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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC230491_Modification Confirmation Email_20250116 Georgoulias, Bethany
From: lase
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2025 7:37 AM
Cc: Georgoulias, Bethany;;
Subject: [External] Modification Confirmation
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
This e-mail is to notify you that the modification information for COC No. NCC230491 for the
project Harpers Glen Lots 62, 63, 81, 82, 84, 85, 443-446, 447-451, 219, 220 that you submitted on
1/15/2025 has been added to the permit file records as of 1/16/2025.
Modification Reason:Additional Lots/Outparcels Approved - E&SC Revised
Additional Details (if provided):ADDITION OF LOTS 19, 20, 31, 32, 96, 97, 182, 417, 418, 419,420
This is the only confirmation of Modification to NPDES permit coverage you will receive. (A modified
COC will not be issued.)You can find all Construction COC Permit files in our Document Repository
ARPA grant funding indicated? No
ARPA Project no. (if applicable):
S.L. 2023-134 Earmark funding indicated? No
S.L. 2023-134 Project no. (if applicable):
Questions? Please contact The NC Stormwater Program at(919) 707-3640.
Be sure to add to your contacts to avoid future e-mails about this
application from going into Spam filters.
The NC DEMLR Stormwater Program
512 N. Salisbury Street,Archdale Building 6th Floor, 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
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