HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--06441_Well Construction - GW1_20241101 �V.' { 1 "m Ntr Yam. �d•4:�..liN�T.�Y__ 11 - L t µ ti 1�y,,,16 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-1) For Internal Use Only • 1.Well C®tre for Information:' Jay Toted T2 a4-wA3stz0las;:..�:.c,':,: _ _•_.;:••_-..:._ .•. .. Weil Cmtrect rxar Fpmt! To • DEZ flt ry • i . it IL NC Wen CatiBotiottNumber Morgan Well &.Pump, INC 25:GUIERCASINGRa iiiaLitaiiedieQa)ORIINKFt(II fable) : •''`-,Yr FROM TO DIAMETER TTnQasES MATERIAL CCIMPUIPNLim 1 n (�� �- 61/8 '°• SDR21 PVC 2.Well Coast vC1iii1 Paint ft: I,' W 2��Q �� f PROM mvc aRTo>jnveTO D .r ID M -==::MA :;:'::' TERIAL LGt all appllrable,rruedvUwKroArmahr ex.fnC Comp,Siatr Yarierza.ex) !z ft la . 3.Well Use(cherlrwenuse):, R.' It fa Water Supply wen: 17:SCREDI: --i= -t:- .a :1 OAgrieul4ual FROM 20'� enUMETIIt ySLOTEOZ 'ffiCIOCOM JMATEfUAL . 0MmicipiVPubhc It. rt. in. OGeWhmDal(Seating/Cooling Supply) pesidential Wain Supply(single) ft. ft. • n. O�TadtLshisl/CoD>mercial CiRaideatialWEtcrSnpply(sbsrod) •lz'V�G[tour: _ :;'•:t' _.;:'x,.:.?•,'� _,::_':,`:ir..:.;_'.':"`.: oD °Wells>100,000 GPD PROM 20 'MATERIAL ,i..J)<attlAt3ARtTIMIHOD&AMOIMT Non--Water Supply Well: 0 n 20 It. bentanite poured . UMorsitw•akieDWg °Recovery • II. rt. OAgaiferReebarge °CttoundwataRuDediation to Oda Stomp and Recovery OSaGnityBanier FROM 1d MATERIAL .EMPTACEIIMITMEMOD ['Aquifer Test OStonnwatcrDminagc R it. . °F.xpaimerrual Tecimology OSabsidence Control ft. R. OGeotheonal(Closed laop) OTraeer ?20:11IUDINGIACCattieiidffitioiibctilllemTM'):�::'':::;: :•:':-t:- or---im.m:1(g gpedam) DOther(eaphtmtmde#21Rurd3) PROM TO D m Prekr scOM•sk w,DM.+ta.er.) 7 tj � a. yo � 00 el- 4.DateWen(s)Completed: 16^Z�2I wen Ira o6 . coo `t • cif/!( l J .4crk. , Sa.Well Location: I/O tt I ft rGLi�110,06A, ,.;.. :,.' :. a.,/ !, ,i )i cXt°/ /(eo4e 1 n `:•�:_ 135 � �rn��•+e � � • NOV Fea7itylGamerNama FaalGpIDs(if applicable) !L 'ft. d 1. 2024 6e1I1 Trw,, Lflc((ci,d It. . ft. Phyaied Miters,6ty,ogres D. It - - •,'.•r••,.•.•. " • sj 'tin 0.4 Camay PmclIketiGoboelZa MN) . Sb.Latitudeandgn loongituudeindeg eedmiinates1ssewQndsCoordecimaldegree= . cf 5 Zl g!/ )N 3' .QWIt o ` W / /°-2q-21/ . 6.Is(ae)the weh(s):17Permaneat or °Temporary �` f► Wen Dem 9yst ningdrafwzalhmby cad Srthat&wage)leas(rvor)coutrudedfa matdancewish 7.Isthisa repair toan existing well: Ores or eiNo !UMW OZC.O101or15ANCACO2C.02i0 Well Caasn&aSamdar&andthetacopy .(/'this is a repof,fil cabana,eel!aoastracdan Lffamutimaadcplala As aatve ofthe °fedircmd Alb beenprmidedta th.weltn.aQ repaireerder tall rtand!saotaa arm the back oftilrfmat 21.Ste diagram or additionalwell detail= 8.For Geoprobt/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same Yon tnsy tsse the back of this page to provide t:dditiona well construction info canshuctian,only 1GW-1isnoeded Iodinate l)DTALNUMBERofwells (addSeeOver'inRemu33Box).Youmayalsoe0arhndd:tt' ipagesifnasssary. drilled:' •• l'{/ 24.SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS • 9.Total well depth below land surface: I�� (R•) Submit LidsGW-1 within30 days of well wmpleuoa per the following: Forarnldplewdlc has ail depths ird ffmst(aapfc-3@200'and 2@100) 10.Staliceraler level bdorr top of min: ill (R) 24a.For AR Wens:Original fo>m to Divlsien of Water Resources(DWR), Infar:antianPmaumgUnit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 (Nee r Lae 1 is above=sky are"+" II.Borehole diameter:6 fur) lab-For Inieetian Wells:Copy to DWR,Underg:and Injection Couto'(RIG) Program,163611SC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 I. 12.Weil cods-traction method:rotary ?ac.For Water Supply and Open-Loop Geathtgm$1 Rerun Wells:Copy to the (le.n:aq mazy,oble.deed path.de) county environmental health department of the rnoaty where installed FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.Far Water Wells producing over 100,000IGPO:Copy to DWR,CCPCUA /oe Method of test air pressure Pcumt am 1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC276991611 132.Yield(spas) 1311.Disinrecd.=type:aanelated.fir Worker Amount: FramOW-1 Noah Cvorna Department ofEnvitoroxotat Quality-Division ofWaterRuoa=w i Revised6-6-2018