HomeMy WebLinkAbout20030147 Ver 2_Flow Release and Water Level Rpt_20160330DUKE ENERGY March 29, 2016 The Honorable Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street N.E. Washington, DC 20426 Re: Duke Energy Progress, LLC Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2206) Minimum Flow Release and Water Level Compliance Report Dear Secretary Bose: WATER STRATEGY, HYDRO LICENSING AND LAKE SERVICES Duke Energy Corporation 526 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28202 Mailing Address: EC12Y/P.O. Box 1006 Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy) was issued a New License by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project (Project, FERC No. 2206) on April 1, 2015. Enclosed is the compliance report for minimum flow release and reservoir water level required to be submitted annually for the Project by Article 401(b) and 403 of the New License and the 401 Water Quality Certificate (WQC), Condition 9, Sections I and II (Appendix A of the New License). Please contact Tami Styer at (704) 382-0293 (Tami.Styerkduke-energy.com) if you have questions or required additional information. Sincerely, Jeffrey G. Lineberger, P.E. Director, Water Strategy and Hydro Licensing Duke Energy Enclosure: Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project, 2015 Minimum Flow Release and Reservoir Water Level Compliance Report cc w/enclosure: Ms. Karen Higgins, Environmental Program Supervisor Division of Water Resources, 40 1 Permitting Unit North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 cc w/o enclosure: Tami Styer George Galleher Lynne Dunn David Scott Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 2206 2015 Minimum Flow Release and Reservoir Water Level Compliance Report Duke Energy Progress, LLC March 2016 Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 2206 2015 Minimum Flow Release and Reservoir Water Level Compliance Report Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................3 2.0 Compliance Requirements — Minimum Flow Releases ................................................. 3 3.0 2015 Compliance with Minimum Flow Release Requirements ................................... 5 4.0 Compliance Requirements — Reservoir Water Levels ................................................... 8 5.0 2015 Compliance with Reservoir Water Level Requirements ..................................... 9 2 Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project FERC Project No. 2206 2015 Minimum Flow Release and Reservoir Water Level Compliance Report 1.0 Introduction On April 1, 2015, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued Duke Energy Progress, LLC (Duke Energy) a New License for the Yadkin -Pee Dee Hydroelectric Project (Project, FERC No. 2206). This report fulfills the annual compliance reporting requirement for minimum flow release' and reservoir water leve 12 required by Article 401(b) and 403 of the New License and the 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC), Condition 9, Sections I and II (Appendix A of the New License). Article 403 of the New License for the Blewett Falls and Tillery Developments of the Project was revised with the FERC Order on Rehearing and Clarification issued on October 15, 2015 to read as follows: The licensee must provide minimum flows required by sections 1.8.4 (Blewett Falls Development) and I.C.3 (Tillery Development) of North Carolina Division of Water Quality's (DWQ) water quality certification in Appendix A. If the flows released from the Yadkin Project's Falls development are less than the flows specified in section I.A of North Carolina D WQ's water quality certification, the licensee must release from the Blewett Falls development 1.2 times the average daily flow released on the preceding day from the Yadkin Project's Falls development, or 925 cfs, whichever is higher. 2.0 Compliance Requirements — Minimum Flow Releases a. Compliance Monitoring, Reporting, Contingencies, and Implementation Schedule Sections 1.B.4. and I.C.3. of the 401 WQC (Appendix A of the New License) require minimum flow releases to be measured at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Gage No. 02129000 (Pee Dee River Near Rockingham, NC) downstream of the Blewett Falls Development; and at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 (Pee Dee River at Highway 731 Below Lake Tillery Near Norwood, NC) downstream of the Tillery Development. Section I.E. of the 401 WQC requires implementation of minimum flow regimes within 60 days of receipt of the New License from FERC. Sections 1.6.4. (Blewett Falls Development) and I.C.3. (Tillery Development) of the 401 WQC and Article 401(b) of the New License require annual reports to be submitted to the North Carolina Department of 1 All flow releases are reported in cubic feet per second (cfs). 2 All reservoir elevations are expressed in feet, using the 1929 National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) convention. Environmental Quality — Division of Water Resources (NCDEQ-DWR3), reporting flow release data in accordance with normal USGS practices and procedures, to document compliance with minimum flow release requirements. Annual reports are to be submitted by March 31 of the following year. Annual reports are also required to document all periods where a "true -up" was required, as well as how and when the "true -up" took place. Sections 1.B.4. and I.C.3. define the "true -up" procedure as follows: "To the extent practicable, Progress Energy [now Duke Energy Progress, LLC, (Duke Energy)] will "true -up" minimum flows monthly; that is, flows falling below the minimum shall be offset by flows greater than the minimum (during minimum release periods) in the same month and for a reasonably equivalent amount of time. If any instances of recorded lower -than -required minimum flows are not properly compensated for in the month they occur, such compensation will occur as soon as practicable in the next month, but no later than the 15th day of that month." Section I.A. of the 401 WQC specifies that the requirement to meet the minimum flow regime for the Tillery and Blewett Falls Developments is contingent upon Alcoa Power Generating, Inc.'s (APGI's) Yadkin Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2197) releasing minimum flows, on a daily average basis, from Falls Dam to Lake Tillery as follows: Feb 1 to May 15: 2,000 cfs May 16 to May 31: 1,500 cfs Jun 1 to Jan 31: 1,000 cfs APGI is currently releasing a weekly average flow to the Tillery Development and will not be required to release the daily average flows identified above until the receipt of the New License from FERC for the Yadkin Project.' b. Blewett Falls Development Minimum Flow Release Requirements Section 1.6.1. of the 401 WQC requires minimum flow releases measured at USGS Gage No. 02129000 downstream of the Blewett Falls Development as follows: Feb 1— May 15: 2,400 cfs May 16 — May 31: 1,800 cfs Jun 1—Jan 31: 1,200 cfs Flow adjustments to enhance fish spawning (Section 1.B.2. of 401 WQC) will be implemented in 2016, the year following the year of license issuance. 3 The North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) became the NC Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) on September 18, 2015. A consolidation between the NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) and NC Division of Water Resources (NCDWR) in August of 2013 changed the name of NCDWQ to NCDWR. 