HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061949 Ver 1_401 Application_20061206Environmental Consultants, PA :Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27b14 Phone: (919) 84b-5900 Fax: (919) 84b-94b7 www.SandEC.com December 19, 2006 S&EC Project #10535.W1 Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Attn: Cyndi Karoly 2321 Crabtree Boulevard, Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Reference: Major Variance Request Brookfield Subdivision, Lot #45 65 Bethany Lane, Youngsville, Franklin County, NC Dear Mrs. Karoly: The purpose of this correspondence it to request a Major Variance from theTar-Pamlico River Riparian Buffer Protection Rule: 2B .0259 (9) (c), on behalf of Mr. Joseph D. Procopio (homeowner) for the above referenced site. Previously, you have met with Mr. Procopio on his property for a stream buffer appeal call and have discussed the potential of a major variance option. On December 5, 2006, Mr. Procopio, you and I met to further discuss the project and to inform you of Mr. Procopio's intent to move forward with a request for Major Variance. You indicated that such devices as biodetention or a rain garden should be utilized to treat and detain the stormwater runoff from the new impervious surfaces, along with the requirement of riparian buffer restoration and buffer mitigation. Mr.Procopio has agreed to use a rain garden to treat the runoff from the proposed impervious area in addition to restoring 20' of Zone 1 within his property boundaries and payment into the Ecosystem Enhancement Program for the impervious area within Zones 1 & 2 and a 10' permanently maintained (grassed) side yard closest to the structure. Although final plans for the stormwater device has not been completed, attached is a Preliminary Design Calculations 8~ Concept Plan showing the approximate size and location for the rain garden. Project Location The property is located within Holden Farm Subdivision (formally known as Brookfield Subdivision), 4th house on the right off Bethany Lane, approximately 0.25 miles north of the intersection of Cedar Creek Road (SR 1116) and Holding Young Road (SR 1117), 0.5 miles east of Youngsville, North Carolina. The attached USGS site vicinity map (Figure 1) and the attached Wake County Soil Survey site vicinity map (Figure 2) depict the location of the property. The total property is approximately 0.34 acres. Existing Conditions The original lot was recorded in Franklin County in April 2000. This lot has been vacant until Mr. Procopio purchased in September 2005. No impervious surface was existing prior to Mr. Procopio's construction of this single-family residence. Proposed Impacts The property owner wishes to complete his single-family residential structure. Currently, the two story dwelling exists without a front porch, back porch, driveway, sidewalks or back deck. Figure Page 1 of 3 Brookfield Subdivision, Lot #45 December 19, 2006 Variance Request Letter S&EC Project #10535.W3 4 shows the footprint of the proposed structure. The proposed impervious surface within Zone 1 is 160 ftZ; the proposed impervious surface within Zone 2 is 814 ft ~ Additionally, there is a 10' maintained side yard that the applicant would like to keep maintained in grass; this proposed area is 1,207 ft2. The total requested impacts to the riparian areas are 2,181 ft 2. Permitting Requirements This home construction will not result in any fill within jurisdictional waters therefore no 401 or 404 permits will be required. The homeowner has already received his building permit from Franklin County and is required to comply with their rules and regulations during construction. Water Quality Improvement We offer the following with regard to overall water quality treatment associated with this project: 1. Preliminary Design Calculations & Concept Plan for a Rain Garden. This Rain garden is designed to treat 85% Total Suspended Solids and 35% nitrogen. 2. Riparian Buffer restoration plan that proposes the planting of trees and shrubs within Zone 1. 3. Payment into the Ecosystem Enhancement Program. Attached is an acceptance letter accepting riparian buffer mitigation for the impervious surface proposed within Zones 1 & 2 and the proposed 10' maintained side yard (grassed). Project History This lot was previously known as lot #45 within Brookfield Subdivision, Phase I. Phase I of this subdivision received preliminary approvals from the Franklin County Planning Board in March 2000 (see attached). Currently, this subdivision is known as Holden Farms. Mr. Procopio entered a contract to purchase this lot on August 16, 2005 from Wiggins Farm, LLC. This property was deeded and recorded to Mr. Procopio on September 15, 2005. Noted on the deed was °variable width sanitary sewer and drainage easement". Additionally, in September 2005, Mr. Procopio applied for a building permit through Franklin County. The building permit was approved and issued by Franklin County on October 10, 2005 (see attached). After some lot clearing, Mr. Procopio realized that because of the topography of the lot, the driveway would be better suited on the right side of the structure, rather than the left. Therefore on October 24, 2005, a building permit revision request was submitted to Franklin County changing the location of the driveway from the left side of the structure to the right. Construction was started on the structure in December 2005. In February 2006, Mr. Procopio received a Sedimentation Inspection Report from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section (NCDENR-LQS) that required Mr. Procopio to install sediment and erosion control measures to prevent further sediment loss into the creek. Mr. Procopio immediately installed the requested measures and continued construction. In March 2006, Mr. Procopio received an additional Sedimentation Inspection Report from the NCDENR- LQS, this time specifically requesting the installation of a check dam and silt fencing at the ditch within the western portion of the lot along with repairing and stabilizing this area to prevent sediment loss into the creek (see attached). Again, by the compliance deadline requested, Mr. Procopio installed the specific plans as attached to this Sedimentation Inspection Report and continued construction. On March 20, 2006, Mr. Procopio received a Notice of Violation (NOV) from the NCDENR- Division of Water Quality (DWQ) noting a Neuse River Riparian Buffer Violation and the Removal of Best Usage (see attached). This NOV requested the removal of the residential structure. Mr. Procopio at that time realized the drainage easement noted on his deed was actually a buffered stream. Mr. Procopio conducted some research and sent a registered letter to the NCDENR- DWQstating that this violation was actually a violation of the Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffer Rules and that it was his belief that his lot was preliminarily approved prior to the rules established in January 2000 and that it was his understanding that his lot was "grandfathered", therefore having Vested Rights. Page 2 of 3 Brookfield Subdivision, Lot #45 December 19, 2006 Variance Request Letter S&EC Project #10535.W3 On April 17, 2006, the NOV was reissued by the NCDENR-DWQ noting aTar-Pamlico Riparian Buffer and Removal of Best Usage violation (see attached). Mr. Procopio promptly contacted the NCDENR-DWQ to discuss his potential "grandfathering", the staff at NCDENR-DWQ forwarded him to Cyndi Karoly at the 401/Express Permitting Unit. From April 2006 through to present time, Mr. Procopio has been told by the NC Attorney Generals Office that he does not have Vested Rights and since then has been working with Cyndi Karoly at the 401/Express Permitting Unit to move forward with a Major Variance. In late April-May 2006, Mr. Patrick Young, the Director of Franklin County Planning & Inspections Department put a "stop work order" on the project until the DWQ issues were resolved. It was Mr. Procopio's understanding that he had gone through the proper permitting procedures in constructing his new home, he had applied for his building permits from Franklin County and they had reviewed and approved his building permit on two occasions. He has since found out that the drainage easement that bisects his property is actually a buffered stream and he is in violation of the Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Buffer rules. Mr. Procopio is willing to do whatever it takes to be in compliance with the NC Division of Water Quality so hopefully he can continue to complete his home. If you have any questions concerning this submittal, please do not hesitate to call us. Sincerely, Soil 8~ Environmental Consultants, PA t ~~~ ~'~. Debbie Edwards Environmental Specialist Attachments: Variance Request Form Figure 1-USGS Vicinity Map Figure 2-Wake County Soil Survey Vcinity Map Figure 3-Aerial Map Figure 4- Site Plan (Survey for Lot #45, Brookfield Subdivision) Part 2: Demonstration of Need for a Variance Photograph's (1-4) Part 3: Preliminary Design Calculations & Concept Plan for Rain Garden and Riparian Restoration Evaluation of Total Nitrogen Removal Nitrogen Export Rate Calculations (Pre & Post & Post w/ Rain Garden) EEP Acceptance letter (dated 12/12/06) Brookfield Subdivision-Phase I, Approved Preliminary Plan (dated 3/14/00) Franklin County Building Permit 15965 Sedimentation Inspection Reports (dated 2/13/06 & 3/13/06) Notice of violations (dated 3/20/06 8 4/17/06) Page 3 of 3 OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received Request # State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Variance Request Form Neuse River Basin: Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Areas Rule (15A NCAC .0233) NOTE: This form maybe photocopied for use as an original. Part 1: General Information 1. Applicant's name (the corporation, individual, etc. who owns the project): Imperial Custom Homes. Inc. 2. Print Owner/Signing Official (person legally responsible for the facility and its compliance) Name: Mr. Joseph D. Procopio Jr. Title: Brookfield Subdivision Lot #45 Street address: 3200 Wellington Court Suite 115 City, State, Zip: Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 Telephone: (919872-2707 Fax: (919) 872-2737 3. Project Name (Subdivision, facility, or establishment name -consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): Lot 45 Brookfield Subdivision 4. Location of Facility Street address: 65 Bethany Lane (Lot #45 Brookfield-Phase I) City, State, Zip: YoungsvilletNorth Carolina 27596 County: Franklin County Latitude/longitude: 36.0442°N 78.4478° 5. Directions to facility from nearest major intersection (Also attach a map): Take US 1 north, approximately 1.2 miles past the Wake-Franklin County line. turn right on Holden Road (SR 1100), continue east through Youngsville approximate~r 0.5 mile east of Youngsville turn left on Cedar Creek Road (SR 1116), continue northeast approximately 1.5 miles and turn left on Holding Young Road (SR 1117 turn at your second right on Bethany Lane, property is the 5~' house on the right. 