HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6241005_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20241105 NkarC 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive, Suite 800 Charlotte,North Carolina 28273 ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL Phone +1 704 529 3200 BUILDING SCIENCES • MATERIALS TESTING Fax +1 704 529 3272 September 16, 2024 Ms. Paige Weidner, PE Project Manager CESO 3601 Rigby Road, Suite 300 Miamisburg, Ohio 45342 Subject: Report of Seasonal High Groundwater Table Popeye's Spout Springs, North Carolina ATC Project Number: 199CESO24XX Dear Mr.Weidner: Per your request, ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. (ATC) has reviewed available soil and geological publications and have completed two hand auger soil borings on the above referenced site to evaluate the seasonal high groundwater table (SHGWT)for the sand filter in the stormwater management basin. For this evaluation, we have reviewed our previous geotechnical report titled "Geotechnical Engineering Services Popeye's" dated January 13, 2023, ATC Project Number 199TDG2206 and the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA)and National Resources Conservation Service(NRCS)Soil Resource Report. A copy of the Soil Resource Report for the site is attached herewith. Two(2) hand auger borings designated HA-01 and HA-02 were performed by ATC representatives on August 30, 2024 to aid in the determination of the seasonal high groundwater table in the vicinity of the sand filter. The location of the soil test borings was estimated in the field by measuring from existing landmarks. Each hand auger boring location was performed approximately 2 feet north from the northern edge of the rounded stone layer exposed at the top of the sand filter. The ground surface elevations of each hand auger boring was interpolated from the attached civil plan titled"Stormwater Management Details",sheet C4.2 dated May 15, 2023. It is noted that all depths were measured from the existing ground surface at each boring location. The provided plan (attached) is not an as-built plan. The reported elevations of the ground surfaces and the bottom of the sand filter may vary from those indicated on the plan. The hand auger borings were made by manually rotating a sharpened steel bucket auger into the soil. Soil cuttings from the bucket auger were collected and placed in plastic bags and sealed. Upon completion of the hand auger process, each borehole was measured for groundwater and borehole caved depths. The boreholes were then back filled with the excess auger cuttings.The samples were returned to our laboratory and examined and classified by the staff engineer. Since these classifications were based solely on visual examination,the soil descriptions on the attached Hand Auger Borings should be considered approximate. Popeye's—Sand Filter SHGWT 2 Spout Springs,North Carolina ��� September 16,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL•GEOTECNNICAL BUILDING SCIENCES•MPIERIAES USING Generally,each hand auger boring encountered silty SANDS that extended to hand auger boring termination depth of approximately 6 feet below the existing ground surface. Groundwater was encountered at depths of approximately 2 to 2.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Groundwater results encountered in the hand auger borings are summarized in the table below. LOCATION EXISTING GROUND APPROXIMATE GROUNDWATER OBSERVATION APPROXIMATE ELEVATION OF SURFACE DEPTH OF ELEVATION OF BOTTOM OF ELEVATION,ft. BOREHOLE,ft. GROUNDWATER ft. SAND FLTER,ft. HA-01 337 6 Groundwater encountered at 335 334 approximately 2 feet during and after drilling.Borehole caved in at approximately 2 feet after drilling. HA-02 337 6 Groundwater encountered at 334.5 334 approximately 2.5 feet during and after drilling.Borehole caved in at 2.5 feet after drilling. The following are a summary of the findings from our previous geotechnical services for the site.The soil test borings performed during the referenced geotechnical evaluation were drilled prior to the development of the site for the Popeye's. Soil test borings D-01 and D-02 were performed near the vicinity of the sand filter prior to the site grading for the Popeye's when the ground surface was at higher elevations.This location on the site is noted to be within the beginning of a topographic draw feature which creates a channel where the ground surface is lower than and stormwater runoff is likely directed. Borings D-01 and D-02 encountered groundwater at depths/elevations of approximately 6.5/342.5 and 4/341 feet respectively. Based on a review of the site Soil Resource Report,the mapped soils in the vicinity of the sand filter include Gilead loamy sand(GaD)and Lakeland sand(LaB). Pertinent reported characteristics of the Gilead loamy sand is the presence of a groundwater at approximately 1.5 to 4 feet below the existing ground surface. Groundwater in the Lakeland sand is reported to be greater than 6.5 feet below the existing ground surface. The depth to the water table can change (rise or fall) depending on the time of year. During the late winter and spring after long rainfall event occurs,water on the surface infiltrates into the ground and the water table rises. When water-loving plants start to grow again in the spring and precipitation gives way to hot, dry summers,the water table falls because of evapo-transpiration. The location of Sand Filter is near the location where a pre-development draw existed. Based on results of the groundwater observations made during previous geotechnical services,groundwater was present within the soils that were at higher elevations than the sand filters current location. Given the groundwater depths from the previous borings, the data reported in the Soil Resource Report, and the soil conditions and groundwater observations made on August 30, 2024, we conclude the seasonal high groundwater table is approximately 1 to 2 feet below the top of the sand filter.The SHGWT is recommended to be considered to be at elevation on the order of 336 feet. www.atcgroupservices.com Popeye's—Sand Filter SHGWT 3 SpoutSprings,North Carolina NTC September 1 6,2024 ENVIRONMENTAL•GEOIECRNICAL BUILDING SCIENCES•MATERIALS TESTING We appreciate this opportunity to be of service for you on this project. Please give us a call if you have any questions or concerns. ATC Group Services // Joseph G. Schold, PE George M.A•air, PE Registered NC No. 21736 Principal Engineer Email: ioe.schold@atcgs.com Email:george.adair@atcgs.com Cell: +1 (704) 236-1259 Cell: +1 (404) 379-7279 Attachments: Important Information about This Geotechnical Engineering Report Boring Location Plan Boring Logs Geotechnical Engineering Services Popeye's,ATC Project Number 199TDG2206 Civil Drawings for Popeye's, sheets C4.0 and C4.2 Distribution: Addressee (1 via email:weidner@cesoinc.com) www.atcgroupservices.com Important Information about This (--- Geotecbnical-Engineering Subsurface problems are a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. While you cannot eliminate all such risks, you can manage them. The following information is provided to help. Geotechnical Services Are Performed for assessment of their impact.Geotechnical engineers cannot Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the their reports do not consider developments of which they were specific needs of their clients.A geotechnical-engineering not informed. study conducted for a civil engineer may not fulfill the needs of a constructor—a construction contractor—or even another Subsurface Conditions Can Change civil engineer.Because each geotechnical-engineering study A geotechnical-engineering report is based on conditions that is unique,each geotechnical-engineering report is unique, existed at the time the geotechnical engineer performed the prepared solely for the client.No one except you should rely on study.Do not rely on a geotechnical-engineering report whose this geotechnical-engineering report without first conferring adequacy may have been affected by:the passage of time; with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it.And no one man-made events,such as construction on or adjacent to the —not even you—should apply this report for any purpose or site;or natural events,such as floods,droughts,earthquakes, project except the one originally contemplated. or groundwater fluctuations.Contact the geotechnical engineer before applying this report to determine if it is still reliable.A Read the Full Report minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent Serious problems have occurred because those relying on major problems. a geotechnical-engineering report did not read it all.Do not rely on an executive summary.Do not read selected Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional elements only. Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those Geotechnical Engineers Base Each Report on points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are a Unique Set of Project-Specific Factors taken.Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory Geotechnical engineers consider many unique,project-specific data and then apply their professional judgment to render factors when establishing the scope of a study.Typical factors an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the include:the client's goals,objectives,and risk-management site.Actual subsurface conditions may differ—sometimes preferences;the general nature of the structure involved,its significantly—from those indicated in your report.Retaining size,and configuration;the location of the structure on the the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to site;and other planned or existing site improvements,such as provide geotechnical-construction observation is the most access roads,parking lots,and underground utilities.Unless effective method of managing the risks associated with the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically unanticipated conditions. indicates otherwise,do not rely on a geotechnical-engineering report that was: A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final • not prepared for you; Do not overrely on the confirmation-dependent • not prepared for your project; recommendations included in your report.Confirmation- • not prepared for the specific site explored;or dependent recommendations are not final,because • completed before important project changes were made. geotechnical engineers develop them principally from judgment and opinion.Geotechnical engineers can finalize Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface geotechnical-engineering report include those that affect: conditions revealed during construction.The geotechnical • the function of the proposed structure,as when it's changed engineer who developed your report cannot assume from a parking garage to an office building,or from a light- responsibility or liability for the report's confirmation-dependent industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse; recommendations if that engineer does not perform the • the elevation,configuration,location,orientation,or weight geotechnical-construction observation required to confirm the of the proposed structure; recommendations'applicability. • the composition of the design team;or • project ownership. A Geotechnical-Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation As a general rule,always inform your geotechnical engineer Other design-team members'misinterpretation of of project changes—even minor ones—and request an geotechnical engineering reports has resulted in costly r problems.Confront that risk by having your geotechnical others recognize their own responsibilities and risks.Read engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team these provisions closely.Ask questions.Your geotechnical after submitting the report.Also retain your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. engineer to review pertinent elements of the design team's plans and specifications.Constructors can also misinterpret Environmental Concerns Are Not Covered a geotechnical-engineering report.Confront that risk by The equipment,techniques,and personnel used to perform having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and an environmental study differ significantly from those used to preconstruction conferences,and by providing geotechnical perform a geotechnical study.For that reason,a geotechnical- construction observation. engineering report does not usually relate any environmental findings,conclusions,or recommendations;e.g.,about Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory problems have led to numerous project failures.If you have not data.To prevent errors or omissions,the logs included in a yet obtained your own environmental information, geotechnical-engineering report should never be redrawn ask your geotechnical consultant for risk-management for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings.Only guidance.Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable,but someone else. recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal Give Constructors a Complete Report and with Mold Guidance Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they construction,operation,and maintenance to prevent can make constructors liable for unanticipated subsurface significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To be effective,all such strategies should be devised for To help prevent costly problems,give constructors the the express purpose of mold prevention,integrated into a complete geotechnical-engineering report,but preface it with comprehensive plan,and executed with diligent oversight by a a clearly written letter of transmittal.In that letter,advise professional mold-prevention consultant.Because just a small constructors that the report was not prepared for purposes amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; severe mold infestations,many mold-prevention strategies encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer focus on keeping building surfaces dry.While groundwater, who prepared the report(a modest fee may be required)and/ water infiltration,and similar issues may have been addressed or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of as part of the geotechnical-engineering study whose findings information they need or prefer.A prebid conference can also are conveyed in this report,the geotechnical engineer in be valuable.Be sure constructors have sufficient time to perform charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; additional study.Only then might you be in a position to none of the services performed in connection with the give constructors the best information available to you, geotechnical engineer's study were designed or conducted for while requiring them to at least share some of the financial the purpose of mold prevention.Proper implementation of the responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself be sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure Read Responsibility Provisions Closely involved. Some clients,design professionals,and constructors fail to recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than Rely, on Your GBC-Member Geotechnical Engineer other engineering disciplines.This lack of understanding for Additional Assistance has created unrealistic expectations that have led to Membership in the Geotechnical Business Council of the disappointments,claims,and disputes.To help reduce the risk Geoprofessional Business Association exposes geotechnical of such outcomes,geotechnical engineers commonly include engineers to a wide array of risk-confrontation techniques a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports.Sometimes that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with labeled"limitations,"many of these provisions indicate where a construction project.Confer with you GBC-Member geotechnical engineers'responsibilities begin and end,to help geotechnical engineer for more information. GEOTECHNICAL BUSINESS COUNCIL iii of the Geoprofessional Business Association 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106,Silver Spring,MD 20910 Telephone:301/565-2733 Facsimile:301/589-2017 e-mail:info@geoprofessional.org www.geoprofessional.org Copyright 2015 by Geoprofessional Business Association(GBA).Duplication,reproduction,or copying of this document,or its contents,in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever,is strictly prohibited,except with GBA's specific written permission.Excerpting,quoting,or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA,and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review.Only members of GBA may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical-engineering report.Any other firm,individual,or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be commiting negligent or intentional(fraudulent)misrepresentation. J I 1 BORING LOCATION PLAN I ON i / Popeye's-Sand Filter SHGWT I - - i i/ / / Spout Springs,NC REFER TO 0OI €1 1 / / ATC Project Number.199CES24XX 38 1 WO-.