4 For more detail, see Duke Energy's Request for Rehearing and Clarification filed with FERC on June 1, 2015 and the FERC Order on Rehearing and Clarification issued October 15, 2015. 4 Section 1.6.4. of the 401 WQC specifies that minimum release requirements for the Blewett Falls Development shall be presumed to have been met if flows at USGS Gage No. 02129000 are within 5% of the required minimum flow releases, as long as the "true -up" procedure has been followed. c. Tillery Development Minimum Flow Release Requirements Section I.C.1. of the 401 WQC requires a year-round minimum flow release of 330 cfs, except for an eight- week period beginning between March 15 and March 22, when minimum flow release will not be less than 725 cfs, to enhance spawning of American shad. The eight-week minimum flow of 725 cfs is contingent upon passage of American shad, which is currently scheduled to begin in the spring of 2020. Section I.C.3. of the 401 WQC specifies that minimum flow release requirements for the Tillery Development shall be presumed to have been met if flows at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 are within 5% of the required minimum flow releases, as long as the "true -up" procedure has been implemented. 3.0 2015 Compliance with Minimum Flow Release Requirements Article 403 of the New License allows the minimum flow releases from the Blewett Falls Development to be 1.2 times the average of the release for the preceding day from the upstream Yadkin Project's Falls Development but at no times less than 925 cfs. From May 30, 2015 through December 31, 2015, Duke Energy met the minimum flow release required by Sections I.B.4 and I.C.3 of the NC DWR 401 WQC and did not need to reduce the minimum flow release from the Blewett Falls Development to 1.2 times that provided by the upstream Yadkin Project. a. Blewett Falls Development Minimum flow release data for Blewett Falls Lake, as measured at 15 -minute intervals at USGS Gage No. 02129000, are contained in the Excel file Yadkin Pee Dee Project Minimum Flow Release Data 2015.x1sx, submitted with this report. Daily minimum flow releases recorded April 1— December 31, 2015, and flow release compliance limits are plotted in Figure 1. Daily minimum and maximum flow releases are reported in Table 1. As required in Section 1.B.4. of the 401 WQC, flow release data from the USGS monitoring gage at Rockingham (USGS Gage No. 02129000) are made available to the public at the following website: http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?site no=02129000. The New License was issued on April 1, 2015. Section I.E. of the 401 WQC requires implementation of the minimum flow regime within 60 days of receipt of the New License (i.e., no later than May 30, 2015). From May 28 through December 31, 2015, Blewett Falls flow release as measured at the Rockingham USGS Gage No. 02129000 was in compliance with the minimum flow regime, with the exception of the following dates/times. • On June 17, 2015, flows fell below the required minimum release of 1200 cfs for all observations between 06:15 and 09:15 EDT. At 07:15 and from 07:45 through 09:00 EDT, the minimum flow release fell more than 5% below required minimum flow (see below). True -up was required for the three-hour period (06:15-09:15 EDT) during which flow release was below 1200 cfs. • On August 18, 2015, from 02:30 to 03:30 EDT, flow release fell below the required minimum of 1200 cfs. However, flow release remained within 5% of the required minimum flow release (i.e., above 1140 cfs). A true -up procedure was required (see below). June 17 deviation from minimum flow, and true -up The deviation from minimum flow release requirements which occurred on June 17 was reported to FERC and to NCDEQ-DWR on June 23, 2015, as required by Article 401(c) of the New License and the 401 WQC. As described in the letter from Duke Energy, malfunctioning of a dissolved oxygen monitor in the Blewett Falls tailrace caused vent valves, whose operation is linked to oxygen readings, to fully open, resulting in reduction in flow released from the Blewett Falls Station. A letter from FERC dated September 2, 2015, responding to the report, documented that "we will not consider the deviation that occurred at the Blewett Falls Development of your project a violation of Article 403 of your license and Condition 9 of the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (North Carolina DENR) — Division of Water Quality's Water Quality Certification (WQC)." Because the flow release on June 17 fell below the required minimum, a "true -up" procedure was required, i.e., flows falling below the minimum were required to be offset by flows greater than the minimum in the same month and for a reasonably equivalent amount of time. From 06:15-09:15 EDT, when flows were below the minimum compliance level of 1200 cfs, the flow release averaged 1135 cfs, ranging from 1110 to 1180 cfs; thus the deviation averaged 65 cfs below required minimum flow release. From 09:30-12:30 EDT, the 3 -hour period immediately following the deviation, the flow release ranged from 1250 to 1850, averaging 1584 cfs; 384 cfs above required minimum flow release. Thus the deviation from minimum flow that occurred from 06:15-09:15 EDT was "trued -up" in the 3 -hour period immediately following the event (09:30-12:30 EDT), fulfilling the requirement that "true -up" occur within the same month. August 18 true -up On August 18, the flow release fell below the required minimum compliance flow release of 1,200 cfs (by <5%) from 02:30-03:30 EDT. During this period, flow releases ranged from 1160 to 1180 cfs, averaging 1172 cfs; flow during this period averaged 28 cfs below required minimum flow. For the 1 -hour period immediately following (03:45-04:45 EDT), flow releases ranged from 1220 to 1270 cfs, averaging 1253 cfs, or 53 cfs above required minimum flow. Therefore the period of flows less than 1200 cfs (02:30-03:30 EDT) was immediately "trued -up" in the 1 -hour period immediately following (03:45-04:45 EDT). Thus this event was in compliance with License requirements for minimum flow releases. b. Tillery Development As required in Section I.C.3., flow data from the USGS monitoring gage near the State Highway 731 Bridge (USGS Gage No. 0212378405) were available to the public in 2015 at the following website: http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv?site no=0212378405. Tillery flow release data as measured every 15 minutes at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 are contained in the Excel file Yadkin Pee Dee Project Minimum Flow Release Data 2015.x1sx, submitted with this report to fulfill the requirement for annual reporting of these data. Data for the following time periods were not present in USGS data for Gage No. 0212378405: November 9, 06:00-11:30 EST; December 30, 15:45-23:45 EST; and December 31, 00:00-02:15 EST. The USGS Gage experienced low battery voltage on November 9 which resulted in missing data from the USGS data file. Duke Energy provided an hourly estimate of the minimum flow release for the November 9 missing data based on plant generation records. The data missing on December 30 and December 31 were due to a high inflow event and the hourly estimates