6. Contact person who can answer questions about the facility: Name: Mr. Joseph D. Procopio Jr. Telephone: (919) 872-2707 Fax: (919) 872-2737 Email: joeimperial(a~bellsouth.net 7. Requested Environmental Management Commission Hearing Date: January, 10 2007 Version 1: September 1998 Part 2: Demonstration of Need for a Variance NOTE: The variance provision of the Neuse Riparian Area Rule allows the Environmental Management Commission to grant a variance to an affected party when the following conditions apply on a given project: (a) practical difficulties or hardships would result from strict application of the rule: (b) such difficulties or hardships result from conditios which are peculiar to the property involved; and (c) the general purpose and intent of the Rule would be preserved, water quality would be protected and substantial justice would be done if the variance were granted. This part of the application is to explain how the project meets criteria (a) and (b). ~.......... _......... _... _ ~ ~........ _ _ _ _~ ....._....... _ ...... _ _.._._ __ _...__ _ __.i 1. Attach a detailed description (2-3 pages) explaining the following: • The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from strict application of the Rule. • How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions that are unique to the property involved. • Why reconfiguring and/or reducing the built-upon area to preserve a greater portion of the riparian area is not feasible on this project. If economic hardship is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardship and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project. Part 3: Water Quality Protection NOTE. This part of the application is to explain how the project meets criterion (c): the general purpose and intent of the Rule would be preserved, water quality would be protected and substantial justice would be done if the variance were granted. Briefly summarize how water quality will be protected on this project. Also attach a detailed narrative (1-2 pages) describing the nonstructural and structural measures that will be used for protecting water quality and reducing nitrogen inputs to surface water. Attached is the areliminarv design calculations and concept~lan for a rain garden that is designed to capture stormwater runoff from the roof of the house, sidewalk and the driveway. The intent of this Best Management Practice (BMP) is to remove 85% of the Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and 35% of Nitrogen to better protect water quality. In addition, there is a riparian buffer restoration plan also attached that includes the restoration from "top of bank" landward 20 feet, this restoration plan includes the planting clan of trees and shrubs within Zone 1 of the riparian buffer which will add additional water quality treatment. 2. What is the total project area in acres? 0.34 acres (15,024 ft~ 3. Which of the following permits/approvals will be required for this project? N/A CAMA Major N/A Sediment/Erosion Control N/A 401 Certification/404 Permit Variance Request Form, page 2 Version 1: September 1998 Part 3: Water Quality Protection, continued 4. Complete the following information for each drainage basin. If there are more than two drainage basins in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each basin provided in the same format as below. Project Information Drainage Basin 1 Drainage Basin 2 Receiving stream name UT to Brandy Creek N/A Receiving stream class' 28-29-3-(1), B; NSW N/A Drainage basin area (total2) 15,024 ft z N/A Existing impervious area3 (total2) 1,936 ft z N/A Proposed impervious area3 (total2) N/A N/A Impervious area3 (on-site) 12.9% N/A Impervious area3 (total2) 12.9% N/A Impervious area' Drainage basin 1 Drainage basin 2 On-site buildings 1,008 ft z N/A On-site streets 928 ft z N/A On-site parking N/A N/A On-site sidewalks N/A N/A Other on-site N/A N/A Total on-site 1,936 ft z N/A Off-site N/A N/A Total 1,936 ft 2 N/A ' The Internet site for this information is http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/strmclass/alpha/neu.html 2 Total means on-site plus off-site area that drains through the project. 3 Impervious area is defined as the built-upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. 5. How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived? N/A 6. What will be the annual nitrogen load contributed by this site after development in pounds per acre per year without structural BMPs (stormwater pond, wetland, infiltration basin, etc)? Attach a detailed plan for all proposed structural stormwater BMPs. Drainage Size of Post-development BMP nitrogen Final nitrogen Final nitrogen basin drainage nitrogen loading rate removal loading rate loading from basin without BMPs, efficiency's (lbs/ac/yr) drainage basin ac Ibs/ac/ r % w/BMP Ibs 1 0.345 lot acrea e 3.75 35%* 2.8 0.9661bs/yr Totals 0.345 ------ ------ ----- 0.9661bs/ " Attach calculations and references. s Attach calculations and references. 35% TN removal rate based on efficiencies quoted in the NCDENR-DWQ Updates to stormwater BMP Removal Efficiencies letter dated September 8, 2004 Variance Request Form, page 3 Version 1: September 1998 Part 3: Water Quality Protection, continued 7. The applicable supplemental form(s) listed below must be attached for each BMP specified: Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off-Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-109 Innovative BMPs Supplement Part 4: Submittal Checklist A complete appplication submittal consists of the following components. Incomplete submittals will be returned to the applicant. The complete variance request submittal must be received 90 days prior to the EMC meeting at which you wish the request to be heard. Initial below to indicate that the necessary information has been provided. Applicant's Item Initia • Original and two copies of the Variance Request Form and the attachments listed below. • A vicinity map of the project (see Part 1, .Item 5) • Narrative demonstration of the need for a variance (see Part 2) • A detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management (see Part 3, Item 1) • Calculations supporting nitrogen loading estimates (see Part 3, Item 6) • Calculations and references supporting nitrogen removal from proposed BMPs . ~ (see Part 3, Item 6) T37 Location and details for all proposed structural stormwater BMPs (see Part 3, Item 6) • Three copies of the applicable Supplement Form(s) for each BMP and/or narrative for each innovative BMP (see Part 3, Item 7) • Three copies of plans and specifications, including: 0 Development/Project name 0 Engineer and firm 0 Legend and north arrow 0 Scale (1" = 100' or 1" = 50' is preferred) 0 Revision number & date 0 Mean high water line (if applicable) 0 Dimensioned property/project boundary 0 Location map with named streets or NC State Road numbers T"f~7 0 Original contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations 0 Details of roads, parking, cul-de-sacs, sidewalks, and curb and gutter 0 Footprint of any proposed buildings or other structures 0 Wetlands delineated, or a note on plans that none exist 0 Existing drainage (including off-site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations 0 Drainage basins delineated 0 Perennial and intermittent streams, ponds, lakes, rivers and estuaries 0 Location of forest vegetation along the streams, ponds, lakes, rivers and estuaries Variance Request Form, page 4 Version 1: September 1998 Part 5: Deed Restrictions By your signature in Part 7 of this application, you certify that all structural stormwater best management practices required by this variance shall be located in recorded stormwater easements, that the easements will run with the land, that the easements cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State, and that the easements will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. Part 6: Agent Authorization If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf, please complete this section: Designated agent (individual or firm): Soil & Environmental Consultants PA Mailing address: 11010 Raven Ridq_e Road City, State, Zip: Raleigh. North Carolina 27614 Telephone: (919) 846-5900 Fax: (919) 846-9467 Email: dedwardsCa~sandec.com Part 7: Applicant's Certification I, Joseph D. Procopio, Jr. (print or type name of person listed in Part I, Item 2), certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans and that the deed restrictions in accordance with Part 5 of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions. Signature: ! ~ 61 r~ Date: '~ Title: ~ L~i~(~^ rx~ Variance Request Form, page 5 Version 1: September 1998 ` r r ,~ 1 \ i ~ t LrYY1 '\ c` `~~~ ,- ''r -- ~~. 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'-- ~ , r ~~--~~ ;~~',j y~t(~`, ~'' `\~ ~~` ; --~/` ' J1' -~~~.,fft - ,~~lr~/. \~ ~ rr ~ ,: ~i 1 \ ,'' ~` '`~-" 9 ~t~ } a \: r f ~~ t 7 1)\\,~' } \'~ a,..H'r I~-.r ' ~ 1I \'•• it ////~--'~'~ J ~1V ~ '\~ \~ it ` ` `\(, s / r .rte ~L. s l~ ~ (M \ ,\ .-`xr.,.l ~ ~ l ~ ~•~~,~ - r '• ~-. , \,ll, ) 1~j;'r - - ~. f 11,E r i !/ 1 ~\ / 's ~. Project No. Figure 1 -1:24K USGS 10535.W1 Topographic Quadrangl Project Mgr.: LOt 45 ~ Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA DE Brookfield Subdivision 11010 Raven Ridge Rd.• Raleigh, NC 27614 Franklin Co., NC (919j 846-5900 - (919) 846-9467 Scale: Web Page: www.SandEC.com 1" = 2,000' Franklinton Quadrangle 12/05/06 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE TABLE SURVEY FOR HOUSE 1,008 SF. PATIO 28 S.F. DPoN=YUY/SIDEWALK 020 S.F. TOTAL IMPERVId13 ART:A '.~° SF. JOE PROCOPPIO TOTAL lAT AREA 18,024 S.F. PERCENTAGE OF IMPERNOUS AREA 1288% ZONE 1-NEUSE RINK RIPARIAN BUFFER s~'TR~u Ic~`~naDEdc. 180 s.F. LOT 45, BROOKFIELD SUBDIVISION 10' SIDE YARD BETHANY LANE TO BE MNNTNNED 7207 S.F. TOTAL AREA IMPACTED 20NE i- 1,387 s.F. PIN # 1863-35-3596 ZONE 2-NE11SE RINK RIPARIAN BUFFER D.B. 1498, PG. 54 AREA IMPACTED STRUCTURE, CONCRETE, ETC.. - 814 S.F. M.B. 2DDD, PG. 122 YARD TO BE MNNTARiED - 782 S.F. YOUNGSVILLE TOWNSHIP TOTAL AREA INPACTIV ZONE 2= 1,s7B sF. TOTAL AREA IMPACTED FRANKLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER - 2,3» S.F, DECEMBER 4, 2006 30 15 0 30 60 SCALE 1 "=30' ~~ 44 \ I ~- '>~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, VARIADLE tWDTH _ _ I SAWTARY SEWER AN Inc OiL - - - - - -DRNNAGE EASEMEN' OPI VICINITY MAP LEGEND: EIP -EXISTING IRON PIPE EPK -EXISTING PK NAIL NIP -NEW IRON PIPE SET R/W -RIGHT OF WAY CAN -CABLE TV BOX EB -ELECTRIC BOX TEL -TELEPHONE PEDESTAL PP -POWER POLE OHL -OVERHEAD LINE LP -LIGHT POLE WM -WATER METER CO -SEWER CLEAN-OUT I i ~~ ~~~N]t ~urassrw.~...... i ~~. I :r ~ .~ ~a I ~ "`~~ NEl1SE RIN9t p~ PROPOSED ~P -- PATIO ~ r ~ ~o.~e~ c ~ ~~ / ~ o v ~ D~~ ' ~ / ~ ~ 24.0• ~ [ dO ~j NIP ~o \ T~ cam. ~ 4s s9, ~ ~ p 15, 02 sq. ft. ~h° ~ ~ ~ 0.34 AC. ~ \ W LINE TABLE 46 ~ ~?b~'s LINE LENGTH BEARING L-1 36.42' N 00'47'14" E CURVE TABLE / CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARING C- I 1' N '' S 7 ~6 N a m 0 a 0 °a CAWTHORNE, MOSS & P AN CI ER A P C I DECLARE THAT THIS SURVEY COMPLIES MATH THE Nd2TH CAROLINA STANDARDS OF PRACTCE FOR SURVEIING, (sEC11ON 1800) FOR CLASS A SURVEYS AND THAT THE CALCULATED RATIO OF PREdSION BEFORE ADJUSTMENTS , . . IS 1:10,000+. FURTHERMORE, PROPERTY CORNERS SHOWN ARE PRIMARY CONTROL MONUMENTAlION FOR THE RE- E Professional Land Surveyors ESTABLISHMENT OF PROPERTY CORNERS IN THE ABSENCE OF GRID MONUMENTS AND OTHER SUBDIVISION PROPERTY 239 E. OWen AVe. Post Office Box 1253 Wake Forest, N.C. 27588 (919)556-3148 CORNERS. THIS SURVEY IS NOT TO BE RECORDED WITH- OUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE SURVEYOR. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR L- IV O O Q) ...a CD .