--..-_.,..._.i� I I i i It gi4�' F� / ian�.�ti,_- / j � --— M — I / / / / I / ! 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CLIENT CESO BORING# HA-01 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# Pending PROJECT LOCATION Spout Springs, NC DRAWN BY TB GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 8/30/24 Hammer Wt. NA lbs. Date Completed 8/30/24 Hammer Drop NA in. Drill Foreman M. Byrum Spoon Sampler OD NA in. a t o Y Inspector ATLAS Rock Core Dia. NA in. o• . - Boring Method HA Shelby Tube OD NA in. �L m °o 0 c E QN U N .0 to a) .JJ^.. d 2 O_ iz0 a) a) o OU> O aa)) C SOIL CLASSIFICATION oo E co 'aa) '� g z D a 2 v a i (6 7 L L 0 p_ O_ d 8 3 -0 _ O_ p. "O U u) Y (6 > %n a m E E E c) o c N E .N = in a) E SURFACE ELEVATION 337' w cis o o co to z as co ( cis F 0 0 2 a s ii a° Ct No Sample Obtained lila 3.0 Light yellowish tan silty fine to medium SAND, 1 CU X saturated - X X • 2 CU • X X 5 3 CU X . 6.0 HAND AUGER TERMINATED @ 6' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon A Noted on Drilling Tools NE ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube f At Completion(in augers) - ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC Rock Core g At Completion(open hole) 2.0 ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings After NA hours NA ft. HA -Hand Auger CT -Continuous Tube 1 After NA hours NA ft. Page 1 of 1 1I Cave Depth 2.0 ft. RTCHAND AUGER BORING LOG ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA,P.C. CLIENT CESO BORING# HA-02 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# Pending PROJECT LOCATION Spout Springs, NC DRAWN BY TB GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 8/30/24 Hammer Wt. NA lbs. Date Completed 8/30/24 Hammer Drop NA in. Drill Foreman M. Byrum Spoon Sampler OD NA in. a t o Y Inspector ATLAS Rock Core Dia. NA in. o• . - Boring Method HA Shelby Tube OD NA in. �L m °o C c E QN U N .0 to a) .JJ^.. d 2 O_ iz0 a) o OU> O aa)) C SOIL CLASSIFICATION oo E 0 'aa) '� 2' D a 2 v a i t6 7 L L 0 d Q Cl8 3 "C) _ O_ ? "O U y Y a3 > %n a m E E E c) o c N E .N = V) a) E SURFACE ELEVATION 337' w cis o o co to z as co ( cis F 0 0 2 a s ii a° Ct No Sample Obtained 3.0 Light yellowish tan silty fine to medium SAND, 1 CU X saturated - X __ 4.0 X .. Light tannish gray silty fine to medium SAND, 2 CU saturated - X X 5 3 CU X . I 6.0 HAND AUGER TERMINATED @ 6' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon A Noted on Drilling Tools NE ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube f At Completion(in augers) - ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC Rock Core g At Completion(open hole) 2.5 ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings After NA hours NA ft. HA -Hand Auger CT -Continuous Tube 1 After NA hours NA ft. Page 1 of 1 111 Cave Depth 2.5 ft. ATC ii ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL BUILDING SCIENCES• MATERIALS TESTING January 13, 2023 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES POPEYE'S SPOUTS SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared By: Prepared For: ATC Associates of North Carolina, P. C. Ms. Mollee Mrsny 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive, Suite 800 The Dimension Group Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 10755 Sandhill Road Dallas, Texas 75238 If January 13, 2023 Ms. Mollee Mrsny Development Project Manager The Dimension Group 10755 Sandhill Road Dallas Texas 75238 CDIMENSION OUP Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Services Popeye's 1547 NC-24 Spouts Springs, North Carolina ATC Project Number 199TDG2206 Dear Ms. Mrsny: ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. (ATC) has completed the authorized Geotechnical Engineering Services at the site of the proposed Popeye's development.The attached report reviews our understanding of the project, discusses exploration procedures, describes existing site and general subsurface conditions, and presents our geotechnical findings and preliminary recommendations. We have enjoyed working with you on this project. Please contact us if you have questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further service. Sincerely, ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. 7/2� 'e p1r`, a°°eq°q ® Swims Joseph G. Schold, PE, NC 21736 deoge . d ' , . r - 4A I Principal Geotechnical Engineer Principal Engineer 704-236-1259 \80-556-3439 ' r s i 026087 t joe.scholdatcqs.com george.adair(a�atcqs.co� , .V1 Ci® rfi�nA � 4'��L "atSMO% Distribution: Addressee (1 via email: mmrsny@dimensiongroup.com) ATC Table of Contents Table of Contents 3 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Project Information 1 1.2 Site Description 2 1.3 Purpose & Scope of Services 3 2.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES 4 2.1 Site Reconnaissance 4 2.2 Field Exploration 4 2.3 LABORATORY TESTING 5 2.3.1 Soil Classification 5 2.3.2 Moisture Content 5 2.3.3 Sieve Analysis 5 2.3.4 Atterberg Limits 6 3.0 SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 7 3.1 Site Description and Historical Topographic Review 7 3.2 Geology 8 3.3 General Subsurface Conditions 9 3.3.1 Surface Materials 9 3.3.2 Possible Fill and Fill Materials 9 3.3.3 Coastal Plain Soil 10 3.3.4 Groundwater 10 4.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 12 4.1 General 12 4.2 Foundation Support 13 4.3 Soil-Supported Slabs 13 4.4 Retaining/Below Grade Concrete Walls 14 4.5 Slope Stability 15 4.6 Pavement Recommendations 16 4.6.1 Flexible Pavements 16 4.6.2 Rigid Pavements 16 ;ETC I- II 4.7 Wet Weather Construction 17 5.0 CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 18 5.1 Site and Subgrade Preparation 18 5.2 Structural Fill 19 5.3 Excavation Conditions 20 5.4 Groundwater and Runoff Conditions 20 5.4.1 Groundwater 20 5.4.2 Runoff Conditions 21 5.5 Foundation Construction and Evaluation 21 6.0 CONTINUATION OF SERVICES 22 7.0 QUALIFICATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS 23 Appendix GBA Information Boring Location Plan Boring Logs Laboratory Tests Soil and Rock Classification ;ATC // 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Information Based on the review of the provided Conceptual Site Plan,sheet CSP-01, dated 11/16/2022,and prepared by The Dimension Group, the development will include a 2,354 square foot drive-thru restaurant, a dumpster corral,a detention area,and associated drives and utilities.A partial copy of the plan is inserted below. r . O de e ,l ' ..L ®c..q• • w , i. it,444° air 4 4,,,„,/,,,., ,..,,,,,, , _..... ...,_ ...,.., , ,.. ... kkol.ta, 4 . ,f ,p..k. _ .., i , , (Partial copy of the Concepual Site Plan) No additional information has been provided to ATC regarding past activities at the project site. Moreover, details regarding proposed structural loadings and grading information have not been provided to ATC at this time. For purposes of this report,the following estimated project details are provided. II Popeye's Page I 1 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC // Project Details (Anticipated) Construction Type/Building Envelope Single story CMU and light guage steel framed structure,slab—on-grade with strip and spread footings. Estimated Design Column Loads Less than 50 Kips Estimated Wall Loads 1 to 2 kips per foot Anticipated Cuts and Fill Less than 2 feet 1.2 Site Description The project site includes 2 parcels of property located at 1547 NC 24-87 Cameron, North Carolina. The property currently a vacant lot. It appears that site grading has been performed as stockpiles of soil were located on the southern and northern areas of the site. It appears that the properties to the west of the subject site are at higher elevations and all runoff from those sites drains by sheet flow into a draw the crosses the subject site in the center and directs the runoff down to the east. According to the Harnett County GIS website, https://gis.harnett.org/gisviewer/, the 2 parcels total approximately 2.2 acres. The project site and two parcels are depicted below. 7 , , ,. .- :::-----:.:i :.=-- .. ,.._:„...-_,_. ,„:.::„ ..., ..„. ,, / J• II' r' April2022 Site Aerial Photograph obtained from Google Earth° II Popeye's Page 12 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC Historical aerial photographs beginning in 1955 through 2022 have been reviewed. In 1955,the properties were undeveloped and sparsely to lightly wooded. In 1971, a 3 or 4 structures appeared to be located on the central and southern sides of the property.The structures do not appear to be present in 1993. From 1993 through 1999, the southern half of the properties have revegetated. In 2003, the majority of the properties have been cleared of vegetation. From 2005 through 2018,the properties revegetated and are shown to be densely vegetated. The properties appear to have been cleared of vegetation in 2021. Currently, it appears that some land disturbance has occurred on the northern and southern thirds of the properties and the land is generally cleared of significant vegetation. 1.3 Purpose&Scope of Services The purpose of our Geotechnical Engineering Services was to assess subsurface soil conditions at the site of the planned development and provide geotechnical recommendations regarding project design and construction. Specifically, our services were directed at providing the following requested information: a. Soil nature and origin, including changes resulting from man's activities; b. Depths,thicknesses, composition of soil strata that will be appreciably stressed by the intended construction; c. Recommendations regarding the on-site fill soils and suitability for use on-site; d. Depths,thicknesses, composition of soil strata that will be appreciably stressed by the intended construction; e. Depths to encountered groundwater, rock, and deleterious soil strata that could affect the proposed construction; f. Recommendations regarding any anticipated rock or"soft" soil remediation and/or removal; g. Recommendations regarding foundation design and construction for the structures; h. Recommendations pertaining to site development including site preparation, earthwork construction, unsuitable soils, groundwater control, excavation slopes, and difficult excavations; and Discussion of other geotechnical related items identified during the exploration. The scope of our geotechnical services did not include an environmental assessment or investigation for the presence or absence of hazardous or toxic materials in the soil,groundwater, or surface water within or beyond the site. Any statements in this report or on the Test Boring Records regarding odors, staining of soils, or other unusual conditions observed are strictly for the information of our client. Popeye's Page 13 II Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC // 2.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES 2.1 Site Reconnaissance Prior to the field exploration,the site and surrounding areas were visually evaluated by an engineer from our office. The observations made were used in planning this exploration and in determining areas of special interest. 2.2 Field Exploration Ten soil test borings were planned to be drilled within the development area.Two soil test borings, B-01 and B-02,were advanced to a planned depth of approximately fifteen(15)feet below the existing ground surface in the building area. Six soil test borings, P-01 through P-06 were advanced to a planned depth of approximately ten (10) feet below the existing ground surface in the parking and drive areas. Two soil test borings, D-01 and D-02,were advanced to a planned depth of approximately ten (10)feet below the existing ground surface in the detention area.The approximate locations of the borings are shown below and on the Boring Location Plan in the Appendix. ��"! D-1T y..! .- ' ,•• r „,,,, 0- 1 • a 1 T. .. ♦ � /• , , ♦4 • ,� , ..... , , .4,, ..„. • P-4�, ...„.."---..„,- _if' 1. J .t 1 • P-6¶ ti 1 B �9 t ; r 1 , i i , • 50 p •a, . . •• , �• • :I I • • -l+` A i1 Ground surface elevations at the boring locations were interpolated from a 4-foot contour interval topographic map obtained from the Harnett County GIS website, https://gis.harnett.org/gisviewer/, All soil sampling and standard penetration testing were performed in general accordance with ASTM Standard D- 1586.The soil test borings were advanced by mechanically turning hollow-stem augers into the soil.At regular II Popeye's Page 14 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC intervals, soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4-inch I.D., 2.0-inch O.D., split-barrel sampler. The sampler was first seated 6 inches and then driven an additional foot with blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler the final foot was recorded and is designated the "standard penetration resistance." Penetration resistance, when properly evaluated, is an index of the soil strength and foundation support capability. The borings were sampled using a manual 140-pound hammer to drive the split-spoon sampler. Representative portions of the soil samples obtained with the split-barrel sampler were sealed in plastic bags and transported to our laboratory. In the laboratory, they were examined by a geotechnical engineer and classified using the Unified Soil Classification System. The soil descriptions and classifications are based on visual examination and should be considered approximate. Test Boring Records which graphically depict soil descriptions, penetration resistances, and observed groundwater levels,are included in the Appendix. Cave-in depths are noted on some of the Test Boring Records. These were recorded when conducting measurements for groundwater levels after the hollow stem augers used during drilling were removed from the borehole. 2.3 LABORATORY TESTING Representative soil samples were tested in our laboratory. The test performed are discussed in the following sections. 2.3.1 Soil Classification Soil classifications provide a general guide to the engineering properties of various soil types and enable the engineer to apply past experience to current problems. In our explorations,samples obtained during drilling operations are observed in our laboratory and visually classified by an engineer. The soils are classified according to consistency (based on number of blows from standard penetration tests), color and texture. These classification descriptions are included on our Test Boring Records.The classification system discussed above is primarily qualitative; laboratory testing is generally performed for detailed soil classification. Using the test results, the soils were classified according to the Unified Soil Classification Systems (ASTM D 2487). This classification system and the in-place physical soil properties provide an index for estimating the soil's behavior.The soil classification and physical properties obtained are presented in this report. 