HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150113 Ver 1_Certification of Completion_20160301-! #
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Fat McCrory
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�rojcet Nam�: �j,.jg� I�o o�t SJ�.I ,� ��E�t?�' �n t � � ��J
DnEe r�f Issuance af 401 Ws�ter Qu�li#y G�rtiticati�rn: 2' 2'� � Z�� Sr
DClnaid Vaii d8r VB�it
Cert#ficate af Completion
Upon cornpletian Qf al! wv�k �p�reavcd witltin tt�� 401 Wa�r Quaiity Certification ar appiical�lc Baiffer Rules, and
any subseq�ient n�odi�c�tions, the appl�ea»t is �ec�t�ired ta return tl�is certifica�te tt� the 401 Tra��sport�tiun PermitEx�g
Unit, Nortli C��•fliina Divisiar� uf Water Resdurces, 16i7 Mail Servic� Center, R�leigh, PdC+ 27694-1C��I i. 't'hfs ft�rit�
rn�y be retUrt�ed to NCt3WR by the applic�nt, khe applicant's ��atl��rized agent, or the project en�ir�eer� It is not
nsoessary tQ send certifrc�tes fi�om all of th�se. �
.�I�r,�Jlc�xnt's Cert�crttlo�r
�. � ._ _
t, �` ��t���� �� '� ""� ��� �,,�1 �'�---, hereby st�tte ti�at, tfl the 1�sC of my �btlities, due cnr9e and diSi�ettee
was �ser� in tii obs�rv�tion aP th� eonstruct�on s��h that the canstrc�ctl�n �vas observed to be built within subst�ttti�,t
eQmp�iance ar�d inte��t of the 401 W�ter Q�iality C�rtification �n�i Buff�r Rules, the approved �t�ns and
specific�tians,.�d oth�r sup�orting rnateri�ls.
...- .... �,,;��
Sig���inre: �,. L'� , (,`i�'x"°. D�te: � � �1
Ag�rr1's C�rt�cetiu��
I, , hereby st�te �itat, to t1�e besr of �y abilitics, due care and diiig�nce
wt�s c�scd i» the abscrvatian of tlae ca�astr�tctian such tl�at the construetion tivas c�bserved ta t�e lsailf �vithin st�bstantial
compliance and int���t c,f tl�e QQ l W�ter Qu�lity Cet�tifie�tic�n and �ufFer It�atcs, tt�e t�pproved }�Eans artd
specifications, and oth�r supporti��g rnaterials.
Gitgtrre�r's Cer[�catin�r
F'artial Fi�tai
I, ,�s a d}�ly i�egistared Peo�°�si�n�l Engine�r in th� St�te c�f T�c�rtft
C�roli�ja, h�ving i�eei� �uthorized ta obsorve (periodic�lty, weekty, fiill tifn�} the ca�struciian �f thc p%�ect fQr the
Permittee t��r�by st�te that, to tlac best of �ny ala'rlfties, dc�� care and diligenae ur�s ased ��► t}�e obs�rvation crf tt�e
cc�nstrnct'tvn such t�►st the cnnsE��uctian �vas observed tt� be 6ui1t �aitltin substantial cc�mpliaace �nd n�Eent of the 4U I
Waier Qu�ltty CerCiftc�tia�i tt�id 8��fi'er Rules, tI1C ��l�?t'8YC(.� pltt113 Aflf{ S[7GGt�t��ltp11S, �nd c�ther s��pparti�ag rnatcria}s.
Rcgistt�►ti�n Nn.
169? �+l�f� Sernfce CBntet, R�ieigh, North Car+�(n� 27689•i617
Phcane; 919-�07-fr3� 1 tnternei: w�arw,ncdenr.gov