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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00327_Renewal (Application) 10/24/2024 h�) v U 1 ?024 Michael Montebello Water Quality NPDES Permitting WMWOMMIM 1611 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1611 Re: Kannapolis System -Wide Wastewater Collection System Permit Renewal Dear Mr. Montebello: With respect to the City of Kannapolis, Gaver has prepared a permit renewal requestion in accordance to the System -Wide Wastewater Collection System application and instructions. The following attachments can be found within this submittal: • Article A Application • Article B Delegation Letter • Article C Pump Station List • Article D High Priority Lines List • Article E Annual Budget • Article F Capital Improvement Plan • Article G Response Action Plan • Article H Contingency Plan • Article I Comprehensive Collection System Map Please call or email me if you have any questions. Sincerely, GARVER /,jAzze_ Rob McIntyre, P.E. Water Infrastructure Team Lead - NC Article A. Application State of North Carolina R D Department of Environmental Quality DWR Division of Water Resources -�� Nf11' 01 � 024 15A NCAC 02T .0400 — SYSTEM -WIDE WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEMS Dlvislon of Water Resources INSTRUCTIONS FOR FORM CSA 04-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Documents shall be prepared in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0100, 15A NCAC 02T .0400, and all relevant Division Policies. Failure to submit all required items will necessitate additional processing and review time. For more information, visit the System -wide Collection System Permitting website: General — When submitting an application to the Municipal Permitting Unit, please use the following instructions as a checklist in order to ensure all required items are submitted. Adherence to these instructions and checking the provided boxes will help produce a quicker review time and reduce the amount of requested additional information. The Applicant shall submit one original and one copy of the application and supporting documentation. The copy may be submitted in digital format. A. Cover Letter ® Submit a cover letter listing all items and attachments included in the permit application package B. No Application Fee Required ➢ No application fee is necessary. The permittee will be billed an annual fee upon issuance of the permit ➢ The appropriate annual fee for systemwide wastewater collection system permits maybe found at: ➢ Annual Non -Discharge Fees C. System -Wide Wastewater Collection System (FORM: CSA 04-16) Application: ® Submit the completed and appropriately executed System -wide Wastewater Collection System (FORM: CSA 04- 16) application. Any unauthorized content changes to this form shall result in the application package being returned. If necessary for clarity or due to space restrictions, attachments to the application may be made, as long as the attachments are numbered to correspond to the section and item to which they refer. ❑ If the Applicant Type in Section 1.3 is a Privately -Owned Public Utility, provide the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) from the North Carolina Utilities Commission demonstrating the Applicant is authorized to hold the utility franchise for the area to be served by the wastewater collection system, or ❑ Provide a letter from the North Carolina Utilities Commission's Water and Sewer Division Public Staff stating an application for a franchise has been received and that the service area is contiguous to an existing franchised area or that franchise approval is expected. ❑ If the Applicant Type in Section 1.3 is a corporation or company, provide documentation if it is registered for business with the North Carolina Secretary of State. D. General information: ➢ The Authorized signing official listed in Section 1.4 should match with that of the Applicant certification page in accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). Per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(c), an alternate person may be designated as the signing official if a delegation letter is provided from a person who meets the criteria in 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b). ➢ NOTE - Public Works Directors are not authorized to sign this permit application, according to the rule, unless they are formally delegated. INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION CSA 04-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Pagel of 5 E. Summary of Attachments Required: ® Instruction A: Cover Letter ® Instruction C: Application ❑ Instruction C: Ownership Documentation (i.e. CPCN) (If necessary) ❑ Instruction D: Delegation Letter (If necessary for signing official) ® Section IV.3 Pump Station List ® Section IVA High Priority Lines List ® Section VA Annual Budget for Collection System (Updated and Approved) ® Section V.6 Capital Improvement Plan (Updated and Approved) ® Section VI.2 Response Action Plan ® Section VIA Contingency Plan ® Section VI.6 Comprehensive Collection System Map ❑ Section VII Note Any Potential Compliance Issues THE COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMATION AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SENT TO: NCDEQ-DWR Water Quality Permitting Section MUNICIPAL PERMITTING UNIT By U.S. Postal Service: 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1617 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 707-3601 By Courier/Special Delivery: 512 N. SALISBURY ST. Suite 925 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27604 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (919) 707-3601 INSTRUCTIONS FOR APPLICATION CSA 04-16 & SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Page 2 of 5 I. APPLICANT INFORMATION: 1. Applicant's name (Municipality, Public Utility, etc): City of Kannapolis 2. Facility Information: Name: City of Kannapolis Collection System Permit No.: WQCS00327 3. Applicant type: ® Municipal ❑ State ❑ Privately -Owned Public Utility ❑ County ❑ Other: 4. Signature authority's name: Alex Anderson per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b) Title: Director of Water Resources 0�, Zyl 5. Applicant's mailing address: 401 Laureate Drive City: Kannapolis State: NC Zip: 28081 6. Applicant's contact information: Phone number: (704) 220-4200 Fax number: (_) _-_ Email II. CONTACT/CONSULTANT INFORMATION: 1. Contact Name: John McIntyre 2. Title/Affiliation: Water Infrastructure Team Lead 3. Contact's mailing address: 10735 David Taylor Drive Ste 130 4. City: Charlotte State: NC Zip: 28262- 5. Contact's information: Phone number: (704) 635-6069 Fax number: (_) _ Email address: III. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: I. New Permit or Permit Renewal? [-]New ® Renewal 2. County System is located in: Cabarrus County 3. Owner & Name of Wastewater Treatment Facility(ies) receiving wastewater from this collection system: Owner(s) & Name(s): Rocky River Reeional Wastewater Treatment Plant and Muddy Creek Wastwater Treatment Plant, owned by the Water and Sewer Authority of Carbarrus County (WSACC) 4. W WTF Permit Number(s): NPDES Permit # NCO036269 5. What is the wastewater type? 98.125 % Domestic or 1.785 % Industrial (See 15A NCAC 02T .0103(20 l)) ). Is there a Pretreatment Program in effect? ® Yes or ❑ No 6. Wastewater flow: 5.42 MGD (Current average flow of wastewater generated by collection system) 7. Combined permitted flow of all treatment plants: 26.8 MGD 8. Explain how the wastewater flow was determined: ® 15A NCAC 02T .0114 or ❑ Representative Data 9. Population served by the collection system: 19399 IV. COLLECTION SYSTEM INFORMATION: 1. Line Lengths for Collection System: Sewer Line Description Length Gravity Sewer 336 miles Force Main 3.7 miles Vacuum Sewer miles Pressure Sewer miles APPLICATION CSA 04-16 Page 3 of 5 2. Pump Stations for Collection System: Pump Station Type Number Simplex Pump Stations(Serving Single Building) Simplex Pump Stations(Serving Multiple Buildings) Duplex Pump Stations 15 3. Submit a list of all major (i.e. not simplex pump station serving a single family home) pump stations. Include the following information: D Pump Station Name D Physical Location D Alarm Type (i.e. audible, visual, telemetry, SCADA) D Pump Reliability (Can convey peak hourly wastewater flow with largest single pump out of service) ➢ Reliability Source (permanent/portable generator, portable pumps) ➢ Capacity of Station (Pump Station Capacity in GPM) 4. Submit a list of all high priority lines according per 15A NCAC 02T .0402(2) known to exist in the collection system. Head the list with "Attachment A for Condition V(4)" and include the system name. )o Use the same line identification regularly used by the applicant ➢ Indicate type of high priority line (i.e. aerial), material and general location V. COLLECTION SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION: 1. Provide a brief description of the organizational structure that is responsible for management, operation and maintenance of the collection system. The collection system is maintained by a maintenance crew, a pump station crew, and the City's Construction and Maintance rew. The city also has an active Engineering department to oversee all design and decisions made reeaurdine the collection system. 