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SW8970102_Historical File_19970218
STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. dC 44I G2 ©13 4RAK@[AIWLad Hestron Plaza One Suite 102 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 DATE �� 743 Q.g�', (919) 247.7479 ATTENTI N ��,`9/ iVz a VAS TO lle/j/rr1-Jx R- Dir. OP' al4r RE: 127 842P/AJAL ce,VP e r UJ1L wL mk/, iit2 Owes 5645 WE ARE SENDING YOU 1(Attached 0 Under separate cover via the following items: > ❑ Shop drawings 0 Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION lig( LC.A/fAffi S1alPiva)4rrj2 430eACA7 oAI JAN 0 21997 >� L'owsneacr�a,.v was / ea' .1 060977eyv vim: .B 2 Q�Q.?�. I Co,¢e 0 6u itig,,v7-,A244 .- ekteec e ,A) Ameuur $ (2s / J7/Zdcrtori E ie'/CKrnd, 15 cr THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: X For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution > ❑ As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment 0 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Dear /U[S. tea) A' - - A1S efddelS4C, q4 �r ' " �t .catdt- Z U610 4t,/-tc er as. lf.Ace pletaako "Lc - COPY TO SIGNED: r i ' 1 1C/ arr If enclosures are not as noted,kindly not us at once. Technical Specifications Woodlands IV:Subdivision Newport Township, Carteret Co., North Carolina December 17, 1996 Client: Mercer Building Company �� 1301 Lennoxville Road Z Beaufort, North Carolina 28516 JAN 0 2 D (919) 728-6636 199? Engineer: Stroud Engineering, P.A. Hestron Plaza One, Suite 102 Morehead City,.North Carolina 28557 (919) 247-7479 iti.voitaii...*0.8.s.cem..s.,..45;0..,p).1 ��Pd1 D,`C 1z )r J9LI 13343 ) i l • Ace Rona d D. Cullipher, P.E. Date ;9p4 . rN G-- ' Q'•%,174* File:Woodland.0 t DIVISION 2G-1 Sewer System A. General 1. Description of Work Work to be performed under this section consists of furnishing all, tools, labor, materials, equipment, supplies and other things necessary to complete the construction of sanitary sewer lines, services and appurtenances. 2. Underground Utilities and Structures Utilities and other existing underground structures shown on the drawings are shown for the purpose of indicating the existence of such utility or structure and no guarantee is given as to the exact location'or the completeness of the information shown. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to locate all such utilities and structures and to maintain service or promptly restore service, at his own expense in the event interruption is caused by his operation. All utilities and structures that are uncovered by the excavation process and left in the trench shall be carefully supported and protected from injury by the Contractor's operation. At least 48 hours prior to beginning construction the Contractor shall notify Utilities Locating Company, Inc. (ULOCO) - 1-800-632-4949 in order that existing Utilities in the area may be flagged and staked. 3. Notification Notify the Town of Newport (Tel:223- 4418) and the Engineer (Tel: 247-7479) at least 48 hours prior to beginning work. 4. Preconstruction Conference No work shall begin until a preconstruction conference has been held. The Engineer will notify the.Contractor of the time and place for the preconstruction conference. FiiA:Woodhind.ILiA B. Materials 1. PVC Sewer Pipe Sewer pipe shall be PVC plastic pipe and shall conform to ASTM D-3033 or D-3034, latest edition with wall thickness to conform to SDR 35. Joints shall be in-line fittings with double strap boots. Use wye fittings for house services. 2. Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) - All Sizes Ductile iron pipe shall be Class 50 unless otherwise specified, conforming to the most recent revisionof AWWA Standard C-141 (ANSI A 21.51) and shall be cement lined in accordance with the most recent revision of AWWA Standard C-104 (ANSI A 21.4). Pipe may be mechanical or push-on joint in accordance with AWWA Standard C-11 (ANSI A 21.11) unless otherwise specified. Standard length shall be 18 feet. Pipe shall be cement mortar lined and exterior coated with 1.0 mil bituminous material in accordance with AWWA C-151. 3. PVC Service Piper and Fittings PVC service pipe and fittings shall be standard Schedule 40. 4. Brick Brick used in the work shall conform to ASTM C-32 and shall be laid with full shove joints. All joints shall be thoroughly filled with mortar and the thickness of joints on the inside of the walls must be more than three-eights (3/8) of an inch. . 5. Concrete Blocks Concrete blocks for manholes, when specified, shall conform to ASTM C-139. 6. Manhole Frames and Covers Manhole frames and covers shall be Dewey Brothers, Inc. MH-RCR-2001-IECWG or approved equal. Solid covers with concealed pick holes shall be provided unless otherwise specified. In non-traffic areas, MH-RCR-2001 may be used. File:Woodlandtxt Frame and cover shall be made from class 30 gray cast iron conforming to the requirements of ASTM-A48 (latest revision thereof). The words "Sanitary Sewer" shall be cast into the cover. In addition both the manufacturer's name and casting number must be cast into the frames. 7. Reinforced Concrete Concrete used in the structures shall be Class-A, 3,000 pound test, in accordance with Section 900, North Carolina State Highway Standard Specifications. Reinforcing steel shall conform to ASTM A-615 Grade 60. 8. Manholes Manholes shall be precast and have monolithic bottom sections. Manholes shall conform to latest ASTM C-478 specifications. Top slabs when used, shall be satisfactory for H-20 highway loading. Joints shall be watertight and conform to either the latest ASTM C-443 specifications for "0" ring joints or the latest ASTM C-478 specifications for section joints designed for cold applied sealing compound. Sealing compound shall be CPS-210 as manufactured by Concrete Products Supply Company or CS-102 as manufactured by Concrete Sealants. Points of exit and entry for all pipe shall be provided with flexible manhole sleeves and all stainless steel take up clamps in accordance with ASTM C-923. Points of exit and entry for services shall be provided by 4" or 6" holes preformed into manhole and specifically designed for service connections. Manholes with preformed invert channels and benches may be utilized. When using these preformed bases, compression type polyurethane pipe joints in accordance'with ASTM 0-425 may be preformed in the manhole for pipe entrances and exits located in the manhole bottom invert instead of providing flexible sleeves. Contractor shall provide double stainless steel straps for connection of boot to pipe. Manholes indepth shall be set on crushed aggregate of at least 1 foot depth. All pinholes shall be filled with non-shrink grout. 