HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160299_CP 4C Additional Serv Rd Mtg Minutes Sec 2 031016_20160316Design Section 2 Additional Concurrence Point 4C Service Roads Meeting Minutes Project: R-2536 (Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector) Date: March 10, 2016 Location: NCDOT Century Center - Hydraulic Design Conference Room Time: 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Attendees: Jason Dilday - NCDOT NES Michael Shumsky - NCDOT Design Build Karen Capps - NCDOT Design Build Dave Wanucha - NCDENR DWR Matt Lauffer - NCDOT Hydraulics Mark Staley - NCDOT REU John Partin - NCDOT Div 8 Reuben Blakley - NCDOT Div 8 Brian Overton - NCDOT Archaeology Matt Cook - RK&K Craig Lee - NCDOT Hydraulics Larry Brickey - Asheboro Bypass Constructors Landis Bumgarner - Asheboro Bypass Constructors . . +� i,� Bypass Canstructars LLaC' - � �. . - Andrew Williams - USACE Travis Wilson - NCWRC Ahmad AI-Sharawneh - NCDOT PDEA Gary Jordan - USFWS Chris Rivenbark - NCDOT NES Jim Eisenhardt - RK&K Michael Merritt - RK&K John Olinger - NCDOT Div 8 Bill Elam - NCDOT Hydraulics Brad Boggs - RK&K Monte Matthews - USACE Chris Underwood - NCDOT NES An interagency concurrence meeting was held in order to reach agreement on concurrence point 4C for the US 64 Asheboro Bypass in Randolph County. The 4C review at this meeting involved additional service road areas in Section 2 tbat have been added to the project since the Section 2 4C meeting held January 14, 2016. The following items were discussed and conclusions reached: Matt Lauffer began the meeting and turned it over to Matt Cook. Mr. Cook described the reason for this additional4C meeting. The cost of right of way purchases and the cost of constructing service roads have been heavily evaluated over the last couple months. Several service roads were not included in the 4C meetings due to their viability at the time. Part of the package Mr. Cook distributed included a titlesheet of the project showing the five service roads that were added and a driveway that was added as well. A spreadsheet was also added that described the areas of each addition and any jurisdictional features affected. RK&K personnel went in the field and checked for jurisdictional features since all of the areas below were outside the original jurisdictional corridor. (SERRD3 was not outside the corridor. It was removed from the project after the 4C meeting in January, but it was added back. It is shown for clarification purposes in detailing its history.) The following is a brief summary at each location. (The pond information is shown because field calls were made at the saine time in order to tie to jurisdictional features beyond ponds that were outside the study corridor.) TII� No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector �� �'�'� ���� R�( �C a? 8R4iHERS CP �C �ddikional Se��o�i�e Road �1eetin� (or Settion )� 2 R-2536 Asheboro Bypass - Service Road Summary Table A5 Updated: 3/7/2016 Permit Updated Updated Drawings Service Appr. Juris. Plan. Wetland added to Road Location File File Stream Calls Calls Impacts Package SERRDI -L- 385+00 LT Yes Yes 1 Ext.: SPP-B; 1 New No 1 New (SPP1-B); Yes SPP-B New Impact; SQQ-B Additional Impact; WQQ-B New Impact SERRD3 Along US 220 NA NA NA NA NA NA Ram B 4(SRF Ext.) -L- 165+00 LT Yes Yes 2 Exts.: SL-AB, SK-AB; 3 No No 2 New I -Y3- 220+00 LT NA NA No No No No Q Along Zoo Yes Yes 1 Ext.: SC/SD-D; 1 No SC/SD-D No Connector New Additional Impact; SF-D Additional Impact Driveways -L- 41+00 LT Yes Yes 1 Ext.: SM-AA No No No During service road jurisdictional call field visit, the following pond information was also obtained PA-D -Y9- 12+00 LT Yes Yes 1 New Upstream No No No PB-C -L- 473+00 RT Yes Yes 1 New Downstream No Yes No No Name -L- 636+00 LT Yes Yes 1 New Up and No Yes No Downstream To summarize the chart above, there are two service roads being added that have new jurisdictional features and impacts: SERRD 1 and SRQ. Due to the time of the year, the areas cannot be checked for Schweinitz's Sunflower. The Team has checked for habitat and plans on going back in the iield in a couple months to check for the plant. It is also the intent of the