HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080229 Ver 1_Restoration Plan_20080208 E I g RESTORATION DRAWINGS FOR FORREST CREEK STREAM RESTORATION PLAN FORREST CREEK MITIGATION BANK ORANGE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA F I x% a a a ~~ ~~ i Y~ ORANGE INDEX OF SHEETS SHEET N0. DESCRIPTION 1 TITLE SHEET 2 SYMBOLS, LEGENDS AND KEY SHEET STATE= OF NORTH CAROLNA ~~ z~ "w. w.i ,. PROJECT AREA 't ~ Y ,.aa,„ i .. ~..C eOL,IN' a~,„_ `,. ~ g ~o '~ ~~ a~ \ 2 Ewa SURY£Y PREPARED Bf' ° ALOIS CALLEMYN VICINTIY MAP rro~mut wea~rEror kA0J9ifAd~EFAI/MNO 3-7 DETAILS 8 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE AND GENERAL NOTES 9-20 GRADING PLAN AND PROFILE 21 TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS 22 MORPHOLOGY TABLE 23-26 PLANTING NOTES 27-37 PLANTING PLANS KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES CONTACT: DAREN PAIT, P.E. (919) 678-4155 FORREST CREEK MITIGATION BANK CONTACT: RICHARD MOGENSEN (704) 782-4133 ~~ asTURa~ a~A: 21.9 Acxee 8147Dif751 STATION 100}00 - LAT 34.901018 LONG -80.471058 DrAIL• acwFUUmorARnan«<.xrr r-, ~ ~ ~~3+ 1~~~t~~~l r.:_ ,~ { -, r `- ~ ~ .. 2003 DY x~ ~^'r.'lr",h4Jt PISS ~,nlpt4'{,~,~Crr1+l`G}d rar'~ ~~wa,~, SS ~_ duda~ °Is PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLIENT: ~ Ki l H 71~/30~07 PROJECT: a ^ m ey- orn ~ FORREST q ' , ~ and Associates, Inc. aK CREEK I~STORATION cRmc ! M 1 C~ - 1~ t 1 a n t 1 C M ,epe,~~ °~~ ~~ FORREST ew. xm e[Lgpe wm oenw n amen er. M~ICATION "' ~ TITLE: RTL ~ ihb dacvmM logelhm with the canapts and pe~yro preealad h blooded only for Ne epeolRC D,ePoee and diets hr ehlch tt no hm2b, ae on s Plea, R betnerw,t a eeniaa ase M and ~ ~~/ 6ANK 4i i t i ~ a t i o n , L L e TITLE SHEET °""P Ynpropw reRona m ihb doamenl without wtttw alhorixatbn and adoplotlon by IGmIeY-Ram and Aeadatee, bc, ana0 he wRhal Robatty to KYnley-HOm and ,Nncbta0. be Copfalghl KYnley-Rom ono Anxbtea inG, 2008 ~: '® ~~ Ot2857005 M~ 1 v 37 E m E °o A r .. ~, i. ,' ~ i ~ , ~/~ ' - _. _ ~ ,_, _ - ,.. = ~ / ~ ' .- ~~ ~ - i - ~ i ~, ~, _ ~ , .. ~ , i ~.., i / i, i ~ - J - ~ i f i,' ~ ~ , -. __ - _ -. -.. _- _ i - - ~. , - / ' ~ _ . i __. - .~ . - - ~ ._ , - .. ' - ~ . - :' ~ ~ ,- ' -- : ~ " ' ! _ ate ~ _... - _ l ,: .. ;; _ , % ,.~ < e , , , ~ I ~ % r - - - ._ \ ' ~ , ~ ~ / ~~ ~ ~ .~..-- ,, ', , .- - , . ~'' CULVERT CROSSING , ... / '~~. ~< ~ I ~ ~ ' ~ J ~ ~~ '~ - .. ~ ~ f . ~ ~, ~ '~ =` f ~ ., ~ '~'. ~ _- .. i ~ ~, _._ \ ~ , ., i .. _ -.. ~ _.- ~ ... .. 1 ~ ~ ' erffr n ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ f, ~ ' , ~ ~ ~ . _ - _ __ , . ~, / ,- ~, , __ _ .. ~ _ _. ;~ ,~ ,, , , ~ ' ' - _ r - _. J , . ~. ~- \ ' ;e ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ j _ - ' '. ~~ s r, , ;~ ~ ~ - .- a e i' ° _ _ - ,, ~ , ~ ~ `, - - ~ ~ r - ,-- ~ ~ ! ~ 8F~f12 --. -. - - ~' ;' ~ ~ ~ ~ -l ~~ ` '' ~ ~~ ~~ ~ cuwERr cROSStNC- ~_ ,~ 1 ~ - ._ --- ~ r_ - ~ - ' ~ .- _ FORD, GROSSING . ' ~~ i r ~ ~ „~.; I. ~ ~1 _ . .. .p ~ ~ sr~r g - . ~, _ 1-~ ~ ~-. - ; e~r~e c ~_. - _ _ - i er~ro .~ ~r.. . . ~• ~~ - ~ ~' ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t , OU'-~ - i ~~ - _ ~ .. , _ ~ ~ ..-, , , v ~ ~ ,~ = _ . ~ ~~~ ` ~ , ~. ^-~----~TCE . ~ , S '~' - `~v r ~ --~- J ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ' ~ ~ _, ' FDRD CROSSING ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 1fBUfAHt' TO ULVERT CROSSING c V ~ ~ ~ J _ . ~ ' _. ... ~. FOf~E$T C ~'fBC . _ ^ - _ __ _ _ : .~, ., : , - - ~ : .. ~ ~ .. , „- - . . _ LEGEND --- PROPOSED BANK FULL ROCK CROSS VANE IDtW PROPOSED CREEK ---- PERMANENT CONSERVATI ON ROCK A-VANE EASEMENT ® CLAY PLUG ~ ROCK VANE ® CHANNEL BACKFILL CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE PLANTING LEGEND SURVEY LEGEND I 1 LOG SILL ZONE , '\S~, ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ~~ LOG VANE ZONE 4 e~ o a o O VERNAL POOL PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION cuENT: FORREST ~~~cR~c IYII I M1.7I\ 1 M\ BAC~BC 9EY. Ms: 9[194a MA pIA`I itt n[113D R ThY docament, tageM~a nNh Ne cancepb and dei prwited hwa~. a m Mtrunxnt of eerNCe, ` e Mlended oNy for the pcifq vaame and aunt M Mkfi K .m pepvaa Rmne m~yan-dam A~nod~o ha ridl Ee NUaut Ilablity to KFney-Ham anE~A9ocWta~, Inc. CoDrYf9ht KMey-Han and Nao6alas, I+c., moe -~-- -- PROPERTY LINE -- -- MAJOR CONTIXIRS - - --- MINOR CONTOURS - -- - ~- -' - LIDAR CONTWRS Mid-Atlantic ,: h~S i t i ti a t i o n L L C fm• o ~' tro~ mn PROFILE LEGEND ------- PROPOSED BANKFULL ~ OF PROPOSED CHANNEL ROCK CROSS VANE ------^ EXISTING GROUND-CENTER ROCK SILL B LOC SILL ROCK A-VANE ~~ Kimley-Horn ;;~~/07 PROJECT: ^ ~ and Associates, Inc. ~""~ ~JIK PA~~m-aae ~ua.n-mo SYMBOLS, LEGENDS RTL DMP AND KEY SHEET ~ o,"~DDS ~~ ~~~ ~o ®~~ tfttaatavm aom~er~ata FORREST (MEEK RESTORATK)N 2 637 'm S gi C 4 V h v Z i q0 g7 8 b s ~3 HEADER ROCK ,TYP.. _ SEE PROFlLE FOR 1 /3 1 /3 1/3 FLOW ELEVATION BANkFULL BANkFULL BANKFULL WIDTH , WIDTH I WIDTH .. J 4 i m \B ROCK A 0.75'-1.0' BACKFlLL, TYP. J ':*...30 TO y ANDS/57 _ z \ m CLASS A, B, EXCAVATED TRENCH ROW ~t ~~~ AND 7 STONE FOR ROCK CROSS VANE ~ CONSIRUC110N ~~ FlL1ER FABRIC ~~ A-A \ ~ _, POOL ~ - KEY IN PANE TD BANK MINIMUM DF 3' AT AN ELEVATION EQUAL TD BANKFULL OR SLIGHTLY LOWER -POOL EXCAVATED PER DIRECIIDN OF ENgNEER ~ FLOC 0.75'-1.0' BACKFlLL, TYP, >~;, CLASS A, 6, AND X57 STONE ~ 2' MIN. SEE TABLE FOR SET HEADER ROCK BACK A MINIMUM OF 1/3 WIDTH OF THE FOOTER ROCK ~ ~ BED EXCAVATED POOL FOOTER (SEE TYP. CROSS ROCK,TYP. SECTIONS FOR DEPTHS) ROCKS IN VANE ARN SHOULD NOT BE GAPPED DR HAVE ANY SIGNIFlCANT SPACES .TER FABRIC, TYP. TIE VANE ARM INTO BANKNLL ELEVATION BANKFULL BANKFULL BANKNLL NADTH WIDTH WIDTH B J A ~ ~' ~ , I 20' TO j Y 30' x z a z m l m II FLOW 1 1 ~ ~ POOL fl- I A TER FABRIC STRUCTURE DATA TABLE REACH MINIMUM MEAN ROCK DUUAETER VANE ARM SLOPE FOREST CREEK 36' 4-TOx Uft 30' 4-7R BANKNLL WIDTH BI 20' TD J ~ B x ~~/ i i A m ~ R CLASS A, B, I AND X57 STON .: ,14 ~ FlLTER i FABRIC __.. , POOL SECTION B-B __...._..... ~ ..,~_ NOTES 1. DO NDT EXCAVATE POOL T00 CLOSE N FOOTER ROCK. 2 CLASS 'A' STONE CAN BE USED TO REDUCE VODS BETWrEH HEADERS AND FOOTERS 3. COMPACT BANKNLL TO EXTENT POSSIBLE OR AT 1HE DIRECTION OF THE ENgNEER ROCK CROSS VANE DETAIL 4 PO0. DEPTH SHWLD ~ 2 TD 311ME5 BANKNLL DEPTH. NOT TO SCALE HEADER ROCK , SFT HEADER ROCK BACK SEE PROFlLE FOR A MNIMUM OF 1/3 WIDTH FLOW ELEVATION OF THE FOOTER ROCK ~' ,~t".v~ ~: . 0.75 1.0' BACKFlLL. TYP. `~~~ BED j , ~~ 4 CLASS A, B, ,.•. "~ - ~ XCAVATED POOL ? AND /57 STONE 2' MINWUM m FODIFR ROCK, TYP. ~ ROCKS W VANE ARM SHOULD NOT EE GAPPED OR HAZE ANY EXCAVATED TRENCH FOR SIGNIFlCANT SPACES ROCK VANE CONSTRUCTION LTER FABRIC, TYP A KEY AV VANE TO BANK MINIMUM OF J' AT AN P~.AN VEW ELEVATION EQUAL TO BANKNLL OR SLIGHTLY LOWII2 STRUCTURE DATA TABLE REACH MINIMUM MEAN ROCK DIAMETER VANE ARM SLOPE FOREST CREEK 36' 4-IOR UT1 30' 4-7x SECTION A-A IW PER ENGINEER ,4 ~ / Y ~ ~ C}~ ; 0. STONE 2' MINIMUM BANKNLL 0.75'-1.0' BACKFlLL, TYP: CLASS A, B, - AND X57 STONE ROCK VANE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE TABLE FOR KEY IN VANE TO BANK MINIMUM OF 3' AT AN ELEVATION EQUAL TO `BED BANKNLL OR SLIGHTLY LOWER SHOULD HAVE ANY TIE VANE ARM INTO- BANKNLL ELEVATION ,_,_I `FlL1ER FABRIC ~ RDCK `~ MIN. ROCKS IN VANE ARM SHOULD NOT BE GAPPED DR HAVE ANY SIGNIFlCMT SPACES SECTION B-B NOTES 1. DEEPEST PMT OF POOL TO BE R! LINE YATH WHERE VME MM TIES INTO BANKFULL 2 DO NOT EXCAVATE POOL T00 CLOSE TO FOOTER ROCK. 3. CUSS 'A' STONE CAN BE USED TO REDUCE Vg05 BETWEEN HEADERS AND FOOTERS 4. COMPACT BANKNLL TO EXTENT POSSIBLE OR AT THE DRECTION OF THE ENGRAEER. 5. POOL DEPTH SHOULD BE 210 3 IAIES BMKNLL DEPTH. STRUCTURE DATA TABLE REACH MINIMUM MEAN ROCK DIAMETER VANE ARM SLOPE FOREST CREEK 36' 4-10R UT1 30' 4-7% DIRECTION GF FLOW -~ CpR FlBER MATTING ANCHORS ON~ 3' CENTERS EXTEND MATTING TO NWSEL RAN VEW HEADER ROCK ,TYP. - SEE PROFlLE FOR ELEVATION FLT ~ <! 0.75-1.0' BACKFlLL, TYP. { ;; CLASS 0.B, ~- AND /57 STONE 2' MINIMUM EXCAVATED TRENCH CLASS A, B, FOR ROCK CROSS VANE AND /57 STONE CONSTRUCTION rFlLTER FABRIC . , SECTION A~ PER 0.75'-1.0' BACKFlLL, TYP.- CLASS 0. B,~ AND y57 STONE ROCK A-VANE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 18~ (TYP.) BACKFlLL ~, TABLE FOR SET HEADER ROCK BACK A MINIMUM OF 1/3 WIDTH OF THE FOOTER ROCK `BED EXCAVATED POOL FOOTER (SEE 1YP. CROSS ROCK,TYP. SECTIONS FOR \ DEPTHS) `ROCKS IN VANE ARM SHOULD NOT BE GAPPED OR HAVE ANY SIGNIFlCANT SPACES TER FABRIC, TYP. TIE VANE ARM INTO BANKNLL ELEVATION HEADER ROCK ~-FOOTER ~ BED TER FABRIC ROCK ROCKS IN VANE ARM SHOULD NDT BE GAPPED OR HAVE ANY 9GNIFlCANT SPACES NOTES 1. DO NOT EXCAVATE POOL T00 CLOSE TO FOOTER ROCK. 2. CLASS 'A' STONE CAN ~ USED N REDUCE Vg05 BETWEEN HEADERS AND FOOTERS S COMPACT BANKNLL TO EXTENT POSSIBLE OR AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. 4. POOL DEPTH SHOULD BE 2 TO 3 TRAES BMKFUJ. DEPTH. 1' nominoQ ~TA 2' x Y (naninal) 1, WOODEN STAKE ~1, 12' 10RS ON ENTERS 24' ANCHORS /1D 51EEL REINFORCEMENT BAR 4' DIAMETER 0 24' rFLOODPLAIN/ / EXISTING GROUND ANCHOR OPTIOW3 MIN NOTES 1. IN MEAS TD BE MALTED, ALL SEEDING, S04 AMENDMENTS, MD SOR PREPMATION MUST BE ~ ANCHORS ON COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE PATH THE PROJECT ~daA~ 1' CENTERS SPEgFlCATIONS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF COIR R' ~0.