9. Manholes Steps Manhole steps shall be three-eights (3/8) inch or larger steel reinforcing bar encased in rubber or plastic coating resistant to deterioration and chemical action. File:Woodland.txt 10. Transition Couplings Pipe material changes between manholes may be permitted provided there is not a substantial difference in inside diameters, and a smooth uniform flow line is maintained, and a watertight rubber sleeve, mechanical conforming the ASTM C-425 is used to make the transition. All metal hardware shall be stainless steel. C. Performance 1. General Installation of sewer mains shall be in conformance with specific recommendations of the pipe manufacturer. 2. Trench Excavation Trench excavation shall conform to the line and depth shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. The trench section shall comply with specification detail drawing Number G-1. 3. Dewater!ng The Contractor shall remove by pumping, bailing or otherwise any water which may accumulate or :be found in the trenches and other excavations and shall form all dams, flumes or other works necessary to keep them entirely clear of water while sewers, foundations and structures are being constructed. Water from the trenches and excavations shall be disposed of in such a manner as will not cause injury to the work completed or in progress, to the public health, to public or private property, nor cause any interference with the use of the same by the public. When it is necessary to excavate a drainage trench from an excavation site to a natural watercourse in lieu of pumping or bailing, such trenching work shall be done by the Contractor at his own expense. The Contractor shall provide silt fences or other erosion control devices which may be required by the Engineer. Well points shall be furnished by the Contractor if required for dewatering. The cost of well.points shall be included in the unit price bid for sewer pipe File:Woodland.txt 4. Laying•Sewer Pipe a. Methods of bedding under various trench conditions shall be as shown in Specifications under detail drawings Number G-1. b. The pipe shall be stored and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the requirements of these specifications. c. Sewer mains and manholes shall be laid to the line and grade shown on the plans. No deviations from line and grade shall be made unless they have been approved by the Engineer. d. Laser equipment shall be.used by the Contractor for maintaining proper grade for laying pipe in lieu of batter boards. • e. The sewer pipe installation shall start at the outlet end and proceed upstream to the termination of the project as shown on the plans. f. While working on any part of an existing sewer main or manhole, the Contractor shall maintain the existing sewage flow. g. After the trench foundation has been properly graded the pipe shall be carefully lowered into the trench with approved methods. Under no circumstances shall the pipe or accessories be dropped or dumped into the trench. All damaged pipe shall be properly repaired or replaced at the Contractor's expense. h. The pipe interior shall be:kept clean before and after laying. Pipe ends shall be plugged at the end of each work day or when work is temporarily stopped. •The plugs shall be watertight so that water and debris will be kept out. i. Where conditions are, in the opinion of the Engineer or Inspector, unsuitable for laying pipe because of weather or trench conditions, the Contractor shall be required to cease work until permission is given for work to commence again. 5. Sewer Service Laterals a. All 4" pipe shall be laid with a minimum allowable grade of 1%. b. Trench support, bedding and backfill for laterals shall conform to the same specifications.as those for sewer mains, except that stone bedding. File:Woodland.txt will be required under laterals only when specifically directed by the Engineer. The Contractor:shall properly backfill under all wye and lateral connections at the main. 6. Manholes a. Manhole construction shall conform to Standard Detail Drawings G-4. b. All joints shall be filled using non-shrink grout applied in accordance with.manufacturers instructions. c. Cold weather construction shall be confined to those days when the temperature is a minimum of 34 degrees F. Approval to work in no way relieves the Contractor of liability for damage due to freezing. d. The Contractor shall adjust manhole tops to fmal grade at the time designated by the Engineer. No additional compensation will be made for manhole adjustments. 7. Shoring The Contractor shall finish, put in place and maintain such sheeting, bracing, etc., as may be required to support the excavation and to prevent any movement which can in any way injure the masonry, or otherwise injure or delay the work or endanger adjacent buildings or other structures or create undue hazards to workmen employed therein. If the Engineer is of the opinion that at any point sufficient or proper supports have not been provided, he may order additional supports put in at the expense of the Contractor, and the compliance with such orders shall not release the Contractor from his responsibility for the sufficiency of such support. Care shall be taken to prevent voids outside of the sheeting, but if voids are formed, they shall be immediately filled and rammed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All sheeting and bracing that is removed from the backfill shall be removed in such a manner as not to endanger the constructed sewer of other structures, utilities or property, whether public or private. All voids left or caused by the withdrawal of sheeting shall be immediately refilled with earth as directed by the Engineer. 