HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06769_Well Construction - GW1_20241114 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For hasrlial Use ONLY: This Conn ran baascd for single or multiple wells 1.Well Contractor Iteforntatlon: - - • f.LIMATER ZONES ..( ' Scott Hunt FROM • TODl:SCRIPrtoN Wefl Cootraaor Name ft. ft.. 4561A ft. ft. I OR - NC Well Cmutuctor Caniftcation Number ''.tS OUTER CASING(foe"atall: se'd-i,cUs1 LINER titan Rabid' FROM TO DIAMETER 111IC NESS MATERAAi. SAEDACCO ft, ft 1 • hi. Comp:ur}_Name - t6'INNERfiASING.ORTUB➢NG'(gerseberufal chased-Iona). FROM TO_ ' DtAM TER TMMICE:MSS 'MATERIAL' 2,Weil Construction Permit ti: 70003178 0 R. 80 It, 2 Ea. SCH40 PVC • List all cpplirnff tvelf permits(Le..Comity,Shim,Omfatter,Iryerda4err,.) ft. • it fn 3.Well Use(check well use): 17:S(REIN Water Supply Nell: FROM TO . olAmETER SLOTSi7E .TUICI NESS I MMATRRIM. 80 D. 90 - ft, 2 in, ' .010 SCH40 PVC OAnticultutai DMunicipal/Pitblic . ® mu Geotheal(HeatingfCooting Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) fL ft. in, IalnduslrialJConnntercial :DResidentiat Water Supply(sltatt:d) ;tat GROUT • FROM TO MATERIAL -EMPLACEhlaNT METHOD&AMOUNT CI Irrigation. 0 ft, 20. . ft. PORTLAND TREMIE . • Non-Water Supply Well: " R. ft: DUvlonitoring .Recovery . • Injection Well: 20 , ft. 75 14 AQUA GUARD TREMIE DAgnifer Recharge -' ClGroundwalcrRentcdiation ,I9t:SANDIGR,4VELPACKff old hiatife" .: - .. :• . FROM - TO _ . smritRIAI EMPLACEMENT MEvian i7Aquifer Storage and Rccns'eg' 77Salinity Barrier 78 • ft, 90 fL SAND ::- #2 - ❑AguiferTest ❑StormwatcrDrainage ft, ft. OExperimental Tcchnotog QSnhsidcrtcc Control 'ZD,DRILLING LOG(attach additional sheds if ncersmn-1 oGeothenual(Closed Loop). ❑Teacer FROM _ TO DESCRIPTION kofor,h;rnlneit,tuilheKkttpc pain tire,dal ❑Geotlletlal iI-leatingiCaoline Retuin) Millertexplain under el Reiuutts) ° fe, 20 - fa, RED SILT 20 It. '. 75. it, GREEN SAPROLITE' 4.Date Wetl(s)Completed: 7-12-2024 ,Wr;II IIDflmw-15D . 75 ft, 90 it, PWR • 3a,Well Location: 90 - it. ' ft. ROCK [7, 77 _, - 1;. , n . McGuire Nuclear Station :R. . - iL . e hP. A.—, '' '4.- „s' • • FacllitpOwocrNaw. .FactToy IDR(ifapplica61e) - R ft: NOV 1 1 2024 13225 McGuire Nuclear Station Rd. , HUNTERSVILLE, NC, . It.- re. ' . 28078 P1n3iraL�l4dressCitc.nniii i;,`:r::`: -:-^ 7--- - .,1... MECKLENBURG - BENTONITE FROM 75 to 78• . (AnaQ+ irai-ce:IIdt:rililtodo i No•(PINt- • br.I.4ititirde arid I ougttcnk in.tdegrecslmiieuttesisecmrds or tteckoid•iiegrecs 22.Certiti liitipn. ; . • (Voila N:td,iutestoib7taug is`siiiTlciteit) '' 1 , - 6/18/2024 • Sig4 (_..,/4/- ta Cenci1'-W 11 Coninctar • • Date ' 6.Is(*Odic ivell(g):-XIl$hrmanuti or ElTemPorary. . ffp signing,rf:is frrnn I iwrfkr realty thus'te wolfs)is-u twrrr,i ram:tuned he raararflmtm ieith 14i4.NCAC 02C 4!('4 or 1,1t NCrtC.02C.0200 Well Ceiltstrntthar StoOdirnla airil.rlaar. 7.Is th(lti a repair to aU esisttng;yell: DYes i►r P.No of this rerrrnl hrrs'beerr priirir&4 to hr ui-1l wirer,' • if this:!s ii repair,fill Oat kILiivi hell c,ios uctibii hyprrlartho.ir'iirirl explain-the ruiteOr of rile ! ' selt.cir order ON re:m arksSeii ord iirrur rhs ix$i.1f efik Ora,. 23.Site diagram:oradditional Well details: You may Ilse the back of this page;to provide additional well site,details or welt 8..ikuau bet'ofbyells.eottsertti.Kcd:1 editstruetieiidJtaiis. You rnati•alsWillachitdditionatpiigesifnecessary: For ma,irlplr lrrfecrlon;or-noli-rioter suapI-'bell,Oitif.)with rfir.srrmr.eolotraaflorr,--}»ireera sritiirril eraic fnr12 SCII;M[TPAL INS'i'1TCTU)hS • 9.Total well depth below land surfaces 90 . (fq,) 2ilri, For AU 'Wefts: Submit Vela fortis within 30 days of'eenipietltin Of well • 'For arr,lr'ph welisS'isiEl!rieprbslPdlftiirotiIraiokof•-.;g2017'iwil2@iflr'l • 'ConstitictiontoIlm.fiillocting:' ' 10.Static stater level below!op of casing: 24 (R,) Division of Water Raw uurec r laforntilticru.Processing(Init. • !/'over kvel.i dove cue"+" f617 Mu it Sort-ice Center;Raleigh,4C2769'1=I6L7 IL Borehole diameter:8..25 (ht.) 24b,For'Tlticeltnn Weffc ONLY:•.iti addition to sending the form to the addtess..in - 2-laabine'e,.Asia-inbuilt a.ecitt of this fatal ati'ithin 30 days of completion of-well 12.Well construction Method: NSA cofistiuciton tti;tlle fofloWiiig: (i:e.anger.rainy.cable direct push.,etc.) i 'i►ivisio_u of Water Resources,,Utttlerpmmd.ftlis.x.tion Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY-WELLS ONLY: 1636 M it•Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699,1636 13;i Meld fgltm) Method of test: 2..Ir For Water Supply.&injectio I'Welts: • Also submit one cogs' of tins.form rteitbitl 30 ilaySof coMpletion of 13h.Uiaiuf�Ytiun l pt... 'Amount: tvetl•cdnstm the-to e-county h:alth department Of the.county where - constructed, f ; Fenn GIV-I Noah Catalina Depct0i iiI.o1 Ein itnruucm avid Natural Res,uices.-Division of Water Rmea rem - Revised.August lob 1