HomeMy WebLinkAbout20072046 Ver 1_More Info Received_20080415LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP irrc. Environmental Consu/tanCs April 10, 2008 TO: Ms. Kim Garvey U. S. Army Corps of Engineers P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 D '1 ' ~~ (o o~ a ~~~ _ ~~ ~~;$ S.d~ M ~ ~..~: lJ ~pR, ,;rte., ~' ~~ a~~xs ~psA ~~t()RPI~`NP~c~? . . wE RE: Additional Information for the Nationwide Permit 29 Application Brunswick Forest Subdivision; Brunswick County, NC Action ID# SAW-2007-530 Dear Kim: Thank you for your letter dated December 20, 2007 in which you request additional information for the Nationwide Permit application submitted for the Brunswick Forest Subdivision project. Below is a response to each of your comments. 1. Please be aware that this Office tivill now require a Section 404 permit for the previously- exempted impacts to jurisdictional Waters of the U.S., including wetlands associated with the existing forest roads, unless you can provide documentation that the impacts occurred prior to 1977. (Section 4040(2), 33 CFR 323.4(c), 40 CFR 232.3(b), and Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL) 07-02). This is commonly referred to as the "recapture provision ". Please include these impacts with your request. A review of historic aerial photographs reveals that all forest roads were in place prior to 1977. Please see the enclosed maps. 2. The site plan you submitted does not depict all the waters and wetlands of the U.S. contained on the map your agent, Land Management Group, Inc. submitted to this office on November 14, 2007. a. In addition, we have not approved the map submitted on November 14, 2007. Ms. Jennifer Frye of this office conducted a site visit with Land Management Group, Inc. on April 20, 2006 and verbally approved their wetland delineation as an accurate depiction of the limits of Section 404; however, since that time, your agent has modif ed the approved delineation and submitted a request to this Off ce for re-verification. Without an accurate, approved depiction of the extent of waters and wetlands of the US on the parcel, your Pre-Construction Notification may not accurately depict the extent of impacts to aquatic resources regulated by this off ce, and cannot be processed.. As you noted, LMG submitted a revised wetland survey and supporting hydrology data to Ms. Jennifer Frye. Staff of LMG met with Ms. Frye on February 20, 2008 to review the revised areas in Phases 3 and 5. The revised site plan enclosed with this letter accurately depicts the approved wetland delineation for these phases. Please note that LMG is still obtaining additional hydrology www.lmgroup.net • info@Imgroup.net Phone: 910.452.0001 Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 • P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 data from other phases and will present this information to the Corps at a later date. 3. On October 3, 2005, Mr. Thomas Farrell, formerly of this office, requested via email (SAW- 2004-864), from Mr. Craig Tiirner of Land Management Group, Inc., information pertaining to the construction of three unauthorized road crossings through waters of the US within the proposed subdivision. To date, we have not received the requested information. a. Please provide as-built drawings of each of the existing road crossings through wetlands or Waters of the U.S. on the entire 4290 acre parcel. Enclosed are as-built drawings for each road that is crossing a jurisdictional area. b. Mr. Farrell 's notes indicate that the impacts approached 1/1 D of an acre, not 0.023 acres as the letter your agent, Land Management Group, Inc. submitted to this office on August 31, 2005. After reviewing as-built drawings of these crossings (enclosed), the total impact was 0.1 acre of Waters of the U.S. Even with this revision, cumulative impacts are within the threshold of a Nationwide Permit. 4. It appears based on the site plan you submitted that all impacts to waters and wetlands of the US have not been disclosed. Please revise your Pre-Construction Notification to include all impacts to regulated aquatic resources Spec~cally, it appears that Low Country Boulevard will have additional impacts to wetlands. All proposed impacts to jurisdictional areas have been disclosed on the site plan. There are two areas where Low Country Boulevazd crosses wetlands. However, the applicant has utilized bottomless culverts to avoid impacts at these locations. In addition, this road appears to touch wetlands in one other area. But no improvements (sidewalk or utilities) will be located on that side of the curbing, and the wetlands area is about 10' east of the back of curb at its closest point. Finally, there are two areas in Phase 5 where it appears wetlands come into the road right-of--way. Elevated sidewalks will be constructed to avoid these jurisdictional areas. Enclosed are maps of all of these areas. S. It appears based on your application that impacts to wetlands could be further avoided and minimized. Please explain why the following alternatives were not considered and/or why it may/may not be practicable (NWP General Condition 20 (a)). a. It does not appear that arty available on-site alternatives were evaluated, specifically bridging the road crossings. Explain and document why this may/may not be practicable, particularly for high quality aquatic resources. Bottomless culverts have been utilized at two crossings on site to avoid wetland impacts at these locations (as-built drawings enclosed). The applicant attempted to use these at other crossings to further avoid and/or minimize wetland impacts. However, the Town of Leland will ultimately be responsible for maintaining these roads. The Town's engineer determined that bottomless culverts could result in scouring of streambeds, which would undermine their structural stability. 2 Most of the road rights-of--way in Phases 3 and 5 are 80' wide. These roads are considered major arteries and will handle a large volume of traffic. The road through Phase 3 will shuttle cars to and from the club house. The applicant has agreed to utilize retaining walls at Crossings #2-4 to minimize stream impacts. Furthermore, they will elevate the proposed sidewalks at all wetland crossings, which will reduce proposed impacts. Finally, utilities located outside of the ROW (impacts 2 and 3) will be directionally bored. Total wetland impacts have been reduced to 0.235 acre of 404 wetlands. Please see the revised site plan. As noted above, 0.1 acre of Waters of the U. S. have already been impacted. Please note that stream impacts have increased because it has been determined that streams exist at Crossings #2-4. However, the width of most crossings has been reduced and overall wetland impacts have decreased since the previous submittal. b. The proposed road crossings appear to be larger than would normally be needed for this type of development. Please provide justification for the road widths for our evaluation or reduce the impacts. The majority of the road rights-of--way in Phases 3 and 5 aze 80' wide. These roads are considered major arteries and will handle a lazge volume of traffic. The road through Phase 3 will shuttle cars to and from the club house. The applicant has agreed to utilize retaining walls at crossings #2-4 and to elevate the proposed sidewalks in all wetland crossings, which will reduce proposed impacts. In addition, sewer lines that run outside of the road ROW will be directionally bored. Please see the revised site plan. c. It appears that the road crossing, noted as Wetland Impact #6 as depicted on your site plan, does not have a logical terminus and therefore does not have a purpose or need. Wetland Impact #6 will provide access to a future phase of residential development. Please see the revised site plan for this layout. 6. Please submit a detailed full--size site plan, which includes all of the phases that have been approved through the Town of Leland. It appears that you are not disclosing known portions of the Planned-Unit Development. The Town of Leland has approved Phases 1, 3, 5, and 6 of residential development as well as commercial development near Highway 17 (see attached). All wetland and stream impacts from these approved phases are depicted on the site plan that was submitted to the Corps. Please note that two bottomless culverts were installed in Phase 1 that completely avoided wetland impacts. 7. Please submit plan view and cross-section drawings of the proposed elevated walkways, referenced in your Pre-Construction Not cation, so that this office may determine if they will result in the discharge of fill in a water of the US and require DA authorization. Enclosed is a cross section of the proposed elevated sidewalk that will border the roads 3 8. Please provide aplan-view and cross section of each of the proposed crossings. Specific cross sections for each of the proposed crossings have not yet been formulated. However, most of the crossings have the same road dimensions and slope. Enclosed are two typical cross sections for the crossings; one 70' wide impact and one 54' wide impact. 9. Since on-site, in-kind compensatory mitigation is preferred as per Regulatory Cruidance Letter 02-02, please evaluate all on-site mitigation opportunities, including restoration, enhancement, creation and preservation. The applicant reviewed on-site mitigation opportunities and found two old roads that cross wetlands that could potentially be removed. However, these roads are currently needed to provide access for construction equipment as they develop other phases of the property. In order to satisfy on-site mitigation requirements, the applicants agree to preserve approximately 163.5 acres of wetlands on site (see enclosed map). In addition, a section of a ditch in the southern part of phase 3 will be plugged. This will restore approximately 1.27 acres and enhance 2.44 acres of wetlands. Please see the enclosed mitigation plan. 10. This office recommends preservation of all remaining waters and wetlands on-site to avoid secondary and cumulative impacts associated with the construction of this Planned-Unit Development. We have enclosed a copy of our preservation process and District-approved Model language for your consideration and use. Wetlands proposed for use in research as indicated in your application may not receive Preservation credit. The applicant agrees to preserve wetlands that will be located on lots within Phases 3 and 5 and within lots for all future phases of development. In addition, they agree to preserve approximately 163.5 acres of wetlands located in common areas (see enclosed figure and preservation language). However, the applicant plans to deed other sections of wetlands to third parties for research and preservation purposes. Although no wetland disturbance is planned, the applicant is unable to commit to preservation of these areas at this time. I1. Please identify the locations of arty utility lines not within road rights-of-way. The subdivision will have a 10' wide non-municipal easement that parallels the road right of way. This easement will contain cable, telephone, and electric lines. These utilities will be directionally bored under wetlands (see Impacts 2 & 3). Therefore, no wetland impacts will be needed for utilities. 12. This application will be processed as a Nationwide Permit 29 as it is the most appropriate permitting mechanism for this type of development. We agree that a Nationwide Permit 29 is appropriate. 4 I hope this response adequately addresses your concerns. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, ~_ J~~~..._-- .r*~ f~ Kim Williams Wetland Scientist Encl. C: Mr. Fleming Gibson, Funston Land and Timber, LLC Mr. Greg Wayne, Hanover Design Mr. Joe Taylor, Murchison, Taylor, and Gibson Mr. Chad Coburn, DWQ Mr. Ian McMillan, DWQ Ms. Molly Ellwood, WRC LNG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP Irrc. Environmental Consultants April 10, 2008 R nN']~ TO: Ms. Kim Garve L l's U. S. Army Corps of Engineers ~ ~; ~ R g 5 2008 P.O. Box 1890 Wilmington, NC 28402 , , "~~,,~ ~vA.~E~ tiu~,~~, v~E. ~ I_Aivu5 aN~r STORMWATER i}RANC.~ RE: Additional Information for the Nationwide Permit 29 Application Brunswick Forest Subdivision; Brunswick County, NC Action ID# SAW-2007-530 Dear Kim: Thank you for your letter dated December 20, 2007 in which you request additional information for the Nationwide Permit application submitted for the Brunswick Forest Subdivision project. Below is a response to each of your comments. 1. Please be aware that this Off ce will now require a Section 404 permit for the previously- exempted impacts to jurisdictional Waters of the U.S., including wetlands associated with the existing forest roads, unless you can provide documentation that the impacts occurred prior to 1977. (Section 4040(2), 33 CFR 323.4(c), 40 CFR 232.3(b), and Regulatory Guidance Letter (RGL) 07-02). This is commonly referred to as the "recapture provision ". Please include these impacts with your request. A review of historic aerial photographs reveals that all forest roads were in place prior to 1977. Please see the enclosed maps. 2. The site plan you submitted does not depict all the waters and wetlands of the U.S. contained on the map your agent, Land Management Group, Inc. submitted to this office on November 14, 2007. a. In addition, we have not approved the map submitted on November 14, 2007. Ms. Jennifer Frye of this office conducted a site visit with Land Management Group, Inc. on April 20, 2006 and verbally approved their wetland delineation as an accurate depiction of the limits of Section 404; however, since that time, your agent has modif ed the approved delineation and submitted a request to this Office for re-verification. Without an accurate, approved depiction of the extent of waters and wetlands of the US on the parcel, your Pre-Construction Notification may not accurately depict the extent of impacts to aquatic resources regulated by this off ce, and cannot be processed. As you noted, LMG submitted a revised wetland survey and supporting hydrology data to Ms. Jennifer Frye. Staff of LMG met with Ms. Frye on February 20, 2008 to review the revised areas in Phases 3 and 5. The revised site plan enclosed with this letter accurately depicts the approved wetland delineation for these phases. Please note that LMG is still obtaining additional hydrology www.lmgroup.net info@Imgroup.net • Phone: 910.452.0001 Fax: 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Ave., Suite 15, Wilmington, NC 28403 • P.O. Box 2522, Wilmington, NC 28402 data from other phases and will present this information to the Corps at a later date. 3. On October 3, 2005, Mr. Thomas Farrell, formerly of this off ce, requested via email (SAW- 2004-864), ,from Mr. Craig Turner of Land Management Group, Inc., information pertaining to the construction of three unauthorized road crossings through waters of the US within the proposed subdivision. To date, we have not received the requested information. a. Please provide as-built drawings of each of the existing road crossings through wetlands or Waters of the U. S. on the entire 4290 acre parcel. Enclosed are as-built drawings for each road that is crossing a jurisdictional area. b. Mr. Farrell 's notes indicate that the impacts approached 1/10 of an acre, not 0.023 acres as the letter your agent, Land Management Group, Inc. submitted to this office on August 31, 2005. After reviewing as-built drawings of these crossings (enclosed), the total impact was 0.1 acre of Waters of the U. S. Even with this revision, cumulative impacts are within the threshold of a Nationwide Permit. 4. It appears based on the site plan you submitted that all impacts to waters and wetlands of the US have not been discdosecl Please revise your Pre-Construction Notification to include all impacts to regulated aquatic resources. Specifically, it appears that Low Country Boulevard will have additional impacts to wetlands. All proposed impacts to jurisdictional azeas have been disclosed on the site plan. There are two areas where .Low Country Boulevazd crosses wetlands. However, the applicant has utilized bottomless culverts to avoid impacts at these locations. In addition, this road appeazs to touch wetlands in one other azea. But no improvements (sidewalk or utilities) will be located on that side of the curbing, and the wetlands area is about 10' east of the back of curb at its closest point. Finally, there aze two areas in Phase 5 where it appeazs wetlands come into the road right-of--way. Elevated sidewalks will be constructed to avoid these jurisdictional areas. Enclosed are maps of all of these areas. S. It appears based on your application that impacts to wetlands could be further avoided and minimized. Please explain why the following alternatives were not considered and/or why it may/may not be practicable (1VWP General Condition 20 (a)). a. It does not appear that arty available on-site alternatives were evaluated, specif tally bridging the road crossings. Explain and document why this may/may not be practicable, particularly for high quality aquatic resources. Bottomless culverts have been utilized at two crossings on site to avoid wetland impacts at these locations (as-built drawings enclosed). The applicant attempted to use these at other crossings to further avoid and/or minimize wetland impacts. However, the Town of Leland will ultimately be responsible for maintaining these roads. The Town's engineer determined that bottomless culverts could result in scouring of streambeds, which would undermine their structural stability. 2 Most of the road rights-of--way in Phases 3 and 5 aze 80' wide. These roads are considered major arteries and will handle a large volume of traffic. The road through Phase 3 will shuttle cazs to and from the club house. The applicant has agreed to utilize retaining walls at Crossings #2-4 to minimize stream impacts. Furthermore, they will elevate the proposed sidewalks at all wetland crossings, which will reduce proposed impacts. Finally, utilities located outside of the ROW (impacts 2 and 3) will be directionally bored. Total wetland impacts have been reduced to 0.235 acre of 404 wetlands. Please see the revised site plan. As noted above, 0.1 acre of Waters of the U.S. have akeady been impacted. Please note that stream impacts have increased because it has been determined that streams exist at Crossings #2-4. However, the width of most crossings has been reduced and overall wetland impacts have decreased since the previous submittal. b. The proposed road crossings appear to be larger than would normally be needed for this type of development. Please provide justijication for the road widths for our evaluation or reduce the impacts. The majority of the road rights-of--way in Phases 3 and 5 are 80' wide. These roads are considered major arteries and will handle a large volume of traffic. The road through Phase 3 will shuttle cars to and from the club house. The applicant has agreed to utilize retaining walls at crossings #2-4 and to elevate the proposed sidewalks in all wetland crossings, which will reduce proposed impacts. In addition, sewer lines that run outside of the road ROW will be directionally bored. Please see the revised site plan. c. It appears that the road crossing, noted as Wetland Impact # 6 as depicted on your site plan, does not have a logical terminus and therefore does not have a purpose or need. Wetland Impact #6 will pravide access to a future phase of residential development. Please see the revised site plan for this layout. 