HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0025496_Toxicity Report Form 2016_20160531 CITY OF LINCOLNTON WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT c 'et;tOl l" i"`` May 26,2016 RECEIVED/NCDEQ/DWR MAY 31 2016 Teresa Rodriguez Water Quality NPDES COMPLEX UNIT Permitting Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Dear Ms. Rodriguez, Enclosed is a copy of the May 2016 Fathead Minnow Effluent Toxicity Test conducted by the City of Lincolnton Wastewater Treatment Plant, NPDES permit number NC0025496. The Fathead Minnow Toxicity test was requested to be performed for our pending NPDES Permit Renewal. The City of Lincolnton passed the Fathead Minnow test. I believe this latest test should complete the required 4 alternate species toxicity testing requirement for our NPDES permit renewal. If you have any questions or need any additional information,please do not hesitate to contact me at 704- 736-8960 or by e-mail at: donaldburkey(a,ci.lincolnton.nc.us. Sincerely, Donald A. Burkey,Jr. WWTP Superintendent City of Lincolnton (704)736-8960 608 WEST HWY. 150 BY-PASS • P.O. Box 617 • LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28093-0617 PHONE (704) 736-8960 • FAX (704) 732-6137 A Effluent Toxicity Report Form-Chronic Fathead Minnow Multi-Concentration Test Date:5/17/2016 Facility: ',colnton WWTP NPDES#NCO() 25496 Pipe#: 001 County: Lincoln La. 1.101t= Comments xAli The 5.5%dilution is not included Signature of Operator in R- . .le Charg in the final results due to x ' 2 statistical inversion in the 5.5%dilution. Signature of Laboratory Supervisor MAIL ORIGINAL TO: Environmental Sciences Branch Division of Water Quality NC DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1621 Test Initiation Date/Time 5/3/2016 3:00 PM Avg Wt/Surv.Control[ 0.593 Test Organisms %Eff. Repl. 1 2 3 4 r Cultured In-House Control Surviving# 9 10 10 10 %Survival 97.5 r Outside Supplier Original# 10 10 10 10 WUoriginal(mg) 0.471 0.621 0.631 0.595 Avg Wt(mg) 0.580 Hatch Date: 5/2/16 5.5 Surviving# 9 10 10 10 %Survival 97.5 Hatch Time: 3:00 pm CT Original# 10 10 10 10 Wt/original(mg) 0.379 0.516 0.496 0.386 Avg Wt(mg) 0.444 8.25 Surviving# 10 10 10 10 %Survival 100.0 Original# 10 10 10 10 Wt/original(mg) 0.546 0.492 0.554 0.556 Avg Wt(mg) 0.537 11 Surviving# 10 10 10 10 %Survival 100.0 Original# 10 10 10 10 RECEIVEDINCDEQIDWR Wt/original(mg) 0.641 0.433 0.600 0.571 Avg Wt(mg) 0.561 16.5 Surviving# 10 10 10 10 %Survival 100.0 MAY 31 2016 Original# 10 10 10 10 Wt/original(mg) 0.543 0.498 0.514 0.498 Avg Wt(mg) 0.513 Water Quality Permitting Section 22 Surviving# 10 10 9 10 %Survival 97.5 Original# 10 10 10 10 Wt/original(mg) 0.547 0.591 0.480 0.626 Avg Wt(mg) 0.561 Water Quality Data Day Control 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 pH(SU)Init/Fin 8.17 / 7.93 8.09 1 8.13 8.12 / 8.00 8.10 / 7.84 8.25 / 8.01 8.07 / 7.91 8.12 / 7.90 DO(mglL) Init/Fin 7.76 / 6.42 6.92 / 7.62 6.99 / 7.28 I 7.70 / 7.05 7.64 / 7.70 8.15 / 7.48 