2.3.2 Moisture Content The moisture content is the ratio expressed as a percentage of the weight of water in a given mass of soil to the weight of the solid particles.This test was conducted in general accordance with ASTM D 2216.The test results indicated moisture contents ranged from 6.5 to 24.8 percent.A summary of the moisture contents of selected samples is included in the Appendix. 2.3.3 Sieve Analysis The sieve analysis consists of passing a soil sample through a series of standard sieve openings. The percentage of soil, by weight, passing the individual sieves is then recorded and generally presented in a graphical format; the percentage of fines passing through the No. 200 sieve is generally considered to represent the amount of silt and clay of the tested soil sample. The sieve analysis test was conducted in general accordance with ASTM Designation D 1140. Popeye's Page 15 II Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ;ETC 2.3.4 Atterberg Limits Atterberg limits, including liquid and plastic limits, are used to define plasticity of clays and silts.As moisture content increases, fine grained soils changes its state of consistency from solid to plastic and viscous flow state. Liquid limit is defined as the moisture content at the lower limit of viscous flow or the upper limit of the plastic state. Plastic limit is defined as the moisture content at the lower limit of the plastic state.The tests were performed in accordance with ASTM D 4318. Table 1-Laboratory Test Results—Atterberg Limits and Soil Passing#200 Sieve. Boring Nos. Sample Depth Liquid Limit,% Plasticity Index,% Passing No.200 Sieve, USCS Class (ft.) % B-01 3.5—5 50 29 33.8 SC P-01 3.5—5 48 28 42.1 SC P-03 3.5—5 55 35 48.8 SC Popeye's Page 16 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ;ETC 3.0 SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1 Site Description and Historical Topographic Review The property is located on the United States Geologic Survey (USGS) 7.5-Minute Series Olivia, North Carolina, topographic quadrangle. Please refer to the insert below. The review of local topography indicates that the property elevation (EL) ranges from below EL 350 feet on the west side down to above EL 330 feet on the east side. The approximate boundary of the parcels and associated topography are depicted as follows. .r. APPROX. • SITE BOUNDARY / 4.40 a • r,rr.r�nrr - • 24 • cam 9137 4 nrismn.awft (USGS Topographic Mop,contour interval:10 feet) Historical review of available topographic maps indicate no significant changes have occurred to the mapped area. The property was reviewed using the Harnett County GIS website. Property topography was obtained from their GIS website.The topography is depicted on the following page. Popeye's Page 17 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC // „ ( v 1 ‘Q‘ ‘ \A \ \ r 73 /ri M--- --'--...._____—___ -:)) 4 It , 4). CO 01497 ( \ I l , t. , / \ , _,‘..„, \ \ According to the GIS topographic map, the ground surface elevations range from approximately EL 848 and EL 850 on the west side sloping down to approximately EL 828 on the east side. 3.2 Geology According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina,the property is located in the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province.The Coastal Plain is a wedge of mostly marine sedimentary rocks that gradually thickens to the east. The Coastal Plain is the largest geologic element in the state, covering about 45 percent of the land area. The most common sediment types are sand and clay, although a significant amount of limestone occurs in the southern part of the Coastal Plain. The formation of the subsurface is the Middendorf Formation which is described as sand, sandstone, and mudstone, gray to pale gray with an orange cast, mottled; clay balls and iron-cemented concretions common, beds laterally discontinuous, cross-bedding common. Popeye's Page 18 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC In areas near creeks, rivers, and intermittent streams, alluvium derived from eroded Coastal Plain soil is often present and such material may be present near drainages on the central area of the parcel. 3.3 General Subsurface Conditions Data from the soil test borings are shown on the Test Boring Records in the Appendix. The subsurface conditions discussed in the following paragraphs and those shown on the Test Boring Records represent an estimate of the subsurface conditions based on interpretation of the boring data using normally accepted geotechnical engineering judgments.We note that the transition between different soil strata is less distinct than those shown on the Test Boring Records. Although individual test borings are representative of the subsurface conditions at the boring locations on the dates shown, they are not necessarily indicative of subsurface conditions at other locations or at other times. The soil test borings encountered fill materials, residual soils, and partially weathered rock.These materials are described in the following paragraphs. 3.3.1 Surface Materials Topsoil was encountered in all soil test borings on the ground surface. Thicknesses ranged from approximately 2 to 12 inches. Organic laden fill soils were also encountered beneath the ground surface and is discussed in the following section.Surficial soils are typically a dark-colored soil material containing roots, fibrous matter, and/or other organic components, and are generally unsuitable for engineering purposes. We note that no laboratory testing has been performed to determine the organic content or horticultural properties of the observed topsoil materials. Therefore, the term "Topsoil" is not intended to indicate suitability of the material for landscaping and/or other purposes.The topsoil depths provided in this report are based on driller observations and should be considered approximate. Actual topsoil depths should be expected to vary across the site. 3.3.2 Possible Fill and Fill Materials Possible fill and fill is any material that has or is suspected of being transported and deposited by man. Possible fill and/or fill materials were encountered in soil test borings B-02 and P-04. These materials appeared to extend to depths of approximately 6 to 8.5 below the existing ground surface and contained dark brown organic laden soils.Standard penetration resistances(N-values) in the fill ranged from 2 to 35 blows per foot (bpf). Loose fill materials with N-Values of less than 6 blows per foot were encountered in the following boring locations. Soil Test Boring Designation Approximate Sample Depth N-Value (bpf) (feet) B-02 1—2.5 4 3.5—5 2 P-04 6-7.5 4 Popeye's Page 19 II Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC 3.3.3 Coastal Plain Soil Coastal Plain soils were encountered beneath the surface materials and fill. The Coastal Plain soils extended to the depths of boring termination of 10 and 15 feet below the existing ground surface. The soils were generally described as silty SANDS,clayey SANDS,and sandy CLAYS. N-values within the residual soils ranged from 2 to 35 bpf. Loose Coastal Plain soils with N-Values of less than 6 blows per foot were encountered in the following boring locations. Soil Test Boring Designation Approximate Sample Depth N-Value (bpf) (feet) D-02 1—2.5 5 P-01 1—2.5 4 P-04 8.5-10 4 13.5—15 3 P-05 3.5—5 5 6—7.5 4 P-06 1—2.5 3 3.5—5 2 3.3.4 Groundwater Groundwater levels were measured in the soil test borings during drilling and immediately prior to back filling each borehole. Groundwater was encountered in the following soil test boring locations after drilling. Soil Test Boring Designation Approximate Depth (feet) B-01 12 B-02 11.5 D-01 6.5 D-02 4 P-04 11 P-05 5 0.) Note 1:water noted on drill tolls during drilling.Borehole caved-in at 3 feet after removal of auger. Popeye's Page 110 I' Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC Groundwater levels are subject to seasonal and climatic variations and may be different at other times and locations than those stated.Groundwater levels are subject to seasonal and climatic variations and may be different at other times and locations than those stated. The presence, depth, and quantity of groundwater seepage may fluctuate based on variations in seasonal rainfall, climatic conditions, site surface runoff characteristics, permeability of on-site materials, continuity of pervious materials, irrigation practices, and other factors. These observations do not constitute a long-term groundwater study nor was such an evaluation authorized as a part of the scope of this study. Any changes noted in groundwater levels during construction may require a review of the recommendations presented in this report. Popeye's Page 111 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ;ATC 4.0 DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 General The following conclusions and recommendations are based on our observations at the site, interpretation of the field and laboratory data obtained during the study, and our experience with similar subsurface conditions. Subsurface conditions in unexplored locations may vary somewhat from those encountered in the borings. Soil conditions at the site that are potential areas of concern: 1. Comparing topographic information to images on Google Earth®,it appears previous site grading and fill placement occurred on the southern end of the parcels. It appears this area of the site has been filled in. Based on the soil density and consistency, it does not appear that the fill materials were placement in a controlled manner. Previously placed miscellaneous fill materials were encountered extending to depths ranging from approximately 6 to 8.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Construction on existing fill material requires an owner to accept some risks due to unforeseen conditions within the material. Associated risks may be additional support related cost (i.e. undercutting, etc.) and excessive building settlement or pavement deflection. In order to reduce the risks associated with structural support on existing fill materials,the existing materials should be completely removed and replaced with new controlled structural fill. 2. Organic laden soils were encountered in soil test borings B-02 located in the proposed building area. The organic laden soils extended to a depth of approximately 6 feet below the existing ground surface.These materials are not desirable for predicable foundation or floor slab support. These soils should be removed and replaced with properly placed and engineered fill.The lateral extent of removal should be determined at the time of construction and verified by a representative of the ATC Geotechnical Engineer.It should be noted that"additional"organic laden fill materials may be encountered in unexplored areas of the site. If and when additional organic laden materials are encountered, ATC staff should be notified to examine the materials and general site conditions and provide additional site recommendations to address the encountered site conditions. 3. Organic laden soils were encountered in soil test boring P-04 located in the drive areas.The organic laden soils extended to a depth of approximately 8.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Depending on proposed grades, these materials may remain in-place, however, they may require partial removal and replacement aided by mechanical stabilization.The method of treatment should be determined in the field by a representative of the ATC Geotechnical Engineer. It should be noted that "additional" organic laden fill materials may be encountered in unexplored areas of the site. If and when additional organic laden materials are encountered, ATC staff should be notified to examine the materials and general site conditions and provide additional site recommendations to address the encountered site conditions. 4. Loose near surface soils were encountered in soil test borings P-01, P-05, P-06,and D-02. Depending on finished grades, some of these materials may be removed during site grading. Where these soils are encountered,they should be re-compacted as recommended herein. 5. Groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from approximately 4 to 12 feet below the existing ground surface. Groundwater control may be required depending on finished grades. The shallowest groundwater was encountered in soil test borings P-05, D-01 and D-02 at depths ranging from 4 to 6.5 feet. Popeye's Page 112 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC 6. Sheet flow from the properties to the west is directed by gravity down to the site's east side where a draw is present and conveys runoff across the site to the east. During initial site grading,wet conditions may be encountered during and after periods of rainfall. The site grading contractor will need to re-direct this drainage so it does not impact earthwork operations and future site and building performance. The Civil Engineer should be made aware of this condition and provide appropriate storm drainage systems to intercept and redirect the drainage into the storm drain system. 4.2 Foundation Support Based on the boring data and the provided structural loading information discussed in the project information section of this report, the existing soils encountered in soil test borings B-01 considered suitable for support of a shallow foundation system. The organic laden soils in B-02 should be removed and replaced with engineered fill for shallow foundation support. Once remediated, the proposed structure may be supported on a shallow foundation system bearing on approved Coastal Plain soil or newly placed controlled structural fill subgrades. We recommend that building foundations be designed for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf) for foundations bearing on approved subgrades. Based on the boring data,the anticipated structural loads,and removal and replacement of the fill materials,we estimate total settlements (due to the new building loads) on the order of 1 of an inch (or less), with differential settlement between column foundations to be less than 1/2 inch.The magnitude of differential settlements will be influenced by the variation in excavation requirements across the building footprint, the distribution of loads, and the variability of underlying soils. We recommend widths of not less than 24 inches for rectangular foundations and not less than 18 inches for continuous foundations for ease of construction and to reduce the possibility of localized shear failures. We recommend that exterior foundation bottoms be established at least 18 inches below adjacent exterior grades for frost and stability considerations. Our settlement analysis was performed on the basis of structural and grading assumptions discussed in the project information section of this report and the removal and replacement of the existing fill materials.Actual settlements experienced by the structure and the time required for these soils to settle will be influenced by undetected variations in subsurface conditions, actual structural loads, final grading plans, and the quality of fill placement and foundation construction. 