HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160571 Ver 1_ACOE PCN SAW-2010-01843_20160601Carpenter,Kristi From: TERRY KUNEFF <terry.kuneff@highpointnc.gov> Sent: Monday, June 06, 2016 10:49 AM To: Carpenter,Kristi Subject: Attachments: Kristi, Penny Road Greenway ACOE PCN SAW-2010-01843.pdf Attached is a PDF file that contains all of the project drawings and wetland correspondence as requested. The project design drawings are located at the end of the file. Thanks, TERRY KUNEFF P.E., CFM � � ����' {.� . - - ��� � � �� �- �_�- CITY OF HIGH POINT CIVIL ENGINEER III 211 S Hamilton, Room xxx� High Point, NC 27260 336.883.8583 � m: 336.6013785 fax: 336.883.4118 terry.kuneff@hi�hpointnc.�ov � www.hi�hpointnc.�ov FoiioW u5— Please be aware that e-mail and attachments sent to and from this address are subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM For use by a Local Government Agency TIP Project No. EL-5104 WBS Element 45125.1.1 Federal Project No. TCSP-0710 (20) A. Project Description: (Include project scope and location, including Municipality and County. Refer to the attached project location map and photos.) The project is a proposed extension of the High Point Greenway. It begins at the existing High Point Greenway along Deep River Road, crosses the Deep River, and then runs roughly parallel to the river ending at Penny Road. The greenway extension, shown on E�ibit 1, is proposed as an asphalt trail with wooden bridges and boardwalks at specific locations. The extension is suitable for jogging, walking, bicycling and other recreational activities. The project is listed as an Enhancement Project (Local Projects) in the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Current State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP, June 2013). The greenway extension is proposed as a 10-foot wide asphalt path from Deep River Road to Penny Road. The greenway traverses the West Fork of the Deep River, a wetland area immediately adjacent to east side of the river, and three perennial streams that function as tributaries to the river. In order to avoid impacts to the extent possible, the proposed greenway bridges over the river, a portion of the wetland area, and each of the three streams. For the wetland area not traversed by the proposed bridge, the preliminary design proposes raised wooden boardwalks rather than asphalt paths and associated fill. B. Purpose and Need: The proposed extension is needed to provide a missing link in the city greenway system. To date, the City of High Point has completed approximately 2.7 miles of a planned overall 3.8 mile greenway. The remaining 1.1 mile section would provide connection to two locally significant recreational destinations; University Park and the Piedmont Environmental Center. It would also provide a connection to the larger Bicentennial Greenway, which provides bicycling and pedestrian connections to the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park. The purpose of the proposed greenway is to provide a high-quality, healthy alternative for mobility and connectivity in the High Point area. PCE-100L 1 June 2013 C NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM Proposed Improvements — Select ALL Activities that apply to the Project, regardless of TYPE Circle one or more of the following Type I activities: 1. Non-construction activities (program activities). 2. Approval of utility installations along or across a transportation facility. O 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. : 19. Construction of bicycle and pedestrian lanes, paths, and facilities. Activities included in the State's "highway safety plan" under 23 USC 402 (programs administered by the Division of Motor Vehicles). Transfer of Federal lands pursuant to 23 USC 317 when the subsequent action is not a FHWA action. The installation of noise barriers or alterations to existing publicly owned buildings to provide for noise reduction. Landscaping. Installation of fencing, signs, pavement markings, small passenger shelters, traffic signals, and railroad warning devices. Emergency repairs under 23 USC 125 (Governor Declared Emergency). Acquisition of scenic easements. Determination of payback under 23 CFR Part 480 for property previously acquired with federal-aid participation. Improvements to existing rest areas and truck weigh stations. Ridesharing activities. Bus and Rail car rehabilitation. Alterations to facilities or vehicles in order to make them accessible for elderly and handicapped persons. Program administration, technical assistance activities, and operating assistance to transit authorities to continue existing service or increase service to meet changes in routine demand. The purchase of vehicles by the applicant where the use of these vehicles can be accommodated by existing facilities or by new facilities which themselves are within a CE. Track and rail bed maintenance and improvements when carried out within the existing right of way. Purchase and installation of operating or maintenance equipment to be located within the transit facility and with no significant impacts off the site. PCE-100L 2 June 2013 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM 20. Promulgation of rules, regulations and directives. 21. Replacement of guardrail. Circle one or more of the following Type II activities: Modernization of a highway by resurfacing, restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction, adding shoulders, or adding auxiliary lanes (e.g., parking, weaving, turning, climbing). a. Restoring, Resurfacing, Rehabilitating, and Reconstructing pavement (3R and 4R improvements) b. Widening roadway and shoulders without adding through lanes c. Modernizing gore treatments d. Constructing lane improvements (merge, auxiliary, and turn lanes) e. Adding shoulder drains f. Replacing and rehabilitating culverts, inlets, and drainage pipes, including safety treatments g. Providing driveway pipes h. Performing minor bridge widening (less than one through lane) i. Slide Stabilization j. Structural BMP's for water quality improvement 2. Highway safety or traffic operations improvement projects including the installation of ramp metering control devices and lighting. a. Installing ramp metering devices b. Installing lights c. Adding or upgrading guardrail d. Installing safety barriers including Jersey type barriers and pier protection e. Installing or replacing impact attenuators f. Upgrading medians including adding or upgrading median barriers g. Improving intersections including relocation and/or realignment h. Making minor roadway realignment i. Channelizing traffic j. Performing clear zone safety improvements including removing hazards and flattening slopes k. Implementing traffic aid systems, signals, and motorist aid 1. Installing bridge safety hardware including bridge rail retrofit Bridge rehabilitation, reconstruction, or replacement or the construction of grade separation to replace existing at-grade railroad crossings. a. Rehabilitating, reconstructing, or replacing bridge approach slabs b. Rehabilitating or replacing bridge decks c. Rehabilitating bridges including painting (no red lead paint), scour repair, fender systems, and minor structural improvements d. Replacing a bridge (structure and/or fill) 4. Transportation corridor fringe parking facilities. Construction of new truck weigh stations or rest areas. PCE-100L 3 June 2013 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM 6. Approvals for disposal of excess right-of-way or for joint or limited use of right-of-way, where the proposed use does not have significant adverse impacts. 7. Approvals for changes in access control. Construction of new bus storage and maintenance facilities in areas used predominantly for industrial or transportation purposes where such construction is not inconsistent with existing zoning and located on or near a street with adequate capacity to handle anticipated bus and support vehicle traffic. 9. Rehabilitation or reconstruction of existing rail and bus buildings and ancillary facilities where only minor amounts of additional land are required and there is not a substantial increase in the number of users. 10. Construction of bus transfer facilities (an open area consisting of passenger shelters, boarding areas, kiosks and related street improvements) when located in a commercial area or other high activity center in which there is adequate street capacity for projected bus traffic. 11. Construction of rail storage and maintenance facilities in areas used predominantly for industrial or transportation purposes where such construction is not inconsistent with existing zoning and where there is no significant noise impact on the surrounding community. 12. Acquisition of land for hardship or protective purposes, advance land acquisition loans under section 3(b) of the UMT Act. Hardship and protective buying will be permitted only for a particular parcel or a limited number of parcels. These types of land acquisition qualify for a CE only where the acquisition will not limit the evaluation of alternatives, including shifts in alignment for planned construction projects, which may be required in the NEPA process. No project development on such land may proceed until the NEPA process has been completed. 13. Acquisition and construction of wetland, stream and endangered species mitigation sites. 14. Remedial activities involving the removal, treatment or monitoring of soil or groundwater contamination pursuant to state or federal remediation guidelines. D. Special Prolect Information: (Provide a description of investigations and findings concerning Threatened and Endangered Species, National Historic Preservation Act, Right of Way/Easements, Section 4(� and Section 6(� as described in the Local Programs Management Handbook. Also include Environmental Commitments and Permits Required) Erosion and Sediment Control - The proposed project would require an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (15A NCAC 2H .1000) subject to review and approval by the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). PCE-100L 4 June 2013 E. NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM Section 404 Clean Water Act Permit - It is anticipated that impacts to Section 404 jurisdictional areas will likely be authorized and the following pernuts may apply: NWP No. 14 for linear transportation projects, NWP No. 18 for minor discharges, and NWP No. 33 for temporary construction activities such as stream dewatering, work bridges, or temporary causeways. The USACE holds final discretion as to what permits will be required to authorize project construction. Section 401 Water Quality Certification - In addition, Section 401 Water Quality Certifications including GC 3704 for linear transportation projects, GC 3705 for minor discharges, and GC 3688 for temporary construction access and dewatering; may be required. Archaeology - The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) indicated that "there are no recorded Native American or historic period sites located within the proposed study area of the greenway extension" and that "it is unlikely that archaeological sites will be affected by the proposed greenway." However SHPO requested that the exact location of the greenway and description of associated ground disturbing activities be forwarded to their ofiice once the design has been refined. Waters of the U.S. — Stream and wetland delineations were conducted for the project corridor in October 2010 and a jurisdictional determination iield verification was conducted with the US Army Corps of Engineers on Apri130, 2013. The preliminary design avoids wetlands to the extent possible and the total estimated impacts are less than 0.1 acres. All of the jurisdictional streams are proposed to be crossed by bridges. Threatened and Endangered Species — Two species, the Bald eagle (Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act) and the small whorled pogonia (Threatened), are listed for Guilford County. Surveys for species and habitat were conducted in October 2010 and it was determined that this project would have no effect on these listed species. Threshold Criteria The following evaluation of threshold criteria must be completed. See Local Programs Management Handbook for more guidance on how to answer these questions. ECOLOGICAL Will the project have a substantial impact on any unique or important natural resource? Does the project involve habitat where federally listed endangered or threatened species may occur? Will the project affect anadromous fish? YES � � � NO X � � PCE-100L 5 June 2013 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM (4) If the project involves wetlands, is the amount of permanent and/or temporary wetland taking less than one-tenth (1 / 10) of an acre and have all practicable measures to avoid and minimize wetland takings been evaluated? X � (5) Will the project require the use of U. S. Forest Service lands? ❑ (6) Will the quality of adjacent water resources be adversely ❑ impacted by proposed construction activities? (7) Does the project involve waters classified as Outstanding Water ❑ Resources (OWR) and/or High Quality Waters (HQW)? (8) Will the project require fill in waters of the United States ❑ in any of the designated mountain trout counties? (9) Does the project involve any known underground storage ❑ tanks (UST's) or hazardous materials sites? PERMITS AND COORDINATION (10) If the project is located within a CAMA county, will the project significantly affect the coastal zone and/or any "Area of Environmental Concern" (AEC)? (11) Does the project involve Coastal Barrier Resources Act resources? (12) Will a U. S. Coast Guard permit be required? (13) (14) Will the project result in the modification of any existing regulatory floodway? Will the project require any stream relocations or channel changes? SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND CULTURAL RESOURCES (15) (16) Will the project induce substantial impacts to planned growth or land use for the area? Will the project require the relocation of any family or business? (17) Will the project have a disproportionately high and adverse human health and environmental effect on any minority or low-income population? PCE-100L 6 YES YES � � � X X X X X NO NA X X X X NO X X X June 2013 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM (18) If the project involves the acquisition of right of way, is the amount of right of way acquisition considered minor? (19) Will the project involve any changes in access control? (20) (21) Will the project substantially alter the usefulness and/or land use of adjacent property? Will the project have an adverse effect on permanent local traffic patterns or community cohesiveness? (22) Is the project included in an approved thoroughfare plan and/or Transportation Improvement Program (and is, therefore, in conformance with the Clean Air Act of 1990)? (23) (24) Is the project anticipated to cause an increase in traffic volumes? Will traffic be maintained during construction using existing roads, staged construction, or on-site detours? X � � X � X � X NA � � X NA � (25) If the project is a bridge replacement project, will the bridge be replaced at its existing location (along the existing facility) and will all construction proposed in association with the bridge replacement project be contained on the existing facility? NA (26) Is there substantial controversy on social, economic, or ❑ environmental grounds concerning the project? (27) Is the project consistent with all Federal, State, and local laws relating to the environmental aspects of the project? X (28) Will the project have an "effect" on structures/properties eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places? (29) Will the project affect any archaeological remains which are ❑ important to history or pre-history? (30) Will the project require the use of Section 4(� resources (public parks, recreation lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, historic sites, or historic bridges, as defined in Section 4(fl ❑ of the U. S. Department of Transportation Act of 1966)? (31) Will the project result in any conversion of assisted public recreation sites or facilities to non-recreation uses, as defined by Section 6(� of the Land and Water Conservation Act ❑ of 1965, as amended? (32) Will the project involve construction in, across, or adjacent to a river designated as a component of or proposed for inclusion in the National System of Wild and Scenic Rivers? � X � X X X X � X PCE-100L 7 June 2013 NCDOT PROGRAMMATIC CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION ACTION CLASSIFICATION FORM F. Additional Documentation Required for Unfavorable Responses in Part E (Discussion regarding all unfavorable responses in Part E should be provided below. Additional supporting documentation may be attached, as necessary.) N/A G. PCE A�roval TIP Project No. WBS Element Federal-Aid Project No EL-5104 45125.1.1 TCSP-0710(20 Project Description: (Repeat all information from Page 1) The project is a proposed extension of the High Point Greenway. It begins at the existing High Point Greenway along Deep River Road, crosses the Deep River, and then runs roughly parallel to the river ending at Penny Road. The greenway extension, shown on Exhibit 1, is proposed as an asphalt trail with wooden bridges and boardwalks at speciiic locations. The extension is suitable for jogging, walking, bicycling and other recreational activities. The project is listed as an Enhancement Project (Local Projects) in the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Current State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP, June 2013). The greenway extension is proposed as a 10-foot wide asphalt path from Deep River Road to Penny Road. The greenway traverses the West Fork of the Deep River, a wetland area immediately adjacent to east side of the river, and three perennial streams that function as tributaries to the river. In order to avoid impacts to the extent possible, the proposed greenway bridges over the river, a portion of the wetland area, and each of the three streams. For the wetland area not traversed by the proposed bridge, the preliminary design proposes raised wooden boardwalks rather than asphalt paths and associated fill. Categorical Exclusion Action Classification: (Check one) X TYPE I (A) TYPE I (B) TYPE II(A) TYPE II(B) NO BOXES Checked ANY BOX Checked refer to Section E NO BOXES Checked ANY BOX is Checked PCE-100L 8 June 2013 NCDQT FR(3G�AMNiATIC C,A.TEG[JRICAL EXCLUSTOIri PCE ACTION CLASSIFICATION F(�RM TjP Prc�ject No. EL-5 � 04 WBS Element 45125.1.1 Federal Prcaaec� No. TCS�-1771� (��1) Prepared B�; 7J21114 � Date P�uI Koch, PE, AICP, Fr�ncipal Stantec Consukting 919-8d5-7394 Campa�ylAgency, Teleph�ne # . .,; , .'�. ' �� : e! _: J .� i �' f. . - 5, ',� �• . ' RA.* 1 � •• � ?.{�.+1 ., � � ,.� ,fff��� ,' . .rr� y 1������ • •, � �� � � � �� q lr,r,�I' '��fi��•�] �j i.��� � ,y �"ir�(, �: � ,�r' 'r+/ �+ 4rs��ra�■r° �'L" . ��f/**��� �,. �``�rp� �� •*�fieskteh'�� NC}TE. Farm needs tp he cornpleted t�y eith�r a Pro%ssipnal Engineer (PE), Biologist, Platuier, trr AICP Prepar+ed �vr• R�vievwed: 7 .?p? � te Transportation Planner, City of High Pc+int � � "�� Pra ` e�. Unit ead ivisio N T- PDEA / NCD i3a `�' NQTE: hTCDfJT Re�iew may oe�ur at either FDEA ar the Di�rision fJffice. Mark through nan-applica�le position. ApqraVed: For Type I(�) ar II(S} projects only: Date Divaision Administrafvr Federal Highway Administratian PC£-1(]OL 9 June 2013 APPENDIX A AGENCY START OF STUDY LETTER RESPONSES REHLY TO AfI'TENTION OF: Ragulatony D ivii:iion DERAIRTNIENII CIF THE AIRMY WILMI�GIiO� 01�TRICT,CORRSORENGI�9ER� 69 DARLI�GIiO� PIVBNUE W ILMINGTON, � ORi H CIAROLINA �If 403 -1343 Acrtioni II� No. SAW-201f1••01843 NI�. Paull Koahl Niiojeai Managaii Stantac Conisulltinig 8011 aonas Fnankli n Rciad, Suita 300 Rlla:laighl, Northl Carolinai 2760E � aar Mn. Kochl: Noviemben 4; 20 ] 0 � V � P�OU Rllefenemaa ;is mada 1ci youn 1et11eri dated Catoberi 25, 201(I riegardinig ihei City oflHighl Poin�t �picipcised eixtanisicin� ciflthle Lleia�� Rivieri Grieenvuay, ftiom I�eep� Rva�i l�bad ta Penny Rload, in Highl Po:ir�t, Guilfbrid County, North Clarcilinia. Yllour 1et11eri ind:iciates that-trla greeir�vuay eixianis;ioni is ��rciposied as an a�i��halt trail ;iuitablei for jogginig, walking; b:iciyaling and otrlen neic�raat:icina] acti�ni'eis and i�rti�ei nemaining i.i miie:;lEICi�Oly�QI'a pjianneid 3.8 miie,greieniway: Tn�a iattem raqua:rted commeirits ragardinig poten�tial conicemis on data wirthlini trlei prio'ecrt areia. We ha�ia nevr.'eiwed the subjeci docurnents and derterm:in�eid thlat, based uponi a rieviievu of tha :informationi p�rio�iided and avia.ilable ma��s, aoni,itniation oflthle pnojeiat miaS{ 'mipaat streamis ancLor weitland.i wiithlini ihei vuonk corridon. Alea.ia be awauia that im��act,i asi;ioaiateid witrl the d:ischlargei of fill] into: uri.icicticir�a] vuatensi oftrle Uhuted State.i arei subjeiat io our riegulaiany authcirity, pun;ivant to Seationi 404 oftha Cleian Waie�i Act. Any disahlarge ofle�cavated on fill matenial ;irvia wateri,i of thlei Ulnited Stateis and/oii any ad'aaeint vuat:landsi vuould iiequirie Departmanit of tha Arm�{ (�1A) permit authcirizati cir�. 11ha. typei of I�A aiuthorizt�tior�.iiequiiied (i.e., �,TEIIyEII'21� OTI indiv�i dua] permit) wiill be derterm:ir�ed by.thle location, type, and e�ten�t ofl; uri,idicti cir�a] areia impacted by the ��nojaat, and by tl�le pnojeiat deisigni and conisirucitioni ]imitsi. Additionially, oui daia indiaates theira :is an e�i�rting U.S. Army Ccirp,�i of Fingineiaiis Aaiioni (SAW-2Q(14-21094; High��ciint Crraernway) tl�lat may b ei nelated tci thi.i prio�eat. Ulntil addit'oniall data :i s furni.irleid vuhichl dei ailsi thei e�aat 11 ciaatiorn and e�tent of thle conistrucrtioni ]imits oflthle pnopo.iad ��rioject, and an oni,iite inispeiationi i s aom��leteid with negard tci dertermii.n ationi.i of thei ��rie,iemice. ofl; uni�ic icti cir�a] vuatensi oni ihei p�rio'ecrt p�rio��arty, we are unabllei to �ieirify th2it ihei p�io`ecrt wiil:l niot hlav�ei 'unisdict�cir�a] :im��aiat;i, cin.to,pnovaide a��ecific ciommen�t.i ,. donaerryiryg DA �jeirmit nequiriemEinis. �lci a�isi�it �{ou w;itrl deterrminuig p�ermitling nEiquireimernts, P � .,. , ,, we iiecommemd thlat' you erform a deitai l ed deil irneati on of,any stneamis,ancL or; watland,i p�rie,ieint on , tY:lei p�iojeiatsrta: Wherrthis irifor"mation becomes availab:lei, it shlould be fkinyuanded ici our offiae fbn �iav�iievu and aommen�t, asi v�ie:l] a,i a datermiinationi ofIDA ��erm:ii e]i�ibility. P�urtheirmicme, ifla DA permiit :is neiquireid for this pnojeicrt, y,ou �ihlould pno�ide any, information riegarding tl�le Corps of Eniginieems A et:i cin SAW-2010-01 �q I:I tl�lat i.i a�a:i ] a�lle with y our appLi ciation. Ybu shaw] d also ��rciv�:idei a tlniieif discu.isioni neigandin€ trie peirmitting hi,rto�iy� of thle compleiteid 2.7 mi:leia ofl greianiway� menitionied in your leitten. SHould y�ou hlav�ei any, furthlem queiatiicins neilateid to IaA ��eirmits fori this ��rcijeiet, p:leiasei cicintaet me at SI19-554-4884, ei�rten.iion 26. Sincemeiiy, Andxeiw WilLiama Rleguilatciry� Pnojeat Manageri Rlaleiigh Aield Officei Ccip�y� Furn isheid: M.i. Sue Hlomewcicid NC DENRI Wlirnstcin-Saleim Rlegiona] Of�icie iai�isioni oii Waten Cluaii'ry _`I85 Waug htawn Street Winston-Salem, I�CI 271(17 �i�i: i l � l , L� "� I ii ��I �'v�l j/ � I y &� � ,� �I, ' � � �''. � � i � U ni 11ed S41ate s� ei ��0 p�,rllmen� af 1he In�ler�or - — _ -- , _...� _ _. _ _ -.. ___.� Fl9I�l AND W]II.1DL]IAH SHRNICE �daleigN Aielc Clffice Aost Of�lce Blax 33�2E �da�leigr, Nartti C�irolina a7E 36�37�I6 Nove mbe n 4, 20'I 0 Plaul RI. Kaahl Standec Conisult:in�g 8011 Jonieis Fnank lini Raad, Suitei 300 Rla]leighl, Northl CaiioLina �I � E(IE De aYi Mn. K ochl: Thlis ]le�i en is irv iiespor.isiei ta y�purri request fl�r uammen�ts frcim thlei U.S. Flishl anid Vvlild]life Seirvice (ISEITV]CEI; on lhla patential ervviiranme n1a1 eff� cits ciflthlei pnoposed e�temsioni ciflthle L1eep Riveir Gnee��va}{� �ir.i thlei Cit� aflHiiBhl Ploirvl, Gu:ilfoiid Clciunty, I�orthl ClatioLina (PlnojeictTa. EL-`I1(14). Thleisei ciammer.�ts pnovidei :ir�fkirmation �ir.i acicoYidar�cie wiithl p�iovisions ciflthle Nationial Eniv:irar.unervtal Ploliiay�� Act (42 U.�I.C. 43321�2)I�a)} and Secrticir� 7 aflthle Hncamigenec Speuies Au1 (H�IA) afl ]I97;1, as amended (16 U.� .C. ]I 53'I -1543). Thlei Servicie caes rnot hlavei anry� speaific con�ceirnsi for tl�lis pnajeul. `In gen�e►ral; w�e �iecicimmen�d thle fol:lawiir.i�� ucrose rviatiorv measiune s to avoid oii min:imiae emivinonmem�t�il impacits 1a f. shl and w�ildlife �iesou�iceis: 1. Weitlzmc arvd fo�ieist impziats shlould be.avo�ic eid amid miniimizeid 10 thei ma�uimum a�utend piiaalival. AYieias e�hhibitiing hhi8hl bicidivensily on euci]logival valuei :importarvl 1ci tYla w�ateirshle d oii nei8ion shlould be avoideid. Iliniear pYiojeicts shauld bei aligne c a]Icmg on adjziaenl tci exist:ing �ioad�ay�s, uti]lity corr'dans or otheir pne�viously� distuYibed aneias :in oriden to mimimiaa hlabitat loss and filagmeintation; 2. Clrassirvgs cifl streamsi arvd assaaialad wErtland sy�tems srlciuld usei exiistirng cmoss:in8s and/o�i aacuYi an a bridgei s?ruut��re �vheirFiveYi feas:ible. Bridgeis shauld bei :Icmg ervowghl to al:lciw� ftm suff aiEm1 �i:ldlifei passage a:lan8 stream aorridans. Whe nei br:ic 8irng is rnot feasib]la, culveirt strucituYies lhlat mziin�tziini natuYia] w�atari flo� zmc hly�inauliu iieg�imes wilhout saaurirng cm iimped�in8 f.lshl amid w�i]Ic lif�i pzissagei shlould be ampla�{�ed; 3. E r.id8eis arvd appYioaciYlas should ba dasigned ta avo:id anry� fi]] lhlat �il:l Yiesull :in damrmirng cm crcrostnlct�ian of I thle chlanned o�i fl acid plain. To thle extant passib ]e, pieirs arnd bemts shlould bei placed outside thlei bank-filll w�icthl aflthlei streiam. If spanninig lrlei fllood p:lairn is rvot feasiblei, culvarts shlould be inistalled irv thle'flocid plzrini pcirtioi�v of 1he appnoaahl to restone samia cif thle hl��iolag:iaa:l funicl ionis of thle flood plain and neic uae hlighl velciciit�ias of I flood wa1 er�is �ithlirv thlei :: :..af��iatE d aneia; . 4. Bridge designs shlould inialude pravisions ftin �ioadbE c ar�d decik cl�iairiage to flo� thhxiughl a vegel arteid buffem prion to raaahinig lhla affeciteid stream. Thlis b uf��ni shlould ba ]angei enioughl ta al:lavizrteamry��patentia:l ef��ictsfilamrun-cif�loflslormwalenamidpallutan�ts; `_I. Ifluniaviciidablei wieitlamid cro strezrm impacits a�ie piiopo9eid, a plan� fon ciompervsa�lciry mit�i8atian to cif��e�t impaal9 shciuld bei pnov�ic eid eianly in thlei p]lamm�ng pYioceiss; 6. Wl�erieiv�eni appncipriatei, conistruut�oni ini sens:itivei aneias shlould occiur outsidei fsh spawnini8 and mngra�lciry bind rnesting seiasonis. In waterw�ays thal may seirva as trzival aorridons f�ui f.lshl, irv- wiale�i wioYikl shlou:ld be a�oideid durir�g mciratorium peiriods assouiateid wiith mig�ationi, spawnirvg and sen�sili�e piie-zidult ]if�i sta8eis; 7. Best M arnagemen�t Pract�lceis (BMP) f�ui Con�strucition� arvd Maintemiarnuei Acti�ities shlou:ld ba implemem�teid; anid 8. A at:ivit:ieis wiithhin designated ripzrriarv buffens shlau]Ic be av�o�ic ad cm m:inim:iaed. Sactian 7(a; (�I; of 1Ylei Enidarngemeid Speaies Au1 neiouirieis thlal zill fedenal acliorn agernuieis (on thlei�i designal ad n�an-f�ic e�ia]I Yiepneiseintali�is), in corvsullatiorn vNi1Yl tha Service, inisunei that any action fedeirally authloriaed, furvdeid, cir carried out by suuhl age�riaieis is rvot :likle:ly ta ;jeiapa�idizei 1Yla cion�tirvueid ex:istencie ciflany fedemal:ly tl�lreiarte�iad cir ervdzm8aried speuies. A biologiaa'I assassman�Ga�aluart:icin mzry bei pre�panied to fi lfil] thei Seciticin 7(a)(2) �ieiqu:inermemt anid wiilll eixped:ite thle corvsultatlan prioueiss. 'Da assist you, a cournty-by-ciaunty list aflfeideuialllyp�ncileulad speiaieis known ta ocuun in Ncirlhl Czircilirna arnd �inf�irmationi orn thleiui :life historieisi arvd hab:ilats can� be found cm oun wieb pagei at hl :/ilnic- as.fi� Is. �ou�es/aciuntyfr.hltmll . A:Itl�louBYl thlei Northl C a�ioLina Nat�i��al H eiritage Arcig�am (NCNHA; da�labase does rvot indicale anry knciwni aciaux�iervaeis of ]isteid speicieis rveian 1Yla prajecit �icir.nty, usei of the NC NH P c ata shlould ncil be subs�itule� fbr acitua'I f.ledd siurveiysi iflsiu;tab➢a habita�t ocaurs neia; thei pri�jeict sitei. T;ileiNCNHA dzrtabase ondy indiaateis the pYiesenaei ciflknowr.i oaaux�ien�cieis ofllisteid speciies and doeis not neicessari'ly meiani tl�lat sual�l speciies aiie not pneiseint. It may simp'ly meiami that thlei zrraa has rvcit bee�ri surveyeid. If suitaible hlabilat ocuuns within thlei pYio.jeict �iuinity� f�n any listeic speaies, surverys sYlciuld bei acmduated tci deteirmin�ei prieisen�ciei cir absencie ciflthei speaies. If yciu deteirm:in�ei thait the piioposad actior.i may affeat (i.ei. likleily to aid�erisaly affecit cm not Likeily to adv�einsely zif��ct; a listeid speaies, you shlou:ld rnotiify lhis off.lcie withl yciu�i deileirmir.iat:ian, the �iasults of youii survieys, surv�eiy mathlodo'la�ies anid �rri anialysis ciflthl€i eif��cils of 1ha actian orn listeic specias, inuludirng cionisic e�iatiorn cif dineiat, �inciYiecit anid ciumu:lativiei eif�aul si, beifoYie aonducting any ziat:iv�itieis thlal mi8ht affeul tha speciies. ,Iflyou deteirmirvei that thlei pnoposad acilion vN:ill ha�e no eif��ct (i.a. nio beinef. ciia] on ad�ense, d:ireiut ori irnd:ineict ef��iat) on listed spac:ias, thlen you anie ncit neic Lnned to cior.�taat ciu�i officia ftm coniuurneince. We rasarve thle right to �ia�rierw anry fedeinail peirm�its tYlat may be iiequ:irad fkm thhis prcijaat, at thlei publici nciticei stagei. 'IIhenieforiEi, it is :importzmt lhlat nesounuei zi�anicy coorid:inaticm ocaur ea�ily in ilha plamm�ng prciciass irn cirdem ila riesolv�ei arry cianfliats thlat may ariisei and m:inim:iae delarys in p�icijeat impleunentaticin�. In addition tci thei aibci�a gyidanaei, wiei neicommend thal ilhei ein�irion�rnerr�ta'I dciciumenitatiar� fo�i ilYlis priojact ir�ciludei thlei fo:llovuiing ini suffiaiervil de�ta:i11 ci facii:litaila a ilha�iau�h ne�iewi ciflthle ac�tion: 1. A cilezrrly deifined and datai:leid pwrpose an�l r.iaed foii lhla prcipaseic prio.jeict; a. A deisuri�ptiarv of ilha prcipcisieid ziat:icm vuithl arv arnalysis of al'I alterniat:iv�eis ba:in�g consideneid; �I. A description aflthei f. sh and w�ildLif� neisouncias, anid thei�i haibitats, wiithin thei prio'eiat impziat ariea thz�t m�ay� ba di�ieci�lly� ar :indi�iecilly� affecited; 4. The axteinl and acnieagei oflwiaterrs aflthei UI.S., inciluding vuiat]lanids, that anei tci be impacteic by� fillin8, dradging, cilearing, di�lahing, on draining. Acrreis ofweitlanc :impacil shouldba differien�liatad by� hab:itat ty�IEi bziseid oni the wiert:land cilassi� aationi scihe�rnei of 1ha Nalionia]I Wat]lamids Ini�endlary� (NWI). Weillandboundariias shouldbe certeirmin�eic by�u9�ir.i8 thei 1987 C orps aflEni�in�eieris V61at]lands Deliniaat�oni Mzrc�ual axvd veriified b�{ �Iha UI.�I. Army� Corp9 ofl F ngi�neems; 9. 'Dhei anticiipateid Einvinonmeinta]I :impacil9, balh �lampanary� anid penmaxveint, thzrt vwould ba ]iklel� �Ici occ�ur as ai d:iract riesul�l oflthei piioposad pncijecit. 'Dl a asseisismeir.