 1S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1566. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) lS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 L8. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 /N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-27 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/16!07 ELEVATION: 127.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft Dry @ TOB, 7.3' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J > ~ iii Z STANDARD PFr~FTRATIQN TERT pATA a w ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~~ Q w (blowslft) N-value p ~- rr '' w ¢ O w ~ ¢ ~ Z w ~ 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Very Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CH), Moist 23 Very Stiff Tan-Red Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 24 5 122.0 Medium Dense Red-Orange Clayey Fine SAND • (SC), Wet 1 11 10 13 117.0 Loose Orange-Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet HC 7 15 Boring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 112.0 surface. Borehole caved at 13.5 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 7.3 feet after 24 hours. 20 107.0 25 102.0 30 97.0 NOTES: 1. THI S LOG /S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BOR/NG, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1566. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 Fr. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL !S AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ^~v ~ ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 i PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-28 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/16/07 ELEVATION: 125.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 12' @ TOB, 7.0' After 24 H DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 ~ J > ,,, ~~~ ~ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA. ~ ~, ~, za ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w a s ~ Q ~, w (blows/ft) N-Value Q ~ ~ W Q ~ Z w ~ w 10 20 30 60 80 _ TOPSOIL (7 Inches) Very Stiff Tan-Red Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 18 Medium Dense Red Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Moist • to Wet 19 5 120.0 1 13 Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 8 10 115.0 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Gravel, Wet HC 23 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 110.0 surface. Borehole caved at 13 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 12 feet at termination of boring and at 7 feet after 24 hours. 20 105.0 25 100.0 30 95.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG /S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR 7HE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH 7HATREPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA /S /N GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 /N. I.D. SAMPLER 7 FT 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~~ ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-29 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/8107 ELEVATION: 135.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 20.0 ft Dry @ TOB, 6.2' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J w > ~_.~ W Z v &TANDARD PENETRP.TION TEST DP,TP, ~ w a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ¢ w (blows/ft) N-value w-- o ~-' w ao w" ~ a ~, Z w ~ 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (5 Inches) Stiff Red Silty CLAY (CH), Moist SS-1 9 Very Stiff Red Clayey SILT (MH), Moist SS-2 17 5 130.0 Stiff Red Clayey SILT (ML), Moist to Wet 1 SS-3 12 Stiff Tan Sandy SILT (ML), Wet SS-4 12 10 125.0 15 120 0 10 . HC Loose Tan Silty Medium to Fine SAND (SM), Wet 8 20 Boring terminated at 20 feet below existing ground 115.0 surface. Borehole caved at 16 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 6.2 feet after 24 hours. 25 110.0 30 105.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE)1S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 190 LB. HAMMER FALLI G 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5 WA TER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~£ . ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 c PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-30 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/8/07 ELEVATION: 127.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Cave @ 12.2' DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 ~ ~ ~ W G RTA AIIIAP[) PCNET44TION TEST DATA r ^ ~ = c~ a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w ii ~ ~ ~ ~ (blows/ft) N-Value w ~ v w Q w ~ Q ~ ~ Z w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Very Stiff Tan-Red Silty CLAY (CH), Moist SS-1 17 27 5 122.0 Very Stiff Tan-Red Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 25 Stiff Red Sandy SILT (ML), Moist 11 10 117.0 HC Loose Red-Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC), 10 15 Moist 112.0 Boring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole caved at 12.2 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. 20 107.0 ~ 25 i 102.0 30 97.0 NOTES' 1. THIS LOG /S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THATREPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUEJ IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30 /N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1,4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLOR,4TION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~{ . ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 0 a O LLI ~c a (7 o v 0 a 0 z z a ' o U w N PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-31 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/8/07 ELEVATION: 124.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft 11.5' @ TOB, 9.8' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 _ ~ W J d Z ~ CTANIIDRrI PFAIFTRpTIlI~~ T`~T ~QT /~ w ~ ¢ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ j ~ (blowsift) N-value o ~- ~ w ¢ o w o ¢ ~ Z w ~ 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 15 Very Stiff Red-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 5 1 21 1 9.0 Stiff Red-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 9 Loose Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 10 1 5 114.0 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND HC (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 15 17 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 109.0 surface. Borehole caved at 12.2 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 11.5 feet at termination of boring and at 9.8 feet after 24 hours. 20 104.0 25 99.0 30 94.0 NOTES: ' 1. TH/ S LOG I S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA !S IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. ' 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30 /N. REQUIRED TO DR/VE 1.4 /N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 . -~ , ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-32 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/8107 ELEVATION: 124.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 9.7' @ TOB, 9' After 24 Hrs DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 ~~ J j ~ ~ V CTANr1GRD PFNFTR/1TI(lAl TF~T DATn, w w ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w ~ ~ w (blows/ft) N-value o Q ~ Q ~, Z w ~ 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Medium Dense Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Moist 11 Very Stiff Red-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 24 5 119.0 Medium Dense Red-Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Moist 15 Loose Orange-Tan Clayey Medium to Fine SAND ~ (SC), Wet ~ - 9 10 114.0 HC 9 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 109.0 surface. Borehole caved at 12 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 9.7 feet at termination of boring and at 9 feet after 24 hours. 20 104.0 25 99.0 i t f 30 94.0 i s NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3 PENETRATION (N-VALUE)15 THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLI G 30 !N. REQUIRED TO DR/VE 1.4 IN. l.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL I S AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~~ ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-33 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11!8/07 ELEVATION: 124.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 11' @ TOB, 8.1' After 24 Hr . DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J ~ ~ W v ST({NrIARD PFNFTR ATIl1N TFCT f1PT~~ ~ ~, ~ c~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ii a ~ ¢ ~, (blows/ft) N-Value w ~' ~ v Q ~ W Q w ~? C7 Q ~ Z w 3 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CH), Moist 13 Very Stiff Red Sandy Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 17 5 119.0 Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC), Moist 13 ~ Loose Tan Clayey Medium to Fine SAND (SC), Wet 7 10 114.0 HC 9 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 109.0 surface. Borehole caved at 12 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 11 feet at termination of boring and at 8.1 feet after 24 hours. 20 104.0 25 99.0 30 94.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30 /N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 /N. LD. SAMPLER 1 FT 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-34 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/8/07 ELEVATION: 122.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft 9.5' @ TOB, 8.8' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J W d V CTL\NDARD PF,1`I F'rR ATI(lAl TFCT rJpj'4~ = ~ ~ ~ w a ~ Q o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ J rl ~ Q ~, (blows/ft) N-Value , o -- o! w Q w ~ ¢ ~ Z w ~ 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Moist 10 Very Stiff Red-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 26 5 117.0 Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC), Moist 19 Loose Orange-Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND i (SC), Wet Sj 6 10 112.0 HC Medium Dense Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 15 15 Boring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 107.0 surface. Borehole caved at 11 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 9.5 feet at termination of boring and at 8.8 feet after 24 hours. 20 102.0 i i 25 s 97.0 30 i 92.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLYA PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECTAND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3 PENETRATION (N-VALUE) I S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30IN. REQU/RED TO DRIVE 1.4IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 Fr. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 7 -~ , ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-35 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 1118/07 ELEVATION: 122.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft 8.4' @ TOB, 7.2' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J j W iii Z $T,4ND~O;RD PFNFTR ATI(1[J TF.CT r1GTA w ~ ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w Q ~ ~ ~ (blows/ft) N-value t] ~, Q ~ Z J W ~ 10 20 3o so so ' TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CH), Moist 11 Stiff Red-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 15 5 117.0 Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Fine to Medium • SAND (SC), Wet ~ 11 Loose Orange-Tan Clayey Medium to Fine SAND ~ (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 10 HC 11 6 2.0 Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Medium to Fine SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 15 17 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 107.0 surface. Borehole caved at 10 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 8.4 feet at termination of boring and 7.2 feet after 24 hours. 20 102.0 25 97.0 30 92.0 NOTES: 1. THl S LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLO WS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL !SAT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 7 of 7 .~ ~H ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 i 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-36 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/8/07 ELEVATION: 121.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft 8.3' @ TOB, 6.9' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 ~ J ~ LLI W ~ CT4 Irl Dh DE I TD IIAI TEST ~~TA h..P.,... t.E,,.AT!„~. ~ w a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~~ Q w (blowslft) N-value p ~- ~ -' F Q O w v ~ Q ~ Z w ~ 10 20 30 60 80 - - TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CH), Moist 10 13 5 116.0 Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Medium to Fine • SAND (SC), Wet 1 11 Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Fine to Medium ~ SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet HC - 11 10 111.0 16 15 Boring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 106.0 surface. Borehole caved at 9.7 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 8.3 feet at termination of boring and at 6.9 feet after 24 hours. 20 101.0 25 96.0 30 91.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONL Y A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. 80RING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA I S 1N GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE)1S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 t t 1 1 c i~ c r~ ~~ c L PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-37 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 1117!07 ELEVATION: 118.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft Dry @ TOB, 4.9' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U w = uJ w Z O cTAliDnpp OC~~FTDATIDN TEST DATA a w d o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~~ a w (blows/ft) N-value uJp ~- ~ -~ ~ ~ O W C~ ~ Z w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Medium Dense Gray Sandy CLAY (CL) With Organics, Moist 13 Firm Gray Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 1 7 5 113.0 Loose Gray Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC), Wet 9 Loose Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 7 10 108.0 Loose Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC), Wet HC 6 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 103.0 surface. Borehole caved at 13 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 4.9 feet after 24 hours. 20 98.0 i 25 s 93.0 • 30 I 88.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG !S ONL Y A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) !S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N, I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ^~. ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 c F C c a c q ~~ c c a c z i z a a n C LL V PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-38 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/7/07 ELEVATION: 119.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-114" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 7.5' @ TOB, 7' After 24 Hrs DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 ~ U J W J ,~„ G CTpN[)GFjfl PFNFTR~TIllnl TCCT DpT'n w u ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION W Q~ ~~ (blows/ft) N-value o ~, Z ~ Q ~ w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CL-CH), Moist 14 Medium Dense Red Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC), Moist 19 5 114.0 Loose Tan Clayey Medium to Fine SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 10 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Medium to Fine SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet HC - 15 10 109.0 Dense Tan Clayey Medium to Fine SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 32 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 104.0 surface. Borehole caved at 9.5 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 7.5 feet at termination of boring and at 7 feet after 24 hours. 20 99.0 25 94.0 30 89.0 NOTES: 1. THI S LOG I S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA !S IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. ' S. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WIl1 VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~~v ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 e t 1 s PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-39 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/21/07 ELEVATION: 123.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft Dry @ TOB, 12.1' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 v J ~ LLJ LLI ~ S'I %iI~DAYCD F'ENE'I RA I IVIV I ES I UA I A ~ ~, ~ O o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION -W' d r F' ~, (blows/ft) N-Value o ,~ ~ W Q o w ~ Q ~ Z w ~ 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) ' Loose Black-Tan Silty Fine SAND (SM), Moist 8 Very Stiff Orange-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 24 5 118.0 16 Stiff Red-Gray Sandy Silty CLAY (CL-CH), Wet 11 10 113.0 1 Loose Orange-Tan Clayey Medium to Coarse SAND (SC), Wet 6 15 Boring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 108.0 surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 12.1 feet at termination of boring. 20 103.0 25 98.0 30 93.0 NOTES' 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUEJ IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I, D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 t 1 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-40 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/21/07 ELEVATION: 123.