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20080067 Ver 1_Emails_20080207
Alston Pond Subject: Alston Pond From: "Lucas Tuschak" <LTuschak@withersravenel.com> Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2008 18:21:39 -0500 To: <Ian.McMillan@ncmail.net> Ian, The client and engineer have decided to proceed with the two lane crossing we originally applied for. We feel we have minimized to the maximum extent by necking down the road crossing to two lanes resulting in less than 150 ft of stream impact and less than 1/3 of buffer impact. In addition, we have showed the termini (cul-de-sac) for this section of road that is associated with the Alston Pond project. Let me know if you have any questions. ~ut:a~ TuscrlAK N/~TNIER~i RAV'~SIVEI_ tai MseMCenan (3rlve t nary, NarthCan~llna z75aa tel gt~ 464:33~ia ,fax; gaa,q&7.6au23 direct: gaq.a~e.o3~a vrw~rw.wrilh ~ rsrav~rtel.com NOTICE OF CONFt©ENTIAi ITy AN© tJONOISCtoSURE This cteclronic rrressage, which includes any attachments and al~rdoCUrnents refcrnd la heroin, captains in4aarmation from Withers 8 Ravenc4, tnc, that may be Icgai4y privilr_ged and confidential. The inforxrration is irntr_nded for ttre use of ttre addmssee(s) ranly. tfyou are nut thr addressa^e, note ghat arty disclasure. c'apying, printing, distribulian, ar use of the contents of this message is prohi bilcd. If you received Chis nstssage in crr+'ir, ptease advise the sentkrtryreplyand delete lhiselt^etranic message arrd any altachrnenl. COPYRlG1iT NOTICE: Capy~ight 2aa8 by Withers ~ Rav~trae6, Inc.. rill Rights Reserved by Witt,ers & Ravenel, Inc. TPi is notice applies io this electrernic message, all attachrrrents ihe~mia, arrd alt doc~rments referred to therein. This electronic nressage, any attachments Ihcreta aand atl documents referred io therein are the proprietary property of Withers & Ravenel, enc. This etectranie message, arty attachrents thereto and atl documents referred tb threrein are pnavlded for the rer_ipient's infarrnatan only, and na r"aghts are trans- ferred by the. transmission ofi 4hlselettronic message tiarvVitirers & Rarrenef, enc. ar receipt pf this message by the recipient ararry other party. 1 of 1 2/8/2008 9:18 AM