HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0063096_Phase 1 Upgrades_20160216 DAVIS • MARTIN • POWELL ditib ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS rw February 11, 2016 Re: Town of Holly Springs, NC NPDES 0063096 Utley Creek WRF Phase 1 Upgrades DMP Project 150179 (BF) Mr. Ron Berry RECEIVED/NCDE NDWR NCDEQ Division of Water Resources WQ Permitting Section - NPDES FEB 16 2016 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Water Quality Permitting Section Dear Mr. Berry: We are in receipt of your January 28,2016 email requesting additional information/clarification regarding the referenced Authorization to Construct(ATC)Application. We have reviewed your comments and offer the following responses: 1) Under SECTION 3. I. Permits: There is no indication if 401 or 404 actions are required, most likely none were require. Please revise the table accordingly. We revised the Table. The Town received a 404 Permit, and DWR advised that a 401 was not required. 2) Under SECTION 4. A. —C: Per cover letter this application is invoking expansion to 6.0 MGD and you are proposing changes, therefore, the appropriate information is required.As far as A. and B., the information should reflect current information and could be restating portion of the 2007 information if still applicable. As far as C. it needs to reflect all proposed new/upgraded construction components that will be installed. We have filled in sections A&B. Part C—The new construction/upgraded structures at this time are the new Post Aeration (3) and Digester#2 modification (5), which have been filled in, along with the Blower section. All other existing equipment and basins were approved at 6 mgd in the 2007 ATC. 3) Requesting more detailed narrative on chemical addition systems. What are the bases for the chemical addition amounts at 6 MGD? Phosphorus Chemical Precipitation The WRF has successfully used liquid Sodium Aluminate (LSA) to predicate phosphorus for several years. We analyzed historical dosing rates and found that an average dose of 80 to 94 mL/min per MGD achieved the desired effluent TP. The spreadsheets provided (Tab 4) are based on molecular weight calculations (WEF BNR Manual) and resulted in slightly more conservative dosages. T:336-886-4821..F:336-886-4458• License: F-0245 6415 Old Plank Road., High Point, NC 27265 • www.dmp-inc,com Town of Holly Springs ATC Application February 11, 2016 Page 2 of 3 The original 2007 design anticipated a 2 mg/L TP limit,and the new permit has a more stringent 0.5 mg/L TP limit. Chemical precipitation is going to be an ongoing polishing step instead of a backup for BPR. The improvements to the ISA feed system include duplex chemical transfer pumps to move LSA from the existing bulk tank,the new building housing day tanks and dosing pumps for LSA. New feed lines from the dosing pumps to the final clarifier splitter box will provide better control and more efficient chemical usage. The Chemical Building was designed to allow delivery and handling of totes,which can used if the bulk tank requires maintenance. Supplemental Carbon Feed The original 2007 design anticipated a 6 mg/L TN limit, and the new permit has a slightly more stringent 5 mg/L TN limit. The BNR process has demonstrated it capable of meeting the new limit, but the Town desires the ability to feed supplemental carbon to enhance denitrification. MicroC 2000 was selected due to its inherit safety compared to other supplemental carbon sources. Feed rates and dosages were based on investigations and discussions with the MicroC vendor. The WRF will have the ability to feed MicroC at between the BNR Aeration Basins and Second Anoxic Zones. The New Chemical Building is designed with a Day Tank and multiple feed pumps dedicated to each feed point. Initially the WRF will purchase MicroC in totes as long term dosages are determined. The Chemical Building was designed to allow delivery and handling of the totes. As influent flows increase and more operational history is developed with the chemical, the construction of a bulk storage tank might be justified. We have revised the Dosing Calculations page (Tab 4) for Denitrification to correctly identify chemical feed rates at 6 MGD. 4) Did not see mechanical drawing details on chemical addition points other than generic reference on drawings. Are these addition points existing?If points are being move or are new then need drawing detail. All of the feed points shown on Sheet C-2 are new construction. Sheet M-5 includes a typical detail (2/M-5) of the piping crossing over the wall into the basin. We will clarify the call outs on Sheet C-2 to refer to the correct detail. The existing LSA piping to the secondary clarifier distribution box will be removed and those lines abandoned. . . • Town of Holly Springs ATC Application February 11, 2016 Page 3 of 3 5) Drawing S-10 shows sump for containment, where does this sump go? These sumps are designed without drain lines. The Operators will use a small portable sump pump to remove ordinary wash-down drainage and return it to the head of the plant. In event of a chemical spill,it would be pumped out into a'container or truck for disposal or recycling. 6) For clarity please provide list of items being demolished and/or remove from service. Existing Cascade Structure—Demolish Existing LSA feed pumps—Remove from service Existing LSA feed piping at Clarifier Splitter—Remove from service Existing Digester#2 floating mixer,aeration piping,diffusers—Demolish/Remove 7) For digester#2 air demand, it is not clear what is the source of air. Is a new blower being installed or are you using exiting air sources?If using existing air sources then you need to demonstrated impact to overall facility air demand. There are three(3) existing centrifugal blowers located to the southwest corner of Digester#2 (see sheet C2) which are dedicated to Digester #2. Each blower is rated at 2690 ICFM. See enclosed blower curve and Data Sheet for Tab 6. 8) Could not locate construction sequence plan. Need to know details on how relocated outfall and cascade system will be put in service and retired outfall will be decommissioned. The construction sequence is located in Spec Section 0152 25(pages 6&7). A copy is enclosed. 