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Dry @ TOB & After 24 Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J > i1; w ~ STANnnap pENETRnrlpn! TEST DATA a w Q o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~~ > w (blowslft) N-value U Q fn Z J w ~ 10 20 30 60 80 _ __ TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Moist 9 Very Stiff Tan-Red Silty CLAY (CL), Moist 5 118 0 27 . Very Stiff Gray-Red Sandy SILT (ML), Moist 17 Stiff Tan-Red Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 10 113 0 12 . Loose Tan-Orange Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 15 10 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 108.0 surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring and after 24 hours. 20 103.0 25 98.0 30 93.0 NOTES: i. THIS LOG /S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) !S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 L8. HAMMER FALLI G 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 7 of 7 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 e 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD T-41 1051-071160 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/21/07 ELEVATION: 122.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft Dry @ TOB, 11.3' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 J j w ;;1 ~ STANDP.RD PENETRP.TION TEST DATA a w az. o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ w (blows/ft) N-value o ~ ~ ~ ~ ° Z w v c~ 3 W 10 20 30 60 80 _~'? TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Loose Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Moist 5 Very Stiff Dark Red Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 21 5 117.0 Very Stiff Tan Sandy Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 17 Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 13 10 112.0 i Medium Dense White-Black-Tan Silty Medium • SAND (SM) With Gravel, Wet 17 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 107.0 surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 11.3 feet after 24 hours. 20 102.0 a 25 97.0 C 30 92.0 L 7 C n n NOTES: 1. THI S LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUEJ IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30 !N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 1N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT IXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF IXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 i 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD R-1 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/5/07 ELEVATION: 110.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1l4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 10.0 ft 5.5' @ TOB, 3.5' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J > w w O STANDAP.D PENETRATION TEST CATA ~ ~ °_- o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ w (blowslft) N-value o ., ~ _' H ~ O Z w .~ (.J ~ W 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Firm Gray-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 6 Very Stiff Gray-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 1 19 5 105.0 Medium Dense Gray Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet ~ 21 HC Soft Gray Fine Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 3 10 goring terminated at 10 feet below existing ground 100.0 surface. Borehole caved at 7.9 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 6.5 feet at termination of boring and at 3.5 feet after 24 hours. 15 95.0 20 90.0 a 25 85.0 s r C 30 80.0 z 0 i u a n NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FAWNG 30 IN. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WA TER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 i i i I PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD R- 2 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11!5107 ELEVATION: 113.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-114" HSA BORING DEPTH: 10.0 ft Dry @ TOB, 5.2' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J > w W O STP.NDP.RD PENETRP,TlON TEST DATP. a ~ a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ w (blows/ft) N-value ~ -- ~ J ' H ~ O Z w U ~ W 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Firm Orange-Tan Sandy Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 7 Stiff Orange-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 12 5 108.0 Very Stiff Orange-Gray Sandy Silty CLAY (CH), 1 Moist to Wet - 24 HC 19 Fine to Medium SAND Medium Dense Tan Cla e 10 y y 103.0 (SC), Wet Boring terminated at 10 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole caved at 8 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 6.2 feet after 24 hours. 15 98.0 20 93.0 i i 25 88.0 i s 30 83.0 i "s NOTES: 1. TH1S LOG !S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT, 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) !S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 t 1 1 1 ~~ c L c ~~ PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD R- 3 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/5/07 ELEVATION: 116.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:10.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Dry @ TOB, 7' After 24 Hrs DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J > ;li w p STANDARD PENETRP.TION TEST DP.TA _ " w w = o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w w J a Q~ ~ w (blows/it) N-Value ~ ~ ~ a ~' Z W ~ 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Stiff Tan Fine Sandy CLAY (CH), Moist 10 10 5 111.0 Stiff Red-Gray Fine Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist to Wet ~ 15 Very Stiff Red-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 17 10 goring terminated at 10 feet below existing ground 106.0 surface. Borehole caved at 7.5 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 7 feet after 24 hours. 15 101.0 20 96.0 25 91.0 30 86.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS 1N GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION /N-VALUE) 1S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER i FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 r 1 1 1 1+ F V 0 u u ~~ C 0 C 0 C u v PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD R-4 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/7/07 ELEVATION: 119.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:10.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Cave @ 7.2' DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 v J > w w p STANDAF.Q PENETRP.TlON TEST DATA ~ "~ W~ _ ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~, (blowslft) N-Value ~ v ~ w Q w (U H rA Z ~ w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) Stiff to Very Stiff Orange-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 17 Hard Orange-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 5 31 114.0 Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet HC 12 Loose Orange-Tan Clayey SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 10 8 goring terminated at 10 feet below existing ground 109.0 surface. Borehole caved at 7.2 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. 15 104.0 20 99.0 25 94.0 30 89.0 NOTES: 1. THI S LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) f 5 THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 7 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT 5. WATER LEVEL I S AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~~ ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 ': 1 1 f 1 i i i PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD R- 5 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11R/07 ELEVATION: 119.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:10.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Cave @ 7.5' DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 ,~ J j w W Z gTANnARD PENETRATION TEST DP.TA ~ w °_- o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ > w (blows/ft) N-value Z ~ 3 W 10 20 30 60 80 - x ~, TOPSOIL (12 Inches) Stiff Red-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 15 Medium Dense Red-Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Moist 27 5 114.0 Medium Dense Orange Clayey Fine SAND (SC), • Wet 11 HC Very Loose Orange Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 4 10 goring terminated at 10 feet below existing ground 109.0 surface. Borehole caved at 7.6 feet below existing ground surface Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. 15 104.0 20 99.0 J 1 25 94.0 i i 3p 89.0 5 7 NOTES: 1. THI S LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 1N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ~~ . ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR TEST BORING RECORD R- 6 Northampton County, North Carolina 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 1147/07 ELEVATION: 120.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:10.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Cave @ 7.2' DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J j W W G STANDP.F.D PENETP.P.TION TEST DATA a ~ a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ > w (blows/tt) N-value O `~ ~ J I- Cn Z ~ ~' ~ W 10 20 30 60 80 `; ;~_>; TOPSOIL (8 Inches) Loose Brown Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 8 Very Stiff Red Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 28 5 115.0 Medium Dense Red Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Moist HC 18 Loose Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 7 10 goring terminated at 10 feet below existing ground 110.0 surface. Borehole caved at 7.2 feet below existing ground surface. Borehole was observed dry at termination of boring. 15 105.0 20 100.0 9 ,~~, 25 n 95.0 i D q Y z 30 90.0 s z Q L >C n NOTE 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) I S THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 7 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 r ': PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD R-7 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11R/07 ELEVATION: 118.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH:10.0 ft 6.5' @ TDB, 6.1' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J w J a p STANDP.RD PENET?.ATIr?^! TEST DP.TA w w ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w a~ ~~ (blows/ft) N-value V ° c~ Q ~ ~z w 10 20 30 60 80 „.~~ TOPSOIL (8 Inches) Stiff Tan Sandy Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 11 Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 11 5 113.0 ~ _ 11 Loose Orange-Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND HC (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 6 10 goring terminated at 10 feet below existing ground 108.0 surface. Borehole caved at 8.5 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 6.5 feet at termination of boring and at 6.1 feet after 24 hours. 15 103.0 20 98.0 f 25 93.0 s f c 30 88.0 0 i c 0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER W1TH THATREPDRT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLI G 30 /N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 t i 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD G-1 1051-0760 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 1115/07 ELEVATION: 114.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft 9.5' @ TOB, 6.4' After 24 LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Hrs. DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J j w w ~ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DP.TA a w za o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (blows/ft) N-value D ~- ~ J ~ ~ O Z w C~ ~ w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Firm Gray-Tan Silty CLAY (CL), Wet 5 UD-1 Stiff Orange-Gray Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 13 5 109.0 Medium Dense Gray Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 1 28 Very Stiff Gray Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet .~ 20 10 104.0 HC Firm Gray Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 5 15 goring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 99.0 surface. Borehole caved at 11.5 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 9.5 feet at termination of boring and at 6.4 feet after 24 hours. `Shelby tube sample obtained from 1.5 to 3.5 Feet. 20 94.0 ~ 25 n 89.0 D C 30 84.0 i n i L J d n NOTES: 1. THI S LOG I S ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FAWNG 30 IN. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD G-2 1051-07.460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/5/07 ELEVATION: 114.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-114" HSA BORING DEPTH:15.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 10' @ TOB, 6.3' After 24 H DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J w ~ ZO STANDARD PEP~ETRATIQN TEST DATA = w w ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w J Q~ ~ w (blows/ft) N-value ~ ~ ~ Q ~ Z w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (5 Inches) Firm Tan-Gray Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 6 Stiff Gray-Tan Sandy Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 13 5 109.0 Very Stiff Tan-Gray Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 16 Medium Dense Gray Clayey Medium to Fine SAND • (SC), Wet ~ 12 10 104.0 HC Firm Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 5 15 Boring terminated at 15 feet below existing ground 99.0 surface. Borehole caved at 11.5 feet below existing ground surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a depth of 10 feet at termination of boring and at 6.3 feet after 24 hours. 20 94.0 25 89.0 30 84.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED 70GETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BDRING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER PAWING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NO7 EXACT 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 c 1 r r F c c PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD O-1 1051-07.60 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/26/07 ELEVATION: 115.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 55.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Not Recorded DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J > w w p STANDAP.D PENETP.ATIOP: TEST DATA a ~ a o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ w (blows/ft) N-value W v ~ J W W 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (5 Inches) Firm Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 6 Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 11 5 110.0 Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Fine SAND • (SC), Wet 21 Loose Orange-Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet 9 10 105.0 Loose Tan Clayey Coarse SAND (SC) With Gravel, Wet 5 15 100.0 Medium Dense to Dense Tan Clayey Coarse SAND (SC), With Gravel, Wet 17 20 95.0 I 34 25 90.0 37 30 85.0 Medium Dense to Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Medium to Fine SAND (SC), Wet 18 NOTES: 1. THI S LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY 8E USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLI G 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL !S AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 2 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 1 M c c i i 1 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD O-1 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/26/07 ELEVATION: 115.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 55.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: Not Recorded DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J > w w O STANDP.RD PENETP.ATION TEST DATR H a w C~ ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ rr ii a ~ ~ ~, (blows/ft) N-Value (] v J ~ ~ Z J ... ~ W ~ 10 20 30 60 80 23 40 75.0 15 45 70.0 31 50 65.0 32 55 goring terminated at 55 feet below existing ground 60.0 i surface. i I 60 55.0 65 i i 50.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA lS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FAW G 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 1N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT IXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL /S AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 2 of 2 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 t 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD O- 2 1051-07.460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/21/07 ELEVATION: 114.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1/4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 25.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 9' @ TOB, 6.2' After 24 Hrs DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 U J j ,,, ~„ ? STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DP,TA a w d o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ¢ ~ (blows/ft) N-value ~ v tY J v ~ ~ ~ Z ~ W ~ 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Stiff Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 9 14 5 109.0 Dense Gray Silty Fine SAND (SM), Wet 1 37 Stiff Gray Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet ~ 13 10 104.0 Loose Gray Clayey Fine to Medium SAND (SC) • With Pea Gravel, Wet 7 15 99.0 Stiff Orange-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 9 20 s 94.0 i 15 25 Boring terminated at 25 feet below existing ground 89.0 surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a i depth of 9 feet at termination of boring and at 6.2 feet 3 after 24 hours. 30 i 84.0 i i i NOTES: i. THI S LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLV BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA IS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 30 IN. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WA TER LEVEL !SAT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 r r t c i c 1 1 1 1 PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD O- 3 1051-07-460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/21/07 ELEVATION: 114.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-1 /4" HSA BORING DEPTH: 25.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 8' @ TOB, 5.9' After 24 Hrs DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 v J > W W ~ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST DATA a w ~ o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (blows/ft) N-value ~ ~- ~ J ~ N O W C7 ~ Z W 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (18 Inches) Loose Gray Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Moist 5 Very Stiff Gray-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Moist 17 5 109.0 Medium Dense Gray Clayey Fine to Medium SAND 1 • (SC), Wet 14 Loose Orange-Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC), Wet - 6 10 104.0 15 Stiff Oran a Tan Sand CLAY CL Wet 9 - Y ( ) 15 ~ 99.0 Medium Dense Tan Clayey Medium SAND (SC), Wet 21 20 94.0 Very Dense Tan Clayey Fine to Medium SAND • (SC), Wet 61 25 Boring terminated at 25 feet below existing ground 89'0 surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a i depth of 8 feet at termination of boring and at 5.9 feet ' after 24 hours. ' 30 84.0 - a r z 0 U W NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA lS IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION (N-VALUE) fS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALLING 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.41N. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4. STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT. 5. WATER LEVEL IS AT TIME OF IXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 1 1 r r c C c PROJECT: NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina TEST BORING RECORD O-4 1051-07.460 NOTES: Boring location is approximate. DATE DRILLED: 11/21/07 ELEVATION: 113.0 ft DRILLING METHOD: 3-114" HSA BORING DEPTH: 25.0 ft LOGGED BY: A. Browning WATER LEVEL: 8.5' @ TOB, 6' After 24 Hrs DRILLER: M. Moseley DRILL RIG: Mobile B-57 <.: J > w w G STANDAP.D PENETP.ATION TEST DATA ~ ~ = c9 o MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ~ ii n. ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ (blows/ft) N-Value W o ~ W ~ ~ O w w c~ ~ Z w 10 20 30 60 80 TOPSOIL (4 Inches) Stiff Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 10 Stiff Tan-Gray Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 14 5 108.0 Medium Dense Tan Gray Clayey Fine SAND (SC), 1 • Wet 14 14 10 103.0 Soft Gray-Tan Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 4 15 98.0 ' Loose Tan-Gray Slightly Clayey Fine to Medium ~' SAND (SP-SC), Wet j. 6 20 93.0 ~. Medium Dense Orange-Tan Clayey Fine to Medium i SAND (SC) With Pea Gravel, Wet 23 ~ 25 Boring terminated at 25 feet below existing ground 88'0 surface. Groundwater was observed in borehole at a > depth of 8.5 feet at termination of boring and at 6 feet after 24 hours. ' 30 i i i 83.0 NOTES: 1. THIS LOG IS ONLY A PORTION OF A REPORT PREPARED FOR THE NAMED PROJECT AND MUST ONLY BE USED TOGETHER WITH THAT REPORT. 2. BORING, SAMPLING AND PENETRATION TEST DATA 1S IN GENERAL ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-1586. 3. PENETRATION ((N-VALUEJ IS THE NUMBER OF BLOWS OF 140 LB. HAMMER FALIJNG 301N. REQUIRED TO DRIVE 1.4 IN. I.D. SAMPLER 1 FT. 4 STRATIFICATION AND GROUNDWATER DEPTHS ARE NOT EXACT 5. WATER LEVEL fS AT TIME OF EXPLORATION AND WILL VARY. Page 1 of 1 ENGINEERING • TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC 27616 -S E SUMMARY OF TEST PIT DATA ' Project Name: Project Location: Project No. 1 *Test it erformed next to borin T- P P g r NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina 1051-07-460 DATE TEST'YlT NO~ DEPTH (FEET) SOIL DESCRIPTION 1/4/2008 T-3 0.0 - 0.6 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) 0.6 - 12.0 Tan-Orange Silty CLAY (CH), Moist Dry at termination of test pit. Test pit terminated at 12.0 feet. 1/4/2008 T-5 0.0 - 0.6 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) 0.6 - 5.5 Gray-Orange Silty CLAY (CH), Wet 5.5 - 8.0 Gray-Red Clayey SILT (MH), Wet 8.0 - 11.0 Gray-Orange Silty CLAY (CH), Wet Groundwater at 8 feet at termination of test pit. (Perched water at 2 feet) Test pit terminated at 11.0 feet. 1/4/2008 T-18 0.0 - 0.6 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) 0.6 - 5.0 Orange Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 5.0 - 8.0 Gray-Orange Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 8.0 - 11.0 Orange Clayey SAND (SC) With River Gravel, Wet Groundwater at 9 feet at termination of test pit. Test pit terminated at 11.0 feet. 1/4/2008 T-19 0.0 - 0.6 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) 0.6 - 4.0 Orange Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 4.0 - 12.0 Tan-Red to Gray-Orange Clayey SILT (MH), Moist 12.0 - 16.0 Orange-Tan Silty CLAY (CH), Moist Groundwater at 9 feet at termination of test pit. Test pit terminated at 16.0 eet. _S E SUMMARY OF TEST PIT DATA Project Name: Project Location: Project No. 1 *Test it erformed next to borin T- P P g r j 1 NCCAR Northampton County, North Carolina 1051-07-460 DATE TEST YlT' NO: llEYTH (FEET) SOIL DESCRIPTION 1/4/2008 T-21 0.0 - 0.8 TOPSOIL (8 Inches) 0.8 - 3.0 Orange Sandy CLAY (CL), Wet 3.0 - 6.5 Orange Silty CLAY (CH), Wet Day at termination of test pit. Test pit terminated at 6.5 feet. 1/4/2008 T-27 0.0 - 0.6 TOPSOIL (6 Inches) 0.6 - 6.0 Red-Orange Sandy CLAY (CH), Wet Groundwater at 6 feet at termination of test pit. Test pit terminated at 6.0 feet. 1/4/2008 T-29 0.0 - 0.6 TOPSOIL (6 Inches} 0.6 - 3.0 Tan-Orange Silty CLAY (CH), Moist 3.0 - 8.0 Red Clayey SILT (MH), Wet 8.0 - 16.0 Red-Orange Silty SAND (SM), Wet Dry at termination of test pit. Test pit terminated at 16.0 feet. S:\PROJECTS\2007\07-460 NCCAR Northampton Co\Geotech\Report1460 Test Pits -: ' North Carolina Center for Automotive Research (NCCAR) Northampton County, North Carolina S&ME Project Number 1051-07-460 TABLE 1 Summary of Laboratory Test Results Standard Proctor ;:;;:-;:::;:;::;-; :-;:;;:;:.;:;:::;;;:-;:;;:;:;: :;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:::-; :;:: :~:~:~>:~ISFAFIDl1~ZD:3.?1Z<7C:'fCIIPf:'isff$7'~:~:~:~:~~~::s~:~: ;:;:;:;:;: :~:~:~>:~:2:5:~:~:<~:~#::>:~:~:~:~ :~GI#ti1FaFliJlJk:#~t);i4Elfl'IG~3 .F7K`liA~:~~~;:.~~i~t?&#.tl`~ ..6T8. ao racf d ..: E .............................5............1.... a»:::<:3;;::~: ................. ::~:~9i3[tIC~G:: :;;::::::.P :;:::::....: Sfifd . LLr ~7f~7'1# :::; :::::`F1~Fr3:': ::: ::' ::;::::::;::: ' ~: ;': ::' ;:':`::`:'::'::;;;'.' i tti4snk:;:::;::; ?::<;;Tc1 ;':';::`:':'::':;;;;: i::::,~1tlt41td)::<:>: :':;:;;;::;:::::;:: :::.>:;:;:>:>:.>:.;::~ ';: sri: 2 ':-;:::.;>; ::5;:is`::'::':::::::;'~ :~»: P1ft-06tkt::;;:: ';: ::~ ;::::;;:;:`:; :';:< ::-::-:::.::.;:>:.;;;. ;•>:•::::•:<:::;:';; :;::;:; • .. ':;; ::: :;::;:::;:;::::;;: :;N. 141®&R. :::::::::: ........... R ............ .:::::::::::.::.:::::::::: .CLAiSSIFiC T! : :::::::::::•:::::::::::: :;:; <~Maxlmum: .: ..... .. ..: : . >..,;.:.:,,,:,::,;...;>~~;~~::.::: ~ . -M<rfafttr9•Cahter~~ ;:~;:~:~~~::~::.:~~;:~>:.::~; :::: Alcistttra ::•: . ~>:~ cttun:~MottaEtcre:~: :::::•:::::::: .:::::::::::::: :~>~~~>:.~.:;~-;:~:.:::~;: t;uaS ~cttuh. : ~ ... :: .................. ::::: .::::::: ............................: :::::::::•:: .:::::::::.:. :~ ~~:i::::>:~:;;:~>::.;;::.;: .P..etcaat?1vt~Ek:EWaY . . . . . Cuntelai A... . .... . ::: .:::::::::. :: .:::: e T-3 10 - 15 (CL) 102.4 20.4 22.2 20.4 98.2 2.1 2.1 3.8 7-6 1 -.5 (CH) 97.2 22.9 30.4 23.2 98.2 4.3 4.6 2.7 T-6 5 - 10 (CH) 103.0 21.0 31.3 20.8 98.5 2.7 2.9 0.1 T-6 17 - 22 SC 115.1 13.7 30.1 13.5 98.3 9.6 9.4 0.5 T-10 1 -5 MH 95.7 23.7 32.5 23.0 98.1 1.7 1.9 4.2 T-13 1 - 5 (CH) 97.8 23.3 30.2 23.4 98.0 2.1 2.2 4.0 T-13 5 - 10 CH 98.2 23.6 27.8 23.5 98.6 1.3 1.3 4.5 TABLE 2 Summary of Laboratory Test ResulLa Natural Moisture Canlent, Atterberg Llmits, Grain Slze Analysis, US CS Classificafion I E ... ~ ..... .:...:. :G:~i:~::~:~::~:~:~:~:~: :~i:~i:~:~:~:~:~:~:~i:~:~:ti::. ~ :::~i:%~iR:>:~i:~::G:::::;:: N" 1; : . ;Yi;':%;:::~:~:~>:c:~i:~:::~:~:~: ~:~:~:~:~i:~:.:<.;:~>:::~i:~:G:~: ~CR I trG:: ::::::.. :::: A)wRki L?E: TH.:: :.:::::...t~):::.::::::: :::::. ::::.MDIS7EIR$::::. :. ::: :..::. ~4?N..~i#...C ::. .::::..,::..:•. ~:: . t ~::Lt fd.t rRtt:~: .::::::; .:::::::. :.::::::...:::::::. :::::::::::::::::: :::.:. ;•::.;;>'::.;..;:.;;::.;-:::: ~~: 1?1d~t!4:C~tf;tl:t?4: ::::::::::::............. ...::: ..:....,..,.:.,.,. ~f?IA83rut ~:rndslY ;:;:;::;:.....;:;;;:;: ........:::::::: .::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::: ~:~i:~>:;:~>:~i:~:::;:.;•.:;~>S:~>is:~:~:2~i:~ ::~;:;:;:>:;:1e;GFa;;:;:<.;•;;:; :::::::::::::.................... .:::::::::::::::::. .;y;,;:;~.:::"<:~:::: ;:;:;:2lJEft:.::. .................... :::::::::::::..:..:. <;;:;:;::;:.;:;;::~=: ~::~:~ :::::yr.&~:~.::.. .................. :....:........................ :':~:i;: .........:.:::..::.::......... ..... ......:..,....:.,,...,...,. ....::::................ ......................... T-3 10 - 15 222 36 18 18 - - - (CL) T-5 9 - 11 32.2 - - - - - - - (MH) T-6 1 - 5 30.4 67 33 34 - - - - (MH) T-6 5 - 10 31.3 66 31 35 - - - - (CH) T-6 17 - 22 30.1 31 18 13 43.8 (silUclay) 56.2 - SC T-6 1 - 2.5 33.7 - - - - - - - (CH) T-6 3.5 - 5 29.5 - - - - - - - (MH) T-6 6 - 7.5 32.3 - - - - - - - (CH) T-6 8.5 - 10 32.0 - - - - - - - (CH) T-6 13.5 - 15 27.4 - - - - - - - (CH) T-10 1 - 5 32.5 71 36 35 50.8 42.2 7.0 0.69 MH T-12 6-7.5 32.0 78 35 43 - - - - (CH) T-13 1 - 5 27.8 79 32 47 - - - (CH) T-13 5 - 10 30.2 63 28 35 57.5 38.5 4.0 0.61 CH T-18 3.5 - 5 25.8 46 25 21 - - - - (CL) T-19 1 - 2.5 21.4 - - - - - - - (CH) T-19 3.5 - 5 24.9 70 39 31 - - - - (CH) T-19 6 - 7.5 26.6 - - - - - - - (MH) T-19 8.5 - 10 28.0 - - - - - - - (MH) T-19 11 - 13 32.2 - - - - - - (CH) T-27 5 - 7 27.4 - - - - - - - (SC) T-29 1 - 2.5 27.7 63 27 36 - - - - (CH) T-29 3.5 - 5 29.3 72 41 31 - - - (MH) T-29 6 - 7.5 34.1 - - - - - - - (ML) T-29 8.5 - 10 28.8 - - - - - - - (ML) T-29 15 - 17 18.7 - - - - - - - (ML) T-30 1 - 2.5 23.3 51 28 23 - - - (CH) G-i 1.5 - 3.5 18.2 33 17 16 - - - - (CL) 1) -- indiutaa teat not performed 2) US CS Classiricadan (MH) = vrsual dassif slim; US CS Classification MH = USCS gaaifkat(m vrilh Grain Stre Anatyab and Attarbxg LJmib ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . i . r ~ ~ ~ ~s~n~E North Carolina Center for Automotive Research (NCCAR) Northampton County, North Carolina S&ME Protect Number 1051-07-460 TABLE 3 Summary of Laboratory Test Results Soil-Lime Proportion, Standard Proctor and CBR Tests with Lime ::::::::::<::<'::::::::: :::::.::::::::<:<':: ::<.:::;E:::.::.;;.:::::::-»:~ii:;:s:~;:is;;;:;:::::;::;::::::::::~;::::; ::~t13i1FiA ~~f.T$WI~'H~.. .~N' . ~'#5:::`::>.;:.t`':;:;:::::::::::.:::;:.:`i:;.:...:::is:::;.;':;:;:::i:::.;::.:. ... ....... ;:.._..: ®O , ING<: .::....: ..-.::.~:.~:::::: ::SAtdPL1<.. ::...:. ~ :::..::::::..::...:........ .......... U5C5.. -.. _ .. :::. Q : ...........L~..:E.P4~;;,F.GK3'1,4M.:::.~: ..... ..........................:.................... :::: .,. ., rrm~~r.~a~i~.rc?rc.x~sr .:.. ..............................:::::::::::::: •::. ..., .. .. ,..;..,......::::.::::::.~:::::::.::::::.. ........:....................~nkl~...r3r~~..~axro.c~~.:r~~t::tca~~~e :::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::. .....::::.;>:..;:.;-::: ~.;:-:::;:-. _:::~>:::: .::::.::::::::::::.:::.: .::::::::: :atNC?6NfANBD:CDIRPIlESSI©N`t .::::::::::::::. 7E5£:::;::::::>:;:: is ;aNUfAB>~.. -:::::::::~;::; ::: ................ 4Ei? 9i. ft. :..:.:.::::: .::::::.::::::. ................ . ..~~... _fGA ::.::::.:::::::.:::::::: .::::::.::::::.:........... ...............:.:....::::: .EFetcstttLltoe.{te tared#o.tteach. :.......................9..................... .::::::::: .. . ... ....: .. ... ~:.~::::::. aay~ HYaW~W t2 l ::Ntaxlmum. ... .................... ... ~::. .:... ..: ::.. Den L C~+ Mtgft:.. ::::: .:::.~:::::::. ..... ... ........ ..... ... ~ ~:: ~.IVkatst F ~:::. :: :~ ...................... :: ...... ........: :.. .C olitm;Nkotattttr. .... ~!9Pa...................... :::::::::. ~:::: ....:::. ~::::. ~:::. ..... :.:::.:~tQ4kkR:::: .......:.... ..... .. ........ ..... .. ~: :: .::::.:::::::::...:..:...::.:::::::::::•::•::::: -:::::::.::::::.. -:::::::::::::.::. .................~#R...d.p~:::::::::::::::::. .:................................................. ....................... ........ ............... .. ~•:::::•: •::•::::::: ::.:::::::::.: ::-:::::: :::::::::::.::::.:::::. ...:::.:::::-.~::::: :. . ....... ... .f+ml'c Rt...~71t'UIt~ ~ ~ -:::::::::::.:::: :.. .. ..:. : 4alttalx!old.; :::;>:i'<~;•:-z::;::~ 1Lxtto ::::::..::::::;:::::::. :: ...... ...... .. ;;:Sheac.lftten tt::. ~...:. :;::::;'L:;:; ~>;::`::ir:r:;;:. Ist ....:::.: ?iii»:: is ii:.i:. :.:.::::::::::. i::.:'.:i:.>:.i'.:>::: ..:. ::::::::::::::::::.:::::::.: ::.:<::.;;' :::::::.:::.::::. ....::..:::.:::::::::::::::. :::::::.. . . :::::::: : .:::::::.::P..::::::::::.........., k......... :::.::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:::::::::::::.~:: ::: - . ;:o ............Y........ J... ::::::::::::::::::::::::. <.:;;:::.; ..::. :;: .... :: TvOAt6J7 ~~..aatt ::. ::::::::::::::. :::.::.:::::. ::.:::::::::. JF.. f............... .:.::....:-.::..............:.... -.~;;;;:; ...:.:;:: ....... .:::::: .........~y:::.:.. :•:::::: •.::::. .::::... .......... ..::..:.~'~..:::::::. ::::::::::::...::::.:_::::. ............ ............... ..:::::::.:.:~H.~::.:.::::::::. :.::::>::::::::::::::::. ......................... .:::::::::::::::::::::::.: ::::: :•>:•: .................. :::::.~::::.~::::. >:;~>:>::: ::_;:;:;:o ..........1P...1.......... .::::.~:::::::::::::::::::: T-10 1 -5 MH 2.0 92.7 27 26.7 98.0 30.9 11.6 0.3 0.87 3,571 T-13 5 - 10 CH 3.0 96.4 25.6 25.8 98.2 36.6 23.5 0.1 0.84 3,614 TABLE 4 Summary of Laboratory Test Results Bulk Density and Consolidation Test Results N-f?f:Air~.IJHI'f WEtdH7... L"#r ...... ~....i...... CE3ht5it ....... .... EfDfkT144k7~:7~33' :>:::: ..: .:.., !t...: :~::~i:S1iM~?[L:;io: :;```:ioitlSt.a~i~2i~i~ ?i:i~iReYCeii4>i:?[ ;:;>o-:;:::s;o-::aa:::;;:<:.;:::::::s;w>::>::,:~::::<.:, :: -:::.::: ~::::::::: : ~: ~: ~- : ~.::: • :::::::::::: ... 8p.114~:N Ik ;: :::Gi;:~;:~::~::~::~:::c;:=>::;:. ~;:~:OPsR ~ . ~ ; >:~: .........77{.(R ... ~GLAS51FiCA .p3N: ..................T..... t:n xot ....pt .....tQtk.C# i::::;i:>.:::::~;:?~::>:::;::;;:i:?::z:<:;:5:~:~: :;:~:~5:~::t:i;':~;::~:: :.:~::::::.~:.;..;.;~.;: Mp#. &Bi4 ~:c;:~:t:otaftfcient:at;;;;:~ ~.............................. . .: ~!~?!::::: :::::::::::. ::::::: X15!::::::: , ::. ~:::::. ::::. . taralf iktn::-;:: s::.(f~ . G-1 1.6 - 3.6 (CL) - 126.8 107.0 0.068 3.6 T-5 9 - 11 MH) 92 112.6 87.6 0.035 3.7 ( 95 116.1 90.4 0.028 3.8 1) --indicates tas[nd performed 2) US CS Classification (MH) = visual dassifcatim; USCS Classification MH = USCS Gassificalian with Grain Sae Analyse and Atterbxq Limits Laboratory Report Version 42 Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) = ~~~ Content of Soil and Rock by Mass -= Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/07 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/20 - 11/21/07 Client Name: Client Address: Sample by: S&ME, Inc. Sample Dates: 11/16/07 Samnlin~ Method: Boreholes Drill Rig : NA Boring # Sample # Sample Depth Tare # Tare Weight Tare Wt.+ Wet Wt Tare Wt. + Dry Wt Water Wt. Percent Moisture ft. grams grams grams grams T-3 BAG 10 - 15 033 107.78 203.20 185.87 17.33 22.2% T-5 BAG 9 - 11 013 84.97 251.79 211.12 40.67 32.2% T-6 BAG 1 - 5 036 107.75 194.07 173.93 20.14 30.4% T-6 SS-1 1 - 2.5 034 107.46 170.13 154.32 15.81 33.7% T-6 SS-2 3.5 - 5 037 112.40 176.50 161.91 14.59 29.5% T-6 BAG 5 - 10 28 116.02 201.01 180.74 20.27 31.3% T-6 SS-3 6 - 7.5 018 118.11 171.05 158.14 12.91 32.3% T-6 SS-4 8.5 - 10 30 112.20 177.87 161.95 15.92 32.0% T-6 SS-5 13.5 - 15 28 103.57 167.40 153.66 13.74 27.4% T-6 BAG 17 - 22 032 115.09 170.75 157.88 12.87 30.1 T-10 BAG 1 - 5 030 111.14 210.53 186.17 24.36 32.5% T-12 SS-6 6 - 7.5 47 133.36 184.38 172.02 12.36 32.0% T-13 BAG 1 - 5 022 116.97 197.69 178.97 18.72 30.2% T-13 BAG 5 - 10 5 123.68 222.53 201.01 21.52 27.8% T-18 SS-2 3.5 - 5 49 122.85 174.59 163.99 10.60 25.8% T-19 SS-1 1 - 2.5 16 185.59 234.95 226.25 8.70 21.4% T-19 SS-2 3.5 - 5 9 194.54 248.00 237.33 10.67 24.9% T-19 SS-3 6 - 7.5 79 133.56 183.37 172.89 10.48 26.6% T-19 SS-4 8.5 - 10 39 127.68 177.73 166.79 10.94 28.0% T-19 BAG 11 - 13 013 84.97 251.79 211.12 40.67 32.2% T-27 BAG 5 - 7 038 118.13 257.26 227.36 29.90 27.4% T-29 SS-1 1 - 2.5 27 116.99 166.35 155.64 10.71 27.7% T-29 SS-2 3.5 - 5 023 116.77 201.69 182.43 19.26 29.3% T-29 SS-3 6 - 7.5 025 111.65 217.56 190.60 26.96 34.1% T-29 SS-4 8.5 - 10 32 100.26 196.99 175.37 21.62 28.8% Notes: References: ASTM D2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ' AASHTO T 265: Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils Technician Name: Jeremy Lewis Certificmion # Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laboratory Manager Signnlure Posiliou S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 Moisture Table I Laboratory Report Version 4.2 Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) '-` ~~~ Content of Soil and Rock by Mass = ' t #: -4 Re ort Date: 11/21/07 Pro~ec 1051-07 60 p Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/20 - 11/21/07 Client Name: Client Address: Sample by: S&ME, Inc. Sample Dates: 11/16/07 Sampling Method: Boreholes Drill Rig : NA Boring # Sample # Sample Depth Tare # Tare Weight Tare Wt.