�t shou:ld a]Iso iniciluca 1Y a eix�lant to wh:ieih �IY a pncipciseid prio'eict vuiciLild neisLilt ini inidineiat arid aumu]lat�iva eiffecilsi to r.iatunal Yiesounceis; E. Llasign f�iatuneis anid cionistructioni lecihnliques vwhicih vwould be amp]la�ed to a�aid an m:in�imiaa impacts to fi sh anid w�ildl:if� reisciurcies, both dirieicit anid inidineiat, aric �incilud:ing fragrr�anta�lioni and di�ieci�l ]lass aflhab:itat; 7. Lleis�igr� featunes, COYllStiUCIt10Yll tEIC111T]I1C1UEIS� on anry� othen m:itigzrtiaxv meiasLmeisi vuihich wau:ld be amp:lciy�ad zrt vwellan�d cnossings zmd strezmi ahanned redociat:ians to a�oid o�i minimizei impacts to vwa�l aiis of th e US; anid, 8. Ifluniavo:idable vuiat:land an streznn impacits a�ie p�iapaseic, p�io'eicit planm�ir.ig should inc:ludei a c�ompexvsatciry mitigartion plan� fori cif��eitt:ing tha uxva�oidable irripziats. Thei Serv:icie appiieciiateis thei opporlun�ity to aommant oni 1Y is pnojacll. Ifl}pu hziva 2ir.iy questiar.is riega�idinig ciun nesponisiei, pleiasiei ciantacit Mlri. Gary� Jcirdan art I��1�; 856-4520, eixt. 32. 8iniceiralyb .� Peite Ben�amin �l�iald Supar�isoii cia: Anidy� Wi]Iliamis, UISAC EI, Wzik a�loneist, NC 'Ihiavis Wi]Isoni, NCWRC, Cneieidmoon, NC Chrlsi Mililsiciher�i, L]I�IFIPA, Rale:i€�h, NC aohnl Sulli�an�, �I�IWA, I�aleiigh, NC � r' �� � North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission � Gordon Myers, Executive Director 16 November 2010 Paul R. Koch, PE, AICP Stantec Consulting 801 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 300 Raleigh, NC 27606 Subject: Start of Study for the Proposed Extension of the Deep River Greenway in the City of High Point, Guilford County, North Carolina. Project No. EL-5104 Dear Mr. Koch: Biologists with the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Comxnission have reviewed the subject document. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661-667d) and North Carolina General Statutes (G.S. 113-131 et seq.). The City of High Point proposes to extend the Deep River Greenway from Deep River Road to Penny Road. The greenway is proposed as an asphalt trail beginning at the existing High Point Greenway along Deep River Road, crossing the Deep River, and then running parallel to the river ending at Penny Road. The corridor is primarily undeveloped with dense forest and floodplain areas. The City of High Point has completed approximately 2.7 miles of the planned 3.8 mile greenway. The remaining 1.1 miles would provide connection to two significant recreation areas — University Park and Piedmont Environmental Center — and would provide a connection to the Bicentennial Greenway. Deep River in the Cape Fear River basin flows through the project site. There are records for the state threatened bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and state special concem Greensboro burrowing crayfish (Cambarus catagius) near the project area. We offer the following comments or recommendations to minimize impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources. Porous pavement materials are prefened over asphalt. Porous pavement would facilitate infiltration of stormwater as opposed to the direct runoff produced from asphalt. 2. Maintain a minunum 100-foot undisturbed, native, forested buffer along perennial streams, and a 50-foot buffer along intermittent streams and wetlands. Maintaining undisturbed, forested buffers along these areas will reduce impacts to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife resources, water quality, and aquatic habitat both within and downstream of the project area. In addition, these buffers will provide an adequate travel corridor for wildlife species, and may increase opportunities for Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699-1721 Telephone: (919) 707-0220 • Fax: (919) 707-0028 Page 2 16 November 2010 Deep River Greenway Project No. EL-5104 observation of a greater diversity of wildlife. 3. Streams and wetland areas should be avoided where possible. When these areas cannot be avoided, we recommend the use of boardwalk in wetland areas, and bridges, rather than culverts, for stream crossings. If culverts must be used for stream crossings, these should be designed to allow passage of aquatic organisms. 4. Maximize sheet-flow of stormwater runoff and prevent direct discharge into streams. 5. Sediment and erosion control measures should be installed prior to any land clearing or construction. These measures should be routinely inspected and properly maintain�d. Excessive silt and sediment loads can have numerous detrimental effects on aquatic resources including destruction of spawning habitat, suffocation of eggs, and clogging of gills of aquatic species. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project. If we can be of further assistance, please contact our office at (336) 449-7625. Sincerely, ����� Shari L. Bryant Piedmont Region Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program 8er eiily Alaves Rlendue Goverri oii MDMIORANDUM To: Fram: i°�� P o�th Carcilin�i ❑e�artmEirii of ErivirorimEiril Divisiori o1 Wateii Quality Cloleen H . �lullins Diiiecton I�ci�ember 79, tl(IICI � ._ t!, r�� , - � r) �� �'�' �j�, �e ._ ';, 7`I�� � � ��:{�>,E-i � � , a� �I l' 4 �,- ir�il Resiourcies Pauil Klacih, St�mteia Consuliin�� , FICI1 ]aneis Fnank:lin Roac, ��:iitei 3a0 Amy Eu'liss, NC Division oflWarteir Quality,, Officiei C ee Fueeman Secnetam � Subjecrt: �Iciapin�� acimmienl9 on pro�la9eid exteinsion afihei Deieip Riveir Greienwary in I�I.iBh Aaint, Guilfbrd C aunt��. Projeici No. DL- 517 04. Reifeireinaa your correispondeinaei d�rteid Ocrtobe�r �I�I, �CI7 0 in whic�h yaLi reiquei9leic acimrriein�l9 for thei reif�remceid projeci. Preilim ir ary anailys:i9 oflthei prajaat ravaa:ls the perteirrtial fkir rriultiplei impaic�l� to streiamis �uid jur:i9c iciionzil � etlanc 9 i» 1r a pro jeiat area. Morei speicrificzd:ly, impaats to: Streiam Namfi Rhiven Basiin Stneiam Streiam ]ndE�x ?IICI31(�d) IJiislling Classifiiaat�icm(s) NumbEm Deiep River anc Capei Feia�r WISIV; CA �' 17-(:I.:I) Yeis; ahlaraphyl:l A unnarried trib ut�r_i es Fluirlheir inveis�lig�itiar.9 ai ai 1 igheir resaluiion shoulc bei unc an akeir tci varify� ihe preiseir. aei ofl ot1 er sireams and/ar jurisdic�lional watlanc s in thei areia�. In ihe eveint tha�t aniy j�:irisdic�t:ianal areiais ara ideint:ifieic, thei Divisiar_ oflVUla�tar ��Liaiity rei��nasts thzrt �tanieci Car 9� ilting ardd Trlei C it�y eflHigl PoimJ ciansideir 1he fkillov�:ing anvironmienia�:l issueis forthei prciposed projeicii: FnojEiat SA�eiaif�ci C ammients: D�iap River and i19 unnameid tr:itut�mieis arei cilass WSN; CA; 30=1(d; watems of thei Stzrtei. Daep Riveir and its unnameic ilribuiar:ias arei on thei ?ICI�(d) ]ist fbr imp�iireic use for aquailic life duei tci ar lorophylll A. NICDVVI�� is veiry,� cianceirneic wiith 9eidimienl �md eirosiari impacrts thzrt caLild resuli fiiam th:is projeic�l. NCDVUI�� reiciomimands �I'r.i�l �Iha masil � ralecrtiue �eidimeir.t and arosian cionlrol BMAs bei impleimeiritec in aciccirdanciei wiiilh DlEisign Stlaridcu�ds iri SEirisitlitiEi Wa�lEir�sihEidsi to redLia�i ilre risk ciflnLitr:ieint runof�lto Dee�p Riveir and its unnameic �Iribuiaries. NCDWQ req�:iests thai raad deisign planis provide treiartmenl of thei starm w�teir runoff thraLigh best manageimant pr�icticei9 as c e�la�ileic iin ihe mas�l raceint varsion of NC DWIQ's S�IorimwatEir �leisit Mari ageimE in�l Flf ic�ctac eisi. 2. Revie� of tllei prajecrt revaa:l9 tHa preseir ciei ofl9Lirfacie wate�rs alassifieic a9 VUlarteir Sup�ly Cri�lic�il Areia in thei prcijeicrt stuc� �iraa. Givan tha pateinii�d fbr irri��cts ia ilrese reisaLircei9 dur_ing ihei projaci im�leimeir.tatiari, NCIDWIQ naquieists ihai Stanteic Consu:lting �inc Thei C:ity ofHigh Paint stricrtly aidheire to NortH C zirolina re���:il�rtiar.9 entiileic "Desigr� Staindare s in Sensiitive Wateirsheids" (: _`IA NCAC O�E .CI: 24; thralighou�l deisign anc ccm9lru�rticm aflthei prcijeieit. This waLild a�pply fkir ary araa ihai crains to strei�rris having VVI� CA(VUla�teir Supply Cr:iticial Arezi) cilais9ifiaaiions. N c rtf Carolir a�livision of V1�ater Clua(it��, Winslon-Salem Rlegic r al Offl�ce Location: 585 Waug�f tow� St. Win;ton-:I� lem, Norlt ( arc lina 21147 Pt one: 336-711 !I4 4 01 FFIX: �� 6-771-46301 C usiome r Slen ice: 1-871-627 -61�I8 Internet: wwtin.nctiiaterquality.org F In Eq� ia l Oppc rt� m ity 1 Plffirm a tive Plciion Ern K loyer 3. `➢his �rojacl :isi wii�lhin Raridleim�m Ilaka Easin. Rip�iriar.i blfFer impacits'sh�iJ:l bei �ivoicad anc min:imizeid 1a 1he greiateist ��lan�l passib ]e pursu�int to :I `_IA NCAC 2E .Cla' 9. Pleiasei reifereincei ilhe "Greienway and Hlik:in� 1lrails " buff�m a�a.uifiaatiari rriarriaranc Lm on ciur �eibsiitei ��t: htip:�Vperrt�d.ricdeinr.a�i�/a/dociurria:nt litrait-�gei1 file`�uuid=7eiala�32-=1dit-42d5-SICIlCI- Oa�IE 98aa821 �& __�rou p11d=�83b4 Gfmieiral Nrajeici�l Comm eints: 4. `➢he ein�vironmem�ta] daaurrienl shal:l providei a deitaileid and itarriizeid �piasenlanlion ofthei ppicipasad iimplacrts 1a w�eit:lands aind sitreiarris wiitr acinesparicing rriappiri�. lflmitigalion is neciessary �isi reiqLiireid b� 1�A NCAC 2I�1.0`_I(If (Ih), i1 iis � reiferablei 10 preseir�t a aonaepttla:l (:if nat fina]iaed� mii�lig�rtian p:lan �i1h thei einviranmeulta� cocLimeintalioni. Ap� rcipri��tei rriitigalicmi p:lams �ill bei reiquirad priar ta issu�mcei afl�i 4Q1 VV�latar �Lia.lity Ceirt'ificart:ian. Afteir thei se]ecrtiari oflt�la �ref�irreic alteirnativei amd pria�i tci �m iisslianaei afltl�ei 4Q] W�rteir Qu�d ityi Ceiri ifiaation, St�mteia Consulting� �md 11hei Caty of Hliigh Pciin�l is respeicitfilll� reim:indeic �Iha�l tr ay wiiil:l neeid to deimonstratei the avaidaniciei aric miniimizat:icin afl imp�iats to wiertlands (anc stre�uns) io thei m�r�imurri eixteint praatiaal. In acicarc amaa ��itr tha Enuironmienlail Managemeinit C'orrim:issiari's Ruieis tiSA Ni A� 2I�I.i'�li'��(nj}; m iiig�ri:icin wiii;'�ei reiquirad ;or ;rr��a<iisi oi greiarteir in�in i acire to w�eit:lamc s. In thei eivenl 1ha1 milig�rtleir. :isi reiquireid, tr ei m:iti��artiion �]ari sha]1 be deisiiigneid 10 reipl�icei appra�ri��ta :lasil funiations and values. Thei NC ��aosyste�rn ��r� ;anceirrieint Progr�im may be av� i]ablei fku usei �is wieill�ir.d milig��ticin. �. In acicard anae wiitr tr a Enviironrrienil al Man age�rneint Corrim:isis:icin's Rulas { 19A rIIC AC �II�I.CI506(h)}, niitigatiari wri]] be reqLiireic fkui :impacts of greiateir lhan l`_I(I lineiar f�ert. Iti ilhe eveint t�lart rriitigalion is reqLiireid, tl-a mitigat:ian �Ilan sh�dl bei deisigneic 10 reiplai<iei arpprapniale ]ost func�t:icins �ind va:ILias. 11hei TC Elacisi�silerri Flnhancieimeir�t PragY�a�ri may bei ��va:i�at�ei fbr use as silre�im miitig�anlion. 7. NCDWQ is ueiry conciernieid wiit�l sediimeint ane eirosion impaats that cioulc reisiLilt flram this projeicil. 9�lamlea Clcins�ilting arr�d `➢r e� Cityl aflHlig�l Poir.t sir a:l] �iddreisis theisei aonciarns ty c eiscribing� �Iha plcrteint:ia:l impaats th��t m�ry aciaLui �Ici ihe aqliaitic einvironm�eir.�ts and arry m:itigarting fa�ators th�rt waLild reiduae thei 'impacisi. FI. Iflcar.icreitei :is used dur:ing cionstrLiation, a dry �arld aaieia sha]1 bei rriainia:inadto pre�veni eireic�t canlacrt beitweien aur:mg cionare�lei amd streiarrri wiaier. Wilai�r th��t in�idveiriemtly aar�tacits Linclmad caricireiie sr a:l] no�l bei cischa.tigeic �Ici surf�cei ��rtems duei ta �Ihe poteintial fkir eileivateid pH anic passiblei aC�uaiia :life anc f�sh kills. 9. lf iemporary aaciess raads cir deitaLu si are cionst�ILie�leid, ihe si�lei shal:l bei graded tci :its pneaanstrucrticm cion�laurs amd e:leiv��tiarisi. D isti;lrbed a� eias sha:l� be seieic ed or mu]cheid ia stabi]iae thei saii] amd ��ppra�ri�rtei n�rtivei wiacidy spleic:ies shaLild be plan�leid. Whan using teFmparary� siirucrtureisi tr ei aa�eia shal l bei cileiareid but not grubted. C:laaring thei �rreia writh chain sa�s, rriciwieirs, b.ush-hogs, cm olher rrieahar. izeid eiqu:ipmeult an c laauing thei stLimp s and rocrt mat intacil allaw�s thei anea il a rei-veigeil atei n��turally andmanimiaas saa] dist�ln�ancie. 1Q. Plaaeimeint af eiuluarts anc oiher struc�tureis :in wi�rtemsi, silreiams, and wieit:lamds shal:l b ei t e:lciw tr ei a:leiv��t'ian cif ihe streiarribed by onei foo�l far all ciLdveirts wiiith a dlameiteir greiaier than 4� inar as, and 20 �erciein�t aflhe culveirl ciameiter for culveirls hav'irig� �i diameiier leiss th�in � Fl ir.aheisi, to a]]owi �owi fllowi �assagei cif�ateir ar.id aiqu�rtici ]if�i. Deisiiign amc p:laaeinieiml aflciLilveiris �ind atheir strLiatLires inaludin�� lemparary erosicin ciont�lci] meiasurEis sl-a:l] r.at bei acinducrteic :in �i mianne�r ihai ma� reisiLdt iri d:is- eiqu:ilitrium aflwieitlands cro streiambeids or banldsi, adjaceinttci or upstreiarri �ind ca�m s�lre�rm oflhe �ibovei stn;ctt;lres. `➢he applicianl iisi reiqLiireid to prov:ice evideir.aei trat thei eiquilibriurri iis beiing miaantaineid if �iaqueisteic :iri �r:itin�� by N CDwll��. Iflthiis aand:itiari :is unab ]e ta bei miei c Lia to bedrocik ar ather ]imii�ling fei��tureis eiraouniereiC dtiring aari9lruciion, �Ileia�sei aartacit NCDWIQ for guidancei ani how to proaaeid anc �Ici deiteirm:me wheit�l eir cir nat a permiit madifiaart:ion �:ill bei reiquired. 11. Iflmu:ltiplle pipes ar bar�ie:ls arei reiqu:ired, t1-ey sha:ll te cesigriad ta rriiniic nailura] st�leam crass seic�tiion as claseily as �Icis s:iblei :ir a:ILic ing pipleis or bania:ls ai f, aod Fllain elevart:icin, floac �Ilain beinciheis, zmdJor sills mary be requireid wheirei appraplriaie. Wideiniing thei streiam ahanne:l shall be auciideiC. �Ilream ch�irine:l wiic ein:ing at thei :inleit cm atiileit eind of stducitureis typlicad:ly c aareiaseis water ve:lac:ity ca�;is ing 9eidimenl deiposi�lion thz�t requireis incmeaseid maintemancie anc disrupts aquatici llifei plassagei. l�I. lf fbunicartion teisi b arings anei neicieissary,�; it sLaulc bei noied in tLe dociLimeini. Geioteiclriiaal �iark is approveid LirCer Ganeira:l 4(I1 Ceirt:ificat:ian Numbeir =1E �I�'/I�a�lianwidei Parrriit Na. 6 for �Itmvey Acrtiv it:i es. 7'I. Sedimeint anc eircision aonirol measurei9 s�;�fficiieintto proteicl wz�teir reisciurceis mLi91 bei impleimeinrted anc ma:irrtaineic :in aaacrrdancier wi�11- t1e most reiaeirt uarsion of Nor1- Ca�ialira �led:imeint and Eras:icin Conirol Plarining an c Des:ig�n M�muall and thei rriasi reiceint veir9ion af NC GOl (IQCI. 14. A]1 work in or adjaceint ta streiarr waiers 9ha:1] b a aonduc�teic :in a Cry wxirk area un:less atheirw:i9 ei appra�ed by NCDWIQ. Ap�lraveid BMP meiasl:�res frcim thei mast aun eint veirsion afNCDO'T_ Construcrt:ian andMainienanae Acrt:i�ities manua:l suci�l as sandtags, rocikbeirms, cioffemCamis aric otheir diivers:icin stn:ienll:ires shci�;ild be used to preiven�l ei�uaa�artion in f Iciwing wi�rtem. l`I. �Ieicirran�l anC eirosion aarrtro:l measureis shall noi bei p:laaed in weiilares anc streiams. :I 6. Haniciw/�iastei areias shall avaid weit:lands to thei miax:imumi exteint praaticzil. Im� aais �lo weitlands iri tl onaw/�iastei zrceas aal:dd preiciip iitatei aampeinsartar51 rriitigaliar . 17�I. Wrila thei use ofNat:ianal WleillarC Irl�emlary (�NWII) ma�ls, NC Cciasta] Reg:icm �lvaluatian of Wet:lamd Signifiaanaa (�NC-CRBWS) maps ariC soil surviey maips z�re usefu:l tacils, tleir inrareirrt inaaa�;iraaieisreiqLiirei tlart qualifleic peirscmnei] perfbrrri ons:ite wertlzmd calinez�t:icins priorto perrriit app ra� a:l . 1 FI. Heiavy eiquipmem 1 shall bei op eiraied frorri ilha bank rather t1 an in streiairri a1 arnneds in arder ta mir irr izei seic iniantat:ian and reduciei the ]ikel:ihood af :intracl:ic:ing cithe�r pollulamis irrto stdezims. 