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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071815 Ver 1_More Info Received_20080320BSC GROUP TRANS[v~ITTAL To: Mr. Ian McMillan Date: 03-20-2008 NC Division of Water Quality Proj. No: 06020.00 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Project: The Meadows ~ Raleigh, NC 27604-2260 M DEN VY~TLANDS We are sending you: ® Attached ^ Under Separate Cover Via: ^ Overnight Delivery ^ To be picked up by Recipient ^ Regular Mail ® Messenger ^ Direct from printer ^ Other: Five 5 co ies of Re uest for More Information Packet which includes: - Cover Letter with res onses to comments. - BMP Su lemental sheet checklist for Bioretention Areas #1, #2, #3, and #4. - Plan sheet set with the re uested chan es. One 1 CD of the Di ital Files This information is: ^ For Your Information ^ Approved as submitted ^ Resubmit _ copies for approval ^ Unchecked ^ Approved as noted ^ Return _ corrected prints ^ Preliminary ^ Disapproved ®Submit _ copies for ^ Revised Plans ^ Returned for corrections distribution ^ Final Plans ®Sent for your review 6i' comment Remarks: Response to Request for more information DWQ Project #07-1815 BSC File #06020.00 Copy to: Signed: ' Patar Frarr•.arnli P F ~~oe~~ 1R 2 0 2008 t - YVA7ER QUALITY ND STORA~9WATER BRANCH 701 Corporate Center Drive, Suite 163 Raleigh, NC 27607 Tel: 919-854-0811 Fax: 919-854-0812 Note: If enclosures are not as noted, please contact us immediately. %l ssc G~our trzrrsf~rming t~,e human enviro,~-:eni 7aiCorporateCenterDr. Suite ib3 Raleigh, lYC z76o7 yiarch 20, 2008 Tel: 9~g-S;q-o8a~ Mr. Ian 1UIciVlillan 8oo-z88-8~?3 llivision of Water Quality Fax: gig-i3yc}-oB~a ~LOI/~Vetlands Unit 1650 Nlail Service Center www.hscgroup.corn Raleigh, NC 27699-1650 Re: The Meadows Subdivision Wake Forest, NC DWQ Project # 07-1815 Dear N1r. McMillan: The BSC GRQUP received a request for more information letter, dated February 21, 2008, for the above referenced project. The additional information requested is attached with response to comments provided in bold below. Additional Information Requested: I. Please correct the following two issues regarding the labeling on the plans: a. The correct term for the )3MPs you are proposing is "bioretention areas," not "bioretention ponds." b. The plans should not be labeled as "peelimil}ary." RESPONSE: All arcas labeled as bioretention ponds have been changed to bioretentian arcas. The prelimitrary Zabel has also been removed from the plan set as well. 2. Please show the pipes connecting the uaderdrains with the bypass channels on the plans. RESPONSE: TI~e pipes connecting the underdrains with the bypass channels have been changed So they are more apparent on floe plan set. Please see sheets C.8.0, C.S.I, C.8.2, and C.8.3 for details. 3. Please provide details for the flow splitter devices you are planning to use. Engineers RESPONSE: Details for the stormwater rrtanhale {Town of Wake Forest Detail 2.50) that will be used for the flow splitter device have been added to DWG C.8.4. Also, the inverts Environmental for the bypass pipe and the pipe entering the bioretention area are indicated on the Scientists profiles located an C.8.0, C.8.1, C.8.2, and C.8.3. All details have been provided in order Gis Consultants to construct the flow splatters properly. tandscape ~L. For each of the proposed Bioretention Areas, please provide a Required Iterns Checklist architects (the second worksheet of the Bioretention Supplement Form) as well as any required items planners that were omitted in the most recent submittal. Some of the required items that need to be Surveyors ~., ~;?~° included are: the construction sequence, the gragosed drainage easements, the maintenance accesses, and tl~e fertilizer and 4vatering specifications to establish tlae centipede sod. The soils test is not required in this case due to your decision to use underdrains. RrSPOiVSE: A required items checklist for each bioretention area is attached in the additional information packet. The fallowing items have been addressed with this submittal. a. The construction sequence is provided with this submittal and outlines in detail the seq~iance the eresior. ccntrcl rnea~ures mill be con;tr~xctcd and ho~v the bioretention areas wi#I be protected. b. Drainage easements have been identified on the plans. There is a 20' public drainage easement that is proposed adjacent to the storm drain pipe that is Iocated between the affected Lots. The bioretention areas are all located within areas that are owned and maintained by The Meadows Home Owners Association (HOA). Therefore no easement is required around the bioretention areas located within the HOA owned and maintained bioretention areas. Hosvever, we did determine that a 10' maintenance easement should be Iocated around the bioretention area. This 10' easement is measured outward from the top of tine berm. This 10' maintenance requirement did require the plans to be modified to indicate an easement on the portion of some of tlae single-family bonne lots. Please see sheets