(~- CQ PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS & CONCEPT PLAN 20061949 RAIN GARDEN DESIGN FRANKLIN COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared for: Imperial Custom Homes, Inc. Youngsville, NC 27596 December, 2006 S&EC Project No. 10535.D1 ~~~~1 ~ i liriii ~~~~\'~~ ~ A R ~l~~i~ • ti.7~ ~~ .l t s 2.Q. SERI ~~; Rebecca S. Wa ~go, P.FY ••~" j 2%I`~s/fib' NC License No. 03126~~F':cbG1NE~~~4~~ ~ 6 ..... Q-~~ i~~~FC~A 1 S1`~~~~ Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Cazolina 27614 Phone: (919) 846-5900 Fax: (919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Procopio Property Project Location S&EC Project No 10535.D1 December 2006 The project is located within the Town of Youngsville, in Franklin County, NC. The property is owned by Imperial Custom Homes and consists of approximately 0.34 acres located on the east side of Bethany Lane approximately 100 feet northeast of the intersection of Bethany Lane and Holding-Young Road. See Figures 1, 2, and 3. Storm Water Treatment Treatment of stormwater runoff has been required by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) as part of the permitting requirements for impacts to the existing buffers associated with this project. A significant portion of the structure and an attached deck are located within the buffer (Zones 1 and 2). See Figure 3. The concept plan calls for the construction of a single rain garden to be located on the property. This rain garden will serve to treat stormwater runoff associated with the impervious area including roof, sidewalk, and driveway. Our preliminary evaluation of this feature has included device sizing for the removal of Total Suspended Solids (TSS) reduction in accordance with generally accepted practice as outlined in the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Water Quality (DWQ), Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual (April 1999) and other applicable references. Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Total Nitrogen (TN) Removal The BMP manual outlines design requirements necessary to meet the pollutant removal design standard of 85 percent removal of Total Suspended Solids (TSS). Based on the BMP manual, a rain garden is assumed to have a TSS removal efficiency of 85 percent. Sized appropriately, a rain garden will meet the removal requirements for the residence and other site impervious areas. Constructed properly, rain gardens also contribute significantly to the removal of Total Nitrogen. According to the Draft BMP Stormwater Manual from the N.C. Division of Water Quality (DWQ), dated July 2005, and "Updates to Stormwater BMP Efficiencies" Memo from DWQ, dated September 8, 2004, rain gardens are currently considered to remove 35 percent of the TN from storm water inflow. And although it is our understanding that no formal nitrogen removal evaluation is necessary, the use of rain gardens will clearly provide considerable benefits to the quality of the surface water reaching the receiving watercourse. 1 of 3 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Procopio Property Bioretention Area Planning & Design S&EC Project No 10535.D1 December 2006 Preliminary calculations for the sizing of the total footprint of the rain garden have been performed. All necessary preliminary storm water design calculations and supporting documentation are attached. From available site data provided by Cawthorne, Moss & Panciera, P.C. The rain garden was sized to treat the rooftop, driveway, and sidewalk runoff. Using the methods described in the BMP Manual we determined the required surface area for the rain garden needed to treat site runoff (assuming 7% - no sand bed). Whenever possible, the minimum length, width, and length to width ratio (and other sizing criteria) as described in the BMP manual will be met or exceeded during final design. For planning purposes, we have recommended that the Owner consider a total construction area of 1.5 times the design surface area footprint required for the proposed rain garden. This area will be integrated into the site landscaping plan to provide the desired appearance. We have attached the required DWQ Worksheet for the proposed rain garden. The following table provides a summary of our preliminary design results: Total Impervious Weighted Required Rain Recommended Area Rational Garden Area Construction Area sq.ft. (ac.) Coefficient (sq. ft.) (sq. ft.) 1,936 (0.044) 0.95 255 383 Based on our previous discussions with the Division of Water Quality, we understand that once treated for TSS storm water from a rain garden can be discharged directly into the receiving watercourse (in this case the immediately adjacent stream). However, the discharge must benon-erosive. Once approval of this Concept Plan is received and the buffer variance is granted, a Final Design including detailed Construction Drawings and Technical Specifications will be prepared. The exact location and dimensions for the rain garden will be described in detail in the final construction documents. Detailed design of the rain garden to include but not limited to inflow distribution, treatment soil characteristics, ponding depth, outlet structure sizing, and feature elevations will be determined during Final Design. Certain planning assumptions have been made with regard to the collection of impervious area runoff and the proposed discharge points. These assumptions will be confirmed during Final Design and, if necessary, plans will be modified to meet regulatory requirements. An Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Agreement will also be prepared at that time. 2of3 Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Procopio Property List of Attachments and Figures Attachments: Preliminary Storm Water Calculations Division of Water Quality Bioretention Area Worksheet Figures: Sheet 1 -Cover, Contents, & Vicinity Map Sheet 2 -Overall Site Plan Sheet 3 -Rain Garden Layout & Proposed Buffer Restoration Sheet 4 -Planting Schedule & Planting Details S&EC Project No 10535.D1 December 2006 4 pages 1 pages 3 of 3 PROCOPIO PROPERTY -RAIN GARDEN SIZING CALCULATIONS Project Number: 10535.D1 Rain Garden Sizing 1. Runoff Depth, D = [(P-0.2*S)2]/[(P+0.8*S)], in P =Precipitation (usually 1 inch) S = [1000/CN]-10 CN = 98.0 S = 0.2 P = 1 inch D = 0.791 inch 2. Runoff Volume , VR = A*D, (ft3) A =Impervious Area (ft2) D =Runoff depth (in) A = 1936 ft2 D = 0.791 in VR = 127.6 ft 3. Bioretention Surface Area , SA = VR/H, (ft2) VR =Runoff volume (ft3) H =Average depth of water, (optimal 6 inches) 3 VR = 127.6 ft H = 6 in SA = 255.2 ft2 Underdrain Sizing 1. Fill Soil Choice Nitrogen Removal -Sandy Loam K= 1 in/hr Soil Type: 12% Fines (Silt+Clay), 82-85% Sand, 3-6% Organic Other Pollutant Removal -Loamy Sand K= 2 in/hr Soil Type: 8% Fines (Silt+Clay), 86-90% Sand, 2-4% Organic K= 1 in/hr 2. Minimum Flow, QMin = K * A*(1/43200), (cfs) Assumes 4H/L = 1.0 K =Fill soil choice (in/hr) A =Bioretention surface area (ft2) K = 1 in/hr A = 255.2 ft2 QMin = 0.0059 Cfs 3. Design Flow, QD -QMin * FS, (cfs) QMin =Minimum flow, (cfs) FS =Factor of safety (range between 2 and 10) QMin = 0.0059 Cfs FS = 2 Qo = 0.0118 cfs 4. Pipe Diameter, d = 16"[(Qp*n)/so.s]~sis~ (in) Qp =Design flow, (cfs) n = Manning's roughness coefficient s =internal slope (recommended minumum 0.005 ft/ft) Qp = 0.0118 cfs n = 0.011 for smooth wall s = 0.005 ft/ft d = 1.51 inches use d = 2.0 inches 5. Number of Pipes Equivalent Pipe Diameters D (in) No. of 4" diam 5.13 2 5.95 3 6.66 4 7.22 5 7.75 6 8.2 7 d = 2.00 inches # of 4" diameter pipes = 2 Equivalent Pipe Diameters D (in) No of 6" diam 7.84 2 9.11 3 10.13 4 # of 6" diameter pipes = N/A Calculating Drawdown 1. Ponded Volume , Vp =Runoff Volume, VR Vp = 127.6 ft 2. Time to Drain Pondinp Zone , Tp = Vp /QMin (hr) Vp =Ponded volume, (ft3) QM;~ =Minimum flow, (cfs) 3 VP = 127.6 ft QMin = 0.0059 CfS TP= 21600 seconds TP = 6.00 hours 3. Volume in Top 24", Surface Volume , Vs = SA"n"2 (ft3) SA =Surface area, (ftz) n =Soil drainable porosity (range between 0.25 and 0.50) SA = 255.2 ft2 n = 0.45 VS = 229.7 ft3 4 Time to Drain Soil Zone , Ts = Vs / QnAim (hr) VS =Volume in top 24", (ft3) QM;~ =Minimum flow, (cfs) 3 VS = 229.7 ft Qtvtin = 0.0059 Cfs Ts= 38880 seconds TS = 10.80 hours 5. Total Drawdown Time , Ttota~ = TP + Ts, (hr) TP =Time to drain ponding zone, (hr) TS =Time to drain soil zone (hr) TP = 6.00 hours TS = 10.80 hours Ttotai = 16.80 hours Sizing Overflow Weir 1. 10-near flow, Qio = C*i~o"A, (cfs) C =Rational Coefficient (range between 0 and 1) i~o = 10-year intensity, from IDF table, (in/hr) A =Drainage area, (ft2) C = 0.340 i~o = 7.21 in/hr A = 15024 ftz Quo = 0.853 cfs total drainage area 2. Length of Weir, LWe1f = Q,o / [CW'`H1~5] Q,o = 10-year flow, (cfs) Lweir =Weir coefficient H =Height of water above weir, typically 2 (in) Quo = 0.853 cfs Lweir = 3 for sharp-crested H = 2 in Lweir = 4.18 feet 3. Outlet Size 1 side square outlet =Weir Length / 4 Lweir = 4.18 feet Lweir = 50.15 inches 1 side = 12.54 inches Square Dimensions: 12.54 x 12.54 inches use 15 x 15 inches or larger Sizing Outflow Pipe 1. Outflow Pipe Diameter, Df,,;; = 16'`[(Q~o'`n)/Js]~3~8~, (ft) Quo = 10-year flow, (cfs) n = Manning's roughness coefficient s =internal slope (recommended minumum 0.5%) Quo = 0.853 cfs n = 0.011 for smooth wall s = 0.50% Df„ii = 7.50 inches use 8 inches DWQ Project No. DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY • BIORETENTION AREA WORKSHEET I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : F'rt~C ~~c~ ~rf~'DE,~~ Contact Person: b S . )0.r- ~ ~. cPhone Number: (9t`1) d y to - S`I O 0 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this wor sheet applies to: Permanent Pool Elevation TRD ft. (elevation of the orifice invert out) Temporary Pool Elevation T"$ ~ ft. (elevation of the outlet structure invert in) Bioretention Surface Area ~5 S sq, ft. Koo?~.- „p a ~ ~ ~ ~ e ,...,h v Drainage Area !.9 3 ~ ac. - Impervious Area I ,q 3 L ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Rational C Coefficient 0 . g 3 Size % % f'r % (either 5% in w/sand under drain or 7% in wlo) Inlet Velocity ~B~ fps Inlet flow depth `T53~ in Depth to Ground Water ~D ft. Planting Soil Infiltration Rate ~~ in./hr. (the soil layer down to 4 feet) In-Situ Soil Infiltration Rate ~fl in.lhr. (the soil layer below 4 feet or below the sand bed) II. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If a requirement has not been met, attach an explanation of why. At a minimum, a complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a worksheet for each BMP, design calculations, plans and specifications showing all BMPs and outlet structure details, a detailed drainage plan and a fully executed operation and maintenance agreement. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information and will substantially delay final review and approval of the project. 5~ No vertical sand bed is proposed The bioretention area is at least 40 feet by 15 feet. Sheet flow is provided at inlet. Water table depth is greater than 6 feet. Minimum of 6" ponding is provided. The ponded area will draw down in less than 4 days. 1 3D Planting soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.52 in/hr. The in-situ soil infiltration rate is greater than 0.2 in/hr. A planting plan with species and densities is provided. Mulch layer is specified in plans. Planting soil meets minimum soil specifications (NCDENR stormwater Best Management Practices Manual, April 1999) Plan details for the bioretention area provided. Plan details for the inlet and outlet are provided. An operation and maintenance agreement signed and notarized by the responsible party is provided. Please note that underdrains beneath the planting soil are acceptable in the Piedmont and Mountains T3i~ - 1© ~~ de-t-ex-m ~ne..