9) Per the submitted application, buoyancy calculation were conducted. Please provide copies to attach to the application. Buoyancy calculation for the cascade structure is enclosed. That is the only applicable structure in the project. We trust this information is complete and will allow you to continue review of ATC Application. Should have questions or require additional information please do not hesitate to contact our office. Sincerely, DAVIS • MARTIN • POWELL&ASSOCIATES, INC Ben Palmer, PE C: Mr. Charles Simmons, Holly Springs Mr. Seann Byrd, Holly Springs File P:\2015\1501791Permits\ATC1150179-ATC Comment Responses(1-29-16).docx '41t _ State of North Carolina .;VorthCa-dina'DIVI5.1011.of Water Resources-Y Department of Environment and Natural Resources rtg `' '' Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) ® °Detailed specifications for all treatment units and processes including piping, valves, equipment (pumps, blowers, mixers, diffusers,etc.),and instrumentation. ® Means of ensuring quality and integrity of the finished product including leakage testing requirements for structures and pipelines,and performance testing requirements for equipment. ® Bid Form for publically bid projects. G. Construction Sequence Plan O Construction Sequence Plan such that construction activities will not result in overflows or bypasses to waters of the State. The plan must not imply that the Contractor is responsible for operation of treatment facilities. List the location of the Construction Sequence Plan as in the Engineering Plans or in the Engineering Specifications or in both: Spec Section 01 52 25,pages 6&7 H. Engineering Calculations ® Per 15A NCAC 02T .0504(c)(3), submit one set of engineering calculations that have been signed, sealed and dated by a North Carolina Licensed Professional Engineer; the seal, signature and date shall be placed on the cover sheet of the calculations. For new or expanding facilities and for treatment process modifications that are included in Section 4.C,the calculations shall include at a minimum: ❑ Demonstration of how peak hour design flow was determined with a justification of the selected peaking factor. O Influent pollutant loading demonstrating how the design influent characteristics in Section 4.B.2 of this form were determined. O Pollutant loading for each treatment unit demonstrating how the design effluent concentrations in Section 4.B.2 of this form were determined. ❑ Hydraulic loading for each treatment unit. ® Sizing criteria for each treatment unit and associated equipment(blowers, mixers, pumps,etc.) • Total dynamic head (TDH)calculations and system curve analysis for each pump specified that is included in Section 4.C.6. ® Buoyancy calculations for all below grade structures. ❑ Supporting documentation that the specified auxiliary power source is capable of powering all essential treatment units. I. Permits O Provide the following information for each permit and/or certification required for this project: Permit/ If Not Issued Provide Not Date Date Certification Status and Expected Permit/Certification Applicable Submitted Approved Number Issuance Date Dam Safety X Soil Erosion and Sediment Control X USCOE /Section 404 Permit12/10/15 SAw 2015- RECEIVED/NCDEQ/DV/R 02517 Water Quality Certification (401) X RECEIVED/NCDEQ/DWR FEB 16 2016 USCOE/Section 10 X FEB. 1 6 2016 Water Quality Stormwater Management Plan X Water Quality Permitting Section CAMA X Permitting Section Application for Authorization to Construct Permit(FORM ATC-12-14) Page 4 --- State of North Carolina oNorthCa�dina Divistor� of`VUate6°Resources =, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Yr Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT(FORM ATC-12-14) NCDOT Encroachment Agreement X Railroad Encroachment Agreement X Other: J. Residuals Management Plan ❑ For all new facilities, expanding facilities, or modifications that result in a change to sludge production and/or sludge processes, provide a Residuals Management Plan meeting the requirements of 15A NCAC 02T .0504(j) and .0508; the Plan ° must include: ❑ A detailed explanation as to how the generated residuals(including trash,sediment and grit)will be collected, handled, processed,stored,treated,and disposed. ❑ An evaluation of the treatment facility's residuals storage requirements based upon the maximum anticipated residuals production rate and ability to remove residuals. ❑ A permit for residuals utilization or a written commitment to the Applicant from a Permittee of a Department approved residuals disposal/utilization program that has adequate permitted capacity to accept the residuals or has submitted a residuals/utilization program application. ❑ If oil, grease, grit or screenings removal and collection is a designated unit process, a detailed explanation as to how the oil/grease will be collected, handled, processed,stored and disposed. ® Not Applicable. SECTION 4: PROJECT INFORMATION A. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FLOW INFORMATION—COMPLETE FOR NEW OR EXPANDING FACILITIES 1. Provide the following flow information: Plant Flows Existing Plant Design 6.0 MGD Current NPDES Permit Limit 2.4/6.0/8.0 MGD Current Annual Average 1.925 MGD (past 12 months) • For Past 12 Months: For Past 24 Months: • ° ° Start Date: 1/1/2015 Start Date: 1/1/2014 End Date: 12/31/2015 End Date: 12/31/2014 Maximum Month 2.24 MGD 1.96 MGD Maximum Day 2.99 MGD 3.03 MGD Peak Hour 5.95 MGD 5.95 MGD Application for Authorization to Construct Permit(FORM ATC-12-14) Page 5 State of North Carolina NorthCacdina',pIV151011.:Qf'Water°ResoWrces: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) B. WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY DESIGN INFORMATION—COMPLETE FOR NEW OR EXPANDING FACILITIES AND FOR TREATMENT PROCESS MODIFICATIONS 1. Have all of the requirements of 15 NCAC 02H.0100, 15A NCAC 02T, North Carolina General Statute 133-3, North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1,and Division of Water Resources Minimum Design Criteria for NPDES Wastewater Treatment Facilities been met by the proposed design and specifications?®Yes or❑ No. If no, provide justification as to why the requirements are not met,consistent with 15A NCAC 02T.0105(n): 2. Provide the design influent and effluent characteristics that are used as the basis for the project design,and the NPDES permit limits for the following parameters: Project Basis of Design Design Influent Design Influent Influent • Concentration Load Concentration- (Must be (Must be Current Annual supported by supported by Average(past Engineering Engineering Design Effluent 12 months)if Calculations Calculations Concentration and/or NPDES Permit Limits Parameter Available [Section 3.H]) [Section 3.H]) Load (monthly average) Ammonia Nitrogen 1.0 mg/L Summer 1.0 mg/L Summer (NH3 N) 33 mg/L 40 mg/L lb/day 2.0 mg/L Winter 2.0 mg/L Winter Biochemical 5.0 mg/L Summer 5.0 mg/L Summer Oxygen Demand 290 mg/L 300 mg/L lb/day (BODS) 10.0 mg/L Winter 10.0 mg/L Winter •Fecal Coliform `°x •• - L't:=��:'` 25 per 100 mL 200 per 100 mL _`�f." ��'�°' ._. '. .