are based on plant generation records along with the settings on the spillway gates. These data are included in the Excel file described above. Daily minimum flow releases recorded April 1— December 31, 2015, are plotted with minimum flow compliance limits in Figure 2. Daily minimum and maximum flow releases are reported in Table 2. Section I.E. of the 401 WQC requires implementation of the minimum flow regime within 60 days of receipt of the New License (i.e., no later than May 30, 2015). From May 18 through December 31, 2015, Tillery flow releases as measured near the State Highway 731 Bridge (USGS Gage No. 0212378405) were in compliance with minimum flow release requirements in the New License with one exception, as follows: • On June 8, 2015, the flow release fell below 330 cfs at 09:15 EDT (one observation only). Flow was 324 cfs (6 cfs below the compliance standard of 330 cfs). Flow was within 5% of compliance minimum flow (i.e., above 313.5 cfs), and therefore did not constitute a violation of minimum flow release requirements. A "true -up" was required (see below). June 8 true -up Tillery flow release measured at 09:15 EDT on June 8, 2015, was 324 cfs, 6 cfs below the compliance standard of 330 cfs. The "true -up" took place immediately following this occurrence, as flow releases measured for the next two observations (at 09:30 and 09:45 EDT) were 346 and 338 cfs (16 and 8 cfs above the standard of 330 cfs, respectively). 4.0 Compliance Requirements — Reservoir Water Levels a. Compliance Monitoring, Reporting, Contingencies, and Implementation Schedule Section II.C. of the 401 WQC (Appendix A of the New License) requires submittal of annual reports on reservoir water level compliance to the NCDWR, including reporting of hourly reservoir levels recorded at the Tillery and Blewett Falls Developments. Section II.D. of the 401 WQC requires that the new reservoir level management regime be initiated within 120 days of receipt of the New License. Maintenance of minimum flow releases takes precedence over reservoir water level regimes (Section I.B.1. of the 401 WQC, Appendix A of the New License). b. Blewett Falls Development - Reservoir Water Elevation Requirements Section II.A. of the 401 WQC requires that, when inflows to Blewett Falls Lake are less than approximately 7,400 cfs, reservoir water levels shall be maintained between 172.1 and 178.1 ft (6 ft below full pond), except during system emergencies or when the Low Inflow Protocol (LIP) (described in Appendix B of the WQC) is invoked. An additional 2 feet of drawdown to elevation 170.1 ft is allowed in the event flashboards require replacement. In addition, during bass spawning season, April 15 to May 15, water level fluctuations are limited to 2 feet, unless flashboards fail or additional reservoir storage is necessary to meet minimum flow release requirements. c. Tillery Development - Reservoir Water Level Requirements Section II.B.1. of the 401 WQC requires a seasonal reservoir water level management regime for the Tillery Development as follows: Time Period Condition Dec 15 — Mar 1 Normal Dec 15 — Mar 1 Additional storage to meet electricity demand Dec 15 — Mar 1 System emergency or LIP Mar 2 — Apr 14 Weekdays Mar 2 — Apr 14 Weekends and holidays Apr 15 — May 15 Defined as bass spawning season Reservoir elevation range, ft 275.2 — 278.2 (3 ft below full pond) 273.2 — 278.2 (5 ft below full pond) 270.2 — 278.2 (8 ft below full pond) 275.7 — 278.2 (2.5 ft below full pond) 276.7 — 278.2 (1.5 ft below full pond) No more than 1.5 feet below 5 The Project entered Stage 0 of the LIP on Wednesday September 16, 2015, as declared by the Yadkin -Pee Dee Drought Management Advisory Group (YPD-DMAG). On October 5th, the Project returned to normal conditions due to several high inflow events in early October. May 16 — Dec 14 Weekdays May 16 — Dec 14 Weekends and holidays elevation measured on Apr 15 — higher elevations are acceptable 275.7 — 278.2 (2.5 ft below full pond) 276.7 — 278.2 (1.5 ft below full pond) Section 11.6.2. specifies that once every five years, a drawdown of up to 15 feet will be scheduled within the September 15 to December 15 timeframe to perform routine maintenance and gate testing. 5.0 2015 Compliance with Reservoir Water Level Requirements a. Blewett Falls Lake Blewett Falls Lake was operated in compliance with the required reservoir level regime from April 1(date of issuance of New License) through December 31, 2015. Reservoir water levels measured on an hourly basis did not fall below the year-round compliance minimum elevation of 172.1 ft. Daily minimum and maximum reservoir levels recorded April 1— December 31, 2015, on Blewett Falls Lake are plotted in Figure 3 and provided in Table 3. Hourly reservoir levels measured by Duke Energy at the forebay of Blewett Falls Lake are reported in the Excel file Yadkin Pee Dee Project Reservoir Elevation Data 2015.x1sx, submitted with this report. Blewett Falls Lake level was 176.7 ft at 01:00 EDT on April 15, at the beginning of the bass spawning season. Section II.A. of the 401 WQC requires that water level changes from April 15 to May 15 be limited to 2 ft: thus the minimum compliance reservoir level elevation for the bass spawning season in 2015 was 174.7 ft. The minimum level observed during this period was 175.4 ft, indicating that reservoir levels were in compliance with the lower limit of this regime throughout the specified bass spawning season. b. Lake Tillery Lake Tillery was operated in compliance with the reservoir level regime specified in the New License, from April 1 (date of issuance of New License) through December 31, 2015 (Figure 4). Daily minimum and maximum reservoir levels for Lake Tillery for the period April 1— December 31, 2015, are plotted in Figure 4 and provided in Table 4. Hourly reservoir levels measured by Duke Energy at the forebay of Lake Tillery are reported in the Excel file Yadkin Pee Dee Project Reservoir Elevation Data 2015.xlsx. Reservoir water levels measured hourly from April 1 - December 31 ranged from 276.2 to 278.1 ft. Lake Tillery surface elevation was 277.6 ft at 01:00 EDT on April 15, 2015, the beginning of the bass spawning season (April 15 — May 15). Thus the compliance limit for minimum level during the bass spawning period was 276.1 ft (1.5 ft below 277.6 ft). The minimum hourly reservoir elevation observed on Lake Tillery during this period was 276.8 ft, indicating that levels were in compliance throughout the specified bass spawning season. 10 8000 7000 6000 5000 w v 3 4000 0 LL 3000 2000 1000 0 4/1/2015 Blewett Falls Development Minimum Daily Flow Release 5/1/2015 6/1/2015 7/1/2015 8/1/2015 9/1/2015 Date Minimum Daily Flow --- Compliance Minimum Flow 10/1/2015 11/1/2015 12/1/2015 Date Compliance Required (May 30) Figure 1. Minimum daily flow release recorded at USGS Gage No. 02129000 downstream of the Blewett Falls Development, April 1— December 31, 2015. Minimum daily flow regime was implemented within 60 days after issuance of New License on April 1, 2015 (by May 30, 2015). Where minimum daily flow line is discontinuous, flows exceeded 8000 cfs. See Table 1 for daily minimum and maximum flow data. All data were obtained from USGS. 11 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 v 3 1000 0 800 ME 400 200 Tillery Development Minimum Daily Flow Release 0 r 4/1/2015 5/1/2015 6/1/2015 7/1/2015 8/1/2015 9/1/2015 10/1/2015 11/1/2015 12/1/2015 Date Minimum Daily Flow --- Compliance Minimum Flow Date Compliance Required (May 30) Figure 2. Minimum daily flow release recorded at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 downstream of the Tillery Development, April 1— December 31, 2015. Minimum daily flow regime was implemented within 60 days after issuance of New License on April 1, 2015 (by May 30, 2015). Where minimum daily flow line is discontinuous, flows exceeded 2000 cfs. See Table 2 for daily minimum and maximum flow data. All data were provided by USGS with the exception of flow data for November 9 (06:00-11:30 EST), December 30 (15:45-23:45 EST), and December 31 (00:00- 02:15 EST), which were provided by Duke Energy. 