11his aquipmeir.t 91 alll bei inspecrteic dai:ly and maintaineid io plraveint cartaminaticin af surfaaei wiaiers f�am laaking fueus, lub�iicants, hycrau'lia i`7i:iids, ar ot�leirtoxici maieirialsi. 19. Rlprap shalll not bei p:laceid in thei acrtivei thalwieig ahanneil or �]aaeic :in ihe streiarr t eid in a mzinner that preia:ltiCes aquzrtici ]if�i plassagei. Hioem��ineiarinig baulders or 9lruaturei9 sLauldbei pra�ar'ly deisiiigned, siaed amd in s�lal]eid. Thankl yau fcir reiqueis�ling our inplui at thiis tiniei. �Naniaa Consu:ltinig and Thei Ciity of Hiigh Paint is remiindeiC ihail :i9suzmcei af a 4Q1 Wlater �Itiality Ceirtificzrtiar reiquires lhail appropr:ianlei meiasureis te inst:ituted to ensurei �Iha�l wiaier qual ityi sia�ndards arei met and deisignaieid uses arei noi deigr�ic ed ar ]ost. lf you Favei ary qtieisticins or reiqLiir�i acCiilional infa�maiion, please aoniacrt Amy Eu:liss ai ��336) �"�I1-4959. cic: ArCy Wlilll:iarris, US Army Corps afEing:ineei�s, Raleiigh Fiedd Officie Weitlands/� (11 Peirm itt:ing Unit F:ilei Coply � orth Carolina Departme�il of Enviro�mieril arid f� aturial Resource� CiNlice of Corseruation, Planning, & Coirrimunity� Affaiiis 8everly 9laves Perdue, Gaveiinau L i11C��itoebarTi�lu ��bII�t01' DEie Fueerr an, �lecuel�iry I�llr. P�nxl R. Koch Stanteic Consu:hing flQl aoneis Franklin Roac, Sui� a 3CI0 Rzdeiigh, NCI 27E (IE Subjeicl: Praposad Exlens:icin ofltHe Lleiep� R:iver Greeinwary; I�I:i€�h Paint, Guilford Ccnxnty �rojeiai No. HL-`_I1CI4 Da��r Mfr. Klocih: Thei Nlziturzil Herilagei Prog��arri hzisi no reciord of narei speiciieis, s:ign�ificant natiirall aammunit:ies, or siign:iflaamil n�rtura] herilagei areias a1 1he siile r.iar wuith:ir.i zi mi:la cif 1he projecil airezi. Ho�ever, ilr e wiei9lern and oflthei g��aemiwizry is p�rapcised to pass �hrougH a pieidmant L�md Clcinsarvzmcy eiasemenl, lisilad in our calab�isie as b eiing of 10� aanas (seia eincilosed map). �lacieimem�t af 1he �esteirn eind of thei greienwia� on this ]anic ma� wieill be in� andeid, bu1 p�leasei ciheicik with �ieicman�t Laric Clanserv�may, if you havei ncil ailreiady c anei so, at aut th:is projecil and theiir ciommeints an it. Yau may �ish to cheickthe Naturzd Herila��e Flragqam caitabasei �eit9itei a1 wwwi.ncnhp.ar�� fbr a Lis�ing of rarrei p:lan� s and ariima ls a�nd signifiaan�l n�itural communi�lies in thei cioun�l� �md an 1he quac map�. Our Pragqam also has a nie� weibsitei 1ha�l allaws users 10 abt�iin inf�irm��tiari on ellamenl aciatirnanaes �md s:i€�nificant natLlra:l heiritagei anaas within t�o m:ileis of a€�ivein ]ocz�t:icin: <h�ltp:il/nhpweb.anr.91a1a.nc.us/nhi9�lpub:liailgir�aip7�l_mziin.phtml>. The useir naime is "pub:lia" amd thei p�assw�arc :is "rerilagei". You may want ta alicik "Help" for marei informialion. NC OneMlap nciwi provides digita] Nlatural Har�ita€�a ca�la cmLir.ia fbr f�aei. "➢his seirvicie prov�ices s:i1e speiciific inf�irmi��tiani on GIS ]ayeirs �i1h Natural Herita8a Prcigqam narrei speaieis oacn�rreinceisi and Sigrii�ciand Nlzrtura] Heirilagei Areias. '➢He NCI OneiMaip �absila prov�ices Dleimeint Occiurremiaei (HO) ID numbeir9 (inislaac oflspeaieis name;; amd thei data tiseir i9 then anaaura8ad to conlaat thei T]latura] I�IEmitzige Program for dela:iled infl�rmat:ian. 11h:is 9erv�iaei allawis thei user ta quickly and ef�ia:ienilly 8e�1 si�le sp�eia:ific. NHF dz�ta wilhout v:is�itini8lhe NHP workraam or wail ing for thei Ir fl�rmat:ian Requei9l 10 t a ams�ereid by NHA staf£ For morei :inforrri��lion aboul c ata fhrmats and aaaeiss, vi9it <ww��.r.iconiemarp.com�, theiri aliak on "F'➢P Da1a Dawiniloac", and lhen "nirao.zip" [tci ilra righl afl"Natural Herilagei Dleiment Ocaurranaes":. You may also e-mail NCI OneiMap an <dalaq a,ncimaii:l.neit> fkir morei :irif�irmat:icin. Pleiasa do r.iat hesila�ila 10 aonlaat mei a1 SI19-71�I� �697 iflyou have questions or neied furtr er inforrrlla�lion. 9inaereily, �� f ��/ 4 F Harry E. L eiGrand, �r., acio l a€�i st Natural Her�ita8a Pragqam Hnalosurei 1 EI(I�I Mail Servicie Ceniier, R2dEiigr, North Caualiria a7699- I EIO'I Prcinie: �l 19-719•�4'195 \ RAx: SI'19-719��1060 IritEmniel: wu�u�.oriEi�'CN�it� ii2illy.cmg An Eq�ual Opportunity � Flffi�mative Plction Employe� — 50% Fle aycled \ 10'�6 Aost Consurn eii Haper NorthCarolina �aturRllt� Plotural Re mi raas Rliiinning n�d Ilausoruulia� Nointh Ca nolina Deparitment of Cultural Rlesoiunce�i Staile I�Gsioria Areservatian Offiae ➢etan B. SandHack, Admiuistraton Bevarb� Have9 Pandue, Goaerrior LindaA. Caclisla, 9acaiatary Jeilfxap J. Clrow, Depury Saaratara Lleiceimbem 2f1, �ICI10 F au' Kaah Stamitea Cor.i; u'ting Serviicei, , ]In�a. 801 ]an�ei; F�iainklir Rload Sui1 e ?IQCI Rhdeiighl, NC 27( QE �, i ,r ;- , 1 �..11� � �, i�l�l - � _ jI !l � r �.. ili�`' IL1 ` 1:.': `� 1 � �,� i ' __J ;i Offica oilA�chives andI�lstory Divisiorn of Historica Resourae� David Bnook, Dixaaton Rle: I�rciposed Extemi, ior.i of thei Lleeip R�veri G�eemwiay, Highl Point, Priojeiat EIJ-5104, GuilfoYd Clountyl, ERI 1 CI-�ICICIB DeaY Mfi. Koch: Thank y�ou foi� yout letleri af Octabeb 25, 2010 cionicie�nir.g thei �ibovei priojeict. We apolagi� ei fori thei delay in ow reisponse. In 1 erms of atchaeiologi c�d Yeisoutcies, theYei aYei �o xieiciorided N atilve Atr, erician� ab histornci peri� od sitei, louateid wi thin t.� ei pYopaseid st1: dy a�ieai of thei gteemwary ex1 emsion. A thau�rl :i1 iis unlik e:ly that aYchlaeiologi cal : itei; will be affeicteid by t.� a priopaseid gteiemiway, wiei riequei, t thal thei exact laciatiloni of thei greienwary and a desuYiption of thei a: soc:iateid gtounid distutbin� acitivitiles bei forwia�ded to out of'�ce fbsi rieviewi whlen the routei hlas k eian seleated. Wei hlaive deitentnined that thei pYojeict as pYopo; eid wiT rnot hl�ive an eiffaul oni any� hi; toriic struatw eis. Thle above ciommeml; aYe m�idei putsuarnt 1a Seatioxv 1CIC of thei Natilonal H:i; tari�c Prieserviatlan� Aat aind the above commemts aYei maidei putsuant to Seciticin� 106 of thei N atilonal H3stoYiu 1�Yei; e�iatilon 1� cit arnd the A dvisory Counail orn HistoYici FYeiserviationi': Rlegulatiloni, foY Compliax�ae with 9eictiloni 106 ciodified ait'IC CARI I�a�t FIQCI. Thar�k you foY y�aux cioope�ratiloni ar�d cior.i; ideYatiorn. If y�au hlave questilor.is cioncie�nin�� the above cioinmenl, pleasei ciontacl Rleneie Gleidhil]-Earley�, enivi�anmeir.ila:l Yeiview cooYdin�tloY, at SI19-807-6_` 7SI. Ini all futurei ciommuniciatiloni uoxvice�ning tivs priojeict, pleai, ei aitei thei at ove-refeYeincied trauking nLurbeiY. 9ince�edy, �, j\, � 1� •, If: �` � I ;! iv1�� �: ,. J � �Fetem Saindbeicik Laaatian:709EastJonesS�eet,I�FaleighNC127607 Mailin��Add�ese:46'17MaiServiaeClenten,PlalaighNCl27G99-4(1�7 Talaphone/Aaac:(9'19;807-d970/8U7-Q999 APPENDIX B PUBLIC WORKSHOP MATERIALS (OCT. 2010) PUBLIC WORKSHOP DEEP RIVER GREENWAY (Deep River Road to Penny Road) WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2010 5:00 pm TO 7:00 pm PIEDMONT ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER 1220 Penny Road, High Point, North Carolina The City of High Point proposes to complete the remaining 1.1 mile section of the Deep River Greenway between Deep River Road and Penny Road (see exhibit for study area). The proposed greenway section, which will connect University Park and the Piedmont Environmental Center, is proposed as an asphalt trail suitable for jogging, walking, bicycling and other recreational activities. A public workshop is scheduled for Wednesday November 10th at the Piedmont Environmental Center. Preliminary design maps of the greenway will be available for viewing and project team members will be present to answer questions and receive comments. The workshop will be an informal drop-in session with no formal presentation. Citizens are welcome to drop by anytime between 5pm and 7pm. For any questions regarding the workshop, please contact David Hyder, Transportation Planning Administrator at (336) 883-3233 or david.hyder@highpointnc.gov. y ��1�e;,�, � r�- a r �;.., + rc � • a "' , • } �':� � . � . �� »�• r � w� � . ; , �?ss,.,. ,d �. ... . � � �..��TT � � +s.11 . -,� � ��. � + �� f "S.y, ' � �: � f 5 "�,�� ,° �:i'J���' ¢ � Tangle Lane rl�� ���+ r ���� •..' ��� �' 4 , i7 j� � � +�e ��P �� y� 's111+►'f��i � 3�i�y ��:r /• �J�ss.d�"'�:?`� �1 � "W ^��.�M�••� »' �A,� � d, � �; Mft � � �. . "1� � �a �`•• ���� 7 m . 4 v � '� � � �4 O' �i; � � e '� +�� � � A�a v a .'�".� . �� r� '�- �� _.�����Y� , -, ,' Piedmonf. r } : �♦ a�. � � ,�•. . � �,r;�4� $ �d'� , �� . „� ; �,': Fnvironn�ental � �.�r�'�E� �' � '.� ca. • � �+� `i' �;�o° t ��p � ` ' � :` � MendenhaBl MiII Subdivisi�n �_'�'� '�, Cerzt�r � ;i, �' , � � w j,�` � . e: Q ? � T�'� � � � �'f t,�,,�, � � � '• � °' ,.;a �j�^� � �'� �` - .v.�,, 4� � ,� �`b ' �a z, �°y, �}�'r� 1 �` 4;'��, ��y� 'i j? -?:.�`r �.'C�••. ,� 'tl .�+ �, M� " � S, -�'si� _ y� _ �� �` r'� ` ' r r�r ,,r�,����.k. '�{'�'w '�` �,�y ' �"'� ��� _�`. i:i�;�f�':�? . '��F �r , MA'� , , ��!'ti , �•"J•r�t i. �� 3.x ��. ��` ... " "'�t ` _ . _,L�v. ='����� - . . , ��.' �.r , �+ � ti.t ,;�, ��` �� ....',�,�„S�, � � ����n+�e f�v� � ` �. r ,�_'.�:^c"�i�'�� � �' pen W'� , 1 � � , , �' , : � r�.'M!`�L � �a,i � � r ��;��� �� �"� a" PF'rl .,,10�11 r � : ��LI y�, "'�„ + , � �� t r � �a: � ' y ` � `� 'g �.' 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'. i �m �O� � 9� '�.,., � .5.. �i�'' t � -� v^ � Ft� �� � '4� �.�. a�. ��r�1�r r3}� � 1 ti, � fii€�h Paln� a, t� �+ � �� �''�, � j , -�.- L „'''' S t � J •+RA� , �. 1 3 ��� ;iI! i. � �0 . � �� F .��r'ry ��� � � S .' . 1 �' � �H µ�. �� .. . �d O �f'• j }, �,�.,r�..�� i . :-,� ,� ,�� � -, � � ,,' �..���. � 3� N ,�M�.:, +j, � , ' r F. , , .+ �` •.,} .f�f�, , . �� �:� , �Olfl� � � rr � '• ijY,+ . '"���t —. � ! . �"� . ti. .r�� s, .i' ..�.. .r ; q, y'+ y � � � : .. ,it -,-��"+ �� i � g �. tvb jx "� � � F � u�'�` } , +' � .,r ' , . � � � ' � x'A .!� �.y�:�"� ' '•."r""r . . "'_' i�"•�.v r';:, ll � .� N ,1� ,��ftt ` ,,. .<'i � � v h _ ;�_ + f', � ` ,,:.. " . ,., `�" . r.l�-� rf�, .. `� �, .� „�, i ,�rr ,,� }. ,y., � �J.� '� ,�, 5�.,'�. t1 A` . �'�( ."'4.�1 ��' ti.. '� 1� 1:r K.,9�� ' � � .� +••t�' ��� . %���°"°"r"°�o9 DEEP RIVER GREENWAY �' (Deep River Road to Penny Road) ; � Project No.: EL-5104 �.,.�,�p,�� City of High Point, Guilford County, North Carolina APPENDIX C PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION PACKET `� Stantec Consulting Services Inc. (� 801 Jones Franklin Road Suite 300 `� � Raleigh NC 27606 � TeL(919)851-6866 Fax:(919)851-7024 Stantec March 26, 2013 US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest NC 27587 Dear Mr. Williams: Reference: SAW-2010-01843 In 2010, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. on behalf of the City of High Point sent out a Start of Study Notification regarding the project study area for the proposed extension of the Deep River Greenway from Deep River Road to Penny Road. Your response to Stantec included the Action ID number in the reference line above. Since then, Stantec has conducted a stream and wetland delineation in the study area. The study area is a long corridor that contains portions of seven streams (two non-jurisdictional) and four wetland areas. The eastern portion of the corridor crosses the Deep River and two channels along with the associated floodplain wetlands. The corridor then runs parallel to the river bypassing other floodplain wetlands. Finally the corridor runs parallel to an unnamed tributary before crossing it and a number of channels. All of the stream channels in the study area flow into High Point Lake. The wetland areas have depleted matrices, typical bottomland hardwood species, and ground water within a few inches of the surface. Four of the seven stream channels are perennial and one is intermittent. Two others are non-jurisdictional. One of these non-jurisdictional channels carries flow from a stormwater pond and the other from a stormwater pipe. Attached please find documentation regarding the streams and wetlands including Wetland Determination Data Forms, NCDWQ Stream Identification forms, and a JD form. Also included are project maps and photos along with a sealed survey and agent authorization. We have included two copies of the survey so you can return a signed one to us at your earliest convenience. Please call us if you have any questions or want to schedule a site visit. Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC. �� � elissa Ruiz, P Scientist Tel: (919) 865-7529 Fax:(919)851-7024 melissa. ruiz@stantec.com Attachment: Wetland and Upland Data Forms NCDWQ Stream Identification Forms JD Form USGS Vicinity Map Soil Map Aerial Site Map Jurisdictional Determination Survey Agent Authorization with Map Stantec Page 2 of 5 Reference: SAW-2010-01843 ��, „�-� .. . - .� ' .�:�` � ��� ��� `,s� ..,'Aif tr � � ,���'''� I; i_f+„`'�t� ` 1 �_ � ... �R � i� �a ! i � G� � � 2 �� . �"V°y''¢-R-Ay S __. �s,�- yrA1 �,..',;�'�y '•-v,aYy�f�- vrt� ��+, A"� r. �...a .:^,�%ri" - 4 i - ,;=?iC,-'� -. i. �C �r .. � 'q�„� �t4�' �. �,� �,..�ry� , �i:;. i a��, �� ��� � �� �� � y �; V���+� ���' m ��e5�"� �. Photo 1. Stream 1 looking upstream w - �: a•��, ;..-�. -�-- �` n � �,� : � � ^� , � "'�`+'� y '�- � � �:' ,��'y� `� �r ,,, �^� � ;; , ,�.�•-" � ;, �M '; ���� ^`� �'� � � _ ' �. ;�• '�' -„ � � �;�� �� `C•a'��-�✓ F „ � '�'" .`F �yp y.. +a ' � ,`,1� y� I # fA Y`b �k< ' '�ht � -T � '*''" � 2 �' a , '�, .a. �it s � , �`, �..� ��.e �?�� �� tc� ��'! , } g� " s r , . � r ; - -��i *� � � `��' �'���`V.i� r�#r ��� y�., tr � . � � i` i ,� ,' -,"'y�a.ittw'��� � , �'`y'V.Yk�,, r � � . j;,'�lVLp��° ' '�-vc� �"'.m='�'"�� �;�R. i1! Ri��,. �'hi : .'��+7� . '.�+.�� � �..eY`.,. �sn;.. .� .����� , . ��� � i�;��k' _ . _ � 3• ,�� ��• � � �� : , �' � � � � � � � �a%F' F . r � ,''+sJe , � A1 r i�����..:.a � . L '1r * f �•�-- ,fs� I Photo 2. Stream 2 looking upstream Stantec Page 3 of 5 Reference: SAW-2010-01843 , �;;�.i �„ ,��� �,. ��, . 'y?� R _j,�� � ..;� ,�,�'` -; T�t.'- l� �rjR � . � � ,. � .. � � '� � �� � �R �� .. ��J� .. �;� r � , y` �. . . , nr :'�1�` vl_s �.�..T � • T'�.� �� � � 'a.�'��� ��L ��' =�,"` �yr-•� . �- _:,,�•P` �?�5� ..� ? <` � �!'' '" ` t � ��� `��y�* � :�Y�� ; ,� 4 � �` ` � i- 8ft. � ;{ 4 �.Ir' � � k `���� .F.',.�i� ;� .w �:�rKj � i � ;� ,' ����':�a*•� '� , � � �;� #4 � yr '� � � � �. � �;��,��' � ���"_ '�rf tx , .. , µ� �, � � �'.'- � Lw . A� fi� f � . �. • . �v1[-� ����� �. � �i��.. �,Yd� .-�" r �" : r Iv�.'':, "' . �, 4 ' e� � i Photo 3. Stream 3 looking upstream < � � f � ��� tB �i �'��� � �.� � �. ;, Y4� �'�����=� . . `y'.-. .r ��)� a �'y i"� jKv � �* T jy'.�'� �„1 �{ �r 'i. �� �'.. � � F a 1+ : } p ��� 'L '�� � iT'+.'� ( P.A. '.�� 4t" �' +�Z � � �1 J , { � � r., ` d1i � =.i�w'n �S+ � � � 3 :'��J � �+' � I�.��i R, rx �� � �5: t .� 2 b� K. �g, , F } F . � 7 � � -� "'i' , � �` Y,,�tt . . ��°.� i 4. :� , q - d � � � -� � i� ; j { � i. . ���� ' � / ' # � �, -r �'`4 '{�.;' g r .'.h ,! �f� �'� � �, � �Y ��, ,w=` � 1 • a _ � '�,i� .� - �� �;�,. ��.'; . �►�_ �> _ � �� 1 �' � � ���, r� ��;� �. �� :�`���.,� F : �-�� , �, -.� r�h -. - r ��: ��� _� 3�` � oh ��1 � _ :� � ° ` '�` �"�:.'.Dk Y .� � � � �c'r.e.�+at �. � ne _� � tJr , '_ '� r �' � �' �r3'� 2 ,�'" . `:` � r'4 `' • ,�, � , . � wt, ��',� , , Photo 4. Stream 4 looking downstream :c �-. � �a Stantec Page 4 of 5 Reference: SAW-2010-01843 �. • { f ��� � .�: ' . T� a .4. r,a�:v` 'T t . uj���''.,�,`�� � =� � ��:. - 2�' ?'��= '} � Rc�. -... S � . J� ��� � R�}y}� y 4 F'� F�` ' f'^ � � :�` � �i ..�. ^°'������. Y• �� 3V� � '�'�f� ♦rK" - - '� �i. ° "� -. ls_ .w�` , v � � Photo 5. Stream 5 looking upstream :;�'��t�� "��, ,��.�����,�,, �,�; ,:e� r Y�. ',.� �,,� � � .� � � ���` a: � � F. ��.:�� �� .�� � ,�. ~ _ �4�.� '. • Y ,.,�,,���}�,� '�t+ -'4.) .1 ' � � tG`t� �y� �. „ 5 '�' �1 . i t�: � � iq; � t�, � e -`S"�:. yr«�� '� �\ r�� q. V . .�` � , �1. .m� .y ._� ���-'� ., `;�1� �'•'M� .... . . '�...',�`r �� ���z ' ` �' >"�t ;`'`� � _ `V , � !' a�> - *�' _ �;: _,.