6. Please submit a detailed full-size site plan, which includes adl of the phases that have been approved through the Town of Leland It appears that you are not disclosing known portions of the Planned-Unit Development. The Town of Leland has approved Phases 1, 3, 5, and 6 of residential development as well as commercial development near Highway 17 (see attached). All wetland and stream impacts from these approved phases aze depicted on the site plan that was submitted to the Corps. Please note that two bottomless culverts were installed in Phase 1 that completely avoided wetland impacts. 7. Please submit plan view and cross-section drawings of the proposed elevated walkways, referenced fn your Pre-Construction Not j~cation, so that this office may determine if they will result in the discharge of fill in a water of the US and require DA authorization. Enclosed is a cross section of the. proposed elevated sidewalk that will border the roads. 8. Please provide aplan-view and cross section of each of the proposed crossings. Specific cross sections for each of the proposed crossings have not yet been formulated. However, most of the crossings have the same road dimensions and slope. Enclosed are two typical cross sections for the crossings; one 70' wide impact and one 54' wide impact. 9. Since on-site, in-kind compensatory mitigation is preferred as per Regulatory Guidance Letter 02-02, please evaluate all on-site mitigation opportunities, including restoration, enhancement, creation and preservation. The applicant reviewed on-site mitigation opportunities and found two old roads that cross wetlands that could potentially be removed. However, these roads are currently needed to provide access for construction equipment as they develop other phases of the property. In order to satisfy on-site mitigation requirements, the applicants agree to preserve approximately 163.5 acres of wetlands on site (see enclosed map). In addition, a section of a ditch in the southern part of phase 3 will be plugged. This will restore approximately 1.27 acres and enhance 2.44 acres of wetlands. Please see the enclosed mitigation plan. 10. This office recommends preservation of all remaining waters and wetlands on-site to avoid secondary and cumulative impacts associated with the construction of this Planned-Unit Development. We have enclosed a copy of our preservation process and District-approved Model language for your consideration and use. Wetlands proposed for use in research as indicated in your application may not receive Preservation credit. The applicant agrees to preserve wetlands that will be located on lots within Phases 3 and 5 and within lots for all future phases of development. In addition, they ogee to preserve approximately 163.5 acres of wetlands located in common areas (see enclosed figure and preservation language). However, the applicant plans to deed other sections of wetlands to third parties for research and preservation purposes. Although no wetland disturbance is planned, the applicant is unable to commit to preservation of these areas at this time. 11. Please identify the locations of any utility lines not within road rights-of-way. The subdivision will have a 10' wide non-municipal easement that parallels the road right of way. This easement will contain cable, telephone, and electric lines. These utilities will be directionally bored under wetlands (see Impacts 2 & 3). Therefore, no wetland impacts will be needed for utilities. 12. This application will be processed as a Natiomvide Permit 29 as it is the most appropriate permitting mechanism for this type of development. We agree that a Nationwide Permit 29 is appropriate. 4 I hope this response adequately addresses your concerns. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, ,~ j t _ J" ~ ,_----_ Kim Williams Wetland Scientist Encl. C: Mr. Fleming Gibson, Funston Land and Timber, LLC Mr. Greg Wayne, Hanover Design Mr. Joe Taylor, Murchison, Taylor, and Gibson Mr. Chad Coburn, DWQ Mr. Ian McMillan, DWQ Ms. Molly Ellwood, WRC Office Use Only: Fonn Version March OS USAGE Action ID No. DWQ No. ~ 1 ~ a"D ~' ~o (If any particular item is not applicable to this project, please enter "Not Applicable" or "N/A".) I. Processing 1. Check all of the approval(s) requested for this project: ® Section 404 Permit ^ Riparian or Watershed Buffer Rules ^ Section 10 Permit ^ Isolated Wetland Permit from DWQ ® 401 Water Quality Certification ^ Express 401 Water Quality Certification 2. Nationwide, Regional or General Permit Number(s) Requested: NWP 29; GC 3404 3. If this notification is solely a courtesy copy because written approval for the 401 Certification is not required, check here: ^ 4. If payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is proposed for mitigation of impacts, attach the acceptance letter from NCEEP, complete section VIII, and check here: 5. If your project is located in any of North Carolina's twenty coastal counties (listed on page 4), and the project is within a North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Area of Environmental Concern (see the top of page 2 for further details), check here: '^ II. Applicant Information ~ ~ `_~ ~ ~ `-~ 1. Owner/Applicant Information Name: Funston Land and Timber LLC APP ~ 5 200$ Mailing Address: c/o Mr. Fleming Gibson ; FN~.wA;ERUUAU;r _ 1007 Evangeline Drive Wt ~ i_ANDS ANL ST4RMWATER BRANCH Leland NC 28451 Telephone Number:_ (910) 383-1425 Fax Number: (910) 383-1424 E-mail Address: 2. Agent/Consultant Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Authorization letter must be attached if the Agent has signatory authority for the owner/applicant.) Name: Kim Williams Company Affiliation: Land Mana;ement Group, Inc. Mailing Address: PO Box 2522 Wilmington NC 28402 Telephone Number: (910) 452-0001 Fax Number: (910) 452-0060 E-mail Address: kwilliams cr,lm~up.net III. Project Information Attach a vicinity map clearly showing the location of the property with respect to local landmarks such as towns, rivers, and roads. Also provide a detailed site plan showing property boundaries and development plans in relation to surrounding properties. Both the vicinity map Updated (I/1/?005 Page5of12 ' , s ~, ., ~; and site plan must include a scale and north arrow. The specific footprints of all buildings, impervious surfaces, or other facilities must be included. If possible, the maps and plans should include the appropriate USGS Topographic Quad Map and NRCS Soil Survey with the property boundaries outlined. Plan drawings, or other maps maybe included at the applicant's discretion, so long as the property is clearly defined. For administrative and distribution purposes, the USACE requires information to be submitted on sheets no larger than 11 by 17-inch format; however, DWQ may accept paperwork of any size. DWQ prefers full-size construction drawings rather than a sequential sheet version of the full-size plans. If full-size plans are reduced to a small scale such that the final version is illegible, the applicant will be informed that the project has been placed on hold until decipherable maps are provided. 1. Name of project: Brunswick Forest Subdivision; Phases 3 & 5 2. T.I.P. Project Number or State Project Number (NCDOT Only): 3. Property Identification Number (Tax PIN): 219500647946 4. Location County: Brunswick Nearest Town: Leland Subdivision name (include phase/lot number): Brunswick Forest; Phases 3 & 5 Directions to site (include road numbers/names, landmarks, etc.): From Wilmington, take 17 S into Brunswick County. Site is located directly off of 17S on left (see vicinity map). 5. Site coordinates (For linear projects, such as a road or utility line, attach a sheet that separately lists the coordinates for each crossing of a distinct waterbody.) Decimal Degrees (6 digits minimum): 34.1844 °N 78.0482 °W 6. Property size (acres): Total tract: 4290 ac Phase 3: 471.8 ac Phase 5: 198 ac 7. Name of nearest receiving body of water: Town Creek 8. River Basin: Cape Fear (Note -this must be one of North Carolina's seventeen designated major river basins. The River Basin map is available at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/maps/.) 9. Describe the existing conditions on the site and general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: Phases 1 and 2 have already been partially developed and contain residential homes. Other phases contain old dirt logging roads but are otherwise undeveloped. Adjacent land use is residential, commercial, or forested. 10. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Phase 3 of this residential subdivision will contain 193 single-family lots and a golf course. Phase 5 will contain 323 single-family lots. The subdivision will tie in to the existing sewer system via developer installed sewer lines. A stormwater plan and erosion control plan are being developed. Sediment and erosion shall be minimized with the use of silt fencing,_ Updated I I / I /2005 Page 6 of 12 11. Explain the purpose of the proposed work: Purpose of the proposed work is to provide access to uplands located throughout the subdivision. IV. Prior Project History If jurisdictional determinations and/or permits have been requested and/or obtained for this project (including all prior phases of the same subdivision) in the past, please explain. Include the USACE Action ID Number, DWQ Project Number, application date, and date permits and certifications were issued or withdrawn. Provide photocopies of previously issued permits, certifications or other useful information. Describe previously approved wetland, stream and buffer impacts, along with associated mitigation (where applicable). If this is a NCDOT project, list and describe permits issued for prior segments of the same T.I.P. project, along with construction schedules. There is a previously signed Notification of Jurisdictional Determination signed by Mr. Allen Davis of the US Army Corps of Engineers dated 9/10/2001 (IP Realty Corporation Brunswick Forest) This determination has expired and the delineation has been revised in areas. LMG recently submitted a revised wetland survey to Jennifer Frye. In 2005, the applicant notified the Corps of 1000 sf of Waters of the U.S. impact for two road crossings. These crossings have been constructed and it was determined that actual impacts were 4300 sf. In addition, two old culverts were replaced with bottomless culverts in 2006. Impacts were temporary and no permit was obtained. Finally, the applicant has received a CAMA Maior permit associated with a beach club in Oak Island. V. Future Project Plans Are any future permit requests anticipated for this project? If so, describe the anticipated work, and provide justification for the exclusion of this work from the current application. The applicant may have future wetland impacts in later phases of residential development, but land planning for these phases has not yet been completed. Any future wetland or stream impacts will be considered to be cumulative and will be applied for through the Corps and DWQ accordingly. VI. Proposed Impacts to Waters of the United States/Waters of the State It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to wetlands, open water, and stream channels associated with the project. Each impact must be listed separately in the tables below (e.g., culvert installation should be listed separately from riprap dissipater pads). Be sure to indicate if an impact is temporary. All proposed impacts, permanent and temporary, must be listed, and must be labeled and clearly identifiable on an accompanying site plan. All wetlands and waters, and all streams (intermittent and perennial) should be shown on a delineation map, whether or not impacts are proposed to these systems. Wetland and stream evaluation and delineation forms should be included as appropriate. Photographs may be included at the applicant's discretion. If this proposed impact is strictly for wetland or stream mitigation, list and describe the impact in Section VIII below. If additional space is needed for listing or description, please attach a separate sheet. 1. Provide a written description of the proposed impacts: The proposed road crossings will impact 0.235 ac of wetlands and 298 LF of stream. The applicant has already impacted 0.1 acre of Waters of the U.S. Updated 1I/1/2005 Page 7 of 12 2. Individually list wetland impacts. Types of impacts include, but are not limited to mechanized clearing, grading, fill, excavation, flooding, ditching/drainage, etc. For dams, car~arately list imnartc ~1nP to tenth ctntCture a11C1 fleOdln~. Located within Distance to Area of Wetland Impact Type of Wetland 100-year Nearest Impact Site Number Type of Impact (e.g., forested, marsh, Floodplain Stream (acres) (indicate on map) herbaceous, bog, etc.) (yes/no) (linear feet) 2 Fill/Culvert for Forested Wetland (Phase 3) No adjacent 0.018 Road Crossing 3 Fill/Culvert for Forested Wetland (Phase 3) No adjacent 0.037 Road Crossing 4 Fill/Culvert for Forested Wetland (Phase 3) No adjacent 0.098 Road Crossing 5 Fill/Culvert for Forested Wetland (Phase 5) No adjacent 0.039 Existing Road Crossing 6 Fill/Culvert for Forested Wetland (Phase 5) No 2000 0.043 Existin Road Crossin Total Wetland Impact (acres) 0.235 3. List the total acreage (estimated) of all existing wetlands on the property: 1200 acres 4. Individually list all intermittent and perennial stream impacts. Be sure to identify temporary impacts. Stream impacts include, but are not limited to placement of fill or culverts, dam construction, flooding, relocation, stabilization activities (e.g., cement walls, rip-rap, crib walls, gabions, etc.), excavation, ditching/straightening, etc. If stream relocation is proposed, plans and profiles showing the linear footprint for both the original and relocated streams mint he included- Tn calculate acreage. multiply length X width, then divide by 43,560. Stream Impact Perennial or Average Impact Area of Number Stream Name Type of Impact Intermittent? Stream Width Length Impact (indicate on map) Before Impact (linear feet) (acres) 1 Mallory Creek Fill/Culvert for Perennial 8' 105 0.019 Existing Road Crossing 2 ~ UT to Mallory Fill/Culvert for Intermittent 5' S4 0.006 Creek Road Crossing 3 UT to Mallory Fill/Culvert for Ephemeral 5' S4 0.006 Creek Road Crossing 4 UT to Mallory Fill/Culvert for perennial 5' S4 0.006 Creek Road Crossing 5 UT to Mallory Fill/Culvert for perennial S' 31 0.006 Creek Existing Road Crossing Total Strewn Impact (by length and acreage) 298 0.043 5. Individually list all open water impacts (including lakes, ponds, estuaries, sounds, Atlantic Ocean and any other water of the U.S.). Open water impacts include, but are not limited to fill excavatinn rlrerlainn flnndinu_ draina~e_ bulkheads. etc. Open Water Impact v Name of Waterbody Type of Waterbody Area of Site Number (if applicable) Type of Impact (lake, pond, estuary, sound, bay, Impact (indicate on map) ocean, etc.) (acres) N/A Updated I (/1/2005 Page 8 of 12 Total Open Water Impact (acres) N/A 6. List the cumulative impact to all Waters of the U.S. resulting from the project: Stream Impact (acres): 0.043 Wetland Impact (acres): 0.235 Open Water Impact (acres): N/A Total Impact to Waters of the U.S. (acres) 0.378 Total Stream Impact (linear feet): 298 7. Isolated Waters Do any isolated waters exist on the property? ^ Yes ®No Describe all impacts to isolated waters, and include the type of water (wetland or stream) and the size of the proposed impact (acres or linear feet). Please note that this section only applies to waters that have specifically been determined to be isolated by the USACE. 8. Pond Creation If construction of a pond is proposed, associated wetland and stream impacts should be included above in the wetland and stream impact sections. Also, the proposed pond should be described here and illustrated on any maps included with this application. Pond to be created in (check all that apply): ®uplands ^ stream ^ wetlands Describe the method of construction (e.g., dam/embankment, excavation, installation of draw-down valve or spillway, etc.): excavation of uplands Proposed use or purpose of pond (e.g., livestock watering, irrigation, aesthetic, trout pond, local stormwater requirement, etc.): Current land use in the vicinity of the pond: undeveloped Size of watershed draining to pond: Expected pond surface area: VII. Impact Justification (Avoidance and Minimization) Specifically describe measures taken to avoid the proposed impacts. It maybe useful to provide information related to site constraints such as topography, building ordinances, accessibility, and financial viability of the project. The applicant may attach drawings of alternative, lower-impact site layouts, and explain why these design options were not feasible. Also discuss how impacts were minimized once the desired site plan was developed. If applicable, discuss construction techniques to be followed during construction to reduce impacts. Wetland impacts were minimized to the maximum extent practicable. However, several wetland fingers extend the entire length of the property and some impact could not be avoided. The applicant will use retaining walls at some crossings to minimize impacts and some sidewalks will be elevated over wetlands to further reduce wetland impacts. Furthermore roads were designed in the footprint of existing roads where possible to reduce overall impacts. No wetland impact from lot fill is proposed. Please note that the applicant has reduced impacts from the original submittal. VIII. Mitigation DWQ - In accordance with 15A NCAC 2H .0500, mitigation maybe required by the NC Division of Water Quality for projects involving greater than or equal to one acre of impacts to Updated 1 I / 1 /2005 Page 9 of 12 freshwater wetlands or greater than or equal to 150 linear feet of total impacts to perennial streams. USACE - In accordance with the Final Notice of Issuance and Modification of Nationwide Permits, published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002, mitigation will be required when necessary to ensure that adverse effects to the aquatic environment are minimal. Factors including size and type of proposed impact and function and relative value of the impacted aquatic resource will be considered in determining acceptability of appropriate and practicable mitigation as proposed. Examples of mitigation that maybe appropriate and practicable include, but are not limited to: reducing the size of the project; establishing and maintaining wetland and/or upland vegetated buffers to protect open waters such as streams; and replacing losses of aquatic resource functions and values by creating, restoring, enhancing, or preserving similar functions and values, preferable in the same watershed. If mitigation is required for this project, a copy of the mitigation plan must be attached in order for USACE or DWQ to consider the application complete for processing. Any application lacking a required mitigation plan or NCEEP concurrence shall be placed on hold as incomplete. An applicant may also choose to review the current guidelines for stream restoration in DWQ's Draft Technical Guide for Stream Work in North Carolina, available at http://h2o. enr. state.nc.us/ncwetlands/strm <~ide.html. 1. Provide a brief description of the proposed mitigation plan. The description should provide as much information as possible, including, but not limited to: site location (attach directions and/or map, if offsite), affected stream and river basin, type and amount (acreage/linear feet) of mitigation proposed (restoration, enhancement, creation, or preservation), a plan view, preservation mechanism (e.g., deed restrictions, conservation easement, etc.), and a description of the current site conditions and proposed method of construction. Please attach a separate sheet if more space is needed. The applicant will restore 1.27 acres of non-riparian wetlands on site by filling a ditch located in the southern part of Phase 3. There are no stream restoration opportunities on site. Therefore the applicant will buy into the EEP for the restoration of 298 linear feet of stream. In addition the applicant proposes to preserve remaining wetlands located on individual lots within Phases 3 and 5. They are in the process of developing a draft wetlands preservation map and document. The applicant also agrees that wetlands located on individual lots in future phases will be preserved prior to being sold. Furthermore, approximately 163 acres of wetlands within the tract will be preserved using restrictive covenants (see map). Remaining wetlands on site cannot be preserved at this time for several reasons. They are either under hydrological study, are located in future phases of development where precise impact locations have not vet been determined, or are in areas that the applicant is planning to deed to third parties (NC State University and the NC Coastal Land Trust) for research/conservation purposes. 