8.00 / 7.10 Temp(C)Init/Fin 24.5 / 24.9 24.7 / 25.1 24.8 / 25.0 25.6 / 24.9 25.2 / 25.8 24.7 / 25.8 25.3 / 24.8 High Concentration o 1 2 3 4 5 6 pH(SU)Init/Fin 7.98 / 7.91 8.04 / 8.00 8.01 / 8.00 7.98 / 7.91 8.06 / 7.95 8.06 / 8.05 8.12 / 8.06 DO(mg/L) Init/Fin 7.76 / 6.31 6.93 / 7.74 6.89 / 6.95 7.68 / 7.00 7.76 / 7.48 8.06 / 7.72 8.01 17.29 Temp(C)Init/Fin 25.9 / 24.7 25.2 / 24.9 24.4 / 25.8 25.3 / 24.7 24.9 / 25.9 24.4 / 25.8 25.4 125.0 Sample 1 2 3 Survival Growth Overall Result Collection Start Date 5/2/2016 5/4/2016 5/5/2016 Normal rl Fl ChV >22 Grab Horn.Var. rl Fl Composite(Duration) 24.0 24.0 24.0 NOEC 22 22 Hardness(mg/L) 34 38 48 LOEC >22 >22 Alkalinity(mg/L) 79 105 116 ChV >22 >22 Conductivity(umhos/cm) 566 770 986 Method Steel's Dunnett's Chlorine(mg/L) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Terrp.at Receipt(CC) 0.4 0.3 1.4 Stats Survival Growth Conc. Critical Calculated Critical Calculated Dilution H2O Batch# 1015 1016 1017 5.5 10 18 2.41 Not Included Hardness(mg/L) 44 46 44 8.25 10 20 2.41 0.9769 Alkalinity(mg/L) 53 50 50 11 10 20 2.41 0.4195 Conductivity(umhos/cm) 189 167 189 16.5 10 20 2.41 1.5228 22 10 18 2.41 0.4252 DWQ Form AT-5(1/04) Meritech, Inc. Chronic Fathead Minnow Benchsheet Transfer and Feeding Dates and Times Client: Li Il Co I rl to n #of Organisms per Chamber: 10 Start Date: 5/3/16 Time: -3 .1,rM NPDES#: NC0025496 Test Vessel Size: 400 ml End Date: 5/10/16 Time: / I 5 Initiated by: / _/( b Test Solution Volume:,25500 ml Date/Time Fed: 5/3/16 )(1.) 4U,4 f Temp. of Stock:21"5 "C Randomization: 411 No Date/Time Born: 5/2/16 3:00 PM Cr #of Reps: 4 Incubator#: 1 Organism Source: Aquatox, Inc. Analyst(s): MR, CD, eirr) -SI-- Transferred by: Fed by: Date Time Initials Date Time 1 Initials Time 2 Initials Day 1 5/4 O(t) )1_ Cf2 Day 0 5/3 1/2• L0/' 1 Day 2 5/5 3 'Or r1 /YCZ-/Cr- Day 1 5/4 i(��f0ll/1r c47— 114 Fn, n � Day 3 5/6 1 ti .� �_ Day 2 5/5 K/1.3--(2/77 Day4 5/7 DY'e/"-%/La\ Day3 5/6 ( ,-1')i).1 :1'L 7.) q Day 5 5/8 ,72 L 1 Day 4 5/7 I'. - G~ rr Z---- Day 5 5/8 11 "' ) S "I c1 Day 6 5/9 � � � G.,-%-x > � . � .. ti If) Day 6 5/9 Cf'• lig ,n )0 1 0 � � (-10 Test Termination Data: Initials/Signature: � �•��kx�,y, .,. /c r'? a. End Date: 5/10/16 r �f� End Time: I /• f ERITECIIy IIVCaw ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES A Division of Water Technology and Controls, Inc. Chemical and Physical Determinations Client: Lincolnton NPDES#: NC0025496 Start Date: 5/3/16 Test Organism: Pimephales promelas End Date: 5/10/16 M21 7 r Day Concentration: control 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 Remarks Soft Synthetic Freshwater Batch#: i315 16 I I, } 17-, pH: pH: Initial 5'.17 7.J r '-1, ' 4' ;C' k �) 5', c 7 y Final 7 .i,'v j' / `-6 .00 7 5y s=,c 1 -j_r i 7.G D.O.: Initial 7,7(c% l , .' , ' ! Final L,:.y -7. -7.; ,- 7 U> 7 70 - 1 u 7 i Temp.: Initial r - . 3 . 4.7 .Z`"I • 1 ?5 is„" :7 ? L t 7 Final L.1.9 G 7f 9 )5 g a`7 5' 2.--t Conductivity: Initial i L i% I /c57 4 (91 171 Final :ply ,rn(-; .