� , _�'' � ' � c . � =�=` " ` ���_� �.��' �F�. , .�f ,� � �� .,�- � ��_ � � : , , r,� �� _,;;,, ►�r�'s�, �� � ' k - `�' " �, ri � . �. r `, `� �' a � �', � '"''���, � � i 7�� �.F'� � A s� !, 1 4� � �`N, ai. ._.. d/�t-� �� Photo 6. Stream 6 looking upstream Stantec Page 5 of 5 Reference: SAW-2010-01843 r I� 1 S y� p' � � . � �-.r. . i a_ ' �e� �,� � �C � , i� ` �', e e �.r : `�* , . j'�, M �r aY"' * + j � ' .. ° �'.•. 1 � �`I �'' a ,:;r ,`� .�: � '�,`y`�'`,�, � �..r F , ' ' 'M _ �'k . � :'l � i -—.. � ,5 � �L`�� �R � � ',� � `rc9."�y °"�j. � �� C � �� � �e.: .. .,��.; }� � .' f � . r`� .''7 � �i'.` ��,�t-', Photo 7. Representative of jurisdictional wetlands, from Wetland 4 WETL�IND D9TERMIN�ITICIN QpITA FORM — Easienn N a unta ins and Piedmoni Praje�tlSite:�. � 1JF�`�VV� ��f1�a�A.�. City/doiint}: � ai�r� i6'ri ri� 9sm��lin�� DaEe: Q 4� ��Ct� AAII liaa ni la v ine r: �`�iS �iOs-ira ��+�` St� tE :� 9 amplins Pc int: 'l.� �,1�'. fl��as 'T�"�A�` A ;h d Imiesticator(s): ���'"-� a��� 9eatian,-awnsrip,Rangf: w�� � I andfarm (ri119lape, terr�ce, etc.): ��podf]�G•i� laa I relief (�onca�ie, cq�ti�ex, ucue): G�r?.GIc�V'� 9Eape (%}: G Sul r�g�ian (LRRarMIRA): � Lar ,:��s /� lon! :^-!��'l�.G �� iA/ D�itum: SailMapUnitName: ���IS,f'sLLf�t. S�d� ���-(3" hlWlclas�ilcaticn: �T�C��� �^��� P�`r� Are alimaticltydrulagic aunclitiona nr tYe aite ty{�icaii°arthi: timecfy�Ear? lles � Na (lfra,explain in Remarks.) Are 1legetation , 9oiE , ar H�plralagy� aignificantly� clieturl Ecl? A re "Normal Oirunm9t� nce;" prf se�t? Ya� � �lo Arelleg�etation ,9oi[ ,arH�plrala�y� ■2hinli}�protlematic? (ifrsieelecl,e�iqE�inan}�answsirsiuRnm�rls.} SUN M�IRI� CIH AtPIDINQS — Wil�lach s ila map shov+ inc� sampling poiM loaa�lions, ivansecis, im portant fea�l�ines, eic. hl}Iclropl yticVeg�tat"rn Hresmt? Yas X No is tF i Sa m� led Ar9 a }I}Klriq Scil Pr9;ierit? Y�Is � No witFin i Wetlan�l? Yes � No V1letlarcl H±�drala�p� Hresent? Yas i� No HY DAOLCIQII Wetland Hydrology ]ndicators: Hrim�rv I�clicaitor� (miriri um aif a ne is re quirecl: c E e a! aEl tf et aoplv) SurFa�e V1later (A9) _ True Aqeiatia Plants {614) X Higt V'laYer7atle (A:I) _ H;�drugen9ulfideOdar(C1) X Situritiar (A3) Oxidized Rhiza:iFf ere:i on I i}iing Rcata {C7) _ V�later Mar! �(H 1) � Preseuaa of Rulnaed Irm (04) ,,, Se� limen t De pc a its (A 2) _ Rea�i rt Irri r Re � I�ictia n in Til[e � I Sa il; (Q 6} _ DnftOeposits(B3) _ Tfiri MuakSiiriaa (C7} _ AI! s I A Is 4 c r Cruat (A 4) _ Otl e r(9xp la in in Re marka} _ Ercri D�Ipa�it� {B9) fnnnclation �sible an Aeriaf Imagle� (97) � V�later-9tainsd Leati�e: {99) _ Atn�ticRauria(A13) Field Observations: 9trF�ae Water Rresent% V1later Ta k le A r� 9 en t? 9aturiiian i�r�.ent? _ 9 urface 9 oil Crau! s(B 6) _ 9par.e]y�1le�et�tedConca}ie9nrFac� {B8) _ Orirage Petteru: (A14) _ Mas: 7rirn l ines (A 49 ) _ 0 ry-9 ea sa u Wa tsi r Ta ble (C:I ) _ 4 r y� r� f Bi rrn v is (C8 ) _ 9ahratian Vi9iile ar Aen'af Imager� {C9} �, 9ti nted cr9trsiss� d Alarts (01) _ Ge oma rpi ia Pa a ition {D� ) __, 9 hal{aw Ac�uiYanl (Q7) �,,, MicratapagrapFia Relief(D�I) � HAC-Neutral Tes (D9) lles Plo /� Deptf (innhes): 11e: � Plo DeqYf (in�hes): � Yes � Plo Depif (inchasj: � V4Ntland Hyclrcl� gyPr�s�nt? lles� Pla gauge, US Arm; � Gor�a nf En gina ers 9a ste rn Mountz ir a�� n � l Pie�lma ut —1nt� rim Ve rsia n V ECIE�IFITION (Four 5tnata} — U�E scientiiic narnE s oi pla ri t9 . At �olute Dominant Indicator TreeStratum (Plat:iza: . C�dAS) %Cn'iEr 9pecie9? 9tatu9 �, Carpins.€,S �ar�di�.d�a.�,at._ �I v, �,5 � G �. � S!A-� Aa5 ocGzi�.�i/�".a.�a`5 .�i�� 4�'�� � ���! �. Ac, .[` ��.�ra.�.�a -- 25 � � � 4. { 7�t n-4� t+t�LS ri�.�.� 8r.a5 _ d� . �clri? ���4.�° � J. A A.81 t,�S. � C'��'d� fI4F fYQ O� E. �. E. g � �J -Tat�lda�ier Sa lin IShrub Stratum {Riat9iaE : �� ���CAo �S) 9. i!� u 5 alia u�b/Lwsi &� � U.21' �� �L� �. � s� ��+a�s � �s��o � ae��v�.�. 5 �,�� �b�+� a . '��'d ,�o4s�-�^r�r s ; �e,r.�� 5 �s_� � 4. � � 9. e. a. 8. c 9i1. . l�'g 2O =TatilCaver F erk Stratim (HI�t9iae: 1 �f• «t�-9�A51 1. Q� 1., n.rm �a�, L.-�—r,�,ie�-e, � C' U�S �/�-G[�J v 3. o�, a^a �sf'�n �0.a�i¢a a� x�C`a� i��'� �� &9�� O.�'L 3. Qn���%v.('^��R C��s/��P`a t� .� a��'�5 �i�C� �i. Smi � r,��t �Jo f3r� � m� � x __ � e�v C I � 9. `'� l�badv�liue 9tratum (Rlntsiae 1. 7. 3. �I. 9. a. nu � =TatalCaver or on a separate sheet.) = ln tal Corie r Sa mpIing R oirt: � � �� ��� �v �` � Dominance Test worksheet: iVi imk er of Dn mina nt Speaiea Tf at Are OBI , HACV' I, u r AA C: � � (A) Tataf t lumbe r af Da minant S��ea'sf.i Anrosa All9tnta: � %� {a} PEI rceut af Du mi�a�i Sqi OIE 9 Tf at Are OBl , f ACV , u r�A C: /�� (A E) Pre�alence Endexworksheet: Tatal °� Cc va r c f: Mu4tiqlv k v: OELapElaies n1= FAQ V1I 9 �� E sl l EI 5 : I �_ FA4 sp� aies :i 1 = RACU:�pacies :i�l � , UPI :i qecies ;i ! _ Column Tatala: (A) {�) Pre�ialence Ircle�i = BIA- Hydrophytic Vegetation Endicators: 1- Rapicl Teatfar hlydr�qf ytic Vaget�tic n � � -DomiraraeTastia �5aib 3-Rrava]fna� Indfxis:�3.[� _ 4-f+IcrprulugicalAda��tat'm9' (Pr[�iiclesupporling dat� in RemarGa sirnn a aeparate ahaeE) _ Arotlemati�� H��drapFytia �lege�i'[n' (E�iplai�) ']�dica tors cf Fti�dn �i :i c il a nd wetla ud t ydralag�� mn�t tEi preaent, unless cli9turl e+l arprablematia. �efinitions of Faur VeqeYation 5trata: lree —V'Icad}� plants, e�idndin� iii�e a, 3 in. (7.9 am) ar man in iliametE r at t reaat f eigf t(D9FI}, re�ardlE s� af . r.i�rt. 9apli�gl! F ruE —Waod� � plants, e:ialuding riir� s, le:is tha n c. in. DBH and greaterthan c.78ft (1 m) tl Il. Flerb—All I erk aaeaii9 (ran-waacl��) p[arts, regarclle�s af9ize,a�clwcoch���lart5 les�i tlla�i 3.29 fttall. V41oa d� � i ii�a -- All wa od� � i iii ea � rea ter tf ar 3.28 fl in h ei�h t. f 1}p Ira p! yi ic 1 le �e t� tion Rreae�t? Yes � Flo USAImyUorp:iofEnginEiers �a9tEirnMn�intainsandRiedmant—Interir Version SOIL \ 9 ampling Paiat: �— Y' W�'��—{ �%, Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the i�ciicator �i r confirm the absence of indicators.) 0 eptl A1latrix Redox �eatures (incPesl Color(moist) % Colar(mois� % Tvoe Loc leaiture Remarks C — �u s Ci �'�. � l � �o`� ��� �O � � L ��- 9 2 � �'�� ` �� � �, 5 �� `� � � s� ci�� i -Zy� ���'��% GIG �-.� ����� �D , �Gl. 'T e: C=Cancentration, D=De letion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2f�ocation: PL=Pore Linin , M=Matrix. N��dria 9ail h�clicatars: En�licat�irs 11arPrakleniztia H��drinSoils3: Histoso[ {A1} _ 0 arE 9 urFasie (Sl ) _ 3 am M� ia4 (A1il ){MLRA 1�I7j � Histi� Epipeclon {A2) _ Rolyvalue 9e]ow S� irFau (S8) (MLRA 147, 1411) _ Caast Prairie Reclo�i (A19) Blaal Hi�tia {A]) _ 71 in Dark 9urFaae (S9) (MLRA 147, 1411) (All RA 14i, 1df) _ Fi}��Irager Sulflde (A4) Laam�� Gla;�ecl Matr;i (■2) _ Hi�dmartHlaultl�i� S�ils {R99) Strat'slied I a,�ers (A5) � Oeplahd A+�atrix (H]) (All RA 139, 1d7] 7 ar� Mua k(A1C) (L RR �I} _ Reclo�i �arl Surface (II6) _ Re�l Parent A+�aterial (7F2) �eplet�clBelaw�arkl9nrlaaa (A11) _ OeglEit,lcl�arl S�irFace (H7) _ 11ery9hal]cwOeil SUrF2CE {7F42) 7hic4 Darl S�inc�e (Al2} _ Reclo�i De�re::�ion; (F8} _ 4tFer{EHpI� iA ir RemarF; ) Sa �cl;� Mual y Mineral (91) {L RR PI, _ Iron-Mmganes� Maase� {�'[2) (LRR N, MLRA 147, 741 j ML RA 1] 6) Sa�cl+� Glayeel Matri:i {S�I) _ Umt ric 9urlaae (F43) (ML RA 176, 122) 3lydicators aF h. �drapf ytia �iecl�tatian a�d Saud!� R�dax {S5} _ Riedmant Flcadplaiu Sail; (R1�) (ML RA148� wetland r}�dreEcgy mu:it! e qreseut, Stripped Matdx {SII) iulesa cliatiirted crproblematic. Restrictive Layer (if observed): 7;��e: Deptl (in�res): klyclric9oil Pre:ienr Yea � Na Remarks: USArmyCorpa ofEngiraers 9asten Mauntaina �nclPieclrw�t—InterimVersiar WETL�IPID DETEFiMINATICIN DpITA RCIFi1U — Eastann 141 aur tains and Piecimoni PrqjectlSite: p'_JC'� : L?�`" ;t�.�..p ,��'�!� fTi ��,4'���,'/,�� Citylaof nty: Aqplipntlduiner. C('f' pF �cr,�l9 �O!!�'�- "� 9am��tin� �ate: ������ �� State:,� 9ampling Paint: _ u zC�75�(,�; ;' aY �i�s�� ��1 �la�9,u,s`�° :—�+ Inve:ticator(s): i�� -Y !^'[c..�_ 9eation,lown�rip,Flange: f Le�idfc rcn (t illslape, terraae, etc.): l oca I relief (conca�ie, ca�uex, �ane): �0�� Sla��e (46}: � Subre �iq n{L RR c r N3l RAj: I 3�,d � Lat: � C� • CI O( /�% l on�: ��I .��i i�(% Dati im: Sa il M3ap Lin it Name: PIW] cfas� i1 cation: Are alimaticlf��clralagiccqnditiars ar tre a4te t}plicalfarttis timeafy�ear? Yes �[ Nu (IfRa,explain in Remarks.) Are Ve�etation , 9oil , ar H��drnda�}I : i�nificanHydisturtled? Are "Norcnal aira�imstanan9"prese��t? Yea �_ Nn AreVe�etaticn ,9oil ,arH��drela�y� ��turall��protlematin? (Ifnaeclecl,eaiqlainan��answarsi�R�imarfs.) SU1� N�IFaV CIH FINDINGS -- Aliilach sita rnap shoUiing� sampling� poin# !oa a�lions, luansect� , im portan I faallu�ies, etc . H�KlrophylicVegatat'an HresEint? H}Klra Sail Preaent+ Nletl�n� I H� �cfrq Ia �}� Hre: anC: HYD Fi0 LCI(31� Y�i � � No Is tr a Sa mq In cl Are a Yes No � wilhin a Wetland? Ye: Nn � Y�I � No � wetlar�d Nyclrology Indicators: Seconaarv inaicarors [minimum ortwo reqwrea Pr'mary IncliG tors fminimum u f q ne i� requirecl: al a nk alE tr aE a qqly) _ 9urfa ce 9 oil Craal s(91) _ SurfaceVll�iter(A1) _ TnieAquaYin Plants(B'E4) � 9panel}I1legetate�IConca�ieSnrkice (B8) _ Higf Wzte r lat le (A2) _ Flyclru ge n 9 ulfide Ocfnr (Ci ) _ 0 rainage Patte r�s (910) _ SaturaYian (A3) _ Oxidize�l Rhiza�qlerea on liuin� Flonta (C3) � M3ase llrim line5 (A19) _ V'laterlVlark� (8'f) _ RrEisenaEi ofR�icliice� Erar [U4) � Ory-9easa� Wat�rTal I� (C7) _ Sa�limentDe��aaits {A2) _ Fleantlrnn Re�luctia� in Tilled Sails (46) _ Crayli9k Burniuis (C8} _ Dnft 0 eposits (B;I ) _ Tl i� Mual SnrFlae (C7) „_,_, 9 ah ra tiq n Vis it le a n A eda l lma ge ry(C9 j �,,, AfgafMatar4rusE{B4) �„ Otler{9xplainin Remarks) _ 9tnntedar9tr�sa�clHlante(A1} _ Irc� Depasit� (B9) _ Geomarp�ia Pcaition (D�) ,_,_, In nn� la tion Visil le on Ae ris I Imager}� {E 7) _ 9 F a Ifc w A quit� r� I(Di ) _ V'IaEer-9tainedlea�ins (99) _ Nliaratupqgra��Fi[ Reli�if(D4) � Aq�natic Hauna (A 93) ,_„ HAC-NeuEral Te�t {D9} Field Observations: �/ SurFa�e Vllater Rrese�t? Y�e Plc ^ Oeptl (inchas): Ulater�EitlePr�senY. Yn: Pla� Aeptl {inares): 9aturatianRresEint? Yes Pla� Deptl (inchas): W�tiandFlydralac�yPrnsnnt? lles llc� Qescribe Recorded Data (strearn gauge, monitoring well, aerial p�otos, prev3ous inspectians), if available: Remarks: US Aimy Corp�a of En �inen rs 9a�ter� Moiintain� an� I Pie� Ima�t — inter'm Versiu n Y ECIEIIATICIN (iloiin Stiiata) — Use 9 a ienti�lic name5 a f p lants. Absolute Dominant Indicator TresStratum (Alataiae: �Q�-��e&aS) °��Cousr Sneaie.i' Statua 1. 1�-�'C�.� {i9�_�,r�d ,a.w'�,r� y ��E5 � 1. C`�CI�`�"�sfe Lt� U O�� ' �,9i � � -Yb � -- �e�$a• � . �f'�.1�'1�A.S .''���, ,t"�;c@:s� . „ . .. , � � � �+ �I. !. 1. 1. �. �r G� = 7ota! Ca �a r Sa alinAl9 hrul Str� tum {A In t a i: e: �. ^F-�-, Gt�A�9 ) 1. �'"" 1. �. �I. !. 1. l. �. !I . 10. = ln ta] Cai �e r H�irtl9trai�im (P]ot:iiae: �� [�a�t.`. ) 1. ��C,fY'I�s�'P_P�sB� � �M�rf1�A.f� �_ lA�.S � a _ �or I�Qi� �,�. ��i.rr r�.�� —� - U�� �I-�G �. �I. !. 1. �. a. !I . 10. 11. �a. t� =1 otal Ca ue r WcsidvVine Stratum (Alatsize: ) 1. :I . -1. �I. !. �I , = 7ot� I Co�ie r n r on a separate S�implirg Paint: f�'F'tA f e Dominance Test worksheet: Tlumi e r af 0 omin a nt 9 pe cies TI at Ar� QBL, FA 4 W, or AAC: � (A) Tataf Nur�t �r of Da mina nt 9pe� ia9 A craa� AII Strata: �� (B) R erea nt of D�mine nt S��e a ie s TI � t Arn pBL, FA 4 W, or RAC: %�� (AI 9} Prevalence Inclex warksheet: lotal °rb Coue r n f: Multiplv l v: 49Lspetiea x 1 = FIAClnlapeci�s x2= FIACspeaie� x � _ FIACllspnaiea x4- LIA L speaie: x 9= dolumi 7atala: (A} (A} Pre�i�fence Index - BIA = i- Aap icl Te�t far f I�Klrophylia Vega tatia n � 3-Domin�nce7e9tia�914b � 3-Rn�ialerae]udn�ii:i53.0' _ �I-Mar��FsilsicicalAdapt�tiona�(Pra�iicle�upparlin� data in Remarf a or on a aevarate : heet) � Arotlem�ticHyclrapfytiaVeget�tian'(ExE�lain) 'I�dica tor� af h� Idn c sa il ancl w�tland f ydrn la g}I musE tii pr�aent, unliits clist+ ri�ed or qrablematia. 7ree —Wcaid�� ��1�ints,e:icluclin�� vine��, 7 in. (7.6 am}ar man in ili�met�r �t I rea.�t I eigl t{D9�I}, rec arclle: s of r.i�rt. 9aplingl:I F ruE —UVuocly plants, exalucling rine� , lesa tha n 3 in. DBH � n d g re ate r tr a n 3.7 8 ft(1 m) t� IE. Fler1 —A]I I er! aaean5 {nair-wqocl; ) ��lanfs, reg�rdles� af size, aucl waocl; � plan#s leas tl a� 3.28 i tall. N oa d� � vina — All wa aly vine � gre ater tf an 7.:1€ f in Fni�ht. Flyilrupf ytio 11ege� tian Rreaent? Yes i� Flo US A rmy� 4 a rp,� of En g in a ers 9a: te s� Ma i in t� in � an � I A ie � Ima nt — fu terim Ve ra iq u '��* oF� �. t --ci��� SQI� 9amplingAoiut: C'U ���` Proiile Qescription: (Clescribe to the de ptf neeclecl tn docurr►ent the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) De��th Matr�x Redui 1leatnres (ivai es) Color moisi % _ Calar(moi:�tl % lvve Lac le�iti re Rsmark: � 8���� f� i C�I S� � �-���� � � � �eio S�� 'T e: G—Conceniration, D=De letion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains. z�ocation: PL�Pore Linin , M=Matrix. H}�dria 9 a il Inclicata r� : In�licator: fa r Pra t le matia H}�dria 5oils3: Histcaol(A1) _ DarN 9urfene(97) _ � emMucl (A10)(MLRAI�I7� � Histin Epij�eclon (A:I) _ Aolyvalue Aelow 9 urFaae {SII) (hML17A 9�I7,14lI ) _ 4 oast Pr i�e �eclwi {A1A) � BIaG I Hi�i'c (A:I ) _ TI iu Dark 9 urface (S9} {AIlLI�A 1�I7, 1�I� ) (lill RA 147, 148) � H}plra�En Sulide (A4} _ Laam±� Gle��e�l Matn:i (F3) _ Aiedmont Rlaodplain Soil: (Hi9) Str�tillEcl La��ers (A9) _ 0 eplet�cl MaVi�i (R3) (All 17A 13f , 1�1T] ] cm f+lunk {A10) (L RR II) _ Redo�i Darl Surface {116) _ Re�l Pareni Materia] (7F� ) Deple#e�I B�1�v i D+�rkl 9 urfaa� (A11) _, Dep]et� cI Dari SurFace (H7) _ 11ery 9 Ya]Iaw Dari St rFace (�F12} � 7Fiai DarkSnrFaca (Al2) � Redon Depreasion� (F9) _ Oiher{�iplam in RemarE,i) � Sancl�� MuakH Mineral (9'[) (L RR FI, _ lran-Manganese �laase� (F12) (LRR N, hMLRA 'i47, '14�) MLRA 136} Saud��Glaya�IMatri:i(S�I) _ tlmtric9nnc�e(F13)(MLRA1,19,972) 31ndi�iorsaft��drapiytiarug�tatian�nd _ Sancl��Riiclax(95) _ Aie�ImantFlcaclplain Soils(R99){MlRA148) uietlamlF�plrcla��{m��#tepre:�e�t, Stripped Matdx{SII) �ule.s cli:tnrtedorproblemafic. Restrictive Layer (if ohserved): 1h�Fe: Deqtl {innFes): FlyclricSoil Pre�enrl Yea 11a � Remartcs: tl9 Arm��Carps afEln�i�e�rs Eastern Mountains andPiedmont—]nterimVer=ion P�: '�� � _ �� NC DW Sireami ]Ideniifiaaliun �lorzn Ve�ision 4.J.1. Date: � � �� � � �� Pro�ectlSite: � E ualuator: �I � �I �J� Caunty: (�,�,e � Total Poin�s. 9tream Determin 9tniariiisatlnaafrntermitl� rt �� �� OArert��ral n eri if- 79 or,oerennialif? �( * � ���� 1 aiitiicle: 3�, �� � �f 1 ong itucfe= � �I� ,� � �I (circEe ane} Otf � r �t F erennial e.gl. Qze�clNanie: A. Geomar holo {Subtotal =��, `.� ) plbsenl VY e ak N odenate Strong 1a�Continuityofuharnel k ed an�l k�nk 0 'i 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 � a 3 3. En-channel stnichire: ex. rifffe-pooE, step-pool, Q � � � ri le- oof se uence 4. Parliale s'sae af stream substrate a 1 2 3 9. Ac ti�ie/re licl floodplain a 1 3 3 9. Depositional ! a rs a r 1 a na r es 0 1 2 i. Raaentall�niial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Heas outs � 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 1.! 1D. rlatii�al �alley 0 0.5 1A 11. Seco�d or greater a rder aha n ne1 0= 0 Yea = 3 a _.�:a..:.. � .�:._ � _ �.,............._. ... .,... .... ,,.,..,.. -... ......., ............ ... ........,., B. H dralo (Subtotal = . .5 } 12. Areaenue uf B�seffov�i 0 1 13. Iron axidizing bacteria � 1 14. L ea f littEi r 1.9 1 15. 5e� ime nt or� plants ar de t ris 4 4.5 16. Organic cle! ris lines or piles 0 0.5 17. Soi!-based e�ii� er�e af high watertabla? Pla = 0 C. Blolo {Subtotal = , } 18. Ai! ra ua roa ts in strea mi ec I 19. Ra ote d upland plants iu strearr�bed 3 aD.Maarokentros (notediversity�n�labundance) a a 1. Aquatic N a fl�isF s 0 a 2. �ish 0 a3. Cra�sh 0 24. Amphibians a a5. Algae 26. Wetland p]ants in atrearnbed *perennial :i trer ms may a lao t e iclentifie d using a tF er mett ocl� . Se a p. 35 a f ma r i al. N ptes: 9 F etcf : � ' �� �, � :......