°,�um mom_ •le,..�`i�'8 a.,. _ Nitrate+Nitrite ° 78�•• '.` ` ..•1:., e°•• , Nitrogen(NO3-N + • ;•a: ° pt :, p .,• • ° ° • 3.0 mg/L N/A mg/L NO2-N) Total Kjeldahl t i, vice .. 1{'' e • . ° • ' •° • •• . e • . ' 56 mg/L r •e��'° •,,,, ° • • • Nitrogen °e° Q,., " ° ° • ����, •4 0 *�.°. :. :r. =r;r° . • 4.0 mg/L 5.0 mg/L ° Total Nitrogen •-••••,;;:. ; • ••,,. c .� ' . ° • , sae , e��;�,...g„ • r ,�;�.� <s_ • _ N/A lb/year N/A lb/year 0.20 mg/L 0.5 mg/L Total Phosphorus 7.1 mg/L 10 mg/L lb/day N/A lb/year N/A lb/year Total Suspended 268 mg/L 300 mg/L lb/day 10.0 mg/L 30.0 mg/L Solids(TSS) 3. Based on the"Project Basis of Design"parameters listed above,will the proposed design allow the treatment facility to meet the NPDES Permit Limits listed above? ®Yes or❑ No. If no,describe how and why the Permit Limits will not be met: ° 4. Per 15A NCAC 02T.0505(I), by-pass and overflow lines are prohibited. Is this condition met by the design?®Yes or❑ No If no,describe the treatment units bypassed,why this is necessary, and where the bypass discharges: • Application for Authorization to Construct Permit(FORM ATC-12-14) Page 6 . _ . -: .. State of North Carolina `kNort.h..dina`DNI$IOfl of`UU ter°Resources _,. �, .�. Department of Environment and Natural Resources -, " ' -..•.�" �__�-� __ Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) 5. Per 15A NCAC 02T.0505(k), multiple pumps shall be provided wherever pumps are used. Is this condition met by the design?®Yes or❑ No. If no,provide an explanation: ° 6. Per 15A NCAC 02T.0505(1), power reliability shall be provided consisting of automatically activated standby power supply onsite capable of powering all essential treatment units under design conditions,or dual power supply shall be provided per 15A NCAC 02H.0124(2)(a). Is this condition met by the design? ®Yes or❑ No. If no,provide(as an attachment to this Application)written approval from the Director that the facility: D Has a private water supply that automatically shuts off during power failures and does not contain elevated water storage tanks,and ➢ Has sufficient storage capacity that no potential for overflow exists,and D Can tolerate septic wastewater due to prolonged detention. 7. Per 15A NCAC 02T.0505(o),a minimum of 30 days of residual storage shall be provided. Is this condition met by the design? ®Yes or❑ No. If no, explain the alternative design criteria proposed for this project in accordance 15A NCAC 02T.105(n): 8. Per 15A NCAC 02T.0505(q),the public shall be prohibited from access to the wastewater treatment facilities. Explain how ° the design complies with this requirement:Site is fenced with security gate 9. Is the treatment facility located within the 100-year flood plain? ®Yes or❑ No. If yes,describe how the facility is protected from the 100-year flood: all structures are elevated above the 100 year flood elevation C. WASTEWATER TREATMENT UNIT AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT INFORMATION—COMPLETE FOR NEW OR EXPANDING FACILITIES AND FOR MODIFIED TREATMENT UNITS 1. PRELIMINARY AND PRIMARY TREATMENT(i.e., physical removal operations and flow equalization): No.of Plan Sheet Specification Calculations Treatment Unit Type Size per Unit Provided? Units Reference Reference (Yes or No) Manual Bar Screen MGD at peak hourly flow Mechanical Bar Screen MGD at peak hourly flow Grit Removal MGD at peak hourly flow Flow Equalization -- gallons Primary Clarifier Circular ft diameter; ft side water depth Primary Clarifier Rectangular square feet; ft side water depth Other - Application for Authorization to Construct Permit(FORM ATC-12-14) Page 7 State of North Carolina �V" h Ca dins alvislon.of Water'Resources: Department of Environment and Natural Resources • Division of Water Resources ' APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) 2. SECONDARY TREATMENT(BIOLOGICAL REACTORS AND CLARIFIERS)(i.e., biological and chemical processes to remove organics and nutrients) No.of Plan Sheet Specification Calculations Treatment Unit Provided? Units Type Size per Unit Reference Reference (Yes or No) Aerobic Zones/ gallons No Tanks Anoxic Zones/ gallons No Tanks Anaerobic Zones/Tanks gallons No Sequencing Batch Reactor(SBR) gallons No Membrane Bioreactor(MBR) gallons No Secondary Clarifier Circular ft diameter; ft side No water depth square feet; ft side Secondary Clarifier Rectangular No water depth Other No 3. TERTIARY TREATMENT No.of Plan Sheet Specification Calculations Treatment Unit Type Size per Unit Provided? Units Reference Reference (Yes or No) Tertiary Clarifier Circular ft diameter; ft side No water depth Tertiary Clarifier Rectangular square feet; ft side No water depth Tertiary Filter square feet No Tertiary Membrane Filtration square feet No Post-Treatment gallons No Flow Equalization Post-Aeration 1 Cascade 18 ft W x 20 ft L gallons M-1 N/A Yes Other No 4. DISINFECTION No.of Plan Sheet Specification Calculations Treatment Unit Type Size per Unit Provided? Units Reference Reference (Yes or No) gal/day per bank at peak Ultraviolet Light (Parallel; in hourly flow; number of No series) banks; number of lamps/bank (Gas; gallons of contact Chlorination No tablet; liquid) tank/unit Dechlorination (Gas; gallons of contact No tablet; liquid) tank/unit Application for Authorization to Construct Permit(FORM ATC-12-14) Page 8 State of North Carolina ,vorthca-dina piVISIQn'of Water ResO rte's Q; Department of Environment and Natural Resources • • yT � Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) 5. RESIDUALS TREATMENT No.of Plan Sheet Specification Calculations Treatment Unit Type Size per Unit Provided? Units Reference Reference (Yes or No) Gravity Thickening square feet; ft side No Tank water depth Mechanical Thickening/ dry lb/hour No Dewatering _ Aerobic Digestion 2 Circular (#2)=910,600 and (#1)=460,500 M-4 46 5146.16 Yes gallons Anaerobic gallons No Digestion Composting dry lb/hour No Drying dry lb/hour No Other No 6. PUMP SYSTEMS(include influent, intermediate, effluent, major recycles,waste sludge,thickened waste sludge and plant drain pumps) No.of Capacity of Plan Sheet Specification Location Purpose Type each pump Pumps GPM TDH Reference Reference 7. MIXERS No.of Power of Plan Sheet Specification Location Mixers Purpose Type eac(hH fixer Reference Reference Application for Authorization to Construct Permit(FORM ATC-12-14) Page 9 := 'N =_ " � :=a'- State of North Carolina )fi,—hCatdina DiOsJGn`of.aWAter Resour eS :� • Department of Environment and Natural Resources 5uf - 't-.f.