2. Mitigation may also be made by payment into the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP). Please note it is the applicant's responsibility to contact the NCEEP at (919) 715-0476 to determine availability, and written approval from the NCEEP indicating that they are will to accept payment for the mitigation must be attached to this form. For additional information regarding the application process for the NCEEP, check the NCEEP Updated 11/1/2005 Page 10 of 12 website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/wrp/index.htm. If use of the NCEEP is proposed, please check the appropriate box on page five and provide the following information: Amount of stream mitigation requested (linear feet): 298 Amount of buffer mitigation requested (square feet): Amount of Riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount ofNon-riparian wetland mitigation requested (acres): Amount of Coastal wetland mitigation requested (acres): IX. Environmental Documentation (required by DWQ) 1. Does the project involve an expenditure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the use of public (federal/state) land? Yes ^ No 2. If yes, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the National or North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? Note: If you are not sure whether a NEPA/SEPA document is required, call the SEPA coordinator at (919) 733-5083 to review current thresholds for environmental documentation. Yes ^ No ^ 3. If yes, has the document review been finalized by the State Clearinghouse? If so, please attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter. Yes ^ No ^ X. Proposed Impacts on Riparian and Watershed Buffers (required by DWQ) It is the applicant's (or agent's) responsibility to determine, delineate and map all impacts to required state and local buffers associated with the project. The applicant must also provide justification for these impacts in Section VII above. All proposed impacts must be listed herein, and must be clearly identifiable on the accompanying site plan. All buffers must be shown on a map, whether or not impacts are proposed to the buffers. Correspondence from the DWQ Regional Office may be included as appropriate. Photographs may also be included at the applicant's discretion. 1. Will the project impact protected riparian buffers identified within 15A NCAC 2B .0233 (Neuse), 15A NCAC 2B .0259 (Tar-Pamlico), 15A NCAC 02B .0243 (Catawba) 15A NCAC 2B .0250 (Randleman Rules and Water Supply Buffer Requirements), or other (please identify )? Yes ^ No 2. If "yes", identify the square feet and acreage of impact to each zone of the riparian buffers. If buffer mitigation is required calculate the required amount of mitigation by applying the buffer multipliers. Zone* Impact Multiplier Required (square feet) Mitigation 1 N/A 3 (2 for Catawba) 2 1.5 Total * Zone 1 extends out 30 feet perpendicular from the top of the near bank of channel; Zone 2 extends an additional 20 feet from the edge of Zone 1. Updated 11/1/2005 Page 11 of 12 3. If buffer mitigation is required, please discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (i.e., Donation of Property, Riparian Buffer Restoration /Enhancement, or Payment into the Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund). Please attach all appropriate information within 15A NCAC 2B .0242 or .0244, or .0260. N/A XI. Stormwater (required by DWQ) Describe impervious acreage (existing and proposed) versus total acreage on the site. Discuss Stormwater controls proposed in order to protect surface waters and wetlands downstream from the property. If percent impervious surface exceeds 20%, please provide calculations demonstrating total proposed impervious level. There are several dirt roads within Phases 3 and 5. Proposed impervious cover will include the roadways 516 homes and associated driveways. Phase 3 will have +/- 46 ac of impervious cover, or 10% of the phase. Phase 5 will have +/- 52 acres of impervious cover, or 26% of the phase. A Stormwater plan is bein dg eveloped by the project engineer. XII. Sewage Disposal (required by DWQ) Clearly detail the ultimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. The project will tie into existing sewer services provided by the Town of Leland. Sewer lines will be installed by the developer. XIII. Violations (required by DWQ) Is this site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500) or any Buffer Rules? Yes ^ No Is this an after-the-fact permit application? Yes ^ No XIV. Cumulative Impacts (required by DWQ) Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water quality? Yes ^ No If yes, please submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with the most recent North Carolina Division of Water Quality policy posted on our website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ncwetlands. If no, please provide a short narrative description: The project will not provide connections or utilities to other tracts. Remaining wetlands within Phases 3 and 5 will be preserved. Additional impacts may occur in future phases (road crossincs) and will be considered cumulative. However, these phases have not been planned and impacts cannot be assessed at this time. XV. Other Circumstances (Optional): It is the applicant's responsibility to submit the application sufficiently in advance of desired construction dates to allow processing time for these permits. However, an applicant may choose to list constraints associated with construction or sequencing that may impose limits on work schedules (e.g., draw-down schedules for lakes, dates associated with Endangered and Threatened Species, accessibility problems, or other issues outside of the applicant's control). N/A _~ , _. r'__~~ ~~~~_ ` Applicant/Agent's Signature Date (Agent's signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) as identified ~~ ~ R -~ Updated 11/1/2005 Page 12 of 12 1 H~ V1LL~C~~S' at Brunswick Forest PRELIMINARY PLAN LO(ATEDm>xe rDweostELavo sauvsN9cxcouA're MDxrxc~waxu DatE:,nm~EZmft scare r=raD' OWNER I DEYELOPER: FuneWn LAM & Tm6er, LLC 1018 E. Gnndifla9a Ddve Lela, NC 91083.1425 WEST VILLAGE _ -_ -~. - ---= o- c - _ _~` ~~-- = U.S. HWY. 17 LOT 7 '~ ,1111' II 1 ' Pr9 I1', lY i mLYUp m a nmv Nm'"w. s~ ~Mi a°w°°°rs.w ~w.. w.'x~o'm ra'ssuis ~m® io~'a m,v'~r..ws. :n~eiw'a Nm.~.t x u. nom. du rwa new w°mN o w w,. w sw r.,,n"~°+~"~+ d mus e..e eb..n .~w. PROPOSED DEYEIOPNENT RW9 PLWI r1910 Acrtt STREET NAME RAN BAUN$VNCRVILUGE BLVD. IMIN 751 lANV1LLE ROA- E%T. IMIN B71 Z '0 Z ~_ r 0 Q LEGEND e xa Reesr wxe .av. 19----- mssr s ~~r SR M•M[nM.w uv rPrw ~ 'ro' o' ro' 9W' • wr+an 119.0 v°' w LOT 4 a Q J LOT 5 12" GENERAL NpiE9.' MmMV~Nww iwN w'~ere +nEt00f $ s ~~~~~~~ol u.`d IW+TA 'r 6 ! 8 LOT~1 PREVIOUS Y APPROV>E '/ .~ ,' LOT 2 PREVIOUSLY APPf~OV~ ,'I~ ~ EbsuNa $aelrcal"A' For Dimereions e..7~., RDUNDABOUT(CROSSSECTIDN) °"`"~~°°'"°~°°" NOi T09GIE Inset "A" Scale 1"=40' r ~== woEx ro ORANINGS "i-X zEir ne. "~•^ " I I BRUNSWICK FORES I EAST VILLA LOT Proposed 8" WBer \ PROPOSED IPUBLIC RI~GH~ OF~~AY (MINIMU1d 75 :-0 404 N,'E7> ANDS ~ pp~ ~E D SOUTH VILLAGE m LOT 3 1 gRUNSW~Cv Co C ~ ~OR,FST BRUNSWICK FOR 20NFD PUD Phase g r_ mti PRELIMINARY PLAN NOi FOR RECARM1i0N OR fANVEYM'CE 6-1-DI Brunswick forest THE VILLAGE '"`'~' rc,n,Nn 0 osH _ru nc ro.axn HANOVER GESIGN SERVICES, P A w:.J-'.'..iC'~°..>::GS••~, ~ w~'"Nnc not c,.. ~ 4 ~c~~~e~a APR 1 5 2008 DENR-WAI"tRt~UAUTY dDS AND STORMWATER BRANCH Phase 5 RESiD~NTIAL1 _ ~~_ r ~ .^.~ ~"°5'~' ~ `~R:.~~ _,..%`~ . ..,,,,".,.-."~. a r..,n cw g ... l ~~ ... ~~ EP WW TAEEi SECTION LL OiXEA STAEET PRELIMINARYPLAN .~-~^'"" _ U . ~ 1 qq L00.11&7 W iNE TOWN OF LELANO n^^""'~~ --_ ~ J BRINSWlCX CGUNlY, NOi1TN CANOLFNA ~ ~.:. ~~ a.~ n.Rn.~.. . ~ ~ ~~`~ ~91.^°.4°~ DATE NOVEMBER YP07 _ ~-,, ~ ^ ® _ SCALE M1 AB' - S - ~ , ~~ y 256 N ~ _. ~,~t-T / ~., ~ ~ ~ ^ 6 " ~ -~-- - '> ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ LO ATION MAP OWNERIDEVELOPER: ~ - A L ~ z.y ~ Fuslon L]m16Timber, LLC ,~,~~1\/ - 1 '^d no rsrg . -a- ~- ~ .-, ,' 7a T- ~ '~ ~ ~, z67 p 259~e69 _~ H~ ~ -. t `"~.f~~rL~ ro¢w ~ t 1601E aline OHW /'~ ~ / \ \ 174.: 175 - ~ / 1, X651 2661 11°' 271 Lel6n6 NC 78{51 ~~ /' _.., ~~ .~:..,. ns ~ ~~6 976383.x78 A ~ .:.1P ~ ~..,. ~ u7 ~ ~ ~ 4? z63 " ~ 1 z7z ~ 4 ~~ _ .~ -, nl I __ 17e ~ ~n~ A ~~`c>~' -~ ~/~va ~ .:~~ cA ~ - 110 _ / ~ z 6 ;'~:4"~~ .~ z6z ~~% ~ ~ V i ..°~i ~'~FL\" AT. as wow ,a 111 \ I6a ~ ta5 ~. .lea ,.` `_. / f z9a ~~-~ ~~z 4 -/ _ ~.~ ~ ,_ ~ I -' ~~ ,... ~. ,~r.. ... w.,. 179 - I ~-~ I w. p53 ~, / \ ~ V'~W7 r I ~~ ~ k.E: ~ ~ 1ez / ~ ~~ ~ _, ~.1 .. ^ ~.df / \ n w-;;G- i~ q`y~ '` ~ ~ \ ~ rw ~aoda ~ 167 / r~ ~\ Z w~i 9c ~ ~ / dBl /~ .~ .:..~ ~ ~ ` 4 ~95 ~~ z sva,.x Q°io 1 ~ ~wrz. ui°a BI ~e6 r 7 z // ".87 C,A. 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C A. 9 1.09 Ac. c.a. la os6 a~. 6.A. 11 0.78 Ac. TOTAL COMMON AREA = 105 4J Ac. /-~~ -.,~~ -mow T~ ~1 6HELM6REWAY B7 PUBLIC 5798' $ANCY GROVE PEACE BV PUBLIC 1841' $IMMERNAN WAY 6P PUBlIC 7741' SILL fiLUFFIANE 6P PUBLIC 1]89 N. SLEE6'Y GAK LONE 6P PUBLIC 983' $. SLEEPY OANLANE 6P PUBLIC 36tl STARGMES WAY BP PUBLIC 1971' SkIGAWAY COVE 6P PUSlIC 594' ' 'I sAwrooTHOaKCOURr stlau6uc Tar ' SHORE PARK DRIVE fiP PUBLIC ' 1616' SPAL6ING DRIVE Btl PUBLIC 872' ' ~I1~` 1-9• 49,. ~ „a©~\~ 24.44 ACRES I~~_ r .. _ ~ ,~ ~s^- a ~ ~ ~ / z - li ~ 1.~/ ~ ~ ~ ~216~,~'=~°. I w9. 78, 77 ~ ~' ;~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~~ RUNSWICK FORE g ~ o ` o ~/ ` l 6 I /~ ~j- ~, +i 4r L .:.: ~ 9 1 ~ ~ ~ S~ti - ~ ~ EecEN- 0 1 ~ ~ o ~ 1 ,,.~"~ ~ 97 / Jm.. as ~., 1 ~ m -- _- ~ ~ I ~ W ' i~ ~R"~ as C.A. 7 / ( l! .:: ~r ~--„~, _ ~'" 1 a7 16 - bs I ,. ., z9 ~ C A 8 r? 1 1.56 Ac. ~96 ( ~^^~. l~ ~.»:.11 4443 ~ ~ I 31 39 ~V ~~. ~ '~/~ ~ \~8 ~6 AC '` `\ 66 \95 l/ 54 / ""/,. 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I ~ ~ Z ~'= / ~ ~"/_ J/~ `~."j~e~ r, ~lo I \ ~~ ~ I I_ I -- / - f 1.,11 Tl ~r o ~- "( y I " ~LLLSFa f 13 ~ IIl 1 w3.,"~.3 ~ ~ ~s 1. rJ~'ti,,~"~.,~ ~~.~~ ~4 L5 ~ 16 ~ v.. le ' j I~ ~ I 1-~ _ ~ 4 ~. ~ !f '^ ~~ ~,.~~~iP 21-~~ze~e3ya~.zsy' II~~ w," 1. l I .: ~ ~~ ." ~^ -^>~ 404 FLTLQx6i ARE4 f ", siTenou~ss 1768 RNERR6.8.E. // \ / r'',~ I I r`, ~ '" I U ~ ~ ti r' (' ~"N ~ °z O R Q ~~ ? o ~' Y 2 '~ ~ I ^ ~ ~ z WINNABOW, N.C TBg9 j - fI r r~ - LEA 1 ,,,x ~"".~: I I - _ 1oc' c' oo' 766' 1 ~ m .,+ ~ STGkMWAtEk FiNO s.~"~ 11 \.~ ^,r'° -- - "°7 ~ ~ n ~o 98 I 1~ I 701: 1~ '. ) 7UO I __ 104 I _ 105 ~ _ 1 NOTES: 1. ALL 91REEi9 70 BE PUBUC (BUILT TO iOwJ Of (FUND SiAN0ARO5 / N.C.D.O. r. PAVENENi ANO SUBCRAOE STANDMOB). 2. sTREEr uDnis WLL eE coNSTAUCTED. 3. SqL 7YPE9 ANE Fo, Io. Lo, Wo, Pn, AND Ly (ACCORDING TO BDILS MAPJ. 4. SIDEWALKS m BE PULED PCWIG ALL STREETS. 5 A f0 Fi. IN 4AD1H NON-MUNICIPAL UiIUTY EASEMENT i0 BE LOCATED ALONC ALL R/W's. 6, fOR REFERENCE SEE DEED BOOK 1B3J PACE 190 M.B 14 vAGES 27J iNRU 240. J. THIS PUN IS PFEUMINARY, NOi INTENDED FOR SALES RECORDATION, OR CONVEYANCE. 8. A(lecled Non-Mun opal UEI Ues shal be cm1«ted and prow dea w,N plans and auMr pertinent m+amwu«, when raaame, co eo«anate app,oprwle. scAeduf g and placement. AI Ue minimum this MauW Mclude BellSouth Nac, apa fret. 9. Adaee <alason by Nmpsier am pavan n«ler. ]0. Honacap Ramps proWded at oY inters«tima 11, Slle x111 meet all aonltg reaviremenls, 12. w sta. ana Federal Permits ,hall be pbeolmd aarmy Ana aeai9n stage ~~ rya ~,, ,~ _- - -;; ~-~. 26t 139 140 143 ~-~ - iqi 142 1sT iB7 ` ~ 738 166 i 735 ~ P59 -.. ~ 162/ 165 % t34 736 137 1~ 164. 1?3 _.__ r~ ~_ III ~ 130 / / DJ \ _ _ i-J \ 129 ~ ~ ! u TOW ~ 1 ~ -,-__-~- I C \ _ `~ ~ 147 14fi OUNTRy I 728 / ~ 145 sOUIEV f 4RD C4 ~T ~ ~~~ 1 127 ~ ~ 149 144 '- ; ~' ~ ] 43 142 141 140 139 ~ ~ 126 ~ rv ~ LSD ~. 138 i I 1 0 737 i 12S 151 ~rC 8~ ~ ~~~~ 136 f SITE DATA TOTAL AREA = 146.14 ACRES fAONi SETBACK - 13 fi. SIDE SETBACK = 7.5 FT (IS Fr. BE7wEEN STRUCILRES) SIDE SETBACK (LOANER LOTS) = I2 Fi. REAR SETBACK = l.5 FT. 20NED PUO Loi DIMExOaus = (aD X 1sD' inlay PRGPOSI:o uwis: 91NC4F iAMILY (PA 710 HOMES) 182 LOTS OENSItt CALCUTAilONS (PA710 HOMES): 18 Oi / 11914 ACRE6 = f.25 UNlTB / AGtE Sewer Information'. Sinyyla Family Lots (182 Units X 360 gpdJ ^ 65,520 C?D TOTAL= 65,520 CPO 175 ns 181 777 790 178 779 C6 OPEN SPACE AREA A IB98 ALRES AREA B 1./B ACRE6 PREA C 1210 ACRES AREA D 1.39 ACRES AREA E rDZ AcltEs MEA F J0.00 ACAES AREA G 0,15 ALRES Torsi 65.11 ACRES DPEN SPACE 511E ADDRESS 13fi9 AI4EA RD. S.E WINNABOW, N.C. 281]9 OWNER /DEVELOPER NNSiON LAND AND Au BER P.o. eox too NINNABOW, N.C. 28179 STREET NAME R/W LEGEND LEESBURG DRIVE 80' ANNSDALE DRIVE lN) 80' ANNSDALE DRIVE ISl 80' BELSHAW DRIVE 80' BENDEMERE DRIVE 80' BRANDLEWOOD DRIVE 80' VICKERY COVE 80' BELLERBY COVE 60' ! PROPOSm STOP SIGN I!I W~ETLAND~S 1~..~ ~-~ ea ~~ '_ 1 ' I I I ~I r, w. 1 F - 1e0 _ LEESBURGDR _ TYPICAL P ATIO HOME NOT TO SCALE AVERAGE LOT SIZE • 12.000 S.F, 'BOTTOMLESS CULVERT NorroscAlE TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION ,v a~` waBRS of THE Ds. TYPICAL LAYOUT EXACT SIZE AND LOCAION TO BE DETERMINED ~~ AT TIME OF FINAL PLANS (8C =BOTTOMLESS CULVERT) NNRZODNED POT L7 ~C8 !l ~ VILLAGE A2++ ~r~~) p,~~ ~ ~ ^^,~i~ JUAI IUfV MAY INOT TO SCAIE) cpotl~ a4a« A j i' 3 ap W w~ a 5= ai, N~ ~WWni~ 2 hti~n V] W ~~°w A °;~y£T h~'~ ~~ 4 Q ~ ~g ~Lw ,~}}a 135 ` ~1~~ P1~ ~ / ~' - 134 T33 12.2J AcREs ~ F t / 152 132 NNFE OEVt10PMEN / ~' la4 /~ ro ~~`~~`~ ~ Teo lz1 122 723 _ (so, R ( n E ti .. ~ c ~ I +8~ 124 /W) (9e TowNrauES PAOPOS6o) / ~ ~h ~ ,[i4`t ~~r 153 ~,' ~ 119 i25 w fe wAA wr A<n) t ~~~~~ ` N05 ~ '( / ~~ 118 _ 12fi 127 ~- ~ ~ ~ (aeEn x0T INCwoEO As ~ r / ~ T 28 ~ x' ~ O PRAT DF THIS snE SPECIf10 vuN)^ /~ p . t~So `v ~,~ W~~ ~'~ g~ /~ 1sa 117 ; ~ 1z9 13D 131 7o p rcw (sD' R/W) r°o:~y ~ 2 l ~~ °PE"a a uraA sas" A 1 gs r 716 ~ . ~ B~FFE ~ (~ ~° z~ ~ PARK ~ ~ esrw~RE_wvE ~ p_ m. ror~ / i `~ 156 I 115 ( ~ ~- WEU wICE MUD ~° ~ ~' ~ if ~ ~, t57 ( 12.10 Acre a' ~ _~ VILLA *E TPp '~ oiy~ 114 ~ \~ A3 1 189 19 1B8 191 187 18 ~~ r~~ hoe of a `Y 1841183 / I OPEN 9PAGE 0 \ \Y ~, ~ ( 1,38 ACAES 15.5/ ACA6 ~ , 158 ( . (N7VAE OMIOPMEM) A \ _ . t 13 ~ ~ (124 (rowyHOU~r w~) ~) ~ ~ 1~ ~ f 181 159 It 1 112 0.1 ~r 7 ~--- ~ (+RU NOT McmDEO u ~~~ VILLAGE A1Ww VILLAGE PRAT DF TXS snE sFEOnD PIAN(•• ~~ ~( (rurwE O6vaopurrn) ~ ~ A4Rw s 1B0 ~ ,~ 160 (I 111 rl 26.09 ACRES 000 \\ 1E31 ACAES `` stn r \ ~` 179 m) (2CB iOWNHOMES PROPOSED) E`W / NNRE OEvflOPMENi) \~OeS rs . `e'o h I s 1 ~ t t o a ( lfi umN p. Aue) B~NEI • , ( o, p. 9 ( RIW~ (128 TO'AMHOME6 PROP09E0) / \ ~ 178 ~' A (AREA NOi WClU0E0 AS ~6D (8 Unih pr Acn) '~9 P _ _ _ - - / ' j 762 1 1 109 y 1 PARL OF 1H5 SITE SPECIFlC PLW)° ~ (ARFA NOi INCLU~D A9 \ \O J _ - J ,p3~S 177 I ( PART of TH1s SRE sPEC1NC PUN)•• 'f2 ~ R AREA 1 _____ 'le ~ 60' BUEfE '~ 176 163 I 108 1 ~ \ , _ _ _ _ _ _ F050R~ENt 1° ~, PORES (' 164 1 RES ~ _ _ l` 0 OOP a ~ \ . 175 107 I BOTTOMLESS CULVERT^ aP~ ~0?0' ~ - _ 50' BUGFEg AREA `_ - --"~ ~ / ~7 c t a9 _ (60' R/N~_ 182 ' J 5 174 165 106 ~ - ' 84 83 66 ~EBB9RG{l 87 79 r ~'1 ~. 186 85 82 BO ~ y 6 P L__ ______________,- ~ 88 87 II __ - 78 77 78 75 70 69 `,1 '~ ~ ~P~~t v 173 166 0 1D5 5d BUFFER AREA 93 92 91 BO ~ j _ -_~ _~__ _ - 74 73 72_ 7~/f~~0~JJ410PCFL4,g I ~W~1 ((11 7 172 _ I/~ ~ . • 171 \~ A ~ m i ~ 1104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 gg 95 94 ~ ~ 39 40 4l 42 q3 44 _ _`'-- " u~ ~ I 06,~(9YQ~O ~,, 8 170169 168 ~ 167 193 _ ~ 95 46 - - _ S4 %:,~ - I d~`'N'~ ~~/~ 9 ~ ~ _ _ __ _ - . __ '' ' - _ 37 28 ~ 97 49 49 50 51 52 53 I )1 _ ~AC~1~ I ~~ Fa ~' ~ n„ 10 11 \12 113 14 IS FUNREDEVELOPMENT ,J~.~/ Town Homes 70.20 Acles FUTURE DEVELOPMENT y Patio Homes 3.30 AFres G.~r o~' QENERAL NOTES 7. Tbie map .s rrol !ar cmreAVna, r««mlaa a 'pie:, z. Tnia propety 1W Wat I«amb wiu,m a ap«ia Good Aarwtl area according to Ff«tl msurmce Fate Map Community PoWN dJ70295-D1.70C, a!lectivo oats May 15, 1986. J. This property is zuneE Town of Leand PUD, 4. Sewer sertice to be sown of Leland (public). Wptx Aernw to be Brumwick Cpunfy (pudic). 1 Ap0E0 BOT7EMLF9S CUl4ERT LOCAnON 3/1fi/07 REV. N0. BENSONS DATE 36 ~-~ _ .. s i ! ~ ~~ -- - 35 r r- OPEN SPACE ARG E ~ x I / _ _ I ~` ~ _ L g f 'N , 1 02 ACRES ~l~ a - ~~ ~_ J Y l ` I7 18 19 20 21 22 23 (5p' R/W) ~ r ~~~~ _ ~ ~ ~ BASE COVE ~ 32 _ 3 /T _II ` REO ~ u ' ~. 24 ~~ 3i I 1 ~ POI. ~ ~~'~~ ~J /~ ~~ LoN[6 a~eNr ~ 25 90 ik11 4s5 A I 1) ~3 '~~ ~ ~ ,,~ ~ '~ -- 26 29 ~ ' •~ ~ 27 2B __ C ~J / ~ ~ RAW 40' 80' R\W 40' R\W ~._. i / 19' __ 7 ELEV=CL ~ ELEV=CL 10'-0' oPEN SPACE aRU F 7o.oD AcREs _ - ' ~ - ~-~ / --''`MODIFIED 2' MODIFIED 2 9'ABa Y C RB ~~-~ VALLEY CURS U VALLE rcpar sla,Gl (caLEGmRPUecaD eD' R/W1 Q wAnwT ar4~uol 12' YvXR GWE O LOW COUNTRY BOUL EVARD NOT TO SCALE 36' ~ WM SDEWALK MTN 9DEwNK z e• la 1e• e' 1' sGENALN fFA69ED AREA CAASSED AAEA SIDEWPIN 7 veuEr wR AspxALT 60' RNJ STREET SECTION 50_A/W L- 21 WM SOEWNK MIX 90Ex4LN ( n' 9' 12' 17 9~ 4' h~ I,h T' ', Ill:u, ~ ,~I~~~~ ,:1~„~I Iqi u,,, SIDEWALK GRASSED AAEA ~ CAASSED AREA 9CENAN( r vwFr cuR Asvnur 50' RAN STREET SECTION NWI m uuE Q W n Q . }~ 2 Nn Z I E L Q LLti Z ri L ~ LE.. O m ~UO~ W ~o g as zN° N Lll W ~ ~ LLI '^ V/ a ~ ` W ~ 2 J O U O ~ ti Z ~ A h ~ l a y ~ ~ ~ dj Y U ~ A z ~~/^) - i ~ m J 'Il`\/, Z Q W M W ~ ~ 0 o' zoo' 400' 6DO' 2 ~~ 4 STREET NAME A/~' LEGEND `~~~~~~°~~~" c ~,TE / ~- 1 ToscA~) i >~ t < < BE P e'~ c B'~ r rr rrt * '.E r sr. L ..,. , ~.. _.