8. Horizontal Separation Sewers shall be laid at least 10 feet, horizontally, from any existing or proposed water mains. Should°local conditions prevent a lateral separation of 10 feet, a sewer may be laid closer than 10 feet to a water main if the elevation of the top (crown) of the sewer is at least 18" below the bottom (invert) of the water main and if File:Woodland.txt • a. It is laid in a separate trench, or if b. It is laid in the same french with the water mains located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth. 9. Verticial Separation Whenever the sewer must cross under the water mains, the sewer shall be laid at such an elevation that the top of the sewer is at least 18" below the bottom of the water main. When the elevation of the sewer cannot be varied to meet the above requirements, the water main shall be relocated to provide this separation. When it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical separation as stipulated above, both water main and sewer shall be constructed of mechanical joint ductile iron pipe for a distance of 10 feet each side of the point of intersection. One full length of water main shall be centered on the sewer. 10. Backfilling Backfilling of trenches after pipe installation shall comply with Specification Detail G-1 except as follows: In areas which are not to be paved or receive any special surface treatment, the backfill from the bottom of the trench to a point one foot above the top of the pipe shall be placed as shown on the details, but material and compaction requirements for the remainder of the backfill may be varied with the approval of the Engineer. The method of obtaining the required compaction shall be at the Contractors option. Flooding with water is an acceptable method for coarse sand. Minimum compaction for utilities under pavement shall be.98%. Street shall be proof-rolled with a loaded dump truck prior to paving. Proof-rolling shall be observed by a Town of Newport representative. If at any time, however, the Engineer is of the opinion that the compaction requirements are not being met, he may order a compaction test to be conducted by a qualified soils testing lab. Laboratory method for determination of maximum density shall be in accordance with ASTM D-1557, modified proctor. Field determination of density shall be in accordance with ASTM D-1556, sand cone method: Other methods of field determination of density may be used only with the.approval of the Engineer. Compaction testing shall be.provided if requested by Town of Newport. Initial tests for density will be at the expense of the owner. If the tests show inadequate compaction, then the Contractor shall reconstruct the backfill File:Woodland.txt and-furnish additional compaction. tests at his own expense. The backfill will not be accepted until the compaction tests have passed. The use of stone as a bedding material is required under manholes, structure foundations and pipe bedding. 11. Surface Restoration The surfacing of all roads, yards or ditches, etc., that is disturbed or damaged by any of the Contractor's operations shall be restored to ifs original state. Surfacing shall be taken to mean clay, gravel, grass, hardtop or any other specially treated surfaces. 12. Rate of Progress • Without permission from the Engineer no more that 300 feet of trench may be opened in advance the completed work in any section, and in all cases, the work of excavating, pipe laying and backfilling must move forward at approximately equal rates of progress. 13. Inspection Sewer lines shall be visually inspected from every manhole by use of mirrors, television cameras, or other devices for visual inspections and the lines shall all exhibit a fully circular pattern when viewed from one manhole to the next. Lines which do not exhibit a true line and grade or have structural defects shall be corrected to meet these specifications. 14. Infiltration/Exfiltration Testing All construction of sewer facilities shall be of such quality that there shall be no perceptible infiltration%exfiltration of water at any single location. The total infiltration/exfiltration: shall in no case exceed 100 gallons per inch of diameter, per mile of pipe per day. Infiltration/exfiltration testing shall be observed by a Town of Newport.representative. 15. Clean Up Upon completion of each section of line, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to "clean up" the. construction site. Clean up shall consists of removing all rubbish, debris, unused materials, etc. from the construction site, leveling the area and, as far as practical, restoring the area to its."original" condition.. The entire project site clean up work shall be accomplished to the satisfaction of the Engineer. File:Woodlandbtt D. Record Drawings The Contractor will keep one record copy of all Specifications, Drawings, Addenda, Modifications and Shop Drawings at the site in good order and annotated to show all changes made during the construction process. These shall be available to the Engineer and shall be delivered to him upon completion of the project. Annotations on the Drawings shall include the exact locations of each residential service stub in relation to the next lowest manhole and centerline of street. Length of service'shall also be shown. E. Guarantee The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of acceptance by the Town of Newport. F. Basis of Payment Gravity sewer lines will be paid for at the Contract Lump Sum Price. • File:Woodland.txt • DIVISION 2F Water Distribution System A. General 1. Description of Work Work to be performed under this section consists of furnishing all, tools, labor, materials, equipment, supplies and other things necessary to construct the water distribution system including all mains and appurtenances. 2. Underground Utilities and Structures Utilities and other existing underground structures shown on the drawings are shown for the purpose of indicating the•existence of such utility or structure and no guarantee is given as to the exact location or the completeness of the information shown. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to locate all such utilities and structures and to maintain service or promptly restore service, at his own expense, in the event interruption is caused *by his operation. All utilities and structures that are uncovered by the excavation process and left in the trench shall be carefully supported and protected from injury by the Contractor's operation. 4 At least 48 hours prior to beginning construction the Contractor shall notify Utilities Locating Company, Inc. (ULOCO) - Tel: 1-800-632-4949 in order that existing utilities in the area may be flagged and staked. 