—r4.,.:::,.:;',,44 . -.-� :; Division of Water Resources APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT PERMIT (FORM ATC-12-14) 8. BLOWERS Capacity of No.of Plan Sheet Specification Location Blower Blowers Purpose Type each Reference Reference (CFM) Digester#2 3 Aeration/Mixing Centrifugal 2690 N/A N/A Digester#1 2 Aeration/Mixing PD 1790 N/A N/A 9. ODOR CONTROL Location No.of Purpose Type Plan Sheet Specification Units Reference Reference D. SETBACKS–COMPLETE FOR NEW WASTEWATER TREATMENT STRUCTURES 1. The minimum distance for each setback parameter to the wastewater treatment/storage units per 15A NCAC 02T.0506(b) are as follows: Is Minimum Distance Minimum Distance Requirement met by.the Setback Parameter Required from Nearest Design?If"No",identify Treatment/Storage Setback Waivers in Item D.2 Unit Below Any habitable residence or place of assembly under separate 100 ft ®Yes ❑ No ownership or not to be maintained as part of the project site _ Any private or public water supply source 100 ft ®Yes ❑ No Surface waters(streams–intermittent and perennial, perennial 50 ft ®Yes ❑ No waterbodies,and wetlands) Any well with exception of monitoring wells 100 ft ®Yes ❑ No Any property line 50 ft ®Yes ❑ No 2. Have any setback waivers been obtained per 15A NCAC 02T .0506(d)? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If yes, have these waivers been written, notarized and signed by all parties involved and recorded with the County Register of Deeds? ❑ Yes or ❑ No. If no, provide an explanation: Application for Authorization to Construct Permit(FORM ATC-12-14) Page 10 RECEIVED/NCDEQIDWR FEB 16 2016 SECTION 01 52 25 Water Quality MAINTENANCE OF PLANT OPERATIONS Permitting Section PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENT A. The existing plant will be maintained in continuous operation by the Owner during the entire construction period as hereinafter specified. The intent of this section is to outline the minimum requirements necessary to provide continuous treatment of all wastewater throughout the construction period. B. Work shall be scheduled and conducted so as not to impede any treatment process, reduce the quality of the plant effluent or cause odor or other nuisance. In performing the work shown and specified, the Contractor shall plan and schedule his work to meet the plant operating requirements, and the constraints and construction requirements as outlined in this Section. No discharge or spillage of wastewater shall be allowed. The Contractor shall pay all civil penalties, costs, assessments, etc., associated with any discharge or spillage of raw or inadequately treated wastewater associated with the Contractor's work. C. The General Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating the general construction and electrical, HVAC and plumbing construction schedules and for ensuring that permanent or temporary power is available for all existing, proposed, and temporary facilities that are required to be on line at any given time. D. The Contractor has the option of providing additional temporary facilities that can eliminate a constraint, provided it is done without cost to the Owner and provided that all requirements of these Specifications are fulfilled. Work not specifically covered in the following paragraphs may, in general, be done at any time during the contract period, subject to the operating requirements and constraints and construction requirements outlined hereinafter. All references to"days" shall be"consecutive calendar days". 1.02 GENERAL CONSTRAINTS A. The Contractor shall schedule the Work so that the plant is maintained in continuous operation. All treatment processes shall be maintained in continuous operation during the construction period except during approved process interruptions. Process interruptions shall only be as approved by the Engineer. The Raleigh Regional Office must approve and be notified at least 48 hours in advance of any process being taken out of service. B. The scheduling of tie-ins and connections that require process interruptions or removing tanks from service and the allowable duration of such activities shall be dependent on process operations and performance requirements, flow of wastewater, and previous/current/forecasted weather as related to flow rate. Scheduling of connections and allowable duration of outage shall be field dependent on circumstances and shall be as approved by the Engineer. Process interruptions shall normally be required to be scheduled during periods of low flow which is typically at night or in the early morning hours (11 pm to 5 am). All night work, overtime, and costs related to scheduling of process interruptions shall be provided by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. C. Individual tanks, pumps, pipes, etc. shall be removed from service to complete the required work in accordance with the specified operating requirements and constraints and construction requirements herein.The Contractor may interrupt plant flow for limited periods by allowing plant flow to fill a previously emptied tank upstream within the Plant provided that shutdown of tanks and equipment is in accordance with specified requirements and that the emptying and filling operation and schedule is acceptable to the Owner and Engineer. No more than one (1) shutdown involving emptying/filling of tanks shall be allowed per week. Consecutive shutdowns shall be at least 7 days apart. The process and scheduling of emptying/filling of tanks shall be controlled by Owner personnel, but Contractor shall furnish, install, and operate dewatering equipment. If the work cannot be completed by such methods, then the Contractor shall provide appropriate diversion facilities to be approved by the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. The Contractor shall notify the Owner of any interruption of service to any process DMP Project 150179 01 52 25- 1 equipment due directly or indirectly to his activities and immediately repair or place into service temporary facilities until permanent repairs are performed or installed. D. Tanks shall only be removed from service as allowed by the Engineer. When a tank is removed from service related to the construction, the Contractor shall be responsible for cleaning the tank acceptable to the Engineer. E. If in the judgment of the Engineer a requested shutdown is not required for the Contractor to perform the Work, the Contractor shall utilize approved alternative methods to accomplish the Work. All shutdowns shall be coordinated with