12 184 182 180 178 176 0 m ami 174 W 172 170 168 166 4/1/2015 Blewett Falls Lake Minimum and Maximum Daily Surface Elevation 5/1/2015 6/1/2015 7/1/2015 8/1/2015 9/1/2015 10/1/2015 11/1/2015 12/1/2015 Date Minimum Daily Elevation Maximum Daily Elevation Full Pond --- Minimum Compliance Elevation7 Figure 3. Blewett Falls Lake minimum and maximum daily surface elevation (ft, NGVD), April 1— December 31, 2015. 13 280 279 278 277 Vw CF II �I M It II w 276 II IIS______ 1 I I `I 275 274 273 4/1/2015 5/1/2015 Lake Tillery Minimum and Maximum Daily Elevation it IIf 'III 16J III ILaI.! � ILJI 1..JI jL IIJI II IL..I � LAI U .JI JL II JLI La 1� IL �1 IIJI 1 1 6/1/2015 7/1/2015 8/1/2015 9/1/2015 10/1/2015 Date 11/1/2015 12/1/2015 Minimum Daily Elevation Maximum Daily Elevation Full Pond --- Minimum Compliance Elevation Figure 4. Lake Tillery minimum and maximum daily surface elevation (ft, NGVD), April 1— December 31, 2015. 14 Table 1 (page 1 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Blewett Falls Development at USGS Gage No. 02129000 near Rockingham, NC, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Date Observations per day Minimum daily flow release, cfs Maximum daily flow release, cfs 4/1/2015 96 3190 7480 4/2/2015 96 2840 3730 4/3/2015 96 3660 4100 4/4/2015 96 2600 3770 4/5/2015 96 1540 2630 4/6/2015 96 1450 1560 4/7/2015 96 1510 7800 4/8/2015 96 2720 7750 4/9/2015 96 2570 2780 4/10/2015 96 2550 5500 4/11/2015 96 1760 5580 4/12/2015 96 1490 1760 4/13/2015 96 1470 2570 4/14/2015 96 2520 7030 4/15/2015 96 2690 7610 4/16/2015 96 4370 11000 4/17/2015 96 11200 14100 4/18/2015 96 9680 13800 4/19/2015 96 9680 14000 4/20/2015 96 12400 43300 4/21/2015 96 43500 49800 4/22/2015 96 29100 45100 4/23/2015 96 15500 29000 4/24/2015 96 10500 16200 4/25/2015 96 8510 11000 4/26/2015 96 9840 11400 4/27/2015 96 9160 11400 4/28/2015 96 5240 10400 4/29/2015 96 3320 5810 4/30/2015 96 3390 7120 5/1/2015 96 3420 5460 5/2/2015 96 2870 4060 5/3/2015 96 2630 3030 5/4/2015 96 2900 7120 5/5/2015 96 3520 7750 5/6/2015 96 3320 6640 15 Table 1 (page 2 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Blewett Falls Development at USGS Gage No. 02129000 near Rockingham, NC, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Date Observations per day Minimum daily flow release, cfs Maximum daily flow release, cfs 5/7/2015 96 3120 6470 5/8/2015 96 3350 8220 5/9/2015 96 3390 8420 5/10/2015 96 3190 8420 5/11/2015 96 3150 7840 5/12/2015 96 2990 8030 5/13/2015 96 3250 7940 5/14/2015 96 3030 6380 5/15/2015 96 2900 3060 5/16/2015 96 2240 2930 5/17/2015 96 2270 2410 5/18/2015 96 2300 3560 5/19/2015 96 2320 5540 5/20/2015 96 2350 3350 5/21/2015 96 2240 3560 5/22/2015 96 1350 2240 5/23/2015 96 1310 1450 5/24/2015 96 1270 1330 5/25/2015 96 1250 1450 5/26/2015 96 1330 7660 5/27/2015 96 1310 7940 5/28/2015 96 2210 7840 5/29/2015 96 2410 5460 5/30/2015 96 2630 5430 5/31/2015 96 2520 5110 6/1/2015 96 2210 3840 6/2/2015 96 2210 4860 6/3/2015 96 1650 5350 6/4/2015 96 1330 1670 6/5/2015 96 1540 5200 6/6/2015 96 1690 1950 6/7/2015 96 1690 2570 6/8/2015 96 2350 4140 6/9/2015 96 1450 4140 6/10/2015 96 1560 1670 6/11/2015 96 1580 1670 16 Table 1 (page 3 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Blewett Falls Development at USGS Gage No. 02129000 near Rockingham, NC, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Date Observations per day Minimum daily flow release, cfs Maximum daily flow release, cfs 6/12/2015 96 1540 1670 6/13/2015 96 1490 1580 6/14/2015 96 1490 1560 6/15/2015 96 1510 1600 6/16/2015 96 1370 1620 6/17/2015 96 1110 1980 6/18/2015 96 1540 1780 6/19/2015 96 1450 1900 6/20/2015 96 1650 2050 6/21/2015 96 1470 1760 6/22/2015 96 1370 6770 6/23/2015 96 1450 6510 6/24/2015 96 1430 6900 6/25/2015 96 1390 6980 6/26/2015 96 1510 1670 6/27/2015 96 1430 1810 6/28/2015 96 1410 1760 6/29/2015 96 1370 1600 6/30/2015 96 1290 1490 7/1/2015 96 1430 2000 7/2/2015 96 1540 3920 7/3/2015 96 1510 3060 7/4/2015 96 1580 2520 7/5/2015 96 1780 2900 7/6/2015 96 1810 4060 7/7/2015 96 1540 2080 7/8/2015 96 1470 1600 7/9/2015 96 1470 2130 7/10/2015 96 1510 2750 7/11/2015 96 1540 2300 7/12/2015 96 1560 1620 7/13/2015 96 1560 2750 7/14/2015 96 1510 2110 7/15/2015 96 1620 1690 7/16/2015 96 1620 3060 7/17/2015 96 1580 2720 17 Table 1 (page 4 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Blewett Falls Development at USGS Gage No. 02129000 near Rockingham, NC, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Date Observations per day Minimum daily flow release, cfs Maximum daily flow release, cfs 7/18/2015 96 1450 2960 7/19/2015 96 1740 5270 7/20/2015 96 1760 4650 7/21/2015 96 1760 5240 7/22/2015 96 1670 2870 7/23/2015 96 1600 1740 7/24/2015 96 1510 1690 7/25/2015 96 1470 1540 7/26/2015 96 1450 1580 7/27/2015 96 1540 2210 7/28/2015 96 1650 7160 7/29/2015 96 1540 3350 7/30/2015 96 1710 6900 7/31/2015 96 1620 1830 8/1/2015 96 1580 1670 8/2/2015 96 1580 3810 8/3/2015 96 1600 1830 8/4/2015 96 1540 1740 8/5/2015 95 1580 3590 8/6/2015 96 1580 1760 8/7/2015 96 1540 1650 8/8/2015 96 1510 2570 8/9/2015 96 1540 3030 8/10/2015 96 1560 2960 8/11/2015 96 1510 2840 8/12/2015 96 1540 4410 8/13/2015 96 1450 1710 8/14/2015 96 1290 1620 8/15/2015 96 1270 1390 8/16/2015 96 1270 1350 8/17/2015 96 1250 1430 8/18/2015 96 1160 3520 8/19/2015 96 1410 2490 8/20/2015 96 1780 9420 8/21/2015 96 1650 9520 8/22/2015 96 1540 1670 Table 1 (page 5 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Blewett Falls Development at USGS Gage No. 02129000 near Rockingham, NC, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Date Observations per day Minimum daily flow release, cfs Maximum daily flow release, cfs 8/23/2015 96 1540 1600 8/24/2015 96 1540 6340 8/25/2015 96 1540 7480 8/26/2015 96 1650 2550 8/27/2015 96 1450 1690 8/28/2015 96 1390 1600 8/29/2015 96 1370 2750 8/30/2015 96 1390 1540 8/31/2015 96 1410 2270 9/1/2015 96 1390 3880 9/2/2015 96 1410 2030 9/3/2015 96 1390 1580 9/4/2015 96 1370 1490 9/5/2015 96 1350 4730 9/6/2015 96 1350 1560 9/7/2015 96 1330 1410 9/8/2015 96 1350 2780 9/9/2015 96 1370 2520 9/10/2015 96 1350 1490 9/11/2015 96 1350 3150 9/12/2015 96 1410 1540 9/13/2015 96 1350 1540 9/14/2015 96 1350 2270 9/15/2015 96 1310 1510 9/16/2015 96 1310 1430 9/17/2015 96 1310 1830 9/18/2015 96 1390 7520 9/19/2015 96 1310 7250 9/20/2015 96 1310 7430 9/21/2015 96 1270 7250 9/22/2015 96 1270 2210 9/23/2015 96 1270 1330 9/24/2015 96 1270 1390 9/25/2015 96 1310 2660 9/26/2015 96 1250 2780 9/27/2015 96 1270 1580 19 Table 1 (page 6 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Blewett Falls Development at USGS Gage No. 02129000 near