Team to check again in the fall when it flowers and to yearly check for them. Gary Jordan suggested checking any new areas that get cleared within the project limits since the plant can show up in them as well. This will be documenied in ihe permit application. Mr. Cook stated that he provided Brian Overton with updated shapes reflecting all the new areas in order to check for archaeological features. Mr. Overton stated that consultants were ready to go in the field and should provide information in a month or so. This will be documented in the permit application. Mr. Cook asked if an additional Environmental Consultation would be required since we are outside the original environmental document study corridor. It was agreed that this would be necessary, but it would not prevent the completed permit pacicage from moving forward with submittal to the agencies and public notice. Andy Williams asked that, concerning the Least Environmentally Damaging Practical Alternative (LEDPA), that the most up to date information be available and to make sure that the Team explains all impacts, avoidance, minimization, etc. to the best of their ability. TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector �� �* `: �` g�� �� � CP �C Additional Se��vice Road Meeting (or Section 2� 3 Jim Eisenhardt stated that we did have Apri12015 documentation and are within the iimeframe window for timely documentation. Mr. Cook also asked if the agencies needed to go in the field to verify the Team jurisdictional determinations. Mr. Williams stated that they did not need to go unless the Team was uncertain about certain features. Mr. Cook stated that they were not uncertain. Mr. Williams said that the Team needed to provide documentation and that they might go in the field if scheduling allowed. The permit drawings were then reviewed. Plan Sheet 35 (Streams SC-C and SD-C, Ponds PH-B and PA-C, Wetland WA-C): Site 43D (pond PA-C) and Site 57 (stream SD-C) were discussed because there has been a revision to the pennit drawing. The pond impact was too large in previous drawings and has been revised (a reduction of 0.04ac). Also, two sets of jurisdictional stream were shown in the outlet area of pond PA-C. The correct stream is now shown on the plans and the correct impacts shown also. The ditch that is used to breach the dam feeds a swale instead of SD-C because this is the low point in the dam. Therefore, additional impacts are shown in SD-C since it will not be viable between the pond and the new RCBC post construction. These impacts and sites were not part of the service road discussion. Plan Sheet 30 and 79 (Streams SQQ-B, SPP-B, SPP1-B and SII-B, Wetlands WTT-B, WSS-B and WU-B): With the addition of SERRDI, RK&K personnel went on site and determined that SPP-B should have been extended beyond what is shown in the NRTR. In addition, another stream was located near —Y9FLY- 13+00. It has been named SPP1-B. These streams will be impacted by SERRDI. SPP1-B will be a total take. Also, WSS-B will be a total take, and there will be additional impacts to SQQ-B. A 60" RCP will be used to convey the drainage. It will not be buried since the realignment of SPP-B is in a riprap lined ditch. Altogther at this location, there is an increase of 1293' of permanent stream impact, 29' of temporary stream impact, and 0.03ac of wetland impact. No other locations had additional impacts on this sheet. Plan Sheet 86 (Stream SF-D, Wetlands WD-D and WE-D): Service Road Q(SRQ) will run parallel to —Y9-, the Zoo Connector. The slope stakes meet for the majority of the alignments, so they are seldomly seen between the two. There are additional impacts to SF-D. SF-D is conveyed across —Y9- in a 42" RCP that is not buried since the stream is intermittent. SF-D is conveyed across —SRQ- in a 36" RCP that is not buried since the stream is intermittent. At this location, there is an increase of 121' of permanent stream impact, 47' of bank stabilization, and 16' less of temporary stream impact. No other locations had additional impacts on this sheet. Plan Sheet 87 (Stream SC/SD-D): Service Road Q(SRQ) will run parallel to —Y9-, the Zoo Connector. The slope stakes meet for the majarity