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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241337 Ver 1_More Info Received_20241113Baker, Caroline D
From: Jacob Sinclair <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 2:17 PM
To: Jennifer Robertson; Archer, C Alexi CIV USARMY CESAS (USA)
Cc: Hoy, Amie; McDonnell, Jesse M
Subject: [External] RE: Request for Additional Information SAW-2024-01698
Attachments: Calle Lumina Way Add Info Response 20241113.pdf
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Please find attached the response to the items from your email dated November 05, 2024.
Jacob Sinclair, P.G., PWS
Senior Environmental Specialist
Atlas Environmental Inc.
P.O. Box 17323
Asheville NC 28806
Phone: 704-578-3549
From: Jennifer Robertson <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 2:09 PM
To: Archer, C Alexi CIV USARMY CESAS (USA) <>; Jacob Sinclair
Subject: RE: Request for Additional Information SAW-2024-01698
Jacob in my office has prepared a response to your items below. We have reviewed this response
package. He is going to circulate the package shortly.
Thank you,
Jennifer L Robertson, President
ATLAS Environmental, Inc.
338 S. Sharon Amity Road #411
Charlotte, NC 28211
(704) 512-1206 office
(828) 712-9205 mobile
Offices in Asheville and Charlotte
From: Archer, C Alexi CIV USARMY CESAS (USA)<>
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 4:00 PM
To: Jennifer Robertson <>
Subject: Request for Additional Information SAW-2024-01698
This email is in reference to your permit application requesting Department of the Army (DA) authorization to affect
waters of the United States to construct a multifamily development. The application has been assigned the file number
SAW-2024-01698. The following information is necessary to complete the evaluation of your proposal. Please provide
the following:
1. Please elaborate on the purpose and need of W2 impact (there is no construction pictured on the plans)
2. The diameter of the proposed culvert
3. Please specify which field assessment date each species survey was done on
4. The same applicant applied for the permitted development next door (SAW-2019-02005), please expand on
why the project proposed under SAW-2024-01698 is a single and complete project
Please provide the requested information within 30 days, or your application will be administratively withdrawn. To
clarify, if the requested information is submitted after the 30-day timeframe, you will not be required to re -submit an
entirely new PCN (unless otherwise specified). We will continue to review and/or process your permit application upon
receipt of the requested information.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Alexi Archer
SAD Technical Regional Execution Center
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers
100 W Oglethorpe Ave
Savannah, GA 31401-3604
Phone: 912-837-9860