-'1-`i j r 4 Residual Chlorine: --0 1 AU. j /- •r <i 1 C. L. i .-' Hardness: 1414 `I y L L. i 0 Alkalinity: ?•'7 _;_'} � �J 5 ^7 5 Day Concentration: 5.50% 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 Remarks pH: Initial O IC / I`--> ' , ,L� Final (;;",r'',;;' '7.`i 0 . 7-`i c 5-z.'L' - J D.O.. Initial 7.7,;,;,— Lr•"iI; .S-2 Final l, ! -7. 7 -I. -7(1\4\4 Z l 7 `-] ( j -7. Temp.: Initialr G 3 4-/ , H , '1 , _ Final -:`_l ;' %i-.1• i )-4. 4 =moi• / , 1 )tetL. Conductivity: Initial 1 ,;;?("j5 ry 10 7) '1( • Final .;,'-71'5 \ u, ' � ! i "2.; ;=5 .' ` -it, Residual Chlorine: vi • L ,",,; C•e , j ,. ; 42,. Day Concentration: 8.25% 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 Remarks pH: Initial S G.L �' , �� ! j Final 1 _ 7(i« ,7 . 7 '796 (? - D.O.: Initial 7 74"/ '-2) k;�, g . 1-1 (- Final 7 ' '` , ir't'1 77 i 1-, Temp.: Initial "7 .- .L/ _'- y - SSM Final -�.`; ? ? '. ! t Conductivity: Initial - - Final 9, ac--; Residual Chlorine: : , ;} f = . r ,_r ! i ArtelEITAI 7-AECAF-0, E NJ RCP NI E L 1-.....13C)12.47-C>Ft I Es Chemical and Physical Determinations Page 2 of 2 Client: Lincolnton INIPDES#: NC0025496 Start Date: 5/3/16 Test Organism: Pimephales promelas End Date: 5/10/16 Day Concentration: 11.0% 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 Remarks pH: Initial 0-7 Final 1 C1C 1.0,4 J bi 7-41 1 9 D.O.: Initial 01 u Final t: ,7x---1 —7, r Temp.: Initial -,cn". L-25 ,2*I • af5— ;2 '1 •'t Final 5. q % :.?"( • Conductivity: Initial (4 3L7' 22 Final 649 Li \ Residual Chlorine: < . • ) / < c C • LC. ./ / Day Concentration: 16.5% 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 Remarks pH: Initial Sc5 Final 1. 7.&K‹ . 7. 41' % 3 D.O.: Initial 1.7 ,c, 1 -7. C, 77-7L-I 71,33 Final '77C 7 09 7-01 7 Temp.: Initial „--•••,”)5". LI i • r::: „2-C, Final ra_sT 6 :;2_ - ?'17vi -)- Conductivity: Initial ,:9L,) -3 .1 _ Final ;--;)5,.. 3,,E5 7, 317.-3/.. Residual Chlorine: 0 i GO. ) CiZC./ Day Concentration: 22.0% 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 Remarks pH: Initial (-4 q.,:, 7.c), Final -7 ci 31) ? 'ii D.O.: Initial 7 L r ;2; f ,9-T.; 7 1 q" Final ,'":;) I -74 (1) 7- '1, S 7T2 7 c,-2 Temp.: Initial "•-tl i9 • Final 9 7c. y )4. 7 ..;2.(, -47 Conductivity: Initial I 1,t-3 3 -77 -L3 Final -; 'E 1 `-'? 7 5 ii r Residual Chlorine: C, • , I cj . Day Concentration: 100% 0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 Remarks pH: 7 '5 5 .-i7 : Conductivity: Residual Chlorine: r , c' • Hardness: , • Alkalinity: 7 • MERITECH, INC. Mortality Data: Chronic Fathead Test Client: Lincolnton NPDES#: NC0025496 Start Date: 5/3/16 Test Organism: Pimephales promelas End Date: 5/10/16 Concentration Control Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday / l (../ L G 3 f Rep A 0 v Rep 0 JC C: Rep C 0 ✓ L? C.. " ; �� �. i `J \c C7 0 RepD 0 Li Concentration 5.50% Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Rep A 0 G. /,�� (` (� 1 6) Rep 0 C Cv v cy C." Rep C 0 J v Rep D 0 J �} ` / ._ 0i � Concentration 8.25% Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Re A 0 �, L.