Rockingham, NC, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Date Observations per day Minimum daily flow release, cfs Maximum daily flow release, cfs 9/28/2015 96 1290 1560 9/29/2015 96 1350 1540 9/30/2015 96 1310 2720 10/1/2015 96 2660 9320 10/2/2015 96 9270 10600 10/3/2015 96 10600 61500 10/4/2015 96 46600 64000 10/5/2015 96 15400 46400 10/6/2015 96 9010 15600 10/7/2015 96 9270 12600 10/8/2015 96 8080 12100 10/9/2015 96 4330 8660 10/10/2015 96 1830 5890 10/11/2015 96 5770 9060 10/12/2015 96 4610 9270 10/13/2015 96 1470 8760 10/14/2015 96 1450 1580 10/15/2015 96 1510 8080 10/16/2015 96 2030 5810 10/17/2015 96 2030 4730 10/18/2015 96 3120 8130 10/19/2015 96 1900 8080 10/20/2015 96 1670 6720 10/21/2015 96 2660 6510 10/22/2015 96 2320 5620 10/23/2015 96 2130 2780 10/24/2015 96 1560 7800 10/25/2015 96 1740 4180 10/26/2015 96 1470 1780 10/27/2015 96 1470 6220 10/28/2015 96 2900 6300 10/29/2015 96 6220 6680 10/30/2015 96 3700 6810 10/31/2015 96 3250 7570 11/1/2015 100 2130 7520 11/2/2015 96 7480 66500 20 Table 1 (page 7 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Blewett Falls Development at USGS Gage No. 02129000 near Rockingham, NC, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Date Observations per day Minimum daily flow release, cfs Maximum daily flow release, cfs 11/3/2015 96 67100 73400 11/4/2015 96 27800 72600 11/5/2015 96 14500 27900 11/6/2015 96 11900 20400 11/7/2015 96 11300 16900 11/8/2015 96 17000 20900 11/9/2015 96 13100 28300 11/10/2015 96 29900 82200 11/11/2015 96 46100 82400 11/12/2015 96 22100 45300 11/13/2015 96 11200 30700 11/14/2015 96 8760 11000 11/15/2015 96 8370 12300 11/16/2015 96 8170 10800 11/17/2015 96 6260 9520 11/18/2015 96 6340 9580 11/19/2015 95 7290 72200 11/20/2015 96 57400 75100 11/21/2015 96 23000 57000 11/22/2015 96 10600 24200 11/23/2015 96 10500 17100 11/24/2015 96 8270 11900 11/25/2015 96 8080 9950 11/26/2015 96 6940 12500 11/27/2015 96 3090 6980 11/28/2015 96 5460 7940 11/29/2015 96 3770 6980 11/30/2015 96 2410 6430 12/1/2015 96 5540 12100 12/2/2015 96 11000 13800 12/3/2015 96 11500 25000 12/4/2015 96 12700 25500 12/5/2015 96 7480 13000 12/6/2015 96 7380 11900 12/7/2015 96 8030 11800 12/8/2015 96 4410 11800 21 Table 1 (page 8 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Blewett Falls Development at USGS Gage No. 02129000 near Rockingham, NC, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Date Observations per day Minimum daily flow release, cfs Maximum daily flow release, cfs 12/9/2015 96 6810 10400 12/10/2015 96 5770 6680 12/11/2015 96 4210 6340 12/12/2015 96 3840 6430 12/13/2015 96 5850 8220 12/14/2015 96 5970 7430 12/15/2015 96 2990 6430 12/16/2015 96 4450 7570 12/17/2015 96 5110 8420 12/18/2015 96 8510 27600 12/19/2015 96 11500 24700 12/20/2015 96 9790 14400 12/21/2015 96 9470 11300 12/22/2015 96 9890 60200 12/23/2015 96 60200 70600 12/24/2015 96 70900 88400 12/25/2015 96 68600 86900 12/26/2015 96 43600 68400 12/27/2015 96 18200 43500 12/28/2015 96 13000 25600 12/29/2015 96 22000 40700 12/30/2015 96 35800 70900 12/31/2015 96 71600 106000 22 Table 2 (page 1 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Tillery Development at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 near the State Highway 731 bridge, April 1 - December 31, 2015. (See text for additional sources of data for November 9 and December 30-31, 2015). 23 Observations Minimum daily Maximum daily Date per day flow release, cfs flow release, cfs 4/1/2015 96 173 16400 4/2/2015 96 134 17400 4/3/2015 96 123 16000 4/4/2015 96 134 6020 4/5/2015 96 142 182 4/6/2015 96 131 4160 4/7/2015 96 168 17400 4/8/2015 96 155 16000 4/9/2015 96 369 17200 4/10/2015 96 331 17000 4/11/2015 96 324 4020 4/12/2015 96 123 361 4/13/2015 96 142 16800 4/14/2015 96 361 18700 4/15/2015 96 353 15600 4/16/2015 96 353 18700 4/17/2015 96 393 17700 4/18/2015 96 353 17400 4/19/2015 96 353 18200 4/20/2015 96 580 35500 4/21/2015 96 28500 34700 4/22/2015 96 15200 31700 4/23/2015 96 418 17900 4/24/2015 96 393 17600 4/25/2015 96 409 17100 4/26/2015 96 418 17700 4/27/2015 96 385 17900 4/28/2015 96 393 17900 4/29/2015 96 409 17600 4/30/2015 96 401 17700 5/1/2015 96 361 18000 5/2/2015 96 385 7900 5/3/2015 96 393 444 5/4/2015 96 418 17000 5/5/2015 96 240 11700 5/6/2015 96 409 11000 23 Table 2 (page 2 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Tillery Development at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 near the State Highway 731 bridge, April 1 - December 31, 2015. (See text for additional sources of data for November 9 and December 30-31, 2015). 24 Observations Minimum daily Maximum daily Date per day flow release, cfs flow release, cfs 5/7/2015 96 401 16100 5/8/2015 96 401 15500 5/9/2015 96 369 17900 5/10/2015 96 361 17400 5/11/2015 96 393 12600 5/12/2015 96 401 16100 5/13/2015 96 331 17700 5/14/2015 96 369 17700 5/15/2015 96 393 8160 5/16/2015 96 377 14500 5/17/2015 96 393 17700 5/18/2015 96 385 11500 5/19/2015 96 401 11700 5/20/2015 96 393 17800 5/21/2015 96 338 418 5/22/2015 96 353 435 5/23/2015 96 393 435 5/24/2015 96 377 435 5/25/2015 96 369 2850 5/26/2015 96 361 17300 5/27/2015 96 346 18200 5/28/2015 96 385 18400 5/29/2015 96 385 18500 5/30/2015 96 361 17900 5/31/2015 96 369 18500 6/1/2015 96 353 18300 6/2/2015 96 377 18900 6/3/2015 96 385 401 6/4/2015 96 369 18400 6/5/2015 96 369 8870 6/6/2015 96 353 11800 6/7/2015 96 361 17700 6/8/2015 96 324 20700 6/9/2015 96 377 453 6/10/2015 96 401 12200 24 Table 2 (page 3 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Tillery Development at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 near the State Highway 731 bridge, April 1 - December 31, 2015. (See text for additional sources of data for November 9 and December 30-31, 2015). 25 Observations Minimum daily Maximum daily Date per day flow release, cfs flow release, cfs 6/11/2015 96 377 18700 6/12/2015 96 361 18900 6/13/2015 96 346 444 6/14/2015 96 385 418 6/15/2015 96 361 10000 6/16/2015 96 393 14100 6/17/2015 96 393 14200 6/18/2015 96 385 9190 6/19/2015 96 338 17500 6/20/2015 96 361 418 6/21/2015 96 377 409 6/22/2015 96 385 16900 6/23/2015 96 377 12600 6/24/2015 96 385 12300 6/25/2015 96 346 17300 6/26/2015 96 353 435 6/27/2015 96 353 7570 6/28/2015 96 346 16000 6/29/2015 96 393 12500 6/30/2015 96 361 18900 7/1/2015 96 353 19500 7/2/2015 96 353 19600 7/3/2015 96 353 13300 7/4/2015 96 346 12600 7/5/2015 96 377 13000 7/6/2015 96 369 19500 7/7/2015 96 353 12600 7/8/2015 96 377 12900 7/9/2015 96 369 15900 7/10/2015 96 353 11100 7/11/2015 96 353 17900 7/12/2015 96 393 15300 7/13/2015 96 353 13500 7/14/2015 96 361 13500 7/15/2015 96 361 13400 25 Table 2 (page 4 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Tillery Development at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 near the State Highway 731 bridge, April 1 - December 31, 2015. (See text for additional sources of data for November 9 and December 30-31, 2015). 