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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071815 Ver 1_Emails_20071206just to inform
Subject: just to inform.....
From: Periann Russell <>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 10:14:17 -0500
To: John Dorney <>, Brian Wrenn <>, Andy
McDaniel <>, Julie Hunkins <>, "Ehren D.
Meister" <>, Ian McMillan <>, Cyndi Karoly
<>, Amy Chapman <>, Eric Kulz
<>, Tammy L Hill <>, Steve Kroeger
<>, Tom Colson <>, James Gregory
CC: Joe Sewash <>, Cam McNutt <>
FYI (for those of us not in the archdale building)
Cam McNutt, Joe Sewash and I attended the NC Estuarine Shoreline Mapping Summit in
Beaufort this week. The Division of Coastal Management along with NOAA, Marine
Fisheries and others are in need of a more accurate map of the estuarine shoreline.
We were there representing DWQ and NC stream mapping. DCM is essentially starting
from scratch similar to the stream mapping effort beginnings several years ago.
Many of the same issues were discussed.
Since the framework and process for mapping is already in place and since the NC
stream mapping effort includes the estuarine and ocean shoreline, Joe, Cam and I
informed the group about our stream mapping program, the benefit of incorporating
the DCM effort into NC stream mapping process and the need to eliminate dual
shoreline mapping efforts. Additionally, since many streams (low and high order
streams) flow into estuaries, we need to coordinate our efforts.
At this point, DCM is gathering information to determine their next steps, so there
is still much to do on their end. However, they are looking to produce a map as
soon as possible, and may not wish to be involved in NC stream mapping due to their
immediate mapping needs (although, they may have to in the end).
I'm sure you will be hearing more about estuarine shoreline mapping in the
1 of 1 12/6/2007 10:28 AM
06 1005
Subject: 06 1005
From: Joanne Steenhuis <>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 09:52:26 -0500
To: Ian McMillan <>, Laurie J Dennison <>
I issued this permit and I have attached the additional info I got with the hard
copy of the cert. I attached it to O1 1836 since it is really a mod of that
permit. I could not get BIMs to accept the issued permit because you guys have not
received the additional info yet.
1 of 1 12/6/2007 9:58 AM
Deep River
Subject: Deep River
From: "Matthews, Monte K SAW" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 08:26:58 -0500
To: "Steven Ball" <>, "Lastinger, James C SAW"
CC: <>, "Matthews, Monte K SAW"
Hello Steven,
I wanted to send a quick note to say thanks for a good delineation on the Deep River tract, located north of
Sanford in Lee County, NC. I believe we have finished all 1,000+ acres and will probably be moving on to the
next phase of this project.
I expect preliminary drawings with approximate impact amounts will soon be surfacing from the developer. If
possible, I would like to propose apre-application meeting with the developer before the project gets too far
along. By copy of this email, I would also like to invite Ian McMillan to the meeting for input on the 401 permit.
Larger projects tend to move quicker and more smoothly if we can identify potential problems at an early stage
of drawing/engineering rather than wait until later in the process. In addition, we can discuss the overall
approach to permitting for this project. Please let me know if the applicant is agreeable to this meeting. We can
set a date, time and place for the meeting that is convenient for everyone.
Monte Matthews
US Army Corps of Engineers
919-876-8441 x30
1 of 1 12/6/2007 9:49 AM
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