~.r ,rn. P a > c ES DOWLING COURT 50' Rm w`""`~ a A PROPOSED STOP SICdJ ~ CLkVF P.AS~uS AR„ -EIfC'Y GMO D Erv'^in G C SEaR_nG E ,LC _ P F~FIE 1 A 1 SDBGA DE Si FC FG. FRONT SE2 C -- GiL rP[s ape F r L f+o P D Lr A G RD RG r~ soa Maaf s sE s eR f okata _:or ~ T Fr WETLAN S ^ G 2 2G ~ 2 P9 ' ....3'>2" w 2. so - 2 SiR wAIHSRG 6E FPLAfEC~ALGfC AJ. Sr2E i5 R,AA SSEB ACN 7155 F,_f Fi 9Fli^REN SrRUCiURESI s~,SS ~ s~ ~ ~ ,~. p I F'. N VA i N N ,ALN D'PA V. I,r. S fAE 0 EC I 'a D A GNG "~w~S ONE7 FO.. R EAEL E 5 E EEO BD N 93 ,AGE B" 8 2 237 RU D. LGi CIM X50 (BD ' 0 rIP CALj i. 5 AT! 5 PR L ANARY 4i iE CEC FGA ~ LRO PG OR ONVE C: F uP05 JN 5 A. f ua `A a U "'. E P Pans I. GLE M Y fP.. 10 fsES I LGiS S"c ADDRESS SITE 1 d User P ~ r f bl t 4P P-aR• t d 9 d P f Ih noud ..,tle 8e1. ult DE S.iY I r0 5 (Par, HUN,S~'. 169 PVER RC. SE. ~ I~5 47 PCP. N14PABOw, N.C. 48479 80, ~ 4 NC'C D CP& 2.JC U is RE n e 1 9 P F Ile Y d pf P t 0 ER ~ DEVELOPER ~ IO p R P P ~ '. Si-N lArvO AND IMBEa ~ ~ n. sf i~ m o a ~ c e Irf r ~~al~on' A.o. aoR ioD ~ ~ a .L, AI' Slate ana eae.c Pttn is snal o. to ed acr g ~ a. cs9n s~ y '~. gle f y a s II1 Uni~s x x7 goal ° J,96D GPO WIN!JABGW, NC. 45A79 f f ,\~ r9 aln 39E9 nPC I ~ 114 ' -~ 1 ~ ~!5~ ~~~° ~ d ~~ i -- ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ 1 ~, __ r~ r bad y ~ p _.__-_- ~~ ~W fl _ ~~ _ ~, - ~ O -_~--' - ----~ TYPICAL PATIO HOME vi w ~g° ~ rvar ra scaEe 2 ~ ~~r~ AVERAGE LGi S17~ ~ ~ ' ~ o 0 f jam--- ~ ,.. ~~ =14,000 H u -- \ \, q~3 j" ~ ~~// `~ ~~~ - ~ C6 ~\ Fox' ' - ~/ ~~\ ~ 344 1 i aO~Ee~rae a ~ ~ PQ `~ 0 ~ ~ >.ff ,- ~ ~' .C ~! APPROVED _ ~~,. ~~~ .,, "' RESIDENTIAL AREA PHASE 1 ~~~' Z ~- ~/ ~~ SECTIQN2 ~ ~ ;' ~ ~ ~ uwi ' ~ ~ J ~ d z ,: ~ ~ - w ~ ~ } ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ 6c, dErc06:~ P i w ~ ~^~ ~ Q fV m _ a ~ °cd p; Z ~ ~ Z y ~~ ~~ ~ APPROVED ,~ ~" g ~ Q ~ ti ~j RESIDENTIAL AREAPHASE 1 ~~ w W ~ Q ~ ~'~ ~ ~~~ __ _ SECTION 2 ~ ~ ~~7 ~ ~ w ~ o PPROVED ~__~; ~~ ~ ~ rT °; RESIDENN~ IAL AREA PHASE 9 -,~o~~ ~ ~~ _"_-~- - eRALOR~~ ~ h 4,__ _ z, ~ 'SECTION 2 ~ _ W m - ~ -, ~ _ c ._ `1 VJ ~ o a ~ 1 ~ I~ ry s~ ,, I ~ -_ Jnif2Q~Op ~- ~ ,~ o T ~~ `~ ' s APPROVED ~ ~~ Q °f ~ RESIDENTIALAREAPHASE 1 ~FO4, ~~~~ ' - ~ >`_ ~o~ ~ _ SECTION 2 _-. ~_ p ~ ,: ~ '~~ TOTAL TRACT na E" - ecvELaP ervr 4.71 Atres _ _ _ .~,~ r 1 _ ~ ~ . ' ruNR£ ~ O ~' I `-~~__~~-,- _ __ . _~ tomeo PuD~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ t ~~ ~/ 1, lye,' q z r ~1 ~ I i; ~ P~ ~,~ ~~~ i ~i~ / ~ q 3 ~~ f ~ GENERAL NOTES i ~ " ;~ aAfi ~V ~ ~. !nis mop .s no[ for conveyance, recordatim, or sales 1 I ~ ~ ,.~ ihi P P rfy 's naol o oleo . M1 'F I (load ` 1~ ~/ inPrlo F'o d I to lAaP Community ~~ Z P X )O4PSc0130C eHec[ d f M '.986 ~~ /~V ~ ~ a 2 B~ idpoPerly di I d PUD- ~ 9.5 b r~ fa~OPS) M1 i S;: P./w ~c, t W ;,.n a Br/r'_w_ Y /p~b,Cl. S~ .. 111 ~ ~ 18l'i 'SJC'.v~r ~.___ 2< -~ ~ O - --- ~-~ II o ,rtR i LArr \ _- ~,~ .. ~- I~ ~ I III .~.ncs `,°r ,/~ _ ft I __ ~~ I ~ ~ \_ _ ~~ ~ ~ I~- _ ~ -.- ~~ R visi~us oAr I -DE-SAC s~rv~:A~ 2 o,_s, L ~ ~ ti..v ec ~ ~i ~ TIPICAL CUL ~ r EET SECTION Rs>E~ati;A~ so- wnY Ou 4r;i 5C0' z ~ ~~ asPnA,rJ I c 3D RNV STR I "`I ~w°'.~~_..<„a ., .we m„ «. a. ... .~~,~. md..,. / nru om oaL. .. ,.,.rw,s ., u_ ,~~su.c NorES. SI'E DFTA I. All SiREE1S ARE PROP06E0 iD aE PUBUC (BUILT SO tG'wN OF LEUND STANDARDS / N.L.O.O. T. PAVEMENT AND SUBGRApC SDANDAADS). PO1AL AREA = 3.31 A~6 2 SmEEi LIGNiS WILL BE CONSiRUCiEO PER i0wN OF LELAND RED. 5 MAP) ^ FRONT SETBACK = IS Ft. iwEEN SIRUCNRE6) B F . . i0 5UIL 3. SOIL TYPE5 PAC Fa, to, La, Wo, Pn, aN0 Ly (ALCORDIN. STREETS Z . SOE SEIBALI( COANER L018) ( a. SYDEWALNS i0 Fff PEALED ALONG ALL A 10 FL IN WID1H UTl1/Y EASENEN7 i0 BE LO.^AiED ALONG ALL R/W'S 5 AEAF SEIBAG( 7.5 F7. . 8. FOR REFERENCE SEE DEED 800N 1833 PAGE IBO, M.B. 1a PAGES 237 DHRU 2aC ZONED PUO 150' IYPICAt) Ot plliENSI0N5 ' 7. tHIS PLAN IS PRELIMINARY, NOi wtENOEA FOR SALES, RECOROnt10N, OR CONVEYANCE. Al(ected Non-MUnkipol Utlilies shall De canlacted Dnd prontled with plans wa W 8 = (80 L % PROPOSED UNITS: mi~ . and other Derlinent nlormPlian, when leasible, (o co0rdlnale o-ProPraie 9NLLE FAMILY (PATIp HOMES) 11 LOtS STE ADOPE6S °uJ scnedullo d placement AI Ne mmlmum thss shoum include Bx315outn OENSIIY CAILULAiIONS (PATIO HOMES): 1369 RIVER R0. SE. NLNG. antl Progess Energy, II 10TH ( 137 ACRFS mxrvnaOW, x_C 286)9 9. A<luse collet Llon Dy dumpater antl pnv0le nouler. 10. Mantlicpp Romps provged at dl intersections- - 3.31 UNITS / ACAE OWNEA / OEVELWER I1. Ste wiD meet all Honing reavnamanle VE 9eA GU Ew OV 11. All Stpie and Fetleral Permits shall be pDtained tluring Imol Oesgn stcge SZWEr iTl(OttllO (IOn' N pRI 1007 E AN 13. A porllon al this sttt'~Dn of properly is Ixated wflhin a 100 year hood $ngle romly Lots (II Unils % SBD gpd) = 3.96D GPD LELAND, N.4 28451 eDxortl pree according t0 Flood Insurance Rate Mao Community IOq i01AL= 3,960 GPD 370196 pond 2195 sulfi. J elfectMe dote June 1, 200fi a. Tnle Pravertr rs xaeed Town or Lemwd PuD. Is. mi, map 'Ie not mr aon,~yana, reaamaroa. ar sales. 16. water eer.~a m De pm~ldea Dr Nonn er~nsmk sawrtary D~svmr LDVDII=1. I). Sewer service to Ds sown of Leland (pJDlicJ. STREET NAME - R!W LEGEND LEES6URG DRIVE 80' S1~ pROPOaED STOP SIGN WE~ TOTAL TRACT 3.32 Acres .D~ ~~ , t y .- 3 ( ' I ~-- ---------~ - ---'-l 1 i _ I r ~ ~ i FER H ~' -_ ~ ~~ ~ar r~ ~ ~ - 28 ~ V , ~ , 7~ g~f ~ ~ ( - _ ~~ _ , ( 27 ( t - ,' ~ ~. ), I= ~ 62 61 1 86 1 ~~ ~~ 1 1 ~ ~ .. ' 1 63 64 cza A L ~ ; aze nt. D.<6 A~ 1 85 c4 . ~' ''~~ ~ - )' 65 I 1 1 o.ag nD ~. ~ ~ ~ ' / E ~ ~ A r) ~ m 1 ~ ~ 0.28 Ac. .i I ' ~ I ~ - ~' 7 R R ~------- Z h 1 _ -- - - - - D - - ''' a r - i _ , D ~--"- _. m _--'~ ._.___--- A ((1 ~ i1 - it ` ,-~/ ~tL / -"' C .. °o X60 R~W) °+ - __ - u ~ s - - ~ 8 ~- - ~ ~LEESBURG DRIVE ~ o m --- ' , - , ~' I A _ K U 69 ~'I ~ / - 0 I 7] ~ ,i ~- ~ // I ~- 72 ~ 1 1 t$ , ~ 5~~ ~ t,- ~ ~ 58 59 60 s n ; $ ~ ,- ~ ~ ~ ~T~ 1 57 a za 029 Ac ~ A~ L o.2 i t 'y ~ 0.29 Ac 58 = ~ ( - ~ I I ~ ~ - -... ~ - <~ 0.28 Ac. _I - II I -'.~ / o . - ~_ o _ = ~ 1 , s5 1 ~ _ 1 ~_ _- I , r i .. _ m _~ _ , 51 \\ y \ - \\\ @\~ . ' PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (THIS PLAN) 17 Single Family Hanes GENERAL NOTES 1. inls map 's not (a conveywlce recordation or sales. 2. Ih"s property s Hat locv(ed vi n'n a spec'ol flood Noxord wee acca-ding to FIOCO Insurance ROIe Map Commup'ly Ponel ,y3)0295-0190C ellecfive bole Nay IS 1a8fi. ] rns poverty is zpnee Town of Ldarm PuD. !. Server service to be Tom of Eelantl (public). N'aIM Service Ip be NwN Brunswick Sanldry Drsfnct (public). REV xo. XLwslOxs __ pAtE e~AmBroreelYUnstER DRAVnx6s\reslAPnaee I- eat Don 2\sne epaene Dons-sa<n~ z~r+see zdawp (L6y~t slle sva<~Nr-1)) 1 I 3 wtn smewux I IR le --- ww soEwrxA 5 p f ~~-~- ~ .. ~~ ~:.: vnat c nsscn uxE ) I- sIDEwAL% ~ z vAUer case 60 R1W STREET SECTION cR~ s ED axcA sIDEwAIK -- Nor to sLA~ r. am~.er wo~ur / --~ -l 'g. -~ -,~ _I II I ~_ _'- LEES _-. TYPICAL PATIO HOME NOT TO SCALE I. AYERACE ',Oi 92E = 1zooD s F J ~~ :w~~ cuRVE Roos Aet LExctn c o. axcw LnD. aCAR xc LI )20M JI,60' 11? S W'JI03' E L3 )30 W 9162' 9x36 5 N0133' E CS 730.Op 3)E7 ]).)9' S 16'6350. [ G )60.00 32]6' ]l ]0 S 3633'50' E C5 ]60.00 )6.06 ]0.05' S32Ji 22'E Lfi )60.00 83.'/5' 02.)1' S ]631 W' E Lc )60.00' 35.58 rza56' S 0.22616 Le asb.oo Ivs6 ur.nl 5 Srne z)' w F~SC ZONE E ~D ErJt ,~ r _~ VNE AEMP f~~ // Y PEpMP EW~M\\ .. t~IGy / // ~- LOCATION MAP (NOT roaGALEI ,ewe pnxa~ ~~ ' altE ~ ~~ t`sb \\/ ' /` k W` ~W S= W YryOm 2 ~ Z 2=ao A°ggWa F D, _;b4 Oa a W J ~ ~U a oa Z~- Q ~ w u. ~Uo o Q-~ wW Quo ~ a. i- w ZNo a~ w W °- ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~~ ~ Q ~~o Q ry~ U ~d ~ CT ~ ~ YA~ ti '\ ~ 1~ z ~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ O ~ U V) p ~ Z Z Q J kl `>~~ ~ rr'' 0 ^~i o' so' i ao' I so' e,,.n Z _ 5 ~~~Ha L owNER / DEV[LOPFR 1 FUNSTCI4 LAND ANO 11xBER 1010 E. CRANOIFLOAA DRIVE LELANO, N,C. 2066, / ~T~~ ~~_ 144 / I -`` ~ 143 1142 ~ 141 1 140 ) ~\ ~ 1139 ) ~ ,__ ~ 1_ I ) , 3e _ ~~~~--~ 137 ~/ ~` =`~ ~ I ~~~ ~ ~36 r 135 134 r ~ ~ ~';~ _~~~ ~ ~ 133 ) ~ 120 (121 i 122 ) ( ~~ ) 132 / v 119 T ) 123 (124 .' 1 ~ ~~~ ~ ~ fso~R,yvl /~ ~ 1 ^fi L,6 25 f ~~ ~ ~~ , \ 11~ ~~- t,7 ) 1(26 EI ECTION 2)(~~ Q~q]ni~R 1'\J `,s Ira ~ ~ ~V ~," v A ~ ~ ~'--__ ~ ty / 1c7 / ! 117 ,~ 32 ~ ,b ~ 128 ) I "l i 1 N„s+' 33 1 ) ! ' ,eAS°sL „9}36,1 ~ a ~~, 1 29) 130 I ~' B 131 y ~ 30 ' "5° 6 ~ 35 ~ ~ OF ~,\ o ~ ~ ¢oeEa»I ~ ' „t7sn '' , , ARf Ln I ~ ' - ~ / ! '~~ 36 ~ a 1 2~~ , ~ '__ ~a ~" w,. ,ne''et 37 ~ ~, ~0]// `~qII a ,91°16 *' fil/ C16Bp.5 si. 1 1 ( ~' ~ \ ~ ~ 38 I I ~ ~~~~ v E /~ ~ ° e, ~~ I I [ 16A}i o ,655A5 \ ,S 5~1 s1. ~6 ~ ~ ~\ ~ ~7 dad 1 ~3~r4 i 56 ma e' ~~ Ili) I ._ ~ ~ r~~la~ 87: ~fi'Sdew°IN ~\ ,3. o __ ~~ \ II ~ ,~ ) / r ~ ~ ~~ - . I II / \ c ~~ / % -.,.., NAME R/W xSIHtE7 St=Tun Lcrvuln GARDENWOOD DRIVE 60' _24' 1389' GLADEHILL LANE 50' 24' 850' GUYTON LANE 5D' 24' 487' PILLAGER COURT 45' 24' ' 358' VILLAMAR DRIVE 50' 24' 2829' ANNSDALE DflIVE 60' 36' N\A (NOT TO SCAlE1 P#~v N~f e, \ ss N A cros ( ' SITE-ate ~ t \Q .. i ~ a a0. - BENUtM[MC UIIIVC u~ PROPO~SE€D STOP SIGN ® PROPOSED STOP BAR a5' ANi t~ -I >H 40Lwnbt xm vD[wALK I-~'-- W ¢I s~ 55' ,1' 12' S.5' S' F.-_- .nR A` -...~L.W. - ~ ~ GRA59E0 AREA~~~ 90EYUL'A SIOEWAL( ~GAASSED ARCH -~ S 7 yaLEr cufte Asaxut „ S i*~~ R x~orz xELL: iL6 P xumr Bpc9NLSS AwD suewACC newWrxcxts 45' RNJ STREET SE NARf w[A[AAD PfR APCWNxJAPWb(£ORfNNC4 CCNklYA9i. i Y ' CJNrRAC,GR RESP¢J9M;L( POR CdPACIKN IFSRVG iw' .~ `A 5 ,~~~, t. I PAR ~ `~~~~ ~~~^~~,~ ~E~'"~~~~~~~~P VILLAGE 2A '~QS. (FUTURE DEVELOPMENT) -- - .. ~. I (50~ ~ \ BE °n ~ _° NDEMERE DRIVE r ( ~ _ _.._ a _. ° I L25 G z 7 - -- `2°- --_'~_- i > -,- _- ~ -e-,, ~' - -. - F/ ~ I i ~w I N ~~ ,T. ,. 6E . ~ ~ ~ ~ < `; 68 65 48 49. 0~~ SPAff o.. s°. rt z 47 5U ?. ~. y ! s~ ~ ~ I (Pf1A6E t secrloN zf ' ""~I~L' ~ C 4 e 1 Z t ~ ~ 51 ~G/may"J~ OPEN SPACE AREAC 7" I~~ a ~ ~ 4E ~F ~ `/ _ ,( II~~ 2~' ~yV ~~°, 12.10 ACRES 6J ~ i ~ ~~ yak.' S 71 ~ C 45 ~ ~53 ~'6 ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VILLAGE 4A s5! r 5 ,,e„ ; ~~o so ' 61 h ; X44 se99eo.n sD Fr. 56 , I 'M At ~ r~ 20.43 ACRES 57~ ~ ~~~ / 5 Sd walk ( ~~ ~ 58 d.~ ~~ 6(] q '~.A ,, (T,p,en1> Q ) r ~ T ~ ~ ~0 '~ ~I 1 ~ ;!~ ~, ~ , , ~qT 41 140° 39~ ! ~ 29, ~ ~ v ~2 \ \ . ~/ '~~`~/~ ~F ! 6 7, ,._~-~ I G~CEN~QODpRI r,~ ~k~ ''34, 33~~ ,, 32(31 ~~ i ~~` :N N. qR ~~ / ~I ~ 8 LSE ~. i l,~ >! a W a ry W U ~~ ¢ 3mm ~a ~ W `~'~ ~w<=, ~a Q ~ NyW¢ ~N ~_~ a ~ J ~ U Nga Z LL W~~~, Ltcn - Uo=~a~ I ~ aN o ~ ~ a ~ g ~ _ N ', / \ / . ~ ,s~~.. ~o,l. ~ 48 I 41 d. t9"~.) ' /, t~,,. 1oBi _ ., ~~ y I ~ ~" _< _ _ _ 1 i ~\ t a s+' Zo" e t wnra / ;~~\ \ ..' 1 ~ ~ , ~~ a. 3 ~ ' I I 5 Sae rnq - =~ 1 ~ \ ~5 SdewalN 1 ~ ~ 9 ~ I L ~ 210. ~~ y., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 113 14~~ ', ~ -~ - 1 /,'I^r~ _ ~ i , \ ~ 1 ~ _ ('tL~ 1+I~I~F-j 1, I ~ 1 L '~ .~ _ ~' ~ 10 ~ 1151 ~~ ~~ _ _~~+MAR-DR _~ 96 ' \L ~ µ, ~ JB L]6 L36 `__~ IS fff I ... ~" 11 L~~ n. ~ ~ _. _ ~ ~1q sl. , ,as °' ~ , i aPN+sPACE. ~ `~ ~ ~ 'a' ~ ~ ~ 1~~~~' ~ L 05'25 ~~ ~~>; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 30 BUFF l_ I_ ~' 22 'L3` 21 ~~~///... _ 5 slae.mu ~- ~ 12 i ,ns9~ ~ -~rscaa s° F ~ ER AREA ~~- _ ~-, ~ ~' ~ . ( ,as~'`~,aaeaBel, ,zxe9el tss}~e lae,l, i~6e.l~,ma 126 Ai ,c1 ~ .~~.~, ,~' ~'~ II ) ~, ) ~5 184 183 182 ~ I ~ ~'-_~ _ ,~'~ ~ ~~~' 9 ' E6r , I ~ ~ z, ,,4 ~ _- ~ ~_ ~ I'""' n 86 ~ 81 8Q 6 rl ~ __-- I, I I! ~ (PHA E 1 EC [Ml2) I ) "` - 1 1, .0 1 -- __ -- _ 1 ~ _ ~ ~ ~ I -- t- ~-- J" ~~ - 1 -1- 1--~ __ I -' ~o BuFFEftIar;EA - I I ) 88 ~ 78 ~ I ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~_ ~ ~,l ~ 77 ~ 1, 69 ~- ~--~_ I _~-r ~ ~ 1 89 %~ {I ) EA } L2 ) 99 11 90 4 ) ~ y!f a ~ ~ 1 7? ) 71 ) } I HASEI 6ECTION 2) ~ -~ 1103 1102 i 101 10'00 199 I 98 197 1 g6 I 95 194 ~ 93 )T 92 ) ~~ ~_~~~_ - ,~ ~ -~~-~`-~~~T _~ _ ~ ~'__ ~ ) r 73 I I ( I I I I I I ~ ;, - ,, ~ 1 1 ~ ,»o~~eER~EENmi~ noaisr.wn~,0, I 1= '' L Raps ,° eE t f I 1 I I ~ 5° RAW Ax0 5>EUr Wn°Ni Au RANF 10 Rt CuB11C I o loo' zoo' Sao' ~NM 2 5 NOrE4 1. ALL STREEtS ARE PROPOSED t0 BE PVALIC (BUILT t0 TOWF OF LELANO sizrvpARDs / N.cD.o T. PAVEMENr Np suecaaDE sTANpAapsy REMENii 2. siRECr UGHiS VxLI BE CONS1AUCiEO PER TOWN Of LEUNp HEOUI P ). 3. 5011 TYPES ARE Fo, io L wo. Pn, ANO Ly (ACCORDING 10 sPlS xA 4. sIDEWALKS TO BE PLACED LONG ALL siREEis. 7 i0 9E LOCATED ALONG ALL R/N's. 1 A 10 Fi. IN W101N U11LIiY EABFMEN FOR REFERENCE SEE OEEO BOON 1033 DACE 180 B. 2a P GES 23] tHRU 240. E P ~ -' . 7. iN15 PLAN I$ PRELIMINARY, NOi IMLN'OED fOR SALES RECOROAT104 OA CONVFYANCE. 'a a' N p i J°°~°~ 9. Aneclea Non-xmcvm ucn es shai b< m t t o o p ano Ih D7 t'alamalan, when Leos bl,t d to apGroDrate. / stn I' g plaeeme,l. AI th n mum ! sh d utle Be lsoutM1 NCNG. a GP&L. Refuse co ect an by du p t Drwle nouler- 9 ~ ' , vida0 0l alt mlasecLiunn. Hanaica Rumps D,a 10 P ' 11. Slle wll meet o zan ng a 1 i2. All Stole petl Federal P t h I D -t ' d d g f of des 9n slage- L ~ 14 DRIVE ih's sect on of prop ty t I led ' h', 100 year Ilaad 13 - w _ _ . ty IOk hpzord area °ccnd' g to FI d I Rte Nap Common ;pL[ _ ' '" ~ 370295 Dane 2195 su 11'x J effect ve dote June 2, 2006 and 370296 panel 2196 suffix J effective date Jane 2, 2006. TYPICAL PATIO HOME In mIH Droperty I° mnea sown of Lemaa puD. NOi t0 SCALE pr£RAGf LOi SIZE STE DATA iOtAL AREA = 46.60 ACRES (NL,ASE IA - 26.,1 vILLAr,E 4A - 10.63) FRONT sE7BACK = 15 FT 510! sEi9ACK - ]5 FT. (IS FT. BEiwETN SI RUCiuRE9) SIDE SETBACK (CORNER tOTSj + 12 Fi, REAR SETBACK - 7.5 R. ZONED DUD LOi DIMENSION = (i0 N 125' T191CAL 'WI IACL tA) (h3' % 99' iYPICAI `TILLAGE aA) PROPOSED UN ~. S. SINGI£ FAMILY (pATIG NglES)-72 1015(NLLA GE IA) SINGLE FAMILY (OUPIE% HOMES)-72 LOtS (wLLAGE aA) OEN51I" G LCULA-ONS (VILLAGE 1A): DENSITY CALCULA1tONS (VILLAGE 4A): 79 ntt / 26 tl ACRES 7Z LOL7 20 a7 AG4EE 2,75 UNITS / AGAE = 3.52 UNITS /ACRE 21.01 ACRCS WITHIN TOTS ON ARE fi.9i ACHES WiHIN LOIs 50 ACRES OPEN SPACE / COMMON AREA 8 A 0.59 ACRES OPEN SPACE /COMM 3.72 ACAES IN STREET RIGHT OF WAY , h.96 ACRES IN STAEEI RICNi OF WAY 0O3 ACRES IN PUMP STATION SITE Sewer Information: Sewer Informction: le rang Lats (]2 Units % 360 9Dd) = 23,920 CPD O sin single ramey Late (]2 Unils X 3fi0 gpD) ~ g 25,920 GP TYPICAL CUL-DE-SAC = "'0°° B` V ~ Q M ~i Q U z 1 \ ~ ~ ti ~ O ~ U z m J O W ~ r q \ S ti -_- _ -._. I I II'l `"`4. ~'~--- ~ STTD' DATA LOCATION MAP I '""- ~~~ _ ~ ~ Dce ~~ J I ~ ~~ ~ I°„a ice- ~ ~ / 1~'. ~ 1 . ~6 k ~~ ~AONO.. ~'~ ,. e ~ / ~ 1 fLJ\ 1 l% 6 I ~ -r II ' ~~ ` 4v>6 I ~ JI• I I 5 / ~ / PA~GEt E / n. 'jl c \ F _ / 65/ ~ ua G .F PARCEL A / ~ \ :I ( ~~ (' FC (\ ~ ~.. 1 60 68 ACRES ~ -~ .' ~ ~-- I - ~ 1 ~'. I 0 v 9 9b ~)+~p ~ ~`\\'\ ~ all a^ FL~ \ /y' 9 / ~ Q l I: I - e ~~:. `v M~ PARC}rL D ~ A ~ I 'I 11~t~R~E B°,/ o ,./ / 94 °a ~~ 1 s (! ~~~ w`" I ~~ ~ \~~ / ~. ° xn v \UC ~oC '^ ~/. ~ a lax.:. ! ~/°~a ,I m a . eau a. ~ us G4 - e6 ~ R %' _ ® 1W om!yo'eu¢ / ' 6 !:10 oxz r. ~~_.__--~ I C v *w °'w: ,~~, __ _ a 9 ~ ,° ~aT I I ~ 'A ~ -~ L n \ y o ~' ~ PARCEL F ~' ~ w ;p ! I ;, ~ FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ~ `~ V, I u. o ~ ~.. I a t~ a c~ _ v, ] ~ / i ! .. ~z: ~ ~ s ~~~ i.Lo`n","x`ww'x°.°~o ieu`s ` „ox6lu a.«a ww:~.roaa: i ~ _ .. _.. ~ ~l I BOTTOMLESS CULVERT'PREVIOUSLY APPROVED' ms's I~,~ q ~;- ytim (NOT '0 SCALE) ` "° j _ v VI .~ ~ ~ n^ _ a ~ "10u'~~k "* u°~°'Y.~~p .w ~ •wlcnL aonuN>. scilcm 1, 1~ ~ ~ • WEILANGS AREA ° ,-~ I ~ w 1 I h!~6~. ~'CXW~NF.. _ ~ 9 x - ~~. ~ ~""t~~. \~ U .,m PI AL LAYOUT me E%A SIZ AND ' OCATION n ~ - :..+m 10 RE OETERIAINFl) ~ "/ > n..r. •. a ~..m., x uau U+el~x""' wukl. AT TINE OF FNAL P,. NS .e _ x% a \ I' S9 / s....x. ua,.na (BC 90i OILaE55 CVLVEPTJ x8 x \ 9 la®` ~ ~ ~ sr -:. _.. II 1 a 1 ~n PREVIOUSLY APPROVED STREET CROSS SECTION 1.9 ~. "~ ~~ I / ~ 'GOLF PARCEL ~ ~ v g I t "! . NOT FOR REVIEW AS PART OF THIS PLA G~ R\_ +a' eo Rp a\w 16 'g Z 16 I6 7 ELEY•tl nip e t<V 0. Imx ~ :+~.o.a=wm.a. Iroumaaa~leo Mx7 w.nox ewm _ S LOW COUNTRY BOULEVARD. COLLINGWOOD DRIVE CENTERWAY DRIVE. COLONY PINES DRIVE NOT TO SCALE w+M 6 ~x ,.~ ~.~ , ~ W.c~,x, s M BO'RMI STREET SECTION ~+.a•m.u+ 6~ a+ssEx Nre seL.+ x,,u a so , ~ ;n v'°s+ oarw..+aeo°.. W MN37REET SECTION (ALL OTNERSIAEETSI N -'"`II ~ n a I i~ ( W0. s ~ 6 ~ a. i \\ P I 56 p y I I ~ ~ I 1 l~ :~ auK\ ,% is~ , ~. I ~~ PARCEL F T //v FUTURE DEVELOPMENT _ / ~9x` ~• PA~CEL I ~I.. \1m~~ 6510 ACRES _~ 9« \ c<x. \ / x ~ A~ J ~~ '~I ~ VI '/°3 ~~ {w a r o r. ma ' ~ u i az 5 W7A`~ II lot is neMS TOI6E .wEa (NOT TOSG41E) ~°o~ ~A OLV. P RGEL A 5 P: v cE<zs ac iµ36 o6. ~ . <u CE Ofv. CE C & ~C. OEV. CE 0!J AC. ~ om" }~ Ofv. R1 65) tl Cn tt 699 ~ SITE' j . ~~ ttv. tt t ] 06 AC. OEY. P 0.CCl fi ]9 AC. A _ ~ o ~' rq OEV. A [E P 64d aC b., ~ on. vARtti a 96a K A 19: SINGLE FudllY LOTS ) ;~ i G ~~' PRECIOUSLY APPRO~EO ROAD INFORMATION ~ STREET NAME R/W PVMT. SEGTN)N LENGTH SRUNSWICN FOREST 150' 2X24 680' coeDEN coLwr 5a' zm sem COLLNOWOOD DRIVE BO' 38' 2160' CHAPTWELL COURT 60' 24' 9B2' __ CATE8V0.LE CIRCLE _ 80' 24' 1004 COLONY PINES DRWE 80' 38' 3052' CONESBURY COURT 80' 24' Y110' CENTERWAY DRIVE 80' 38' S25Y CENTEflWAY DRIVE Bd 38' 4224' LOW CWNTflY BLVD. 80' 36' 3598' CRESWELL COURT BD' 38' 711' CLEMWOOD LANE 80' 24' 294' CARSOALE LANE 24' 388' CRAIGHALL LANE 24' 418' CHATSFIELD COVE 24' 238' CORNHILL GOVE 24' 233' CMBERRY LANE 24' 53Y QI¢ 9~fn\ Ua 4 r ~ ¢ 3TmA y w qM1„ F 3 aUn°n W "Zoo ~gm°'. {y y' Q~azi. Ty _a Rj z ~Fa~ iLV '~n Qi ~ "=~~,I LEGEND Z M ~~ '' ® P0.0POSEO STOP SIGN W ~ ~ .~.. j ,.. WETLANDS ~-- ~ Q ~ I d J ~' ~U Zo -~ 11'' W Z O o ~ xwkr GR Vi_ LPL Q' ~ n - Q CC O ~ u TYPICAL HOME 511E 0 05 O 5[ J ~ ~ `l ~ u f 1 3x 9.x06C /~/ ~ L o l d ~ W O D' ~ 200' 4oa' soo' W ~ ~ s¢ ADGRESS ~~ 1369 RI4ER RD. S.E. VnNNABOW, N.C. 2Sa]4 ~ ~~ SCALE i"= 100' ` N0' x ~ '--~ W ' w U/1 GINNER / OEVE.OPfR FUNSTON tANO AND TIMBER / 9 / :u' IOBINEVANGEUNE DRIVE 5 \\ J N C lB 5' ILl'~vl, °.nu xx k, ~ 9~ ~ ~°. / :6~°F6 /~ R.` uj \ 4 rJ NGNG ~ G y ~' G >, x R.a us ~ ~. ~ \ G C.C. Goo LY 5 \ \ / ~ _' \ GOLF PARCEL 3 ~` 6e ~ CLUB AREA ~ / \ COURSE ~, I- a ~ GOLF 'a "~ ~q~ 6'~~wpq~'CF 1644 ACRES ( ~ Z x.~ ~ `~ / Iu11M / ~ ~ J \h ./x61 / \\, /~ / n ~ O of ~s - 1 ~ ~4 Y }. 13 f / ~ / / ` 1 i ~\ A / A x M19 / i56 PARCFTL N 0l ~ 6 y6 \ ~~ ~` ~, sx ~ ,,, ~ g ~=.~' ~_L i- ) ~~ '" s '' ~',> LNG 07 f!~ \ ~)` -'Ss~a/^, / ~, a6 ~ / ~ n ~I ~ ~: ... ~cGVy12w ~ CC ALL FEMA ELOOOUNES ANO 4D4 wFTLnNO uNES TmICAL c~L of sAC ~ anti ~ P Rc~ oT ~ ~ ~ x 1 / ~" ~ a,,,~ V J~.~ I (~'~ ` ~~ 7" ~ `~~ m AS SHOWN HEREON THAT IMPACT PHIASE 3 LOTS ~~ 6 I Ix,,a =,~, ~ ~V/w5: ~ ~ ~ ~~-~(~ - ~1~ / e ~ ~ x~ ~ ~ '~1 O o..~ I i ss s ' ALIL STREETSEAND UTILIOTES FOR PHASE OI APPROVED ON 'WL~.~9~A:,~. x \~/ i ~ I_ I _ I>u+°I ~I~~ ~\ \ IwQPOp~~I'~ ~ / °b/1 PARCE,~P 45 ~~ ~~ ~4 PARCEL O \~ Q SITE SPECIFIC PLAN, SIGNED BY FIANDVcR DESIGNS SEPVICES - ° ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T FutuRE DevELOPMENi - ~ ® ~3 Ya a MARCH 2001.' GC.C - - ~ ~ s`mw,ai ~. I /~~ V ~"i / ~ FF~~ J `e GOLF CART CROSSING ~ ~6w ', cav v R [ ~~ '~ f ~ ~ ~ ?oA ~ _ ~~ .. ~~MAINIEN CE P .~ i \ /~ j N O --' ------- IYPICAI GIXF CARL X_ING - - _ _ - 1 q o.9tu ~ /~ xs ~a ~ _ i ~ ~ \ ~; ` ~ ~ ~ ~ __ __ -__ ~ I6 \. \ _ _ _ vuw.r .I ~ ___.. ~.-._ mnu xnvR _ {~ i REV. xp REH$IaN$ Dn1E N ° ~ ''-._ ~ CA. I I ~- ~.+w --_._-. __ _. ..... ._ ... ..._ _ _ _ _. _._ -._._._._ ~_ x~µ ~ - i. 113 ACRES - - __.. __._..__....._.._..._...._~.. _..._._.......,...~... .C.F.........". 2(~'~~! 1~1 s 1',:~ ~! { APR ~ ~ ~~Q08 II,.~G V~iA`IhkuUALi'~~ r~ J05ANO51~IMw1^"~ _ ' NOiEs 1. ALL 6FACEi6 ARE PROPOSED TO 0E PUBLIC (BULL1 EO iOYrN OF LELM'0 STANOARD6 SITE DAT p \ / / N CD O. i. PAVEMENT ANC SUBGRADE SrAN0ARD5). t01AL ANEA 3,40 ACRES Nc~~ o qpJ z W 'O ~0, NAp _ 'I u 2. SRtEEi LIGHTS N1Ll BE CON81ROC7EU PER TOWN OF LELPNO REDUINEMENTS. 