+ Wet Wt Tare Wt. + Dry Wt Water Wt. Percent Moisture ft. grams grams grams grams T-29 BAG 15 - 17 026 118.91 234.54 216.36 18.18 18.7% T-30 SS-1 1 - 2.5 O11 98.79 198.58 179.71 18.87 23.3% G-1 UD-1 1.5 - 3.5 6 111.34 235.68 216.50 19.18 18.2% Notes: References: ASTM D2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass AASHTO T 265: Laboratory Deter!•nination of Moisture Content of Soils Technician Name: Jeremy Lewis Certificntiorr N Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan signntare LaboratorynManacer S&ME, INC. 3201 Sprin Forest Road, Ralei h, NC. 27616 Moisture Table II g g Laboratory Record Version 4.2 Li uid Limit Plastic Limit and Plastic Index ===~ ~~~ q > !Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/13 - 11/21/2007 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-3 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/9/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 10.0' - 15.0' r,.........t, r~o~,.,-;,•.+;r,,,• Rrn~xm Qanrly C'T AV (Vicnall 1 1 f 1 1 39.0 0 38 ~, . a c7 37 0 0 . U ~ 36 0 . 35.0 o 34.0 33.0 i- ~o 100 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 Notes: ,, Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation O Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: M ultipoint Method ^D One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 36 Classification: ASTM D 2487 ^x AASHTO M ] 45 ^ Plastic Limit 18 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 ~x AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 18 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 px AASHTO T 90 ^ ~irOUp Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Certificntiorr # Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laboratory Manag er Signature Position ........ _Y__ . _____r __ __-_ Pan # Liquid Limit Pl astic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 18 10 1 12 13 A Tare Weight 13.09 13.03 12.97 13.00 13.07 $ Wet Soil Weight + A 22:79 22.20 21.88 19.86 19.79 C Dry Soil Weight + A 20.15 19.76 19.61 18.83 18.75 D Water Weight (B-C) 2.64. 2.44 2.27 1.03 1.04 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 7.06 6.73 6.64 5.83 5.68 F % Moisture Content (D/E)*100 37.4% 36.3% 34.2% 17.7% 18.3% N # OF DROPS 18 28 35 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average 18.0% S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-3 (10.0' - ] 5.0') P.I. Laboratory Record Version 4.2 Li uid Limit Plastic Limit and Plastic Index -==~ ~~~ q ~ > Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/13 - 11/21/2007 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-6 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/9/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.0' - 5.0' Co,,,,,la Tlaer•rintynn• Rerl-Tan ~lavev S1T.T (Vicuall Pan # Liquid Limit Pl astic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 19 29 22 23 16 A Tare Weight 13.17 13.02 13.01 13.00 13.11 B Wet Soil Weight + A 20.08 19.71 22.40 20.84 19.67 C Dry Soil Weight + A 17.38 17.00 18.52 18.89 18.04 D Water Weight (B-C) 2.70 2.71 3.88 1.95 1.63 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 4.21 3.98 5.51 5.89 4.93 F % Moisture Content (D/E)* 100 64.1% 68.1% 70.4% 33.1% 33.1% N # OF DROPS 34 23 17 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average 33.1% X2.0 n.o c ~o.o w ~ G9.0 0 U 6s.o ~ G7.0 ~o ~'' 6G.0 0 65.0 64.0 63.0 10 35 40 I# of Drops 100 15 20 25 30 No- ,, Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation ^D Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method (] One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 67 Classification: ASTM D 2487 ^x AASHTO M 145 ^ Plastic Limit 33 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 ^D AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 34 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 p AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Certificrttioe N Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 Sigrmture Laboratory Manager Position S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-6 (l.0' - 5.0') P.1. LaUoratory Record Version 4.2 imit Plastic Limit and Plastic Index ==°~ ~~~ Liquid L , Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/13 - 11/21/2007 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-6 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/9/2007 ' Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 5.0' - 10.0' c•.....,._.i, new..,-;,~,+;~.~• Ra~_Tan C';lty (''T_AV (Viciiall 1 ~,......Y.., ~ . _~---r----. Pan # Liquid Limit Pl astic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 21 6 28 3 25 A Tare Weight 12.90 12.96 13.09 13.04 12.97 g Wet Soil Weight + A 19.96 21.14 20.44 20.55 21.54 C Dry Soil Weight + A 17.23 17.86 17.41 18.77 19.56 D Water Weight (B-C) 2.73 3.28 3.03 1.78 1.98 g Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 4.33 4.90 4.32 5.73 6.59 F % Moistuxe Content (D/E)* 100 63.0% 66.9% 70.1 % 31.1 % 30.0% N # OF DROPS 33 23 17 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average 30.6% 1 1 1 n.o 70.0 c 1 69.0 w ~ GS.O 0 U G7.o ~ 6G.0 ~o ~" 65.0 o Ga.o 63.0 G2.0 to 100 35 40 ~of Drops 15 20 25 30 ~~ Notes: One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation (] Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method (] One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 66 Classification: ASTM D 2487 O AASHTO M 145 ^ Plastic Limit 31 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 ~ AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 35 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 Q AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Certifiartion # Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Signnture Laboratory Manager Position S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-6 (5.0' - 10.0') P.l. Laboratory Record Version 4.2 - it and Plastic Index =~~~ ~~~ L><qu><d L><m><t, Plastlc L><m , Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/30/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/20 - 11/29/07 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-6 Sample #: SS-5 Sample Date: 11/16/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 13.5 - 15 ft. Camnle l~escrintion: Brown Silty CLAY (Visual) i pan # Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 6 15 27 16 7 A Tare Weight 12.94 12.43 12.97 13.10 12.96 g Wet Soil Weight + A 20.94 21.45 21.61 20.75 21.00 C Dry Soil Weight + A 18.10 18.09 18.26 19.13 19.26 l~ Water Weight (B-C) 2.84 3.36 3.35 1.62 1.74 $ Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 5.16 5.66 5.29 6.03 6.30 F % Moisture Content (D/E)* 100 55.0% 59.4% 63.3% 26.9% 27.6% N # OF DROPS 35 26 15 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average 27.3% 64.0 63.0 ~ G2.0 ~ 61.0 0 U G0.0 59.0 w •o Ss.o ~ s~.o 0 56.0 55.0 54.0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 l-U # of Drops `~ Notes One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 ' Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation ~ Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method ~ One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 59 Classification: ASTM D 2487 D AASHTO M 145 ^ Plastic Limit 27 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 ~ AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 32 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 px AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Certifiat~ion # Technical Responsibility: Mal Kraian Signrtture Laboratory Manager rosirio~ S&ME, INC. 320] Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-6 (13.5 - l5') P.i. Laboratory Record Version 4.2 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plastic Index ~SBME Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/30/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/20 - 11/29/07 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-6 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/16/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 17 - 22 ft. Camnle T~escrintion: Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC) pQ,z # Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 53 8 3 6 2 A Tare Weight 20.95 11.06 11.11 11.03 15.35 B Wet Soil Weight + A 31.76 19.97 20.77 19.18 24.64 C Dry Soil Weight + A 29.31 17.83 18.47 17.95 23.23 D E Water Weight (B-C) Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 2.45 8.36 2.14 6.77 2.30 7.36 1.23 6.92 1.41 7.88 F N % Moisture Content (D/E)* 100 # OF DROPS 29.3% 32 31.6% 19 31.3% 24 17.8% 17.9% Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 . Ave. Average 17.9% 37.0 3G.0 - 0 35 ~ . p 34 0 . U 33.0 ' ~ 32 0 . c 31.0 30.0 0 29.0 2s.o ' z7.o to too 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops Notes Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation O Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method D One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 31 r Classification: ASTM D 2487 ^D AASHTO M 145 ^ Plastic Limit 18 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 ^D AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 13 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 O AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol SC Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Cerrificnrian N Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 Sigrmture Laboratory Manager Position ' S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 276] 6 T-6 (17 - 22') P.1. ~.aooratory rcecuru vaswn ~+.: t S&ME Project #: Project Name: Client Name: ' Client Address: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 422 1051-07-460 NCCAR ~~ Report Date: 11/30/07 Test Date(s): 11/23 - 11/26/07 Boring #: T-6 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/16/07 Location: Site-Borehole Depth (ft): 17 - 22 ft. Sample Description: Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC) " 1.5 "].0" 3/4 "112" 3/ 8 # 4 #1 0 # 20 #40 #60 #100 #2 0 0 100% _ . _ - - 90'% -- ~ - -- 80"/0 -- -- _ _. _ - _._._.. - I _..~ . - I 60% ~ I - - - a ~ 50% --- I ~ - ~ - - - - ---- U i. _ ___ C4 - --- ---. 30% -- --- - -- i - - - -- _ -- , .. - -- - -- -- ---- - l0% _ - _ ~ .. _. ._ _ -- - -- - --- --- __ . i ~ __.. _ 0% 100 ] 0 0 .1 0.01 P article S iz e ( m m) Cobbles < 300 mm 12") and > 75 mm 3") Fine Sand < 0.425 mm and > 0.075 mm #200 Gravel < 75 mm and > 4.75 mm #4 Silt < 0.075 and > 0.005 mm Coarse Sand < 4.75 mm and >2.00 mm #10 Cla < 0.005 mm Medium Sand < 2.00 mm and > 0.425 mm #40 Colloids < 0.001 mm Maximum Particle Size #10 Gravel 0% Medium Sand 2% Silt & Clay (% Passing #200) 43.8% Coarse Sand 0% Fine Sand 54% Apparent Relative Density 2.673 Moisture Content 30.1% Organic Content ND Liquid Limit 31 Plastic Limit 18 Plastic Index 13 ND=Not determined ' Description of Sand & Gravel Rounded ^ Anb tar ^ Hard & Durable ^ Soft ^ Weathered & Friable ^ References: ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils Hydrometer portiw~ of test method not utilized. ASTM D 421: Dry Preparation of Soil Samples ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils ' ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTM D 2487: Classification of Soils for Eng~neermg Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) Technical Responsibility: Mal Kraian Laboratory Manager Signnmrc Position r S&ME,INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-6 (l7 - 22') Grainsize Laboratory Record Version 4.2 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plastic Index ~58ME ' Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/13 - 11/21/2007 ' Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-10 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/9/2007 ' Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.0' - 5.0' ~amnle Description: Red Clayey SILT (MH) pan # Liquid Limit Pl astic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 15 14 20 2 24 A Tare Weight 12.44 12.98 13.00 13.00 13.09 B Wet Soil Weight + A 20.30 20.46 20.13 23.56 23.12 C Dry Soil Weight + A 17.14 17.36 17.10 20.76 20.49 D E Water Weight (B-C) Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 3.16 4.70 3.10 4.38 3.03 4.10 2.80 7.76 2.63 7.40 F % Moisture Content (D/E)* 100 67.2% 70.8% 73.9% 36.1% 35.5% ' 1.1 # OF DROPS 34 27 17 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average _ 35.8% ^ 1 7s o 74.0 ~ 73.0 w C ~ 72.0 U n.0 70.0 o G9.0 6s.o 67.0 \~ Notes One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation ^D Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method ^D One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 71 ' Classification: ASTM D 2487 ~ AASHTO M 145 ^ Plastic Limit 36 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 D AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 35 r Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 p AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol MH Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis ' Technical Responsibility: Mal Kraian 10 35 40 # of Drops 15 20 25 30 100 Cert jcnfion p $IgnalurC Laboratory Manager Pomiuon S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-10 (1.0' - 5.0') P.1. Laboratory Report Version 4.2 &ME Project #: 1051-07-460 Project Name: NCCAR lient Naine: aient Address: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 422 ~~ Report Date: 11/30/07 Test Date(s): 11/26 - 11/30/07 ~o~ng #: T-10 Sample #: Bag 5arnple Date: 11; 9/07 ~ocation: Site-Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1 - 5 ft. Sample Description: Red Clayey SILT (MH) "1.5 "1 "3/4 "1/2'3/8 #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 90% 80 70% to •~ 60% ~ I 50% ~ v ~ 40% W 30% 20% -- 10% 0% 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Size (mm) Cobbles < 300 mm 12" and > 75 mm 3" Fine Sand < 0.425 mm and > 0.075 mm #200 Gravel < 75 mm and > 4.75 mm #F4 Silt < 0.075 and > 0.005 mm Coarse Sand < 4.75 mm and >2.00 mm #10 Cla < 0.005 mm Medium Sand < 2.00 mm and > 0.425 mm #40 Colloids < 0.001 mm Maximum Particle Size 3/8" Crra~el 0.0% Silt 42.2% Silt & Clay (% Passing #200) 93.0% Sand 7.0% Clay 50.8% Apparent Relative Density 2.719 Moisture Content 32.5% Colloids 38.9% Liquid Limit 71 Plastic Limit 36 Plastic Index 35 Description of Sand & Crravel Particles Rounded ^ Angular ^ Hard & Durable ^ Soft ~ Weathered & Friable ^ ivlechanica] Stimng Apparatus (A) Length of Dispersion Period: 1 min. Dispersing Agent Sodium Hexametaphosphate: 40 g./ Liter eferenees: ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 421: Dry Preparation of Soi] Samples ~STM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils STM D 2487: Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) 'echnieal Responsibility Mal Krajan Laboratory Manager Position .S'ignafure S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, N.C. 27616 T-10 (1 - 5 ft) Hydrometer Laboratory Record Version 4.2 ' uid Limit Plastic Limit and Plastic Index ==° ~~~ L><q > 'Project#: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/30/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/20 - 11/29/07 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-12 Sample #: SS-3 Sample Date: 11/16/2007 ' Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 6 - 7.5 ft. 0,......,..lo Tlo.,..,-;,•,+ir.n• T?ar~_Tan Qilty rr.av rv;~„all 1 1 -~----r-- - -----r Pan # Liquid Limit Pl astic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 43 10 4 23 31 A Taze Weight 21.15 15.23 15.20 21.20 21.00 B Wet Soil Weight + A 28.39 22.71 22.03 32.02 31.24 C Dry Soil Weight + A 25.21 19.34 19.11 29.19 28.62 D Water Weight (B-C) 3.18 3.37 2.92 2.83 2.62 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 4.06 4.11 3.91 7.99 7.62 F % Moisture Content (D/E)* 100 78.3% 82.0% 74.7% 35.4% 34.4% N # OF DROPS 26 17 32 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average 34.9% 84.0 ' ~, 82.0 a ~ so.o 0 ' U 7s.o ~o ' ~ 76.0 a 7a.o ' N` ot- ' Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation ^O Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method D One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 78 ' Classification: ASTM D 2487 ~ AASHTO M 145 ^ Plastic Limit 35 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 ~ AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 43 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 (] AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Cer~ificnrion N ' Technical Responsibility: Mal Kraian Laboratory Manager Signature ~ 72.0 + to 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 # of Drops One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 S&ME, iNC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-1 Z (6 - 7.5') P.1. Laboratory Record Version 4.2 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plastic Index ~~ ' Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/13 - 11/21/2007 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-13 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/9/2007 ' Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.0' - 5.0' Sample Description: Orange-Gray Silty CLAY (Visual) Pan # Liquid Limit Pl astic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 30 5 11 9 17 ' ~, $ Tare Weight Wet Soil Weight + A 13.04 21.95 12.47 20.89 12.52 19.98 13.05 20.47 12.97 19.76 C Dry Soil Weight + A 18.11 17.16 16.64 18.67 18.11 ' D E Water Weight (B-C) Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 3.84 5.07 3.73 4.69 3.34 4.12 1.80 5.62 1.65 5.14 F % Moisture Content (D/E)*100 75.7% 79.5% 81.1% 32.0% 32.1% ' N # OF DROPS 33 26 17 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTMD 2216 ^ Ave. Average 32.1 83.0 sz.o sz.u w C 80.0 U a 79.0 w 78.0 77.0 0 76.0 75.0 10 100 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops ' N`o Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation ~ Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method ~ One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 79 Classification: ASTMD 2487 ~ AASHTO M 145 ^ Plastic Limit 32 Liquid limit Test: ASTMD 4318 ~ AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 47 ' Plastic limit Test: ASTMD 4318 ^x AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Certif+rnriwr K Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 Signrrturc Laboratory Manager Positiwr S&ME, [NC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-13 (1.0' - 5.0') P.I. ' Laboratory Record Version 4.2 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plastic Index ' Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/13 - 11/21/2007 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-13 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/9/2007 ' Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 5.0' - 10.0' _ ,-, _ _ __ r,_,.