2. Indicate the current designated collection system operators for the collection system per 15A NCAC 08G.0201 Main ORC Name: Wilmer Melton Certification Number: 28404 Back -Up ORC Name: Alexander Joel Anderson I Certification Number: 1006161 Seethe "WOCS Contacts and ORC Report' for a current listing of the ORC(s) the Division has on file for WQCS permit 3. Approximate annual budget for collection system only: $ 2,827,470 4. Submit a copy of your current annual budget, 5. Approximate capital improvement budge for the collection system only: $ 9.841.000 (FY25-FY29) 6. Submit a copy of your current capital improvement plan. 7. Is this collection system currently a satellite system ❑ Yes or ® No 8. Do any satellite systems discharge to this collection system ❑ Yes or ® No (If yes complete table below) Complete for Satellite Systems that have a flow or capacity greater than 200,000 GPD (Average daily flow) 9. List any agreements or ordinances currently in place to address flows from satellite systems: APPLICATION CSA 04-16 Page 4 of 5 VI. COLLECTION SYSTEM COMPLIANCE: RECEIVED VII. 1. Is a Response Action Plan currently in place ® Yes or ❑ No 2. If Yes, submit a copy of the Response Action Plan or see table 6 below. NOV 0 i 2024 3. Is a pump station contingency plan currently in place? ® Yes or ❑ No 4. If Yes, submit a copy of the pump station contingency plan or see table 6 below. NCDEQ/D,Y V R/A I []DES 5. Is a comprehensive collection system map currently in place? ® Yes or ❑ No fl I V r 6. Submit a submit a copy of the collection system map (CD or ha rdcopy) or indicate a schedule for completion 7. Thoroughly read and review the System -Wide Collection System Permit Conditions. Typically compliance schedules are only offered to NEW permit applicants and NOT permit renewals. Any compliance dates must be included within the permit prior to issuance or the permit holder will be found in violation upon inspection. Permit Condition Current Compliance? If no, Indicate a Compliance Date Typical Compliance Schedule I(4) — Grease ordinance with legal authority to inspect/enforce ® Yes ❑ No 12 — 18 mo. I(5) — Grease inspection and enforcement program ® Yes ❑ No 12 — 18 mo. I(6) — Three to five year current Capital Improvement Plan. ® Yes ❑ No 12 — 18 mo. 1(8) — Pump station contingency plan ® Yes ❑ No 3 mo. I(9) —Pump station identification signs. ® Yes ❑ No 3 mo. Ill1) — Functional and conspicuous audible and visual alarms. ® Yes ❑ No 3 — 6 mo. II(5) — Spare pumps for any station where one pump cannot handle peak flows alone (in a duplex station, the 2nd pump is the spare if pump reliability is met). ® Yes ❑ No 6 — 9 mo. II(7) — Accessible right-of-ways and easements. ® Yes ❑ No 6 —12 mo. II(9) — Response action plan with Items 9 (a — h). ® Yes ❑ No 3 mo. III(3) — Comprehensive collection system map ® Yes ❑ No 10% per year For conditions not listed, compliance dates are not typically offered. List any permit conditions that may be difficult for the applicant to meet (attach clarification if needed): APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION per 15A NCAC 02T .0106(b): 1, �L&V L.. ( - Kc-}or attest that this application for City of Kannapolis (Signature Authority's Name & Title from Item 1.4) (Facility name from Item 1. 1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if all required pars of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned to me as incomplete. Note: In accordance with NC General Statutes 143-215.6A and 143-215.6B any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any application shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed $10,000 as well as civil pe i up to $25,000 er violaf rf. Signature: Date: / 0 /.?az .P09 y APPLICATION CSA 04-16 Page 5 of 5 Article B. Delegation Letter Article C. Pump Station List Article C Pump Station List Name: BALLPARK LIFT STATION Address: 2888 Moose Road Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Onsite Generator, let Vacs Capacity of Station: 63 GPM Name: BRANTLEY RD LIFT STATION Address: 2551 Brantley Road Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Onsite Generator, Jet Vacs Capacity of Station: 430 GPM Name: MIDLAKE LIFT STATION Address: 1050 Midlake Avenue Kannapolis, NC Alarm Tyne: Audio, Visualand SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Onsite Generator, Jet Vacs Capacity of Station: 560 GPM Name: MISSION OAKS LIFTSTATION Address: 1801 Mission Oaks Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Onsite Generator, Jet Vacs Caoacitv of Station: 90 GPM Name: CHAPEL ST LIFT STATION Name: SOUTH RIDGE LIFT STATION Address: 100 Chapel Street Kannapolis, INC Address: 2935 South Ridge Avenue Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Portable Generator, Jet Vacs Reliability Source: Portable Generator, Jet Vacs Capacity of Station: 122 GPM Capacity of Station: 68 GPM Name: CHARLIE WALKER LIFT STATION Address: 5555 Charlie Walker Road Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Portable Generator, Jet Vacs Capacity of Station: 80 GPM Name: FORRESTBROOK LIFT STATION Address: 2412 Forrest Brook Drive Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Onsite Generator, Jet Vacs Capacity of Station: 190 GPM Name: GOLF COURSE LIFT STATION Address: 1196 Fairway Drive Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Onsite Generator, Jet Vacs Capacity of Station: 200 GPM Name: HAWFIELD LIFT STATION Address: 4388 Hawfiled Street Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Portable Generator, Jet Vacs Capacity of Station: 200 GPM Name: CHINA GROVE ROAD LIFTSTATION Address: 1901 Concord Lake Road Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visualand SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Onsite Generator, Jet Vacs Caoacity of Station: 550 GPM Name: WAL-MART LIFT STATION Address: 917 South Chapel Street Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Portable Generator, Jet Vacs Capacity of Station: 65 GPM Name: WASHINGTON LANE LIFTSTATION Address: 1350 Washington Lane Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio,Visualand SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Onste Generator, Jet Vacs Capacity of Station: 160 GPM Name: SBTH STREET LIFTSTATION Address: 555 East 18th Street Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Onsite Generator, Jet Vacs Capacity of Station: 345 GPM Name: 136 LIFTSTATION Address: 1901 Concord Lake Road Kannapolis, NC Alarm Type: Audio, Visual and SCADA Pump Reliability: Yes Reliability Source: Onsite Generator, Jet Vacs Capacity of Station: 660 GPM GARNER Article D. High Priority Lines List Article D High Priority Lines QTY 1 STREET Applegate Dr. CROSS Across branch toward Grandhaven Aerial 1 Azalea Ave. Across creek going toward Elwood St. Aerial 1 Bailey St. In curve on Bailey St. crossing creek onto outfall line Aerial 1 Barbara Ann Cir Across creek toward Brantley Creek Dr. Under Creek Bed 1 Basin St. Crossing creek to Idlewood Aerial 1 Basin St. Crossing creek to Knollwood Aerial 1 Brantley Rd. East of Lake Fisher, before 1-85 In Creek Bed 5 Brantley Rd. West side of 1-85 Aerial 1 Brantley Rd. West side of I-85, east of Fisher Lake, crossing creek Aerial 1 Brantley Rd. At Lane behind pond Aerial 1 Briarcliff Dr. Crossing creek at Meadowood St. Aerial 