~ card ~~sc~~~. d i;~ ~nc~l d~sic~~ ~.cc~m~~~-5. 1 •,~ ti ~ _ rJ _ 5 . _ ~ ~ ~a 250 500ee , ~ .f ~ ~ ~ r ~ ,It i ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ y $ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 'ti ~ ~ '~ ~.,.~ ~ ~1 I ~ ? "mot '-~ ~ ! ~~ I ~ ' 1 4 5 I ~ ,.., t l ,~ f 1 I ~ ~ k ,r" ~ ~~ ~ ~ _ jr _ ~ 1 F i '~ ,~ ~ ,+, '•ti I + r ~. ~ + - - 4 ,. ~ ~ ~. ~ _ ~-~~ ~ ~ ~ r 1 Its' f, f 1'° ~ - ~- I S ~ may, ~_~• ~ I ~ V-~ ~ ~ f,. - ~ f ~ r +' r ,f f ~ ~ ~ r L r yr, ^~'"-i - T~ ~-..~L~: -~,~ 1 1 1 ~1 ~ -~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, ~~~ ., a .. ~ - L ~ J~ 11 ~ { •y. ~ 1 ~, ~~~ L ~ ~ _ ~ i ~ •~~ .y ~ Project Number: Map Title: 0535. D I Figure I - USGS Map Project Manager: ~~ Procoplo Property ~ Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA Imperial Custom Homes 11010 Raven Ridge Rd.• Raleigh, NC 27614 Scale: (919) 846-5900 • (919) 846-9467 I ~~ = rjOO' Franklin County, NC Web Page: www.SandECcom Date: Source: 2/ 14/06 Frankllnton Quadrangle VICINITY MAP (U5~5 FRANKLINTON QUAD) NOT TO SCALE PRELIMINARY CONCEPT PLAN FOR: PROCOPIO ~ROPE~TY RAIN GARDEN ~ BUFFER RESTORATION FRANKLIN COUNTY, NC E~1V'i~,0N~1~NTAL D~~IG~J FIRM: SOIL ~ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, NC 27614 (9 19) 846-5900 PREPARED FOR: IMPERIAL CUSTOM HOMES, INC, 65 Bethany Lane Youngsville, NC 27596 (9 19) 872-2707 CONTENTS: COVER, CONTENTS, ~ VICINITY MAP 2, OVERALL SITE PLAN 3. RAIN GARDEN LAYOUT ~ BUFFER RESTORATION 4. PLANTING 5Cf1 EDU LE ~ PLANTI NG DETAILS -_~ ~3~ ~ ~ mZ n~ ~ ~ U n ~ 0 ~ 6+ z D~.. ~ f ~' m0 ~ V s d z W ~' a 0 0 ~ ~N a U ~ ~ u > ~w < ~r ~u~."w N _0 ~ v ~ Z ~ m - w Ow u ? 0 ~ 0 U Q u ~; ~ ..z y K o~~ w Z ~qr 0 ~ °~~ ~ ~~ a~ a ~~ a~ U~ ~~~ N Oz ~~ w~ ~~ ~= 4 Environmental Consultants, PA. AllEnvironmental Consultants, All nghts reservedreserved. D~AWI NG5 Phi NTED ~ •' ~ ~ ~ • a k + • • • • • i i 4 ~• 4 1 • • • +~ + • a • a • # • • 1 / # • r • 1 • + • % BUFFER ZONE Z AThALF-SCALE ~ +a•+++~###1#•#+•.•1•••1.#• i •• • • • a + + • • a • • • • • • • • # • + • • i a a a • • i ~ • • #. + h # # • • • # # • • • + • • • 1 • • ! 1 • • • 1 a # • i • 1 1 • • i + 1 a + + a • i • a • • • a • 1 a • + + • 4 • • 4 • a • 1 + • • + a • a • • i • 1 a • • a - + • + h • # + + + + • + # • • • # i • # • • # • # # # • • • • 1 # • • 4 • + • • a • • • • # # iih • a • • a a • + + •- + + a i. a • + + + + • i 4 • • • • • • a • • + • 4 • • • • a 1 • • • • i • 1 • i i • i • • i • • • • + i + • 4 • • 4 • • # • a • • + •-i '1 • + a + ••~`1 • • a • a • f • • 1 • 1 • • • • 1 a • • • • • • 1 i 1 • 1 • a • • # a a • t • • 1 1 1 • + a i • • 1 • # 4 4 • 1 • • • • 4 ! 4 i • + + • • • • • 1 4 i i 1 1 • • 1 • • + + 1 • 1 i • a • 1 4 • • • • i • • 1 • 1 a + a /~ • 1 i • • # • • • • a + i + • • 1 • • # • • i • • 1 1 # a • • 4 1 • • • 1 a # • • a • • • • • a a # • • • 4 # h • • • • a # • + a+aa • • i • • • • • • a • i + + II1 I • a • • + + i • • • • a • • • • • • 1 • a • • • • i • a • + • a 1 • • 1 • i • • • • + • / # i • • • 1 • 4 + a • • # ~ • • # # • • # + •~ • • • 1 • • + • a a # • • 1 • 1 • • • • • 1 a a • • • # • • 1 a 1 1 a 1 a # f • , • I • • • • • • • • i 4 1 • • • • • + • i • • • • • 4 • • 1 4 • • 1 • a • • • • • • • I • a • • i • • • • i • • • 1 i • • • 4 • • # • • # r 1 • • 1 • # • • • I I I I a • # • • • • + • • 1 • a 1 • • a • I r a a 1 • 1 • I a a • a • • • • i • • • 1 • i • + 1 • • a + i • i • / 1 • + • 1 / • a # i • • 1 I a a • / • i • i • • # • • i • • 1 1 • • • • • • • • • + BUFFER ZONE I (/ r •~ / • 1 1 • .\ • •I. EXISTING 36" PIPE .I • . f _-' • ,~~ B • ~ ~ BUFFER ZONE I ` CR I ~~ •I - ~• / . •I . \. ~ . ~ ~I . I ~ \ ._._ _ _ _ _ - '• # 6UFFERZONE 2 _ • , . ~ . • • + iM \• • • 1 4 • • • 1• a a#•# a a . ~~ • • . . . • + • i • i • • a + ~I I # # • 1 a + + • + • • • • # + • , • • i • a + • • 1 1 • a + + + + • • • a • + • # + + i • a a / / a • • # • • • a + + + + a • • • a • + • • + k + a i # + i i • h 1 • 4 • 1 • • a 1 a 1 • • • • • • • • . • • • • k + a ! + # • a • 1 a • # • + + + + • + i • + • + a • • • • • i a 1 • # • # • • 1 a a 1 • 4 4 a a • a • i • • • h • 1 a + + + + 1 + + + # • h + 1 • • 1 # # • • • 1 a • f # I • • • # I + + + h • • • • • • • 1 L • • a • • 4 i a + + a 4 • • + a i • + + • • 1 a • • + • 1 a • • + + + a • • i i • • a a # a • + +a' + i • + + + +~+ a • + i i • 1 • 1 # • • • 1 • a • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 a + + 4 • • • • • i • i # • • 1 + + • i + + + + a • • i • # • 1 1 a 1 4 • 4 • i 1 • • • + • • • • + 4 • • a • + + 4 a a + • 1 1 • # + + + 1 1 + + • a i • 1~• 1 • • # i 1 a a a • • 1 • ~•.\ • # • + • i 1 1 a # • + a • # # • i • i~ 1 a 4 a ~# • • • + 1 • h~• • + + •-:• 4 • 1 • i • • • i # • • i i + + • a • • • • 1 a • • i 4 + 4 + + • - • • • • # • i + + • # • a a + • • # • •`• / 1 1 a 4 • • • • • # • • • # i 4 i • 1 • # # • 1 t • # a • • • 1 • • + + T • • • • • i • 1 a~ + 4 # • 4 ~ + • • • • i #..• ~ 1 • • • i • • 1 a • # • • • i • • ! i a a 1 • • 1 • • • • • + • • + 4 + i • i • • + • 1 • + • • • + + • } • + t 4 • •`. • • f~ • a • • • • • • 1 • • # • 1 a • a • • 1 1 a • • • 1 a • a • • # • # + + • + • + • • 4 • •~ a • 1 + • +~4 • • # 4 + i~,• 1 1 a • • 1 1 • 1 • • + + + i • a i 4 + 1 4 • • • 1 • a • i i • • • i + • • + • • a • ~ %/ //~ 1 # i • • • 4 + # i • • 1 + a • • i • a..+ • # 4 # • a • i / /// / / /// /// // / k 1 1 • • 4 • a + + a 4 .. j////// // //////// j~~ • a • i i + + + •+• PROPOSED i • /~//~// /~~ / . ///%/~~//~f `••. • .+ a • +++ a + • + DECK ~ PORCH l ~ / / /// // // .. • • 1 • i • • / •# • + / / l ~' PROPOSED ~ EXISTING RESIDENCE LOT LINE ----- = / / DRIVEWAY +E SIDEWALK ~\ s 2 / n NORTh SCALE I " = 10' n / ~~~ 10 5 0 10 n CONTOUR INTERVAL = 2' c~vE~A ©2006 Sod t Envmonmental Consultants, PA. All n hts reserved. \\ LL SITE PLAN NOTE: \ I . SITE, PROPERTY AND TOPOGRAPHY DATA PROVIDED BY CAWTHORNE, MO55 4 PANCIERA, P.C. OF WAKE FOREST, NC. a ~ -~ ~~ Z o 'y N DRAWINGS PRINTED ///~~~ ~p TRIBUTARY TO B ~~~~ i i r L i~ /1 ~i r i i i i i i i i i ,. AT NALF-SCALE ~ '\v/_{, ~~ ~ / A ~ / A ~ / A ~ / A / A / A / A / A / A / A ~ ~ / A ,\ y -i i i i i ' i r i i i i i i i i i i r LOT LINE ~ ~ i r i i r r i - +~ r ry, ** n ni +~ ~ +~ ~~~ r +a r r r i r i i i i i I i i ',I r i ~~ L3 I Q r Q r~ +IZ~ Q Q Q! 1 J~ i r \ nn i^ ^,, ^ ,/~ ~ r r i QQQQQQQQ,QQt~ ~QQQQ ~QQQQ / \ / \/\^/\/\/ \ i i i ~, i r ~ ~ Q QrQ .. i ~, ", QiQ Q ~ Q ~ ~ Q d-`~ ~i ~ ~ ~,~ \ ~ ~~ _ BUFFER RESTORATION n ~~~ Q Q Q ~ ` p p p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ AREA -TREES Z ! -~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (f0 BE PLANTED i + . i i i ~ i li i i r i '~' '~` '~` '~` '~' i i Q Q iQ i ~ AROUND EXISTING ~ CORRUGATED PLASTIC ` ~ Q Q Q Q Q~ TREES) PROPOSED 255 SF PIPE OUTLET, DOUBLE Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q i ` ~` ~' i RAIN GARDEN i i i i i i WALLED, SMOOTH r i r i i QrQ Q Q Q Q i i i .P- + + INTERIOR ~ ~ + -~ + + ~ i ',~ i ~4 i i ~Y i +I + + ~+ + + + i i i • i i i i i i i i + + I + + + + + +:"~"+ + + + ; T + + + + + + + + + +I, + ~ + + + + + + + ~ + ~ ;- ~ + ~ BUFFER RESTORATION + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +' + PRECAST CONCRETE + + + i ~ r i i i i `AREA -SHRUBS ~I+ +++~+ + ~ ++ ++++ ++++, .BOX RISER - + + + --__ + + + + + + + + + + + + ~~I + + ~' + i- + + _ + + t + + + + + + ~ + + + i i r r i i r i r i + + + + + + + + + 'I + +' + + + + + +~ + ,~ + + + t + + + + + + + + + + + CPP UNDERDRAIN PIPES, + ~+ + + + ' + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ~ + DOUBLE WALLED, + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + i + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + SMOOTH INTERIOR, + + + ~ + ~'~.+ /+ + + + + EXISTING RESIDENCE + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +~+ + PERFORATED+ ~ + rt--.~-- ~+ + +~.+ ~+~ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + NORTH SCALE I " = 5' ~~~ 5 2.5 0 5 CONTOUR INTERVAL = 2' PL ~ Environmental ~~~~~~ NOTE: I . SITE, PROPERTY AND TOPOGRAPHY DATA PROVIDED BY CAWfHORNE, MOSS ~ PANCIERA, P.C. OF WAKE FOREST, NC. 2. RAIN GARDEN COMPONENTS INCLUDING FOOTPRINT, LOCATION, DRAINS, ETC. ARE APPROXIMATE AND SHOWN FOR GRAPHICAL PURPOSES. ACTUAL CONSTRUCTED CONFIGURATION AND LOCATIONS MAY CHANGE. PA. Allrlghtsreserved. RAIN GARDEN LAYOUT ~ PROPOSED BUFFER RESTORATION v ~~ II y 0 Z Z O W~ ~~ 0 ~ F ~~ ~ go ~ W < W ~ ~ ~w Qw 0 ~ ?~~ Q~ ~m ~z ~ "~ z z m z 0~ O ~~ Q ~ °' 0 ~ ..z;~ ~ o ~ ~ z ;~~ m ~ o ~ ° r ~ ~„ in ^1' ~~ ~w ~' ~~ Ov U "~ p~ gv~~g a~F y~x .ii ~. W~ ~~ 0 m~ `~ ~ ~-~ op oZ Z~~t RAIN GARDEN PLANTING SCHEDULE TREES SPECIES COMMON NAME TOTAL # MINIMUM SIZE REMARKS Betula nigra River birch 2 3-5 Gal. Placed randomly throughout Chionanthus virginicus Fringetree 2 3-5 Gal. Placed randomly throughout SHRUBS SPECIES COMMON NAME TOTAL # MINIMUM SIZE REMARKS Calycanthus floridis Sweetshrub 2 I -3 Gal. Placed randomly throughout Itea virgimca Virginia sweetspire 3 I -3 Gal. Placed randomly throughout Ilex glabra Inkberry 2 I -3 Gal. Placed randomly throughout BUFFER RESTORATION PLANTING SCHEDULE TR EES - I 0-FOOT SPACING SPECIES COMMON NAME TOTAL # MINIMUM SIZE REMARKS Corms florida Dogwood 3 3-5 Gal. Plant randomly within first 10' of Zone I Ceras canadensis Redbud 2 3-5 Gal. Plant randomly within first 10' of Zone I Platanus occidentalis Sycamore I 3-5 Gal. Plant randomly within first 10' of Zone I Quercus stellata Post Oak I 3-5 Gal, Plant randomly within first 10' of Zone I SH RUBS - 8-FOOT SPACING SPECIES COMMON NAME TOTAL # MINIMUM SIZE REMARKS Euonymus americanus Hearts-a-Bustin' 4 I -3 Gal. Plant randomly in groups of 2-3 within second 10' of Zone I Vaccinium corymbosum Blueberry 4 I -3 Gal. Plant randomly in groups of 2-3 within second 10' of Zone I Hamamehs virginiana Witch Hazel 4 I -3 GaL Plant randomly m groups of 2-3 within second 10' of Zone I Aroma arubutifoha Red Chokeberry 4 I -3 Gal, Plant randomly m groups of 2-3 within second 10' of Zone I ~fiT ROO~BE GRSAHDEL BE CH: (3") AVG. THICKNESS PREPARED ADMIXTURE BACKFILL OR NATIVE 501E TAMPED ADMIXTURE BACKFILL DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING -CONTAINERIZED (NOT TO SCALE) MULCH 80mm~3") AVG. THICKNE 5, NON-BIODEGRADABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE TOTALLY REMOVED. TOPSOIL MI~UREED TAMPED ADMIXTURE BACKFILL SHRUB PLANTING -CONTAINERIZED (NOT TO SCALE) NOTES: I . SUBSTITUTION BASED ON AVAILABILITY ARE ALLOWED WITH APPROVAL OF ENGINEER. 2. OWNER MAY AUGMENT PLANTING W/SELECT LARGER DIAMETER SPECIMENS OF LISTED SPECIES TO GAIN DESIRED LANDSCAPE EFFECT. 3. ALL AREAS TO BE STABILIZED WITH BOTH TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING MEASURES, Z~~ 0 g ~ w ~ ~ 0 N N ~~ 3 g °W ~,~ ..~ o ~ ~~ ~ m -~ ~ Ow ~ ~ Ow ? _ ~~ U ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ .. z ~ Z ~ zmzu~z ~ o~~ g a~ w ~~ ~' ~~ ~a Ov U e ~~~ ~NU ~~~ Oz ~~ W~ ~~ ~~ Ids ®zoo6 So,, ~ en,~~o~mental ConSUltants PA All r,ght5 re~~,ed PLANTING S C h E D U LE ~ P LA N T I N G DETAILS Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27614 Phone: (919)846-5900 Faz:(919) 846-9467 www.SandEC.com l Date Delivered: ~_~ ~_TL~~ To: From: ~~_.,~~;~`~~ ~.. ~ :11C~~ Item: Job Number/Name: 1 CAS, "~5, ~. ~~ / ~f b~ ~c~ v C~ ~ ~'~n w Delivered by: ~~~?