��r � � �� ' �� P�lr" � �,��g.p,r � a a 1 9 7 '! � � a I 1 3 0.5 9 0 .5 '1 a. � 0.5 1 � HACV'I = 0.75; OBL = 1.9 O#I e r= 0 J 3 � a d 3 3 'i .5 9.5 1.5 9.5 NCI DWQ St� e am ]de z�ti�cation Fa �t-zaa Ve rsia z� 4.:1:I [ a te: � O�¢ ��2� �� Project Site : C�°�'g""" � ���; Elv�luator: �� � �Q� Counfi : �q4�' �� t "i'otal Points: Strea rr Dete rmir�atia n(c 5tr�iamia��tle��stititermittent 35 Ephemeraf EntBrmittent if>_ 19 ornerennialif? 30* A. Geomprphology (Subtotal = Z �.� Jc } 1a� Continuity of cf au n el t ecl aucl ba r k 2. Sinuosify of c I a nAa I along ihalweg 3. In-n han nel a truc ure: e: i. rifllle-p ao1, a te{� -q oa I, ripple-popl sequence 4. R�rtiale aize of:tre�ni siitstr�te 5. Aclive Irelict floodplain 6. Depositional bars or benches 7. Recent allu�ial deposits 8. Headcuts 9. Grade aontra� 10. Naiura! �al]ey 11. Senond or greater c rde r c� a noa I a artificial ditches are nct rat�cl; ees cliact a�ions in man� al Ab9 e n t 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 a � 0 0. 0 0.9 No=a ���" �. � L,it�t�de: 3�, c � � /�1 Lon gitude : _. � I� � O� �. '� Oth er e.g. QuadPlarra: N a cla nate 2 3 3 3 3 �.� 1.5 B. H drolo Subtota! � 17 17 . Pres en a of Sa se fla w 0 1 2 Q 1]. Ira n oxidizing ba c� eria Q 1 2 3 1�I . Le af �itte r 1.5 i 0.9 0 1!. Sedinie rtt on pfants or cle bris 0 0.9 i �. 1 A. Organic det ris kin es or piies 0 0.9 1 1. 17. Soil-ba se d e�iicle�i ae af I igf water ta1 le? No = a es = 3 C. Bialo Subtotal = � � 1i . Fitrous raots in strearnEed 3 2 � 19. Roated upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 24. A acrabenthas {note diversityancl abundance) 0 1 2 3 29. Aquatic Mo[lusks 1 2 3 27. Fisl 0 0. '! 'E.9 2]. Cra�sh 0 0.5 1 �.9 2EI. Arrtphibians 0 0.5 1 i.9 25. Algae �0' 0.5 1 1.9 2A. Wetland plants in :tre� mi e+l NACW = �.75; OBL = 1.9 Otr er = 0 *pereronialstreams mayalsa be idnntifie�lusingotFermethad5.9ee F�.35cfniau�al. N otes: "� Sketaf : � � � �� � � Q .V � � � �`I� I�` Z NC DWQ S�Ireami Idenitifiaatio� Flarmi Version 4.]] ��•�-� � Date: `�J ��GI ����.� ProjectlSite: � R��� Latituile: �� � � r E� ialuatar: 1��� A�� � Co� nty: � �' �' �� Lc r git�ide: -- �� � C� �.� Total Pointe : � Stre a m De termir a tior (cir_le one) Clthn r Strean i: atleaitintermitlent ��,� Epr emeral Intermi4tent eren " I e.g. Qna�IName: if? 9A arperennial if? 3i1" `' A. Geomorphology_ (Subtotaf = G b,.7 ) 1a�Cor�tinuityaf ahannel bed and tanH 3. Sinuosity a f cY an n el along thalweg 3. In-channel structure: ex. riffle-pool, step-pool, ripple-pool sequence �I . P� r I icle s iae a f � trea rn 9� b9 tn ie 9. Active/relict floodpiain 9. Depositional ba rs a r be r cF ea 7. Reaentallu�iial deposits 8. Headaut� 9. Grcle contra� 10. Natura I �alley 11. 5e con+ I c r greater orc le r a r an ne[ a arlilYcial clitc I ea are nc t rat�d; sae disansaic ns in manua{ B. Hydrology (5ubtotal = � i. . � ) 12. Presen�e af Baseilor+i 13. Ira n oxidizing t ac e ria 14. Leaf ]itter 15. 5adirner t a r pEar�ts a r de k ria 16. Organic debris lines a r piEes 17. Soil-based evidence of higF� waiertable? C. Biology {Subfotal = 3 � � _) Albsent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � q 0 Na=O 1 � 1 0.5 0.5 Na = 4 N odeuate 7 7 ] 0.5 1 1 18.Hibrau� roatsin9ireamked 3 2 1 19. Raotecl upland plants in 9trean t e�l 3 ] 1 7 0. N aorot e ntP os (note dive�s�ry and ahundance) 0 1 �7. 71. Aquatic Ma IlusE s 1 ] 7 2. HisF 0 0. 1 7 3. Cra�sh 0 1 74. Amphibians D 1 7 5. Algae 0.5 1 7 6. V� e tla nc I plants in � tre� m be cl FACW = O.iS; OBL = 9.5 Other = 0 "perennial streams may ab�a k e iclenUit�d using atller meif od:i. Sae p. 3E1 af mannal. Notes: 51 e tch: Stror�g 0 � 0 0 � � 0 � 3 3 'E .5 'E .5 'E .5 1.5 NC DWQ Stream ]Ide�itif�laalxuni �lorm Vers�on 4.11 �� �� Date. � p I�� ��� ��, Projecfil9ite: . � �� l atitiule: 3�p , p�� f/�/ eualuator. �� � �I�� County: � 1ti �' �� L ongitucle:-� � ���. Total 9oints: 5tream oeterniinatia n(cira le onE} qll er 9tni=n is�tl� �atirrtemitlant �� � epFenieral I�t�rrnittent erenni e.g. QnaclName: if? 19 or.oerennia! if? 30` ' A. Geomor holo (Subtotal =�) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1 a� Cvntinuity of channel bed a nd ba n k f 1 a 2. Sinuosity af ar annel along thalweg f 1 a 3 3. In-channel structure: ex. ri€fle-pool, step-pool, � � O 3 ri le- ool se uence 4. Parliale siae af 9tream sut strate fl 1 7 9. Activelrelict floodplain fl � � 3 8. Depositional E arsarE enahe9 0 1 : 3 a. Recentall�nial deposits 0 9 2 3 8. hleaclaut� f 1 : 3 9. Gride ao�itrol 0 0.9 1 1. 10. �latiiral �alley f 0.9 1 1. 19 . Seca nc I or greater n rcler a I a n n a I o= Q Ye� = 3 a_ B. Hv drolo�Y Y'(S�btotal = Y 1�..'� .V '. "'y."o. 12. A re9 e nce uf Bas eflow d 1 a � 13. Iron oxidizing i aaiena fl 1 2 3 14. Lea f litte r 'I .9 1 D.5 fl 15. Seclirrtentan plants arclebris [ C.i 1 9.9 16. Organic debris lines or piles fl 0.5 1 1.5 17. 5oi1-based e�idence af high water iable? o= Q Ye� = 3 C. Biolo (Subtatal = � ) 18. Fit rous roats in �tresmtecl : '1 fl 19. Roote d upland plants in stre arr bed 3 7 � fl 20. Ma crat er tFlos (noYe diversity and abundance} fl : 3 24. Aquatic N a fl�isk: � : 3 22. Fis h 0.9 '1 'I.9 23. Cra�sh 0 O.J 1 1.9 2�1. Amphibians d Q. 9 4.9 25. Algae fl 0.� � 1.9 26. Wetlancl plants in atreamt e+l HACW = 0.79; OBL = 1.9 Otl e r� a *perennialatr�rm� mayalaote id�ntifie�lusingcthermethada.9e�i p.3; afmanuOE. Plutes: SN eta F : NC DWQ Strea�on ] dentificatian �lor�ni Ve�isxo� 4.�.�. Date: 1� l G� �� I��j R na ject 5ite: ��e'����� E ualiiator � � k ��I Caunty: ��4��� 7atal A aint9: Stream Determination (cirole ane) 9tniamisailuaatinfermiikint �'� P"��a~Interm9tt�nt Perennial if >_ �9 or nerennia! if z 30* � L atit�icle: '��(Q i �Q� /� L on��it�ide: -�-�,�I� � Otf a � e.g. Qciacl Nan e: A. Ge�mor hoEo (Subtotal =� ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1 a� Continuity of ah� r i a l t e� I ancl b� r k 0 d � 3 2. Sinuosity af channel along thalweg 0 � 3 3. En-channel structure: ax. riffle-pool, siep-poo€, � � a 3 ri le- ool se uence 4. Ps rlia le � iae af : tre� m:�t str te 0 2 3 9. Aa ti�ielre licl floodplain 0 � 2' 3 8. Depositior�ai � e rs ar k anahes 1 3 3 7_ Recent allu�ial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Hea�lau� 0 1 3 3 9. Gracle aoi tral 0 0.5 � 1.5 10. Pletural vaEley 0 0.9 9� 1.5 11. Se ca nc I or greater u rcler a h� r na E o= Yes =< a-„a-'-' -".-� - -- -�--�--' -- '°- --' ° -- -' �.����.,��a..��.�.,.� o�,.�.�.��.�..,..�......,�,..������ ��. ���......a� B. Hydrology (Subtotal =_ g } 12. Rre: enae nf Baseflov�i 13. lron oxidizing t acieria 14. L e� f ftter 15.Se�limeninn planisar�lebiis 16. Organic debris lines or piEes 17. Soil-based evidence of high waier table? ��' .���� ��� ��� 3 3 3 3 1.5 U 1 1.5 1 1.5 Yes=3 C. Biolo (Subtotal = 18. Hik ra �s roa ts in streambeci 3 9 U 9 9. Ra oie d upland pfants in strearnt ecl 3 2 9 U 20. Ma � rot er� ti' os {note diversity and a6undance} � 1 2 3 29. Aquatic Ma If�isM.f 0 1 3 3 22. His h 0.9 1 1.5 23. Cra�sh O.J 1 'i.5 24. Amphibians O.J 1 '!.5 25. Algae 0.J 9 i.5 26. Wetfai�d plants in streambed NACV�I = 0.79; CIB� = 1.9 Cltl e r= 0 *perennial ,i trn a m,i may a E� o k e iden tifle d using c tr er metr od�. 5a q p. 3: a f ma r� ial_ N otes: 5F etct : ' � ' -�----'_'.--� \o �---�._ ` � d � '���. .�°" �� .ti��Q� � D �„ � � NC DWQ Strea�n Identification Form Version 4.11 o� te. Y[ �q Z� � ProjeatlSit�: '�� � �� Evaltator: �R �.�[� Count��: ��0 �� � ' To la I Points: StreaR Deta rm in atia n(c Str�ia,rii,iatleaatint�irmirtent J7- 2 Ephemeral lntarRittentS if? 19or.oerennialif?34* ���� � La tituda : 3� , Q� � I Longitude: ��� G��� CIIP en e.g. Quad Nanin: A. Geomor holo (Subtotal =���. �) Absent Weak Moderate 5irong 1a' Continuity o€ channe] bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of QI annal a�ong thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. En-channel structure: e:i. riffle-povl, step-pool, � ,>''� 2 ri le- ooI se uence '�� ` 4. Rartiala size ofstreani s�itstrate 0 1 2 3� 5. Aati�ielrelict floodp�ain 0 1 2 3' fi. Depositional k ar: or k en a hes 0 2 3 7. Rece nt a II� vial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Fleacic� ts 0 1 2 9. Gra cle wntro{ 0 0.: 1 1.9 1a. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 11. Sewn d�i r greater a rdEi r c E a nn e I o= lr e: = 3 a artificia[ ditches a re � c t rated; : ea discussions in manual B. H droEo {Subtotal = �+ : ) 17. Pre: en a e of Basaflowi 0 1 2 � 1]. Ir�i n oxidizing ba cleria 0 1 2 3 1<I. Leaf litter 1.9 0.9 U 1:1. 5e�linie nt c n plants or clebri� 0 0. 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.fl 4 1.: 17. Soi]-based evidence of high water table? Nn = 0 es - 3 C. Biolo {Subtota� _ } 1A. Fikro�i: rnots in strean�kecl 3 1 U 19. Ro�ited uplancE plants in streambecl � 1 0 24 . N a cra k en tha 5(note diversity a ncl abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollus ks 0 4 2 3 2] . Fis h 0 0.9 1 1.: 23. Cra�sh 0.5 1 1.5 2�I. Amphibians 0 0.:1 9 1.i 2:1. A1gae 0 0.9 1.5 2EI . Wetiand planis in : trea mk e d RACW = 0.; :; OBL � 1. Ot� er - 0 'perenr�ia�:tream: mayai:o6e icl�nl'fie�lusingothermethad:.9ea p.35afmarnial. N a tes: SNetat: NC DWQ Siream Identification Farm Version 4.] ] Date: � �� � � � �o� "� ProjecfilSite:���;�„�� a�ialuztor: �� �y �� Cu[inty: �-�;E�.��-� s 'fotal A a in ts : Stream 0 E lermiri �'lion (a irc[e one ) 9tniariiisatleaatintermitnnt � � emeT Enternllift�nt Reren�ial if ? 19 or Derennial if >_ 30'" W. Geomorphology (Suk tc tal = '�'� 1a�Continuityof aharuel t ed ancl tank 2. Sinuosity a f aha n nEi I along thalweg 3. En-c1 aunel structure: ex. riffle-paol, step-�aol, 4. Pa rl ia le siz e of s trea sn s ut s tra ite 9. Aativelre licl f�aodplain 9. Depositional bars a r henches a. Ra ner t alli i�iia l deposits 8. Headcuts 9 . Gracle ao3 trol 10. Natural valley 11. 9 e conc I or greater a rder a ha n ne I a artificiaE ditches are nc t rate d; se e disa i is s ia ns in ma u ua i plbsent 4 4 � 0 0 4 4 4 ! atitucle: '�f�l, �1��7 ! a n git�ide: �� �5� atF�a r a.gF QaiadName: 9 Yes-3 Si uong 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 9.5 9.5 BI. H drolo (Subtotal = 12. Rre�i anae af Ba: efloKi 0 � 7 3 13. Iron axidizing bacteria a 1Q ] 3 14.1 ea f litiEi r 1.9 1 0_5 Q 15. Sediment a r plants a r de t ri: f U.5 Q 1.5 16. Organic clek ris linas ar piles 0 U.5 1 1.5 17. Soil-based e+iis le nsia of hig h w�i ter ta ble? Na =�I es = 3 Cl. $iolo {Subtota] = ) 18. Hik raus roats in streamt e�l 3 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants i:i streambed 3 2 1 0 20. M a a rot en tf' 09 (note diversity an � I abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0� 1 7 3 22. F ish U.5 1 1.5 a 3. Crayfish 0 U.5 1 1.5 a 4. Amphibiarts Q U.5 1 1.5 25. Algae a U.5 1 1.5 a 6. Wetlau d plants in :i trea m be d FACW = O.iS; C IA L= 1.:1 C IthEi r= 0 *�erennial strea ms may a I� o t e ic lentifiad using c tf er nietF � c a. Se e p. 39 n f man n� I. Notes: S� etct : ti _ '.'� } { 'C (`'��� , S f .� {...�k�s� _ p., , • �—/ r {� `i'- ,\'��-,, �� ``� �1 '��'./^� � r � '1 � .fe' ,� �� f 1 l . ��ti\ /fr ��� . � - � � a _ � • � � '`�` � �'�r" .y-, ✓ I p .�} i�a�� � . A J y( { � �1~� � rr ( ! �` �` �-��` `. !'n�� �� .% ��; `. �' �' 4 ,.� `�. / Pf �. Y �lV .N.� `� eN�y� � �1 ��'p: ! � f / � � � •. 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F �'urnp�inL� t�, ' r �� _ ) . l a, s ` ''� S� j , � �;'y , f � ,� ..=�5r� - � ti -�. �,�j\ '�r c I y,�� �'" o ;. �'__—�..'� , � Ii i� � � �I � -,', i� .r ., . `"1 --; `� �I r r � 18g,� - `� =i ij ' ' �� �'�� �. i �!?��� ;j � # : � rf � � �. I :r 1 ��� �'' - '1;,• » -� � i` ' � �', i � Project Limits Vicintiy Map High Point East and Guildford Extension of Deep USGS 1:24000 Topographic Quadrangle River Greenway High Point, North Carolina Feet 0 600 1,200 2,400 3,600 N En6 � A � Ce62 � Mh62 � Cc v � MCC2 �� CeC2 MaE .c Ce62 � MaD '�� McE2 McC2 CeB2 nC MhC2 a �� McC2 � �a y� i 7� � � � Hicksw��d McD2 Penn wood Rd MaE a Q a� McB2�,; O �� �� "' � ` ; M c 2 � �, Ch MaC _� MaC � ' CeC2 � -- -�- - �,, �� I �-- =— . ,.. CcD , :,��� - 'I �` , � :� � Project Limits Enon fine sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes (EnC) /�/ Roads Madison clay loam, 10 to 15 percent slopes, eroded (McD2) �� Stream Centerline (approximate field location) Madison clay loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes, eroded (McE2) Soils Map Streams (City of High Point & USGS Combined) Madison clay loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded (McB2) Extension of Deep SOIIS - Madison clay loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded (McC2) River Greenway Appling sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes (Ap6) Madison sandy loam, 10 to 15 percent slopes (MaD) High Point, North Carolina Cecil sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes (Cc6) - Madison sandy loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes (MaE) Cecil sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded (Ce62) Madison sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes (MaC) Cecil sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded (CeC2) Mecklenburg sandy clay loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded (Mh62) Cecil sany loam, 10 to 15 percent slopes (CcD) Mecklenburg sandy clay loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes, eroded (MhC2) Chewacla sandy loam (Ch) Water bodies Feet Enon fine sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes (En6) 0 350 700 �,a00 ' Department of Transportation 101 NORTH CAROLINA'S INTERNATIONAL CITY' February 14, 2013 U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Raleigh, North Carolina 27587 ATTN.: Mr. Andrew Williams, Regulatory Specialist Subject: Jurisdictional Determination for Extension Deep River Greenway, High Point, NC Dear Sir: The City of High Point has retained Stantec Consulting Services of Raleigh, NC to delineate the jurisdictional waters and wetlands and assist with permitting issues in relation to the greenway extension near Deep River Road in High Point, NC. The project is located on a number of properties listed on the table below. Stantec is hereby authorized to represent the City of High Point with regards to verification of the delineation, jurisdictional issues, and Section 404 permitting. Parcel Owner Notes Number 1 City of High Point City Lake Buffer 2 City of High Point Book 7267 Page 883 3 City of High Point City Lake Buffer 4 Greensboro Chinese Christian Church Book 7246 Page 2509 (Easement Granted to City of High Point) 5 City of High Point Book 6199 Page 2373 6 City of High Point Book 6199 Page 2373 7 City of High Point Book 6199 Page 2373 Thank you for your attention in this matter. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact David Hyder, P.E. at 336-883-3233. Sincerely, David Hyder P.E. Transportation Planning Administrator Cc: Melissa Ruiz, Stantec Marta Matthews, NCDOT-Local Programs Unit City of High Point, P.O. Box 230, 211 South Hamilton Street, High Point, NC 27261 USA Fax: 336.883.8568 Phone; 336.883.3225/3226 TDD: 336.883.8517 `� Stantec Consulting Services Inc. (� 801 Jones Franklin Road Suite 300 `� � Raleigh NC 27606 � TeL(919)851-6866 Fax:(919)851-7024 Stantec March 26, 2013 US Army Corps of Engineers Raleigh Regulatory Field Office 3331 Heritage Trade Drive, Suite 105 Wake Forest NC 27587 Dear Mr. Williams: Reference: SAW-2010-01843 Update This letter and enclosed information serve as an update to the previous documentation submitted on March 26, 2013 for the Deep River Greenway study area located in High Point with Action ID SAW-2010-01843. Based on the site visit in April 30�", we have updated the maps to reflect the new wetland line, delineated this spring. It reflects a change from the previous delineation that was performed during drier conditions. In addition, a small wetland located near the eastern end of the study area was delineated on April 30t". The wetland drains to stream 6 via the ephemeral stream 7. The wetland (labeled as wetland 3) may have been created as a sediment basin during construction of the nearby houses or the adjacent sewer line. The wetland has a depleted matrix, vegetation around the edges, and is ponded approximately 1-2' of water. Attached please find a Wetland Determination Data Form for wetland 3, updated maps, and a preliminary JD form. The previous packet included additional data sheets for the wetlands and streams, a USGS map, soil survey map, and photos. Please call us if you have any questions or would like us to resubmit any of the previously submitted materials Sincerely, STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC. ��� �``" _ elissa Ruiz, P Scientist Tel: (919) 865-7529 Fax: (919) 851-7024 melissa. ruiz@stantec.com Attachment: Wetland Data Form Preliminary JD Map Preliminary JD Form Stantec Page 2 of 2 Reference: SAW-2010-01843 � '� ,�'� " � , ,, t , �r �:� �* � C R.. ,.*, e �,�� .___ _ .. �. a� ,,. ����� � ��� ��i ��� : � _,Fo- F. d� ywY4'��,�4 Srva . ia avi�1�`s, � � �r� au � �e°�i� t;�a�• �� � ' ; F��Aa�;�'.! °�� � +r i � � 1 � � �Iy; �� ��� 6' � �1'k''�A p� ! �."w�� 7 S i � h�; A �'� �6 � � �,�'� i �i � � I � � � � � � { `3�. � b" 9 +`' � ��� ��t•. �1'7I � i. � �'TL fF ! �,'� � � � �. rA k� � �F"4� ^ � � . � �� P . �, �4c':. � �r. 1 i��, 1 � 'P' � � ay � �, s �f ' `� F�,� i � �� �� > '-: ?� ` i �� a a .,� � ��� ��� � �'���� � "�� �F�/"T �rV � 1 � r' �������� ��E A � ,,�.`� � � ��_r �� , *E, r f��,�y� �`e�. ; s . 4 � . .i��� , t�� p ,r ?�, ,.' � . , � ,�, � �� � �i •�� � �i � � � j `�... . �` L� F� ����r+ j ° �.; ���'���� P r'�� �f�:, °� � ,;_ ��" � � �� ``� � �' F ' ° � � ! Photo 1. Wetland 3 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM - Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region Project/Site: Ext of Deep River Greenway City/County: High PoinUGuildford Sampling Date: 4/30/2013 Applicant/Owner: City of High Point State: NC Sampling Point: Wet 4 Investigator(s): MR and ADG Section, Township, Range: Landform: (hillslope, terrece, etc.) floodplain Local Relief (concave, convex, none): concave Slope (%): 1 $UIJfEgIOf1�LRRorMLRA) 136/P Lat: 36N Long: -79.957 W Datum: Soil Map Unit Name: Madison clay loam NWI Classification: Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes ONo ❑(If no, explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation ❑ , Soil ❑ , or Hydrology ❑ significantly disturbed? Are "Normal Circumstances" present? Yes �o ❑ Are Vegetation 0 , Soil 0 , or Hydrology � naturally problematic? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS - Attach site map showine sampline point locations. transects. important features. etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes 0 No � Hydric Soil Present? Yes � No � Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes � No � Remarks: HYDROLOGY Is the Sampled Area within a wetland? yes 0 No � Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondarv Indicators (minimum of two required) Primarv Indicators (minimum of one is reauired: check all that applv): � Surface Soil Cracks (B6) 0 Surface Water (A1) � Water-Stained Leaves (89) � Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (68) � High Water Table (A2) � Aquatic Fauna (B13) � Drainage Patterns (B10) 0 Saturetion (A3) � True Aquatic Plants (814) � Moss Trim Lines (616) ❑ Water Marks (Bl) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (Cl) ❑ Dry-Season Water Table (C2) ❑ Sediment Deposits (82) ❑ Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots (C3) ❑ Creyfish Burrows (C8) ❑ Drift Deposits (63) ❑ Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) � Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery (C9) ❑ AIgaI Mat or Crust (84) ❑ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils (C6) � Geomorphic Position (D2) ❑ Iron Deposits (BS) ❑ Thin Much Surface (C7) p Shallow Aquitard (D3) ❑ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (67 ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) 0 FAC-Neutral Test (DS) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes 0 No ❑ Depth (inches): 12-24" Water Table Present? Yes 0 No 0 Depth (inches): Saturation Present? Yes 0 No ❑ Depth (inches): 0" Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes 0 No ❑ (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: ponded in center, edges are saturated US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region - Interim Version VEGETATION - Use scientific names of plants. Absolute Dominant Indicator Tree Stratum (Plotsize: 30 ft radius ) % Cover Species? Status 1. Salix nigra 10 Y OBL 2. Alnus serrulata 10 Y FACW 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft radius ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft radius ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 30 ft radius ) 1. Juncus effusus 2. Polygonum sagittatum 3. Typha latifolia 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Woody Vine Stratu (Plot size: 30 ft radius 1. None 2. 3 4 5 Remarks: (If observed, list morphological adaptations below) 20 =TotalCover = Total Cover 0 =TotalCover 10 Y 10 Y 10 Y 30 =TotalCover 0 =TotalCover Sai Dominance Test Workshe� Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Streta: Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Point: Wet 4 5 (A) 5 (B) 100% (A/B) Total % Cover of: Multiply by: OBL species 30 x 1= 30 FACW species 20 x 2= 40 FAC species 0 x 3= 0 FACU species 0 x 4= 0 UPL species 0 x 5= 0 Column Totals: 50 (A) 70 (B) Prevalence Index = B/A = 1.4 Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 0 Dominance Test is > 50% � Prevalence Index is <_ 3A1 ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetationl (Explain) 1 Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic Definitions of Vegetation Streta: Tree - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, FACW approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and 3 in. OBL (7•6 cm) or larger in diameter at breast height (DBH). �B� Sapling - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 20 ft(6 m) or more in height and less than 3 in. (7.6 cm) DBH. Shrub - Woody plants, excluding woody vines, approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m) in height. Herb - All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, including herbaceous vines, regardless of size. Includes woody plants, except woody vines, less than approximately 3 ft (1 m) in height. Woody vine - All woody vines, regardless of height. Hydrophytic Vegetation Yes 0 No ❑ Present? US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region - Interim Version SOIL SamplingPoint: Wet4 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators). Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color (moist) % Color (moist) % Typel Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-12 lOYR 6/2 80 10YR 5/8 20 C M 12+ lOYR 6/1 80 lOYR 5/8 20 C M 1Type C= Concentration, D= depletion, RM = Reduced Matrix, CS = Covered or Coated Sand Grains zLocation: PL = Pore Lining, M= Matrix Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils;: ❑ Histosol (A1) 0 Polyvalue Below Surface (S8) (LRR S,T,U) ❑ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR O) ❑ Histic Epipedon (A2) ❑ Thin Dark Surface (S9) (LRR S,T,U) ❑ 2 cm Muck (A10) (LRR S) 0 81ack Histic (A3) ❑ Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1) (LRR O) ❑ Reduced Vertic (F18) (outside MLRA 150A,6) ❑ Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) � Loamy Gleyed Matrix (F2) ❑ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (LRR P,S,T) ❑ Stratified Layers (AS) I� Depleted Matrix (F3) ❑ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) ❑ Organic Bodies (A6) (LRR P,T,U) ❑ Redox Dark Surface (F6) (MLRA 1536) ❑ 5 cm Mucky Mineral (A7) (LRR P,T,U) ❑ Depleted Dark Surface (F7) ❑ Red Parent Material (TF2) ❑ Muck Presence (A8) (LRR U) 0 Redox Depressions (F8) ❑ Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12) (LRR T,U) ❑ 1 cm Muck (A9) (LRR P,T) 0 Marl (F10) (LRR U) ❑ Other (Explain in Remarks) ❑ Depleted Below Dark Surface (All) 0 Depieted Ochric (Fll) (MLRA 151) ❑ Thick Dark Surface (Al2) ❑ Iron-Manganese Masses (F12) (LRR O,P,T) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and ❑ Coast Prairie Redox (A16) (MLRA 150A) 0 Umbric Surface (F13) (LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, ❑ Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) (LRR O,5) [J Delta Ochric (F17) (MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. ❑ Sandy Gleyed Matrix (S4) ❑ Reduced Vertic (F18) (MLRA 150A, 1506) ❑ Sandy Redox (SS) ❑ Piedmont Floodplain Soils (F19) (MLRA 149A) ❑ Stripped Matrix (S6) 0 Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils (F20) (MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) ❑ Dark Surface (57) (LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer (if observed): Type: Depth (inches) Hydric Soil Present? Yes 0 No 0 Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region - Interim Version PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): July 24, 2013 B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: David Hyder, Transportation Planning Administrator City of High Point. ���amilton St., Suite 210 C. High�o��,����oOFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: CENAP-OP-R-, D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) Stat@: NC COUllty: Guilford Clty: High Point Center coordinates of site (lat/long in degree decimal format): Lat.ss.00� ° N, Long:�s.sss ° W Universal Transverse Mercator: m Easting (x) m Northing (y) N8C1'12 Of Il@al'eSt Wat2CbOdy: West Fork Deep River Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the review area: Non-wetland waters: 923 linear feet: width (ft) and/or Cowardin Class: Pa�ust�+ne Strgarp F�OW: Perennial/Intermittent Wetlands: 2.�66 acres. Cowardin Class: Pai�st��ne acres. Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters: Tidal: Non-Tidal: E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK A�� THAT APP�Y): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination. Date: 0 Field Determination. Date(s): o�tone� �s, 2010 and April 30, 2013 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre-construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non-reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved JD could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an approved JD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. This preliminary JD finds that there "may be"waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: 2 SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): � Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant: . [� Data sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant. ❑ Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: . ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: . ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: . ❑ USGS NHD data. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. � U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name:1:24k High Point East & Guilford quads � USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: Soil Survey Staff, NRCS, USDA. Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database for Guilford County, NC. • Available online at http://soildatamart.nres.gov ❑ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/Local wetland inventory map(s): . ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: . ❑ 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ❑ Photographs: ❑X Aerial (Name & Date): 2012 USDA-FSA-APFO NAIP MrSID Mosaic from USDA/FSA - Aerial Photography Field Office or ❑ Other (Name & Date): . ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: ❑ Other information (please specify): . IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarilv been verified bv the Corps and should not be relied upon for later iurisdictional determinations. Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager (REQUIRED) 10 Signature and date of person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) Estir�ated amount of Si#e Latitude Longitude Cowardin aq��ti� Class ofi aquatic number Class resource resource in review area .� 36.001 -79.972 iverine, 260 feet non-section 10 non-wetla d i�t-er-���� �^�� 2 36.000 -79.972 iverin�,lower 150 feet non-section 10 non-wetla d narann�al 3 36.000 -79•973 nPrPnnilallower 166 feet non-section 10 non-wetla d 36.002 -79.967 riveri�e lower 296 feet non-section 10 non-wetla d 4 narann�aj 6 36.003 -79.957 riverirae lower 51 feet non-section 10 non-wetla d P wet1 36.000 -79.972 palustrine 0.036 acres non-section 10 wetland Wet2 36.001 -79.971 palustrine 2.69 acres non-section 10 wetland 36.000 -79.968 palustrine 0.02 acres non-section 10 wetland wet 3 Wet4 36.003 -79.957 palustrine 0.02 acres non-section 10 wetland i� � . __ p, , � � , � - .r � � �. 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"`�f .'� �1 '�� . r' „Y.: . .. � ,• t . ,r , e � � ��'�r � .� .. . � - . 4-� • y . _ , . �� -., .'v ..�,.,i'"i n '�y��. � j�n . ���� "1�'�" .�t �-rr ,_ �. _ „ . • ;, r - ti � M/I�.r�'� -' � � � ,r, . _ � . . . - - � � . Y - ..: - _ - -�+ ' i• _ .' ' _ ,s v�' " • �> _ ., . , . ;� '` �,,�1'�'M'.14�' -' :xM/�"''+ - �i'�'^C�,�, � .t- ir� A � + r �P �'Z4 Wetland Flags . ,��• �.,Jra,* :. ,� '^^� .� ; -.� �. � . ^ �.p- �. �. .StUC��/ i�i'@a y ` _ -. - •�+*' ' '.e �`�►� �pl��A- ",�` � �� r�. ��� � � �� - � a y - � � �. Stream Top of Bank (Field Located) 4 "�- .�� � � = :.t► � • i � Jurisdictional Waters '�'�� s � � �';• '`� ' �;�` � Wetland 4 Stream Top of Bank Outside Study Area �� '� � `'� ��` �� �y�r i"�r�� � wb18-003 Wetland Outside of Study Area Extension of Deep �_� - ` ��,��.- qrty► ,�. - � { �.� f _ wb18A0�, ' ♦ ` ' A y +E- s = WbIS'OOZ ." River Greenway . •� �� w ~ � �� �"E� ,�., - ,,�' wb18-005 /�/ Roads Hi h Point, North Carolina � • ��� ��� �`''� � " ��� `"���"�'�'=� - Streams (field located) g z �.=r�� ���"�����-. ,- ���� a _ wb18-001 wbls-0o6 rt �_ �E� , �� Ephemeral Sheet 1 of 2 , ' °� �` ` ; � "� "`���.'� � - �-� '�- i� `� � a,: Intermittent � �-y� '�,��'"���-'` ` � �`��� " Ephemeral� Wetla'nd.Flag Northing Easting �� , ��+, ,,�__ _ � � ''�., Str�m 8 ( � Perennial _ '�' ��:" �"� w ``� � S�ream 7 wb18-001 821289 1717028 �'� �M . : � . r,,,, , ; � . I� , _ ' � �r,� w,� � ''=�,�•. `� .r �`�►r"' �� �!� WAJ�g-0�2 821314 1717�24 I Streams (City of High Point & USGS Combined) • �� - `' /�� `� -+ �wi„ ,._ � , � .� � ,�'':.. a'*�� ._ ;'�"'r'�,�:�f = ,� . wb18-003 821326 1717031 . � Wetlands Inside Study Area '`� . -{? r' ` ;� � Feet •�+►--�'� ~�'': ' s "` ` r4 � ��• � ` � R � wb18-004 821319 1717060 � � Project Limits 0 200 400 800 ;�' � *�r�'^� , �„ �.�� F�I ��� ..�' � wb18-005 821297 1717063 � A roximate Easement '�x � �' : :'� - � �` �'�' � pp �-=-4 � ��.r� • '�"! .. ��� ,� wb18-006 821294 1717059I Parcels .��u _ ,i���►" d �.rtia�,''d•� " �� . J�; � . _ ° ''"� .: ,;�/ �,: `� �' g � * �_ . + 1 _ � ^ _ ' a � � � � -�� _ _ ' " ,�,i � �� � .��� � ' � � � � � �= � � � ' �_ � � � � � 1 1��r V _ � �. � $ � � �� � . ! � � - R .. r� . Y � � rr � �.. � e �. " " irrr _ . . �� � ' y �� �' ' � `�� � ii.- • ` � !� '�!':� �,� � � • _ � " . � � �, . � .�. �- ,�: wb11-001 ° ti ` � �!' � ' + � '�, � � � " ... 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' t `_ � � . � e •- . ` � wb1��14 - , � ,� - � 1�/efl�n�"� ��. - � ��« ��� . �����.. � ���,� � - , � � e , = , � _, -� � � � Stre�i � 1� . � : � � wbia-aoz b� a � , ., a ,� . � , � � ��� ��- � ^ ��4 01 W a_ � � , . �.i� > �� Stream 2�,..