2 Camp Julia Rd. From Camp Julia across ditches to 1-85 Aerials 1 Carolina Ave. Across Creek Aerial 1 Centergrove Rd. Second bridge Aerial 1 Centergrove Rd. Toward 1-85 behind Concord Lake Dam Aerial 1 Central Dr. Across creek between Laura & Grace Ave. In Creek Bed 1 Centergrove Rd. Behind Lake Fisher Dam,100 yards off of road Aerial 1 Charlie Walker Dr. Crossing ditch behind lift station Aerial 1 Cloverleaf Parkway Behind old Ben Franklin building in Three Mile Branch In Creek Bed 2 Cooper St. Across ditch at creek below Cobb In Creek Bed 1 E. 13th St. At Sloop, creek crossing at trailer park In Creek Bed 1 E. 13th St. At creek behind 1300 E. 13th St. Aerial 1 E. 19th St. Behind rest home In Creek Bed 1 E. 23rd St. Creek crossing between 23rd St. & 24th St. In Creek Bed 1 E. 23rd St. At creek to 24th St., both sides of road to 22nd St. Aerial 1 Earley St. End of Earley St. crossing branch Aerial 1 Edinburg Dr. Across storm drain ditch toward Centergrove Rd. Under ditch 1 Elwood St. Across creek toward Briarcliff Under Creek Bed 1 Esther Circle Across creek to Oakdale outfall line Aerial 1 Fairview St. Across creek beside of bridge toward E. 1st St. In Creek Bed 1 Fairview St. At bridge crossing creek Aerial 1 Farmstone Ct. Creek crossing off of Willowood In Creek Bed 1 Ford St. From Oakshade to curve at Ford St. Aerial 1 Forrestbrook Dr. Across creek to Centergrove Rd. Aerial 1 Frederick Ave. Across branch along Colony Dr. Aerial 1 Gay St. Across creek to Broad St. Aerial 1 Gilling CT. Across creek to Evergreen outfall line Aerial 3 Glenn Ave. Across creek at Bakers Creek Park Aerials 1 Grace Ave. Behind Jackson Park School at outfall line Aerial 1 Grandhaven Dr. At Creek Aerial 2 Hahn St. One at the end of Hahn St., the other behind Hilbish Ford Crossing wetland Aerials 1 Hwy 3 From Oklahoma at Hwy 3 toward pump station Aerial 1 Jamaica Rd. Across creek to Esther Circle Aerial 1 Kansas St. Toward Holland St. crossing creek Aerial 1 Kentucky St. Creek crossing between Kentucky & Carolina In Creek Bed 1 Lake Fisher Rd. Toward Midlake pump station Aerial 1 Lakeview St. Private line coming from Braswell's building Aerial 1 Lane St. Across creek between Laura & Grace Ave. Aerials 2 Lane St. Beside the west side of 1-85 toward Brantley Rd. outfall line on east side of lake Aerial 1 Lane St. East of 1-85 behind Comfort Inn toward Brantley Rd. at pond Aerials 2 Lane St. West side of Lake Fisher toward China Grove Rd. to Brantley Aerials 2 Little Texas Rd. Behind Park Dale School off Little Texas Rd. toward Mitchell Glen Aerial 1 Louise Ave. Crossing creek north from loth to 11th St. Aerial 1 Louise Ave. Crossing ditch between 11th & 12th St. Aerial 2 Mable Ave. Beside bridge north of E.10th St. toward 11th St. Aerials 1 Margate Ave. Across creek to Shady Lane Aerial 1 Marie Ave. Across creek at bridge Aerial 1 Mason St. At Red St. steel pipe crossing creek Aerial 1 Mountain View At dead end of Mountain View towards Washington Lane In Creek Bed 1 Mt. Vernon Ave. At creek between Mt. Vernon & Washington Aerial 1 N. Cannon Blvd. Creek crossing at trailer park at 1300 N. Cannon Blvd. In Creek Bed 1 North Cabarrus Park At creek in Earl Goodman's pasture Aerial 1 Oak Circle Northwest to Oval Aerial 1 Oak Circle East across lumber yard branch to Forrest Ave. Aerial 2 Oakdale Ave. On outfall line toward Centergrove Rd. Aerials 1 Odessa St. Crossing creek to Esther Circle Aerial 1 Peacehaven Rd. In creek to Carolina outfall Under Creek Bed 1 Pine St. Across creek to Mooresville Rd. Aerial 1 Prince St. Crossing creek to Austin St. Aerial 1 Rainbow Dr. Concrete encased In Creek Bed 1 Red St. across creek to Mason St. Aerial 1 Rice St. Across ditch to Blackwelder Aerial 1 Shady Circle Crossing creek toward Evergreen St. Aerial 1 Smith St. Across creek Aerial 1 Stone Ridge Ct. Across creek at the end of street towards Farmstone Ct. Aerial 1 W. "A" St. End of oufall north to W. 8th St at old landfill Aerial 3 W. "A" St. Crossing creek toward 22nd St. In Creek Bed 1 W. 14th St. Crossing branch at trailer Park Aerial 1 Washington Lane Beside of lift station from trailer park Aerial 1 Westover Ave. From Northside St. near creek bank Aerial 1 Wildwood Dr. Across creek toward Cooper Ave. Aerial 1 Wilson St. Crossing creek toward Johndy St. Aerial 1 York St. Crossing under Hwy 3 to Cadillac Aerial RECEIVED NOV 01 2024 NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES Article E. Annual Budget 1 U nn Well inrii ■ lilies 0 1111 111111 sales. iIII [' uu..��/. - OR 4A 9z �Z AJ I.iIF I11i • � II II • ■ I � � " ■ ::2 I I JLSVUHU a3SOdOad Sr'1NYN City of Kannapolis City Council Left to right: Council Member Ryan Dayvault, Mayor Pro Tern Doug Wilson, Council, Member Jeanne Dixon, Mayor M. Darrell Hinnant, Council Member Darrell Jackson, Council Member Tom Kincaid, and Council Member Dianne Bent'. KA N City of Kannapolis Preliminary Budget Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Prepared by: City of Kannapolis Staff Special Thanks to: City Manager's Office, Communications and Finance KAN 01 An KANN }[t S CITY ORGANIZATION City Attorney Assistant to the City Manager Parks & Recreation Assistant City Manager Finance General Services Information Technoloqy Customer Service Human Resources Kannapolis Citizens Mayor and City Council City Manager Deputy City Manager Assistant City Manager Engineering Planning Public Transit MIM Transportation Environmental Services Water Resources City Clerk Communications Economic & Community Development Fire Chief Police Chief CITY OF KANNAPOLIS Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget BUDGET MESSAGE BudgetMessage....................................................................................A-1:A-38 INTRODUCTION CommunityProfile.............................................................................................1 Strategic Visioning Process Goals...........................................................................7 BUDGET PROCESS AND POLICIES BudgetProcess................................................................................................28 BudgetCalendar...............................................................................................30 BudgetLevels...................................................................................................32 BudgetAdoption..............................................................................................33 Basisof Budgeting............................................................................................34 Revenue Assumptions.......................................................................................38 FINANCIAL STRUCTURE FinancialPolicies.............................................................................................42 FinancialStructure............................................................................................ 57 BUDGET SUMMARY Revenue Summary (All Funds)............................................................................61 Expenditure Summary (All Funds)........................................................................66 CITY OF KANNAPOLIS Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget 17ff All IU1u • ' General Fund — Fund Summary ............................................................................71 Water and Sewer Fund — Fund Summary ..................................................................73 Stormwater Fund — Fund Summary .........................................................................74 Environmental Fund — Fund Summary .....................................................................75 Separation Pay Fund — Fund Summary ...................................................................76 Transit Fund — Fund Summary ..............................................................................77 Insurance and Risk Fund — Fund Summary ...............................................................80 PERSONNEL SECTION FullTime Employees........................................................................................82 New Positions/Reclassifications...........................................................................83 ;!] 