HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080122 Ver 1_Buffer Determination_20080221OF W A ~ ~~ .a p O G ~ ~ ~_ ~ '•C ~Y:'•'Ya I~ebnlary 21, 2008 K.W. Harper. Jr. 2921 Hwy 55W Kinston, NC 28504 ~ubjcct Propert}~: K.«'. Harper [.?~T to ~eusc River Basin Mr: had r. i{asl~c, (imcrnnr t1111cun C. Ka.< Jr tit: rM~r~ \rxth ('aailin:i I kiianmrnt oC P.munnment an,3 N:UUrII Kcxrurcrs (: ollcen Su1Ln. IArcrtcr Ikt ision O3~ ~~ lift OU,lllt) D~1'Q Nr(~ject = 2008-OI22 Lenoir t'cx3nty On-Sias lletermination for Applirabilitti~ to the Vcuse Ri~~er Riparian flrca E'rotectian Rules (15A :CAC 2B .0233) Dear :~4r. f larger. {)n Pehruar}' 1 ~_ 2008. at your request 1 conducted an on-site determination to revie\\ drainage i'catures located on the suhji;ct pr(perty t~>r applicability to the \cuse River Riparian Holier Rules (I a:~ NC/1C 2B .U2 ~3). The property is (orated at the intcrsecticrn of :~lC HN'Y 2~8 and H~4~Y 70, take 2~8 S. about I % mile on the left. ~t'he feature is labeled as "2008-Ot2_^^" on the attached revised map initialed b}~ me on February 21, 2008 The !)i~•ision of Water Qualih~ (llWQ) Kati determined that the portion of the feature that is highlighted in pink on the attached map is Exempt from the Meuse Buffer Rules. This Ican3re should be identified an arty future plans fur this property. The owner (or future owners) should notify the D11'Q (and other relevant agencies) of this decision in any future correspondences concernint this propert}~. This dctermittatian pertains to the suhjcct property only. This on-site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made b.' the D\t'Q or Dcle~~ated t_ocal authority that a surface water crisis and that it is suhject to the huller rule may request a determination by the Director. r1 reyuest f~~r a determination by the Director shalt he referred to the [)irector in \vritinu~ c/o Cyndi Karoly, DW%Q ~~'ctland5~401 Unit. 232t Crabtree Blvd.. RalciLh, NC 27604-2260. Individuals that dispute a determination by the D~L'Q or Delegated Local authority that "exempts' a surface \~atcr li-om the butler rule may ask for an adjudicator} hearing. ~'vu must act \\ithin 60 da\s of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60-day statutory appeal time does not stag until the atlecte(i party (;including do\vnstream and adjacent lando\\ners) is notified ofthis decision. DV~'Q rccomntcn(Is that the applicant conduct this notification in order to be certain that third party appeals are made in a timel}' manner. '.~orih C:uolmn thrraon o! \\'atCr Ouabq Internet: h20 enc5tate.rK. us 9-0:i R`a~hurgUm Syu:uc Viral! !'hunt 23.4i6~fi•1R1 Ont' 1\<i.hanet~rn \('??8H9 f':\Y 2i2_y.1(~~?21= Nr~rthC'strnlin.l To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter I SOti of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Uliice of Administrative I iearings, 6714 ':Mail Service ('enter, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-6714. This dcterTrrination is final and binding untess you ask far a hearing within 60 days. Phis letter only addresses the applicability to the buffer rules and does not approve any activity within the butlers. Nor does this letter approve any activity within Waters of the United States or U1'aten of the State. If you have any additional questions or require additional intbrmation please call me at (252) 948-3920. Sincerely. Chris Pullinger/Environmental Specialist D~L'QtWaRO Wetlands / 401 Unit T:nclosures: copy of 1:24,000 scale (S{~S topographic map, Rivermont quadranLlc cc: llWQ ~1'aR0 Oles 40 t Central Off ice files Central Files DLQ WaRO files Filename; 2008-0122 ~, .. _,,• _~ ~• Y • • • -.. . ' ,~~. • I• .. , ~ .... .. ' . _. •• •., .. .~ •• •• •-•.. ' . .' • • • • , f~ •••• •• ••.• .• ~~ • • . • • ' ~ - •• • •. •• . • •• 1 • • ~ • •• • • s'.. . • • • . • •. • • • . . • , -• ~•~ •~ • , ~ , •• • ' ~. 1. .. • + • ~ • • ~ • _ • ~ ~• ''' ~.~ _ ~- V •• • • • ~ . ' , . .. • { • v . E3r3f~.t. a ... _ . ' r ' ~~ ~~•~ ~~_ • ,<.~. . , -. North Carolina Env+rotxnen±~1 .. ` , ` Maryprntar~ Cornrrwe~on C?a~iiion Of Weser Quafrty ' f ' _ Dam .- ~ __._. -----r- • ___.__-- 13 c: '`~ ~ "~.. - . . ;,~,. 'ti k ~ • F.. .~ 4 ~3 ~ c~ec . ir..