~ry Ab@. IN TRENCH FlBER MATDNC. ~' ~^ 2 REBM OR STAPLES MAY BE USED IN PUCE OF p° -_ MATTNG SMALL BE WOODEN STAKES AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER ~ b~ PLACED IN TRENCH AND BACKFlLIED STREAM BED TYPICAL CROSS SECTION 'QOM COIR FIBER MATTING DETAIL PRELIMINARY NDT TO SCALE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLIENT: 11/30/07 PROJECT: FORREST ~~^ Kimley-Horn e~.er ~c ~ ~~ M i d- A t l a n t 1 C ~ and Associates, loc. ,~K FoRREST CREEK RESTORATION .. ~ e.,t ~,. es «~ R ' ~ Rn >">r daumeM, lopctna .lu uK ~ewv end aeelm. o~.ntee naek ~ an Mtmment e+ ..~. T~ A-S i t i g a t i o n L L C nTLE: b Minded aNy fa lhr epedAC Durpeee ab diml far ehkh K we prapaed Raust N and Ynpropa rYlanee m Mb dowment ^ilhout eHlten wlbahallen and adoptotcn by KM Han and BALM DC7' A 11 @ DMP ~ ~dA taFie,~d~eitlwut IIaMAy to KiMey-Hom and AaoNOln, M. Cepylpnt 1IeNe Flom .~. C 11i1W as .emc Q,,. olzas7oos 9 6 ~ . >, m E 1 C 2 r i 9 Z 1 F as EASEUENT EASEMENT CONSERVATION EASEMENT - WIDTH CONSERVATION EASEMENT PADTH PER PLAN PER PLAN n /J /y -- BANKFULL BANKFlAL BANfSIA.L 4 ITD1H WIDTH WO1H ~• A Will GRADED A _.. A ~. STONE 2'-12' .' ~ GRADATION OF CLASS 'A' RIP GRADARON OF CLASS 'A~ PoP RAP AND /57 STONE, 6' DEPTH ~. ~ RAP AFID X57 STONE, 6' DEPTH ?~~c~~ I ASLIND CATm ON 1 CULVERT: SIZE HEADER ~o~ I AS WDICATED ON THE PLAN NEW THE PLAN VIEW ~1 ~ BOUIDER j i ~' z~ ~ ~ x 1~ ~ ~ 2 Row ~ ~_ FLOW - ~ -- ~ FiOW - - ~~ ---- -- ~ ~ ~ IL _- i ~ ~ ~ - P~ y I I ~ r•~ ~~ I. ~ BED MATERIAL 'l°~ BED MATERIAL A l PROP BOULDER DIMENSIONS CHANN0. I CHANNEL (SEE Tm C~ALVFO~R PW OEP7H) HEIGHT LENGiH N1DTH 1 CLASS II RIP RAP I CLASS I RIP RAP CLASS E R~ RAP ~ CLASS I RP RAP d A ~t ,n~,l .A ,' ;.;?.A __.: ~L/il`I PIG„ FLOW . EADER BIXADER IYP. SEE PROFAE Fqp EIDVADON f LMI\ tIGtP ~N ~~ BACI(F11. itt+.. , . BED CONSERVATION CONSERVARON EASEMENT EASEMENT 80UNDARY (EXCAVATED POOL t.0' OR i/2 D, BWNDARY 1.0' OR t/2 D, ux OF 2'~i2~ ... p~ ~7rq F"t WHICHEVER IS GREATER CONSERVARON WHICHEVER IS GREATER CONSERVARON STONE EASEMENT EASEMENT GRADARON OF BOUNDARY BWNDARY 7 ~. -s' uIN CLASS 'A' RIP RAP GRADARON OF ~E~p7ER Bg11DER, TYp. NATURAL CLASS ~A' PoP RAP // GROUND AND /57 STONE, NATURAL NANRAL 6. D~TH GROUND 6' DEPTH GROUND GROUND AND 7 STONE, EXCAVAIm 1RQlgl to.T tot to-l To T FDR LOG sAl . ~ > ? ca+sTRUCnoN . ,. ,,,, FlL1FR FABRM:, IYP. . ~ ~ .. ~_ CLASS II RIP RAP ~ ~ ~ ~ CLASS II RIP RAP ~ SECTION A-A D NOTES: CRO55 PIPE (SEE PLAN SHEETS FOR SIZE 8 TYPES) OSS PIPE (SEE PLAN SHEETS FOR Slff & TYPES) 1. DO ND7 EXCAVATE P00L 100 QDSE 10 FOOTER WOULOER. 2 Vd0 SPACES ~7MEE11 WOI1lDER5 SNOUID 9E PIIIGCEO M1X APPROPMAiE SfD'D S10NE 1 COMPACT BAOfE1LL TO E%TENT POSSIWIE OR AT 1HE DI~CMIN OF 1HE ENGINEER. SECTION A-A ~~ A_A A. POOL OEPTH SHOUID eE ACCMdNG TD 1ME PRanE. PERMANENT CULVERT/LNESTOCK CROSSING SINGE PIPE PERMANENT CULVERTILNESTOCK CROSSING DUAL PIPE BOULDER SILL DETAIL N75 N1S NOT 70 SC11E 8 ~? c ~ ~3# ~~~ ,..~« PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLIENT: ~~ ~-~ Kimley-Hom iT~p/pT PROJECT: Puex ~ and Associates Inc. CREEK1t,~ ~' M l d - A t l a n tic ~~,~-~ ~ :~en.~ ~: K FORREST CREEK RESTORATION IEY, pa IEYBpI! a1C PNSS pF cEO®R ~ IRN ATKJI\ Thh doomait togethr sNh Me caittpts and dalggnna presented hereF, a on MsWmenl s1 eerNCe, MI I IW1 `" -I ~~-1 i t i a t i o n , L L C nT~: Rn 6 FleMed a^h' fur be eped& ypo. and tllent far shkh N oas prepuad. Rase al m0 g srWaOr rdkna m Ub daamenl Mllwul erillan wMcdmlkn and sdaplalbn Ey KYMeT~MOm and ~`,~ 1'1GTA. S pMP ee, Nc, shop M rlihoul Ikblily to IPmley-Ham and Aaockle4 kc Ccpyighl KYnky-Nom ~~ LJG E /'1~ ~ N~ a~ and Aeexkta, hc, 2008 SE • 012857005 4 v 37 °m 8 2 V s° Z I F s s NEW STREAMBANK SHALL UNCOMPACTED BE TREATED AS BACKFlLL 1.5' FlNISH GRADE SPECIFlED IN PLANS 5' Min. 10' ~DW ~.0 EXTEND CHANNEL BLOCK MIN. OF _ BEYOND INVERT OF EXISTING CHANNEL SURFACE FLOW ~ ~/~ ~ ~,'\~ DIVERSION NVERTEL ~ ,\\ ,~ ~ ORIGINAL STREAMBANK t , ; , .. , `~~ ~~ -------------\~-- ~ .~.. \ ~$ COMPACTED ~ COMPAC - Ay BACKFlLL SEC~QN A-/~ BACKFlLL :".,, ~ \ IMPERV10U5 SELECT ~• ~%~~ \ MATERIAL (SEE PROJECT ~ SPEgAI P ONSIONS) 1.25' DEEP GRADUATION OFD\-." /'~ CLASS I, A, B RIP RAP & _ ~ _ MIN. X57 STONE _____ _______~~~ `~ LENGTH ~' TYPE-II FILTER FABRIC ~, BACC~OFlLPLACTED TYPE-II FILTER FABRIC ~g y 'CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE PER SECTION 6.70 OF NCOENR EROSION BACKFlLL ~ AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. EXISTING COMPACTE CHANNEL j ~ \ ~ BACKFlLL (\ NOTES: 1. CHANN0. BLOCK SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT SPEgFlCA710NS. g < VARIES 2 BLOCK SHOULD BE INSTALLED AT THE INTERFACE BETWEEN EXISIINC EXTEND CHANNEL BLOCK~TB CHANNEL AND PROPDSED CHANNEL MIN, OF 2.0' BEYOND LIMITS SECTION B-B 3. BOTTOM OF BLOCK SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF _ BELOW THE INVERT ' OF EXISTING CHANNEL OF THE EXISTING CHANNEL 4. BLOCK SHOULD EXTEND A MINIMUM OF _ BEYDNO THE LIMITS aF THE EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL PLAN VIEW STREAM PLUG 5.'THEAPROE,IECT' SO"P gFlCA110NS MMED AIEIYEEAFD7IER GRADING.NCE WITH NTS 6. COMPACT BACKFlLL TD EXTENT POSSIBLE OR AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENgNEER. STREAM CHANNEL HEAD SEE PLANS FOR ELEVATION 5' MAX. / CUT BACK BANK HEIGHT ~( AT 2:1 MIN ~~ 15' DEEP GRADATION OF CLASS I, A, B ~~ .II µ, ~ ~I / ~ CONSTRUCT RIFFLE W/ SILL RIP-RAP AND g57 STONE. _ I M i 1.25' DEEP GRADATION CLASS I STONE .5 5Ip IIII / /~ III ~~ OF CLASS I, A, AND B -'~ - 1 I ~' SURFACE FLOW RIP-RAP AND X57 A ~ glOE RIFFLE i STONE. - ~~ ~~a° ~~ ~I I ~ DIVERSION 3 ~ ~ ° o o ~ ~ ~I pl ~~ TOE OF BANK i oeaam m o QOO '~ ~ / nl ~ _ POOL ~ °o ,0 6 I KI p ° 0°090°°000 ~°~ 8°0~0 ' I + ~ f h 0 `~- I I >._ e° i m o o o, o o ° o° o TOP OF s e o ~ -__._._."-_.. °~°p° / o ° o ° o e ~, e a ° ~ ~ ~-- BANK 3 NIMNU o , -..-.~~ i - 4 a ° ° !e ° e ~ °~ ea - - -- - HEAD DF SECTION A-A ~~ n I ° , o eo , o ° o o ~, ~- - RIFFLE :... `\ ~ B ~ ~ Y I - B CONSTRUCT RIFFLE W/ ~• ~ i~ II ~~ ~ ' J ~. RIFFLE 1.2 K V1bk(K 7.25' DEEP I ~ , i i ' ~ . ,. (~ COIR RBER GRADATIDN OF CUSS I, A, B ~I i i PLAN/PROFlLE MATIINC (lYP) 1/y ~Qe RIP-RAP AND &57 STDNE. ~ STONE APPROACH SECTION I 5:1 MAX. SLOPE ON ROAD i `~ I ~EHCTx) i.". I - STONE OVER TYPE II FILLER FABRIC caxsmucTm ' RIFFLE TO EXTEND ~ TOE OF SLOPE HALF WAY UP THE ~ A STREAM BANK ~ TOE of SECTK)N B-B PERMANENT STREAM CROSSING/FORD PLAN VIEW RIFFLE "~ CONSTRUCTED RIFFLE DETAIL NTS ~~°'~~. ~~ ~, ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~.~.. PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCDON cuENr: ~~~ Kimley-Horn „jam/D, PR0,9ECT: FORREST •°~ ,~~ gigK ~ ~ and Associates, Inc. Z i - A t l a ;~~.;~,~ ~; ~ ,~,~ wu Heal ec oKn®en , w °~ n t i c -~~~ 'K FORREST CREEK RESTORATK)N LAY dacunent, ta9eMer .In the wncgh and pesentad heraln, os an Febument of earvke, "" "~`l ""„ ~I ~ ~ ~~ i t i a t i o t1 T r'~ 1111E: ~ RTL s inlendrd only fa the epedik Pa7me and tllenl f°r ehirh It wn D ee Raao °f ono ~ ~ ~~/ :3,rt; g L L l; /~ ~ p DMP ^tMaWr relknd m M4 davmerl M7wl irtillen wMarca9an and toUm by KMer-Xdn and ~/'V V~ ~/'V~~7 ainewtlolfal, ~ ]~ •IUaut AoWily to KYMey-Nom and Amclato4 Inc. C°pylpM1l FhMey-xom a M.eR wuot _ su• 012857005 5 0' 37 E ,~ 'm $I °o r >. e 9 n 8 qnl 7 b s i BA~ ~TMLL B ~~TMLL Ba~~TMLL Y NOTES: // i. DEEPEST PART aF DOOL TO BE IN LWE WITH WHERE A m BANK/FT1LL BANKFULL VANE ARN TIES INTD BA.NKFULL. CLASS A, B, µ1Dn{ WIpTH 2 DO NOT IXCAVATE POOL T00 0.0SE TO FOOTER ROCK. AND }57 STONE 3. CUSS 'A' STONE CAN BE USED TO REDUCE VOIDS BETNEEN HEADERS AND FOOTERS. k' REBAR ROD 4. COMPACT BANKFULL TO EXTENT POSSIBLE OR AT THE I .. Y1' REBAR ROD BURY END OF A DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. INSTALL 2• FRS ~ _ - _ INSTALL 2' FROM ~ 5. POOL DEPTH SHWLO BE 2 TO 3 TIMES BANKFULL DEPTH. END OF LOG _ ~ - - END OF LOG LOG VANE INTD ~ CHANN0. BED, \~ x MIN. 5' ~~ , ,.. z ROCKS TO BE - FOOTER CUT NOT ~~ HEADER ~ ROCKS 10 BE BURIED AND ~ 20' TO m LOG MINIMUM DIAMETER OF 10' BURIED ANO LOG LENGTH 12 (IN) LOG PIACEp AT END DF LOGS ~ ~ ~~ PUCED AT END OF LOGS DEPTH 2 (I (SEE STRUCTURE DATA TABLE) i (SEE STRUCURE DATA TABLE) m flN~N WLTM BY NAIL FlITER FABRIC ~ TO BACK OF LOC VANE, ~ ROW HEADER ROCK SEE PROJECT SPECIAL KEY INTO BANK FLOW I PRONSIONS A MINIMUM OF 4.0(FfJ tIV _ m SS A, B AND ~7 STONE BURY FOOTER LOC INTO POOL ?' { CHANNEL BED. SECURE LOGS J FlLTER FABRIC TOGETHER 8Y PINNING EACH ENO ~~ .. N1TH $ REBAR. STRUCTURE DATA TABLE I ppOL ' ~ ~` A EXCAVATED POOL REACH MINIMUM MEAN ROCK DWAER7t VANE ARM SLOPE VANE IgAO~ (SEE TYPICAL FOR POOL DEPTH) FOREST CREEK 36' 4-10R ROCK p~,OLN SEW Ui1 30' 4-7R FOOTER -- POOL EXCAVATED PER A DIRECTION OF ENGINEER ~~ ~ HEADER LOG, TYP. NLT IN YANG IV tlANR MINIMUM OF 4' AT AN V A STRUCTURE DATA TABLE I ~ SEE PROFlLL FOR ELEVATION NLL OR SLIGHTLY BAN K MINIMUM MEAN VANE ARM ~. - ~ REACH ROCK DIAMETER LO ,,:~ FOOTER LOG, TYP. ' A~' FOREST CREEK 36' 4-10R /~ T P PAY ~~ ' BACKFlLL, Y . ~ ln1 30 4-7R ~~ XCAVATED POOL E ( III ( r ADDL DEPT TH FOR :. 1 4 CUSS A, B, 2' MIN. AND y!57 STONE 24' REBAR ROD HEADER ROCK, TYP. SEE PROFlLf FOR ELEVATION EXCAVATED TRENCH FlLTER FABRIC, TYP. FOR LOC SILL NAIL FlLTER FABRIC SET HEADER ROCK BACK CONSTRUCTION TO BACK OF lOG FLOW FlLTER FABWG TYP. A AtlNIMUM OF 1/3 N1DTH SEE PRO,~CT SPECIAL OF FOOTER BOULDER PROVISIONS - SECTION A-A ;_. 