3a IM LI0 a ILI1►11; RevenueSummary ...........................................................................................86 ExpenditureSummary ........................................................................................93 General Government CityCouncil....................................................................................................99 CityManager's Office.....................................................................................101 EconomicDevelopment....................................................................................103 Communications............................................................................................ 104 HumanResources...........................................................................................106 CITY OF KANNAPOLIS Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget LegalServices...............................................................................................108 Finance.......................................................................................................110 Information Technology.....................................................................................112 GeneralServices..............................................................................................114 Non- Departmental..........................................................................................116 General Fund Debt Service................................................................................. 119 Transfers — General Fund...................................................................................120 Public Safety Police — Administration....................................................................................121 Police — Support Services..................................................................................123 Police — Field Operations...................................................................................125 Police — Special Operations............................................................................... 127 Fire — Administration...................................................................................... 129 Fire — Emergency Services................................................................................ 131 Fire — Technical Services.................................................................................. 133 Public Works Engineering.................................................................................................. 135 StreetLighting............................................................................................... 137 Operations Center........................................................................................... 138 Signsand Markings........................................................................................ 139 CITY OF KANNAPOLIS Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget PowellBill................................................................................................... 141 Street Maintenance......................................................................................... 142 Planning Planning...................................................................................................... 144 Parks and Recreation Parks.......................................................................................................... 146 Recreation Programs....................................................................................... 150 Stadium...................................................................................................... 151 WATER AND SEWER FUND Revenue Summary ......................................................................................... 153 ExpenditureSummary .................................................................................... 153 Billing and Collections.................................................................................... 154 Distribution................................................................................................. 156 Water Treatment Plant.................................................................................... 158 Sewage Treatment(WSACC)............................................................................ 160 Water and Sewer - Debt Service......................................................................... 162 Water and Sewer — Transfers..............................................................................163 STORMWATER FUND StormwaterFund........................................................................................... 164 CITY OF KANNAPOLIS Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget RevenueSummary ......................................................................................... 166 Expenditure Summary .................................................................................... 167 Stormwater — Debt Service............................................................................... 168 Stormwater — Transfers....................................................................................168 ENVIRONMENTAL FUND EnvironmentalFund....................................................................................... 170 RevenueSummary ......................................................................................... 171 Expenditure Summary ..................................................................................... 172 Environmental — Debt Service........................................................................... 173 SEPARATION PAY FUND SeparationPay Fund....................................................................................... 175 RevenueSummary ......................................................................................... 176 Expenditure Summary .................................................................................... 176 TRANSIT FUND TransitFund................................................................................................ 178 Revenue Summary ......................................................................................... 180 Expenditure Summary .....................................................................................180 INSURANCE AND RISK FUND Insuranceand Risk Fund................................................................................. 182 CITY OF KANNAPOLIS Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget Revenue Summary ......................................................................................... 183 ExpenditureSummary .....................................................................................183 RECEIVED Nov 01 2024 NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) revenue and Powell Bill funds, which come from the State. The table on the following below shows a historical comparison of the major revenue sources by fund. Ad Valorem Taxes Sales Taxes Intergovernmental Other Fund Balance Transfm Total General Fund Source of Revenues by Fund 32,888,681 32,860,158 34,727,004 35,588,732 39,027,140 51,331,962 11,635,617 11,131,082 14,084,123 13,626,161 16,440,102 16,887,246 5,830,737 5,917,136 6,512,774 6,333,541 6,373,357 7,138,972 4,963,205 6,406,130 6,118,410 6,195,267 7,288,295 9,634,972 - - - 753,458 1,242,385 - 200000 200,000 200,000 S 55,518,240 $ 36,514,506 S 61,642011 S 62,497,159 S 70,371,279 $ 84,993,152 Total Water and Sewer Fund 21,030,851 21,242,624 25,550,307 23,370,000 24,286,437 29,743,813 Total Stormwater Fund 3,078,995 3,195,831 3,142,858 3,291,706 3,530,000 3,750,000 Total Environmental Fund 4,503,966 5,195,704 4,659,918 4,908,080 5,683,817 6,700,690 Total Separation Fund 502,781 484,210 484,210 506,407 496,912 600,000 Total Transit Fund 857,338 700,000 843,070 1,743,571 1,223,031 1,621,823 Total Downtown Fund 9,616,973 - - - - - Total Insurance and Risk Fund - 6,046,480 6,761,094 Grand Total All Funds S 06,551,274 $ K667,423 $ 95,045,222 $ %.916,039 $ The following table shows a comparison of revenue sources across all funds for the FY 25 budget. Ad Valorem Tex. 51,331,962 - - - - - 51,331.962 Sales Taxes 16,887,246 - - - - 16,1187,246 Intergove cil 7,138,972 - - - - - - 7,138,972 Invesarem Ira:ume 1,400,000 100,000 80,000 45,000 - - - 1,625,000 Other 7,334,972 1,105,000 270,000 104,000 - - 6,761,094 15,575,056 Charges for Services - 25,495.813 3.400,000 4.360,000 - - - 33,245.913 Lp/Caacction Fees - 3,053.000 - - - - 3,053,000 Vehicle License Tax 900,000 - - - - 433,600 - 1,333,600 Fad Balance - - - - - - - - Transfm 2,191,6910 600,000 1,188,223 - 3,979,913 Torahs .. S 84.9WM S 29,743,513 S 3,750,000 S 6,700,690 S 400A00 S 1,621,823 S 6,761,04 S 134,179-40 A line -item breakdown of the major revenue sources in the General Fund is on the following page with the remaining funds to follow. 