3. SGIL 1YPE8 ARE Fo, io, Lo. Wp Pn AND ly (ACCORDING i0 SOILS MAP). 4. SIOEWALNS i0 BE PLACLU ALOrvC ALL STREETS. S A 10 Fi. W tMOiN NON MUNICIP4L V1IJ7Y EASEMENT i0 ~ LOCAIEp ALONG ALL P/w'8. 6. FOA REFERENCE SEE OEEp BOOK 1833 PACE 180. IA.0. 24 PAGES 23] iHRU 240. 7. 1115 PLAN IS PRELIMINPR Y, NOi INTENDED FOA SALES, RECOIiDAIlIk1, OR CONvEYANf.[ FROM 9ETPACK = 15 F7. SIDE SE lB IX /5 FT. (15 Pi. BETWEEN 51RUC'~URES) SIDE 5 iOACK (CORNER LOrS) = 1] F1. REAN SETBACK = 73 Ff. ZONES PUp LOi DIMENSIONS (BG' % 150' i1PICP1) PAD iD'REO' ~upn~ I 8 AI actatl Non Munw p I 1 ' slldl < cxtacted anC prwueetl w'tn pans tl other perbnenl f h fe4; ble to <aora nale appropr ale. s<heMing and ploc< t At t um rhs ehwa'rc da BellSouth NCNC and CPkL 9. Reluse co ecEm 6y d p t d P d l 1Q Handcap Avmps prod PgOP09Ep UN i0'. SINGLE FAIRLY (PAiO HOMES) 94 LD'6 DENSIrY CALCULAi ONS (PATIO HOMFB). v4 LfiS / ]r a0 ACRES 1.20 UNI1S /ACRE SIDEWALK Y4 18 SIDEWALK _ -. 11 0t• wJl meet al Eon' g eq a 12. All State and Federvi Perm is shall be 4674 ned our ng fral aesign stage. 31,61 ACRES w-HN LOTS 7].90 ACRES GPEN SPACE / COUMON AREA 917E ADDRESS 1369 AI4FR RD. S.E VwNN480w, N.C. 204]9 I fio' RlW NOr 70 SCALE 80' R w i U - __ ~ ~ I.S. Th~s section of properly ~is not located wlthir. a 100 year f~oad hazard area eccord'ng to Flpod nsu• nce Rafe Map Commun'ty 10 ~' 370295 panel 2795 su ffx J ellect~ve ade'e Jure 2 2006 and l June 2 2006 t d f J ff 1}97 ACRES IN S7REEr RICHi OF WAY SEWS( fll Offli OllGfl: 6'mgle Family Lats (9a Units % 3fi0 gp0) = 33,040 OPO OWNEA /DEVELOPER NOiF iHl6 OE 40REQ SCN IS LIMIZE O FO LODP TYPICAL PATIO HUMS ve . ec a e v e 370296 panel 2198 so f 14. ih's property's zared lawn of Leland PUO. FUNSrON LAND AND TMBEP, P.O. SOx IW wINNA90W, N.L. 264]9 ROADS AND CUL-DE-EALE 0.2 YrLE OR tESE W [ENCM TYPICAL CUL-DE-SAC NOt 10 SCALE AvERP 60005 F92E °" ~ c/~ R\W 40' 80' R\W 40' R\W IB' 18' 22' 1fi 16' 22' ELEV CI ELEV CL 8_p• /? 5 RSA J 5 /I 91500 L e ` ` I/2• lr r Xa ft / Fe Y C 1' 90EwALR PER Fr, -.L: ~ PER rr. MODIFIED 2 ~ B' a9c "~ ODIyIE M R VNLLEY CURE (COCLEC iCR ROAD 8D'R/w) N B CU fJJOI 64e.01 CDDi 846.0, (PUBLIC) ' O WATER UNE SEWER LINE O 12 LOW COUNTRY BOULEVARD RIC E GATE WAY MIDDLEBURG WAY AIl6T M C('.LI E RTLiFET NOME R1W (STREET SECTION LILLIBRIDGE DRIVE 80' 38' EAST GANTRY DRIVE 80' 24' WEST GANTRY DRIVE 60' 24' STILLWOOD DRIVE gp' 24' DUDLEY COURT 80' 24' I TASWELL COURT 80' 24' LOW COUNTRY BLVD. 80' se' LEGEND ® PROPOSeosTOPSIGrv PUTUREDEVELOPMENT (NOT PART OF THIS PUN) ETLAN~ r ~ ~ 1 .. DCATION MAP I NOT TO SCALE) _,ar v~ - - ~ 30 DRAINIAGE ESMTIUTaItt EASQAENT (COMMON ARra) COMMON AREA! DRAINAGE AREA a I 1117 ACRES J p ~ 2E,5 S:. 19159 SI. ~ 2 uefic e;. .AREAS Vi _ _ II W `~" 3,IB 6F- ~ 79 - ~ ~ .~- III FUTURE DEVELOPMENT / 81 0 ~' 2 ~/ r °a `.1 '.669 ACRE6 l ( 82 1 ..u'=a ar,._ ((,~j -_ ( 1 ( U5~ Sidewalk _ - ~ w WN~m __ W ¢ nn (AREANOTINCLUDED AS - _ _ 1 -.. 1~ \\ ,.I~ z.. ~` PART OP THIS SITE SPECIFICPCAN) , ';ia; ~E;~ _ n ~ 7~ z o, ,: `~4Lw 1~ 83 1.~ ,.,=F ,~65F j ~ ~~.~ - 1r ... S. F. 12".°] 6.. - 12A 6F y 3~ a; ~. \ F - d 66 1 6~ I 62 a p ~~~< `~ 1 ee ~ - _ ~ I a - Npmpo-se e ... ~ ~. ~ `, y r 1` _ p t I r. I a ~ .&a4 S.r /5 SI ewolk 6~ Irzooo sr. o ~ z C 8Y 1 ~:.,; sr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ 1]436 5r I ,4433 EF- , ~ ~ ®~ ~ ;~ 0~ ~ 77 ~) 78 7b ~ ~ 74 j 73 ~ f 1,7 , 5 ~ 67 60 .a~ 595E-12696 SF i ~ 94 I<D_~6C~ ~ ~ .5E ~ , ~ I ~ 7~ ~ i936~ ~~ 68 ~ ,89.r~g 93 ~ I 71 5 92 'e - i° l 0 L ~~ "'sue I I - , 85 P ~ ~ /s' SI WOIM 70 89 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,369] ~ ,7fi ,E 8 r~r g~ ~ _ ) rrla2 sr - _ 1:75. sr ~~ ~ m "N" ~ ~ 90 89 52 ~ n9]B .~".86 ~ ~ A - I ~~ ~ ~ 43 4~ Z ~O >°I7.i N V "67 ,. E. ~ r ~N ~~ ~ ~ 4 ) 88 87 ~ ~ , ~ ~ , ,_ . ``\s 5ldewelt w ;5' S,deWal \ ~5 46 ~ , J W v,,01 - e N ~ W p '''-rv ~~ I .. ,p / 5 $dewalkl '~]J'0 ..r'. I cr ' ~ ~ }99645;. 42 1.]53 SF i Q ~; // ~ °d 44n ~ (Twcap _ 2~ 20 Ar~ / (9) a = ,~ , ^ . 5.D s.E ~ 9~ - 23 ~ c~c7 E~ 4 G ,40,] Sr ` % sAl[PtINE NPE%ISt - 1 ~ $' $idew0k 1 ~ ~U /' / )~ Io4>>F 9 12'2 F IJo `\ ?p / ~7 y:~` l A =_- r' , -~-F3 ~~ 1 2 ~ r - ~ ~ ~~~,f _F za4D } F 57 D_ ~ ~l M o ~, ~ t 2e 1a ~ 1 R Is593 E F Q~ W Z o KlRxbrlp '.3242 5 F ~ l ~i Nviwn~7a7 ) 3 t, EF s Sdc»_ 14 26 4D ~ " Z ~• ~ II I v\~~\ ~ 3 22 -'_.___ ~ :L56-: 54 ~ ,596E fi E u_ Q _ N 17~ I 184 - 3 $ideWalk ,.~~ ~/, ~ 14613 i. I 5 Sldew0lk~ PARK( `: 48 y5 Sidewelk~~ ~_ ~ 0 $' ~ ~ 12 ~ I }L ~F27 coMMONAREA m ,,4 . I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.: I AREAC ~9 -E _ \ ~ I,LI LLI -- - ' ~ '+L 7G Sr ' ~ .. ,.-. udoa ~.. 3.26 ACR'cS Ih l6 sE. 4 --~~_~ 3 0 183 za ,ssactF~~ 2~ 1 ~ (~PUeLCi ot) ~ 49 / ~ ~ d Z 7 I ,. _~-`' a 1.~4~ 3f ,. `~+ W 1/~~~ _. I 10191St. i ~~ ~ L ~ \\ ~ -~ I I __ I :~ 9F 5 10 / ~ 5 Sidewalk ~,- r28 a 30 50 ~ ~ 1 ~ / I R I ~--- ~~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~.,~ 50 _ ~ ~~ 17 --~~" _ 9: ~ F .~6~ S F . ,., F. I ~ II ~ ~ ~ _ ~ 6+3s it i ne? sr. ~ Is9n _ 29 57 I Pua cF. ''~~~~- VJ -" ~ ,I 6 9 ~ ~i ,44;7>F ~ ~ ~~id6<9F ~ 51 52 - ~ ~~_ - 18 19 I j 5 Sldtwdk 178 ~ ~ 181 ~ PI7a3 ~f ,;9T 6F ~ 30 ~ 3b ~! ~953~ SF- :2850 S.E. Q' ~ ~ j ` I ~ 7 8 J ~ I. _I ~ ~73, 5. ZQa ~ s~ .'i1 c- ' 0V. ~: ~, _ / ~ 1 ~, ,~ / 8308 S.F - ~~ 19ut] S.- - P 7 " 17, ~ I ~ 180 m ~ - 31 ` . ~ 35 ~ ~ C~~~ti~ C,N~ Q r ~ a.: F ,. / ~ / U I 1 ~~ \ 8.68 ACRES ~/ I 3'* \ , 8' Sltlew0lk 1 .a 2~' '. ~ ~ ~ ~ . , /J ~ 45 ~ ~~. COMMONAREAIDRAINAGEAREA ssP ~~ 3 cs 5' Sdewatk O~ `'6' ~ 3 ~~~~ '. up r~ -[--- _'' - lo~~` r ~I y~ ~' _ 0 a s ~ 5 S' w - ~__3 s_ l8 a ~//~ _ ~ 4<'v Ide IkA B CRE / ~~\ -~ fem. .- -= ~ ~~ r -_ i \,~`~ n. s G~~ I ~ / ., I '~° j PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (THIS PLAN) S7 CE CURVE RADIUS TANCENr CHORD BEARING CN~.LENGiH ~p Patio Homes 73.48 Acres uNE u BLARING N 2ca s] w DI AN sD7sr FUTURE DEVELOPMENT I L2 6 fiY39'44' W 75.7Y LJ 36'24 53" W 21.71' 6.89 Acres "~ L4 S 67'5844" W 43208' L5 5 10'36 J3 E I 116.5]' L6 5 33'1918° E 311.46' SRC DA7A I L7 B 0721 40" W 23]7' 75.48 ACRES tOTAL Le 5 30'09'07" ri 303.9 i' C1 fi90.00 206.D5' ' S 53tl2'08" W 394-86' C2 61000 I77.4a' 5521138"W 371.87' (;} 104000' 2?01' S 12tl546" E 5399' C4 96000 192.81' S 71575fi" E 370.06' CS 8 000 311.41' S 1250 a9' E 507.99' C6 4900tl 931G 5184522 W 193.62' C7 104000' 182.65' S 68511x" [ 359.80 CB 179000' 38ft.87' N 85'13'38' E 709.51' OOL e„' ~1 rs2T~60 ~ J~o` dw . xo ExcAMecewccs u a/u, ~ rn xcoor sr..o4xps Nl G( A~ !~ •'.~ ~` ANe YECIECAPCNS Au 0.0AD5 id BE PudIL 27.90 ACRES OPEN SPACE /COMMON AREA 94 TOrAL LOTS SNpwN 1.28 UNBS PER ACRE (L01 DENSItt) ~ L9 ! 10 5 585334' E 5 '10'1854' E ' " 292.14' 75i0fi' ' 6RUNSWCK FARES I Pd/1SL I, SCC. ~ LLAGE 2 ~ 9 P~ ' 9 N 13.9] ACRES IN $IAEEi RICHi OF WAY I L11 it N 69 18 D E 20'4746 200.31 2110 39' A3 ~ 71.61 ACRES WItHIN 1010 I L N W . 1e 54 ACi^^ T ~ e~ /, . I RRIINSWIf.K FOREST PHASE 1 CF C. ~ '°' "` '°" 6p' R/W J I 60' R/W , Reweea P r.r o1 Le vna comma 1o%zi/O6 REV. NO REN610N5 DATE 1 . mcwnLx f- --~ srcwAU1 5~_~ ~0 IB _, 5 F ' l =~_: ~ ~ ~. ~ _~, .~~~.om,~..~_ , 7 =L smcwALN ~ cR s9[o AREA ~ ~ ~ GRASSED ,wEA -~ AD6rvALK I 7 vnuEY aReJ "IP"ALrJ ND~E~u 6wAae A6w4er.7Wrs 6D' RNV STREET SECTION (LILLIBRIDGE DRIVE) x4rec nmraxo ..___. _ sure„( .,,, ,~~..,~ 1Nix SIDEwALU 24 Wwl AOEwALK ._.. 2 1 J ~A~ 2 -, 5OE' Atx -/~RASSED E ~ ~m'~ °~-~®~~CAASYO <RE4. J ~1~~ SDEwMN ' u": 2 vau[v GUR9-I ~ p' IGO' 200' 300' :°r<`w~~`~ 60' RfN STREET SECTION TALL OTHER STREETS) CJ i'R, a4~~.w~w aum~mxur swr..r. warm Ivr ~ ~ I~ ~? O Q M U ~d I 2 ~" 2 O ~ ~ ~ O Q ~ O ~ U p~p ~ j `I' m a~ L I y W h~~ r~q, o S 0 "V ~; R'tw SO BO'~R\'N 40' R\W - ~ 12 -- 6 i 16 7i `2~ 'I ELEV=' E. E.. CL g'-Q" 1 yl ( /5 ~i BPSOL t I rEP Ef -' f NOGI(IEG 2 _ ~-- VALLEY CURB ~ \g qgL --~ . A l MODIFIED 2' J C C Rfi vfA ) 9 0 ( OL ,C(P4 RCAO 80'R/Wj N LL Y U Coo/ gae.01 re~~n~~nrov dsaeox.<u (PUBLIC) LOW COUNTRY BOULEVARD COLLINGWOOD DRIVE CENTERWAY DRIVE COLONY PIN ES DRIVE NOT TO SCALE 6a A/w IY J6 m'r1 SDEna1.N s )' 1B' la ~tl. SOFWai1t • ' A AfiC 8 51DEwALK CPCP SSE ~ £ GRAS.E~ ARE `SIDEwALt( AS ALE c vaLLEV CUAB~ ., I_1~2 ~ 95A ~Ko~wa~owr~ 60'R3IV STREET SECTION Nor ro scau 80'A(W I ~ 1 I.~ H SIOEWALN rc I M'H g9E VALV, I a 5 IT 13' t s DEwnLxJ cxasv.D AREaJ ~ ~ • e 'eC aressm MEn \~sDaw9.rc 1 vALLEr NFB A PHA i w /2 5Y 95A ,~r~o•~=~~ 60'RAVSTREETSECTION(ALLOTHERSTREETS) Nci rc scarf NOTES I. ALL SEA ETS AHE PROPO ED 70 6E PUBLIC (BJ L7 `0 TOWN OF LELAND STA40AA05 / N. C.O O, T. PAVEIAENT AND SUBLAaDE SigNDAA05) Z. SEAEET LOHiS Hill AE C NeiRULSED PER TOWN OF LELAND REO 3 SOIL EWES PRE F i NO Pn AND Ly (ACCORDING i0 5011.5 AIAP). 4. SIDEWA.RS 70 BE PLACED ALONG aLL BERECiS 5 A ~0 FE N MO1H Ui U7Y EASEVENi f0 B. 0 A7E0 ALONG A R/W 5. 6 FDR RFFERENCE SEE DE D BOON iC 7 PAGE 18C M B 74 PA4E5 2 J iHRU ]A0. 1 iNll PLPN IB PREI.NnARY NOT NTENDED FOR ALE R CORBAi ON DR CONVEYANCE. d Alt e0 N M 'P I Ul [ t l l 1 0 O P 0 0 -t p s O t P t l t x 3 D 1 t -P P- I h ul g d p L. t tM1 ~ '. Ih If ' tl Bal .oath NCNG D LPkL. 9. R hr dl f b 8 p t tl p t M1 Ic.H a pR p p ao t o l 11. St r t 1 ng 9 t 12. All Et 0 f [ h II h ht E D ' q i sgn stage. 3. A part I tN' t ! P P tY I t d Ih 100 year flcaE h ar a'. q t a l A t MPG Nlty ID,y SJ039 p 17195 ff- J If L O t J 2 2006 1 in P p t r r Ln a PuD. I IS rrcs m v' t l yc g r 1 sales. 18 Ih'e prp Ly i (LI dPDD 0 ) s. i tL gl,xl l wcl.. e m e ere ck Co~~ty (~e'cr STREET NAME R/W PVMT. SECTION LENGTH BRUNSWICK FOREST 150' 2X29' 660' COBDEN COURT 50' 24` 584' COLLINGWOOD DRIVE 80' 36' 1 2150' CHARTWELL COURT 60' , 24' 982' CATESVILLE CIRCLE 80' ' 24' 1000' COLONY PINES DRIVE 80' ~ 36' 3052' COKESBURY COURT 60' 24' 1010' CENTERWAY DRIVE 60' 36' 1 5251' CENTERWAY DRIVE 80' 36' 4224' LOW COUNTRY BLVD I 80' 36' 3598' CRESWELL COURT ~ 80' 38' 711' CLEMWOOD LANE 60' 24' 1 294' CARSDALE LANE 24' 396' CRAIGHALL LANE 24' 419' CHATSFIELD COVE I 24' 236' CORNHILL COVE ~ 24' 233' CARBERRY LANE ~ 24' 531' ~ ~ 1 TYPICAL CUL-DE-SAC ~~ 1 `' ~ I° p ~l ~ i~ ~~1 ~ wL~E~r Ekr oAla,rvr a~ ~~ ~~ I /ryp/~ ~` ~ ll 'a s c(na s ~ 'o Lcav rv~ ~a~s< LE 545 a2 A p)I / /~ I ! /G I ~~~AE xrAwc oa=µcE I SrI•I•E DATA LOCATION MAP N se:>n' E LEGEND ~~: sn75'19•fi ~sa_a' ~ Lxar toscwel „Paoi 5 ]1'38'19'E 21B 1fi'! 55191 wAES 101at M q[0a O PROPOSED STOP SICK u s )9oE'1B' E 2s9 ec .DL; PnatEL 1 sDSa a:. L5 BO'5 J' E ' S9J) ' LLLf PAALEL 1 09 65 9L. Wv'S WETLANDS u a s E ca LES ] x 9 - I ~ ~ , ~s 33 E 1 & LB i )51309' E Wfi 03' AC L C. ( 501 ~ 9p 5' 2 6~ Gb (Puicfl fi L 1J K r41 i x !~~ _~ t90 2' 0 E I 9 ~ °~ tl S aY 9 3 ~ 8000 r( ~~~o S~~ ' ~~1 II i 0 8 F B 6~ N AE OEY ~ B li C. ~ W011f GP I 1 ( L~J 5 1 ) fi E 259.J9 uE F 0 ~NLE C 35 C. ~ ~ ~ ~'.f~ ~ II .Ili .'. S )T3 ,fi' E 8fi. 2' N Af CEV P ~ E 3J C. \ ~ ''it ~~q`fi' n t I I~ 6 N SC05+9" E b 93 '~. EV. P L O S \J 2 1 I) 5 A01B ]9' E lr) 11 LL ^ f' k, 11, T - ~ E S 11'I 5 E 52). i M F 0 P CE 0 <, ( '~ I, ¢ "-~ L19 5 890693• E )0 M CEY. P CE J / 'I1 R 30 x 80 590' E 8)e' FJNAf ON. RCf B C ~^ I t ~/C~ a ~~~Yll , I 1 ~ L21 S 909]50 E B811B ~ hugF OEV. 0 LE 1 \1\ • V' 2J 5 20x350 E 8 5~ <fLLiF 0 ~ ~ LIAt J 1 L L \\ ~ t 3 OEV CE 0 8 6 fl ~ ///~~~ 2 Sfi3 60 ]8.03 Q \\\\ i I W RJ' 2091) M f 0. P ACE 0 5~ I i 5 2J' w a0 6 \\~ ~. 5 003] w uA ON > ~\ ~ 2 P J' w 9 F ] 9 6l MFn ACA X ~ -~ CE ~ \\ f 1'P. OM CWEHI 359C aCFES ' '-~\ _ ' LJO L]t N 33619" W N J 2619" w 01.0 08>Ol CO ON APG Alti(1 3 t. ~ ny9 3 , ~ ~~ ~ E Awus c ~ aL a ~ p 9~ r ` _ ~,_` tl ~ ~ ~ / cuw 3 CJ <BOAO' 82 960.00 fid90' 90.W' 31' ) 55 '~B E 16000 S 59'0 J3' E il) - 31 1 ' 9 700339 01]59 ~ -' ~ _`~'\ FL'iuRE G ~ C 5000' M0]' )95 633 ~ J3!" [)a EY EN( \~ \ ELOfN p' y Y ~ I /', C5 W00' 3B E)' 3885 B 3'90 C 0'35 ~" 5 \ C ~ ~~s~~~`~LCW LOIR'M &l'0, V 'I II Ii I~Illl J ~ LB SB9.JB' 30008' 1055 B2]'31 w 02 °]'01~ W ~ ~ ~~0~ 'I~ ~ 4by C ^ `~ ~fl o ~ ~. .58]6 OO.I 80,0 615 w ?~hn t ~ /~- \~~ ~ .N~"`< ( ' j Lf0 1589.]A' KI.S)' 19350' ~ h ~ 3)'3 w )9928' ~ W Y 1 / f 1 \ ~ \ 1 I 1 ~~ Z LL y ~V ~ I ~ ~ ~~~-~ II~ - ~ j/ _ __ ~ ~ ~ ~ .,_ ~ ~, ~ w I W - n ND COIAN NI< ~, O\~ ~ ~~0 m ~ ~ to -r OR LE.A E ^V 4 e: ~ ~ ~ ~~ % ~~ I > ~r \ /~1 "-y \~ ~ ~ ,~^ a_~ - ~ ~ / `^ ~ RE '0. AE )Ob iE ~ ~i \ \I \ \ I 1 \ \1 ~. E .; 9 ?Z C~ / .,cars l E ~ ~` ~_ nP s I~II~I I~ ~' `I [`: \ ~`I '~w ~ ~1~, ~~\V~\ oca~\ - \ ^OO ~i'E'~ i~; "~°"~a~r~' ~ »:.. ~ .. a~,a•.. ' e, «..,.. J 1 I t ~ \ ~ `` ((~~11NN^ r t "w, \F \a \eEO.elgMasrea DRnwwes\•~Ss\Pra a SPeata .q (L ro~1 n: ~Pa cda ~ ~w ~ 0 i= ~ ~ II~ l~ ~ („~~- ~ , ~P~ D I11 ~t ~ Z M 1~ ~ ~E~~Eavm(xi ~V9 ~ ~WAE n~.mACri °ta. I~ ~ `11 I~~ ~V~ ,Y~ W aAES , ~ ~ I I Es 'ro ~J'A al ,~\i i~+~~ ~\ w w I ;~lJ()) ~x G~i/(1 ~a~ I { ~ W ~(~~Jn(o e w~+~\ "' % 1 II v'UA(sIw ~,m ~ronw~s~oaeE II // -~- _ ~ \ ~I i ~ ~' D_ o / i.6 I -Ir I.. 351 a-°:~ i~E ., I 1 w, r, L \ (t°,y~ 4y t'W \j r.r I V '+ ~ Q ~ _~ ~:~ ~ n6 it 5 I"V \ V' ~`, q; I i _ rv 9 1 ~ ~~~-.,i'. ~ ~~ - ~ s .~~ ~ ~~ e~~~ ~ g r~/y1 -~ sIEE ADDAess Z5 ~ W m I(9 ~ ~arG'rq~ar ~ I `$A~ ~. IIQ ~. ~~ ~p~~~~~ 5 Pa ""' vn 69A80WR NC 78aJ9 ` U O ~ a (/ 4 ~ pEVE oPME1n ~ ` (1 -u~w ~ Il £ ~~-~ ] V~\,w (au l ~ f\ \ LwNE? DEVELDPEA J J e!/ _ _ _ B5. o acaES \\ _ I~ 1) ~'',s \.6 `~\'' ..J~'ikl~\~^ - - (unsiox L rvD Auo ruBER W W Q o~ ~~ ~ wIN N P), ~ a ~ a l o \ ~ j- ' ;, ~ ~ ~ ~~ , ' ~~l ~~ _ A ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ l 1- ~ ~g ~ B r ~ ~ D ~ ~ ,w , ~~ 1 E Ear / C o pia ~~ `'~~ ~ ~,~- " ~ ~ ,F 11 APB ~ Zaaa , = I cn ,-_. 1 r l ~ I ~ ~ s s ieES ~~ J // -~, I I~, ~ ~ ~~~ ~ rN iiA"iS 1 / ~ ~ ~~ al I ~ 11 ~ J ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~~ `-e t( PPacn 2 , v~d~l. , u f{B o, 5 , ~; ~ /-~ 1 pc I pEN~ ~ ~,WA~ ~ U (~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' f ~ / 1 l ~ r _ ' '. t~ %/ 'cay PwxcYi B ~ i I I ~~ I_ ~ 0°'C '~ ~~\ ~ I, y~.~ ~ I 1 1 - ~ ~ 1x,.]],ca~ ~ ~ ~It ~ I I, 0 ~~. L on cvut ~~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ '~~I~ Z r0,uef AWrEtfl E I • J/q i f/ ~,i 65 0 xCPff - 1\ I a I ~~ ~ a y y o; ~ 6 _ ('~1 o, o y I` - (-~-0 ~~~ ~ 1 } ,r~ ~ `~ ~ ^1 i II ~ \ ~ \ (I E~~~ `,\\~~` ~\ \. ~rh j~ ~~ ~ rte( Q ~ A~ ,,, 1 r ,- ~ PACE< ] 1 ~ I 4~' V AAA ~ ~. _ °9~h otr~ouRSE LL.e msc ~ ~ (at~ksrD o~ \ $°a.. ~~ ,, ""~ftu ~~ ~+. ~~ 2)9 kAES -.., .. 1 Q ~ Cl HF. Rcgrde~oN V. -p~ o~"9ssD~~ ~ t ~ ~----- ~ ~ ~ ~ U .~ ~., ~ O I Fro ~ ~ ~ o son I ~ ~ a ~~ I ~.~ e Ncw ,~'~ c ^'j a~~ ~~ ~ 'f_~ x~„.eFw~/ Q '~ ~4 Y o m i ~~~~~ P ~ G~ ~ ~ fix" _ _J __ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ;~ e n ~ „~c ~ ~~ ~ 1 / ~\ ~, III I f' '1 `` ~'~`,~ ~L,~,;aW. '~~~ c __ /',~~/~~ ,)C 5, ~~~\ 0111\ ar„ "" I~ ~ q 3 ~ I F ~~ ~ ~ rd xt uet(~aPMx4 w ~ 9 /, ~ / ~ "~~,- r - ~ ~ ~- ~ y L 1 Bb CpES ~ ~69 1W8~';~~ iT\ ~ N / P o 0 ~\ ~a; I~ `-. r /1 ~}I R / _ \ ~ I' _ _. G \ ~ Jq y ~E F. t, t" ~ EvELO N A" \ 1,/ ~ ~1 ~ ~ '~„\ 4~! \ ,. / '' ~.. a ` `vc4 \, ~ B .c Es s~w .au i / _ o~'~._._/ I ~' ~ ~~ I~~ ~9ft .- ~. ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ III I ~ ~ ~ o : -:_ - - _ ~ ~ _ ), fi~L~ ~- -_~: W /~' ~ ~ -bi ~ LU ) 0 o9V0"ZJ N OJ~9.i0' /`~/ s -K' -' - v - - 1.. 9 aCYU J A a 6~ .PJ ) c 1 ~ ~, . C „ } i w'm, ~ ~~ \r<~ - oil &O. GO r ~ I b P-' wF"~~ 8 ~.4c, /~ _.::_.. ~ N ~w. ~ ~~ fd 32 aGfi E9t I~ A5 L64' E n , ~\ \...~ _ a.w.:. ;N 721,. ~.. 6E. \\ `.. bl+bC ~ 6j2~4"F E F ~ '~ `~ X6.7 80 7s e \ f y' ~` B~ ~ - n 6 \ r Bs 96 ~ ~ 76 \~ ~ 6j - cwuw .a. :. 8] irn ~ 89 °a ~ 6 N BBUI/ L W A BB .. 6B 81 5 6q 89 8s 6i oN+O~a \ tN.~ ~ ~eB Aug igo pPo'i. "9, i9~ ~9x ro9 ~P P~a , ~9 ~~ , ~.~ 10 n ~ uB nEi81 ~ 9 ~~ war 95 u9 ~ urcn+ \ Eq ..... '. tia ~9 ~p 59 5B Aar r.:a. \ ~~ ii4 xn SF 4ABx 4 57 ~~ \ 195 a tt6 xcAk >B~ ; xyb 4 66 \ EE ~ , :[ ~ ~ io7 u9 ~ \ 8 ioq ~ ia8 / 'x4 ~ 54 ~~ ~ _ U_ ...L n 8 3x - ~] rvna aKUwwi u8 '~ 8i a - P~ip'a+ur ~~ i8 ~ xB u9 ~ wA x9 x9 I ', rru I x ~ \ ~ '9 @ ~ A~ o~a„ xx ~ ~a~~aa~,~ ~~ ~a, ~ v.av.r ~y - ors - ~N~ ~~a, ~' U4°' 9+ -\ ~ x xIx - GS 63 G En ~ 41 q 91 ~ mvia ~~\ V7 t8g _ .. 98 45 r~rn r 8 B X61 66 i65 ~6a X83 99 ~ 9 ih. \ ~ ~ W ]~ ~. f ~ ~ ~\A i rw _ t. 43 ~ 4 $ x158 ~~ ii 4x 98~O ~ tsl X59 9P l55 cawox ~.. ~yqS ne: ~~8py1'I u N9 LSn 5 Sx~ U.p ~g ' ~ as °y we Px.a AK: :. I w6 6plB' ~~ 6gG ~E• W .o \..\ I S \\ // w \ i w.r.xrm ~~CU ~ L S ~ AV GAG ~£ G 'C. E ArvL ],OU '. 5 CA059J fi 6B'w _ 'Y 9 ~i 5 5 ' w __, 00 '. SOf BO _309.65 ] -C 6 00 ' 300]0 - 200. 5 )5U]'UO w S 390 ~ 1091 Ifi99 ) 53'45" E -- iS49' S a~6'4c1" [ I ~~G ~6 u ~ M0 5 LOCATION MAP ~ IROTroscnLe~ ,aos A i y ~ I p SITE=~F _,• / n ~ 1 ~ ~~ a -~ o r\ ~ E / a / SiE AOOPE9E ~ ID ~ 1W'69 RIVER R0. S.E. 6 284]9 WA90W M1 e ~ ~tF 1 ~ , . 09m ER / I]EVE.OPER I \ » Q se NISiG l NO RNC TIMBER ~ 1.:1 FVAN,.EI INE ORVC 1MWNABCW, w C. ]8451 ~ 1 sls / ~¢J' _/- ^~ ry 2 i ~~~~q ~W pmmm ~4., ~ z nzoo ~ `" o>e m ~~~ T,~,~~ w ~ ~a~~ t! q ~ ~2w O ~ L " ~¢ gala. ~e~ ~ ,, ~,~~0 o Q a ` 0~~~ `~~~0~~ ~~~~ . ~~~0`'~ E ~ ~ W ~ ~% 2 W ,~ ~ U ~ ~ 8 ~i~. Z ~ ~ ~ ~° ~ U W ~ J W Q a ,~ / e a2 E ~uLL/1 ~/n/+~ ~~ J w ~~~~'''e _ J / ~ 6 161 ~ V J L.L Q o a~ax.., _ _ ~ W ~ > i ~ O /^ v/ SITE DATA 081.91 ACRES GTAL FrtEA 24669 ACRES [Gt PAR F ~ ~^ V 173 AC. CGMMGN AR A PARCcL i I y Q I 4 tw. COMUO>' AR:A PARCE'_ 2 42.63 AC. TOTAL AR.A YlIiHIN ft/W'S < ~ Z ~` ~ W "-VELGPM N7 PA CEL b 0.56 AC ~1 0:~'ELOPIJ 'i PAR.,EI C UtVELGPMEI PARCEI 0 OEVELO MEN PARCEI E 256 AC. 4.09 AC 67 AC. W ~ ti 7EVEL0 M. N PAPCE. G OEVELGPMNEi ARCEL H OEVELOPMEV7 PARCEL l GEVELC. ME] E PARCEL v 8 14 AC. '037 AC. `557 AC E 99 AL'. `, O I~ ~ Z OEVCLGP'dENi PARCEI K 1.53 AC. OEVELGPMEH7 PAP.r ELL ? 06 AC. ~ OEVEICPMENi PARCEL M OEVELO. MEN PRCEL ~: bEVELOPMEN PARCEL C OEVELOPMN ~ PARCEL P GEVELOP E4 PAP.CEL 0 29 AC. 30 AC. 9J A 83 A~. 5f l ~ O I~ ~ Z , ~ O 7 PA,fiS ?OTA' AP '. (195 '_0.5 ANO CGMMGN AREA) t \ Ci U I \ eTI `~ .8 F3 A,.FES GGLF ~L1Br,0USE ANO NAi NTENANCE AREAS `/ Q ~ ~ U FL"3RE C V AR :~ A L GP.E C APCEL ~ J LPE J / AP'-L R_ 2i.8fi AC. 11020 nC. 262e ac ~ S q ~~ (~ Z 169 5 AG. iGf4L P.uuRE OEV. ~ V ^/I ~ ~ N ,- -r-, d -~-~ ~ w O ~ l REV \0 ~' IiEV'=ONS ~I DASE ~ ~ ~ am.a •rm.e o rr rr.m - -u .iw. ry. ,w.r- -~' J F.\AI TBFaresl\MASi;P. DRAWN Sir; 57\sit p 06%0's\ext hee; `'M ' 1 ~ O~ ~ I~ nr, q,A~ ~ r r ^~i cuRx I~ uw>ti as -- aT sle,ap ~ » .n s aarai E nani• eel~w AL.H o.ee s u~IR]1 E ire u a eu.n :as: s .'srsrf lelrss a8 IAN.Oa w ]tl']lal E 1Ya IageaR E ]1)W ei.eJ 6).R SW'al l9 f Vc~ /~ L 8 -_~_ s I,. ~~ ~ t ,~ ~~ .~ r j\ / -~ ~'"!' xor6s. SITE DATA o~lr_,v,nyT I. All AOA05 PROPOSED TO 8E PRIVATE (BUILT i0 TOWN OF LELaNO STANDARDS / N.C,0,0. i. PROPOSED UNITS. AREA A 10.33 ACRES PA`hNENT Alm SUBGRAOE STANDARDS). SINGLE FAMILY PAPO HOMES 56 UNIrS AREA D 1.65 ACRES 2. STREET NC41T5 WILL BE CONSTRUCTED. ( ) ARCH C 0.25 ACRES 3. Spl TIFFS ARE Fo io, Lo, Wa, Pn, AND Ly (ACCORDING 10 SOILS MAP). Mutll-FANILY (TOWN HONFt) 6D UNITS AREA D 5.00 ACRES a. 9DEWALKS TO BE PlACEO ALONG ALL STREETS. TOTAL SHOWN=11fi AREA F 092 ACRES 5. A IO R. IN VBD1N NON MUNIGPAL UTIUIY USEMENT IO BE LOCATED ALONG ALL A/W5. rOTAL 18.15 ACRES OPEN SPACE B. FOA RESERENCE SEE GEED 800% 1873 PACE 780 M 8. 24 PAGES 277 1HRU 240. DENSITY CALCULA110NS (PgNO HOMES): 7. 11115 PLAN 5 PRELIMWART. NOi IN1ENDE0 FOA $AlES, RECdiOATON, OR CONVEYANCE. 116 UNITS / 849] ACRES 8. A9ectetl Nan-Mun cpal UlXitles mall ba contacted and prwidetl with plans . 