0.75'-1.0' BACKFlLL, TYP. BED NOTES CU55 A, B AND d57 STONE 1. DD NOT EXCAVATE POOL T00 CLOSE TO FOOTER LOG. EXCAVATED POOL 2 CLA55 'A' STONE CAN BE USED TO REDUCE VOIDS BETWEEN HEADERS AND FOOTERS 3. CONPACT BACKFRI TO EXTENT POSSIBLE OR AT THE FOOTER ROCK, TYP. DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. 2' MIN 4. POOL DEPTH SHOULD ~ 2 TO 3 TIIAES BANKFULL DEPTH. . ROCKS SHOULD NDT BE 7 MIN. CAPPED OR HA1£ ANY LOG PANE, TYP. SIGNIFlCANT SPACES LOG SILL DETAIL EXCAVATED TRENCH FOR LOG PANE NTS CONSTRUCTION TION A-A TING GROUND XI SEC E S ~ J ~ ` ~.. - ~ .- BANKFULL TE VANE ARM INTO t/2 ~ BANNFULL ELEVATION PROPOSED GROUND r EADER ROGf, TYP. FOR 6HANlINQEET ~ FLOW ~~ ,.1 =: ..- FOR CHANCE LOCATION r,. ,., f . `. ~ TABLE s -. _ ~' ' ' BEO ~c n, u~ ~ NOR M BY ~ ~ RIP RAP -ti FlLL GAPS KITH 2 ~ FOOTER ROCK, TYP. IPIP ~ 0.75'-1.0' BACKFlLL, TYP. 1 ~ HEADER ROCK '~ ~' FlLTER FABRIC, TYP. B AND /57 STONE TYP CUSS A ON-WOVEN TYPE II . , PROPOSED GROUND FlLTER FABRIC _. ~ SECTION B-B BOULDERS 2' z 3' c 4' MIN. PUCE LARGER FlLL B/W BDUlDERS LO~TAIL BOULDERS A5 FOOTER ROCKS (PUCE FOOTER ROCKS BELOW BOTTOM ELEVATION FOOTER ROCKS AND FlLTER FABRIC NTS OF CHANNEL). BOULDERS ARE TO BE PUCE FOOTER ROCK PATH N0.57 STONE APPROVED BY DESIGNER PRIOR TO BELOW INVERT ELEVATION OF INSTALUTION. CHANN0. BOULDER WALL NTS CLIENT: Kimley-Horn ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ` ~ and Associates, Inc. c~Eac M i d -Atlantic ~A n]~ N1Y-u1Hp~ Wmx CYY.VM S]m1Y PY1F.001O1-AO0 cAt nv)en~ ~ ~ ~~ we o~ m ocoaa m ' ~AT~ MI I ttarb ~q L L C i llTt£: Ub darvmmt ta0etlw rIN tl,e conxpb ane edgy pracA~ b In1mMd only fa Ns fpedAa puipme onE dbnt Far •6kA R no haNn a+ m s prepored R bsWmenl of ser.lca. wsa at aM ~ , o n i t i Q a t ~~~ mpropv rNlmca m thb dacumsil rlMout nrittan auMarlxolwn an d adoplolkm by ~~~XOrn ono Df11V~ r~~.o 4 ~~`fli~1 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 11/3D/07 ~"~~'"'' w. m nK FORREST CREEK F~STORAl10N ,~ Rn m DMP ~ ~~ 012857005 MAma 6 ° ~ ~m a E I---- EXISTING CHANNEL =,1 WIDTH VARIES I TOP OF BANK ~ T ~ FlLL EXISTING Z'- M~' NG EXI STREAM AREA CHANNEL EXISTNG STREAM DEPTH GRADE VARIES FlLL OXBOW WETLAND AS _ _ _ _ B NECESSARY TO PROVIDE A STABLE WATER PONDING AREA A LEAVE A MWIMUM DF 20' OF DEPTH TO TOP OF EXISTING BANK. >~C110H A-A A r ~ B ~- Ebsnec PROPOSED OKBOW STREAM WETLAND AREA BANK Nn1FC• 1. R IS NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY TO FlLL WTHIN THE OXBOW WETLAND AREA WREN FlLL MATERIAL 6 UAITm, HOWEVER, FlLL MUST tlE PUCFA W1TWN THE REMAIMNC AREAS OF THE E%ISTINC STREAM WHERE INDICATED ON PLANS. 2 PLANT 0%BOW Wc'IUND ACCORDING TO 7NE PLANTING PLAN. J. fRllNC THE E%IS11NG CHANNEL AS OETAdFD HERE SHOULD NOT BE CON90ERFA AS PLUCpNG THE CHANNEL PLEASE REFER TO THE CHANNEL. PLUG DETAI FOR AREAS INDICATED AS SUCN FLOOD PWN ELEVATION DEEP POOL I VARIES 6~-2.0' s° 9 Z a t 1 qCI 7 .~' i ~q~q'Yo ~Ok ....._ RY OUTLET LIX;AnON AT FLOOD PWN ELEVATION (LOCATION VARIES) ~LL~~ ~o ®~~ 1•~1Wm ~FI~OM~~ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 30~07 ~ ' ^~^ Kimley-Hom ~',! FORREST ; antl Associates, Inc. ~ N CREEK M 1 Cl - A t l d ri t 1 C ,~,,, ~~„~,~ ~~man_~ ,®,me~ n FORREST CREEK RESTORATIO ~. R~aoe wt eter ar om® er ~ „ TITLE Thh dacamen4 todeMr wHh the cancepb and deYmt P~~ b inlanded aiy fa tM ePea%K paryaee and a%ml whitli K wa en~~ s ~ ~a ...~e• M~~ p gyp/ BANK '' ',4 i t i g a t i o n , L L C : L~~ LL ~i A pW, AM rdkna an ihb doament wHLwul wrlHen au0wkathn and adnplation by Kinky-Han aM and Ate go1q, le ~p~OB ~aat Aablily to Kmley-Han and A®oNOtee, N~ CopKight kiNey-Han ILt7 LJG 1 ~ m N~ 01$B$7~5 ,aeefx ~ a ^.. ~ ps7 sroNE ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ I i / / STREAM BANK ~ ,f 57 STONE CLASS B RIP RAP TOP BANK EXISTING CHANNEL ,I ( % _ ~- CU55 B RIP RAP ~` `,.< .< ,... ;.+ t..j ,. ~.~ .., . TOP OF BANK ~ WTDTH VARIES I NOTES• _ ~ / PIPES SIZED APPROXIMATELY STREAM CHANNEL FOR THE 2-YEAR STORM EVENT. RCP CMP OR HOPE PIPE IXI CHANN0. DUAL PIPES CAN BE USED, AS LONG AS , , SEE TABLE FOR PIPE SIZES TO 8E USEO FOR EACH EXISTING STREAM GRADE DEPTH yppES TEMPORARY CROSSING PIPE SIZE TABLE THE EWIVAIENT AREA OF THE SPECIFIED SPECIFIC REACH. PIPE SIZE IN THE TABLE IS MET. ~ REACH UT1 FORREST CREEK ~_~^TION NEw WHEN POSSIBLE REUSE PIPES - - FlLL ENTIRE DEPTH OF - - - - - PIPE DIAMETER 30• 2(60') THROUGHOUT THE SITE. CHANN0. UJn~L~IT_IS LEVEL LCry~A~FiAATTi STREAM CROSSING/FORD WITH THE EXISTING TOP OF NTS BANK. ~1~ ~ OADNW RGI1..lV®J NTS CR098 SECTK)N A-A VE1M TYPICAL E .~ m E I r z General Notes: No trees greater than 6" DBH are to be removed without engineer's approval, unless they are in the new channel alignment. The Contractor shall only conduct bank and stream bed work, including all in-stream, grading, bank stabilization, and in-stream structures on a section of stream that can be entirely stabilized before turning flow into the newly constructed channel. Every effort shall be taken to minimize disturbance in the stream channel and in gaining access to/from the work area. Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of any items damaged during construction, including fencing, roads, etc. Written encroachment agreement for all work in the utility right-of-way shall be obtained by the designer. However, the contractor shall be responsible for any damage incurred to any utility lines during the construction process. All earth moving equipment shall be serviced prior to work commencing each morning. Equipment shall be maintained to prevent fuel, oil and lubricant spills in the vicinity of the stream. The grade line elevations shown denote the finished elevation of the proposed or future surfacing at grade points shown on the typical sections. Grade lines may be adjusted at their beginning, ending and at structures as directed by the Designer in order to secure a proper tie-in or to create o more "natural" appearance. Erosion Control (continued): Total Area Disturbed = 21.9 acres Soil Types: Chewocla loam, Enon loam, Georgeville silt loam, Herndon silt loam, Lignum silt loom. The contractor shall install and maintain throughout the project construction all erosion control measures shown within these plans in accordance with applicable NCDENR erosion and sediment control regulations. All erosion control measures shall be constructed in accordance with the North Carolina, and local erosion and sediment control regulations, U.S. Deportment of Agriculture, and U.S. Soil Conservation Service regulations. All construction work shall be in compliance with regulations of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) storm water general permit. The contractor shall diligently and continuously maintain all erosion control devices and structures to minimize erosion. The contractor shall maintain close contact with the local or NCDENR erosion control inspector so that periodic inspections con be performed at appropriate stages of construction. Erosion and sediment control measures shall be maintained continuously, relocated when and os necessary, and shall be checked for maintenance issues after every 1/2" rainfall. Seeded areas shall be checked regularly and shall be watered, fertilized, reseeded and mulched as necessary to obtain o dense stand of gross. Stabilization is the best form of erosion control. All disturbed areas that are not otherwise stabilized shall be top soiled and seeded, temporarily or permanently in accordance with the North Carolina sediment control regulations. Permanent seeding and grass establishment is required prior to project completion and acceptance. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE OF EVENTS Site/Easement: The contractor shall be responsible for repairing any damage to existing roods, gates, fences, etc.. Construction entrances shall be installed at all access locations per the plans and specifications. The Contractor shall be responsible for any improvement to the road condition, gates, and fences, required for access during construction. Erosion Control Measures Durin~Construction All haul road locations onsite may be adjusted in the field to protect existing trees larger than 6" DBH. The final staking of the haul roods shall be approved by the Designer before clearing commences. Note: There is a 40' temporary construction easement (20' on either side of the conservation easement) immediately adjacent to the conservation easement and can be used as a temporary haul rood or temporary soil stockpile area. During construction the Contractor shall be responsible for installing additional erosion control measures not shown on the plans but necessary to control excess sediment, if determined to be necessary by the Designer. General Sequence The Contractor shall construct new channel sections to o stable form before moving out of the work area. Astable form shall include, but is not limited to the complete installation of in stream structures, transplants, erosion control matting (where specified), and temporary vegetation. The Contractor shall typically work from upstream to downstream when doing work in the existing channel. The Contractor shall maintain o temporary rock silt screen downstream of any work in the live stream. Permanent vegetation shall be installed in conjunction with temporary seeding if construction is performed during the season specified in the Drawings and Specifications. Permanent vegetation shall be installed during specified planting seasons. Modification/Stabilization of Existin~Channel Sections