C.8.0, C.8.1, C.B.Z, and C.8.3 for details (Lots 22, 23, 67-70, 84, S5, and Lot 97) e. iVlaintenauce access will occur through the storm drain easement that is located between floe public RO~V and the BNH'. tiVliere necessary, maintenance easements have also been proposed to allow access in and around the bioretention areas. d. Watering acid fertilizing requirements #'or sod estabIishnxe~it have been added to each bioretention area specifications, see D'4VG C.8.0 - C.8.4. Shauid you have any questions or require any additional information please contact Pete Fraccaroli or myself at (919) 8~~-08 L 1- ~Ve appreciate your time in this matter. Very truly yours, BSC GROUP ~---~ ~ -0 Trevor Dicke~'son Ecological Scientist ~:~ -- Ft~ ~, The Meado~vs - Constrnctio~t Segtreiace for Biorctention Areas 1. Obtain gland-disturbing permit. Schedule a p~-econstruction conference with the Town of Wake Forest Environmental Engineer. 2. Install gravel construction entrances at the end of both ends of Barnford Mills Road. Install silt fence and tree protection fencing. Clear only that area necessary to install temporary diversions, sediment basins, and/or other measures as shown on the approved plan. Install slope drains at each basin as necessa~~y to prevent scour. Seed temporary diversion ditches, beans, and basins immediately after construction. They should be constructed to finished design volume at the initial phases of construction to the extent possible. They should be maintained as temporary erosion control measures during construction until such time that the site is stabilized. 3. Ca[1 the Town of Wake Forest Engineering Department to schedule an onsite inspection by the environmental engineer to obtain a certificate of compIia~~ce. 4. iVlaintairi temporary sedimentation basins as folloavs: inspect basins after each period of significant rainfall. Remove sediment and restore the basin to its original dimensions when the sediment has accumulated to one half of the design depth of the basin. Place the sediment that is removed in a designated disposal area and replace the contaminated part of the gravel facing. Check the structure for damage from erosion especially around the slope drains. Periodically check the depth of the spillway to ensure it is a minimum of 1.~ feet below the low point of the embankment. Immediately fill any settlement of the embankment to slightly above design grade. Any rip-rap displaced from the spillway must be replaced immediately. Stabilize the embankment and al] disturbed areas above tine sediment pool and downstream immediately after construction with seeding. Install storm sewer and inlet protection with blocks and gravel inlet controls, or other approved measures, as shown on the plan. b. Stabilize site as areas are brought up to finish grade with vegetation, paving, etc. Seed and mulch denuded areas within 15 days of completion of any phase of construction. When construction is complete and all areas are stabilized completely, call for an inspection by the environmental engineer. 8, If site is approved, remove temporary diversion ditches, silt fence, sediment basins etc., and seed out or stabilize any resulting bare areas. When removing custom basins, any natural draw or temporary diversion ditches leading to the basin should be removed or re-routed prior to filling the basin. All remaining permanent erosion control devices, such as bioretention areas and permanent drainage ditches, should now be installed. 9. tiVhen vegetation has become established, call for a final site inspection by a Town of Wake Forest environmental engineer. Obtain a certificate of compliance, r aSL= T~n1 T ten! ~l fZCA ~ ~... Permir No: (fo be assrgnod by DWQ) P[oase indicate tho page or pion sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package wilt result in a request foradditianal information, This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may inifiai below. IF a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Page! Plan 1 ' Sheet No. ~ . t.,p ~~ p9z ~~ ~~~g Plans (t" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: - Design of ultimate build-out, -Off-site drainage (if applicabla), -Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), -Cell dimensions, - Pretreatment system, - High flow bypass system, - Maintenance access, - Proposed drainage oasemenl and public right of way {ROW), -Clean out pipe locations, -Overflow device, and - Boundaries of drainage easemont. ~" $, ~ 2. Plan details {1 ° ~ 30' or larger) for the bioretention cell showing: - Cell dimensions - Pretreatment system, - High flow bypass system, -Maintenance access, -Recorded drainage easement and public right of way {ROW), - Design at ultirnaie build-out, -Off-site drainage {if applicable}, -Clean out pipe locations, -Overflow device, and - 8ountlaries of drainage easement. ~ "~ 3, Section view of the bioretention cell (1" = 20' or larger} showing: - Side slopes, 3:1 or lower - Untlerdrain system (if applicable}, and - Biorefention cell layers [ground level and slopo, pre-treatment, ponding depth, mulch depth, fll media depth, washed sand, filter fabric {or choking stone if applicable), #57 stone, underdrains (if applicable), SHW7 level(s), and overflowstructure) ~/ 4. A soils report That is basod upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. The results of the soils report must be verified in the field by DWO, by completing & submitting the sails investigation request form. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. Afl elevations shall be in feel mean sea level (fmsl). Results of snits tests of bosh the planting sail and the in situ soil must include: -Soil permeability, - Soil composition (% sand, °/° fines, °/° organic), and ~~ - P-index. ~k a[• d 5. A detailed planting plan (1` = 20' or larger) prepared by a qualified individual showing: - A variety of suitable species, -Sizes, spacing and locations of plantings, -Total quantity of each type of plant specified, - A planting detail, -The source nursery for the plants, and - Fertilizer and watering requirements fa establish vegelaticn. fi. A construction sequence that shows how the bioretention cell will be protected from sediment until the entire drainago area is stabitized. .~ 7. The supporting calculations {including underdrain calculations, if applicable). 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0&M) agreement. T ~" 9. A copy of the deed restrictions {if required). Form SW401-Biorolention-Rev.3 Part Ilr, Page 1 of 1 ~ ti N 1~1d~A ~ ~. PermiF No: fro bo assigned by OWQJ Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal pac&age will result in a request for additional information. This will dotay (anal review and approval of the project. Initial in tho space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification, Pagel Plan In' Sheet No. ~~ ~BZ Plans (1" - 50' or larger} of the entire silo showing: -Design at ultimate build-out, -Off-site drainage (if applicable}, - Delineated drainago basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin}, -Cell dimensions, - Pretreatmen# system, - High flow bypass system, -Maintenance access, -Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW}, -Clean out pipo locations, -Overflow device, and -Boundaries of drainage easement. ~ ~, I 2. €'lan details (1" = 30' or larger} for the bioretention cell showing: -Cell dimensions - Pretreatment system, -High Flaw bypass system, - Maintenance access, -Recorded drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Design at ultimate build-out, - 0#f-site drainage [if applicable}, -Clean out pipe locations, -Overflow device, and - t3aundaries of drainage easement. ~ ~F f 3. Section view of the bioretention cell (t" = 20` or larger] showing: -Side slopes, 3: t or lower - Underdrain system (if applicable), and -bioretention cell layers (ground level and slope, pre-treatment, ponding depth, match depth, tilt media depth, washed sand, filter fabric far choking sione'tf applicable), #57 stone, underdrains (if applicable}, SHWT level(s}, and overflow structure] 4. A sails report that is based upon an actual fie€d investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. The results of the sails report must be verified in the field by DWQ, by completing & submitting the soils investigation request form. County soil maps are not an acceptable sourco o(soils information. All elevations shall be in feat moan sea level (fmsl}. Results of sails tests of both the planting sail and the in ~~~ 1 situ soil must include: -Sail permeability, - Soif composition (°/° sand, °/° fines, °/° organic}, and - t'-indox. 5. A detailed planting plan (1" = 20' or IargerJ prepared by a qualified individual showing: - A variety of suitable species, -Sizes, spacing and locations of plantings, -Total quantify of each Type of plant specited, - A planting detail, -The source nursery for the plants, and - Fertilizer and watering requirements to establish vegetation. ~~~ 6. A construction sequence That shows how the bioretention cell will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. ~~f-_~.__. 7. The supporting calculations (including underdrain calculations, if applicable}. ~viouT~Y +~~~ S. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0&M} agroement. ~ 9. A copy of the deed restrictions (if required}. Form SW4a1-Bioretentioa-Rev.3 Part III, Page 1 of 1 A Permit Na; 3, o7zE~ir~ o.y A-ra~, ~' ~ [ta be assigned by r]WQ) .. ~ ~ ~ _, ~~ ~. ff.TREQ[l[RED`IT~MS_CJi~CI(F_lS3 ~,..~.: , ' _ r ~ _ '_-; ~ = ,s Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be sound. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for adds#ionat information. This will delay final review and approval of the project, Initial in the space provided to indicate iho following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach jus#ifit;ation, Pagel Plan Ins ' Sheet No. ~Y I z ~ 3. Plans {1" - 5D` or larger) of the entire site showing: -Design at ultimate build-out, - Off-site drainage (if applicable}, - Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), -Cell dimensions, -Pretreatment system, -High flow bypass system, -Maintenance access, - Proposed drainage easomeni and public right o€ way {ROW), -Clean out pipe locations, -Overflow device, and -Boundaries of drainago easement. ~~ $r ~ 2. Plan details (1" = 3D' or larger} €or the bioretention cell showing: -Cell dimensions - Pretreatment system, -High flaw bypass system, - Maintenance access, - Recordod drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), - Design a1 ultimate build-out, -Off-site drainage {'rf applicable), -Clean aui pipe locations, -Overflow device, and ~~ ` ' -Boundaries o€ drainage easement. ~ (~j rf ~~ ~S~ ~ 3. Section view of the bioreteniion cell (1" = 20' or largorj showing: - Side slopes, 3:1 or lower - Underdrain system {if applicable}, and - Btoreteniion cell layers [ground lovel and slaps, pre-treatment, ponding depth, mulch depth, fill media depth, washed sand, fitter fabric {or choking stone if applicable), #57 stone, undordrains {if applicable), SHWT level{s}, and overflow structure] I Al~ ~!~ 4. A soils report that is based upon an actual field invesiigaiion, soil borings, and infltration tests. The results of the soils report must be verified in the field by DWQ, by completing & submitting the soils investigation request form, County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. All elevations shall be in feet mean sea level {fmsl}, Results of soils tests at both the planting soil and the in situ sot! must include: -Soil permeability, -Soil composition (% sand, % fines, % organic}, and - P-index. ~~".~. 5. A detailed planting plan {1" = 20' or larger) prepared by a qualitied individual showing: - A variety of suitable species, -Sizes, spacing and locations of plantings, -Total quantity of each Type of plant specified, - A planting detail, -The source nursery for the plants, and /,~ / -Fertilizer and watering requirements to establish vegetation. /` ~ ti. A construction sequence that shows how the bioretention cell will be protected from sediment until the ,J~, ~/ ~ entire drainage area is stabilized. / ~ `~ ~ ~~~~ 7. The supporting calculations {including underdrain calculations, if applicable}. ~j~~ 1~it8~~ou~Y ~C ,/ 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance {0&M} agreement. N A /'~ ~ 9. A copy of the deed restrictions {if required}. Form SW4ot-Bioretentian-Rev.3 Para Ilr, Page 3 of 1 ~la'ftF~~c/V`rronl ]~~2E'A -u Permil No: (fo be assigned by r71N4) Please indicate iho pogo or plan shool numbers wharo tho supporting dacumantafion can bo found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requiroment has not boon met, aftach justification. Paget Plan Ini ' i Sheet No. ~, I,. ~ ~.g r3 ~~ ~~ `~~ "~ ~!~- <<, ~~ Plans (1" - 5d' or larger) of the enure site showing: -Design at ultimate build-out, -Off-site drainage (if applicable), -Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), -Cell dimensions, - Pretreatment system, -High flow bypass system, - t~aintenanco accoss, -Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), -Clean out pipe locations, - Overflow device, and - Boundaries of drainage easement. Z. Plan details (1` = 30' or larger} for the biorotention cell showing: - Cell dimensions - Pretreatment system, -High flaw bypass system, -Maintenance access, -Recorded drainage oasoment and public right of way (ROW}, -Design at ultimate build-out, -Off-site drainage {if applicable), -Clean out pipo locations, -Overflow device, and - toundaries of drainage easement. 3. Section view of the bioretention cell {1" = 24' or larger) showing: -Side slopes, 3:1 or lower - Undordrain system (if applicablo}, and -Bioretention cell layers [ground level and slope, pre-treatment, ponding depth, mulch depth, fill media depth, washed sand, filter fabric (or choking slone if applicable), X57 stone, underdrains {if applicable), SHWT levels}, and overflow structure] 4. A soils report That is based upon an actual Feld investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. The results of the soils report muss be verified in the field by DWQ, by completing & submitting the soils investigation request form. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. All elevations shall be in feet mean sea level (fmsi). Results of soils tests of both the planting sail and the in situ soil must include: -Soil permeability, -Soil composition (°/° sand, °/° fines, °/° organic), and - P-index. 5. A detailed pfanling plan (1" = 20' or larger) prepared by a qualified individual showing: - A variety of suitable species, -Sizes, spacing and locations of plantings, -Total quantity of each type of plan3 specified, -A planting detail, -The source nursery for the plants, and - Fertilizer and watering requirements 1o establish vegetation. 6. A canstruclton sequence that shows how the bioretention cell will be protected from sediment until the entife drainage area is stabilized. ~r~j ~~r~ 7. The supporting calculations (including underdrain calculations, if applicable}. ~ts~wutiv f~r2 +~v~y 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0&M} agreement. 9. A copy of the deed restrictions (if required). Form $UU441-Bioretention-RSV.3 Parl III, Page t of 1