~,~e ter,,...,., c;i,~, r~r e v rr,u~ ~u.,.r,,, ~ ,., ., .r...,... ~----o- --- _ __ pQ,~ # Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 26 8 27 7 117 A Tare Weight 12.92 13.08 12.98 12.95 20.84 B Wet Soil Weight + A 20.40 20.84 21.00 22.09 30.84 C Dry Soil Weight + A 17.53 17.89 17.82 20.10 28.67 D Water Weight (B-C) 2.87 2.95 3.18 1.99 2.17 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 4.61 4.81 4.84 7.15 7.83 F % Moisture Content (D/E)* 100 62.3% 61.3% 65.7% 27.8% 27.7% N # OF DROPS 27 34 19 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average 27.8% 67.0 66.U _~ °~ 65.0 b O U 64.0 ~, ~ 63.0 ~o G2.0 0 61.0 ' N\o- ' Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation O Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method ~ One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 63 Classification: ASTM D 2487 ~ AASHTO M 145 ^ Plastic Limit 28 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 O AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 35 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 p AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol CH Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Ccrtificntion p Technical Responsibility: Mal Kraian 611.0 ~ to 100 35 40 ~# of Drops 15 20 25 30 One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 Signnrurc Laboratory Manager Position S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 276]6 T-]3 (5.0' - 10.0') P.1. Laboratory Report Version 4.2 i ';&ME Project #: 1051-07-460 Project Nalne: NCCAR lient Name: ;lient Address: ~58ME Report Date: 11/30/07 Test Date(s): 11/26 - 11/30/07 oring #: T-13 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 1119,/07 ~ ocation: Site-Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 5 - 10 ft. Sample Description: Orange-Brown Silty CLAY (CH) "1.5 "1 "3/4 "1/2'3/8 #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 100 90% SO% 70% bn •~ 60% eC a ~ 50% d U y 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Particle Size (mm) Cobbles < 300 mm 12" and > 75 mm 3" Fine Sand < 0.425 mm and > 0.075 mm #200 Gravel < 75 mm and > 4.75 mm #4 Silt < 0.075 and > 0.005 mm Co se Sand < 4.75 mm and >2.00 rnrn #10 Cla < O.OOS mm Medium Sand < 2.00 rmn and > 0.425 mm #40 Colloids < 0.001 mm ' Maximum Particle Size 3/8" Crravel 0.0% Silt 38.5% Silt & Clay (% Passing #200) 96.0% Sand 4.0% Clay 57.5% Apparent Relative Density 2.745 Moisture Content 30.2% Colloids 38.9% ' Liquid Limit 63 Plastic Limit 28 Plastic Index 35 description of Sand & Gravel Particles Rounded ~ Angular ^ Hard & Durable ^ Soft ^ Weathered & Friable ^ Mechanical Stirring Apparatus (A) Length of Dispersion Period: 1 min. Dispersing Agent: Sodium Hexametaphosphate: 40 g./ Liter References: ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 421: Dry Preparation of Soil Samples ' ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils ASTM D 2487: Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classifcation System) Technical Responsibility Mal Krajan s~~~~.~~ Laboratol-~Mana~er Pos~uon Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 422 ' S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, N.C. 27616 T-13 (5 -10 ft) Hydrometer Laboratory Record Version 4.2 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plastic Index ~~ ' Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/30/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/20 - 11/29/07 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-18 Sample #: SS-2 Sample Date: 11/16/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 3.5 - 5 ft. Samnle Description: Gray-Tan Silty CLAY (Visual) Pan # Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 28 3 8 117 9 ' A $ Tare Weight Wet Soil Weight + A 13.07 23.04 13.04 22.45 13.07 20.88 20.79 32.91 15.30 26.34 C Dry Soil Weight + A 20.05 19.51 18.30 30.48 24.14 ' D Water Weight (B-C) 2.99 2.94 2.58 2.43 2.20 $ Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 6.98 6.47 5.23 9.69 8.84 F % Moisture Content (D/E)*100 42.8% .45.4% 49.3% 25.1% 24.9% N # OF DROPS 35 29 18 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 e Ave. Average 25.0% so.o 49.0 C 48.0 ~ a~.o 0 U 46.0 a 4s.0 c 44.0 43.0 42.0 al.o ao.o to ' Notes: Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation ~ Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method ^D One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 46 ' Classification: ASTM D 2487 O AASHTO M ]45 ^ Plastic Limit 25 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 O AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 21 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 43 ] 8 p AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan 15 20 25 30 3s 40 _ io # of Drops One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 Cert fc~tion # Signnfure Laboratory Manager Posn~on S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-18 (3.s - 5') P.I. LaUoratory Record Version 4.2 unit and Plastic Index -= ~' ~~~ L><qu><d L><mrt, Plast><c L , Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/30/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/20 - 11/29/07 ' Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-19 Sample #: SS-2 Sample Date: 11/16/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 3.5 - 5 ft. ,- r,______....._. Do,] ~,-..., (`1~<,0~, QTT T (~Ticnall 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~u,..r.., ~ pQ„ # ,..~....r~..,... ---- ---- ---~ -.. - Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 18 37 102 32 139 A Tare Weight 20.99 21.10 20.81 20.97 20.97 B Wet Soil Weight + A 30.87 30.24 29.24 29.64 28.53 C Dry Soil Weight + A 26.69 26.45 25.83 27.23 26.42 D Water Weight (B-C) 4.18 3.79 3.41 2.41 2.11 B Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 5.70 5.35 5.02 6.26 5.45 F % Moisture Content (D/E)*100 73.3% 70.8% 67.9% 38.5% 38.7% N # OF DROPS 17 22 32 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average 38.6% 75.0 74.0 ~ 73.0 ~ 72.0 0 U 71.0 70.0 w •0 69.0 ~ 6s.o 0 67.0 6G.0 65.0 l0 15 20 25 30 35 40 _ ~.ou # of Drops ' N``o- ' Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation D Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method ~ One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 70 Classification: ASTM D 2487 D AASHTO M 145 ^ Plastic Limit 39 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 ~ AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 31 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 O AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewls Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 Cer[ificrnion p Segnnnve Laboratory Manager aosinn„ S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 276] 6 T-l9 (3.5 - 5') P.I. LaUoratory Record Version 4.2 ' it Plastic Limit and Plastic Index L><qu><d L><m , , -~==~ ~~~ Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/30/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/20 - 11/29/07 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-29 Sample #: SS-1 Sample Date: 11/16/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1 - 2.5 ft. Sample Description: Red Silty CLAY (Visual) 1 pQ„ # Liquid Limit Pl astic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 30 29 11 19 12 A Tare Weight 13.02 12.99 12.50 13.15 12.96 $ Wet Soil Weight + A 21.93 21.32 20.67 19.53 20.83 C Dry Soil Weight + A 18.65 18.07 17.34 18.19 19.14 1~ Water Weight (B-C) 3.28 3.25 3.33 1.34 1.69 B Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 5.63 5.08 4.84 5.04 6.18 F % Moisture Content (D/E)*100 58.3% 64.0% 68.8% 26.6% 27.3% N # OF DROPS 35 25 16 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average 27.0% 70.0 G9.0 G8.0 67.0 ~ 66.0 G5.0 ' U ~ 64.0 ~ 63.0 ~.+ h 'o G2.0 61.0 0 60.0 59.0 58.0 57.0 One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 100 -- # of Drops Notes: Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation ~ Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method ~ One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 63 ~' Classification: ASTM D 2487 ^D AASHTO M ] 45 ^ Plastic Limit 27 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 ^O AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 36 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 px AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Cerrificnfion 'N Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laboratory Manager Signature Postliort S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-29 (] - 2.5') P.I. Laboratory Record Version 4.2 imit Plastic Limit and Plastic Index ~ ~ ~ ~~~ L>tqu><d L , Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/30/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/20 - 11/29/07 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-29 Sample #: SS-2 Sample Date: 11/16/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 3.5 - 5 ft. Sample Description: Red Clayey SILT (Visual) Pan # Liquid Limit Pl astic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 25 22 24 23 10 A Tare. Weight 12.97 13.00 13.05 12.98 13.06 B Wet Soil Weight + A 21.80 22.31 23.12 18.93 18.91 C Dry Soil Weight + A 18.02 18.19 19.19 17.19 17.22 D Water Weight (B-C) 3.78 4.12 3.93 1.74 1.69 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 5.05 5.19 6.14 4.21 4.16 F % Moisture Content (Di'E)* 100 74.9% 79.4% 64.0% 41.3% 40.6% N # OF DROPS 24 17 35 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average 41.0% so.o _ 78.0 76.0 a 74.0 U 72.0 70.0 ~o ,~' 68.0 66.0 G4.0 62.0 One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 _1.40 # of Drops Notes: Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation. ^O Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method ^D One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 72 Classification: ASTM D 2487 ~ AASHTO M 145 ^ P1aSt1C Llmlt 41 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 ~ AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 31 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 (] AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Certifiuttion H Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laboratory Manager Sigrmture Position S&ME, iNC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Rale igh, NC. 276] 6 T-29 (3.5 - 5'} P.I. Laboratory Record Version 4.2 imit Plastic Limit and Plastic Index ~~` ~~~ L><qu><d L , Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/30/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/20 - 11/29/07 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: T-30 Sample #: SS-1 Sample Date: 11/16/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1 - 2.5 ft. Sample Description: Tan-Red Silty CLAY (Visual) _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 Pan # Liquid Limit Pl astic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 1 18 9 20 17 p, Tare Weight 12.97 13.09 13.04 12.96 12.94 $ Wet Soil Weight + A 23.05 20.82 21.63 21.92 22.58 C Dry Soil Weight + A 19.63 18.23 18.66 19.94 20.50 D Water Weight (B-C) 3.42 2.59 2.97 1.98 2.08 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 6.66 5.14 5.62 6.98 7.56 F % Moisture Content (D/E)* 100 51.4% 50.4% 52.8% 28.4% 27.5% N # OF DROPS 22 28 17 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average 28.0% 5G.0 55.0 b 54.0 ~ 53.0 0 U 52.0 ~" 51.0 0 o so.o 49.0 0 48.0 47.0 46.0 10 100 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops Notes One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation ^D Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method x^ One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 51 Classification: ASTM D 2487 D AASHTO M 145 ^ Plastic Limit 28 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 D AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 23 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 4318 ^x AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Certificntion # Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Signature Laboratory Manager Position S&ME, INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 276] 6 T-30 (1 - 2.5') P.1. Laboratory Record Version 4.2 Li uid Limit Plastic Limit and Plastic Index -= ~ ~~~ q Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/30/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/20 - 11/29/07 Client Name: Client Address: Boring #: G-1 Sample #: UD-1 Sample Date: 11/16/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.5 - 3.5 ft. c~ „lP T1PCr•rmt,nn• (lranaa_(;rav Candy C'T.AV (Vicnall 1 1 - ---.- - P¢n # - Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Test # 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Tare # 26 14 13 21 2 A Tare Weight 12.92 12.96 13.00 12.91 13.00 $ Wet Soil Weight + A 22.28 22.61 22.80 22.20 22.19 C Dry Soil Weight + A 19.87 20.22 20.46 20.84 20.83 D Water Weight (B-C) 2.41 2.39 2.34 1.36 1.36 E Dry Soil Weight (C-A) 6.95 7.26 7.46 7.93 7.83 F % Moisture Content (D/E)* 100 34.7% 32.9% 31.4% 17.2% 17.4% N # OF DROPS 19 27 35 Moisture Contents determined LL LL = F * FACTOR by ASTM D 2216 Ave. Average 17.3% 37.0 36.0 35.0 ~ 34.0 0 U 33.0 '^ 32.0 0 31.0 30.0 0 29.0 zs.o 27.0 - lo N`o- Special Sampling Methods: Sample Preparation: Wet Preparation ~ Dry Preparation ^ Air Dried ^ NP, Non-Plastic ^ Liquid limit Test: Multipoint Method (] One-point Method ^ Liquid Limit 33 Classification: ASTM D 2487 O AASHTO M 145 ^ Plastic Limit 17 Liquid limit Test: ASTM D 4318 ~ AASHTO T 89 ^ Plastic Index 16 Plastic limit Test: ASTM D 43 ] 8 ~x AASHTO T 90 ^ Group Symbol Technician Name: Johnathan Lewis Technical Responsibility: ioo 15 20 25 30 35 40 # of Drops One Point Liquid Limit N Factor N Factor 20 0.974 26 1.005 21 0.979 27 1.009 22 0.985 28 1.014 23 0.990 29 1.018 24 0.995 30 1.022 25 1.000 Mal Krajan Certijcnrion ~ Sigrmmre Laboratory Manager vorrnorr S&ME, INC. 320] Spring Forest. Road, Raleigh, NC. 276] 6 G-] UD-l (I.5 - 3.5') P.I. 1 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 Moisture -Density Report S&ME Project #: Project Name: Client Name: Client Address: 1051-07-460 NCCAR ~:; - S&ME Report Date: November 21, 2007 Test Date(s): 11/14 - 11/21/2007 Boring #: T-3 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: November 4, 2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 10.0' - 15.0' Sample Description: Brown Sandy CLAY (Visual) Maximum Dry Density 102.4 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 20.4 ASTM D 698 Method A M ois tur e-D en sity Re lation s of So il a nd So il-A gg reg ate Mi xtu res Soil Properties Natural Moisture 120.0 - - - - 22 2% Co t t - --- - n en : ° ~ --- - - - - - --- - 2 .74 7 Liquid Limit: 36 11.5.0 - --- -- ~ ---- - -- - Plastic Limit: 18 - - - - _ i Pl I d 18 - -- ast c n ex: 110.0 - _ ---- -- cific G S it 2 747 - - - - _ -- pe rav y: . - - - -- v • % Passing ~,, l 05.0 ~ --- - - -- . _ - _-.- #4 100.0 - - - - - - - - - • -- _ - -- >~ - - -- Q -_ - - - - ~ 100.0 -- -' --_ __-- q - _ - -- - ~ - ~ 95.0 --- _ -- - - -- - -- ~_.-. - - - , _._ -- - ------ - --- ~ 90.0 ~ O i F i -- I -- - vers ract ze on - - - - -- - -- Bulk Sp. Gravity % Moisture 85.0 5.0 10 .0 15.0 _ 20.0 Z5 .0 30.0 Oversize Fraction Moistu re Co nte nt (%) MDD Opt. MC Moisture-Density Curve Displayed: Fme Fraction Ll Corrected Tor Uverstze rTactton (ASTM ll 4/ 12S) U Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve ~ 3/8 inch Sieve ^ 3/4 inch Sieve ^ Mechanical Hammer ^ Manual Hammer ~ Moist Preparation ~ Dry Preparation ^ References: ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Technical Responsibility S&ME,INC. Mal Krajan 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 Laboratory Manager Posruon T-3 (]0.0' - 15.0') Proctor 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 Moisture -Density Report S&ME Project #: 1051-07-460 Project Name: NCCAR Client Name: Client Address: x: ~ S&ME Report Date: November 21, 2007 Test Date(s): 11/14 - 11/21/2007 Boring #: T-6 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: November 9, 2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.0' - 5.0' Sample Description: Red-Tan Clayey SILT (Visual) Maximum Dry Density 97.2 PCF. ASTM D 698 Method A Optimum Moisture Content 22.9 M ois tur e-D en sity Re lat ion s o f So il a nd So il-A gg reg ate Mi xtu res Soil Properties 115 0 Natural Moisture . _ Content: 3 0.4% - 2.6 70 ~-- - -- --- Liquid Limit: 67 10 0 1 . - - - - Plastic Limit: 33 - --- ---- --- ' Pl ti I d 34 0 . as c n ex: 1 5.0 - - - S ecific Gravit : 2 670 -- - p y . --- -- - -- v 100 0 - % Passing a . - - #4 100.0 ~ - - - - = Q _ 95 0 ~, . Q - -- --- - - - - 90 0 . _ _.... - -- -__ ---- 85 0 . --- --~ -- - Oversize Fraction - - - - - - Bu]k Sp. Gravity 80 0 % Moisture . 