of the existing channel banks may need modification io create o stable cross section. Modification shall include grading existing vertical banks, and installation of structures such as rock vanes, rock o-vanes log vanes, constructed riffles, log sills and log cross vanes. All modifications shall proceed according to the construction pions. All work within the existing channel shall make use of pump around operations, or other viable diversion method as approved by the Designer and noted on Erosion and Sediment Control Plans. Construction Channel Sections Con't 5. The Contractor shall fill the existing channel os shown on the Drawings or os directed by the Designer using the stockpiled material and appropriate borrow as needed. If the quantity of stockpiled materials is not enough to sufficiently backfill the existing channel to the elevation specified in the plans, then areas of existing channel con be left without backfill to create oxbow lakes as approved by the designer. If possible, all stockpile material should be used onsite. The Contractor should grade and stabilize the backfilled channel area according to specifications. Construction Survev The stream centerline, top of left and right bankfull, and limits of construction in the field will be set and staked for the Contractor per the Drawings. The Designer will coordinate the completion of the construction survey with the surveyor, and will notify the Contractor upon the completion of the survey. The Designer reserves the right to adjust the location of the proposed scream centerline or any haul roads before the contractor begins any construction. Construction E ui ment The Contractor is required to install in stream structures (rock vanes, rock cross vane, rock a-vanes, log vanes, log sills, and log cross vanes) using a bock hoe, or track hoe with a hydraulic thumb of sufficient size to move rocks and trees as sized in the Drawing and Specifications. Staging. Stockpiles and Haul Road Areas: Specified areas shown on the plans hove been established as haul roads and staging oreos. The contractor shall establish stockpile areas along the project, as necessary, to carry out the work. All stockpile areas must be inside the limits of construction and approved by the Designer. Stockpile areas should not be located within forested areas. Silt fence shall be required in areas where loose soil has been placed in the staging and stockpiling oreos. Subsurface: No subsurface data is made available to the Contractor for this project. the Contractor shall be responsible for making his own subsurface investigations os they relate to this project. Materials: Excavated material shall be stockpiled in non-forested areas within the easement, or 20' temporary construction right of way, for later use as backfill of abandoned channel. Exact location of the spoil areas shall be determined by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for installing appropriate stabilization measures outside the spoil oreos io prevent erosion and sedimehtotion. The Contractor shall field locate all utilities inside the construction corridor. The Contractor shall follow OSHA guidelines and utility owner guidelines when working near utilities. The Contractor shall call the "Contact One-Call Center" 1-t3D0-632-4949 before digging. Erasion CantroL• Rock Silt Screens shall be constructed downstream of the construction area to reduce sediment entering the stream. Contractor shall provide groundcaver on exposed slopes within 21 calendar days following completion of any phase of grading; permanent groundcaver for all disturbed oreos within 15 working days or 90 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction or development. All temporary erosion and sediment control measures shall be removed within 21 days after final site stabilization or after the temporary measures are no longer needed. Trapped sediment and the disturbed soil oreos resulting from the disposition of temporary measures shall be permanently stabilized to prevent further erosion and sedimentation. Where sediment is transported onto a paved or public road surface, the rood surface shall be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day. Sediment shall be removed from the roads by shoveling or sweeping and transported to a sediment control disposal area. Street washing shall be allowed only after sediment is removed in this manner. When a crushed stone construction entrance has been covered with soil or has been pushed into the soil by construction traffic, it shall be replaced with a depth of stone equal to that of the original opplicaiion. All drainage inlets shall be protected from siltation. Ineffective protection devices shall be immediately replaced and the inlet cleaned. Flushing is not on acceptable method of cleaning. Construction Channel Sections 1. Clear the trees and shrubs along the proposed new channel centerline and bankfull benches, except for those to be used os rootwods, log vanes, and transplants. No trees greater than 6" DBH are to be removed without Designer's approval. Stockpiled trees shall be used later as rootwods and vanes. Shrubs and trees less than 3" in diameter that are to be transplanted shall be marked with highly visible tape by the Designer. These shrubs and trees shall be saved for transplanting and stockpiled. All shrubs and trees marked to be transplanted shall be removed ensuring that the root moss is intact. 2. Where designated, the Contractor shall excavate new channel sections; however, the new channel shall NOT be connected to the existing channel. Four to six feet of undisturbed earth material shall be left between the new channel section and the old to prevent the normal stream from entering the newly constructed channel. Stockpile the excavated material between the new and existing channel. After construction temporary hauls roads through pastures are to be planted with permanent grass seed mix. Temporary haul roads which go through agricultural fields are to be planted with temporary seed mix. Rain Gauae: Contractor shall be responsible for having a ruin gouge on the project site & for recording daily rainfall amounts during construction. Erection of sedimentation and erosion controls shall be During construction of the project, soil stockpiles shall be in accordance with state erosion control regulations. stabilized or protected with sediment trapping measures. The 3. Construction shall be completed including temporary vegetation, erosion contractor is responsible for the temporary protection and control matting, live stoking, transplants, and structures. These Contractor shall keep all surrounding public roadways permanent stabilization of all soil stockpiles on site as well as soil shall be approved by the Designer prior to diverting stream flows into ~,w~~m~, °' ' and drainage systems free from dirt, mud, and inientionolly transported from the project site. the new channel. ~, ~~ ! construction debris at all times. @ R ~ Sediment basins and traps, perimeter dikes, sediment barriers and 4. Following approval by the Designer, the Contractor shall connect ~x other measures intended to trap sediment shall be constructed as the new channel to the existing stream. Connect the newly o first step in any land-disturbing activity and shall be mode constructed stream channel to the existing downstream channel ~,.100a,,,®~ functional before upslope land disturbance takes place. first, then the upstream. Stabilization measures shall be applied to structures such as PRELIMINARY dams, dikes and diversions immediately after installation. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLIENT: PROJECT: ~~ Kimley-Ham „y3oyo7 ~~ ~ d A i ~ I t ~ ~~ _ Mid Atla ntic an ssoc nc. a es, -~~~ JIK FORREST CREEK RESTORATION ~~ ~. ~ ~ R ~ ~„~,-,~ ,~ ~,~.,~ ~ ~ >nw e~.,u wy.n~ .w, u. ~~u me ewe. orb h.aR a ~ ~,.,,.,t w ..max.. ~a ~ v ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 •~ x .e. ~ R Mlll(BEITION ,~ •,) ht i t i o a t i o n L L C ¶~' CONSTRUC110N SEQUENCE ~ nn ... . ~«. , a Mme. tiw,a an aw aoo.".a dman .nnn am~oum me aeaomua„ nr xxue ~ ~ ~ sAt~c ;f ouP ~,«. ~...~ a ~~~ x,,10 ~~.,~~ ~ K ~,~ 1 > ,~...~ ».~ ma ~noaoles. nc, zoos AND GENERAL NOTES gq; 012657005 8 v 37 T: \pn\OI2E37007 lon„t creek dnlgn\lDD_7005\Ewq\05-PIAN.dwq FMtuary OB, YOgB - $: Npm By. Pm.klmda A ~ N m p ~ ' i PROPOSED 54 PIPE STA 1037+30.4 __. . ELEV. APPROX. 597 PROPOSED 54 PIPE ': STA 1037+30.4 __ ' ELEV. APPROX. 597 { 1 f ~ I ~ rr, I'. j ~ ._..._ 4 ~ _i.__.. 1 , .~ __ I ~ m .._ I _...__... --.c.. PLUNGE POOL j ; I y i I p : PROPOSED 54 PIPE ~ ~ I ' z STA 196+97 ' I ' m' j ELEV. APPROX. 597.00 ( ~ I ~°,' NL kl e ~ J~/' ~ \ ppDo W ~ 7pl \ i; _ 0o v r-i x o / t; N ~ / % D O \ ~ trait mm rD- ~f ~ ~ ~ I c .• _ i T1 A ~ MATCFIFJN~ STA 196+25 SEE SHEET 10 ` r ;' ~ rn 4 ~ ~.4~ -, ~Y/ $ SOX ,` L ~' m / O V mS~+i2 ~ nm r ~ ~~ Z ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ? w e~ ~~ ;~ ~~ ~ °z m A I ~ i i r 'ROCK CROSS VANE ~~ N i RIFFLE SLOPE~0 0152 STA 196+30 . ELEVa596.50 i ' I ~ ~ STA 196+50 SEE SHEET 10 N N U ao in e fA N rn I m o O m 0 ~ X A A Z O ~ L7 ~ r~.1 Cf A ~ S W v D D = r F ~ A ~ r m a' o t.r r e• a° E E n gE 3 I 8 a 2 PROPOSED BANKFUI E%ISTING PROPOSED CHANNEL 604 600 596 592 588 _ SEE SHEET 11 yp~, 37 ~~____.__ .