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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0044714_Add info & response_20241031From:Willmer, Mikal
To:Jess Gardner
Cc:Shanahan, Brendan; Sholl, Deborah
Subject:RE: [External] 23107 - Carriage Park Hilltop Sewer Final Certification
Date:Tuesday, November 19, 2024 12:38:00 PM
Thanks for the update Jesse, I’ll make a note on my end.
Mikal Willmer (she/her/hers)
Environmental Program Consultant- Asheville Regional Office
WQROS-Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (828)-296-4686 Cell: (828)-545-6148
Western N.C. Recreational Water Quality Program | NC DEQ
From: Jess Gardner <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2024 9:26 AM
To: Willmer, Mikal <>
Cc: Shanahan, Brendan <>; Sholl, Deborah <>
Subject: Re: [External] 23107 - Carriage Park Hilltop Sewer Final Certification
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We are relaying the storm pipe to meet the required separations. Once that is done, I will
provide an updated record drawing that will provide documentation for us to finalize the
Thanks for running this up the flag pole.
Jesse Gardner
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 19, 2024, at 9:20 AM, Willmer, Mikal <>
Good morning, Brendan/Jesse,
Please reference my email below from November 12th. Central office will
not accept the bedding as structural bridge, but central office will consider a
variance request referencing the deflection test and bedding material. The
variance request and supporting documentation (calculations, bedding
material information and deflection test results) can be submitted to central
office for review and approval. If the variation request is approved, then we
can finalize approval of the engineering certification.
Mikal Willmer (she/her/hers)
Environmental Program Consultant- Asheville Regional Office
WQROS-Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (828)-296-4686 Cell: (828)-545-6148
Western N.C. Recreational Water Quality Program | NC DEQ
From: Willmer, Mikal
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2024 7:01 AM
To: Jess Gardner
Cc: Shanahan, Brendan
Subject: FW: [External] 23107 - Carriage Park Hilltop Sewer Final Certification
Good morning, Jesse,
Hope you had a good weekend. I heard back from Zac on Friday. His
response is below. It sounds like they do not consider the bedding a
structural bridge, but you can request a variance based on the results of the
deflection test.
Please let me know if you have any questions and feel free to reach out
directly to Zac regarding a potential variance.
Mikal Willmer (she/her/hers)
Environmental Program Consultant- Asheville Regional Office
WQROS-Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (828)-296-4686 Cell: (828)-545-6148
Western N.C. Recreational Water Quality Program | NC DEQ
From: Lentz, Zac <>
Sent: Friday, November 8, 2024 11:05 AM
To: Willmer, Mikal <>
Subject: RE: [External] 23107 - Carriage Park Hilltop Sewer Final Certification
The bedding is not considered structural bridging. The bedding and deflection test
may be used to justify a variance request.
Zac Lentz, PE
ARPA Engineer
Office of Continuous Improvement (OCI)
Division of Water Resources
NC Department of Environmental Quality
919.707.3620 (Office)
Get info on ARPA Project Permitting: ARPA Env. Permitting
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Search ARPA Project Permitting Information: ARPA Permit Status Table
Please note that staffing levels are presently down and responses to inquiries may
be delayed, and I apologize in advance. Many staff have a new email address
extension which is "". If you send to the original email address, it
will be directed to the correct location.
From: Willmer, Mikal <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 6, 2024 7:36 AM
To: Lentz, Zac <>
Subject: FW: [External] 23107 - Carriage Park Hilltop Sewer Final Certification
Good morning, Zac,
I was reviewing as-builts last week and a storm water crossing did not meet
the minimum vertical separation (only 7-8” above sewer line) and the sewer
line is PVC. The engineer sent me the below information to my request for
clarification and any potential structural bridging. Would Central Office
consider Class I bedding material an adequate structural bridge under
02T.0305(g) if the pipe passed its deflection test?
Mikal Willmer (she/her/hers)
Environmental Program Consultant- Asheville Regional Office
WQROS-Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (828)-296-4686 Cell: (828)-545-6148
From: Shanahan, Brendan <>
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2024 3:11 PM
To: Jess Gardner <>; Willmer, Mikal <>
Cc: Sholl, Deborah <>
Subject: RE: [External] 23107 - Carriage Park Hilltop Sewer Final Certification
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Thank you for checking in, there are no objections on our side.