2.IS UNI18 /ACRE an0 o1Nm perllnenl vNOrmatlw,, vhen kasible, Io coordinate appropriate. SITE ADDRESS emeealmg and plaement. m me mm'm,am mie M,wla maaae eMlsaaln Sewer In(ormatlon~ Ixs RIDER RD. sE. NCNG, and CPhL MNNABOW, N,C. 28419 9. Rehse collection by tlumDSter and prirote hauler. iDWN HONES (60 Wils A 210 gpd) 14,400 GPD 10. Nandicop Romper OroriaM at all nlmsations. Single fomly Lots {56 Unlls % 360 gpd) = 20,160 CPD OwNEA /DEVELOPER 11. Slle wRl meet all zoning reawremmis. Sties Cmter (12 employees x 25 DPO) = S00 GPD FUN57CN WND ANO 11NBER 12. All Stale and Federal Permits aho0 be obtained tluring final design stage. Rlness Lester (50 duly veers x 10 GPD) • 500 GPD P.O. BO% 100 iOTAL• 55,360 GPO 'MNNABOW, NC. 28419 ~,, BRUNS`uvIGK FOREST )~~ ~ ~ ~~ ZONED PUD ~-, BRUNSWICK FOREST li ~ E ling Tmt~ '~ PARKWAY__ ~i _.~-?;r] R9ht-TamDnlr ~~~ ~~~ M1 _ - 11 - ~ T~ i~ _ ~ '~ 0 _ ~~ „ -Y - '- ~ ~ _ ~~ ) / rJ(ISTING I i \\\ POND °II I k~'" `AMMERCIAL BRUNSWICK FOREST ' ~ ~- s.o6 AatEs Commercial ,,~ C-2 ~' § _ i rrn' - .ruxES -~ -~ ,y-~ ~ i )er~~ - - "~' ,I I - ewRDEN I nniESS c NrzA . / ~ - .CENTER 21.IS ACRES 7 1 / a I r ~ PcNlou>~~ ~ ` 11~ ® .~ I y ^~ I 1 s I ~~ ` w ~ PONC ,C V~ ~ _,~ / I /' /~ p~ ~\„I ~'•~° .. ~~ 777 ~/~, ~ v l ) ~ ~ ~ / PARI(E ( /- ~ ~ ~') `~ 66 yq.. ~ , { A ~' ~ (r. 99 ACRE ~/ ~ ~ ~ nrRF' ~ /l~ L ~ . -PARK R^~~ I 5d 52>. ~r~ ~ (65 Ac ~ •~ ~~~~ , ~ Ss / ,la ~;, ,~ ~~ I! I BRUNSWICK FOREST Commercial C-2 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (THIS PLAM 78.81 Acres FUTUREDEVELOPMEM (CDmmeraaq fi,Ofi Acres GENERAL NOTES: 1. lnN mop .p eat ror aonveyanae..«araatmn, or :elec. 2. TATS Property is cot located within a special Goad hozoN area according to Fload Inwrpnce Rote Mop Camnunity PmN 8370295-07300, eNective dare May I5, 1986. 3 This property is zoned Town of Lebnd PUD. 4 SewN snv(ce to be Town of Ln'Dnd (publk). Woler sdvKe to be BNns'xkk County (public). 5 SITE SPECIFIC PIAN UPDATE (i0.) 8/20/01 4 ADDED BOITFMLE55 GILVfRi IOCAPON J/16/07 3 RENSEO PER TOWN OF lEUNO 9/27/06 2 RENSEO STOAU WATER POND 9/t3/O6 I REVISED PER TOWN DF IELAND 7/1I/C6 REV. N0. RENSIONS DATE ~\ BRUN Z \\ ~~ ` BOTTOMLESS CULVERT' 16 T6 79 20 26 25 73 , i 10~ BUFRR Per ArU le NI Sec JD-241 ()(2) Leval 1-A k Sa 30-241 (]) Pgure 12B corn of Ldo d L dsc p 9 Reguwementr 12 Snmba (S ' g v etr) k 4 ConcpY i P 100 Lneu feel Sulfa Le glN 114 1] Shrubs (S ran ng Varwty) rorAL rRACt- . - f 84 87 Acres BRUNSWICK FOREST ZONED PUD ~_ V~ ~ 'ti~1 ~• UNSVVICK FORE 5 ~ ' ~I Axe a5 ~ i ~ / r 92 ( 1D I~ 4 II ) / \r 11 rr ~ , 31 \L 12 / \ 1 114 42 1 130 11 /13/ I ~, \ ~ 29 T4 ` ~15 ~.. ) t~ ~ Ill I 2B _ ~ ~ I 1}=45 ^I ) ~, ~. I SWICK FOREST' t „~°i y~ ONED PUD ~~ -'tI ~ IB,~/ STREET NAME PLANTATION PINE WA TANNIN BARK PLACE FERN OAK COURT NETTLE RIDGE ROAD COVE GARDEN LANE LEGEND ! PROPOSED STOP SIGN WED ~ ]0' ~~ I _I I'' _.__ LEESBURG _OR._~_ TYPICAL PATIO HOME NOT TO SCALE AVERAGE LOT SIZE • 12,000 S.F, ~ ~ ~ vnTx sxwAx WTH vD6wAix r 5' B'-M. 12' 12' B'-ilp. 5 , (w WN) (4. NW) ~ 90EW gA6Y0 AAEa .. I.s' s9 SA ~ •• 0• ABC GRASSED AREA 61DEWAi1( 2' VALLEY tW8 ASPHALT BASE CWRSE 5D' PUBLIC RNJ STREET SECTION -xorE Ircw xai ro sGAc wLG£xi AeWYSS AAp rippAAGE M0.tlS1mIR RAra wcxASm PEx ArcwlWrmAAUS w cEOluAwc4l aRSm, r mkmAtrcARarAw.9alE FDp GawunoN 1ESnvc SITE DATA TOrAL ANEA =84,87 ACRES FRCNT SETBACK (TOWN HgdES) = 15 FT, SIDE SETBACK = 7.5 FT. (18 FT. BEMLEN S7RUCNRES) SIDE SETBACK (CDANER Lors) - 12 FT. REAR SETBACK = 7.5 PT. ZONED PUD DENSIN SHOWN - Itfi iOrAL I)N1T5 TOiq sNGLE FAMILY LO75 SHOWN - 56 (]7 A 120' 11p1CAL) TOTAL (TOWNHIT6E5 PROPOSED) - 80 UNITS 606 ACRES N1URE CONNFRCIAI OEVELOPNENT 330 ACRES SALES CENTER PARCEL 2115 ACRES FITNESS CENTER PARCEL 54.36 ACRES TOTAL PHASE 8 OPEN SPACE (PORN AREA) TOTAL (PHASE fi) 18.15 ACRES 73.4 R OPEN SPACE SHOaI (PHASE 6) DENSITY SHOwM L13 UNITS PER ACRE (PHASE 6) *BOTTOMLESS CULVERT NorroscuE TYPICAL RCAOWAY SECTION ~. I. ___;..... ~°u WATERS OF THE U.S TYPICAL LAYOUT EXACT SIZE AND LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED Ai TIME OF FINAL PLANS (BC =BOTTOMLESS CULVERT) „e A,N.r-.~ An 5'd r a a a __i c Imam is F _ _ ____ _.' \e'.z - ~_sae~_ 50' (PUBLIC) R1W STREET SECTION is '`44 J \~11\~~~ ~ ~~~~ '~ w ~+ PeR ~ P~ro~~~yP ~~~ Oda P~ 5~0~ as 0' 200' 400' 600' . M~ 6 I NOT i03CALE1 RN aW W` U' 2 W ~ ~98a ~ ~ W~iS~ Z ~ m ~ mush W ~~w~ W~i^ A az ¢ mial~, i,W~ z ~J a J I- ^ I.L ~ W QU Z ~ ono W a ~Vo~= ~~ ~aa ~' (n ~ r v/ r~ W ~ a ~ o O U [T ^I [~ °z O A y ^ 2 ~ O U t \ ~i~ ~ ( ~~ U ~ A r^ v~ ~ ~ 01 O Z Q W O ~ J O ~.,' fv Q 9j ~ 1 ~` u '~ / ~ ~, '. BRUCf B. CAMERON 1?x \ '~ e~ c\D~ ;'~ ' L,\ U ~~ v~v -" '~- m i'"~ pj0 ~ `:-~~ ~~ ~£~'A~1 / t~ Q l 1 \~ `\ 1l ~ \ s y l~ M4 DWGLAS STANLEY/ \ - ~ - I -, '~ \;\ 367-463 \ \~ 6'CO -AC. c ,('1. ~,.\ ~ [OI Ai I. Qtl c .9.11 Ac f ...: 1 X "~ '/ ~' ~offomlessCclverf~ I ~~:~ C° ~ U949ac~' ~ °" , A ELLEN BISeARO ~ ~ ~,~ a ~, ~ Y l.-AtftEADYr Y ~'p net-946 ~ ~ ~~ (Te+nP• tmPacl~ ~ `, ~ ' , `1 ' r ~ V1, FORMERLY 1.P. IIMBERLANDS ti~^~ ~ ~ ~ \b;1~LREADYI STAN LEB'~ -~ VY k"~r ~' %~,`~ ~ ~ a ~ V\ MALLORY CREEK NORTH t __11 4 '.~\~• / ~) \ '~~ ¢3P ~P Oaa~ ~~.I~ _5,., !~. ~~ \ P,B. 79 PG. 227 M Po m\ a { ~ ~ v ~ ,;,~Yatejs o3,9fe U6lmpact: m \ -~ :I I °"`~ ~VA PHASE ~ ~ p \\ u 'A r ~ ~~ .. 'o°~ ' \ ~ w 4048 a re 2078.1 s ~ ~ u o ~2 ~ ~~ ~- v~ .• sa6B~ns ALREAQYINSTALLED ~~1° V~ EXlSfln o 169] A~ ( 9) r'7 ~` ~, ~ ~ I ~ uo ~, `VA ~ . ~ , v i~ ~ \ ° ~" ~ I 11 ~ , ~ ,; n6 i 662 1669 i e10 ~~ ~ ~ ~ 4 d ~6 A 11 ROBRICN HILL ~ 659 1 229 1 665 647 ~ 1 - ~ bb1(aj>r6e9 (.UI4~ar~'. ~, ~ - p '' \\ P,B 81 PG. 337 I ___L__1r-J- ~ ~ EBwARO BGRTCN ~ 699 n~a fmpactt ' + .:,' \ i\ PHASE 5 EsrAtF 1923 ~ ,, 11 ALi{EADVkJSTA}1F.j~ ~ eaaPC.fro__1_ v~, I i'' I1 I isa i V '~ saasa A~.. ~ ~ @ ~iY - L ~'",~ ~. ~.- ~11„ ^,~-",~ ~~ t ~, ~ ~ ~ 1B,iP` ~~2 eo Ac ' ,~ ~ ~v -_ ]04 ~~ 093 ~ ~\ 492 Ac '~ ""-''118 1 ~ ~~q~t~p[ 1- ~ ~ FORMERLY I.P. nM6ERLANGS 1 `` ~EXj49~ Gg.~o~ t Oey MALLORY CREEK NORlN '° ~ ~ ~ \ ~M \ ,.• ~t ` r I - • ' \` P.B. t9 P0. 128 \~ \ V {~ ~ t'' ur P~ A'$ (t~ ~"~ ~'IJCREEK HfIO ~ i ~ ~ , ` Wetland cf~pd0 acre (1699.9 aff (VARIOUS OwNpRS) ~ 1 ~ ~~,,,~', ~~, 'Streamlmpacft,31LF .~ ~ \~i ~B.1z Ar. ~ r ao ! 00P~ 1~ I , -~ 2S i6 Ac. ~~. ~ ~ ' 1.48 Ai. / ~ ~ ~. I - _ \ ~ ~ ~ / B ~ ~ das 'C .e ~' ~ ~ aP B.B] a~ ~f - i~ A ~ ~~ erannfal Stream lmpech ~ ' \~ ~'f NGI' c I ~ 105LF A16.'Wetlandlmpact. //////------~~~~~~\._--. 1A~ ~ la~n~~ ~ _ 1.51s0~ ~- ~~.043acr 6 -°- i r.66 ac _ a (16, ' \ ~ ---r` V ` •~ ~ Issoe AC - ~ ' ~.. , - ". ~ ems, - ~~..~ `"~ .. , - -~ ~ A t ' ~7A1. lntenniftent Stre~atn Impxt 5/ L~ - V \ ~ ~ ~ ~ o n .~ .~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ '~., ~ ~r dnd Impact: 6.018~cre (/81.6 siJ \\ ~ o ~ ,~ ~,q~,~ ~ ~ ~-.t'T Jr `~~, ~ ~ ~ ~3. fphemera7- ehiimpact 54 LF t l ~ ~ ~~ Wetland 0~~ecre (1605.3 s~-x~ `~`v "" u o w a~ 1/. U ~` r\ / 008 Ac.-a A' 1 ,~ ' ~~ ~ 1 A I 1 ~ I 'f l) ~~ , - ~ t. ~,.= ~~•~ i •~ ~ w Ac' +/4. nnlal Stream imp~cti 1~ Wetand 9npact; 0.098 acrJ (425 f) i Drava / ~ s0. zoo6 ~ ~ I F ~ ~ 66P'°P~ ~ 1 ~C \ ~ \~ 55 Ac 1.05 A~. - 9 _ l ' ~ ' J ' ~ ~ I.6lA /y/" fa I S~ Pi9 FlC. ~09NW x006 ~,~.` I } -_ 1. ~~~. !`~,C?._ ~-~' ~~' ow a~, 1.a A~ i .i '~ A ~~, g~9 A(. it ~ ~: inn I I ~ J B22 Ac. lB a Ac V I eex¢ra ~ 1 a A + "*T 1 ~~ , Irk ~~ ~ ~ naA~. _.. ,-. 1 , I G. _, o.z3 a~ ~0 ,~ iG,l -~Weda esforetion Area i,_, ,~ ~~ ~~~~~ f ~~ APp, ~, 15 ?008 ~TIANDSAND STD~~A~N r BI~Ap~~,N HAROLD BATES 1219-706 P.G. i6 PC. J2 r. lj ~' § 1.07 Ac, ~ 0.14 Ac. 149 Ac r' - ~' ~Pa11E : j i~. 0.11 Ae. a .Q ]4 k. 1 I I~ ~ ~ ~~'~' d 0.0l AC. 0.09 AC. zl - -~ ~,~ PHASE 3 _ , r ---~ " (RASH FAMILY HOLDINGS ~~ eria.~e~AC LIM17E0 PARlNERSNIP ~/~ ~ B.B. 967 PG. 649 ~ / 6 ~ ./ t ~ ~~~ I I ~ '_.•~ ~s ,,NN e`,I GUY DA NS ~ ~~~dvJ` wNUC~f Y¢AE II C `' ~ ~ ~ UN~ 170-J34 7315 Ac~ P`~~E~ f~ NcaW mMim+~ ., / pJ~N•~tln'i5 ~ 8~"' I \ r _~ , _•'. .~ , 1 i I I \~ ~~~"i~ t I ~"~ ' ~ ~ - ~ I -`--- . : - I --r, - I PRELIMINARY:NDTFDRCDNSTRUCTIDN ~ 404 WetlandslStream Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION; PHASES 3 & 5 „ Hanover Deslgn Services, P.A. ~ 6runswlck co~~ty Nc ;,~ ro osetl Im act to 404 Wetlands/Stream v /:~~; P P WilmngtonlNC28403 ~ ____ _ ____ __.-_._ ____--__ .. .m .. ~.... ......_.~. Figure 5. Site plan showing wetland/stream impacts ' "`~~ ""°~ (910) 343-8002 revised April 2008 SCALE: 1 " = 2000' ------------ - --------------- Utilities directionally bored (no impact) ~;'~ ~ `~~~_„ `, j i /' ~ / ~\ % ', ~~ ~ f ~- ~" ;',i Blue Line Stream (Approx.) -- ~~- ~ -- ; ~~ ~ , 4 1, . 1 ~~ ~ ~ ~' ,_ ~_ ,_ _ _ __~_ -__ ~__ _ ___ ______ ___ et \ining Wall ~. Ater t nt Stream Impact: 54 LF ~etl nd l ct: 0.018 acre (781.0 std - Blue-Line Stream (Approx.) site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmingtori,NC28403 Fi ure 11. Stream Wetland Im act 2 Phase 3 - ~ ~ Proposed Impact to 404 Wetlands/RPW (g10) 343-8002 g / P # ( ) SCALE: 1" - rJ~r REVISED APRIL 2008 PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1 %~ i r~x' tilities directionally ~ ~' gored (no impact) lne ~ , B1Ue.L ,. ~ ~ ~. , ~~ ~___ ,.- ~~d ~ i `~, ;i l ~~~; ~, ~" i \ ~~ ~, ~. ,, , _., ., ~ _ , ~- ;, .. . .. _~ .~ ,~ ..., \ I ~__ ,,~~` ~, ~~~ ~,f,. ~~ ~~~~ ~ , ~ Elevated Sidewalk '~~~ ~ (no impact) i ~~ ~, -' ~ ~~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~ `'~, ~~~~ Retain' g Wall ~~~`~ ~~ ~~~ ~ = #3. Ephemer Stre~rn Impact: 54 LF ~ ,~ ~, ~, ,~ Wetland~~mpac~ 0.037~~cre (1605.3 s~ ~. ~ ~ ,~ PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - Blue-Line Stream (Approx.) BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Site plan by: ® 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 1123 Floral Parkway Proposedlmpactto404Wetlands/RPW Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 12. Stream/Wetland Impact #3 (Phase 3) (910) 343-8002 SCALE: 1 ~~ - 5~~ REVISED APRIL 2008 ,._. ~ % I'~ %, ~ / f I .,, \ I ~~ ~, __-' , - r~ 1 ¢~ / ~ ~. -_._ /~'- ~ I r \ ~ ~ ', ~.. , ~i "~~~ _, ~ ~ __ ,~ ; ,` ~~ ,,_ I ,, \' -^ '~ Elevated Sidewalk _ _ --~ (nlo impact ~__~ ~,, ._ ~,. ,; ~ ~ ; ~. ~, ~ ~~ ; i 4. Perennial Strea pact: LF ~,,_ ~ Eland Impact: ~~p.098 acr 4251. ~- \~A ~~ ~ `~ ~~ ~~ ~ \ ,, PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - Blue-Line Stream (Approx.) BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Site plan by: 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC . - , 1123 Floral Parkway Proposed Impact to 404 Wetlands/RPW Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 1 3. Stream/Wetland Impact #4 (Phase 3) ~~ ~ ~.. (910) 343-8002 SCALE: 1 = 50 REVISED APRIL 2008 __ i ~_ ~~ ,.._._, -- ~. ~ ~ i -~- -- , ~ ~ - ,. _ ~_ = ~ _~ ~._ ~~_ ~ ,: ~ ~ , ; : ion, ~ ,- ,~, ~, ~ .~ , . ea .- 5~t ,, j ~~ ~,e ., / 1, _ __ ~ ~ ~ ..~ ~ ~;,! ~ .~14e :. __ _; - ; .- ___ ~ ;. ~_ ~, -, Impact #5: \ ;, ~ ~ ~ ,. ., Wetland: ~~0:~039 acre. (1699.9~s~ ~~, ~ ~ '~ ,' ,_ - . --; Stream: ~1 LF ,, ~ ~ , . ~,, ~.. :_ --- ., ;.- ~~4 ` ~~_ ~`~~~~ ; ~ ~ ~1.C-' LF of Stream}- fmpa~#'" ~~~~ A -- -- /~ !~ ~ -- - ----- O /~ / i - v _ j -~_ ; .._ - ~ ~ ~_ \ ~ \ __ ~- __ Blue LineStream A rox.) ~ ,' `- \~~~ Elevated Sidewalk - -- ~ `, ~ ~,' ~ ~ (no impact) ~~`a ;. ~~ ~ -~ L~tre~m ~irnpact~ _ ~- ,~ `~~ ~.~ ,~,-' ~\ ~ =~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~' \' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ,,`. - " _ ~~, ,;~ r~ ~. `\ ;~ ~ ;.: ~~ ~ % ~ '\ 1 ~~, ,.. ~___ _ ., ,, ''~ ~ ~~ -~ i - , -- -- 1 PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - Blue-Line Stream (Approx.) BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Site plan by: Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 404 Wetlands/RPW 1123 Floral Parkway r, Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 14. Wetland/Stream Impact #5 (Phase 5) - >~~;- Proposed Impact to 404 Wetlands/RPW (910) 343-8002 SCALE: 1 " = 50~ REVISED APRIL 2008 __ i PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Hanover Desi n Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 404 Wetlands/RPW 1123 Floral Parkway " - 1 ~ Proposed Impact to 404 Wetlands/RPW Wilmington, NC 28403 SCALE: 1 - 50 (sto)343-sooz Figure 15. Wetland Impact #6 (Phase 5) PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION ® 404 Wetlands/RPW Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC _ -.: , 1123 Floral Parkway '''~ Pro osed Im act to 404 Wetlands/RPW Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 1 6. Elevated sidewalks in Phase 5 =~;~ P P (910)343-8002 (no wetand impacts) SCALE: 1" = 50' 31 30 0 27 22 29 ~ \ 28 2 3 `\~~~~ ~ ~~ 2 7 2 6 24 25 ~~ - 9 ~' - 4 9~ ~~~ ~~ ~~. irvV. 24' RCP 3T.B' e ,~ _... N ... ~ -' 0 ,' -_, ;. PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1" = 50' Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION ® 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 17. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910)343-8002 E6-A (Bottomless Culvert Used) _~., - ~~~ - -___- 4~ ~'P -__. N 1 cyo . _ V' ~ F~ u FIRE HYDRANT t ,nn',`, ~ ~~~~ ~/J WATER VALVE _ ~~`-~ ~,,,n'; e ~ STOP SIGN ,~Ea EX SE.. WATER VALVE WATER VALVE ~~ T 1 waters of the U.S ® ~ O •~~p , " ,~ - ~ .,~ i ~ ', . ` ,` ~ 1\ ,~ 1 INV. / F 26.~ ~ ~i INV. ~ Rip-Rap V~ ~, ~ ~~ -~ '~ ~ ° ~_'~ ii i ~, ® IVY 25.8 ~1 _ ~. rl V_ 25.7 ! ~~-~ 1 ~'` i ` ~ ~~r . '~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_~ ;1 ~ ~ z""iN~ t t ~-, ~~ t= \G i 5 ~~ ~~ " /~ S 1u ~ ~ ~~ i~ // "// ~ i i\ , ~n ~. , ~l /; H, 1, ®. WATER VALVE \ t't, iii 5~,~,(ii \ K ~ \" , '~~ \`~, li~l f SA ti 104 W \ 103 W .-%'1 \ 102 W `----_--~= y i ~ ~ ~ - 74A 745 /: 743 PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ~ __ .,# SCALE: 1" = 50' Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC ® 404 Wetlands 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 18. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910)343-8002 E7-A (No-Notification NWP 39) L- ~ ~r ~~ ~~ J' ,`r ,~ ~~P~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ fl 1 ®® F,~ ry rr~ t~ . ~ .5 HEP . •.-' EX. SEWER .... _ ... .>,,. .._-_.....-......-. ____ ®..__ - ~. GS pEW P~ ;; a= ~. :.. :~ o`"3P ._ ICON EW pI ajj~po INb \~0 I S1D ', ,. ° 3, 2 INV 22.0 ~~~ - / I '~ ti~® ~,7' I ~~ ~ ® i ~ ire 0 ,`e<5 ~° '~~ '~ Zt" E+ ~Sg PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1 " = 50' Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC ® 404 Wetlands 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 19. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing E (910)343-8002 E4-A (No-Notification NWP 39) % %~ %~ ~ ~, ~, ti ~ l- ~' '' ~ / ~_! ~; ,~ j~ ~~ ;~ ;, ~, Force Main ~ ~:~ Sewer Line y .. `~4' ~ sEwEa Eu vu.vE ~ ~ PHONE C\~N q, PED. e` ELEC. D° C\0 '~ PEDCFBLE ' ~~ ; PED._ ~4 ~3 ~ ~ a~ ~~// ~~ % \ `/ d %, \ ~~ ~~ ~. 4 w ~c h~ `V j ~. ~ 1~ //f l ~ ~~~ / P~ ~/ r '/ 3 / / ,N % PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1" = 50' site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 404 Wetlands 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 20. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910)343-8002 E10-A (Bottomless Culvert Used) Old Wetland Line Rid Rap c~ `'J `~ \ ~~ i ~ ~ _4 Tai PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1" = 50' site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Brunswick County, NC ®404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 21. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 E 1 5 -A Rood \ U ~ l_-~-- Existim9 ~_ Gov _~ ~~ ., ~ c . u 5BB ~ J ~' 106CC 658. ~ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ /~ ~~'~ 105CC f 104CC ,_ 788 if ~ ~ _ ij '~, ~ 103CC ,~ 8B8 ~,\ ~y 102CC 1 ~a `~ i RP-RAPS-:: 9BB ~~ ~ 101 CC ~~~ ~ , s % ~ , e~ e.` ~ra~,z?~~ 1000C Y ' . / INV. }; CHP ~~/~~y /~ 1B B' F)~ ~~ ~V \/-TtAR 1 ~~ROAO 12BB j V _i' ~ 1388-' r~ ~, ~' 24/x_----_241 i ~, ~`~~ 2CC 239 238 ; '~~ 1488 \, 4CC ,, ' ~~~ 5CC 23 7 i' ~~. ,~ 236 ~\ ~~ 17GG ~~ ~ 16GG \, PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1" = 50' site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION ® 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 22. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 E 19 -A ~,)~~ ~i 2A ~' i 1A / i i! 5EE / O~ 4EE .,!~ 6DD i ;.~ ~T o i \. .. /%, \:, . RIP-RAP ;/ / 5DD 3EE ~% ~~ ~~~ ~ !~~ ~ 3DD Ro, ® n n .o ~':•:. _ R RA~ _ E~ /~ .. IN! E CND ~ ~~ 1 0 1 ~ ~/~\ RIP-RAP I~O~ /Z~ T \ ev 38 CLAP IP-RAP ~~ -RAF ~.., 1 C~~EE ,30 , ` ~ , ~ ~i 103EE ~~ RIP-RAP 104EE ,~ -- ---~ \~P ~ . ~ Y ~~ l `~`~~ , ' 3FF 105EE / 106EE ~ j 4FF ~~ 107EE %~ ,~' SFF PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1" = 50' Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION ® 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington. NC 28403 Figure 23. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 E20-A 122 ~ ,-, %"; 123 4 _5,- "~ _ ~ "~58 '---59 57 124 ~ ;, ~ ° o :., RIP-RAP U~~ ~ ~~ % 10 ~~ / ; ~ 125' ~ ° ,. ..,.~ RIP-RAP .. • °~ . /~ fi/ 1 05 i / _ .-, ~-~ - ,/ ` f " y/~i ~ ~ - -- ___~_ 104 3 - 0 1~ ~ - V ~' _-- -_--- - ~__ o --- fl 2 ~ ~ . ~o ~~ 103 -~-.-» ~- ~.~ ~~C i `~ RIP-RAP ~ ~ ~ r:~ _ IP-RAP 102 ------~~~ 3 ~~ ~ °~ 61 I `~, '~ 101 .~ '~., ~. 2 ~ ;: ~ ra 6 / ~: / ~ IP-RAP / ~' .8 RIP-RAP // / 64 / 1 ~ 69 i ~~. 65 ~--~- 66 \ .. ___ - 68 -_- 67 PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1" = 50' Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Brunswick County, NC ®404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 24. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 E 16-A I `%-U L 24 ~. 25 ~. _ o ~ ~' 26 ~: s s ~~ o ~ e ~ ~ ~~ -- ~ ,% 3 ~ / r, 'i it -.. ~ _l ~~' 1__ 2 ~0 ~, L / l %/ i 1D i ;' g 21 ~'~ i ~ ~ ~ i 22 j 8 23 ; - ~ ~ ,i ,~ j~/7 /~ /5 4 6 PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1" = 50' site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC ® 404 Wetlands 1123 Floral Parkway witmington,IJCZ8ao3 Figure 25. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 E 1 6 - B ~ ~) - f ~~ 6.02 ~~ ~~ \~-- .~ .., _ _ __ _: __ - -- ~ll ~ 38 37 36 4( ~i. ~. \ ~~ ;~ I I ~. I ~~ ____ ___ ------ -- -- - - ,, 237 ~~ . © `~,, a ~ ~\ - . 235 ~ o ~ ~,`~ ~ . ~ X36 234 233 - ---- - lJ _-. -- v ~'I Imo, .~'~. .. ~ ,e' eca~ ~ ~ a:© a, e' IN`. e' Rtc \ t5~ °~ \ _ _ .~ i ___- 5 05 -- ' ° ~'~~ _ ___ _ _ --- -~---_ ~~~ 607 ~ ~i ~ ~ 606 ~~o. ~ ~ ~~ 104 ~` ~- 106 1 ~, '~~> , t_ ____-__! ~ D5 PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1 " = 50' Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION ® 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 26. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 E 1 6 - C 21 AA ~;~ - ,~i 263 4A8 5A8 6AB 403 ~... ,, ,\ ~~ ° i ~,, ~ ., ~~ 402 /' ~,, _. ," ~, , __ _ _ ; ~.. , ; I ~ ~ ~" _ ~ ~, .,, "- "" 180 I ~ R P-o_.__ -_~ / /':i o ~~ ;, i~ 179 ~, ~~~ i .~., RiP RAP ' I ~ e INV 38 C P ~)9 ~ l BJ. 36'CMP ~'~ i ~a I ~ R P RAP I c ~~ _ I ~~`'~ off` ~ ~'E,' ;® ~ 1 78 ,,~ ~ a w ~~~~, iRi~AP ~ ~` / ~'~ ` ~ ', .~ ~,t 1 177 176 `~,, 175 17 PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1" = 50' site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION ® 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Eigure 27. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 E26-A 103 104 105 106 Rq , ~ Rpo ~~'~~ _ I _ ~ . r:~ ..., RIP-RAi~~~" ~ 4~ RpP-_ , ~ -- ~~~ a j , 6.. S F ~ \ Y ~ ~ o~ w. RIP RAP ~"~ 102 - - --- ~~ .. _ . ,.. '~ 01 O° A ~ /~ f' m' a~s •~. ' INV. AB' CNP ].Y •• ` / ~ /N FB' CNP INV ~\ ' . ' - ~:•. . ~ '°:~ • ~ , t, ~ . .l ~ I \ `~ •••\ ~ ~ `~ i 1) . ~, ( ~' ~ a~ g '$b RP-R~{ ~~ ~ ~ W i a ~ o RIP-RPP C 1 r l m ~~_ > L L.\ 0 .907 'RELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1" = 50' Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC ® 404 Wetlands 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 28. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 W 8 -A n I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ;.._,_ o-- - ; -' ,, 'L1J ,. ~> __- _~ _,, ,_. -- ~..~ L 9 :- L ~ : %'~ L 11 ~~ _ ,- - -7- 1 I` ~~ . - ~ ~ ~.~~--- ~ __ _ o -~~ I,, ~ I ~ 1 ,r , , o ; _ ~~ a~- m oA o .,_ b "_-- _ RIP RAP (, ~I ~%~ \ ! ~ ~' V / L pS;) v ~~ ~6 %~ 68L v fg ,, RP RAq`_. r! RIP RAP fo. r~L1~ ~^ ~ ~\` ~ // y~ ,,dd, . ~'y6.fi ~b"Spp l~r INV SP" C4 ~•,~S RIP-RAP ~~ iN V. ~ CIIP ~I \ ` 188' ! - I].d INV~16" CYP11 ~ ~ t y B' L~J 9~ J k - ~~ \~ RIP-RAP RIP-RAP I , \~ ~ . rJ I J I I ' l PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1 " = 50' Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 29. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 W 9 _A a78 9 79 980 ;' 306 ;' 305 ''. ''. 304 ~I ~ 303 ~~ ~~ 981 302\ '~~ ~~~ 982\ ~ ,_i U 6N 7N 5N 4N ,3N ,~'~J E T'- A N J R1P-RAP ~.~21~1. 30 20 40 50 `" NV 1R'RCP ~ 1B9 60 g` 70 10 PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION .... , SCALE: 1" = 50' site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Brunswick County, NC ® 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 30. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 W 9 _ B V 1.~C ~~ ~ ~J L~ ~,, -~ by- ; ~ ,~, 111 110~~ \~ ~ 109 ~. ~ t~ \ I RIPP-RA~ ..\~ ~__ _ __ ~ ~ P ~ ~p 108 106 ~,,` ~ ~ ~ o ,, ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~\ J ~ r .~ ~ , \ /, /~ ~ RIP-RAP \ ~V rev .~ ~ i ~\.. ~ / j 1` ... / ~... ...., ....... ",~ / ~ ~' ~.~iJ ~ __ , '~ ~,- ~' / ~ \ RIP RAP ~ ~' \\ ~~RIP-RAP ~ \~"' /'. \ ~`~ ~ ~~,~ ^\ 205 147 146 I '~~E T~_ ,~~ it\~~ ~~ RELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1" = 50' site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 404 Wetlands 1'123 Fiorai Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 31. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 W 1 1 -A %> f• ~ ~! 3s 4S ;- 5 S i' 6S , ~// ;= ^' ~~~~. `. ~' 'i i \ ~ /. ~' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~(j,~ i -... ~ ~I.S' // ~ ~` `\ Jai __. INV. IB' RCy \ O _~ - --a ~i o ~ ~ _. -..- ~~~o T _ __- --- % RP-RAP __- ~ rv _ ~_--- ~ .-~-_._ ~~ RIP-RAP RIP RIP-RAP 2S 14 ~~. ~~'~ 10R 11R PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1" = 50' Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION ® 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 32. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 W 1 2 -A ' -_. _. __ 308 , i ~ / 813 i i 307 ~ ~ ~ 306 f ~ „~...~% 814 /; / /..-815 i ; 305 j ` j~ 816 ~, v ~ v ~ ~~ ~ ;' ~ %'` 4 @ %"~ / i' 81.7 ~r +•. RP-RAP ~"~ ]0.] ~•• _~ P ~~ 818 •:.. _, DOE ROAD -.~_ ' RIP RAP iv7C' AD a. ~© P-RAP ~ 2 O'13'C~ r °~°119 RIP-PAP ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 118 ~ ~ _ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ;~ 117 i / i ~ 116 %" % ;~ '~~ ~' 115 1` PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC - 1123 Floral Parkway wllmington,NC29ao3 Figure 33. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing SCALE: 1 " = 50' (910) 343-8002 W 1 2-B ~i ~,, j ,~ ~ ~ 60~r 603 10 j - 9 :. --- -_ __ 8 .,~ _____ - ________, ° / 602 5 ;;- ~~ ~-- 1 ,- i ~ \`\\ / / [~ ~~, ~ 4 / 2 3~ ~ E01 ~, --- --_-_ __ 2 4 0 ,Ili ~ 6 D O .3~i' __-, ~ 41 ~ 2 ~.,,. ~''\. 2 42 ~\~ ~ ; \~ ~, ,, ~~ , a :, ,\ 4 ~ 243 ~~,_ 3~1 ~' 2 1 ~., -" RIP-RAP J) L^J \ ____ ____ ._~. ' C1 \\ INV. 1A' Pb~'L~,s ' iyV 18~ RCP \\\ 24.6.4' (~ Y~.J ~ ,.P'P4P yy~2 4 4 ~ -- \` 24~" ~_ ag /~ ~~ ~ 24, 10 PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1 " = 50' site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC ® 404 Wetlands 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 34. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 W 1 2 - C ~7 206 205 ~ ~.... ~ ~. ~,~. o ~.% ~:- ~, ,,~~ ~~ ~' ~ ~ ~- f ~ 237 ~\ f INV. 24' RCP ~ 10.0' \\ ~` 236 ~. ~~ ,~ ~~_ 21 '~ 241 %~ % 2 40 j ~- i I I I 2.38 235 234 233. ,_ __-- --- 2 '~~_ 9S `~ .,~ 10S ~~ PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION SCALE: 1 " = 50' Site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC ® 404 Wetlands 1123 Floral Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Figure 35. As-Built of Existing Road Crossing (910) 343-8002 W 1 5 -A 80' R/W r 10' RIP-RAP APRON ~ 2' VALLEY CURB EXISTING GRADE WETLANDS AREA ,~ `~ ~ /, %"~; ~' . w z J (Y W z w 80' R/W STREET SECTION NOT TO SCALE 10' RIP-RAP APRON EXISTING GRADE WETLANDS AREA PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION Site plan by: Brunswick County, NC Hanover Design Services, P.A. 1123FIoralParkway Figure 37. Typical Road Cross Section Wilmington, NC 28403 with 70' wide impact (910) 343-8002 ELEVATED SIDEWALK ~ EXISTING GRADE WETLANDS AREA f I LL,:,i ~y .. '~i . z J W F-- z w U 80' R/W STREET SECTION NOT TO SCALE GRASSED AREA ~ ELEVATED 9' 8' S' SIDEWALK z Z ~ r,'fii;v aQ ~~%~ w3 ~~~j ~ - _ EXISTING GRADE WETLANDS AREA PRELIMINARY: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION - Blue-Line Stream (Approx.) site plan by: BRUNSWICK FOREST SUBDIVISION 404 Wetlands Hanover Design Services, P.A. Brunswick County, NC 11z3FIoralParkway Figure 38. Typical Road Cross Section ~~X Proposed Impact to 404 Wetlands/RPW Wllmington,NC28ao3 with 54' wide im act (910) 343-8002 p APRIL 2008 ~ „-•> r-i ~ D r ILl r ~ ~ T~ /. ~ - - 2' VALLEY CURB 80' R/W 36' GRASSED AREA ** 1.5" S9.5A ** 8" ABC ASPH LT BASE COURSE 5' 8' 9' _ 18 18' ~\ Wetland Preservation Type Map \\ ~ Mitigation approved for Corps permitting (163.5 ac.) I 1 ~\, ^ NCSU mit~gat~on; non-approved for Corps permitting 1 `~` ~~ ® Wetlands under hydrologic study ~ .~~` ~ n \ > ~ ~ Preservation Wetlands in future phases '`!~ ~ ~ e ~~ -Proposed road crossings ` - ~ ~~ ~ Proposed 0°Isolated wetlands" ~~ ~. \ ` ~, ~: ri ~..~.., ~ ~ -~ \ -' ~ ~ ~ . ~.~~~ ~~ ~. q ,r ;, +~ ~. . ~~ ~- ~\ ,: ~~ .. '' ~--- ~" ~- n ~\\ S.C Certification Number 57 Brunswick Forest Tract 3ounr ,~_ ,rF -~o~,~ox~m2re ano a~F Brunswick County, NC ~,~ ~~~F a , r~ ~~ osoiure 03-05-440W Map Source: 1998 NAPP aerial photography ~LMG Figure 1 LA9D MAFAGLM[NT GROUP n:~ Wetlands Preservation Type Envrionmentn~Cnnsul~anrs JANUARY 2008 not to scale A 1 MITIGATION PROPERTY CONSERVATION AREA Mitigation Property Conservation Area. Those areas to the extent that they have been or will be annexed into the Brunswick Forest Development and shown on maps of the Brunswick Forest Development recorded in the Brunswick County Register of Deeds which are identified as mitigation property pursuant to a mitigation condition of a Clean Water Act authorization issued by the United States of America, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, action ID as further set forth in Article All of the Mitigation Property Conservation Area (as said term is defined in Section )shall be maintained in its natural or mitigated condition. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Governing Documents, no person or entity shall perform any of the following activities on such Mitigation Property Conservation Area: (a) fill, grade, excavate or perform any other land disturbing activities; (b) except for necessary manual operations, cut, mow, burn, remove, or harm any vegetation; excluded are activities necessary for fire suppression, removal of hurricane, storm and flood damage and debris, or removal of material for disease control; (c) construct or place any roads, trails, walkways (except as set forth hereafter), buildings, mobile homes, signs, utility poles or towers, or any other permanent or temporary structures; (d) drain or otherwise disrupt or alter the hydrology or drainage ways of the Mitigation Property Conservation Area; (e) dump or store soil, trash or other waste; or (f) graze or water animals, or use for any agricultural or horticultural purpose. ApplicabilitX. The covenants and restrictions described in ARTICLE are intended to ensure continued compliance with the mitigation condition of a Clean Water Act authorization issued by the United States of America, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, Action ID ;and therefore may be enforced by the United States of America. The covenants and restrictions described in ARTICLE are to run with the title to the Mitigation Property Conservation Area, and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the Owner(s) thereof, all parties having any right, title or interest in the Mitigation Property Conservation Area or any part thereof, their heirs, successors, and assigns. Amendment. DECLARANT hereby reserves the right to impose additional restrictions upon the Mitigation Property Conservation Area as and to the extent required by the terms of said Clean Water Act authorization (including, but not limited to revision(s) to the Mitigation Property Conservation Area described in Exhibit that are consistent with the definition provided in Section ). Such additional restrictions may be imposed by DECLARANT by the recording of a Supplemental Declaration, and no joinder or consent of the Association or any other Owner or Person (other than the United States of America, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, or its successor) shall be required on such Supplemental Declaration. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Governing Documents, the covenants and restrictions described in ARTICLE may not be altered or rescinded (other than revision(s) to the Mitigation Property Conservation Area described in Exhibit that are consistent 77758 with the definition provided in Section )without the express written consent of the United States of America, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, or its successor. Elevated Paths, Walkways, and Boardwalks. DECLARANT herby reserves the right, subject to any and all required approval(s) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District, or its successor, to construct elevated paths, walkways, and/or boardwalks to traverse the Mitigation Property Conservation Area and/or be located adjacent to the Mitigation Property Conservation Area. Nothing in this Section shall be construed as a representation by DECLARANT or the Brunswick Forest Master Association, Inc. as to what, if any, paths, walkways, and/or boardwalks, if any, shall be constructed and provided for the use of the Owners. 77758 ~~ ~ ~~ C®EN North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Land Resources James D. Simons, PG, PE Land Quality Section Michael F. Easley, Governor Director and State Geologist William G. Ross Jr., Secretary 8/24/2007 LETTER OF APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATI®NS AND PERFORI~'IANCE RESERVATI®NS Funston Land & Timber, LLC Mr. Allen Jefferson Earp, Manager 1007 Evangeline Dr. Leland, NC 28451 RE: Project Name: Brunswick Fog-est Ph 5 Express Review Project ID: Bruns-2008-084 County/Town/Street: Brunswick, Leland, US Hwy 17 River Basin: Cape Fear Submitted By: Hanover Design Services, P.A. Date Received by LQS: August 23, 2007 Plan Type: NE~~v' Dear Mr. Eaip: This office has reviewed the subject erosion and sedimentation control plan and hereby issues this Letter of Approval with Modifications and Performance Reservations. A list of the modifications and reservations is attached. This plan approval shall expire three (3) years following the date of approval, if no land-disturbing activity has been undertaken, as is required by Title 15A NCAC 4B .0129. Should the plan not perform adequately, a revised plan will be required (G.S. 113A-54.1)(b j. Please be advised that Title 1 ~A NCAC 4B.0118(a} requires that a copy of the apprcved erosion control plan be on file at the job site. Also, you should consider this letter to give the Notice required by G.S. 113A-61.1(x) of our right of periodic inspection to insure compliance with the approved plan. North Carolina's Sedimentation Pollution Control Program is performance-oriented, requiring protection of existing natural resources and adjoining properties. If, following the commencement of this project, it is determined that the erosion and sedimentation control plan is inadequate to meet the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (North Carolina General Statute 113A-51 thni 66), this office may require revisions to the plan and implementation of the revisions to insure compliance with the Act. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 Phone: 910-790-7215 l FAX: 910-350-2004 Letter of Approval with IVlodifications and Performance Reservations Mr. Allen Jefferson Earp August 24, ?007 Page ? of 4 Acceptance and approval of this plan is conditioned upon your compliance with Federal and State water quality laws, regulations, and rules. In addition, local city or county ordinances or rules may also apply to this land-disturbing activity. This approval does not supersede any other permit or approval. Please be aware that your project will be covered by the enclosed NPDES General Stonmwater Permit NCGO1000 (Construction Activities). You should first become familiar with all of the requirements for compliance with the enclosed general permit. Please note that this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the information provided in the Financial Responsibility Fonm, which you have provided. You are requested to file an amended form if there is any change in the information included on the form. In addition, it would be helpful if you notify this office of the proposed starting date for this project- Please notify us if you plan to have a preconstruction conference. Your cooperation is appreciated. Sincerely, Carol N. Miller Assistant Regional Engineer Land Quality Section Enclosures: Certificate of Approval Modifications and Performance Reservations NPDES Permit cc: David Brown, Hanover Design Services LQS-WiRO Letter of ,approval with Modifications and Performance Reservations Mr. Allen Jefferson Ea~p August 24, 2007 Page 3 of 4 1\7®DIFICA'I'I®IoiS AND PEI2F®It1VI:~NCE IZ.ESEItVA7CIOlVS Project Name: Brunswick Forest Ph 5 Project ID: Bruns-2008-084 County: Brunswick 1. This plan approval shall expire three (3) years following the date of approval, if no land disturbing activity has been undertaken, as is required by Title 15A NCAC 4B.0029. 2. The developer is responsible for the control of sediment on-site. If the approved erosion and sedimentation control measures prove insufficient, the developer must take those additional steps necessary to stop sediment from leaving this site. Each sediment storage device must be inspected after each storm event. Maintenance and/or clean out is necessary anytime the device is at 50% capacity. 3. Any and all existing ditches on this project site are assumed to be left undisturbed by the proposed development unless otherwise noted. The removal of vegetation within any existing ditch or channel is prohibited unless the ditch or channel is to be regarded with side slopes of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or less steep. Bank slopes may be mowed, but stripping of vegetation is considered new earth work and is subject to the same erosion control requirements as new ditches. 4. The developer is responsible for obtaining any and all permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project prior to the commencement of this land disturbing activity. This could include agencies such as the Division of Water Quality's stonllwater regulations, their enforcement requirements within Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers' )Lll-1sd1Ct1011 of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Division of Coastal Management's CAMA requirements, the Division of Solid Waste Management's landfill regulations, the Enviromnental Protection Agency and/or The U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act, local County or Municipalities' ordinances, or others that may be required. This approval cannot supersede any other permit or approval; however, in the case of a Cease and Desist Order from the Corps of Engineers, that Order would only apply to wetland areas. All highland would still have to be in compliance with the N.C. Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 5. If any area on site falls within the jurisdiction of Section 401 or 404 of the Clean Water Act, the developer is responsible for compliance with the requirements of the Division of Water Quality, the Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) respectively. Any erosion control measures that fall within jurisdictional wetland areas must be approved by the aforementioned agencies prior to installation. The Land Quality Section must be notified of a relocation of the measures in question to the transition point between the wetlands and the uplands to assure that the migration of sediment will not occur. If that relocation presents a problem or contradicts any requirements of either DWQ, the Corps, or the EPA, it is the responsibility of the developer to infornl the Land Quality Section regional office so that an Letter of Approval with Modincations and Performance Reservations Mr. Allen .lefferson Earp August 24; 2007 Page 4 of 4 adequate contingency p]an can be made to assure sufficient erosion control remains on site. Failure to do so will be considered a violation of this approval. 6. Any borrow material brought onto this site must be from a legally operated mine or other approved source. A single use bol-row site or an area to waste material is only permissible if it is operated under the total control of the Financially Responsible person or fine who is developing this site and has been separately permitted and incorporated as part of this plan meeting all the requirements of NC General Statue 74-49(7)f. 7. This permit allows for a land disturbance, as called for on the application plan, not to exceed 73 acres. Exceeding that acreage will be a violation of this permit and would require a revised plan and additional application fee. Any addition in impervious surface, over that already noted on the approved plan, would also require a revised plan to verify the appropriateness of the erosion control measures and storn7water retention measures. 8. The construction detail for the proposed silt fence requires reinforcing wire and steel posts a maximum of 8.0 feet apart. Omission of the reinforcing wire is a construction change that necessitates more posts for support, i.e., the spacing distance needs to be reduced to no greater than 6 feet apart. 9. Because the stonnwater retention ponds are shown on the plan as the primary sedimentation and erosion control devices on this project, it is necessary that the ponds and their collection systems be installed before any other grading takes place on site. If that proves to be impractical, a revised plan must be submitted and approved that addresses erosion and sediment control needs during the interim period until the ponds are fully functioning. 10. A graveled construction entrance must be located at each point of access and egress available to construction vehicles during the grading and construction phases of this project. Access and egress from the project site at a point without a graveled entrance will Ue considered a violation of this approval. Routine maintenance of the entrances is critical. 