HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160571 Ver 1_on hold letter_20160615Carpenter,Kristi From: Wrenn, Brian L Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 11:36 AM To: Chapman, Amy Subject: on hold letter for Penny Rd Greenway, EL-5104 Attachments: On-hold letter EL-5104 06152016.docx Amy, Please find attached an on hold letter for the Penny Rd. Greenway project in Guilford Co. for your signature . Can we send hold letters via email with a read receipt request or do they need to go through certified mail? Thanks! Brian L. Wrenn Transportation Permitting Unit Division of Water Resources 919-707-8792 Brian.wrenn@ncdenr.gov Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL pUAL1T June 15, 2016 CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Randy McCaslin, Depury City Manager Ciry of High Point 211 S. Hainilton Street High Point, NC 27260 PAT MCCRORY DONALD R. VAN DER VAART se����ru„� S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Subject: Proposed Penny Road Greenway in Guilford Counry, Federal Aid Project No. TCSP-0710(20), State Project No. 45125.1.1, TIP Project No. EL-5104. Dear Mr. McCaslin: The Division of Water Resources has reviewed your subinittal for a 401 Water Qualiry Certification and Randleinan Buffer Rules Authorization for the subject project. Review of your application revealed it lacking necessary inforination requued for inaking an inforined pennit decision. The pennit application was deficient in the following areas: • Page 1, Section A.ld. of the Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) forin indicates that you are only applying for a 401 Water Qualiry Certification. The project is located in the Randleinan Lake watershed and appears to iinpact protected riparian buffers. The PCN should also uldicate that you are applying for a Riparia�l Buffer Authorization. Please subinit a revised page 1 of the PCN. • The drawings subinitted with the application do not show the areas of iinpact to streuns, wetlands, or buffers. Although it ca�l be asswned that the unpacts correspond with the location of the greenway, there inay be additional cleared areas outside of the greenway location for installation a�ld inaintenance purposes. Please clearly show the unpacts to strea�ns, wetlands, and buffers on the drawulgs at a scale that is easy to read (no greater than 1"=50'). • It is unclear whether there will be a inaultena�ice corridor along either side of the greenway through the buffers. NCDWR will accept 2-foot inaintena�ice corridors on either side of the greenway through buffers. Please indicate the location and width of any inaintena�zce corridors on the drawu�gs. • The teinporary culverts shown on the plans do not ulclude specifics on the culvert diaineters. Please provide details of the culvert diinensions that deinonstrate they are appropriately sized for the respective streains. • Sheet 8 of the drawings appears to shows parallel unpacts to Zones 1 and 2. Is it possible to shift the aligmnent of the greenway to avoid the iinpacts to Zone L If not, please provide a justification for the Zone 1 unpacts. • Sheet 9 of the drawings appears to show the asphalt greenway begimiing in Zone L Is it possible to extend the elevated tiinber greenway section beyond Zone 1? If not, please provide a justification for the Zone 1 unpacts. • Sheets 13 a�id 14 of the drawings appear to show a riprap ditch beginning approxunately at the elevated tunber greenway section and extending down through Zone 2 of the buffers. This is not considered diffuse flow and does not appear to ineet the requireinents of storinwater treahnent to control nitrogen and attenuate flow for new conveyances through the buffers [15A NCAC 02B .0250(9)]. Please provide justification for this new storinwater conveyance as proposed. Please be aware that if the conveyance is approved as proposed, initigation will be required for the buffer unpacts resulting from the conveyance. Therefore, pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .0507(a)(5), we will have to place the pennit application on hold until we are supplied the necessary inforination. You have 21 days to respond ul writing with the requested inforination or notification to this office that the ulforination is forthcoining. If, at the end of the 21 days, this office has not received this infonnation ul writing, we will asswne you are withdrawing your application and it will be returned. Furthennore, until the inforination is received by the NC Division of Water Resources, we request (by copy of this letter) that the US Anny Corps of Enguleers place the perinit application on hold. If you have any questions or require additional infonnation, please contact Bria�l Wrenn at 919-707-8792 or brian.wrenn@ncdenr.gov. Staie of North Carolina IEnvironmenial Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mall Service Center, Ralelgh, North Carollna 27699-1617 Phone:919-807-6300 Sincerely, S. Jay Zimmerman, Director Division of Water Resources Electronic copy only distribution: David Bailey, US Army Corps of Engineers, Raleigh Field Office Jerry Parker, Division 7 Environmental Officer File Copy