10.0 15 .0 20 Mo .0 istu re Co _ nten 25 t ( .0 %) 30 .0 35 .0 Oversize Fraction MDD O t MC p . Moisture-Denstry ~;urve Displayed: rme rractton LI C;orrected Tor Uverstze rYactlon (AS1 M ll 4/l x) LJ Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve D 3/8 inch Sieve ^ 3/4 inch Sieve ^ Mechanical Hammer ^ Manual Hammer ~ Moist Preparation ~ Dry Preparation ^ References: ASTM D G98: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laborator~ger Signntnrree Position S&ME,INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-6 (1.0' - 5.0') Proctor t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 i 1 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 Moisture -Density Report S&ME Project #: 1051-07-460 Project Name: NCCAR Client Name: Client Address: _-_ S&ME Report Date: November 21, 2007 Test Date(s): 11/14 - 11/21/2007 Bonslg #: T-6 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: November 9, 2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A -Depth (ft): 5.0' - 10.0' Sample Description: Red-Tan Silty CLAY (Visual) Maximum Dry Density 103.0 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 21.0 ASTM D 69R Method A M ois -- tur e-D en sity Relat ion s o f So il and So il-A gg reg ate Mi xtu res Soil Properties Natural Moisture 120.0 31.3% Content: ---- -- - -- - - - - - -- 1 Liquid Limit: 66 115.0 u e - - Plastic Limit: 31 -- - - 2.720 l i - --- - P ast c Index: 35 110.0 S if it G 2 720 - -- - - pec ic rav y: . ,--. - -- -- -- - v % Passing R' 105.0 #4 100 0 . .~ - - ~ a~ - --- Q - - ~, 100.0 I Q - - -- - - 95.0 -~ - .. _ , 90.0 - -- - Oversize Fraction _ Bulk Sp. Gravity 85.0 10.0 15 .0 20 Mo .0 istu re Co nte 25.0 nt (%) 30.0 35 .0 % Moisture Oversize Fraction MDD t O MC . p Moisture-Density Curve llisplayed: rme rYactlon LJ Corrected for oversize rracnon (AS 1 M ll 4/ t s) u Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve D 3/8 inch Sieve ^ 3/4 inch Sieve ^ Mechanical Hammer ^ Manual Hammer ~ Moist Preparation ~ Dry Preparation ^ References: ASTM D G98: Laboratory Compaction Chazacteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Wa[er (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & P}astic Index of Soils Technical Responsibility S&ME,1NC. Mal Krajan Signnmre 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 Laboratory Manager no,;,~o„ T-6 (5.0' -10.0') Proctor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 Moisture -Density Report S&ME Project #: 1051-07-460 Project Name: NCCAR Client Name: Client Address: ~.= S&ME Report Date: November 26, 2007 Test Date(s): 11/25 - 11/26/07 Boring #: T-6 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: November 16, 2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 17 - 22 ft. Sample Description: Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC) Maximum Dry Density 115.1 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 13.7 A.CTM P F9R Methnrl A M ois tur e-D en sity Re lati on s of So il a nd So il-A gg reg ate Mi xtu res Soil Properties Natural Moisture 130.0 30.1% Content: 2 .67 3 1 to at on Liquid Limit: 31 C rv 125.0 Plastic Limit: 18 Plastic Index: 13 120.0 Specific Gravity: 2.673 - -- % P i U - - ass ng w - -- - --- #4 100.0 ~~ = 115.0 , - ~ Q ~ Q ' - - -- _ - - ~ 110.0 - -- - _ _ _ 105.0 -- - - Oversize Fraction ~ _ - Bulk Sp. Gravity % Moisture 100.0 0.0 5 .0 10 .0 __ 15.0 20.0 25.0 Oversize Fraction [ Mo istu re Co nte nt (%) MDD t O MC . p Moisture-llenslty Curve lltsplayetl: rme rracnon u ~.orrecteu tut vvcisizc r~a~~r~,r ~~~, ~~, ,~ Yr ~o~ Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve ~ 3/8 inch Sieve ^ 3/4 inch Sieve ^ Mechanical Hammer ^ Manual Hammer ~ Moist Preparation ~ Dry Preparation ^ References: ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 422: Particle Size Anaiysis of Soils ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTM D 2487: Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laboratory Manager SiRnnnrrme Posirion S&ME,INC. 320] Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-6 (17 - 22') Proctor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 Moisture -Density Report S&ME Project #: 1051-07-460 Project Name: NCCAR Client Name: Client Address: _:~ S&ME Report Date: November 21, 2007 Test Date(s): 11/14 - 11/21/2007 Boring #: T-10 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: November 9; 2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.0' - 5.0' Sample Description: Red Clayey SILT (MH) Maximum Dry Density 95.7 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 23.7 A CTM T ~Q52 MP*hnrl A M oi stur e-D en sity R elat ion s o f So il a nd So il-A gg reg ate Mi xtu res Soil Properties Natural Moisture 32 5% 115.0 . Content: 2 .71 9 it Li id Li 71 : qu m 110.0 Plastic Limit: 36 Plastic Index: 35 105.0 Specific Gravity: 2.719 w % P i -- ~ ng ass a 00.0 #4 100.0 ~ - . t~ a~ (~ - - - - - ~ 95.0 Q ~ _ ~ 90.0 _ ~ - - -- ~ , 85.0 Oversize Fraction - ~ _ ~ Bulk Sp. Gravity ' % Moisture 80.0 10.0 15 .0 20 Mo .0 ist ure Co nte 25 nt ( .0 %) 30 .0 35.0 Oversize Fraction MDD Opt. MC Moisture-llensity l;urve Uisplayea: rtne rracnon t~ ~,ut,c~~cu ~~, ._.~~t~t~., . ,a„~t~.~ <<.~~,., ., ~, . ~~ Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve ~ 3/8 inch Sieve ^ 3/4 inch Sieve ^ Mechanical Hammer ^ Manual Hammer ~ Moist Preparation ~ Dry Preparation ^ References: ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limi[, & Plastic Index of Soils Technical Responsibility S&ME,1NC. Mal Krajan Signntnrc 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 Laboratory Manager Potirion T-10 (1.0' - 5.0') Proctor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 Moisture -Density Report S&ME Project #: 1051-07-460 Project Name: NCCAR Client Name: Client Address: Report Date: November 21, 2007 Test Date(s): 11/14 - 11/21/2007 Boring #: T-13 Sample. #: Bag Sample Date: November 9, 2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.0' - 5.0' Sample Description: Orange-Gray Silty CLAY (Visual) Maximum Dry Density 97.8 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 23.3 ASTM D 698 Method A . Moisture-Density Relations of Soil and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures 115.0 I . --- _.. , ' - - - --- - 713 -- ..~ _ _ . 110.0 I ---- -.. . _ - _ ._ - - _ -~ I -- - _. 105.0 ,-. - - ..-__ __.I __ I w U --- -- _ _ _ __ ..., _. __ _. _ ~ _ '. ~~ _ _ _ -- -- a~ 100.0 - Q I - -_ _ __ _ 95.0 0.0 85.0 10.0 I I -._~ ~_- - _.I - i --._ ~ i __ -- -I ~ _ ..---- I 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 Moisture Content (%) oisture-Density Curve Displayed: Soil Properties Natural Moisture 30.2% Content: Liquid Limit: 79 Plastic Limit: 32 Plastic Index: 47 Specific Gravity: 2.713 Passing #4 100.0 Oversize Fraction Bulk Sp. Gravity Moisture Oversize Fraction MDD Opt. MC Corrected for Oversize Fraction (ASTM D 4718) I Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve D 3/8 inch Sieve ^ 3/4 inch Sieve ^ Mechanical Hammer ^ Manual Hammer D Moist Preparation D Dry Preparation ^ References: ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laboratory Manager Signatrrrr Posirion S&ME,INC. 320] Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-]3 (].0' - 5.0') Proctor _. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 LaUoratory Report Version 4.2 Moisture -Density Report S&ME Project #: Project Name: Client Name: Client Address: 1051-07-460 NCCAR :,= S&ME Report Date: November 21, 2007 Test Date(s): 11/14 - 11/21/2007 Boring #: T-13 Samp1_e #: Bag Sample Date: November 9, 2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 5.0' - 10.0' Sample Description: Orange-Brown Silty CLAY (CH) Maximum Dry Density 98.2 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 23.6 ASTM D 698 Method A M oi stur e-D en sity R elat ion s o f S oil and So il-A gg reg ate Mi xtu res Soil Properties 115 0 Natural Moisture . - 27.8% C t t - - on en : 2.7 45 Li uid Limit: 63 _ q 110 0 . Plastic Limit: 28 Plastic Index 35 : 105 0 . _ Specific Gravity: 2.745 __ v - - % Passing a, ~ - - #4 100.0 , ' 100 0 -- _ _ _ __ -- ~ a~ . Q _ _ q _ -- - -- - 95 0 . 90 0 . - ~ -- ~ __ - _.__ - -_ __ - - Oversize Fraction Bulk Sp. Gravity 85 0 __ _.. __ I - - . 10.0 15 .0 20 .0 Z5.0 30.0 35.0 % Moisture Oversize Fraction Mo istu re Co nten t (%) MDD Opt. MC Moisture-llenslty Curve lltsplayed: rme r'ractlon LI Corrected for Oversize Fraction (ASTM D 4718) ^ Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve ~ 3/8 inch Sieve ^ 3/4 inch Sieve ^ Mechanical Hammer ^ Manua] Hammer p Moist Preparation D Dry Preparation ^ References: ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils Technical Responsibility: Mal Kra~an SiRnnnoc S&ME,INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 Laboratory Manager Yosirion T-13 (5.0° - 10.0') Proctor age 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory Compacted Soil == S~ " ASTM D 1883 ~roject #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/16 - 11/21/2007 ~'lient Name: 1~lient Address: Boring #: T-3 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/09/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 10.0' - 15.0' ~3ample Description: Brown Sandy CLAY (Visual) ASTMD 698 MethodA Maximum Dry Density (PCF): 102.4 Optimum Moisture Content: 20.4% Compaction Test performed on the Fine Fraction only % Retained on the 3I4" sieve: 0.0% iTncorrected CBR Values Corrected CBR Values CBR at 0.1 in. 2.1 CBR at 0.2 in. 2.1 CBR at Oa in. 2.1 CBR at 0.2 in. 2.1 I. , 60.0 50.0 - 40.0 - - ^_ :n a - ~ 30.0 Corrected value at .2" _ _ s. - - w v~ - - Corrected Value at 1" -- ---- . _- ay 20.0 „g ; 10.0 0.0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 Strain (inches ) ~BR Sample Preparation: Grading was in accordance with the above method and compacted using the 6" diameter CBR mold. Before Soaking After Snaking Compactive Effort (Blows per Layer) 58 Final Dry Density (PCF) 94.3 Initial Dry Density (PCF) 101.2 Average Final Moisture Content 23.8% Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen 20.4% Moisture Content (top 1"after soaking) 28.5% Percent Compaction 98.2% Percent Swell 3.8% Soak Time: 96 Surcharge Weight 10.0 Surcharge Wt. per sq. 1~t. SU.y Liquid Limit 36 Plastic Index 18 Apparent Relative Density 2.747 References: ASTM D 1883: CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory-Compacted Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic lndex of Soils ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass Technical Responsibility: S&ME, Inc. Mal Krajan Signnrurc 320] Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 276]6 Laboratory Manager Posrr,on T-3 (10.0' - 15.0') CBR ade 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 BR California Bearin Ratio of Laborator Com acted Soil ~ ( g ) y P ASTM D 1883 ~58ME ~'roject #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/16 - 11/21/2007 ~rylient Name: ,.lient Address: ~oring #: T-6 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/09/2007 .ocation: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.0' - 5.0' Sample Description: Red-Tan Clayey SILT (Visual) ASTM D 698 Method A Maximum Dry Density (PCF): 97.2 Optimum Moisture Content: 22.9% Compaction Test performed on the Fine Fraction only % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% Tncor:rected CBR Values Corrected CBR Values CBR at 0.1 in. 4.3 CBR at 0.2 in. 4.6 CBR at 0.1 in. 4.3 CBR at 0.2 in. 4:6 100.0 ----- - 90.0 _ 80.0 _ - _ ' .. - 70.0 _ ---- _ " _ -- Corrected value at .2 60.0 W ---- rn 50.0. ~ C t d V l t 1" ---- - orrec ue a e a . k --- w ~ 40.0 30.0 - - - -- 20.0 10.0 - _ _ - -- - -- -- -- - 0.0 ,_ 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 ; Strain (inches ) ~BR Sample Preparation: Performed on the fine fraction Grading was in accordance with the above method and compacted using the 6" diameter CBR mold. Before Soaking After Soaking Compactive Effort (Blows per Layer) 55 Final Dry Density (PCF) 89.6 Initial Dry Density (PCF) 95.3 Average Final Moisture Content 27.7% Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen 23.2% Moisture Content (top 1 " after soaking) 31.9% Percent Compaction 98.2% Percent Swell 2.7% Soak "1"lme: 96 Surcharge Weight 10.0 Surcharge Wt. per sq. Ft. 50.9 Liquid Limit 67 Plastic Index 34 Apparent Relative Density 2.670 References: ASTM D ] 883: CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory-Compacted Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils 4STM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass 'Technical Responsibility: S&ME, Inc. Mal Krajan Signaurrr 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 Laboratory Manager Position T-6 (l.0' - S.0') CBR be 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 ~~ R California Bearin Ratio of Laborator Com acted Soil CB ( g ) Y P ASTM D 1883 ~58ME ~'roject #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/16 - 11/21/2007 'lient Name: ~lient Address: oring #: T-6 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/09/2007 ~ocation: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 5.0' - 10.0' ample Description: Red-Tan Silty CLAY (Visual) ASTM D 698 Method A Maximum Dry Density (PCF): 103.0 Optimum Moisture Content: 21.0% f mm~arfinn Tact nPrfnrmet~ nn the Fine Fraction only % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% t Uncorrected CBR Values Corrected CBR Values CBR at-0.1 in. 2:7 CBR at 0.2 in. 2.9 CBR at Oa in. 2.7 CBR at 0.2 in. 2.9 70 0 . 0 65 . 0 '. 60 . ' 55.0 50 0 . 45.0 ~ Corrected value at .2" 0. 40.0 r - ... 35.0 ' a~ '" r%~ 30.0 Corrected Value at .1" •~. 25 0 ~- - ~~ . 20.0 15.0 10.0 - __ 5.0 ____ --- --- - I 0.0 = __ =-- _ 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 ---- - --- rStrain (inches ) .'BR Sample Preparation: Performed on the fine fraction Grading was in accordance with the above method and compacted using the 6" diameter CBR mold. Before Soaking After Soaking Compactive Effort (Blows per Layer) 58 Final Dry Density (PCF) 97.0 Initial Dry Density (PCF) 101.7 Average Final Moisture Content 26.2% Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen 20.8% Moisture Content (top 1" after soaking) 33.5% Percent Compaction 98.5% Percent Swell 0.1% Soak Time: 96 Surcharge Welght lU.U Surcharge wt. per sq. rt. 5u.y Liquid Limit 66 Plastic Index 35 Apparent Relative Density 2.720 .2eferences: ASTM D 1883. CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory-Compacted Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils \STM D 2216: Laboratory DeterTnination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laboratory Mana>;er Signnturc Position S&ME, Inc. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-6 (5.0' -10.0') CBR awe 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 a CBR Califol-nia Bearing Ratio of Laboratory Compacted Soil __~_ S~ " ( ~ ) ASTM D 1883 Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 12/1/07 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/25 - 11/29/07 ~lient Name: client Address: Boring #: T-6 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/16/07 ' ~ ocation: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 17 - 22 ft. Sample Description: Tan Clayey Fine SAND (SC) ASTM D 698 Method A Maximum Dry Density (PCF): 115.1 Optimum Moisture Content: 13.7% Compaction Test performed on the Fine Fraction only % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% Uncorrected CBR Values Corrected CBR Values 'CBR at 0.1 in. 9.6 CBR at 0.2 in. 9..4 CBR at 0.1 in. 9.6 CBR at 0.2 in. 9.4 I 200.0 1190.0 180.0 170.0 160.0 150.0 140.0 130.0 ~..~ ~ 120.0 a 110.0 100.0 ~ 90.0 w ~ 80.0 J 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 value at .2" 0.00 0.10 ~I ~ Mal Kraian 0.30 ~ CBR Sample Preparation: Performed on the fine fraction Grading was in accordance with the above method and compacted using the 6" diameter CBR mold. Before Soaking After Soaking Compactive Effort (Blows per Layer) 45 Final Dry Density (PCF) 110.8 Initial Dry Density (PCF) 113.3 Average Final Moisture Content 15.5% Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen 13.5% Moisture Content (top l" after soaking) 15.8% Percent Compaction 98.3% Percent Swell 0.5% Soalc Time: 96 Surcharge Weight 10.0 Surcharge Wt. per sq. Ft. 50.9 Liquid Limit 31 Plastic Index 13 Apparent Relative Density 2.673 References: ASTM D 1883: CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory-Compacted Soil<. ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass Technical Responsibility: S&ME, Inc. 0.20 Strain (inches ) Si nomrc 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 Laboratory Manager P°:~d°„ T-6 (l7 - 22') CSR aoe 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 D BR California Bearing Ratio of Laborator Compacted Soil c ( ~ ) y ~58ME ASTM ll 1b~3 ~roject #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/16 - 11/21/2007 Bent Name: client Address: oring #: T-10 Sample #: Bag Sam le Date: 11/09/2007 ocation: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.0' - 5.0' Sample Description: Red Clayey SILT (MH) ASTMD G98 Method A Maximum Dry Density (PCF): 95.7 Optimum Moisture Content: 23.7% Compaction Test performed on the Fine Fraction only % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% ~ Uncorrected CBR Values Corrected CBR Values '.CBR at 0.1 in. 1.7 CBR at 0.2 in. 1.9 CBR.at 0.1 in. 1.7 CBR at 0.2 in. 1.9 70.0 - 0 - 65 . -60.0 55.0 50.0 45.0 - ~ - a 40.0 - ,~ - 35.0 - ~ _ 30.0 - _ 0 25 - Corrected value at .2" . 