HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06767_Well Construction - GW1_20241114 -WELL-CONS'I RUCTION RECORD Par tiricnuil Use i7tJI,l': ' • This Ramon bc.uscd for single or multiple wells• 1.Welt ContrtctorIuformatiott: ' ' ::4:%TERL°INES-- • . . I.:: Scott Hunt FROM 'TO DESCRIPTION Wen Contractor Name ft. ft,. 4561A ft. ft. I i '- NCWell C'ontraclarConifrcationNitrrber ',1S:-0IJTER CASING(foelat tiltkiiii netts}OR:L1NER(Lfao fieabkl FROM TO ' DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO 0 •ft, 105 ff, ".6 . ; in, SCH 40 PVC • Compaq Name' 16 INNERCASING OR'TVBING t ,eothermal efused-loop); FRONT TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL ' 2.Well Constmctfon Permit#r: 70003178 0 ft, 152 'ft, 2 (IL SCH40 PVC List enapp icrtkle wenpeneiti(Le.County.Sarin,-lrnrionre, ra''ea'ctr..) - ft. • re, : En. 3.-Wcil,Use(cheekUPuse): 1T:SCRCEN . -Water Supply Well: silos, . TO DIAMETER SLOTSIM TIIIC•NNtSs 1 MATRRA4I. 152 ft. . 157 ft. 2 la .010 SCH40 I PVC - 0Agrieulturat . ElMunicipal/Public ,_ &Geoehemeal(Heating/Cooling Supply) _&Residcntiat Water Supply(single) --.ft. R. is I oindustrialfConrntarcial DResidcntiat Water Supply(sham') :18 GROUT' FR01t TO MATERIAL • ,EMPLACEMENT METHOD C AMOUNT' ❑inigntioit -. 0 It. 105 Et Portland -TREMIE Non-Water 5upply Well: 20 ft, 140 (I, Aqua Guard ITREMIE- • iSiMonitoring• &Re overy' Injection Well: - _ _- - -_ 0 ft. 20 -rl, Portland TREMIE EiAquifcr Recharge '" DGrounda;ttcr Reniediation . -`t9cSAND/GRAVEL-PACK(ifapiil(Cabter - - .- . . : -- FROM' 'TO MATRRtAI. .RSIPLACLIII:NT NIETiIOtr I]Atlnifer Storage and Recovery 17Saliony.flarricr 150 tt, 158 ft, SAND' ; . #2. ❑Aquifer Test • IStormwater Orlin,9gc it, It. °Experimental Technology Subsidence Control• - 1 E - ' . 'NI.DRILLING'LOG tat lath addilioriril sheets if Recessan•I ' DGeotltennal(Closed Loop) &Tracer FROM TO DESCRIPTION Rotor.lrmine+v.sui;'nsekoix mate si e,dr.r • ❑Geotltennal(HeatingrCaoliug Return) &Outer(explain under 121 Rethinks) o n, 20 ft RED SILT •• 20 ft, 75 ft, GREEN SAPROLITE 4.Date Weil(s)Completed: 7-17-2024 .Welt W MW-15BR • .. . ' 75 97 PWR • " �: - ft. fL • i$. • l� 5a.Well Location: 97 ' ft. 161 ff. ROCK, . •R=.. ., .._ ° , McGuire Nuclear Station -- - _ ft. ft, NOV.1 , r �4 FacTdyit yper,Nante faciTityIDmCFapplieablo} ft. f);� 13225 McGuire Nuclear Station Rd. , HUNTERSVILLE,. NC,. ft.- f I4. lc' r _ �; 28078 ' FlgsirolALddtess.City.aniZip ;2rRERLC1tKS'% MECKLENBURG ; BENTONITE FROM 158-161 & 143-150 . Ctluuts . Parcaa Idautidtre ttionNo.(PIN) . .. • ' `Sli.:lAitltitde and I,nnginnie in,degreeslmittutcslsceonds ar decimatl ttcgt•ccr• 22:Ccrtif@e itiiru: (If'ne0'tl td.et tslab1oirb in'sti(flileut} • • ' N • W - /Oil— .ir 6/18/2024 $igt�, iu,Cetlti .,Well Ceutnetor Date 6,is(!1l')litG11'ell(a}: SiPetwsR nt or OTeutltorar2' •li.a;gnr,rg:ht frnrr l Arrrltr realm rear the nr11i'.)Innis:iMrrrl Coralhreled ire trermrdmcr wail fiA",YoSC 02C,01000.054 'JCACO2C:,0200 tl lCOStii rrrr(oo cmrH(dula rmrl.rlumen 7.is thin aiupair tor ane%istttigndl: OYe or P.No a'cg'-cofBticreraitdkis'beet,'0?it'i4ulto1.6:'ukllrntrtrk, if iiIs:(n r eipJir,jilt;;Cli Iims,-ii,,o meta am.F.TrariNan i.forrnr,r:rvr irrir1'apia'si iht,asnr;ri'of rlir irp,:ir iutifess2i rrsuural.s•.infer,ar•nn the Lack of IAU forbi. 23.Site di:igi ilnt'tit‘:tdditk nal Well det:tits You inay Ilse the back of this page'to procitte iddiliolutl well site:iI:fails.or welt tti.T`'nmbtrir of wellis i ncru Kett:1 COi]shuctio deAails. You toay alfxi aittactt:idditionat ages if necessary. For nmlriigeIrrferr),,morriati-.waersupplysi'efdr ONLY n'J;Ji the samccortsrructlort,,y+ltrrrr4 • - - • .,itimiterurfarm - SIIIIMITTALINSTUC'RIONS' . • 9.Total welt depth bit land surface: 158 (ft,) 21;e. Fur:4L1 Welts: •Stibmii Its font.: within 30 dais of ecimptetipn of welt ForanelrlpJe wetlylisraliikptks.lfdiforeof(rxirolpfe-.?@2(0p'<vli'l2@dlt0y cOnstni tiontotl1C.fottowing; i . 1(i.St~.itic"icuter level below Ault of easing:24 (ft:) Division al'`W'ater.Re durces;Information Processing Unit, f/raster levr1 Is tttinve cat(q,,rite"-" 16l 71Hitil Si'rricc Ccntcr,Rillcigh,NC 27699-16I7 • 12.25/6 1 IL Borehole Illamchr. (n.) tab. F n :rec OI�II,Y;In addition to-leading the tomi N the address..in 34a abate:.alsO iubtnit a.rolay bf!this form within 30 day'S.Of cempletlan of-well• 12.Well a►nstnrctiou method: HSA/Air Rotary CettStmLflnit to'.the ft110w11fg: (i:c.auger.Iotaq,_cablc dimrl nosh,cto,l __ 'Division of W:tter[Rewourees Utttlet i ound Injection Control Progr'ain, FOR WATER SUPPLYWELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service':Ceneee R Ieigh.NC 27699-1636 I3;>,Yield(it{rnt) ARcthod of test: —c.•Foi'Water Suujrlc&lnjeedion`�etts: Also submit one coP't' of this. -Ott nittiilt.3O days ofcourplettouof I31.Disinfection type; Amount:. well•construction to the'comity health department Of the'comity when: constnicted. • Fans GW-L North Catalina Depantticut.of Ens nrotuttctu wn and Natural Resources-Dioa ofWaier R-arrc Itm'ised Augtnt 11I13 i