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NCS000528 DMR SW (3)
0e WATERS EDGE ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC 4901 WATERS EDGE DRIVE,SUITE 201 •RALEIGH,NC 27606•PHONE 919.859 9987•FAx 919 859 9930 November 18, 2015 NCDEQ Division of Water Quality Central Files 1617 Mail Service BranchCI D Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 6""; MAY 3 1 2016 Reference: Year 1- Period 2 Stormwater Monitoring Report Premiere Fibers Facility CENTRAL FILES DWR SECTION Ansonville,North Carolina Stormwater Permit No. hG0,S000 52.8, Waters Edge Job No. R9-21 To Whom It May Concern: We are presenting the stormwater monitoring report for Year 1- Period 2 in 2014-2015. All results are within required parameters We have attached the DMR, SDO, and laboratory analytical results-see Appendix A and B). If you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance, please contact me at prahn@watersedgeenv.com or 919.859.9987. Sincerely, Waters Edge Environmental, LLC - Phillip L. Rahn President cc: Mr. Dewey Fulton and Mr. Kevin Bowers-Premier Fibers 15-090 STORMWATER DISCHARGE OUTFALL (SDO) MONITORING REPORT Permit Number:NCS 000528 or SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING CALENDAR YEAR: 2016 Certificate of Coverage Number:NCG (This monitoring report shall be received by the Division no later than 30 days from the date the facility receives the sampling results from the laboratory.) FACILITY NAME Premiere Fibers COUNTY Anson PERSON COLLECTING SAMPLE(S) T. Haynes PHONE NO. (704) 826.8321 CERTIFIED LABORATORY(S) Pace Lab# 633 - � /. Lab# (SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE OR DESIGNEE) By this signature,I certify that this report is accurate complete to the best of my knowledge. Part A: Specific Monitoring Requirements Outfall Date—, . ._._ ,` No. Sample i , Total ,. ` . Notal' , , COD° ,;y: „ pkt,', ` ' .'. ; , Collected Rainfall Suspended - , Solids(TSS) Permit Bench N/A 100 120 6-9 „ mo/dd/yr. Q inches _ _mom . mg/1 z ` Units a� - _..''. 1 5.5.16 See Below 57.0 ND 6.3 2 5.5.16 ND ND 6.3 3 5.5.16 12.3 ND 6.0 4 5.5.16 54.8 94.0 6.8 5 5.5.16 33.0 97.0 7.1 I Does this facility perform Vehicle Maintenance Activities using more than 55 gallons of new motor oil per month?_yes V no (if yes,complete Part B) Form SWU-246-112608 Page 1 of 2 Ma IMO Mlle INN NMI 111111111 Ili UM 111110 MI NM MIS RIM MINN MOM Part B:Vehicle Maintenance Activity Monitoring Requirements Outfall Date 500$0 .00556 00530 00'400 _ No., Sample Total PrOv Total Rainfall Oil&•Qzease Total pH. :,New Motor,©il Collected (if applicable) Suspended Usage" Solids mo/dd/yr 1 MG . inches . mg/I ,mg/l _ Units . K gal/Mo STORM EVENT CHARACTERISTICS: Date 5.5.16 Mail Original and one copy to: Total Event Precipitation(inches): 0.16 Division of Water Quality Event Duration(hours): N/A (only if applicable—see permit.) Attn: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617 (if more than one storm event was sampled) Date N/A Total Event Precipitation(inches): Event Duration(hours): (only if applicable—see permit.) "I certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." i • ar"/2(i /Z0/ 'Sit ture of Permittee hate Form SWU-246-112608 Page 2 of 2