-/ (' ! ' `� , C 1 0 Rep • r � ci. , i / RepB 0 U 0 (:2 Rep C 0 �J �'/ �` ^3 Rep D 0 � V (_, MERITECH, INC. Mortality Data: Chronic Fathead Test Client: Lincolnton NPDES#: NC0025496 Start Date: 5/3/16 Test Organism: Pimephales promelas End Date: 5/10/16 Concentration 11.0% Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Rep A 0 i' f C� 0 (�.! L! Ls) Rep B 0 0U C-' C: (,' j Cl Rep C 0 .). ( t ( ,! U j l 0Rep D 0T, Concentration 16.5% Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday L/ /�� / ) 7 t Rep A 0 t.l (/ C. �' U !/ Rep B 0 c, Rep C 0 12 v `- 6,./ 0 71 Rep D 0 , f C:` l,' Concentration 22.0% Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Rep A 0 U C ty C, i () Rep B 0 () I G^ (.) i- ; V, Rep C 0 _ ✓ `� • Rep D 0 `" L i L .? �J .im E ITEC' INC. N s ` , ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES ^ A Division of Water Technology and Conrrols, Inc. FISH LARVAL SURVIVAL!GROWTH DATA SHEET CHRONIC FATHEAD MINNOW • Facility: Lincolnton Page: 1 of 2 NPDES #: NC0025496 Outfall: Date of Test: 5/3/16 Initial weights taken on: H-.:_)::-.k.u, by: =%1--- Organism: Pimephales promelas Final weights taken on: 1?-;L by: L. PAN WT. PAN + ORG. WT. OF ORG. MEAN CONC REP (mg) WT. (mg) (mg) #ORG. WT./ORG. (mg) SURV% — i• , , . / / 9 0..\i.7 i 1 c) a B co 31. `-15 �': '1 i 4: ,:. ! f�'; o V -1 /1)U 0 U c '3'`-1'{•a.0=-I Sou: . 5 u. ?. (C 0. ii 3.1 /P) ) 5.50% B -;, 'i � , i_�r /Cr; C'` .6 /e)/ 0 1 • /Li Li A �' 3< i x :;,, / K • , B i j8.25% c . . _ 1 i, (I E'S`L /C '_ z. E I TECH, ®/VC_ , '', ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES A Division of Water Technology and Con rrols, Inc. FISH LARVAL SURVIVAL/GROWTH DATA SHEET CHRONIC FATHEAD MINNOW Facility: Lincolnton Page: 2 of 2 NPDES #: NC0025496 Outfall: Date of Test: 5/3/16 Initial weights taken on: ±9 - i(.. by: .5.(-. Organism: Pimephales promelas Final weights taken on: 5-19-1{:, by: S e- PAN WT. PAN + ORG. WT. OF ORG. MEAN CONC REP (mg) WT. (mg) (mg) #ORG. WT./ORG. (mg) SURV% ri n 11.0% B Jam'. J .;'-, 5. 1 "7.3 0 0 - .)_) `cti0 C L., ?) .J'-' (0 t-t,Ot) /0 0 D `5;:,) . C ?,L_ -7 ~ 5 .1 1 (0 n, 7I l o U A ,Q 1,4,. Lt. L 5'37. C'i .`-, I 0 0- z; _ (C Qj --,;'" ' r) �' - C' '-I (-i j 0 C ,.\-;\G+ 4 l tom' r1 16.5% B ;. =; D x L L y< . y y JO e' . - 1r=, i A :-L I :''';fir 4 s n u ,--7 /0 (7-( ''i % (C,'0 22.0% B 4 -' 7' C y ,' . . ;- -i ; re' G .��li ( C'0 C :Thi_ . -- ` - - ('_ 't k'' L -1 ?` V I C' • MERITECH, INC. MeritechSamplela#: 3(S ABioassay Sample Chain of Custody 642 Tamco Rd,Reidsville NC 27320 Phone: 1-336-342-4748 Fax:1-336-342-1522 Toxicity Supervisor email: mike.reed@meritech-labs.com Web Site: www.meritech-labs.com fF • 1.-41( / CLIENT INFORMATION Client: &1 'y C (� L 1 tr1('C�L y47,if'-) 14/0-13 PO#: Contact Person: iA r1 i--CerLahr /'1;-I,% 8t rr NPDES#: NC (t ...5Y 6 Address: P0 2)j X (c l Phone: 10 4, 7. ;-.. E--q,0 City: �-{f1[tv!ri Pipe#: Qo / County: Lela/r1 State: AZ_ Zip:/9-S-%-6q3 SAMPLE INFORMATION Sample Site: L—PF Sample Type: ❑Grab Composite #of containers: Sampling Time: Start Date: ,..