26 Observations Minimum daily Maximum daily Date per day flow release, cfs flow release, cfs 7/16/2015 96 377 9900 7/17/2015 96 361 13100 7/18/2015 96 401 14300 7/19/2015 96 409 15100 7/20/2015 96 393 13900 7/21/2015 96 393 15600 7/22/2015 96 401 10200 7/23/2015 96 346 426 7/24/2015 96 385 6100 7/25/2015 96 401 19000 7/26/2015 96 393 16000 7/27/2015 96 393 14500 7/28/2015 96 401 10200 7/29/2015 96 393 15600 7/30/2015 96 418 14300 7/31/2015 96 385 9360 8/1/2015 96 401 21600 8/2/2015 96 393 15100 8/3/2015 96 369 17600 8/4/2015 96 385 18600 8/5/2015 96 418 16100 8/6/2015 96 393 9940 8/7/2015 96 393 9360 8/8/2015 96 393 14500 8/9/2015 96 409 14100 8/10/2015 96 409 22100 8/11/2015 96 401 10300 8/12/2015 96 393 12500 8/13/2015 96 435 10300 8/14/2015 96 444 7730 8/15/2015 96 393 5190 8/16/2015 96 418 462 8/17/2015 96 435 9640 8/18/2015 96 462 16200 8/19/2015 96 418 16200 26 Table 2 (page 5 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Tillery Development at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 near the State Highway 731 bridge, April 1 - December 31, 2015. (See text for additional sources of data for November 9 and December 30-31, 2015). 27 Observations Minimum daily Maximum daily Date per day flow release, cfs flow release, cfs 8/20/2015 96 471 21100 8/21/2015 96 418 489 8/22/2015 96 444 4550 8/23/2015 96 444 13200 8/24/2015 96 444 14500 8/25/2015 96 444 20700 8/26/2015 96 444 10500 8/27/2015 96 462 509 8/28/2015 96 453 4740 8/29/2015 96 489 602 8/30/2015 96 509 10200 8/31/2015 96 499 14500 9/1/2015 96 509 19200 9/2/2015 96 509 12500 9/3/2015 96 480 13800 9/4/2015 96 489 10600 9/5/2015 96 462 15900 9/6/2015 96 462 10500 9/7/2015 96 453 19500 9/8/2015 96 480 14700 9/9/2015 96 453 18200 9/10/2015 96 444 7690 9/11/2015 96 444 14900 9/12/2015 96 401 14200 9/13/2015 96 401 8550 9/14/2015 96 418 14500 9/15/2015 96 393 444 9/16/2015 96 426 14800 9/17/2015 96 393 21600 9/18/2015 96 377 22000 9/19/2015 96 353 20500 9/20/2015 96 377 15500 9/21/2015 96 401 13900 9/22/2015 96 369 509 9/23/2015 96 361 426 27 Table 2 (page 6 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Tillery Development at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 near the State Highway 731 bridge, April 1 - December 31, 2015. (See text for additional sources of data for November 9 and December 30-31, 2015). 123 Observations Minimum daily Maximum daily Date per day flow release, cfs flow release, cfs 9/24/2015 96 361 9730 9/25/2015 96 377 435 9/26/2015 96 385 11600 9/27/2015 96 385 9850 9/28/2015 96 418 15500 9/29/2015 96 361 11700 9/30/2015 96 385 15900 10/1/2015 96 385 15100 10/2/2015 96 9190 15100 10/3/2015 96 10100 24800 10/4/2015 96 3820 30200 10/5/2015 96 435 23000 10/6/2015 96 393 21500 10/7/2015 96 426 21300 10/8/2015 96 409 22100 10/9/2015 96 361 13700 10/10/2015 96 401 19000 10/11/2015 96 418 9150 10/12/2015 96 377 18700 10/13/2015 96 353 18800 10/14/2015 96 353 20300 10/15/2015 96 377 10500 10/16/2015 96 346 8870 10/17/2015 96 385 14000 10/18/2015 96 346 18200 10/19/2015 96 369 13400 10/20/2015 96 361 18400 10/21/2015 96 346 18400 10/22/2015 96 369 20700 10/23/2015 96 377 17900 10/24/2015 96 346 15900 10/25/2015 96 361 471 10/26/2015 96 331 18500 10/27/2015 96 338 18500 10/28/2015 96 331 16200 123 Table 2 (page 7 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Tillery Development at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 near the State Highway 731 bridge, April 1 - December 31, 2015. (See text for additional sources of data for November 9 and December 30-31, 2015). 29 Observations Minimum daily Maximum daily Date per day flow release, cfs flow release, cfs 10/29/2015 96 353 16200 10/30/2015 96 361 17600 10/31/2015 96 377 17800 11/1/2015 100 353 19300 11/2/2015 96 369 41500 11/3/2015 96 4080 32900 11/4/2015 96 444 27200 11/5/2015 96 444 20500 11/6/2015 96 401 17500 11/7/2015 96 361 20300 11/8/2015 96 426 17600 11/9/2015 79 360 44500 11/10/2015 96 42400 55000 11/11/2015 96 921 49500 11/12/2015 96 453 27500 11/13/2015 96 361 20100 11/14/2015 96 393 17900 11/15/2015 96 409 18300 11/16/2015 96 401 18100 11/17/2015 96 401 18700 11/18/2015 96 346 17900 11/19/2015 96 7780 33000 11/20/2015 96 10200 35700 11/21/2015 96 1420 20200 11/22/2015 96 453 18100 11/23/2015 96 401 18100 11/24/2015 96 435 18000 11/25/2015 96 435 18500 11/26/2015 96 426 18000 11/27/2015 96 426 17100 11/28/2015 96 426 19300 11/29/2015 96 426 16900 11/30/2015 96 426 17800 12/1/2015 96 453 18000 12/2/2015 96 453 20200 29 Table 2 (page 8 of 8). Minimum and maximum daily flow release measured downstream of the Tillery Development at USGS Gage No. 0212378405 near the State Highway 731 bridge, April 1 - December 31, 2015. (See text for additional sources of data for November 9 and December 30-31, 2015). 30 Observations Minimum daily Maximum daily Date per day flow release, cfs flow release, cfs 12/3/2015 96 2580 23500 12/4/2015 96 462 22400 12/5/2015 96 444 19000 12/6/2015 96 444 20300 12/7/2015 96 444 17600 12/8/2015 96 435 18500 12/9/2015 96 393 19500 12/10/2015 96 444 20100 12/11/2015 96 528 19000 12/12/2015 96 471 19600 12/13/2015 96 435 18600 12/14/2015 96 393 18100 12/15/2015 96 426 18300 12/16/2015 96 444 18200 12/17/2015 96 435 20800 12/18/2015 96 489 20500 12/19/2015 96 418 18300 12/20/2015 96 435 18800 12/21/2015 96 453 18300 12/22/2015 96 435 44200 12/23/2015 96 12600 46200 12/24/2015 96 46300 53800 12/25/2015 96 35800 48400 12/26/2015 96 21600 39400 12/27/2015 96 559 21000 12/28/2015 96 539 27400 12/29/2015 96 11800 34100 12/30/2015 71 19900 125424 12/31/2015 89 46200 88464 30 Table 3 (page 1 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Blewett Falls Lake, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 31 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 4/1/2015 24 176.3 178.0 4/2/2015 24 176.7 177.9 4/3/2015 24 177.1 177.7 4/4/2015 24 177.2 178.0 4/5/2015 24 177.3 177.8 4/6/2015 24 176.8 177.3 4/7/2015 24 175.8 176.8 4/8/2015 24 176.1 177.0 4/9/2015 24 176.5 176.9 4/10/2015 24 176.8 177.7 4/11/2015 24 177.4 178.0 4/12/2015 24 177.5 177.7 4/13/2015 24 176.8 177.4 4/14/2015 24 176.5 177.8 4/15/2015 24 176.4 177.4 4/16/2015 24 176.5 178.8 4/17/2015 24 178.7 179.2 4/18/2015 24 178.1 179.2 4/19/2015 24 177.5 179.2 4/20/2015 24 179.3 181.1 4/21/2015 24 180.8 181.2 4/22/2015 24 179.7 180.8 4/23/2015 24 177.8 179.6 4/24/2015 24 176.4 178.2 4/25/2015 24 175.8 176.6 4/26/2015 24 176.0 176.8 4/27/2015 24 175.8 176.5 4/28/2015 24 175.4 176.2 4/29/2015 24 175.7 177.0 4/30/2015 24 176.5 177.2 5/1/2015 24 177.1 177.9 5/2/2015 24 177.5 178.0 5/3/2015 24 176.9 177.5 5/4/2015 24 176.0 176.8 5/5/2015 24 177.1 178.0 5/6/2015 24 176.2 178.0 5/7/2015 24 176.6 177.6 31 Table 3 (page 2 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Blewett Falls Lake, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 32 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 5/8/2015 24 177.0 177.9 5/9/2015 24 176.9 178.1 5/10/2015 24 177.1 177.8 5/11/2015 24 176.8 178.0 5/12/2015 24 176.9 177.7 5/13/2015 24 176.3 178.0 5/14/2015 24 176.7 177.7 5/15/2015 24 176.8 177.5 5/16/2015 24 176.0 176.8 5/17/2015 24 176.4 177.5 5/18/2015 24 177.4 178.0 5/19/2015 24 177.4 178.1 5/20/2015 24 177.5 178.0 5/21/2015 24 177.7 178.1 5/22/2015 24 177.2 177.7 5/23/2015 24 176.8 177.2 5/24/2015 24 176.3 176.7 5/25/2015 24 175.8 176.3 5/26/2015 24 174.0 175.7 5/27/2015 24 173.9 175.3 5/28/2015 24 174.5 175.8 5/29/2015 24 174.2 175.6 5/30/2015 24 174.4 175.6 5/31/2015 24 172.9 174.6 6/1/2015 24 172.7 173.5 6/2/2015 24 172.8 173.6 6/3/2015 24 173.2 174.1 6/4/2015 24 173.0 174.0 6/5/2015 24 173.7 174.5 6/6/2015 24 173.7 174.1 6/7/2015 24 174.0 174.7 6/8/2015 24 173.5 174.6 6/9/2015 24 173.8 174.4 6/10/2015 24 173.4 174.1 6/11/2015 24 173.2 173.5 6/12/2015 24 173.7 174.2 32 Table 3 (page 3 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Blewett Falls Lake, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 