From: Jess Gardner <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 3:48 PM
To: Shanahan, Brendan <>; Willmer, Mikal
Subject: RE: [External] 23107 - Carriage Park Hilltop Sewer Final Certification
Be Advised: This email originated from outside of the Hendersonville network. Do not
click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is
Per our phone conversation earlier today, we still have one crossing issue that
was not resolved as we got asbuilt stormwater information in. The crossing at MH
2 & MH 3 is still approximately .6’ or around 7-8” from top of sewer to bottom of
the HDPE storm pipe. Both pipes were installed with class 1 bedding, which
generally consisted of screenings or 57 stone. I believe this backfill material
qualifies as structural bridging under section 02T.0305(g)(1). The backfill
material minimizes any point loads coming from the upper pipe and additionally
we have passed the mandrel test for the sewer line, which would have detected
any load that could have caused deflection in the lower sewer pipe. Please
confirm if the above meets intent of this section as you have time.
Ultimately, this is your system and line. With assumption Mikhal approves the
above please confirm if that is also acceptable to you for the lines to remain as is.
A fix would mostly like require saw cutting brand new pavement, which is what I
am hoping to avoid.
Jesse Gardner, PE
From: Jess Gardner
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2024 10:41 AM
To: Shanahan, Brendan <>
Cc: Grayson McCurry <>; Sholl, Deborah <>;
Steurer, Adam <>; Gutierrez Ramirez, Adela
Subject: RE: [External] 23107 - Carriage Park Hilltop Sewer Final Certification
I am getting asbuilts on the storm collected so we can verify these crossings. The
sewer asbuilt used design data for the storm crossings, so I am field verifying to
see what that result are for ascutal storm crossings. I will update as I get that info
Jesse Gardner
From: Shanahan, Brendan <>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2024 1:45 PM
To: Jess Gardner <>
Cc: Grayson McCurry <>; Sholl, Deborah <>;
Steurer, Adam <>; Gutierrez Ramirez, Adela
Subject: FW: [External] 23107 - Carriage Park Hilltop Sewer Final Certification
Good afternoon. Ms. Willmer addressed this question to Deborah, but you’re probably
already working on it. Feel free to reply directly in the string below to keep us all
looped in, or to reach out to us to discuss.
From: Willmer, Mikal <>
Sent: Thursday, October 31, 2024 8:26 AM
To: Sholl, Deborah <>
Cc: Steurer, Adam <>; Shanahan, Brendan
<>; Gutierrez Ramirez, Adela <>; Jess
Gardner <>
Subject: RE: [External] 23107 - Carriage Park Hilltop Sewer Final Certification
Be Advised: This email originated from outside of the Hendersonville network. Do not
click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is
Good morning, Deborah,
I have an additional question after reviewing the as-builts. It appears the
minimum separation between the stormwater crossings and the sewer line
are not met between MH3 & MH2 and MH7 and MH8 and DIP was not used.
Is there an additional control measure in place in these areas to meet the
alternatives allowed under 02T.0305(g)?
Mikal Willmer (she/her/hers)
Environmental Program Consultant- Asheville Regional Office
WQROS-Division of Water Resources
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (828)-296-4686 Cell: (828)-545-6148
Western N.C. Recreational Water Quality Program | NC DEQ
From: Sholl, Deborah <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 3:23 PM
To: Willmer, Mikal <>
Cc: Steurer, Adam <>; Shanahan, Brendan
<>; Gutierrez Ramirez, Adela <>; Jess
Gardner <>
Subject: [External] 23107 - Carriage Park Hilltop Sewer Final Certification
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Good afternoon.
Attached please find the Applicant & Engineer's Certification and As-Built for:
Project Name: Carriage Park - Hilltop
Permit No.: WQ0044714
Thank you,
Deborah I. Sholl
Project Coordinator
Mobile: 828-707-6251
Office: 828-233-2877
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City of Hendersonville
305 Williams Street
Hendersonville, NC 28792
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