of the alignments, so they are seldomly seen between the twa There are additional impacts to SC/SD-D. SC/SD-D is conveyed across the project with a 6'xT RCBC buried 1.0'. Mr. Cook presented two options for the conveyance under the alignments. The first one used a longer RCBC, however it tied better to the stream on the upstream end and eliminated the need for a 12' ditch to run alongside SRQ. The second option used an ECBC appr.25' shorter, however it did not tie as well to SC/SD-D and used a very deep ditch along SRQ. It was determined that the first option should be used. At this location, there is an increase of 63' of permanent stream impact and 2' less of temporary stream impact. The meeting was adjourned following a discussion of the service roads, the LEDPA, and moving forward with the pennit application. There will be detailed information included in the permit application that describes why the service roads were added and explains them. TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector �� �* `: �` g�n��s �� � Follow-up meeting held March 10, 2016 Attendees: Matt Lauffer Jason Dilday Chris Rivenbark CP �C ,��ditianal S�>,=ice Roa�! �1�_ti�i� fcr Sec�iaz� � 4 Gary Jordan An additional meeting was held in the afternoon of March 10 to review commitments for the Schweinitz's Sunflower. The service road locations were reviewed including locations where there are no stream or wetland impacts. Mr. Jordan is allowing survey work for the plant outside of the usual survey window due to the accelerated nature of the project. Habitat assessment will be done now and plant survey for the genus Helianthus wi11 be done in May. If Helianthus are found, work in the area would need to wait until the flowering season to deterinine if they are Helianthus Schweinitzii, Schweinitz's Sunflower. This does not mean the service roads could not be built, but there would be a delay of construction because of the need for a Biological Assessment and Biological Opinion. Follow-up conference call held March 11, 2016 Attendees: Karen Capps Michael Shumsky Larry Brickey Matt Cook Michael Merritt Matt Lauffer Jason Dilday Reuben Blakely Matt Lauffer sent an email to the agencies on March 10, 2016 after the 4C meeting stating the following: Gentleman, The Design Build team talked today with the Division and determined that they can stop the road at the 60" cross pipe and avoid the approximately 1200 feet of impacts to the identified strearrz that was discussed this morning. MoNe information will be coming forth, but I wanted to let you know this was in the works. Thanks for youN continued support. Regards, Matt The conference call on March 11 was held to discuss this revision. SPP-B was not considered jurisdictional before the addition of SERRDI, and it also did not include the trib we are showing in the permit package we reviewed (SPP1-B). There are still impacts to these stream without SERRD 1. The reason there were no impacts before is because it was not jurisdictional in the file before and not shown in the NRTR. RK&K went out to check for features for SERRDI, and determined it should have been jurisdictional. Therefore, moving forward wiih calling it jurisdictional, and also including SPP 1-B, there are still impacts that run in and out of the stream in two locations, and SPP 1-B will be a total take. During the call, we discussed stopping the service road before the 60" RCP crossing, which would eliminate the WSS-B wetland impact and a good portion of the SPP-B impact and additional SQQ-B impacts. The field forms for the stream determinations will be forwarded to NCDOT. Mr. Dilday will consult the forms and original forms. However, for purposes of the permit application, we are moving forward with the streams as if they are jurisdictional. Once the final roadway footprint is determined for SERRDI, if a revision is required, the new impact numbers and permit drawings will be forwarded to NCDOT / agencies. N:\Projects\2014\R-2536_Asheboro_Bypass_DB\Admin\Meetings\03102016 Additional Serv Rd CP 4C Sec 2\CP 4C Additional Serv Rd Mtg Minutes Sec 2 031016.docx TIP No. R-253G: US G4 Asheboro Southern Bypass and Zoo Connector �� �*V� '�� g'� R�C fC