33 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 6/13/2015 24 174.4 174.9 6/14/2015 24 173.9 174.6 6/15/2015 24 173.1 173.9 6/16/2015 24 173.2 173.7 6/17/2015 24 173.9 174.7 6/18/2015 24 174.9 175.5 6/19/2015 24 175.5 176.3 6/20/2015 24 176.2 176.6 6/21/2015 24 175.5 176.1 6/22/2015 24 174.2 175.4 6/23/2015 24 174.2 175.0 6/24/2015 24 174.1 175.0 6/25/2015 24 174.9 176.0 6/26/2015 24 176.0 176.7 6/27/2015 24 176.3 176.5 6/28/2015 24 175.8 176.3 6/29/2015 24 175.7 175.9 6/30/2015 24 175.7 175.8 7/1/2015 24 176.4 176.9 7/2/2015 24 177.0 177.5 7/3/2015 24 177.5 177.9 7/4/2015 24 177.4 177.7 7/5/2015 24 177.4 177.9 7/6/2015 24 177.3 177.8 7/7/2015 24 177.5 177.7 7/8/2015 24 177.5 177.7 7/9/2015 24 177.5 177.8 7/10/2015 24 177.4 177.8 7/11/2015 24 177.2 177.5 7/12/2015 24 176.9 177.3 7/13/2015 24 176.8 177.1 7/14/2015 24 176.8 177.1 7/15/2015 24 176.8 177.1 7/16/2015 24 177.0 177.3 7/17/2015 24 176.9 177.2 7/18/2015 24 177.0 177.5 33 Table 3 (page 4 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Blewett Falls Lake, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 34 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 7/19/2015 24 177.1 177.9 7/20/2015 24 177.1 177.8 7/21/2015 24 177.2 177.8 7/22/2015 24 177.6 177.9 7/23/2015 24 177.5 177.9 7/24/2015 24 176.8 177.5 7/25/2015 24 176.6 176.8 7/26/2015 24 176.8 177.4 7/27/2015 24 177.1 177.6 7/28/2015 24 176.1 177.3 7/29/2015 24 176.5 177.6 7/30/2015 24 177.3 178.0 7/31/2015 24 177.8 178.1 8/1/2015 24 177.3 177.8 8/2/2015 24 177.2 177.7 8/3/2015 24 177.1 177.4 8/4/2015 24 177.3 177.6 8/5/2015 24 177.2 177.6 8/6/2015 24 177.4 177.7 8/7/2015 24 177.2 177.7 8/8/2015 24 176.7 177.2 8/9/2015 24 176.7 177.1 8/10/2015 24 176.5 177.2 8/11/2015 24 177.4 177.7 8/12/2015 24 177.2 177.8 8/13/2015 24 177.4 177.8 8/14/2015 24 177.5 177.8 8/15/2015 24 177.1 177.5 8/16/2015 24 176.7 177.1 8/17/2015 24 176.1 176.6 8/18/2015 24 175.4 176.0 8/19/2015 24 176.0 176.8 8/20/2015 24 176.7 177.7 8/21/2015 24 177.3 177.8 8/22/2015 24 177.1 177.3 8/23/2015 24 176.8 177.1 34 Table 3 (page 5 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Blewett Falls Lake, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 9/22/2015 Observations 177.5 178.1 Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 8/24/2015 24 176.8 177.4 8/25/2015 24 177.1 178.0 8/26/2015 24 177.5 177.8 8/27/2015 24 177.4 177.7 8/28/2015 24 177.1 177.4 8/29/2015 24 176.6 177.2 8/30/2015 24 176.0 176.6 8/31/2015 24 175.9 176.2 9/1/2015 24 176.0 176.5 9/2/2015 24 176.4 176.9 9/3/2015 24 176.7 176.9 9/4/2015 24 176.9 177.3 9/5/2015 24 176.5 177.0 9/6/2015 24 176.7 177.1 9/7/2015 24 176.9 177.1 9/8/2015 24 176.9 177.2 9/9/2015 24 176.8 177.1 9/10/2015 24 176.9 177.6 9/11/2015 24 177.2 177.5 9/12/2015 24 177.4 177.7 9/13/2015 24 177.3 177.6 9/14/2015 24 176.9 177.3 9/15/2015 24 176.7 177.0 9/16/2015 24 176.0 176.6 9/17/2015 24 176.1 176.9 9/18/2015 24 176.9 177.8 9/19/2015 24 177.0 177.9 9/20/2015 24 177.1 178.0 9/21/2015 24 177.0 177.9 9/22/2015 24 177.5 178.1 9/23/2015 24 177.3 177.8 9/24/2015 24 176.8 177.2 9/25/2015 24 176.4 176.8 9/26/2015 24 175.6 176.4 9/27/2015 24 175.7 176.0 9/28/2015 24 176.0 176.4 35 Table 3 (page 6 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Blewett Falls Lake, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 36 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 9/29/2015 24 176.7 176.9 9/30/2015 24 176.8 177.1 10/1/2015 24 175.6 176.9 10/2/2015 24 175.8 178.0 10/3/2015 24 178.1 181.3 10/4/2015 24 180.1 181.2 10/5/2015 24 176.5 180.0 10/6/2015 24 174.5 176.8 10/7/2015 24 174.7 176.1 10/8/2015 24 174.2 176.1 10/9/2015 24 173.0 174.6 10/10/2015 24 172.8 174.4 10/11/2015 24 172.9 175.0 10/12/2015 24 173.0 175.0 10/13/2015 24 172.8 174.0 10/14/2015 24 174.0 176.7 10/15/2015 24 176.8 177.5 10/16/2015 24 177.2 177.9 10/17/2015 24 177.4 177.9 10/18/2015 24 176.9 178.1 10/19/2015 24 176.3 177.3 10/20/2015 24 176.8 177.4 10/21/2015 24 177.1 177.6 10/22/2015 24 176.6 177.1 10/23/2015 24 176.5 176.9 10/24/2015 24 176.4 177.4 10/25/2015 24 176.4 177.1 10/26/2015 24 176.5 176.9 10/27/2015 24 176.3 177.2 10/28/2015 24 176.3 177.2 10/29/2015 24 176.1 176.9 10/30/2015 24 176.7 177.4 10/31/2015 24 176.9 177.5 11/1/2015 24 176.8 177.7 11/2/2015 24 176.8 181.8 11/3/2015 24 181.1 181.5 36 Table 3 (page 7 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Blewett Falls Lake, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 37 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 11/4/2015 24 178.2 181.1 11/5/2015 24 176.4 178.2 11/6/2015 24 175.9 177.5 11/7/2015 24 175.8 177.3 11/8/2015 24 177.2 177.7 11/9/2015 24 176.4 179.2 11/10/2015 24 179.6 181.5 11/11/2015 24 179.1 181.5 11/12/2015 24 177.3 179.0 11/13/2015 24 175.6 178.3 11/14/2015 24 175.4 175.8 11/15/2015 24 175.2 176.1 11/16/2015 24 175.2 175.9 11/17/2015 24 174.4 175.4 11/18/2015 24 174.6 175.8 11/19/2015 24 175.1 181.1 11/20/2015 24 180.1 181.2 11/21/2015 24 177.4 179.9 11/22/2015 24 175.9 177.6 11/23/2015 24 175.4 176.8 11/24/2015 24 174.8 175.8 11/25/2015 24 174.6 175.4 11/26/2015 24 173.8 176.0 11/27/2015 24 173.7 174.4 11/28/2015 24 174.1 175.0 11/29/2015 24 172.4 174.4 11/30/2015 24 172.7 173.7 12/1/2015 24 173.3 176.4 12/2/2015 24 176.0 176.7 12/3/2015 24 176.2 178.0 12/4/2015 24 176.3 178.0 12/5/2015 24 174.4 176.4 12/6/2015 24 174.6 176.0 12/7/2015 24 174.7 175.9 12/8/2015 24 175.0 176.2 12/9/2015 24 174.2 175.6 37 Table 3 (page 8 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Blewett Falls Lake, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft a.] Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 12/10/2015 24 173.7 174.4 12/11/2015 24 173.9 174.6 12/12/2015 24 173.8 174.9 12/13/2015 24 173.9 175.3 12/14/2015 24 173.9 175.1 12/15/2015 24 174.0 174.7 12/16/2015 24 174.5 175.3 12/17/2015 24 174.4 175.5 12/18/2015 24 176.1 178.2 12/19/2015 24 175.7 177.9 12/20/2015 24 175.3 176.5 12/21/2015 24 175.4 175.9 12/22/2015 24 175.5 180.6 12/23/2015 24 180.6 181.0 12/24/2015 24 181.1 181.7 12/25/2015 24 180.5 181.5 12/26/2015 24 178.9 180.4 12/27/2015 24 176.7 178.8 12/28/2015 24 175.9 177.6 12/29/2015 24 177.2 178.9 12/30/2015 24 178.7 180.9 12/31/2015 24 181.2 182.2 a.] Table 4 (page 1 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Lake Tillery, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 39 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 4/1/2015 24 277.6 278.1 4/2/2015 24 277.7 278.0 4/3/2015 24 277.7 278.1 4/4/2015 24 277.7 277.9 4/5/2015 24 277.7 277.8 4/6/2015 24 277.8 277.9 4/7/2015 24 277.6 277.9 4/8/2015 24 277.6 278.0 4/9/2015 24 277.6 278.0 4/10/2015 24 277.5 278.0 4/11/2015 24 277.6 277.9 4/12/2015 24 277.9 277.9 4/13/2015 24 277.7 278.1 4/14/2015 24 277.5 277.9 4/15/2015 24 277.4 278.1 4/16/2015 24 277.1 277.7 4/17/2015 24 277.4 277.9 4/18/2015 24 277.2 277.9 4/19/2015 24 277.2 277.9 4/20/2015 24 277.1 277.9 4/21/2015 24 277.0 277.2 4/22/2015 24 277.1 277.3 4/23/2015 24 276.8 277.6 4/24/2015 24 277.0 277.7 4/25/2015 24 277.2 278.0 4/26/2015 24 277.2 277.9 4/27/2015 24 277.2 277.9 4/28/2015 24 277.3 277.9 4/29/2015 24 277.5 277.8 4/30/2015 24 277.5 277.8 5/1/2015 24 277.5 278.1 5/2/2015 24 278.0 278.1 5/3/2015 24 278.0 278.0 5/4/2015 24 277.6 278.1 5/5/2015 24 277.3 278.0 5/6/2015 24 277.8 278.1 5/7/2015 24 277.9 278.1 39 Table 4 (page 2 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Lake