and scheduled at times suitable to the Engineer. Shutdowns shall not begin until all required materials are on hand and ready for installation. Each shutdown period shall commence at a time approved by the Engineer, and the Contractor shall proceed with the Work continuously, start to finish, until the Work is completed and normal plant operation is restored. If the Contractor completes all required Work before the specified shutdown period has ended, the Owner may immediately place the existing system back into service. F. The Contractor shall schedule tank, equipment, piping, etc., shutdowns in advance and shall present all desired shutdowns in the 30 and 60 day schedules at the progress meetings. Shutdowns shall be fully coordinated with the Engineer at least 7 days before the scheduled shutdown. THE OWNER'S PERSONNEL SHALL OPERATE OWNER'S FACILITIES INVOLVED IN THE SHUTDOWNS AND DIVERSIONS. G. Any temporary work, facilities, roads, walks, protection of existing structures, piping, blind flanges, valves, equipment, etc.that may be required within the Contractor's work limits to maintain continuous and dependable plant operation shall be furnished by the Contractor at the direction of the Engineer at no extra cost to the Owner. H. The Engineer shall have the authority to order Work stopped or prohibited that would, in his opinion, unreasonably result in interrupting the necessary functions of the plant operations. I. If the Contractor impairs performance or operation of the plant as a result of not complying with specified provisions for maintaining plant operations, then the Contractor shall immediately make all repairs or replacements and do all work necessary to restore the plant to operation to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. Such work shall progress continuously to completion on a 24-hour per day, seven work days per week basis. J. The Contractor shall provide services of emergency repair crews on call 24-hours per day. K. Where completion of proposed process tankage, installation of proposed equipment, etc. is required to proceed with construction activities, the work shall be completed including all punchlist items. Once a unit process, tank, or piece of equipment is placed into service, the Contractor shall not be permitted to remove the unit process, tank, or piece of equipment to complete remaining work or punchlist items. 1.03 GENERAL OPERATING REQUIREMENTS AND CONSTRAINTS A. Access to Plant Site, Roadways, and Parking Areas-An unobstructed traffic route through the Main Gate and access roads shall be maintained at all times for the Owner's operations personnel and maintenance equipment. All construction related traffic including all deliveries, vehicles driven by contractors personnel, subcontractor personnel, or suppliers, shall enter the plant through the main gate.Temporary roads shall be maintained to allow for plant utility vehicles. 1. The Contractor shall provide a parking areas for all construction-related vehicles, locate all construction trailers, and locate all stored materials in the areas indicated on the Contract Drawings. The Contractor shall provide for his personnel parking in the offsite areas. Deliveries and parking on the plant site for construction equipment and construction related vehicles shall only be as approved in advance by the Owner. The Contractor shall provide temporary on-site parking as necessary and as approved by the Engineer. 2. The Contractor shall maintain the parking and storage areas to minimize dust and mud in these areas. All mud placed on existing paved roads on-site shall be washed at the Contractor's expense as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall apply water to control dust and shall use stone or other approved method to limit mud transported on DMP Project 150179 01 52 25-2 and/or off site by construction vehicles. The Contractor shall remove and stockpile topsoil for the construction of the storage area for construction materials and parking area. The Contractor shall restore these areas to their original condition at the end of the contract. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing access to and for preparing and maintaining approved parking areas. 3. An unobstructed traffic route around the plant site shall be maintained at all times for the Owner's operations personnel and maintenance equipment. Electric utility vehicle and truck access to the treatment units and buildings for Owner personnel shall be maintained at all times by the Contractor. 4. The Contractor shall provide temporary measures to protect the existing pavement by filling over with earthen material or supplying other measures acceptable to the Engineer, and the Contractor shall repair any damage to existing paved surfaces that occurs during the construction period. Any areas disturbed along the shoulders of the access road and interior roads and elsewhere inside and outside of the plant shall be repaired, graded, seeded, etc. as necessary. 5. The Contractor shall not undertake the restoration/construction of new roadway(paved, gravel, or asphalt overlay)shown on the Contract Drawings, until all other work on the plant improvements has been completed. B. Personnel Access-Treatment plant personnel shall have access to all areas which remain in operation throughout the construction period. The Contractor shall locate stored material, dispose of construction debris and trash, provide temporary walkways, provide temporary lighting, and other such work as directed by the Engineer to maintain personnel access to areas in operation. Access and adequate parking areas for plant personnel must be maintained throughout construction. C. Plumbing Facilities- Unless otherwise allowed by the Engineer, sanitary facilities in the existing structures shall be operational at all times for plant operating personnel. Contractor shall provide sanitary facilities for Contractor personnel and all associated construction personnel.The Contractor shall provide bottled water for drinking water supply for all construction-related personnel. The Contractor shall provide portable toilets and all associated service for use by construction-related personnel.All other building plumbing systems such as roof and floor drains, pumping, etc., shall be maintained for all structures. The rerouting of the sanitary sewer line from the existing operations building to headworks must be performed before the existing sewer line is demolished for the construction at the splitter box. D. Building Heating and Ventilating - Building heating and ventilating for the existing