20.0. Corrected Value at 1" . 15.0 - 10 0 - . 5 0 . -- 0.0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 Strain (inches ) CBR Sample Preparation: Performed on the fine fraction Grading was in accordance with the above method and compacted using the 6" diameter CBR mold. Before Soaking After Soaking Compactive Effort (Blows per Layer) 55 Final Dry Density (PCF) 83.2 Initial Dry Density (PCF) Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen ~ Percent Compaction 93.8 23.0% 98.1% Average Final Moisture Content Moisture Content (top 1"after soaking) Percent Swell 33.2% 41.3% 4.2% ' Soak Time: 96 Surcharge Weight 1U.0 Surcharge wt. per sq. rt. ou.y Liquid Limit 71 Plastic Index 35 Apparent Relative Density 2.719 References: ASTMD 1883: CBR (California Bearing Ra[io) of Laboratory-Compacted Soil; ASTMD 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTMD 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTMD 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ' ASTMD 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rocl<by Mass Technical Responsibility: Mal Kraian Laboratory Manager Signn~ure Position S&ME, Inc. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-10 (1.0' - 5.0') CSR a°e 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 D R California Bearin Ratio of Laborator Com acted Soil ::_°; S~E CB ( g ) Y P __ ASTMD 1883 ~roject #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/16 - 11/21/2007 ~lient Name: client Address: oring #: T-13 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/09/2007 ocation: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.0' - 5.0' Sample Description: Orange-Gray Silty CLAY (Visual) ASTMD 698 Method A Maximum Dry Density (PCF): 97.8 Optimum Moisture Content: 23.3% (:ompaction Test performed on the Fine Fraction only % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% Uncorrected CBR Values 1Corrected CBR Values CBR at 0.1 in.' 2.1 CBR at 0.2 in. 2.2 CBR at 0.1 in. 2.1 CBR at 0.2'lin. 2.2 60.0 50.0 - ~ -_ _ 40.0: _ v~ ~ 30.0 Corrected value at .2" v~ - - -- Corrected Value at 1" . 20.0 ~ ^ - f------- - -- ------ 10.0 ---- --- ___ a --__- -------- ---- _ _. - -- _ _ o.o . 0.00 0.10 '0.20 0.30' Strain (inches ) ~BR Sample Preparation: Performed on the fine fraction J Grading was in accordance with the above method and compacted using the 6" diameter CBR mold. Before Soaking After Soaking Compactive Effort (Blows per Layer) 45 Final Dry Density (PCF) 88.3 Initial Dry Density (PCF) 95.6 Average Final Moisture Content 28.7% Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen 23.4% Moisture Content (top 1" after soaking) 35.1% Percent Compaction 98.0% Percent Swell 4.0% Soak Time: 96 Surcharge Weight 10.0 Surcharge wt. per sq. rt. su.y Liquid Limit 79 Plastic Index 47 Apparent Relative Density 2.713 References: ASTMD 1883: CBR (California Bearing Ratio) ofLaboratory-Compacted Soils ASTMD 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTMD 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTMD 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ~STM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laboratory Manager Signature Position S&ME, lac. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-13 (l.0' - 5.0') CBR age 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory Compacted Soil ::~ ~ S~E ASTMD 1883 ~roject #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/21/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/16 - 11/21/2007 ,.:Bent Name: ~- Bent Address: #: T-13 e #: Date: 11 /09/2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 5.0' - 10.0' ~3ample Description• Orange-Brown Silty CLAY (CH) ASTMD 698 Method ,9 Maximum Dry Density (PCF): 98.2 Optimum Moisture Content: 23.6% !`nrr,,,ar•t,nn Tect nPrfnrmerl nn the Fine Fraction only % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% ^ ._...._.r.__. __. _ ___ r Uncorrected CBR Values Corrected CBR Values CBR at 0.1 in. 1.3 CBR at 0.2 in. 1.3 CBR at 0.1 in. - 1.3 CBR at 0.2 in. 1.3 50.0 45.0. 40.0., 35.0 ,-, --- ~-+ 30.0 ~ -- P - ., ~. - ,25.0 >,. ~ ~. -- w ~ - 20.0 " -- -- Corrected value at .2" _ 15.0 Corrected Value at .1" -- '10.0 ,' 5.0 -- 0.0 _ 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 Strain (inches ) ~BR Sample Preparation: Performed on the fine fraction Grading was in accordance with the above method and compacted using the 6" diameter CBR mold. Before Soaking After Soaking Compactive Effort (Blows per Layer) 45 Final Dry Density (PCF) 89.2 Initial Dry Density (PCF) 96.5 Average Final Moisture Content 28.2% Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen 23.5% Moisture Content (top 1" after soaking) 35.3% Percent Compaction 98.6% Percent Swell 4.5% ' Soak Time: 96 Surcharge Weight 10.U Surcharge wt. per sq. rt. ~u.y Liquid Limit 63 Plastic Index 35 Apparent Relative Density 2.745 References: ASTMD 1883: CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory-Compacted Soil; ASTMD 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTMD 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTMD 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ' ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass 'Technical Responsibility: S&ME, Inc. Mal Krajan Laboratory Manag-er Position Signature 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-13 (5.0' - I0.0') CBR 1 1 Oedometer Settlement Tests Sample details Depth 1.5 - 3.5 ft. Sketch showing specimen Description: Orange-Gray Sandy CLAY (Visual) location in original Sample Type Undisturbed Height Ho (in) 0.999 uiameter Do (in) 2.50 i Weight Wo (gr) 163.3 Bulk Density p (PCF) 126.76 Particle Density ps 2.668 (measured) Initial Conditions Settlement Channel 1066 Moisture Content wo% Dry Density pd (PCF) Voids Ratio eo 18.5 10636 0.5565 Deg of Saturation So% 88.7 Swelling Pressure Ss (TSF) 0.000 Final Conditions Moisture Content wf% 17.5 Dry Density pd (PCF) Voids Ratio of 112.27 0.4829 Deg of Saturation Sf% 96.64 Settlement: (in) 0.047 Compression Index Cc 0.058 Notes: Test Specimen taken from the middle portion of UD tube. ASTM D2435-96 Test name Consolidation Date of Test: 11-23-07 ~`,~~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: UD-1 Jobfile: E:\05107460.JOB Borehole: G-1 Operator Checked: Approved: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oedometer Settlement Tests 0.553 0.536 0.520 a~ 0 ~ 0.503 v 0 > 0.487 0.470 100.0 98.6 97.2 E °-' 95.8 a ~ 94.4 c 93.0 N ~ 0.063 E 0.051 :n .y a 0.039 E 0 U 0.027 0.015 0.002 ~, -`60 6.300 N ~ 5.700 C O .~ ~ 5.100 C U 4.500 3.900 3.300 0.100 1.000 10.000 Vertical Stress (TSF) ASTM 02435-96 Test name Consolidation Date of Test: 11-23-07 `~~~~ Site Reference: NCCAR Jobfile: E:\05107460.J06 Sample: UD-1 Borehole: G-1 Operator Checked: Approved.' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oedometer Settlement Tests 0.553 0.536 0.520 0.503 0.487 a~ 0 m o_ -No 'o 0.470 0.100 Vertical Stress (TSF) 1.000 10.000 ASTM D2435-96 Test name Date of Test Consolidation : 11-23-07 ~~~~ Site Reference: NCCAR Jobfile: E:\05107460.J06 Sample: Borehole: UD-1 G-1 Operator. Checked: Approved: Oedometer Settlement Tests 100.0 98.6 97.2 95.8 94.4 c N E a ~ 0 93.0 0.100 Vertical Stress (TSF) 1.000 10.000 ASTM D2435-96 Test name Date of Test: Consolidation 11-23-07 ~`~~M~i 11uu~~u~~ Site Reference: NCCAR Jobfile: E:\05107460.J0B Sample: Borehole: UD-1 G-1 Operator. Checked: Approved: 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oedometer Settlement Tests 0.063 0.051 0.039 -- 0.027 c 0 E w n w °' 0.015 a E 0 U 0.002 0.100 1.000 10.000 Vertical Stress (TSF) ASTM D2435-96 Test name Consolidation Date of Test: 11-23-07 II ~ ` ~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: UD-1 f rr i Jobfile: E:\05107460.J06 Borehole: G-1 Operator.' Checked: Approved: t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Oedometer Settlement Tests 6.300 5.700 5.100 4.500 T N 'D N U C O . ~ ~ 3.900 ~ o 0 U 3.300 0.100 1.000 10.000 Vertical Stress (TSF) ASTM D2435-96 Test name Consolidation Date of Test: 11-23-07 ~~~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: UD-1 Jobfile: E:105107460.JOB Borehole: G-1 Operator. Checked: Approved: 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 Oedometer Settlement Tests Stress Initial Settlement Cal Corr. Final Voids tan Secondary c~ m~ (TSF) Temp. oC Total (in) (in) Temp. oC Ratio of (mins) Compr Csec (ft2lday) (ft2/ton) 050 20.0 0 0.0031 0.0 20.0 0.5517 0.355 0.00 5.935 0.062 . 250 20.0 0 0.0075 0.0 20.0 0.5448 0.533 0.00 3.928 0.022 . 050 20.0 0 0.0070 0.0 20.0 0.5456 0.003 . 250 20.0 0 0.0075 0.0 20.0 0.5448 0.552 0.00 3.779 0.003 . 500 20.0 0 0.0123 0.0 20.0 0.5373 0.561 0.00 3.695 0.019 . 000 20.0 1 0.0191 0.0 20.0 0.5267 0.565 0.00 3.631 0.014 . 000 20.0 2 0.0303 0.0 20.0 0.5093 0.565 0.00 3.565 0.012 . 4.000 20.0 0.0472 0.0 20.0 0.4829 0.577 0.00 3.386 0.009 ASTM D2435-96 Test na me Consolidation Date of Test: 11-23-07 ~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: UD-1 / ~ Jobfile: E:\05107460.J0B Borehole: G-1 Operator: Checked: Approved. 1 1 i Oedometer Settlement Tests Sample details Depth 9 - 11 ft. Sketch showing specimen Description: Orange-Brown Sandy Silty CLAY (Visual) location in original Sample Type Remolded Height Ho (in) 0.998 i I Diameter De (in) 2.501 Weight Wo (gr) 144.8 Bulk Density p (PCF) 112.51 Particle Density ps 2.727 (measured) Inifia! Conditions Settlement Channel 1065 Moisture Content wo% 28.4 Dry Density pd (PCF) 87.59 Voids Ratio eo 0.9426 Deg of Saturation So% 82.3 Swelling Pressure Ss (TSF) O.OOD Final Condifions Moisture Content wt% 28.3 Dry Density pd (PCF) Voids Ratio et 88.87 0.9148 Deg of Saturation Sf% Settlement: (in) 84.43 0.014 Compression Index Cc 0.035 Notes: Test specimen compacted to 92% at 4.3% wet opt. ASTM D2435-96 Test name Con 92% Date of Test: 01-29-08 ~r ~ ~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag ~~s~r ~11^ Jobfile: E:\NCCAR.JOB Borehole: T-5 Operator. Checked: Approved: s t ©edometer Settlement Tests 0.942 0.932 0.921 a~ 0 ~ 0.911 N > 0.900 0.890 100.0 99.2 98.4 C °-' 97.6 N Cn 96.8 C 96.0 N ~ 0.017 0.015 n .N a 0.013 E 0 U 0.010 0.008 0.005 T -f0o 4.200 N 3.soo 0 3.400 0 U 3.000 2.600 2.200 0.100 i.uuu Vertical Stress (TSF) P,STM D2435-96 `~~~~ Site Reference I~~~ ` Jobfile: Operator. NCCAR E:\NCCAR.JOB Checked: Test name Date of Test: Sample: Borehole: Con 92% 01-29-08 Bag T-5 Approved: 10.000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Oed©meter Settlement Pests i 100.0 99.2 98.4 97.6 96.8 C N E N N 0 96.0 0.100 1.000 10.000 Vertical Stress (TSF) ASTM D2435-96 Test name Con 92% Date of Test: 01-29-08 ~~~~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag Jobfile: E:\NCCAR.JOB Borehole: T-5 Operator' Checked: Approved: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 ®edarneter Settlement Tests 100.0 99.2 98.4 97.6 c m E a> °~ 0 96.0 96.8 0.100 ASTM 02435-96 ~~~ Site Reference: NCCAR Jobfile: E:\NCCAR.JOB Ope2tor. i.uuu Vertical Stress (TSF) Test name Con 92% Date of Test: 01-29-OS Sample: Bag Borehole: T-5 Checked: Approved: 10.000 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 i Oedomete~- Settlement Tests ~'~ 0.017 0.015 0.013 ~~ -- 0.010 C O N E a °' 0.008 n E 0 U ~,\\ 0.005 0.100 1.000 10.000 Vertical Stress (TSF) ASTM D2435-96 Test name Con 92% Date of Test: 01-29-08 I~j,~~i Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag t/ ` Jobfile: E:\NCCAR.JOB Borehole: T-5 Operator Checked: Approved: I i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aedomete~ Settlement Tests 4.200 3.800 3.400 3.000 ~o v U C O .~ ~_ 2.600 O N O U z.2oo 0.100 1.000 10.000 Vertical Stress (TSF) ASTM D2435-96 Test name Con 92% w Date of Test: 01-29-08 y~~~F Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag //iiiiuu~~^^~e Jobfile: E:\NCCAR.JOB Borehole: T-5 Operator.' Checked: Approved.' 1 Oedometer Settlement Tests Sample details Depth 9 - 11 ft. Sketcn showing specimen Description: Orange-Brown Sandy Silty CLAY (Visual) location in original Sample Type Remolded Height Ho (in) 0.999 Diameter Do (in} 2.501 VVeight VJp (gr) 148.22 Bulk Density p (PCF) 115.05 Particle Density ps 2.727 (measured) Initial Conditions Settlement Channel 1066 Moisture Content wo% 27.3 Dry Density pd (PCF) 90.38 Voids Ratio eo 0.8828 Deg of Saturation So% 84.3 Swelling Pressure Ss (TSF) 0.000 Final Conditions Moisture Content wt% Dry Density pd (PCF) 27.5 91.42 Voids Ratio et 0.8613 Deg of Saturation St% Settlement: (in) 87.10 0.011 Compression Index Cc 0.028 Notes: Test specimen compacted to 95% at 3.3% wet of opt. ASTM D2435-96 Test name Con 95% Date of Test: 01-29-08 Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag Jobfile: E:\NCCAR.JOB Borehole: T-5 Operator: Checked: Approved: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oedometer Settlement Tests 0.682 0.874 0.865 a~ 0 ~ 0.857 > 0.848 0.840 100.0 99.2 98.4 c E ~' 97.6 a~ 96.8 96.0 N ~ 0.017 E 0.015 :n .~ v, o. 0.012 E 0 U 0.010 0.007 0.004 T ~ 4.800 N ~ 4.200 c 0 3.600 0 U 3.000 2.400 1.800 II ASTM D2435-96 Y, Site Reference: NCCAR Jobfile: E:\NCCAR.JOB Operator: Checked: Test name Con 95% Date of Test: 01-29-08 Sample: Bag Borehole: T-5 ~ Approved.' Oedometer Settlement Tests 0.882 0.874 0.865 0.857 0.848 a~ 0 .~ N 'D O 0.840 0.100 1.000 Vertical Stress (TSF) ASTM D2435-96 ~~~ Site Reference Jobfile: Operator. Test name Con 95% Date of Test: 01-29-08 NCCAR Sample: Bag E:\NCCAR.JOB Borehole: T-5 Checked: Approved: 10.000 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oedomete~ Settlement Tests Stress Initial Settlement Cal Corr. Final Voids tq~ Secondary c~ m~ (TSF) Temp. oC Total (in) (in) Temp. oC Ratio of (mins) Compr Csec (~/day) (ft2/ton) 0.050 20.0 0.0008 0.0 20.0 0.9411 0.565 0.00 3.738 0.016 0.250 20.0 0.0032 0.0 20.0 0.9364 0.935 0.00 2.249 0.012 0.050 20.0 0.0020 0.0 20.0 0.9388 D.OD6 0.250 20.0 0.0033 0.0 20.0 0.9362 0.576 0.00 3.648 O.D07 ' C.500 20.0 0.0057 0.0 20.0 0.9316 0.590 0.00 3.544 0.010 1.000 2D.0 0.0088 0.0 20.0 0.9255 0.561 0.00 3.707 0.006 2.000 20.0 0.0143 0.0 20.0 0.9148 0.590 0.00 3.494 0.006 ASTM D2435-96 Test name Con 92% Date of Test: 01-29-08 ~~ Site Refe rence: NCCAR Sample: Bag ~~aa~^ Jobfile: E:\NCCAR.JOB Borehole: T-5 Operator: Checked' I Approved: i w 1 1 1 Oedometer Settlement Tests 100.0 99.2 98.4 97.6 96.8 c m a-Ei a~ 0 96.0 0.100 1. D00 10.000 Vertical Stress (TSF) ASTM D2435-96 Test name Con 95% Date of Test: 01-29-08 S~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag i Jobfife: E:\NCCAR.JOB Borehole: T-5 Operator: Checked: Approved.' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ i Oedometer Settlement Tests 0.017 0.015 0.012 -- 0.010 c E ur °' 0.007 a E ~\ 0 U 0.004 0.100 1.000 10.000 Vertical Stress (TSF) ASTM D2435-96 Test name Con 95% ~r Date of Test: 01-29-08 Ei~M~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag I ` Jobfile: E:\NCCAR.JOB Borehole: T-5 Operator: Checked Approved: 1 1 1 1 Y i 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 i Oedometer Settlement Tests 4.800 4.200 3.600 3.000 a m a N ~_ U O .~ ~ 2.400 ~o w 0 U 1.800 0.100 1.000 10.000 Vertical Stress (TSF) ASTM D2435-96 Test name Con 95% I ' ^~ Date of Test: 01-29-08 ~I~~i~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag ~uuuu~~'^^^^ Jobfile: E:\NCCAR.JOB Borehole: T-5 Operator: Checked.' Approved: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oedometer Settlement Tests Stress Initial Settlement Cal Corr. Final Voids tan Secondary c~ m~ (TSF) Temp. oC Total (in) (in) Temp. oC Ratio et (mins) Compr CSeC (ft2/day) (ft2/ton) 0.050 20.0 0.0008 0.0 20.0 0.8813 1.138 0.00 1.858 0.016 0.250 20.0 0.0024 0.0 20.0 0.8783 0.532 0.00 3.967 0.008 0.050 20.0 0.0016 0.0 20.0 0.8798 0.004 0.250 20.0 0.0025 0.0 20.0 0.8781 0.681 0.00 3.093 0.005 ~ 0.500 20.0 Q0042 0.0 20.0 D.8749 0.552 0.00 3.808 0.007 1.000 20.0 0.0070 D.0 20.0 0.8696 0.552 0.00 3.791 0.006 2.000 20.0 0.0114 0.0 20.0 0.8613 0.561 0.00 3.700 0.004 ASTM D2435-96 Test name Con 95% Date of Test: 01-29-08 ~~~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag Jobfile: E:\NCCAR.JOB Borehole: T-5 Operator. Checked: Approved: Page 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 pH to Estimate the Soil-Lime Proportion :__ - S~E ASTM D-6276 - 99a 'Project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/30/2007 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/27 - 11/30/07 Client Name: 'Client Address: Boring #: T-10 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/9/2007 'Location: Site-Borehole Offset: NA Depth (ft): 1 - 5 ft. Sample Description: Red Clayey SILT (MH) Liquid Limit: 71 Plastic Limit: 36 PI: 35 Percent Passing #200: 93.0 I SOIL-LIME PROPORTION Point Percent Lime 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 5.60 11.38 12.42 12.41 12.41 12.44 12.41 ,.15.0 _ _ _ ._i_ ..- _-- ~ - 14.0 -- -- - ---- - - - .. ~ __- 13.0 _ _ __ , - .'12.0 - -- -__ - - - a I - I -- - - --::1.-. -~ _ . _ '.11.0 -- _ __ ~ - - 10.0 _._ ~ - o. - -- 9.0 - ___ _- - - __ -- - -- 8.0 - - ~ _ -_ -- ~ __.. 