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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0020084_Email_20241105 Elmore, James C
From: Elmore,James C
Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 8:35 AM
To: Tina Gee
Subject: The Villas Condominiums WWTP Notice of Violation
Attachments: WQ0020084 The Villas NOV-2024-LV-0967.pdf
Good morning,
Attached is a Notice of Violation for the Villas Condominiums Wastewater Treatment Plant.The notice is for the
month of July, 2024. If you have any questions or concerns,you may contact me at anytime.
James Elmore
Environmental Specialist,Water Quality Regional Operations Section,Washington Regional Office
Division of Water Resources I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Office: (252) 948-3924 1 Cell: (252)402-1826
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November 4, 2024
Wick Cromwell
The Villas Association Inc
PO Box 806
Nags Head, NC 27959
Tracking Number: NOV-2024-LV-0967
Permit No. WQ0020084
The Villas Condominiums WWTP
Dare County
Dear Permittee:
A review of the July 2024 Non-Discharge Monitoring Report (NDMR) for the subject facility revealed the
violation(s) indicated below:
Limit Exceedance Violation(s):
Sample Limit Reported
Location Parameter Date Value Value Type of Violation
001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 7/31/2024 4 6.78 Monthly Average Exceeded
N) (00610)
Reporting Violation(s):
Location Parameter Date Type of Violation
001 Chloride (as Cl) (00940) 7/31/2024 Parameter Missing
01 Solids, Total Dissolved- 180 Deg.0 7/31/2024 Parameter Missing
--rr,, North Carollria Department afErnlronmrntal Quality I Dlvlsbn of Water Resources
D_E J� Washington Regional Office 1 943 Washington Square Mall I Washington North Carolina 27889
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Remedial actions, if not already implemented, should be taken to correct any noted problems. The Division of
Water Resources may pursue enforcement actions for this and any additional violations. If the violations are of a
continuing nature, not related to operation and/or maintenance problems, and you anticipate remedial
construction activities, then you may wish to consider applying for a Special Order by Consent (SOC).
If you should need any assistance or would like to discuss this non-compliance situation, please contact James
Elmore of the Washington Regional Office at 252-948-3924.
R'aW TA4."
Robert Tankard, Assistant Regional Supervisor
Water Quality Regional Operations Section
Washington Regional Office
Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ
Cc: Laserfiche
w....... ND ��� North Carolina Depot of Etrvlronmental Quality I Dlvlslon of Water Res ourcrs
Washington Regional Office 1 943 Washington Square Mall I Washington North Carolina 27889