-)/a 11(.p Start Time: 08e V AM PM End Date: 5/3 If cc, End Time: OS-0 M ) PM 'Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling. Completely fill the sample container with no air space. Pack the sample cooler completely in ice. The """ sample must be<6.0°C upon recei t the labor ry Collector's Name: Print: -Qjim,r�-2l. Lei 1'`-e-- Signature: c.;_.....,,,,TOXICITY TEST INFORMATION c----- - Test Required: ❑Chronic(7 days) Test Organism: ❑ Ceriodaphnia dubia (water flea) ❑Acute(24-48 hours) C .Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) ❑ Mysidopsis bahia (shrimp) IWC: ( i % Test Concentrations(if multiple dilutions): Comments: SHIPPING INFORMATION Relinquished by: //A . �. �. _._ Date: G. -7--1-//" Time: • T"- ,C1 PM Received : ' , 0 �-mss Date: ---3-7 t 2 Time: $ AM PM OI Relinquished by: riAlrAPMAPIIM Date: -. --` {v Time: 61`*_ ' AM (61...) Received by: U Date: Time: AM PM Relinquished by: Date: Time: AM PM Received by: Date: Time: AM PM Relinquished by: Date: Time: AM PM Received by: Date: Time: AM PM Sample Temperature(°C): Method of Shipment:❑ UPS ❑ Fed EX XMeritech Pick-up ❑Delivered ❑ Other "Samples shipped on Friday must be FedEx and must be clearly labeled for Saturday delivery,NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED" ff �� ((// SAMPLE RECEIVING (Laboratory Use Only) Relinquished by: `'G-J _ 5G.F� XL, / Received y: / Date: C- -1 ti Time: I -( ..✓ AM �PM l Sample Temperatures(°C): U,Lt I V.\-{ I I Sample Condition: -----,4 cA ,.. WHiTE= Laboratory copy YELLOW=Client copy -4Carva.1_,,,*,--T...--A-rw,nk. MERITECH, INC. Meritech Sample ID#: (/-5'b.C1 j' ti Bioassay Sample Chain of Custody ,,,A-__. 642 Tamco Rd,Reidsville NC 27320 Phone: 1-336-342-4748 Fax: 1-336-342-1522 Toxicity Supervisor email: mike.reed@meritech-labs.com Web Site: www.meritech-labs.com CLIENT INFORMATION Client: �' v irlc.-C.'hi jr) �,j , T PO#: Contact Person: �Tc r i-�-�t- LCtty- / )r i-jL',r(= L) NPDES#: NC OC) ;--5 9, Address: Ct Q4'`1 (019 ✓ - Phone: 7014. ?&(c. E-56 0 City: 1-.1`v\ t.D 1,,d-Din Pipe#: Cd County: J,_.Ey. e 0(r. State: AIC- Zip: tS12)C13 SAMPLE INFORMATION Sample Site: C P H Sample Type: ❑Grab VI.Composite #of containers: 1.) Sampling Time: Start Date: .l 4 111.0 Start Time: J 8.0S- CAM PM �.� End Date: 5151 Ilp End Time: FcCS AM PM '-`"Triple rinse sample container with sample before filling. Completely fill the sample container with no air space. Pack the sample cooler completely in ice. The sample must be<6.0°C upon receiat at the lab story*'* .2� Collector's Name: Print: ��4\Y\��: �1�-Y\e Signature: TOXICITY TEST INFORMATION ��/J Test Required: ❑Chronic(7 days) Test Organism: ❑ Ceriodaphnia dubia (water flea) ❑ Acute(24-48 hours) tX,pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) ❑ Mysidopsis bahia (shrimp) IWC: 1) % Test Concentrations(if multiple dilutions): Comments: n s1 SHIPPING INFORMATION / Relinquished by ) OZIA._...