3. Notification Notify the Town of Newport (Tel:223-4418) and the Engineer (Tel: 247-7479) at least 48 hours prior to beginning work. B. Materials Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) All Sizes Ductile iron pipe shall be Class 50 unless otherwise specified, conforming to the most recent revision of AWWA Standard C-151 (ANSI A 21.51) and shall be cement lined in accordance with the most recent revision of AWWA Standard C-104 (ANSI A 21.4). Pipe may be mechanical or push-on joint in accordance with AWWA Standard C-111 (ANSI A 21.11) unless otherwise specified. Standard length shall be 18 feet. File:Woodland.txt 2. PVC Pipe - All Sizes Polyvinyl chloride pipe shall:be class 200 conforming to ASTM D-1784 and D-2241. Joints shall be integral bell with rubber gaskets conforming to ASTM D-3139 and F-477. T he.pipe shall be SDR21 and shall bear the National Sanitation Foundation seal for potable water. 3. Gate Valves - 2" and Larger Valves shall be iron body,'fully bronze mounted double,disc, parallel seat with mechanical joints. Valves shall be of the nonrising stem type with 2". 'square operating nuts. Valves Shall open counterclockwise and be equipped with "0" ring seals in accordance with the most recent revision of AWWA Standard C-500. Valves shall be manufactured by.Mueller, American Darling or Clow Corp. 4. Valve Boxes Valve boxes shall consist:of cast iron telescoping, top and bottom sections with cover marked "WATER'. The sections shall be adjustable for different burying depths. Valve boxes shall be Dewey Brothers VBX-TE-100 or approved equal. Extensions, if necessary, shall be provided through the addition of one bottom section and an appropriate of 6" C.I. soil pipe. 5. Fittings -• • Tees, elbows and other fittings in 4" size or greater shall be of ductile mechanical joint or push on joint, cement lined, meeting the most recent revisions of AWWA Standard C-110 (ANSI A 21.10) and shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of_150 psi. Fittings for 2" PVC shall conform to the ASTM Standards for 2" PVC pipe and be rubber gasket-bell type joint. 6. Hydrants - 5.1/4" Hydrants shall be cast iron body with "0" ring seals and bronze to bronze threads on the seat ring and drain ring housing. The hydrant shall be designed for 150 psi working pressure as manufactured by Mueller or American Darling in accordance with the latest AWWA Standard (C-502). Hydrants shall be provided:With two 2 1/2 inch outlets and a 4 1/2 inch pumper nozzle having National Standard thread. Hydrants shall have the traffic breakable feature. Hydrants shall be so designed that when it is in place, no excavation or tension wrenches are required to remove the main valve and movable parts of the drain valve. Hydrants shall have a main valve of 5 1/4 inch diameter and an inlet size_of 6 inch diameter with mechanical joint fitting. File:Woodlandtxt The operating nut shall be National Standard and shall open counterclockwise. Color shall be fire hydrant red above the ground line. Fire hydrants shall be Mueller A-421, Clow Medallion, or American Darling Mark 73. 7. Tapping Valves Tapping valves shall meet all of the requirements of 4 above except that only one side of the valve shall have a mechanical joint fitting; the other shall be flanged. 8. Service Tap (3/4" and 1") for PVC and DIP Corporation stops shall be Ford F-1000, Mueller 15008 or approved equal. Service clamps, if used, shall be of bronze construction as manufactured by Mueller or approved equal. All corporation stops shall be machine installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended procedures. (All fittings shall be copper tube size.) 9. Service Clamp Double strap service clamps or saddlestraps shall be used on all 2" PVC pipe. Service clamps shall be of bronze construction and equal to that manufactured by Mueller Company, Ford Meter Box Co. or approved equal. All corporation stops or saddlestops shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended procedures. t 10. Service Pipe The service pipe from water mains shall be plastic municipal service line pipe, CTS-200 psi polyethylene, in conformance with ASTM Specification D-1248, copper tube size. The pipe shall be supplied in 300 feet coils and no joint or coupling shall be installed between the main service tap and the meter stop. Plastic stiffeners shall be supplied for connecting service pipe to corporation stops and meter valves. 11. Meter Setters Meter setters shall be as manufactured by Mueller or Ford. 12. Meter Boxes Meter boxes shall be cast iron with cast iron lids and installed on four bricks by contractor. File:Woodland.txt 13. Meters Meters shall be Sensus SR2.Meters and tailpieces shall be provided by the Town of Newport. C. Workmanship 1. Excavation Excavation of trenches for water lines shall comply with Drawings F-1 & F 2 attached. Any excavation below the specified level shall be backfilled with sand, gravel or other approved material at the Contractor's expense and such material shall be tamped to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The sides of trenches in cohesive soils shall be vertical and their widths shall be no less that 6 inches nor more that 8 inches on each side of the pipe bell or trenches may be excavated to widths recommended by the pipe manufacturers. The bottom of the trench at the bells shall be excavated by hand to accurately fit the bells. The Contractor shall remove all water accumulated in the trench in a manner approved by the Engineer. 2. Pipe Installation All pipe shall be installed in accordance with pipe manufacturers recommendation. Pipe fittings and valves shall be handled in a manner which will prevent damage and while they are suspended over the trench they shall be inspected for defects and rung with a light hammer to detect cracks. Before the pipe is laid it shall be examined for defects and all dirt and loose material of any sort shall be removed. After the pipe is in place the Contractor shall keep trench free`of standing water and other foreign materials. Concrete blocking: shall be installed to prevent movement of valves and fittings. Method of blocking shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. 