��---------_ �� '�� '� � - weia-oos � �s _, ` v�14 5 �05 � .�v_ � . - �: � � � � .�� ' �, � s .� ,�� d , ` ����_ _ '_--� q � wbla-007 . -009 --__ r,�1,r�¢�� :.. � + __ w a wb13-006 = - � ____ �� �� � s�.K� , - `,� �, 4 ----- �--- =� —a ------�y''�� ' s �� � �� ; bl 008 _ w x � � -- - -�. � ��; :- S ,� ��, �� ' �,� ------------------------_���- � � � _ _,_ ' � wbi�-oo� n-oos V�e'tland 3 � �'� � �. � w613-007 f� �,,, � .� ' ,�, �, r " ,�e �-.0 . ` � � --------------� e � . wb -908 i .�/ �� � � ~ �� � n - _ �u .:� ,` �, r I' , 11 � � �� . �.� M � � „ � f r � '� �., ' � / ,� .: � ' _. . � �,, � . ,y� . �'i, .. . � t *� � .� � �� � �� � � r�, � � , . . (� , ,+ _ 'A �' �j io � : � � ,� � � f� � � . � � �+ t ��' . � � �. � Str m 3 / � . " " `� �r "�"� �- , �J �- '� - e .�y r� ,�,n � � �T , . . . �"+e . � ` • � i. _ -* �:� � . ,j. � � � / - � , � � �= _ .�',•. ' _ � �.. �; � � . " . , � ', � � � `�e � W�os � � � � ` • .� �'�- _� , ��.�� ._ �; � _ - . __ � . : � �; wbl� 005 9i„ wb12-007 � J er � t� y , _ _. r.�lr� � �- e� � W� � � `� � � ,! � • wb12-004 / . �4 �.. � � '�s � � � „�, , � � � ��.�r,. �u� � _ _ ' � , ° R - ��11/etland 2 -. , � = " �' � , - � __ `�► ''q�. � = ``� — `'s �- ` � „� .�i ,a�' �. ^�„ � �.� f�-,.� � - � • _ � wbl 003 r �� �`'�` �' ��;� � etland Fla Northin Eastin Wetland Fla Northin Eastin �.� ,, , � _� g g g g g Wetland Flags . . � � � ,y� � wb11-001 820724 1712597 wb�a-008 820412 1713440 Study Area wb11-002 820705 1712590 wb17-007 820394 1713529 Stream Top of Bank (Field Located) + � � ' �� �� ��• . ! • Jurisdictional Waters '"� �" � _ '� � ' ,�' - wb11-003 820688 1712584 wbI7-006 820391 1713574 �q, 9'�� Stream Top of Bank Outside Study Area �' ' °"� �"� � r�, wb11-004 820666 1712587 wbla-009 820433 1713660 Extension of Deep � '�',,. -� .-�" wb11-005 820633 1712621 wbi7-002 820408 1713773 Wetland Outside of Study Area ��i Mwbl2-002 �^� ; � wb11-006 820612 1712648 wb12-001 820047 1712440 �� Roads River Greenway � , ����11�" °� wb11-007 820598 1712702 wb12-002 820121 1712394 High Point, North Carolina R - _ �� Y_ ,�, "� ,� wb11-008 820577 1712744 wb12-003 820209 1712355 Streams (field located) �. ' '" � ,� wb11-009 820564 1712830 wb12-004 820246 1712365 �� Ephemeral Sheet 2 of 2 wbl3�-O�J r� ^�� � °" }, ° ' wb11-010 820571 1712876 wb12-005 820256 1712378 ,�, "� wbla-001 820501 1712958 wb12-006 820271 1712426 Intermittent i"� �. wbla-002 820467 1713033 wb12-007 820264 1712505 � G� � � � . �a Perennial • ' + .>,�; — � �{• �y, = s'�, wbla-003 820520 1713011 wb13-001 820658 1712465 �! ` �. �d�' Y6,. �� wb14-013 820505 1713091 wb13-002 � 820672 1712424 Streams (City of High Point & USGS Combined) � �` � '�+ �,� `�` ,, �' � �� '�' wbla-004 820517 1713112 wb13-003 � 820641 1712381 Wetlands Inside Stud Area � �d � .�. � . "' ' - - wb14-014 820490 1713132 wb13-004 � 820573 1712361 y .� -.�ti �� R� � � �� � wb14-015 820455 1713138 wb13-005 � 820516 1712382 � Project Limits Feet F +�. ,` � �N �.� wbla-005 820460 1713202 wb13-006 � 820419 1712394 0 50 100 200 ��- '� � � • '� w Approximate Easement - _ ,� 1� .�� � � wbla-006 820449 1713290 wb13-007 ' 820373 1712433 F��_ `-,�, -� � _ � ` 1 ', ���� � _ - � wbla-007 820431 1713359 wb13-008 � 820361 1712438 Parcels APPENDIX D WETLAND CALCULATIONS CATEGORY SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE: Clearing & Grubbing Grading Fine Grading Silt Fencing Temporary Construction Access Road Temporary Construction Entrance TRAIL: Asphalt Pavement Subbase (ABC Stone) STRUCTURES: Retaining Wall Boardwalk Bridges MISCELLANEOUS Concrete Driveway Apron Handicap Ramps - Truncated Domes 4" Concrete Sidewalk PRO]ECT SUMMARY GRADING AND DRAINAGE TRAIL STRUCTURES MISCEWINEOUS TOTAL UNIT COST COMMENTS $3,000.00 path + 10' on each side $15,00 Total Cut $3.00 Path + 2' on each side $3.00 along path only $8.00 $5,000.00 :s.v�� ai.- . I7_�'�lc����ar_-i�r����ia $27.00 $30.00 Greenway Trail "1'F�RYL SU87OTAL: QUAN3"TTY UNIT COST AJ AC z4ov cr 'x.8jp -33BQ 5Y (1tiiQ'� �I{3A 1.F 44Q4 LF 2 EA �1I0 —868a SY H1lO � SY $14,100.00 $39,000.00 $9,900.00 $19,200.00 $32,000.00 $10,000.00 $12A,2&DO.I]Q $232,200.00 $258,000.00 $�i90,21t6.4a $20.00 1600 SF $32,000.00 �soo.00 1�15 —s� �F Saoo,000.00 $175.00 timber structures 8500 SF 51,487,500.00 !R� dti: #1,9F9,54G.OQ $5,000.00 install new driveway entries 1 EA $5,000.00 $1,350.00 number of ramps 2 EA $2,700.00 $60.00 �onnection to existing sidewalk 30 SY $1,800.00 MISCELLAN�4US SUBiOTAL; 59,5i1d.40 $124,200.00 $490,200.00 $1,919,500.00 9 500.00 $2,543,400.00 Miscellaneous & Mobilization 25% $635,850.00 Contract Cost $3,179,250.00 Engineering and Contingency 15% $476,887.50 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST 53,G56,137.50 REPOR7 7CJ7AL GON5"1'RUCTIi?N COST $3,66A,[I�4.C�U �a. R�M�v�, —_ � 3�s L.F. ��,w� �,,��s�� �3��> � ��� c..F, s.\�- �..� <16�\0 �a �6 �$S� '' �4�to S,`l. 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'��'�� ��,\�,�� ;,� WETI_AND ������� � ����� S�a� � o� � �� �`��r ��- ��; �pr�,. ... � , � � � � .1� �.�.�. , �-� �5 � APPENDIX E NATU RAL RESOU RC ES S U RVEY I N FO RMATION Stantec June 6, 2014 File: 1 71 001 21 1 Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 801 Jones Franklin Road, Suite 300, Raleigh NC 27606-3394 Attention: Eugene Tarascio NCDOT Project Planning 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 Dear Mr. Tarascio, Reference: EL-5104 Deep River Greenway PCE Comments This email is to address the February 6, 2014 comments from Rachelle Beauregard, NCDOT, and clarify the digital submittal to you on January 30, 2014. The greenway will consist of boardwalk across all streams and wetlands. The only "impact" to wetlands includes the boardwalk pilings which are considered structural fill. These impacts are less than 0.01 acres and are shown in the digital submittal (zip file) in the design plans and profile sheets as well as the marked-up plans showing wetland impact calculations. A memo summarizing the Threatened 8� Endangered Species surveys and staff qualifications was also included in the digital submittal. This clarified that the project would have no effect on the bald eagle or small whorled pogonia. The project is located within the Cape Fear River Basin on the West Fork of the Deep River in DWQ Subbasin 03-06-08 and 8-digit HUC 03030003. The use classification is WS-IV CA and is 303(d) listed for chlorophyll A. The project is located within the Randleman Lake basin and will follow appropriate watershed rules as per 15A NCAC 028.0259 and the NCDWQ "Greenway and Hiking Trails" Buffer Interpretation/Clarification #2009-004. Stream, wetland and natural community descriptions are included in Appendix C(Jurisdictional Determination Package) of the original 2013 CE submittal. Please contact me if you have any further questions. Regards, STANTEC CU�kSUL �NG SERYICES INC. , � , ��. , +� ���� PaulKoch Senior Principal Phone: (919) 865-7394 Fax: (919) 851-7024 Paul.Koch@stantec.com Design with community in mind � Stantec To: File File: 1 71 001 21 1 Fro m Date Andrea Dvorak-Grantz January 28, 2014 Memo Reference: Threatened and Endangered Species Survey for High Point Greenway Stantec Consulting, Inc. (Stantec) completed field surveys for the small whorled pogonia (Isotria medeoloides) for the Deep River Greenway study area located in High Point, NC. Stantec scientists, Melissa Ruiz, PWS and Andrea Dvorak -Grantz, AICP conducted a field reconnaissance of the proposed greenway corridor for occurrence of the federally threatened small whorled pogonia in October 2010 and April 2013. Site and Project Description The project is a proposed extension of the High Point Greenway. It begins at the existing High Point Greenway along Deep River Road, crosses the Deep River, and then runs roughly parallel to the river ending at Penny Road. The greenway extension is proposed as an asphalt trail with wooden bridges and boardwalks at specific locations. The extension is suitable for jogging, walking, bicycling and other recreational activities. The project is listed as an Enhancement Project (Local Projects) in the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Current State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP, June 2013). Methodologv and Qualifications A literature search and habitat assessment was conducted to determine the likelihood of the presence or absence of small whorled pogonia and bald eagle. Protected species lists for Guilford County were accessed from USFWS and NCDENR websites (USFWS 2010, 2013; NCDENR 2010, 2013). These lists were used as the baseline for the on-site habitat assessment and field surveys. Design with comrnunity in mind pk u:\1 71 001 21 1 \transporfation\design\planning\jd\t&e field survey summary.docx � Stantec January 28, 2014 File Page 2 of 4 Reference: Threatened and Endangered Species Survey for High Point Greenway In addition to the federal and state databases reviewed above, Stantec used the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) digital 7.5' topographic maps covering the proposed project area for the High Point East quadrangle map (USGS 2010) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey of Guilford County, NC (USDA-NRCS, 1977). The field reconnaissance was conducted within the proposed greenway corridor for the potential occurrence of the small whorled pogonia and the confirmation of presence or absence of preferred habitat within the proposed project corridors for this species. Surveys were conducted during the original wetland delineation in October 2010 and re-evaluated during the April 30, 2013 wetland re-verification. Environmental personnel that completed the analysis include: Investigator: Andrea Dvorak-Grantz Education: B.S. Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1992 M.S. Biology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1996 Experience: Transportation Planning Group Manager, Senior Environmental Scientist, Stantec, Raleigh, NC, April 2002 to present Environmental Scientist, URS Corporation, 1997 to 2002 Responsibilities: Stream and wetland delineations, environmental documentation, terrestrial community assessment, T/E species assessment/surveys Investigator: Melissa Ruiz Education: B.S. Environmental Engineering, George Washington University, 1997 M.F. Forestry, North Carolina State University, 2003 Experience: Environmental Educator, U.S. Peace Corps Honduras, 1998-2001 Design with community in mind pk u:\171001211 \transporfation\design\planning�jd\t&e field survey summary.docx � Stantec January 28, 2014 File Page 3 of 4 Reference: Threatened and Endangered Species Survey for High Point Greenway Environmental Scientist, BLUE: Land, Water, Infrastructure, PA, Raleigh, NC, 2003-2005 Environmental Scientist, Stantec, Raleigh, NC, 2005 to present Responsibilities: Stream and wetland delineations, stream and wetland assessment, terrestrial community assessment, document preparation, T/E species assessment Small Whorled Pogonia (Isotria medeoloides� Small whorled pogonia was added to the U.S. List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants in 1982 as an endangered species. In 1994 it was reclassified to threatened. The small whorled pogonia is a member of the orchid family. The plant has a single grayish- green stem that grows about 10 inches tall when in flower and about 14 inches when bearing fruit. The plant is named for the whorl of five or six leaves near the top of the stem and beneath the flower. Habitat for the small whorled pogonia consists of older hardwood stands of beech, birch, maple, oak, and hickory that have an open understory. Occasionally the small whorled pogonia grows in stands of softwoods such as hemlock. Determination of Effect Small whorled pogonia can be limited by shade and appears to require small light gaps, or canopy breaks, and generally grows in areas with sparse to moderate ground cover. The habitat type found within the survey corridor was Piedmont bottomland forest which contained a mixture of bottomland and mesophytic plant species, such as green ash, red maple, willow oak, and American elm. The canopy cover throughout this corridor was extensive. No populations of small whorled pogonia were located and no suitable habitat was found during the field survey. Based on the lack of habitat it is our determination that the proposed greenway project will have no effect on the small whorled pogonia. Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act Design with community in mind pk u:\171001211 \transportation\design\planning�jd\t&e field survey summary.docx � Stantec January 28, 2014 File Page 4 of 4 Reference: Threatened and Endangered Species Survey for High Point Greenway Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. No water bodies large enough or sufficiently open to be considered potential feeding sources were identified on the aerial imagery for the project study area. Since there was no foraging habitat within the study area or within a 1-mile radius, a survey of the project study area was not conducted. Additionally, a review of the NCNHP database revealed no known occurrences of this species within 2.0 miles of the project study area. Due to the lack of habitat, known occurrences, and minimal impact anticipated for this project, it has been determined that this project will not affect this species. References North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Natural Heritage Program. http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/nhp/home Schafale, M.P., and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the natural communities of North Carolina, third approximation. N.C. Natural Heritage Program, Raleigh, N.C. 325 pp. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA-NRCS). http://websoilsurvey.nres.usda.aov/ U.S., Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), North Carolina County list of endangered, threatened and candidate species. http://www.fws.qov/raleiqh/species/cntylist/nc counties.html U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). http://www.usas.qov/ Design with community in mind pk u:\171001211 \transporfation\design\planning�jd\t&e field survey summary.docx APPENDIX F PIEDMONT LAND CONSERVANCY EASEMENT LOCATION � � . 1 �' � '. - � �'� _ '.iYp' f r Q {- � C- � i. - � � � � '.� ��� ,� � m i � � _� � 4"� � + }; C1 r i � � i Q Q �. � ��� � � � � � �, l 7 t� �`y � c , =* �'��',; �-_� a � _ �� f G3 8 � .� � �-� .� � � j`%1 ,; � r •- -. � � �',_!,1,% '. 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(EXCLUDING WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS) PLANS PREPARED BY: EXISTING LEGEND PROPOSED � � O ` PDE 1 PDE � PDE . � TCE CUT TCE � �=k l. SI OI�M PIPE (TYP) o PROP, STORM PIPE (TYP) i = _ _ _ � _ _ _ _ _ _ � _ —____—�—�� _____�_ • — — —� — — — �----�— —' 0 CITY OF HIGH POINT 0 ENGINEERING SERVICES DEPARTMENT HIGH POINT, N.C. 27261 CITY OF HIGH POINT PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER � �} 3-23-16 SIGNA RE DATE 000a00000000000 o�°°�o��� � �CAR�Lr��°°� ° ���.o��ssr0�9�`� °o 0 S�A� ����o °o��� � �..����o° 00 . �G INE� • � � o0 oo��� ' ��� o ° °�o A. ��v'o�°° �0pa00000000��o o • • u FIRE HYDRANT WATER VALVE WATER METER SEWER CLEANOUT EXISTING IRON PIPE PERMENANT DRAINAGE EASEMENT SANITARY SEWER WITH MH EXISTING DITCH PROPERTY LINE TEMPORARY EASEMENT CUT — FILL LINE RIGHT OF WAY TYPE "B" CATCH BASIN GRATED INLET YARD INLET TYPE "A" CATCH BASIN DRAINAGE MANHOLE GAS VALVE CURB & GUTTER FENCE WOODS LINE POWER POLE TELEPHONE POLE WITH GUY EDGE PAVEMENT � � � � � ° GUARDRAIL O � WCR CENTERLINE ROW PARCEL NUMBER DRAINAGE STRUCTURE NUMBER EXISTING WELL PROP. 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