Tillery, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 40 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 5/8/2015 24 277.9 278.1 5/9/2015 24 277.5 278.1 5/10/2015 24 277.7 278.0 5/11/2015 24 277.5 278.0 5/12/2015 24 277.8 278.0 5/13/2015 24 277.5 278.1 5/14/2015 24 277.8 278.1 5/15/2015 24 277.8 278.0 5/16/2015 24 277.8 278.0 5/17/2015 24 277.6 278.0 5/18/2015 24 277.7 278.0 5/19/2015 24 277.5 277.8 5/20/2015 24 277.6 277.9 5/21/2015 24 277.7 277.8 5/22/2015 24 277.6 277.7 5/23/2015 24 277.5 277.6 5/24/2015 24 277.5 277.5 5/25/2015 24 277.4 277.5 5/26/2015 24 277.3 277.8 5/27/2015 24 277.4 278.0 5/28/2015 24 277.2 278.0 5/29/2015 24 277.7 278.1 5/30/2015 24 277.7 278.0 5/31/2015 24 277.7 278.0 6/1/2015 24 277.6 277.8 6/2/2015 24 277.6 277.9 6/3/2015 24 277.7 277.8 6/4/2015 24 277.4 277.7 6/5/2015 24 277.6 277.9 6/6/2015 24 277.9 278.0 6/7/2015 24 277.9 278.0 6/8/2015 24 277.6 278.0 6/9/2015 24 277.7 277.8 6/10/2015 24 277.7 277.8 6/11/2015 24 277.7 278.0 6/12/2015 24 277.7 278.0 40 Table 4 (page 3 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Lake Tillery, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 41 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 6/13/2015 24 277.9 278.0 6/14/2015 24 277.8 277.8 6/15/2015 24 277.7 278.0 6/16/2015 24 277.8 278.1 6/17/2015 24 277.6 277.9 6/18/2015 24 277.8 278.1 6/19/2015 24 277.9 278.0 6/20/2015 24 277.8 277.9 6/21/2015 24 277.8 277.9 6/22/2015 24 277.6 277.9 6/23/2015 24 277.6 278.0 6/24/2015 24 277.8 278.0 6/25/2015 24 277.8 278.1 6/26/2015 24 277.9 277.9 6/27/2015 24 277.7 277.9 6/28/2015 24 277.8 278.0 6/29/2015 24 277.7 277.9 6/30/2015 24 277.7 278.1 7/1/2015 24 277.5 277.8 7/2/2015 24 277.4 277.7 7/3/2015 24 277.6 277.9 7/4/2015 24 277.7 277.9 7/5/2015 24 277.8 278.0 7/6/2015 24 277.7 277.9 7/7/2015 24 277.7 277.9 7/8/2015 24 277.7 277.9 7/9/2015 24 277.7 277.9 7/10/2015 24 277.7 277.9 7/11/2015 24 277.8 278.0 7/12/2015 24 277.9 278.1 7/13/2015 24 277.9 278.0 7/14/2015 24 277.9 278.1 7/15/2015 24 277.8 278.1 7/16/2015 24 277.8 278.0 7/17/2015 24 277.8 278.0 7/18/2015 24 277.8 278.0 41 Table 4 (page 4 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Lake Tillery, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 42 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 7/19/2015 24 277.8 278.1 7/20/2015 24 278.0 278.1 7/21/2015 24 277.8 278.0 7/22/2015 24 277.8 277.9 7/23/2015 24 277.8 277.9 7/24/2015 24 277.8 277.9 7/25/2015 24 277.8 278.1 7/26/2015 24 277.6 277.8 7/27/2015 24 277.8 278.0 7/28/2015 24 277.9 278.1 7/29/2015 24 277.9 278.1 7/30/2015 24 277.9 278.1 7/31/2015 24 277.9 278.0 8/1/2015 24 277.7 277.9 8/2/2015 24 277.7 278.0 8/3/2015 24 277.7 278.0 8/4/2015 24 277.7 277.9 8/5/2015 24 277.7 278.0 8/6/2015 24 277.9 278.0 8/7/2015 24 277.9 278.0 8/8/2015 24 277.8 278.0 8/9/2015 24 277.8 278.1 8/10/2015 24 277.6 278.1 8/11/2015 24 277.7 277.9 8/12/2015 24 277.8 278.1 8/13/2015 24 277.8 278.1 8/14/2015 24 277.6 277.8 8/15/2015 24 277.5 277.6 8/16/2015 24 277.4 277.5 8/17/2015 24 277.3 278.1 8/18/2015 24 277.8 278.0 8/19/2015 24 277.8 278.1 8/20/2015 24 277.5 277.9 8/21/2015 24 277.6 277.6 8/22/2015 24 277.6 278.1 8/23/2015 24 277.9 278.1 42 Table 4 (page 5 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Lake Tillery, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 9/22/2015 Observations 278.0 278.1 Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 8/24/2015 24 277.9 278.0 8/25/2015 24 277.7 278.1 8/26/2015 24 277.9 278.1 8/27/2015 24 277.9 278.0 8/28/2015 24 277.6 277.9 8/29/2015 24 277.5 277.9 8/30/2015 24 277.7 277.9 8/31/2015 24 277.8 278.1 9/1/2015 24 277.7 278.0 9/2/2015 24 277.6 277.8 9/3/2015 24 277.8 278.0 9/4/2015 24 278.0 278.0 9/5/2015 24 277.7 278.1 9/6/2015 24 277.8 278.0 9/7/2015 24 277.9 277.9 9/8/2015 24 277.8 278.0 9/9/2015 24 277.8 278.1 9/10/2015 24 278.0 278.1 9/11/2015 24 278.0 278.1 9/12/2015 24 277.9 278.1 9/13/2015 24 278.0 278.0 9/14/2015 24 277.9 278.1 9/15/2015 24 277.8 277.9 9/16/2015 24 277.8 278.1 9/17/2015 24 277.8 278.1 9/18/2015 24 277.6 278.0 9/19/2015 24 277.8 278.0 9/20/2015 24 277.9 278.1 9/21/2015 24 278.0 278.1 9/22/2015 24 278.0 278.1 9/23/2015 24 277.9 277.9 9/24/2015 24 277.8 278.0 9/25/2015 24 277.9 277.9 9/26/2015 24 277.9 278.1 9/27/2015 24 277.9 278.1 9/28/2015 24 277.7 278.0 43 Table 4 (page 6 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Lake Tillery, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 44 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 9/29/2015 24 277.7 277.9 9/30/2015 24 277.7 278.0 10/1/2015 24 277.2 278.0 10/2/2015 24 277.0 277.2 10/3/2015 24 276.9 277.2 10/4/2015 24 276.7 277.1 10/5/2015 24 276.9 277.7 10/6/2015 24 276.9 278.1 10/7/2015 24 276.9 278.0 10/8/2015 24 277.0 277.7 10/9/2015 24 277.6 278.0 10/10/2015 24 277.7 278.1 10/11/2015 24 277.5 277.8 10/12/2015 24 277.7 278.1 10/13/2015 24 277.7 278.0 10/14/2015 24 277.3 278.0 10/15/2015 24 277.5 277.9 10/16/2015 24 277.7 278.0 10/17/2015 24 277.8 278.1 10/18/2015 24 277.7 278.0 10/19/2015 24 277.7 278.1 10/20/2015 24 277.8 278.1 10/21/2015 24 277.3 278.0 10/22/2015 24 277.4 277.9 10/23/2015 24 277.6 278.1 10/24/2015 24 277.7 278.0 10/25/2015 24 277.7 277.7 10/26/2015 24 277.5 277.9 10/27/2015 24 277.6 278.1 10/28/2015 24 277.6 278.0 10/29/2015 24 277.5 278.0 10/30/2015 24 277.7 278.1 10/31/2015 24 277.4 278.0 11/1/2015 24 277.6 278.1 11/2/2015 24 276.2 277.8 11/3/2015 24 276.2 276.8 44 Table 4 (page 7 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Lake Tillery, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 45 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 11/4/2015 24 276.5 277.2 11/5/2015 24 277.1 278.1 11/6/2015 24 277.0 278.0 11/7/2015 24 277.0 277.6 11/8/2015 24 276.9 277.5 11/9/2015 24 276.6 277.5 11/10/2015 24 276.3 276.6 11/11/2015 24 276.6 277.0 11/12/2015 24 276.7 277.7 11/13/2015 24 277.0 277.8 11/14/2015 24 277.3 278.1 11/15/2015 24 277.2 277.9 11/16/2015 24 277.2 277.9 11/17/2015 24 277.2 278.0 11/18/2015 24 277.4 278.0 11/19/2015 24 276.4 277.7 11/20/2015 24 276.5 277.1 11/21/2015 24 277.1 278.1 11/22/2015 24 277.3 278.1 11/23/2015 24 277.2 277.9 11/24/2015 24 277.2 278.0 11/25/2015 24 277.0 278.1 11/26/2015 24 277.2 277.9 11/27/2015 24 277.7 278.0 11/28/2015 24 277.4 278.1 11/29/2015 24 277.7 278.1 11/30/2015 24 277.8 278.1 12/1/2015 24 277.4 278.0 12/2/2015 24 277.4 277.9 12/3/2015 24 277.4 277.5 12/4/2015 24 276.9 277.6 12/5/2015 24 277.0 278.1 12/6/2015 24 277.2 278.1 12/7/2015 24 277.3 278.1 12/8/2015 24 277.2 277.9 12/9/2015 24 277.4 277.9 45 Table 4 (page 8 of 8). Daily minimum and maximum water levels recorded on Lake Tillery, April 1 - December 31, 2015. Levels are expressed as surface elevation in feet (NGVD). Reservoir surface elevation. ft 46 Observations Date per day Daily minimum Daily maximum 12/10/2015 24 277.3 278.1 12/11/2015 24 277.6 278.0 12/12/2015 24 277.3 278.0 12/13/2015 24 277.3 277.8 12/14/2015 24 277.2 277.9 12/15/2015 24 277.5 278.0 12/16/2015 24 277.3 277.9 12/17/2015 24 277.4 278.1 12/18/2015 24 277.1 278.0 12/19/2015 24 277.2 278.1 12/20/2015 24 277.3 278.0 12/21/2015 24 277.2 277.9 12/22/2015 24 276.9 278.0 12/23/2015 24 276.9 277.7 12/24/2015 24 276.8 277.6 12/25/2015 24 276.9 277.1 12/26/2015 24 277.0 277.3 12/27/2015 24 276.9 277.8 12/28/2015 24 277.0 277.6 12/29/2015 24 276.4 277.0 12/30/2015 24 276.3 276.9 12/31/2015 24 276.4 276.7 46