3. Valve Boxes Valves shall be set plumb.with the box directly over the valve and placed in such a manner so as not to place any undue stresses of pressure on any part of the pipe or valves and in such a manner that the valves may be easily opened and closed from.the°ground surface. The Contractor shall adjust. File;Woodland.txt valve boxes to final grade at the time designated by the Engineer. No additional compensation will be made for valve box adjustment. 4. Horizontal Separation Water mains shall be laid at least 10 feet, horizontally, from any existing or,proposed sewers. Should local conditions prevent a lateral separation of 10 feet, water mains may be laid closer than 10 feet to a sewer if, the elevation of the top (crown) of the sewer is at least 18" below the bottom (invert) of the water main and if: a. It is laid in a separate trench, or if; b. It is laid in the same trench with the sewers located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth. 5. Vertical Separation Whenever water mains must cross above sewers, the water mains shall be laid at such an elevation that'the bottom of the water main is at least 18" above the top of the sewer. When it is impossible to obtain proper horizontal and vertical separation as stipulated above, both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of mechanical joint ductile iron pipe for a distance of 10 feet each side of the point of intersection. One full length of water main shall be centered on the sewer. 4 6. Backfill Backfill shall comply with Detail Drawings F-1 & F-2 attached. Backfill shall be placed around pipe and up to 12 inches above the top of the pipe and compacted using hand operated equipment. Backfill in this area shall be made only with select material free of large clods, stones, roots, excessive moisture or other objectionable material. The backfill material in all cases shall be subject to the Engineers approval. Compaction methods will be at the option of the Contractor except that heavy equipment will not be permitted to operate over the water line until a minimum cover of at least 3 feet has been obtained. Compaction by flooding with water will be permitted in non-cohesive soils. Minimum compaction for utilities under pavement shall be 98%. Street shall be proof-rolled with a loaded dump truck prior to paving. Compaction testing shall be provided if requested by Town of Newport. Proof rolling shall be observed by a Town of Newport representative. If at any time, however, the Engineer is of the opinion that the compaction requirements are not being met, he may order a compaction test to be conducted by a qualified soils testing lab. Laboratory method for determination of maximum density File:Woodland.txt shall be in accordance with ASTM D-1556. sand cone method. Other methods of field determination of density may be used only with the approval of the Engineer. Initial tests for density will be at the expense of the owner. If the tests show inadequate compaction, then the Contractor shall reconstruct the backfill and furnish additional compaction tests at his own expense. The backfill will not be accepted until the compaction tests have passed. 7. Hydrostatic Tests The Contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and shall perform all work required in connection with the tests. The water main shall be filled and subjected to a hydrostatic pressure 50% in excess of the normal working pressure, but not less that 150 psi. The pipe shall be slowly filled with water, care being taken to expel all air from the pipes. If necessary, the pipes shall be tapped at high points to vent the air. The cost of taps to vent the air shall be included in the unit prices bid for PVC. The required pressure as measured at the point of lowest elevation shall be applied for not less than two (2) hours and all pipe fittings, valves and points shall be carefully examined for defects. The pipe installation will not be accepted unless and until the leakage (elevation on a pressure basis of 150 psi) is less than the maximum allowable leakage set forth in Section 13 of AWWA Standard C-600, latest edition. Duration of leakage test shall be a minimum of two hours. Hydrostatic test shall:be observied by a Town of Newport representative. 8. Flushing The water main shall be flushed in accordance with AWWA Standard. C-601, latest edition. Flushing of each section of the line shall continue until sufficient time has elapsed for movement of water from one end of the section to the other end of the section. The cost of flushing the mains, including all temporary connections, shall be included in the Unit Price bid for pipe. Flushing shall be observed by a Town of Newport representative. 9. Sterilization All water supply mains shall be sterilized by the Contractor. No extra payment will be provided as this work is considered to be an element of other File:Woodlandixt '" work units. The sterilization process shall be in conformance with the standards of the NC State-Board.of Health and AWWA Standard C-601, latest edition. Bacteriological tests shall be performed by a state approved lab with copy provided to the Town of Newport. The system shall be disinfected with a 50 ppm dosage of chlorine. Treated water shall be retained in the lines for not less than twenty four (24) hours and shall produce not less that 10 ppm chloride concentration in the extreme ends of the distribution system at the conclusion of the retention period. Calcium hypochlorite may be used. During the chlorination process all valves and accessories shall be operated. After flushing and refilling the main, the Tnspector will secure a sample of water from both the end of the main and a randomly chosen service.line and submit to an environmental laboratory approved by the State of North Carolina which will perform a bacteria analysis. The lines will not be accepted until analysis shows no bacteria. Bacteriological testing shall be observed by a Town of Newport representative. 10. Surface Restoration The surfacing of all roads, yards or ditches, etc. that is disturbed or damaged by any of the Contractor's operations shall be restored to its original state. Surfacing shall be taken to mean clay, gravel, grass hardtop or any other specially treated surface. 