plant structures shall be in service for the entire construction period. Additional temporary heating and ventilation shall be provided as required to maintain facilities under construction adequately heated and vented as directed by the Engineer. The temperatures to be maintained in any areas occupied by plant operating personnel such as offices, lunchrooms, locker rooms, bathrooms, etc., shall be at least 65F. The temperatures to be maintained in all other interior plant areas, whether new, existing or temporary, shall be maintained at a minimum of 55F. E. Power, Light and Communications Systems- Electric power, lighting service and communications systems shall be maintained in uninterrupted operation in all areas which remain in operation. Individual units may be disconnected as required for replacement in accordance with requirements herein, but service shall be available at all times. The Owner may allow interruptions of electrical service to multiple units of up to a few hours depending on the process units which will be taken out of service and the need for these units for maintaining plant operations. 1. Electrical work shall be planned and scheduled to minimize the time that utility power service to the Plant is interrupted and the time that electrical service to MCC's and individual process units is interrupted. 2. When the Utility power must be interrupted to a portion of the plant to complete work, the Contractor shall coordinate with the Engineer whether or not interruption of electrical service for the stated purpose and or the requested time is necessary. If power can be interrupted, the Contractor shall arrange through the Engineer for filling a previously DMP Project 150179 01 52 25- 3 emptied tank as approved by the Engineer which provides adequate filling time to complete the work required. 3. Temporary electrical facilities shall be furnished by the Contractor as required to complete the work at no additional cost to the Owner. Proposed temporary electrical facilities shall be reviewed with the Engineer and shall comply with requirements specified for the permanent electrical facilities including wire size, conduit, supports, and protective devices. Temporary electrical facilities shall be installed according to all national, state and local code requirements and shall be clearly identified by signs, flags, etc. Temporary facilities shall be protected from damage from construction or plant operations activities and shall be installed in such manner to provide safe working conditions for Owner's operating staff. 4. Reassignment of breakers in the main switchgear and major wiring/panel revisions shall be fully communicated with the Owner within one day after the modifications are completed. The Contractor shall schedule a coordination meeting through the Engineer with Owner personnel each time a breaker in the main switchgear is assigned to a different use or a new MCC is placed into service. The Contractor shall post temporary identification signs and instructions after breaker modifications and panel modifications are started to communicate modifications to both Contractor construction and Owner operating personnel. 5. Owner's phone service to the plant shall be maintained in continuous operation during construction. F. Draining Tanks, Process Pipes and Conduits (General)-The contents of all tanks and of all pipes and conduits to be removed, replaced or relocated (or dewatered for a specific purpose) shall be transferred to a suitable facility in a manner approved by the Owner through hoses or piping, or by using pumps if hydraulic conditions so require them. The Contractor shall provide the pumps, piping and hoses at no additional cost to the Owner. No uncontrolled spillage of a pipe or conduit shall be permitted.Any spillage from process pipes and conduits, other than potable water, shall be immediately stopped and contained and then reported to the Engineer and Owner for instruction for washdown and flushing, washed down and flushed into the appropriate process flow train (discharge to storm drainage shall be strictly prohibited). G. The rate of pumpage or drainage into the treatment process shall be as approved by the Engineer on a case-by-case and shall not exceed 250,000 gallons per day unless specifically approved by the Engineer. This shall include non-potable (disinfected effluent water from the effluent end of the UV tank)water used for preloading and testing watertightness of structures. H. Reclaimed & Potable Water System -Water service shall be maintained in continuous service at all times during construction except for interruptions required for tie-ins. Shutdown of the water system shall be fully planned and coordinated with the Engineer and shall be limited to not more than 2 hours and not more than two such shutdowns per day. I. Sump Pumps and Sumps-All existing sumps shall be maintained in an operable condition with either existing pumps or temporary pumps. Interim piping, power and controls shall be provided as required. J. Seal Water and Service Water Piping -A supply of service and seal water and the necessary connections to existing equipment shall be maintained during construction. Interim piping shall be provided as required. K. Existing Valves- No existing valve or gate shall be operated by the Contractor. The Owner does not guarantee that all existing valves and gates wilt close tight or are operable. If a valve or gate will not close tight, the Contractor shall take whatever steps are necessary to minimize or prevent leakage which will interfere with the Work or with plant operations. No extra payment shall be made for such Work which shall be considered as having been included in the Lump Sum price bid. L. Temporary Facilities 1. Treatment plant personnel must have ready access at all times to all existing structures. Temporary facilities shall be any equipment, materials, controls, services and accessories temporarily needed for access to, and for protection of, all existing structures and DMP Project 150179 01 52 25-4 equipment, and to maintain an operating system, all in accordance with the provisions of these Specifications. 2. The size or capacity of the temporary facility shall generally be equal to the size or capacity of the facility replaced, unless otherwise indicated on the Contract Drawings, or otherwise directed by the Engineer. 3. All temporary facilities shall be removed when they are no longer required, unless otherwise noted. 