63 WATER AND SEWFIt I N1) Charges and Fees 21,001,437 25,485,813 4,484,376 21.35% Wholesale Water Sales 400,000 425,000 25,000 6.25% Tap Fees 800,000 1,168,000 368,000 46.00% Connection Fees 1,500,000 1,885,000 385,000 25.67% Reconnection Fees 140,000 140,000 - _0.000/0 Penalties 400,000 525,000 125,000 31.25% Miscellaneous Revenue 15,000 15,000 - 0.000/0 Investment Income 30,000 100,000 70,000 233.33% Expenditures Personnel 5,955,691 6,700,290 744,599 12.50% Operating 17,247,746 22,123,523 4,875,777 28.27% r'Aniral 1 083 000 920-000 (163.000) -15.05% The FY 25 proposed Water and Sewer budget totals $29,743,813 which represents a S5,457,376 or 22.47% increase over the FY 2024 adopted budget of $24,286,437. There is steady growth in the charges and fees category for both commercial and residential. Staff are projecting a 10% increase in overall water and sewer charges (estimated at $2,173,563). Also, budgeted is the increase in the proposed rates to help pay for debt service on various projects. Staff are proposing to adjust the base sewer rate by $1.44/month (from $3.80 to $5.24). This is anticipated to generate $349,920 in additional revenue to pay towards the fixed costs of the WSACC plant expansion. Staff is also projecting a .75 increase on the sewer volumetric rate which is anticipated to generate $1,151,250 in revenue. This is set to be used for Salisbury Rowan Utilities costs at an estimated $4.76 million and the downtown sewer outfall project, estimated at $3.93 million. The remaining fee increase is set to increase the water volumetric rate by .51 which will generate around $806,643 in new revenue which will go towards the debt service for the dam spillway replacement (estimated at $6.3 million) and the Clearwell project (estimated at $1.7 million). Connection fees and tap fees have also experienced steady growth based on trends. Reconnection fees and miscellaneous revenue remained flat while wholesale water sales increased by $25,000 based on trends. Last, penalty revenue is projected to increase by $125,000 based on trends. Personnel increases include: (1) Locator, (1) Operator 2- Night shift lead and (1) Customer Service Revenue Specialist as well as a 3% COLA and 5% merit. Health increases are also accounted for, which are based on an increase of $960/employee. Operations are projected to increase by 28%, primarily due to the increase in sewage treatment costs for the next phase in the WSACC expansion (estimated around $1.2 million). There was also a substantial increase in material costs, bulk water purchases and contracted service for the water treatment plant and distribution. Capital costs include: $812,000 in distribution for 8 pieces of equipment/vehicles and $108,000 in the treatment plant budget for 4 pieces of equipment/vehicles. 73 WATER &SEWER FUND The Water and Sewer Fund (W/S Fund) is the second largest fund with the City. The W/S Fund revenue includes monies collected from charges for water and sewer services, fees, sales tax, and other revenue. This fund includes most of the operating services, such as administration, billing and collection, water treatment and distribution, sewage treatment, and general management services. 152 Water & Sewer Revenue Summary Fiscal Year 2025 36000 Chinges and Fees Wholesale Water Sales Tap Fees Connection Fees_ Reconnection _Fees 21,001,437 400,000 800,000 1,500,000 140,000 25,485,813 425,000 1,168,000 1,885000 _ 140:000 4,484,376 21.35% 25,000 6.25% 368,000 46.00% 3.85,000 25.67%0 - 0.000/0 36600 36610 36620 36640 36650 Penalties 400,000 525,000 125,000 31.25% Miscellaneous Revenue 15,000 I0,000 _37000 38000 Investment Income AvestmeatInFundBalance ed �— 30 000 I00,000 - 70,0_00 —_ -- 233.33% 3.33% - _0.00% 38000 Water & Sewer Expenditure Summary Fiscal Year 2025 Water & Sewer - Billinpz& Collections _ _ 1,556,054 Water & Sewer - Disttibulion -- -- 6,299,389 Water & Sewer - Water Treatment Plant _ _ 4,428,892 Water & Sewer - WSACC 4,455,480 General Management Services - Transfer to General Fund — -- 1,823,413 Transfer to Other Funds Tow Ooeratln¢ S 18,563,228 S Total Debt Service S 5,723,209 S 1,703,941 _ _ 147,887 _9.50% 6,920,8891 621,500 9.87% 5,373,362 914470 21.33% �869,191 1 413 711 31_73% 1,845,182 21,769. - 1.19% 153 Water and Sewer — Billing and Collections 36000 MISSION STATEMENT: The Water and Sewer Billing and Collection program was established to provide billing, collection, meter reading and installation, and customer service to the individuals in Kannapolis who receive water and sewer services from the City. We are dedicated to effectively and courteously servicing customer accounts by working with individual customers to insure accurate and timely billing, up to date customer records, and a high level of cooperative, knowledgeable, and personal service both at the City offices and at the customer sites. Expense Personnel Expenses $1 251 089 Operating Expenses 1$453,200 Total Budget 1$1,704,289 Personnel includes: Customer Service Director (1), Billing and Collections Supervisor (1), Customer Service Advocates (10), Revenue Collection Specialist (1), Utility Billing Specialist (2), (1) Communication Specialist and proposed (1) Customer Service Revenue Specialist Increases: • $174,235 — increase in personnel costs. This accounts for anew Customer Service Revenue Specialist position, 3% COLA, 5% merit, and health insurance increases. • $15,000 - increase in postage costs due to an increase in customer base and PDF printing efforts of customer history. • $1,000 —increase in dues and subscriptions. • $5,000 — increase in mailing services based on projected increased costs. Reductions • $7,000 — decrease in small tools and equipment based on a one-time cost of a scanner purchased in FY 24. Included in the proposed FY 25 budget of $3,000 does include small tools and equipment for the new position. • $40,000 — decrease in contracted services with the Datamax contract based on trends. Items of Interest: • Banking fees include Lockbox and a -box services. 154 Water and Sewer - Billing and Collections 36000 41000 Salaries - Regular 41200 Salaries - Overtime 41300 Longevity Pay 42000 FICA _ 42100 Workers Compensation Insurance 42200 _ State Retirement 42210 401k 42300 Medical Instrance 42400 Life Insurance 42500 Dental Insurance 745,692 861,652 115,96u 15.55% 6,600 6,000 - 0.00% 9,200 1LI00 1,900 20.6 49,438 _ 58,662 9,224 18.6 4,700 6% 00% 5% 46% 00% 520 11.06% _ E _Qme�_ - _-. _ 43100 Printing.W'Y0 43300 P_ostage 160,000 _ 175,000 1.5,000 9.38% Mn 44100 B(. Maintenance: Oliice m 1,000 1000 - 0.00% 45250 Telex _ 3,200 3 200 0.00% [ Mn n rrwi 46200 Small Egwpmmd and Tools _ 46300 Dues and Subscriptions _ 47100 Uniforms 48000 Contracted Services 48430 BankiogFees_ 48W Mailing Services 2,000 3,0001 1,0001 50.00% 3,000 3,000 0.000/0 60,000 20,000 40000 -66.67% 165,000 165,000 - 0.000/0 _ 55.0001 _ 60,000 5,000 9.090/0 Personnel Expenditures 1,076,854 1,251,089 174,235 16.18% 155 Water and Sewer — Distribution 36100 MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Water and Wastewater Resources Department is to deliver the highest quality of drinking water and to continue to build and maintain a reliable Water Distribution and Wastewater Collection System. We are also committed to providing a safe environment for our employees and citizens. Expense Personnel Expenses $3 595 727 Operating Expenses $2 512 466 Capital Expenses $812,000 Total Budget $6,920,193 Personnel includes: (8) Construction Maintenance Technicians, (16) CMW II, (5) Crew Chiefs, (3) Crew Supervisors, (2) Equipment Operators, (1) Heavy Equipment Operator, (2) Locators, (3) Meter Technicians, (1) Operations Manager, (1) Senior Administrative Support Specialist and (1) Warehouse Assistant. (1) additional Meter Technician and proposed (1) Locator position. Increases: $256,631— increase in personnel costs includes personnel costs. This accounts for a new locator position, 3% COLA, 5% merit, and health insurance increases. • $19,400 — increase in repair and maintenance: vehicles for increased costs and age of current fleet. • $16,625 — increase in repair and maintenance: equipment for increases costs and age of current equipment. • $1,400 — increase in equipment rental based on trends. • $10,091 — increase in motor fuel based on trends. • $3,000 — increase in small tools and equipment for new position. • $14,400 — increase in dues and subscriptions for CCTV dues and other programs. • $72,055 — increase in material costs for water and sewer services. • $262,213 increase in contracted services for the following: o $35,000 in outfall contract maintenance. This contracted service is important as we are struggling to maintain our sewer outfalls (ROW) due to all available staff being assigned to construction. We are not able to maintain mowing due to turnover rate and this is a permit required obligation. The best solution is to contract this work out. o $35,000 — Washington Lane pump station zone- smoke test. Smoke test high I & I basin and prepare report for contracted repair o $192,213 — contracted services for III reduction. This is more cost effective to contract this service than to have an in-house crew at this time. This type of work will include work on wastewater outfall failures and reduction efforts via manhole raising and replacement. Capital: $812,000 total (breakdown below): o $32,000 —Ford Maverick for new locator position. 156 o $45,000 - light duty truck for meter crew leader. o $215,000 - replacement of W35 Cat 420D Backhoe. This is based on the life cycle and repairs needed (replacement transmission estimated at $30,000). o $185,000 - replacement of W31 mowing tractor. This is based on the life cycle. This tractor has broken down and is not cost-effective to repair. o $165,000 - purchase of a new dump truck. Lead Service Line has a need for this type of vehicle in the field. This will be a single axle and can be used as a spare for older fleet vehicles that are down. o $70,000 - new trench boxes. Shoring equipment is outdated and no longer supported by the manufacturer. o $65,000 - new sewer equipment truck for new wastewater lift stations and outfalls to maintain. o $35,000 - new gator and trailer. This department currently doesn't have a UTV. This would be a 4-seat UTV. 412M Salaries - Overtime 153,000 _ 153,000 - 0.00°/a 41300 Lon-ty Pay 28,400 _ 30,600 2,200 7.75% 42000 FICA 144,413 158,813 14,400 9.97% 42100 Workers Compensation Insurance 47,520 47,520 - 100.00% 42200 State Retirernent 238,675 268,658 29,983 12.56% 42210 401k 26,159 _ _ _35,022 _ _ _ _8,863 33.88% 300 42 Mcdical Insnance 485,760 _ 54.0,000 54,240 1L17/. 42400 Lifc lavnaace 3,188 3,188 _ - 0.00% _ 42500 Dental Insurance 14,964 16,704 1,740 11.63% 43100 Printing 3,000 3,000 - 0.00%' 43300 Postage 1,800 1,800 - 0.0D% 44200 Repair & Maintenance: Vehicles _ 97,000 116,400 19,400 20.00% 44300 Repair & Mairacnarce: Buildings and Grounds _ 1,800 1,800 - 0.00%, 44400 Repair& Maintenance: Equipment _ 66,500 83,125 16,625 25.00% _ 44600 _ Repair & Maintenace: Lift Station 277,000 277,000 - 0_00% 44900 Repay& Mainu=ce: Strests 10,000 10,000 - oxei 45220 Electricity 5"00 58,300 - 0.000A 45230 Wale aM Sewer 5,750 5,750 - 0.00% 45249 Ges Utilities 2,090 2,299 209 10.005 45250 Telephone 49,220 45,000 (4,220) -8.57% 45410 Equipment Rental 7,000 8,400 1,400 20.00% 45610 Mot. Fuel 67,275 77.366 10,091 15.00% 46100 Office Supplies 12,000 12,000 - 0.00% 46200 Small Equiprrern and Tools _ 10,000 13,000 _ 3,000 30.00% 46300_ Ducs ad Subacriptiocs _36,000 50,400 14,400 40.W1. 46I50 Materials for W&S Services 600,458 672,513 72,055 12,00 % 47100 ❑.funs 40,000 40,000 - 0.00% 48000 Contracted Scr,,ces 715,000 977,213 262.213 36,67% 51100 Travel and I ratrung 57,100 57,100 O.OM.b Personnel Expenditures 3,339,096 3,595,727 256,631 7.69% OpmurE Expenditures 2,117,291 _2,112,466 395,173 18.66% C iW - Meclu and E ui ment 843,000 812, 000 31,000) 100.00% 157 Water and Sewer — Water Treatment Plant 36200 MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Water Treatment Plant is to protect the public health by producing a continuous, adequate, and safe source of potable water for distribution to citizens. Service is provided by ten City employees operating a 15 million -gallon (MG) capacity water treatment plant fed by a 1,356 MG storage capacity lake. Expense Personnel Expenses $1 853 474 Operating Expenses $3 412 236 Capital Expenses $108,000 Total Budget $5,373,710 Personnel includes: (1) Crew Supervisor, (1) Director of Water Resources, (1) Water Quality Technician, (1) WTP Maintenance Worker I, (1) WTP Maintenance Worker, (1) WTP Manager, (1) WTP Supervisor, (5) WTP Operator I, (2) WTP Operator II and proposed (3) Lead Service Line Inventory Workers and (1) Lab Analyst and proposed (1) Operator 2- Night Shift Lead. Increases: • $313,733 — increase in personnel costs includes personnel costs. This accounts for a new Operator position, 3% COLA, 5% merit, and health insurance increases. • $335,000 — increase in chemical order based on inflation. • $123,550 — increase in repair and maintenance for vehicles, equipment, lift station and water tanks based on trends. • $250,000 — increase in bulk water purchases based on trends. • $50,000 — increase in equipment rental for the rental of a generator. • $4,000 — increase in uniforms based on increased costs. • $8,000 — increase in travel and training based on increased costs and addition of a team member. • $60,000 — increase in contracted services for an electrical study to take place. The generator is out of service and we are on a temporary rented generator awaiting repairs. The current Gen Set is aged and need of replacement. This will be the study to determine what options we have. Reductions: • $72,865 — decrease in utilities based on trends. Capital: $108,000 — in capital outlay for the following: o $8,000 for a walk behind brush cutter. o $15,000 for a commercial grade zero tam mower. o $55,000 for the replacement of WTP 5 (van). o $30,000 for actuator assembly replacement (1 of 3) - Most of the WTP valves that are electrically actuated were installed during the 2003 upgrades. These rate of flow (ROF) valves modulate the flow 158 rates automatically via PLC commands. The typical lifespan of these actuators is 15 years. It has been suggested we update the rate of flow valve actuators first as these receive the most use and are the most important to plant operations, including filters, raw water, and backwash ROF valves. We just repaired one recently that cost us $6,000 to replace the motor and card. Items of Interest: 41000 Salaries - Regular 1,015,365 _ 1,244,005 228,640 22.52% 41100 Salaries - PanTimc 20,000 20:00 - 100.00% 41200 Salaries - Overtime 45,000 60,000 15,000 33.33% 41300 Longevity Pay _ 13,000 -_ 16,300 3,300 i 25.38% 41600 _ 42000 Vehicle Allowance FICA 6,000 _ _ 79,509 _ 6,000 79,091 - 4_ _019I_ - --_ 0.00% -0.53 _ 41200 Worlcaf Compeniation Insurance _ - _ 19,440 19,440 ii_ 100.00% _ 42200 State Retirement _ _114,012 _ _1446,312 _. 32,300. 28.33% 42210 401k 21j13 26,250 4,935 23.15%� 42300 _ Medical Insurance 198720 228,000 29,280 14.73%� 42400 Life Insurance 1,464 1,464 0.00% _ 42500 Dcntal Insurance 1 5,9161 6,612 696 11.76% 43200 Advmising 500 1,000 500 100.00%J _ 43300 _ _ _ Postage _ _ _ _ _ 300_ _ _ 600 300 100.00%' 44200 Repair & Maintenance : Vehicles 5,350 8,900 3,550 66.36% 44400 Re pair &Maintenance: Egmpment 128500 178,500 50,000 38.91% 44600 Repair & Maintenance: Lift Static 56,000 _ 76,000 20,000 35.71% 44700 _ Repair & Maintenance: Water Tank 102,900 _ 152,900 50,DOO ~-48.59% 45220 _ Electricity 300,000 230,000 _(70,000)-23.33% _45240 _ Gas Utilities 1,045 1,045 - 0.00% 45250 Telephone 20,865 18,000 (2,865)-13.73%I 45410 _ Equipment RrnW 50,000 50,000 100.00% 45610 Motor Fuel _ _ _ 6,900 10,000 - _ _3,100 44.93% 46100 _ Office Supplies 9000 6,000 (3,000).