-2--.. Date: 5 S----77( Time: 7 /j PM Received b ---, � Date: ,C �-( Time: (0' r'c` C. PM Relinquished by: 7,,,,,----7 V Date: .5'- 5--/,' Time: Z.> `/ AM 11 Received by: f Date: Time: r AM PM Relinquished by: Date: Time: AM PM Received by: Date: Time: AM PM Relinquished by: Date: Time: AM PM Received by: Date: Time: AM PM Sample Temperature(°C): Method of Shipment:❑ UPS ❑ Fed EX ,Meritech Pick-up ❑Delivered El Other **Samples shipped on Friday must be FedEx and must be clearly labeled for Saturday delivery, NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED*' SAMPLE RECEIVING (Laboratory Use Only) f r �/� Relinquished by:- i '� !V I/'"7-4-'- ��\ Received by: � ✓, /// . Date: � / Time: J � AM PM, / Sample Temperatures(°C): . 3 I L. I I Sample Condition: `r 0 1% Vt'i-f T E= Laboratory copy Y-ELLCV r =Cif6 t:copy MERITECH, INC. MeritechSample ID#:O)'J `( 6:::'5F) Bioassay Sample Chain of Custody rip-1-*„....... 642 Tamco Rd,Reidsville NC 27320 Phone: 1-336-342-4748 Fax: 1-336-342-1522 Toxicity Supervisor email: mike.reed@meritech-Iabs.com Web Site: www.meritech-labs.com . CLIENT INFORMATION Client: C(- i.' 0 C Lir C 0,4-1'7bn IA/11:,11' PO#: Contact Person: `� y1 i Per l ihr / b"`yl (7 .2v1/..t.)) NPDES#: NC C(),!.Sq 9 f-, Address: fV � A L%(7Phone: '704 75(^.. c�-i L L City: N((11rt hi Pipe#: ere)) County: C_'jY‘LC 1 Yl State: Ai Zip: 38-6:4 3 SAMPLE INFORMATION Sample Site: �-- Sample Type: ❑Grab omposite #of containers: Sampling Time: Start Date: 5!5 li Start Time: ult.,;,,, (N. % PM r • ) �74 End Date: 5 I'll t, End Time: I CC,C.", �A ., PM ***Triple rinse sample container with sample before`Mho. Completely fill the sample container with no air space. Pack the sample cooler completely in ice.1 ,The sample must be<6.0°C upon receipt at the laboratory 77L't' r 1 Collector's Name: Print: \(� t'T� L ( -�-I f `- Signaturj(�1 —`C TOXICITY TEST INFORMATION (".....j Test Required: ❑Chronic(7 days) Test Organism: ❑ Ceriodaphnia dubia (water flea) ❑ Acute(24-48 hours) 71.Pimephales promelas (fathead minnow) ❑ Mysidopsis bahia (shrimp) IWC: 1 1 % Test Concentrations (if multiple dilutions): Comments: ii SHIPPING INFORMATION Relinquishe y: i '---� Date: 45 -(C:--/ . Time: J 0 (AIy� i PM ./ 7 Receive j /nf 't - ..'fes`r Date: _ ,/ 6 Time: 16', 6:5-21) r% /P-M Relinquished by: /j '/ //f/f I i l� Date: 6,- i, Time: --!."47:1-.6.2) AM (rlO Received by: C. �� Date: `�/ J,' (1( Time: ,2 . <(�:, AM LPA Relinquished by: Date: Time: AM PM Received by: Date: Time: AM PM Relinquished by: Date: Time: AM PM Received by: Date: Time: AM PM Sample Temperature/ (°C): Method of Shipment:❑ UPS ❑ Fed EX XMeritech Meritech Pick-up ❑Delivered ❑ Other -Samples shipped on Friday mast be FedEx and must be c;eariy labe;ed for Saturday dellve-y,NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED" SAMPLE RECEIVING (Laboratory Use Only) Relinquished by: ,k.,—/'I Received by: 000 Date: ,-L Vi, 1 % Time: '(--{C. AM '�1V1,- Sample Temperatures(°C): 1 l i / L / Sample Condition: �,1./ ,_a. WRITE= Laboratory cope YELLOW=Client copy "�-"""t' Title: lincolnton File: lincolnton Transform: NO TRANSFORMATION Shapiro - Wilk' s Test for Normality D = 0. 