~'~ t ~ ~~~~,~ Received by: (signature) (printed name) Time: Charlotte Office: Greensboro Office: 236 LePhillip Court, Suite C 3817-E Lawndale Drive Concord, NC 28025 Greensboro, NC 27455 Phone: (704) 720-9405 Phone:; (336) 540-8234 Fax: (704)720-9406 Fax: (336)540-8235 ~, -~ ~~. ~ x ~.-- ~EeB2 ~ ~ ( ~ ~ < .~' E {.., y ~ ~~'~ r .,;; SC~ F r ` ' a~ '~~ ~6 y *, ~~ { ~ S• ~ • `~` _ ,y~ k , J YJeC ~ r { L r ~ c ~. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ` B - D ~ r ,?:^z !~ ~ ~ ~: ' c ~ ,ti ~. . waB ~i r ~ ,. ` ,{ , ~r~eo .;fit SI' i ~` 2 1. ~ ~ - ~y9e , .. '''L F '~ _ ~ ~^ _ _ '~C~~C~ ~ ~ _ ~ Id{~` ~ a. 1116 J , ~: V •• V ,:: F ~-` t, ~ r"r ,a c;. lY LOT 45 ` ~ ._~;"- x ~. ~- ~s ,~d. v..,,~ , .~y~.a;..,. ~ ~ ~- _,:: 1176 y4Y. ~'- ,_ ~ p ~ ~_ 2 `.. - R _ d a ' .C t n4 ~ ' . `~; e- . ,7100 _ B - ~ I ~ ^~ ... ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Project No. Figure 2 - 10535.W1 Soil Survey Map Project Mgr.: Lot 45 DE Brookfield Subdivision Scale: Franklin Co., NC " ' 1 = 2,000 Franklin Soil Survey 12/05/06 j Soil & Environmental Consultants, PA 11010 Raven Ridge Rd.• Raleigh, NC 27614 (919) 846-5900 • (919) 846-9467 Web Page: www.SandEC.com y °�.law i 4a s l 417 4fi i� .V M1 a J14 t Is r � } a � r i r m» J - n, s. Project No. 10535.Wl AERIAL Project Mqr.: Lot 45 Soil & l Consultants, PA i • • • • •• r 1 1 ' •. ■ Rd. - Raleigh, Franklin Co., NCE • • 846-5900 • • :t. •4. Web Pag- • 11 FRANKLIN 1. Figure 4 J _ - \ N ZONE ~ ,o• ~ ~`------ N ~ ~ w o ~ vER NEU pROp~p DRIP o PATIO ~ ZON 30.98' 6.0' U ~ E ~ ~ 4 NEU~ PoVER q / LI I o ° RIPARIAN FFER 1~` Q ~ PDRRII~IEW~AYD g J U / LOCATION I _ ~/ ~ Q ~ ~ 24.0' NIP TEL O ~ 1 4 a ~ J Q ~ \ N ~ ~,, ~ 49 ~ s9 \ ~ 15,02 sq.ft. ~~O ~ 0.345 AC. a ~ ~ ci ~ ~ ~ o 0 C.+ N f N ~ A/ N ~ LINE TABLE 46 w P & LINE LENGTH BEARING / o L-1 36.42' N 00'47'14" E CURVE TABLE / CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHORD BEARING C- 1 175.00' 52.51' 52.31' N 09'22 ' 59" E N ` , C A WTH OR N E IVI CSS I DECLARE THAT THIS SURVEY COMPLIES WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR SURVEYING , , (SECTION 1600) FOR CLASS A SURVEYS AND THAT THE 8c P A N C I E R A P C CALCULATED RATIO OF PRECISION BEFORE ADJUSTMENTS , . , IS 1:10,000+. FURTHERMORE, PROPERTY CORNERS SHOWN ARE PRIMARY CONTROL MONUMENTATION FOR THE RE- W E Professional Land Surveyors ESTABLISHMENT OF PROPERTY CORNERS IN THE ABSENCE OF GRID MONUMENTS AND OTHER SUBDIVISION PROPERTY 239 E Owen /aVe CORNERS. THIS SURVEY IS NOT TO BE RECORDED WITH- . . OUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE SURVEYOR. Post Office Box 1253 Wake Forest, N.C. 27588 S (919)556-3148 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR L- 0 40 OHL -OVERHEAD LINE LP -LIGHT POLE WM -WATER METER CO -SEWER CLEAN-OUT _ - _ - ~ . I I ... I 44 ~ I - ~ -- - _ ' ~ ~ vARIABLE woTH ~ I SANITARY SEVER AND ~ - - ~ DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ 7'~E 2 i - L----------- ~--moo.---- NEUSE OVER EIP 89'12'46" E -- RIPARI 9uFFER 132.34' 4.81' / (SLEEK EIP ~ - _ O ~ _ ~R~ _- - S7 _ - ~ 2a+~' IMPERVIOUS SURFACE TABLE SURVEY FOR ~ HOUSE 1,008 SF. - !~ PATIO DRIVEWAY/SIDEWALK ZB SF. 920 S.F. ~ SITE TOTAL IMPERNWS AREA ,,936 S.F. JOE P R O C O P P I O TOTAL LOT AREA 15,024 S.F. ~ PERCENTAGE OF IMPERNOUS AREA 12.895 ~ ~ ® ZONE 1-NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER ,emu ~ ry ~ A D BROOKFIELD SUBDIVISION LOT 45 , ~~ STRUCTURE,P T IO,DECJ(= i6o s.F. , 10' SIDE YARD BETHANY LANE ~ TO BE MAINTANED 1207 S.F. PIN # 1863-35-3596 TOTAL Af~A IMPACTED ZONE 1- 1,x67 s.F. ® ZONE 2-NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN BUFFER D.B. 1498, PG 54 AREA IMPACTED STRUCTURE, CONCRETE, Erc.. - 61a sF. M.B. 2000, PG. 122 VICINITY MAP YARD TO BE MAINTAINED ~ 782 S.F. YOUNGSVILLE TOWNSHIP LEGEND: TOTAL AREA OAPACTED ZONE 2= 1,576 S.F. TOTAL AREA IMPACTED FRANKLIN CO., NORTH CAROLINA EIP -EXISTING IRON PIPE NEUSE RIVER RIPARIAN EPK -EXISTING PK NAIL BUFFER - 2,943 S.F. DECEMBER 4, 2006 NIP -NEW IRON PIPE SET R/W -RIGHT OF WAY GRAPHIC SCALE CATV -CABLE TV BOX EB -ELECTRIC BOX 1 " = 40' TEL -TELEPHONE PEDESTAL PP -POWER POLE Brookfield Subdivision, Lot #45 65 Bethany Lane, Youngsville, NC Part 2: Demonstration of Need for a Variance • The Practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of the Rule. The practical difficulties or hardships that would result from the strict application of the rule would deem this property un-buildable without a variance from the Tar-Pamlico Rules. A UT to Brandy Creek bisects this 0.34 acre property therefore leaving it only 35% buildable without impacts to the Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffer. Because Mr. Procopio was unaware there was a buffered stream on this property, he purchased this lot in September 2005. Mr. Procopio then applied for a building permit though Franklin County to build a single family residence. A building permit was approved and issued by Franklin County on October 10, 2005 (see attached). Because of existing topography, Mr. Procopio modified his plan and changed the location of the proposed driveway on his building plan and re-applied for a building permit though Franklin County on October 24, 2005. After a second review by Franklin County, Mr. Procopio was again approved and issued a building permit. Mr. Procopio started construction in December 2005. Since this time, Mr. Procopio has received two Sedimentation Inspection Reports from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Land Quality Section and has completed what was requested on both occasions to stabilize his site. In addition, he has received two Notice of Violation's from the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, the first noting a "Neuse River Riparian Buffer Violation" and the second correctly noting a "Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Buffer Violation". Mr. Procopio is currently working on being in compliance with the Division of Water Quality by requesting this major variance. Previous to this major variance request, Mr. Procopio explored his possible "Vested Rights" by hiring a lawyer and working with the NC Attorney General's office, however because there was not a site specific development plan showing the footprint of a home on the original subdivision plan, Mr. Procopio was told by the NC Attorney General's office that his property was not qualified for vested rights. Currently, Franklin County Planning & Inspections Department placed a "stop work order" on this lot until the Division of Water Quality issues are resolved. The residential structure is 85% complete with outstanding construction loans; Mr. Procopio believes that he would not be able to overcome this debt if he is forced to remove this structure. Brookfield Subdivision, Lot #45 65 Bethany Lane, Youngsville, NC • How these difficulties or hardships result from conditions that are unique to the property involved. The subject residential lot is 0.34 acres in size that is bisected on the northern side of the property by a UT to Brandy Creek. In addition, this residential lot includes a 30' building setback off of the front road (western property boundary), a 25' setback off the back of lot (eastern property boundary) and a 10' building setback off the southern side yard. Of this 0.34 acre lot, approximately 65% is riparian area. • Why reconfiguring and/or reducing the built-upon area to preserve a greater portion of the riparian area is not feasible on this project. If economic hardship is the major consideration, then include a specific explanation of the economic hardship and the proportion of the hardship to the entire value of the project. The partially constructed single family residence is of median range for the existing neighborhood, however small enough to still have a marketable property. This residence includes a 24' x 40' two story framed dwelling which includes a two car garage, a 6' x 8' front stoop, a 4'x 8' back patio and a 14' x 14' raised back deck. Because this structure is 85% built out, reconfiguring the built-upon area is not feasible. However, if Mr. Procopio had known about the Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffers, reconfiguring the existing structure would have still required a variance from the Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffer Rules. If he were to reconfigure the structure to the southeast corner of the lot, the front of the structure would have been approximately 100+ feet from the front property line, which would not have been in harmony with the existing neighborhood. If he were to reconfigure the structure to the south of the lot, because of existing topography, the structure would have been pushed into a topographic constraint which could of caused water/moisture problems with the structure (see photo of southem side of property). In addition, again because this structure is 85% built out, reducing the built-upon area is difficult. There is an existing back door which leads to the proposed patio, an additional existing back door from the garage which leads to the proposed back sidewalk and connects to the proposed patio and the existing French doors which lead to the proposed elevated, wood slatted deck (see photo of back of house). Furthermore, there is an existing front door which leads to a proposed front stoop and the proposed front sidewalk that will connect to the proposed driveway (see photo of front of house). View of front of house at 65 Bethany Lane (Lot #45, Brookfield) View of back of incomplete house, 65 Bethany Lane (Lot #45, Brookfield) Southern side of property showing existing topography, pink flags furthest to the right is the property line, pink flags between property line and house is the 10' side yard setback. View of structure within the riparian buffer, buffered stream to the left of photo. Evaluation of Total Nitrogen Removal Prior to construction, storm water runoff from the site (including wooded areas, cleared areas, in addition to select nearby streets and other impervious areas) was discharged (overland) directly into the existing stream channel. For the purpose of our evaluation of Total Nitrogen (TN) loading we have compared the existing (and future) conditions (including the construction of the proposed Rain Garden) to the conditions which existed on site prior to the construction of the existing residence. For the purpose of our evaluation we have had to make some assumptions regarding pre-existing conditions as the impacts in question have disturbed the site and no clear record ofpre-existing site conditions are available. The following section describes our evaluation of Total Nitrogen export from the site. As described in the Preliminary Design Calculations & Concept Plan for the proposed Rain Garden (bioretention area) we have sized the proposed device to provide treatment for runoff from the existing impervious area on the property. These impervious surfaces include roofs, sidewalks, and driveway amounting to an approximate total area of 0.044 acres. Current plans call for runoff from these surfaces to be diverted into the proposed Rain Garden however a significant portion of additional surrounding drainage will also be routed into this device. For this reason we have sized the outflow (riser/barrel system) to accommodate the discharges associated with the total contributing drainage. Our evaluation of Total Nitrogen removal is based on currently accepted removal standards described in the