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GW1--06383_Well Construction - GW1_20241025
• WELL CONS CRUCTTON RECORD;: • r. 'Flux(arin ciut ba.,u d fot s1tit;h of mnkipl�tills - f \«I Contrdcti?r Ittfaniia• fion 20•N Rich Lemire .. - •PROM ' TO. DESCRIPTlON�' 14'0 1 Ceritrattor Ar+u-. : 2593A .. • tl ....tt. . :.{. _ i NC NeIl.C•omrtttaf,.ccnitidittdti Girt i-•: r 0111ER'C:SINCItP�r�iilti i-si.W'ii.i'ttr10R9 iNy.10f 10 llabtcl� .< FROM,' TO :D141%1:TER TinCKNE.S.4 MATERIAL :' M. SAEDACCO 'If; i, atreptn}.14"atirE;• ' •• • • •• • • •• • ''f6 INY t .sirti'fl.R1 VBt`G,fe tbermat ctuudztoiip L ,.,�1 1 . ....,PROM, 1.TO'. ;DIAMETER .• .-1111I:KNESS' MAT•CRIAI,; . 2.W lCaructouPctiiui - O f •.•• ft 55 f SCH90` PVC'r Lail r61.kabk' Ayit (i Gnunl SttrtrVrarruiik,:1Y !t';1 . - 1.• l } • 3 V elt.t@90(Cbcel.ncll nsc°: ', T ;elEr ,; �_rc . • .. - t7��`f'tltri2.Pt_. -'X.. i_i,/" .. i� Xt+_,; • Wi11ci Sut}pl+WIII FROM 71) DL%MFTFti 81.018171 liltatNnit ,1 M#TPRIAI 55 Ft; 60 ft 2 in 010 SCH4O PVC _" t�A.�,rtc_ukuRd tihltmtcip *6.1:ic;• •'. AGautbenaial(He1ulgr'Cooh4,Supptty 1 R stdentitl\Vizor Suppty is oge) fi: ft. i6 t • tk - 7 '- . • , . :ilt$ leail $Zi : 004.i tilWgeCSUpp - d);. E: I• •• JTI.1A ,, M • CT & 4o ..• Oi ,. - SEMI--• 1.•10'. AFt - VPLENILITADA: u� • Dlmgtion .. _ .. . . • 0 =ft„•'53 • fi::: PORTLAND . TREMIE •'• :" Aon«stet Supph�`'ctt;;` • -. :ft {t • • 1... _ - 1aivlan�f9nD : t]tteotiriy':' .. • ®Agtttfeiod.ti*g. i(itotio•d tot•lienl duitio., ' at9 sAN111coiwh`t.TACiC'ouaiq►ii aref :- i-tt: . r:y •,, FRt)MI 10 MATERJAI, PNPI.alt•1'MV.STMt:TIr.OD • ' i lAsiti,i00torl5e 9ttd RCC< cr)`` iSatlntt�Bamcc •. . . 'SAND g1A,4ntfcr Tcst DSitkifi. ltr1 Image >�i n • O1 xp:nnlcnt'iJ Tcchnolopy... ft.Subsrd nc a i.it t• : i h'Io.ORIL NG=1 CKTiilriirb`additiog t;itlei s4f a eccRiiiii g_n_ r : 17(rPotttenno1''CtosPd Loop) ' C} 'race: ..• .FRO't : .TO DESCRfl U0Y( i* Lardfit.af,iiiiVokl tlik Zrun tr%+u k i ` ' . ❑GVotlretmat t:1 a itug/Cooitng Rcttint}: . iSiOttie((e pl iio uiidti P?:t ltetogitas} It. '7• tt. •'•RED:SILTY CLAY ' 7 . ":.:ft 60' fi'..', GREENISH CLAY/SAND 4 DateWevoCanyiteied; ,9.-30-2029 '.W�flm#AS-106. :fl ft ... • 5 'Nte1l I.ttcatiun 1i. ik ._ . N..;a.`,%•,, R.,,,# i Y,A 5.•• FXI INC ft. r! .ii!tiOtti rr Naitrs:-: . • • P#.*y,1D (ifayptiopi.) • •. - OCT• 9 °.. d R f6. f(. .-18801::Old_Statesville.Rd:-, .CORNELIUS,,NC, 28031 i" fr R Priv tct+ihdd sLcite auxizrp. ,zxl itl`EtiAfif► ':'...,.. r 'v fx.` V 4. •' BENTONITE FROM'53'TO•54'!