-33.33%' 46200 Small Equipment and Tools 8,500 5,000 �)_ 41.18% 06300 Dues and Subscriptions 12,1100 _ 20_ ,000 _ __8.000 66.67% 46820 Cleaning Supplies 100 100 - 0.00% 46830 Chnrdcals _ _ _ _ 465,000 800,000 335,000 72.04% _ 46940 Raw Water Pu nchases _ _ 49,000 _ 49,000 _ _ 0.00% 47100 Uniforms 12,000 16,000 4�000 33.33% 48000 Contracted Services 399,691 449,691 60,000 15.40%I 48000-LCRR Contacted Services - Lcad/Copper Rule Revision 25.000 - 25,000 - 100.00% 48220 Conran - Grounds Maintenance nce 46,000_ 46,000 0.00% 48246 Bulk Water Purchases 1,000,000 1,250,000 250,000 25.00"/6 51100 Travel and Traimm 10.500 19,500 N 000 76. 19 % Personnel Lxpenditures 1,539,741 1,853,474 313,733 20.38% Operating Expenditures 2,649,151 3,412,236 763,085 28.80% CanitalE inures 240,000 108,000 (132,000) -55,00% 159 Water and Sewer — Sewage Treatment 36400 MISSION STATEMENT: The Water and Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County (WSACC) provides the City's sewage treatment — WSACC is an independent, incorporated public body funded by user fees with no taxing authority supporting five jurisdictions (Cabarrus County, Concord, Kannapolis, Harrisburg, and Mount Pleasant). WSACC may plan for the provision of wholesale water and may, when tasked by its organizing jurisdictions, provide retail water and sewer service. Expense Summary Personnel Expenses $0 Operating Expenses 1$5,869,191 Total Budget 1$5,869,191 No Personnel included in this Division. Increases: • $257,940 — increase in sewage treatment variable costs per WSACC. • $1,302,229 —increase in treatment fixed rate. This is primarily due to the next phase of the plant expansion addressing the limited sewage capacity. Reductions: • $146,458 —decrease in intercept fixed rate based on estimated costs from WSACC. Capital: • None Items of Interest: • Does not account for 1/I that occurs throughout the year due to heavy rainfall that is then treated. • Large treatment cost increases for the limited sewage capacity/expansion efforts. FY 25 resulted in $1.2 million and will increase to $1.8 million in FY 27. 160 Water and Sewer — Sewage Treatment 36400 49020 49050 49070 Sewage Treatment Variable Treatment Fixed Rate Assessments _ i Northlite Sewer 2,569,530 1,295.612 2,827,470 257,940 2,597,841 1,302,229 347,840 (146,458) 31,040 S 5.869.191 S 1.413.711 31.73% 161 Water and Sewer — Debt Service 38000 58100 58200 Bond Principal 1 Bond Interest 58300 Debt Issuance Cost 58100 Proposed New Det 4,371,699 4,451,467 79,768 1.82% (82,542) -6.11% 500,000 0.00% 810.813 1 100.00% Debt Service Expenditures 5,723,209 8,031,248 2,308,039 40.33%. RevBond2021B Project KamCr SUWTP rovements Principal 419,000 Interest 172,156 Maturity Date 2/1/2042 Rev Bond 2021C Kam CrossinelaneSt WTP In3provernents 1,418,000 8,650 2/1/2042 Rev Bond 2023 Kam Cro St/WTP Irnprovements 839,767 241,863 2/1/2042 Rev Bond 2018 Downtown Water and Sewer 751,000 515,014 4/1/2038 Rev Bond 2021 Downtown Water and Sewer 626,000 170,160 4/1/2038 Rev Bond 2017 Davidson Rd Water 306,000 153,079 4/1/2041 2011 Notes Pa le Equipment 76,528 5,037 6/10/2026 2011ANotesPa le Second Creek 15,172 3,010 5/1/2032 New debt service is proposed in this fund for the following: • Fixed costs of the WSACC plant expansion o Offset by proposed base rate charge of $1.44/month x 20,250 users = $349,920. This will bring the base fee from $3.80 to $5.24. • Variable costs of the WSACC expansion in year one and a portion of the proposed Salisbury Rowan Utility costs (estimated at $4.76 million) and Downtown Sewer Outfall debt service (estimated at $3.93 million). o This is proposed to be offset by an increase of .75 on the volumetric rate on sewer. This will bring the rate from $6.70/1,000 gallons to $7.45/1,000 gallons. This is set to generate $1,151,250 in revenue. • Dam spillway replacement (estimated at $6.3 million) and Clearwell reimbursement (estimated at $1.7 million). o This is proposed to be offset by an increase of .51 on the volumetric rate on water. This will bring the rate from $6.80/1,000 gallons to $7.31/1,000 gallons. This is set to generate $809,643 in revenue. 162 Water and Sewer — General Management Services Fee and Transfers 39000 56000 _ General Management Services 1,823,413 1,845,182 21,769 1.19% 57200 Transfer to Other Funds - - 0.00% -57400 - Transfer to Env Fund 0.00% Items of Interest: • Water and Sewer General Management Services Fee: $1,845,182 (was $1,823,413 in FY 24) • Increase attributed to updated audited figures used in calculation. • Transfer to Environmental fund is no longer present. The Environmental Fund is fully subsidized by the General Fund to stay in compliance with the bond covenants related to the debt service parity ratio in the Water and Sewer Fund. 163 Article F. Capital Improvement Plan h 29 City of Kannapolis Wastewater System Maintenance Capital Improvement Plan Fiscal Years 24thr!FH Item FY 25 FY26 FY27 FY28 29 Collection System (cash payments) Contractor Root Control (zone l and 2) $ 30,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 S 50,000 I&I Manhole Rehab S 30,000 $ 30,000 $ 250,000 $ 125.000 $ 250,000 Vehicle and equipment replacement $ 125,000 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 25D,000 W20let Vac Replacement S 550.000 Three Mile Branch I&I reduction (point repair and rehab] study Golf Course new pump (spare) CCTVwm replacement Newcraneeuck Newtrench boxes(0.5) $ 35,000 Three Mite Branch l&I reduction (point repair and rehab) construction $ 250.000 New sewer dump truck $ 165,000 NeWsewerbackhoe $ 215,000 Replacement mowing tractor $ 185,000 New sewer equipment truck $ 65,000 New gator UV and trailer $ 35,000 Washington Lane LS basin smoke testing $ 35,000 Golf Course generator replacement S 50,000 Washington Lane LS repairs $ 125,000 New nodding machine $ 65,000 Esther Circle Ou0.0 micro flow study $ 50,000 Royal Oaks phase l smoke lest S 35,000 Air compressor replacement S 30,000 Royal Oaks phase l l&I reduction HWY 136 ou0et $ 125,000 Generator rehab S 100.000 subtotal S 1.095,000 $ 445,000 $ 625.000 S 1,100,000 $ 650,000 LtItSta0ons (cashpayments) SCADA and Fogrod upgrades fall stations) $ 25,000 Mission Oaks air mixer (FOG reduction) Ball Park pump and valve replacement Charlie Walker pump station check valve replacement $ 38.500 Lift station OSHA required fall protection Installation $ 25,000 Farrestbrook pump, vatve a nd generator replacement $ 1,50D,000 HWY 136 pump station abandonment design $ 25,000 Walmart LS electrical repairs $ 20,000 HWY 136 pump station abandonment construction S 65,000 Brantley LS electrical improvements $ 50,000 Washington Lane LS electrical Inspections $ 12,500 Washington Lane LS electrical Improvements $ 25,000 Midlake LS electrical improvements S 50,000 Future LS Improve meets S 100,000 S 150,000 $ 150,000 subtotal $ 1.608,500 $ 152,500 $ 150,000 $ 150,000 $ 175,000 Internal Target Percentage($I50,000) 1072% 102% 100% 100% 117% Fiscal Year TV 25 FY 26 FY27 FY26 H29 Cash Payment Total S 2.703.500 $ 597.500 $ 765.000 S 1,250.000 $ 825,000 Debt Finance.CaplfelftOCte 1311, and U529 sewer replacement Downtown Sewer Outfall replacement (5,600 LF 184nch) Cannon Blvd and DEB(NCDOT U-5761) $ 500.000 Royal Oaks Phase l S 3,20D,D00 subtotal $ $ 500,000 $ $ $ 3.200.000 Fiscal Year FY 25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY 29 Debt Finance Total S $ 500,000 $ $ - $ 3,200,000 TotalWdrte vate0f7un1CIPExpenditures Fiscal Year FY25 FY 26 FY 27 FY 28 FY29 Total Wastewater Fund CIP Expend inures F4i $ 1,097,500 $ 765,000 $ 1,250.000 $ 4.025,000 GARNER Article G. Response Action Plan Sewer Spill Response Plan All reports of a sewer spill are reported to the City of Kannapolis Call Center or are forwarded to the City's emergency water and sewer on -call phone. All sewer spills reported are to be investigated within 1 hour of the report by "rapid response' crew during routine business hours or by "on -call 1" staff member during non -routine business hours. The sewer spill response standard operating procedures are included in Appendix A. These SSO procedures, reporting procedure and on -call duties SOPS cover: 1. 