____ ___,__. T - ' ~ _ _ ~ ~ ~ FOR LEGEND. _ _. , - -- TCE ~ TCE ~ TOE ,TCE TCE; ~,' ~~ _ ~ / SEE SHEET 3-7 OF 37 / / FOR DETAILS ..._ .. / i -'" ~ - - - ~ SEE DETAIL SHEET 3 OF 37 ~~ ,i '~'~ ~ ~_ 'ROCK PANE DETAIL' ~ ~~ , _ ~, 9}00 \ ~ ~ -' ,- 9 ~ ~' ~ ~ ., 1 ~ ;~ - / ~. a< ~~ ~,' - ~- `~ ~. t ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~~ }~ __.y . ~~_ ~ ~ ~ ~'~~ ~ PE INTO EIOSTING CULVEF;T , ~ ~ - g _. _ ~~ ~ ` ~ / / ~' ~0 ~~ ~ o : , MAl ~ ~ , , ~ ~~ ~ Tq ~ + S ~' ~ SUN S r96 _ / - ~ - __ ~_ ~: ~"~ . - E ,,. fFT %` h , _ _ ,o ..- "~ _ GE r4~ ,~ / _ _ I/~ ~ i i _. ~6_ hoar, .- _ ._- r5~ ~~ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLIENT: wre 17/30/07 PROJECT: FORREST ^~~ Kimley-Horn ~.~r '' ~ and Associates, Inc. JIK ~c Mid - A t l a n t 1 C ~~.,~,~ ~ ~~;~,.~ ~.. FORREST CREEK RESTORATION Ter. w aneor. wre pWl er. olm® m: TITLE: RiL Thh downmt togeUr MM the oanapU and or«nted haeM, ad m Y~strunbnt a .~, ~TK~ '. ,~ 1~1 i t i a a f i o u L L C ec h Inlentled aMy for dw soedik purpose ab dienl br Midi H sot Mead Reuw of aM ;.~ ~ DAIP MWraapprr rdWnp on Uie doamnl rifhad rMtlm athahetion and edaptolbn by N6de~-Nun and p1 A Al NsodotR Inc. droll G rhhwt Iid,9Hy to IhNey-Han and AseocMee, Y~c Capyrght esueY-NOm r L~U~1 ,m Help! NeBO! aM Mwdatas, hc., 2ros otza57oos 10 v 37 197+00 198+00 199+00 r: \pn\oixeeroos ~arul ereek a..pn\~GOyouos\dwy\os-rue.awq February 00, xWB - 2: ~9pm By. pm.kimble ~s~ ~~~~ f \ ~~a9 ~3=~ g \ ~! ` ~~ ~~~o~ ~- ~ ~ a ~ ~~F ~ ~ ~ -i .... :: r ~ / _., j z~ w. rr ~ ~ I .- ¢+ `:: ,Jq ~ w ~ I I ,Y ... ~-~' ~ m 0 ~ ., \ <.,r .. r '"t ~ \ f; ~ ~, n ~~ 0~ ~ ~~ „! Doti ~ o ^ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ y ~ ,z ~ Z ~ n, v goo w T y J.S n ~ N }~~ A ~ ~W O O r51 ~"~ C7 _. ~~ . m m o~ o A ~ ~ ,~ ~ _ ~~ O ~ ~~~ 7~ Z ~ D ~e ur ~,~~~ X01 q ~ W Z ~ 3 ~~`4~A ~ ~`T~~F, ~ ~ "^~.~ . "~~~. ~_ ~~ ~~ MATCHLINE STA 208+50 SEE SHEET 12 U~ pVppa~ N (J~ 01 A Oa N T O 3' 0 1.5' J' 6' r:~n~m2e5~oo5 ~ar..l rn.k ae.y.uuo_roos~any~os-puN.a.y Fabruay OB. 2008 - 2:45pm By fm.kimbla . e ^ e 4 c y d' r µ r-~• U .-. Q.+ ~ fa ~ I ,.. ~ w ~ ... r+ ~ 1 0 M-+ I ~ 1 1 U I r '''' ~ r ~ • ' ~~ I w ~ i ' D v fll \9~0 tiF ~5~9 _. ~ ? xs I _.... `y ~~ /. ~~ ,~~F. i ~ \ / / / ,~~,F. / i i 6~•L ' ~ ~x r ~ N D I N O O + O 0 O N W + W A O~ 0 X f W I O I ^~ ` "~ \, v w ~ C1 ~ ~ W W _ ~ `~C ~.,,.: ,~ ~ ~ .._ .i ... ~ , I f .. y ~ ' ~ 0 A O " 2 ~ ~ w ~ ~ ;: ~<< ~~ \~~ 13~xOa o~ ~ ~ N ! (\p~ n 7 ~ k! \ ~ ~7 \ / tl' ~'~, / \ m I~T_I o ~ ~ ~ '(~` \~ i ~ i \ 1~ .~ X 0 f 0 .k _ ~ ~ Qr ~~ ¢~ 7~ D ~` a ~ n ~7 ~ -< 3 0 z ~~~~~ m~~is ~~°~ ~ ~ V V (T N (r U !n Opp O A N N ~ S MATCHUNE STA 208+50 SEE SHEET 11 / /y/ i 1 1 ' i/ .,~ ~ ' ` ,y /~~ J ,~, ~~~. 1 X 0] P N MATCHUNE STA 214+50 SEE SHEET 13 O A 0. N Oi O S' 0 1.S' J' 6' is Fyn\0128A700'J lonael bask dmlgn\LW_7006\dwq\09-PIAN.Owq February OB. 2008 - 2:46pm By: Jim.klmbls a O A W N OOf p D yZ Z r~ rn U~ ~~~ ~ - . 1'~ / , i w ~ a~ a,~ y / N = C~~ O w' ~ m 1 ~ ' n o B ~i ~ S9t o~ ~~A~x N ~~ rs a m ~v m m m O z 1 1 ,1 .. 1 o -~~ ___ . .~ . A n ~ ~ X N Z o~ ~ ~ o m ~r ~ '§ o ~_ ~~~ y~ ~~ A Z MATCHLINE STA 221+50 SEE SHEET 14 O ? D7 N ~ O J' 0 1.5' J~ 6' T: ~pn\014857005 lorrasl creek 0eelgn\LDD_7005\Ewq\05-PLAN.Ewq Fsbruory O8, 4008 - 2: ~6Dm By. Jm.kknbls o& g~^a ~~ $~~ $3Q ~; O A OWO N Obi oe p N S W .Nj O . A ~ 6 N ~ ~ x a `3 rn m O Z ..; i I .., ' 1 .. ..\ n ('~ f~ .' + , ,, \ "'e.. ~`"'mv A ~ to I "cb ~"''a ~I ~ o MA TCHLINE S~T,q 228+ ; ~ a ~ ~ Z ~ ,25 E MEET 15 1 \ ` ~° ~ m Y ,~ 3~1 ` ~ l ~ - 1 b+ J A t7 -I z O ~ ~ ~ ~ "b~ r_ ~ ~_~E ~~~ ~y ~~ ~~ z° '~ m, ! ~i Z/' .. ;p 1 X ^ ~ Vl Z C m ti m ~ m~ ~ ~ 2 1 tnWPN ppV '~1 W J J MATCHLINE STA 228+25 SEE SHEET 15 W O A OD N O~ J' 0 1A' 3' 6' E >; E 0 N 2 596 592 Y H W 588= N W W N IA N 584 N N Q F N W Z J 580 U F Q f 6 2 B 584 0 SBD d91E; SEE SHEET 2 OF 37 FOR LEGEND. SEE 3iEET 3-7 OF 37 FOR DETAILS END OF PROJECT ~6TA 231+34.60 ~• ,.. ,. 5 h i 9 8 ~I 0 s a 6 9 CIJENT: FORfiEST ~ ~ ~ `', SEEK Mid-Atlantic ~,~ ~. ~: IxC1ID ument• tagetlia dN 8rc canaepfa and dWmia prasntad hertln, ®m Fafrumant of xMx, ~~~N '~~;; ' ~; i t i a a t i o u L L C nom: kd only for tlia epstlRa gspox and diwit tar soich 0. ssa IvaDOrnd. Rsux of oM ~~ry raranp m Nis documenl s8houl Britten aMahaBan and odaptotim by Kinls~-Xp~ and Blil`II~ ee, Inc, ehdl be sithwt IlobYlty to KMey-Nam and Amciates, Nc Cogdght kkJey-Horn xfoln, laa. 7(108 ~~^ KimleyHom n a~ ~ ~ and Associates, Inc. (~iADING PLAN AND PROFILE w o Is x• da "" PROJECT: 11/3D/07 0.1(11 ~~~R~~ ~ ~i, ~ ~~~ Rmom ma,~crafsdua.afla faboa~ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION JIK ~ CREEK RESTORATION Esbm R RTL CNP m2esioas ar 37 T: \pn\012857005 fom~sl creak Easlgn\l00_7005\dMq\05-PtAN.drq February 08, 2008 - 2: 47Dm Oy. pm.klmWe 0 3~~ ~ P i _ \ / T ' g~g9 . ra,~» ~ c ; ~,~y. ~~xQ ~ / 4h° .. oa ~;~ N~ 1E U '0 ~ V n 1 /^~ VJ `}^~ .+~/ rn rn m o ~ ~ °A ~ ~ „o`" b~ m ~§ O ~~~ ~ jiM Z ~ z ~a uv~w;~'ie'~ Q ~T (7 Z ~mr~--m~ ~ S RI 2 ^^^ Z~~~ ~W~N I o V 'r7 O 4 J V 0 0 0 O O v + O O + 0 0 _ __ _ . _ _ _.. TOE OF RIFFLE ° ~ STA 108+65 (I °o ~ _ELEV=611.84 I ~ MATCHLINE STA 108+75 SEE SHEET 17 Or OI Or Or T N A 0°e N Or ~ A J' 0 1.5' J' 8' T: \pn\017857003 lomel creek deslgn\LDO_7003\dwq\OS-PLAN.dwq February 00. 7008 - 7:47pm By. Pm.klmble prn rn rn m m O A 0o N m MATCHLINE STA 108+75 SEE SHEET 16 ~~~ ,~. ~~ ~. r- ^ .-• ~+ !JQ ~ w r ~. /"f' C ~ r '~ ~• r ~n T v -~ 0 11' _~ a3 D~ 2 ~o ~~ \; i ~~ SNErLZ ~6 ;` Q k7g ~NUNE SZ P MP/~' 1' I 1,: ~:,. ~~, r `•~;:., ' Wes"`- ` ~ ~\ „ ,^ ~ ~. ~~.. N W" ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ . . ~ A ~ O N ~ V . ~..11 r 7C O V V .~ O n o ~ ~ m ...{ .1 JY $ m m ~v m p o ~ r ~ o ~ ~ z _ ~' Z ~ Z A '"~ Z ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ °~~~ A ~~ °miF1i • r?`-aims N W ~ N J O V J a' 0 1s' ~' e' MATCHLINE STA 115+75 SEE SHEET 18 0 0 o m ~ O A W N O~ 7: ~pn\o12077005 lortest crash Aaegn\lDD_7oo5\dwp\OS-PUN.tleq FeDn1ary 08, 2008 - 2: 47pm BY• rm.kimble N m p O O A W MATCHIiNE STA 115+75 SEE SHEET 17 ~gs» ~~$ o ~ gS~~ e ~ ~~$ r7. P 9 AS ~xsg ~ ;~03 ~ 9 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ m ~ , Z ' ~N ~' ~~ ;~ m t~ ' i.A • 2 m' ~ A i ry+ . /'~~• I . I r. ' !'r .+ ~~~ ~ I is .. ~ ~' i, J° i II ~ ;~ D z v oa ~ ~, N O A~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ 7C O V 0 n -~ ° ~ m m m m ~~ R Z o~ m ~ ~ r_ ~ ~ ~ ~~E ~~~ 79 Z ~ ~ ~~ ~ n Z oAo ~r~rN~N~ m ~ m S ~~i~ ~nWPN I V G V V MATCHLINE STA 122+75 SEE SHEET 19 o 0 0 N m o p o0 T: Fyn\011857005 lorteel track deeign\lD0_7005\dwq\05-PLAN.Erq Fehmory 08, ]008 - 2:18pm By. Jm.kknble e e ~ INO b O o N O~ O A MATCHLINE STA 122+75 SEE SHEET 18 BIr~~. Z T~ .JJ i i ~_ ~ (,l ~ __ ~ N T. ~~-~~. ,. ~ -~... `"~_- ~2) ^~ ~~ 1 y~ ~ '; ~ o -~ , s W ~ fj ~ m D ~ ` O u°I s ' ~ ,. , , ~ n o ~ r N , '~' / m A + y ~ O n N rl ~ ~ ~ ~ ,,i ~ Qa+ez~ ~ ~ ~ / MA TA 129+25 EE SH T 20 ~- -~ ,~ ~ - , ti o _... _... ._._... 08 ~~ N ~ ~ ~ . O ~~ ~~ 7C O ~ N ~ ~ J A o m ~ ~~ II ,•LLII $ m m O z Z o~ om ~r ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ _ ~ Z ~8 '~~ ~~'"~~ ~~ n Z S' 0 IA' S' 6' ~~A~a~ m~i~*1~1 -~m~~1 [[~--~z~i !^w°ra 1 ~ J J J MATCHLINE STA 129+25 SEE SHEET 20 Owe N 0~1 O A T: \pn\012857005 lamest creek dselgn\LOD_7005\dwq\OS-PUN.dwq FeDruory UB, 2000 - 2:1Bpm By. Jlm.klmble • e ^ u ~~ ~ i ~E Q ... R ... ~~~ MATCH IN STA 129+25 SE ~;~' Q 3-a~ ~ ,, ~ p9 ,~ , Y~`o• S i~ ~~ ~ ,,/ ~8 ~ ~ / `~ ~ ~ / W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. Z Fh , ~ 1~ O~k~Z' r .. '/ a / N s '~ ; ~~ ~ ~ ~~. ~ ~ ti i EET 19 _ _ / ti do / _. _. _..... ..._ .....__ .._. xti ~ . ,... DO ~~ D~ 00 ~p+OE~ + 0 .o o~ ~i .b~ ~` m ,- W~ ~~ 1 / o -i / ^ni `-1CE I ~ ~_~TCE I - ~~ --"~'_ I F ~ ~4F ,,a , ~ ~ r. ~, tt ~ ,~ , ,~, I ~ c OOx I F ,` ~-- . ~ f ,. 'fir ~ ~ `; ~ ~ 3~ r-h - - r F ~ti ~ ~ >o ~ f1 r x ~ ~' ~ I ~' ~, i ~~ ~I . ~ ~; / ~ ~ oo ~ , D ~ ^ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ 9 a ~ -~ n~ o~ ~~~.~ ~ ~~ ~ o I ~ ' w' ~ ~ to 7~ m m i~l -{ ~ ~ N I ~ ~ / m m (+i,l ~ rn .p + ~:; .p ~ i . . O I% p m i 1 i SEE SHEET 13 - ` - - - 08 N ~ O N V ~ ~ P ~ ~~ \ V V A A a ~3 m m m O Z Z o -o ~ m Z ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ D A ~~ 0 z p~Am~ m~~= ~~~~ ~W~N pV ~ 'TI W W V V Y 0 1.3' J' 6' N N N U W W aJ ~O A lP N Ot MATCHLINE STA 129+25 SEE SHEET 19 E E i 2 RIFFLE SECTION ~~ NTS 8 e s i 8 pb 6 AS 14.0' 27.6' 14.0' AS REO'D MIN. BANKFULL WIDTH MIN. REO'D 3:1 3:1 3: AS 4.3' 8'6 4.3' AS TIE TO EO MIN. WIDTHLL MIN. EO EXISTING GROUND 3:1 3;1 FLAT 3:1 FLAT 3:1 --I2 6'~- 1.0' BANKFULL DEPTH TIE TO EXISTING GROUND AS 4.3' 14 0' 4.3' AS EO MIN. FLAT EO 3:1 FLAT ~ 3.0' ~ .5 3:1 TIE TO `I_ _ _ I ~ TIE TO , ~ ~ f 1.5'J EXISTING f 12'01 2.6' BANKFULL DEPTH EXISTING TIE TO 1,0' GROUND GROUND EXISTING TIE TO GROUND EXISTING RIFFLE SECTION GROUND POOL SECTION FOREST CREEK ~'~ NTS NTS AS 14.0' 14.0' AS REO'D MIN. -BANKFULL WIDTH 40.6' MIN. REO'D 12.0' 3:1 3:1 FLAT FLAT 3:1 B:1 3.7' BANKFULL DEPTH TIE TO 2:1 2:1 1.1 TIE TO EXISTING EXISTING GROUND ~7.B~____.~ GROUND ^ar b~4'y~iLLin ~~, A 9'h~o ~~~ POOL SECTION FOREST CREEK NTS PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLIENT: FORRESI. ^~^ Kimley-Horn n/so/m PROJECT: ` '~ ~ and Associates, Inc. ~' ~aK CSC ' M l d- A t l a n t l c ~m~ '~ ~m.~ ~~ FORREST CREEK RESTORATION en. xd eE1~! as mrx er om®R - RTL Thh doameit ta0etnr rlth Ma cancpb and Mda~u n~ua hca~, a< an ~.ha~n„t ar ..