4.3 Soil-Supported Slabs After remediation of the organic laden soils in soil test boring B-02, ground floor slabs may be designed as a slab-on-grade supported by approved existing competent Coastal Plain soils and/or on structural fill placed above existing competent Coastal Plain soil.Slab-on-grade support is contingent upon successful completion of the remediation of the existing fill materials and subgrade evaluation process as described in the Site Preparation section of this report. We recommend a moisture barrier be included between the slab and subgrade. It may also be prudent to place a 4 to 6-inch layer of compacted graded aggregate base (GAB) over the slab subgrade to act as a construction surface and help protect the integrity of the subgrade. As recommended above, a vapor retarder moisture barrier should be used beneath ground floor slabs that will be covered by tile, wood, carpet, impermeable floor coatings, and/or if other moisture-sensitive equipment or materials will be in contact with the floor. However, the use of vapor retarders may result in MAI Popeye's Page 113 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ;ETC excessive curling of floor slabs during curing. We refer the floor slab designer to ACI 302.1R, Sections 4.1.5 and 11.11,for further discussion on vapor retarders,curling,and the means to reduce concrete shrinkage and curling. Floor slab construction should incorporate isolation joints along bearing walls and around column locations to allow minor movements to occur without damage. Utility or other construction excavations in the prepared floor subgrade should be backfilled to a controlled fill criterion to provide uniform floor support. 4.4 Retaining/Below Grade Concrete Walls Earth pressures on walls below grade are influenced by structural design of the walls, conditions of wall restraint, methods of construction and/or compaction and the strength of the materials being restrained. The most common conditions assumed for earth retaining wall design are the active and at-rest conditions. Active conditions apply to relatively flexible earth retention structures, such as free-standing walls, where some movement and rotation may occur to mobilize soil shear strength. Walls which are rigidly restrained, such as basement, pit, and tunnel walls,should be designed for the at-rest condition. A third condition, the passive state, represents the maximum possible pressure when a structure is pushed against the soil, and is used in wall foundation design to help resist active or at-rest pressures. Because significant wall movements are required to develop the passive pressure,the total calculated passive pressure should be reduced by one-half for design purposes. Based on previous experience with similar soils and construction, we recommend the following earth pressure coefficients and equivalent fluid pressures for design of reinforced concrete retaining or below grade walls: Earth Pressure Conditions Coefficient Preliminary Recommended Equivalent Fluid Pressure (psf/ft) Active(Ka) 0.36 45 At-Rest(K0) 0.53 66 Passive(Kr) 2.77 173 A moist soil unit weight of 125 pounds per cubic foot should be used for design calculations.A preliminary allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 psf may be used for design of retaining wall footings established in competent natural soils or new structural fill. A coefficient of friction value of 0.30 may be used between the concrete footing and soils. Our recommendations assume that the ground surface above the wall is level and that soils similar to those found in our borings(except any(CH) and (MH)soils)will be used for wall backfill. The recommended equivalent fluid pressures assume that constantly functioning drainage systems are installed between walls and soil backfill to prevent the accidental buildup of hydrostatic pressures and lateral stresses in excess of those stated. If a functioning drainage system is not installed, then lateral earth pressures should be determined using the buoyant weight of the soil (approximately 58 pcf). Popeye's Page 114 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC Hydrostatic pressures calculated with the unit weight of water (62.4 pcf) should be added to these earth pressures to obtain the total stresses for design. Tractors and other heavy equipment should not operate within 6 feet of below grade walls to prevent lateral pressures in excess of those cited. If footings or other surcharge loadings are located a short distance outside below grade walls,they may also exert appreciable additional lateral pressures that must be considered in the design of the wall. These retaining wall/below grade wall recommendations should not be correlated with soil parameters for use in any Mechanically Stabilized Earth(MSE)wall design.We recommend that soil parameters for any MSE retaining wall design be established through appropriate laboratory testing by the wall designer. 4.5 Slope Stability Our exploration did not include a detailed analysis of slope stability for any temporary or permanent condition. For ease of maintenance(mowing,etc.),we suggest a maximum permanent slope configuration of 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3H:1V). However, where steeper configurations are needed, we generally recommend permanent slopes no steeper than 2H:1V and temporary slopes no steeper than 1.5H:1V up to a maximum height of 20 feet and for construction in undisturbed residual soils, PWR, or newly compacted structural fill placed in accordance with our recommendations. Where temporary slopes are required within the existing fill materials,a flatter configuration may be required. While slopes higher than 20 feet should be formally evaluated for stability,we typically recommend that mid- slope benches or some other mid-slope sheet-flow interceptor/diversion feature be included in the design where soil slopes heights exceed 30 feet (to divert surface water flow from running down the full extent of the slope face). Without sufficient surface water diversion at the crest and along the mid-slope line for very high slopes, significant erosional features can occur which could in-turn facilitate deeper slope failures. We recommend a planned drainage bench or other mid-slope interceptor/diversion feature be designed for the top of the retaining wall for the pool. In general,a minimum top of slope setback distance of%the slope height is required between the outer edge of building foundations and the slope face. In addition,we recommend a minimum top of slope setback of 5 feet for pavement areas.For building foundations situated near the crest of a slope,an increased embedment may be needed to meet the recommended setback distance from the closest edge of the footing to a nearby existing slope face. During construction, temporary slopes should be regularly evaluated for signs of movement or unsafe conditions.We recommend that drainage and/or runoff from nearby landscape,pavement and structures be directed away from the crest and toe of planned cut and fill slopes. Soil slopes should be covered for protection from rain, and surface runoff should be diverted away from the slopes. In addition, a protective cover of grass or other vegetation should be established on permanent soil slopes as soon as possible for erosion protection.These general slope recommendations are appropriate for slopes underlain by competent materials. However, the provided recommendations should not be used to deviate from OSHA regulations. Construction should be performed in accordance with applicable OSHA regulations. All temporary excavations for the installation of foundations, utilities, etc., should be properly laid back or braced in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and any other applicable requirements. All existing facilities such as buildings, sidewalks, streets, utilities, etc., should be suitably MAI Popeye's Page 115 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ;ETC protected from undermining due to excavation for the new structure and/or undercutting of unsuitable fill(if necessary).All federal,state and local safety regulations should be followed in this regard. 4.6 Pavement Recommendations No design traffic conditions were available. The following flexible and rigid pavement sections are provided for use on the project assuming typical traffic conditions. The recommended pavement design alternatives are subject to successful completion of site and subgrade preparation and fill placement as recommended in this report. 4.6.1 Flexible Pavements The following flexible pavement recommendations are based on an assumed CBR value of 5 and typical loading conditions expected for the project: 1. For parking lots restricted to automobile traffic and car parking, we recommend a light-duty section consisting of: • 2-1/2 inches asphaltic concrete (9.5mm or 12.5mm Superpave) • 7 inches of compacted Graded Aggregate Base(G.A.B.) 2. For parking lots or other areas subject to heavy traffic,we recommend a heavy duty section consisting of: • 2 inches of asphaltic concrete surface course(9.5mm Superpave) • 2 inches of asphaltic concrete base course(19mm Superpave) • 8 inches of compacted Graded Aggregate Base(GAB) The compaction, quality and gradation of the GAB crushed stone base will directly affect the quality and life of the pavement section. Consequently, we recommend a minimum compaction of 100 percent of the maximum dry density for the GAB crushed stone material as determined by the Modified Proctor compaction test(ASTM D 1557, Method D). A soil engineering technician working under the direction of a geotechnical engineer should observe placement and compaction of the base course material and perform density tests to confirm that the material has been placed in accordance with our recommendations. GAB materials should extend at least 2 feet horizontally beyond the planned pavement edges. The GAB crushed stone aggregate in the base should conform with the applicable State of North Carolina, Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. In addition, all asphalt material and paving operations should meet applicable specifications of the Asphalt Institute and North Carolina Department of Transportation. 4.6.2 Rigid Pavements Rigid pavement design has been based on the assumed traffic conditions and a Modulus of Subgrade value of 140 psi/inch. The concrete is assumed to have a modulus of rupture of 600 psi or more, and a 28-day compressive strength of at least 4,000 psi. We recommend the following minimum rigid concrete pavement thicknesses: ■ Car Parking 6 inches ■ Heavy Traffic 8 inches MAI Popeye's Page 116 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC A minimum 4-inch-thickness of GAB base materials compacted to at least 100% of the Modified Proctor maximum dry density is recommended under rigid pavements.Control joints for 6-inch sections should be 12 feet each way and for 8-inch sections 16 feet each way. Saw-cut joints should extend a minimum of 1/4 of the concrete thickness.All concrete joints should conform with applicable specifications of the North Carolina Department of Transportation. We recommend construction joints be underlain by a non-woven geotextile (about 2 feet wide)to prevent upward "pumping" of soil fines through the joints.As an alternative,the non- woven geotextile can be replaced with 4 inches of base material. The latest specifications of the North Carolina Department of Transportation shall govern the design and placement of pavements. 4.7 Wet Weather Construction Site grading that occurs during traditional wet weather periods will be problematic at this site.Some targeted undercutting of saturated soils and chemical drying may be required if prolonged periods of unfavorable weather conditions occur during fill placement operations at the site. Although specific recommendations would be made at the time of construction,the following guidelines are provided. • Saturated surface soils are difficult to dry by mechanical and/or chemical methods depending on the season and the soil type. Consequently, consideration should be given to removal and wasting of saturated surface soils at the site. • Lime or cement can be an effective in drying of soils that are typically about 4 to 8 percent wetter than their optimum moisture content. We expect chemical drying will be required during periods of wet weather construction in the event the construction schedule does not permit additional time for drying. • The on-site soils are sensitive to excessive moisture.These soils types may require undercutting and chemical drying if subjected to inclement weather conditions. • Disturbed or uncompacted soils will more readily absorb and hold water. Disturbed or uncompacted soils should be kept to a minimal area. Special attention and detail should be given to "sealing-off" or compaction (with a smooth drummed roller)of disturbed areas prior to wet weather periods.The contractor should also provide cut ditches to channel surface water runoff from the construction areas. The site should also be graded to prevent ponding of water on the site. Pumping should be performed in a timely manner in areas where water has collected. Popeye's Page 117 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ;ATC 5.0 CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Site and Subgrade Preparation Prior to construction,the location of any existing underground utility lines,wells, septic fields, etc, within the construction area should be established. Provisions should then be made to either relocate any interfering utility lines or abandon them from the construction area to appropriate locations. In this regard, it should be noted that if underground pipes are not properly removed or plugged,they may serve as conduits for subsurface erosion which subsequently may result in excessive settlements. Stripping of any vegetation,organics,and other unsuitable materials should be performed as well. Existing topsoil should be stockpiled for later use in landscape areas and the existing gravel should be stockpiled and used in fill areas. Site grading should be performed during dry weather conditions to reduce the potential for the operation of heavy equipment rutting and mixing of surficial debris with otherwise suitable underlying soils. We recommend the clearing operations extend to at least five (5) feet beyond the development perimeters. Any "topsoil" removed from the planned building and pavement areas should be stockpiled in designated locations and used later in areas to be grassed or disposed of. After the site is cleared, the geotechnical engineer should carefully evaluate areas intended to support foundations, floor slabs, new fill and or pavement. At that time, the exposed subgrade should be proofrolled,to help detect near surface organics,debris,and other unsuitable/unstable materials. Careful observations should be made during proof-rolling to help identify any areas of soft yielding soils that may require over-excavation and replacement.Any buried debris or organics detected during the proof-rolling, in the excavations for footings and utilities trenches, or during other construction activities should be undercut and removed from the site. Organic laden soils were encountered in soil test borings B-02 located in the proposed building area.The organic laden soils extended to a depth of approximately 6 feet below the existing ground surface. These materials are not desirable for predicable foundation or floor slab support.These soils should be removed and replaced with properly placed and engineered fill.The lateral extent of removal should be determined at the time of construction and verified by a representative of the ATC Geotechnical Engineer. It should be noted that"additional"organic laden fill materials may be encountered in unexplored areas of the site. If and when additional organic laden materials are encountered, ATC staff should be notified to examine the materials and general site conditions and provide additional site recommendations to address the encountered site conditions. Organic laden soils were encountered in soil test boring P-04 located in the drive areas.The organic laden soils extended to a depth of approximately 8.5 feet below the existing ground surface. Depending on proposed grades, these materials may remain in-place, however, they may require partial removal and replacement aided by mechanical stabilization. The method of treatment should be determined in the field by a representative of the ATC Geotechnical Engineer. It should be noted that "additional" organic laden fill materials may be encountered in unexplored areas of the site. If and when additional organic laden materials are encountered, ATC staff should be notified to examine the materials and general site conditions and provide additional site recommendations to address the encountered site conditions. These materials may be present at locations between the soil test borings.The characteristics of these fill soils may be variable and may cause soft or pumping soils where encountered. If encountered, these materials MAI Popeye's Page 118 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC should be further evaluated at the time of construction and further recommendations for either removal and replacement or stabilization provided. Any unstable materials detected during proof-rolling should be undercut or stabilized in-place. Approved methods of stabilization include removal and replacement for building and pavement areas or in-place methods, such as mechanical stabilization using geotextile products and/or crushed stone products for pavement areas. 