11. "As-Built" Drawing A drawing showing the station numbers of all valves, fittings and services shall be furnished by the Contractor before final payment is approved. Measurements'shall be made beginning at a valve at street intersections and continue to increase to the end of the water line or to the next valve. One set of"As-Built" mylare reproducible drawings and one set of blueprints shall be provided to McDavid Associates(including location of all services). Two sets of blueprints of "As-Built" plans shall be provided to the Town of Newport. D. Guarantee The Contractor shall guarantee all materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of acceptance by the Town of Newport. E. Basis of Payment Payment shall be at the Conine Lump Sum Price based on the Engineer's approval of installed quantities. File:Woodland.txt STROUD ENGINEERING, P,A Jos PM 'IZ.WootxLA,4 ,�. . Hestron Plaza One ..SHEETNo:'; ,•;I . . :oF .... Suite 102 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 285'57 CALCULTEDBY - .•. L ' ':. DATE 12/Ilo-14t. (919) 247.7479. y I ( p CHECKED BY'•�•" _ w� .DATE I Zl Ito 15t. J�7 . 6• SCALE ilg1.ai l i'. I I i i 1 ! �I GOVEI N NG1 E�UATIONS i i1. I I ��y 14}AR�b 'q,,,a I I• iw__. 'I; I 1 '1 • 1 , 1' . 'i. .! li,: .« .1._.--_ .»FX•ow•:-�Ra•t•iota --M .tho.dr ..0_ uA Q. »l :�. �••QF •..�._ •;•' There, C •Rri f•` C • errtit a • ,, . . ` `• } •.. • 1." i "I7ite S ty din � r I • ..�..�. .•...-.:,. . . l• _...._ l._: i_.:... I 11___ . Ara,' ( c._..... s)I �. t. . r I �� N I �5ution i. !IILIIZi.-.... }l ' 1 I h��er Ili% " • . 1"wlaer.6 •1 • ' 1252 I -( aspd ion ,1(yrI eturn pierio See, _» ._._. - _. 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SCALE .► 4ee�r GOVE MNGI E QUA 'IONS I (Continued) I I , 1 �i� ,j4. ..] •. `1 C R ��0. ...‘ ., ..._ . t ' -_..---- . . �_.._.....0..en•-••Char�neX-•-�F.1ow � __.. �_Mannul�:s._.E. a..t..�.S?_.. _ �� , r • ! _�•'_.�:__.....___._ �_.._.. __. , ._ ' ! 1 Based do Fl w Q = v2 : :� L i -. ..,. _.1 i..: i I. .1: I _ _ - . : #.._Q "` 1, p z/3141.17 S112 p l a/.3 ;no �:._..� II F � - ,.... -/ki -et*/ -!--Whern•.--�•Q- �..:_F1.a#nr. �4.CES:) _. . • �_.. :.._. .....� 14 , _...._.�._.L_...__._1_ _...�._ 1 i 4b (Four ngt:i h` Un�:ts-Di:mnsiro '' 4. .. ! _.,-- -i- I. n 1 .O Q3 ` -*R�itp1 -- Manncri is Roug •es•. .. __._-_.._.�:___- .. .... ...I i _,�. .C:o f:.4,i.ca..ez tw T.a.b 1.._ � I _ II F • _.._.... Y . ... 1 . .1 S_ 4 S1ope ofl OpenI C1 an ie4 • r6 " ., h'. _..(_ i engtI ,O : d1'i"a:trr'e y.x(-E )-- .----.. _ _.._ _....._.�.: _[__._..I.... ._... 1$.� : $o t-t:o'. dl~h�.of48 ep_t onf . 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' OF 1 1 Suite CALCULATED BY gL DATE 2 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTHH CAROLINA 28557 A n ,,Q (919) 247-7479 CHECKED BY .Q yJ(�+ DATE Z. 10 w•gylfl eN SCALE ���O n hOII�', •4 Litt-L1,.Z-Iis. ,NTIOIsal1,L...._...,__ ..1E"p..-1Qt 4. Z..r .XR......._....�aT,o ,. t E kx j I 3', t• o,„ s4.14/ T P E ti....:.......„ FOR .AitN.44.-. L1•c..I.EATI_ ?i ..:. . .Ee 4- 4F _.14. 3 .. , d • „ . T ,L..:.......AREA. ' 11+J ' :.....:1• f..1.T..1-.L.1..1.�:,1. ..( :._... .I4 y.?..:.Q.....(a�Z..:• ;.....fiaC-- • ('� �;]J /A�/r� `' /�' ,1 ����/��� �+, ` ` � :./tit • - "1...:..1.. ii, ., .1� ,....Q�.2...�.._:.... i2..4�Z ..........A1 .oVJM"�L•.JL- I CVQ.01'+ ._...:...... ..._.._...., a .._._...._.............. .._.._.._...,...._.... — a.:. "1..._e..I�'a.C. eS-i OST'.S ...._.1. a.....:.....:.. • I 7G..._....AC A-TWe'D_.....A..•br•? • 1 .LAL.I .t I ��/r /�� / r • ........._..„....._...1......7.�_..A � 7 .kh�G...�...4s ....._...:..Ep Q LR...e..r..,s ..A.............a........_._._._._._.__._.._._.._. i • i ......._.._. 1(.0445....(0 tz,. 3f Sv i .._..Cir e.AF eb, I.t► P...---•_•----- • .Q e s _AREA_ o CIS TEAL. A ..A, t ..1:......4.c. .£Age.. II,., t1.U.i.:V,.Yl.. ......._.._._._._.::.__..H...._._. .�.__.. •-• r': d i . d.. 5. 1...1. �. y j • : _. A.:._L- 80 • 1- .- Z1... .5 — IZ..r72 = e.., 8',:........__ ........ .............:(.(02°Q,.:) -1...`) ' j, a......: _ 12N. e nnnniIi 24.ircmni.m..,.;�ns.vr,nn.•n� n) i,�rmu, ,«nia'i r:,�n�n;nnngrTI I IRFFI-nnn?+s-n.n STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. JOB pM322-(Z ' W4�ot�C.A JG� SQL' Hestron Plaza One SHEET NO. (o OF Suite 102 1 / MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 CALCULATED BY_ R DATE IZ t Lo I"1.(' (919),247-7479 I CHECKED BY DATE 12 ) tQ 3 G SCALEtom ! KCA Y A , d I ° { t ..0 R Q4 II�IT° SSW 7at ► ..-_._..into . s.., ..,.:.__..... ir r...._...... • a ����4T1an 1���+�� UCA' ' ! n A ! ........_.... CO• ... G7 (.5.9 I { e a T + 1� 4 IZ.E4._...._.?IP S t.-. a 1)= lo— '67 41:7644:;04 .) .! 1.8 • = 25,20— .. ... . , . ! T e i . ! i • i ![e stair �'t. •• ! ! i ! ! ! • ! --o...1 .,., . ..e 0,4 ! ! 7.a ; : TC fri lt,....-d—FLOW e..FIOM:.:.. +. ._.._tt... , .: ...........-n AU5I.1 t... b,FFScfE...+ • „Tv.._.:..._.a is-Tit,S ..... , + d.............._._.._... a i p...._._....p .:..o4.i t +A.c.,.......»....d5T,! -411..rr + " a a • Y t• 1 t p • a Z) Cu (1,452, 0A • Q i I• X (.0 . 1 A2 ..._ _.. VE + a d a 1..., .....AC + . i i I .....».. a _._..»._.a 5.. ..d _ . -, ._�_Yam. ... N._=._:.. 42,...5'- 12.. _' g.:e.9o' - + a a PROW 204-1(Single Sheets)2054!Padded)A.hie.,Groan,Mass.01471.To Order PHONE TOLL FREE 1.800-225.6380 STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. JoB 1tMS22- 12 ; VMOMLAL1 : -E Hestron Plaza One • SHEET NO. 7 OF + . Suite 102 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 CALCULATED BY J`IZL_ DATE I J 11( (gip (919) 247-7479 R.CpAuf.124 CHECKED BY � DATE I-•I Ip19�•. SCALE <......_. d a ,t+ igQam' i„ 4rr y .a...._.......:............a 1.2.E a d x I ir,- 13343 ....._..ip..._. d a a Y _.... QA /QrN ,*��/! x ....»......a o- a o- a b........_._...._._....e.._....»...e• ,#4r 0 V�+0 ,�,...__...d • — 011(11+EC.) = 800ASZA- 1Z....2.to . - �///////1 : ,tf • i i / o- {y ..._ r a e o- a 0.e. (4. l .......» a e a a ta............... . a.. s ....x ,—.p' ' 1 vt.11 FAC (..,m ; . 3Z..,.r,` C. rj a a .- . .....«.._...a..._......h p i d._.._.._..x d.._..«.....a a .;.. _.i.._ Y o- ......__4.a x a w i 8 �,• kl (..toci - YA$ • fl .� , ; pis 4K(.. i.._.....d 14ANAJEc_. Cam.- Zee "e:x-4 ; a - •r•- a F .rT._.._._..H.yrAzAJ Ltc ecTI oNa...._.._. _e-root): ; ri...= o.CS..a C.. S5.- (emezi. ,._ .... - ._....._._. � e.._ 5 i 3 ; • r .! 9 6 CIA m : a a a d ¢ a a»............ de a a o- a........................................ a I PRODUCT 2041(Single Sheets)205-1(Podded) esInc..Groton.Mass.01471.To Order PHONE TOLL FREE I-500-225-6l8G - : • ISC- • STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. JOB PM�L2— t2 : WoMpLAAIDS Hestron Plaza One SHEET NO. g OF Iq- Suite 102 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557- CALCULATED BY L. DATE 12/14o'9C• (919) 247-7479 CHECKED BY .1� DATE ` 9 SCALE • ...._._.._.............t.._._...._aR7 t a : • .._ '�afi � �1 �` . 1: . C �_ � 0 ' Sb �9 � __ � �• e. .... a _.......e ......_....a._._.:..........._....a...........a i 1 :QQ • i i S0eV 4146 • Q i ' 15= k, *. 6,I go) (o i lq S €�'..N..Eel. .. •1 .1.t).G...LTV • , _........_...._._. : ! : • a a.............«.._._.... e « .............a......._..__.»............_.�... a ..._ .._...._...... v am Imo/} 4 2 • M ...1..1I...1 a r e..:_ /a. e e �._.........a e a a s eFI h,ID t T .l..._.._O.F... F1,O I............... ..........ear s !.....-.alb.tar. .........._.........,0• a ! 1 _ + = : .._; t Ar 1,.F..1. P._ ° lab •V- a...Z.. l+ ( )2 7:- .i. + 2 kr2.7."' a Y._....._.._._........_._._...._..a a .........._.i.. , ... a a ._. a a ........... • d at,. a a a ; • t e a— i : i 4 a..._.__..:. a �._._.'..•-. ....4 d e • . P a d-- . I PRODUCT 201.1(Staple Sheets)2051(Padded)rAasm/•Inc,Groton,Mass.01471.To Order PHONE TOLL FREE I.800-22542M ~'�m �*=����"~��� � 7�� ST�����U�� ENGINEERING, P.A. ', ` - ` --� °=~��~^"�'~"~�� Hem�on Plaza One . SHEET NO. 19 OF L8� Suite 102 - KHORGHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA2B557 CALCULATED BY u^rs I ` v91=v 247'7479 cxscxeoa, [VU --� om� [�� _ U~^^ / ' SCALE 1 q.-A 643 1 ee- 001 b. / | - [ ���*� ' � �� - :�---���z8�� ' ` ~^ ' ~ �� - .��~ --' ........... ... -- ..........'c^f��� --- ' --- �----' ' ` ` ^--` / ~--�-- ^ r . ________- , ^ ` _--__-_ ' __~__-�- | ��,� | � _--_- '�-_ - ^__�_- ' , � ~ 1 ' ^ / | � ' - --r-----�-- ............... -T- ^--- r.......... i | ! � ^ _�_. ..................-_______-__--.......... ___- �............. ........ -- __-... ^ � ................................... __-__'__~ , . � ^ , ^ ^ , , ^__- ' ' U --------. ^--' ` --'--- ' .. ........... ^ . ^ , , ~�� ^ ^ ,� ^ _.. ^ ` ---' --- ` ^ ^--� . ` ` r-- ^ .....- ......... ........................... ^ | ' _ ^ , . , ' , � ` --- ........ � ^ ^ _ , , ' | _ �_. , � - ~__, , '` | �----'--- ^ ` ------ .............- ....... ---^------' ' i U Mms.01471 To Order PHONE TOLL FREE I-W-?25-M v • • •ID of ..:4- •• O k • 4 I, W 1AL' • is'' • . 1n O: O O O O 0 h• p' O 4' . • vi : CO tO h . 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I- F- II• 11.'C 11 • • • • • II • 2 .H II 11 'C II • • L L L L L I I -.F- '11 h•II N' II • • !:.N I • I- u II :ii'� Ii E•E E E E.c.c.c.c c� W •U II Y 0 It• E E E E Ets e c t II O N a Y a II E"E E'er N - H U II 11.00 .Y : d „N 8.11L' II .N ;_•!..•... W O'II II.0 ' I1 In .-O •0 • •-• V II- x O II ,II 0. II tA'.-IA.O '1=10 tel •O N N II • 2 II 0-II J II IA•N Co V:N .,.... ` p � ..J II ..II-0 11 .-.-M.O • .- N II J II- II � II •-�M •O •- N•11 .+ II ...I II p II .- .O N N I�•:'•.�.'��' II . I OF 14 6 .., , Exhibit 7 fi: , . . ..._ .. . . ..,... .;:,:. I Minimum slopes for pipe selection. Minimum slope required to maintain stated minimum velocity ab full flow. ,, Material Concrete Concrete,, Corr Mtl Con Mtl Application , Storm Sanitary Storm Sanitary •1.4.;:.. Manning n . 0013 0,013 0.024 0.024 Min V (ft/sec) bk-?‘* 3 ' 2 3 '2 1 I Pipe Diameter(in) , Minimum Slope ., f: w 15 • 0.00325 0.00144 . 0.01107 0.00492 ' •• .11 18 0.00255 0.00113 ., 0.00868 0.00386 1.4 21 * 0.00207 0.00092 0.00707 0.00314 24 0.00174 0.00077 0.00592 0.00263 27 * 0.00148 0.00066 0.00506 0.00225 * : 30 '-• • 0.00129 0.00057 0.00439, 0.00195 33 *. 0.00114 '0.00050 0.00387 0.00172 36 0.00101 0.00045 0.00345 0.00153 2' '..- 42 0.00082 0.00037 0.00284 0.00125 48 0.00069 .0.00031 . 0.00235 0.00104 ,...., 54 0.00059 0.00026 ' 0.00201 0.00089 60 0.00051 000023 0.00174' 0.00077 ,.... 66 0.00045 0.00020 0.00154 0.00068 72 . 0.00040 0.09018 ' 0.00137 0.00061 ; I * Non-standard in some markets. . , l .. 14 111 Exhibit 8 . - Abbreviated Table of Values of Manning Roughness Coefficients. ' I ,.. .. . . ' Description of Lining ' n I . . Reinforced concrete.pipe 0.013 .... Corrugated metalPipe . ' 0.024. . III Concrete,trowelled finish • 0.013 -. Concrete,float finish -. 0.015 Street gutter or paved channel 0.015 Earth, straight and uniform 0.022 Grass-lined swales,, , '0.030 .,... Unmaintained brushy channel 0.080 Stone-lined channel (4-inch) , 0.028 ...• Stone-lined channel (6-in)- 0.030 .. -Stone-lined channel (9-in) „ 0.032 .... Stone-lined channel(12-in) • 0.034 , 11 Stone-lined channel(15-in) , ••0.035 Stone-lined channel (18-in) 0.036 , . re P .„ I • . • ... , . PT. I _, . • 14 op 14 , : . • . . . ' • !.1:... ,•.{:.. .. , :J: '.,' . .... ' „ . . ., . . .• . • _...;_,,,,....,..,. ... .... ,..... . , _ ,,.. . 4 • Exhibit_3„ , - Best Hydraulic Section Coefficients. • M . n:Cm k' . Comment a4 • 0/1 ••0.790 .2.000. ,•Vertical sides • • 0.5/1 . 0.833 . 1.236 PI • . 0.577/1 `:0.833. 1.155., A;;.;;,• ;60-degree,sides �:,}4# • 1 /1 0.817 0.828 , •• -a,. • 45-degree;sides .1.5/1 `0.775 0.606. 2/1 ' 0.729 0.472 2.5/1 0688 0.385 . i --3/1 0.653 0.325 : • - Steepest to mow 3.5/1 10.622 0.2.80 • 4/1 ! 0.595 0.246; - •:•5/1 �,: •0.552 1.0.198,,•,6/1 .:0.518• - 0 166;' -. . • ., 7/1 0.490 •, ' : ' 0•142`'` 8i/1 0.467 0.125 = 6�. :.• 9/1 •`0.447 0.111 10/1., ',,0.430 0.100 '; • 11 /1 ' 0.415 0.091 _.• 12/1., • ..0.402 .... -. 0.083 •, . . Ill', , ., 'c,,,NA','il..,,..., . . ....,. i., r,., . .: , . , ,, '11jleI. 14N1� i,, 4.�a SI�YF 1 4y 1 .`,� '1 e. 1ft:1 1.7 t•YI1 • 11. 1II [ I 1�� i iu Ih0 i gg I, I00 1ile , A I!1 1i .hl.i IItJ11�4P11 r6 1 41'61 jtu'U 5Y'ril1 11 ,t y� ! ; ii'I 1 11 r'k to r M 1I .��yy t�y •41 • • �`.r T y 1l I' IP ;.I �': .r. . _ . z �a kl 1 11 rf, 4 #10y• 4 r. r. .. , � .7} skl�• +!