Updates to NCDENR - DWQ Stormwater BMP Efficiencies letter dated September 8, 2004. According to the letter a Rain Garden (bioretention area) is assumed to remove an estimated 35 percent of the Total Nitrogen if sized correctly. Based on this removal percentage we have evaluated the proposed site conditions. Our evaluation of the previously existing site conditions estimated that for the existing lot area of approximately 0.345 acres a Total Nitrogen (TN) Export Rate of 1.201bs./ac./yr. would be expected. This rate is based on the conservative assumption that most if not all of this drainage area would be categorized as Permanently Protected Managed Open Space. Obviously this rate is well below the desired removal threshold of 3.61bs./ac./yr. for TN Export Assuming the previously existing buffers were left undisturbed and were fully functioning it is possible to assume an additiona130 percent TN removal due to buffer treatment thereby resulting in a TN Export Rate of approximately 0.84 lbs./ac./yr. for the pre-existing site conditions. We then calculated the expectant TN Export Rate for the proposed conditions recognizing that all of our lot area (0.345 acres) will be directed to the proposed Rain Garden, and once treated, direct discharged to the stream. In this case this runoff would receive little, if any additional treatment from the existing (or restored) buffer. For the proposed conditions only approximately 0.301 acres of the 0.345 acre drainage area would continue to remain as Permanently Protected Managed Open Space. The remaining area (approximately 0.044 acres) would be Impervious Surfaces. From these proportions we can then calculate a combined TN Export Rate of 2.80 lbs./ac./yr. including a 35 percent reduction of TN based on the treatment provided by the Rain Garden. Obviously this rate is also well below the desired removal threshold of 3.6 lbs./ac./yr. While such a comparison is not by any means exact due to the nature of the site conditions including drainage patterns, slopes, and pre-disturbance and current land uses, it does allow us to make conservative comparisons ofpre-disturbance and current conditions. The calculated current conditions TN Export Rate of 2.81bs./ac./yr. is well below the 6.0 lbs./ac./yr. TN Export threshold above which a residential property owner is required to provide treatment (BMP installation) for the removal of TN. Accordingly based on the treatment provided by proposed Rain Garden it is our opinion that a significant water quality value will be realized through its installation. Nitrogen Export Rate Calculations: PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS Method 2 Quantifying TN Export from Residential /Industrial /Commercial Developments when Footprint of all Impervious Surfaces are Shown Calculation Steps: Step 1 Determine area for each type of land use and enter in in Column (2). Step 2 Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). Step 3 Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). Step 4 Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). Step 5 Determine the export coefficient by dividing the total TN export from uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the total area at the bottom of Column (2). Column # (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Area TN Export TN Export Land Cover (acres) Coeff. from Use lbs./ac./ r. lbs./ r. Peranently Protected Undisturbed 0.000 0.60 0.00 Open Space (forest, unmown meadow) Permanently Protected Managed 0,345 1.20 0.41 Open Space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious Surfaces (roads, parking, O.OOtJ 21.20 0.00 lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage areas, etc.) TOTAL 0.35 0.41 Total Nitrogen Export Coefficient = 1,2Q lbs./ac./yr. NOTE: If TN export rate is greater than 10.0 lbs./ac./yr. then a BMP must be installed to remove enough Nitrogen to bring the TN export rate below 3.6 lbs./ac./yr. Nitrogen Export Rate CaICUIatIOnS: POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS Method 2 Quantifying TN Export from Residential /Industrial /Commercial Developments when Footprint of all Impervious Surfaces are Shown Calculation Steps: Step 1 Determine area for each type of land use and enter in in Column (2). Step 2 Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). Step 3 Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). Step 4 Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). Step 5 Determine the export coefficient by dividing the total TN export from uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the total area at the bottom of Column (2). Column # (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Area TN Export TN Export Land Cover (acres) Coeff. from Use lbs./ac./ r. lbs./ r. Peranently Protected Undisturbed 0.000 0.60 0.00 Open Space (forest, unmown meadow) Permanently Protected Managed 0.301 1.20 0.36 Open Space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious Surfaces (roads, parking, 0.044 21.20 0.93 lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage areas, etc.) TOTAL 0.35 1.29 Total Nitrogen Export Coefficient = 3.75 lbs./ac./yr. NOTE: If TN export rate is greater than 10.0 lbs./ac./yr. then a BMP must be installed to remove enough Nitrogen to bring the TN export rate below 3.6 lbs./ac./yr. Nitrogen Export Rate Calculations: POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS W/ RAIN GARDEN TREATMENT Method 2 Quantifying TN Export from Residential /Industrial /Commercial Developments when Footprint of all Impervious Surfaces are Shown Calculation Steps: Step 1 Determine area for each type of land use and enter in in Column (2). Step 2 Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2). Step 3 Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the TN export coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). Step 4 Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). Step 5 Determine the export coefficient by dividing the total TN export from uses at the bottom of Column (4) by the total area at the bottom of Column (2). Column # (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Area TN Export TN Export Land Cover (acres) Coeff. from Use lbs./ac./ r. Ibs.l r. Peranently Protected Undisturbed 0,000 0.60 0.00 Open Space (forest, unmown meadow) Permanently Protected Managed 0.301 1.20 0.36 Open Space (grass, landscaping, etc.) Impervious Surfaces (roads, parking, 0.044 21.20 0.93 lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage w/ 35% Removal 0.61 areas, etc.) TOTAL 0.35 0.97 Total Nitrogen Export Coefficient = 2.80 - lbs./ac./yr. NOTE: If TN export rate is greater than 10.0 tbs./ac./yr. then a BMP must be installed to remove enough Nitrogen to bring the TN export rate below 3.6 lbs./ac./yr. - .. ... ........... ...- ..--- --- -- --. _.... -----...i - - -~ ~L~111 ---~---- ----- .----.._. .~11~~.. , ~ ~~11~I1~ PROGRAM December 12, 2006 Jce Procopio, Jr. 3200 Wellington Court„ Ste. 115 Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Brooldield Subdivision, Lot 45 County: 1}anklin The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) is willing to accept payment for impacts associated with the above referenced project. Please note that this decision does not assure that the payment will be approved by the permit issuing agencies as mitigation for project impacts. It is the responsibility of the applicant to contact these agencies to determine if payment to the NCEEP will be approved. This acceptance is valid for siz months from the date of this letter. If we have not received a copy of the issued 404 Permit/401 Certification within this time frame, this acceptance will expire. It is the applicant's responsibility to send copies of the 404/401/CAMA permits to NCEEP. Once NCEEP receives a copy of the 404 Permit and/or the 401 Certification an invoice will be issued and payment must be made. Based on the information supplied by you the impacts that may require compensatory mitigation are summarized in the followin table. River Basin Stream Impacts (feet) Wetlands Impacts {acres) Buffer I Buffer II CU (Sq. Ft.) (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Ri avian Non-Ri avian Coastal Marsh Tar-Pamlico 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,367 814 03020101 Upon receipt of payment, EEP will take responsibility for providing the compensatory mitigation for the permitted impacts up to a 2:l mitigation-to-impact ratio, (buffers, Zone 1 at a 3:1 ratio and Zone 2 at a 1.5:1 ratio}. The type and amount of the compensatory mitigation will be as specified in the Section 404 Permit and/or 40I Water Qualify Certification, and/or LAMA Permit. The mitigation will be performed in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers dated November 4, 1998. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Kelly Williams at (919) 716-1921. Sincerely, ~i .nom ~ . `-~~~~ry`~ liam D. Gilmore, PE Director cc: Cyndi Karoly, Wetlands/401 Unit Eric Kulz, DWQ- Raleigh Debbie Edwazds, agent File RP.stoYit2~... ~ ... Prot Ou.Y .~tat~ ~{CD~E~IR North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 / 919.715-0476 / www.nceep.net ~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~1ZJ~~ ~~~ BUILDING. INSPECTIONS 496-2281 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 496-8100 NOTE: IT IS UNLAWFUL TO OCCUPY OR TO PERMIT THE OCCUPANCY OF ANY BUILDING FOR WHICH A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE HAS NOT BEEN ISSUED. .Permit No. ~~-. ~ _ - Date A '~ ~ ' _ General ~~~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ` ~` ~c r ;?~~ ~~ ~w AddIeSS 11 ~ r%~e_ '~~t,~ ~ ~~-r~.~ EleCtrlCal ~~;~ ~ ~~~e=t ~ ~a~ :Subdivision ~~,rt.~, ~-,, ,i ' ~ Lot ~ ~ Mechanical 'ti~~" _ r Plumbing I'~< <~ ~-.~ BUILDING MECHANICAL Footing ' `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U f ~~~ r S/~ /~ Underground Work Deck Footing ^-~~ Rough-in Slab _ ~ ~- ~-- Gas Test (R/I) Foundation / Flo Final ~?Vaterproofing Gas Test (Final) Framing Final ELECTRICAL NER .Slab .Temp. Pole Q i ~ Y' ~ 1 • ~ Wall ~'~~~ ~, / ~~~~~,~, j Underground Work Final Rough-in Final PLUMBING Port-a=jon ~N- ` 13 Underground work ~ J~`~' Rough-in Septic Connection- Final.. ~ '. =; GENERAL NOTES 1. POST IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. 2. DO NOT REMOVE OR DEFACE CARD. 3. ALL TRADES WILT, BE INSPECTED ATONE TIME. SINGLE TRADE INSPECTIONS ARE NOT PERFORMED. 4. NO WORK TO BE COVERED-PRIOR TO INSPECTION. ., ,- ~:~,+~: ~`K:~!'4+itc.a",~.L~+WtL •R~-~+.:w+i+Yfr,YMu'r.,°"°n'!^."_.-...--+-r--- - . ' L -_ - I IVtJLfL!'f.(:lYICVL.[IVII LGClI[Cl (Y1GL~1'V[':{i[~I,lL~~ LA1VD,~CIAI.I7YSEC770N.• 3800 Barrio Drtve' 1628 Marl S County ~ Project: • t `Person Fln dally esponsible• ' Address: ~ a +• e- Pictures: o ffJ~Ye 1. Project Location 2. Weather and Soil Conditions ~ 3. Is sift currently undo notice of violation? Yes ^ No 4. Is the site in compliance with the S.P.C.A. and tharules? Ye ' S. Violations: O a. No approved plan, G.S.113A-57(4) and 15A NCAC 04B.0107(c) ^ b. Failure to follow approved.plan, G.S.113A-61.1 ^ c Failure to submit revised plan, G.S.113A-54.1(b) and 15A NCAC 04B.0118(a) ^ d. Failure to provide adequate groundcover, G.S.113A-57(3) and ~15A NCAC 04B:0107(b) or 15A NCAC 04B.0124(e) e. Insui3'icient measures to retain sediment on site, G.S.113A-57(3) -~ D £ Failure to take all reasonable measures, lSA/NCAC 04B.0105 Cast # u~[.Ctntcr, letgb, NG27699.-1 8 (919J 571-4700 ~ lD' /~~iverBasin ~-K/I~I•.