•. •, - MECKLEN$URG. :. . . ,: Cuarri} .. .. . piiilg idctrti(41.4.0nNp.tpl4} ,• . . ,.ib Latitu de nnd;Trongifide indogrccs/minUtes(l.ecgnd i 4r dcc msl Th tI txt5, �2 C'erttifrt;stton - t►f....1 k1 om i u4ol is...... . • . ..$1gtutar•vTCen1 V4)1 anu rtor l?.t6v d Is((air;)the•flells) Ps. niauent ar .DTentl}arar� s nrn' r_py s.th x pnit'.f Acrrl,t ettrji.04,thr 115rlljsJ.. .fs:•r ri cba.7nril.. .Lr aaecbr ite rrvrh 1 CACO2 ' 1( al J.ttii NNCAC tlC,40 Itd1 Ct?iistitaction'Sa.irnior4c*it tlktr0 • 7 Istbis"arep4irtoancai;K3lnj-i dl. DVt pr 24Nit :'scrympi.`r1, rrr nthn reiii6.iii. d0:i.k uvUrn ttri. l/tkts Ir o reFatr,fill t crr Gtantpt i J(r.rirtnrct m!i 6 r+na oc i awl��p(ahi i(rt a afore iyt rhr rrlmiruu f i 1.rci,-io sea,aa nr wi tlin b,:..@ 400,i,/416•; '23 Site diitti'An`or additional ii ell detail4` .. -You mty;use t1ie:ua�L of#ills pogo t0 pm�,ide addtuonah%ell dire details or. * 8 t1umberof welts cotfslrticted .1 • • • .::;COn.sttiictioit ttet3h15 Yott"tii0%aho 4Rpelit uddiI•iooul pates•tf ne%.essati.• • FvrmitrlpFk et'ila?riaratki i a,er,tlij�rJ:c.:i,llsOi Yirtllr rfir:urmrcai►structtorr O'ci.ln 'submtro,;r fnmt:'`` . . ,SJ1B114rII'�L fNSI Er( JJONS ';; 4 Total*It depth•below land Suifaci,..•'.•60• . •• :... . (ft) ;24a. hor Alt 1W`etl. Sttbitut tliis•fcr tr within 3U Thies of coi►ip'etiatt tit•f1'r! Foriier+lrf fi'liiits'li€toil*jttl s(di crriui4rriiii. k 3Q200.`-nnj•201t:17: .. ?Consfniction'to t1te:f4Itnnu'in I .. . i0 Biotic%►atLr.k.e1 beio.�i tt►p ofcavlii '21.•...:.. : - :_ (tl;) Uni.4fu0 of•�%4ter-T,100urrtc,Infiirmatio•n Prnc• cs ii Unit. l t,tat<r liuel n aLlnb cdsfn 16t7 Mad,Scri ice Center Raleigh NC 276i!=JG17;': • s r It.[i>prehole•diamcter 8;25 (o). tab It 1 ONLY n addition to senduig the form to t•he addtt I r - laabe ealso submit a copy of ilita fut n within sU;da}t of:.corulpletion of Heil --t2•Welt eon&luietton ntetbod AUGERS C0115011G110n to il*.fV .0:r�tt ` t (Le n er rc y ••b•1..ducct •••,.. ` .. Dhtslon 01♦Vata1 Resatnees,Utide and intccelon Coutrn7Program. - 6361%111 Serb lcc cehtir 1tale3 h FO$�Vr1TERS�PPLI'WI�LISOi�`L,Y • • •• • •' `� � r\C27n19=1G36. l3a acid. . .►rii)` �4lctfiodoftest. 24c,Foi-.WaterSuppl;'er intotiloaWells . ,Also suliaiit onecopy' of this fottix`inithin l)days ofronlpleliori of, • - • ticilth i3b bl3 nfCxhat miti -: Amount n3c1t ooiisttuchnn,t- the nrtty dc}r,•-: .- of.'tiR Coilat}�ntlicn`_ • •;045004od • td1 Form OW=I: t�onn CCroIIiuiDcp3itmc.i otEm'tror ucni�Winoa7Rcsourccs.'•Po lion of14'arerRt ticiised a5itgust•iti'I•