5.2 Structural Fill Fill used to replace undercut areas or to establish desired finished grades should not be excessively plastic (Plasticity Index less than 30)and should be generally free of deleterious materials and rock fragments larger than 3 inches in diameter. We recommend that the grading contractor have equipment on site during earthwork for both drying and wetting of fill soils. We do not anticipate significant problems in controlling moistures within the fill during dry weather, but moisture control may be difficult during winter months or extended periods of rain. Fill soils should have a Standard Proctor(ASTM D-698)maximum dry unit weight of at least 90 pcf. If any high plastic on-site soils are encountered across the site the following recommendations are provided. The use of these materials for direct support of foundation, floor slabs and pavement is generally not recommended; however, given the presence of these soils, the following considerations for their use are provided. • Attempt to utilize high plastic soils in fills and use them at depths at least 2 to 4 feet below foundations,floor slabs,and pavement. • Place and compact these soils at a moisture content that is on the "wet" side of the soils optimum moisture content. • Maintain positive drainage away for all structures to prevent water from ponding. • Consider using flexible utility connections where utilities enter structures. • High plastic soils exposed in the subgrade for structures and pavement could be lime-treated to reduce potential problems associated with shrinkage and swelling of the soils due to seasonal moisture variations. We expect that the some of the on-site materials should be suitable for re-use as structural fill,although any proposed fill materials should be tested to establish suitability.Any clayey or silty onsite soils may have to be blended with more granular soils in order to be used as the recommended low-plasticity fill materials. The clayey or silty soils may be difficult to use as structural fill and would likely require significant moisture conditioning(drying)to be satisfactory as structural fill. Structural fill should be placed in lifts of 6 to 8 inches or less loose measure. We recommend that structural fill be compacted to at least 95 percent of the Standard Proctor (ASTM D-698) maximum dry density. Moisture content of the fill should be maintained within a range of+\-3%of the optimum moisture. All fill material should be placed in horizontal lifts and adequately keyed into stripped and scarified subgrade soils. All new fill should also be benched into any existing slopes. Popeye's Page 119 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC In excavated areas, the upper 12 inches of soils intended to support floor slabs and pavements should be scarified and recompacted to at least 95 percent of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density. In confined areas such as utility trenches, portable compaction equipment and thin lifts of 3 to 4 inches may be required to achieve specified degrees of compaction. During fill placement, field density tests should be performed by an ATC soils technician to determine the degree of compaction and compliance with the project specifications. For underfloor areas,at least one field density test should be made per 5,000 square feet of fill area for each 1-foot thickness of compacted soil. Testing frequency should be increased in confined areas. Any areas that do not meet the compaction specifications should be recompacted to achieve compliance. 5.3 Excavation Conditions Based on review of the boring data and the proposed construction,we anticipate materials requiring difficult excavation techniques should not be encountered in during mass grading or trench excavations in the vicinity of the soil test borings. 5.4 Groundwater and Runoff Conditions 5.4.1 Groundwater Groundwater was encountered in the soil test borings. Location and depths are indicated in the following table. Soil Test Boring Designation Approximate Depth (feet) B-01 12 B-02 11.5 D-01 6.5 D-02 4 P-04 11 P-05 5(') Note 1:water noted on drill tolls during drilling.Borehole caved-in at 3 feet after removal of auger. Groundwater conditions in soil test borings B-01, B-02 and P-04 may be below the proposed site grades but may be encountered in utility excavations depending on invert elevations. Groundwater conditions in soil test borings D-01, D-02, and P-05 are at relatively shallow depths and may be encountered during site grading and utility excavation depending on proposed grades. Groundwater levels are subject to seasonal and climatic variations and may be different at other times and locations than those stated. Depending on proposed site grades and utility alignments and inverts, groundwater control should be anticipated during site grading and utility excavations. Once the grading and utility plans become available we recommended that we be provided with the opportunity to review them. At that time, more specific recommendations may be provided. Popeye's Page 120 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ATC The contractor should anticipate the potential for groundwater control. The contractor is responsible to assure adequate groundwater control is in-place and functioning prior to the start of any work then allowing all work to be performed in a dry (free from flowing or standing water) condition. The contractor is responsible to establish the means and methods of groundwater control and to include all such items in his bid and scope of work. If groundwater conditions are encountered, it has been our experience that groundwater levels when lowered and maintained at a depth of at least 3 feet below the limits of subgrade excavation and undercutting elevation typically provide a stable working platform. Rainwater and runoff should not be allowed to accumulate on the site or in footing excavations. Groundwater levels are subject to seasonal,climatic and other variations and may be different at other times and locations than those stated in this report.A site drainage scheme should be implemented and maintained at all times by the contractor to redirect all off site drainage away from the limits of construction. Ponding or standing water may result in softening of soils that will require additional remedial work to facilitate construction. 5.4.2 Runoff Conditions It appears that the properties to the west of the subject site are at higher elevations and all runoff from those sites drains by sheet flow into a draw the crosses the subject site in the center and directs the runoff down to the east. During initial site grading,wet conditions may be encountered during and after periods of rainfall. These condition may include a large volume of runoff from sheet flow entering the west side of the site and flowing into and through the draw that crosses the center of the site. The site grading contractor will need to impeded or re-direct this drainage so it does not impact earthwork operations. The Civil Engineer should be made aware of this condition and provide appropriate storm drainage systems in the initial erosion control plans to intercept and redirect the drainage into the storm drain system. 5.5 Foundation Construction and Evaluation Shallow spread and continuous wall foundation subgrades should be evaluated by an ATC geotechnical engineer prior to placement of reinforcing steel and concrete. This is to verify that adequate bearing materials are present, and that all debris, mud, and loose, frozen or water-softened soils are removed. The foundation subgrades should be compacted prior to placement of reinforcing steel. Spread foundation and floor slab excavations should be concreted as soon as practical after they are excavated. Water should not be allowed to pond in any excavation. If an excavation is left open for an extended period, a thin mat of lean concrete should be placed over the bottom to minimize damage to the bearing surface from weather or construction activities. Foundation concrete should not be placed on frozen or saturated subgrades. Popeye's Page 121 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ;ETC 6.0 CONTINUATION OF SERVICES Our review of the utility and grading plans are recommended prior to construction. At that time, we can review locations and depths of utility and site excavations to verify the coverage of the soil test borings is adequate and provide further recommendations for specific areas of potential groundwater control, runoff control,and stabilization of soft and organic laden soil areas. We recommend that ATC be retained for professional and construction materials testing services during construction of the project. Our continued involvement on the project helps provide continuity for proper implementation of the recommendations discussed herein. These services are not part of the currently authorized scope of work. Popeye's Page 122 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ;ETC 7.0 QUALIFICATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS Our geotechnical recommendations for project design and construction conditions have been based on our understanding of the site,the project information,and the data obtained during our field exploration. The general subsurface conditions used were based on interpolation of the subsurface data between the borings. Regardless of the thoroughness of a subsurface exploration, there is the always the possibility that conditions between borings will differ from those at the boring locations, that conditions are not as anticipated by the designers, or that the construction process has altered the soil conditions. Therefore, geotechnical engineers should evaluate earthwork and foundation construction to verify that the conditions anticipated in design actually exist. The design recommendations in this report have been developed on the basis of the previously described project characteristics and subsurface conditions. When project plans become more finalized, we should review them and determine if modifications to this report are necessary. The nature and extent of variations between the borings may not become evident until the course of construction. If such variations then appear evident, it will be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report after on-site observations of the conditions. Our professional services have been performed,our findings derived,and our recommendations prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied. This company is not responsible for the conclusions, opinions or recommendations of others based on these data. Popeye's Page 123 Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 ;ETC Attachments Popeye's II Project Number 199TDG2206 January 13, 2023 Important Information about This (--- Geotecbnical-Engineering Subsurface problems are a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. While you cannot eliminate all such risks, you can manage them. The following information is provided to help. Geotechnical Services Are Performed for assessment of their impact.Geotechnical engineers cannot Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the their reports do not consider developments of which they were specific needs of their clients.A geotechnical-engineering not informed. study conducted for a civil engineer may not fulfill the needs of a constructor—a construction contractor—or even another Subsurface Conditions Can Change civil engineer.Because each geotechnical-engineering study A geotechnical-engineering report is based on conditions that is unique,each geotechnical-engineering report is unique, existed at the time the geotechnical engineer performed the prepared solely for the client.No one except you should rely on study.Do not rely on a geotechnical-engineering report whose this geotechnical-engineering report without first conferring adequacy may have been affected by:the passage of time; with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it.And no one man-made events,such as construction on or adjacent to the —not even you—should apply this report for any purpose or site;or natural events,such as floods,droughts,earthquakes, project except the one originally contemplated. or groundwater fluctuations.Contact the geotechnical engineer before applying this report to determine if it is still reliable.A Read the Full Report minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent Serious problems have occurred because those relying on major problems. a geotechnical-engineering report did not read it all.Do not rely on an executive summary.Do not read selected Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional elements only. Opinions Site exploration identifies subsurface conditions only at those Geotechnical Engineers Base Each Report on points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are a Unique Set of Project-Specific Factors taken.Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory Geotechnical engineers consider many unique,project-specific data and then apply their professional judgment to render factors when establishing the scope of a study.Typical factors an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the include:the client's goals,objectives,and risk-management site.Actual subsurface conditions may differ—sometimes preferences;the general nature of the structure involved,its significantly—from those indicated in your report.Retaining size,and configuration;the location of the structure on the the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to site;and other planned or existing site improvements,such as provide geotechnical-construction observation is the most access roads,parking lots,and underground utilities.Unless effective method of managing the risks associated with the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically unanticipated conditions. indicates otherwise,do not rely on a geotechnical-engineering report that was: A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final • not prepared for you; Do not overrely on the confirmation-dependent • not prepared for your project; recommendations included in your report.Confirmation- • not prepared for the specific site explored;or dependent recommendations are not final,because • completed before important project changes were made. geotechnical engineers develop them principally from judgment and opinion.Geotechnical engineers can finalize Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface geotechnical-engineering report include those that affect: conditions revealed during construction.The geotechnical • the function of the proposed structure,as when it's changed engineer who developed your report cannot assume from a parking garage to an office building,or from a light- responsibility or liability for the report's confirmation-dependent industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse; recommendations if that engineer does not perform the • the elevation,configuration,location,orientation,or weight geotechnical-construction observation required to confirm the of the proposed structure; recommendations'applicability. • the composition of the design team;or • project ownership. A Geotechnical-Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation As a general rule,always inform your geotechnical engineer Other design-team members'misinterpretation of of project changes—even minor ones—and request an geotechnical engineering reports has resulted in costly r problems.Confront that risk by having your geotechnical others recognize their own responsibilities and risks.Read engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team these provisions closely.Ask questions.Your geotechnical after submitting the report.Also retain your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. engineer to review pertinent elements of the design team's plans and specifications.Constructors can also misinterpret Environmental Concerns Are Not Covered a geotechnical-engineering report.Confront that risk by The equipment,techniques,and personnel used to perform having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and an environmental study differ significantly from those used to preconstruction conferences,and by providing geotechnical perform a geotechnical study.For that reason,a geotechnical- construction observation. engineering report does not usually relate any environmental findings,conclusions,or recommendations;e.g.,about Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory problems have led to numerous project failures.If you have not data.To prevent errors or omissions,the logs included in a yet obtained your own environmental information, geotechnical-engineering report should never be redrawn ask your geotechnical consultant for risk-management for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings.Only guidance.Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable,but someone else. recognize that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. Obtain Professional Assistance To Deal Give Constructors a Complete Report and with Mold Guidance Diverse strategies can be applied during building design, Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they construction,operation,and maintenance to prevent can make constructors liable for unanticipated subsurface significant amounts of mold from growing on indoor surfaces. conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To be effective,all such strategies should be devised for To help prevent costly problems,give constructors the the express purpose of mold prevention,integrated into a complete geotechnical-engineering report,but preface it with comprehensive plan,and executed with diligent oversight by a a clearly written letter of transmittal.In that letter,advise professional mold-prevention consultant.Because just a small constructors that the report was not prepared for purposes amount of water or moisture can lead to the development of of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; severe mold infestations,many mold-prevention strategies encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer focus on keeping building surfaces dry.While groundwater, who prepared the report(a modest fee may be required)and/ water infiltration,and similar issues may have been addressed or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of as part of the geotechnical-engineering study whose findings information they need or prefer.A prebid conference can also are conveyed in this report,the geotechnical engineer in be valuable.Be sure constructors have sufficient time to perform charge of this project is not a mold prevention consultant; additional study.Only then might you be in a position to none of the services performed in connection with the give constructors the best information available to you, geotechnical engineer's study were designed or conducted for while requiring them to at least share some of the financial the purpose of mold prevention.Proper implementation of the responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. recommendations conveyed in this report will not of itself be sufficient to prevent mold from growing in or on the structure Read Responsibility Provisions Closely involved. Some clients,design professionals,and constructors fail to recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than Rely, on Your GBC-Member Geotechnical Engineer other engineering disciplines.This lack of understanding for Additional Assistance has created unrealistic expectations that have led to Membership in the Geotechnical Business Council of the disappointments,claims,and disputes.To help reduce the risk Geoprofessional Business Association exposes geotechnical of such outcomes,geotechnical engineers commonly include engineers to a wide array of risk-confrontation techniques a variety of explanatory provisions in their reports.Sometimes that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with labeled"limitations,"many of these provisions indicate where a construction project.Confer with you GBC-Member geotechnical engineers'responsibilities begin and end,to help geotechnical engineer for more information. GEOTECHNICAL BUSINESS COUNCIL iii of the Geoprofessional Business Association 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106,Silver Spring,MD 20910 Telephone:301/565-2733 Facsimile:301/589-2017 e-mail:info@geoprofessional.org www.geoprofessional.org Copyright 2015 by Geoprofessional Business Association(GBA).Duplication,reproduction,or copying of this document,or its contents,in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever,is strictly prohibited,except with GBA's specific written permission.Excerpting,quoting,or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA,and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review.Only members of GBA may use this document as a complement to or as an element of a geotechnical-engineering report.Any other firm,individual,or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be commiting negligent or intentional(fraudulent)misrepresentation. J • i - �' , • Itr •-T '— - if . .i1 3' t ) .• . , loce,-_,...,... . ....-., j‘..• bi' r---+ P-4 ' . 1 . 1 � I + ,ef 'Iv i,` t ' i • . ` ' - P-2 P-3- • - . . .r, S = approximate boring location . '� L. 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Dr. �r�'TZ Figure 1 Field Work Location Plan T �� suite 800 Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 ATC Proposed Po a e's www.atcqroupservices.com p p y Phone: 704-529-3200 1517 NC-24 Fax: 704-529-3272 Spout Springs, NC N.C. Engineering License No.C-1598 Date: January 5, 2023 PROJECT No: 199DIM2206 SOURCE: Partial Copy Google Earth Photo Scale: NTS ATC 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive TEST BORING LOG Charlotte, NC 28272 7045293200 Fax CLIENT The Dimension Group BORING# B-01 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# 199DIM2206 PROJECT LOCATION 1517 NC 24-87,Spouts Springs, North Carolina DRAWN BY NC GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 1/5/23 Hammer Wt. 140 lbs. Date Completed 1/5/23 Hammer Drop 30 in. Drill Foreman RDL Spoon Sampler OD 2 in. Inspector ATC Rock Core Dia. NA in. N a) Boring Method _HSA Shelby Tube OD NA in. ° o a a ' _ V CD 2 L O. di N =V) N J d 2 O_N C C v a 20 12 a) O o > O v a) C SOIL CLASSIFICATION g E �,_La) m z co cl-Z m u) m J J U O Y s s a a a a w a o " w m <`a SURFACE ELEVATION 346.0 °' m O m m aa) 2 i a s o iT m c o a) w (n o 0 U) co Z co co rx O (o 1- 0 0 2 J d LL d CC \TOPSOIL:3"organic laden soil r,345 a 0.3 _ - : COASTAL PLAIN:Medium dense tannish brown _ {r SAND with silt _ 1 SS X 7 6.5 342.5 3.5 _,•Dense tannish gray and red clayey SAND = 2 SSX 24 14.5 50 21 33.8 340.0 6.0 _ _ Dense tannish red and brown clayey SAND .. 3 SSX 25 11.9 — •. 337.5 8.5 _ _ Medium dense tannish red and brown clayey 4 SS X 16 12.3 - SAND - 10 — 332.5 13.5 _* Medium dense gray clayey SAND _ 5 SSX 10 24.8 331.0 15.0 15 — BORING TERMINATED @ 15' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon I Noted on Drilling Tools 13.0 ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube I At Completion(in augers) NE ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC -Rock Core g At Completion(open hole) 12.0 ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings 7 After - hours - ft. CT -Continuous Tube t After - hours - ft. Page 1 of 1 Cave Depth - ft. ATC 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive TEST BORING LOG Charlotte, NC 28272 7045293200 Fax CLIENT The Dimension Group BORING# B-02 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# 199DIM2206 PROJECT LOCATION 1517 NC 24-87,Spouts Springs, North Carolina DRAWN BY NC GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 1/5/23 Hammer Wt. 140 lbs. Date Completed 1/5/23 Hammer Drop 30 in. Drill Foreman RDL Spoon Sampler OD 2 in. a co Inspector ATC Rock Core Dia. NA in. c N - Boring Method _HSA Shelby Tube OD NA in. ° o 2 a ' _ 2 L O. di N =(n N J d 2 O_2 C C a 20 12 a) O o > O v a) C SOIL CLASSIFICATION g E �%-ai m z m u) m J J U O Y SURFACE ELEVATION 342.0 ' a) a)0 m a m m a) a 5 a`) a s o a cn c o m W (n o o(n co Z co co rx 0 (n F CJ o 2 J a LL a CC 4' TOPSOIL:12"organic laden soil _ ii•♦>. 341.0 1.0 _ FILL:Loose to very loose dark red and dark _ 1 SS 4 15.3 brown clayey SAND,organic laden with fibrous _ /X\ — materials — _ _ 2 SS X 2 21.3 . . 5 — 336.0 6.0 _ _%r COASTAL PLAIN:Medium dense tan and _ 3 SS X 9 14.2 - • brownish red clayey SAND _ — 333.5 8.5 _ _%. Medium dense tannish red clayey SAND = 4 SSX 18 14.9 — 10 0 —0 — - • 328.5 13.5 _ Medium dense orange,red,and brown clayey _ 5 SS X 9 18.3 SAND _ — f 327.0 15.0 15 — BORING TERMINATED @ 15' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon I Noted on Drilling Tools 12.0 ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube I At Completion(in augers) NE ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC -Rock Core g At Completion(open hole) 11.5 ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings 7 After - hours - ft. CT -Continuous Tube t After - hours - ft. Page 1 of 1 Cave Depth - ft. NitirC 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive TEST BORING LOG Charlotte, NC 28272 / 7045293200 Fax CLIENT The Dimension Group BORING# D-01 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# 199DIM2206 PROJECT LOCATION 1517 NC 24-87,Spouts Springs, North Carolina DRAWN BY NC GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 1/5/23 Hammer Wt. 140 lbs. Date Completed 1/5/23 Hammer Drop 30 in. Drill Foreman RDL Spoon Sampler OD 2 in. Inspector ATC Rock Core Dia. NA in. N a) Boring Method _HSA Shelby Tube OD NA in. ° o a a ' _ V CD 2 L O. di N =(n N J d 2 O_N C C v a 20 12 N O o > O v a) C SOIL CLASSIFICATION g E �,_La) m z m u) m J J U O Y a SURFACE ELEVATION 349.0 °�' 1 m m a m m aai 2 a�i s o c- go' c o a,W (n o o(n co Z co co rx 0 (n F CJ o 2 J a LL a CC TOPSOIL:6"organic laden soil 348.5 0.5 _ COASTAL PLAIN:Medium dense red and tan -/- :• clayey SAND _ 1 SS 12 15.4 - r? 345.5 3.5 • Medium dense tannish red and gray clayey SAND - 2 SS 13 15.8 5 343.0 6.0 _ I- . Medium dense tan clayey SAND _ 3 SS 7 21.6 f-i•r a i`� - f,/� 340.5 8.5- . -;I. Medium dense reddish tan clayey SAND - 4 SS 7 23.1 _1 339.0 10.0 10 BORING TERMINATED @ 10' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon I Noted on Drilling Tools 7.0 ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube I At Completion(in augers) NE ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC -Rock Core At Completion(open hole) 6.5 ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings 7 After - hours - ft. CT -Continuous Tube t After - hours - ft. Page 1 of 1 Cave Depth - ft. NitirC 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive TEST BORING LOG Charlotte, NC 28272 / 7045293200 Fax CLIENT The Dimension Group BORING# D-02 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# 199DIM2206 PROJECT LOCATION 1517 NC 24-87,Spouts Springs, North Carolina DRAWN BY NC GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 1/5/23 Hammer Wt. 140 lbs. Date Completed 1/5/23 Hammer Drop 30 in. Drill Foreman RDL Spoon Sampler OD 2 in. Inspector ATC Rock Core Dia. NA in. N - Boring Method _HSA Shelby Tube OD NA in. ° -o c a ' _ 2 L o. 47 N V) N J d 2 o N C C v a (L 0 N o o > o v 92 C SOIL CLASSIFICATION g E 0,_L m z m u) L, J J U O Y a SURFACE ELEVATION 345.0 (i) r2 m 6 o m a m m aa) 2 F a s o Fr m c o m W (n o a U) co Z co co rx O (n— 0 0 2 J a LL a CC p\TOPSOIL:3"organic laden soil r344 a 0.3 •. COASTAL PLAIN:Loose reddish tan clayey -/ SAND — - 1 SS 5 -/%/ - _ 341.5 3.5 ;f Medium dense red and brown clayey SAND - 2 SS 7 5 - 339.0 6.0 _ - Loose tan clayey SAND - 3 SS 6 a 336.5 8.5 -;I.. Medium dense purple and tan clayey SAND - 4 SS 7 _ 335.0 10.0 10 BORING TERMINATED @ 10' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon I Noted on Drilling Tools 7.0 ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube I At Completion(in augers) NE ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC -Rock Core At Completion(open hole) 4.0 ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings 7 After - hours - ft. CT -Continuous Tube t After - hours - ft. Page 1 of 1 Cave Depth - ft. / 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive TEST BORING LOG /itTC Charlotte, NC 28272 / 7045293200 Fax CLIENT The Dimension Group BORING# P-01 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# 199DIM2206 PROJECT LOCATION 1517 NC 24-87,Spouts Springs, North Carolina DRAWN BY NC GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 1/5/23 Hammer Wt. 140 lbs. Date Completed 1/5/23 Hammer Drop 30 in. Drill Foreman RDL Spoon Sampler OD 2 in. Inspector ATC Rock Core Dia. NA in. N a) Boring Method _HSA Shelby Tube OD NA in. ° o a a ' _ V CD 2 L O. di N =(n N J d 2 O_N C C v a 20 12 N O o > O v a) C SOIL CLASSIFICATION g E �,_a) a) a)La) m z m aa) m J J U O a) a SURFACE ELEVATION 342.0 °�' m m m a m m aii 2 F a`lii s o c- m c o o W (n o o(n co Z co co rx 0 (n F CJ o 2 J a LL a CC TOPSOIL:6"organic laden soil 341.5 0.5 COASTAL PLAIN:Loose tannish brown SAND with silt 1 SS 4 6.6 338.5 3.5 _ Medium dense Tannish gray and red clayey - 2 SS 16 18.2 48 20 42.1 SAND . 5 336.0 6.0 - Hard to very stiff gray,red,and tan sandy CLAY - 3 SS 21 18.9 - - 4 SS 17 15.6 4 332.0 10.0 10 — BORING TERMINATED @ 10' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon I Noted on Drilling Tools NE ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube I At Completion(in augers) NE ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC -Rock Core At Completion(open hole) NE ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings 7 After - hours - ft. CT -Continuous Tube t After - hours - ft. Page 1 of 1 Cave Depth - ft. NitirC 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive TEST BORING LOG Charlotte, NC 28272 / 7045293200 Fax CLIENT The Dimension Group BORING# P-02 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# 199DIM2206 PROJECT LOCATION 1517 NC 24-87,Spouts Springs, North Carolina DRAWN BY NC GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 1/5/23 Hammer Wt. 140 lbs. Date Completed 1/5/23 Hammer Drop 30 in. Drill Foreman RDL Spoon Sampler OD 2 in. Inspector ATC Rock Core Dia. NA in. N Boring Method _HSA Shelby Tube OD NA in. ° o a a ' _ a) L O. 5 co CO N J d OL O_N C C v a 20 12 a) O o > O v a) C SOIL CLASSIFICATION g E �,_La) m z m u) m J J U a u) s s a a a a w a o " w m <`a SURFACE ELEVATION 342.0 °' m O m m aa) 2 i a s o iT m c o a) w (n o a U) co Z co co a O (n- 0 0 2 J a LL a a '�'\TOPSOIL:3"organic laden soil �,341 a 0.3 - COASTAL PLAIN:Medium dense tannish brown - -:. SAND with silt 1 SS 8 _ 338.5 3.5 Medium dense brown and red clayey SAND - 2 SS 15 —• . 