11. The North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act mandates a shortened time frame in which to re-establish vegetative groundcever. Slopes (including cuts, fills, and ditch banks) left exposed will, within 21 calendar days after completion of any phase of grading, be planted or otherwise provided with groundcover sufficient to permanently restrain erosion. ~~~ NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Land Resources James D. Simons, PG, PE Land Quality Section Michael F. Easley, Governor Director and State Geologist William G. Ross Jr., Secretary May 26, 2005 LETTER OF APPROVAL WITH MODIFICATIONS AND PERFORMANCE RESERVATIONS Funston Land & Timber, LLC Mr. Allen Jefferson Earp, Mgr. ___ PO Box 100 Winnabow, NC 28479 RE: Project Name: Brunswick Forest, Phase 3 Acres Approved: 366 Project ID: Bruns-2005-347 -EXPRESS OPTION County/Street: Brunswick, US Hwy. 17 River Basin: Cape Fear Submitted By: Hanover Design Services, PA Date Received by LQS: May 24, 2005 Plan Type: NEW Dear Mr. F,arp: This office has reviewed the subject erosion and sedimentation control plan and hereby issues this Letter of Approval with Modifications and Performance Reservations. A list of the modifications and reservations is attached. This plan approval. shall expire three (3) years following the date of approval, if no land-disturbing activity has been undertaken, as is required by Title 15A NCAC 4B .0129. Should the plan not perform adequately, a revised plan will be required (G.S. 113A-54.1)(b). Please be advised that Title 15A NCAC 4B.0118(a) requires that a copy of the approved erosion control plan be on file at the job site. Also, you should consider this letter to give the Notice required by G.S. 113A-61.1(a) of our right of periodic inspection to insure compliance with the approved plan. North Carolina's Sedimentation Pollution Control Program is performance-oriented, requiring protection of existing natural resources and adjoining properties. Tf, following the commencement of this project, it is determined that the erosion and sedimentation control plan is inadequate to meet the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (North Carolina General Statute 113A-51 thru 66), this office may require revisions to the plan and implementation of the revisions to insure compliance with the Act. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext., Wilmington, North Carolina 28405-3845 • Phone: 910-796-7215 I FAX: 910-350-2004 Letter of Approval with Modifications and Performance Reservations Mr. Allen Jefferson Earp May 26, 2005 Page 2 of 4 Acceptance and approval of this plan is conditioned upon your compliance with Federal and State water quality laws, regulations, and rules. In addition, local city or county ordinances or rules may also apply to this land-disturbing activity. This approval does not supersede any other permit or approval. Please be aware that your project will be covered by the enclosed NPDES General Stormwater Permit NCGO1000 (Construction Activities). You should first become familiar with all of the requirements for compliance with the enclosed general permit. Please note that this approval is based in part on the accuracy of the information provided in the Financial Responsibility Form, which you have provided. You are requested to file an amended form if there is any change in the information included on the form. In addition, it would be helpful if you notify this office of the proposed starting date for this project. Please notify us if you plan to have a preconstruction conference. Your cooperation is appreciated. Sincerely, Carol N. Miller Assistant Regional Engineer Land Quality Section Enclosures: Certificate of Approval Modifications and Performance Reservations NPDES Permit cc: Mr. David Brown, Hanover Design Services, PA LQS-WiRO Letter of Approval with Modifications and Performance Reservations Mr. Allen Jefferson Eazp May 26, 2005 Page 3 of 4 MODIFICATIONS AND PERFORMANCE RESERVATIONS Project Name• Brunswick Forest, Phase 3 Project ID: Bruns-2005-347 -EXPRESS OPTION County: Bru~ nswick 1. This plan approval shall expire three (3} years following the date of approval, if no land disturbing activity has been undertaken, as is required by Title 15A NCAC 4B.0029. 2. The developer is responsible for the control of sediment on-site. If the approved erosion and sedimen~tio~ ce~e}.measures-prove insufficient; the developer must take those additional steps necessary to stop sediment from leaving this site. Each sediment storage device must be inspected after each storm event. Maintenance and/or clean out is necessary anytime the device is at 50% capacity. 3. Any and all. existing ditches on this project site are assumed to be left undisturbed by the proposed development unless otherwise noted. The removal of vegetation within any existing ditch or channel is prohibited unless the ditch or channel is to be regarded with side slopes of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or less steep. Bank slopes may be mowed, but stripping of vegetation is considered new earth work and is subject to the same erosion control requirements as new ditches. 4. The developer is responsible for obtaining any and all permits and approvals necessary for the development of this project prior to the commencement of this land disturbing activity. This could include agencies such as the Division of Water Quality's stormwater regulations, their enforcement requirements within Section 401 of the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' jurisdiction of .Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Division of Coastal Management's CAMA requirements, the Division of Solid Waste Management's landfill regulations, the Environmental Protection Agency and/or The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act, local County or Municipalities' ordinances, or others that may be required. This approval cannot supersede any other permit or approval; however, in the case of a Cease and Desist Order from the Corps of Engineers, that Order would only apply to wetland areas. All highland would still have to be in compliance with the N.C. Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. 5. If any area on site falls within the jurisdiction of Section 401 or 404 of the Clean Water Act, the developer is responsible for compliance with the requirements of the Division of Water Quality, the Corps of Engineers and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) respectively. Any erosion control measures that fall within jurisdictional wetland areas must be approved by the aforementioned agencies prior to installation. The Land Quality Section must be notified of a relocation of the measures in question to the transition point between the wetlands and the uplands to assure that the migration of sediment will not occur. If that relocation presents a problem or contradicts any requirements of either DWQ, the Corps, or the EPA, it is the responsibility of the developer to inform the Land Quality Section regional office so that an Letter of Approval with Modifications and Performance Reservations Mr. Allen Jefferson Earp May 26, 2005 Page 4 of 4 adequate contingency plan can be made to assure sufficient erosion control remains on site. Failure to do so will be considered a violation of this approval. 6. Any borrow material brought onto this site must be from a legally operated mine or other approved source. A single use borrow site or an area to waste material is only permissible if it is operated under the total control of the Financially Responsible person or firm who is developing this site and has been separately permitted and incorporated as part of this plan meeting all the requirements of NC General Statue 74-49(7)f. 7. This permit allows for a land disturbance, as called for on the application plan, not to exceed 366 acres. Exceeding that acreage will be a violation of this permit and would require a revised plan and additional application fee. Any addition in impervious surface, over that already noted on the approved plan, would also require a revised plan to verify the appropriateness of the erosion control measures and stormwater retention measures. 8. Because the stormwater retention ponds are shown on the plan as the primary sedimentation and erosion control devices on this project, it is necessary that the ponds and their collection systems be installed before any other grading takes place on site. If that proves to be impractical, a revised plan must be submitted and approved that addresses erosion and sediment control needs during the interim period until the pond's are fully functioning. . 9. It is assumed that the stockpile slopes will be no steeper than a 2 horizontal to I vertical ratio. If it is necessary for the slopes to be any steeper, a revised plan will be necessary. 10. The North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act mandates a shortened time frame in which to re-establish vegetative groundcover. Slopes (including cuts, fills, and ditch banks) left exposed will, within 15 working days or 30 calendar days (whichever is shorter) after completion of any phase of grading, be planted or otherwise provided with graundcover sufficient to pernzanently restrain erosion. -' ,,, F ,.„ e :~ ,_ ... ,~ _ ~ ~~~~ ,,, s ~ , y `=a ,. f i~: NOT TO SCALE Brunswick Forest Subdivision j,Meir Appendix: Brunswick County, NC LANllMAKAGBh1L'NTGROUI'i.c Environmen[crl Consuftonrs Aerial Photograph: 1949 03-05-440W April 2008 Brunswick County, NC LMG LAND MANAGLMLNI' GROUP iuc. _~ fnvironmpnrai Consultants April 2008 Appendix: Aerial Photograph: 1970 --~~. ~t NOT TO SCALE Brunswick Forest Subdivision Brunswick County, NC 03-05-440W LMG LAND MANAGGML'NT GROUP ivc. 1r Environmental Consulronts April 2008 Appendix: Aerial Photograph: 1972 0'1 - 2yo ~ c~ Brunswick Forest Subdivision; Phases 3 and 5 Mitigation Plan Brunswick County, North Carolina Prepared by: Land Management Group, Inc. Wilmington, NC Prepared for: Funston Land and Timber, LLC Leland, NC Apri12008 r. Table of Contents List of Tables and Figures 1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................3 2.0 Site Description .......................................................................................................................3 2.1 Wetlands .............................................................................................................................3 2.2 Soils ...................................................................... ..............................................................4 2.3 Vegetation ............................................................. ..............................................................4 3.0 Mitigation ................................................................... ..............................................................4 3.1 Wetland Restoration ............................................. ..............................................................4 3.2 Wetland Enhancement .......................................... ..............................................................5 3.3 Wetland Preservation ........................................... ..............................................................5 4.0 Monitoring ...............................................................................................................................5 5.0 Implementation Schedule .......................................................................................................6 6.0 Summary ..................................................................................................................................6 List of Figures Figure 1. Vicinity map ..............................................................................................................7 Figure 2. Topographic map ......................................................................................................8 Figure 3. Soils map ...................................................................................................................9 Figure 4. Aerial photograph ....................................................................................................10 Figure 5. Site plan showing proposed wetland impacts and mitigation .................................11 Figure 6. Wetland restoration and enhancement ...................................................................12 u 1.0 Introduction In order to mitigate for impacts to 0.335 acres of 404 wetlands and Waters of the U.S. and 298 linear feet of stream within Phases 3 and 5 of the Brunswick Forest Subdivision in Leland, North Carolina, Funston Land and Timber, LLC agrees to restore, enhance, and preserve wetlands on site and buy into the Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP). This tract is approximately 4290 acres in size and is located off of Highway 17 in Brunswick County, NC (Figure 1). 2.0 Site Description 2.1 Wetlands Staff of Land Management Group, Inc. delineated the entire tract in 2001 and Mr. Allen Davis of the US Army Corps of Engineers (ALOE) signed the wetland survey on 9/10/2001 (for IP Realty Corporation Brunswick Forest). This jurisdictional deternlination has since expired and the delineation was revised in areas. LMG submitted a revised wetland survey and supporting hydrology data to Ms. Jennifer Frye of the ACOE. Staff of LMG met with Ms. Frye on February 20, 2008 to review the wetlands in Phases 3 and 5 and she verbally approved the revised wetland line. Copies of the wetland survey have been submitted to -her for final sign off. The site contains approximately 1200 acres of 404 wetlands. Several blue-line streams run through the property: Mallory Creek, an unnamed tributary (UT) of Mallory Creek, and a UT of Piney Branch extend into the eastern part of the site (Figure 2). Another UT of Mallory Creek forms part of the eastern property boundary. Goodland Branch and two UT's of Morgan Branch extend into the western part of the site. Goodland Branch flows into Town Creek, which forms part of the southern boundary of the tract. Finally, Little Mallory Creek forms another section of the southern property boundary. All named streams are classified as C; Swamp Waters by the Division of Water Quality. Please note that the proposed restoration area was delineated as wetlands in 2001. Hydrology data collected from automated monitoring wells in 2006 and 2007 determined that the 3 ditch running through this area had effectively drained the soils so that they did not support wetland hydrology. Therefore, it was not classified as wetlands in the reevaluation. This determination was approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in February of 2008. 2.2 Soils According to the Brunswick County Generalized Soil Survey, a majority of the uplands within the site are classified as Baymeade fine sand, Foreston loamy fine sand, Goldsboro fine sandy loam, Leon fine sand, and Newhan fine sand (Figure 3). Wetlands within the site are shown mostly as Dorovan muck, Muckalee loam, Murville fine sand, Pantego mucky loam, and Torhunta mucky fine sandy loam. 2.3 Vegetation Pond pine (P. serotina), red maple (Ater rubrum), black gum (Nyssa sylvatica), titi (Cyrilla racemiflora), and fetterbush (Lyonia lucida) are the dominant plant species that exist in the wetlands on this property (Figure 4). Undeveloped uplands support loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), red maple, and wax myrtle (Myrica cerifera). 3.0 Mitigation 3.1 Wetland Restoration A total of 1.27 acres of uplands will be restored to wetlands by filling approximately 730 linear feet of a ditch (Figures 5 and 6). Material used to fill the ditch will be taken from upland areas within the site. The proposed restoration area is already vegetated with wetland species such as black gum and red maple. Therefore, no wetland planting will occur. Two automated monitoring wells will be installed to measure water levels on a daily basis. In addition to the on-site restoration, the applicant will also buy into the Ecosystem Enhancement Program for the restoration of 2981inear feet of stream located elsewhere within the Lower Cape Fear Watershed. 4 3.2 Wetland Enhancement A total of 2.44 acres of wetlands located adjacent to the ditch that the applicant proposes to fill will be enhanced. Data collected from automated monitoring wells indicate that this area still technically meets wetland hydrology parameters. However, the water levels in this area are somewhat suppressed by the ditch. Filling the ditch will improve the wetland hydrology in this region. Two monitoring wells will be installed in the area to document changes in water levels. 3.3 Wetland Prese~wation The applicant will preserve approximately 163 acres of wetlands on site through restrictive covenants. 4.0 Monitoring A general site analysis will occur directly after mitigation activities have been completed and will consist of performing an `as-built' survey and taking photographs of the site to evaluate initial success. A small narrative will be written and submitted to the Corps and to DWQ. From then on, monitoring will occur annually for up to five years (if the agencies determine the site to be successful prior to five years, monitoring will discontinue). Hydrology will be measured by installing two automated wells in the restoration area, two wells within the enhancement area, and one well in a reference wetland. The goal of the hydrological success criterion is the establishment of a groundwater table at or above 12" from the soil surface for either 12% of the growing season (March 7 -November 28) during periods of normal precipitation or at least as long as that of the reference wetland. Since no vegetation will be planted in the mitigation site, no vegetation sampling will occur. However, photographs will be taken of the existing vegetation to ensure its continued health. A monitoring report that summarizes these results and includes photographs of the restored area will be submitted to the Corps and to DWQ. 5 5.0 Implementation Schedule Wetland mitigation activities will commence as soon as all necessary permits have been obtained. 6.0 Summary In order to mitigate for wetland impacts associated with development of Phases 3 and 5 within the Brunswick Forest Subdivision, the applicant will restore 1.27 acres, enhance 2:44 acres, and preserve approximately 163 acres of wetlands within the site. In addition, the applicant will buy into the NC EEP to mitigate for proposed stream impacts. These actions will compensate for permitted wetland and stream impacts and fulfill the requirements of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Division of Water Quality. 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Flemming Gibson Brunswick Forest Tract Brunswick County, NC 03-05-440W LMG L1 I AtA ~'A41 ILI. 1' 'k li ~,. ~. E i~r I i,• ~lir ir, November 2007 Figure 3 Soils Map 1 " = 2200' T~S . .. ^.T f{ .~ ~ 'S_)S 4 h ' 1 .\ i ~,~ ` Y.. nib ~ t ~-~.~_ 1'~1 ~ 14 A ,,, ~ r,~x Y ~ ~,,-~i _ '(4.. Jl ~,.;~ ; ~itFy~~ ,,,f ~i f,3~~ .~ l L ~t ,_. '$ 1 F' - ~ x ! ~, e v r -~ f ~+'rt ~ '~'`~ ~ err' - ` « r - - + ss~ ~.rt, i 9 4.rd~~~ f ~ _7 ~i P5" ~f t - ti ,i°~,.,zst ' `~' ~~ ~ a'„. _,~r~ 7. `ti . ~ i•~ ~,~ i= ~ `~~~°t ~° `:„sir ~ Y"~ y¢`~ : ~~+ ; ~_~ \~~' `' .~ ~ k~~~ ~ ~` i~'.t r'i ~' ~:r K S. a. .~~..y,!;j ar ;;5'``~~ ',h` _'?6.,"4.~,: v ~~ <~. ~ a : -. -'S _ ' >` '"1 . ,.. , x.. C' '~.. 9 .~ ' ~' . 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