HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06798_Well Construction - GW1_20241114 WEI:L CONSTRUCTION RECORD For Internal Use ONLY: • , " This form can be used for single ar multiple wells • • 1.Veil Contractor Information: ' • Bobby/W. Potts ' 14.WATERZONES_''.. . - . I I . • . . 7 'PROM •TO -' c' DESCRIPTION Well Contractor Name ' ' • . . ft. 560 •R I • NCWC 2028-A ft ft • NC WellContrectorCertificationNumber 15.OLTfERC SEN (formalfi rd'wd a)OR LINER(if sDpláble) FROM . ' TO' •DIAMETER- ' THICKNESS 'MATERIAL Ferguson's Welland Pump, LLC . pa D 57 ft-(o( Zlt/9r/,ZS :. /�U��p Comny.Name . '16.INNER CASING OR TUBING.(aeitheimal dosed-loop).;iv- • . . . a FROM TO DIAMETER ' THICKNESS• MATERIAL .. 2.Well Construction Permit#:• • . .��S� • ft ft. • iu• 'List all applicable well construction perinits(Le.Cowrty,Slate, . .Variance,etc.) ' •• ft tt , .irt ' 3.Well Use(check well nse)i '• •-17.SCREEN - ' . . . . . . �'-'� Water Supply:Well: FROM. TO DIAMETER' SLOT SIZE 'THICKNESS MATERIAL . ❑Agricultural ' - ❑Monti blic ' • • f. . im , • . •• OGeothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) estC�f£ •dential Water Supply(single) ft _ . ft is DlndustriaUCommercial. . . . • ❑Residential Water Supply( 18.GROUT .• . - . . FROM TO . MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT MErROD&AMOUNT. ❑Irrigation • ' Non-water SupplyWell: 0• :: !` 20 Concrete Gravity.-Flow •❑Monitoring •' • • my.❑Recov fc. ft • • . Injection Well: ' • ft ft • ❑Aquifer Recharge OGroundwatcr Remediatibn ' ' 19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK Of au e) . erStora e.andRecov FROM TO ' '• MATERIAL•} EMPLACEsmNTMETHOD• ❑A quit g cry ❑Salinity Barrier - • • . ft ,fti • ❑Aquifer Test . •' . • ❑Stormwater Drainage, , . ft. • ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control . ' . . '' ' ' . " • ' 't: 20.DRILLING LOG.(attathadditinnal sheets ifneeessar) •- • . . .' OGeutherinal(Closed Loup) . .: ' . . OTracer , . , • . . FROM TO -DESCMIPTION(color,hardness,soWroctt type,a[aln she,etc). . . ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) DOther(explain under 421 Remarks). • / • •�7 lr ��, rt 3S: .ft � �l�y 4.Date Well(a)Completed: / _.3�/2 7 •Well IDH . . S. .ft; �h .ft.. Ste!/( 5 /ram ( SO-ftV.5 7 `/ Sa.Well Location:. 7ft* S " 6C11a . ?It rInP( n'1Rtr�'•1Rnsi- OrQb t 4t. "- . . . Facility/OamerName Facility.IDN(if applicable)•. '" •ft. ft ' . .,•>..4 . s�? '''..-','1:" 'l 1: • k -1 ux h if ilia lmnr-nlftci.'tl '- 69$?5 3 . • •• . ct: . ft ' , . . ' • Physical Address,City and Zip:. . •. •.. 21.REMARKS• . , • . • N O V 1 - .2-824 '\ "to tAiS _ Q 1'�7�+�Z,0 •�•].( 70 • i IG`.....,,... .'')_,-.,-,.•., - ,.,..-ts County Parcel Identification No.(PIN) i; • • D: _-l r: 56.Latitude and Longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees • I ' (ifwell field,one let/long is sufficient) 22.Certification• " 0. " 1" / . i r ' " . " 1.) ' / - • '0/Ay_ . . •S f Cortriell Contractor.1 . 6.Is(are)the well(s (iedi'wei • • • ): OPermanent or .❑Tctnporary . ' . ' 'By signing•this form,I;hereby certify that the well(s)was(were)constructed in accordance ' - with I SANCAC 02C.0100 or ISA NCAC 02C.0200 Well ConetructionStandards and thafa '7.Is this a repair to an existing well:• DYes' or HNo ' . . - copy of this record has been providedto,the well owner. • . . Ifthts is a repair,fill out brown well construction irfonnation andexplairr the nahue of the , ' • . repair under#21 remarks section or on the back.of this fonn. . ' . 23.Site diagram or additional well details: • ' 'You may.use the back of this page:to provide additional well site details or well.: . • 8.Number of wells constructed: I ' 'construction details.:You may also'attach additional pages if necessary. . For multiple I,gectioa or non-water supply wells ONLY with the same construction,you cm • I ' submit onefonn• SUBMIITAL'INSTUCTIONS I ' . ' 9.Total well depth below land surface: e(Or ' (fk) 24a. For All Wells: Submit tbis.form within 30 days of completion of well • : For multiple wells list all.depths differott(example,30200'mrd 44100) construction to the following: i. : . . ' . ••. . . . 10.Static water level below top of casing r-W • ' • . '' (ft) ' Division of Water'Quality,,Information Processing Unit, • . If water level is above casing use"+" • . - 1617 Mal Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: `•` • ( (in.) 24b.For Inieetion Wells?: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24e • • 'above,•also submit a copy of this•form within 30 days-of completion of well•• • • Rotaryconstruction to the folloitin I ; 12.Well construction method: g: • (i.e.auger'rotary,'cable,direct push,etc.) Division of Water Quality,Underground lujectiott Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service C��enter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 • ' 13a.Yield(gpm) ' .Method of test:.Blowing-Rig • 24c.For Water Srmply&Iaiectioa iWells: In addition to'sending the form to . / the address(es),above, also submit one copy of this form within•30 days of . 13b Disinfection type: ChI •onne. �o®�, c I; / oz completion•of.well constriction to the county health department of the county" • - . . where constructed. ; '• . ,'Form OW-1 • • North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Division of Water{Quality . .. . .• . Revised Jan.2013 •• • •