5 336.0 6.0 -• Medium dense gray,tan,and red clayey SAND - 3 SS 15 J'r - . 333.5 8.5 _ -• Medium dense tannish red clayey SAND - 4 SS 12 332.0 10.0 10 BORING TERMINATED @ 10' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon I Noted on Drilling Tools NE ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube I At Completion(in augers) NE ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC -Rock Core At Completion(open hole) NE ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings 7 After - hours - ft. CT -Continuous Tube t After - hours - ft. Page 1 of 1 Cave Depth - ft. NitirC 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive TEST BORING LOG Charlotte, NC 28272 / 7045293200 Fax CLIENT The Dimension Group BORING# P-03 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# 199DIM2206 PROJECT LOCATION 1517 NC 24-87,Spouts Springs, North Carolina DRAWN BY NC GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 1/5/23 Hammer Wt. 140 lbs. Date Completed 1/5/23 Hammer Drop 30 in. Drill Foreman RDL Spoon Sampler OD 2 in. Inspector ATC Rock Core Dia. NA in. N Boring Method _HSA Shelby Tube OD NA in. co o a a ' _ 2 L O. )N (n N J d 2 O_N C C v a 20 2 N O o > O v a) C SOIL CLASSIFICATION g E �%_La) m z m u) m J J U O Y •m Ds s a a a S -a w a 2 -o `-' N m `m SURFACE ELEVATION 335.0 °�' 1 m m a m m aai 2 a�i a s o c- m c o m W (n o o(n co Z co co rx 0 (n F CJ o 2 J a LL a CC TOPSOIL:10"organic laden soil •' 334.2 0.8 - COASTAL PLAIN:Loose tannish brown SAND 1 SS 6 9.0 with silt _ _ 331.5 3.5 • Dense tannish gray and red clayey SAND _ 2 SS 26 13.6 55 20 48.8 —: . 5 329.0 6.0 _ Dense purple,tan,and gray clayey SAND _ 3 SS 22 11.2 326.5 8.5- . - Medium dense reddish tan clayey SAND _ 4 SS 11 14.4 325.0 10.0 10 BORING TERMINATED @ 10' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon I Noted on Drilling Tools NE ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube I At Completion(in augers) NE ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC -Rock Core At Completion(open hole) NE ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings 7 After - hours - ft. CT -Continuous Tube t After - hours - ft. Page 1 of 1 Cave Depth - ft. ATC 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive TEST BORING LOG Charlotte, NC 28272 7045293200 Fax CLIENT The Dimension Group BORING# P-04 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# 199DIM2206 PROJECT LOCATION 1517 NC 24-87,Spouts Springs, North Carolina DRAWN BY NC GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 1/5/23 Hammer Wt. 140 lbs. Date Completed 1/5/23 Hammer Drop 30 in. Drill Foreman RDL Spoon Sampler OD 2 in. Inspector ATC Rock Core Dia. NA in. N Boring Method _HSA Shelby Tube OD NA in. c -o , a ' _ 2 .0 O. di N =(n N J d 2 O_N C C v a 20 12 e O o > O v a) C SOIL CLASSIFICATION g E �-L m z m u) m J J U O Y SURFACE ELEVATION 336.0 °�' m m m o m m aai 2 i a s o aT m c o m W (n o a co co Z co co rx 0 (n- 0 o 2 J a LL a CC - 4- C TOPSOIL:12"organic laden soil 335.0 1.0 - - FILL:Medium dense to very dense to loose dark _ 1 SS v 10 11.1 brown clayey SAND,organic laden with fibrous n — materials and rock fragments - _ 2 SS v 35 10.0 5 — _ 3 SS v 4 9.1 -�fr 327.5 8.5 COASTAL PLAIN:Loose red and tan clayey - 4 SS 4 18.0 SAND X- - - 10 - 1 —-0 _ I I I 1 322.5 13.5 _ _ Loose tan,gray,and red clayey SAND _ 5 SS v 3 — 15 _ 317.5 18.5 -%- Hard gray CLAY - 6 SS v 24 _ 316.0 20.0 20 — BORING TERMINATED @ 20' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon I Noted on Drilling Tools 8.0 ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube I At Completion(in augers) NE ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC -Rock Core g At Completion(open hole) 11.0 ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings 7 After - hours - ft. CT -Continuous Tube t After - hours - ft. Page 1 of 1 Cave Depth - ft. / 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive TEST BORING LOG / Charlotte, NC 28272 / iTC 7045293200 Fax CLIENT The Dimension Group BORING# P-05 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# 199DIM2206 PROJECT LOCATION 1517 NC 24-87,Spouts Springs, North Carolina DRAWN BY NC GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 1/5/23 Hammer Wt. 140 lbs. Date Completed 1/5/23 Hammer Drop 30 in. Drill Foreman RDL Spoon Sampler OD 2 in. Inspector ATC Rock Core Dia. NA in. N Boring Method _HSA Shelby Tube OD NA in. ° o a a ' _ a) L O. 6 co CO N J d OL O_N C C v a 20 12 a) O o > O v a) C SOIL CLASSIFICATION g E �,_La) m z m u) m J J U a u) s s a a a a w a o " w m <`a SURFACE ELEVATION 343.0 °' m O m m aa) 2 i a s o iT m c o a) w (n o a U) co Z co co a O (n- 0 0 2 J a LL a a '�'\TOPSOIL:3"organic laden soil 1,342 a 0.3 - COASTAL PLAIN:Medium dense brown SAND - {: with silt 1 SS 7 _ 339.5 3.5 Loose tan and red clayey SAND - 2 SS 5 —• , 5 0 337.0 6.0 _ - Loose tan,red,and gray clayey SAND - 3 SS 4 -'. 334.5 8.5 _ Medium dense purple,gray,and brown clayey - 4 SS 7 SAND 333.0 10.0 10 BORING TERMINATED @ 10' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon I Noted on Drilling Tools 5.0 ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube I At Completion(in augers) NE ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC -Rock Core At Completion(open hole) NE ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings 7 After - hours - ft. CT -Continuous Tube t After - hours - ft. Page 1 of 1 iii. Cave Depth 3.0 ft. NitirC 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive TEST BORING LOG Charlotte, NC 28272 / 7045293200 Fax CLIENT The Dimension Group BORING# P-06 PROJECT NAME Popeye's JOB# 199DIM2206 PROJECT LOCATION 1517 NC 24-87,Spouts Springs, North Carolina DRAWN BY NC GPS COORDINATES LAT: LON: APPROVED BY JGS DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION TEST DATA Date Started 1/5/23 Hammer Wt. 140 lbs. Date Completed 1/5/23 Hammer Drop 30 in. Drill Foreman RDL Spoon Sampler OD 2 in. Inspector ATC Rock Core Dia. NA in. N Boring Method _HSA Shelby Tube OD NA in. co o a a ' _ °' L O. di N =(n N J d 2 aN C C v a 20 12 N O o > O v a) C SOIL CLASSIFICATION g E �,_La) m z m u) m J J U a Y .75 7 L L O a a a C -O N a 2 -O U y N (6 SURFACE ELEVATION 335.0 °�' m m m a m m aai a a�i a s o c- m c o m W (n a a(n co Z co co a 0 (n F CJ o 2 J a LL a a %yy,\TOPSOIL:2"organic laden soil r\334 a 0.2 - ; •- ` COASTAL PLAIN:Very loose brownish red - clayey SAND - 1 SS 3 15.3 331.5 3.5 _ -•j' Very loose dark brown clayey SAND - 2 SS 2 14.8 /:. 5 329.0 6.0 _ -1- Medium dense red and brown clayey SAND - 3 SS 12 19.4 i`� - f,/� 326.5 8.5 - ;I. Medium dense reddish tan and gray clayey SAND - 4 SS 7 20.2 —i 325.0 10.0 10 BORING TERMINATED @ 10' Sample Type Depth to Groundwater Boring Method SS -Driven Split Spoon I Noted on Drilling Tools NE ft. HSA -Hollow Stem Augers ST -Pressed Shelby Tube I At Completion(in augers) NE ft. CFA -Continuous Flight Augers CA -Continuous Flight Auger DC -Driving Casing RC -Rock Core At Completion(open hole) NE ft. MD -Mud Drilling CU -Cuttings 7 After - hours - ft. CT -Continuous Tube t After - hours - ft. Page 1 of 1 Cave Depth - ft. 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Dr. - ■ ► Suite 800 �f �� Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 www.atcgroupservices.com ATC Phone: 704-529-3200 Fax: 704-529-3272 N.C. Engineering License No. C-1598 Moisture Content of Soil Project: The dimension Group - Popeye's Project#: 199DIM2206 Tested by: NC Location : Spouts Springs, NC Calculated by: NC 1/12/2023 Depth (ft) Wet Wt + Dry Wt + Tare Dry Soil Boring # Tare Tare Wt Water Wt % Moisture B-1 1-2.5 170.8 162.0 8.9 24.6 137.3 6.5 B-1 3.5-5 484.8 439.5 45.3 127.0 312.5 14.5 B-1 6-7.5 213.4 193.3 20.1 24.0 169.3 11.9 B-1 8.5-10 225.7 203.6 22.1 24.6 179.0 12.3 B-1 13.5-15 211.0 173.9 37.0 24.7 149.2 24.8 B-2 1-2.5 216.7 191.2 25.5 24.2 167.0 15.3 B-2 3.5-5 201.1 170.0 31.1 24.3 145.8 21.3 B-2 6-7.5 214.7 191.1 23.6 24.7 166.3 14.2 B-2 8.5-10 233.9 206.8 27.1 24.7 182.1 14.9 B-2 13.5-15 244.8 210.8 34.0 24.5 186.2 18.3 P-1 1-2.5 180.3 170.6 9.7 24.4 146.2 6.6 P-1 3.5-5 571.7 502.8 68.9 123.6 379.2 18.2 P-1 6-7.5 203.3 174.8 28.5 24.2 150.6 18.9 P-1 8.5-10 212.9 187.5 25.4 25.2 162.4 15.6 P-3 1-2.5 199.4 185.0 14.4 24.6 160.4 9.0 P-3 3.5-5 561.2 509.0 52.2 125.2 383.8 13.6 P-3 6-7.5 210.0 191.5 18.6 25.2 166.3 11.2 P-3 8.5-10 215.9 191.8 24.1 24.6 167.2 14.4 P-4 1-2.5 257.0 233.8 23.2 24.8 209.0 11.1 P-4 3.5-5 265.7 243.8 22.0 24.6 219.1 10.0 P-4 6-7.5 195.6 181.4 14.3 25.1 156.3 9.1 P-4 8.5-10 254.2 219.3 35.0 25.2 194.1 18.0 P-6 1-2.5 229.7 202.7 27.1 25.7 177.0 15.3 P-6 3.5-5 162.6 144.8 17.8 24.9 120.0 14.8 P-6 6-7.5 208.2 178.3 29.8 24.8 153.6 19.4 P-6 8.5-10 210.6 179.3 31.3 24.8 154.5 20.2 D-1 1-2.5 249.6 219.6 30.0 24.7 194.9 15.4 D-1 3.5-5 203.7 179.4 24.3 25.2 154.2 15.8 D-1 6-7.5 246.6 207.1 39.5 24.5 182.6 21.6 D-1 8.5-10 229.9 191.4 38.5 24.7 166.7 23.1 Page 1 of 1 LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT 60 Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soils 50— G�o�O� x 40 >- v 30 • a 20 01 pl. 10— Z ML or OL MH or OH 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT 56 • 55 54 53 H 52 • 0 51 Q 50 49 48 47 46 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 25 30 40 NUMBER OF BLOWS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LL PL PI %<#40 %<#200 USCS • Tannish gray and red clayey SAND 50 21 29 62.2 33.8 SC Project No. 199DIM2206 Client: The Dimension Group Remarks: Project: Popeye's Location: B-1 Sample Number: 2 Depth:-3.5'to-5' ATC GROUP SERVICES, INC. Figure Tested By: NC Checked By: JGS Particle Size Distribution Report U.S.SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER %in. 3/8 in. 1%in. 1 in. # 0 #20 #30 #40 #60 #100 #140 #200 tool Y Y • I I I 0 90 10 80 20 70 — —30 • Ce W 60 40 m Z 0 m LI z z 50 50 0 w 0 U D CC 0 40 60 m • • 30 70 20 80 10 90 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm. %Gravel %Sand %Fines _ Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay O 0.0 0.0 0.7 37.1 28.4 33.8 Identification Date Sampled Date Received Date Tested Location:B-1 Depth:-3.5'to-5' Sample Number:2 1/5/23 1/6/23 1/11/23 Client The Dimension Group ATC Project Popeye's - GROUP SERVICES Project No. 199D1M2206 Figure INC. Tested By: NC Checked By: JGS LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT 60 Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soils 50— G�oO� x 40 - 0 >- U 30 • a 20 01 pl. 10— z r� Z ML or OL MH or OH 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT 59 57 55 53 51 0U 49 Q 47 45 43 41 39 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 25 30 40 NUMBER OF BLOWS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LL PL PI %<#40 %<#200 USCS • Tannish gray and red clayey SAND 48 20 28 77.7 42.1 SC Project No. 199DIM2206 Client: The Dimension Group Remarks: Project: Popeye's Location: P-1 Sample Number: 2 Depth:-3.5'to-5' ATC GROUP SERVICES, INC. Figure Tested By: NC Checked By: JGS Particle Size Distribution Report U.S.SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER %in. 3/8 in. 101%1 in. 1 n. Y 4ta. Y f¢ Th.• #20 #30 #40 #60 #100 #140 #200 0 90 10 80 20 • 70 — —30 Ce W 60 40 m Z 0 m LI z z 50 50 0 W • 0 U D W • o- 40 60 m 30 70 20 80 10 90 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm. %Gravel %Sand %Fines _ Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay O 0.0 0.0 0.8 21.5 35.6 42.1 Identification Date Sampled Date Received Date Tested Location:P-1 Depth:-3.5'to-5' Sample Number:2 1/5/23 1/6/23 1/11/23 Client The Dimension Group ATC Project Popeye's - GROUP SERVICES Project No. 199D1M2206 Figure INC. Tested By: NC Checked By: JGS LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT 60 Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soils 50— G�o�0� x 40 o • >- U 30 a 20 01 pl. 10— z r� Z ML or OL MH or OH 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT 68 66 64 62 60 0U 58 Q 56 54 52 50 48 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 25 30 40 NUMBER OF BLOWS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION LL PL PI %<#40 %<#200 USCS • Tannish gray and red clayey SAND 55 20 35 63.5 48.8 SC Project No. 199DIM2206 Client: The Dimension Group Remarks: Project: Popeye's Location: P-3 Sample Number: 2 Depth:-3.5'to-5' ATC GROUP SERVICES, INC. Figure Tested By: NC Checked By: JGS Particle Size Distribution Report U.S.SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S.STANDARD SIEVE NUMBERS HYDROMETER %in. 3/8 in. 101%tin. 1 n. Y sin. Y 4 #10• #20 #30 #40 #60 #100 #140 uzoo 0 90 10 80 20 70 — —30 • Ce W 60 40 m Z 0 m LI z z 50 �� • 50 0 w U 0D CC d 40 60 m 30 70 20 80 10 90 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE-mm. %Gravel %Sand %Fines _ Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Silt Clay O 0.0 0.0 1.0 35.5 14.7 48.8 Identification Date Sampled Date Received Date Tested Location:P-3 Depth:-3.5'to-5' Sample Number:2 1/5/23 1/6/23 1/11/23 Client The Dimension Group ATC Project Popeye's - GROUP SERVICES Project No. 199D1M2206 Figure INC. Tested By: NC Checked By: JGS ;ETC —AN ATLAS COMPANY— SO IL& RO C K C 1ASSWIC A11O N SO ILCIASSIFICA'IION MAJOR DIVISIONS SYMBOLS TYPICALDESCRIPIIONS GW Wellgraded gravels,gravel-sand mixtures,little orno fines COARSE GRAVEL Clean Gravels GRAINED AND GP Poorly graded gravels,gravel-sand mixtures,little orno fines SOILS GRAVFJJY Gravels GM Silty gravels,gravel-sand-silt mixtures SOILS with fines GC Clayey gravels,gravel-sand-clay mixtures MORE THAN 50%0F SAND SW Wellgraded sands,gravelly sands,little orno fines MATERIAL IS Clean Sands LARGER AND SP Poorly graded sands,gravelly sand,little orno fines THAN NO. SANDY SM Silty sands,sand-silt mixtures 200 SIEVE SOILS Sand s with fines SC Clayey sands,sand-clay mixtures FINE ML Inorganic silts,silty or c la ye y fine sands or c la ye y silts with slight p la stic ity GRAINED SILTS Liquid limit CL Inorganic c lays of low to moderate plasticity,gravelly c lays,sandy c lays,silty SOILS AND less than 50 clays,lean clays CLAYS OL Organic silts and organic silty clays oflow plasticity MORE THAN MATERIAL 50Ls SILLS Liquid Limit MH Inorganic silts,micaec eons ordiatomac eons fine sand or silty soils SMALLER AND greater CH Inorganic clays ofhigh plasticity THAN NO. CLAYS Than 50 OH an Or ic cla sofmoderate to high licit organic silts 200 SIEVE g y past y� g HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS PT Pe at,humus,swamp soils with high organic contents SOILCONSISTENCY SPTN:Stand and Penetration Test N-Value Nt—Manua l Hammer(Rope&Pulley-60%Efficiency) N2—Auto a tic Hammer(Free-Fall-96%Efficiency) C O ARSE GRAINED SOILS FINE GRAINED SOILS SPTNI SPTN2 Re la tive Density SPTNz SPTN2 Field Id a ntific a do n 0-4 0-3 Very loose _ 0-1 0-1 Verysoft-Easilypenetrated severalinchesbyfist 5-10 4-6 those 2-4 2-3 Soft-Easily penetrated severalinchesbythumb 11-30 7-19 Medium dense 5-8 4-5 Firm-Can be penetrated severalinchesbythumb with moderate effort 31-50 20-31 Dense 9-15 6-9 Stiff-Readily indented by thumb but p ene trate d only with great effort >50 >31 Very dense 16-30 10-19 Very stiff-Readily indented by thumbnail >30 > 19 Hard -Indented with difficulty by thumbnail SO ILPARIIC IE SJ7FS RELATIVE PROPORTIONS Description Size Limits FamiliarExample Description Percent Boulder 12 inches ormore Largerthan basketball 'Ilace 1-5 Cobble 3 -12 inches Orange to basketball Few 5-15 Coarse gravel 3/4-3 inches Grape to orange Little 15-30 Fine gravel 4.75 mm (No.4 sieve)-%inch Pea to grape Some 30-50 Coarse sand 2-4.75 mm (No. 10 to 4 sieve) Rock Salt Mostly 50-100 Medium sand 0.42-2 mm (No.40 to 10 sieve) Table Salt Fine sand 0.075-0.42 mm (No.200 to 40 sieve) Powdered sugar Silt/Clay/Fines Less than 0.075 mm (No.200) Notvisrble to naked eye ROCK CON'IINUITY ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION ROCK BEDDING Description Core Recovery(%) Description RQD(%) Description thickness(in) Incompetent 0-40 Very Poor 0-25 Parting <0.3 Competent 40-70 Poor 25-50 _ _Band 0.3-2.5 Fairly Continuous 70-90 Fair 50-75 _ Thin Bed 2.5-6.0 Continuous 90-100 Good 75-90 Medium bed 6.0-12.0 Excellent 90-100 lhickbed 12.0-36.0 Massive >36.0 RO CK HARDNESS(De sc rip tions for rock core samples) ROCKWEA'IIIERING(Descriptions for rock core samples) Description Definition Description Definition Verysoft Can be broken with fingers Completely Rockdecomposed to soil;rockfabric and structure _ completely destroyed Soft Can be scratched with fingernail;only Highly Most minerals are decomposed;texture indistinct but edges can be broken with fingers fabric preserved;strength greatly reduced Moderately Can be easily scratched with knife; Moderately Discoloration throughout and weakerminerals hard cannot be scratched with fingernail decomposed;texture preserved but strength less than unweathered rock Hard Difficult to scratch with knife;hard Slightly Discoloration around open fractures;strength hammerblow to break specimen preserved Very hard Cannot be scratched with knife;several Unweathered No sign ofdecomposition hard hammerblowsto breakspecimen ( 1 / J I I ) . I I 1 1 / / / / 1 I I GRADING LEGEND / / / / J I / / / / / / �I EXISTING I l / / / / I/ / // / / / / / / / / / / I I REFER TO C2.0 FOR EXISTING FEATURES LEGEND o= ‘4 i / / / / / / / / / / / I I PROPOSED m o r A L LOD LOD / / / / / / / / / / I I I RIGHT-OF-WAY u ®� _ LOD / / / / / / / / / I I I I �� EASEMENT PROPERTY LINE CESO I w= ®11,1,-00,,,„ ---.