4. To substitute an unscheduled temporary facility for an existing or new facility, the Contractor shall prepare and submit a plan and description of the proposed temporary facility to the Engineer, the Contractor shall then submit his notification of intent to commence work. 5. All costs for all temporary facilities shall be borne by the Contractor. 6. The Contractor is responsible for temporary facilities associated with the completion of his contract except where otherwise specified. 1.04 SPECIFIC OPERATIONAL CONSTRAINTS A. The constraints and construction requirements related to continued operation of the treatment facilities as presented below outline sequencing requirements for some of the major work items. B. The starting and completion requirements for some of the major work items are summarized in this subsection to indicate the overall sequence required. These requirements are part of a phased construction sequence based upon requirements for the process tankage. C. Placement of Concrete: For the purpose of preloading, placement of concrete shall include all structural concrete and concrete fill. Concrete for equipment pads, pipe cradles and miscellaneous equipment supports may be excluded from this at Contractor's option. All concrete shall have achieved its design compressive strength in accordance with Division 03 of these Specifications, and also shall be in place a minimum of 28 days prior to filling the structure with water. D. Filling Structure With Water: All parts of the structures which are intended to contain water shall be filled in accordance up to the maximum water level shown for that structure in the Contract Drawings. Field testing of the water tightness of structures shall be completed at the same time that the tanks are filled with water for the purpose of preloading the structure. Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, structures shall remain filled with water until the monitoring of settlements is completed as stated below and as approved by the Engineer. No coating and no process equipment or relative materials shall be installed in the structures until preloading is completed and accepted by the Engineer. E. Structures not designed to hold liquid (i.e. valve vaults, equipment pads, etc.)shall not be hydrostatically tested but shall have no visible leakage from joints or piping penetrations. F. Structures designed to contain process water(including existing structures which are structurally modified or have new penetrations below liquid level) shall be tested by the following procedure: 1. The tank shall be tested for leakage by filling with water to the maximum liquid levels attained during operation and measuring the drop in level due to leakage. Tanks for potable water use shall be testing using only potable water. 2. The water level shall be measured after a 48-hour period and then again after a period of 24 hours. The total drop of water level in the tank shall not exceed 1/2 inch in depth. The source of leakage shall be located and corrected and the structure shall be retested until this requirement is met. 3. Regardless of the rate of leakage, there shall be no visible leakage or infiltration. The tank shall be tested for leakage prior to backfilling the structure. 4. These tests shall be performed under the direction and supervision of the Engineer. 5. The Contractor shall pay for water supplied from the utility system for testing unless noted otherwise. If an existing structure does not meet the leakage criteria, repairs would be eligible for a contract change order. DMP Project 150179 01 52 25-5 G. Monitoring of Settlement for New Process Basins and Tanks: Contractor shall provide all material, surveying equipment and labor for monitoring and recording of the settlements of the post-aeration tanks. Settlement monitoring shall be accomplished by"three-wire" leveling or other survey method approved by the Engineer, to record elevations at the monitoring points to the nearest 0.001 foot. Monitoring points on each structure shall be located no further than 100 feet apart in a grid pattern, with the perimeter points no further than 25 feet from the exterior structure wails. Locations of the monitoring points and benchmark points and the method of survey shall be approved by the Engineer prior to filling the structure with water. Elevations at the monitoring points shall be recorded and submitted to the Engineer immediately before filling the structure with water, when the structure is 50%full, immediately after filling the structure with water, 24 hours after filling the structure, and every two days thereafter until all the primary settlement has occurred as determined by the Engineer. In no case shall monitoring of each structure stop in less than seven days from the time the tanks are full, and the Contractor shall not have any claim for delays due to the monitoring of each structure continuing for up to four weeks. After the settlement has occurred as determined by the Engineer, the structure shall be dewatered, and elevations shall then be taken again and submitted to the Engineer and noted on as-builts prior to connection to any yard piping. H. General Construction Sequences. All main work items can be scheduled independently without regard to completion of other main work items. Contractor shall consider delivery of equipment, readiness of structures, and availability of subcontractors when preparing overall schedule. 1. Reroute of 4" REW (plant non-potable water) prior to May 15, 2015. a. Coordinate downtime with Owner. b. Maximum down time allowed is 8 hours. c. Shut off REW supply to system and drain system. d. Install new piping and return to service. 2. Relocation of Avent Ferry Force Main (AFFM) prior to July 1, 2016. a. Allowed downtime for Avent Ferry Pump Station is from 11:00 PM to 5:00 AM. b. Provide method to dewater forcemain from 16" PV at back gate to point of tie-in, contain product, and transport to sanitary sewer for treatment. c. Contractor shall submitted a detailed tie-in plan so that Owner can arrange. d. All materials shall be at the site prior to starting tie-in. e. Lay new 20" pipe to tie-in points on each end. f. Return to service. 3. New Cascade Aerator a. Structure construction is independent of plant operations. b. Contractor to block effluent flow in UV outlet box. c. Excavate and construct new structure. d. Install new 36" PE. e. Install 42" DIP PE and outlet channel after AFFM relocation is complete. f. Coordinate relocation of instruments and samplers. g. Divert flow to new cascade structure. 