24 Hour Contact Numbers 2. Response Times 3. Site Sanitation, Cleanup and Spill Assessment Equipment and spare parts are all maintained at Public Works Operations Center (PWOC) at 1401 Bethpage Rd Kannapolis NC. Access to some equipment, vehicles and material are restricted for security. The Crew Chief and Manager on -call will be able to access any needed vehicle, equipment, and material. The Crew Chief on -call shall notify standby personnel as needed for assistance in repair efforts. Should a contractor be required the division manager or director shall contact several on - call contractors and secure assistance, as needed and as budget allows. Sources of emergency funds shall come out of the Water and Sewer Fund (fund balance/cash reserve account). An on -site evaluation for all SSOs shall be done as soon as possible, but no more than two hours after first knowledge of the SSO. The ORC, or a back-up ORC, shall visit the site within 24 hours. The ORC, or a back-up ORC, shall call in the NCDEQ 24-hour report to the required phone number and complete the 5-day report for all reportable spills. In the event of an SSO or blockage within the wastewater collection system, the City shall restore the system operation, remove visible solids and paper, restore any ground area, and restore the surroundings after the spill has ceased. Article H. Contingency Plan Each lift station individual contingency plan is listed below:. 136 Lift Station - This station is equipped with a standby generator and automatic transfer switch. Should the utility power fail the standby generator will start and switchover automatically. Should this generator or ATS fail, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored inside of the generator building on the lift station grounds. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. 18th Street Lift Station —This station is equipped with a standby generator and automatic transfer switch. Should the utility power fail the standby generator will start and switchover automatically. Should this generator or ATS fail, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored inside of the generator building on the lift station grounds. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. Ball Park Lift Station —This station is equipped with a standby generator and automatic transfer switch. Should the utility power fail the standby generator will start and switchover automatically. Should this generator or ATS fail, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored inside of the generator building on the lift station grounds. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at anytime an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. Brantley Road Lift Station —This station is equipped with a standby generator and automatic transfer switch. Should the utility power fail the standby generator will start and manager on -call to make arrangements. This pump station is also equipped with a bypass pump assembly and may be used with a portable pump. Forrestbrook Lift Station —This station is equipped with a standby generator and automatic transfer switch. Should the utility power fail the standby generator will start and switchover automatically. Should this generator or ATS fail, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored inside of the generator building on the lift station grounds. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at anytime an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. Golf Course Lift Station — This station is equipped with a standby generator and automatic transfer switch. Should the utility power fail the standby generator will start and switchover automatically. Should this generator or ATS fail, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored inside of the generator building on the lift station grounds. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. Hawfield Lift Station —Should the utility power fail, this station is equipped with a quick connect for a portable generator (follow the portable generator SOP). Should there be an electrical system failure, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored at Public Works Operation Center. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. Midlake Lift Station —This station is equipped with a standby generator and automatic transfer switch. Should the utility power fail the standby generator will start and switchover automatically. Should this generator or ATS fail, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, switchover automatically. Should this generator or ATS fail, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored inside of the generator building on the lift station grounds. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. Chapel Street Lift Station —Should the utility power fail, this station is equipped with a quick connect for a portable generator (follow the portable generator SOP). Should there be an electrical system failure, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored at Public Works Operation Center. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. Charlie Walker Lift Station —Should the utility power fail, this station is equipped with a quick connect for a portable generator (follow the portable generator SOP). Should there be an electrical system failure, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored at Public Works Operation Center. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. China Grove Road Lift Station —This station is equipped with a standby generator and automatic transfer switch. Should the utility power fail the standby generator will start and switchover automatically. Should this generator or ATS fail, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored at Public Works Operations Center or on -site in a storage building. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at anytime an electrician is needed, coordinate with the City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored inside of the generator building on the lift station grounds. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. Mission Oaks Lift Station —This station is equipped with a standby generator and automatic transfer switch. Should the utility power fail the standby generator will start and switchover automatically. Should this generator or ATS fail, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored inside of the generator building on the lift station grounds. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. South Ridge Lift Station —Should the utility power fail, this station is equipped with a quick connect for a portable generator (follow the portable generator SOP). Should there be an electrical system failure, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored at Public Works Operation Center. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. Wal-Mart (Old Wal-Mart) Lift Station —Should the utility power fail, this station is equipped with a quick connect for a portable generator (follow the portable generator SOP). Should there be an electrical system failure, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored at Public Works Operation Center. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. Washington Lane Lift Station —This station is equipped with a standby generator and automatic transfer switch. Should the utility power fail the standby generator will start and switchover automatically. Should this generator or ATS fail, the on -call manager shall call one of the City's contractor electricians and have them respond immediately. Should one pump fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed pump with one of the standby pumps which are stored inside of the generator building on the lift station grounds. Should one or more float or level sensors fail, City staff shall immediately replace the failed items with one of the spares. If at any time an electrician is needed, coordinate with the manager on -call to make arrangements. Article I. Comprehensive Collection System Map Article J. Note Any Potential Compliance Issues A N U �D 4 9WO O F¢ °a Rd _ O� ooa\Rd NFa h� _ � 9 i \ Kaniker Rd ; F, ? T O ` _ a Im a r C) A IT ght Ra c w C F A Iz ,a°od or � p Wright Rd W U Archer' 3 Fa �/ a¢9Q° c5a Y 0 o 'haraf s 4afP i CHARLIE�,4 WALKER,ROP ooresvillE% 1� eV' .R Harnett Rd 4a � 0 6 a Deweese Coddle Creek D Reservoir Davidson H�,4 tT 01, PARK Sc')— 1 New Gilead Uin N City of KEN P qq S D Comprehensive Sewer System Infrastructure Layout Map 0 0.5 1 2 Miles Legend Manhole Force Main Gravity Sewer Diameter (inches >12 — 12 - 18 — 21-24 — 30-42 ■ Lift Station O City of Kannapolis = 100-Year Flood Plain RECEIVED NOV 01 no, / skybrook Golf Club l Pa pi;,r Tr,rtt Rty NCDEQ/DWR/NPDES