~., M~~~N ~ 4f i. t i v a t i o n L. L C ouP k klenMd only far the pacific pupow arW diml to ~hkh tt w pgved. Xw of ad B~~y~ r r ¶'~ TYPICAL CROSS °~ MWaper re0and on thk dowment rdMwt Witten authpimllan and odptotkn by am and JiIV~ lawcklee, ~, shoe w .ro,W, ikenty ~ ICYnley-Xam aad .. ~. ep,.gh'" i~c "Mey-iiam ~ SECTIONS ~°'~ """` and AeevJotaS kc, 2008 sex: otzas~oos 21 637 e TYPICAL PLAN VIEW SCHEMATIC NTS i N h r VARIABLES Reference Reach ForestCreek(Up3ream) Rural Piedmont Regional CunreslRosgenReference Existing Reach UT15ideTributary Design Reach UT1SideTributary Rural Piedmont Regional CurveslRosgenReference Ezi4ing Reach ForestCreek Desgn Reach Forest Creek STATION - - - - - - - 1. Stream Type EIC E/C F C EIC E C (Rosgen) 2. Drainage Area 2 BO 014 14 0 0 14 60 3 3 W 3.60 (sq. mile) . . . . 3 8anktull Width Mean; 22.0 Mean: 5.7 8.3 Mean: ' Mean: 8.6 Mean: 20.6 Mean: 23:6 Mean: 27:8 (Wck~) Range: -- - Range: - -. , Range; - -- Range Range: - - . Range - -~ Range: 4. 8ankfullMean Mean: 1.9 Mean: 0.8 Mean: 0.6 Mean: 0.7 Mean: 23 Mean: Mean: 7.9 depth (do~i) Range - ~- Range: - - Ranae: - -- Range: Range: -- - Range: - - Range: 5 Wid[hlOepth Raho Mean: 11.6 Mean: 15:0 Mean: 13G Mean: 13.2 Mean: 15.0 Mean: 108 Mean: 14-8 (W~iJdn,i)' Range; : - - - Range: 12.0 18:0 Range: - " - Range: - - Range: 12.0 18.0 Range: - - Range:' - -- 6. Bankfullcross-sectional Mean: 41.9 Mean: 56 Mean: S3 Mean: 5.6 Mean: 51.2 Mean: 51.8 Mean: 515 Area (Abk~ Range: - - Range: -- -- Range: ' - - Range: Range: - - Range: - - Range: 7. BankfuilMeanVelocity' Mean: 40 - Mean:: - 3.8 Mean: 3.1. Mean: 2.1 Mean: 4.4 Mean: 3.7 Mean:.- 2.8 {Vua) Range: 3.5 4.8 Range:: - - Range: 2.6 3.9 Range: 1.6 3.1 Range: - - Range 26 3.8 Range: 2.2 4.1 B. BankfullDischarge,cfs Mean: 166.6 Mean: 21.6 Mean: 16.5 Mean: 12.0 Mean: 2239 Mean: 158.0 Mean: 14 6.4 (O~~,Aaw~xV~,~) Range: 145.4 2W.0 Range: - - Range: 13.9 20.9 Range: 9.2 17.2 Range: -- - Range: 133.7 198.7 Range: 112.3 210.5 9. Bankfull Masimum Depth Mean:' 24 Mean: -- Mean: 1.2 Mean. 1.0 Mean: - Mean: 3.8 Mean: 2.fi (dma,) Range' - -- Range: -- - Range: - - Range: Range: - - Range: - - Range: 10 Max dm,,,ld,zi Mean: 1 3 Mean: 1.4 Mean: 1.8 Mean: 1.5 Mean' 1 4 Mean: 1.7 Mean: 1.4 ratio Range ~- -- Range 1.2 1.5 Range: - - Range - - Range: 1.2 1.5 Range: - - Range: -- - 11. Low Bank Height to max Mean: 1.2 Mean: - Mean; i 27 Mean: 1.0 Mean: - Mean: 12 Mean:. 1.0 dcaa ratio Range: -- - Range: - - Range: i - -- Range: 1.0 1.1 Range - - Range: - -- Range: 1.0 1.1 12 Width of Flood Prone Mean: 45.0 Mean: - Mean: I 1~9 Mean: 134.9 Mean: - Mean: 2570 Mean: 257.0 Area (W~p,) Range - - Range: - -- Range: 112 0 157.8 Range: 112.0 157.8 Range: - - Range 2120 302 0 Range: 212.0 302-0 13. En1rer~hmentRatio Mean: 102 Mean:- - Mean: ~ 16.2 Mean: 15.7 Mean: - Mean: 10.9 Mean: 9:3 (Wrr„/W;,r~) -. Ranger -- - Range; - -- Range: 13.5 190 Range: 13.0 183`. Range: - - Range: 9.D 128 Range: 7.7 -:' 10.9 14. MeanderLergth Mean: 221.0 Mean: - Mean: 70.3 Mean: 98.9 Mean: ~• Mean: 1812 Mean: 317.4 (L,,,) Range: 164.0 278.0 Range: - - Range: 44.4 96.2 Range: 77.4 120.4 Range: - -- Range: 111.3 251.0 Range: 248.4 386.4 15, Ratio of Meander length to Mean: 10.0 Mean: 11.5 Mean: 8.5: Mean: 11.5 Mean: 11.5 Mean: 7? Mean; 11.5 Bankiull Width (L,nIVJ,,,~) Range: 7.5 12.6 Range,' - 9.0 1A.0 Range: 5,3 11.6 Range: 9.0 14.0 Range;- 9.0 14.0. . Range: 4.7 10.6.: Range: 9.0 14.0 16. Radius of Curvature Mean: 80.4 Mean: - Mean: 25.6 Mean: 32.3 Mean: -- Mean: 59.9 Mean: 96.6 (R~) Range 51-1 109.6 Range - -- Range 16.0 35.2 Range 215 43.0 Range: -- - Range: 31.0 88.8 Range: 828 1104 17. Ratio of Radius ofCunature Mean: 3.7 Meam 3.5 Mean: I 3-1 Mean: 3.8 Mean:.:. 35 Mean_ 2.5 Mean: 3.5 toBankfull Witlth (RclW,~,~) Range: 2.3 59 Range `: 30 4-0 Range 1-9 92 Range. 25 5.0 Range: 39. 4.0 Range: 1 ~ 3.8 Range: 3.0 ' 4.0 18. 6ett Width Mean: 103.8 Mean: - Mean: 36.0 Mean: 34.4 Mean: -- Mean: 98.0 Mean: 110.4 (W,i~ Range 94J 1129 Range - - Range: ~ 335 424 Range: 301 387 Range: - - Range ~.2 129.9 Range: 96.6 1242 19 Meander Width Ratio Mean: 4.7 Mean: -- Mean: 4.6 Mean: 40 Mean: - Mean: 4? Mean: 4.0. IWra7W~i) Range 4.3 5.1 Range: - - Range: 40 - 5.1 Range: 35 45 Range: - - Ranges 28 5.5 Raoge. 3.5 4.5 20. Sinuosity (k) Mean: 125 Mean: - Mean: 1.26 Mean: 142 Mean: -- Mean: 116 Mean: 1.10 (SVeam Length l Valley Length) Range: - - Range - - Range: - - Range - - Range: -- -- Range - -- Range: - - 21: Valley Slope (5~„u,) Mean: 09060 Mean: - Mean: 0.0115- Mean: 0.0115 Mean; - Mean: 0.0039 Mean: O.C039 QUft) Range: - - Range: - - Range: 0.0113 0.0117 Lange: 00173 09117 Range: - -- Range. O.OD37 0.0040 Range: 0.0037 0.0040 22. AvErageStreamSlope Mean: 0.0075 Mean: -- Mean: 0.0001 Mean: 0.0061 Mean: -- Mean: 0.0033 Mean: 0.0035 (Bankfull Slope) Range: -- - Range: - -- Range 0.0090 O.DW3 Range: 0.0080 O.W82 Range: - -- Range: 0.0032 0.0035 Range: 0.0022 0 0037 23. RilfleSlope Mean: 0.016 Mean; - Mean: i 0-0161 Mean:'. 0.17166 Mean:: -• Mean: 0.0177 Mean: O.W63 (SMl) Range: 0-073 0.018. Range:: - - Range: ' O.D046 0.0382 Range: 0.0137 0.0194 Range: - - Range: 0.0096 0.0294 ~ Range: D.~35 0 0091 24. Ratio ofRTleSlopetoAw_. Mean: 22 Mean 18 Mean; 1.8 Mean: ?.1 Mean: 1,8 Mean: 5.3 Mean: 1.6 Slope (S~ni,ISa, n) Range: 17 24 Range: 1.5 20 Range. 0.5 4.2 Range: 1.7 24 Range: 1.5 2,0 Range: 2.9 8.8 Range: 1.0 2.6 25. Pool Slope' Mean: OD Mean: Mean: ~ 0.0028 Mean: 0:0020 Mean: - Mean: 0.0025 Mean: 0.0009 (Spool) Range: - - Range. - - Range: (0.0010 0.0046 Range: O.OD16 0.0024 Range: - -- Range: 0.0000 0.0050 Range: 0.0007 0.0071 26. Ratio of Pool Slope to Aug. Mean: 0.0 Mean: 0.25 Mean: 0.3 Mean: 0.3 Mean: 0.25 Mean: OS Mean: 03 Slope (Sp~,JSo,~y) Range: -- -- Ranae 0.20 0.30 Range: 0.1 0.5 Range: 02 0.3 Range: 0.20 0.30 Range: 0.0 1 S Range; Q2 0.3 27. Maximum Pool Mean: 2.6 Mean: - Mean: to Mean: 1S Mean: - Mean: 44 Mean: 3.7 Depth (d,or~) Range: - - Range:. -- - Range: - - Range: - - Range: -- - Range: - - Range: -- -- 28. RatioolPmlDepthtoA~g Mean: 1.4 Mean: 3-0 Mean: 23 Mean: 2.3 Mean: 3.0 Mean: 20 Mean: ZO Depth (tlo~uld,„a) Range: - -- Range 2.5 35 Range: - ~~ Range - - Range: 25 3.5 Range: - -- Range - - 29. Pool Width: Mean: 27.3 Mean: - Mean: 9.4 Mean: 14.0. Mean: - Mean: 23.5 Mean: 40.6 (W~.~,t)' - Range: - - Range'.: -- - Range: - Range: - - Range: - -- Range: - - Range: - - 3D. RatioofPoolWidthto Mean: 1.2 Mean: 1.5 Mean: 1.1 Mean: 1.6 Mean: 1.5 Mean: 1.0 Mean: 1.5 Bank(ull Width (WpodlWdcl) Range: - - Range: 1 3 1.7 Range: - - Range: - - Range: 1.3 1.7 Range: - - Range: - - 31. Pool Area Mean: 51.8 Mean: - Mean: 9.2 Mean: 9.5 Mean: - Mean: 65:7 Mean: 792 (Apoa)'. Range: - - Range: - - Range: - Range: - - Range'. - ~ Range: - -- Range: - - 32 Ratio of Pool Area to Mean: t? Mean: -~ Mean: 1.7 Mean: 17 Mean: - Mean: 13 Mean: 1.5 Bankfull Area (Ar. IAr~,,) Range: -- - Range -- Range: - -- Range - - Range: -- -- Range: - - Range: -- - 33 Pod to Pool Spacing Mead 69.0 Mean' -- Mean. 56.7 Mean: 34.4 Mean. - Mean. 994 Mean: 110.4 (p p) :. Range: 4t-6 132.6 Range' -- -. Range: 32.7 74.3 Range: 17-2 51.6 Range: -- Range'. 45-9 2144: Range 552 1~.6 34 Ratio of Pool to Pool Spacing Mean: 31 Mean 60 Mean: 6.8 Mean: 4.0 Mean: 6.0 Mean: 42 Mean: 40 to Bankfull Width (p-pMlbkP) Range: 1.9 6.0 Range: 5.0 7.0 Range: 3.9 8.9 Range: 20 6.0 Range: 5.0 7.0 Range: 1.9 9.1 Range: 2.0 6.0 11-Used Manning's Equation: Reference Reach Existing "n" xalues • mean n = 0.040, low range n = 0.048, high range n = 0.055 UT1 Slde Tnbutary Exsnng n" values - mean n = 0 033, Iw+renge n = 0.039, high range n = 0.026 ' FaestCreekExrsting`n'wlues-meann=0050,1owrangen=0053, highmngen 0047 Design "n" values - mean n = 0.046, lowrange n = 0.060, high range n = 0.032 - CLIENT: ~+•~•+~ PRO,ECT: ~ ~ ~ Kimley-Horn "~30~07 CREEK ' . ,, M 1 Cl - A t I c1 It t 1 C ~~^ and Associates, Inc. ~.. ,AK .neae~.-e,~,a~a,•a,.e~aaN, ~n FORREST CREEK RESTORATION ~~,~~ e[v. w: raieort - we race m: am® er, ~~ ~ 11TLE: • ~TL ThY dpcvrnent. togsthr rilh tlw cpnaepfe ow ae,entea Aewn. a ~ ~eaan.,t a ..~.. ~i ~ f i ° a '. ' ° ". ~_ L c MORPHOLOGY TABLE DMP k Ftanded ody la IAa Nedfic purpMa pnd dMnt ra •hkh tt m prepared. Ruse~NOfe~m! inpropw~ Iona ehd Ee eippUM Il ~yat Kimley-Hana~dt~,lewciat~plna~r~Yj,K~~, kfiy~Han B~ Ae xeeR a~nMdaodAJwodatas, Ina. 2008 STAL: 012857005 ~sa~Rb4 ~~®~o ~ ~~ mrapas100®cm.ar~ >•so« PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 22 v 37 E x m p~ N i^ 2 s° e 0 i ii i 8 9 6 C b e ~~ "s ~' General Notes: Temporary planting will occur immediately after construction to stabilize areas of bare soil. Permanent plantings and seedings shall begin in season optimally between February 15 and April 15. However, the planting supervisor shall have final say when to begin planting. Prior to permanent plantings and seedings, the site soils shall be prepared for planting. Wnere needed the soils should be plowed or ripped to improve compacted sails and eliminate channelized flow from non-target areas. If necessary soils shall be amended to facilitate vigorous plant growth. Exotic and invasive plants shall be treated and removed. The site shall be planted by the zones depicted in the Planting Plans sheets with species listed in the accompanying Planting Table. Planting Zone Descriptions Zone 1 -Stream Channel and Banks The stream channel zone includes the stream channel from base flow to approximately 10 feet beyond bankfull. This zone features the steepest slopes (3-8%} and highest saturation levels. This environment dictates the planting offast-growing, obligate pioneer species, such as black willow and silky dogwood, to provide stability to areas near bankfull. Zone 2 -Ripadan The riparian zone includes the area beyond zone 1 to the edge of the floodplain where the hydrology supports bottomland hardwood forest vegetation. The area is flat, frequently flooded, and the water table remains close to the surface. The composition of the vegetation includes a mix of wetter canopy and understory trees. Zone 3 -Riparian -Wet The riparian -wet zones include pockets of wetter areas within Zone 2. The zone will include the same species as Zone 2 but will be augmented with a set of species more tolerate of inundation conditions. Zone 4 -Oxbow Wetland The oxbow wetland zone includes pockets of permanently pooled areas within Zone 2. Woody species will not be planted within this zone. A wetland seed mix will be applied to fdnges of the wetland pockets. Planting List Reference Hall, Karen. 