-...01 m / � / /LbD / -e/ / / / / / // / I I I I I ///,//�////� BUILDING V ` O / %{ / / t / / / / / / I 345, 960 MAJOR CONTOUR ® rtillath / / / / / / / / / I I 1962 MINOR CONTOUR soli o / rill / I GRADE BREAK9I / l / / / I/ / / / I / / h-/` FLOW LINE • CATCH BASIN CESO NC,Co. / 4d ® ��� N�e�ii•'IR'SI'��,:i*catai'.-4- �,_A j 1 - / / / / I / / I I co. CLEANOUT 3601 RIGBY ROAD SUITE 300 ��i���i-"eit<"IA �xi -°ir�� ''��t� S MIAMISBURG,OH 45342 �{�����®,t��� ,� M�itt / / I FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION (COA:C-47404 8 i�tM� s Ii to 8_ 1 0 / xx kkk I I I $$I' Ir `"-m nineegirtAT1 feitia,siode ®�� t / g I I I I RIM ELEVATION 11!, /. , g I I $.0 / / �48'-24"STM @ 0.53% / Iti Ay!, / �N $ I \I I �BC=XXX.XXI-L BACK OF CURB ELEVATION I ) 4 TOP• \ \ ^ \_- =�341 ® ® ®®®� \\ \\ ✓ » FLOOD ROUTE I I m Ipllll®�® \ ®1r STM 1.a3%® 1®� �� \ \ � � v v I CODED NOTES:Q V I !t\� Z / �Z _ �I 6"DOWNSPOUT CONNECTION. III �-90'-1 r ,,1.00'' 6 a �� A \ I I \ e '��®m i� _ TC=346.04�1� ' \ \ 5�� 2. CONTRACTOR TO ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE. TC=346.94 i40 FG=345.54 \ \ ,yq \_ FG=345.94 Tc=34s.n // I �- \\ \ \\ \ \\ N. I I i� FG=346.21 Tc=346.35 p ✓ N \ \ N. \ 3. PROVIDE A SWALE SO OFFSITE STORMWATER IS NOT ROUTED THROUGH \ �� y1 i / FG=315.85 I \ \ \ \ \ /68'^12"STM 1.00% / / /I\/� �, \ ��\ ^ \ \ \ �\ J�J \ \ PROPOSED STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AREA ON THE POPOEYES _ - \ / PROPERTY. \ 4 FG=306.5] \ip, ✓ FG=347.OG / ® TC=347.92 ,Aa / \\ _ / �� \)\ \ \/ / � �� 345>F i 30.04 �\ , U ✓ l 345 / �/ ���\ \ \ -345 Bop / / FG=347 54 � - /^�(✓ /// I �///S.�/ \\ \ __' \\ \ x lie) % T=346.78 TCF �C=34g23 TC- � TCJ48.75 O `aJ \'��//�'3d0��j......-'_.--",,2)--\ \ \ \\� ® ,i ��i FG 3347 la 48.20II T3/87 I �j \ TC- \ \ \ FG318.28 FGJ47.80 TC-34846 ' -\ / l // \\ \\ L_ I . -� \ \ / FG347.73 FG-347.98 ( \ \ \ \ f © FG37.6] FG�47.85 1 I \\\ ` \ \\ it __ y y II L ; - TF348.0] \ \ TCJ71:38 `N\ 4 �_ / / \) \ l \ TC=348.75 II \ \ \ \ I' rFG=347.97 O _ �/ \ \ \\\\ FG=347.75 ® ® J `� `RIM�45.60 FG=347.8g ' �/%5. N TC=340.75 \ \ TC=348.17 / 1 F=4:. ��jy�1 O I 343 \`� / / r \ \ 111=11 - O /' F-) \ �\ ® ,�y// _\ \ \ \ \\ \ .e.°8.:� TC-348.01 171111 \ \ ® �� - TC=340.20 �` / 345 J/)� \ \ \ \'\ L FG=3Q.51 V,> \ O /�"I �" TC=348,58.25 f' 1 TC=347.390 ® I \\\r� -\_�` \ \ \ \ \\\�\ \ 76'^12"STM((j 1.DD°/a e \� �� Il J� \\ \x .�\\ \ FG=347.75 P TC=340.20 �' FG=34fi.89\\�1�.:, J ._\... ']/�/' \ \ \\ \\\ \\ ��fi/ O° L. 3 zQ \ \ POPEYES ., rc=34a.za I �� 345- ` j\\ \ \ \\ r ®R ��� I. 6TCl a o :S 76'-12"STM @ 1.00% .341- PROTOTYPE BLDG \ FG=347.]0 \ \ I Il -� // ` � _� in /y/♦\ 1 d 1,990 SFi imam 0 \ \ ^ \ / / rc=ue.as FFE= 348.25 1pi ®O TC=348.57 I � 1I LL TC=348.20 TC=347.82 00� J `• / \ \ ^ FG=347.56 / MI TC=3 88.272 Q ,� \ FG318.W \® >\/lll o FG=347.70 FG=347.82 I J - / //J \ \ // �� \ FG=317.]2 W 5 �� \ N x m=34ezo , \ \ -344- - - -/� 'L�� \ ) / L - - Z `} r� \ \ \TC=348.72N IFIPA `���� \ / / // I / ENLARGED ADA AREA O al9 '�FG=318.22 -� 1h/ /.2 / /( I SCALE 1'=10' ob W ^U \ �. TC=348.10 "2 1Y� L � 1I 0J Z Z \ \ 410 , 1 0TC=348.25 1 WFG=-7.601 -ado' \ \ aNd ! \ ���� �� FG=34775 ' 1 N. FG 347.DB s'4 -347- , ' VA - O Z t _ - \ \ I I - 1 STORM SEWER STRUCTURE SCHEDULE 2 cD w C7 \ RIM=318.02 �TCJ48.01 FG=317.06 �_� / \ / Z \ TC-348.72\ FG=347.51 LOD LOD J II O O r a F4004822 \ 1 76'^12"STM @ 1.00% I \ / / FC- .69 \\ I \ I I NO. STRUCTURE GRATE INVERT U /� Q o \ 0 RIM�47.51 li c� \ �tj !�I STM _ +� ® \ / \`_�\ I( I 1 LEVEL SPREADER A 336.82 334.75(24")NW U 34'^12"STM @ 1.00% FTCagg.ost,J M M -- 3,7 O` I > - 7' ` I I -349 - Revisions I Submissions rn rc=34e.zz MV 40( / I 335.00(6")NW FG=347.5s 7c=347s2 I 2 OUTLET CONTROLSTRUCTUR: 339.30 ID Descri tion Date w FG=3177z l� 35.00(24")SE P w FG=347.42 . ....„\ \ 1 y \ REFER TO ENLARGED-/ \ / \� L 1- - 1 REVISIONI 2023/10/02 O TG=349 51 .,I ADA PLAN ON THIS SHEET \v,5. \ \ _� 1\\ \ I y 3 ENDWALL 340.10 339.00(12")SW 2 REVISION 2023/10/13 F= \ ' \ TC=340zdI 346.43 ` 1 1 3 REVISION 3 2023/11/06 R \\ \ TC=3 ` \ FG347.74 \ _ 339.87(12")Wol FG=3 ® ` 4 REVISION4 2023111127 1` 4 CATCH BASIN 345.66 339.55 12"SE 5 \ \�F961 t� / z \ \ FGJ4].98 \ \V C/ / \ 339.55(12")NE 5 REVISION 5 2024101/30 S2\ \ R�YY SBM#2 \ r , \ / RhY ��RhY \ FG=348.82 I \ _ O\ s \ _ RAM11 I - RNv 5 CATCH BASIN 345.55 340.55(12")E \ \ f N60°11'37"W 200.00'(M) \ \ \ \ \ \ ��� 0 \ N5]°0900'W(R) �\ 347.16 \ 6 CATCH BASIN 347.55 343.06(12")SE m \ - \ SMH-2 343.06 12"N \ 0 \ �1 c 3s,7, f5^RCPFL:35f.7' 15^RCPFL:3so.s Gi f 1348.41 \ 7 CATCH BASIN 346.97 343.82(12")NW N STM TM \ TM \ STM ST NI \�\ \ _�N.\ \ ` �iM\\ \ \ STM SSI1IMMf s7M $' om I STM SIB G 2 8 CATCH BASIN 345.45 340.45(12")NW 20 0 20 40 a N. \ 349.3s \ I seMH3 342.71(12")S n \ \ \ ® \ � 02023 CESO,INC. 9 48"MANHOLE 348.02 341.32(12")N a°I \ LOD LOD LOD \ \�� •si \ `.� GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) 343.21(6")E Project Number: 762181 �\ \ \ OD OD ` \ n.=z0e. Scale: 1"=20' \ .D - .. \ \ \ !3492 \ �°g'g \ \ BENCHMARKS Drawn By:By: PCW ^ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ A 347.93 a4B \ Checked BAP �' _ \ \ \ 3s, 9\ \ ELEVATION" DESCRIPTION Date: 05/15/23 a 3, \ \ Issue: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION i \ \ - - - \ \ \ SBM#1 348.73' CUT CHISELED"X"IN CONCRETE w -- \ \ Drawing Title: _ \ \ '60+ - - - _ SBM#2 351.20' SET i"REBAR \ SBM#3 343.83' CUT CHISELED"X"IN CONCRETE SEVENTY-TWO(72)HOURS GRADING PLAN o \ A/C 24-87 \ BEFORE DIGGING IS TO \ COMMENCE,THE CONTRACTORS W \ \ VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY \ VERTICAL DATUM:NAVD88 SHALL NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING cb \ \ (AS SHOWN PER PLAT BK 2012,PG 150) \ AGENUTILITCIESES NORTH CON SERVICE \ VARIABLE WIDTH AS HALT PAVEMENT \ - I AT811 OR800-632-4949ANDALL _ �� \ _ - - - _ -, OTHER AGENCIES WHICH MIGHT o r J HAVE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES o _ - - _ - - - - / �_� INVOLVING THIS PROJECT AND L- / ' / / \ L ARE NONMEMBERS OF STATE ` C4.0 _ _ - - - UTILITIES PROTECTION SERVICE 4■O 1 // /" // /' / / / / / / ‘4 / // / / / / / / / STRUCTURE E�TE BOLTED TO I, 6' / 15 6 .7 TOP OF BASIN=341 ---(.........2/ // / / �ry / / / / / / AND GRATING PLASTIC I/4'PLATE 1 AND GRATING WITH 1'HOLES AND A MIN. / / / / / / / O OF 30%OF OPENING AREA. / / / / / 00°00 MANUFACTURED BY PLASTIC SOLUTIONS 12" ELEV.=339.5 °00000° 1 INC OR EQUAL •i 0000 �1 00000 000000 / / / /- / / /` / ORIFICE o 0 0 0 0 0 000000 _ _.......,_ _ 00000000000000 i SWOT 1042, /// ;7.77-________ // CLASS B / `�°� / / / I / / °o°o°o°o°o°o°o� ORIFICE RIP RAP //� / 1'04 p p4/ - - �����������/ INVERT SHOWN WITH OPTION PLATE C E S O /L / EMERGENCY SPILLWAY WEIR / r i, %1 / / Z / �j����. I / / / / • NOT TO SCALE �- ® / / / �\ j�44• 0 '!� / / / SECTION . .300 .....N� / / / °4b,-�. "NOTE: 6' 1El ' / I d / A#. JJ�� ', / WINDOWS AT EROSION CONTROL STAGE ELEVATION TO BE 3' CESO NC,Co. // "' a .I/I� / ,v / LEVEL SPREADER �/J :11.0 BRICKED AND MORTARED TO ELEVATIONS SHOWN AT ATIME 3601 RICESONC,SUITE 300 �0�// �� / / / PERMITTED BY THE SITE INSPECTOR. 01 RIG Y RO OH 45342 314"CRUSHED AGGREGATE/ ® ® ���ily'1��, / I / SCALE (AASHTO#57) (937)435-8584 / 61 .,/ „/,„.� ,,, / // „ I / ® VEGETATIVE STRIP ®/ .. _ --_ / / 88,24"STM @ 0.5�% .�� a i�i i i� A_sigfeff, Lam/ =. .,�:Iilk I /� �.�.��a.� �.I� /' 'I� e / / o O O o O O° AASHTO#3 AGGREGATE 1-.- �I • o 0 o LEVEL SPREADER .h� .=:�, /111, %. -•� :40, !- _. ar'o. ��!- i!'i , mm o0 0 0° ° .�*.���/• o��C I�i�1�/i�".�/. .��. ��o Ifps.���� / / / m® °00000000000 NOT TOSCALE I. e.i�tr.F41�r •���I��e�i4.i��.1!1 � ��I�.i�i�.i1..F�_�// / R 1 -941P i / ° mmmm oa oo�oo° m *-:,; ��� �dr�. �i w��1� ��� ��t i��.������ �iw %�� ® • 04 mmmm m°o°°o mm�m s i�. i F. �b� t1i tr _ I _� / / /� / m m ° 0m m F �4; ,�%�I, :'4 Tb ovl� ers��t�' �% 'rev -s.wir . / ® �, .... i'+ 0 ,,,, ,, ,, ,„, , ,mmmmm ° me®e�m AS BUILT WILL BE REQUIRED OF STORM ° }�/I!f -_v"�Am 4 L i,41 40 _ !" .`�� mm mm ® , m a. SEAL r ��-'LiJ.} :!-tww - iL- 4AF4 SWL �i��ir1 :tff, / / / m rfi,� / LEVELSPREADEm m ®m m WATER AREA. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 029683 20 ��`'T I / THSSHTEITON m ® 6 P / / / / / i•° TO COORDINATE WITH SURVEY AND '1'GINe e / SEDIMENTAREq / / / ,�o / / ISOMETRIC ENGINEERING. `YA?�� / / / / / / / 3" 11/28/2023 / / / / / \ t� \ o o HDPE STRUCTURAL PLASTIC AN PLATE o°°°°° o° AND GRATING WITH 1"HOLES AND A MIN. / � 6---..../ / // o°o°o o° OF 30%OF OPENING AREA. / / r / ° °• °o°° MANUFACTURED BY PLASTIC / O /�// \ 1 o o SOLUTIONS INC.OR EQUAL. 0 ,°OO°°0°• °0°0 O 3 /7(� CONCRE SCM TE EFACE STRUCTURE I ' \ ® oo°oo°°oo° CONCRETE FACE / �` 1 0 0 T TRENCH WIDTH� T el 1 RENCH a I / _ \ 0 ` 1 �/ Pipe O.D.+3' III III-, GRADE I I / m \ SINGLE SCM ORIFICE ELEVATION -III III- I- o g �30'-12"STM @ 1.83% m \ `I 1 IIIII 111_ \ m \ - d\ TRASH RACK DETAIL III II a \ I \ \ - - - _ �� NOT TO SCALE III - III 18" I Si _ =1II III III IIII " -I1 1II-I 1I-111 SfM- Ril- lICI 111- o �p srM - %/ , QA hQA I'.4f G =1 sm - - - �� - III 6' III u. IIil=; W a _ ��; � III //� 0 D 0 zD `I/ILt 1 • • • . �� ��� f 6 O CO Oa � � v = C ANTI-SEEP _a II �j. / I o W z� . . . -1l - 1- COLLAR ^ w GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) II III - - II • .: 4�� a II I- s a trrL N Z I m.=1oa. III II =1 ------.-4---------,-Ja 111- V O p 24"X24"PROP GRATE � 1 - = o O Z W BASIN AREA i-1 I -1 1 • ° .. - 1 1 11 I O r LCI 1 I- I1-111 L o. OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE TOP OF GRATE=339.3 -1 I I El II .12 -'11=11 111E111- V (OCS-714)SEE DETAIL DRY DETENTION AREA SEDIMENT AREA I= ANTI-SEEP COLLAR. CLASS CONCRETE l- y TOP OF BASIN=341 OCS-714 i 1- Revisions/Submissions , \ f . SAND FILTER AREA FOREBAY SURFACE AREA - �Y ID Description Date = o'� •®-® PLAN VIEW SECTION A-A REVISION 2023/10/02 TOP OF EMERGENCY - 2 REVISION 2 2023/10113 SPILLWAY WEIR=339.50 3"#1 OR#2 WASHED TOP OF SAND ° 3 REVISION 3 2023/11/06 Z (SEE THIS SHEET FOR DETAIL) ROUND STONE=336.75 MEDIA=336.5 4' RIP RAP BER D50=6",CLASS B ANTI SEEP COLLAR DETAIL 4 REVISION 4 2023111127 g 111 III=1 3. OBSERVATION TOP=339.5 • 15'DIA.ORIFICE NOT TO SCALE g CLEANOUTS=337 50 YR ELEV=339.25 °' INV.=338.0 RIP RAP ro �I • - `` TOWA HE S 2 I I-III 1 10 YR ELEV.=339.0 a TRASH RACK WASHED ROUND STONE o I III 2 YR ELEV. 338.69 ., �m�a��� ----39'-F-QREBAY �'�� • a v +=-II�� �r���� /�' 336.5 ,• r vWCIv PROVI V.=337.85 NOTES fJl = WQv ELEV.-337.85 A• �• �• ,�. �• �--- ?I I :`, _.,.:' , 0,� Sr .,- �� Qv PROVIDED=2.065 CF 1 FILL EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE FORMED OF SUITABLE MATERIAL PLACED IN 4 ^� Ill I` r 1 I tI III III I=I III=I I1-1 III III=III III III 1=I I III=I I1=1 SUCCESSIVE LAYERS NOT TO EXCEED MORE THAN SIX(6)INCHES IN DEPTH w 111 - III-N III III I-I I=f' III .III III I I II III III III-I I1=I I I- ••'? FOR THE FULL WIDTH OF THE CROSS-SECTION,INCLUDING THE WIDTH OF THE „I DUMP ROCK FOR ENTIRE _. ;. = J=III = = III=ITI_ - = - L-III�Ii 2q"DIA.STORM SEWER PIPE MY _ 336.5 WIDTH OF EMERGENCY (( 6"PVC INV 335 1=11 1 1 III = -0, - T,�Ci �� r 4 b _ 4 ffE�S SLOPE AREA.NO STUMPS,TREES,BRUSH,RUBBISH OR OTHER UNSUITABLE C- 18," 6, 11 SAND MEDIA,NATURAL RIVER OR BANK TOPSOIL/SOD 336.25 MATERIALS OR SUBSTANCES SHALL BE PLACED IN THE EMBANKMENT.EACH rn'1 SPILLWAY WEIR CLASS B III '„ IIIII : III- SAND MATERIAL(PER ASTM C33) FOR LAWN TOP OF MEDIA SUCCESSIVE SIX(6)INCH LAYER SHALL BE THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BY THE I.: 1 3'TURNUP 111_ ANTI-SEEPAGE 36"SQ - SHEEPSFOOT TAMPING ROLLER,10-TON POWER ROLLER,PNEUMATIC-TIRED m Ali II_ I TOP OF GRAVELBOTTOM OF SAND=335 V ROLLER,OR OTHER METHODS APPROVED BY NC DEO.EMBANKMENTS OVER ©2023 CESO,INC. o° 24"0-RING RCP � "-- � �- COLLAR • • AND AROUND ALL PIPE CULVERTS SHALL BE OF SELECT MATERIAL,PLACED Project Number: 762181 1 24"STM II I I III. 18 -` 1 II 112111 AND THOROUGHLY TAMPED AND COMPACTED AS DIRECTED BY THE SCM INV OUT=335 III II r 7..4 II II III h, Scale: 1"=10• 71 ANTI-SEEPAGE COLLAR -�-III 1I III III- DESIGN MANUAL. SEE DTAILs =11I I I ICI I I ITrrI1 1 Itrl III III III I I III I I III III 11 TOP QF STONE Drawn By: PCW o. ( ) c -'- - a1I III III III-III III III-III-I -11, I I I-1 III-III-III III-III.,IIIIII 11-111=1' I Ill. POND EMBANKMENTS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THIS SAME MANNER AND SHALL § III I I l I F 1 "' =1T.,III Tii=111 "- - 1 INV. 335 - -" - - 335 BE COMPACTED TO MEETA DENSITY OF 95%STANDARD PROCTOR TEST. Checked By: BAP 0 "l BOTTOM OF GRAVEL=334 OUTFALL=334.75 r / ' �''�t � � Date: 05/15/23 GEOTEXTILE -y-,i O 12"FROM BANK J FILTER FABRIC ���� _ �` Issue: NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NOTES TYPE 1 GRAVEL FILTER LAYER, PLOWABLE FILLy-T 334 6"SOLID TO 6" w COURSE AGGREGATE, TOP OF CONCRETE FILTER FABRIC OR OPEN WEB TURF MAT OR NOTES: Drawing Title: g 1. UNDERDRAIN PIPES SHOULD BE MINIMUM 6"PERFORATED SCHEDULE PERFORATED PVC WASHED GRAVEL BLOCK INV.=334 2"#8 OR#89 WASHED CHOKING STONE 1.CLASS B MATERIAL IS TO BE QUARRY STONE,FIELD STONE,OR NATURAL 0 40 PVC(PER AASHTO M278).PERFORATIONS SHOULD BE SPACED 3" PIPE TRANSITION 6"PERFORATED PVC STONE ONLY,BROKEN CONCRETE NOT PERMITTED. STORM WATE R E ON CENTER ALONG 4 LONGITUDINAL ROWS SPACED 90°APART. UNDERDRAIN"(TYP.)@ 0.00% 6"DIA.PERFORATED STORM SEWER PIPE @ 0.00% 2.SAND MEDIA MATERIAL SHALL MEET ASTM C33 AND IS TO BE FREE OF SILT, ELEV=335 CLAY,LOAM,FRIABLE OR SOLUBLE MATERIALS,ORGANIC MATTER GRADED IN MANAGEMENT O 2. ALL SIDE SLOPES TO BE SODDED. PROVIDE 5'SQUARE 10" ACCORDANCE WITH ANSI/ASTM C 136. o. THINK CONCRETE BLOCK 3.SURFACE COURSE AGGREGATE IS TO BE USED AT THE TOP COURSE OF THE DETAILS ✓ 3. DRAINAGE AREA TO THE SAND FILTER FACILITY MUST BE STABILIZED SURFACE SAND FILTER.AGGREGATE TO FULLY COVER THE UNDERLYING 43 BEFORE FILTRATION CONTROLS AND FILTER MEDIA ARE INSTALLED. OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE DETAIL WASHED FILTER SAND TO DEPTH AS SHOWN IN THE PLANS AND DETAILS. 2 4, SECTION IS SCHEMATIC ELEVATIONS FOR FOREBAY SAND FILTER DETAIL NOT TO SCALE SURFACE COURSE AGGREGATE SHALL BE WASHED AND FREE OF DEBRIS,DIRT, SAWDUST,AND FOREIGN MATERIAL.SURFACE COURSE AGGREGATE SHALL BE NOT TO SCALE ROUNDED,NATURAL RIVER OR BANK AGGREGATE STONE AND NOT CRUSHED, ■ CHIPPED OR BROKEN STONE.THE STONE IS TO BE A NATURAL COLOR,EARTH TONES,AND UNDYED,WHILE THE SIZES RANGE FROM#1 AND#2. s