0568 W = 0 . 9114 Critical W = 0.8680 (alpha = 0. 01 , N = 20) W = 0. 9050 (alpha = 0 . 05 , N = 20) Data PASS normality test (alpha = 0. 01) . Continue analysis. Title: lincolnton File: lincolnton Transform: NO TRANSFORMATION Bartlett ' s Test for Homogeneity of Variance Calculated B1 statistic = 6 .2684 (p-value = 0. 1800) Data PASS B1 homogeneity test at 0. 01 level . Continue analysis. Critical B = 13 .2767 (alpha = 0.01, df = 4) = 9 .4877 (alpha = 0. 05, df = 4) Title: lincolnton File: lincolnton Transform: NO. TRANSFORMATION ANOVA Table SOURCE DF SS MS F Between 4 0. 0105 0.0026 0.6965 Within (Error) 15 0 . 0568 0. 0038 Total 19 0. 0673 (p-value = 0.6061) Critical F = 4 .8932 (alpha = 0.01, df = 4, 15) = 3 .0556 (alpha = 0.05, df = 4, 15) Since F < Critical F FAIL TO REJECT Ho: All equal (alpha = 0. 05) Title: lincolnton File: lincolnton Transform: NO TRANSFORMATION Dunnett's Test - TABLE 1 OF 2 Ho:Control<Treatment TRANSFORMED MEAN CALCULATED IN SIG GROUP IDENTIFICATION MEAN ORIGINAL UNITS T STAT 0.05 1 control 0 .5795 0.5795 2 8 .25 0.5370 0 .5370 0. 9769 3 11 0.5613 0.5613 0 .4195 4 16 .5 0.5132 0.5132 1.5228 5 22 0 . 5610 0 .5610 0.4252 Dunnett critical value = 2 .3600 (1 Tailed, alpha = 0. 05, df = 4, 15) Title: lincolnton File: lincolnton Transform: NO TRANSFORMATION Dunnett' s Test - TABLE 2 OF 2 Ho:Control<Treatment NUM OF MIN SIG DIFF % OF DIFFERENCE GROUP IDENTIFICATION REPS (IN ORIG. UNITS) CONTROL FROM CONTROL 1 control 4 2 8 .25 4 0.1027 17 .7 0. 0425 3 11 4 0.1027 17 .7 0.0183 4 16 .5 4 0.1027 17.7 0 .0663 5 22 4 0.1027 17.7 0. 0185 Title: lincolnton - survival File: lincolnsury Transform: NO TRANSFORMATION Shapiro - Wilk' s Test for Normality D = 0.0225 W = 0.6683 Critical W = 0.8840 (alpha = 0.01 , N = 24) W = 0.9160 (alpha = 0.05 , N = 24) Data FAIL normality test (alpha = 0. 01) . Try another transformation. Warning - The first three homogeneity tests are sensitive to non-normality and should not be performed with this data as is. Title: lincolnton - survival File: lincolnsury Transform: NO TRANSFORMATION Hartley's Test for Homogeneity of Variance Bartlett's Test for Homogeneity of Variance These two tests can not be performed because at least one group has zero variance. Data FAIL to meet homogeneity of variance assumption. Additional transformations are useless . Title: lincolnton - survival File: lincolnsury Transform: NO TRANSFORMATION Steel ' s Many-One Rank Test - Ho: Control<Treatment MEAN IN RANK CRIT. SIG GROUP IDENTIFICATION ORIGINAL UNITS SUM VALUE DF 0 .05 1 control 0. 9750 2 5.5 0.9750 18. 00 10. 00 4 . 00 3 8.25 1.0000 20. 00 10. 00 4 . 00 4 11 1 .0000 20. 00 10. 00 4 . 00 5 16 .5 1. 0000 20. 00 10. 00 4 . 00 6 22 0.9750 18. 00 10.00 4 . 00 Critical values are 1 tailed ( k = 5 )