2001. North Carolina Stream Restoration Institute NCSU, "Recommended Native Plant Species for Stream Restoration in North Carolina " Smith, Cherd L, et al., 2004, North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources -Ecosystem Enhancement Program, "Guidelines for Riparian Buffer Restoration" Zone 1 -Stream Channel and Banks Zone 2 -Riparian Zone 3 -Ripadan - Wet Zone 4 -Oxbow Wetland caen c ame omran ame arropy Befula nigra Riper Birch BC BC Carya cordiformis Bittem~d Hick BC BC Caryl Quota Shagbark Hickory BC BC F2xintu amehcana White Ash BC BC W Fraxinus pennsylvanica Green Ash BC BC C Juglans nigra Black Walnut BC BC Plafanus cccidentalis Sycamore BC BC t Quercus acutissima Sawtooth Oak BC BC Queicus michauxii SlvampCtrestnut0ak BC BC a Qua~cus rxgra Water Oak BC BC Quercus palusfris Pin Oak BC BC ~ Quercus pl>ellos Willow Oak BC BC d Salix nigra BlackWllcw LS Ulmus americans Amedcan EIm BC BC Understory $ Acer barbatum Southern Sugar Maple BC 8C e Aesculus sylvatica Bucke a BC BC e Asimina fribba Pawpaw BC BC Carpinus caroliniana Amedcan Hornbeam BC BC d Cephalanfhus cncidenfalis Buttonbush BC Comus amomum Sil LS M Camus flaida Flowering Dogwood BC BC Coryfus comufa Beaked Hazelnut BC BC r Evanymus americans Heads A Burson BC BC x Ilex opaca American Holly BC BC Leucothoe rrx;unra Oog-Hobble BC BC linden 6enzoin Spicebush BC BC Sambucus canadensis Elderbe LS f umum a um o em rroww LS Planting Types: LS -Live Stake, BC -Bare Root or Container Zone4-Oxbow Wetland Seed Miz Scientific Name Common Name % Panicum rigidulum. Redtop Panic G2ss 60% Carex lupulina Hop Sedge 10% Juncus eRusus Soft Rush 10% Carex Lurida Ludd(Shallow),Sedge 7% Scirpus cyperinus Wool Grass 5% SauNrus cemuus Lizard's Tail 4% Carex Squarrosa Squarrose Sedge 4% PemtarteM Ripadan Seed Mor ScierMfic Name Common Name % Leersia oryzeides Rice Cut Grass 5 Juncusettusus Sott Rush 10 Panicum clandestium Deerlongue 20 Panicum rirgatum Switchgrass 50 Yernonia noreboracensis Ironweed 5 Helianthus angustifolius Swamp Sunflower 5 Eupatorium tistulasum Joe Pye Weed 5 Plard SparJng and Distrlbutbn Zone ~pn9 (Feet On Center) # per 1,ODD sq. feM Ratio Undmsimy Min. Mar. Nin. Max. to Canopy 1 1.5 2 250 440 -- 2AND 3 6 10 10 25 4:1 Temporary Seed Mix Common Rate Scientific Name Seeding Dates Name (Iblacre) Secale cereale Rye 30 Aug. 15-May1 Triticum aestiwm Wheat 30 Aug. 15 -May 1 Setaria italics German 10 May 1 -Aug. 15 Millet Browntop Urochloa ramosa 10 May 1 -Aug. 15 millet Note: At least five (5) species from the canopy list and Eve (5) species from the understory list will be installed based on availability. „m ~~TTyy~~Mli1 ~j ~0 ~ ~~~ ~c~sm a~ laow PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLJENT: 11/30/07 PROJECT; ~ ~ Kimley-Horn ~.er ~`~ ^~^ and Associates, Inc. ~x FORRESTCREEKRESTORATION cREac 'Mid-Atlantic ~ee Tna eoamenl, foyem..+m the b ,Id dew preenree ~, ~ ~ h.wmat °r ..~, ~T~~~ `'+~ q,T i t i g a t i o n L L C nom' b MendM oMy fa Me ye dfic purpob and dknl la .Aids R rm prepaed Roue of oM ~ imprapr zdizna on Uh doalmanl rKhoul rrltGn auauazotlon ant odoptotlon Ey KMley-Rom and eANK PLANTING NOTES DMP Aaod°tee. Inc, dill 6e «nhout Aabaty to KFJey-Rom and Aaocblet. Mc Cop~lghf I(en~ey-Horn A N~ u~ and Amcble>, mc, 100e gu 012857005 23 s 37 1m E Y E 6 m E 3 2 g BARE ROOT/CONTAINERIZED VEGETATION 1. General: In order to establish vegetation in restoration areas, such as bankfull benches and slopes, bare root and containerized vegetation will be planted as shown on the plans or required in the Special Conditions. 2. Materials: Initial vegetation material will be provided by the contractor. The contractor is responsible for correctly installing and maintaining vegetation material. Vegetation material will consist of bare root trees and/or shrubs and containerized trces and/or shrubs. Container material will be in quart, gallon, and three-gallon plastic containers. 3. Prepamtion: Planting should take place in late winter /early spring.. Immediately following delivery to the project site, all plants with bare roots, if not promptly planted, shall be heeled-in in constantly moist soil or sawdust in a manner wnsistent with generally accepted horticultural practices. While plants with bare roots are being Vansported to and from.heeling-in beds, or are being distributed in planting beds, or are awaiting planting after distribution, the contractor shall protect the plants from drying out by means of wet canvas, burlap, or straw, or by other means acceptable to Planting Supervisor and appropriate to weather conditions and the length of time the roots will remain out of the ground. 4. Installation: Soil in the area of shmb and tree plantings shall be loosened to a depth of at least 5 inches. Bare root vegetation maybe planted in a hole made by a mattock, dibble, planting bar, or other means approved by Planting Supervisor. Rootstock shall be planted in a vertical position with the root collar approximately % inch below the soil surface. The planting trench or hole shall be deep and wide enough to permit the roots to spread out and down without J-rooting. The plant stem shall remain upright. Soil shall be replaced around the transplanted vegetation and tamped around the shrub or tree firmly to eliminate air pockets, and watered in. PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS L GenemC Permanent seeding will be used in combination with woody plantings onthe up-slope side of the riparian areas and down to the bankfull elevation. Permanent seeding will occur in conjunction with temporary seeding where applicable. This mix4ttre will also be used in any terrestrial (areas not inundated) riparian areas that have been disturbed by construction; designated as wetland and/or riparian enhancement; or as directed by Plantine Supervisor. 2. Materials: A riparian seed mix at the rate of/< Ib per 1,DOD sq ft or 1 D Ibs per acre shall be used for seeding. The table labeled "riparian seed mix" lists an herbaceous, permanent seed mixture. 3. Preparation: On sites where equipment can be operated safely, the seedbed shall be adequately loosened. Disking may be needed in areas where soil is compacted. Steep banks my require roughening, either by hand scarifying or by equipment, depending on site conditions. Planting Supervisor will determine condition needs onsite. If seeding is done immediately following construction, seedbed preparation may not be required except on compacted, polished or freshly cut areas. If permanent seeding is performed in conjunction with temporary seeding, seedbed preparation only needs to be executed once. 4. Installation: This mixture shall be planted in late fall in combination with the temporary seeding operation and woody plant installations. Seeding should be done evenly over the azea using a mechanical or hand seeder. A drag should be used to cover the seed with no more than % inch of soils. Where a drag cannot safely be utilized, the seed should be covered by hand raking. LIVE STAKES L Geneml: Live stakes are to be installed on exposed stream banks to bankfull elevation of the designed stream. The Planting Supervisor reserves the right to reject any "stakes" that do not meet the above mentioned criteria. The Contractor shall replace rejected work at no additional cost to the owner. 2. Materials: • Live stakes are to be dormant (cut fall or winter) and gathered locally or purchased from commercial supplier. • Stakes must be freshly cut with side branches removed, but with bark intact (ensure that the bark is not stripped during the cutting, prepamtioq or installation of the stake). • Cuttings are to be collected using a saw, or sharpened clippers (not an ax). 3. Preparation: • One end must be cut atan angle for insertion into the soil and the other end must be cut square for tamping. • Cuttings must be kept fresh and moist prior to installation. • Cuttings must be prepared from DS to 2-inch diameter stock and approximately 2 to 3 feet in length. 4. Installation: • Install stakes the same day they are prepared. • Start the installation nearest to the stream and work up the ban}Jfloodplain. • Cuttings must be installed right side up with the buds pointing upward. • Cuttings should be tamped into the ground at right angles to the slope and angled downstream. • They are to be tamped into the ground for approximately 4/5 of their length. • Cuttings that split or become "mushroomed" must be replaced. • Stakes should be installed in a random configuration to prevent gullies and promote a more natural effect inthe re-veeetated area 1. General: TRANSPLANTS Existing site vegetation may be used to augment plantings. Transplants may only be taken from disturbed areas. 