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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071815 Ver 1_Emails_20071210 (105)Fw: [Fwd: Haw River State Park]
Subject: Fw: [Fwd: Haw River State Park]
From: "" <>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 07:24:09 -0500 (EST)
Are you up on this?
----Original Message----
Date: Dec 6, 2007 15:52
To: "Cyndi Karoly"<>, <Steve.TedderC~NCmail.
net>, "Kim Colson"<>, "Sherri Knight"<Sherri.>
Subj: [Fwd: Haw River State Park]
I am assuming that we have a golf course community being developed.
sure who all will be affected or if we have permits in house, FYI and
records. Coleen
Subject: Haw River State Park
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2007 06:50:29 -0500
Matthew Christopher Baker
704 Magnolia Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
336 275-6326
I own 20 acres that backs up to Thaxton Richardson's land and the proposed
Blue Green golf course community. I feel I have the most to gain and the
most to lose in the deal. I like to play golf every now and then but I feel we
already have enough courses in the area. The 20 acres I own will end up on
the golf course. When all the construction is complete and all the houses are
in, I will own the biggest lot on the golf course. I'm sure it will be worth
lots of $$$ in say 10 or 20 years. I just turned 50 it could be my retirement,
make life easy for me in my old age. Monetarily you could say I have it
made. If life was all about me I wouldn't even be writing you. Life is about
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everybody and everything. We are all connected in the web of life. The web
of life is the land, the trees, the wild life, the people, the water, the air, the
earth-Mother Earth.
My lot is wooded; it has 3 creeks crossing it that feed into the Haw River.
The creeks originate from springs that start on Thaxton's land. I've seen
deer, turkey, beavers, muskrat, owls, hawks, birds of all descriptions,
raccoons, rodents, fresh water mussels, crawfish, minnows, and turtles.
These critters all need a "natural" environment to survive in. I've always
wanted to meet Thaxton to see if I could buy some or all of his land to keep
it preserved in its natural state for as long as I could for all the critters and
future generations to come. I've spent the night in my tipi and see thousands
of stars in the sky. I wake to the sound of birds, the wind thru the trees, the
water running thru the creek, most of all I wake to the sounds of silence. The
quiet is very meditative, soothing to the soul. I really don't have any plans
to develop my property. The main reason I bought it was because of the
natural beauty. I call my land G.O.D. (Great Out Doors)
I have found arrowheads, axe heads, pottery shards around lake shores,
plowed farm land, and on my property. Some of the arrowheads date back
from 1500 AD thru 10,000 BC. People, human beings have been living in
harmony with environment for thousands and thousands of years. It has
been in just the last few centuries that we have completely changed the
landscape of the natural environment and the destiny of humanity. I am not
against technology or development but how it's used.
I ask the developers at Blue Green Corporation to let this track of land go;
there are plenty of farms in Guilford County left to be developed in the
future. To the State of North Carolina I say pay the developers a fair price
for the land. This track of land is priceless in its present state of natural
beauty. New York City has Central Park; this track of land could be the
Central Park of Guilford County, Rockingham County and the Haw River
State Park system. It has huge trees with clear creeks, fresh air and
peacefulness. Why not feed the Haw River with clean, fresh water instead of
treated waste, runoff from roads and chemical runoff from the golf course.
A 30' buffer along the creeks is going to do very little to stop hundreds of
yards of runoff from fairways. Everyone down stream receives our clean
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clear water or our cancer causing polluted runoff in the water. What would
you want to drink; a toxic cocktail or fresh water?
The world is shrinking, more and more people are populating the planet and
demanding depleting resources. We complain about health care cost but do
nothing to clean up the environment. We aren't being good stewards of the
planet. Humanity is at a cross road. We can go on mindlessly destroying the
natural environment in the name of money and profits or we can start a new
trend to preserve some of the last remaining natural beauty before it is gone.
What kind of future are we willing to our children, grand children, great
grand children .. .
When this land becomes a state park I ask the state of North Carolina to not
allow ATV's or hunting and only have foot trails thru the park. I ask all the
people who visit the park to treat it with respect. Walk in silence and enjoy
the life force that gives us life. Remember, G.O.D. (the Great Out Doors) is
watching and waiting silently to see what humanity decides.
Thank you for considering my appeal,
Matthew Christopher Baker
nativeearthdesigns. com
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