4. New Chemical Feed Building a. Structure construction is independent of plant operations. b. Relocate existing utilities prior to construction c. Install chemical duct bank and feed piping to application points d. Install chemical duct bank and piping to bulk tank e. Install transfer pumps f. Test feed system with clean water g. Test transfer system h. Place into service i. Abandon/demo existing feed system components 5. Digester#2 Modifications a. Coordinate basin availability with Owner. b. Owner will remove sludge and clean basin. DMP Project 150179 01 52 25-6 c. Contractor remove existing aeration and mixing equipment. d. Install new aeration system equipment. e. Clean water testing. f. Return to service. 6. Sludge Cake Conveyance & Loading a. Digester#2 must be returned to service before interrupting dewatering operations. b. Complete conveyor support superstructure. c. Extend concrete pad and install wheel rails. d. Install conveyors DSC-2 and DSC-CC. e. Modify DSC-1. f. Install roof structure. g. Return to service. 7. Aeration Basin Catwalk/Bridge a. Structure construction is independent of other tasks. b. Basin#3 will be in operation at beginning of project. c. Install catwalk over Basin#2, complete electrical and instrumentation. d. Owner will transfer process flow to Basin#2. e. Owner will stabilize operation in Basin#2 (minimum of 3 weeks). f. Install catwalk over Basin#3, complete electrical and instrumentation. 8. Demo abandoned Cascade Aerator a. Relocate existing instruments to UV Channel and place in service. b. After new cascade is in service relocate remaining instruments. c. REW piping bypass to occur outside peak irrigation season (April 15 to October 15). d. Install bypass piping around abandoned cascade. e. Relocate MOV and adjust REW pump levels in PLC. f. Demolish cascade structure and restore area. 9. Miscellaneous work items can be performed at any time during the contract period. I. Plant Instrumentation and Control System 1. The Plant Control System modifications shall be integrated into service while the existing plant control system is still in service. The plant control system must be in service throughout construction. Any shutdown of any part of the control system shall be coordinated with and approved by the Engineer. 2. The general sequencing of the installation of the new control system shall be as follows: a. The new control PLC for the chemical feed (SCP8)shall be installed prior to startup of the new system. b. Remote PLC shall be installed, tested, and placed into service prior to operation of the related equipment and processes. Manual operation of equipment may be necessary if a remote PLC cannot be connected to the distributed control system when originally brought into service. The Contractor shall provide for a portable computer to interface with the PLC and download data as needed until the PLC can be permanently connected to the distributed control system. c. All the equipment shall be capable of being operated manually by placing the HOA switch into hand position and the local start/stop switch into start position. d. Contractor shall install all conductors between SCP3 in UV building and new cascade before relocating instruments or diverting flow. e. SCADA reprogramming shall be scheduled to minimize downtime of any communications and reporting functions. 3. The Contractor shall identify existing instruments that shall be reused. Temporary facilities shall be removed and permanent facilities restored after the new control system is placed into service and is accepted. PART 2- PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3- EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION 01 52 25 DMP Project 150179 015225-7 T7.fb y Dosing Calculators for Denitrification TN Total Nitrogen TN=TKN+NO3-N+NO2-N TKN total Kjeldahl Nitrogen NO3-N Nitrate(TOHS process control) NO2-N Nitrite NH3 ammonia Recent Operating Data(2013 to 2015) averages LBs @ 2 MGD LBs Cad 6 MGD LBs Cal 8 MGD TN,mg/L 6.1 102.1 306.2 408.3 TKN,mg/L 1.1 17.7 53.0 70.7 NO3-N,mg/L 3.0 50.0 150.1 200.2 NO2-N,mg/L 2.1 34.4 103.1 137.4 Design for 6 MGD Calculate estimated dose based on target pounds of NO3-N,NO2-N,DO removed • *Preferred Method gal/lb NO3-N gal/lb NO2-N , gal/lb DO MicroC 2000" 0.70 0.42 0.25 Calculator Enter Values Below MicroC 2000" r-,...,.�.��..-- ;-.ter- . lbs NO3-N t. :�17if-'. . ;`Yy 15000 105.0 lbs NO2-N ,'''u'fi.i P 3,;f=ti` "7 '.103.00 43.3 lbs DO .;:`_,rte ,.z 1;;Y.J. ;•218.93 53.6 Total Dose-Gallons-> 201.9 Calculate estimated dose based on mg/L of NO3-N,NO2-N and DO removed *Remember to account for all inputs into the anoxic zone,i.e.NRCY,forward flow,RAS,sidestreams mg/L per mg/L'NO3-N mg/L per mg/L NO2-N mg/L per mg/L DO MicroC 2000" 7.12 4.27 2.49 Calculator Enter Values Below MicroC 2000' mg/L NO3-N1 ;r:'5.00 35.6 mg/L NO2-N , 0.50 2.1 mg/L DO _ -'0.00 0.0 Flow(MGD) , 6.00 Total Dose-mg/L--> 37.73 Total Dose-Gallons--> 185.6 Options for Multiple Feed Points: Effluent Box of Precent of Flow Feed Rate,GPD GPH mL/min BNR-1 20% 40 1.7 109 BNR-2 40% 81 3.4 217 BNR-3 40% 81 3.4 217 100% 202 8.4 543 Alternate - Influent of Precent of Flow Feed Rate,GPD GPH mL/min 2nd Anoxic-1 50% 101 4.2 272 2nd Anoxic-2 50% 101 4.2 272 100% 202 8.4 543 Metering pumps are sized for max of 33 gpd P:\2015\150179\Doc\Dosing calculations-MicroC 2000.xlsx Dosing-Denite C_P 1 Holly Springs WWTP 2/11/2016 150179/E-3582 EX DIG-1 Inside Dia 70.00 ft Freeboard SWD Outer Wal 331.50 17.50 1.50 16.00 Weir Wall-extended 331.50 17.50 1.50 16.00 Inv Sidewall 314.00 Prop Freeboard 1.50 SWD 16.00 ft Volume 61,575 FT3 Min Air 1,232 CFM 460,583, Gallons Ignores cone volume Sanitare Design SCFM PSIG CFM/kCF BHP Motor HP 1790 6.7 29.07 70 100.00 There are 2 existing blowers dedicated to DIG#1 Prop DIG-2 Ex.INTERCHANGE Conversion Overall Dia 100.00 ft Inner Dia - ft Outer Wall TOC EL 331.50 ft Weir Wall TOC EL 328.85 ft Inv EL Sidewall 314.00 ft Prop Freeboard 2.00 ft SWD 15.50 ft Volume 121,737 FT3 910,591 Gallons Sanitare Design(approx) SCFM PSIG CFM/kCF Qnty Discs CFM/disc 3,652 6.7 30.0 1856 1.97 There are 3 existing centrifugal blowers dedicated to DIG#2 Each blower is rated at 2690 ICFM at 8 PSIG and fitted with 125 HP drives Capacity SCFM CFM/kCF CFM/disc 1 blower running 100% 2,690 22.1 1.45 2 blowers running 70% 3,766 30.9 2.03 2 blowers running 100% 5,380 44.2 2.90 Total Digester Volume 1,371,200 Gallons DMP/mls 150179 3582_Cannibal_Aerobic_Digester_Calc.xls 5 2/11/2016 PLOT CONDMONS N astomER E : HOLLY SPRINGS WWIIP ' FIE W WE : HOLLY • MDDEL 1 :74106A INLET ppNO1t10NS F. 150. _ iirrrl•r�rritrlrri.�� PI 14.20 PSV+ �' -��s��_��r���s�-srrt� Po Er 14.20 PSIA o rr�/��� Ti 100.00 DEC. 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