�mI ' , l'.,N�1 I PaJi ,il •h� ' �.Ad r VI-9 (1 lylai;,,! , • ,, � I y;rJ ,, In ,,1,,..f I„Ii.,,T,;: ;%i,,.,,' . ASTROUD ENGINEERING, P.A, HESTRON PLAZA ONE SUITE 102 MOREHEAD I STORMWATER CITY, NORTH CAROUNA 28557 (919) 247-7479. ., j E C E I V E , FEB 2 81996 Facsimile Transmittal a p� PROJSWQs 1 1® Cover Sheet Date: /e8/94 From: Joey leavi,_Lp To: rT 0 s Attention: Subject: u. /44.4 11 ' This is transmitted as checked below: As Discussed G As Requested G For Your Review 0 For Your Information © For Bids Due 19 Comments: .5- pc2_ e T/us r' Cdnipaoof � Total number of pages (including cover sheet): Our facsimile number: (919) 247-4098 107 COMMERCE ST. HESTRON PLAZA ONE SUITE B SUITE 102 GREENVILLE, NC 27858 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (919)756-9352 (919) 247-7479 : NORTH CAROLINA, CA3t1EAti UN . The foregoing certificate(s) of e " _i r: .., J t� t ., Is(aro) certified to he correct.This trument s pre- r ,. _. smiled for registratie dd recor in this o ica l ,� k 3ook Page 46 ; , r this �e day of + + * I O'cIocii Carteret County sc 01/26/96 S aron Piner r arm star of N if 120.00 ''' B •+91 ' "' .d o YIN Real Estate E>;cIso Tax t t, ;epe Enei4d TAX $120.00 Recording Time, Book and Paps ax Lot No. Parcel Identifier No. 634806380249 Vcritlled by County on the day of , 19............. hY.............._........................... __...................................................................................................-........ .........._......................._... Mall after recording to RICHARD L. STANLEY f B.O. BOX 150( BEAUFORT* NC 28516 • "'his instrument was prepared by,RICHARD�L. STANLEY........ i;rief description for the Index sEC6,I,lodDLA1os — NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED ''HI8 DEED made this 26th day af.......... ..... ................. numy..... , 1096 by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE NENDORA GARNER (WIDOW) STORAGE BLU5, INC. P.O. BOX 1026 1301 I,ENNOXVILLE ROAD NEWPORT, NC 2 857 Os10 BEAUFORTr NC 23516 RM LECE ' E FEB 2 81996 AW o 5it 11 PROJ R rhtef Lm appropriate meta ter cock party; mate, address, and. if appropriate, character of entity, e.g. corporation er partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNE ETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these preaente does grant. bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee In fee simple. all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in the City ,+f„„,................„:.N>rWPORT.. . Township. ...... County.North Carolina and more particularly described es follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED 11_L LU JU YYLL J. U1 1121 51111JUL liitU11111i_:111U .'fl:. 11U. J1JL'2:'2UJU 1 , A map nhcwiae the sbovs doeurib.d property to recorded in TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the afareaaid lot or parcel of land and ail privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the fleantee tit fee dttstpta, And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of eft encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptionh hereinafter stated. Title to the property hereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions: Vasemerite and Restrictions of record. 1996 'ad valorem taxes. • MI?NC.a WiICRIOF, the ci eider hoe hrreume see am bend ine seal, .r 11 eprporate, has e.n..e tkle iestr,ement la Ia tldae4 lo he sarperrate tsome by Its Only alltte.rltod officers and Its sail to ire beteunee altlxed by *Whacky or itr hoard ei blreel.re. tat day had year first above written. /14 (a CAL) • (Corporate Name) a ORA R (, 'Dow) IfYI to dAL) Proeldeot iaeratary(Carparete Boll) .-. ..._.....,„MEAL.) srAL.ITArdr NOtYTfl CAIIOt.INA, CAATEMT. Cauaty. a 1, a floury FlAine sr the County and State afeftsald, certify that MENDORA ,1M I OW) Creator, ( ALL N Natsry Sint altienatty apposed betase me this day andacknowledged the execution of the foregoing tiastritanott.ffWitbesa say _bora a,yiian!Wafts Mail gtanlp or sari,this . �?. der of ---- My ii.t.ip veils� Mcommission tepees; +� tie,.. .,.... 1 F ^ tar: Puhltt asAL.arAfdr , NORTH CAROLINA, County, i, * Melites Public of the Crusty and Hate afersaald, certify that u personally cline het.ee roe this day and acbnewl.dood that _... he I. _ secretary et ■ Nartb Carolina rorperation, and that by authority duty ilven and as the art et tag aerperatlr., the foregoing Instrument woo signed Iry he name Or Its ii Presid.a, sealed with Its 'separate seal and ata..ted by ... ,,., .. as Its aeerelary. Wltaeaa my band and .fNaW stamp er aeag, this day of MMY eonl.tlesioa morel: Naar, Pa)W the faregaseg Cettlfirat.(u) of is/atd eartlfted to ire eotrett, Shia tsstturarr►t and this certificate are duly registered at the data and time said ih the Nook and Pagp, shown on the first page ken.f. - ISROI.TRN OP DZIIDI Fort covorrt! by Dep.ty/Aaalstaot.Aegtater of needs BOOK 7 '?O PAGEC .. _ - N.C. Bar A*4Ociat&oa Tors No. L-3, ° 1371, Revised C 391/ uSA. dsaadrrd Pass ha. Iran aeeto'r 4 ielntlr ay, EXHIBIT A GARNER/MERCER/NEWPQRT Lying and being in Newport Township, Carteret County, North Carolina, and beginning Ot an iron pipe on the eaet line of old U.S. Highway 70 (now S.R. 1247) , at the Southwest 'corner of Robert K. Montague (Deed Book 517, Page 146) ; and running thence from said beginning point North 82 -34-16 East 201 .18 feet to a point; thence North 82-34-16 East 275.79 feet ' to an existing iron pipe; thence along the South line of Kathryn E. Montague (Deed Book 517, Page 147, Map Book 28, 'Page 48) , North 82-34-15 East 1004 .39 feet to an existing iron pipe on the West line of Nellie Garner (Deed Book 563 , Page 442) ; thence with the Nellie Garner West line South 10- 36-56 East 435.15 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence along the North line of Woodlands subdivision the following courses and distances; South 73-15-32 West 132 .76 feet; South 82-29-10 West 218.56 feet to New Bern Street; thence South 82-29-10 West 70.38 feet to the West line of New Bern Street; thence South 82-29-10 West 91.25 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence South 58-51- 70 West 2.28 .84 feet; thence North 82-29-50 West 126 . 18 feet to an existing iron pipe; thence South 84-39-10 West 204.35 feet to an existing iron pipe at the common line between Woodlands Subdivision and theeproperty of Nellie G. Edwards; 'hence continuing with the North line of Nellie G. Edwards North 63-04-39 West 31 .39 feet; thence. North 85-45-07 West 305. 81 feet; thence North 08-51-29 West 126 .97 feet; thence North 10-17-53 West 102 .03 feet; thence North 12-18-09 West 85 .65 feet; thence North 13-38-45 West 14 .72 feet; thence South 82-34-16 West 201 .18 feet to old U.S. Highway 70; thence with old U.S, Highway 70 North 13-38-45 West 60.35 feet to the point of beginning; and being shown on a plat prepared by Stroud Engineering, P.A. labeled "Clinton S. Garner Property„ dated September 25, 1995 . BOOK ' iO PAGE 3