7.0 ~ - --- -- --- - __ 6.0 - i. - - -- - 5.0 - - i -- -- -- - - i -- - 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 G,0 Percent Lime 2eferences: ASTM D 2487: Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil C ASTD D1193 Specification for Reagent Water ASTM D 421: Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and Determination ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 1293: Test Methods for pH of Water ASTM D 2488: Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedure) ,Technical Responsibility: S&ME, Inc. Mal Krajan Laboratory Manager ao:«~o„ Signnrure 3109 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-10 pH Soil-Lime Proportion Laboratory Report Version 41 Moisture -Density Report S&ME Project #: 1051-07-460 Project Name: NCCAR Client Name: Client Address: Report Date: December 4, 2007 Test Date(s): 12/3 - 12/4/07 Boring #: T-10 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: November 9, 2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.0' - 5.0' Sample Description: Red Clayey SILT (MH) with 3% Lime Treated Maximum Dry Density 92.7 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 27.0 ASTM D 698 Method A Moisture-Density Relations of Soil and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures 110.0 2.719 0 105. 0 0 . 10 ~. w - - U 5 0 - P ., .~ . 9 Q 90 0 ?, . - Q - 0 85. + 80 0 . , 75.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 Moisture Content (%) Moisture- ayed: Corrected Soil Properties Natural Moisture 32.5% Content: Liquid Limit: 71 Plastic Limit: 36 Plastic Index: 35 Specific Gravity: 2.719 Passing #4 100.0 Oversize Fraction Bulk Sp. Gravity Moisture Oversize Fraction MDD Opt. MC :tion (ASTM D 4718) ^ Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve ~ 3/8 inch Sieve ^ 3/4 inch Sieve ^ Mechanical Hammer ^ Manual Hammer ~ Moist Preparation O Dry Preparation ^ References: ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limi[, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTM D 2487: Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laboratory Manatrer Signnmrc Pasidon S&ME,1NC. 3201 Sprint Forest Road, Raleibh, NC. 27616 T-] 0 (1.0' - 5.0') Proctor with 3"/~ Lime Treated 'age 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 CBR (Cal;<forn><a Bearing Rat><o) of Laboratory Compacted Soil _._ S~E ASTM D 1883 'project #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 12/8/07 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 12/3 - 12/8/07 ..Bent Name: ~lient Address: #: T-10 #: B e Date: 11/09/2007 '; ocation: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 1.0' - 5.0' sample Description: Red Clayey SILT (MH) with 3% Lime Treated ' ASTM D 698 Method A Maximum Dry Density (PCF): 92.7 Optimum Moisture Content: 27.0% Compaction Test performed on the Fine Fraction only % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% Uncorrected CBR Values Corrected CBR Values CBR at 0.1 in. 30.8 CBR at 0.2 in. .11.6 CBR at 0.1 in 30.9 CBR at 0.2 in. 11.6 400.0 380.0 360.0- 340.0 - - 320.0 Corrected Value at .1" 300 0 . . 280.0 260.0 r-. ~-+ 240.0- Q+ 220.0' 200.0 rn ` ~ 180.0 - - w ~ 160.0 - Corrected value at .2" 140.0 120.0 1.00.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 - 20.0 - ~ I 0.0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 [Strain (inches ) ~BR Sample Preparation: Performed on the fine fi-action Grading was in accordance with the above method and compacted using the 6" diameter CBR mold. Before Soaking After Soaking Compactive Effort (Blows per Layer) 55 Final Dry Density (PCF) 89.4 Initial Dry Density (PCF) 90.9 Average Final Moisture Content 28.3% Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen 26.7% Moisture Content (top 1" after soaking) 29.9% Percent Compaction 98.0% Percent Swell 0.3% Soak Time: 96 Surcharge Weight 10.0 Surcharge Wt. per sq. Ft. 50.9 Liquid Limit 71 Plastic Index 35 Apparent Relative Density 2.719 teferences: ASTM D 1883: CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory-Compacted Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ^ STM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass Technical Responsibility: ' S&ME, Inc. Mal Krajan Laboratory Manager Position Signrtturc 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 276T610 (l.0' - 5.0') CBR with 3'% Lime Treated Total Stress Triaxial Compression Unconfined Compression Sample details Depth 1 - 5 ft. ' Sketch showing specimen Description: Red Clayey SILT (MH) w/3% Lime Treated location in original Sample Type Remolded Height Ho (in) 5.811 i Diameter Do (in) 2.88 ~ Weight Wo (gr) 1142.6 Bulk Density p (PCF) 114.98 i Particle Density ps 2.719 ~ (measured) Initial Conditions i Cell Pressure a3 (Ibf/in2) 0.0 Machine Speed d~(in/min) 0.058 No. of Membranes 0 i Total Thickness (in) 0 Strain Channel 1798 Load Channel 1776 Moisture Content wo% 27.0 Dry Density pd~ (PCF) 90.53 Voids Ratio ep 0.87 Deg of Saturation So% 84.02 -- -- --- -- __---- ---- ---------- -- --- --------- ----- I ' Final Condition ' Failure Sketch Max Deviator Stress (Ibf/in2) 49.6 Sp 1 Membrane Correction amb (Ibf/in2) 0.0 Corr Stress (6t - a3)c (Ibf/in2) 49.6 Strain at Failure Ef% 1.4197 Shear Strength c~ (Ibflin2) 24.8 Moisture Content wf% 27.0 Dry Density pol (PCF) 90.55 I Voids Ratio et 0.87 Deg of Saturation SI% 83.98 ~ Notes: Test specimen compacted to 98% at opt. moisture (ASTM D698 ) ' Surface Inclination ~ I I I -- I ~ ----- -------~ I I -- ---------- -- Test Method :ASTM D2166-98a Test name T-10 Unconfined Compression ~ Date of Test: 12-03-07 ~~~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag Jobfile: S:\CONSTRUCIENGLISH105107460. Borehole: T-10 --- - i_ ..------...--------- ` - - Operator: -------------- ------- Checked: ~ proved: -----_I ---- Total Stress Triaxial Compression Unconfined Compression 20.0 10.0 t v, o.o o.o 50.0 40.0 N ~ 30.0 0 0 N ~ 20.0 O (9 .~ N (] 10.0 - i ~ ~,. ~ ~ ~~ i 0.0 0.0000 0.6000 1.2000 1.8000 2.4000 3.0000 Strain E% ~ Test Method : ASTM D2166-98a Test name T-10 Unconfined Compression Date of Test: 12-03-07 ~~~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sampie: Bag ~ Jobfile: S:\CONSTRUC\ENGLlSH\05107460. Borehole: T-10 Operator: Checked: Approved: 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Total Stress (Ibf/in2) Page 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 pH to Estimate the Soil-Lime Proportion : ~ S~E ASTM D-6276 - 99a Project #• 1051-07-460 Report Date: 11/30/2007 Project Name• NCCAR Test Date(s): 11/27 - 11/30/07 .Bent Name: Bent Address: Boring #• T-13 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/9/2007 ocation: Site-Borehole Offset: NA Depth (ft): 5 - 10 ft. ample Description: Orange-Brown Silty CLAY (CH) Liquid Limit: 63 Plastic Limit: 28 PI: 35 Percent Passing #200: 96.0 SOIL-LIME PROPORTION oint 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 ercent Lime 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 g 5.41 11.10 12.07 12.37 12.39 12.38 12.37 ls.o la.o , - 13.0 12 0 - - . : - - .11.0 - 10.0 ~ 9.0 - 8.0 - - - -- -_ - 7.0 - - _ - -- --- -- 5.0 4.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 Percent Lime References: ASTM D 2487: Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil C ASTM D 421: Dry Preparation of Soil Samples for Particle-Size Analysis and Determination ASTD Dl 193 Specification for Reagent Water ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ~STM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 1293: Test Methods for pH of Water ASTM D 2488: Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manua] Procedure) Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Signnturc Laboratory Manager Position S&ME inc. 9 3]09 Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 27616 T-l3 pH Soil-Lime Proportion 1 1 1 1 1 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 S&ME Project #: Project Name: Client Name: Client Address: Moisture -Density Report 1051-07-460 NCCAR ~~ Report Date: December 3, 2007 Test Date(s): 11/30 - 12/3/07 Boring #: T-13 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: November 9; 2007 Location: Site Borehole Offset: N/A Depth (ft): 5 - 10 ft. Sample Description: Orange-Brown Silty CLAY (CH) with 3% Lime Treated Maximum Dry Density 95.4 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 25.6 A CTM T1 6QR MPthnri A M oi stur e-D en sity R elat ion s o f So il and So il-A gg reg ate Mi xtu res Soil Properties ~ Natural Moisture 8% 115.0 27 Content: - - - - --- _ -- 2.74 3 - - id i i 63 L m t: Liqu 110.0 , - - - -- --- Plastic Limit: 28 - - -- -- - - Plastic Index: 35 105.0 - - Specific Gravity: 2.745 -- - - - % Passin v ~ g a, t00.o ---I '--1 _-_ _ .. _ I ___ #4 100.0 - --- - - ~ - -- -- -- °J ~, 95.0 ' - - --- -- - - Gl - ~ 90.0 - - ~ - -- - - ' 85.0 _ _ _ __-_ _ Oversize Fraction - -- Gravit Bulk S -- - y p. - - ~ % Moisture 80.0 10.0 15 .0 20 Mo .0 ist ure Co nte 25.0 nt (%) 30 .0 3 5.0 Oversize Fraction MDD O t MC p . Moisture-Density Curve lllsplayed: rme rractlon u t_,orreciea ror veer stzc r, acuu„ i~-.~ ~ ,~~ ,~ -~ ~ , ~~ L, Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve ^D 3/8 inch Sieve ^ 3/4 inch Sieve ^ Mechanical Hammer ^ Manual Hammer ~ Moist Preparation ^D Dry Preparation ^ References: ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 22] 6: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM D 854: Specific Gravity of Soils ASTM D 4318: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTM D 2487: Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laboratory Manager s~gru,e~„~ Poslenn S&ME,INC. 3201 Spring Forest Road, Raieigh, NC. 27618'-l3 (5.0' - 10.0') Proctor with 3'% Lime Treated age 1 Laboratory Report Version 4.2 _- CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory Compacted Soil _; ~ S~ "' ASTM D 1883 ~'roject #: 1051-07-460 Report Date: 12/8/07 Project Name: NCCAR Test Date(s): 12/3 - 12/8/07 "lient Name: ~lient Address: Boring #~ T-13 Sample #: Bag Sample Date: 11/09/2007 ~. _ __~___. ~:~, ~,,,-o~,„to nff~Pt• N/A De,Jth (ftl: 5.0' - 10.0' Uncorrected -CBR Values Corrected CBR Values CBR at 0.1 in. 36.4 CBR at 0.2 in. :23..5 CBR at O.i in. 36.6 CBR at 0.2 in. 23.5 400.0 C t d V l t 1" orr a ec e ue a . -, 360.0 - Corrected value at 2" . 0 320 . 280 0 - . - ~.+ 240.0 - P , 200.0 w ~ 160.0 - ------ 120.0 - 80 0 . 40.0 0.0 0.00 0.10 Stra in (inc hes ) 0.20 0.30 ~BR Sample Preparation: Performed on the fine fraction Grading was in accordance with the above method and compacted using the 6" diameter CBR mold. Before Soaking After Soaking Compactive Effort (Blows per Layer) 55 Final Dry Density (PCF) 92.8 Initial Dry Density (PCF) 93.7 Average Final Moisture Content 26.8% Moisture Content of the Compacted Specimen 25.8% Moisture Content (top 1" after soaking) 28.2% Percent Compaction 98.2% Percent Swell 0.1 Soak IYme: yb ~urcnarge we,gn>: lu.u Jtu~itatg~ ~~L.y~~ JLl.1'L. JV.7 Liquid Limit 63 Plastic Index 35 Apparent Relative Density 2.745 2eferences: ASTM D 1883: CBR (California Bearing Ratio) of Laboratory-Compacted Soils ASTM D 43 ] 8: Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, & Plastic Index of Soils ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort ASTM D 422: Particle Size Analysis of Soils ~~STM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass Technical Responsibility: Mal Krajan Laboratory Manager Signnture Pasirior, S&ME, Inc. 320] Spring Forest Road, Raleigh, NC. 2'7S~ (5.0' - 10.0') CBR with 3'%. Lime Treated ASTM D 698 Method A Maximum Dry Density (PCF): 95.4 Optimum Mo>sture Content: LJ.b% _ T_-. -....1'........,,,1 .... •he v:.,e R..,,-r..,,, ,.,,t., % Retained on the 3/4" sieve: 0.0% Total Stress Triaxial Compression ~~, lJnconfined Compression Sample details r- Sketch showing specimen location in original Sample Depth 5 - 10 ft. Description: Orange-Brown Silty CLAY (CH) with 3% Lime Treated Type Remolded Height Ho (in) 5.802 Diameter Dp (in) 2.882 Weight Wo (gr) 1166 I Bulk Density p (PCF) 117.36 Particle Density ps 2.745 (measured) Initial Conditions Cell Pressure 63 (Ibf/in2) 0.0 Machine Speed dr(in/min) 0.058 No. of Membranes A Total Thickness (in) 0 Strain Channel 1798 Load Channel 1776 Moisture Content wo% 26.0 Dry Density pdo (PCF) 93.17 Voids Ratio eo 0.84 i Deg of Saturation So% 84.99 Final Condition Failure Sketch Max Deviator Stress (Ibf/in2) 50.1 Sp 1 i Membrane Correction amb (Ibflin2) 0.0 Corr Stress (6~ - 63)~ (Ibf/in2) 50.1 ~ Strain at Failure gt% 1.2634 Shear Strength c~ (Ibflin2) 25:1 Moisture Content wf% 26.2 Dry Density pdf (PCF) 92.98 Voids Ratio et 0.84 Deg of Saturation St% 85.46 Notes: Test specimen compacted to 98% at opt. moisture (ASTM D698) Surface Inclination I Test Method :ASTM D2166-98a Test name T-13 Unconfined Compression 1 ~~E Date of Test: _ 12-03-07 Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag Jobfile: _____ S:\CONSTRUC\ENGLISH105107460. Borehole: T-13 _ i ' -- Operator: Checked: Approved: ,I - '-- 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Stress Triaxial Compression Unconfined Compression i i c 24.0 ~ ~ j - ~~ / ..~. N N N / I ~ ~~\ ~ m 12.0 ~ •' ~ / 0.0 0.0 12.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 60.0 Total Stress (Ibf/in2) I I i ~ so.o i I I a8.o ~ ~ 36.0 I o 0 24.0 I in `o m .~ O 12.0 0.0 0.0000 0.6000 1.2000 1.8000 2.4000 3.0000 Strain £% ~ Test Method : ASTM D2166-98a Test name T-13 Unconfined Compression I Date of Test: 12-03-07 ~~ ~~~ Site Reference: NCCAR Sample: Bag Jobfile: S:ICONSTRUC\ENGLISH\05107460. Borehole: T-13 ____ Operator. Checked: Approved: - --' - ~ ~. - ~ --- ~~~ ,,. ~ i i i~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S:PROJECTS/2007/07-460/GEOTECHNICAL/CAOD/0/-46D Illi t tluninu ~u ^\ (~ Engine Combustion Lab /o ~ \ ~ ~~ ,. / Large \ ~`~ ~ /~ ~® Uehic% /J 1\\ Dynamics ` Area _ ~ ~- "~ \ I ~ ~ ~~'~, ~. _.J ~ \ ; Pow'. Fuel Cell ; ~vnndl ~ \ '- , Lab 'l._ ~-. ~ I Cl/en! I Garages 111 / T-1 Emissions T ~ Lab T-5 T-7 ~ p T 1 I_.___. dl T T-12 -B -9 B ~ Onvedfrell Ria'e & ~ /['1~~\ ~~g1SB AM'~ ~rg13 T-~10 .~~\1 ~ (I / ~= T-e1B (P/lase 1871 \ ~ ` , 1 .\ ,\ ~ J ~ (, T-17 ,\, I Phase 7 VDA 1 670'x 128' . (9,636 SVJ Phase 1 Ride & T Hand~i~~ourse 21~1d/les T_ I T-~2 P7 (47,708 SYJ T-28 0 ~ T- ~ ~ {Point ~~ I1 T 71® ~ r GO Lab ~ T `-"~ T 3 Phase 1 Rde d /Ia~ig COwse T 34 ®' z.SS Miles (59,dJ0 aY) p1 Even! ~ Coreisd ~~ Pan4ing PsM'ing tot _I I_ i ~ ~ -1 T (J _ ~T / / v ~ ,,/j~ ~ R-7 lr j Operatons .R~5~~ _.:~:~ . i B fngineedng O .:' Fuel ~ T- Bui/ding ` ~.~ ~ i O i Pond ~~~R_g I ... / . _ / i _ O T-39 ,' / ! H~ R-3 't`\ \ JI ~:= ~ / ,G-2'R-2 Qi3 j,,.,.. _ ,~. ~~ ~ ~, ~=`~ ,k' \\// Operations B Administiafion ` Bu~hg I ^•....." Pond '~ ~..% BORING LOCATION PLAN SCALE: 1" = 500' APPROVED BY'. JAB NCCAR ~~~ DATE: DECEMBER 2007 DRAwN Br: TRP NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ENCiNEER1NGTA 7E671NG 6s JOB NO. 1051-07-460 FIGURE T~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, ~~ ,\ ~~ j B DA GRADING PLAN ~=a00~ JAN. 2008 _~ Z S&ME PROJECT NUMBER DRAWNBY: ° 1051-07-460 NCCAR DRAMflNG NUMBER: CHECKED BV: NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FIG-18 JAB G NERA IZED SUB CE U ION 140 T-10 T- 6 T- 9 N T-13 T- 3 N T- 8 N g T-12 N T- 1 N T 2 N T- S N y T- 7 N N 10 20 T-11 N 15 T-15 N 7 T- 4 17 t7 19 12 N tt t9 N 130 - 19 it 15 N = 23 71 - 17 17 21 17 19 ~ 21 T-14 N g 20 it 22 g - 75 12 20 1 tg 17 t7 29 T-i6 17 N t9 15 11 22 72 27 20 15 70 17 25 2t .- 22 ~ 14 24 14 29 1B 18 i6 1 120 a - t2 HC _ 22 ~ Q 4 ~ HC. _ S. 22 ~7 19 2t _ ~ ]i ht-G '~,. to ,, 7 ~ I tt 9 HC ~ : t1 7 f is ~'i~ 14 HC MG I 1 to to HC 2B 4 I ~ is ,. ;.1 7 I ~ tfi ~~~- 5 HC ~ 9 '~ 29 HC 110 - 10. 17 22 i i 29 1] 19 ti 19 W I TopsoN ~ ~ (' Sary SarM Sandy Clsy Clayey Silt sury cwy I~ sanay sae Clayey Sand N ~ Standard Penelral ian iesl resistance value (blows per tool). The tlepicted slraligrap~y is shown far illustrative purposes only. The atNel subsudace condllions wNl very between boring IotaBons. SCALE. N T S. GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS FIGURE 3201 Spring Forest Road NO. CHECKED BY' JA8 ~ ~ Raleigh, NC 27616 NCCAR DnrE: lzwnom _ (919) 872-2660 ~~ TESTING ENGINEERING (919) 876-3958 fax Northam ton Coun4.~ North Carolina P `~ Jos NO t051-07-a6D • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES wwwsmeinc.com ' ~ER~ SU6~IIFIFACE ~TION~ Tapsod Sandy Clay Silty CWy Clayey SaM Clayey Silt S+ry Sand Sandy Sdt N = 9bndard Pene121bn Tesl resistanm value (blows per food. The depicted straligraphy is alrown ftt illustrative purposes only. Tire acNat subsudace conditions vnll vary between bodng Ixarrons. SCALE: N.T.S. ~~~ 3201 Spring Forest Road GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS FIGURE CHECKED BY'. JAB Raleigh, NC 27616 NO. (919) 872-2660 NCCAR 2 B oATE: tvanoo7 - (9191876-3958 fax JOB NO~ 1051-07-x60 ENGINEERING • TESTING www.smeinc.com Northampton County, North Carolina ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ,a0 130 120 110 in g 100 z 0 i= a -w J W 90 96 I 7( 81 Topsoa (i~: sary sand Sently Clay Sary Clay Clayey Sit sarMy Sill Clayey Sand N = standard Penetrat ion Test resistance value (Wows per foot(. The depictetl abatlgraphy Is shown for ilustrative purposes only. The actual aubsurtece condRions wit vary beMeen Coring brationi. SCALE: r 5 N GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE CONDI?IONS FIGURE . . 3201 Spring Forest Road NO. CHECHED BV: JAB ~~~ ^-:~ Raleigh, NC 27616 (919) 872-2660 p NCL'QR ^ DATE: 12/42007 (919) 876-3958 fax Northampton County, North Carolina L JOB No: 1051-07-460 ENGINEERING ~ TESTING ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES www.smeinc.com Topsoil ~ Sdty Sand Sily Clay / Slyhlly clayey Sana Sandy Clay Clayey Sand N = Standard Penetration Tesl resistance value (blows per fool). TTe depicted slra0graphy is shown for ipuslratNe purposes only. The actual subsurface canditlons wll vary Oetween boring locatlons. SCALE: N.T.S. GENERALIZED SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS FIGURE ~~~ 3201 Spring Forest Road NO. CHECKED BYE JAB Raleigh, NC 27616 NCCAR ///~~~ DATE: 11/42007 (919)872-2660 / D ENGINEERING • TESTING (919) 976-3958 fax Northampton County, North Carolina JOB NO' 1051-07-460 ENVIRONMENfAI SERVICES vywW.smeinc.com