2. Materials: 3. Preparation: Transplanted vegetation shall carefully be excavated with root balls and surrounding soil remaining intact. Care shall be given not to rip limbs or bark from the shmb and tree transplants. 4. Installation: Vegetation should be transplanted immediately, if possible. Otherwise, transplanted vegetation shall be carefully transported to designated stockpile areas and heeled-in in constantly moist soil or sawdust in an acceptable manner appropriate to weather or seasonal conditions. The solidity of the plants shall be carefully preserved. Installation of shrub and tree transplanu shall be located in designated areas along the stream bank above bankfull elevation or in floodplain restoration areas as directed by Planting Supervisor. In areas of compacted sails, the soil in the area of vegetation transplants shall be loosened to a depth of at least 1 foot. Transplants shall be replanted to the same depth as they were originally growing. The planting trench or hole shall be deep and wide enough to permit the roots to spread out and down without J-rooting. The plant stem shall remain upright. Soil shall be replaced around the transplanted vegetation and tamped around the shrub or tree ~„~, firmly to eliminate air pockets, and watered in. ~°`"ib Spacing of vegetation transplants will be determined onsite by the Planting Supervisor. But t, ~ ~' typically should be at least 10' X 10' for cano and 5' X 5' for understory. PY ~~ °IR PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CLIENT: a" ' „ ~ao~o7 PROJECT: ~~^ KimleyHom ~ `~ ~ k Inc ~ and Associates ~N CREBC r; M 1 Cl - A t 1 a n t 1 C . , ~,.~~~~. n f IE90ED R FORREST CREEK RESTORATION wK MS IQM51]e WIL ReeII R Om®R MITIGATION ' f MO or~mm Ha.YV) m.xm rv ¶~` RTL mw eoa.nm6 together wlu me amaeph awl e~gro weeanted b Intended rnly fa the apeaKic WNO9e and dint rv •hkh K om hn ro er rdhrce an MN dacannt ith rix tWn an ltl t b i m •~ Y~•tnnnent ar DnNO~ Rein or and KMey-Harr l•Ilon tr and d •tl ~ ~ ~ ~4S i t i s; a t i o n L L C PLANTING NOTES ""P , p p w y wr en a a o ou W Amodoleq Mc, ahoN be without RobRay to Kinley-XOm and Auociotea, Inc Cognght KMley-HOm ,~,,,~ ~,~ and wxrotea m~, sooe sru: 012857005 ~ s ~ Vegetation to be transplanted will be identified by the Planting Supervisor. Shmb and trees less than 3 inches in diameter shall be salvaged onsite in areas designated for construction, access areas, and other sites that will necessarily be disturbed. • ' f T: Fyn\012BS7003 f~st cock dwlgn\LDD_7005\dwq\OB-VEC NOIES.dwq Fa6ruory OB, 2008 - 1:14pm By. pm.klmbie gn ~ gQsQg$ ~~~ ii3 ~~~gr ~ Naga rg~R ~^ ~ yw m 11L 6 11L U V N 3. ~ S ~ I 1 F~~~ 9 $~~g ~ x3q,~ ~~~ ~g~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ T s $ 9 xPA S~~ ~ ~• wn =~O ry S~ ~ ~ tl - ~~ ~ ~ 2 C Sa N ~ ~ W Z ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~r~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~°~~~~ ©®o ®o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H a ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~ s~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ g~ l! 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JIN FoRREST Cf~EK RESTORATKN~I ~. ~: w~ .~,~ ~ or dman Br a n c „~n~.n.~ ^~ ~ ~- u ~~: ma dowma,t, toy.tn., do u..,n«pu me aei~n, taa naeN..~ .. w nt.nme ady to ins `~xdnc coo... one eNnt ar .nkn n .m waa.a R >n.t~t or v,+u. ax or me ~~~ ;" hi i t i t~ a t i o n L L C nTLE: Rn «~ • inprops reliance m tnk documml •INOUt .Nttai aulhorhation and odaplallon ~awclatp Ine rhd M .Ithoal IbbdB to KM -X d A N d l C by KYnI.y-XOm one i M1 B~ evm ~ ~ ~~~+ P~ DNP , , y ry Un cn .eo g o a, c apy t gmley-Nom and AaocWtet he, 2008 ~ ~ 012857005 ~ 27 ~ 37 Q,,. E E 2 ~ .... ~ I , `?S ~ ®~~ ~41IDm 0RA4TaitlfiOlR MaO~N t VfYIC~ ~f i ,. ~ m 1~,bammt a. ~i rand. ~a,a ar and BANK loplolion by IOmlay-Han and a Ine Capyripht KkNey-Han ~~a Kimley-Horn l d- A t l c1 11 t 1 C ~ and Associates, loc. t i Q a t i o n L L C nom` PLANTING PLAN ~a~ o ,5~ b~ ,~~ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION AR PROJECT: 11/SO/07 ruM m: 190FD nK FORREST CREEK RESTORATION Rn »~ DMP 012657005 v 37 T: \pn\012857005 lorreel creek dsNgn\LDO_7005\dwq\Oq-PLANIINC PLAN.dwq Februory O8, 2008 - L•15pm By. )m.klmble \~9 \~~y s~ 9 \~p~ .... \ xs O \~ a $ ~v~ s R ~~a. 3'n e s 1'7 ~~~ I rt" wai. N ~• ,Ja ~ r~ r+ ... rf' C k-' r '_'" ~.. r ~n or m $~;~~ v, ~ 3 ~~ „' sv ~ a~ ~~ Vl = n O w' ~ m s ! ~~ S ~ ~ x o ~ O n o TX~ U "I U O m m $ -o o ~ m"' A~ ~~ ~ Z ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ o ~ z t1 \! i ~ \~ 1 ~ ~~ ~ \~ 1 ~1~i'f ~ ~ ,r ~'~k~ 4\ \~ .. ~... .... .. Q _._. ~~ E E ~: E I 8 2 E > x ~~~~~~ ,~ k\ ,^ ~~. x r,~ ~ r h 1VETLAND ~~ `~ ' R k ~ ~ z ~ . ~ .~ ~, ~ u x x~z ~ r. %' ' °'^M1 ` :w./_~`-~ ; \~'~ • 135+00x ~ x r r r v ;: r , n x ~ - ~r ~ ~ ._~ ~ \ ``_ ' ' / ..... . ~ V ~ / _.. _..._ ..... ... ..... .... -. ~,, ~ ®3~ Ia1mm ~t~,.t>~ I...o... ~. o ,5 ~ ~~ PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUC110N CUENT: 0A1E PROJECT: ~. a~^ KimleyHorn "~30~07 >, ~~~ 'M i d - A t l a n t 1 C ~ andAssociaies,lno. ~K ~.«< t~ ~,>E ~.1~ ~R ~ ~,~~.,.,~ ,°~ ~I~~ ,~ RTL FORREST CREEK RESTORATION ,hh aowmait laptAv dth tn1 ~v Ina ~ IKmml~ liceh, oe m hd,ummt w IaNu, h9 i t i ~ a t i o u L L C nom' m: -6 hlenaed Inly lIr tlx rgatl& PaD111 aM drnt ~hhb K •m prepmaa. Rwr oy ab ~~p/ •. rL/il`I 111`lu rLl11Y °MP bnPrWlr rdiawl on thh davmenl dthwt vrillnn wtharixllbn and IdaDtatiln by KYnley-Han and B/11V~ ~~ Meaciola, Inc., droll be Mthlll IiablKy t/ K+nley-Nan ma Aaotialµ Ine Clpyight fGMey-HIm ~e wme ~~ ab Aolchta, In4 ZODB °12957005 ~ v ~ F . E z °_ e 2 r ~ ~ ~.~ ~. - ~2a+~o< l: , ~ , w~ 34.60 gip'/. ~,, r~~\k ~;~ \,n k q . ~1 ~ W ~ ~ ~.. .. _ _ Q)~OW d , ~ NEILAND ~ .C ~ W ~.~ ~ mil` d~ \- . . .............. 0 Ox . \_ ., .. _ _ 6~ \ dy 7~ 'fib \ ~i ~~~~~ 7U' ~ 15' ]d' dp' Guar: FORREST cR®c .~'~ M i d °"" ~''""'" °~" MIT1GAl10N 4 as m Fetrumenl DI xMce, ~ ~~ ~ (. 1 p pored. Raex of and p~~ty ,. eptatbn by Kmlef~Horn and ~VAIA ht Copyright RtNe~llan ~~~ Kimley-Horn A t t d n t 1 C ~ and Associates, Inc. 11101 bYl Ol~Mm~~m FM. PC161l~.mW a n o n L L C nnE: ~ LrV~ 1 UYti I LtU~ "'~ PROJECT: ii/ao/m enw m: PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION RK FORREST CREEK RESTORATK)N Rn 1m® er OMP s ^~ xeelc 012857005 ~' s 37 E s. E I 2 ~~ Y""^24 ~ ®~~ . tanpto aardata~rau,ates tsow . PRELIMINARY . . ~. 15 ,, ~ NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION CUENT: w>E PROJECT Kimley-Horn = 11/30/07 : ~ d A a ~ ~ ~~ Cf~BC M 1 d _ A t 1 t 1 an ssociates, Inc. ~ ~K FORREST CREEK RESTORATION atr. x.: etrsab w>E puee tm aeom n: c~ Il C M~IXE~•bRl sn-M~ ~ r~ai. W - OF9~m R Tnb eaament togetho dM tlr aancepts and eedm~e pmmled hush oe on ~r inteneed tNy far the epedlk purpose and tlimt or ~hicA R na prepared. R lntrument of tmke, euse of aM M f ~~ ^'~ ~'~ 1 t 1 R :l t 1 0 1] (, [- (, ~ ~ 1ITtE RTL ' Fnpropr raBOnca m thk doament rdMoot mitten athaholipn and adoplatlan i h l I l O l by KMev-Nom and ~NI`n DI A I.R'I\In OI A Al rL/il\ f tiYbl f L711`I DMP aaa a ee, nc, ritl e e Maul fxblity to KaMey-Nom amt Modaln, btc Coptrighl Reeky-HOm me Aeexlalsa Ina, zoos gu m xeepa 0128570D5 euetoe 33 s 37 Y~ ~N 1~ ~~ o 16 - ~'~ - W ~. ~ xr ~ ~., w ~ _ ~YQ x M - - t7 s ` Z O U M 40 ~~'~ Q ~ R` 0~4 ~ Z ~~ tl t!~5j p Q ~ ~ , , gpn ^^^~ gi't1 W o ~ O Z 's St W Y W W ~i b O ~ S ~ ¢ ~ ~ N ~\~ Ro U C N N ~ ~ O ~ = N N N Q E~ Y ~ ~" ~^ Z V `~ a . ,-i ~ .a '--i o -~, ." 1 5r; .~ ..-~ .,;~..« ;w la~~~ _~ 9~ o- 3 sod ~NS 337 0 6 ~ .. olquMM'wd %IB uW9L ~1 - BOOL '90 R~oNgo! 6MD'NVId ONLLNVId-!0\Swp\COOL-OQ1\uMwD +NO~~ Is~wl 900LOBLlO\ud\~1 T: ~pn\OIYB57003 foma~l creek MkIQ11\lD0_7003\dwq\Or-PLANTING PI.AN.Awq Februory 00, 1008 - 1:18pm By. ~m.klmole ~ w ~r u ~ ~~g~ ~~ ~~ $s~~r ~I~ ~~~ f: ~~.: y F... r (~ r.. Iq W r* w.. 1"'f, O h-' •~• r '~ ,~ r ~, n 3~ 0~ X11" ~^ ~~ w ~ 9 a ~~ y~ y~ ~ _ ~~ o 0 w' ~ N m y 7 n Y ... .'f! iir~..,._ ..__ N 9Q ! \' N ~ ~ J A c (T,~1 -1 V m rn m a `~ b~ Z o -D ~~ o m ~r o ~ ~ Z cD ~~ ~~ z a~ ~8 .,r ~~~~'~ °' is \pn\012857005 for~eel creek Neign\L00_7005\Ewq\Oq-PLANTING PLAN.tlwq Febn~ary 08. 2000 - IaGpm 0Y ~Im.klmble • 9 0 ~"III n}g~ ash ~~°~a 8 ~~~ s. w. f..~ r ^ ~. ~.~+ rlti I ~-. ~. r--f 0 ~--' C r '~ ~• r ~, n ~~ 0! ~~11' ~^ >~ w ~ 3 a~ 'D ~~N~ ~ _ o w ~ m 09 N y' ~_; ~ \~ N '0 ~ V A O n o .~ ~ m n v z o -o m ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ Z ~ ~~~ c ~ ~7 ~~ 0 z m m m O O z r.yo~oisas~oos ~arnt e.•sk e..ioouno_~oos~e.9\oo-ruxnNO aua.a.o F.bruur oa, Yoos - i:ie m e . Y V Y Am.klmbls 3 + i a S V alp ~~~~I /. 'r C r. : , t' I~ r• 1'"C~I h(^-'-~i ... fa i •: r ,,. r'f' C ~--' C r, r-h I--+ r ~n ~~ ~~ ~~11' ~0 ~ ~~~ ~~~ v ~ ~' ~o ~~ om ~ ~ ~~ O N V ~ V oA o N ~ m m m rn -~i `~ A Z Z o ~ ~~ om A r 0 z ~ `~ Z ~D A ~J O Z 1 f y~ ,j~~.r MATCHUNE STA 129+25 SEE SHEET 36 - T r- , ~ ,, ~._ ,. M X ~ E ~ ;. ,..- i< ~x ... ......_. ih ~ .. _. ..... ...... 1C / / ~ 1 / / Y, . f X/ / X ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ / X / / ` 1 ' I ~` I ' ' l x . >:~ ~ ,, r x q , C, • ~ 1 / I X ~ q V., Y' -. \ ', ~. K Y ~ l' l x ~ x x O h ~~ ~. ~~ ' ~ ~~ *~ ,< x "ate ..._~'~~~ `b 4 "` ~ 7~ °'