~S t 1 ~~ { - Protect # rT ~ Q ' rE ,iy; < - 6~- ;,~ 3 " Prints I] $lidcs ^ Digital ^ I No ~ If no, check violations below: g: Inadequate buffet zone, G.S.113A-57(1) h: `Graded slopes and fills too steep, G.S.113A-57(2) or 15A NCAC 04B.0124(d) i. Unprotected exposed slopes, G.S.113A-57(2) j`.` `Failure to maintain erosion control measures, 15A NCAC 04B.0113 k Other (describe) 6. Potential NPDES Permit Violation? Yes No D Describe `` _ `. 7. Has sedimen d since Iast^inon? Yes ^ ;'If yes, where? (check all that,apply): No ^ tJ ~ 1 ~ L natural waterco on the tract t]I' Lalce/natural watercourse off the tract ^ Other property ^ ~~ _~ t Description: ~ Degree of damage: Slight Moderate ^ Severe ^ 8. Contact made with (Name) Title Inspection Report given ^ or sent to Person Financially Responsible Date given/sent - - 9. Corrective actions needed: a .P Ca l ~:e ~ a Report by ~ ~ ( r`l ~ Others present Date of Inspection: ~ ~ I ~ (Jl~ Time arriving at site: f ~ ~ ,~~ Time leaving site: _ j r I ) - Video ^ cc: -•-„~ , Case # a ~ • ' • • • NORTH CAROI.IIVADEPARTMENT OFENVIRONMENTAND NATURAL. RESOURCES -• QU/lLI7YSECTION.• 3800 Barrett Drive, 1628 Mail Service Ceit Rafngb, NC 27699-1628 (919) 571-4700 County ;,,i_r . ~ i . F"~ _ Project '~~ `,{~~~% 1 ~ i i }~' t~ ,,~ ~'t' ~ l ~~ ~r~r (..I2~~"River Basin ')Jf.f -)•~c:,.~, -?f t : ~; - '% Person Financially~Responsrbler- ~;~~~}f'r ~ E ' ~.l -~. ~:lr~o-~ti 1-it~'rst' '•~ i• Project# Address: s%~ ~_'' c.:r;"~ t t ~ y,3 i.~)tr ~~ ~ C~1 /_" fit- .~.) ( ,~"7 `~S'~ ~~ 1. Project Location tr . _ tie' 1 y' ,.. t1 ~, Pictures: No ^ Yes ~ Prints ^ Slides. ^ Di ital ^ Video ^ 2. Weather and Soil Conditions ~~ ~ (lii / C~~.j~=.} E u lr }~i-N . 3. Is site currently under notice of violatio~ Yes ^ No ~ ~ 4. Is the site in compliance with the S.P.C.A. and the rules? Yes ^ No Q•'~ If no, check violations below: 5. Violations: ^ a. No approved plan, G.S.113A-57(4) and 15A NCAC 04B.0107(c) ^ g. Inadequate buffer zone, G.S.113A-57(1) ^ b. Failure to follow approved plan, G.S.113A-61.1 ^ h. Graded slopes and fills too steep,. G.S.113A-57(2) ^ c. Failure to submit revised plan, G.S.113A-54.1(6) and or15A NCAC 04B.0124(d) 15A NCAC 04B.0118(a) ^ i. Urjprotected exposed slopes, G.S.113A-57(2) ^ d. Failure to provide adequate groundcover, G.S.113A-57(3) and ^ j. Failure to maintain erosion control measures, r 15A NCAC 04B.0107(b) or 15A NCAC 04B.0124(e) 15A NCAC 04B.0113 ~~. Insufficient measures to retain sediment on site, G.S. 113A-57(3) ^ k. Other (describe) L'd'f. Failure to take all reasonable measures, l5 NCAC 04B.0105 6. Potential NPDES Permit Violation? Yes ~ No ^ Describe 7. Has sedimentation damage occurred since last i ection? Yes If yes, where? (check all that apply): No ^ Lakelnatural watercourse on the tract Laken tural watercourse off the tract ^ Other property ^ +' l- , r Description: a +~F*r ''`° .tom :~ r1 ~-~-~ , ~.~:t~ I i~ ~a f ~ r'_ Degree of damage: Slight ©"'~ Moderate Severe ^ 8. Contact made with (Name) Inspection Report given ^ or sent © to Person Financially Responsible 9. Corrective actions needed: ~. Title Date given/sent h" `Z ~ ~' A(,[~ -. ~ ..~ ' r. ~ .. ~( 10. Comments: ,T %1 -i J . 1 , fl ~ ~ - ~ l~ ,, ."~ .,~„- /~~ (_ 4 r'' i/ 1. ~ ~ ~ __ ,_ ~ ~ r i 3 ( j r ! v' ~.C ~ ~., ~ ~ - ~ is ~ ~ ~ .~# .' ~ - < ~r t`~ Gf S i) f ~~~ ~` l ~ f '% r,,.. ' j `i~ ~ ; ~~ ~ _....,-.r-_.. Report by: ii.,i.}.,} ' j~I fi. ~ Others present Date of Inspection: ~ i -~, - ~ ~ ('. Time arriving at site: ~i " ~ ; ~ Time leaving site: ~ ~ ~ ~1 _ _ __ _ ~~; ,,. ,,, -- - -- s .. - - <<,., ~ -The distance such that pgints _. A and B are of equal eleva>~on A e is • a channel so that the crest of downstream dani.is atelevation of the toe of upstream dam. ,5.83a Space check ~~ in xrt.! . =' E;E ~ _ .(Tse 4 to 15-inch swne (N•C D~p~'_ent of Transportation class 1 or class ~Sf .: ~ '? B erosron control stone). Key the stone into the ditch flanks and exfrom overflow around the dam minimum of 18 inches to avoid washouts Construction 1. Place stone to the lines and dimensions shown in the plan on a filter fabric foundation. Specifications round level 2. Keep the center stone section at least 9 inches below natural g where the dam abuts the channel banks. 3. Extend stone at least 1.5 ft beyond the ditch banks (Figure 6.83b) to keep overflow water from undercutting the dam as it re-enters the channel. 4. Set spacing between dams to assure that the elevation at the top of the lower dam is the same as the toe elevation of the upper dam. 5, protect the channel downstream from the ~ ractice 6. 1,, Out[e Stab--izarhon water will flow over and around the dam (p Structure)- 6. Make sure that the channel reach above the most upstream dam is stable. 7. Ensure that channel a~ppna enao blockage from displaced stoneselow check dams, are not subject to g ' enance Inspect check dams and channels for;damage after each runoff event. Malnt Anticipate submergence and deposition above the check dam and eroston from high flows around the edges of the dam. Correct all damage immltdre tin that significant erosion occurs between dams, install a protective riprap portion of the channel (Practice 6.31, Riprap-lined and Paved Channels). Remove sediment accumulated behind the dams:as needed to prevent damage to channel vegetation, allow the channel to draiq.through the stone check dam, revent lar e [lows from carrying sediment 'over the dam. Add stones to and p g dams as needed to maintain design height and cross section. Rev. 12F)3 6.832 11 ' ~~ 'f r~ ~~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ d c~ ~~, 4y sy -~~ - ~` ii i ~~ ~ i. nx ".~+`. it~~~ ~ kn t ~,~".n ~ sAt r ~ r AGM . ~ .' ' ~ f e.: ti4 ~:,~ ~~^~. iv1'icfia~l F. Easley, Go'vcmor .. .. . .. ... - '"f k ~ ~~ ~`~ ~r'G :n ~ -: ~ ., ~~~~~ ! ~ , ` rxT '~ , ' - . ~llham G. Ross Jr ,$ecre T ~, ~ ~ ... , - ,, ~ a S L ~ ' ' ~ - ~ry~N ~`rtn-ent of Eavubniricnt and Natural "Reno ~;Q ~: a ~} ~ 'y Alan W. Klimek, P.E: Director ~' ~" ~ Division of Water Quality „ <~ ~, ~..~ .~ ~,ar ~~ ~, ~~, March'20, 2006 ~(SER~'TRIED ~VhAII.. , , x Y . .~~tRE~EC-EIPT~REQTJESTED - ~ ~"~ ~~~_~_ Y4 ~ r~~ r z,. .r, Mr 'JoeProcopio ~,~'~' 7` 4,~Impenal. Homes ' ~'.,.., ` " ~; 3200 Wellington Court ~ _ ~,;, ; ~ ~ - ;Suite:115 '~ .Raleigh, NC 27615 ~ ~` >> ; ; _ ' :z «f{ _ " tt Subject: NOTICE~~OF-VIO ON ~. Brookefie`I'~d"Subd~'vlslgti, Lot45 - Youngsville, NC Neuse River Ripat~.atl' duffer Violation " Removal of Best L#sage; Franklin County Dear Mr: Procopio On March 13, 2005, "Mike Horan and Vicki Fuentes. f>;9m the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and Gabi Jones from the Division of Land Resources (DLR); Raleigh Regional Office, visited the subject-lot regarding .constriction activities. _ Construction activities. on the" subj eut lot; ld"cated at Bethany Lane in Youngsville, NC, occulted prior to the DWQ/DLR site isit, and include the :clearing and grading of the lot as well as the unfinished -construction of a single family dwelling. Mr. Horan and Ivis. Fuentes documented site conditions and noted riparian buffer and stream impacts to an=unnamed tn'butaryao Little, River immediately adjacent to lot 45. ~, :~; Based on a, revlew:of DWQ files, we have not.`idenhfiedrany Pre-Construction Notification or any buffer authorization or permtt~frbm the Division of Water Qu~lltfor~thes'e-impacts.' As a result of the site inspections .and filereview,~the followingviolations were noted: °.,~ "_" 1J Neuse River Riparian Buffer Violations , 2) Removal of Best Usage. Item I. Neuse River Riparian Buffer Violation ,~. The .Neuse River Basin-is ubject to riparian (streamside) :buffed rules designed to protect and preserve npartan buffers m the Neuse River Basin Buffer.rules bei to maintain-the nutrient removal functions of the ~stre~mstdeareas_necessuy to protect-~torth li waters. Specifically, this Rule;:applies to the 50- .~Qaf~d~tfnpa~lansbuffer directly ad1a~ent to: rnuttentstreams, pereniual.streams, lakes, ponds, ~atu~ies) _ =,~~~ .~. ~~~ --~t~~ "'The prt%tected riparian buffer has two zones (aJ; Zune~~(hi'easu~ed frb~m stream bank landward for 30-feet) ~_ ~ ~~. shall consist of a;vegetated area that is_undisturbed°eX~~~~uses ~rp~ded for in Subparagraph (6) of 15A y NCAC;2B:0233,`and (b) Zone 2 (the'outer"20 feet, landward~f~om e deter 30`foot edge of Zone 1) shall consist r "of stable vegetated area that is undistui-bed except for activities "an ~~~froviied for in Subparagraphs (4) and (~ of 1SANCAC 2B.0233. ,- ,,t ; _ ~ ~' . ~ _r .., ~:^ ~ ~.a :- orally,, 3 ~ ~ dFt~ P { 2 a North Caro~ma Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail ScrnceCen lYy~tgh;N'C 27699 1617 "Phone (919).733-7015 Customer Service f~,~ntemet.~9wtivw ncw~t~quality p~~ • Locatton 12 N_~S ~iS ei 'tNC 276041 "t Fa~c_ (919) 733-2496 I-877-623-6748 w ``~t'~ { ~ ' ~~ An E u n Afli'° mta~ve ~ 10 EP Consumer Paper i . f r, Vegetation has been removed from the streamside riparian. zoo located at the subject, property and continues for approximately 93 violation of the requizementthatZone land Zone 2 of the riparian undisturbed except for: activities .and uses provided for in Item (6) ~ Alternative Requestwas received priorxo the riparian zone impact; . In addition,; an excavated%xocled area next to the road :crossing sediment and evidence of erosion were observed in both Zone 1 an that diffuse flow through the buffer: was not being maintained. Item II. Preclusion of Best Usage A DWQ site visit confirmed that approximately SO linear feet c tributary to Little River (WS-II, HQW, NSW), in the Neuse River l to 12 inches were observed at several locations within the stream c (2), the preclusion of best usage, which include aquatic life propag, recreation, and agriculture represent a water quality standard violat Requested Response a 3 r ~ _. ~ , ~ t , ~ `Jf wvif ' y~ K hS Y~~~ ~'_t r~s.F~`-s Q v's~ ~ r .. .. v~ , .t ~' ~from£ b$~thany Lane culvert ..45 Y,,. ..... 4clz ~l constitutes a of ~ ` ~,~vegetated area that is ~;~ w~ request or Practical ;i; r t,- t ~ ~ +~ 'the litffer .fo the stream, and F ~~~~the buffer'in this azea, indicating , ~ , n. z ;` ~-~`, ~~- ~ Ti t~l F~ stream impacts has occurred to an unnamed isit3 Sediment accumulations ranging from 3 uinel: According to 15A NCAC 2B .0211 ion, biological integrity, wildlife, secondary The DWQ, Raleigh Regional Office, requests that you respond~to this letter in writing within 20 days of receiving this notice. Please submit the items listed below to both this office at the letterhead address and to the attention of Mr. Danny Smith at the NC Division of Water Qualityx Non-Point Source Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC, 27699-1617. 1. Please explain why these impacts occurred without prior authorization and provide any and all relevant, documented information for the subject property. 2. You are asked to restore the 50-foot riparian buffer zone. ')`he unf`mished single family dwelling must be removed and the buffer restored or properly authorized by the Division of Water Quality. 3. .Prior to any restoration'efforts, aplan should be submitted to both the Raleigh Regional Office and to Mr. Danny Smith at the NC Division of Water Quality, Non-Point Source Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit (see address above). The submittal should include the following: a) Plans to avoid any further stream impacts to the site. Please include an inventory of the sediment accumulations within the stream channel and a detailed>.site plan (scaled at: 1 inch equals 100 feet or 1 inch equals 50 feet). The site plan should show the ajnounf and location of stream and riparian zone impacts and the total square footage of any and all structures and impervious surfaces. Also, the site plan hould depict the stream channel, any wetlands present in the azea of concern, all fill material, the wood/tree line; adjacent property lines, nearby roa~ways, culverts, 'and any other significant structures.. You ace encouraged to secure a consultant j~ assist you with your plan development, permit, certification and the.authorization necessary ac~jieve compliance. b) A riparian buffer restoration plan. Plans must be deve~ped and implemented in order to ensure that at least two native tree species be planted at a density ff`icent to provide 32Q trees per acre at maturity. -This density is usually achieved by planting afpprtucimately 436 trees/acre on a 10 x 10 ft. grid or 681 trees/acre on a 8 x 8 ft. grid. Please see the~ttacled t guidelines for Riparian BufJ`er Restoration (January 2001) for assistance in developing your plan: Your plan.must include the types of native woody vegetation selected, planting methodo~ogy,::and ~a site map. indicating the location of the replanting efforts and the specific location of the rrp~aru~ areato be restored Your plan should include a detailed schedule with dates explaining whecfi~~he kesfor~tion will be accomplished and provisions for periodic. monitoring of the riparian zone.`to ensure~that the vegetation is established and no gullies or rills have formed. ~~ i `~sr ~ ~b r .v: ~ ~~ ~~ ~ '~`!~~ ~~k`~~ i .a it _ t ar r 1 ~ r .r '~~° is i , a -} 1 r `~ ~ G r A' .°,~ - + i.,.n'hi., y ~~ ,~ ~.- I~ ~ ~ IJ~~ S~1 -_ `' ~ ~ r a ~ ~ ;for your attention to this matter ffhis,~rOffice is co `~i . " 1 tnmendation for . ' ~ i, ~ . ,the Director of the Division of vVat ~'~~'Y1~+ y be encountered.Your re oe~Quality regar ~ ~y-future%ontinued _; '~~s cbrfespon ~ ~as;reques a'bove' will be considered v~Mx. ~ y ~, M+ a 'u. a r ~,} ~fi 1° , r .. ~` ,_ j ui ~~ f.~'~This office r'equ"fires that the ola~io~s, as~detail~tl' ~ e '; irately: These vac ~d,,anyfuture ~viol`ations are sub~ebt to~Ct~tl peiialry`ass _ .~0 per day for each „w, ~nol~ Auld you have~"any questions regar-dm`~g phis Nonce of ~ ' ''.; ~ ~ ~ ~~~ a ~. r , ~ ,;' ° ~ct`Vieki`Fuentes at ' ~ "a ~ 1 i - - j( y t ' ~ 1~ ~~ ' if I.- i f .•17LL1tiV1V 5 ~'`y11 - .'Wi't". ny ~ annon ~- ° . ,~ - f ActuigW et' ` 1iry; io~~l'Supervisor - ~ ~ - - ~ 1 ~ DWQ Wetlands and Stormwater Branch. ~ ~' Danny_Smith-DWQ NPS Assistance and Complic~.~Oversig~ Unit RRO -File. Copy ~. . _. . - Central Files *•. - . Patr~ok'Young, Franklin County Planning and Inspections; 215 East Nash Street; Louisburg, NC 27549 ~' ;. - ,:• } ~~ f~:. ~.~ f.- ; ~~e.~,, do- t d ~ ~~` b'+i r`~ .. ~.: f{t ~.Fr °, _ - S. 1 ~ _ s:' . ,- ~r .F~, - ~ hk i r I ~~ '~~~13;; ' ~>~ t ~-'. . ~~ - s;' S T ~-, _' ti ~ , ~ ~' -o~oF w A r~9pG r _ ~ r ~ 'C CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mr. Joe Procopio Imperial Homes 3200 Wellington Court Suite 115 Raleigh, NC 27615 ,y'~~ ~~~~ r,, Michael F. Easley, Governor e(V~ ~~ William G. Ross 1r., Secretary No Carolina Departm t Environment and Natural Resources ~L, f V`- ~ ~ Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality ~) ~ Apri] 17, 2006 ~ ,,~/~ V-j ~~ f ~~X?~I ~r Sd t,}IS ls~ l~+' ' ~.~i'~~ a~~~ ~r~c. ~~~~~ 3~ y- ~9 Subject: RE-ISSUANCE of NOTICE OF VIOLATION Brookefield Subdivision, Lot 45 - Youngsville, NC Tar-Pamlico Riparian Buffer Violation Removal of Best Usage Franklin County Dear Mr. Procopio: The following Notice of Violation is being re-issued to correct an error in the identification of the basin in which your property is located. On March 13; 2005, Mike Horan and Vicki Fuentes from the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and Gabi Jones from the Division of Land Resources (DLR), Raleigh Regional Office, visited the subject lot regarding construction activities. Construction activities on the subject lot, located at Bethany Lane in Youngsville, NC, occurred prior to the DWQ/DLR site visit, and include the clearing and grading of the lot as well as the unfinished construction of a single family dwelling. Mr. Horan and Ms. Fuentes documented site conditions and noted riparian buffer and stream impacts to an unnamed tributary to Brandy Creek. Based on a review of DWQ files, we have not identified any Pre-Construction Notification or any buffer authorization or permit from the Division of Water Quality for these impacts. As a result of the site inspections and file review, the following violations were noted: 1) Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Buffer Violations 2) Removal of Best Usage. Item I. Tar-Pamlico River Riparian Buffer Violation The Tar-Pamlico River Basin is subject to riparian (streamside) buffer rules designed to protect and preserve riparian buffers in the Tar-Pamlico River Basiri. Buffer rules help to maintain the nutrient removal functions of the streamside areas necessary to protect Nort} Carolina's surface waters. Specifically, this Rule applies to the 50-foot wide riparian buffer directly adjacent to surface waters (intermittent streams, perennial streams, lakes, ponds, and estuaries). The protected riparian buffer has two zone's: (a) Zone 1 (measured from stream bank landward for 30 feet) shall consist of a vegetated area that is undisturbed except for uses provided for in Subparagraph (6) of 15A NCAC 2B.0233, and (b) Zone 2 (the outer. 20 feet, landward from the outer 30 foot edge of Zone 1) shall consist of stable vegetated area that is undisturbed except for activities and uses provided for in Subparagraphs (4) and (6) of 15A NCAC 2B.0233. Noy` Carolina ,11~aturnlly North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 MaitService Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Phone (919) 733-7015 Customer Service Internet: wwu~.ncwaterquality.org Location; 512 N. Salisbury St. Raleigh, NC 27604 Fax (919) 733-2496 1-877-623-6748 An Equal OpportunitylAffirmatiJe Action Employer - 50% Recycledll0% Post Consumer Paper ., Vegetation has been removed from the streamside riparian zone beginning from the Bethany Lane culvert located at the subject property and continues for approximately 93 linear feet. Such removal constitutes a violation of the requirement that Zone 1 and Zone 2 of the riparian buffer consist of a stable, vegetated area that is undisturbed except for activities and usesprov~ded for in Item (6) of the Rule. No variance request or Practical Alternative Request was received prior to the riparian zone impacts. In addition, an excavated/eroded area next to the road crossing leads through the buffer to the stream, and sediment and evidence of erosion were observed in both Zone 1 and Zone 2 of the buffer in this area, indicating that diffuse flow through the buffer was not being maintained. Item II. Preclusion of Best Usage A DWQ site visit confirmed that approximately 50 linear feet of stream impacts has occurred to the unnamed tributary to Brandy Creek. Sediment accumulations ranging from 3 to 12 inches were observed at several locations within the stream channel. According to 15A NCAC 2B .0211 (2), the preclusion of best usage, which include aquatic life propagation, biological integrity, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture represent a water quality standard violation. Requested Response The DWQ, Raleigh Regional Office, requests that you respond to this letter in writing within 20 days of receiving this notice. Please submit the items listed below to both this office at the letterhead address and to the attention of Mr. Danny Smith at the NC Division of Water Quality, Non-Point Source Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit, 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC, 27699-1617. 1. Please explain why these impacts occurred without prior authorization and provide any and all relevant, documented information for the subject property. 2. You are asked to restore the 50-foot riparian buffer zone. The unfinished single familYdwelling must be rem ved and the buffer restored or properly authorized bx,t.~i.~_Diy_is~cttt o~,W~,a1:re.~Qua.1i..,,., 3. Prior to any restoration efforts, a plan should be submitted to both the Raleigh Regional Office and to Mr. Danny Smith at the NC Division of Water Quality, Non-Point Source Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit (see address above). The submittal should include the following: a) Plans to avoid any further stream impacts to the site. Please include an inventory of the sediment accumulations within the stream channel and a detailed site plan (scaled at: 1 inch equals 100 feet or 1 inch equals 50 feet). The site plan should show the amount and location of stream and riparian zone impacts and the total square footage of any and all structures and impervious surfaces. Also, the site plan should depict the stream channel, any wetlands present in the area of concern, all fill material, the wood/tree line, adjacent property lines, nearby roadways, culverts, and any other significant structures. You are encouraged tv'secure a consultant to assist you with your plan development, permit, certification and the authoj~ization necessary achieve compliance. b) A riparian buffer restoration plan. Plans must be developed and implemented in order to ensure that at least two native tree species be planted at a density sufficient to provide 320 trees per acre at maturity. This density is usually achieved by planting approximately 436 trees/acre on a 10 x 10 ft. grid or 681 trees/acre on a 8 x 8 fC grid. Please see the attached Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration (January 2001) for assistance in developing your plan. Your plan must include the types of native woody vegetation selected, planting methodology, and a site map indicating the location of the replanting efforts and-the ~pec~fic location of the riparian area to be restored Your plan should include a detailed schedule with d;~tes explaining when the restoration will be accomplished and provisions for periodic monitorin~of the riparian zone to ensure that the vegetation is established and no gullies or rills have formed. ..~ _ • Thank you for your attention to this matter. This Office is considering sending a recommendation for enforcement to the Director of the Division of Water Quality regarding these issues and any future/continued violations that may be encountered. Your response to this correspondence, as requested above, will be considered in this process. This office requires that the violations, as detailed above, be abated immediately. These violations and any future violations are subject to civil penalty assessment of up to $25,000.00 per day for each violation. Should you have any questions regarding this Notice of Violation, please contact Vicki Fuentes at (919) 791-4254. ~~ Si Acting Water Quality Regional Supervisor cc: DWQ Wetlands and Stormwater Branch Danny Smith - DWQ NPS Assistance and Compliance Oversight Unit RRO -File Copy Central Files Patrick Young, Franklin County Planning and Inspections; 215 East Nash Street; Louisburg, NC 27549 P~~ Y°~^~ ~S~_aa81 ~6: coq i ,~,,,,,y oR~~s ~ I- P~r~, r ~, r 'i r ~t~wrif Mw~ ~~~ ~ ..~ i R ...~ i .. ~ `~{ ALL W W ~ R j QQ V ~ W ~a~ ~`°z ~ ~ Z x 2 S .. 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